HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2024-17RESOLUTION 2024-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, APPROVING THE FINAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2024 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2025 RECITALS: WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Title 42, Chapter 17, Arizona Revised Statutes (the "Applicable Law"), the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council") did, on May 7, 2024, prepare (i) a full and complete statement of the Town's financial affairs for the preceding fiscal year. (ii) an estimate of the different amounts that will be required to meet the Town's public expense for the current fiscal year, including all of the items prescribed by ARIz. REV. STAT. § 42-17102 and (iii) a summary schedule of estimated expenditures and revenues, which was prepared according to forms supplied by the Auditor General and entered in the Town Council's minutes; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Applicable Law, and following due public notice. the Town Council met on May 7, 2024, at which meeting any taxpayer was provided the opportunity to appear and be heard in favor of or against any proposed expenditure or tax levy; and WHEREAS, publication has been duly made as required by law, of said estimates together with a notice that the Town Council would meet on June 4, 2024, at the Fountain Hills Town Council Chambers, for the purpose of hearing taxpayers and with respect to said estimate or any proposed expenditure or tax levy. ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The statements and schedules attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby adopted as the budget of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025. SECTION 3. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, June 4. 2024. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: '7\,•AA bt (--1)--- Ginny . key, Mdyor REVIEWED BY: Rachael oodwin, own Manager ATTESTED TO: Linda Mendenhall, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Aaron D. Arnson, Pierce Coleman PLLC Town Attorney Official Budget Forms Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal year 2025 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Official Town Budget Forms Town of Fountain Hills Table of Contents Fiscal year 2025 Schedule A —Summary Schedule of estimated revenues and expenditures/expenses Schedule B—Tax levy and tax rate information Schedule C—Revenues other than property taxes Schedule D—Other financing sources/(uses) and interfund transfers Schedule E—Expenditures/expenses by fund Schedule F—Expenditures/expenses by department (as applicable) Schedule G—Full-time employees and personnel compensation 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Official Town Budget Forms Town of Fountain Hills Summary Schedule of estimated revenues and expenditures/expenses Fiscal year 2025 Fiscal year S h Funds General Fund Special Revenue Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Permanent Fund Enterprise Funds Available Internal Service Funds Total all funds 2024 Adopted/adjusted budgeted expenditures/expenses' E 1 25,585,805 9,643,912 19.760 6,918,531 0 0 889,700 43.057,708 2024 Actual expenditures/expenses" E 2 23,087,912 6,735,443 13 1,577,313 0 0 275,783 31,676,464 Beginning fund balance/(deficit) or net position/(deflclt) at 2025 July 1"• 3 15,744,610 10,116,596 178,022 8,846,144 0 0 7,831,744 42,717,116 2025 Primary property tax levy B 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2025 Secondary property tax levy B 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2025 Estimated revenues other than property taxes C 6 25,824,816 6,419,651 1,000 3,949,906 0 0 2,000 36,197.373 2025 Other financing sources D 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2025 Other financing (uses) D 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2025 Interfund transfers in D 