HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2024-18RESOLUTION 2024-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, ADOPTING AND ESTABLISHING THE 2024-25 BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION POLICY AND APPROVING THE TOWN ORGANIZATION CHARTS, THE 2024-25 PAY PLANS, THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS, THE EMPLOYEE JOB DESCRIPTIONS, AND THE 2024-25 COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council"), pursuant to ARIz. REV. STAT. § 9-240 (B)(2), is vested with the power to determine the budgets of all Town departments; and WHEREAS, the Town Council, in order to provide for consistent and uniform administration of the Town's monies and to maximize savings of funds by monitoring expenditures, has determined it necessary to adopt a budget implementation policy for the FY 2024-25 Town Budget (the "2024- 25 Budget Policy") governing the expenditures within the FY 2024-25 Town of Fountain Hills budget; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Subsection 3-1-1(H)(3) of the Town Code, the Town Council must approve the organization charts and job descriptions for employees of the Town. ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The Town Council hereby adopts the 2024-25 Budget Implementation Policy in substantially the form and substance attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3. The Town Council hereby approves and authorizes (i) the Town of Fountain Hills Organization Charts, (ii) the 2024-25 Pay Plans, (iii) the Schedule of Authorized Positions and (iv) the Employee Job Descriptions, all in substantially the form and substance attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4. The Town Council hereby approves the 2024-25 Comprehensive Fee Schedule, effective July 1. 2024, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 5. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk, and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, June 4, 2024. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: bc Ginny key, Mayor REVIEWED BY: Rachael Godwin, ' own Manager ATTESTED TO: L Ada Mendenhall, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Aaron D. Arnson, Pierce Coleman PLLC Town Attorney RESOLUTION 2024-18 PAGE 3 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION 2024-18 [2024-25 Budget Implementation Policy] See following pages. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 2024-25 BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION POLICY 1. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this policy. A. "Budget Unit" is a Town department as designated on the Town's organization chart, including the Town Municipal Court. B. "Capital Expenditures" are those capital expenditures exceeding $50,000 that require the approval of the Town Manager and Town Council. C. "Contingency" appropriation used for unforeseen, emergency, or critical needs when current budget appropriation is inadequate and revenues are adequate to support. D. "Fund(s)" is a fiscal and accounting mechanism with a self -balancing set of accounts recording cash and financial resources. E. "Financial Resources" are cash or equivalents held by the Town in bank or investment accounts. 2. Transfer of Funds. A. Transfers within a Fund. After adoption of the fiscal budget by the Town Council, any Budget Unit has the authority to reprogram financial resources within its department's line items. These departments of the budget will be controlled by bottom line total only. Transfers between General Fund departments are allowed with the approval of the Department Director, Chief Financial Officer, and Town Manager. Transfers of Contingency from the General Government Department in excess of the Town Manager's purchasing authority must also be approved by Town Council according to Section 10. A report of each transfer will be approved by the Department Director and submitted to the Finance Division through the financial accounting system for processing. B. Transfers between Funds. After adoption of the fiscal budget by the Town Council, any budgetary transfer between Funds will require approval from the Town Council according to the standards set forth in ARS §42- 17106. Prior to any transfer, the Department must provide sufficient documentation to the Town Manager and the Town Council that funding exists. C. Reprogramming of Wages. No financial resources may be reprogrammed to or from the "wages" section of the Budget Unit's adopted budget without consultation with, and approval by, the Town Manager. The requesting Department Director must submit a memorandum and any necessary supporting documentation to the Town Manager, and the Town Manager 1 will notify the Finance Division of approved transfers of financial resources to or from the "wages" section of the budget. D. Reprogramming of Capital Financial Resources. No financial resources may be reprogrammed to or from the "capital expenditures" section of the Budget Unit's adopted budget without consultation with, and approval by, the Town Manager and the Town Council. The requesting Department Director must submit a memorandum and any necessary supporting documentation to the Town Manager. If approved by the Town Council, the Town Manager will notify the Finance Division of the reprogrammed financial resources. E. Carryover Appropriations. The Finance Division may approve appropriation transfers for carried over operating/capital items (i.e., IT infrastructure, equipment, vehicles and facility improvements) if the Town Council previously appropriated the operating/capital item in a prior fiscal year. All carryover appropriation transfers must be submitted to the Town Council for approval, and all carryover appropriation transfers shall be reflected in the appropriate budget reports. 3. Expenditure Restrictions. A. Budget Hold for Prior Exceedance. Any General Fund Budget Unit that exceeded its budget in the prior fiscal year may be subject to immediate budget hold status in the current fiscal year. However, if a Budget Unit exceeded its budget in the prior fiscal year due to a one-time emergency purchase, and proof of such an emergency (in a form acceptable to the Town Manager) can be shown, the budget hold status will be removed. B. Remedies for Budget Exceedance. Once a Budget Unit has exceeded its expenditure limitation, the Finance Division shall notify the Budget Unit, in writing, that the appropriate expenditure limit has been exceeded. The Budget Unit must then consult and reach an agreement with the Finance Division and the Town Manager regarding the remedies available to either restore spending to a level approved in the budget for the balance of the fiscal year or to request additional financial resources as set forth in Subsection 3(C) below. C. Requests for Additional Financial Resources. When additional financial resources are requested, the Finance Division and Town Manager must concur before the Budget Unit may expend the additional financial resources. If the expenditure of additional financial resources requires a budget transfer between Funds, the recommendation shall be forwarded to the Town Council for approval. Any Budget Unit that has exceeded its limitations shall submit an expenditure reduction program to the Town Manager through the Finance Division as part of any request for additional expenditures. The expenditure reduction program shall include, but not be 2 limited to, consideration of reductions in force of budgeted and authorized positions, termination of all travel expenditures, suspension or termination of contracts and such other expenditure reductions as the Budget Unit deems appropriate. 4. Fund Balance. All budget considerations, including expenditure of appropriated financial resources, shall adhere to the Town of Fountain Hills Financial Policies, Amended and Restated May 5, 2020, or the most recent version of later -adopted editions of such financial policies. 