HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2024.0325.MinutesCOMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024 A Regular Meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains in open and public session at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Chair Natalie Varela, Vice Chair Carey Reddick, Commissioner Stephen Barnes, Commissioner Craig Rudolphy; Commissioner Ron Ruppert Commissioner Rory Wilson ABSENT: Youth Commissioner Kevin Williams Staff Present: Community Services Director Kevin Snipes; Executive Assistant Patti Lopuszanski 1 https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES VARELA: Okay, we're going to call our meeting to order. Can I get a roll call, please? LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Barnes? BARNES: Here LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Rupert? RUPPERT: Here, LOPUSZANSKI: Chair Verela? VARELA: Here, LOPUSZANSKI: Vice Chair Reddick? REDDICK: Here LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Rudolphy? RUDOLPHY: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Wilson? WILSON: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Youth Commissioner Williams is absent today. VARELA: All right, about a Call to the Public.? LOPUSZANSKI: No, Call to the Public. VARELA: Thank you. Reports by Commissioners, this is if you've attended anything or have anything you want to let us know about around town. RUPPERT: If I may? I apologize for missing the last meeting, I got picked for jury duty, and it was out of my control. One of the reports I wanted to do because I felt it was important was to thank Kevin for the tour on the Avenue of the Fountains because to me at this time, it's an important subject to with CIP coming up and the budget. I think those there realize the importance of that. It's the core, the centerpiece of the town, it's almost like a square, but it's just a rectangle. If you look at it that way, it is, you know, things that were pointed out that I'm not sure they're in regular maintenance budgets, or CIP coming up. Still, Kevin's all over it, as far as some of the trees and the root pruning that needs to be brought to everybody's attention, you know, not only for a safety hazard but for pushing off infrastructure already in place. Some of the dangers also were some of the flagstone seating areas that are either crumbling, or it's just an absolute hazard for people to sit on and get pinched, or they'll collapse. Some of the electrical needs, I don't think the art fair or the chamber events or any events, farmers market, or whatever goes on there, through the year is going to go away. So these electrical hookups, instead of being a hodgepodge of whatever, you know, need to be centralized and Kevin is all over that. Some of the canopies and shade materials either need to be replaced or updated and 2 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES Kevin is on that. I'm not like I said, I'm not sure where they land in projects coming up next year. But I just want to get all this stuff on record. Because I'm it's something that everybody probably already knows on the council or at least on this commission. It never hurts to reiterate the fact of all these things. You know, it's like I said, it's, it is a town square, it's just happening to be a town rectangle. And you know, this should be one of the, you know, the shining stars of Fountain Hills. So to me, this tour was probably the best we ever had as far as it was informative and important to us. And you know, we've never done this one. And I hopefully can think of another tour to do within the next month or so. Thank you. VARELA: Thanks, Ron. I think that's great input. Will we have another opportunity to reschedule that tour for a different time that works for people who are working and missed it? SNIPES: Yeah, I don't see why we can't do it some other time. REDDICK: Yeah, I just wanted to state from my point as local Commissioner, I attended and held a local group of veteran small business owners locally here in Fountain Hills and throughout the Arizona community and just provided some basic knowledge on business startup financial assistance, really how to go about with bootstrapping, as a business owner. So, I think that was very insightful for me to see that a lot of small business owners have no basic concept of what it takes to start a business, where to go to start a business. From a local standpoint, as Commissioner, I think that's something that we should think about, how can we support our vets more with these local resources and tools is a one -stop shop because half of them had no idea where to go. So it was great. I will have another event that I'll be a part of. I would love to email that to you, Patti. So that way, if any other local commissioners would love to support me, especially you with the financial background as well, that would be great. These men and women are amazing. And they love the support that anyone provides from the standpoint of volunteering. So, and that event will take place next month, I'll email you guys. VARELA: Great, thank you. Anybody else? WILSON: I'll just say that I attended the Irish Fest. And I know Craig did as well. We both worked volunteer shifts. So, it was a great turnout. We had a lot of good feedback for having the credit debit card thing going on. Even with that little glitch for a few minutes, good job to you, Kevin, and everyone else. It was a very good turnout. RUDOLPHY: And I'd like to echo that, yes, I attended. My mistake was signing up for the late shift so that the beer sales were all over by the time I got off shift and could have 3 https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES had something to drink. But