9 0 2,350,000 0 950,000 0 0 2,000.000 5,300,000 2025 Interfund Transfers (out) 0 10 4.000,000 350,000 0 950,000 0 0 0 5,300,000 Line 11: Reduction for fund balance reserved for future 2025 budget year expenditures 11 Maintained for future debt retirement 0 Maintained for future capital projects 4,000,000 4,000,000 Maintained for future financial stability 4,466,782 4.466,782 0 0 2025 Total financial resources available 12 33,102,644 18,536,247 179,022 12,796,050 0 0 5,833,744 70,447,707 2025 Budgeted expenditures/expenses E 13 25,824,816 9,613,657 20,360 9,092,800 0 0 600,000 45,151,633 Expenditure limitation comparison 1 Budgeted expenditures/expenses 2 Add/subtract: estimated net reconciling items 3 Budgeted expenditures/expenses adjusted for reconciling items 4 Less: estimated exclusions 5 Amount subject to the expenditure limitation 6 EEC expenditure limitation 2024 43,057,708 (117,966) 42,939,742 8,606,788 34,332,954 64,380 2025 45,151,633 (119,359) 45,032,274 9,449,491 35,582,783 35,588,003 The city/town does not levy property taxes and does not have special assessment districts for which property taxes are levied. Therefore, Schedule B has been omitted. Includes expenditure/expense adjustments approved in the current year from Schedule E. Includes actual amounts as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, adjusted for estimated activity for the remainder of the fiscal year. Amounts on this line represent beginning fund balance/(deficit) or net position/(deficit) amounts except for nonspendable amounts (e.g., prepaids and inventories) or amounts legally or contractually required to be maintained intact (e.g., principal of a permanent fund). See the Instructions tab, cell C17 for more information about the amounts that should and should not be Included on this line. 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule A Official Town Budget Fame Town of Fountain Hills Tax levy and tax rate information Fiscal year 2025 1 Maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17051(A) 2. Amount received from primary property taxation in the current year in excess of the sum of that year's maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17102(A)(18) 3. Property tax levy amounts A. Primary property taxes Property tax judgment $ 2024 2025 B. Secondary property taxes Property tax judgment C. Total property tax levy amounts $ $ 4. Property taxes collected* A. Primary property taxes (1) Current year's levy $ (2) Prior years' levies (3) Total primary property taxes $ B. Secondary property taxes (1) Current year's levy $ (2) Prior years' levies 26 (3) Total secondary property taxes $ 26 C. Total property taxes collected $ 26 5. Property tax rates A. City/Town tax rate (1) Primary property tax rate Property tax judgment (2) Secondary property tax rate Property tax judgment (3) Total city/town tax rate B. Special assessment district tax rates Secondary property tax rates —As of the date the proposed budget was prepared, the city/town was operating two (2) special assessment districts for which secondary property taxes are levied. For information pertaining to these special assessment districts and their tax rates, please contact the city/town. * Includes actual property taxes collected as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated property tax collections for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule B Official City/Town Budget Forms Town of Fountain Hills Revenues other than property taxes Fiscal Year 2025 Source of revenues General Fund Local taxes Local Sales Tax Franchise Tax Estimated revenues 2024 Actual revenues* 2024 Estimated revenues 2025 $ 13,154,799 $ 17,442,410 $ 14,858,589 390,000 229,208 390,000 Licenses and permits Business License Fees 117,785 104,482 117,785 Residential Rental License 50,000 32,533 50,000 Liquor License Fees 500 2,967 500 Building Permit Fees 372,703 618,934 400,000 Sign Permits 3,350 5,127 3,350 Landscape Permit