5. Fiscal Priorities. The 2024-25 budget is intended to implement the Town Council's top fiscal priorities. 6. Positions. A. General Provisions. (1) Section 3-1-1 of the Town Code states that the Town Manager shall be the administrative officer of the Town government and may appoint and, when necessary, suspend or remove all employees of the Town, except those officers appointed by the Town Council. All appointments and removals shall be based upon merit and upon the qualifications and disqualifications of such employee without regard to any political belief or affiliation; prior to any creation, combination, consolidation or deletion of any positions of employment, written job descriptions or amendments thereto shall have been approved by the Town Council. (2) All requests for new positions or reclassification of existing positions, regardless of the funding source, must be approved by the Town Council. Reclassification of existing positions (filled and vacant) should include justification of why budget savings, including savings from deleted positions, should be used to create new positions and how the position will align/impact Town strategic priorities and departmental goals. Departments must submit their requests to Administrative Services, and Administrative Services will review job description and salary information prior to forwarding information to the Town Manager. The Town Manager will review and make a recommendation to the Town Council to either approve or deny the request. (3) Intergovernmental agreements, grants, etc. that require/authorize additional positions must be approved by the Town Council. The position and the budgetary impact must be fully disclosed to Administrative Services and the Finance Division, which shall be responsible for analyzing the input and presenting such analysis to the Town Council in conjunction with any request for approval as 3 part of an intergovernmental agreement, grant, or other agreement. (4) All authorized positions must be fully funded by the General Fund, a Special Revenue Fund, or a grant. If a position becomes unfunded or under -funded by its original funding source, it must be fully funded immediately from other sources or eliminated. An under- funded position is a position for which a department/funding source has only 1% to 99% of the funding required to support it on an annualized basis. If eliminating unfunded or under -funded positions results in a Reduction in Force, the Administrative Services Director shall prepare a layoff plan for approval by the Town Manager. B. Fiscal Year 2024-25 Authorized Positions. The following lists position revisions: Salary and Job Description Reclassifications: • Street Maintenance Technician I to Street Maintenance Technician II • Groundskeeper II to Park Operations Lead Added Positions: • .5 full-time equivalent (FTE) Recreation Assistant at an hourly salary range of $19.19 - $27.24 • 1.0 FTE Senior Building Inspector at an hourly salary range of $35.79 - $51.18 The Schedule of Authorized Positions, Pay Plan, organization charts and updated job descriptions are attached as Exhibit B to the Town Council Resolution that adopts this Policy (Resolution 2024-18). 7. Hiring Freeze. There is no hiring freeze in effect for FY 2024-25, and positions that become vacant may be filled if the Town Manager determines that it is in the best interests of the Town to do so. 8. Salary Adjustment. Salary Adjustments will be effective beginning with the first full pay period after July 1, 2024, as follows: A. Individual Salaries. All Town of Fountain Hills employees, except those with individual employment contracts, shall receive a 4.5% increase beginning with the first full pay period after July 1, 2024. In the case of individual employment contracts, the terms of the contract will be administered. B. Pay Ranges. The pay ranges for all Fountain Hills exempt & non-exempt employees are increased by 4.5% effective with the first full pay period after July 1, 2024. C. Reconciliation to New Pay Ranges. After the adjustments made in 4 accordance with Subsection 8(A) and (B) above, any employees with salaries not meeting the range minimum shall be increased to the lowest pay in their newly adjusted pay ranges, except for those employees with individual employment contracts. In the case of employees with individual employment contracts, the terms of the contract will be administered. 9. Comprehensive Fee Schedule. The Comprehensive Fee Schedule is included as a part of Exhibit C to the Town Council Resolution that adopts this Policy (Resolution 2024-18) and authorizes the fees for fiscal year 2024-25. In addition, the Community Services Department charges fees for classes and recreational activities that are not listed in the Fee Schedule. Those fees are established by the Community Services Director and are based on instructor cost, class size, program materials needed, and other related costs. The range for these fees is no cost up to $550. 10. Contingency Appropriation. The purpose of a Contingency appropriation is to maintain a reserve of expenditure authority from which specific amounts can be transferred after adoption of the annual budget to cover unforeseen, emergency, or critical items if there are sufficient revenues to do so. Contingency appropriations will be established within the General Government Department for general purposes or in other Funds reserved for specific issues. All requests for the use of General Government Contingency must be submitted to the Town Manager for review. If the Contingency expenditure exceeds the Town Manager's purchasing authority, the Town Council must approve the transfer from Contingency appropriations. 11. Budget Adoption. This budget is being adopted by the Town Council at the Fund level. Each Fund is a fiscal and accounting mechanism with a self - balancing set of accounts to record the receipt, use, and/or transfer of fmancial resources. The department level budget detail that is contained within the financial system is designed and used wholly as a management tool for the individual departments. 12. Vehicles/Equipment and Capital Projects. The Town Council appropriates financial resources to purchase vehicles/equipment and to complete capital projects as part of the fiscal year 2024-25 budget. Town Council approvals of budgeted capital projects are recorded as either "Green Light" or "Yellow Light" projects during the budget process. All Council -approved projects categorized as "Green Light" projects during final budget adoption will be fully authorized by Council to move forward to completion in accordance with Section 3-3-7 of Town Code, including vendor contracts and project costs. Town staff will only seek subsequent Council approval for substantial modifications to project scope or cost. Further, Council approval of "Yellow Light" projects include approval of budget authority for each project and requires Town staff to obtain Council approval for vendor contracts, as applicable, and project costs in accordance with Section 3-3-7 of Town Code. Additional financial resources requested during the fiscal year for these items are subject to the conditions below. 