I plan to do that some more. My wife and I are volunteering at the Dark Sky Festival this coming weekend. And as a follow up the run on the tour the avenue question for you, Kevin. I know the intent of the town was not to make a second dog park. But do we get many complaints about litter on the Avenue from the animals? SNIPES: That's a tough one. I would say that it depends on who you ask on a given day. Some people think that's all that's out there. And others think that everybody does a pretty good job of cleaning it up. So, I know Council is looking into a pet waystation. That's off the avenue. So, I'm working on finding some information on that to see if it's a viable option or not. VARELA: All right, can I get a Motion to Approve the Verbatim Minutes from February 26, 2024? WILSON: Move to approve. VARELA: Can I get a second? BARNES: Second? VARELA: All in favor, say aye. ALL: Aye VARELA: Thank you. Okay, Update on the Arizona State Puzzle Donor Program. SNIPES: Right on, so we have started making some sales. I believe we're still at seven, is that correct? Today, eight. So we're at eight. Now that we've sold in your packet, there you can see some pictures of the final product. It is a nice big attraction that you see straight from the parking lot as you look into the centennial circle there. We worked with Steel Crest on it, who did all of our cutouts on the avenue as well as our banner hanging signs. They've been fantastic to work with. Over the last few years, we've done several big projects with them. This was the biggest one that they've biggest project that they've tackled, and they were looking forward to sharing it with other municipalities as well, which I guess is one of those flatteries that the Eaton get every once in a while when you come up with a new design and, and the company wants to run with it. So, we were excited to hear that as well. So the puzzle pieces are for sale now. And we're looking forward to getting our first order which will be as soon as we sell our 10th piece. So, we're at eight now. So, it's easy to sell to more we'll start getting some pieces put on the board. And I'm going to have to start bringing out the half pieces as well, that we're not going to sell and have them go ahead and put those on to where that there's some activity over there to show some life. So, I think it's going to be neat when we get it done. 4 https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES RUDOLPHY: And Kevin, could you follow up on my question about the tax deductibility of the donations? SNIPES: I can we did find out that that is allowed. And so we are also letting people know that if they make the $1,000 donation it will be tax deductible VARELA: Are you going to update the flyers with that information? SNIPES: We'll update our online website with it. VARELA: Okay, great. SNIPES: And thanks Craig for that. Appreciate it. VARELA: Okay, let's see Update on the Environmental Plan Work Group. WILSON: I can go for Patty Craig's Minh on our idea of having a webpage, specifically with environmental or sustainable friendly and conservation practices for the environment geared towards both residents and business owners. So, we worked with Bo Larsen, who is the Director of Communications slash PIO, and he kind of put our idea into action. So, there's currently a webpage up on the website, the town's website that has our list of resources that we researched that has anything from water to native plants that people can plant in their backyard, and you know, just be conscious of what their landscape practices are. So there may be forward movement, if we need to do more promotion of that in the future to possibly work with community organizations and businesses to promote that a bit more. I'm sure we can work with Kevin and the rest of the staff to see what that would look like. But I'd say though, if you haven't checked out the website, I'm sure we could send that URL to you guys because it looks great. VARELA: Yeah, I think it does look great. I'm very appreciative of all your help on that, that you gave. And I do think it'd be great if we could, even if you want our group to speak for our group, reach out to some businesses to see if they will promote it. SNIPES: Yeah, I think that would be fine. You know, I think this is something that's on the ground floor that has a ton of potential, I think we could do a lot of stuff with our seasonal differences that we do here such as overseeding. Trimming and pruning practices and things like that give people an idea of the correct ways to do things versus what we see all around town. I think it's, it's a fantastic, start and appreciate everybody's help them get niggle on. So thank you. VARELA: I do think adding the overseed schedule to that would be a great idea I feel you know how many things you read on the connection about why are you doing this. So that's a great idea. Yeah, okay. All right. Anything else? Okay, let's see. So, Update on the CIP Budget for 2025. 