OCTOBER 23, 2023
A Regular Meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened at 16705
E. Avenue of the Fountains in open and public session at 5:00 p.m.
Members Present: Chair Natalie Varela; Vice Chair Carey Reddick, Commissioner Craig
Rudolphy; Commissioner Rory Wilson, Youth Commissioner Kevin Williams
Absent: Commissioner Stephen Barnes, Commissioner Ron Ruppert
Staff Present: Interim Community Services Director Kevin Snipes, Executive Assistant Patti
Audience: None
VARELA: All right, we're going to Call the Meeting to Order. Let me start with a Welcome to Kevin our
new Youth Commissioner. Kevin, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself, please?
WILLIAMS: I'm currently a Senior at BASIS Scottsdale. I live in Fountain Hills. I probably could have
walked here today if I wanted to. I'm very interested in nature and environmental science. So that was
one of the other reasons that I wanted to be here.
VARELA: Oh, great. We will definitely add you to our work group. Well, welcome. We're happy to have
you and you know, hope you get a lot out of it this year. Sure. Okay, so now we'll do a Roll Call, please.
LOPUSZANSKI: Chair Varela?
LOPUSZANSKI: Vice Chair Reddick
LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Rudolphy
LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Wilson,
LOPUSZANSKI: Youth Commissioner Williams
LOPUSZANSKI: *Note Commissioner Barnes and Commissioner Ruppert Absent.
VARELA: All right. Do we have any Reports from Commissioners?
REDDICK: Well, I think this would be the time that we can discuss Rory's report or set up that she had
us do or are we saving that?
LOPUSZANSKI: Was that regarding the playground?
REDDICK: No, this would be regarding the group.
VARELA: So, the workgroups?
REDDICK: Yes. So, should we save that?
VARELA: I think that might be down on the agenda.
SNIPES: Yes, number 7.
VARELA: Okay, yeah. Anyone have anything to report? Okay, no. All right. Call to Public.
LOPUSZANSKI: No Call to Public.
VARELA: Okay. All right. Did everyone have a chance to review the minutes? And if you did, can I get
a Motion to Approve them?
RUDOLPHY: Move to approve minutes.
VARELA: Can I get a second?
REDDICK: I Second to approve minutes.
VARELA: All in favor?
ALL: Aye.
VARELA: All right, passed unanimously. (7-0) Thank you. Next is the Consideration of and Possible
Action of the Community Services Strategic Plan, which is in our packets.
SNIPES: I'll give a little bit of information on this for you. So, we did a Strategic Plan three years ago,
and at the end of that one. Our Strategic Plan is kind of our platform on which we base everything off of
for the next three years, we started with our managers and supervisors having the discussion, and then
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we took it out to everybody who works for each one of the managers or supervisors to discuss it with
the group so that we get a full buy -in from all of our employees, then it comes back to the managers to
share what they gained from their employees. This is meant to be a 5000-foot view, not a 10-foot view.
So, you'll see that everything is worded that way gives us a way broader umbrella to work under by
having it be in that style of being a 5000-foot view. If you start getting too close, then you end up saying
at the park so and so we're going to do such and such, or at the Community Center. But trying to keep
it as broad as possible makes it so that everybody can kind of see its Community Services, not any
individual group, right? So, the idea of this is to be as diverse as possible. And then when we go to
Town Councill with initiatives that we're trying to do, it's based on this for our next three years. It doesn't
mean that we'll get everything done. There are some lofty goals in here and we certainly didn't finish
everything that was in our last Strategic Plan. However, it does give us that push to try and achieve as
much as possible through this period of time. We did get 100% buy -in from all of our staff. The last
thing that we did was bring back the final product down here last Wednesday and we shared it with all
our employees. We feel like it's a really good plan, we're very happy to present it to you guys and have
you put your eyes on it. What we'll do from here is providing we get your approval, then we will take it to
the Town Council by the end of the year to get their approval as well. And then that will set us in a good
spot to start the new year.
RUDOLPHY: Did you develop it? Or was this developed by your predecessor?
SNIPES: This was a combination of both as we just completed it last week. So, it was a combination of
Rachael and myself working as the Director and Interim Director at the time, because I didn't know
where we were going to end up. And I told her I didn't want her to not be involved in it because if she
ended up back in the Director's role, then I wanted her to be confident in it as well. So, it was a team
approach and we had everybody involved.
RUDOLPHY: So, as CSAC is looking to provide you with information or outlines, this would be what
you would like us to focus on.
RUDOLPHY: As opposed to us dreaming up some new things on our own and giving you more work
to do.
SNIPES: Correct. For the next three to five, this is kind of where our wheelhouse we think should be it
doesn't mean now it's still a living working document. So it doesn't mean after year one, that we won't
find something that either fits within a section of this and or needs to be added to it's not a limiting, it's
more of a base.
VARELA: Did you roll over what you didn't get completed into this, then Is that how it works?
SNIPES: Kind of. So, there could be things that were in the last one that are no longer viable. And so
they may get eliminated and move on. For the most part, the visions are very similar, we changed a
couple of them. Because the last one that we wrote, we were looking to become a national leader. Well,
during that time, we did become a national leader and so now it's continued to rewrite some of those to
fit that role. You know, we expect to be instructors at our conferences, be the people that are reached
out to, which happens all the time now. From other municipalities to try and help others to achieve
some of the things that we have as well as it helps us because now we're hearing more and more from
others as to how they did things and what they did and why they did it. And we use that as well. So it's
a two-way street when you become more involved at the national level.