5 A. Requests between $10,001 and $50,000. Vehicle/ equipment requests and capital expenditure requests (8000 series Object Codes) must be approved by the Chief Financial Officer and the Town Manager. Approval is required when using existing financial resources or requesting additional financial resources. Requests shall be made in writing to the Chief Financial Officer and the Town Manager. The Town Manager shall either approve, deny or refer the item to Town Council. B. Capital Project Requests over $50,000. All additional requests for vehicles/equipment and capital expenditure requests that exceed $50,000, regardless of the funding source, must be submitted to the Finance Division and Town Manager for review. If the Town Manager recommends the request, it will be submitted to the Town Council for approval. r RESOLUTION 2024-18 PAGE 4 EXHIBIT B TO RESOLUTION 2024-18 [Organization Charts, 2024-25 Pay Plans, Schedule of Authorized Positions. and Employee Job Descriptions] See following pages Town of Fountain Hills Organization Citizens of Fountain Hills Mayor and Town Council Presiding Judge Town Prosecutor Town Manager Town Attorney Fire / EMS Community Services Parks Recreation Community Center Senior Services Volunteer Program Development Services Building Safety Code Enforcement GIS Planning Public Works Engineering Facilities Inspection Streets Administration Finance Administrative Services Town Clerk Economic Development / Tourism Law Enforcement Community Relations Appointed by Council Contracted MUNICIPAL COURT *Presiding Judge (.63) Court Administrator Court Clerk (.50) Senior Court Clerk *Part time - Appointed by Council Full Time Part Time ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Executive Assistant to Town Manager & Town Council Town Manager Economic Development Director Management Analyst (Economic Development Specialist) Deputy Town Manager / Administrative Services Director Procurement Administrator Town Clerk Chief Technology Administrator Benefits and Payroll Specialist (.50) Chief Financial Officer Community Relations Director Senior Accountant Accountant Financial Services Technician Financial Services Technician Customer Service Rep II Full Time Part time PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director Executive Assistant (.5) (shared with Development Services) Civil Engineering Inspector Streets Superintendent Senior Maintenance Technician Street Maintenance Technician II Street Maintenance Technician Street Maintenance Technician Facilities Supervisor Senior Facilities Maintenance Technician Custodian (.50) Facilities Maintenance Technician Town Engineer Assistant Town Engineer Full Time Full Time Shared Part Time DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Executive Assistant (.5) (shared with Public Works) Senior Planner Chief Building Official/Plans Examiner Building Permit Technician Building Permit Technician Senior Code Enforcement Officer Senior Building Inspector Senior Building Inspector Code Enforcement Officer Code Enforcement Officer (.50) GIS Technician CAD Operator Full Time Full Time Shared Part time Recreation Manager Senior Recreation Program Coordinator COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Recreation Program Coordinator Lead Park Attendant Park Attendant (.49) Park Attendant (.49) Park Attendant .49 Park Attendant (.49) Recreation Assistant (.50) Recreation Assistant (.55) Community Services Director Community Cente Assistant (.75) Community Center Assistant (.50) Community Center Manager Community Center Program Coordinator Community Cente Assistant (.45) Community Center Assistant (.58) Customer Service Rep II (.53) Customer Service Rep II (.50) Community Center Operations Coordinator Lead Operations Support Worker Lead Operations Support Worker (.64) Operations Sup Worker (.18) Executive Assistant Parks Superintendent Parks Supervisor Park Operations Lead Park Operations Lead Park Operations Lead Park Operations Lead Groundskeeper II Full Time Part time Captains Station One (3) FIRE DEPARTMENT Engineers Station One (3) Firefighters Station One (9) Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief/ Fire Marshal Training Captain Administrative Assistant Full Time LAW ENFORCEMENT Division Commander (1 Captain) Deputy Commander (1 Lieutenant) Night Watch Commander 1 Lieutenant Administrative Assistant Administrative Sergeant Relief Sergeant Patrol Sergeants (5) School Resource Officer Patrol Deputies (19) FY 24-25 PAY PLAN - Non -Public Safety Positions (July 2024) Exempt Positions Position Title Minimum Maximum Deputy Town Manager/Community Services Director $ 146,015 $ 208,801 Deputy Town Manager/Administrative Services Director 146,015 208,801 Chief Financial Officer 146,015 208,801 Public Works Director 136,466 195,146 Development Services Director 136,466 195,146 Town Clerk 127,538 182,379 Community Services Director 127,538 182,379 Economic Development Director 127,538 182,379 Chief Technology Administrator 121,336 173,510 Town Engineer 119,600 171,028 Community Relations Director 119,600 171,028 Assistant Town Engineer 101,666 145,382 Court Administrator 99,878 142,826 Chief Building Official/Plans Examiner 88,353 126,345 Recreation Manager 87,279 124,809 Parks Superintendent 87,279 124,809 Community Center Manager 87,279 124,809 Senior Accountant 87,279 124,809 Procurement Administrator 87,279 124,809 Streets Superintendent 86,499 123,694 Senior Planner 86,145 123,187 Human Resources Analyst 76,285 109,088 Facilities Supervisor 75,358 107,762 Senior Recreation Program Coordinator 75,358 107,762 Volunteer Supervisor 75,358 107,762 Parks Supervisor 75,358 107,762 Executive Assistant to Town Manager/Council 72,471 103,634 Management Analyst 72,286 103,369 Accountant 66,895 95,660 Court Operations Coordinator 66,895 95,660 Community Center Program Coordinator 66,895 95,660 Operations Coordinator - Community Center 66,895 95,660 Recreation Program Coordinator 66,895 95,660 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 66,895 95,660 Non -Exempt Positions Position Title Minimum Maximum Senior Building Inspector $ 35.79 $ 51.18 Information Technology Support Specialist 34.99 50.04 GIS Technician/CAD Operator 34.15 48.83 Civil Engineer Inspector 31.32 44.79 Benefits and Payroll Specialist 29.39 42.03 Executive Assistant 27.83 39.80 Code Enforcement Officer 27.83 39.80 Senior Maintenance Technician 27.15 38.82 Senior Facilities Maintenance Technician 27.15 38.82 Park Operations Lead 27.15 38.82 Street Maintenance Technician II 25.11 35.91 Facilities Maintenance Technician 25.11 35.91 Building Permit Technician 24.45 34.96 Senior Court Clerk 23.83 34.08 Street Maintenance Technician 23.83 34.08 Administrative Assistant 23.83 34.08 Court Clerk 22.77 32.56 Financial Services Technician 22.77 32.56 Groundskeeper II 22.77 32.56 Customer Service Representative 11 22.05 31.53 Community Center Assistant 21.56 30.83 Lead Park Attendant 21.56 30.83 Lead Operations Support Worker 21.56 30.83 Customer Service Representative I 19.65 28.10 Recreation Assistant 19.19 27.44 Operations Support Worker 19.19 27.44 Park Attendant 19.19 27.44 Custodian 17.73 25.35 FY 24-25 FIRE DEPARTMENT PAY PLAN (July 2024) Salaried / Exempt Positions Position Title Minimum Maximum Fire Chief $ 146,015 $ 208,801 Fire Assistant Chief/ Fire Marshal 127,538 182,379 Hourly / Non -Exempt Positions Position Title Minimum Maximum Annualized Minimum Annualized Maximum Work Schedule Designated FLSA Work Period Average Hours Scheduled Per Year Average Overtime Hours Scheduled Per Year Average Scheduled Straight Time Hours Scheduled Per Year Fire Training Captain 47.09 67.34 97,947 140,064 Five 8 hour days / week 7 days = 40 hours 2,080 0 2,080 Fire Battalion Chief 40.11 57.36 121,674 173,993 48 hours worked / 96 hours off 14 days = 106 hours 2,912 243 2,669 Fire Captain 32.29 46.17 97,952 140,071 48 hours worked / 96 hours off 14 days = 106 hours 2,912 243 2,669 Fire Lieutenant 3n76 43. 9 93,310 133,434 48 hours worked / 96 hours off 14days =1O6hours 2,912 243 2,669 Fire Engineer 29.24 41.81 88,700 126,840 48 hours worked / 96 hours off 14 days = 106 hours 2,912 241 2,669 Firefighter 20.73 29.64 62,884 89,925 48 hours worked / 96 hours off 14 days = 106 hours 2,912 243 2,669 Note: Firefighters, Engineers, Lieutenants, and Captains with Paramedic Certifications receive $1.85 / hr added to their base hourly rate of pay. Schedule of Authorized Positions Position Title FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE FTE FTE Municipal Court Presiding Judge 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 Court Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Court Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Operations Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Clerk - 2.00 1.00 1.00 Authorized FTE 3.