HomeMy WebLinkAboutC2025-015 J2 Engineering and Environmental Design LLC - signedContract No. 2025-015 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, L.L.C. THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered into upon execution, between the Town of Fountain Hills, an Arizona municipal corporation (the “Town”) and J2 Engineering & Environmental Design, L.L.C., an Arizona limited liability company (the “Vendor”). RECITALS A.The Town issued a Request for Qualifications, RFQ No. 2023-009 (the “RFQ”), a copy of which is on file with the Town and incorporated herein by reference, seeking proposals from vendors interested in providing professional services consisting of “On Call Engineering Services” (the “Services”). B.The Vendor responded to the RFQ by submitting a proposal (the “Proposal”), attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. C.The Town desires to enter into an Agreement with the Vendor to perform the Services, as set forth below. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing introduction and recitals, which are incorporated herein by reference, the following mutual covenants and conditions, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Town and the Vendor hereby agree as follows: 1.Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective as of execution and attested to by the Town Clerk pursuant to Section 3-3-31 of the Town Code, and shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2025 (the “Initial Term”), unless terminated as otherwise provided in this Agreement. After the expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement may be renewed for up four successive one-year terms (the “Renewal Term”) if (i) it is deemed in the best interests of the Town, subject to availability and appropriation of funds for renewal, (ii) at least 30 days prior to the end of the then-current term of this Agreement, the Vendor requests, in writing, to extend this Agreement for an additional one-year term and (iii) the Town approves the additional one-year term in writing (including any price adjustments approved as part of this Agreement), as evidenced by the Town Manager’s signature thereon, which approval may be withheld by the Town for any reason. The Vendor’s failure to seek a renewal of this Agreement shall cause this Agreement to terminate at the end of the then-current term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the Town may, at its discretion and with the agreement of the Vendor, elect to waive this requirement and renew this Agreement. The Initial Term and the Renewal Term are collectively referred to herein as the “Term.” Upon renewal, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2. Scope of Work. This is an indefinite quantity and indefinite delivery Agreement for Services as previously set forth herein. Services shall only be provided when the Town identifies a need and proper authorization and documentation have been approved. For project(s) determined by the Town to be appropriate for this Agreement, the Vendor shall provide the Services to the Town on an as-required basis relating to the specific Services as may be agreed upon between the parties in writing, in the form of a written acknowledgment between the parties describing the Services to be provided (each, a “Work Order”). Each Work Order issued for Services pursuant to this Agreement shall be (i) in the form provided and approved by the Town for the Services, (ii) contain a reference to this Agreement and (iii) be attached to hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. By signing this Agreement, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that Work Order(s) containing unauthorized exceptions, conditions, limitations, or provisions in conflict with the terms of this Agreement, other than Town's project-specific requirements, are hereby expressly declared void and shall be of no force and effect. The Town does not guarantee any minimum or maximum amount of Services will be requested under this Agreement. 3. Compensation. The Town shall pay the Vendor an amount not to exceed $50,000 at the rates set forth in the Fee Proposal attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. The aggregate amount per renewal term shall not exceed $50,000 in any case unless the Agreement is affirmed and ratified via an executed amendment. All remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 4. Payments. The Town shall pay the Vendor monthly (and the Vendor shall invoice the Town monthly), based upon work performed and completed to date, and upon submission and approval of invoices. All invoices shall document and itemize all work completed to date. Each invoice statement shall include a record of time expended and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. This Agreement must be referenced on all invoices. 5. Documents. All documents, including any intellectual property rights thereto, prepared and submitted to the Town pursuant to this Agreement shall be the property of the Town. 6. Vendor Personnel. Vendor shall provide adequate, experienced personnel, capable of and devoted to the successful performance of the Services under this Agreement. Vendor agrees to assign specific individuals to key positions. If deemed qualified, the Vendor is encouraged to hire Town residents to fill vacant positions at all levels. Vendor agrees that, upon commencement of the Services to be performed under this Agreement, key personnel shall not be removed or replaced without prior written notice to the Town. If key personnel are not available to perform the Services for a continuous period exceeding 30 calendar days, or are expected to devote substantially less effort to the Services than initially anticipated, Vendor shall immediately notify the Town of same and shall, subject to the concurrence of the Town, replace such personnel with personnel possessing substantially equal ability and qualifications. 7. Inspection; Acceptance. All work shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Town at reasonable times during Vendor’s performance. The Vendor shall provide and maintain a self-inspection system that is acceptable to the Town. 8. Licenses; Materials. Vendor shall maintain in current status all federal, state and local licenses and permits required for the operation of the business conducted by the Vendor. The Town has no obligation to provide Vendor, its employees or subcontractors any business registrations or licenses required to perform the specific services set forth in this Agreement. The Town has no obligation to provide tools, equipment or material to Vendor. 9. Performance Warranty. Vendor warrants that the Services rendered will conform to the requirements of this Agreement and with the care and skill ordinarily used by members of the same profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. 10. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town and each council member, officer, employee or agent thereof (the Town and any such person being herein called an “Indemnified Party”), for, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and the costs of appellate proceedings) to which any such Indemnified Party may become subject, under any theory of liability whatsoever (“Claims”), insofar as such Claims (or actions in respect thereof) relate to, arise out of, or are caused by or based upon the negligent acts, intentional misconduct, errors, mistakes or omissions, breach of contract, in connection with the work or services of the Vendor, its officers, employees, agents, or any tier of subcontractor in the performance of this Agreement. The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth below will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this Section. 11. Insurance. 11.1 General. A. Insurer Qualifications. Without limiting any obligations or liabilities of Vendor, Vendor shall purchase and maintain, at its own expense, hereinafter stipulated minimum insurance with insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Arizona pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 20-206, as amended, with an AM Best, Inc. rating of A- or above with policies and forms satisfactory to the Town. Failure to maintain insurance as specified herein may result in termination of this Agreement at the Town’s option. B. No Representation of Coverage Adequacy. By requiring insurance herein, the Town does not represent that coverage and limits will be adequate to protect Vendor. The Town reserves the right to review any and all of the insurance policies and/or endorsements cited in this Agreement but has no obligation to do so. Failure to demand such evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement or failure to identify any insurance deficiency shall not relieve Vendor from, nor be construed or deemed a waiver of, its obligation to maintain the required insurance at all times during the performance of this Agreement. C. Additional Insured. All insurance coverage, except Workers’ Compensation insurance and Professional Liability insurance, if applicable, shall name, to the fullest extent permitted by law for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insured as specified under the respective coverage sections of this Agreement. D. Coverage Term. All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or services required to be performed under the terms of this Agreement are satisfactorily performed, completed and formally accepted by the Town, unless specified otherwise in this Agreement. E. Primary Insurance. Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement and in the protection of the Town as an Additional Insured; the Town’s insurance shall be non-contributory. F. Claims Made. In the event any insurance policies required by this Agreement are written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend, either by keeping coverage in force or purchasing an extended reporting option, for three years past completion and acceptance of the services. Such continuing coverage shall be evidenced by submission of annual Certificates of Insurance citing applicable coverage is in force and contains the provisions as required herein for the three-year period. G. Waiver. All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation insurance, shall contain a waiver of rights of recovery (subrogation) against the Town, its agents, representatives, officials, officers and employees for any claims arising out of the work or services of Vendor. Vendor shall arrange to have such subrogation waivers incorporated into each policy via formal written endorsement thereto. H. Policy Deductibles and/or Self-Insured Retentions. The policies set forth in these requirements may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retention amounts. Such deductibles or self-insured retention shall not be applicable with respect to the policy limits provided to the Town. Vendor shall be solely responsible for any such deductible or self-insured retention amount. I. Use of Subcontractors. If any work under this Agreement is subcontracted in any way, Vendor shall execute written agreements with its subcontractors containing the indemnification provisions set forth in this Agreement and insurance requirements set forth herein protecting the Town and Vendor. Vendor shall be responsible for executing any agreements with its subcontractors and obtaining certificates of insurance verifying the insurance requirements. J. Evidence of Insurance. Prior to commencing any work or services under this Agreement, Vendor will provide the Town with suitable evidence of insurance in the form of certificates of insurance and a copy of the declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as required by this Agreement, issued by Vendor’s insurance insurer(s) as evidence that policies are placed with acceptable insurers as specified herein and provide the required coverages, conditions and limits of coverage specified in this Agreement and that such coverage and provisions are in full force and effect. Confidential information such as the policy premium may be redacted from the declaration page(s) of each insurance policy, provided that such redactions do not alter any of the information required by this Agreement. The Town shall reasonably rely upon the certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as evidence of coverage but such acceptance and reliance shall not waive or alter in any way the insurance requirements or obligations of this Agreement. If any of the policies required by this Agreement expire during the life of this Agreement, it shall be Vendor’s responsibility to forward renewal certificates and declaration page(s) to the Town 30 days prior to the expiration date. All certificates of insurance and declarations required by this Agreement shall be identified by referencing the RFP number and title or this Agreement. A $25.00 administrative fee shall be assessed for all certificates or declarations received without the appropriate RFQ number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable. Additionally, certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies submitted without referencing the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable, will be subject to rejection and may be returned or discarded. Certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) shall specifically include the following provisions: (1) The Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees are Additional Insureds as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability – Under Insurance Services Office, Inc., (“ISO”) Form CG 20 10 03 97 or equivalent. (b) Auto Liability – Under ISO Form CA 20 48 or equivalent. (c) Excess Liability – Follow Form to underlying insurance. (2) Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement. (3) All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation, waive rights of recovery (subrogation) against Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees for any claims arising out of work or services performed by Vendor under this Agreement. (4) ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2014/01) is preferred. If ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2001/08) is used, the phrases in the cancellation provision “endeavor to” and “but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives” shall be deleted. Certificate forms other than ACORD form shall have similar restrictive language deleted. 11.2 Required Insurance Coverage. A. Commercial General Liability. Vendor shall maintain “occurrence” form Commercial General Liability insurance with an unimpaired limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations Annual Aggregate and a $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury. Coverage under the policy will be at least as broad as ISO policy form CG 00 010 93 or equivalent thereof, including but not limited to, separation of insured’s clause. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO, Commercial General Liability Additional Insured Endorsement form CG 20 10 03 97, or equivalent, which shall read “Who is an Insured (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of “your work” for that insured by or for you.” If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. B. Vehicle Liability. Vendor shall maintain Business Automobile Liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence on Vendor’s owned, hired and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in the performance of the Vendor’s work or services under this Agreement. Coverage will be at least as broad as ISO coverage code “1” “any auto” policy form CA 00 01 12 93 or equivalent thereof. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO Business Auto policy Designated Insured Endorsement form CA 20 48 or equivalent. If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. C. Professional Liability. If this Agreement is the subject of any professional services or work, or if the Vendor engages in any professional services or work in any way related to performing the work under this Agreement, the Vendor shall maintain Professional Liability insurance covering negligent errors and omissions arising out of the Services performed by the Vendor, or anyone employed by the Vendor, or anyone for whose negligent acts, mistakes, errors and omissions the Vendor is legally liable, with an unimpaired liability insurance limit of $2,000,000 each claim and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. D. Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Vendor shall maintain Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction over Vendor’s employees engaged in the performance of work or services under this Agreement and shall also maintain Employers Liability Insurance of not less than $500,000 for each accident, $500,000 disease for each employee and $1,000,000 disease policy limit. 11.3 Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not expire, be canceled, or be materially changed without 30 days’ prior written notice to the Town. 12. Termination; Cancellation. 12.1 For Town’s Convenience. This Agreement is for the convenience of the Town and, as such, may be terminated without cause after receipt by Vendor of written notice by the Town. Upon termination for convenience, Vendor shall be paid for all undisputed services performed to the termination date. 12.2 For Cause. If either party fails to perform any obligation pursuant to this Agreement and such party fails to cure its nonperformance within 30 days after notice of nonperformance is given by the non-defaulting party, such party will be in default. In the event of such default, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause and will have all remedies that are available to it at law or in equity including, without limitation, the remedy of specific performance. If the nature of the defaulting party’s nonperformance is such that it cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, then the defaulting party will have such additional periods of time as may be reasonably necessary under the circumstances, provided the defaulting party immediately (A) provides written notice to the non-defaulting party and (B) commences to cure its nonperformance and thereafter diligently continues to completion the cure of its nonperformance. In no event shall any such cure period exceed 90 days. In the event of such termination for cause, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.3 Due to Work Stoppage. This Agreement may be terminated by the Town upon 30 days’ written notice to Vendor in the event that the Services are permanently abandoned. In the event of such termination due to work stoppage, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.4 Conflict of Interest. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 38-511. The Town may cancel this Agreement without penalty or further obligations by the Town or any of its departments or agencies if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating this Agreement on behalf of the Town or any of its departments or agencies is, at any time while this Agreement or any extension of this Agreement is in effect, an employee of any other party to this Agreement in any capacity or a Vendor to any other party of this Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 12.5 Gratuities. The Town may, by written notice to the Vendor, cancel this Agreement if it is found by the Town that gratuities, in the form of economic opportunity, future employment, entertainment, gifts or otherwise, were offered or given by the Vendor or any agent or representative of the Vendor to any officer, agent or employee of the Town for the purpose of securing this Agreement. In the event this Agreement is canceled by the Town pursuant to this provision, the Town shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover and withhold from the Vendor an amount equal to 150% of the gratuity. 12.6 Agreement Subject to Appropriation. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. CONST. ART. IX, § 5 and ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 42-17106. The provisions of this Agreement for payment of funds by the Town shall be effective when funds are appropriated for purposes of this Agreement and are actually available for payment. The Town shall be the sole judge and authority in determining the availability of funds under this Agreement and the Town shall keep the Vendor fully informed as to the availability of funds for this Agreement. The obligation of the Town to make any payment pursuant to this Agreement is a current expense of the Town, payable exclusively from such annual appropriations, and is not a general obligation or indebtedness of the Town. If the Town Council fails to appropriate money sufficient to pay the amounts as set forth in this Agreement during any immediately succeeding fiscal year, this Agreement shall terminate at the end of then-current fiscal year and the Town and the Vendor shall be relieved of any subsequent obligation under this Agreement. 13. Miscellaneous. 13.1 Independent Contractor. It is clearly understood that each party will act in its individual capacity and not as an agent, employee, partner, joint venturer, or associate of the other. An employee or agent of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employee or agent of the other for any purpose whatsoever. The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the Services provided under this Agreement are being provided as an independent contractor, not as an employee or agent of the Town. Vendor, its employees and subcontractors are not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from the Town. The Town does not have the authority to supervise or control the actual work of Vendor, its employees or subcontractors. The Vendor, and not the Town, shall determine the time of its performance of the services provided under this Agreement so long as Vendor meets the requirements as agreed in Section 2 above and in Exhibit A. Vendor is neither prohibited from entering into other contracts nor prohibited from practicing its profession elsewhere. Town and Vendor do not intend to nor will they combine business operations under this Agreement. 13.2 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona and suit pertaining to this Agreement may be brought only in courts in Maricopa County, Arizona. 13.3 Laws and Regulations. Vendor shall keep fully informed and shall at all times during the performance of its duties under this Agreement ensure that it and any person for whom the Vendor is responsible abides by, and remains in compliance with, all rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes or laws affecting the Services, including, but not limited to, the following: (A) existing and future Town and County ordinances and regulations; (B) existing and future State and Federal laws; and (C) existing and future Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards. 13.4 Amendments. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by persons duly authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town and the Vendor. 13.5 Provisions Required by Law. Each and every provision of law and any clause required by law to be in this Agreement will be read and enforced as though it were included herein and, if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, this Agreement will promptly be physically amended to make such insertion or correction. 13.6 Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable to the extent that any provision or application held to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect any other provision or application of this Agreement which may remain in effect without the invalid provision or application. 13.7 Entire Agreement; Interpretation; Parol Evidence. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter, and all previous agreements, whether oral or written, entered into prior to this Agreement are hereby revoked and superseded by this Agreement. No representations, warranties, inducements or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein, or in any other contemporaneous written agreement executed for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to its plain meaning, and no presumption shall be deemed to apply in favor of, or against the party drafting this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that each has had the opportunity to seek and utilize legal counsel in the drafting of, review of, and entry into this Agreement. 13.8 Assignment; Delegation. No right or interest in this Agreement shall be assigned or delegated by Vendor without prior, written permission of the Town, signed by the Town Manager. Any attempted assignment or delegation by Vendor in violation of this provision shall be a breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.9 Subcontracts. No subcontract shall be entered into by the Vendor with any other party to furnish any of the material or services specified herein without the prior written approval of the Town. The Vendor is responsible for performance under this Agreement whether or not subcontractors are used. Failure to pay subcontractors in a timely manner pursuant to any subcontract shall be a material breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.10 Rights and Remedies. No provision in this Agreement shall be construed, expressly or by implication, as waiver by the Town of any existing or future right and/or remedy available by law in the event of any claim of default or breach of this Agreement. The failure of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise or delay the exercise of any right or remedy provided in this Agreement, or by law, or the Town’s acceptance of and payment for services, shall not release the Vendor from any responsibilities or obligations imposed by this Agreement or by law, and shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of this Agreement. 13.11 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event either party brings any action for any relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement or on account of any breach or default hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs and expenses, determined by the court sitting without a jury, which shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and shall be enforced whether or not such action is prosecuted through judgment. 13.12 Liens. All materials or services shall be free of all liens and, if the Town requests, a formal release of all liens shall be delivered to the Town. 13.13 Offset. A. Offset for Damages. In addition to all other remedies at law or equity, the Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for damages resulting from breach or deficiencies in performance or breach of any obligation under this Agreement. B. Offset for Delinquent Fees or Taxes. The Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for delinquent fees, transaction privilege taxes and property taxes, including any interest or penalties. 13.14 Notices and Requests. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if (A) delivered to the party at the address set forth below, (B) deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below or (C) given to a recognized and reputable overnight delivery service, to the address set forth below: If to the Town: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager With copy to: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney If to Vendor: J2 Engineering & Environmental Design, L.L.C. 4649 E. Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, Arizona 85040 Attn: Jason Touchin or at such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as any party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this subsection. Notices shall be deemed received (A) when delivered to the party, (B) three business days after being placed in the U.S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage or (C) the following business day after being given to a recognized overnight delivery service, with the person giving the notice paying all required charges and instructing the delivery service to deliver on the following business day. If a copy of a notice is also given to a party’s counsel or other recipient, the provisions above governing the date on which a notice is deemed to have been received by a party shall mean and refer to the date on which the party, and not its counsel or other recipient to which a copy of the notice may be sent, is deemed to have received the notice. 13.15 Confidentiality of Records. The Vendor shall establish and maintain procedures and controls that are acceptable to the Town for the purpose of ensuring that information contained in its records or obtained from the Town or from others in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement shall not be used or disclosed by it, its agents, officers, or employees, except as required to perform Vendor’s duties under this Agreement. Persons requesting such information should be referred to the Town. Vendor also agrees that any information pertaining to individual persons shall not be divulged other than to employees or officers of Vendor as needed for the performance of duties under this Agreement. 13.16 Records and Audit Rights. To ensure that the Vendor and its subcontractors are complying with the warranty under subsection 13.17 below, Vendor’s and its subcontractor’s books, records, correspondence, accounting procedures and practices, and any other supporting evidence relating to this Agreement, including the papers of any Vendor and its subcontractors’ employees who perform any work or services pursuant to this Agreement (all of the foregoing hereinafter referred to as “Records”), shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction during normal working hours by the Town, to the extent necessary to adequately permit (A) evaluation and verification of any invoices, payments or claims based on Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ actual costs (including direct and indirect costs and overhead allocations) incurred, or units expended directly in the performance of work under this Agreement and (B) evaluation of the Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ compliance with the Arizona employer sanctions laws referenced in subsection 13.17 below. To the extent necessary for the Town to audit Records as set forth in this subsection, Vendor and its subcontractors hereby waive any rights to keep such Records confidential. For the purpose of evaluating or verifying such actual or claimed costs or units expended, the Town shall have access to said Records, even if located at its subcontractors’ facilities, from the effective date of this Agreement for the duration of the work and until three years after the date of final payment by the Town to Vendor pursuant to this Agreement. Vendor and its subcontractors shall provide the Town with adequate and appropriate workspace so that the Town can conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this subsection. The Town shall give Vendor or its subcontractors reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Vendor shall require its subcontractors to comply with the provisions of this subsection by insertion of the requirements hereof in any subcontract pursuant to this Agreement. 13.17 E-verify Requirements. To the extent applicable under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 41-4401, the Vendor and its subcontractors warrant compliance with all federal immigration laws and regulations that relate to their employees and their compliance with the E-verify requirements under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 23-214(A). Vendor’s or its subcontractors’ failure to comply with such warranty shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and may result in the termination of this Agreement by the Town. 13.18 Israel. Vendor certifies that it is not currently engaged in, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that it will not engage in a “boycott,” as that term is defined in ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 35-393, of Israel. 13.19 China. Pursuant to and in compliance with A.R.S. § 35-394, Vendor hereby agrees and certifies that it does not currently, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that Vendor will not, use: (1) the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; (2) any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; or (3) any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers that use the forced labor or any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China. Vendor also hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its officials, employees, and agents from any claims or causes of action relating to the Town’s action based upon reliance upon this representation, including the payment of all costs and attorney fees incurred by the Town in defending such as action. 13.20 Conflicting Terms. In the event of any inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity among the terms of this Agreement, the Proposal, any Town-approved invoices, and the RFQ, the documents shall govern in the order listed herein. 13.21 Non-Exclusive Contract. This Agreement is entered into with the understanding and agreement that it is for the sole convenience of the Town. The Town reserves the right to obtain like goods and services from another source when necessary. 13.22 Cooperative Purchasing. Specific eligible political subdivisions and nonprofit educational or public health institutions (“Eligible Procurement Unit(s)”) are permitted to utilize procurement agreements developed by the Town, at their discretion and with the agreement of the awarded Vendor. Vendor may, at its sole discretion, accept orders from Eligible Procurement Unit(s) for the purchase of the Materials and/or Services at the prices and under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in such quantities and configurations as may be agreed upon between the parties. All cooperative procurements under this Agreement shall be transacted solely between the requesting Eligible Procurement Unit and Vendor. Payment for such purchases will be the sole responsibility of the Eligible Procurement Unit. The exercise of any rights, responsibilities or remedies by the Eligible Procurement Unit shall be the exclusive obligation of such unit. The Town assumes no responsibility for payment, performance or any liability or obligation associated with any cooperative procurement under this Agreement. The Town shall not be responsible for any disputes arising out of transactions made by others. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES] 7 ATTESTED TO: _______________________________ Linda G. Mendenhall, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney “Town” TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, an Arizona municipal corporation FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ____________________________________ Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager FOR THE CONTRACTOR: By: Name Title: ______________________________ Jason Touchin (Jul 9, 2024 08:50 PDT) Jason Touchin Jason Touchin Vice President Aaron Arnson (Jul 12, 2024 19:50 PDT) Aaron Arnson Rachael Goodwin (Jul 29, 2024 07:26 PDT) Rachael Goodwin EXHIBIT A TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC [Vendor’s Proposal & Fee Schedule] See following pages. Town of Fountain Hills Admin-Procurement Robert Durham, Procurement Administrator 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT RFQ No. RFQ-2023-009 On Call Engineering Services RESPONSE DEADLINE: December 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm Report Generated: Monday, April 22, 2024 J2 Engineering & Environmental Design, LLC Response CONTACT INFORMATION Company: J2 Engineering & Environmental Design, LLC Email: jtouchin@j2design.us Contact: Jason Touchin Address: 4649 E. Cotton Gin Loop Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Phone: (602) 438-2221 Ext: 128 Website: www.j2design.us Submission Date: Dec 13, 2023 4:22 PM [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT RFQ No. RFQ-2023-009 On Call Engineering Services [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT Request for Qualifications - On Call Engineering Services Page 2 ADDENDA CONFIRMATION Addendum #1 Confirmed Dec 13, 2023 3:50 PM by Jennifer McDonald QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Certification By confirming questions under this section, the Vendor certifies: NO COLLUSION* Pass The submission of the SOQ did not involve collusion or other anti-competitive practices. Confirmed NO DISCRIMINATION* Pass It shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in violation of Federal Executive Order 11246. Confirmed NO GRATUITY* Pass It has not given, offered to give, nor intends to give at any time hereafter, any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, trip favor or service to a Town employee, officer or agent in connection with the submitted SOQ. It (including the Vendor’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subcontractors) has refrained, under penalty of [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT RFQ No. RFQ-2023-009 On Call Engineering Services [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT Request for Qualifications - On Call Engineering Services Page 3 disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the select ion process with any person who may play a part in the selection process, including the Selection Committee, elected officials, the Town Manager, Department Heads, and other Town staff unless such person is designated as a Town Representative. All contact must be address ed to the Town’s Procurement Agent, except for questions submitted as set forth in RFQ Submission Process section Inquiries. Any attempt to influence the selection process by any means shall void the submitted Proposal and any resulting Agreement. Confirmed FINANCIAL STABILITY* Pass It is financially stable, solvent and has adequate cash reserves to meet all financial obligations including any potential co sts resulting from an award of the Agreement. Confirmed NO SIGNATURE/FALSE OR MISLEADING STATEMENT* Pass The signature on the cover letter of the SOQ and the Vendor Information Form is genuine and the person signing has the author ity to bind the Vendor. Failure to sign the SOQ and the Vendor Information Form, or signing either with a false or misleading statement, shall void the submitted SOQ and any resulting Agreement. Confirmed PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT* Pass In addition to reviewing and understanding the submittal requirements, it has reviewed the attached sample Professional Services Agreement including the Scope of Work and other Exhibits. Confirmed [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT RFQ No. RFQ-2023-009 On Call Engineering Services [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT Request for Qualifications - On Call Engineering Services Page 4 REFERENCE CHECKS* Pass References will be checked, and it is Vendor’s responsibility to ensure that all information is accurate and current. Vendor authorizes the Town’s representative to verify all information from these references and releases all those concerned from any liability in connection with the information they provide. Inability of the Town to verify references shall result in the Proposal being considered non-responsive. Confirmed 2. Vendor Proposal GENERAL INFORMATION* Pass A. One page cover letter as described in the section titled "RFQ Submission Process ", the subsection titled "Required Submittal". B. Provide Vendor identification information. Explain the Vendor’s legal organization including the legal name, address, identification number and legal form of the Vendor (e.g., partnership, corporation, joint venture, limited liability company, sole proprietorship). If a joint venture, identify the members of the joint venture and provide all of the information required under this section for each member. If a limited liability company, provide the name of the member or members authorized to act on the company’s behalf. If the Vendor is a wholly owned subsidiary of another company, identify the parent company. If the corporation is a nonprofit corporation, provide nonprofit documentation. Provide the name, address and telephone number of the person to contact concerning the SOQ. C. Identify the location of the Vendor’s principal office and the local work office, if different from the principal office. D. Provide a general description of the Vendor that is proposing to provide the Services, including years in business. E. Identify any contract or subcontract held by the Vendor or officers of the Vendor that has been terminated within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. F. Identify any claims arising from a contract that resulted in litigation or arbitration within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT RFQ No. RFQ-2023-009 On Call Engineering Services [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT Request for Qualifications - On Call Engineering Services Page 5 J2_Design_SOQ_for_Town_of_Fountain_Hills_On-Call_Engineering_Services_RFQ-2023-009.pdf EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS OF THE VENDOR* Pass A. Provide a detailed description of the Vendor’s experience in providing similar services to municipalities or other entities of a similar size to the Town, specifically relating experience with respect to On Call Engineer Services. B. Vendor must demonstrate successful completion of at least three similar projects within the past 60 months. For the purpose of this Solicitation, “successful completion” means completion of a project within the established schedule and budget and “similar projects” resemble this project in size, nature and scope. Provide a list of at least three organizations for which you successfully completed a similar project. This list shall include, at a minimum, the following information: 1. Name of company or organization. 2. Contact name. 3. Contact address, telephone number and e-mail address. 4. Type of services provided. 5. Dates of contract initiation and expiration. J2_Design_SOQ_for_Town_of_Fountain_Hills_On-Call_Engineering_Services_RFQ-2023-009.pdf KEY POSITIONS* Pass A. Identify each key personnel member that will render services to the Town including title and relevant experience required, including the proposed Project Manager and Project Engineer. B. Indicate the roles and responsibilities of each key position. Include senior members of the Vendor only from the perspective of what their role will be in providing services to the Town. C. If a subcontractor will be used for all work of a certain type, include information on this subcontractor. A detailed plan for providing supervision must be included. [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT RFQ No. RFQ-2023-009 On Call Engineering Services [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT Request for Qualifications - On Call Engineering Services Page 6 D. Attach a résumé and evidence of certification, if any, for each key personnel member and/or subcontractor to be involved in this project. Résumés should be attached together as a single appendix at the end of the Proposal and will not count toward the Proposal page limit. However, each resume shall not exceed two pages in length. J2_Design_SOQ_for_Town_of_Fountain_Hills_On-Call_Engineering_Services_RFQ-2023-009.pdf PROJECT APPROACH* Pass A. Describe the Vendor’s approach to performing the required Services in the section titled Scope of Work, including the following processes 1. Planning. 2. Estimating. 3. Scheduling. 4. Cost Controls. 5. Project Management and Team organization. 6. Bid Package Management. 7. Management of overhead costs. B. Describe any alternate approaches if it is believed that such an approach would best suit the needs of the Town. Include rationale for alternate approaches, and indicate how the Vendor will ensure that all efforts are coordinated with the Town’s Representatives. J2_Design_SOQ_for_Town_of_Fountain_Hills_On-Call_Engineering_Services_RFQ-2023-009.pdf PROJECT SCHEDULE* Pass Provide a generic Project schedule showing potential key project milestones and deliverables. The schedule shall demonstrate Vendor’s ability to meet the designated project milestones. [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT RFQ No. RFQ-2023-009 On Call Engineering Services [J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC] RESPONSE DOCUMENT REPORT Request for Qualifications - On Call Engineering Services Page 7 J2_Design_SOQ_for_Town_of_Fountain_Hills_On-Call_Engineering_Services_RFQ-2023-009.pdf PROPRIETARY OR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION IN THE BID?* Pass Communicate information not to be made public by highlighting the proprietary/confidential information. No W-9 Pass J2_Design_W9.pdf Town of Fountain Hills | RFQ-2023-009 | Dec 13, 2023; 5:00 PM Statement of Qualifications Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 1 J2’s On-Call Staff Resources 35 Arizona-based and dedicated professionals • 7 Professional Landscape Architects (PLA)• 2 Certified Irrigation Designers (CID)• 8 Landscape Design Associates• 6 Professional Engineers (PE)• 2 Engineers in Training (EIT)• 3 CAD Designers• 5 Administrative Staff 7.2.1.B Provide Vendor Identification Information. Legal Name. J2 Engineering and Environmental Design Address. 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Identification Number. ACC No. L-1046937-3 Legal Form: Limited Liability Company (LLC) Authorized to act on J2’s behalf and point of contact: Jason Touchin, PE 602.438.2221 Ext 128, jtouchin@j2design.us 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 7.2.1.C Identify the location of the Vendor’s principal office and the local work office, if different from the principal office. J2’s one and only office is located at 4649 E. Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2, Phoenix, Arizona 85040. All work for this project will be performed in this office location. 7.2.1.D Provide a general description of the Vendor that is proposing to provide the Services, including years in business. J2 is an Arizona water resources, general civil engineering, and landscape architecture firm specializing in the planning, analysis, and design of public works projects. J2 has a successful working relationship with the Town of Fountain Hills and has been providing professional services for municipal entities for over 21 years. 7.2.1.E Identify any contract or subcontract held by the Vendor or officers of the Vendor that has been terminated within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None 7.2.1.F Identify any claims arising from a contract that resulted in litigation or arbitration within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None Section 7.2.1 General Information Transportation Infrastructure Services • Street Diets• Pedestrian Improvements & Amenities• Active Transportation Planning • Bus Shelters • Shared-Use Pathways • Commuter Park and Rides • Shade • Multi-Modal Planning• Downtown Area Master Planning and Urban Design Civil Engineering Services • Site Civil Engineering • Roadway transportation studies and design • Plan Review • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Water and Sewer Utilities Drainage Engineering Services • Storm drain system and culvert design • Channels and flood control improvements • Detention basins/ retention basins / parks / multi-use facilities • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Area drainage master studies/plans • Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis • Bridge hydraulics and river mechanics • Sediment transport analysis • 2-dimensional modeling /FLO-2D • Bridge hydraulics and scour analysis • Flood mitigation alternatives development • Floodplain delineations - FIRM, DFIRM, and PMR • CLOMR/LOMR/LOMC • FEMA Guidelines/NFIP Regulations Additional Supporting In-House Services/Disciplines • Landscape Architecture • Irrigation Design • Urban Design In-House Services that J2 will offer for this on-call contract. J2 Design is a multi-disciplinary firm that can offer a wide range of services to support on-call contract projects. We have included a list of the services we can offer in- house to support this contract below. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 2 1. Chandler ADA Public Right of Way Upgrades; Chandler, AZ 2. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ 3. 32nd Street Shea to Cholla; Phoenix, AZ Description: This project's focus was on ADA compliance in the Chandler downtown district. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project providing civil engineering and landscape architecture services. The project included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination, street lighting upgrades and relocation in order to upgrade the current conditions to current ADA standards. Description: J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Description: The City of Phoenix is continuing to advance the street repurposing efforts associated with North 32nd Street Corridor with a focus of transforming the corridor into a more vibrant community and pedestrian corridor. This study was focused on North 32nd Street between East Shea Blvd. and E. Cholla Street. J2 evaluated the following alternatives: right sizing the roadway for the current and anticipated traffic volumes, providing wider pedestrian sidewalks, providing dedicated bike lanes, and increasing the landscape elements within the Corridor. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 2. Contact Name: Dan Haskins 2. Contact Name: Jason Ramirez 2. Contact Name: John Dickson 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 215 E Buffalo St, Suite 101 Chandler, AZ 85244, 480.782.3335, Daniel.Haskins@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 1034 E Madison St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.7319, jason.ramirez@ phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.3697, john.dickson@phoenix.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, 5. Dates: 08/2016-01/2019 5. Dates: 03/2021-07/2022 5. Dates: 05/2020-02/2022 Section 7.2.2 Experience & Qualifications of the Vendor 7.2.2.A Provide a detailed description of the Vendor’s experience in providing similar services to municipalities or other entities of a similar size to the Town. J2 has been providing on-call services to municipalities across Arizona since our inception in 2002. We have served as an on-call engineering consultant for several Arizona cities and towns including: the Arizona Department of Administration Landscape Architectural On-Call, Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Flood Control District of Maricopa County (FCDMC), Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), and the Cities of Avondale, Buckeye, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Maricopa, Phoenix, Casa Grande, and Tempe to name a few. J2’s extensive On-Call contract experience has given our design team valuable insight into successfully and proactively completing multiple, simultaneous projects. J2 has proven over the past 21 years that we are capable of managing a broad range of complex task assignments under On-Call contracts across the state and has completed hundreds of tasks with award-winning results. Our engineering and landscape architecture professionals have the depth of experience and required skills to complete concurrent On-Call projects with the highest level of quality and tangible results while maintaining the Town of Fountain Hills’s budget and schedule. 7.2.2.B Vendor must demonstrate successful completion of at least three similar projects within the last 60 months. J2's experience and expertise is demonstrated in the similar project experience we have detailed in this section. OC = On-Call Add Quote “The Project Team worked Closely with the City, residents, City of Tempe, ADOT, and FCDMC to complete this project which will benefit the community for years to come. The entire team worked diligently to meet the needs of the City of Mesa and the Community.” Beth Huning, PE - City Engineer; City of Mesa (on the Rio Salado Pathway project). OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 3 ‘THE DISTRICT’ LOOKING NORTH - DAY OC = On-Call OCOC OC 4. Wall Street Alley Project Assessment; Chandler, AZ 5. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ 6. Hatcher Road Street Improvements; Phoenix, AZ 7. Western Powerline Trail-Gilbert to Lindsay MAG DA; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 provided professional landscape architecture conceptual design services for the development of the Wall Street Pedestrian Improvements in Downtown Chandler. This Project Assessment study was part of the MAG Design Assistance Program. The improvement zone was approximately 580 feet in length, from Chicago Street on the north to Frye Road on the south in the exciting Downtown Chandler core area. The scope of work included conceptual evaluation of hardscape, lighting, landscape, signage/monumentation, access control, site furnishings, and art work systems for this potential alley improvement. Description: J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Description: The reach along Hatcher Road is encumbered with both physical and social challenges. The City of Phoenix has had a keen interest in the revitalization of Hatcher Road. Through the results of surveys and the vision of the City, J2 has developed two concepts to address those interests. The first is a conservative solution that looked at re-striping and curb relocation on the south side to incorporate a 8 foot sidewalk and some planting areas. The second is an advanced approach that introduces adjustments to both curb locations on the north and south sides and provides opportunities like 10 foot sidewalks on both sides, planting areas, street tree plantings, areas for gathering with benches, and art among other amenities. Description: J2 was selected off the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to provide a Project Assessment for this section of the Western Powerline Trail. The goal is for the area to be more pedestrian and bike friendly allowing for art festival and other similar events. J2 was the prime consultant for this project providing trail assessment and master planning services. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Page 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert, Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 2. Contact Name: Kim Moyers 2. Contact Name: Darren Coldwell 2. Contact Name: Marielle Brown 2. Contact Name: Nate Williams 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 175 S Arizona Ave, Chandler, AZ 85245, 480.782.3045, Kim.Moyers@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 697 Vista Avenue, Page, AZ 86040, 928.645.4241, dcoldwell@pageaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.534.0258, marielle.brown@phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 90 E Civic Center Dr, Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.294.0750, nathan.williams@ gilbertaz.gov 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 5. Dates: 04/2020-03/2021 5. Dates: 03/2020-11/2021 5. Dates: 02/2021-01/2022 5. Dates: 01/2021-4/2022 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 4 OC = On-Call “I have known the core of the J2 Team for over two decades and have enjoyed our working relationship very much over the years. They have delivered many outstanding park and recreation projects for me on-time and on-budget, for two different municipalities. The staff’s creativity and attention to detail is always appreciated, and I know I can count on J2 to deliver a great project.” -Kirk Haines, Former City of Avondale OCOC 8. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ 9. East Shea Corridor ADMS Review; Scottsdale; AZ 10. Watson Bonarden Lane Drainage Improvements; Tempe, AZ 11. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Description: The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. Description: J2 Design served as a subconsultant to the City of Scottsdale for the review of the East Shea Corridor ADMS. J2 was responsible for the review of SWMM, FLO-2D models and reports. J2 also provided input on potential flood mitigation projects. Description: This project was another local drainage CIP derived from the Tempe ADMS. The project optimized the existing storm drain system in the area near Rural Road and Watson Road to reduce localized flooding of homes. The project included supplemental survey of the project corridor, utility location/re-location, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses and preparation of construction documents. J2 served as the prime consultant they utilized the FLO-2D/ SWMM model to maximize the existing storm drain system capacity. Description: The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. 1. Name of Organization: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community 1. Name of Organization: City of Scottsdale 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: City of Mesa 2. Contact Name: Tina Sotero 2. Contact Name: Hasan Mushtaq 2. Contact Name: Sharletha Johnson 2. Contact Name: Marc Ahlstrom 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 10005 E. Osborn Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85256, 480.362.5747, Tina.Sotero@ srpmic-nsn.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 7447 E. Indian School Road, Suite 125 Scottsdale, AZ 85251, 480.312.4317, hmushtaq@scottsdaleaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E 5th St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.8630, Sharletha_Johnson@ tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 55 N Center St, Mesa, AZ 85201, 480.644.4622, Marc.Ahlstrom@mesaaz. gov 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Irrigation Design 5. Dates: 12/2018-12/2021 5. Dates: 09/2020-02/2022 5. Dates: 02/2021-09/2022 5. Dates: 08/2015- 05/2019 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 5 12. Park Renovations - Hollis Park; Tempe, AZ 13. Heritage District Drainage; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 served as the Prime Consultant for this design refinement effort providing the civil engineering and landscape architecture design services. Park improvements included renovated playground area and equipment, new ADA accessible sidewalk connections to playground area, general civil, hardscape, landscape, and irrigation design. The scope of work included construction documents, cost estimates, specifications, conceptual design, and post design services. Description: This study is focused on evaluating flooding issues and presenting flood mitigation alternatives within the Vaughn Basin watershed as a first step in preparing this area for future growth and development. Comprehensive FLO-2D models for the 10-year, 50-year, and 100-year 24-hour storms were developed for this project. Modeling results were evaluated based on peak flows and flood volumes from the most recent HEC-1 model for the area developed by FCDMC. A preferred flood mitigation alternative has been selected which involves the relocation of Vaughn Basin to increase potential retention volume. 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert 2. Contact Name: Jeffrey Yazzie 2. Contact Name: Jeanne Jensen 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E Fifth St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.2972, Jeff_Yazzie@tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 50 E Civic Center Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.503.6198., Jeanne.Jensen@ GilbertAZ.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Irrigation Design 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 5. Dates: 06/2019-02/2021 5. Dates: 11/2019-03/2022 Previous Fountain Hills Experience • Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan • Adero Canyon Trailhead • Four Peaks Elementary School Safe Sidewalks to School • El Lago Sidewalk • Avenue Courtyard Conceptual Design • Avenue of the Fountains Design Adero Canyon Trailhead; Fountain Hills , AZ Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills , AZ OC = On-Call “It is always a pleasure working with J2. On each and every project, they’ve managed not only to understand the City’s needs, but also to anticipate and expand upon them, delivering a product that exceeds our expectations.” - Joshua Plumb, Formerly Engineering Manager, City of Maricopa OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 6 7.2.3.A Identify each key personnel member that will render services to the Town including title and relevant experience required and 7.2.3.B Indicate the roles and responsibilities of each key position. J2's proposed team resources are shown below along with a brief overview of their qualifications. As you will see, our proposed key staff are diverse and can serve in a variety of roles based on the project needs. The below team will be supported by J2's in-house staff of 35 which is discussed on page 1 of this SOQ. Section 7.2.3 Key Positions Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight, QAQC, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Jeff serves as J2's Director of Engineering and is one of the founding partners. He has been involved in drainage master plans (ADMS), storm drain design, channel design, and detention basin projects for the many Arizona municipalities, FCDMC, USACE, and ADOT. He is highly regarded in the drainage engineering industry. Responsibility. Jeff will provide engineering oversight and QAQC for projects under this on-call contract. Additionally, he will assist in managing and providing engineering design on drainage engineering projects. Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Evan has 7 years of experience in hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, storm drain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. He brings experience working on a variety of drainage design projects. Responsibility. Evan will manage and provide engineering design for drainage engineering projects assigned to him under this on-call contract. Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Serin brings experience in stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, she is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling. Responsibility. Serin will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Principal Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2 and brings 29 years of experience. He oversees J2’s civil engineering team. He brings strong experience in site utilities, earthwork balance, water and sewer line design, grading, drainage, and pavement design, cost estimating, specification writing, and assembly of plans. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working with J2’s in- house disciplines of drainage engineering and landscape architecture to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. Responsibility. Jason will serve as the Town’s Point-of-Contact and overseeing firm principal for this contract. He will also lead and manage all site-civil design focused projects assigned to J2 under this contract. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Savannah has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. Savannah is a newer employee at J2 and her previous stormwater experience can be found in her resume in the Appendix. Responsibility. Savannah will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 7 East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Aaron, Allan, PLA, ASLA Project Landscape Architect Relevant Experience. Aaron’s experience includes multi-use trail systems, trailhead design, community and neighborhood park design, urban design, commercial and institutional facilities, equestrian facilities, revegetation and restoration projects. As a vice president he brings proven leadership skills and a wealth of relevant, recent experience and knowledge in these categories. Responsibility. Aaron will support the transportation planning category of this contract and provide landscape architecture services as required by other projects. Kevin Wallin, CIDProject Irrigation Design Relevant Experience. Kevin has over 30 years of experience on municipal projects with expertise focused on irrigation design. He brings strong experience with sports field irrigation, turf irrigation design, drip irrigation design, and irrigation pump design. The in-house irrigation expertise that he brings is of great value and something that other firms cannot offer. Responsibility. Kevin will provide irrigation design services as required and will closely collaborate with the project team on any project that requires irrigation design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Project Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2, Dan has assisted in a number of engineering projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria, Town of Gilbert, and City of Buckeye. Responsibility. Dan will provide civil engineering services as required. Dan will closely collaborate with Jeff Holzmeister and Jason Touchin. 7.2.3.C. If a subcontractor will be used for all work of a certain type, include information on this subcontractor. A detailed plan for providing supervision must be included. Due to the nature of on-call contracts, J2 is not including any sub-consultants on our team at this time. J2 maintains strong working relationships with several firms that can cover nearly any specialty scope of work that J2 cannot perform in-house that may arise under this contract. The relationships we have built with specialty sub-consultants and the recommendations we will provide are all based off of firsthand knowledge of the quality of work these firms produce based on past, successful project teaming experiences. Should the need arise for a specialty sub- consultant, J2 will work with the Town of Fountain Hills project manager to select the firm that is the right fit to meet the project needs. We are always willing to work with firms that the Town prefers to work with or with other firms off of the on-call that could fill a specialty subcontractor role on projects assigned to J2. 7.2.3.D. Attach a résumé and evidence of certification, if any, for each key personnel member and/or subcontractor to be involved in this project. Resumes and certifications for J2's key personnel are included in the Appendix located at the end of this document. “The J2 Team is dynamic, talented, creative, and truly a pleasure to work with. They performed above and beyond the level of excellence to deliver the Mansel Carter Oasis Park project in 2018 on a tight budget and tight schedule. The outstanding project reviews across the board have been amazing and very special. I would highly recommend J2, and I look forward to working again with them.” - Adam Robinson Town of Queen Creek Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 8 Section 7.2.4 Project Approach 7.2.4.A Describe the Vendor’s approach to performing the required Services in the section titled Scope of Work, including the following processes: OVERALL APPROACH J2’s philosophy and approach to on-call contracts is centered on producing outstanding design solutions while keeping projects on-time and on-budget. J2 is large enough to be financially stable, yet small enough to utilize senior design staff to complete any project assigned to us as a part of this on-call contract. The people you know and meet will be working on your projects. We have found that if four key components can be identified and agreed upon from the start of a project that the design process runs considerably smoother: • Trust and Respect • Known Expectations • Budget • Defined Program and Scope The first key to a successful project is a mutual trust and respect between the Owner and Design Team. There has to be open communication that allows each party, the Community and the Design Team, to be the experts in their respective fields. The second key is known expectations. The Team needs to know the expectations of key stakeholders in order for the owner to get the best value and a fully finished project. The third key is budget. If a clear budget is not defined then the Design Team cannot meet the expectations of the owner. The last key is a well-defined program and scope of services which guides the direction of project development. Each of these elements is interlinked and dependent upon each other. Our staff pays close attention to detail and our project managers maintain excellent lines of communication with our clients and our overall design Team. J2’s management philosophy is built around our professional staff’s ability to listen to the needs of our clients and respond with imaginative and creative ideas. J2’s approach will focus on taking the vision for each project and creating a constructible set of plans that will result in a sustainable, maintainable, and creative facilities that are loved by those who utilize and interact with them. Planning & Scheduling. The J2 Team will develop a specific scope of services and establish and update the schedule for each project throughout the duration of this contract. The approved schedule will be submitted to the Town’s Project Manager at agreed upon intervals and updated as needed. Activities showing negative float will be provided with a solution to bring the project back on schedule. On larger scale projects, J2 will utilize Microsoft Project to schedule and track tasks and outside agency coordination. J2 prides itself on providing innovative design solutions to our clients while always remain on or ahead of schedule. Critical items included and shown in the master schedule are: • Scoping • Public involvement • City Planning Approvals • Utility/outside agency coordination • Staged Submittal Development (30, 60, 90, Final) • City Review Time at Stage Submittals Estimating & Cost Controls. J2 brings extensive experience with municipal, on-call civil engineering, drainage engineering, and transportation planning projects allowing us to comprehensively consider complex elements that firms who do not specialize in this scope of work may overlook. Our recent and ongoing design work in a variety of disciplines across the state, and in Fountain Hills, means we have clear understanding of the current cost and requirements for on-call projects. Our approach to accurate estimating, reconciling, and protecting the budget while working with the Town will be continuous throughout each stage of the project process. We will engage in the early identification of/ creative approaches to cost savings, utilize our database of past project bid tabs from recent projects, and leverage our professional relationships with general contractors in Arizona to understand what the market values of certain bid items are and accurately estimate projects we are assigned under this on-call contract. J2 has a proven track record of Western Powerline Trail; Gilbert, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 9 Project Scope of Work Copy of the Contract Project Schedule Schedule of Deliverables Project Budgets Staff Hours QAQC Plan Project Work Plan Key components of the project work plan include: Figure 1. J2 Project Work Plan Componentscontrolling costs and consistently delivering projects that achieve budgetary goals. This results in tighter bids and less opportunities for contract change orders later on in the construction process. Project Management. Each of our project managers and staff members have experience managing and working on multiple projects concurrently and do so on a daily basis. J2’s efficient and refined project management processes and our deep bench of in-house design staff allow our firm to provide quality, on-time, and on-budget design services for dozens of projects at once. Only staff with adequate availability will be assigned to your projects and you can expect dedicated service and close attention to each project regardless of if it is running concurrently with others. The key to J2’s continued success in providing our clients with end products that exceed their schedule, cost, and quality expectations is the J2 Project Work Plan (PWP) (key elements shown in Figure 1). This tool is customized at the start of each project and serves as a guide for the project manager from day one through project close-out. Each of our proposed project managers for this contract is familiar with the J2 PWP and its components having utilized it to manage dozens of successful, award-winning projects. Team Organization. J2 offers a strong, skilled staff to support the completion of any project we are assigned under this on-call contract. Our proposed staff and additional staff resources discussed throughout this proposal are available and ready to begin work on projects for the Town as they arise. Each project will begin with the assignment of a skilled, in-house Project Manager. J2’s Contract Principal, Jason Touchin, PE, will assign a dedicated project manager who will be responsible for the schedule and completion of all related project work based on the skills required for the project and current workload availability. Jason Touchin and the assigned project manager will then craft the most qualified team for the project based on our Team members’ expertise and current workload at the time of the project. Bid Package Management. J2 has extensive experience creating and managing bid packages for projects that span a wide range of sizes, services, disciplines, and delivery methods. We will provide organized, concise, and implementable bid packages for projects under this on-call. J2 maintains great relationships with many contractors across the state and has a history of collaborating well with contractors under any delivery method. We will work with contractors, attend pre- construction meetings, respond to contractor questions, and provide updated plans with changes clearly noted via addendum as needed for projects under this contract. Management of Overhead Costs. Our firm prides itself on the low overhead costs that we have established and maintained for 21+ years. As a small, but robust, local business, J2’s overhead costs are lower and more easily controlled than those of large, corporate organizations. The hands-on involvement of firm principals the manageable size of our firm allows us to keep our overhead costs low and still provide our clients access to experienced personnel and services that exceed their expectations. 7.2.4.B Describe any alternate approaches if it is believed that such an approach would best suit the needs of the Town. Include rationale for alternate approaches, and indicate how the Vendor will ensure that all efforts are coordinated with the Town’s Representatives. Given the nature of on-call contracts, J2 does not have any specific alternate approaches to suggest at this time. J2 is well-known for our innovative, creative, and practical approach to design on projects that range in size, discipline, and services. At the start of each project we will evaluate the project details and scape and propose any innovative or creative approaches that we feel will best suit the Town and the project’s needs. We view ourselves as an extension of the Town’s staff and any alternate approaches or innovations proposed will be discussed and ultimately, approved by the Town’s representatives in order to ensure that all approaches meet the needs of the Town and its citizens. Thank you for your review of our qualifications. J2 is excited about this on-call contract and looks forward to the opportunity to continue serving the Town of Fountain Hills through this selection. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design Project Schedule Section 7.2.5 Project Schedule J2 has a strong understanding of how to schedule and achieve key project milestones and deliverables for on-call engineering projects. To fulfill this RFQ requirement, and demonstrate our ability to meet project milestones, be available for key meetings, and accurately schedule the types of projects that may arise under this contract, our team prepared an example schedule for the Fountain Hills Boulevard/Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements project listed in the Town's Capital Improvement program. This schedule is solely an example and all schedules, dates, milestones, and scope items will always be created, discussed, and approved in partnership with Town staff. ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 2 3 Fountain Hills Boulevard Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements 267 days Mon 2/5/24 Tue 2/11/25 4 Data Collection and Survey 40 days Mon 2/5/24 Fri 3/29/24 5 30% Plans 71 days Fri 3/29/24 Mon 7/8/24 4 6 Kickoff 0 days Fri 3/29/24 Fri 3/29/24 7 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 8 Roadway Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 9 Structural Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 10 Geotechnical Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 11 Traffic Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 12 Environmental Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 13 Utilities 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 14 Locating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 15 Relocating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 16 Public Involvement 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 17 Submittal 0 days Mon 7/8/24 Mon 7/8/24 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16 18 City Review 16 days Tue 7/9/24 Tue 7/30/24 17 19 60% Plans 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 20 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 21 Roadway Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 22 Structural Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 23 Geotechnical Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 24 Traffic Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 25 Environmental Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 26 Utilities 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 27 Locating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 28 Relocating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 29 Public Involvement 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 30 Submittal 0 days Wed 9/25/24 Wed 9/25/24 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 31 City Review 16 days Thu 9/26/24 Thu 10/17/24 30 32 90% Plans 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 33 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 34 Roadway Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 35 Structural Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 36 Geotechnical Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 37 Traffic Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 38 Environmental Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 39 Utilities 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 40 Locating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 41 Relocating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 42 Public Involvement 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 43 Submittal 0 days Fri 11/29/24 Fri 11/29/24 33,34,35,36,37,38,40,41 44 City Review 16 days Mon 12/2/24 Mon 12/23/24 43 45 100% Plans 36 days Tue 12/24/24 Tue 2/11/25 46 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 47 Roadway Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 48 Structural Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 49 Geotechnical Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 50 Traffic Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 51 Environmental Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 52 Utilities 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 53 Locating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 54 Relocating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 55 Public Involvement 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 56 Submittal 0 days Mon 1/20/25 Mon 1/20/25 46,47,48,49,50,51,53,54,55 57 Final Review 16 days Tue 1/21/25 Tue 2/11/25 56 58 Approval 0 days Tue 2/11/25 Tue 2/11/25 57 3/29 7/8 9/25 11/29 11/29 2/11 1/20 2/11 M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M EDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch April Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 1 Project: fountain hills BlvdDate: Wed 12/13/23 Provide a generic project schedule showing potential key project milestones and deliverables. The schedule shall demonstrate Vendor’s ability to meet the designated project milestones. Appendix Resumes and Certifications Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Project Civil Engineer Experience 29 Years Total 20 with J2 Education B.S., Construction Management, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #38806 About Jason. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2. He has 29 years of experience across a variety of project types. He is responsible for all of J2’s civil engineering design, including the civil engineering for regional, community, and neighborhood park projects. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working in-house with J2’s landscape staff to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. He brings strong expertise in regional park engineering elements such as site utilities, earthwork balance, sports field grading, and more. He draws upon his experience coupled with his construction management background to provide innovative solutions that meet client needs. His client experience includes Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, City of Phoenix, Town of Gilbert, City of Chandler and various other counties and municipalities. Experience McDowell Mountain Preserve Central Trailhead; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Engineer. Jason was responsible for developing grading, pavement, and utility design for the Town of Fountain Hill’s first dedicated hiking trailhead located in the McDowell Mountain Preserve. This trailhead will grant the public walking access to the hiking trails, vehicular parking, school bus access, as well as providing accessibility and like experiences for the disabled. Amenities included in the design were a restroom facility, two scenic overlook plaza areas with picnic ramadas, decorative entry gates, and gabion baskets filled with native rock material utilized as retaining walls. The primary objective of this design was to preserve the natural environmental beauty of the site. Flatiron Community Park; Apache Junction, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 was the prime firm leading a design team for Flatiron Community Park. J2 provided professional services for master planning and thematic design, as well as the development of construction documents and construction observation for this three acre community park within the City of Apache Junction. J2 administered extensive public involvement and master planning for the development of Flatiron Community Park. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Civil Engineer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multiuse fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The grounds of the former Mesa Jr. High School property were converted into Eagles Park, a new City park and recreation facility. The new park (approximately 27 acres) includes lighted multi-purpose sports fields, playgrounds, walkways with exercise stations, picnic facilities, a newly renovated recreation facility and new parking lots. The old Fraser Drive will be reconstructed to accommodate side street parking and serves as a fire lane providing vehicular access to the park, Mesa Public School’s Lowell Elementary School, and the recreation facility. A previously completed J2 park master plan was used as a basis for the design. Piestewa Peak, Summit and Navajo Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Phoenix redeveloped the former trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Project improvements included new parking lots, new ramadas, new restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, and roadway improvements along the frontage of these special trailheads. The traffic design elements included pavement marking and signing plans for both trailheads and Squaw Peak Drive. A field review was completed in order to inventory regulatory signage, as well as trailhead signage, prior to the new pavement marking and signing plans. SR 202L South Mountain Freeway; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. As a subconsultant, J2 was responsible for the lighting and maintenance of traffic design for select segments of this project. This megaproject was the largest construction project in state history, constructing 22 miles of a new 8-lane freeway facility. As the last section of the Maricopa Association of Governments’ original Regional Transportation Plan, the South Mountain Freeway will complete the Valley’s highway network. Ma Ha Tauk Park; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. Improvements to this 11-acre park will include renovation of the existing parking lot, new site lighting, open turf play areas, new landscaping, refurbishment of the existing restroom building, new playground equipment, new fitness stations, and refurbishment of the existing basketball court, new sand volleyball court, new ramadas, and concrete pathways. Two washes traverse the site from the east to the west, dividing the site into approximate thirds. Impacts to these washes will be protected in place and serve as a main feature of the park. At grade low water crossings will be utilized to cross the washes to create the continuous walking paths. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Civil Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Mustang Transit; Scottsdale, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Scottsdale has provided several transportation improvements along the 90th Street corridor between Shea Boulevard and Mountain View Road. J2 served as a subconsultant and was responsible for assisting the City of Scottsdale’s Capital Project Management staff by providing the City (COS) with the required Design Review documents and presentation exhibits as needed for the Design Review Board (DRB) review and approval. The project included extensive public involvement and outreach, and coordination with the COS committees and stakeholders. The project improvements include new transit amenities, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, new signal and a roundabout. J2 prepared and electronically delivered to COS final construction documents including plant inventory and salvage plans, native revegetation plans, civil plans, drainage plans, landscape plans, irrigation plans, and wall graphics for the areas within COS established rights-of-way along roadway corridor. J2 worked hand in hand with the artist to provide the locations and construction documents for some of the art features throughout the project. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Civil Engineer. This project includes a combination of shared use pathways and cycle tracks weaving through the neighborhoods with signalized pedestrian crossings at Center St and the canal and at Country Club Drive and the canal. Street improvements and enhanced landscaping is also included on Brown/ Date Street, 10th Street, and Alma School Road. This project completes one of the areas “missing links” by provide a nonmotorized connection from the City of Mesa to its neighboring Cities to the west (Tempe, Scottsdale, Phoenix). This paved, lighted shared use pathway project was designed by J2. J2 provided all of the civil engineering and landscape architecture associated with this extensive project. Jason Touchin, PE Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight/QAQC Experience 40 Years Total 20 with J2 Education M.S., Water Resources Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Arizona Floodplain Managers Association (AFMA) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #23170 About Jeff. Jeff is the Director of Engineering at J2 and has 40 years of water resources and general civil engineering experience. Jeff has been involved in a wide range of water resource and general civil engineering projects throughout Arizona. Investigation of these projects has required analyses of surface water hydrology, open channel hydraulics, culvert design, storm drain analyses, and sediment transport analyses. In addition to technical engineering analyses, the majority of these projects have also required the development of construction cost estimates, operation and maintenance plans, and benefit/cost analyses to determine the economic feasibility of a specific flood control or drainage plan. Jeff is experienced in the application of the HEC-1/HEC-HMS, HEC-2/HEC-RAS, HEC-6, StormCadd, and FLO-2D computer programs. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Engineer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Principal. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is on a 46-acre site at Appleby Road and 196th Street. J2 provided plans, specification, quantities, and estimates for the development of two multi-purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness pods, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, and an urban fishing lake. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. As project principal, Jeff was responsible for the multifaceted design team that sucessfully completed this landmark destination park. Tempe Area Drainage Master Study; Tempe, AZ Project Manager. This District project evaluated Tempe’s overall drainage system (total 47 square-miles) using the two-dimensional modeling software of FLO-2D. This ADMS identified drainage and flooding problems in Tempe and developed alternative measures to mitigate identified\ concerns. There were multiple storm events that caused street drainage problems and flooding. Tempe expected major redevelopment in portions of the City and as a response to this projected growth the City considered implementation of various green infrastructure and low impact design techniques as part of the General Plan. Three dependent FLO-2D models were developed with more than one million grids for each of the three models to cover the entire project area. Complex storm drain systems with 147 miles of pipe, 2,767 inlets, 110 outfalls, and six pumps were modeled with the integration of FLO-2D and EPA SWMM models. The Project Team worked with ASU sustainability group to evaluate the use of Low Impact Development (LID) concepts for mitigation of regional drainage concerns and they obtained. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ Project Principal. The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue Drainage Study; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This project for the City of Phoenix performed engineering analyses required to develop mitigation measures for storm water flooding in the vicinity of 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue. FLO-2D hydrologic modeling was performed for the 2, 10, and 100-year storm events. The contributing watershed area is approximately four miles. The grid systems (12’x12’ cells with total 803,229 grids) for models were developed and data collection was conducted. Major flooding issues were identified and three flood mitigation alternatives for the three design storms were modeled and evaluated. Preliminary drainage plans were developed with associated quantity and probable cost estimates. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Project Principal. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Chandler ADA Improvements; Chandler, AZ Project Principal. This project focus is on ADA compliance for the City of Chandler. The project limits were Boston Street east of Arizona Avenue, the circular drive adjacent the Senior Center, Washington Street south from Boston Street to Chicago Street and Chicago Street east to Delaware Street. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project and included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination and relocation. This project required a hard ground survey and very detailed micro- grading to ensure ADA compliance, this detailed approach was absolutely necessary to minimize project costs, to ensure ADA compliance and to ensure accurate existing hardscape tie-in locations. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ Project Principal. J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Cave Creek Wash Regional Park Improvements; Project Engineer. This project entailed three separate park facilities under one contract: Rose Mofford Sports Complex, Cholla Park, and Sweetwater Park. Rose Mofford Sports Complex included lighted softball fields, dog park, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and additional lighted field along with multi-use trails, ramadas, and a restroom. Cholla Park design included two lighted multi-use fields as well as a restroom facility, ramadas, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and extensive multi-use trail system. Sweetwater Park design included extensive turf, open play areas, revegetation of the disturbed Cave Creek Wash banks, picnic ramadas, basketball court, multi-use trail system, restroom, trail lighting, and a pedestrian bridge over Cave Creek Wash. 12th Street Storm Drain, Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Engineer. Jeff was responsible for the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and design of the storm drain from Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road. Storm drains varied in size from 24-inches to 64-inches. The project tasks included utility coordination, plan and specifications preparation and computation of cost estimates. 44th Street Storm Drain Design, Bell Road to Greenway Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Jeff was responsible for design of the storm drain from 44th Street to Greenway Road. The project required modification of an existing set of engineering documents. The previous plans contained several “fatal flaw” utility conflicts. Team members developed several design alternatives for the project. Jeff Holzmeister, PE Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Experience 7 Years Total 7 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #71783 About Evan. Evan has 7 years of experience working with several professional engineers in areas including hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, stormdrain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. Clients include Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, Flood Control District of Maricopa County, and various counties and municipalities in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Experience Crestview at Fountain Hills; Fountain Hills, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the development of proposed plans and cost estimate for a catch basin and landscape reconstruction in Fountain Hills. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report and utilized AutoCAD and GIS to prepare plans and exhibits. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. SR202L, South Mountain Freeway On-Site Drainage; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the on-site drainage design for cross-roads along four segments of the South Mountain Freeway. Evan led in the preparation of inlet sizes and locations using MicroStation and Flowmaster with considerations made for allowable spread, pipe length, and existing conditions/ storm drain systems. Evan developed pipe summary sheets using StormCAD to calculate pipe sizes and various inlet characteristics, and assisted in the preparation of plan and profile sheets with an emphasis on ProjectWise utilization. Piestewa Peak Trailhead Improvements; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the calculation of onsite retention volumes and basin sizing for the park improvements along Squaw Peak Dr utilizing Bentley Microstation InRoads. Evan assisted in the development of several hydrologic models using HEC-1 and led the preparation of the onsite drainage report, including the utilization of GIS to develop shapefiles and exhibits. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Drainage Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO-2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. J2 was a subconsultant providing landscape architecture, hardscape, theme development, and a drainage study. Our design team provided conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. SR101L Widening Design Build Proposal; Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan utilized an existing Design Concept for Loop 101 widening and adapted proposed drainage infrastructure to new roadway geometry. Evan led in the development of design basefiles and quantities for 13 miles of on-site and off-site improvements, emphasizing ProjectWise integration and coordination with a multidisciplinary design team. Casa Blanca Area Drainage Master Study; Casa Blanca, AZ Drainage Designer. GIS tools were developed for use for the ef ficient development of FLO-2D input data files and post-processing of the modeling results for the 62 sq. mile 2-dimensional hydraulic study of the Gila River Indian Community District 5 area. Evan led the field data collection efforts and preparation of hydraulic structures data, GIS implementation of FLO-2D crosssections, HEC-RAS modeling of multiple channels, and preparation of exhibits for flood mitigation alternatives. 83rd Ave & Thunderbird Rd Intersection Improvements; Peoria, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the hydraulic analysis of existing drainage infrastructure at 83rd Ave & Thunderbird, identified potential drainage concerns, and proposed multiple mitigation alternatives. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report, utilizing Flowmaster and StormCAD to perform hydraulic calculations and GIS to prepare exhibits. Agua Fria Freeway and I-10 Interchange Drainage Study; Tolleson, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the development of updates to the Maryvale Area Drainage Master Study HEC-1 model to incorporate the Bethany Home Outfall Channel and determine the required volume of a regional basin at I-10 and L101. Evan analyzed as- built records to determine existing conditions, utilized GIS to prepare DDMSW input files, and assisted in final plan production. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 was retained as a subconsultant for TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extral general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Drainage Engineer. The City of Apache Junction recently improved a county drainage basin to include a dog park. J2 was selected to design the improvements. The dog park improvements included dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solar powered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase. This award- winning facility opened to the public last spring. West Plaza Park; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. West Plaza Park is an existing 6 acre park at the northwest corner of 43rd Avenue and Maryland Avenue. The existing park features are mature trees, large turf area, playground, and drinking fountain. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide professional design services for the City of Phoenix. The new improvements included picnic ramadas, walking pathways, sport courts, fitness plaza, area lighting, and landscape and irrigation improvements. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Drainage Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multi-use fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. USS Arizona Memorial Gardens; SRP-MIC, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are over 1,500 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. The site includes a contemplative Memorial Garden and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast as well as a showcase of The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona. Evan Grace, PE Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 2 with J2 Education BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of South Carolina MS Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Arizona State University Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #75112 About Serin. Serin’s initial experience was as an environmental engineer, working as a consultant in both air quality and stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, She is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling, with the ever present opportunity to continue to expand her skillset. Experience North Water Treatment Plant; Gilbert, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin developed 1-D and 2-D models in HEC-RAS to in support of the North Water Treatment Plant expansion, which incorporates part of a FEMA floodplain. I-17 Auxiliary Lanes; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin analyzed drainage areas and calculated flow in order to design proposed inlets for the planned addition of auxiliary lanes along I-17 in central Phoenix according to AZDOT regulations and specifications. Sundance Park; Buckeye, AZ Staff Engineer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Gilbert Road Bridge; Mesa, SRP-MIC, AZ Staff Engineer. On this MCDOT project, J2 provided both water resource engineering and bridge scour evaluations of this bridge replacement over the Salt River as well as complete landscape restoration plans, erosion control plans and bridge and wall aesthetics including the design and placement of a new entry monument for the SRP-MIC community. Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue; Peoria, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 served as a subconsultant to perform the hydrologic/hydraulic analyses required for on-site and off-site drainage design, water quality treatment mitigation, preparation of landscape plans, irrigation, and stormwater pollution prevention plans for the proposed Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue project. J2 assisted in the report preparation to document the drainage analyses performed, and coordinated the design with TYLin and MCDOT. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 1 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79325 About Savannah. Savannah has 4 years of engineering experience. She has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Savannah joins us from Flood Control District of Maricopa County where she assumed the technical responsibility for reviewing the hydrologic and hydraulic design components of projects/studies including review of engineering reports, calculations, plans for compliance with District standards, FEMA requirements, and standard modeling guidelines. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, and more. Experience Skyline Drive Corridor from Magma Railroad to SR 79; Pinal County, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design is served as a subconsultant to Jacobs Engineering. Savannah created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantify peak flows, and identify points along the Skyline Drive corridor that will require drainage structures and sized preliminary drainage structures. River Island State Park Off-Highway Vehicle Trailhead Phase I; Parker, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design quantified offsite peak flows moving through the project area and ensured that no modifications significantly changed the existing flow paths. A retention basin was sized in order to accommodate first flush volume for direct runoff from the site improvements. J2 also ensured finished floor of the proposed restroom facility and camp host site were elevated one foot above the 100-year water surface elevation. Sierra Vista Shooting Range; Sierra Vista, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantified peak flows, and sized two preliminary ford crossings. Grand Canal Multi-Use Trail; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 is served as a subconsultant for TRACE Consulting. Savannah quantified the amount of additional runoff associated with replacing the compacted dirt along the canal with a concrete multi-use path and ensured there was no adverse impact to surrounding properties associated with this additional runoff. Indian Bend Wash Vista Del Camino Park; Scottsdale, AZ Staff Engineer. The Vista Del Camino Park project, 1 of 4 design areas, includes shade ramadas, walking trails and pathways, playground structures, restroom buildings, parking lots, pathway lighting, drinking fountains, roadway improvements, reconstruction of the lake system, drainage structures (Indian Bend Wash serves as a regional floodway) and irrigation systems. J2 Design is the Prime Consultant for the project and is providing master plan validation, final design construction documents, public involvement, civil engineering,landscape architecture, irrigation design, and lake design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Civil Engineer Experience 2 Years Total 4 with J2 Education B.S Mining Engineering, University of Utah Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79703 About Dan. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2 Dan has assisted in a number of drainage projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria and Town of Gilbert. Experience Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Southern Avenue and Apache Road – Traffic Signal Design; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan created an exhibit to coordinate with the City of Buckeye, land developers and utility companies to illustrate the proposed conditions of the intersection and to identify potential conflicts. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Well Site 36-5 Drainage Improvements; Scottsdale, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan provided design and grading for a new driveway and drainage swale to redirect flow of water off of the driveway and towards the existing wash utilizing a trench drain to capture excess water. The flow was then directed to a gabion bed to mitigate the impact of erosion. Hatcher Road; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. The City of Phoenix has endeavored to revitalize Hatcher Road from Central Avenue to 19th Avenue. The roadway exists in an economically distressed area. The City has incorporated portions of the roadway over the years from Maricopa County. It contains significant restraints including a homeless population, spot development, land ownership, and development, significant business vacancies, and an active residential community looking for enhancement of a roadway that has many differing roadway profiles with utility challenges. ADOT SR79 Gila River Bridge Engineering Designer. The SR-79 Gila River Bridge project will replace the existing 2 lane bridge with a new 4 lane bridge over the Gila River. J2 provided hydraulic and scour analysis, scour countermeasure design, and bridge aesthetics and landscape design. The bridge hydraulic analysis included utilizing both HEC-RAS 1-dimensional and SRH 2-dimensional modeling to evaluate the complex flow patterns in the vicinity of the bridge for bridge design as well as the floodplain impact analysis. I-10 (PHX-Casa Grande HWY); ADOT, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. Civic Center Park Design; Avondale, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is partnering with the City of Avondale to develop a passive, open space area to include open turf areas, shade ramadas, a playground, and a small water feature. The 4-Acre parcel for this project is located within Avondale’s Civic Center area and adjacent to a forthcoming aquatic center. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for the project providing landscape architecture and civil engineering design services. ST Johns Shooting Range; Saint Johns, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for this project providing professional design services for the St. Johns Shooting Range project. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF) needs to implement lead containment basins at the St. John’s Shooting Range. The new detention basins will be along the south side of the ranges and collect drainage run off prior to the storm water entering the adjacent tributary of the Little Colorado River. Mesa Cemetary Northwest Expansion Master Plan; Mesa, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 provided master planning services for an 8 acre expansion of the Mesa Cemetery. Five concepts were developed and vetted that included more than 4,000 new plots, new roadway layout, a new memorial garden, new irrigation mainlines, grading concepts and coordination with SRP on a historic irrigation canal. Seth prepared various conceptual layouts for the roadways, the memorial garden and plot locations. Roper Lake Park Improvements; Safford, AZ Engineering Designer. Arizona State Parks is targeting several key State owned and operated parks for renovation of aging infrastructure. One of the first projects targeted is Roper Lake State Park just outside of Safford Arizona. Roper Lake State Park has 30 lake surface acres, a boat ramp, natural stone hot tub, swimming beach, day use island with numerous picnic tables and grills, camping cabins, and public campgrounds all serviced through an antiquated septic or sewage tank operations. The existing sewage infrastructure of the park had either failed, or was not operating efficiently and overall was inadequate for the current use of the park. J2 provided construction documents based upon our initial evaluation of the site’s sewage system and have provided the following infrastructure elements and features to Arizona State Parks to address the site issues. Rotary Park Trail; Casa Grande, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is assisting the City in the design of a new trail that will run along the north side of the North Branch of the Santa Cruz Wash, and extend from Rotary Park to Peart Road. Services to the City include assisting in the interviews and selection of the trail designer, and hydraulic and floodplain impact analysis. J2 will assist the trail designer with making sure the trail does not negatively impact the existing regulatory floodway. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Landscape Architect Experience 21 Years Total 21 with J2 Education B.S. in Landscape Architecture, Arizona State University PSMJ Resources, Inc. Project Management Training Affiliations American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) Certified #7445 Arizona Parks & Recreation Association (APRA) Registrations Professional Landscape Architect Arizona #45439 About Aaron. Aaron has 20 years of landscape architecture experience and has completed a wide variety of public works projects throughout Arizona. Aaron has outstanding experience leading multidisciplinary design teams on successful award-winning projects including design of park and recreation facilities, urban plazas and streetscapes, environmental restorations, and shared-use pathways. Aaron has the ability to navigate projects that involve multiple stakeholder involvement and gain consensus on design direction. Aaron gives the J2 staff multi-faceted talent, due to his diverse expertise in parks, recreation , and open-space, master planning, hardscape design, urban design, public presentation, soils, horticulture and planting design and construction management experience. Experience Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected off of the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to lead the development of the Town of Fountain Hill’s first-ever Active Transportation Plan. The plan will serve as the primary tool for the deployment and integration of connected, safe, and comfortable facilities for bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized modes within the Town. J2 conducted inventory analysis, identified priority areas, created an implementation strategy, and included customizable cost estimates as a part of the plan document. Additionally, the J2 Team assisted the Town with public involvement by attending meetings, collecting public input via surveys, and even creating a custom brand and logo for the project to spread awareness. Avenue of the Fountains Master Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Landscape Architect. The Town of Fountain Hills had an opportunity to improve upon the existing median along the Avenue of the Fountains. The median facilities were near the end of their workable life cycles. Aaron helped facilitate working group meeting with key stakeholders, facilitated public involvement meetings, and provided a master plan and estimated construction budgets for the renovation of the Avenue of the Fountains, which included new hardscape, waterfeatures, lighting, seating areas, landscape and irrigation improvements. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Project Manager. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Landscape Architect. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Heritage Center Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. The Town of Gilbert’s Heritage Center project addressed wayfinding, accessibility, and on-site flooding issues at the current site. J2 worked with the Town to provide a site evaluation, master plan, and construction documents for the Heritage Center that included, addressing ADA issues, adding a play structure, courtyard and street lighting, new wayfinding and signage, a new pathway, new irrigation and landscaping, and more. USS Arizona Memorial; Salt River Pima Indian Community, AZ Project Manager. The USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are 1,511 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. Commemorative Columns line the stabilized paths, with each walkway terminating in a flagpole flying a flag for each branch of the US military. Each column will subtly glow come sundown, transforming the space at night. The contemplative Memorial Garden sits to the north of the Boat House relic house and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast. The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona is prominently displayed adjacent to the lake’s edge. J2 provided design services for this important memorial. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Piestewa Peak Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. The City of Phoenix is redeveloping the existing trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Improvements for this trailhead redevelopment include new parking lots, ramadas, restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, entry monument, and refurbishing ramadas. The project included significant grade changes. Powerline Trail Greenfield Road Signal Crossing; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide landscape architecture and civil engineering design services for the Town of Gilbert for the Western Powerline Trail-Phase IV project. The project was an approximate half mile of shared-use pathway along the Western Powerline Trail corridor that tied into the SRP Powerline Trail and extended east to Greenfield Road. This project included tiling of an SRP tail water ditch, pathway lighting, ramadas, and a pedestrian activated signal and cross walk improvements at Greenfield Road. Water Tower Plaza; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. Aaron was responsible for the landscape master plan and final construction documents for the restoration of the historic Water Tower Plaza in downtown Gilbert’s Heritage District. The project has included extensive public outreach to both the community and local business owners. Unique to the project is the association created with ASU’s Decision Theater where the public input process has been teamed with the latest in 3-D modeling technology. This has provided the ability to gather public input and present ideas in a virtual walk through. This facet of the design process has allowed Aaron to investigate how the public feels about a multitude of aspects on the project including the sounds of water, the texture of pavement, and the colors of the site and ultimately how the entire project will be developed. The plaza improvements consisted of four different themed water features, outdoor plaza spaces, and an informal turf amphitheater. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Aaron also provided construction management services. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This 13 acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included new parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball court, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Kevin Wallin, CID Irrigation Design Experience 30 Years Total 20 with J2 Education Associates in Specialized Technology, Architectural CADD, Pittsburgh Technical Institute Registrations Certified Irrigation Designer CID #64027 About Kevin. Kevin has over 30 years of combined experience in landscape architecture and irrigation design with responsibilities varying from project manager, lead designer, assistant designer, and CAD drafter. As a landscape and irrigation designer, Kevin creates design concepts for both master plans and construction documents including planting, irrigation, hardscape, lake design, pump design, demolition, plant salvage/ inventory, and site plans. Kevin has extensive experience working on municipal park projects and his expertise is focused on irrigation design. He brings strong knowledge and experience with sports field irrigation projects, turf irrigation design projects, drip irrigation design projects, and irrigation pump design from lake projects. The in-house irrigation and lake design expertise that Kevin brings will be an invaluable asset to the project team. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Irrigation Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 provided professional engineering services for the 27 acre park site that consists of multi-purpose sports fields, playground, ADA walkways, picnic facilities, new parking lots, and exercise stations. J2 provided all project coordination, landscape architecture, irrigation and civil design. Chuparosa Park: Volleyball and Parking Lot Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was the prime consultant, selected from the City’s on-call contract, leading the design of a parking lot expansion and two additional volleyball courts. The scope of work included conceptual design, construction documents, specifications, cost estimates, and post design services. Park improvements included sport court and parking lot lighting, landscape and irrigation, court design, parking lot design, and civil improvements. Desert Breeze Park Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. Kevin supported the professional design services which included conceptual design, final construction documents, specifications , cost estimates, and post design services for several phases of the park’ s development. The task phases have included: multi-use sports fields, a new path system, lake edge improvements, fabric shade structures, ADA accessibility improvements, fishing zones, splash pad refurbishment, fencing systems, and landscape & irrigation improvements. West Chandler Park Master Plan and Design; Chandler, AZ Landscape Designer. 40-acre community park includes softball and baseball complexes, restroom/concessions building, maintenance building and storage area, and soccer/football field. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Landscape and Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Indian School Lake Rehabilitation; Scottsdale, AZ Irrigation and Lake Design. J2 provided civil engineering, landscape architecture and electrical engineering in the renovation of the 40 year old Indian School Lake. J2 also was responsible for design and construction management of Lake, Pump system, Wet Wells, Electrical, landscape Irrigation, planting and civil paving and multi-use pathways. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. This thirteen acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included porous concrete parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels to achieve a 100% power offset, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball courts, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Paseo Verde Park; Peoria, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was responsible for providing professional landscape architecture services which prepared the design and construction documents for this 10 acre neighborhood “infill” park in an established Peoria neighborhood. The park was delivered by “Design-Build” contract. Facilities include; two soccer/softball fields, playground, basketball court, armadas mesquite “bosque”, “volcano mountain” art landform and a “butterfly garden” picnic area, loop and neighborhood connecting trails. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Irrigation Designer. The City of Apache Junction is in the process of improving a county drainage basin to include a dog park. The dog park will include dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solarpowered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 has developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase and the project is now in construction. Kevin Wallin, CID Evidence of Certifications Town of Fountain Hills | RFQ-2023-009 | Dec 13, 2023; 5:00 PM Statement of Qualifications Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 1 J2’s On-Call Staff Resources 35 Arizona-based and dedicated professionals • 7 Professional Landscape Architects (PLA)• 2 Certified Irrigation Designers (CID)• 8 Landscape Design Associates• 6 Professional Engineers (PE)• 2 Engineers in Training (EIT)• 3 CAD Designers• 5 Administrative Staff 7.2.1.B Provide Vendor Identification Information. Legal Name. J2 Engineering and Environmental Design Address. 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Identification Number. ACC No. L-1046937-3 Legal Form: Limited Liability Company (LLC) Authorized to act on J2’s behalf and point of contact: Jason Touchin, PE 602.438.2221 Ext 128, jtouchin@j2design.us 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 7.2.1.C Identify the location of the Vendor’s principal office and the local work office, if different from the principal office. J2’s one and only office is located at 4649 E. Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2, Phoenix, Arizona 85040. All work for this project will be performed in this office location. 7.2.1.D Provide a general description of the Vendor that is proposing to provide the Services, including years in business. J2 is an Arizona water resources, general civil engineering, and landscape architecture firm specializing in the planning, analysis, and design of public works projects. J2 has a successful working relationship with the Town of Fountain Hills and has been providing professional services for municipal entities for over 21 years. 7.2.1.E Identify any contract or subcontract held by the Vendor or officers of the Vendor that has been terminated within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None 7.2.1.F Identify any claims arising from a contract that resulted in litigation or arbitration within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None Section 7.2.1 General Information Transportation Infrastructure Services • Street Diets• Pedestrian Improvements & Amenities• Active Transportation Planning • Bus Shelters • Shared-Use Pathways • Commuter Park and Rides • Shade • Multi-Modal Planning• Downtown Area Master Planning and Urban Design Civil Engineering Services • Site Civil Engineering • Roadway transportation studies and design • Plan Review • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Water and Sewer Utilities Drainage Engineering Services • Storm drain system and culvert design • Channels and flood control improvements • Detention basins/ retention basins / parks / multi-use facilities • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Area drainage master studies/plans • Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis • Bridge hydraulics and river mechanics • Sediment transport analysis • 2-dimensional modeling /FLO-2D • Bridge hydraulics and scour analysis • Flood mitigation alternatives development • Floodplain delineations - FIRM, DFIRM, and PMR • CLOMR/LOMR/LOMC • FEMA Guidelines/NFIP Regulations Additional Supporting In-House Services/Disciplines • Landscape Architecture • Irrigation Design • Urban Design In-House Services that J2 will offer for this on-call contract. J2 Design is a multi-disciplinary firm that can offer a wide range of services to support on-call contract projects. We have included a list of the services we can offer in- house to support this contract below. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 2 1. Chandler ADA Public Right of Way Upgrades; Chandler, AZ 2. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ 3. 32nd Street Shea to Cholla; Phoenix, AZ Description: This project's focus was on ADA compliance in the Chandler downtown district. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project providing civil engineering and landscape architecture services. The project included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination, street lighting upgrades and relocation in order to upgrade the current conditions to current ADA standards. Description: J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Description: The City of Phoenix is continuing to advance the street repurposing efforts associated with North 32nd Street Corridor with a focus of transforming the corridor into a more vibrant community and pedestrian corridor. This study was focused on North 32nd Street between East Shea Blvd. and E. Cholla Street. J2 evaluated the following alternatives: right sizing the roadway for the current and anticipated traffic volumes, providing wider pedestrian sidewalks, providing dedicated bike lanes, and increasing the landscape elements within the Corridor. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 2. Contact Name: Dan Haskins 2. Contact Name: Jason Ramirez 2. Contact Name: John Dickson 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 215 E Buffalo St, Suite 101 Chandler, AZ 85244, 480.782.3335, Daniel.Haskins@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 1034 E Madison St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.7319, jason.ramirez@ phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.3697, john.dickson@phoenix.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, 5. Dates: 08/2016-01/2019 5. Dates: 03/2021-07/2022 5. Dates: 05/2020-02/2022 Section 7.2.2 Experience & Qualifications of the Vendor 7.2.2.A Provide a detailed description of the Vendor’s experience in providing similar services to municipalities or other entities of a similar size to the Town. J2 has been providing on-call services to municipalities across Arizona since our inception in 2002. We have served as an on-call engineering consultant for several Arizona cities and towns including: the Arizona Department of Administration Landscape Architectural On-Call, Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Flood Control District of Maricopa County (FCDMC), Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), and the Cities of Avondale, Buckeye, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Maricopa, Phoenix, Casa Grande, and Tempe to name a few. J2’s extensive On-Call contract experience has given our design team valuable insight into successfully and proactively completing multiple, simultaneous projects. J2 has proven over the past 21 years that we are capable of managing a broad range of complex task assignments under On-Call contracts across the state and has completed hundreds of tasks with award-winning results. Our engineering and landscape architecture professionals have the depth of experience and required skills to complete concurrent On-Call projects with the highest level of quality and tangible results while maintaining the Town of Fountain Hills’s budget and schedule. 7.2.2.B Vendor must demonstrate successful completion of at least three similar projects within the last 60 months. J2's experience and expertise is demonstrated in the similar project experience we have detailed in this section. OC = On-Call Add Quote “The Project Team worked Closely with the City, residents, City of Tempe, ADOT, and FCDMC to complete this project which will benefit the community for years to come. The entire team worked diligently to meet the needs of the City of Mesa and the Community.” Beth Huning, PE - City Engineer; City of Mesa (on the Rio Salado Pathway project). OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 3 ‘THE DISTRICT’ LOOKING NORTH - DAY OC = On-Call OCOC OC 4. Wall Street Alley Project Assessment; Chandler, AZ 5. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ 6. Hatcher Road Street Improvements; Phoenix, AZ 7. Western Powerline Trail-Gilbert to Lindsay MAG DA; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 provided professional landscape architecture conceptual design services for the development of the Wall Street Pedestrian Improvements in Downtown Chandler. This Project Assessment study was part of the MAG Design Assistance Program. The improvement zone was approximately 580 feet in length, from Chicago Street on the north to Frye Road on the south in the exciting Downtown Chandler core area. The scope of work included conceptual evaluation of hardscape, lighting, landscape, signage/monumentation, access control, site furnishings, and art work systems for this potential alley improvement. Description: J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Description: The reach along Hatcher Road is encumbered with both physical and social challenges. The City of Phoenix has had a keen interest in the revitalization of Hatcher Road. Through the results of surveys and the vision of the City, J2 has developed two concepts to address those interests. The first is a conservative solution that looked at re-striping and curb relocation on the south side to incorporate a 8 foot sidewalk and some planting areas. The second is an advanced approach that introduces adjustments to both curb locations on the north and south sides and provides opportunities like 10 foot sidewalks on both sides, planting areas, street tree plantings, areas for gathering with benches, and art among other amenities. Description: J2 was selected off the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to provide a Project Assessment for this section of the Western Powerline Trail. The goal is for the area to be more pedestrian and bike friendly allowing for art festival and other similar events. J2 was the prime consultant for this project providing trail assessment and master planning services. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Page 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert, Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 2. Contact Name: Kim Moyers 2. Contact Name: Darren Coldwell 2. Contact Name: Marielle Brown 2. Contact Name: Nate Williams 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 175 S Arizona Ave, Chandler, AZ 85245, 480.782.3045, Kim.Moyers@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 697 Vista Avenue, Page, AZ 86040, 928.645.4241, dcoldwell@pageaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.534.0258, marielle.brown@phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 90 E Civic Center Dr, Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.294.0750, nathan.williams@ gilbertaz.gov 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 5. Dates: 04/2020-03/2021 5. Dates: 03/2020-11/2021 5. Dates: 02/2021-01/2022 5. Dates: 01/2021-4/2022 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 4 OC = On-Call “I have known the core of the J2 Team for over two decades and have enjoyed our working relationship very much over the years. They have delivered many outstanding park and recreation projects for me on-time and on-budget, for two different municipalities. The staff’s creativity and attention to detail is always appreciated, and I know I can count on J2 to deliver a great project.” -Kirk Haines, Former City of Avondale OCOC 8. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ 9. East Shea Corridor ADMS Review; Scottsdale; AZ 10. Watson Bonarden Lane Drainage Improvements; Tempe, AZ 11. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Description: The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. Description: J2 Design served as a subconsultant to the City of Scottsdale for the review of the East Shea Corridor ADMS. J2 was responsible for the review of SWMM, FLO-2D models and reports. J2 also provided input on potential flood mitigation projects. Description: This project was another local drainage CIP derived from the Tempe ADMS. The project optimized the existing storm drain system in the area near Rural Road and Watson Road to reduce localized flooding of homes. The project included supplemental survey of the project corridor, utility location/re-location, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses and preparation of construction documents. J2 served as the prime consultant they utilized the FLO-2D/ SWMM model to maximize the existing storm drain system capacity. Description: The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. 1. Name of Organization: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community 1. Name of Organization: City of Scottsdale 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: City of Mesa 2. Contact Name: Tina Sotero 2. Contact Name: Hasan Mushtaq 2. Contact Name: Sharletha Johnson 2. Contact Name: Marc Ahlstrom 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 10005 E. Osborn Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85256, 480.362.5747, Tina.Sotero@ srpmic-nsn.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 7447 E. Indian School Road, Suite 125 Scottsdale, AZ 85251, 480.312.4317, hmushtaq@scottsdaleaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E 5th St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.8630, Sharletha_Johnson@ tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 55 N Center St, Mesa, AZ 85201, 480.644.4622, Marc.Ahlstrom@mesaaz. gov 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Irrigation Design 5. Dates: 12/2018-12/2021 5. Dates: 09/2020-02/2022 5. Dates: 02/2021-09/2022 5. Dates: 08/2015- 05/2019 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 5 12. Park Renovations - Hollis Park; Tempe, AZ 13. Heritage District Drainage; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 served as the Prime Consultant for this design refinement effort providing the civil engineering and landscape architecture design services. Park improvements included renovated playground area and equipment, new ADA accessible sidewalk connections to playground area, general civil, hardscape, landscape, and irrigation design. The scope of work included construction documents, cost estimates, specifications, conceptual design, and post design services. Description: This study is focused on evaluating flooding issues and presenting flood mitigation alternatives within the Vaughn Basin watershed as a first step in preparing this area for future growth and development. Comprehensive FLO-2D models for the 10-year, 50-year, and 100-year 24-hour storms were developed for this project. Modeling results were evaluated based on peak flows and flood volumes from the most recent HEC-1 model for the area developed by FCDMC. A preferred flood mitigation alternative has been selected which involves the relocation of Vaughn Basin to increase potential retention volume. 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert 2. Contact Name: Jeffrey Yazzie 2. Contact Name: Jeanne Jensen 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E Fifth St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.2972, Jeff_Yazzie@tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 50 E Civic Center Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.503.6198., Jeanne.Jensen@ GilbertAZ.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Irrigation Design 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 5. Dates: 06/2019-02/2021 5. Dates: 11/2019-03/2022 Previous Fountain Hills Experience • Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan • Adero Canyon Trailhead • Four Peaks Elementary School Safe Sidewalks to School • El Lago Sidewalk • Avenue Courtyard Conceptual Design • Avenue of the Fountains Design Adero Canyon Trailhead; Fountain Hills , AZ Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills , AZ OC = On-Call “It is always a pleasure working with J2. On each and every project, they’ve managed not only to understand the City’s needs, but also to anticipate and expand upon them, delivering a product that exceeds our expectations.” - Joshua Plumb, Formerly Engineering Manager, City of Maricopa OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 6 7.2.3.A Identify each key personnel member that will render services to the Town including title and relevant experience required and 7.2.3.B Indicate the roles and responsibilities of each key position. J2's proposed team resources are shown below along with a brief overview of their qualifications. As you will see, our proposed key staff are diverse and can serve in a variety of roles based on the project needs. The below team will be supported by J2's in-house staff of 35 which is discussed on page 1 of this SOQ. Section 7.2.3 Key Positions Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight, QAQC, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Jeff serves as J2's Director of Engineering and is one of the founding partners. He has been involved in drainage master plans (ADMS), storm drain design, channel design, and detention basin projects for the many Arizona municipalities, FCDMC, USACE, and ADOT. He is highly regarded in the drainage engineering industry. Responsibility. Jeff will provide engineering oversight and QAQC for projects under this on-call contract. Additionally, he will assist in managing and providing engineering design on drainage engineering projects. Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Evan has 7 years of experience in hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, storm drain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. He brings experience working on a variety of drainage design projects. Responsibility. Evan will manage and provide engineering design for drainage engineering projects assigned to him under this on-call contract. Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Serin brings experience in stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, she is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling. Responsibility. Serin will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Principal Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2 and brings 29 years of experience. He oversees J2’s civil engineering team. He brings strong experience in site utilities, earthwork balance, water and sewer line design, grading, drainage, and pavement design, cost estimating, specification writing, and assembly of plans. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working with J2’s in- house disciplines of drainage engineering and landscape architecture to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. Responsibility. Jason will serve as the Town’s Point-of-Contact and overseeing firm principal for this contract. He will also lead and manage all site-civil design focused projects assigned to J2 under this contract. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Savannah has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. Savannah is a newer employee at J2 and her previous stormwater experience can be found in her resume in the Appendix. Responsibility. Savannah will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 7 East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Aaron, Allan, PLA, ASLA Project Landscape Architect Relevant Experience. Aaron’s experience includes multi-use trail systems, trailhead design, community and neighborhood park design, urban design, commercial and institutional facilities, equestrian facilities, revegetation and restoration projects. As a vice president he brings proven leadership skills and a wealth of relevant, recent experience and knowledge in these categories. Responsibility. Aaron will support the transportation planning category of this contract and provide landscape architecture services as required by other projects. Kevin Wallin, CIDProject Irrigation Design Relevant Experience. Kevin has over 30 years of experience on municipal projects with expertise focused on irrigation design. He brings strong experience with sports field irrigation, turf irrigation design, drip irrigation design, and irrigation pump design. The in-house irrigation expertise that he brings is of great value and something that other firms cannot offer. Responsibility. Kevin will provide irrigation design services as required and will closely collaborate with the project team on any project that requires irrigation design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Project Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2, Dan has assisted in a number of engineering projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria, Town of Gilbert, and City of Buckeye. Responsibility. Dan will provide civil engineering services as required. Dan will closely collaborate with Jeff Holzmeister and Jason Touchin. 7.2.3.C. If a subcontractor will be used for all work of a certain type, include information on this subcontractor. A detailed plan for providing supervision must be included. Due to the nature of on-call contracts, J2 is not including any sub-consultants on our team at this time. J2 maintains strong working relationships with several firms that can cover nearly any specialty scope of work that J2 cannot perform in-house that may arise under this contract. The relationships we have built with specialty sub-consultants and the recommendations we will provide are all based off of firsthand knowledge of the quality of work these firms produce based on past, successful project teaming experiences. Should the need arise for a specialty sub- consultant, J2 will work with the Town of Fountain Hills project manager to select the firm that is the right fit to meet the project needs. We are always willing to work with firms that the Town prefers to work with or with other firms off of the on-call that could fill a specialty subcontractor role on projects assigned to J2. 