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RUDOLPHY: At our last commission meeting here, we developed several workgroups and work plans.
Were those considered incorporated or discarded in this plan of yours?
SNIPES: No, I think that everything that we've been talking about certainly fits within what we're
looking to do and what we are doing. If I had thought at that time that they weren't in alignment, then I
wouldn't have had to waste your time up until now to do it.
VARELA: Thank you.
SNIPES: Any other questions?
VARELA: All right, thank you. So, do you want us to make a motion? Can I get a Motion to Approve
the Community Services Strategic Plan for 2024- 2027 as written?
WILSON: Move to approve.
VARELA: Can I get a second?
REDDICK: A second to approve for Community Service Strategic Plan 2024-2027.
VARELA: Thank you. All in favor, say aye.
ALL: Aye.
VARELA: Okay, thank you passed unanimously (7-0). All right. Okay, now we're on our Update and
Discussion for the Environmental Plan Workgroups.
VARELA: So do you have an update on yours?
REDDICK: I do. I had Ron and Steven a part of my group and we were part of Goal 7, which is to
Support the Waste Reduction Program. During that time, I know that we had some individuals who
were not able to meet so I took it upon myself and went around the local community. And I think for
point number 1, we have a list of parks on our end that we can target. I noticed that a lot of our
recycling trash bins are not strategically placed. So that's an area of opportunity that we can hone in on.
I started with Four Peaks Park, the Avenue of the Fountain, and then around local schools as well. So
strategically, that would be a great place to start, specifically with the kids and the young youth. Point 2,
we have a list of business locations, definitely throughout the Town that have no recycling setup at all. I
found in one particular area near the Shell gas station, that there are several businesses there, and
there are no places for recycling trash at all. I mean, you'd have to walk to the Shell Gas Station, just to
even do recycling, which I thought was a little alarming. Point three connecting with other local
organizations such as the BA, Senior Center, and the Boys and Girls Club, I think would be a great way
for us to improve different channels, where we can have more individual support for the recycling
stations, and then for logistics, we just need to draft out and ensure locations have a proper pickup and
tools to make this happen. So that's all I have in regard to Rory's amazing project.
VARELA: Yeah, no, thank you. That's great information and a good plan as to where to start.
WILSON: I have a question. So I'm for Point 2 to the business locations that need recycling. Is that the
Town's responsibility? Or is it the business's responsibility?
SNIPES: So each of those would definitely come under the private business and how they have their
pickup scheduled.
WILSON: So Carey, maybe there's like a way that somehow it would be more of an encouraging
initiative of how you cannot like, manipulate them into doing some sort of recycling thing, but maybe
like, somehow, you know, ask them if they'd be interested, or if there's some way that the Town can
work with them to educate them on the benefits of recycling. And that would maybe help.
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REDDICK: I mean, even adding to that, maybe adding some sort of incentive from a Town Council
perspective, I don't know what that incentive could be. But our businesses don't have proper trash and
recycling set up. And it's pretty consistent with a lot of our establishments here in town.
SNIPES: Unfortunately, with the town not being the owner of our trash and recycling, its private
business contracted, which plays a big part in how much influence we have on how that's done. And I
don't know if it would be more of a Public Work side question as far as when they redo the contract if
that's something that they could get into the contract. But I don't, I don't know for sure how that would
be outside of our community services.
RUDOLPHY: But couldn't Council, you know, kind of like, make a Proclamation for a month and then
recognize or identify those entities that are helping in that effort?
SNIPES: Potentially, yeah I mean, they could do a Proclamation. I think it'd be very difficult that the
hard part about doing something like that is if you miss some, you know, and then they announce and
recognize a whole slew of what about me, we do it what about me, we do it, you know, and then back
and get sour in a hurry. I think they could do a Proclamation to encourage it as a whole. That could be
possible. When you start listing things, you better be very careful that you get everybody who's doing
the right thing listed. Which is always the fallback to trying to do something positive like that.
REDDICK: So instead of listing it for that Proclamation, could it be something that businesses are...
Gosh, like....looking for the word where somebody...
RUDOLPHY: How about encouraged?
REDDICK: Yeah. I mean, seriously with is that an option as well. So, therefore, yeah, absolutely. You
know, you're not pinpointing a particular business.
SNIPES: I mean, yeah, you I mean, you can look it up totally do encourage local businesses to
recycle. And do a proclamation for that that would be up to the mayor and council to decide.
VARELA: I do see an eye it's must be like on the connection. People are always looking for places to
recycle. So, like I know my condo complex, we don't have recycling. I know. And in like the apartments
and around I guess there's just a lot. There's, yeah, there's very limited recycling.
SNIPES: Yeah, a lot of times with apartments, they don't have a dual space to put two and then when
they put two eight ends up being mixed, and so then they end up just dumping it anyway. And that's
why I know a lot of apartments don't do that. One reason anyway.
VARELA: No, I understand. And I do think like if, you know, community -wide recycling bins I think
would have the same thing would happened. People would be dumping everything. So yeah, I think it
has to be like encouragement.
WILSON: Empower maybe, or something. But no, I agree. I think the pro -proclamation route could be
something worth trying. But everything else looks good. I think you did a great job, Carey.
VARELA: Yeah, me too. All right, any other comments? Okay, thank you. Let's see. Outdoor
Equipment at Desert Vista. Well, wait, because we don't have any, we don't have an update right
now. So sorry, go on.
WILSON: No, it's okay. Um, so most people know this already. But for those who do not, our work
group does not have an update at this time we will continue to work until the next commission meeting,
and let you all know.