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 Administration Town Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Town Manager/Administrative Services Dir. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Asst to Town Mgr/Council 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Town Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Economic Development and Tourism Specialist 1.00 - Management Analyst - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Economic Development Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Community Relations Manager 1.00 - - Community Relations Director - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chief Technology Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Technology Support Specialist 0.50 0.74 1.00 1.00 Finance Director 1.00 - Chief Financial Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial Services Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Procurement Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Analyst - - 1.00 1.00 Benefits and Payroll Specialist 0.50 0.50 0.50 Accounting Clerk 0.50 - Customer Service Representative II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Authorized FTE Public Works 16.00 16.24 17.50 17.50 Public Works Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Civil Engineering Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Town Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Town Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facilities Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Facilities Maintenance Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facilities Maintenance Tech - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Custodian 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Streets Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Maintenance Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Street Maintenance Technician II - - - 1.00 Street Maintenance Technician 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Authorized FTE 12.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Development Services Development Services Director Executive Assistant Senior Planner GIS Technician/CAD Operator Senior Code Enforcement Officer Code Enforcement Officer Chief Building Official/Plans Examiner Senior Building Inspector Building Permit Technician Authorized FTE 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 Community Services Community Services Director 1.00 - 1.00 Deputy Town Manager/Community Services Dir. 1.00 1.00 - Recreation Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Program Coordinator 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Assistant - 0.50 1.05 Senior Recreation Program Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Supervisor - 1.00 1.00 Parks Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Operations Lead 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 Lead Park Attendant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Attendant 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 Groundskeeper II 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Customer Service Representative II 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 Community Center Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operations Coordinator - Community Center 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operations Support Worker 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 Lead Operations Support Worker 1.28 1.28 1.64 1.64 Senior Services Supervisor 1.00 - - Community Center Program Coordinator - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Services Activities Coordinator 1.78 - - Community Center Assistant 2.28 2.28 2.28 Volunteer Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Volunteer Coordinator 1.00 1.00 Authorized FTE Fire Department 24.02 24.52 25.38 25.93 Fire Chief - 1.00 1.00 Assistant Fire Chief / Fire Marshal 1.00 1.00 Fire Captain 6.00 6.00 Fire Captain - Training 1.00 1.00 Fire Battalion Chief - - Fire Lieutenant - Fire Engineer 6.00 6.00 Firefighter - 18.00 18.00 Administrative Assistant - - 1.00 1.00 Authorized FTE 34.00 34.00 Total Authorized FTE 64.65 68.39 104.51 106.06 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Title: Street Maintenance Technician 11 Department: Public Works Immediate Supervisor: Streets Superintendent FLSA Status: Non -Exempt Job Description BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB: Under general supervision, performs a variety of semi -skilled and manual labor, repairing and maintaining public streets and rights -of -way. Identifies, locates, and marks the location of Town -owned subsurface utilities in order to minimize accidental damage or disruption of service due to construction excavation activities. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: This information is intended to be descriptive of the key responsibilities of the position. The following examples do not identify all duties performed by any single incumbent. Physi al Streng ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Code 1 I -I Performs a variety of maintenance tasks associated with the repair of streets and works with a variety of construction materials including asphalt, hot tar, striping material, gravel, and concrete. Trims trees and vegetation. 2 M Operates a variety of light to medium power tools and equipment, such as a jackhammer, chainsaw, tamping machine, air compressor, pickup truck, trailer, aerial lift, tractors, dump truck, street sweeper, and other equipment utilized in the maintenance and repair of the streets. 3 M Performs technical work locating and marking underground Town -owned utilities using maps, blueprints, GIS systems, and electronic equipment. The position coordinates activities with Arizona 811 and performs a variety of technical activities in support of the department crews, contractors, citizens, excavators, and utility companies. 4 I I Work often requires prolonged heavy physical exertion that may be performed under adverse weather conditions, and may entail working in close proximity to heavy traffic. 5 M Performs operator maintenance as needed on vehicles and equipment 6 L Maintains daily work records which may include computerized record keeping 7 M Performs related duties as needed Created 6/4/2024 Adopted 6/4/2024 1 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA JOB REOUIREMENTS: Job Description Formal Education / Knowledge JOB REQUIRE i . ' a itIM Work requires knowledge necessary to understand basic operational, technical, or office processes. Level of knowledge equivalent to four years of high school or equivalency. Experience Equivalent to one year full-time street construction, maintenance work, or other construction work involving the operation of light or heavy motorized equipment. Two years of full-time experience in underground or utility construction -related work involving some responsibility for reading and interpreting project plans, blueprints, electronic quarter section and plat maps, or related materials; OR two years using electronic locating devices. Certifications and Other Requirements Possession of a valid driver's license for a minimum of two years with a good driving record. Commercial Driver's License with Air Brake Endorsement required, or ability to obtain within six months of employment. Average computer skills required. The Town currently designates this job as a "safety -sensitive position." Accordingly, the Town requires satisfactory completion of a drug and alcohol screening as a condition of employment. ** Equivalent combinations of experience and training that meet the minimum qualifications may be substituted. Reading Work requires the ability to read work orders, street signs, directions, maps, written correspondence, policies, and safety information. Math Work requires the ability to perform general math calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Writing Work requires the ability to write daily work reports and general correspondence. Managerial None Budget Responsibility None Supervisory / Organizational Control None Complexity Work requires analysis and judgment in accomplishing diversified duties. Interpersonal / Human Relations Skills The incumbents in this position contact others within the organization. These contacts may involve similar work units or departments within the Town, which may be involved in decision -making or providing approval or decision -making authority for purchases or projects. In addition, these incumbents work with individuals outside the Town who may belong to professional or peer organizations. Working with various state and federal agencies may also be required of the employee. Vendors and suppliers may also be called upon for information on purchases, supplies or products. Meetings and discussions may be conducted with customers and general public. Created 6/4/2024 Adopted 6/4/2024 2 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA OVERALL PHYSICAL STRENGTH DEMANDS: Job Description n Sedentary I I Light Medium 4 Heavy U Very Heavy S=sedentary L=Light M=Medium H=Heavy VH=Very Heavy Exerting up to 10 lbs. Exerting up to 20 lbs. Exerting 20-50 lbs. Exerting 50-100 lbs. Exerting over 100 lbs. occasionally or occasionally, 101bs. occasionally, 10-25 lbs. occasionally, 25-50 lbs. occasionally, 50-100 lbs. negligible weights frequently, or negligible frequently, or up to 10- frequently, or up to 10- frequently, or up to 20- frequently, sitting most of the time amounts constantly OR requires walking or standing to a significant degree. 20 lbs. constantly. 20 lbs. constantly. 50 lbs. constantly. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs This is a description of the way this job is currently performed; it does not address the potential for accommodation. PHYSICAL ' DEMANDS_,.,,., FREQUENCY CODE DESCRIPTION Standing C At job site Sitting 0 Driving and computer work Walking F Around job site Lifting F Tools and equipment Carrying F Tools and equipment Pushing/Pulling F Equipment, brush Reaching F Controls on equipment, sign installation, and brush control Handling F Tools and equipment Fine Dexterity 0 Small hand tools, computers, calculators, telephones, and writing Kneeling 0 Curb number painting Crouching 0 Storm drain maintenance Crawling R Storm drain maintenance Bending 0 Thermoplastic installation and cracksealing Twisting 0 Cracksealing Climbing 0 Brush control and sign installation Balancing 0 On equipment and on ladders Vision C Driving, observing work activities Hearing C Communicating with personnel Talking C Communicating with personnel Foot Controls F Driving and operating equipment Created 6/4/2024 Adopted 6/4/2024 3 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Tractor, dump truck, paint striper, concrete cutter, tamper, jackhammer, aerial -lift, chainsaw, computer, fax machine and calculator. Consults a variety of utility maps, as -built prints, construction plans, and GIS system and other computer mapping systems. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: D = Daily W = Several Times Per Week M = Several Times Per Month S = Seasonally N = Never HEALTH'ND SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTO Extreme Temperatures S Mechanical Hazards D Chemical Hazards M Noise and Vibration [) Electrical Hazards M Wetness/Humidity S Fire Hazards M Respiratory Hazards tit Explosives M Physical Hazards D Communicable Diseases N Physical Danger or Abuse D Other (see 1 Below) 71tIMAI2VWORI{ LOCATION Office Environment Warehouse Shop Vehicle Outdoors X Recreation Center Other (see 2 Below) PROTECTIVE EOUIPMENT REOUIRED: Hard hat, gloves, safety shoes, safety glasses, hearing protection, reflective safety vest NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From I /3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time ON-P,ICAL DEMANDS..:, Time Pressures 0 Emergency Situations 0 Frequent Change of Tasks F Irregular Work Schedule/Overtime 0 Performing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously F Working Closely with Others as Part of a Team C Tedious or Exacting Work 0 Noisy/Distracting Environment F Other (see 3 below) Created 6/4/2024 Adopted 6/4/2024 R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs 4 RESOLUTION 2024-18 PAGE 5 EXHIBIT C TO RESOLUTION 2024-18 [2024-25 Comprehensive Fee Schedule] See following pages. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Description Adopted Fee Units L_._._._._.____....___..._».«_...—..._.._..__«»...___.___.._.__....______.._______......-- ................... Clerk Campaign Fees: r Pro/Con Argument Fee$100.00, ....__._....____per request —_ Campaign Finance - Late Filing Fee $10.00 per business day Community Services Parks Fees 1Park Rental Fees - Resident/Non-Profit: Standard Ramada 2 hour minimum $15.001 per hour Saguaro Ramada - 2 hour minimum I $30.001 per hour Meeting Rooms 2 hour minimum 1 Athletic Fields - 2 hour minimum 1 Sports Courts -1 hour reservation 1 Half Day Open Park space, including Amphitheater, Fountains Plaza, Great Lawn, Centennial Circle and Full Day Open Park space, including Amphitheater, Fountains Plaza Great Lawn Centennial Circle and Avenue of the other lawns Avenue of the other lawns 515.00 per hour $20.001per hour $10.001 _—_ per hour 1 $800.00T- — flat fee —» $1,500.001 flat fee . 1 i ;Park Rental Fees - Non-Resident/Commercial: I Small Ramada - 2 hour minimum i $22.50; per hour 1 Saguaro Ramada 2 hour minimum $40.001� _ per hour I Meeting Rooms 2 hour minimum I $20.001 per hour Athletic Fields 2 hour minimum I P 1__»___.--_____..-•---._.._-.______«_..__..»...__.»..._...».»_._..I_..._.___..____.._._._._._»._—_$30.001 er hour I I Sports Courts -1 hour reservation 1 $15.001 1 Half Day Open Park space, including Amphitheater, Avenue of the i. $1,350.001 1 Fountains Plaza, Great Lawn, Centennial Circle and other lawns 1 I I Full Day Open Park space, including Amphitheater, Avenue of the 1 $2,350.001 ! Fountains Plaza, Great Lawn, Centennial Circle and other lawns I I Park Rental Fee Extras: Power Distribution Box Rental Fee & Deposit d $25.00 plus $200 deposit; per box per day per hour flat fee flat fee L. Quick Coupler .__ ._. ._.__._ $25.00 plus $200 deposit] per box per day __... Athletic Field Lights (2 hour minimum) I $15.00 per hour per field I Athletic Field Prep — Baseball/Softball $30.001 per field Athletic Field Prep — Soccer/Football $500.00' per field a Batting Cage Rental - 1 hour $10.001 per hour Pitching Mound Rental I $30.001 per use Ball Field FencingRental r — — —_-----__-_—Rl I _______._...._...._»..._»..._......_....—.....__......_........_._......._._......___-...__....._..-...____...__..._._____ $25.00 per use «____._ 1 Fountain Operation Alcohol Permit with Park Reservation (NON-REFUNDABLE) 1 $20.00I per permit 1 I $300.00 per half hour Staff - 2 hour minimum I $40.001 per hour per staff......_._......._._......._.........._......__.......__..................___...__._.___..____...._».»_._._i.._..__......___member TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Description Adopted Fee Units Community Center Fees ;Community Center Rentals - Resident/Non-Profit: Weekday Rates: Monday thru Thursday __....._....___.._....._._...._._.---._..___....._...-.___-.