5 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES SNIPES: Alrighty, so tomorrow evening is our capital improvement workshop with the council. So hopefully we'll get a better feel for how they're leaning on each one of the projects that we're putting forth. One of those is the one that we were talking about earlier, which is the Avenue of the Fountains, we're looking at a three-year $200,000 a year renewal of the Avenue and trying to get some things done out there. We're also looking at doing a new playground in about half of what you see over at Golden Eagle. We did half of it a few years ago, and the other half is still the original from 97-98. So it's had some life and had a better life than what it is now. So, we're looking to get that swapped out as well. Those are the two big jobs that we're looking into. We've been doing some focus groups with the downtown strategy. We were doing a total of seven. I don't remember what number we're on, somewhere between one in that. But we've met with several different business groups. So far, they've all been business group -oriented, to try and come up with ways to get people to come downtown and stay downtown. And I think we've had some good ideas. I think it comes down to what we are looking to spend to improve the downtown experience and what kind of funding do we have to pull that off. It'll be interesting to see how that conversation goes as well, which will also be brought up in different parts of the budget this year. So looking forward to that as well. RUPPERT: In years past, Kevin, Rachel, or Mark Mayer used to use this commission as ammo, if you will to, you know, say, you know, we need X, Y, and Z in, you know, the Community Service Advisory Commission agrees? I know, we haven't taken a vote on this, or that, but I don't know, sometimes that helps. SNIPES: Yeah, and what I'm trying to do is, is get a sense for where they're at to see, how that aligns to where that when we need that support, we'll come to you and have that conversation. So yeah, I plan on that being a part of it as we go. This is kind of the early onset of just getting a flavor to see how they respond to each one. And once we get that, then we'll kind of hopefully have a better idea of if they our sites aligned or not. And then, as we need the support, I would certainly appreciate it. RUDOLPHY:Kevin, I don't remember. But will there be any public comment tomorrow? Or is it just there will not? SNIPES: Not tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow's a workshop. So, it's just employees and the Council. VARELA: And I would say, once you do give us some ideas of where you want to lean towards, like, I know, in the past, I've sent emails to them, you know, either individually - 6 https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES or whatnot as in addition to you, or I guess it was Rachel saying this is where the support, this is what they think so that's good, too. Yeah. SNIPES: I plan on doing that after tomorrow night's go -round, and then we can get you some information and share how it went as well as where the support would be best suited to where that hopefully we can get a little bit extra. So, appreciate it. Thank you. VARELA: Great. All right, let's see. Okay, Update on the Grant Workgroup we form that I started. So we sat in this, we came. WILSON: So Stephen, Carey, and I met and then we found two grant opportunities, I'll let Carey lead with his REDDICK: Sure. So, I think we took Rory's standpoint of wanting to incorporate something that dealt with mental health. Also, we wanted to incorporate something that was a large audience as well as dealing with VA support. So, we did find a particular grant, that's called the VA Staff Sergeant Fox Prevention Grant, it closes April 26. The grant provides support for families, local communities, anything about mental health, anything about support, resources, tools, and all that good stuff. It starts at $750,000 and goes up to a million, there is a woman that we did get connected with she's a grant writer proposal, and she has a 75% rate of having her grant go through, which is good. She charges like $75 bucks. So that's something if we want to connect with your members of the group to have her vetted out, we have that as an option. Otherwise, we felt like it would be a great collaboration to incorporate all of that since it's really what we need to be qualified you have to be a city or a township, a nonprofit, or part of a local VA group. So, we qualify already. That's it you apply and you get the money and you're able to use the funds as you see fit. Rory, Steven, did I miss anything? SNIPES: Was there a match on that as well? REDDICK: There is? And actually, I will provide the link back to Patti. I'll provide the link back to Patti as well, along with the info. So, we can get that going since the deadline is approaching. SNIPES: Thanks. REDDICK: Yeah, absolutely. So, thank you very much for really spearheading that as well. For sure. Thank you. WILSON: And then our other grant, which we found is called The Safe Streets and Roads for All. And that's through the US Department of Transportation. I can also provide the details to you, Patti and Kevin later on. But we do qualify. And it can be used for several different activities or initiatives. Some of them are like pedestrian safety, so or 7 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES sidewalk improvements, and I know that we have a lot of that going on. So if that's something that you guys want to look into, then we can there's three different submission dates: April 4, May 16, and August 29. And then there is a 20% match. That is not in federal funds. And I mean it looks good just to check out because we have a lot of different initiatives going on with sidewalks or bikes and whatnot. So, I'll just send that all to you guys later. RUDOLPHY: Oh, yeah, if I could ask a question. Mr. Snipes, if we find these grants that we think are wonderful. What would you think about directing who, whichever one of us or as a group, found them to take a stab at writing the application? SNIPES: Yeah, no, I think I think that would be extremely helpful. As you know, and several of you, I'm sure have heard that had been on this commission, grant writing takes a lot of time and meticulous effort. And so the first crack is always the hardest. And then going through and redlining and streaming it down, becomes much easier with the story already being