VARELA: Okay, so now we can get Outdoor Equipment Update, please.
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SNIPES: Well, I put some pictures and diagrams in our quote that that we have currently going at
Desert Vista in front of you. So you can kind of take a look. The first picture, there's kind of the overall
overview. I'm still waiting to see exactly what my funding is to see if I can do more with this space. The
overhead view there that you're looking at, I'll kind of show you. We're looking at a stepping machine. A
bike that is both of those are connected to your phone will track, you can go in and click on your phone
to tell it to give you a workout in our space, it will walk you through our space, it'll increase as time goes
on to help you make sure that you're getting the most out of it. We had the concrete poured a couple of
weeks ago. So we're really excited to get this moving forward. The first couple of pictures are just some
pictures of several different types of equipment. But you can kind of get an idea of there's a bike there
in the middle, there's the elliptical down on the end. And then we're doing an arm press machine as
well. And all of those will have changing speeds and tensions and stuff like that with them. The weight
machines, the weights are all internal they're all belt driven selections. They found that the belts last
much, much longer than cable or chain which a lot of the companies use. These have an 11 year
warranty on him I believe it was which is phenomenal for this type of equipment. And having it in the
shade is going to be a huge factor as well. You can kind of see that last picture there of what our final
pad looked like. I always like to go past where the poles are at because it just gives it a bigger field and
it moves that shade usage area becomes much larger and doesn't cost that much more when you're
doing it to add a few more square feet, all the way around the poles. This was donated from the
American Legion shade structure. We sent it over and had it sandblasted re -powder coated, and then
put a new tarp on it. It cost us about $30,000 Total to have it reinstalled. And it's probably about a
$90,000 to $80,000 piece if we were to buy it. So we were really happy that they were willing to donate
it and we had a spot for it. The timing was perfect. So this saved us a lot and made it so that we can
afford to get some more and better equipment for the area. At the same time, we did this before we
poured around the ramada that's over by the playground. Now that's complete as well. So we got a lot
going on over there right now this was we paid a little bit more to do surface mount fitness equipment,
it's about $10,000 more so it is significant. But to me, if something happens to the equipment and we
got to tear out the concrete and redo it down the road, it's going to happen it's not an if it's a win. So to
me we poured thicker, we did a six-inch pour to an eight -inch pour we did an eight -inch pour where
we're doing the weighted machines, and everywhere else it's six inches and again it to me it's the right
thing to do for longevity of the space and not having to tear out concrete and start over you can unbolt,
rebuilt, you can unbolt you can cut off the bolts and then put in a different footing just makes it to where
that it's a lot more usable space, in my opinion.
RUDOLPHY: I'm assuming you communicated with other communities that already have something
like this. What's their experience or longevity for issues with vandalism?
SNIPES: Yeah, I've gone and looked at a lot of different fitness playgrounds, I mean its what I do I go
and check out everybody else's stuff this so it definitely varies from place to place. There's several
places that are using Kompan's equipment out here and the three of them that I went and looked at
each are adding more Kompan stuff to their fitness which I think tells a big story. I know I went and
looked at some Green Play stuff which people like in general in looking at it I think that there's
weaknesses to it that I didn't see when I was looking at the comp and just looking at it with a critical eye
Egon. Like, I'II give you an example of on the bikes having foam handles where you put your hand
seems like a great idea until you know what the sun does and what the heat does in Arizona. So what
Kompan did was they used bedliner still has texture has a grip it's not soft. But again to you it's going to
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hold up and so because it's porous it has the bumps and texture to it it helps keep it cooler by like a
cool deck wood kind of a scenario so just little things like that and years ago Kompan and use the foam
tune it was one of the first things I noticed with this new model is that was changed. And I was like it
was the one thing that I saw was a weak link and they were like and now we do too. So they changed it.
So yeah, there's definitely a you know, this is I've been looking at fitness equipment for four years now
trying to figure out what we would do when we did it. It was just a matter of finding the right place and
the right time to pull it off. Much like the benches that I looked at for three years before we chose
benches for Fountain Park, you know it's just going out and seeing them how they're used. Makes a big
difference in in than looking at them in a showroom. You know at a conference or whatever you can
make anything look pretty there but put it out in the weather a little bit and see how it holds up and in
seeing there. They've done case studies on him and how long they last and how many repetitions they
expect to get out of them. And their numbers don't lie, they build some really good stuff. So I'm really
excited about bringing these in.
VARELA: So, where is it? Exactly? Because thanks to you last meeting, I've been walking this park
with my friend because of the overseeding. But I don't think I've seen this. So, but it could...
SNIPES: So if you're at the restroom building, and you walk out of the restroom, and you look straight
ahead at the far end of the park, that's where it's at.
VARELA: Oh, maybe I'm going taking the outer loop.
SNIPES: Yeah if you're going out by the road, you won't walk by but if you walk the new sidewalk that
connects the loop, then you will walk right by it.
VARELA: Yeah. Okay. Thank you.
SNIPES: That's right at the top of the hill.
VARELA: Okay, perfect.
REDDICK: Will there be a ribbon -cutting ceremony? Since this is our first outdoor?
SNIPES: Yeah, we don't miss a chance to let our council celebrate something new opening up. So
yeah, we'll certainly do that at the end of this year when we get all of our improvements this year. We're
also well, we'll talk about that a little bit here when we go through our CIP stuff, but so I'll save that for
then. But yeah, we'll definitely be doing a ribbon cutting for this one. It's a big one.