- Classrooms - Minimum 2 hours ! $25.001 per hour Ballroom - Per Ballroom; Minimum 4 hours t- $50.00! per hour L $SO.00t per hour Weekend Rates: Friday & Saturday (no rentals on Sunday) + Ballroom - Per Ballroom; Minimum 4 hours Lobby - Minimum 4 hours Lobby - Minimum 4 hoursr $75.001 per hour Ballroom Damage Deposit $50.001 per Ballroom + I ICommunity Center Rentals Non-Resident/Commercial: lj -11 r Weekday Rates: Monday thru Thursday $50.001 per hour I $100.004 per hour Classrooms - Minimum 2 hours Ballroom - Per Ballroom; Minimum 4 hours 1 Lobby - Minimum 4 hours $75.001 per hour $100.004 per hour .1 I Weekend Rates: Friday & Saturday (no rentals on Sunday) Ballroom - Per Ballroom; Minimum 4 hours $150.00! per hour i Lobby Minimum 4 hours $150 001 - per hour I Ballroom Damage Deposit I $50.00 per Ballroom ;Community Center Extra Service Fees: j Video Projector I Flat Screen TV 1 $55.00 r Small Screen $55. F Large Screen (8' x 10') $55.00 1. Ping Pong Table - $55.00 1 Sound Reinforcement 1 Wireless Microphones 1 Speaker Table (Includes Mixing Board) Conference Phone $55.00 i $55.00 plus $300.00 deposit; plus $500.00 deposit; 00 plus $250.00 deposit' per rental per rental per rental plus $600.00 deposit' per rental plus $500.00 deposit! per rental $25.00I per rental $25.00 per rental plus $100.00 deposit; per rental 1 Portable Sound System (Includes Mixing Board and/or Portable $85.00 plus $500.00 deposit; Speaker) per rental Electricity (per booth) i n/a; Portable White Board i $5.00. per rental 1 Walker Display Board $5.001 per rental j Items for Sale $5.001 per rental Miscellaneous I n/a I Dance Floor - per 4' x 4' parquet square (16' x 16') $225.00 Dance Floor - per 4' x 4' parquet square (20' x 20') $280.00 Dance Floor - per 4' x 4' parquet square (24' x 24') $325.00 IStaging 6' x 8" section (1 piece) Coffee Service $25.00 $25.00 per rental per rental per rental per rental i per request TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Description I Adopted Fee Units Portable Bar $50.00 plus $250.00 deposit per request Labor Charges $55.00 per hour per staff MCSO Charges - Minimum 4 hours I Actual Cost L Piano Tuning Actual Cost Drop -In Fee for Presentations/Classes $5.00 Senior Services Annual Membership Fees: Resident $30.00 Non - Resident �•• .__....._............._........_._. $45.00 pre-paid/no refunds pre-paid/no refunds per presentation/class per year per year Special Event Fees Special Events Permits: Special Event Permits - Food/Event Vendors Application Fee -1..._-.._._..._._.._ $500.001 based on event size Special Event Permits - Business Application Fee - Business (If submitted at least 60 days prior to the I $300.001 per application eventdate)___.....__..._....._......_......_....._._.—_.__..._.____. —___— j ____..._....._._.—..._-.._..__....—_—._— __--I Application Fee - If submitted 59 days or Tess prior to the event date I .00 Permit Fee i $50.00 Special Event Permits - Non -Profit ' — Application Fee - Charitable Organization (If submitted at least 60 days prior to the event date) Application Fee - If submitted 59 days or less prior to the event date per application per application i I $150.001 per application $275 :001 per application Permit Fee $50.001 per application — I Special Event Permits - Extra Fees --fi 1 Special Event Liquor Application Fee t $25.00 i. per application 1 Special Event Permits - Park Fee (Open Park space: amphitheater, i t 1 AOTF Plaza, Great Lawn, Other) i -1 Non -Profit: ti Small Event 1 $400.00/$750.0 half day/full day Medium Event 1$2,500.00I full day Large Event I $3,500.001 full day j Business/Commercial: I _ I 1 Small Event I $750.00/$1,400.00j half day/full day Medium Event L. Large Event Special Event Permits - Deposit Fees 1 Events with less than 1,000 attendance r Events with 1,000 -1,999 attendance I i Events with 2,000 - 5,000 attendance 1 Events with over 5,000 attendance $2,500.00� __ $3,500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $2,500.00} $5,000.001 full day full day per event per event -{ per event per event Description TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Adopted Fee Special Event Permit Fees - Road Closure Admin Fees Events with less than 1,000 attendance $500.00; per event Events with 1,000 - 1,999 attendance t 1 $750.001 per event $1,000.001 per event Events with over 5,000 attendance I $1,500.00per event Special Event Permit Fees - Vendor Compliance Fine ; ] First time penalty I I $250.001 per incident Recurring penalty $750.001 per incident I ... i Film permit application I $85.001 per incident Units Events with 2,000 - 5,000 attendance I on -Sufficient -Sufficient Funds (checks returned to Court) 1 1 per check ;Public Defender 1 Actual costs for appointed attorney; . --1 ;Jail Reimbursement ; Actual costs billed by County for jail time' I I i . I I' served.] !Jury Costs (assessed if jury trial canceled within five days of trial) Civil Traffic Default LWarrant 'Diversion Program Rescheduling !Court Clerk 1..Court User 'Public Records Search Certified Copies Court Fees I Actual administrative costs; 1 $50.00.1 per incident 1 —1 I $65.001 per warrant issued 1 $22.00; per incdent $28.00Tper request (ARS 22-281) tI $10.00. I per charge $28.001 per name (ARS 22-281) 1 L $28.001 per copy (ARS 22-281) j .--,-. --1 Development Services Planning Fees ;Administrative Use Permit/Temporary Sign Permit !Appeal of a Decision by the Zoning Administrator .Comprehensive Sign Plans and amendments 'Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family Site Plan Review Continuance at Applicant Request ;Cut & Fill Waiver 'Development Agreements Development Agreements - Amendment Final Plats General Plan Amendments - Minor ;General Plan Amendments - Major i --r $50.001 L I— $1,530.09i. $280.001 $680.00 for first 5,000 square feet of property, then $130.00 for every' thousand square feet thereafter f-- - $140.001 -4- 350.001 2 1 0 for up to 5 acres, plus $795.0-01 p to 5 acres plus $380.001 --i-. per acre thereafter; •—.i. i $1,690.00 for up to 10 lots plus $169 per' Ilot thereafter 1 ! ----i I $2,500.00 for the first 5 acres plus; 1.- $500.00 per acre thereafter.1.. I $3,760.00 for the first 40 acres plus; 1-- I $94.00 per acre thereafter; !Hillside Protection Easement (HPE) , $170.00 Plus recording fees! .., $3,975. 0 per acre thereafter $1,900.00 for u per request per appeal per request per request per request TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Description ;Golf Ball Fence, Administrative Review Landscape Plan Review 'Public Notice in Newspaper (for all actions requiring newspaper 'notifications) 'Notification fee (for all actions requiring mailed notifications) [Ordinances (Text Amendments) 'Planned Area Developments (PAD) :Planned Area Developments (PAD) - Amendment Plat Abandonments (Preliminary Plats [Recording Fees (subject to change without notice) (Replats (lot joins, lot divisions, lot line adjustments) 'Rezones (Map) 'Saguaro Cactus Permit !Special Use Permits and amendments !Temporary Use Permits ;Temporary Visitor Permit (RV Parking): Adopted Fee Units $280.001 per review $50.00 $260.00 WI$175.00 (2)1 $1,975.00t Y _-per ordinance $3,620.00 for the first 5 acres plus] I { $725.00 per acre thereafter $1,850.00 for the first 5 acres plus! $370.00 per acre thereafter! (_ _ -- $1,150.00 plus County Fees (3): ' $2,045.00 for the first 10 lots, plus 1 $205.00 per lot thereafter] ($150.00j per request L $575.001 j $3,623.00 up to 10 acres plus $360.00 per[ 1 acre thereafter`__..____.._._........_ _.. r $110.001 per permit $2,000.00 $230.00 plus notification per review $50.001 Tract Housing 1--$325.00 plus $100.00 per fagade� ;Variances $300_00 for each additional varia- h n j 'Zoning Verification Letter Community Residence Registration $1,190.00 for the first variance plus! ce __.—_____._.___.____..._.__.._...-_....._......__.....__.. ___.....__._. $280.00 per verification i 1 $350.001 per registration per permit (Community Residence Annual Renewal $250.001 per renewal (1) Plus actual newspaper posting costs (2) Plus $5 per mailing label (3) Minimum $150 recording fee Building Fees ;Building Permit/Plan Check Single Family Residential: rSingle Family Homes & Additions (Includes Permit and Plan Review) 1 Livable Area with A/C L $0.73.1 square feet I Covered Area: Garage and/or Patio (non A/C) 1 $0.551 square feet r Single Family Remodel ,- $0.24 square feet I Single Family Remodel non A/C $0.15 square feet j Specialized Permits (Includes Permit and Plan Review) 1 ! Solar Photovoltaic I $150.00 per request Description Fence Walls ! Retaining Walls Pools & Spas Attached TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Adopted Fee $200.00 for first 100 feet plus $2.00 per: linear foot thereafter I $300.00 for 100 linear feet plus $3.20 per! linear foot thereafter''' $320.00 up to 450 square feet plus $0.721 r_--._-___._..._.._......._..........