told. So yeah, I think that would be extremely helpful. If there's anyone that would be willing to help by taking a crack at that. RUDOLPHY: But obviously, we don't have as much knowledge as the staff would have. So, we're not going to do a bang-up job on the first try. Yeah, but at least we, as you said, get all the pieces of paper together that need to be and present it to somebody so that they can then edit as needed, correct? SNIPES: Yep, that would be helpful. Thank you, for our group, maybe we can initiate our two projects, I think we can have that within the next couple of weeks or even days. So, we have a deadline, you have yours in April for the URL. So, there are three different deadlines. April fourth is the one that's coming up. But there are still two other months. WILSON: August is the latest. So that's kind of the one that I was thinking you could aim for, just because it gives us the most time and more time is better than less time. But I do think if we work together with Steven, Carey, and I work on things that we can come up with, and maybe give it to you guys as a sort of packet or review or however you want to do it. And then if you still needed additional support after that we're still here. RUDOLPHY: So, Kevin, are you still requiring or is the Council still requiring that all the grant applications be submitted in advance of application? SNIPES: I don't remember for sure. I think that we got our goal this year is to get all that to where we can go for it and then come back to him. And I'm 90% sure that's the way they voted, but I'll have to double-check. But I'm pretty sure that now we have it set up so that we can go out to the forum, get it, and then let Council know that yes, we got it 8 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES instead of because there were so many grants that we were slipping that was slipping by because we couldn't get into Council in time to even go for him that this way made it much easier. And I think the last Council meeting or the one before that, I think it was it was approved to go that route. So yeah, I'm pretty sure that we're good. WILSON: I'm just going to say, Kevin, I happen to know that is correct. Because I watched that meeting. SNIPES: I think I did too! RUPPERT: I know before Kevin, came on board, we had a few commission members on this commission that had ins with Senior Services and Fountain Hills. And we from time to time used to have money granted to the town if the presentation was correct through senior services. Do you guys do that anymore? Or does that still exist or is there money available? VARELA: I think Senior Services didn't go under now the umbrella of the fountains. RUDOLPHY: Yeah, they did. Fountain Hills, Cultural Civic Community Association. SNIPES: Yep. VARELA: Well, great, thanks for all that information, you guys and finding those two grants. All right, let's get an update on the Mayor's Youth Council. LOPUSZANSKI: We'll table that for this month since Kevin's not here. VARELA: Okay, perfect. And Update on our Future Agenda Items Presentations. LOPUSZANSKI: If you look at Page 24 of the packet, John Wesley will be at the April 22nd meeting. So, if anybody has any questions you would like to have him address, please send those to me. So that he can build his presentation, he'll be happy to answer any questions that you have at that time. And then I think we're also going to be discussing one of the things that had come up regarding Community Services projects. So, I didn't know if Kevin wanted to speak to that. SNIPES: Yeah, so if you've been down at Fountain Park in the last week, you'll see that we're making some pretty big headway into the Splash Pad, area and the picnic areas over there, we poured the biggest pad for the 50 by 60-foot shade canopy Thursday and Friday, last week, we worked our way down, they have the sidewalks formed. Due to me being a little bit overzealous, maybe we ended up building a bigger shade platform than what we had room for by a couple of feet. So we're going to build a little seat wall, which is going to work really well on the bottom side of the hill, so it's not so steep. And I think that's going to work out really well. It's like 70 feet long. So there'll be spots for anyone - 9 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES to sit along that seat wall that's right next to that'll butt up against the sidewalk at the bottom, we just got in our engineering drawings for that today. Or yesterday, I just put them in today. So they're still hopeful that there's a small chance that we'll have everything done when I wanted it to be done. But I think I might be holding my breath for a little bit longer. But so but at least we'll have all the concrete work will all be done, which is the bigger part of wanting to get done before the Splash Pad opens. The structures can be done a little bit differently if we need to. And then the fitness equipment, they did start and put the two first few pieces over there, we had some issues with some of our pieces were labeled YMCA. And so our installer couldn't find them in his yard. And then finally found that there was one that was marked correctly that said YMCA and then underneath it, it said Fountain Hills. So we got all our pieces here now and some pieces had to come in late they came in on Friday. So now we're just trying to get another window for them to go out there and get all those installed at Desert Vista. That's I'm ready for that when they get in and get down. I think it's going to be really cool. Just the two pieces that are over there nice ones, elliptical and the other one is a chest press with about 500 pounds of weight in it. So it's it's a substantial piece. But when