REDDICK: Yeah, I think I just want to make sure that Rory gets the proper recognition since she
started this initiative and I was a part of it. But Rory did a lot for this. So want to make sure she gets the
WILSON: I was going to comment on that as it was Rachel's initiative, she started that we kind of just
continued on.
SNIPES: To pre -rotate that back, it was my idea that Rachel took.
REDDICK: I'm really happy that we were a part of your idea. It's a big deal.
SNIPES: It was the old Kevin. Yep. Rachel and I have been wanting to get this done for many years.
And it's certainly something where I've been pushing for this product and knowing and wanting to do
some comparisons with other ones. And that's where we wanted you guys to go out and see what you
could find him and I took that information and went out and did some looking at that as well, to make
sure that we are getting the product that we want, and one that will be sustainable. And I think that
through all that there's been some good discussion in and selection made. So thank you guys for that.
VARELA: Did you have a comment?
WILLIAMS: Yeah. So just to clarify, you have all of the equipment already planned out for this.
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SNIPES: So we've selected what I know I can afford is what you're seeing in this drawing that's here.
I'm just finishing up some total numbers with our concrete pour that we did to make to see if I have
more funding, then I may tweak this a little bit, but it's very similar to what this one here is so.
WILLIAMS: So which age group are you planning on kind of advertising to for this?
SNIPES: This will be something that will be pushed toward teens, up to 70-80 years old. I'm also
looking at doing a balance fitness -type area to gear more towards our seniors. We're working out
locations for that. But there's some really cool equipment for that as well. That we would like to do in
the future. But this one is geared more towards our teens, young adults, and older adults area, there
will be a wide range of ages that we'll be able to use it for sure.
WILLIAMS: So pertaining to the balance section. I worked at physical therapy for the summer, and
it was incredibly important to have somebody right next to them as they were doing any sort of balance
exercise. So I feel like that would be a little bit of a safety concern. Just having just balanced exercises
for older people. If there is a way to make that safer, obviously that changes things but if you're just
going to have it at a park and have like a balance beam. I feel like that would be a bit...
SNIPES: It's certainly geared towards the seniors and being something where it's going to. So what
you were working with was physical therapy, this would be that step outside of that. So it'd be that next
step up. So once they get done with physical therapy, this would be that next group that we'd be
targeting when you're dealing with physical therapy you have, you have a more extreme need for that
person to be there with you. That doesn't mean that it couldn't be used in that manner of having
someone with you, but it's more of a, if you think about, say, the skate park, myself would probably not
be a good choice for me to drop into the bold skate park, because I'm not a skater. But it's still there.
And people that can use it benefit from a greatly because that's what they do. So that's kind of where
the bounce equipment, the leg stabilizing type equipment is geared towards that in that in between the
physical therapy to being fully mobile type of people.
VARELA: Great. Good comments. Thank you. Okay. Review and Discuss our Town Landscaping
LOPUSZANSKI: So this was a future agenda item that Ron had requested. And so I had gotten this
from development. And these were the guidelines that they go by. So I wanted to have that included in
the packet for you this month.
VARELA: So do we want to table it till Ron is back since this was the item he requested?
LOPUSZANSKI: I would say so. I think we should table it so that he can get his eyes on if there is
anything that he is concerned about or has questions about. I'd like to bring it back.
VARELA: Okay, perfect. Good. Can we just table or do you just look? I'm good. Thank you. And now
let's Review Grant Opportunities.
REDDICK: Okay, well, I've had the amazing privilege, not only on my lending side as a broker, but I'm
well connected with a lot of organizations. So I've partnered with Patti wanting to support our town with
getting more grant and funding. And I've really have to give credit, I'm surrounded by a great group of
individuals that provide these tools. So we have a list of different sites, where we can actually look for
funding. So we think we have four here, I think I've sent maybe one additional. And to be quite honest
with you, every single site is really amazing, where we can really have a committee, a group of
individuals where we can literally look for grants for the town. And I mean, these grants fall from
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community involvement, parks, recreation, housing, business development. I mean, it goes on and on.
So I think we're wanting to create some sort of committee where we can either quarterly or monthly
look for grants.
VARELA: So I think we used to do this a while ago, and we would wait, like you're saying we would
bring it here. And then with your blessing, you have somebody that can work on grants, right? In your
the department produce if we get him in here tonight?
SNIPES: Oh, well, it's definitely been Rachel, myself, Patty, and anybody else we can talk into helping.
We don't have a grant writer here in town. So when we do it, it has to be done in house. That's where I
recommended that for this committee is to help narrow down because I know that Carey said that
there's 1000s. And so, getting it down to three or four, that we think we got a really good shot at that or
are good towards things that we're working on would be a huge help, because that's a huge time suck
in just searching for it. Then when it comes to filling it out. Sometimes that's the big tum. When you
start looking into and you go well, this is going to take us six months to get filled out and it's got to be
done next week. That becomes very difficult to pull off. So it's a very delicate balance of being worth it
and not being worth it. But as you've seen, we've been very successful in the ones that we've gone for
Are, there's very few that we haven't gotten the only one that I can think of, that we've outright not
gotten has been the Diamondbacks grant and we know why that was because we don't use the right
electric company for our town. And so that makes it very hard for them to give us a grant. So outside of
that, you know, we, I mean, we've, we've missed on our Arizona Sports and Tourism wants, but we've
gotten three from them now. So it's certainly, we just got our one for the restroom over it Four Peaks.