__.....«_.._____......_....___..__.___..._.___.«____.._.-«.. _.«..__._....Lper square foot above 450i I Stand Alone Spas $140.004 Landscape Deposit $2,500.00 refundable deposit. Deposit! required for Certificate of Occupancy!! (C of 0) if landscaping is not installed;! refundable upon landscaping approval byl Town within six (6) months.i per hour One Discipline Permit _ i W — _ $140.00; per permit ! Addendum I Demolition (minor) Units per request Miscellaneous Plan Review or Inspection (1 hour minimum) 1 Third -Party or Expedited Plan Review & Inspections Plan Review Add On (After 3rd Review) Reinspection Fee Permit Extensions - Residential new construction only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) Permit Extensions - Residential remodel only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) $115.00 i $60.00j Actual costs for third party] S0% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee! !• $170.001 460.00! per extension j - - $120.001 per extension I I per adendum per request per inspection i Penalty for failure to obtain a building permit I 100% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Feel per incident Refund for cancelled Building permit (must be done in writing) must be made within 180 days of original! 35% of building permit fee paid - request! per request I I payment! ...E I . 'i II -Wilding Permit/Plan Check Commercial: ! .Commercial/Tenant Building Permit & Additions (Includes Permit and r" �' — " "«"""'"'«'«___.___._«. _...«_.«._.«__... ; !Plan Review) I I Area with A/C l $0.80, per square foot ! L Covered Area (non A/C) ! $0.651 per square foot Commercial Remodel (Existing) ! 4. I I Area with A/C r $585.00 for 3,000 square feet plus $0.201 I ' per square foot thereafter` I Covered Area (non - A/C) I $275.00 for 3,000 square feet plus $0.091 I i per square foot thereafter! TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Description I Adopted Fee __...._.__.._-...._.! IApartments/Condominiums j- Livable Area with A/C ` Covered Area (non - A/C) !Landscape Plan Review (Miscellaneous Permits (Plan Review Fee is Separate) !Minimum Permit (one discipline) !Sign Permit, less than 32 square feet (New/Modified) Units $1.101 per square foot $0.751 per square foot •'��! I. $50.00 per request t___»_._.._..«._«___..«.«__..«.._«.«._«.«_____.._._._..—__ ....--•-•--- .--._.._..___«.«.---«.__..____...............__..___......__.....---$13_00 per permit _j __......---•------_m_____« ' $140.00L _ per permit $85.00! per permit !Sign Permit, 32 or greater square feet (New/modified) $105.001 per permit _ « ;Miscellaneous Plan Review or Inspection (1 hour minimum) $115.00 per hour Revisions to Approved Plans ! t- - $170.00! per hour Plumbing - Water heater replacement/solar 1 $140.00, per request (minor) 1 1 Mechanical - HVAC replacement (minor) $140.001 per request Electrical - panel repair (minor) $150.001 _ per request Demolition (minor) Third -Party or Expedited Plan Review & Inspections (Plan Review Add On (After 3rd Review) (..._._........_._.......__......__ _.____._-__ $60.001 1 Actual costs for third party. --r e 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fe IReinspection Fee _$1700.00 per inspection I. [Permit Extensions - Commercial new construction only (If Town has all - - $460.001 per extension ;records and within current Code cycle) Permit Extensions - Commercial remodel only (If Town has all records land within current Code cycle) (Penalty for failure to obtain a building permit 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Feel per incident !Refund for cancelled Commercial 35% of building permit fee paid - request per request $120.001 per extension j `Building permit (must be done in writing) i must be made within 180 days of original! :Appeal of Decision by Building Official/Fire Marshall ! $1,000.00 All fees include up to 3 reviews; 1 l subject to an additional fee equal to 25%i of the original fee.• by staff. Any additional reviews will bei per request per review per dwelling _—, per dwelling - I 1Commercial $3.821 per square foot ;Office E $2.45 per square foot (Institutional I $2.86 per square foot !Industrial $1.29 per square foot (Above fees are split between Parks & Recreation, Fire, and Streets development fees. See Resolution for allocations.) Development Fees (Adopted by Resolution 2020-03) Single Family Residential I $3,973.001 Multi - Family Residential_....._._.._...._.._.....__.._.»..__...-.-_.....__.....__....._......_ _.. __.._... 1 $2,537.00 E TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Description Adopted Fee Units Development Services - Miscellaneous Maps: 8 1/2" x 11" 11" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" 11" x 17" Aerial Site Plan j 24" x 36" Custom Map 36" x 36" Bldg/Plat/Zoning Map 1 60" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot Map Book 'Other: Easement or Right -of -Way Abandonment Hillside Protection Reconfiguration and/or Replacement of j Protection Easement j Revocation Administrative Fee 1 Engineering Plan Review Fee / Final Plat Improvement New/Address Change Third -Party or Expedited Plan Review & Inspections Inspections not associated with an active Building Permit L Off -Hours Inspections (Nights & Weekends) Fire Fees Residential Automatic Sprinkler System Plan Review/Inspection Commercial Automatic Sprinkler System Plan Review/Inspection Commercial Auto Sprinkler System Modification Plan Review/Inspection iCommercial Hood System Plan Review/Inspection Commercial Fire Alarm System Plan Review/Inspection Commercial Fire Alarm System Modification Plan Review/Inspection Residential LPG Installation Review/Inspection Annual Adult Residential Group Care Inspection Annual Commercial Fire Inspection Fee Tent Permit Fee (any tent over 200 square feet & any canopy over 400 square feet) Reinspection Fee (beyond one re -check) Inter -Agency Educational Charges Fire Dept Personnel - 4 hour minimum Abatement Fees: Inspection fee Reinspection fee $3.001 ___._. per map 1 $5.00 per map $18.00' per map 1 $20.001 per map ' $25.00! per map ___......-.-- f $35.001 per map $100.00; per map book I $730.00j per request Hillside ( $350.00I per request E I _ per request I- $1,610.001_ per request $50.00j Actual costs for third partyT L $60.00. per inspection $85.001 per inspection r $340.00 for up to 4,400 square feet then; $0.08 per square foot! $340.00 for the first 3,000 square feett then $0.11 per square foot] 1. $195.001 per request $290.001 per request per request $385.001 per request $170.001 per request $130.001 per request i I $0.001 per request ._.+ $65.001 per request 1 j $150.001 per request 1 1- Actual Costl pre -paid w_ _ i $52.001 — per hour k__...._._.___.._____._._______—..._ __._..4._.,.,.____«_.__hour I I i $340.001 per hour 1 $340.001 per inspection 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Description Adopted Fee Finance Services:• Notarization Units Affix Town Seal Returned Check Fee Convenience Fee - credit card payment Art Commission jCopies Photocopies 8 1/2 x 11 i Photocopies 8 1/2 x 14 1- Photocopies 11 x 17 I License Report (Non - Commercial Use) 1 License Report (Commercial Use) jBusiness License Fees: $2.00T per request $5.001 per request $50.091 per check 1. $4.00.1 per transaction I $35.001 per transaction __SILLS" per page $0.701 per page ..._..._.__._... _........__. _ ._.. __......_$0_75 ( ..._._.._... per page._.._.._..__...._ $30. 001 CD or hard copy $30. 1 a 001 _ CD or hard copy New Business License 1 $50.00j per application and first I year fee - non-refundablej $35.001 per renewal j Annual renewal fee for business without a fixed place of business Annual renewal fee for business within the Town limits E $50.001 E 1 within the Town limits ; Late fee for renewal of business license fee 25% of renewal feel per renewal C $150 00 _ _ per incident_ ' $250.00i calendar quarter or - fraction thereof - non - _...,....