7.2.3.D. Attach a résumé and evidence of certification, if any, for each key personnel member and/or subcontractor to be involved in this project. Resumes and certifications for J2's key personnel are included in the Appendix located at the end of this document. “The J2 Team is dynamic, talented, creative, and truly a pleasure to work with. They performed above and beyond the level of excellence to deliver the Mansel Carter Oasis Park project in 2018 on a tight budget and tight schedule. The outstanding project reviews across the board have been amazing and very special. I would highly recommend J2, and I look forward to working again with them.” - Adam Robinson Town of Queen Creek Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 8 Section 7.2.4 Project Approach 7.2.4.A Describe the Vendor’s approach to performing the required Services in the section titled Scope of Work, including the following processes: OVERALL APPROACH J2’s philosophy and approach to on-call contracts is centered on producing outstanding design solutions while keeping projects on-time and on-budget. J2 is large enough to be financially stable, yet small enough to utilize senior design staff to complete any project assigned to us as a part of this on-call contract. The people you know and meet will be working on your projects. We have found that if four key components can be identified and agreed upon from the start of a project that the design process runs considerably smoother: • Trust and Respect • Known Expectations • Budget • Defined Program and Scope The first key to a successful project is a mutual trust and respect between the Owner and Design Team. There has to be open communication that allows each party, the Community and the Design Team, to be the experts in their respective fields. The second key is known expectations. The Team needs to know the expectations of key stakeholders in order for the owner to get the best value and a fully finished project. The third key is budget. If a clear budget is not defined then the Design Team cannot meet the expectations of the owner. The last key is a well-defined program and scope of services which guides the direction of project development. Each of these elements is interlinked and dependent upon each other. Our staff pays close attention to detail and our project managers maintain excellent lines of communication with our clients and our overall design Team. J2’s management philosophy is built around our professional staff’s ability to listen to the needs of our clients and respond with imaginative and creative ideas. J2’s approach will focus on taking the vision for each project and creating a constructible set of plans that will result in a sustainable, maintainable, and creative facilities that are loved by those who utilize and interact with them. Planning & Scheduling. The J2 Team will develop a specific scope of services and establish and update the schedule for each project throughout the duration of this contract. The approved schedule will be submitted to the Town’s Project Manager at agreed upon intervals and updated as needed. Activities showing negative float will be provided with a solution to bring the project back on schedule. On larger scale projects, J2 will utilize Microsoft Project to schedule and track tasks and outside agency coordination. J2 prides itself on providing innovative design solutions to our clients while always remain on or ahead of schedule. Critical items included and shown in the master schedule are: • Scoping • Public involvement • City Planning Approvals • Utility/outside agency coordination • Staged Submittal Development (30, 60, 90, Final) • City Review Time at Stage Submittals Estimating & Cost Controls. J2 brings extensive experience with municipal, on-call civil engineering, drainage engineering, and transportation planning projects allowing us to comprehensively consider complex elements that firms who do not specialize in this scope of work may overlook. Our recent and ongoing design work in a variety of disciplines across the state, and in Fountain Hills, means we have clear understanding of the current cost and requirements for on-call projects. Our approach to accurate estimating, reconciling, and protecting the budget while working with the Town will be continuous throughout each stage of the project process. We will engage in the early identification of/ creative approaches to cost savings, utilize our database of past project bid tabs from recent projects, and leverage our professional relationships with general contractors in Arizona to understand what the market values of certain bid items are and accurately estimate projects we are assigned under this on-call contract. J2 has a proven track record of Western Powerline Trail; Gilbert, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 9 Project Scope of Work Copy of the Contract Project Schedule Schedule of Deliverables Project Budgets Staff Hours QAQC Plan Project Work Plan Key components of the project work plan include: Figure 1. J2 Project Work Plan Componentscontrolling costs and consistently delivering projects that achieve budgetary goals. This results in tighter bids and less opportunities for contract change orders later on in the construction process. Project Management. Each of our project managers and staff members have experience managing and working on multiple projects concurrently and do so on a daily basis. J2’s efficient and refined project management processes and our deep bench of in-house design staff allow our firm to provide quality, on-time, and on-budget design services for dozens of projects at once. Only staff with adequate availability will be assigned to your projects and you can expect dedicated service and close attention to each project regardless of if it is running concurrently with others. The key to J2’s continued success in providing our clients with end products that exceed their schedule, cost, and quality expectations is the J2 Project Work Plan (PWP) (key elements shown in Figure 1). This tool is customized at the start of each project and serves as a guide for the project manager from day one through project close-out. Each of our proposed project managers for this contract is familiar with the J2 PWP and its components having utilized it to manage dozens of successful, award-winning projects. Team Organization. J2 offers a strong, skilled staff to support the completion of any project we are assigned under this on-call contract. Our proposed staff and additional staff resources discussed throughout this proposal are available and ready to begin work on projects for the Town as they arise. Each project will begin with the assignment of a skilled, in-house Project Manager. J2’s Contract Principal, Jason Touchin, PE, will assign a dedicated project manager who will be responsible for the schedule and completion of all related project work based on the skills required for the project and current workload availability. Jason Touchin and the assigned project manager will then craft the most qualified team for the project based on our Team members’ expertise and current workload at the time of the project. Bid Package Management. J2 has extensive experience creating and managing bid packages for projects that span a wide range of sizes, services, disciplines, and delivery methods. We will provide organized, concise, and implementable bid packages for projects under this on-call. J2 maintains great relationships with many contractors across the state and has a history of collaborating well with contractors under any delivery method. We will work with contractors, attend pre- construction meetings, respond to contractor questions, and provide updated plans with changes clearly noted via addendum as needed for projects under this contract. Management of Overhead Costs. Our firm prides itself on the low overhead costs that we have established and maintained for 21+ years. As a small, but robust, local business, J2’s overhead costs are lower and more easily controlled than those of large, corporate organizations. The hands-on involvement of firm principals the manageable size of our firm allows us to keep our overhead costs low and still provide our clients access to experienced personnel and services that exceed their expectations. 7.2.4.B Describe any alternate approaches if it is believed that such an approach would best suit the needs of the Town. Include rationale for alternate approaches, and indicate how the Vendor will ensure that all efforts are coordinated with the Town’s Representatives. Given the nature of on-call contracts, J2 does not have any specific alternate approaches to suggest at this time. J2 is well-known for our innovative, creative, and practical approach to design on projects that range in size, discipline, and services. At the start of each project we will evaluate the project details and scape and propose any innovative or creative approaches that we feel will best suit the Town and the project’s needs. We view ourselves as an extension of the Town’s staff and any alternate approaches or innovations proposed will be discussed and ultimately, approved by the Town’s representatives in order to ensure that all approaches meet the needs of the Town and its citizens. Thank you for your review of our qualifications. J2 is excited about this on-call contract and looks forward to the opportunity to continue serving the Town of Fountain Hills through this selection. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design Project Schedule Section 7.2.5 Project Schedule J2 has a strong understanding of how to schedule and achieve key project milestones and deliverables for on-call engineering projects. To fulfill this RFQ requirement, and demonstrate our ability to meet project milestones, be available for key meetings, and accurately schedule the types of projects that may arise under this contract, our team prepared an example schedule for the Fountain Hills Boulevard/Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements project listed in the Town's Capital Improvement program. This schedule is solely an example and all schedules, dates, milestones, and scope items will always be created, discussed, and approved in partnership with Town staff. ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 2 3 Fountain Hills Boulevard Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements 267 days Mon 2/5/24 Tue 2/11/25 4 Data Collection and Survey 40 days Mon 2/5/24 Fri 3/29/24 5 30% Plans 71 days Fri 3/29/24 Mon 7/8/24 4 6 Kickoff 0 days Fri 3/29/24 Fri 3/29/24 7 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 8 Roadway Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 9 Structural Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 10 Geotechnical Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 11 Traffic Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 12 Environmental Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 13 Utilities 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 14 Locating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 15 Relocating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 16 Public Involvement 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 17 Submittal 0 days Mon 7/8/24 Mon 7/8/24 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16 18 City Review 16 days Tue 7/9/24 Tue 7/30/24 17 19 60% Plans 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 20 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 21 Roadway Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 22 Structural Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 23 Geotechnical Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 24 Traffic Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 25 Environmental Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 26 Utilities 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 27 Locating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 28 Relocating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 29 Public Involvement 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 30 Submittal 0 days Wed 9/25/24 Wed 9/25/24 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 31 City Review 16 days Thu 9/26/24 Thu 10/17/24 30 32 90% Plans 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 33 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 34 Roadway Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 35 Structural Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 36 Geotechnical Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 37 Traffic Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 38 Environmental Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 39 Utilities 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 40 Locating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 41 Relocating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 42 Public Involvement 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 43 Submittal 0 days Fri 11/29/24 Fri 11/29/24 33,34,35,36,37,38,40,41 44 City Review 16 days Mon 12/2/24 Mon 12/23/24 43 45 100% Plans 36 days Tue 12/24/24 Tue 2/11/25 46 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 47 Roadway Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 48 Structural Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 49 Geotechnical Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 50 Traffic Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 51 Environmental Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 52 Utilities 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 53 Locating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 54 Relocating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 55 Public Involvement 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 56 Submittal 0 days Mon 1/20/25 Mon 1/20/25 46,47,48,49,50,51,53,54,55 57 Final Review 16 days Tue 1/21/25 Tue 2/11/25 56 58 Approval 0 days Tue 2/11/25 Tue 2/11/25 57 3/29 7/8 9/25 11/29 11/29 2/11 1/20 2/11 M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M EDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch April Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 1 Project: fountain hills BlvdDate: Wed 12/13/23 Provide a generic project schedule showing potential key project milestones and deliverables. The schedule shall demonstrate Vendor’s ability to meet the designated project milestones. Appendix Resumes and Certifications Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Project Civil Engineer Experience 29 Years Total 20 with J2 Education B.S., Construction Management, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #38806 About Jason. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2. He has 29 years of experience across a variety of project types. He is responsible for all of J2’s civil engineering design, including the civil engineering for regional, community, and neighborhood park projects. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working in-house with J2’s landscape staff to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. He brings strong expertise in regional park engineering elements such as site utilities, earthwork balance, sports field grading, and more. He draws upon his experience coupled with his construction management background to provide innovative solutions that meet client needs. His client experience includes Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, City of Phoenix, Town of Gilbert, City of Chandler and various other counties and municipalities. Experience McDowell Mountain Preserve Central Trailhead; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Engineer. Jason was responsible for developing grading, pavement, and utility design for the Town of Fountain Hill’s first dedicated hiking trailhead located in the McDowell Mountain Preserve. This trailhead will grant the public walking access to the hiking trails, vehicular parking, school bus access, as well as providing accessibility and like experiences for the disabled. Amenities included in the design were a restroom facility, two scenic overlook plaza areas with picnic ramadas, decorative entry gates, and gabion baskets filled with native rock material utilized as retaining walls. The primary objective of this design was to preserve the natural environmental beauty of the site. Flatiron Community Park; Apache Junction, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 was the prime firm leading a design team for Flatiron Community Park. J2 provided professional services for master planning and thematic design, as well as the development of construction documents and construction observation for this three acre community park within the City of Apache Junction. J2 administered extensive public involvement and master planning for the development of Flatiron Community Park. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Civil Engineer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multiuse fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The grounds of the former Mesa Jr. High School property were converted into Eagles Park, a new City park and recreation facility. The new park (approximately 27 acres) includes lighted multi-purpose sports fields, playgrounds, walkways with exercise stations, picnic facilities, a newly renovated recreation facility and new parking lots. The old Fraser Drive will be reconstructed to accommodate side street parking and serves as a fire lane providing vehicular access to the park, Mesa Public School’s Lowell Elementary School, and the recreation facility. A previously completed J2 park master plan was used as a basis for the design. Piestewa Peak, Summit and Navajo Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Phoenix redeveloped the former trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Project improvements included new parking lots, new ramadas, new restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, and roadway improvements along the frontage of these special trailheads. The traffic design elements included pavement marking and signing plans for both trailheads and Squaw Peak Drive. A field review was completed in order to inventory regulatory signage, as well as trailhead signage, prior to the new pavement marking and signing plans. SR 202L South Mountain Freeway; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. As a subconsultant, J2 was responsible for the lighting and maintenance of traffic design for select segments of this project. This megaproject was the largest construction project in state history, constructing 22 miles of a new 8-lane freeway facility. As the last section of the Maricopa Association of Governments’ original Regional Transportation Plan, the South Mountain Freeway will complete the Valley’s highway network. Ma Ha Tauk Park; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. Improvements to this 11-acre park will include renovation of the existing parking lot, new site lighting, open turf play areas, new landscaping, refurbishment of the existing restroom building, new playground equipment, new fitness stations, and refurbishment of the existing basketball court, new sand volleyball court, new ramadas, and concrete pathways. Two washes traverse the site from the east to the west, dividing the site into approximate thirds. Impacts to these washes will be protected in place and serve as a main feature of the park. At grade low water crossings will be utilized to cross the washes to create the continuous walking paths. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Civil Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Mustang Transit; Scottsdale, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Scottsdale has provided several transportation improvements along the 90th Street corridor between Shea Boulevard and Mountain View Road. J2 served as a subconsultant and was responsible for assisting the City of Scottsdale’s Capital Project Management staff by providing the City (COS) with the required Design Review documents and presentation exhibits as needed for the Design Review Board (DRB) review and approval. The project included extensive public involvement and outreach, and coordination with the COS committees and stakeholders. The project improvements include new transit amenities, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, new signal and a roundabout. J2 prepared and electronically delivered to COS final construction documents including plant inventory and salvage plans, native revegetation plans, civil plans, drainage plans, landscape plans, irrigation plans, and wall graphics for the areas within COS established rights-of-way along roadway corridor. J2 worked hand in hand with the artist to provide the locations and construction documents for some of the art features throughout the project. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Civil Engineer. This project includes a combination of shared use pathways and cycle tracks weaving through the neighborhoods with signalized pedestrian crossings at Center St and the canal and at Country Club Drive and the canal. Street improvements and enhanced landscaping is also included on Brown/ Date Street, 10th Street, and Alma School Road. This project completes one of the areas “missing links” by provide a nonmotorized connection from the City of Mesa to its neighboring Cities to the west (Tempe, Scottsdale, Phoenix). This paved, lighted shared use pathway project was designed by J2. J2 provided all of the civil engineering and landscape architecture associated with this extensive project. Jason Touchin, PE Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight/QAQC Experience 40 Years Total 20 with J2 Education M.S., Water Resources Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Arizona Floodplain Managers Association (AFMA) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #23170 About Jeff. Jeff is the Director of Engineering at J2 and has 40 years of water resources and general civil engineering experience. Jeff has been involved in a wide range of water resource and general civil engineering projects throughout Arizona. Investigation of these projects has required analyses of surface water hydrology, open channel hydraulics, culvert design, storm drain analyses, and sediment transport analyses. In addition to technical engineering analyses, the majority of these projects have also required the development of construction cost estimates, operation and maintenance plans, and benefit/cost analyses to determine the economic feasibility of a specific flood control or drainage plan. Jeff is experienced in the application of the HEC-1/HEC-HMS, HEC-2/HEC-RAS, HEC-6, StormCadd, and FLO-2D computer programs. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Engineer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Principal. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is on a 46-acre site at Appleby Road and 196th Street. J2 provided plans, specification, quantities, and estimates for the development of two multi-purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness pods, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, and an urban fishing lake. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. As project principal, Jeff was responsible for the multifaceted design team that sucessfully completed this landmark destination park. Tempe Area Drainage Master Study; Tempe, AZ Project Manager. This District project evaluated Tempe’s overall drainage system (total 47 square-miles) using the two-dimensional modeling software of FLO-2D. This ADMS identified drainage and flooding problems in Tempe and developed alternative measures to mitigate identified\ concerns. There were multiple storm events that caused street drainage problems and flooding. Tempe expected major redevelopment in portions of the City and as a response to this projected growth the City considered implementation of various green infrastructure and low impact design techniques as part of the General Plan. Three dependent FLO-2D models were developed with more than one million grids for each of the three models to cover the entire project area. Complex storm drain systems with 147 miles of pipe, 2,767 inlets, 110 outfalls, and six pumps were modeled with the integration of FLO-2D and EPA SWMM models. The Project Team worked with ASU sustainability group to evaluate the use of Low Impact Development (LID) concepts for mitigation of regional drainage concerns and they obtained. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ Project Principal. The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue Drainage Study; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This project for the City of Phoenix performed engineering analyses required to develop mitigation measures for storm water flooding in the vicinity of 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue. FLO-2D hydrologic modeling was performed for the 2, 10, and 100-year storm events. The contributing watershed area is approximately four miles. The grid systems (12’x12’ cells with total 803,229 grids) for models were developed and data collection was conducted. Major flooding issues were identified and three flood mitigation alternatives for the three design storms were modeled and evaluated. Preliminary drainage plans were developed with associated quantity and probable cost estimates. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Project Principal. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Chandler ADA Improvements; Chandler, AZ Project Principal. This project focus is on ADA compliance for the City of Chandler. The project limits were Boston Street east of Arizona Avenue, the circular drive adjacent the Senior Center, Washington Street south from Boston Street to Chicago Street and Chicago Street east to Delaware Street. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project and included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination and relocation. This project required a hard ground survey and very detailed micro- grading to ensure ADA compliance, this detailed approach was absolutely necessary to minimize project costs, to ensure ADA compliance and to ensure accurate existing hardscape tie-in locations. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ Project Principal. J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Cave Creek Wash Regional Park Improvements; Project Engineer. This project entailed three separate park facilities under one contract: Rose Mofford Sports Complex, Cholla Park, and Sweetwater Park. Rose Mofford Sports Complex included lighted softball fields, dog park, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and additional lighted field along with multi-use trails, ramadas, and a restroom. Cholla Park design included two lighted multi-use fields as well as a restroom facility, ramadas, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and extensive multi-use trail system. Sweetwater Park design included extensive turf, open play areas, revegetation of the disturbed Cave Creek Wash banks, picnic ramadas, basketball court, multi-use trail system, restroom, trail lighting, and a pedestrian bridge over Cave Creek Wash. 12th Street Storm Drain, Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Engineer. Jeff was responsible for the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and design of the storm drain from Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road. Storm drains varied in size from 24-inches to 64-inches. The project tasks included utility coordination, plan and specifications preparation and computation of cost estimates. 44th Street Storm Drain Design, Bell Road to Greenway Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Jeff was responsible for design of the storm drain from 44th Street to Greenway Road. The project required modification of an existing set of engineering documents. The previous plans contained several “fatal flaw” utility conflicts. Team members developed several design alternatives for the project. Jeff Holzmeister, PE Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Experience 7 Years Total 7 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #71783 About Evan. Evan has 7 years of experience working with several professional engineers in areas including hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, stormdrain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. Clients include Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, Flood Control District of Maricopa County, and various counties and municipalities in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Experience Crestview at Fountain Hills; Fountain Hills, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the development of proposed plans and cost estimate for a catch basin and landscape reconstruction in Fountain Hills. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report and utilized AutoCAD and GIS to prepare plans and exhibits. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. SR202L, South Mountain Freeway On-Site Drainage; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the on-site drainage design for cross-roads along four segments of the South Mountain Freeway. Evan led in the preparation of inlet sizes and locations using MicroStation and Flowmaster with considerations made for allowable spread, pipe length, and existing conditions/ storm drain systems. Evan developed pipe summary sheets using StormCAD to calculate pipe sizes and various inlet characteristics, and assisted in the preparation of plan and profile sheets with an emphasis on ProjectWise utilization. Piestewa Peak Trailhead Improvements; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the calculation of onsite retention volumes and basin sizing for the park improvements along Squaw Peak Dr utilizing Bentley Microstation InRoads. Evan assisted in the development of several hydrologic models using HEC-1 and led the preparation of the onsite drainage report, including the utilization of GIS to develop shapefiles and exhibits. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Drainage Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO-2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. J2 was a subconsultant providing landscape architecture, hardscape, theme development, and a drainage study. Our design team provided conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. SR101L Widening Design Build Proposal; Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan utilized an existing Design Concept for Loop 101 widening and adapted proposed drainage infrastructure to new roadway geometry. Evan led in the development of design basefiles and quantities for 13 miles of on-site and off-site improvements, emphasizing ProjectWise integration and coordination with a multidisciplinary design team. Casa Blanca Area Drainage Master Study; Casa Blanca, AZ Drainage Designer. GIS tools were developed for use for the ef ficient development of FLO-2D input data files and post-processing of the modeling results for the 62 sq. mile 2-dimensional hydraulic study of the Gila River Indian Community District 5 area. Evan led the field data collection efforts and preparation of hydraulic structures data, GIS implementation of FLO-2D crosssections, HEC-RAS modeling of multiple channels, and preparation of exhibits for flood mitigation alternatives. 83rd Ave & Thunderbird Rd Intersection Improvements; Peoria, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the hydraulic analysis of existing drainage infrastructure at 83rd Ave & Thunderbird, identified potential drainage concerns, and proposed multiple mitigation alternatives. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report, utilizing Flowmaster and StormCAD to perform hydraulic calculations and GIS to prepare exhibits. Agua Fria Freeway and I-10 Interchange Drainage Study; Tolleson, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the development of updates to the Maryvale Area Drainage Master Study HEC-1 model to incorporate the Bethany Home Outfall Channel and determine the required volume of a regional basin at I-10 and L101. Evan analyzed as- built records to determine existing conditions, utilized GIS to prepare DDMSW input files, and assisted in final plan production. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 was retained as a subconsultant for TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extral general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Drainage Engineer. The City of Apache Junction recently improved a county drainage basin to include a dog park. J2 was selected to design the improvements. The dog park improvements included dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solar powered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase. This award- winning facility opened to the public last spring. West Plaza Park; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. West Plaza Park is an existing 6 acre park at the northwest corner of 43rd Avenue and Maryland Avenue. The existing park features are mature trees, large turf area, playground, and drinking fountain. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide professional design services for the City of Phoenix. The new improvements included picnic ramadas, walking pathways, sport courts, fitness plaza, area lighting, and landscape and irrigation improvements. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Drainage Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multi-use fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. USS Arizona Memorial Gardens; SRP-MIC, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are over 1,500 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. The site includes a contemplative Memorial Garden and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast as well as a showcase of The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona. Evan Grace, PE Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 2 with J2 Education BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of South Carolina MS Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Arizona State University Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #75112 About Serin. Serin’s initial experience was as an environmental engineer, working as a consultant in both air quality and stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, She is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling, with the ever present opportunity to continue to expand her skillset. Experience North Water Treatment Plant; Gilbert, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin developed 1-D and 2-D models in HEC-RAS to in support of the North Water Treatment Plant expansion, which incorporates part of a FEMA floodplain. I-17 Auxiliary Lanes; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin analyzed drainage areas and calculated flow in order to design proposed inlets for the planned addition of auxiliary lanes along I-17 in central Phoenix according to AZDOT regulations and specifications. Sundance Park; Buckeye, AZ Staff Engineer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Gilbert Road Bridge; Mesa, SRP-MIC, AZ Staff Engineer. On this MCDOT project, J2 provided both water resource engineering and bridge scour evaluations of this bridge replacement over the Salt River as well as complete landscape restoration plans, erosion control plans and bridge and wall aesthetics including the design and placement of a new entry monument for the SRP-MIC community. Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue; Peoria, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 served as a subconsultant to perform the hydrologic/hydraulic analyses required for on-site and off-site drainage design, water quality treatment mitigation, preparation of landscape plans, irrigation, and stormwater pollution prevention plans for the proposed Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue project. J2 assisted in the report preparation to document the drainage analyses performed, and coordinated the design with TYLin and MCDOT. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 1 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79325 About Savannah. Savannah has 4 years of engineering experience. She has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Savannah joins us from Flood Control District of Maricopa County where she assumed the technical responsibility for reviewing the hydrologic and hydraulic design components of projects/studies including review of engineering reports, calculations, plans for compliance with District standards, FEMA requirements, and standard modeling guidelines. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, and more. Experience Skyline Drive Corridor from Magma Railroad to SR 79; Pinal County, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design is served as a subconsultant to Jacobs Engineering. Savannah created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantify peak flows, and identify points along the Skyline Drive corridor that will require drainage structures and sized preliminary drainage structures. River Island State Park Off-Highway Vehicle Trailhead Phase I; Parker, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design quantified offsite peak flows moving through the project area and ensured that no modifications significantly changed the existing flow paths. A retention basin was sized in order to accommodate first flush volume for direct runoff from the site improvements. J2 also ensured finished floor of the proposed restroom facility and camp host site were elevated one foot above the 100-year water surface elevation. Sierra Vista Shooting Range; Sierra Vista, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantified peak flows, and sized two preliminary ford crossings. Grand Canal Multi-Use Trail; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 is served as a subconsultant for TRACE Consulting. Savannah quantified the amount of additional runoff associated with replacing the compacted dirt along the canal with a concrete multi-use path and ensured there was no adverse impact to surrounding properties associated with this additional runoff. Indian Bend Wash Vista Del Camino Park; Scottsdale, AZ Staff Engineer. The Vista Del Camino Park project, 1 of 4 design areas, includes shade ramadas, walking trails and pathways, playground structures, restroom buildings, parking lots, pathway lighting, drinking fountains, roadway improvements, reconstruction of the lake system, drainage structures (Indian Bend Wash serves as a regional floodway) and irrigation systems. J2 Design is the Prime Consultant for the project and is providing master plan validation, final design construction documents, public involvement, civil engineering,landscape architecture, irrigation design, and lake design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Civil Engineer Experience 2 Years Total 4 with J2 Education B.S Mining Engineering, University of Utah Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79703 About Dan. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2 Dan has assisted in a number of drainage projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria and Town of Gilbert. Experience Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Southern Avenue and Apache Road – Traffic Signal Design; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan created an exhibit to coordinate with the City of Buckeye, land developers and utility companies to illustrate the proposed conditions of the intersection and to identify potential conflicts. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Well Site 36-5 Drainage Improvements; Scottsdale, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan provided design and grading for a new driveway and drainage swale to redirect flow of water off of the driveway and towards the existing wash utilizing a trench drain to capture excess water. The flow was then directed to a gabion bed to mitigate the impact of erosion. Hatcher Road; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. The City of Phoenix has endeavored to revitalize Hatcher Road from Central Avenue to 19th Avenue. The roadway exists in an economically distressed area. The City has incorporated portions of the roadway over the years from Maricopa County. It contains significant restraints including a homeless population, spot development, land ownership, and development, significant business vacancies, and an active residential community looking for enhancement of a roadway that has many differing roadway profiles with utility challenges. ADOT SR79 Gila River Bridge Engineering Designer. The SR-79 Gila River Bridge project will replace the existing 2 lane bridge with a new 4 lane bridge over the Gila River. J2 provided hydraulic and scour analysis, scour countermeasure design, and bridge aesthetics and landscape design. The bridge hydraulic analysis included utilizing both HEC-RAS 1-dimensional and SRH 2-dimensional modeling to evaluate the complex flow patterns in the vicinity of the bridge for bridge design as well as the floodplain impact analysis. I-10 (PHX-Casa Grande HWY); ADOT, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. Civic Center Park Design; Avondale, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is partnering with the City of Avondale to develop a passive, open space area to include open turf areas, shade ramadas, a playground, and a small water feature. The 4-Acre parcel for this project is located within Avondale’s Civic Center area and adjacent to a forthcoming aquatic center. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for the project providing landscape architecture and civil engineering design services. ST Johns Shooting Range; Saint Johns, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for this project providing professional design services for the St. Johns Shooting Range project. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF) needs to implement lead containment basins at the St. John’s Shooting Range. The new detention basins will be along the south side of the ranges and collect drainage run off prior to the storm water entering the adjacent tributary of the Little Colorado River. Mesa Cemetary Northwest Expansion Master Plan; Mesa, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 provided master planning services for an 8 acre expansion of the Mesa Cemetery. Five concepts were developed and vetted that included more than 4,000 new plots, new roadway layout, a new memorial garden, new irrigation mainlines, grading concepts and coordination with SRP on a historic irrigation canal. Seth prepared various conceptual layouts for the roadways, the memorial garden and plot locations. Roper Lake Park Improvements; Safford, AZ Engineering Designer. Arizona State Parks is targeting several key State owned and operated parks for renovation of aging infrastructure. One of the first projects targeted is Roper Lake State Park just outside of Safford Arizona. Roper Lake State Park has 30 lake surface acres, a boat ramp, natural stone hot tub, swimming beach, day use island with numerous picnic tables and grills, camping cabins, and public campgrounds all serviced through an antiquated septic or sewage tank operations. The existing sewage infrastructure of the park had either failed, or was not operating efficiently and overall was inadequate for the current use of the park. J2 provided construction documents based upon our initial evaluation of the site’s sewage system and have provided the following infrastructure elements and features to Arizona State Parks to address the site issues. Rotary Park Trail; Casa Grande, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is assisting the City in the design of a new trail that will run along the north side of the North Branch of the Santa Cruz Wash, and extend from Rotary Park to Peart Road. Services to the City include assisting in the interviews and selection of the trail designer, and hydraulic and floodplain impact analysis. J2 will assist the trail designer with making sure the trail does not negatively impact the existing regulatory floodway. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Landscape Architect Experience 21 Years Total 21 with J2 Education B.S. in Landscape Architecture, Arizona State University PSMJ Resources, Inc. Project Management Training Affiliations American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) Certified #7445 Arizona Parks & Recreation Association (APRA) Registrations Professional Landscape Architect Arizona #45439 About Aaron. Aaron has 20 years of landscape architecture experience and has completed a wide variety of public works projects throughout Arizona. Aaron has outstanding experience leading multidisciplinary design teams on successful award-winning projects including design of park and recreation facilities, urban plazas and streetscapes, environmental restorations, and shared-use pathways. Aaron has the ability to navigate projects that involve multiple stakeholder involvement and gain consensus on design direction. Aaron gives the J2 staff multi-faceted talent, due to his diverse expertise in parks, recreation , and open-space, master planning, hardscape design, urban design, public presentation, soils, horticulture and planting design and construction management experience. Experience Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected off of the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to lead the development of the Town of Fountain Hill’s first-ever Active Transportation Plan. The plan will serve as the primary tool for the deployment and integration of connected, safe, and comfortable facilities for bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized modes within the Town. J2 conducted inventory analysis, identified priority areas, created an implementation strategy, and included customizable cost estimates as a part of the plan document. Additionally, the J2 Team assisted the Town with public involvement by attending meetings, collecting public input via surveys, and even creating a custom brand and logo for the project to spread awareness. Avenue of the Fountains Master Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Landscape Architect. The Town of Fountain Hills had an opportunity to improve upon the existing median along the Avenue of the Fountains. The median facilities were near the end of their workable life cycles. Aaron helped facilitate working group meeting with key stakeholders, facilitated public involvement meetings, and provided a master plan and estimated construction budgets for the renovation of the Avenue of the Fountains, which included new hardscape, waterfeatures, lighting, seating areas, landscape and irrigation improvements. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Project Manager. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Landscape Architect. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Heritage Center Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. The Town of Gilbert’s Heritage Center project addressed wayfinding, accessibility, and on-site flooding issues at the current site. J2 worked with the Town to provide a site evaluation, master plan, and construction documents for the Heritage Center that included, addressing ADA issues, adding a play structure, courtyard and street lighting, new wayfinding and signage, a new pathway, new irrigation and landscaping, and more. USS Arizona Memorial; Salt River Pima Indian Community, AZ Project Manager. The USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are 1,511 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. Commemorative Columns line the stabilized paths, with each walkway terminating in a flagpole flying a flag for each branch of the US military. Each column will subtly glow come sundown, transforming the space at night. The contemplative Memorial Garden sits to the north of the Boat House relic house and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast. The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona is prominently displayed adjacent to the lake’s edge. J2 provided design services for this important memorial. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Piestewa Peak Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. The City of Phoenix is redeveloping the existing trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Improvements for this trailhead redevelopment include new parking lots, ramadas, restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, entry monument, and refurbishing ramadas. The project included significant grade changes. Powerline Trail Greenfield Road Signal Crossing; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide landscape architecture and civil engineering design services for the Town of Gilbert for the Western Powerline Trail-Phase IV project. The project was an approximate half mile of shared-use pathway along the Western Powerline Trail corridor that tied into the SRP Powerline Trail and extended east to Greenfield Road. This project included tiling of an SRP tail water ditch, pathway lighting, ramadas, and a pedestrian activated signal and cross walk improvements at Greenfield Road. Water Tower Plaza; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. Aaron was responsible for the landscape master plan and final construction documents for the restoration of the historic Water Tower Plaza in downtown Gilbert’s Heritage District. The project has included extensive public outreach to both the community and local business owners. Unique to the project is the association created with ASU’s Decision Theater where the public input process has been teamed with the latest in 3-D modeling technology. This has provided the ability to gather public input and present ideas in a virtual walk through. This facet of the design process has allowed Aaron to investigate how the public feels about a multitude of aspects on the project including the sounds of water, the texture of pavement, and the colors of the site and ultimately how the entire project will be developed. The plaza improvements consisted of four different themed water features, outdoor plaza spaces, and an informal turf amphitheater. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Aaron also provided construction management services. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This 13 acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included new parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball court, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Kevin Wallin, CID Irrigation Design Experience 30 Years Total 20 with J2 Education Associates in Specialized Technology, Architectural CADD, Pittsburgh Technical Institute Registrations Certified Irrigation Designer CID #64027 About Kevin. Kevin has over 30 years of combined experience in landscape architecture and irrigation design with responsibilities varying from project manager, lead designer, assistant designer, and CAD drafter. As a landscape and irrigation designer, Kevin creates design concepts for both master plans and construction documents including planting, irrigation, hardscape, lake design, pump design, demolition, plant salvage/ inventory, and site plans. Kevin has extensive experience working on municipal park projects and his expertise is focused on irrigation design. He brings strong knowledge and experience with sports field irrigation projects, turf irrigation design projects, drip irrigation design projects, and irrigation pump design from lake projects. The in-house irrigation and lake design expertise that Kevin brings will be an invaluable asset to the project team. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Irrigation Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 provided professional engineering services for the 27 acre park site that consists of multi-purpose sports fields, playground, ADA walkways, picnic facilities, new parking lots, and exercise stations. J2 provided all project coordination, landscape architecture, irrigation and civil design. Chuparosa Park: Volleyball and Parking Lot Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was the prime consultant, selected from the City’s on-call contract, leading the design of a parking lot expansion and two additional volleyball courts. The scope of work included conceptual design, construction documents, specifications, cost estimates, and post design services. Park improvements included sport court and parking lot lighting, landscape and irrigation, court design, parking lot design, and civil improvements. Desert Breeze Park Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. Kevin supported the professional design services which included conceptual design, final construction documents, specifications , cost estimates, and post design services for several phases of the park’ s development. The task phases have included: multi-use sports fields, a new path system, lake edge improvements, fabric shade structures, ADA accessibility improvements, fishing zones, splash pad refurbishment, fencing systems, and landscape & irrigation improvements. West Chandler Park Master Plan and Design; Chandler, AZ Landscape Designer. 40-acre community park includes softball and baseball complexes, restroom/concessions building, maintenance building and storage area, and soccer/football field. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Landscape and Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Indian School Lake Rehabilitation; Scottsdale, AZ Irrigation and Lake Design. J2 provided civil engineering, landscape architecture and electrical engineering in the renovation of the 40 year old Indian School Lake. J2 also was responsible for design and construction management of Lake, Pump system, Wet Wells, Electrical, landscape Irrigation, planting and civil paving and multi-use pathways. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. This thirteen acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included porous concrete parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels to achieve a 100% power offset, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball courts, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Paseo Verde Park; Peoria, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was responsible for providing professional landscape architecture services which prepared the design and construction documents for this 10 acre neighborhood “infill” park in an established Peoria neighborhood. The park was delivered by “Design-Build” contract. Facilities include; two soccer/softball fields, playground, basketball court, armadas mesquite “bosque”, “volcano mountain” art landform and a “butterfly garden” picnic area, loop and neighborhood connecting trails. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Irrigation Designer. The City of Apache Junction is in the process of improving a county drainage basin to include a dog park. The dog park will include dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solarpowered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 has developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase and the project is now in construction. Kevin Wallin, CID Evidence of Certifications Town of Fountain Hills | RFQ-2023-009 | Dec 13, 2023; 5:00 PM Statement of Qualifications Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 1 J2’s On-Call Staff Resources 35 Arizona-based and dedicated professionals • 7 Professional Landscape Architects (PLA)• 2 Certified Irrigation Designers (CID)• 8 Landscape Design Associates• 6 Professional Engineers (PE)• 2 Engineers in Training (EIT)• 3 CAD Designers• 5 Administrative Staff 7.2.1.B Provide Vendor Identification Information. Legal Name. J2 Engineering and Environmental Design Address. 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Identification Number. ACC No. L-1046937-3 Legal Form: Limited Liability Company (LLC) Authorized to act on J2’s behalf and point of contact: Jason Touchin, PE 602.438.2221 Ext 128, jtouchin@j2design.us 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 7.2.1.C Identify the location of the Vendor’s principal office and the local work office, if different from the principal office. J2’s one and only office is located at 4649 E. Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2, Phoenix, Arizona 85040. All work for this project will be performed in this office location. 7.2.1.D Provide a general description of the Vendor that is proposing to provide the Services, including years in business. J2 is an Arizona water resources, general civil engineering, and landscape architecture firm specializing in the planning, analysis, and design of public works projects. J2 has a successful working relationship with the Town of Fountain Hills and has been providing professional services for municipal entities for over 21 years. 7.2.1.E Identify any contract or subcontract held by the Vendor or officers of the Vendor that has been terminated within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None 7.2.1.F Identify any claims arising from a contract that resulted in litigation or arbitration within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None Section 7.2.1 General Information Transportation Infrastructure Services • Street Diets• Pedestrian Improvements & Amenities• Active Transportation Planning • Bus Shelters • Shared-Use Pathways • Commuter Park and Rides • Shade • Multi-Modal Planning• Downtown Area Master Planning and Urban Design Civil Engineering Services • Site Civil Engineering • Roadway transportation studies and design • Plan Review • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Water and Sewer Utilities Drainage Engineering Services • Storm drain system and culvert design • Channels and flood control improvements • Detention basins/ retention basins / parks / multi-use facilities • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Area drainage master studies/plans • Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis • Bridge hydraulics and river mechanics • Sediment transport analysis • 2-dimensional modeling /FLO-2D • Bridge hydraulics and scour analysis • Flood mitigation alternatives development • Floodplain delineations - FIRM, DFIRM, and PMR • CLOMR/LOMR/LOMC • FEMA Guidelines/NFIP Regulations Additional Supporting In-House Services/Disciplines • Landscape Architecture • Irrigation Design • Urban Design In-House Services that J2 will offer for this on-call contract. J2 Design is a multi-disciplinary firm that can offer a wide range of services to support on-call contract projects. We have included a list of the services we can offer in- house to support this contract below. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 2 1. Chandler ADA Public Right of Way Upgrades; Chandler, AZ 2. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ 3. 32nd Street Shea to Cholla; Phoenix, AZ Description: This project's focus was on ADA compliance in the Chandler downtown district. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project providing civil engineering and landscape architecture services. The project included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination, street lighting upgrades and relocation in order to upgrade the current conditions to current ADA standards. Description: J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Description: The City of Phoenix is continuing to advance the street repurposing efforts associated with North 32nd Street Corridor with a focus of transforming the corridor into a more vibrant community and pedestrian corridor. This study was focused on North 32nd Street between East Shea Blvd. and E. Cholla Street. J2 evaluated the following alternatives: right sizing the roadway for the current and anticipated traffic volumes, providing wider pedestrian sidewalks, providing dedicated bike lanes, and increasing the landscape elements within the Corridor. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 2. Contact Name: Dan Haskins 2. Contact Name: Jason Ramirez 2. Contact Name: John Dickson 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 215 E Buffalo St, Suite 101 Chandler, AZ 85244, 480.782.3335, Daniel.Haskins@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 1034 E Madison St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.7319, jason.ramirez@ phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.3697, john.dickson@phoenix.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, 5. Dates: 08/2016-01/2019 5. Dates: 03/2021-07/2022 5. Dates: 05/2020-02/2022 Section 7.2.2 Experience & Qualifications of the Vendor 7.2.2.A Provide a detailed description of the Vendor’s experience in providing similar services to municipalities or other entities of a similar size to the Town. J2 has been providing on-call services to municipalities across Arizona since our inception in 2002. We have served as an on-call engineering consultant for several Arizona cities and towns including: the Arizona Department of Administration Landscape Architectural On-Call, Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Flood Control District of Maricopa County (FCDMC), Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), and the Cities of Avondale, Buckeye, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Maricopa, Phoenix, Casa Grande, and Tempe to name a few. J2’s extensive On-Call contract experience has given our design team valuable insight into successfully and proactively completing multiple, simultaneous projects. J2 has proven over the past 21 years that we are capable of managing a broad range of complex task assignments under On-Call contracts across the state and has completed hundreds of tasks with award-winning results. Our engineering and landscape architecture professionals have the depth of experience and required skills to complete concurrent On-Call projects with the highest level of quality and tangible results while maintaining the Town of Fountain Hills’s budget and schedule. 7.2.2.B Vendor must demonstrate successful completion of at least three similar projects within the last 60 months. J2's experience and expertise is demonstrated in the similar project experience we have detailed in this section. OC = On-Call Add Quote “The Project Team worked Closely with the City, residents, City of Tempe, ADOT, and FCDMC to complete this project which will benefit the community for years to come. The entire team worked diligently to meet the needs of the City of Mesa and the Community.” Beth Huning, PE - City Engineer; City of Mesa (on the Rio Salado Pathway project). OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 3 ‘THE DISTRICT’ LOOKING NORTH - DAY OC = On-Call OCOC OC 4. Wall Street Alley Project Assessment; Chandler, AZ 5. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ 6. Hatcher Road Street Improvements; Phoenix, AZ 7. Western Powerline Trail-Gilbert to Lindsay MAG DA; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 provided professional landscape architecture conceptual design services for the development of the Wall Street Pedestrian Improvements in Downtown Chandler. This Project Assessment study was part of the MAG Design Assistance Program. The improvement zone was approximately 580 feet in length, from Chicago Street on the north to Frye Road on the south in the exciting Downtown Chandler core area. The scope of work included conceptual evaluation of hardscape, lighting, landscape, signage/monumentation, access control, site furnishings, and art work systems for this potential alley improvement. Description: J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Description: The reach along Hatcher Road is encumbered with both physical and social challenges. The City of Phoenix has had a keen interest in the revitalization of Hatcher Road. Through the results of surveys and the vision of the City, J2 has developed two concepts to address those interests. The first is a conservative solution that looked at re-striping and curb relocation on the south side to incorporate a 8 foot sidewalk and some planting areas. The second is an advanced approach that introduces adjustments to both curb locations on the north and south sides and provides opportunities like 10 foot sidewalks on both sides, planting areas, street tree plantings, areas for gathering with benches, and art among other amenities. Description: J2 was selected off the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to provide a Project Assessment for this section of the Western Powerline Trail. The goal is for the area to be more pedestrian and bike friendly allowing for art festival and other similar events. J2 was the prime consultant for this project providing trail assessment and master planning services. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Page 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert, Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 2. Contact Name: Kim Moyers 2. Contact Name: Darren Coldwell 2. Contact Name: Marielle Brown 2. Contact Name: Nate Williams 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 175 S Arizona Ave, Chandler, AZ 85245, 480.782.3045, Kim.Moyers@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 697 Vista Avenue, Page, AZ 86040, 928.645.4241, dcoldwell@pageaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.534.0258, marielle.brown@phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 90 E Civic Center Dr, Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.294.0750, nathan.williams@ gilbertaz.gov 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 5. Dates: 04/2020-03/2021 5. Dates: 03/2020-11/2021 5. Dates: 02/2021-01/2022 5. Dates: 01/2021-4/2022 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 4 OC = On-Call “I have known the core of the J2 Team for over two decades and have enjoyed our working relationship very much over the years. They have delivered many outstanding park and recreation projects for me on-time and on-budget, for two different municipalities. The staff’s creativity and attention to detail is always appreciated, and I know I can count on J2 to deliver a great project.” -Kirk Haines, Former City of Avondale OCOC 8. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ 9. East Shea Corridor ADMS Review; Scottsdale; AZ 10. Watson Bonarden Lane Drainage Improvements; Tempe, AZ 11. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Description: The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. Description: J2 Design served as a subconsultant to the City of Scottsdale for the review of the East Shea Corridor ADMS. J2 was responsible for the review of SWMM, FLO-2D models and reports. J2 also provided input on potential flood mitigation projects. Description: This project was another local drainage CIP derived from the Tempe ADMS. The project optimized the existing storm drain system in the area near Rural Road and Watson Road to reduce localized flooding of homes. The project included supplemental survey of the project corridor, utility location/re-location, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses and preparation of construction documents. J2 served as the prime consultant they utilized the FLO-2D/ SWMM model to maximize the existing storm drain system capacity. Description: The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. 1. Name of Organization: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community 1. Name of Organization: City of Scottsdale 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: City of Mesa 2. Contact Name: Tina Sotero 2. Contact Name: Hasan Mushtaq 2. Contact Name: Sharletha Johnson 2. Contact Name: Marc Ahlstrom 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 10005 E. Osborn Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85256, 480.362.5747, Tina.Sotero@ srpmic-nsn.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 7447 E. Indian School Road, Suite 125 Scottsdale, AZ 85251, 480.312.4317, hmushtaq@scottsdaleaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E 5th St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.8630, Sharletha_Johnson@ tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 55 N Center St, Mesa, AZ 85201, 480.644.4622, Marc.Ahlstrom@mesaaz. gov 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Irrigation Design 5. Dates: 12/2018-12/2021 5. Dates: 09/2020-02/2022 5. Dates: 02/2021-09/2022 5. Dates: 08/2015- 05/2019 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 5 12. Park Renovations - Hollis Park; Tempe, AZ 13. Heritage District Drainage; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 served as the Prime Consultant for this design refinement effort providing the civil engineering and landscape architecture design services. Park improvements included renovated playground area and equipment, new ADA accessible sidewalk connections to playground area, general civil, hardscape, landscape, and irrigation design. The scope of work included construction documents, cost estimates, specifications, conceptual design, and post design services. Description: This study is focused on evaluating flooding issues and presenting flood mitigation alternatives within the Vaughn Basin watershed as a first step in preparing this area for future growth and development. Comprehensive FLO-2D models for the 10-year, 50-year, and 100-year 24-hour storms were developed for this project. Modeling results were evaluated based on peak flows and flood volumes from the most recent HEC-1 model for the area developed by FCDMC. A preferred flood mitigation alternative has been selected which involves the relocation of Vaughn Basin to increase potential retention volume. 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert 2. Contact Name: Jeffrey Yazzie 2. Contact Name: Jeanne Jensen 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E Fifth St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.2972, Jeff_Yazzie@tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 50 E Civic Center Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.503.6198., Jeanne.Jensen@ GilbertAZ.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Irrigation Design 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 5. Dates: 06/2019-02/2021 5. Dates: 11/2019-03/2022 Previous Fountain Hills Experience • Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan • Adero Canyon Trailhead • Four Peaks Elementary School Safe Sidewalks to School • El Lago Sidewalk • Avenue Courtyard Conceptual Design • Avenue of the Fountains Design Adero Canyon Trailhead; Fountain Hills , AZ Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills , AZ OC = On-Call “It is always a pleasure working with J2. On each and every project, they’ve managed not only to understand the City’s needs, but also to anticipate and expand upon them, delivering a product that exceeds our expectations.” - Joshua Plumb, Formerly Engineering Manager, City of Maricopa OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 6 7.2.3.A Identify each key personnel member that will render services to the Town including title and relevant experience required and 7.2.3.B Indicate the roles and responsibilities of each key position. J2's proposed team resources are shown below along with a brief overview of their qualifications. As you will see, our proposed key staff are diverse and can serve in a variety of roles based on the project needs. The below team will be supported by J2's in-house staff of 35 which is discussed on page 1 of this SOQ. Section 7.2.3 Key Positions Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight, QAQC, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Jeff serves as J2's Director of Engineering and is one of the founding partners. He has been involved in drainage master plans (ADMS), storm drain design, channel design, and detention basin projects for the many Arizona municipalities, FCDMC, USACE, and ADOT. He is highly regarded in the drainage engineering industry. Responsibility. Jeff will provide engineering oversight and QAQC for projects under this on-call contract. Additionally, he will assist in managing and providing engineering design on drainage engineering projects. Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Evan has 7 years of experience in hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, storm drain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. He brings experience working on a variety of drainage design projects. Responsibility. Evan will manage and provide engineering design for drainage engineering projects assigned to him under this on-call contract. Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Serin brings experience in stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, she is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling. Responsibility. Serin will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Principal Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2 and brings 29 years of experience. He oversees J2’s civil engineering team. He brings strong experience in site utilities, earthwork balance, water and sewer line design, grading, drainage, and pavement design, cost estimating, specification writing, and assembly of plans. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working with J2’s in- house disciplines of drainage engineering and landscape architecture to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. Responsibility. Jason will serve as the Town’s Point-of-Contact and overseeing firm principal for this contract. He will also lead and manage all site-civil design focused projects assigned to J2 under this contract. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Savannah has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. Savannah is a newer employee at J2 and her previous stormwater experience can be found in her resume in the Appendix. Responsibility. Savannah will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 7 East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Aaron, Allan, PLA, ASLA Project Landscape Architect Relevant Experience. Aaron’s experience includes multi-use trail systems, trailhead design, community and neighborhood park design, urban design, commercial and institutional facilities, equestrian facilities, revegetation and restoration projects. As a vice president he brings proven leadership skills and a wealth of relevant, recent experience and knowledge in these categories. Responsibility. Aaron will support the transportation planning category of this contract and provide landscape architecture services as required by other projects. Kevin Wallin, CIDProject Irrigation Design Relevant Experience. Kevin has over 30 years of experience on municipal projects with expertise focused on irrigation design. He brings strong experience with sports field irrigation, turf irrigation design, drip irrigation design, and irrigation pump design. The in-house irrigation expertise that he brings is of great value and something that other firms cannot offer. Responsibility. Kevin will provide irrigation design services as required and will closely collaborate with the project team on any project that requires irrigation design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Project Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2, Dan has assisted in a number of engineering projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria, Town of Gilbert, and City of Buckeye. Responsibility. Dan will provide civil engineering services as required. Dan will closely collaborate with Jeff Holzmeister and Jason Touchin. 7.2.3.C. If a subcontractor will be used for all work of a certain type, include information on this subcontractor. A detailed plan for providing supervision must be included. Due to the nature of on-call contracts, J2 is not including any sub-consultants on our team at this time. J2 maintains strong working relationships with several firms that can cover nearly any specialty scope of work that J2 cannot perform in-house that may arise under this contract. The relationships we have built with specialty sub-consultants and the recommendations we will provide are all based off of firsthand knowledge of the quality of work these firms produce based on past, successful project teaming experiences. Should the need arise for a specialty sub- consultant, J2 will work with the Town of Fountain Hills project manager to select the firm that is the right fit to meet the project needs. We are always willing to work with firms that the Town prefers to work with or with other firms off of the on-call that could fill a specialty subcontractor role on projects assigned to J2. 7.2.3.D. Attach a résumé and evidence of certification, if any, for each key personnel member and/or subcontractor to be involved in this project. Resumes and certifications for J2's key personnel are included in the Appendix located at the end of this document. “The J2 Team is dynamic, talented, creative, and truly a pleasure to work with. They performed above and beyond the level of excellence to deliver the Mansel Carter Oasis Park project in 2018 on a tight budget and tight schedule. The outstanding project reviews across the board have been amazing and very special. I would highly recommend J2, and I look forward to working again with them.” - Adam Robinson Town of Queen Creek Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 8 Section 7.2.4 Project Approach 7.2.4.A Describe the Vendor’s approach to performing the required Services in the section titled Scope of Work, including the following processes: OVERALL APPROACH J2’s philosophy and approach to on-call contracts is centered on producing outstanding design solutions while keeping projects on-time and on-budget. J2 is large enough to be financially stable, yet small enough to utilize senior design staff to complete any project assigned to us as a part of this on-call contract. The people you know and meet will be working on your projects. We have found that if four key components can be identified and agreed upon from the start of a project that the design process runs considerably smoother: • Trust and Respect • Known Expectations • Budget • Defined Program and Scope The first key to a successful project is a mutual trust and respect between the Owner and Design Team. There has to be open communication that allows each party, the Community and the Design Team, to be the experts in their respective fields. The second key is known expectations. The Team needs to know the expectations of key stakeholders in order for the owner to get the best value and a fully finished project. The third key is budget. If a clear budget is not defined then the Design Team cannot meet the expectations of the owner. The last key is a well-defined program and scope of services which guides the direction of project development. Each of these elements is interlinked and dependent upon each other. Our staff pays close attention to detail and our project managers maintain excellent lines of communication with our clients and our overall design Team. J2’s management philosophy is built around our professional staff’s ability to listen to the needs of our clients and respond with imaginative and creative ideas. J2’s approach will focus on taking the vision for each project and creating a constructible set of plans that will result in a sustainable, maintainable, and creative facilities that are loved by those who utilize and interact with them. Planning & Scheduling. The J2 Team will develop a specific scope of services and establish and update the schedule for each project throughout the duration of this contract. The approved schedule will be submitted to the Town’s Project Manager at agreed upon intervals and updated as needed. Activities showing negative float will be provided with a solution to bring the project back on schedule. On larger scale projects, J2 will utilize Microsoft Project to schedule and track tasks and outside agency coordination. J2 prides itself on providing innovative design solutions to our clients while always remain on or ahead of schedule. Critical items included and shown in the master schedule are: • Scoping • Public involvement • City Planning Approvals • Utility/outside agency coordination • Staged Submittal Development (30, 60, 90, Final) • City Review Time at Stage Submittals Estimating & Cost Controls. J2 brings extensive experience with municipal, on-call civil engineering, drainage engineering, and transportation planning projects allowing us to comprehensively consider complex elements that firms who do not specialize in this scope of work may overlook. Our recent and ongoing design work in a variety of disciplines across the state, and in Fountain Hills, means we have clear understanding of the current cost and requirements for on-call projects. Our approach to accurate estimating, reconciling, and protecting the budget while working with the Town will be continuous throughout each stage of the project process. We will engage in the early identification of/ creative approaches to cost savings, utilize our database of past project bid tabs from recent projects, and leverage our professional relationships with general contractors in Arizona to understand what the market values of certain bid items are and accurately estimate projects we are assigned under this on-call contract. J2 has a proven track record of Western Powerline Trail; Gilbert, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 9 Project Scope of Work Copy of the Contract Project Schedule Schedule of Deliverables Project Budgets Staff Hours QAQC Plan Project Work Plan Key components of the project work plan include: Figure 1. J2 Project Work Plan Componentscontrolling costs and consistently delivering projects that achieve budgetary goals. This results in tighter bids and less opportunities for contract change orders later on in the construction process. Project Management. Each of our project managers and staff members have experience managing and working on multiple projects concurrently and do so on a daily basis. J2’s efficient and refined project management processes and our deep bench of in-house design staff allow our firm to provide quality, on-time, and on-budget design services for dozens of projects at once. Only staff with adequate availability will be assigned to your projects and you can expect dedicated service and close attention to each project regardless of if it is running concurrently with others. The key to J2’s continued success in providing our clients with end products that exceed their schedule, cost, and quality expectations is the J2 Project Work Plan (PWP) (key elements shown in Figure 1). This tool is customized at the start of each project and serves as a guide for the project manager from day one through project close-out. Each of our proposed project managers for this contract is familiar with the J2 PWP and its components having utilized it to manage dozens of successful, award-winning projects. Team Organization. J2 offers a strong, skilled staff to support the completion of any project we are assigned under this on-call contract. Our proposed staff and additional staff resources discussed throughout this proposal are available and ready to begin work on projects for the Town as they arise. Each project will begin with the assignment of a skilled, in-house Project Manager. J2’s Contract Principal, Jason Touchin, PE, will assign a dedicated project manager who will be responsible for the schedule and completion of all related project work based on the skills required for the project and current workload availability. Jason Touchin and the assigned project manager will then craft the most qualified team for the project based on our Team members’ expertise and current workload at the time of the project. Bid Package Management. J2 has extensive experience creating and managing bid packages for projects that span a wide range of sizes, services, disciplines, and delivery methods. We will provide organized, concise, and implementable bid packages for projects under this on-call. J2 maintains great relationships with many contractors across the state and has a history of collaborating well with contractors under any delivery method. We will work with contractors, attend pre- construction meetings, respond to contractor questions, and provide updated plans with changes clearly noted via addendum as needed for projects under this contract. Management of Overhead Costs. Our firm prides itself on the low overhead costs that we have established and maintained for 21+ years. As a small, but robust, local business, J2’s overhead costs are lower and more easily controlled than those of large, corporate organizations. The hands-on involvement of firm principals the manageable size of our firm allows us to keep our overhead costs low and still provide our clients access to experienced personnel and services that exceed their expectations. 7.2.4.B Describe any alternate approaches if it is believed that such an approach would best suit the needs of the Town. Include rationale for alternate approaches, and indicate how the Vendor will ensure that all efforts are coordinated with the Town’s Representatives. Given the nature of on-call contracts, J2 does not have any specific alternate approaches to suggest at this time. J2 is well-known for our innovative, creative, and practical approach to design on projects that range in size, discipline, and services. At the start of each project we will evaluate the project details and scape and propose any innovative or creative approaches that we feel will best suit the Town and the project’s needs. We view ourselves as an extension of the Town’s staff and any alternate approaches or innovations proposed will be discussed and ultimately, approved by the Town’s representatives in order to ensure that all approaches meet the needs of the Town and its citizens. Thank you for your review of our qualifications. J2 is excited about this on-call contract and looks forward to the opportunity to continue serving the Town of Fountain Hills through this selection. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design Project Schedule Section 7.2.5 Project Schedule J2 has a strong understanding of how to schedule and achieve key project milestones and deliverables for on-call engineering projects. To fulfill this RFQ requirement, and demonstrate our ability to meet project milestones, be available for key meetings, and accurately schedule the types of projects that may arise under this contract, our team prepared an example schedule for the Fountain Hills Boulevard/Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements project listed in the Town's Capital Improvement program. This schedule is solely an example and all schedules, dates, milestones, and scope items will always be created, discussed, and approved in partnership with Town staff. ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 2 3 Fountain Hills Boulevard Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements 267 days Mon 2/5/24 Tue 2/11/25 4 Data Collection and Survey 40 days Mon 2/5/24 Fri 3/29/24 5 30% Plans 71 days Fri 3/29/24 Mon 7/8/24 4 6 Kickoff 0 days Fri 3/29/24 Fri 3/29/24 7 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 8 Roadway Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 9 Structural Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 10 Geotechnical Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 11 Traffic Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 12 Environmental Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 13 Utilities 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 14 Locating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 15 Relocating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 16 Public Involvement 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 17 Submittal 0 days Mon 7/8/24 Mon 7/8/24 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16 18 City Review 16 days Tue 7/9/24 Tue 7/30/24 17 19 60% Plans 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 20 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 21 Roadway Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 22 Structural Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 23 Geotechnical Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 24 Traffic Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 25 Environmental Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 26 Utilities 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 27 Locating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 28 Relocating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 29 Public Involvement 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 30 Submittal 0 days Wed 9/25/24 Wed 9/25/24 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 31 City Review 16 days Thu 9/26/24 Thu 10/17/24 30 32 90% Plans 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 33 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 34 Roadway Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 35 Structural Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 36 Geotechnical Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 37 Traffic Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 38 Environmental Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 39 Utilities 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 40 Locating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 41 Relocating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 42 Public Involvement 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 43 Submittal 0 days Fri 11/29/24 Fri 11/29/24 33,34,35,36,37,38,40,41 44 City Review 16 days Mon 12/2/24 Mon 12/23/24 43 45 100% Plans 36 days Tue 12/24/24 Tue 2/11/25 46 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 47 Roadway Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 48 Structural Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 49 Geotechnical Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 50 Traffic Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 51 Environmental Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 52 Utilities 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 53 Locating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 54 Relocating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 55 Public Involvement 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 56 Submittal 0 days Mon 1/20/25 Mon 1/20/25 46,47,48,49,50,51,53,54,55 57 Final Review 16 days Tue 1/21/25 Tue 2/11/25 56 58 Approval 0 days Tue 2/11/25 Tue 2/11/25 57 3/29 7/8 9/25 11/29 11/29 2/11 1/20 2/11 M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M EDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch April Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 1 Project: fountain hills BlvdDate: Wed 12/13/23 Provide a generic project schedule showing potential key project milestones and deliverables. The schedule shall demonstrate Vendor’s ability to meet the designated project milestones. Appendix Resumes and Certifications Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Project Civil Engineer Experience 29 Years Total 20 with J2 Education B.S., Construction Management, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #38806 About Jason. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2. He has 29 years of experience across a variety of project types. He is responsible for all of J2’s civil engineering design, including the civil engineering for regional, community, and neighborhood park projects. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working in-house with J2’s landscape staff to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. He brings strong expertise in regional park engineering elements such as site utilities, earthwork balance, sports field grading, and more. He draws upon his experience coupled with his construction management background to provide innovative solutions that meet client needs. His client experience includes Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, City of Phoenix, Town of Gilbert, City of Chandler and various other counties and municipalities. Experience McDowell Mountain Preserve Central Trailhead; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Engineer. Jason was responsible for developing grading, pavement, and utility design for the Town of Fountain Hill’s first dedicated hiking trailhead located in the McDowell Mountain Preserve. This trailhead will grant the public walking access to the hiking trails, vehicular parking, school bus access, as well as providing accessibility and like experiences for the disabled. Amenities included in the design were a restroom facility, two scenic overlook plaza areas with picnic ramadas, decorative entry gates, and gabion baskets filled with native rock material utilized as retaining walls. The primary objective of this design was to preserve the natural environmental beauty of the site. Flatiron Community Park; Apache Junction, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 was the prime firm leading a design team for Flatiron Community Park. J2 provided professional services for master planning and thematic design, as well as the development of construction documents and construction observation for this three acre community park within the City of Apache Junction. J2 administered extensive public involvement and master planning for the development of Flatiron Community Park. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Civil Engineer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multiuse fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The grounds of the former Mesa Jr. High School property were converted into Eagles Park, a new City park and recreation facility. The new park (approximately 27 acres) includes lighted multi-purpose sports fields, playgrounds, walkways with exercise stations, picnic facilities, a newly renovated recreation facility and new parking lots. The old Fraser Drive will be reconstructed to accommodate side street parking and serves as a fire lane providing vehicular access to the park, Mesa Public School’s Lowell Elementary School, and the recreation facility. A previously completed J2 park master plan was used as a basis for the design. Piestewa Peak, Summit and Navajo Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Phoenix redeveloped the former trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Project improvements included new parking lots, new ramadas, new restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, and roadway improvements along the frontage of these special trailheads. The traffic design elements included pavement marking and signing plans for both trailheads and Squaw Peak Drive. A field review was completed in order to inventory regulatory signage, as well as trailhead signage, prior to the new pavement marking and signing plans. SR 202L South Mountain Freeway; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. As a subconsultant, J2 was responsible for the lighting and maintenance of traffic design for select segments of this project. This megaproject was the largest construction project in state history, constructing 22 miles of a new 8-lane freeway facility. As the last section of the Maricopa Association of Governments’ original Regional Transportation Plan, the South Mountain Freeway will complete the Valley’s highway network. Ma Ha Tauk Park; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. Improvements to this 11-acre park will include renovation of the existing parking lot, new site lighting, open turf play areas, new landscaping, refurbishment of the existing restroom building, new playground equipment, new fitness stations, and refurbishment of the existing basketball court, new sand volleyball court, new ramadas, and concrete pathways. Two washes traverse the site from the east to the west, dividing the site into approximate thirds. Impacts to these washes will be protected in place and serve as a main feature of the park. At grade low water crossings will be utilized to cross the washes to create the continuous walking paths. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Civil Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Mustang Transit; Scottsdale, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Scottsdale has provided several transportation improvements along the 90th Street corridor between Shea Boulevard and Mountain View Road. J2 served as a subconsultant and was responsible for assisting the City of Scottsdale’s Capital Project Management staff by providing the City (COS) with the required Design Review documents and presentation exhibits as needed for the Design Review Board (DRB) review and approval. The project included extensive public involvement and outreach, and coordination with the COS committees and stakeholders. The project improvements include new transit amenities, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, new signal and a roundabout. J2 prepared and electronically delivered to COS final construction documents including plant inventory and salvage plans, native revegetation plans, civil plans, drainage plans, landscape plans, irrigation plans, and wall graphics for the areas within COS established rights-of-way along roadway corridor. J2 worked hand in hand with the artist to provide the locations and construction documents for some of the art features throughout the project. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Civil Engineer. This project includes a combination of shared use pathways and cycle tracks weaving through the neighborhoods with signalized pedestrian crossings at Center St and the canal and at Country Club Drive and the canal. Street improvements and enhanced landscaping is also included on Brown/ Date Street, 10th Street, and Alma School Road. This project completes one of the areas “missing links” by provide a nonmotorized connection from the City of Mesa to its neighboring Cities to the west (Tempe, Scottsdale, Phoenix). This paved, lighted shared use pathway project was designed by J2. J2 provided all of the civil engineering and landscape architecture associated with this extensive project. Jason Touchin, PE Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight/QAQC Experience 40 Years Total 20 with J2 Education M.S., Water Resources Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Arizona Floodplain Managers Association (AFMA) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #23170 About Jeff. Jeff is the Director of Engineering at J2 and has 40 years of water resources and general civil engineering experience. Jeff has been involved in a wide range of water resource and general civil engineering projects throughout Arizona. Investigation of these projects has required analyses of surface water hydrology, open channel hydraulics, culvert design, storm drain analyses, and sediment transport analyses. In addition to technical engineering analyses, the majority of these projects have also required the development of construction cost estimates, operation and maintenance plans, and benefit/cost analyses to determine the economic feasibility of a specific flood control or drainage plan. Jeff is experienced in the application of the HEC-1/HEC-HMS, HEC-2/HEC-RAS, HEC-6, StormCadd, and FLO-2D computer programs. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Engineer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Principal. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is on a 46-acre site at Appleby Road and 196th Street. J2 provided plans, specification, quantities, and estimates for the development of two multi-purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness pods, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, and an urban fishing lake. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. As project principal, Jeff was responsible for the multifaceted design team that sucessfully completed this landmark destination park. Tempe Area Drainage Master Study; Tempe, AZ Project Manager. This District project evaluated Tempe’s overall drainage system (total 47 square-miles) using the two-dimensional modeling software of FLO-2D. This ADMS identified drainage and flooding problems in Tempe and developed alternative measures to mitigate identified\ concerns. There were multiple storm events that caused street drainage problems and flooding. Tempe expected major redevelopment in portions of the City and as a response to this projected growth the City considered implementation of various green infrastructure and low impact design techniques as part of the General Plan. Three dependent FLO-2D models were developed with more than one million grids for each of the three models to cover the entire project area. Complex storm drain systems with 147 miles of pipe, 2,767 inlets, 110 outfalls, and six pumps were modeled with the integration of FLO-2D and EPA SWMM models. The Project Team worked with ASU sustainability group to evaluate the use of Low Impact Development (LID) concepts for mitigation of regional drainage concerns and they obtained. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ Project Principal. The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue Drainage Study; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This project for the City of Phoenix performed engineering analyses required to develop mitigation measures for storm water flooding in the vicinity of 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue. FLO-2D hydrologic modeling was performed for the 2, 10, and 100-year storm events. The contributing watershed area is approximately four miles. The grid systems (12’x12’ cells with total 803,229 grids) for models were developed and data collection was conducted. Major flooding issues were identified and three flood mitigation alternatives for the three design storms were modeled and evaluated. Preliminary drainage plans were developed with associated quantity and probable cost estimates. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Project Principal. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Chandler ADA Improvements; Chandler, AZ Project Principal. This project focus is on ADA compliance for the City of Chandler. The project limits were Boston Street east of Arizona Avenue, the circular drive adjacent the Senior Center, Washington Street south from Boston Street to Chicago Street and Chicago Street east to Delaware Street. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project and included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination and relocation. This project required a hard ground survey and very detailed micro- grading to ensure ADA compliance, this detailed approach was absolutely necessary to minimize project costs, to ensure ADA compliance and to ensure accurate existing hardscape tie-in locations. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ Project Principal. J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Cave Creek Wash Regional Park Improvements; Project Engineer. This project entailed three separate park facilities under one contract: Rose Mofford Sports Complex, Cholla Park, and Sweetwater Park. Rose Mofford Sports Complex included lighted softball fields, dog park, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and additional lighted field along with multi-use trails, ramadas, and a restroom. Cholla Park design included two lighted multi-use fields as well as a restroom facility, ramadas, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and extensive multi-use trail system. Sweetwater Park design included extensive turf, open play areas, revegetation of the disturbed Cave Creek Wash banks, picnic ramadas, basketball court, multi-use trail system, restroom, trail lighting, and a pedestrian bridge over Cave Creek Wash. 12th Street Storm Drain, Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Engineer. Jeff was responsible for the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and design of the storm drain from Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road. Storm drains varied in size from 24-inches to 64-inches. The project tasks included utility coordination, plan and specifications preparation and computation of cost estimates. 44th Street Storm Drain Design, Bell Road to Greenway Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Jeff was responsible for design of the storm drain from 44th Street to Greenway Road. The project required modification of an existing set of engineering documents. The previous plans contained several “fatal flaw” utility conflicts. Team members developed several design alternatives for the project. Jeff Holzmeister, PE Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Experience 7 Years Total 7 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #71783 About Evan. Evan has 7 years of experience working with several professional engineers in areas including hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, stormdrain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. Clients include Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, Flood Control District of Maricopa County, and various counties and municipalities in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Experience Crestview at Fountain Hills; Fountain Hills, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the development of proposed plans and cost estimate for a catch basin and landscape reconstruction in Fountain Hills. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report and utilized AutoCAD and GIS to prepare plans and exhibits. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. SR202L, South Mountain Freeway On-Site Drainage; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the on-site drainage design for cross-roads along four segments of the South Mountain Freeway. Evan led in the preparation of inlet sizes and locations using MicroStation and Flowmaster with considerations made for allowable spread, pipe length, and existing conditions/ storm drain systems. Evan developed pipe summary sheets using StormCAD to calculate pipe sizes and various inlet characteristics, and assisted in the preparation of plan and profile sheets with an emphasis on ProjectWise utilization. Piestewa Peak Trailhead Improvements; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the calculation of onsite retention volumes and basin sizing for the park improvements along Squaw Peak Dr utilizing Bentley Microstation InRoads. Evan assisted in the development of several hydrologic models using HEC-1 and led the preparation of the onsite drainage report, including the utilization of GIS to develop shapefiles and exhibits. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Drainage Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO-2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. J2 was a subconsultant providing landscape architecture, hardscape, theme development, and a drainage study. Our design team provided conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. SR101L Widening Design Build Proposal; Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan utilized an existing Design Concept for Loop 101 widening and adapted proposed drainage infrastructure to new roadway geometry. Evan led in the development of design basefiles and quantities for 13 miles of on-site and off-site improvements, emphasizing ProjectWise integration and coordination with a multidisciplinary design team. Casa Blanca Area Drainage Master Study; Casa Blanca, AZ Drainage Designer. GIS tools were developed for use for the ef ficient development of FLO-2D input data files and post-processing of the modeling results for the 62 sq. mile 2-dimensional hydraulic study of the Gila River Indian Community District 5 area. Evan led the field data collection efforts and preparation of hydraulic structures data, GIS implementation of FLO-2D crosssections, HEC-RAS modeling of multiple channels, and preparation of exhibits for flood mitigation alternatives. 83rd Ave & Thunderbird Rd Intersection Improvements; Peoria, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the hydraulic analysis of existing drainage infrastructure at 83rd Ave & Thunderbird, identified potential drainage concerns, and proposed multiple mitigation alternatives. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report, utilizing Flowmaster and StormCAD to perform hydraulic calculations and GIS to prepare exhibits. Agua Fria Freeway and I-10 Interchange Drainage Study; Tolleson, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the development of updates to the Maryvale Area Drainage Master Study HEC-1 model to incorporate the Bethany Home Outfall Channel and determine the required volume of a regional basin at I-10 and L101. Evan analyzed as- built records to determine existing conditions, utilized GIS to prepare DDMSW input files, and assisted in final plan production. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 was retained as a subconsultant for TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extral general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Drainage Engineer. The City of Apache Junction recently improved a county drainage basin to include a dog park. J2 was selected to design the improvements. The dog park improvements included dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solar powered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase. This award- winning facility opened to the public last spring. West Plaza Park; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. West Plaza Park is an existing 6 acre park at the northwest corner of 43rd Avenue and Maryland Avenue. The existing park features are mature trees, large turf area, playground, and drinking fountain. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide professional design services for the City of Phoenix. The new improvements included picnic ramadas, walking pathways, sport courts, fitness plaza, area lighting, and landscape and irrigation improvements. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Drainage Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multi-use fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. USS Arizona Memorial Gardens; SRP-MIC, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are over 1,500 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. The site includes a contemplative Memorial Garden and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast as well as a showcase of The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona. Evan Grace, PE Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 2 with J2 Education BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of South Carolina MS Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Arizona State University Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #75112 About Serin. Serin’s initial experience was as an environmental engineer, working as a consultant in both air quality and stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, She is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling, with the ever present opportunity to continue to expand her skillset. Experience North Water Treatment Plant; Gilbert, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin developed 1-D and 2-D models in HEC-RAS to in support of the North Water Treatment Plant expansion, which incorporates part of a FEMA floodplain. I-17 Auxiliary Lanes; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin analyzed drainage areas and calculated flow in order to design proposed inlets for the planned addition of auxiliary lanes along I-17 in central Phoenix according to AZDOT regulations and specifications. Sundance Park; Buckeye, AZ Staff Engineer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Gilbert Road Bridge; Mesa, SRP-MIC, AZ Staff Engineer. On this MCDOT project, J2 provided both water resource engineering and bridge scour evaluations of this bridge replacement over the Salt River as well as complete landscape restoration plans, erosion control plans and bridge and wall aesthetics including the design and placement of a new entry monument for the SRP-MIC community. Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue; Peoria, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 served as a subconsultant to perform the hydrologic/hydraulic analyses required for on-site and off-site drainage design, water quality treatment mitigation, preparation of landscape plans, irrigation, and stormwater pollution prevention plans for the proposed Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue project. J2 assisted in the report preparation to document the drainage analyses performed, and coordinated the design with TYLin and MCDOT. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 1 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79325 About Savannah. Savannah has 4 years of engineering experience. She has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Savannah joins us from Flood Control District of Maricopa County where she assumed the technical responsibility for reviewing the hydrologic and hydraulic design components of projects/studies including review of engineering reports, calculations, plans for compliance with District standards, FEMA requirements, and standard modeling guidelines. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, and more. Experience Skyline Drive Corridor from Magma Railroad to SR 79; Pinal County, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design is served as a subconsultant to Jacobs Engineering. Savannah created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantify peak flows, and identify points along the Skyline Drive corridor that will require drainage structures and sized preliminary drainage structures. River Island State Park Off-Highway Vehicle Trailhead Phase I; Parker, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design quantified offsite peak flows moving through the project area and ensured that no modifications significantly changed the existing flow paths. A retention basin was sized in order to accommodate first flush volume for direct runoff from the site improvements. J2 also ensured finished floor of the proposed restroom facility and camp host site were elevated one foot above the 100-year water surface elevation. Sierra Vista Shooting Range; Sierra Vista, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantified peak flows, and sized two preliminary ford crossings. Grand Canal Multi-Use Trail; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 is served as a subconsultant for TRACE Consulting. Savannah quantified the amount of additional runoff associated with replacing the compacted dirt along the canal with a concrete multi-use path and ensured there was no adverse impact to surrounding properties associated with this additional runoff. Indian Bend Wash Vista Del Camino Park; Scottsdale, AZ Staff Engineer. The Vista Del Camino Park project, 1 of 4 design areas, includes shade ramadas, walking trails and pathways, playground structures, restroom buildings, parking lots, pathway lighting, drinking fountains, roadway improvements, reconstruction of the lake system, drainage structures (Indian Bend Wash serves as a regional floodway) and irrigation systems. J2 Design is the Prime Consultant for the project and is providing master plan validation, final design construction documents, public involvement, civil engineering,landscape architecture, irrigation design, and lake design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Civil Engineer Experience 2 Years Total 4 with J2 Education B.S Mining Engineering, University of Utah Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79703 About Dan. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2 Dan has assisted in a number of drainage projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria and Town of Gilbert. Experience Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Southern Avenue and Apache Road – Traffic Signal Design; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan created an exhibit to coordinate with the City of Buckeye, land developers and utility companies to illustrate the proposed conditions of the intersection and to identify potential conflicts. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Well Site 36-5 Drainage Improvements; Scottsdale, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan provided design and grading for a new driveway and drainage swale to redirect flow of water off of the driveway and towards the existing wash utilizing a trench drain to capture excess water. The flow was then directed to a gabion bed to mitigate the impact of erosion. Hatcher Road; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. The City of Phoenix has endeavored to revitalize Hatcher Road from Central Avenue to 19th Avenue. The roadway exists in an economically distressed area. The City has incorporated portions of the roadway over the years from Maricopa County. It contains significant restraints including a homeless population, spot development, land ownership, and development, significant business vacancies, and an active residential community looking for enhancement of a roadway that has many differing roadway profiles with utility challenges. ADOT SR79 Gila River Bridge Engineering Designer. The SR-79 Gila River Bridge project will replace the existing 2 lane bridge with a new 4 lane bridge over the Gila River. J2 provided hydraulic and scour analysis, scour countermeasure design, and bridge aesthetics and landscape design. The bridge hydraulic analysis included utilizing both HEC-RAS 1-dimensional and SRH 2-dimensional modeling to evaluate the complex flow patterns in the vicinity of the bridge for bridge design as well as the floodplain impact analysis. I-10 (PHX-Casa Grande HWY); ADOT, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. Civic Center Park Design; Avondale, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is partnering with the City of Avondale to develop a passive, open space area to include open turf areas, shade ramadas, a playground, and a small water feature. The 4-Acre parcel for this project is located within Avondale’s Civic Center area and adjacent to a forthcoming aquatic center. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for the project providing landscape architecture and civil engineering design services. ST Johns Shooting Range; Saint Johns, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for this project providing professional design services for the St. Johns Shooting Range project. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF) needs to implement lead containment basins at the St. John’s Shooting Range. The new detention basins will be along the south side of the ranges and collect drainage run off prior to the storm water entering the adjacent tributary of the Little Colorado River. Mesa Cemetary Northwest Expansion Master Plan; Mesa, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 provided master planning services for an 8 acre expansion of the Mesa Cemetery. Five concepts were developed and vetted that included more than 4,000 new plots, new roadway layout, a new memorial garden, new irrigation mainlines, grading concepts and coordination with SRP on a historic irrigation canal. Seth prepared various conceptual layouts for the roadways, the memorial garden and plot locations. Roper Lake Park Improvements; Safford, AZ Engineering Designer. Arizona State Parks is targeting several key State owned and operated parks for renovation of aging infrastructure. One of the first projects targeted is Roper Lake State Park just outside of Safford Arizona. Roper Lake State Park has 30 lake surface acres, a boat ramp, natural stone hot tub, swimming beach, day use island with numerous picnic tables and grills, camping cabins, and public campgrounds all serviced through an antiquated septic or sewage tank operations. The existing sewage infrastructure of the park had either failed, or was not operating efficiently and overall was inadequate for the current use of the park. J2 provided construction documents based upon our initial evaluation of the site’s sewage system and have provided the following infrastructure elements and features to Arizona State Parks to address the site issues. Rotary Park Trail; Casa Grande, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is assisting the City in the design of a new trail that will run along the north side of the North Branch of the Santa Cruz Wash, and extend from Rotary Park to Peart Road. Services to the City include assisting in the interviews and selection of the trail designer, and hydraulic and floodplain impact analysis. J2 will assist the trail designer with making sure the trail does not negatively impact the existing regulatory floodway. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Landscape Architect Experience 21 Years Total 21 with J2 Education B.S. in Landscape Architecture, Arizona State University PSMJ Resources, Inc. Project Management Training Affiliations American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) Certified #7445 Arizona Parks & Recreation Association (APRA) Registrations Professional Landscape Architect Arizona #45439 About Aaron. Aaron has 20 years of landscape architecture experience and has completed a wide variety of public works projects throughout Arizona. Aaron has outstanding experience leading multidisciplinary design teams on successful award-winning projects including design of park and recreation facilities, urban plazas and streetscapes, environmental restorations, and shared-use pathways. Aaron has the ability to navigate projects that involve multiple stakeholder involvement and gain consensus on design direction. Aaron gives the J2 staff multi-faceted talent, due to his diverse expertise in parks, recreation , and open-space, master planning, hardscape design, urban design, public presentation, soils, horticulture and planting design and construction management experience. Experience Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected off of the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to lead the development of the Town of Fountain Hill’s first-ever Active Transportation Plan. The plan will serve as the primary tool for the deployment and integration of connected, safe, and comfortable facilities for bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized modes within the Town. J2 conducted inventory analysis, identified priority areas, created an implementation strategy, and included customizable cost estimates as a part of the plan document. Additionally, the J2 Team assisted the Town with public involvement by attending meetings, collecting public input via surveys, and even creating a custom brand and logo for the project to spread awareness. Avenue of the Fountains Master Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Landscape Architect. The Town of Fountain Hills had an opportunity to improve upon the existing median along the Avenue of the Fountains. The median facilities were near the end of their workable life cycles. Aaron helped facilitate working group meeting with key stakeholders, facilitated public involvement meetings, and provided a master plan and estimated construction budgets for the renovation of the Avenue of the Fountains, which included new hardscape, waterfeatures, lighting, seating areas, landscape and irrigation improvements. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Project Manager. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Landscape Architect. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Heritage Center Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. The Town of Gilbert’s Heritage Center project addressed wayfinding, accessibility, and on-site flooding issues at the current site. J2 worked with the Town to provide a site evaluation, master plan, and construction documents for the Heritage Center that included, addressing ADA issues, adding a play structure, courtyard and street lighting, new wayfinding and signage, a new pathway, new irrigation and landscaping, and more. USS Arizona Memorial; Salt River Pima Indian Community, AZ Project Manager. The USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are 1,511 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. Commemorative Columns line the stabilized paths, with each walkway terminating in a flagpole flying a flag for each branch of the US military. Each column will subtly glow come sundown, transforming the space at night. The contemplative Memorial Garden sits to the north of the Boat House relic house and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast. The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona is prominently displayed adjacent to the lake’s edge. J2 provided design services for this important memorial. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Piestewa Peak Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. The City of Phoenix is redeveloping the existing trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Improvements for this trailhead redevelopment include new parking lots, ramadas, restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, entry monument, and refurbishing ramadas. The project included significant grade changes. Powerline Trail Greenfield Road Signal Crossing; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide landscape architecture and civil engineering design services for the Town of Gilbert for the Western Powerline Trail-Phase IV project. The project was an approximate half mile of shared-use pathway along the Western Powerline Trail corridor that tied into the SRP Powerline Trail and extended east to Greenfield Road. This project included tiling of an SRP tail water ditch, pathway lighting, ramadas, and a pedestrian activated signal and cross walk improvements at Greenfield Road. Water Tower Plaza; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. Aaron was responsible for the landscape master plan and final construction documents for the restoration of the historic Water Tower Plaza in downtown Gilbert’s Heritage District. The project has included extensive public outreach to both the community and local business owners. Unique to the project is the association created with ASU’s Decision Theater where the public input process has been teamed with the latest in 3-D modeling technology. This has provided the ability to gather public input and present ideas in a virtual walk through. This facet of the design process has allowed Aaron to investigate how the public feels about a multitude of aspects on the project including the sounds of water, the texture of pavement, and the colors of the site and ultimately how the entire project will be developed. The plaza improvements consisted of four different themed water features, outdoor plaza spaces, and an informal turf amphitheater. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Aaron also provided construction management services. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This 13 acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included new parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball court, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Kevin Wallin, CID Irrigation Design Experience 30 Years Total 20 with J2 Education Associates in Specialized Technology, Architectural CADD, Pittsburgh Technical Institute Registrations Certified Irrigation Designer CID #64027 About Kevin. Kevin has over 30 years of combined experience in landscape architecture and irrigation design with responsibilities varying from project manager, lead designer, assistant designer, and CAD drafter. As a landscape and irrigation designer, Kevin creates design concepts for both master plans and construction documents including planting, irrigation, hardscape, lake design, pump design, demolition, plant salvage/ inventory, and site plans. Kevin has extensive experience working on municipal park projects and his expertise is focused on irrigation design. He brings strong knowledge and experience with sports field irrigation projects, turf irrigation design projects, drip irrigation design projects, and irrigation pump design from lake projects. The in-house irrigation and lake design expertise that Kevin brings will be an invaluable asset to the project team. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Irrigation Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 provided professional engineering services for the 27 acre park site that consists of multi-purpose sports fields, playground, ADA walkways, picnic facilities, new parking lots, and exercise stations. J2 provided all project coordination, landscape architecture, irrigation and civil design. Chuparosa Park: Volleyball and Parking Lot Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was the prime consultant, selected from the City’s on-call contract, leading the design of a parking lot expansion and two additional volleyball courts. The scope of work included conceptual design, construction documents, specifications, cost estimates, and post design services. Park improvements included sport court and parking lot lighting, landscape and irrigation, court design, parking lot design, and civil improvements. Desert Breeze Park Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. Kevin supported the professional design services which included conceptual design, final construction documents, specifications , cost estimates, and post design services for several phases of the park’ s development. The task phases have included: multi-use sports fields, a new path system, lake edge improvements, fabric shade structures, ADA accessibility improvements, fishing zones, splash pad refurbishment, fencing systems, and landscape & irrigation improvements. West Chandler Park Master Plan and Design; Chandler, AZ Landscape Designer. 40-acre community park includes softball and baseball complexes, restroom/concessions building, maintenance building and storage area, and soccer/football field. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Landscape and Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Indian School Lake Rehabilitation; Scottsdale, AZ Irrigation and Lake Design. J2 provided civil engineering, landscape architecture and electrical engineering in the renovation of the 40 year old Indian School Lake. J2 also was responsible for design and construction management of Lake, Pump system, Wet Wells, Electrical, landscape Irrigation, planting and civil paving and multi-use pathways. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. This thirteen acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included porous concrete parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels to achieve a 100% power offset, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball courts, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Paseo Verde Park; Peoria, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was responsible for providing professional landscape architecture services which prepared the design and construction documents for this 10 acre neighborhood “infill” park in an established Peoria neighborhood. The park was delivered by “Design-Build” contract. Facilities include; two soccer/softball fields, playground, basketball court, armadas mesquite “bosque”, “volcano mountain” art landform and a “butterfly garden” picnic area, loop and neighborhood connecting trails. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Irrigation Designer. The City of Apache Junction is in the process of improving a county drainage basin to include a dog park. The dog park will include dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solarpowered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 has developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase and the project is now in construction. Kevin Wallin, CID Evidence of Certifications Town of Fountain Hills | RFQ-2023-009 | Dec 13, 2023; 5:00 PM Statement of Qualifications Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 1 J2’s On-Call Staff Resources 35 Arizona-based and dedicated professionals • 7 Professional Landscape Architects (PLA)• 2 Certified Irrigation Designers (CID)• 8 Landscape Design Associates• 6 Professional Engineers (PE)• 2 Engineers in Training (EIT)• 3 CAD Designers• 5 Administrative Staff 7.2.1.B Provide Vendor Identification Information. Legal Name. J2 Engineering and Environmental Design Address. 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Identification Number. ACC No. L-1046937-3 Legal Form: Limited Liability Company (LLC) Authorized to act on J2’s behalf and point of contact: Jason Touchin, PE 602.438.2221 Ext 128, jtouchin@j2design.us 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 7.2.1.C Identify the location of the Vendor’s principal office and the local work office, if different from the principal office. J2’s one and only office is located at 4649 E. Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2, Phoenix, Arizona 85040. All work for this project will be performed in this office location. 7.2.1.D Provide a general description of the Vendor that is proposing to provide the Services, including years in business. J2 is an Arizona water resources, general civil engineering, and landscape architecture firm specializing in the planning, analysis, and design of public works projects. J2 has a successful working relationship with the Town of Fountain Hills and has been providing professional services for municipal entities for over 21 years. 7.2.1.E Identify any contract or subcontract held by the Vendor or officers of the Vendor that has been terminated within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None 7.2.1.F Identify any claims arising from a contract that resulted in litigation or arbitration within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None Section 7.2.1 General Information Transportation Infrastructure Services • Street Diets• Pedestrian Improvements & Amenities• Active Transportation Planning • Bus Shelters • Shared-Use Pathways • Commuter Park and Rides • Shade • Multi-Modal Planning• Downtown Area Master Planning and Urban Design Civil Engineering Services • Site Civil Engineering • Roadway transportation studies and design • Plan Review • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Water and Sewer Utilities Drainage Engineering Services • Storm drain system and culvert design • Channels and flood control improvements • Detention basins/ retention basins / parks / multi-use facilities • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Area drainage master studies/plans • Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis • Bridge hydraulics and river mechanics • Sediment transport analysis • 2-dimensional modeling /FLO-2D • Bridge hydraulics and scour analysis • Flood mitigation alternatives development • Floodplain delineations - FIRM, DFIRM, and PMR • CLOMR/LOMR/LOMC • FEMA Guidelines/NFIP Regulations Additional Supporting In-House Services/Disciplines • Landscape Architecture • Irrigation Design • Urban Design In-House Services that J2 will offer for this on-call contract. J2 Design is a multi-disciplinary firm that can offer a wide range of services to support on-call contract projects. We have included a list of the services we can offer in- house to support this contract below. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 2 1. Chandler ADA Public Right of Way Upgrades; Chandler, AZ 2. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ 3. 32nd Street Shea to Cholla; Phoenix, AZ Description: This project's focus was on ADA compliance in the Chandler downtown district. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project providing civil engineering and landscape architecture services. The project included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination, street lighting upgrades and relocation in order to upgrade the current conditions to current ADA standards. Description: J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Description: The City of Phoenix is continuing to advance the street repurposing efforts associated with North 32nd Street Corridor with a focus of transforming the corridor into a more vibrant community and pedestrian corridor. This study was focused on North 32nd Street between East Shea Blvd. and E. Cholla Street. J2 evaluated the following alternatives: right sizing the roadway for the current and anticipated traffic volumes, providing wider pedestrian sidewalks, providing dedicated bike lanes, and increasing the landscape elements within the Corridor. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 2. Contact Name: Dan Haskins 2. Contact Name: Jason Ramirez 2. Contact Name: John Dickson 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 215 E Buffalo St, Suite 101 Chandler, AZ 85244, 480.782.3335, Daniel.Haskins@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 1034 E Madison St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.7319, jason.ramirez@ phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.3697, john.dickson@phoenix.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, 5. Dates: 08/2016-01/2019 5. Dates: 03/2021-07/2022 5. Dates: 05/2020-02/2022 Section 7.2.2 Experience & Qualifications of the Vendor 7.2.2.A Provide a detailed description of the Vendor’s experience in providing similar services to municipalities or other entities of a similar size to the Town. J2 has been providing on-call services to municipalities across Arizona since our inception in 2002. We have served as an on-call engineering consultant for several Arizona cities and towns including: the Arizona Department of Administration Landscape Architectural On-Call, Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Flood Control District of Maricopa County (FCDMC), Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), and the Cities of Avondale, Buckeye, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Maricopa, Phoenix, Casa Grande, and Tempe to name a few. J2’s extensive On-Call contract experience has given our design team valuable insight into successfully and proactively completing multiple, simultaneous projects. J2 has proven over the past 21 years that we are capable of managing a broad range of complex task assignments under On-Call contracts across the state and has completed hundreds of tasks with award-winning results. Our engineering and landscape architecture professionals have the depth of experience and required skills to complete concurrent On-Call projects with the highest level of quality and tangible results while maintaining the Town of Fountain Hills’s budget and schedule. 7.2.2.B Vendor must demonstrate successful completion of at least three similar projects within the last 60 months. J2's experience and expertise is demonstrated in the similar project experience we have detailed in this section. OC = On-Call Add Quote “The Project Team worked Closely with the City, residents, City of Tempe, ADOT, and FCDMC to complete this project which will benefit the community for years to come. The entire team worked diligently to meet the needs of the City of Mesa and the Community.” Beth Huning, PE - City Engineer; City of Mesa (on the Rio Salado Pathway project). OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 3 ‘THE DISTRICT’ LOOKING NORTH - DAY OC = On-Call OCOC OC 4. Wall Street Alley Project Assessment; Chandler, AZ 5. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ 6. Hatcher Road Street Improvements; Phoenix, AZ 7. Western Powerline Trail-Gilbert to Lindsay MAG DA; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 provided professional landscape architecture conceptual design services for the development of the Wall Street Pedestrian Improvements in Downtown Chandler. This Project Assessment study was part of the MAG Design Assistance Program. The improvement zone was approximately 580 feet in length, from Chicago Street on the north to Frye Road on the south in the exciting Downtown Chandler core area. The scope of work included conceptual evaluation of hardscape, lighting, landscape, signage/monumentation, access control, site furnishings, and art work systems for this potential alley improvement. Description: J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Description: The reach along Hatcher Road is encumbered with both physical and social challenges. The City of Phoenix has had a keen interest in the revitalization of Hatcher Road. Through the results of surveys and the vision of the City, J2 has developed two concepts to address those interests. The first is a conservative solution that looked at re-striping and curb relocation on the south side to incorporate a 8 foot sidewalk and some planting areas. The second is an advanced approach that introduces adjustments to both curb locations on the north and south sides and provides opportunities like 10 foot sidewalks on both sides, planting areas, street tree plantings, areas for gathering with benches, and art among other amenities. Description: J2 was selected off the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to provide a Project Assessment for this section of the Western Powerline Trail. The goal is for the area to be more pedestrian and bike friendly allowing for art festival and other similar events. J2 was the prime consultant for this project providing trail assessment and master planning services. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Page 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert, Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 2. Contact Name: Kim Moyers 2. Contact Name: Darren Coldwell 2. Contact Name: Marielle Brown 2. Contact Name: Nate Williams 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 175 S Arizona Ave, Chandler, AZ 85245, 480.782.3045, Kim.Moyers@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 697 Vista Avenue, Page, AZ 86040, 928.645.4241, dcoldwell@pageaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.534.0258, marielle.brown@phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 90 E Civic Center Dr, Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.294.0750, nathan.williams@ gilbertaz.gov 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 5. Dates: 04/2020-03/2021 5. Dates: 03/2020-11/2021 5. Dates: 02/2021-01/2022 5. Dates: 01/2021-4/2022 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 4 OC = On-Call “I have known the core of the J2 Team for over two decades and have enjoyed our working relationship very much over the years. They have delivered many outstanding park and recreation projects for me on-time and on-budget, for two different municipalities. The staff’s creativity and attention to detail is always appreciated, and I know I can count on J2 to deliver a great project.” -Kirk Haines, Former City of Avondale OCOC 8. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ 9. East Shea Corridor ADMS Review; Scottsdale; AZ 10. Watson Bonarden Lane Drainage Improvements; Tempe, AZ 11. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Description: The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. Description: J2 Design served as a subconsultant to the City of Scottsdale for the review of the East Shea Corridor ADMS. J2 was responsible for the review of SWMM, FLO-2D models and reports. J2 also provided input on potential flood mitigation projects. Description: This project was another local drainage CIP derived from the Tempe ADMS. The project optimized the existing storm drain system in the area near Rural Road and Watson Road to reduce localized flooding of homes. The project included supplemental survey of the project corridor, utility location/re-location, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses and preparation of construction documents. J2 served as the prime consultant they utilized the FLO-2D/ SWMM model to maximize the existing storm drain system capacity. Description: The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. 