So we're excited about that one. That one's in process. So it's something that that I think having this
committee help us out with, with narrowing down, which ones are in, it doesn't the high dollar amount
doesn't necessarily always make it the most important one. You know, there's, there's several, like
we've got some quick grants to get to where you can get like, like our portable pitching mounds replace
through stuff like that out there, where it's $500,000. But it still saves that much out of our budget and
makes it so we have that much more that we can do. And some of those are very quick and easy ones
to get put in. Whether you get it or not is another thing but they're typically not as extensive as what the
larger ones can turn out to be.
RUDOLPHY: Can you provide the commission with an overview of what the requirements are for
going to Council if they still exist for applying for grants?
SNIPES: What we typically do is, when we've done this in a couple of different directions, we will go to
Council and ask for permission to put in for a grant. Once we have that permission, then we're able to
do it we have our budget has funding set aside to be matching funds for grants. And it's usually a
number that we haven't reached. And so there's budget, authority there that are budget availability
there that we can use. But we haven't had enough grants come through that we spend it all. So that's a
good thing that we that we always we always want it to be that way. We don't want to go, oh, we could
have had this grant, but we didn't have enough budget authority to do it. So But typically, that's the
case, once we find a grant that we like, we'll go to Council and get their permission to go for it. Because
usually, they have matching funds. And if they do then we need council approval to be able to match
those funds.
RUDOLPHY: Have they ever not approved your request?
SNIPES: None that I've asked for.
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VARELA: So how do you see it working with this group? Do you think a couple things? Do you think
we need to have a workgroup? Or can this be the whole our whole commission that maybe like
monthly, we just kind of look at it on our own, then we can come here and discuss what we found? And
then we can you guys can decide.
REDDICK: So if I can interject my thinking throughout this process would be it's very strategic, if there
was a group, and within that group, it would be very strategic if we were consistently honing in on the
applying. So it could be a monthly thing. And then from there. We're either applying or not applying, but
I think it should be a group effort.
VARELA: So committee a small work three of us, correct?
SNIPES: Yeah, I think that would make it more. It would make it so that you're honing in on on what is
thought of as being the best to be brought forward. And then we can figure out how we can apply it to
the Community Services Department, I think would probably be best. A lot of times when it's individuals
doing things it gets lost or it gets it's easy to let slide by. So I think having a workgroup being involved in
getting darker in here am I losing my vision? Go dance Patti. So, that yeah, that would be my
recommendation to is to have it be a workgroup.
VARELA: We want to pick workgroups now, or do we want to wait till our whole
LOPUSZANSKI: That's entirely up to you, I think, because we have two commissioners out this
evening, if we get eyes on it for next month if you want to take a look at it, report back as Reports on for
Commissioners and then you can give your feedback at that time. I think it would be a great idea to get
an overview of what you're seeing and then from there, we can determine once the other two
commissioners are with us, setting up that workgroup who feels most comfortable but at least getting
eyes on what all of these different resources are, that Carey has been so kindly to, to send to us. It's
multitudes of different information. But I think if we got eyes on it, at least for the month, you all could
report back under Reports from Commissioners, I think it'd be a good idea to just start from there and
then build that workgroup. Is that OK?
VARELA: No, I think I think that sounds great. Does everybody Yes? My second. Okay. Okay. So
everybody has the links, go to it over this next month, then we'll reconvene in November with it. Well,
thanks for all the information, Carey.
REDDICK: Absolutely. I love my town.
RUDOLPHY: Kevin has the town. I know at one time they were looking for a volunteer grant writer, is
that still ongoing?
SNIPES: I think we're always looking for that. So here's the hard part to me about having a volunteer
grant writer versus a staff grant writer, there's no way it would be very rare if you found a grant writer
who could share the passion and vision of what we're doing. We attempted having someone write our
Gold Medal application. And it came back and was wholeheartedly not us. It didn't have our feeler our
flavor. And so we ended up rewriting the entire thing. Because we are unique, we think we're unique,
we are confident that we are and how we do things and the way we do it and why we do it. And
catching that from someone that doesn't, you know, they may understand that the numbers and the
Town and it ends up being almost the same amount of work that it would if not more work to try and
correct the way that it's written from someone else than it is. For us to do it. That's been our experience.
So far, it doesn't mean that we couldn't find someone that could do that. I know when I worked for
another municipality, we had an internal grant writer, and it was the best thing ever, because he had the
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flavor of the room, so to speak. And so he was able to write the way that represented us the best, and
then knowing what to write. And when you're going after grants, how it's written is as important as what
is written. And so it's easy to get overlooked when you're going for the competitive ones, for sure.
RUDOLPHY: But I know that Grady Miller, at one time, tasked me to try to find there are entities out
there that will, given a list of criteria will submit possible grant opportunities to the Town. I don't recall I
know I never did anything with it. But I don't know if anybody knows anything that's been done with
something like that.
REDDICK: So I will say now, we've turned to a lot of Al grant writing and I do know a lot of the
workshop groups that I've been involved with on the lending side, they have Al platforms in which you
can configure your algorithms or whatever the variables are that you're wanting within the Al grant
writer, and they can help write the grant for you. So that is an option.
SNIPES: I'll be honest, so like the Chat GPT and things like that, that help you rate are so obvious to
me, I can pick it out every time it's done. In fact, one of our things was done that way not too long ago.
And I have not I have not seen that specific one. It'd be worth looking at to see if it again to me is one. If
you don't take the time to take the computer out of it and put the heart back in it then it's very obvious
when you read it that it's been done that way. And, to me, that's the ultimate thing that you don't want
someone to find out. If, I'm giving you a grant, and I look at it, and I can tell it was done by Al, am I
giving you that grant?