everything goes in over there, I think it's going to be a really neat area. Last Wednesday we ordered our 20 benches from the wind turbine company and so we got well combination of benches and picnic tables that we'll be placing several around Centennial Pavilion, we're going to do the Five C's are going to get painted on the inside of the covers of those benches. I think that's going to be cool. We're meeting with them tomorrow to discuss the artwork itself and how we want to have it shown on each one of them. And then the back piece will tell the story of each one of the five C's which I think will be really cool as a QR code you'll be able to pull it up and see a website that will talk about each one of them and why they're one of our Five C's for the State of Arizona. So that's going to be exciting to get all that stuff taken care of over there. Couple of pins I needed for painting tables for the avenue and went ahead and got those ordered ahead of time. We were able to do buy one and get one free for each one that we got. And he started off offering five by five get five because that's what they take to fill up a truck, tractor -trailer and so I said well how about if we do buy 10 Can we get 10 So they're going to ship out so we're going to end up getting 20 total. So I'm really excited to see him which is weird because I'm excited about benches. hurts me to say that but these are so cool. They're like pieces of art they're going to be really exciting to see. So those are the big things that we have going on right now. - 10 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES REDDICK: In regard to the outdoor gym, two things. I went by there the other day and we had some rain. Are we going to tent or find something that will capture or stop the rain? Because it looked as though the machine was just drenched in water? SNIPES: And they're designed to be outside of that. Yeah. Okay. They're all made, they can sit out without having the cover up and be just fine. REDDICK: And then the second question, will there be some sort of like announcement for local community members to know that? SNIPES: Yeah, once we get everything in, we'll do a grand opening for sure. WILSON: Yeah. I just wanted to comment, Kevin, I'm also excited about the benches because I always hear from people that we need more benches. So that's really good thing to hear. Good job. VARELA: Me too. And I love the company that you went with. SNIPES: So yeah, it's, it's funny, because I think they're starting to get more excited than I am. And I'm pretty excited because I send them I can't wait to see and then they send me a we can't wait to see. And then when the art started, they were like, we've never done it like this. And so then they got excited about that. And now they have an art department and you know, it was kind of in on the ground floor this and so it's been kind of fun to, to work with him and throughout different ideas in our in our troubles as a municipality and the rules that we have to follow and how we can do things and they were on top of having competition and practical that were because they're the only ones that are making wind turbine benches. So it's really hard for anybody else to copy. If there nobody else is doing so. So yeah, I think this is I think it's going to be a really fun and neat project to start plopping them in here and there around town, and then it'll kind of have that theme. You'll see it because it's so different than what other benches are. I think it'd be cool. VARELA: All right. Okay. Update Future Agenda Items? LOPUSZANSKI: So, I wanted to note, the Environmental Plan Workgroup. Do you feel like you want to continue that as an agenda item? WILSON: I don't think so for now, I mean, okay. So why don't we pull that you've done everything that you can already? And so I will send the link to everybody after our meeting. So, everybody has that information. But we'll pull that for next month. LOPUSZANSKI: I think another thing had been in, I believe, Craig, you had brought it up, you had asked about what some projects or something that the commission as a whole could do some ideas and things like that. So I didn't know if there's something any of you - 11 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES had thought of, of other ideas or things that you have had. You brought up, you know, great ideas about grants and things like that. But is there anything else that you're thinking of, and then also tour other areas for tours? REDDICK: I know for myself, I have a huge initiative to support the VA community. So I'm really wanting to partake on creating some sort of VA group to be really a supportive branch. We really don't have a strong presence for that year. So that's something that I'm wanting to really spearhead on my end. LOPUSZANSKI: Do we want to establish a workgroup? REDDICK: I would love that if someone would love to be a part of that with me. It would be associated with the nonprofit Bunkers Lab. They're a nonprofit organization that would be supporting us as well, for VA vets. VARELA: I'll join you on that. Anybody else wants to meet you? BARNES: I will. REDDICK: So we can maybe arrange a work group? LOPUSZANSKI: I'm sorry. So, who was in the workgroup? Stephen, Natalie, and Carey? VARELA: Yes. LOPUSZANSKI: Thank you. VARELA: Okay, yeah. SNIPES: I think at our next meeting, we should be able to have some conversations about looking for support for different CIP projects as well. Then the other thing is we're looking at adding two more parks are going to be two small pocket parks, but we're looking at using some development fees for them. I don't think that will catch a whole lot of flack on either one of them. I know I have supported the