Fees 3,780 8,577 3,780 Subdivision Fees 36,000 98,347 36,000 Special Event Permits 8,500 16,440 8,500 Engineering Fees 5,550 13,080 5,550 Third Party Revenues Planning & Zoning Fees 20,060 19,988 20,060 Plan Review Fees 96,750 50,815 56,750 Intergovernmental State Sales Tax 3,585,690 3,719,633 3,628,998 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 48,516 48,516 48,516 Vehicle License Tax 366,076 340,262 Shared Income Tax 6,387,448 7,703,451 5,108,090 Charges for services Parks & Rec User Fees 244,215 292,968 255,265 Encroachment Fees 35,000 647,888 50,000 Variances 2,600 307 2,600 Inspection Fees 17,000 53,154 29,000 Leases & Rents 277,278 439,553 289,278 Fines and forfeits Court Fines 200,000 251,870 200,000 Interest on investments Interest on Investments 20,000 690,867 100,000 In -lieu property taxes Contributions Voluntary contributions Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 71,400 70,805 Total General Fund $ 25,585,805 $ 35,563 71,400 107,948 90,805 32,974,888 $ 25,824,816 " Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule C Official City/Town Budget Forms Town of Fountain Hills Revenues other than property taxes Fiscal Year 2025 Source of revenues Estimated revenues 2024 Actual revenues* 2024 Estimated revenues 2025 Special revenue funds Highway User Revenue Fund Highway User Tax $ 1,849,404 1,795,212 1,823,078 Vehicle License Tax 854,176 883,741 1,215,914 Local Sales Tax 1,064,618 In -Lieu Fees 1,465,594 1,212,573 100,000 100,000 Recycle Proceeds 1,000 966 1,000 Interest 10,000 474,385 10,000 Miscellaneous Downtown Strategy Fund Sales -Excise Tax Interest Economic Development Fund Sales -Excise Tax Miscellaneous Interest Tourism Fund Grants Interest Miscellaneous Special Revenue - Grants Intergovernmental -State Intergovernmental -Federal Public Art In -Lieu Fees Interest Court Enhancement Fund Court Enhancement/JCEF Revenue Interest Environmental Fund Environmental Fee Interest Cottonwoods Maintenance District Assessments Interest Income 30,000 30,000 $ 3,909,198 $ 4,619,898 $ 4,392,565 $ 106,462 146,559 121,257 600 32,750 600 $ 107,062 $ 179,310 $ 121,857 $ 425,847 586,237 485,029 240 35,675 240 $ 426,087 $ 621,912 $ 485,269 $ 65,000 107,920 84,000 180 7,612 180 $ 65,180 $ 115,532 $ 84,180 $ 1,190,000 35,778 1,190,000 $ 1,190,000 $ 35,778 $ 1,190,000 $ 100,000 5,000 100,000 240 3,114 240 $ 100,240 $ 8,114 $ 100,240 $ 33,000 30,907 33,000 300 115 300 $ 33,300 $ 31,022 $ 33,300 2,400 30,497 2,400 $ 2,400 $ 30,497 $ 2,400 $ 9,768 10,026 9,768 $ 72 892 72 $ 9,840 $ 10,918 $ 9,840 Total special revenue funds $ 5,843,307 $ 5,652,981 $ 6,419,651 Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule C Official City/Town Budget Forms Town of Fountain Hills Revenues other than property taxes Fiscal Year 2025 Source of revenues Debt service funds Estimated revenues 2024 Actual revenues* 2024 Estimated revenues 2025 General Obligation Debt Service Interest Income 600 8,441 600 Eagle Mountain CFD Assessments $ 600 $ 8,441 $ 600 Interest Income 100 1,048 100 $ 100 $ 1,048 $ 100 Municipal Property Corp Interest Income 300 633 300 $ 300 $ 633 $ 300 Capital projects funds Capital Projects Fund Sales Tax -Local Total debt service funds $ 1,000 $ 10,122 $ 1,000 685,240 1,610,309 904,856 Grants 3,768,079 496,463 2,652,500 Interest 10,000 373,136 10,000 Fire Development Fee Fund Development Fees Interest Income $ 4,463,319 $ 2,479,908 $ 3,567,356 $ 12,780 10,489 12,780 1,000 22,907 1,000 13,780 $ 33,396 $ 13,780 Streets Development Fee Fund Development Fees 200,740 Interest Income 1,000 151,138 200,740 31,680 1,000 $ 201,740 $ 182,818 $ 201,740 Parks & Recreation Development Fee Fund Development Fees 166,030 119,087 166,030 Interest Income 1,000 65,360 1,000 $ 167,030 $ 184,448 $ 167,030 Total capital projects funds $ 4,845,869 $ 2,880,570 $ 3,949,906 Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule C Official City/Town Budget Forms Town of Fountain Hills Revenues