REDDICK: Even just from the point of having it as a blueprint shirt?
SNIPES: Absolutely. And that's why I say you just gotta be very careful how you use it to kind of add
and remove the gut to how we're wanting wigs a great place to start if we don't have an official writer.
VARELA: Right, thank you. Now we'll get an update on our capital improvement projects, please.
LOPUSZANSKI: If you click on the PowerPoint presentation, it should be on your screen as well.
If you want to bring it up for see it up there
RUDOLPHY: How do we do that?
SNIPES: will use these and as
SNIPES: So this is just this year's capital improvement projects and where we're at. This was the
presentation we did the council. That's why Justin's on there. I'll stop short to him to spare you that. So
we had certain capital projects that were approved to go from the get -go in July, and we had some that
were put on hold until they returned from their summer break. And we had some that are put on hold
waiting on funding and that will happen in November, Dave Pock will be sharing where the numbers
are. And we're very happy with where they are. The first project was a continuation from last year,
Golden Eagle Park getting our lights in. We came in about $20,000 under what our budget was for
those. These have made a huge difference over there already. I know that our staff love them when
they're working out in the middle of the night and they can dim them so that doesn't feel like you're on a
like you're under the spotlight. They have three dimming capabilities, which is great, they're all phone
app oriented so you can turn them on and off from anywhere. They're immediately on immediately off.
There's so directional that we got a complaint the first night that one of the lights the up lights. So if you
kind of look right here, you can see this light here on the pole over there, that one right there. Right
there are up lights on and because when the lights get outside of the height of the pole, which is 90
feet, then the ball disappears because they're so directional, there's no wasted light like there were on
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the old ones. So the up light catches the bottom of the ball and makes it so you can see it even if it
goes above light poles well what there was a few of those that were shining on somebody's house that
was up on the hill above the ballpark area. So we went out we made a three -degree adjustment to each
one of those lights and he thought we turned them off. I was talking to him on the phone while we were
doing it. And he goes well they're off now and I'm like well no it's on I go that's a three -degree
adjustment so he was super excited about him. He's like it's so much better with than the old lights and
now that you made those adjustments, I couldn't be happier, so it just shows just how good MUSCO is
and I do sing their praises a lot and there's a reason why they the best way.
VARELA: Is this the person that called all the time and complained about the lights?
SNIPES: I haven't heard from him at all this is up somebody that lives up on notice that he was very
nice about it and was super appreciative, but I haven't gotten my normal call from from that guy in a
while. So hopefully he's happy now to we'll see. We're just starting our season. So this is the Desert
Vista we just talked about. You can kind of see we spent about 40 grand over there so far. That number
is going up. That was the number before we did the concrete. I think we're 32 on the concrete I'm at
that park. And so like I said, I got to get some final numbers in on it. But the other thing besides the
fitness area that we'll be doing is we will be doing lights on the sidewalk that runs along where the
fitness Park is going because there was never a sidewalk there. So there weren't any lights there. So
that's the next thing that I'm working on right now as well. And then there's a bunch of landscaping stuff
that that's in process that will be being done this year as well around the Ramada, as well as around
the skate park area. That just needs to be cleaned up. If you guys have any questions, as we're going
through, don't hesitate to holler. So this is along Panorama at Fountain Park. There's a real steep
hillside there. Originally, it was supposed to have a pony wall along the sidewalk, it was never installed.
And I just found that out by looking through some of the designs. I don't know what happened that it
didn't get put in, but it didn't. So it was too steep. And so every time it rained, all kinds of dirt was
running out into the street. And there was a lot of shoveling involved. And apparently, my guys think
that's a lot like work. So they came up with adding these boulders and rocks and stuff in here to slow
the water flow down, which worked great, but visually, it's not necessarily the best. So that's what this
project is. It's just still in the planning stages. I haven't gotten to dive into this as far as I would like to
yet. But we're just playing I have been working with the Sanitary District, they have some sewer lines
that run through the top of the hill. And so we're trying to find out some depths of how deep those are to
see how much I can cut the hill down to make some adjustments there. This is our Four Peaks
Restroom Grant. As you can see, we have a 4.4% match that we had to do on 500 that well and 500 on
250,000. On 500,000, we had 250,000 that came from one grant and we got another grant of $250,000
to cover the match. Between the two we had a 4% that we had to pay. So the town ended up paying
$11,000 grand to get $500,000 for this grant. So, this was this is a big one. Patti worked on this for a
day or two. This was two years, we worked on this one. It was a struggle. But we got it so we're happy.
We went from not happy to very happy that the park really needed Yeah, and it's going to go so it's
going to go in this location here right next to the new playground in between the playground and then
the sidewalk that blue square there it'll be four. It's a four -stall setup design unisex and each one of
them as well as we have a storage unit in the back of it with a roll -up door and a side door so that we'll
have some area to store some of our equipment and stuff like that as well for the ball fields and for use
in the park. So we're excited about it. And this will be a drop in place, so you won't see or hear anything
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about it for nine months. And then on the 10th month, it'll be installed and done. So it'll be very fast
once we hit the ground it'll be done. This is a project that was approved to start after the council
returned. And so I have now officially sent in a request for our final quote for this so it's updated this
week I'll be sending it over to get our puzzle pieces started and we planted what are we playing over
there we planted 12 trees over there I think for make a different stay in the Centennial Circle seem to
be the centennial pavilion as it's going to change names as we install the 80-foot shade structure. This
two -level shade structure I think is going to be amazing. It's so different. If you've never been under a
double -level shade structure it like a shade structure itself is amazing. When they double level it is next
level it'll probably be 15 degrees cooler under the structure than it will be outside. So it's going to
greatly increase the amount of time that this area can be used. We'll be moving some of the statues
over there. redoing the vegetation over there as well, in the inner area, just kind of random and
hodgepodge of the way it is right now I think, doesn't make any sense. It doesn't follow any guidelines.