__..._ refundable 1 Peddler investigation fee (per person) 1 $55.001 per person I Promoters of entertainments, circuses, bazaars, etc., who receive a i I percentage of receipts or other consideration for their services. Each j such promoter shall also obtain liability insurance of a minimum of $1 j i million naming the Town as insured. Handbill Distributor $50.001 1 I Amusement Company, such as ferris wheel, merry - go - round, etc., j $150.00. j not part of a circus. Tent Show. Wrestling Exhibition. Road Show, ICarnival or Circus. per renewal -1 Penalty for operating a business without a license { Peddlers, solicitors and mobile merchants I { Practice of palmistry, phrenology, astrology, fortune telling, mind reading, clairvoyancy, magic or any healing practices not licensed by the State of Arizona, or any similar calling without a fixed place of t business Duplicate Business License r. $15.001 per request Verification of License Letter I $15.001 per request $150.001 per week per day per day $50.00I per day TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 Description Adopted Fee 1 Units False Alarm Service Charges: 1 First and Second $0.00 each r Third 1 Fourth i _ _$150.00� — each 1 —____.._._...—_._____..___..__ H.._..— — —__ _.—__ ___ � Fifth and Sixth L $175.0-- each J. $275.00 each 3 Wireless Communications: j Per State Statute Wireless Tower Lease $4.75 Lease Agreement Application Fee, each location j Seventh or more i $100.00- — - each Amendments to Cell Tower Lease Agreements j Small Cell Wireless Facilities: (all fees are non-refundable) ROW Use Fee Authority utility pole attachment Small Wireless Facilities (SWF) collocation $285.00 per square foot per location - non- i - refundable $285.001 per location - non - I refundable , $50.001 year x number of small i ( ( wireless facilities (SWF) I Small Wireless Facilities (SWF) collocation Batched applications for up to 25 SWF's j Batched applications for up to 25 SWF's Applications for new, replacement or modified utility poles NOT subject to zoning review Applications for new, replacement or modified utility poles and collocation of wireless facilities subject to zoning review (Alcohol License Application: Person Transfer Fee $50.001 year per utility pole ! j attachment $100.00 per SWF up to five $50.001- for SWF over five $100.001 per SWF up to five $50.001 per SWF 6 - 20 sites $750.00j per application i $1,000.00i per application $200.00j per request Location Transfer Fee I $200.001 per request Probate/Will Assignment/Divorce Decree 1 $200.O01 per request Extension of Premise i $200.00{ per request , Sampling Permit $200.001 per request Acquisition of Control/Restructure/Agent Change $200.001 per request � � / _� / -� � ^ � 1O-Beer &VWne request | zz'*meVxxote TOWN OFFOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2O24'2025 Description Initial/Interim Application | | / Adopted Fee | / . . _ � OZ'OutnfS�tePn�duce, 0J'Domestic xxicmbrewery ! per request F- --_f ,, '_'`�_''�_'__'_ ' ~"""__' un� --------| | $600. ___. requestper per request V4'|n��te V5'Go,emment | ^- $600.00 per request V6'Ba��|S� rituous Liquors $600.00 per request / ~=""""/ "''�er &="=Bar VO'�onveyance per request v�'vw��v*=per reques Vg Liquor Store per request ' $6""�"' per '=""=" ' + �� --,- ! �'R��umm $600.001 per request | �'�m���nn\�14 - Private Club . per request Alcohol Permit Renewal $200.00 per year ��nmsnv�mmen�|pw� ' Fees: !per residential solid waste account $0.00�i 1per multifamily solid waste account (with a range for number of units !commercial '�' ^� ' ' ^---' yx�wa�ea�ounoU �sand/orcmt �mum!commercial account) _ | i ! per month +"�" per """""' / ^---' per month -------- per year | | Public xxvm, j i Fees: | Base fee (per excavation) |$250.00i Base fee ' Trench cut fees: | Newly paved or Newly paved cv overlayed 1 - 2 yrs. $45.00 per linearfoot Newly paved o,over |a �]S linear �-- � Newly paved o,oveda d] 4 yrs. | $JS.00n ped�earfoo� | $15.00 per linear foot 1 Newly paved or $10.00, per linear foot � Slurry o,chip sealed o 2 years $4.001 per linear foot _] Pavement replacement greater than 3VOfeet inlength | $2�5V| per oquaeyard ] l°' ` fees: ' """v Newly paved or ~`^'~,`~~ ^,'^ ~~-~ p^' ^y~~'^'~~^ New�paved orovedayed1'2yn. $� persquanefnot | Na���orme��Z 3� | �� �r���h� � | � � � � / mp��onve�o,ove,�vean'�vn/ �zn1 per square / | '-- pavedor---'-- '— f ---'-� -`----' � Newly paved `" ",erla,="°'^,'� L per square mew�paved o,nvedayed5 hvn. | $1 per square foot | Bu,ryo,chip sealed O'Jyeao i $s.00i per squaefoot . _-- __-_--_ . TOWN OF !'• ' COMPREHENSIVE FOUNTAIN HILLS FEE SCHEDULE 2024-2025 FISCAL YEAR Description L Adopted Fee 1 Units ..........____ . ... . .. Adjustment (MH, valve, monument, etc.) t 1-- ---I --1-- $3.00 —4. $175.001 - $3.00 per linear foot .... each per square foot —1 -1 Striping Lane Markers Stop Bars Crosswalks rRPMs $3.00 per square foot i $7.00 each , 1 Seal -Coat Encroachment/Engineering Permits: $3.00 per square yard ...._.1 I Base Permit Fee --i- $2.25 $220.001- $1.50 2"/6" Paving A.C. 1-- 1-- -1- _A per square foot each per linear foot 1 I 1 .1, i 1 1 Permanent Barricading r*-- t... Guard Rail/Hand Rail [ Survey Monuments $145.00 each Concrete Aprons $145.0_40 each each each per square foot Scuppers $145.001 1---- Review for Adjustments MH, etc. $145.001 I 4" Paving - PC Concrete $1.45 Decorative Sidewalk or Paving $2.70 per linear foot I r Sidewalk & Bike path $2.70. per linear foot Curb & Gutter $1.70 per linear foot I Valley Gutter $1.45 per linear foot 1 Sign (regulator, street etc.) $145.021 each per linear foot , —I Pavement Cuts $1.45 Driveway/Driveway Modifications $145.00 $2.00 each I Utility, Water Line, Sewer Line Trench - Paved per linear foot i Utility, Water Line, Sewer Line Trench - Unpaved " $1.45 per linear foot 1 Storm Drain Pipe $1.70 per linear foot I Catch Basins, Headwells $145.001. each I -_] Cutoff Walls [ $1.45 per linear foot Slope Protection $1.45 per square yard Rip Rap $1.45 per square yard Retaining Wall $1.45 per linear foot I Cut/Fill (Materials Moved) $2.00 per cubic yard I I Box Culverts 5% of engineer estimate 1 4 Miscellaneous -.-- 5% of engineer estimate I -J. I Landscaping 5% of engineer estimate Irrigation 5% of engineer estimate Lighting 5% of engineer estimate I Grading 5% of engineer estimate flat fee 1 i _ Utility Splice/Repair Pits Up to 25 square feet (outside pvmt) $140.00 Other 5% of engineer estimate i �- _ TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2O24'2O25 Description� Units In Lieu Payments i Traffic Control Plan Review $170.001 per request $575.00 per sheet (includes three! persheet reviews) $190 per sheet for each� subsequent reviewl' Fa�uvetoobta�an[ncroachmen� incident _ per incident per incident per incident Engineering Plan Review Fee Failure to obtain a Final Inspection ReinspechonFee / � obtained., ..$10.00 per oti olus -_~'__n 50% of NU�m�����w Traffic Study - Cost to recover staff time and materials r- Public_ . - ' ' square Permit Feel,' Land Disturbance Fee .-� Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit [_J�ul Route Permit (greater than or equal to 500 cubic yards) | Fai|ue*nba,hcadeo,improper ba,hcad�g | Permit Extension Permit � � Penalty '' ' � nnwomw/opermu $400.00 or the permit fee, whichever ist greater, but not to exceed $2,500.00 fori every day or a portion of a day from the! time unpermitted work began until a $115.00! o�nv�'mv$m�xmnaows | � per | $15O.0Obase fee plus $5O.0O perl additional location eg per square foot incident per permit it per ddent per request per incidenper request t - - - pernour _ Fee, per sign $60.00i per request Nonorary Street Naming: Application Fee and Sign $300.00; per application j Electric Vehicle Charging .~, ,~~.,~,1 r-'— ____]