HOA for the one at Panorama there where they filled in the wash. It's a small plot that we're going to do some but we are going to make it a park so that we can enforce park rules on it. And so, we're still working on out all the details on that and I just got this. A couple of weeks ago, I started hearing that it may go in my direction. So, I haven't put a ton of time into it yet but it will be coming down the pike and then the other one is the stargazing location over at Bainbridge and Golden Eagle Boulevard. Both of those I think are solid projects that will get a lot of community support, I don't think they're going to fall into the Sunridge category that we had so many issues with. So but that'll be something that we'll probably be looking to get some feedback on from you guys as well. - 12 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES RUPPERT: Yeah. Kevin, if, if we, after the workshop, if there's some way we can just get a list, you know, then maybe a sentence or two after that, that you know, what may happen and when may not happen, so we all know. Thank you. SNIPES: Yeah, I'll certainly do that. VARELA: Okay, thank you. Let's see Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities. SNIPES: Somewhere in here, so we're about halfway through a very active, very, very, very active event season that we have here in Fountain Hills. Irish Fest as was brought up earlier. To me, it felt like it was bigger than any of the ones we've done in the past have been. Last year, we were in the 8000 plus range, and we're at 8700, or something like that here in the next week or so we should find out what our numbers are officially for that the only thing that hurts us on the estimate, or the actual numbers is that it's tracking cell phones. And so, a lot of the littles that were out there running around playing in our bounce houses don't get counted. But we try and do an average on that as well. Extravaganza was last Saturday, and it again was bigger than me that we had in the past. There are conversations around how do we make it so we can have it be as big or bigger next year. And not have it be too chaotic. As it is a very, very chaotic event. You throw a couple of eggs out and it's a party. Concerts on the Avenue is coming up here shortly. That's kind of our next draw starting in April. And then our Music Fest this is the first year that we've gone country. So we are looking forward to it. We have what feels to be a solid headliner, for this year. And we're starting to hear from more and more people that they're excited about it, our stage operator was excited about it. He's like, I can't mess this one up. I got to make sure that it's good. And so we're really excited about how that one's going to go as well. We will have beer and wine at that event again this year. It's the second time we've done that. So we're looking forward to that as well. That one will we're certainly looking right now for some money handlers because we'll be selling tickets for the wine. So, so yeah, so that's why we can certainly use some help. If anyone's available to help us out at Music Fest that would be fantastic. This Thursday, we have our Volunteer Reception over at the Community Center for the volunteers and those who were nominated for Volunteers of the Year. So that's always an exciting event that we have that we get to share with those who are giving back. So that's a fun one. That's our main ones coming up, man. We got Movie in the Park coming in May. We'll talk about that next month a little bit more. That's going to be over at Four Peaks Park again, which - 13 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES is quickly turned into one of our premier local event venues. And I think a lot of our events have drastically grown by moving him over there. And so, it's been fun to watch that park turn from what it was six years ago to what it is now. So that's why it's a really good place and once we get our new restrooms in over there. Hopefully, hear in the next few months. That'll make that place even better. So, we're excited about that as well. VARELA: Okay, let's see Consideration and Possible Action to Amend our 2023/2024 May Meeting Date. LOPUSZANSKI: I didn't realize that we were scheduled for Memorial Day on the 27th in May. So, we could change it to Tuesday the 28th if you want to get back to me. If that works for your schedules, then we'll adjust the calendar to reflect that, but I'll need a vote on that when you do decide if that works for everybody. May 28 will be a Tuesday meeting. VARELA: Does everybody need to look at their calendar? RUDOLPHY: It will work for me. Works for me. VARELA: Okay, can I get a motion to change the date to Tuesday, May 28' REDDICK: Move to approve. BARNES: Second. Okay, all in favor? ALL: Aye. VARELA: Everyone, thank you. Okay, the next Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting is on April 22. Can I get a Motion to Adjourn? WILSON: Move to Adjourn REDDICK: I second. VARELA: All in favor ALL: Aye. VARELA: Great. Thanks, guys. Having no further business, Chair Natalie Varela adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission held on March 25, 2024, at 5:40 PM - 14 - https://otter.ai COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2024, VERBATIM MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION I, 04,1 Natalie Varela, Chair ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: L z Patti Lopuszanski,'Exe utive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Community Services Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 25th day of March 2024. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 20th Day of May 2024 Patti Lopuszanski'Exeive Assistant -15- https://otter.ai