So we'll take some of those plants and plant them other places. Others will be bringing in new one.
RUDOLPHY: When do your estimated completion?
SNIPES: July 1 of 24. This year? Yeah, yeah. 24. Yeah, I, I'm sure we'll be done before then. But that's
our, that's when we have to be done by I guess we could roll it over. But I certainly don't want to my
hope is we're about 12 weeks probably, from order to get the shade structure. And when that's going
on, I would like to be tackling everything else at that same time to between now and 12 We're getting
the statues moved, and then doing all the landscaping, right around the time that we're getting that put
in so it's all done at once.
VARELA: I'm super happy that this one's happening, I really wanted this. If for any extra money that
you would need for this, would you consider naming rights for this, like keep it the centennial pavilion,
but like, I don't know,
SNIPES: We could it's a huge number that someone would have to come up with, I don't recall for
sure. But I think it's three quarters of the price of the area. And so it would be a gigantic number to do
that. But with the puzzle pieces, we're covering $100,000 of the $250,000 through donation, we're
charging $1,000 per puzzle piece, there's 99, I think that is that we decided to there. So it's a little
understanding 9000 that we're looking to gain off of doing that, and it's going to be a huge piece, it'll be
a piece of art in itself, it'll be I mean, we're seven or eight feet tall, and he retired eight feet tall, and
eight feet wide piece. So I think it's going to be cool to watch the puzzle pieces go on, we'll do like 10 at
a time to make it to where that it's feasible for them to do the cutting, they prefer that we do 10 at a
time. So let them at the very least we'll do is 10 of the time we're going to do where Fountain Hills is
that we're going to take that piece out. That's why it's 99 instead of 100, we're gonna do a cut out of the
fountain and put that on where Fountain Hills aside is that, and the rest of them will just come in as they
go and fill in with donors names. And it was really cool too, because our this is being done with
Steelcrest, who did all of our cut-out metal work that's on the avenue. They also did our rotary
Splashpad sign. They did our new banner signs they've been awesome to work with. And I saw they
add a post of just some puzzle pieces. And I was like, Man, this, this could be so cool if we did it as the
shape of the state because it's the Centennial Pavilion. And so I started talking to him about it. And at
first they didn't get it. And then when they did they were like holy cow. This is awesome. This is a great
idea. And they're like now we can do that with other this and now they want to use that on other
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projects with different shapes. But the state works great for this location. I think it's going to be super
cool. I'm excited about this.
WILLIAMS: What would this be used for?
SNIPES: So that this structure will be it could be anything from an extension of premises for the
community center, where you could do an indoor -outdoor event. A lot of times we do we've had several
weddings out there now and you're just in the sun all the time. Could be munching music where we
have a band come in and serve lunch. Dark Sky observatories coming in. They're very interested in it
as well because they already use the space for doing night observations. And, and so having
something like this is certainly something that's going to, we think has a lot of a lot of different uses. It'll
be a rentable space, where you could do anything from a family reunion to concerts to anything that we
wanted to do out there. The library's interested in bringing the kids out and doing Storytime with them
you know, it's certainly something that I think there's going to be way more ideas than we've ever
thought I'd because it's huge. I mean, it's 80 by 80 is going to be a massive shade structure out there.
It's going to look neat. And you know, you could bring in tables, chairs, that sort of stuff to have it be a
more formal type of deal or you can have it be open and be a dance floor and have it be that guy First
set up, you know, so it could be used for anything, but it's something that we don't have is a huge
shaded space. That's reservable.
VARELA: So if you want to, like, have a wedding or whatever there was, how can you have alcohol
there? Do you have to rope it out?
SNIPES: Yep. Yeah, you always have to have an enclosed area, like,
VARELA: Yeah, like that yellow tape, or can it be anything like we use, what we started using this year
for our events is we use the
SNIPES: mechanical that's caught off on my head. But it's like the string that has the triangular flags
that hang down from it. And so that's what we've been using now. And they anything that shows that
the boundary works. So it's entirely up to you on how you do that.
VARELA: Thank you.