other than property taxes Fiscal Year 2025 Source of revenues Permanent funds Estimated revenues Estimated Actual revenues* revenues 2024 2024 2025 N/A $ $ $ $ $ $ Enterprise funds Total permanent funds $ $ $ N/A $ $ $ $ $ $ Total enterprise funds $ $ $ * Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule C Official City/Town Budget Forms Town of Fountain Hills Revenues other than property taxes Fiscal Year 2025 Source of revenues Internal service funds Facilities Reserve Fund Miscellaneous Interest Income Technology Replacement Fund Interest Income Vehicle Replacement Fund Miscellaneous Interest Income Estimated revenues 2024 Actual revenues* 2024 1,000 254,647 $ 1,000 $ 254,647 $ Estimated revenues 2025 1,000 1,000 $ $ $ $ 1,000 113,437 1,000 1,000 $ 113,437 $ 1,000 Total internal service funds $ 2,000 $ Total all funds $ 36,277,981 $ 368,084 $ 2,000 41,886,645 $ 36,197,373 * Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule C Official City/Town Budget Forms Town of Fountain Hills Other financing sources/(uses) and interfund transfers Fiscal year 2025 Other financing Interfund transfers 2025 2025 Fund Sources (Uses) In (Out General Fund General Fund $ $ $ $ 4,000,000 Total General Fund $ $ $ $ 4,000,000 Special revenue funds Streets Fund $ $ $ 2,000,000 $ Downtown Strategy Fund Economic Dev Fund 350,000 Tourism Fund 350,000 Environmental Fund Total special revenue funds $ $ $ 2,350,000 $ 350,000 Debt service funds N/A $ $ $ $ Total debt service funds $ $ $ $ Capital projects funds Capital Projects Fund $ $ $ 950,000 $ Parks & Rec Development Fee Fund 950,000 Total capital projects funds $ $ $ 950,000 $ 950,000 Permanent funds N/A $ $ $ $ Total permanent funds $ $ $ $ Enterprise funds N/A $ $ $ $ Total enterprise funds $ $ $ $ Internal service funds Facilities Reserve Fund from Gen Fund $ $ $ 2,000,000 $ Technology Replacement Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund Total Internal Service Funds $ $ $ 2,000,000 $ Total all funds $ $ $ 5,300,000 $ 5,300,000 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule D Official City/Town Budget Forms Fund/Department Town of Fountain Hills Expenditures/expenses by fund Fiscal year 2025 Adopted budgeted expenditures/ expenses Expenditure/ expense adjustments approved Actual expenditures/ expenses* Budgeted expenditures/ expenses 2024 2024 2024 2025 General Fund Mayor & Town Council $ 65,494 $ $ 70,096 $ 73,040 Administration 2,948,360 3,117,437 3,270,412 General Government 3,238,088 740,009 2,532,053 Municipal Court 495,409 543,113 526,374 Public Works 1,642,802 1,601,091 1,702,310 Development Services 1,318,663 1,425,189 1,578,897 Community Services 3,898,569 3,645,014 4,202,955 Fire & Emergency Medical 5,589,825 5,557,369 5,694,859 Law Enforcement 6,388,595 6,388,595 6,243,916 Total General Fund $ 25,585,805 $ $ 23,087,912 $ 25,824,816 Special revenue funds Streets Fund $ 7,048,280 $ $ 5,337,230 $ 7,087,540 Downtown Strategy Fund 85,200 107,850 90,200 Economic Development Fund 229,630 245,052 315,293 Tourism Fund 354,029 374,259 417,378 Special Revenue Fund 1,190,000 210,662 1,190,000 Public Art Fund 41,761 35,989 41,761 Court Enhancement Fund 54,600 52,500 Environmental Fund 627,024 418,264 404,804 Cottonwoods Maint District 13,388 6,138 14,181 Total special revenue funds $ 9,643,912 $ $ 6,735,443 $ 9,613,657 Debt service funds General Obligation Bonds $ 350 $ $ $ 350 Eagle Mountain CFD 18,900 19,500 Municipal Property Corp 510 13 510 Total debt service funds $ 19,760 $ $ 13 $ 20,360 Capital projects funds Capital Projects $ 6,918,531 $ $ 1,577,313 $ 9,092,800 Fire/Emergency Dev Fee Streets Dev Fee Park/Rec Dev Fee Total capital projects funds $ 6,918,531 $ $ 1,577,313 $ 9,092,800 Permanent funds N/A $ $ $ $ Total permanent funds $ $ $ $ Enterprise funds N/A $ $ $ $ Total enterprise funds $ $ $ $ Internal service funds Facilities Reserve Fund $ 550,000 $ $ $ 550,000 Technology Replacement Fund 50,000 35,724 50,000 Vehicle