HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2023.0626.MinutesCOMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2023 VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2023 A Regular Meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains in open and public session at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Chair Natalie Varela; Vice -Chair Carey Reddick; Commissioner Stephen Barnes; Commissioner Craig Rudolphy; and Commissioner Ron Ruppert Absent: Commissioner Rory Wilson, Youth Commissioner Sruti Peddi Staff Present: Interim Community Services Director Kevin Snipes; Executive Assistant Patti Lopuszanski Transcribed by https://otter.ai COMMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2023 VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES VARELA: Getting ready to Call the Meeting to Order. Can we get a Roll Call, please? LOPUSZANSKI: Chair Varela? VARELA: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Vice Chair Reddick? REDDICK: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Barnes? BARNES: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Ruppert? RUPPERT: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Rudolphy? RUDOLPHY: Present. LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Wilson is absent, and Youth Commissioner Peddi is also absent. VARELA: Thank you. Reports by Commissioners LOPUSZANSKI: This is a new item that we have for commissioners it was on for the last meeting, if anybody has gone to an event or has some kind of information, they would like to share with CSAC Commissioners, this is the time to do it. VARELA: Oh, great. Anybody? Well, nothing this time. We'II do it next time. Call to the Public. LOPUSZANSKI: No Call to the Public. VARELA: Okay. Yeah, no, for sure. I love that we can update on events that we've gone to. So, can I get a Motion to Approve the May 22 Minutes if everyone's looked at them? REDDICK: Motion to Approve the May 22nd Minutes. RUPPERT: I'll second. VARELA: Okay, all in favor, say Aye. ALL: Aye. Motion Passes 5-0 VARELA: Thank you. Review and Discussion on the Environmental Plan Workgroups. SNIPES: Yes, this is just a chance for you guys to discuss the Environmental Plan and the information that's in it. Share any feedback that you have on it. RUDOLPHY: My recollection from the last meeting was that we were going to defer until September after the summer break. LOPUSZANSKI: Rory wanted to get feedback from Natalie and Carey since you weren't here at the last meeting. And if you had any interest in starting a workgroup or doing something that you wanted to assign now for the summer. Rory was willing to step in and be in any kind of workgroup that you want to do. If not, if this is just too much and you know, there's a lot of goals here and identify what is going to be targeted, then we would table it, and then it would go into September, but she wanted to get your input to see where you stand as far as what you would want to tackle as far as a goal or a project for workgroups. VARELA: Okay, no, that's great. I mean, I personally, would like to table until September only because I don't have enough information yet. And when does Rory get back? LOPUSZANSKI: I think in about two weeks. VARELA: Okay. I mean, I would definitely talk with her, you know, individually, and then we can, I can see what some of her ideas are and what she's thinking, and then we can come back and talk about it in September if everyone's okay with that. Transcribed by https://otter.ai COMMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION DUNE 26, 2023 VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES LOPUSZANSKI: So, these were all of the things she presented in April, we brought it back again in May. She broke it down by looking at the Environmental Plan that had been approved by Town Council. These were some of the ideas and initiatives she came up with. And again, it's just some of her feedback, and just wanted to get a feel for what the commission would like to take on and if there's anything in particular. VARELA: Okay, do you guys mind if I do that? And then I can even reach out to everyone else individually, not quorum, like and see if maybe we can get something somewhat together. And then when we come back in September, we'll have it is that okay? SNIPES: You could send that through Patti too, if you want to have something and then send it to Patti, then she can dump it out to everybody and then they can respond back to her. VARELA: Okay. RUDOLPHY: As I looked at Rory's comments, I think there are a lot of possibilities there. But I think since she started it, I really would like her to be present. And also, I think that if we start anything because of the summer hiatus for all of the other councils and Commission that even if we agreed to create some workgroups, we probably wouldn't make a whole lot of progress till everybody else gets back in town. VARELA: True. Okay, great, well, then that's what we'll do. Thank you for everybody's input. Next, Update and Future Agenda Items. So, this is also what we would like to see. Does anybody have anything that they would like to see? I mean, I definitely would continue with the tours. I mean, I know it's too hot right now in the summer. But I do love that. Ron, if you will continue on with that? RUPPERT: Absolutely. I think that this commission should consider during this break that, you know, maybe we do come back with a roar in September with, you know, some of these line items and get a little bit more aggressive to help out the Community Services Department here because of their change in status and that kind of thing. So, I think that our role here, as a commission, should step up to support, you know, that there are changes that that's going to be going on here in the city, a new council, blah, blah, blah. So, here's an opportunity for all of us. You know, I think it's a talented commission that, you know, we can put our best foot forward. VARELA: Yeah, no, I agree. 100%. RUDOLPHY: And I'd like to suggest we hear from Jennifer about what's going on at the Community Center. And also, maybe from Linda as to, you know, what, let her recuperate from the spring season, and then maybe give us an outline or general ideas of what she has planned for the fall and winter. RUPPERT: Just to reiterate on that, at previous meetings that we've had, in prior years, staff used to come down from each department and either try to recruit or give updates, and that really helps when it's not coming from one person, you know, and it gets them a chance to see what we are and what we can do and maybe plead for help or plead for volunteers or whatever it may be. VARELA: Yeah, no, great. Is everybody else in agreement? Okay. Yeah. Great. Thanks, Ron. Okay, so then our next meeting is September 25th. I can't believe that's it. So, does anybody else have anything they want to add or say before we adjourn for the summer? Okay, so can I get a Motion to Adjourn, please? RUDOLPHY: So, moved. VARELA: Second? BARNES: Second. VARELA: All right. All in favor? Tr,inscribed by https://otter.ai COMMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION jUNE 26, 2023 VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES ALL: Aye. Motion to Adjourn 5-0 VARELA: Thanks, everyone. Having no further business, Chair Natalie Varela adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission held on June 26, 2023, at 5:08 PM ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: Patti Lopuszanskit a Assistant COMMUNITY SERVIC7 ADVISORY COMMISSION Natalie Varela, Chair CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Community Services Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 26'h day of June 2023. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present DATED this 25th Day of September 2023 Patti oanski, xecuti Assistant t.11 AINHI, Transcribed by https://otter.ai