SNIPES: So this is one of the projects that is tabled until we find out funding, which I hope now goes
through. I'm in the process of meeting up with the business owners at Plaza Fountainside, this is at
Fountain Park, known as the dirt area because there are so much toxins in the soil up there that it won't
grow turf. From when they drained the lake the last time they dumped the sludge right there, which was
a great choice of location. The other spot they did was over at the amphitheater, which he also knows is
a dirt area, we're starting to get grass to grow over there, we've brought in about 26 to 28 inches of dirt
over there to cover to we're getting it to grow, we did about 10 inches of soil here and it leached back
through and killed, we started to get grass to grow and then it killed it off because it leads back up. So I
think this is going to be a fantastic space as well. This one's going to have a 60 by 60 foot shade
structure, that'll have little pods is what that's designed to be like, there's 20 to 21, picnic tables,
something like that, that'll be increased around the area, it's the number one complaint that we have
over there is that there are not enough picnic areas. And then there'll be two shade structures that will
go down right by the splash pad. And those are going to be just two -legged cantilevers to where they
don't take away as much of your visual. We paid very close attention to the sightlines of all the
businesses, the only businesses that will change their view of the fountain will be the yogurt place and
trying to think of the place next to it. But neither one of them have outdoor seating. Like, if I'm the yogurt
place, I love this because you can come in and go out and sit there, why wouldn't you? So I think this is
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going to be a huge benefit to them, we're going to take out all the Sisue trees, they are going to be
redoing their sidewalk at the same time, and we're using the same vendor to do it. So it'll be a fail
swoop come in. And as they're coming out, it'll make it so they can use ours, our property to do their
sidewalk that's had tons of trips and falls, and sure that if you haven't heard of it, there's a story every
month about someone tripping and falling on Facebook. So it has been bad since 2016 when I started
here, so they've done lots of little things to try and fix it. But you're never going to fix it with Sisue trees
being there. And they planted the Sisue trees and they developed on the town's land as part of the
development agreement, but the tree that was selected should have never been selected. So we're
going to get rid of all those we're going to bring in some new trees, and new landscaping along with this
project. I think I think this is going to be a huge asset to the town and again, a space that can be
reserved, rented it can be an extension to premises for all the restaurants that are over there, if they
want to come out and use that space, they can reserve it and then they can serve alcohol at it because
it's they can use the boundary of the shade structure as their boundary. And so that does work for them
as well. Like for any day they could do that any day.
VARELA: Like no special permit or anything so you can like get your food in there and then go and sit
out there with your
SNIPES: They would have to reserve it okay. So it would be very reservation only that they could do
that and then they would and then it would be set up a lot like when you ran a Ramada they that you
can get a liquor permit if you're having it depends on the number of people determines what you have
to do exactly. But like, yeah, they could absolutely go out. And they could have concerts out there, done
by their, their place of business, which they rented the space in the turf many times over the years to do
an extension of premises for stuff like that. So I think this will just allow them to have an established
place to do that. And I think that's it for me. That's what we got going so far.
VARELA: Great. I love every single one. So thank you. Thank you. I mean, that's a lot of work. I'm
glad I'm so happy you guys. Yeah, no. All right, any other comments on that? Okay. Review
Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities.
SNIPES: This coming weekend, we have our Spooky Blast, which has grown into a rather massive
event from when it was on the avenue. Moving it over to Four Peaks Park has proven to be a fantastic
location for it. It is also an event that requires a lot of volunteers. So, if any of you are interested, I am
positive, they would love to see you there to help out. And you can reach out to Ryan or Kim. If you're
interested in it, they can get you on the books and get you a spot scheduled to help out with that one.
There are just a lot of different things going on and the more volunteers you have the smoother the
event runs. So, we'd certainly appreciate any help we can get there. As we discussed, we're going to
keep sending out the special event calendar every time every meeting so that you guys can see what
else is coming up. We're certainly getting close to our Turkey Trot. We got our shirts in this past week.
So, we're excited about that and hoping to have another big turnout for that one. We have three days'
worth of packet pickups for that, right? The week before, we do three days where the packet pickups
we can always use volunteers on for that one. If you see any of those Christmas celebrations, the
holiday celebrations, we're always in need of volunteers for those as well. So, if any of those dates
work, we'd love to have you come out and give us a hand. Like I said, if you just reach out to Kim she
can set you up for any one of those I think that's about it for now.
VARELA: All right. Any comments or questions? Did you have something? Okay.
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LOPUSZANSKI: I just wanted to let you know I when I did the agenda, I knocked off Future Agenda
Items. And so in case you do have something that you would like to add, at this time after you're done
looking at the calendar of events, please let me know and we can jot it in Okay?
VARELA: All right. So then next month, we have Patrick Garman, this is what I talked about last
month, so he's going to come and present here. He's with the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission
and then I'm going to present to their commission after the New Year. We haven't picked a date but it'll
be January. I think it's going to be February, which I suggested because Rory is going to help me on
that one. Yeah, I was very excited about it. I thought she was going to say I was coerced into it. enticed,
WILSON: Now I'm going to do exactly that whenever anyone else asks me though.
VARELA: All right, can I get a Motion to Adjourn?
SNIPES: Before you do, like Patti was saying if there's anything that you want to have put on the next
agenda this would be the spot to do that if you guys have anything. If not, you can, always shoot an
email or something to Patti to let her know. So, I think we are for sure going to Table the inner core
committee for the grant writing for the next meeting.
WILSON: Nope. Does anyone have anything they want to talk about next year? Okay. If you think
about it, and you can, since Ron's not here to remind everyone, can we figure out a park or some sort
of entity that we want to visit or to in the next couple of months, maybe?
SNIPES: Yeah, we can certainly do that.
VARELA: Thanks. Okay, so now can I get a Motion to Adjourn?
WILSON: I Move to Adjourn
REDDICK: I second.
VARELA: All in favor.
ALL: Aye
VARELA: Thank you!
Having no further business, Chair Natalie Varela adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Community
Services Advisory Commission held on October 23, 2023, at 6:14 PM
atti Lopuszanskl, Exec4five Assistant
Natalie Varela, Chair
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I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the
Regular Meeting held by the Community Services Advisory Commission in the Town Hall
Council Chambers on the 23rd day of October 2023. I further certify that the meeting was duly
called and that a quorum was present.
this 27th Da of November 2023
101,*: . iTO
Patti Lopuszanski, ' ec
e Assistant
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