Replacement Fund 289,700 240,059 Total internal service funds $ 889,700 $ $ 275,783 $ 600,000 Total all funds $ 43,057,708 $ $ 31,676,464 $ 45,151,633 * Includes actual expenditures/expenses recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated expenditures/expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule E Official City/Town Budget Forms Fund Town of Fountain Hills Full-time employees and personnel compensation Fiscal year 2025 Full-time equivalent (FTE) Employee salaries and hourly costs Retirement costs Healthcare costs Other benefit costs Total estimated personnel compensation 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 General Fund 98.01 $ 8,639.213 $ 893,770 $ 1.068,895 $ 533,988 $ 11,135,866 Special revenue funds Streets Fund 6.05 $ 521.557 S 57,514 $ 69,515 $ 51,888 $ 700.474 Economic Development Fund 1.00 149.274 16,506 7,896 5,247 178.923 Tourism Fund 1.00 80.379 8,936 14,997 3,290 107.602 Total special revenue funds 8.05 $ 751,210 $ 82,956 $ 92,408 $ 60,425 $ 986.999 Debt service funds $ $ $ $ $ Total debt service funds $ $ $ $ $ Capital projects funds $ $ $ $ $ Total capital projects funds $ $ $ $ $ Permanent funds $ $ $ $ $ Total permanent funds $ $ $ $ $ Enterprise funds $ $ $ $ $ Total enterprise funds $ $ $ $ $ Internal service funds $ $ $ $ $ Total internal service fund $ $ $ $ $ Total all funds 106.06 $ 9.390.423 $ 976.726 $ 1.161.303 $ 594.413 $ 12.122,865 302 Arizona Auditor General Schedule G Official City/Towns Budget Forms Department/Fund Mayor & Council General Fund $ Town of Fountain Hills Expenditures/expenses by department Fiscal year 2025 Adopted budgeted expenditures/ expenses 2024 65,494 $ Department total $ 65,494 $ Expenditure/ expense adjustments approved Actual expenditures) expenses* 2024 2024 Administration General Fund $ 2,948,360 $ Downtown Strategy Fund 85,200 50,000 107,850 90,200 Economic Development Fund 229.630 245,052 315,293 Tourism Fund 354,029 28,792 374,259 417,378 Special Revenue Fund 1,190,000 (28,792) 210,662 1,190,000 General Obligation Debt 350 350 Eagle Mountain CFD 18,900 19,500 Municipal Property Corp 510 13 510 Cottonwoods Maint District 13,388 6,138 14,181 Capital Projects 324,600 (50,000) 675 677,800 Department total $ 5,164,967 $ $ 4,062,086 $ 5,995,624 70.096 $ 70,096 $ Budgeted expenditures/ expenses 2025 73,040 73,040 $ 3,117,437 $ 3,270,412 General Government General Fund $ 3,238,088 $ (2,497,500) $ Technology Replacement 50,000 Vehicle Replacement 205,700 Department total $ s 3.493,788 $ (2,497 5001 $ Municipal Court General Fund $ Court Enhancement Fund Department total $ Public Works General Fund $ Streets Fund Environmental Fund Capital Projects Facilities Replacement Fund Vehicle Replacement 84,000 115,763 Department total $ 15,260,337 Development Services General Fund $ Department total $ 495,409 $ $ 54,600 550,009 $ 740,009 $ 35,724 124,296 900.029 $ 543,113 $ 2,532,053 50,000 2,582.053 526,374 52,500 543,113 _ $ 578,874 1,642,802 $ 50,000 $ 1,601,091 $ 1,702,310 7,048,280 5,337,230 7,087,540 627,024 418,264 404,804 5,308,231 1,747,500 1,352,102 6,885,000 550,000 593,922 550,000 $ 1,797,500 $ 9,418,371 $ 16,629,654 1,318,663 $ 1,318,663 $ $ 1,425,189 $ 1,578,897 $ 1,425,189 $ 1,578,897 Community Services General Fund $ 3,898,569 $ $ 3,645,014 $ 4,202,955 Public Art Fund 41,761 35,989 41,761 Capital Projects 1,285,700 700,000 224,536 1,530,000 Department total $ 5,226,030 $ 700,000 $ 3,905,539 $ 5,774.716 Fire & Emergency Medical General Fund $ 5,589,825 $ $ 5,557,369 $ 5,694,859 Department total $ 5,589,825 $ $ 5,557,369 $ 5,694,859 Law Enforcement General Fund $ 6,388,595 $ $ 6,388,595 $ Department total $ 6 388 595 $ - $ 6,388,595 $ 6,243,916 6,243,916 * Includes actual expenditures/expenses recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated expenditures/expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3/22 Arizona Auditor General Schedule F Official City/Town Budget Forms