1. Name of Organization: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community 1. Name of Organization: City of Scottsdale 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: City of Mesa 2. Contact Name: Tina Sotero 2. Contact Name: Hasan Mushtaq 2. Contact Name: Sharletha Johnson 2. Contact Name: Marc Ahlstrom 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 10005 E. Osborn Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85256, 480.362.5747, Tina.Sotero@ srpmic-nsn.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 7447 E. Indian School Road, Suite 125 Scottsdale, AZ 85251, 480.312.4317, hmushtaq@scottsdaleaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E 5th St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.8630, Sharletha_Johnson@ tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 55 N Center St, Mesa, AZ 85201, 480.644.4622, Marc.Ahlstrom@mesaaz. gov 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Irrigation Design 5. Dates: 12/2018-12/2021 5. Dates: 09/2020-02/2022 5. Dates: 02/2021-09/2022 5. Dates: 08/2015- 05/2019 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 5 12. Park Renovations - Hollis Park; Tempe, AZ 13. Heritage District Drainage; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 served as the Prime Consultant for this design refinement effort providing the civil engineering and landscape architecture design services. Park improvements included renovated playground area and equipment, new ADA accessible sidewalk connections to playground area, general civil, hardscape, landscape, and irrigation design. The scope of work included construction documents, cost estimates, specifications, conceptual design, and post design services. Description: This study is focused on evaluating flooding issues and presenting flood mitigation alternatives within the Vaughn Basin watershed as a first step in preparing this area for future growth and development. Comprehensive FLO-2D models for the 10-year, 50-year, and 100-year 24-hour storms were developed for this project. Modeling results were evaluated based on peak flows and flood volumes from the most recent HEC-1 model for the area developed by FCDMC. A preferred flood mitigation alternative has been selected which involves the relocation of Vaughn Basin to increase potential retention volume. 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert 2. Contact Name: Jeffrey Yazzie 2. Contact Name: Jeanne Jensen 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E Fifth St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.2972, Jeff_Yazzie@tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 50 E Civic Center Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.503.6198., Jeanne.Jensen@ GilbertAZ.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Irrigation Design 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 5. Dates: 06/2019-02/2021 5. Dates: 11/2019-03/2022 Previous Fountain Hills Experience • Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan • Adero Canyon Trailhead • Four Peaks Elementary School Safe Sidewalks to School • El Lago Sidewalk • Avenue Courtyard Conceptual Design • Avenue of the Fountains Design Adero Canyon Trailhead; Fountain Hills , AZ Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills , AZ OC = On-Call “It is always a pleasure working with J2. On each and every project, they’ve managed not only to understand the City’s needs, but also to anticipate and expand upon them, delivering a product that exceeds our expectations.” - Joshua Plumb, Formerly Engineering Manager, City of Maricopa OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 6 7.2.3.A Identify each key personnel member that will render services to the Town including title and relevant experience required and 7.2.3.B Indicate the roles and responsibilities of each key position. J2's proposed team resources are shown below along with a brief overview of their qualifications. As you will see, our proposed key staff are diverse and can serve in a variety of roles based on the project needs. The below team will be supported by J2's in-house staff of 35 which is discussed on page 1 of this SOQ. Section 7.2.3 Key Positions Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight, QAQC, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Jeff serves as J2's Director of Engineering and is one of the founding partners. He has been involved in drainage master plans (ADMS), storm drain design, channel design, and detention basin projects for the many Arizona municipalities, FCDMC, USACE, and ADOT. He is highly regarded in the drainage engineering industry. Responsibility. Jeff will provide engineering oversight and QAQC for projects under this on-call contract. Additionally, he will assist in managing and providing engineering design on drainage engineering projects. Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Evan has 7 years of experience in hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, storm drain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. He brings experience working on a variety of drainage design projects. Responsibility. Evan will manage and provide engineering design for drainage engineering projects assigned to him under this on-call contract. Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Serin brings experience in stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, she is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling. Responsibility. Serin will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Principal Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2 and brings 29 years of experience. He oversees J2’s civil engineering team. He brings strong experience in site utilities, earthwork balance, water and sewer line design, grading, drainage, and pavement design, cost estimating, specification writing, and assembly of plans. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working with J2’s in- house disciplines of drainage engineering and landscape architecture to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. Responsibility. Jason will serve as the Town’s Point-of-Contact and overseeing firm principal for this contract. He will also lead and manage all site-civil design focused projects assigned to J2 under this contract. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Savannah has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. Savannah is a newer employee at J2 and her previous stormwater experience can be found in her resume in the Appendix. Responsibility. Savannah will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 7 East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Aaron, Allan, PLA, ASLA Project Landscape Architect Relevant Experience. Aaron’s experience includes multi-use trail systems, trailhead design, community and neighborhood park design, urban design, commercial and institutional facilities, equestrian facilities, revegetation and restoration projects. As a vice president he brings proven leadership skills and a wealth of relevant, recent experience and knowledge in these categories. Responsibility. Aaron will support the transportation planning category of this contract and provide landscape architecture services as required by other projects. Kevin Wallin, CIDProject Irrigation Design Relevant Experience. Kevin has over 30 years of experience on municipal projects with expertise focused on irrigation design. He brings strong experience with sports field irrigation, turf irrigation design, drip irrigation design, and irrigation pump design. The in-house irrigation expertise that he brings is of great value and something that other firms cannot offer. Responsibility. Kevin will provide irrigation design services as required and will closely collaborate with the project team on any project that requires irrigation design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Project Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2, Dan has assisted in a number of engineering projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria, Town of Gilbert, and City of Buckeye. Responsibility. Dan will provide civil engineering services as required. Dan will closely collaborate with Jeff Holzmeister and Jason Touchin. 7.2.3.C. If a subcontractor will be used for all work of a certain type, include information on this subcontractor. A detailed plan for providing supervision must be included. Due to the nature of on-call contracts, J2 is not including any sub-consultants on our team at this time. J2 maintains strong working relationships with several firms that can cover nearly any specialty scope of work that J2 cannot perform in-house that may arise under this contract. The relationships we have built with specialty sub-consultants and the recommendations we will provide are all based off of firsthand knowledge of the quality of work these firms produce based on past, successful project teaming experiences. Should the need arise for a specialty sub- consultant, J2 will work with the Town of Fountain Hills project manager to select the firm that is the right fit to meet the project needs. We are always willing to work with firms that the Town prefers to work with or with other firms off of the on-call that could fill a specialty subcontractor role on projects assigned to J2. 7.2.3.D. Attach a résumé and evidence of certification, if any, for each key personnel member and/or subcontractor to be involved in this project. Resumes and certifications for J2's key personnel are included in the Appendix located at the end of this document. “The J2 Team is dynamic, talented, creative, and truly a pleasure to work with. They performed above and beyond the level of excellence to deliver the Mansel Carter Oasis Park project in 2018 on a tight budget and tight schedule. The outstanding project reviews across the board have been amazing and very special. I would highly recommend J2, and I look forward to working again with them.” - Adam Robinson Town of Queen Creek Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 8 Section 7.2.4 Project Approach 7.2.4.A Describe the Vendor’s approach to performing the required Services in the section titled Scope of Work, including the following processes: OVERALL APPROACH J2’s philosophy and approach to on-call contracts is centered on producing outstanding design solutions while keeping projects on-time and on-budget. J2 is large enough to be financially stable, yet small enough to utilize senior design staff to complete any project assigned to us as a part of this on-call contract. The people you know and meet will be working on your projects. We have found that if four key components can be identified and agreed upon from the start of a project that the design process runs considerably smoother: • Trust and Respect • Known Expectations • Budget • Defined Program and Scope The first key to a successful project is a mutual trust and respect between the Owner and Design Team. There has to be open communication that allows each party, the Community and the Design Team, to be the experts in their respective fields. The second key is known expectations. The Team needs to know the expectations of key stakeholders in order for the owner to get the best value and a fully finished project. The third key is budget. If a clear budget is not defined then the Design Team cannot meet the expectations of the owner. The last key is a well-defined program and scope of services which guides the direction of project development. Each of these elements is interlinked and dependent upon each other. Our staff pays close attention to detail and our project managers maintain excellent lines of communication with our clients and our overall design Team. J2’s management philosophy is built around our professional staff’s ability to listen to the needs of our clients and respond with imaginative and creative ideas. J2’s approach will focus on taking the vision for each project and creating a constructible set of plans that will result in a sustainable, maintainable, and creative facilities that are loved by those who utilize and interact with them. Planning & Scheduling. The J2 Team will develop a specific scope of services and establish and update the schedule for each project throughout the duration of this contract. The approved schedule will be submitted to the Town’s Project Manager at agreed upon intervals and updated as needed. Activities showing negative float will be provided with a solution to bring the project back on schedule. On larger scale projects, J2 will utilize Microsoft Project to schedule and track tasks and outside agency coordination. J2 prides itself on providing innovative design solutions to our clients while always remain on or ahead of schedule. Critical items included and shown in the master schedule are: • Scoping • Public involvement • City Planning Approvals • Utility/outside agency coordination • Staged Submittal Development (30, 60, 90, Final) • City Review Time at Stage Submittals Estimating & Cost Controls. J2 brings extensive experience with municipal, on-call civil engineering, drainage engineering, and transportation planning projects allowing us to comprehensively consider complex elements that firms who do not specialize in this scope of work may overlook. Our recent and ongoing design work in a variety of disciplines across the state, and in Fountain Hills, means we have clear understanding of the current cost and requirements for on-call projects. Our approach to accurate estimating, reconciling, and protecting the budget while working with the Town will be continuous throughout each stage of the project process. We will engage in the early identification of/ creative approaches to cost savings, utilize our database of past project bid tabs from recent projects, and leverage our professional relationships with general contractors in Arizona to understand what the market values of certain bid items are and accurately estimate projects we are assigned under this on-call contract. J2 has a proven track record of Western Powerline Trail; Gilbert, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 9 Project Scope of Work Copy of the Contract Project Schedule Schedule of Deliverables Project Budgets Staff Hours QAQC Plan Project Work Plan Key components of the project work plan include: Figure 1. J2 Project Work Plan Componentscontrolling costs and consistently delivering projects that achieve budgetary goals. This results in tighter bids and less opportunities for contract change orders later on in the construction process. Project Management. Each of our project managers and staff members have experience managing and working on multiple projects concurrently and do so on a daily basis. J2’s efficient and refined project management processes and our deep bench of in-house design staff allow our firm to provide quality, on-time, and on-budget design services for dozens of projects at once. Only staff with adequate availability will be assigned to your projects and you can expect dedicated service and close attention to each project regardless of if it is running concurrently with others. The key to J2’s continued success in providing our clients with end products that exceed their schedule, cost, and quality expectations is the J2 Project Work Plan (PWP) (key elements shown in Figure 1). This tool is customized at the start of each project and serves as a guide for the project manager from day one through project close-out. Each of our proposed project managers for this contract is familiar with the J2 PWP and its components having utilized it to manage dozens of successful, award-winning projects. Team Organization. J2 offers a strong, skilled staff to support the completion of any project we are assigned under this on-call contract. Our proposed staff and additional staff resources discussed throughout this proposal are available and ready to begin work on projects for the Town as they arise. Each project will begin with the assignment of a skilled, in-house Project Manager. J2’s Contract Principal, Jason Touchin, PE, will assign a dedicated project manager who will be responsible for the schedule and completion of all related project work based on the skills required for the project and current workload availability. Jason Touchin and the assigned project manager will then craft the most qualified team for the project based on our Team members’ expertise and current workload at the time of the project. Bid Package Management. J2 has extensive experience creating and managing bid packages for projects that span a wide range of sizes, services, disciplines, and delivery methods. We will provide organized, concise, and implementable bid packages for projects under this on-call. J2 maintains great relationships with many contractors across the state and has a history of collaborating well with contractors under any delivery method. We will work with contractors, attend pre- construction meetings, respond to contractor questions, and provide updated plans with changes clearly noted via addendum as needed for projects under this contract. Management of Overhead Costs. Our firm prides itself on the low overhead costs that we have established and maintained for 21+ years. As a small, but robust, local business, J2’s overhead costs are lower and more easily controlled than those of large, corporate organizations. The hands-on involvement of firm principals the manageable size of our firm allows us to keep our overhead costs low and still provide our clients access to experienced personnel and services that exceed their expectations. 7.2.4.B Describe any alternate approaches if it is believed that such an approach would best suit the needs of the Town. Include rationale for alternate approaches, and indicate how the Vendor will ensure that all efforts are coordinated with the Town’s Representatives. Given the nature of on-call contracts, J2 does not have any specific alternate approaches to suggest at this time. J2 is well-known for our innovative, creative, and practical approach to design on projects that range in size, discipline, and services. At the start of each project we will evaluate the project details and scape and propose any innovative or creative approaches that we feel will best suit the Town and the project’s needs. We view ourselves as an extension of the Town’s staff and any alternate approaches or innovations proposed will be discussed and ultimately, approved by the Town’s representatives in order to ensure that all approaches meet the needs of the Town and its citizens. Thank you for your review of our qualifications. J2 is excited about this on-call contract and looks forward to the opportunity to continue serving the Town of Fountain Hills through this selection. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design Project Schedule Section 7.2.5 Project Schedule J2 has a strong understanding of how to schedule and achieve key project milestones and deliverables for on-call engineering projects. To fulfill this RFQ requirement, and demonstrate our ability to meet project milestones, be available for key meetings, and accurately schedule the types of projects that may arise under this contract, our team prepared an example schedule for the Fountain Hills Boulevard/Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements project listed in the Town's Capital Improvement program. This schedule is solely an example and all schedules, dates, milestones, and scope items will always be created, discussed, and approved in partnership with Town staff. ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 2 3 Fountain Hills Boulevard Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements 267 days Mon 2/5/24 Tue 2/11/25 4 Data Collection and Survey 40 days Mon 2/5/24 Fri 3/29/24 5 30% Plans 71 days Fri 3/29/24 Mon 7/8/24 4 6 Kickoff 0 days Fri 3/29/24 Fri 3/29/24 7 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 8 Roadway Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 9 Structural Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 10 Geotechnical Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 11 Traffic Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 12 Environmental Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 13 Utilities 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 14 Locating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 15 Relocating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 16 Public Involvement 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 17 Submittal 0 days Mon 7/8/24 Mon 7/8/24 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16 18 City Review 16 days Tue 7/9/24 Tue 7/30/24 17 19 60% Plans 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 20 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 21 Roadway Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 22 Structural Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 23 Geotechnical Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 24 Traffic Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 25 Environmental Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 26 Utilities 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 27 Locating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 28 Relocating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 29 Public Involvement 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 30 Submittal 0 days Wed 9/25/24 Wed 9/25/24 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 31 City Review 16 days Thu 9/26/24 Thu 10/17/24 30 32 90% Plans 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 33 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 34 Roadway Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 35 Structural Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 36 Geotechnical Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 37 Traffic Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 38 Environmental Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 39 Utilities 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 40 Locating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 41 Relocating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 42 Public Involvement 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 43 Submittal 0 days Fri 11/29/24 Fri 11/29/24 33,34,35,36,37,38,40,41 44 City Review 16 days Mon 12/2/24 Mon 12/23/24 43 45 100% Plans 36 days Tue 12/24/24 Tue 2/11/25 46 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 47 Roadway Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 48 Structural Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 49 Geotechnical Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 50 Traffic Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 51 Environmental Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 52 Utilities 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 53 Locating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 54 Relocating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 55 Public Involvement 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 56 Submittal 0 days Mon 1/20/25 Mon 1/20/25 46,47,48,49,50,51,53,54,55 57 Final Review 16 days Tue 1/21/25 Tue 2/11/25 56 58 Approval 0 days Tue 2/11/25 Tue 2/11/25 57 3/29 7/8 9/25 11/29 11/29 2/11 1/20 2/11 M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M EDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch April Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 1 Project: fountain hills BlvdDate: Wed 12/13/23 Provide a generic project schedule showing potential key project milestones and deliverables. The schedule shall demonstrate Vendor’s ability to meet the designated project milestones. Appendix Resumes and Certifications Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Project Civil Engineer Experience 29 Years Total 20 with J2 Education B.S., Construction Management, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #38806 About Jason. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2. He has 29 years of experience across a variety of project types. He is responsible for all of J2’s civil engineering design, including the civil engineering for regional, community, and neighborhood park projects. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working in-house with J2’s landscape staff to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. He brings strong expertise in regional park engineering elements such as site utilities, earthwork balance, sports field grading, and more. He draws upon his experience coupled with his construction management background to provide innovative solutions that meet client needs. His client experience includes Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, City of Phoenix, Town of Gilbert, City of Chandler and various other counties and municipalities. Experience McDowell Mountain Preserve Central Trailhead; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Engineer. Jason was responsible for developing grading, pavement, and utility design for the Town of Fountain Hill’s first dedicated hiking trailhead located in the McDowell Mountain Preserve. This trailhead will grant the public walking access to the hiking trails, vehicular parking, school bus access, as well as providing accessibility and like experiences for the disabled. Amenities included in the design were a restroom facility, two scenic overlook plaza areas with picnic ramadas, decorative entry gates, and gabion baskets filled with native rock material utilized as retaining walls. The primary objective of this design was to preserve the natural environmental beauty of the site. Flatiron Community Park; Apache Junction, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 was the prime firm leading a design team for Flatiron Community Park. J2 provided professional services for master planning and thematic design, as well as the development of construction documents and construction observation for this three acre community park within the City of Apache Junction. J2 administered extensive public involvement and master planning for the development of Flatiron Community Park. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Civil Engineer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multiuse fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The grounds of the former Mesa Jr. High School property were converted into Eagles Park, a new City park and recreation facility. The new park (approximately 27 acres) includes lighted multi-purpose sports fields, playgrounds, walkways with exercise stations, picnic facilities, a newly renovated recreation facility and new parking lots. The old Fraser Drive will be reconstructed to accommodate side street parking and serves as a fire lane providing vehicular access to the park, Mesa Public School’s Lowell Elementary School, and the recreation facility. A previously completed J2 park master plan was used as a basis for the design. Piestewa Peak, Summit and Navajo Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Phoenix redeveloped the former trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Project improvements included new parking lots, new ramadas, new restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, and roadway improvements along the frontage of these special trailheads. The traffic design elements included pavement marking and signing plans for both trailheads and Squaw Peak Drive. A field review was completed in order to inventory regulatory signage, as well as trailhead signage, prior to the new pavement marking and signing plans. SR 202L South Mountain Freeway; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. As a subconsultant, J2 was responsible for the lighting and maintenance of traffic design for select segments of this project. This megaproject was the largest construction project in state history, constructing 22 miles of a new 8-lane freeway facility. As the last section of the Maricopa Association of Governments’ original Regional Transportation Plan, the South Mountain Freeway will complete the Valley’s highway network. Ma Ha Tauk Park; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. Improvements to this 11-acre park will include renovation of the existing parking lot, new site lighting, open turf play areas, new landscaping, refurbishment of the existing restroom building, new playground equipment, new fitness stations, and refurbishment of the existing basketball court, new sand volleyball court, new ramadas, and concrete pathways. Two washes traverse the site from the east to the west, dividing the site into approximate thirds. Impacts to these washes will be protected in place and serve as a main feature of the park. At grade low water crossings will be utilized to cross the washes to create the continuous walking paths. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Civil Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Mustang Transit; Scottsdale, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Scottsdale has provided several transportation improvements along the 90th Street corridor between Shea Boulevard and Mountain View Road. J2 served as a subconsultant and was responsible for assisting the City of Scottsdale’s Capital Project Management staff by providing the City (COS) with the required Design Review documents and presentation exhibits as needed for the Design Review Board (DRB) review and approval. The project included extensive public involvement and outreach, and coordination with the COS committees and stakeholders. The project improvements include new transit amenities, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, new signal and a roundabout. J2 prepared and electronically delivered to COS final construction documents including plant inventory and salvage plans, native revegetation plans, civil plans, drainage plans, landscape plans, irrigation plans, and wall graphics for the areas within COS established rights-of-way along roadway corridor. J2 worked hand in hand with the artist to provide the locations and construction documents for some of the art features throughout the project. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Civil Engineer. This project includes a combination of shared use pathways and cycle tracks weaving through the neighborhoods with signalized pedestrian crossings at Center St and the canal and at Country Club Drive and the canal. Street improvements and enhanced landscaping is also included on Brown/ Date Street, 10th Street, and Alma School Road. This project completes one of the areas “missing links” by provide a nonmotorized connection from the City of Mesa to its neighboring Cities to the west (Tempe, Scottsdale, Phoenix). This paved, lighted shared use pathway project was designed by J2. J2 provided all of the civil engineering and landscape architecture associated with this extensive project. Jason Touchin, PE Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight/QAQC Experience 40 Years Total 20 with J2 Education M.S., Water Resources Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Arizona Floodplain Managers Association (AFMA) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #23170 About Jeff. Jeff is the Director of Engineering at J2 and has 40 years of water resources and general civil engineering experience. Jeff has been involved in a wide range of water resource and general civil engineering projects throughout Arizona. Investigation of these projects has required analyses of surface water hydrology, open channel hydraulics, culvert design, storm drain analyses, and sediment transport analyses. In addition to technical engineering analyses, the majority of these projects have also required the development of construction cost estimates, operation and maintenance plans, and benefit/cost analyses to determine the economic feasibility of a specific flood control or drainage plan. Jeff is experienced in the application of the HEC-1/HEC-HMS, HEC-2/HEC-RAS, HEC-6, StormCadd, and FLO-2D computer programs. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Engineer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Principal. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is on a 46-acre site at Appleby Road and 196th Street. J2 provided plans, specification, quantities, and estimates for the development of two multi-purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness pods, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, and an urban fishing lake. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. As project principal, Jeff was responsible for the multifaceted design team that sucessfully completed this landmark destination park. Tempe Area Drainage Master Study; Tempe, AZ Project Manager. This District project evaluated Tempe’s overall drainage system (total 47 square-miles) using the two-dimensional modeling software of FLO-2D. This ADMS identified drainage and flooding problems in Tempe and developed alternative measures to mitigate identified\ concerns. There were multiple storm events that caused street drainage problems and flooding. Tempe expected major redevelopment in portions of the City and as a response to this projected growth the City considered implementation of various green infrastructure and low impact design techniques as part of the General Plan. Three dependent FLO-2D models were developed with more than one million grids for each of the three models to cover the entire project area. Complex storm drain systems with 147 miles of pipe, 2,767 inlets, 110 outfalls, and six pumps were modeled with the integration of FLO-2D and EPA SWMM models. The Project Team worked with ASU sustainability group to evaluate the use of Low Impact Development (LID) concepts for mitigation of regional drainage concerns and they obtained. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ Project Principal. The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue Drainage Study; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This project for the City of Phoenix performed engineering analyses required to develop mitigation measures for storm water flooding in the vicinity of 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue. FLO-2D hydrologic modeling was performed for the 2, 10, and 100-year storm events. The contributing watershed area is approximately four miles. The grid systems (12’x12’ cells with total 803,229 grids) for models were developed and data collection was conducted. Major flooding issues were identified and three flood mitigation alternatives for the three design storms were modeled and evaluated. Preliminary drainage plans were developed with associated quantity and probable cost estimates. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Project Principal. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Chandler ADA Improvements; Chandler, AZ Project Principal. This project focus is on ADA compliance for the City of Chandler. The project limits were Boston Street east of Arizona Avenue, the circular drive adjacent the Senior Center, Washington Street south from Boston Street to Chicago Street and Chicago Street east to Delaware Street. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project and included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination and relocation. This project required a hard ground survey and very detailed micro- grading to ensure ADA compliance, this detailed approach was absolutely necessary to minimize project costs, to ensure ADA compliance and to ensure accurate existing hardscape tie-in locations. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ Project Principal. J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Cave Creek Wash Regional Park Improvements; Project Engineer. This project entailed three separate park facilities under one contract: Rose Mofford Sports Complex, Cholla Park, and Sweetwater Park. Rose Mofford Sports Complex included lighted softball fields, dog park, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and additional lighted field along with multi-use trails, ramadas, and a restroom. Cholla Park design included two lighted multi-use fields as well as a restroom facility, ramadas, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and extensive multi-use trail system. Sweetwater Park design included extensive turf, open play areas, revegetation of the disturbed Cave Creek Wash banks, picnic ramadas, basketball court, multi-use trail system, restroom, trail lighting, and a pedestrian bridge over Cave Creek Wash. 12th Street Storm Drain, Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Engineer. Jeff was responsible for the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and design of the storm drain from Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road. Storm drains varied in size from 24-inches to 64-inches. The project tasks included utility coordination, plan and specifications preparation and computation of cost estimates. 44th Street Storm Drain Design, Bell Road to Greenway Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Jeff was responsible for design of the storm drain from 44th Street to Greenway Road. The project required modification of an existing set of engineering documents. The previous plans contained several “fatal flaw” utility conflicts. Team members developed several design alternatives for the project. Jeff Holzmeister, PE Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Experience 7 Years Total 7 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #71783 About Evan. Evan has 7 years of experience working with several professional engineers in areas including hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, stormdrain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. Clients include Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, Flood Control District of Maricopa County, and various counties and municipalities in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Experience Crestview at Fountain Hills; Fountain Hills, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the development of proposed plans and cost estimate for a catch basin and landscape reconstruction in Fountain Hills. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report and utilized AutoCAD and GIS to prepare plans and exhibits. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. SR202L, South Mountain Freeway On-Site Drainage; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the on-site drainage design for cross-roads along four segments of the South Mountain Freeway. Evan led in the preparation of inlet sizes and locations using MicroStation and Flowmaster with considerations made for allowable spread, pipe length, and existing conditions/ storm drain systems. Evan developed pipe summary sheets using StormCAD to calculate pipe sizes and various inlet characteristics, and assisted in the preparation of plan and profile sheets with an emphasis on ProjectWise utilization. Piestewa Peak Trailhead Improvements; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the calculation of onsite retention volumes and basin sizing for the park improvements along Squaw Peak Dr utilizing Bentley Microstation InRoads. Evan assisted in the development of several hydrologic models using HEC-1 and led the preparation of the onsite drainage report, including the utilization of GIS to develop shapefiles and exhibits. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Drainage Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO-2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. J2 was a subconsultant providing landscape architecture, hardscape, theme development, and a drainage study. Our design team provided conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. SR101L Widening Design Build Proposal; Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan utilized an existing Design Concept for Loop 101 widening and adapted proposed drainage infrastructure to new roadway geometry. Evan led in the development of design basefiles and quantities for 13 miles of on-site and off-site improvements, emphasizing ProjectWise integration and coordination with a multidisciplinary design team. Casa Blanca Area Drainage Master Study; Casa Blanca, AZ Drainage Designer. GIS tools were developed for use for the ef ficient development of FLO-2D input data files and post-processing of the modeling results for the 62 sq. mile 2-dimensional hydraulic study of the Gila River Indian Community District 5 area. Evan led the field data collection efforts and preparation of hydraulic structures data, GIS implementation of FLO-2D crosssections, HEC-RAS modeling of multiple channels, and preparation of exhibits for flood mitigation alternatives. 83rd Ave & Thunderbird Rd Intersection Improvements; Peoria, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the hydraulic analysis of existing drainage infrastructure at 83rd Ave & Thunderbird, identified potential drainage concerns, and proposed multiple mitigation alternatives. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report, utilizing Flowmaster and StormCAD to perform hydraulic calculations and GIS to prepare exhibits. Agua Fria Freeway and I-10 Interchange Drainage Study; Tolleson, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the development of updates to the Maryvale Area Drainage Master Study HEC-1 model to incorporate the Bethany Home Outfall Channel and determine the required volume of a regional basin at I-10 and L101. Evan analyzed as- built records to determine existing conditions, utilized GIS to prepare DDMSW input files, and assisted in final plan production. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 was retained as a subconsultant for TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extral general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Drainage Engineer. The City of Apache Junction recently improved a county drainage basin to include a dog park. J2 was selected to design the improvements. The dog park improvements included dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solar powered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase. This award- winning facility opened to the public last spring. West Plaza Park; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. West Plaza Park is an existing 6 acre park at the northwest corner of 43rd Avenue and Maryland Avenue. The existing park features are mature trees, large turf area, playground, and drinking fountain. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide professional design services for the City of Phoenix. The new improvements included picnic ramadas, walking pathways, sport courts, fitness plaza, area lighting, and landscape and irrigation improvements. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Drainage Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multi-use fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. USS Arizona Memorial Gardens; SRP-MIC, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are over 1,500 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. The site includes a contemplative Memorial Garden and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast as well as a showcase of The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona. Evan Grace, PE Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 2 with J2 Education BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of South Carolina MS Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Arizona State University Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #75112 About Serin. Serin’s initial experience was as an environmental engineer, working as a consultant in both air quality and stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, She is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling, with the ever present opportunity to continue to expand her skillset. Experience North Water Treatment Plant; Gilbert, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin developed 1-D and 2-D models in HEC-RAS to in support of the North Water Treatment Plant expansion, which incorporates part of a FEMA floodplain. I-17 Auxiliary Lanes; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin analyzed drainage areas and calculated flow in order to design proposed inlets for the planned addition of auxiliary lanes along I-17 in central Phoenix according to AZDOT regulations and specifications. Sundance Park; Buckeye, AZ Staff Engineer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Gilbert Road Bridge; Mesa, SRP-MIC, AZ Staff Engineer. On this MCDOT project, J2 provided both water resource engineering and bridge scour evaluations of this bridge replacement over the Salt River as well as complete landscape restoration plans, erosion control plans and bridge and wall aesthetics including the design and placement of a new entry monument for the SRP-MIC community. Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue; Peoria, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 served as a subconsultant to perform the hydrologic/hydraulic analyses required for on-site and off-site drainage design, water quality treatment mitigation, preparation of landscape plans, irrigation, and stormwater pollution prevention plans for the proposed Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue project. J2 assisted in the report preparation to document the drainage analyses performed, and coordinated the design with TYLin and MCDOT. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 1 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79325 About Savannah. Savannah has 4 years of engineering experience. She has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Savannah joins us from Flood Control District of Maricopa County where she assumed the technical responsibility for reviewing the hydrologic and hydraulic design components of projects/studies including review of engineering reports, calculations, plans for compliance with District standards, FEMA requirements, and standard modeling guidelines. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, and more. Experience Skyline Drive Corridor from Magma Railroad to SR 79; Pinal County, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design is served as a subconsultant to Jacobs Engineering. Savannah created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantify peak flows, and identify points along the Skyline Drive corridor that will require drainage structures and sized preliminary drainage structures. River Island State Park Off-Highway Vehicle Trailhead Phase I; Parker, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design quantified offsite peak flows moving through the project area and ensured that no modifications significantly changed the existing flow paths. A retention basin was sized in order to accommodate first flush volume for direct runoff from the site improvements. J2 also ensured finished floor of the proposed restroom facility and camp host site were elevated one foot above the 100-year water surface elevation. Sierra Vista Shooting Range; Sierra Vista, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantified peak flows, and sized two preliminary ford crossings. Grand Canal Multi-Use Trail; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 is served as a subconsultant for TRACE Consulting. Savannah quantified the amount of additional runoff associated with replacing the compacted dirt along the canal with a concrete multi-use path and ensured there was no adverse impact to surrounding properties associated with this additional runoff. Indian Bend Wash Vista Del Camino Park; Scottsdale, AZ Staff Engineer. The Vista Del Camino Park project, 1 of 4 design areas, includes shade ramadas, walking trails and pathways, playground structures, restroom buildings, parking lots, pathway lighting, drinking fountains, roadway improvements, reconstruction of the lake system, drainage structures (Indian Bend Wash serves as a regional floodway) and irrigation systems. J2 Design is the Prime Consultant for the project and is providing master plan validation, final design construction documents, public involvement, civil engineering,landscape architecture, irrigation design, and lake design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Civil Engineer Experience 2 Years Total 4 with J2 Education B.S Mining Engineering, University of Utah Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79703 About Dan. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2 Dan has assisted in a number of drainage projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria and Town of Gilbert. Experience Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Southern Avenue and Apache Road – Traffic Signal Design; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan created an exhibit to coordinate with the City of Buckeye, land developers and utility companies to illustrate the proposed conditions of the intersection and to identify potential conflicts. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Well Site 36-5 Drainage Improvements; Scottsdale, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan provided design and grading for a new driveway and drainage swale to redirect flow of water off of the driveway and towards the existing wash utilizing a trench drain to capture excess water. The flow was then directed to a gabion bed to mitigate the impact of erosion. Hatcher Road; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. The City of Phoenix has endeavored to revitalize Hatcher Road from Central Avenue to 19th Avenue. The roadway exists in an economically distressed area. The City has incorporated portions of the roadway over the years from Maricopa County. It contains significant restraints including a homeless population, spot development, land ownership, and development, significant business vacancies, and an active residential community looking for enhancement of a roadway that has many differing roadway profiles with utility challenges. ADOT SR79 Gila River Bridge Engineering Designer. The SR-79 Gila River Bridge project will replace the existing 2 lane bridge with a new 4 lane bridge over the Gila River. J2 provided hydraulic and scour analysis, scour countermeasure design, and bridge aesthetics and landscape design. The bridge hydraulic analysis included utilizing both HEC-RAS 1-dimensional and SRH 2-dimensional modeling to evaluate the complex flow patterns in the vicinity of the bridge for bridge design as well as the floodplain impact analysis. I-10 (PHX-Casa Grande HWY); ADOT, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. Civic Center Park Design; Avondale, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is partnering with the City of Avondale to develop a passive, open space area to include open turf areas, shade ramadas, a playground, and a small water feature. The 4-Acre parcel for this project is located within Avondale’s Civic Center area and adjacent to a forthcoming aquatic center. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for the project providing landscape architecture and civil engineering design services. ST Johns Shooting Range; Saint Johns, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for this project providing professional design services for the St. Johns Shooting Range project. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF) needs to implement lead containment basins at the St. John’s Shooting Range. The new detention basins will be along the south side of the ranges and collect drainage run off prior to the storm water entering the adjacent tributary of the Little Colorado River. Mesa Cemetary Northwest Expansion Master Plan; Mesa, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 provided master planning services for an 8 acre expansion of the Mesa Cemetery. Five concepts were developed and vetted that included more than 4,000 new plots, new roadway layout, a new memorial garden, new irrigation mainlines, grading concepts and coordination with SRP on a historic irrigation canal. Seth prepared various conceptual layouts for the roadways, the memorial garden and plot locations. Roper Lake Park Improvements; Safford, AZ Engineering Designer. Arizona State Parks is targeting several key State owned and operated parks for renovation of aging infrastructure. One of the first projects targeted is Roper Lake State Park just outside of Safford Arizona. Roper Lake State Park has 30 lake surface acres, a boat ramp, natural stone hot tub, swimming beach, day use island with numerous picnic tables and grills, camping cabins, and public campgrounds all serviced through an antiquated septic or sewage tank operations. The existing sewage infrastructure of the park had either failed, or was not operating efficiently and overall was inadequate for the current use of the park. J2 provided construction documents based upon our initial evaluation of the site’s sewage system and have provided the following infrastructure elements and features to Arizona State Parks to address the site issues. Rotary Park Trail; Casa Grande, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is assisting the City in the design of a new trail that will run along the north side of the North Branch of the Santa Cruz Wash, and extend from Rotary Park to Peart Road. Services to the City include assisting in the interviews and selection of the trail designer, and hydraulic and floodplain impact analysis. J2 will assist the trail designer with making sure the trail does not negatively impact the existing regulatory floodway. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Landscape Architect Experience 21 Years Total 21 with J2 Education B.S. in Landscape Architecture, Arizona State University PSMJ Resources, Inc. Project Management Training Affiliations American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) Certified #7445 Arizona Parks & Recreation Association (APRA) Registrations Professional Landscape Architect Arizona #45439 About Aaron. Aaron has 20 years of landscape architecture experience and has completed a wide variety of public works projects throughout Arizona. Aaron has outstanding experience leading multidisciplinary design teams on successful award-winning projects including design of park and recreation facilities, urban plazas and streetscapes, environmental restorations, and shared-use pathways. Aaron has the ability to navigate projects that involve multiple stakeholder involvement and gain consensus on design direction. Aaron gives the J2 staff multi-faceted talent, due to his diverse expertise in parks, recreation , and open-space, master planning, hardscape design, urban design, public presentation, soils, horticulture and planting design and construction management experience. Experience Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected off of the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to lead the development of the Town of Fountain Hill’s first-ever Active Transportation Plan. The plan will serve as the primary tool for the deployment and integration of connected, safe, and comfortable facilities for bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized modes within the Town. J2 conducted inventory analysis, identified priority areas, created an implementation strategy, and included customizable cost estimates as a part of the plan document. Additionally, the J2 Team assisted the Town with public involvement by attending meetings, collecting public input via surveys, and even creating a custom brand and logo for the project to spread awareness. Avenue of the Fountains Master Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Landscape Architect. The Town of Fountain Hills had an opportunity to improve upon the existing median along the Avenue of the Fountains. The median facilities were near the end of their workable life cycles. Aaron helped facilitate working group meeting with key stakeholders, facilitated public involvement meetings, and provided a master plan and estimated construction budgets for the renovation of the Avenue of the Fountains, which included new hardscape, waterfeatures, lighting, seating areas, landscape and irrigation improvements. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Project Manager. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Landscape Architect. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Heritage Center Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. The Town of Gilbert’s Heritage Center project addressed wayfinding, accessibility, and on-site flooding issues at the current site. J2 worked with the Town to provide a site evaluation, master plan, and construction documents for the Heritage Center that included, addressing ADA issues, adding a play structure, courtyard and street lighting, new wayfinding and signage, a new pathway, new irrigation and landscaping, and more. USS Arizona Memorial; Salt River Pima Indian Community, AZ Project Manager. The USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are 1,511 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. Commemorative Columns line the stabilized paths, with each walkway terminating in a flagpole flying a flag for each branch of the US military. Each column will subtly glow come sundown, transforming the space at night. The contemplative Memorial Garden sits to the north of the Boat House relic house and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast. The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona is prominently displayed adjacent to the lake’s edge. J2 provided design services for this important memorial. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Piestewa Peak Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. The City of Phoenix is redeveloping the existing trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Improvements for this trailhead redevelopment include new parking lots, ramadas, restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, entry monument, and refurbishing ramadas. The project included significant grade changes. Powerline Trail Greenfield Road Signal Crossing; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide landscape architecture and civil engineering design services for the Town of Gilbert for the Western Powerline Trail-Phase IV project. The project was an approximate half mile of shared-use pathway along the Western Powerline Trail corridor that tied into the SRP Powerline Trail and extended east to Greenfield Road. This project included tiling of an SRP tail water ditch, pathway lighting, ramadas, and a pedestrian activated signal and cross walk improvements at Greenfield Road. Water Tower Plaza; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. Aaron was responsible for the landscape master plan and final construction documents for the restoration of the historic Water Tower Plaza in downtown Gilbert’s Heritage District. The project has included extensive public outreach to both the community and local business owners. Unique to the project is the association created with ASU’s Decision Theater where the public input process has been teamed with the latest in 3-D modeling technology. This has provided the ability to gather public input and present ideas in a virtual walk through. This facet of the design process has allowed Aaron to investigate how the public feels about a multitude of aspects on the project including the sounds of water, the texture of pavement, and the colors of the site and ultimately how the entire project will be developed. The plaza improvements consisted of four different themed water features, outdoor plaza spaces, and an informal turf amphitheater. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Aaron also provided construction management services. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This 13 acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included new parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball court, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Kevin Wallin, CID Irrigation Design Experience 30 Years Total 20 with J2 Education Associates in Specialized Technology, Architectural CADD, Pittsburgh Technical Institute Registrations Certified Irrigation Designer CID #64027 About Kevin. Kevin has over 30 years of combined experience in landscape architecture and irrigation design with responsibilities varying from project manager, lead designer, assistant designer, and CAD drafter. As a landscape and irrigation designer, Kevin creates design concepts for both master plans and construction documents including planting, irrigation, hardscape, lake design, pump design, demolition, plant salvage/ inventory, and site plans. Kevin has extensive experience working on municipal park projects and his expertise is focused on irrigation design. He brings strong knowledge and experience with sports field irrigation projects, turf irrigation design projects, drip irrigation design projects, and irrigation pump design from lake projects. The in-house irrigation and lake design expertise that Kevin brings will be an invaluable asset to the project team. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Irrigation Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 provided professional engineering services for the 27 acre park site that consists of multi-purpose sports fields, playground, ADA walkways, picnic facilities, new parking lots, and exercise stations. J2 provided all project coordination, landscape architecture, irrigation and civil design. Chuparosa Park: Volleyball and Parking Lot Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was the prime consultant, selected from the City’s on-call contract, leading the design of a parking lot expansion and two additional volleyball courts. The scope of work included conceptual design, construction documents, specifications, cost estimates, and post design services. Park improvements included sport court and parking lot lighting, landscape and irrigation, court design, parking lot design, and civil improvements. Desert Breeze Park Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. Kevin supported the professional design services which included conceptual design, final construction documents, specifications , cost estimates, and post design services for several phases of the park’ s development. The task phases have included: multi-use sports fields, a new path system, lake edge improvements, fabric shade structures, ADA accessibility improvements, fishing zones, splash pad refurbishment, fencing systems, and landscape & irrigation improvements. West Chandler Park Master Plan and Design; Chandler, AZ Landscape Designer. 40-acre community park includes softball and baseball complexes, restroom/concessions building, maintenance building and storage area, and soccer/football field. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Landscape and Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Indian School Lake Rehabilitation; Scottsdale, AZ Irrigation and Lake Design. J2 provided civil engineering, landscape architecture and electrical engineering in the renovation of the 40 year old Indian School Lake. J2 also was responsible for design and construction management of Lake, Pump system, Wet Wells, Electrical, landscape Irrigation, planting and civil paving and multi-use pathways. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. This thirteen acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included porous concrete parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels to achieve a 100% power offset, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball courts, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Paseo Verde Park; Peoria, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was responsible for providing professional landscape architecture services which prepared the design and construction documents for this 10 acre neighborhood “infill” park in an established Peoria neighborhood. The park was delivered by “Design-Build” contract. Facilities include; two soccer/softball fields, playground, basketball court, armadas mesquite “bosque”, “volcano mountain” art landform and a “butterfly garden” picnic area, loop and neighborhood connecting trails. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Irrigation Designer. The City of Apache Junction is in the process of improving a county drainage basin to include a dog park. The dog park will include dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solarpowered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 has developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase and the project is now in construction. Kevin Wallin, CID Evidence of Certifications Town of Fountain Hills | RFQ-2023-009 | Dec 13, 2023; 5:00 PM Statement of Qualifications Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 1 J2’s On-Call Staff Resources 35 Arizona-based and dedicated professionals • 7 Professional Landscape Architects (PLA)• 2 Certified Irrigation Designers (CID)• 8 Landscape Design Associates• 6 Professional Engineers (PE)• 2 Engineers in Training (EIT)• 3 CAD Designers• 5 Administrative Staff 7.2.1.B Provide Vendor Identification Information. Legal Name. J2 Engineering and Environmental Design Address. 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Identification Number. ACC No. L-1046937-3 Legal Form: Limited Liability Company (LLC) Authorized to act on J2’s behalf and point of contact: Jason Touchin, PE 602.438.2221 Ext 128, jtouchin@j2design.us 4649 E Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 7.2.1.C Identify the location of the Vendor’s principal office and the local work office, if different from the principal office. J2’s one and only office is located at 4649 E. Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2, Phoenix, Arizona 85040. All work for this project will be performed in this office location. 7.2.1.D Provide a general description of the Vendor that is proposing to provide the Services, including years in business. J2 is an Arizona water resources, general civil engineering, and landscape architecture firm specializing in the planning, analysis, and design of public works projects. J2 has a successful working relationship with the Town of Fountain Hills and has been providing professional services for municipal entities for over 21 years. 7.2.1.E Identify any contract or subcontract held by the Vendor or officers of the Vendor that has been terminated within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None 7.2.1.F Identify any claims arising from a contract that resulted in litigation or arbitration within the last five years. Briefly describe the circumstances and the outcome. None Section 7.2.1 General Information Transportation Infrastructure Services • Street Diets• Pedestrian Improvements & Amenities• Active Transportation Planning • Bus Shelters • Shared-Use Pathways • Commuter Park and Rides • Shade • Multi-Modal Planning• Downtown Area Master Planning and Urban Design Civil Engineering Services • Site Civil Engineering • Roadway transportation studies and design • Plan Review • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Water and Sewer Utilities Drainage Engineering Services • Storm drain system and culvert design • Channels and flood control improvements • Detention basins/ retention basins / parks / multi-use facilities • Grading, drainage and pavement design • Area drainage master studies/plans • Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis • Bridge hydraulics and river mechanics • Sediment transport analysis • 2-dimensional modeling /FLO-2D • Bridge hydraulics and scour analysis • Flood mitigation alternatives development • Floodplain delineations - FIRM, DFIRM, and PMR • CLOMR/LOMR/LOMC • FEMA Guidelines/NFIP Regulations Additional Supporting In-House Services/Disciplines • Landscape Architecture • Irrigation Design • Urban Design In-House Services that J2 will offer for this on-call contract. J2 Design is a multi-disciplinary firm that can offer a wide range of services to support on-call contract projects. We have included a list of the services we can offer in- house to support this contract below. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 2 1. Chandler ADA Public Right of Way Upgrades; Chandler, AZ 2. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ 3. 32nd Street Shea to Cholla; Phoenix, AZ Description: This project's focus was on ADA compliance in the Chandler downtown district. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project providing civil engineering and landscape architecture services. The project included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination, street lighting upgrades and relocation in order to upgrade the current conditions to current ADA standards. Description: J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Description: The City of Phoenix is continuing to advance the street repurposing efforts associated with North 32nd Street Corridor with a focus of transforming the corridor into a more vibrant community and pedestrian corridor. This study was focused on North 32nd Street between East Shea Blvd. and E. Cholla Street. J2 evaluated the following alternatives: right sizing the roadway for the current and anticipated traffic volumes, providing wider pedestrian sidewalks, providing dedicated bike lanes, and increasing the landscape elements within the Corridor. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 2. Contact Name: Dan Haskins 2. Contact Name: Jason Ramirez 2. Contact Name: John Dickson 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 215 E Buffalo St, Suite 101 Chandler, AZ 85244, 480.782.3335, Daniel.Haskins@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 1034 E Madison St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.7319, jason.ramirez@ phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.495.3697, john.dickson@phoenix.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, 5. Dates: 08/2016-01/2019 5. Dates: 03/2021-07/2022 5. Dates: 05/2020-02/2022 Section 7.2.2 Experience & Qualifications of the Vendor 7.2.2.A Provide a detailed description of the Vendor’s experience in providing similar services to municipalities or other entities of a similar size to the Town. J2 has been providing on-call services to municipalities across Arizona since our inception in 2002. We have served as an on-call engineering consultant for several Arizona cities and towns including: the Arizona Department of Administration Landscape Architectural On-Call, Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Flood Control District of Maricopa County (FCDMC), Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), and the Cities of Avondale, Buckeye, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Maricopa, Phoenix, Casa Grande, and Tempe to name a few. J2’s extensive On-Call contract experience has given our design team valuable insight into successfully and proactively completing multiple, simultaneous projects. J2 has proven over the past 21 years that we are capable of managing a broad range of complex task assignments under On-Call contracts across the state and has completed hundreds of tasks with award-winning results. Our engineering and landscape architecture professionals have the depth of experience and required skills to complete concurrent On-Call projects with the highest level of quality and tangible results while maintaining the Town of Fountain Hills’s budget and schedule. 7.2.2.B Vendor must demonstrate successful completion of at least three similar projects within the last 60 months. J2's experience and expertise is demonstrated in the similar project experience we have detailed in this section. OC = On-Call Add Quote “The Project Team worked Closely with the City, residents, City of Tempe, ADOT, and FCDMC to complete this project which will benefit the community for years to come. The entire team worked diligently to meet the needs of the City of Mesa and the Community.” Beth Huning, PE - City Engineer; City of Mesa (on the Rio Salado Pathway project). OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 3 ‘THE DISTRICT’ LOOKING NORTH - DAY OC = On-Call OCOC OC 4. Wall Street Alley Project Assessment; Chandler, AZ 5. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ 6. Hatcher Road Street Improvements; Phoenix, AZ 7. Western Powerline Trail-Gilbert to Lindsay MAG DA; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 provided professional landscape architecture conceptual design services for the development of the Wall Street Pedestrian Improvements in Downtown Chandler. This Project Assessment study was part of the MAG Design Assistance Program. The improvement zone was approximately 580 feet in length, from Chicago Street on the north to Frye Road on the south in the exciting Downtown Chandler core area. The scope of work included conceptual evaluation of hardscape, lighting, landscape, signage/monumentation, access control, site furnishings, and art work systems for this potential alley improvement. Description: J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Description: The reach along Hatcher Road is encumbered with both physical and social challenges. The City of Phoenix has had a keen interest in the revitalization of Hatcher Road. Through the results of surveys and the vision of the City, J2 has developed two concepts to address those interests. The first is a conservative solution that looked at re-striping and curb relocation on the south side to incorporate a 8 foot sidewalk and some planting areas. The second is an advanced approach that introduces adjustments to both curb locations on the north and south sides and provides opportunities like 10 foot sidewalks on both sides, planting areas, street tree plantings, areas for gathering with benches, and art among other amenities. Description: J2 was selected off the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to provide a Project Assessment for this section of the Western Powerline Trail. The goal is for the area to be more pedestrian and bike friendly allowing for art festival and other similar events. J2 was the prime consultant for this project providing trail assessment and master planning services. 1. Name of Organization: City of Chandler 1. Name of Organization: City of Page 1. Name of Organization: City of Phoenix 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert, Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 2. Contact Name: Kim Moyers 2. Contact Name: Darren Coldwell 2. Contact Name: Marielle Brown 2. Contact Name: Nate Williams 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 175 S Arizona Ave, Chandler, AZ 85245, 480.782.3045, Kim.Moyers@ chandleraz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 697 Vista Avenue, Page, AZ 86040, 928.645.4241, dcoldwell@pageaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 246 S 22nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602.534.0258, marielle.brown@phoenix.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 90 E Civic Center Dr, Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.294.0750, nathan.williams@ gilbertaz.gov 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Transportation Planning, Landscape Architecture 5. Dates: 04/2020-03/2021 5. Dates: 03/2020-11/2021 5. Dates: 02/2021-01/2022 5. Dates: 01/2021-4/2022 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 4 OC = On-Call “I have known the core of the J2 Team for over two decades and have enjoyed our working relationship very much over the years. They have delivered many outstanding park and recreation projects for me on-time and on-budget, for two different municipalities. The staff’s creativity and attention to detail is always appreciated, and I know I can count on J2 to deliver a great project.” -Kirk Haines, Former City of Avondale OCOC 8. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ 9. East Shea Corridor ADMS Review; Scottsdale; AZ 10. Watson Bonarden Lane Drainage Improvements; Tempe, AZ 11. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Description: The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. Description: J2 Design served as a subconsultant to the City of Scottsdale for the review of the East Shea Corridor ADMS. J2 was responsible for the review of SWMM, FLO-2D models and reports. J2 also provided input on potential flood mitigation projects. Description: This project was another local drainage CIP derived from the Tempe ADMS. The project optimized the existing storm drain system in the area near Rural Road and Watson Road to reduce localized flooding of homes. The project included supplemental survey of the project corridor, utility location/re-location, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses and preparation of construction documents. J2 served as the prime consultant they utilized the FLO-2D/ SWMM model to maximize the existing storm drain system capacity. Description: The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. 1. Name of Organization: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community 1. Name of Organization: City of Scottsdale 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: City of Mesa 2. Contact Name: Tina Sotero 2. Contact Name: Hasan Mushtaq 2. Contact Name: Sharletha Johnson 2. Contact Name: Marc Ahlstrom 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 10005 E. Osborn Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85256, 480.362.5747, Tina.Sotero@ srpmic-nsn.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 7447 E. Indian School Road, Suite 125 Scottsdale, AZ 85251, 480.312.4317, hmushtaq@scottsdaleaz.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E 5th St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.8630, Sharletha_Johnson@ tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 55 N Center St, Mesa, AZ 85201, 480.644.4622, Marc.Ahlstrom@mesaaz. gov 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Irrigation Design 5. Dates: 12/2018-12/2021 5. Dates: 09/2020-02/2022 5. Dates: 02/2021-09/2022 5. Dates: 08/2015- 05/2019 Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 5 12. Park Renovations - Hollis Park; Tempe, AZ 13. Heritage District Drainage; Gilbert, AZ Description: J2 served as the Prime Consultant for this design refinement effort providing the civil engineering and landscape architecture design services. Park improvements included renovated playground area and equipment, new ADA accessible sidewalk connections to playground area, general civil, hardscape, landscape, and irrigation design. The scope of work included construction documents, cost estimates, specifications, conceptual design, and post design services. Description: This study is focused on evaluating flooding issues and presenting flood mitigation alternatives within the Vaughn Basin watershed as a first step in preparing this area for future growth and development. Comprehensive FLO-2D models for the 10-year, 50-year, and 100-year 24-hour storms were developed for this project. Modeling results were evaluated based on peak flows and flood volumes from the most recent HEC-1 model for the area developed by FCDMC. A preferred flood mitigation alternative has been selected which involves the relocation of Vaughn Basin to increase potential retention volume. 1. Name of Organization: City of Tempe 1. Name of Organization: Town of Gilbert 2. Contact Name: Jeffrey Yazzie 2. Contact Name: Jeanne Jensen 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 31 E Fifth St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 480.350.2972, Jeff_Yazzie@tempe.gov 3. Contact Address, Phone Number, & Email: 50 E Civic Center Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480.503.6198., Jeanne.Jensen@ GilbertAZ.gov 4. Type of Services: Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Irrigation Design 4. Type of Services: Drainage Engineering 5. Dates: 06/2019-02/2021 5. Dates: 11/2019-03/2022 Previous Fountain Hills Experience • Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan • Adero Canyon Trailhead • Four Peaks Elementary School Safe Sidewalks to School • El Lago Sidewalk • Avenue Courtyard Conceptual Design • Avenue of the Fountains Design Adero Canyon Trailhead; Fountain Hills , AZ Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills , AZ OC = On-Call “It is always a pleasure working with J2. On each and every project, they’ve managed not only to understand the City’s needs, but also to anticipate and expand upon them, delivering a product that exceeds our expectations.” - Joshua Plumb, Formerly Engineering Manager, City of Maricopa OCOC Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 6 7.2.3.A Identify each key personnel member that will render services to the Town including title and relevant experience required and 7.2.3.B Indicate the roles and responsibilities of each key position. J2's proposed team resources are shown below along with a brief overview of their qualifications. As you will see, our proposed key staff are diverse and can serve in a variety of roles based on the project needs. The below team will be supported by J2's in-house staff of 35 which is discussed on page 1 of this SOQ. Section 7.2.3 Key Positions Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight, QAQC, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Jeff serves as J2's Director of Engineering and is one of the founding partners. He has been involved in drainage master plans (ADMS), storm drain design, channel design, and detention basin projects for the many Arizona municipalities, FCDMC, USACE, and ADOT. He is highly regarded in the drainage engineering industry. Responsibility. Jeff will provide engineering oversight and QAQC for projects under this on-call contract. Additionally, he will assist in managing and providing engineering design on drainage engineering projects. Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Evan has 7 years of experience in hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, storm drain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. He brings experience working on a variety of drainage design projects. Responsibility. Evan will manage and provide engineering design for drainage engineering projects assigned to him under this on-call contract. Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Serin brings experience in stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, she is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling. Responsibility. Serin will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Principal Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2 and brings 29 years of experience. He oversees J2’s civil engineering team. He brings strong experience in site utilities, earthwork balance, water and sewer line design, grading, drainage, and pavement design, cost estimating, specification writing, and assembly of plans. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working with J2’s in- house disciplines of drainage engineering and landscape architecture to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. Responsibility. Jason will serve as the Town’s Point-of-Contact and overseeing firm principal for this contract. He will also lead and manage all site-civil design focused projects assigned to J2 under this contract. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Relevant Experience. Savannah has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. Savannah is a newer employee at J2 and her previous stormwater experience can be found in her resume in the Appendix. Responsibility. Savannah will provide additional drainage design services as required. Savannah will closely collaborate with Evan Grace, Jeff Holzmeister, and Jason Touchin. Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 7 East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Aaron, Allan, PLA, ASLA Project Landscape Architect Relevant Experience. Aaron’s experience includes multi-use trail systems, trailhead design, community and neighborhood park design, urban design, commercial and institutional facilities, equestrian facilities, revegetation and restoration projects. As a vice president he brings proven leadership skills and a wealth of relevant, recent experience and knowledge in these categories. Responsibility. Aaron will support the transportation planning category of this contract and provide landscape architecture services as required by other projects. Kevin Wallin, CIDProject Irrigation Design Relevant Experience. Kevin has over 30 years of experience on municipal projects with expertise focused on irrigation design. He brings strong experience with sports field irrigation, turf irrigation design, drip irrigation design, and irrigation pump design. The in-house irrigation expertise that he brings is of great value and something that other firms cannot offer. Responsibility. Kevin will provide irrigation design services as required and will closely collaborate with the project team on any project that requires irrigation design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Project Civil Engineer Relevant Experience. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2, Dan has assisted in a number of engineering projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria, Town of Gilbert, and City of Buckeye. Responsibility. Dan will provide civil engineering services as required. Dan will closely collaborate with Jeff Holzmeister and Jason Touchin. 7.2.3.C. If a subcontractor will be used for all work of a certain type, include information on this subcontractor. A detailed plan for providing supervision must be included. Due to the nature of on-call contracts, J2 is not including any sub-consultants on our team at this time. J2 maintains strong working relationships with several firms that can cover nearly any specialty scope of work that J2 cannot perform in-house that may arise under this contract. The relationships we have built with specialty sub-consultants and the recommendations we will provide are all based off of firsthand knowledge of the quality of work these firms produce based on past, successful project teaming experiences. Should the need arise for a specialty sub- consultant, J2 will work with the Town of Fountain Hills project manager to select the firm that is the right fit to meet the project needs. We are always willing to work with firms that the Town prefers to work with or with other firms off of the on-call that could fill a specialty subcontractor role on projects assigned to J2. 7.2.3.D. Attach a résumé and evidence of certification, if any, for each key personnel member and/or subcontractor to be involved in this project. Resumes and certifications for J2's key personnel are included in the Appendix located at the end of this document. “The J2 Team is dynamic, talented, creative, and truly a pleasure to work with. They performed above and beyond the level of excellence to deliver the Mansel Carter Oasis Park project in 2018 on a tight budget and tight schedule. The outstanding project reviews across the board have been amazing and very special. I would highly recommend J2, and I look forward to working again with them.” - Adam Robinson Town of Queen Creek Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 8 Section 7.2.4 Project Approach 7.2.4.A Describe the Vendor’s approach to performing the required Services in the section titled Scope of Work, including the following processes: OVERALL APPROACH J2’s philosophy and approach to on-call contracts is centered on producing outstanding design solutions while keeping projects on-time and on-budget. J2 is large enough to be financially stable, yet small enough to utilize senior design staff to complete any project assigned to us as a part of this on-call contract. The people you know and meet will be working on your projects. We have found that if four key components can be identified and agreed upon from the start of a project that the design process runs considerably smoother: • Trust and Respect • Known Expectations • Budget • Defined Program and Scope The first key to a successful project is a mutual trust and respect between the Owner and Design Team. There has to be open communication that allows each party, the Community and the Design Team, to be the experts in their respective fields. The second key is known expectations. The Team needs to know the expectations of key stakeholders in order for the owner to get the best value and a fully finished project. The third key is budget. If a clear budget is not defined then the Design Team cannot meet the expectations of the owner. The last key is a well-defined program and scope of services which guides the direction of project development. Each of these elements is interlinked and dependent upon each other. Our staff pays close attention to detail and our project managers maintain excellent lines of communication with our clients and our overall design Team. J2’s management philosophy is built around our professional staff’s ability to listen to the needs of our clients and respond with imaginative and creative ideas. J2’s approach will focus on taking the vision for each project and creating a constructible set of plans that will result in a sustainable, maintainable, and creative facilities that are loved by those who utilize and interact with them. Planning & Scheduling. The J2 Team will develop a specific scope of services and establish and update the schedule for each project throughout the duration of this contract. The approved schedule will be submitted to the Town’s Project Manager at agreed upon intervals and updated as needed. Activities showing negative float will be provided with a solution to bring the project back on schedule. On larger scale projects, J2 will utilize Microsoft Project to schedule and track tasks and outside agency coordination. J2 prides itself on providing innovative design solutions to our clients while always remain on or ahead of schedule. Critical items included and shown in the master schedule are: • Scoping • Public involvement • City Planning Approvals • Utility/outside agency coordination • Staged Submittal Development (30, 60, 90, Final) • City Review Time at Stage Submittals Estimating & Cost Controls. J2 brings extensive experience with municipal, on-call civil engineering, drainage engineering, and transportation planning projects allowing us to comprehensively consider complex elements that firms who do not specialize in this scope of work may overlook. Our recent and ongoing design work in a variety of disciplines across the state, and in Fountain Hills, means we have clear understanding of the current cost and requirements for on-call projects. Our approach to accurate estimating, reconciling, and protecting the budget while working with the Town will be continuous throughout each stage of the project process. We will engage in the early identification of/ creative approaches to cost savings, utilize our database of past project bid tabs from recent projects, and leverage our professional relationships with general contractors in Arizona to understand what the market values of certain bid items are and accurately estimate projects we are assigned under this on-call contract. J2 has a proven track record of Western Powerline Trail; Gilbert, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design 9 Project Scope of Work Copy of the Contract Project Schedule Schedule of Deliverables Project Budgets Staff Hours QAQC Plan Project Work Plan Key components of the project work plan include: Figure 1. J2 Project Work Plan Componentscontrolling costs and consistently delivering projects that achieve budgetary goals. This results in tighter bids and less opportunities for contract change orders later on in the construction process. Project Management. Each of our project managers and staff members have experience managing and working on multiple projects concurrently and do so on a daily basis. J2’s efficient and refined project management processes and our deep bench of in-house design staff allow our firm to provide quality, on-time, and on-budget design services for dozens of projects at once. Only staff with adequate availability will be assigned to your projects and you can expect dedicated service and close attention to each project regardless of if it is running concurrently with others. The key to J2’s continued success in providing our clients with end products that exceed their schedule, cost, and quality expectations is the J2 Project Work Plan (PWP) (key elements shown in Figure 1). This tool is customized at the start of each project and serves as a guide for the project manager from day one through project close-out. Each of our proposed project managers for this contract is familiar with the J2 PWP and its components having utilized it to manage dozens of successful, award-winning projects. Team Organization. J2 offers a strong, skilled staff to support the completion of any project we are assigned under this on-call contract. Our proposed staff and additional staff resources discussed throughout this proposal are available and ready to begin work on projects for the Town as they arise. Each project will begin with the assignment of a skilled, in-house Project Manager. J2’s Contract Principal, Jason Touchin, PE, will assign a dedicated project manager who will be responsible for the schedule and completion of all related project work based on the skills required for the project and current workload availability. Jason Touchin and the assigned project manager will then craft the most qualified team for the project based on our Team members’ expertise and current workload at the time of the project. Bid Package Management. J2 has extensive experience creating and managing bid packages for projects that span a wide range of sizes, services, disciplines, and delivery methods. We will provide organized, concise, and implementable bid packages for projects under this on-call. J2 maintains great relationships with many contractors across the state and has a history of collaborating well with contractors under any delivery method. We will work with contractors, attend pre- construction meetings, respond to contractor questions, and provide updated plans with changes clearly noted via addendum as needed for projects under this contract. Management of Overhead Costs. Our firm prides itself on the low overhead costs that we have established and maintained for 21+ years. As a small, but robust, local business, J2’s overhead costs are lower and more easily controlled than those of large, corporate organizations. The hands-on involvement of firm principals the manageable size of our firm allows us to keep our overhead costs low and still provide our clients access to experienced personnel and services that exceed their expectations. 7.2.4.B Describe any alternate approaches if it is believed that such an approach would best suit the needs of the Town. Include rationale for alternate approaches, and indicate how the Vendor will ensure that all efforts are coordinated with the Town’s Representatives. Given the nature of on-call contracts, J2 does not have any specific alternate approaches to suggest at this time. J2 is well-known for our innovative, creative, and practical approach to design on projects that range in size, discipline, and services. At the start of each project we will evaluate the project details and scape and propose any innovative or creative approaches that we feel will best suit the Town and the project’s needs. We view ourselves as an extension of the Town’s staff and any alternate approaches or innovations proposed will be discussed and ultimately, approved by the Town’s representatives in order to ensure that all approaches meet the needs of the Town and its citizens. Thank you for your review of our qualifications. J2 is excited about this on-call contract and looks forward to the opportunity to continue serving the Town of Fountain Hills through this selection. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Town of Fountain Hills On-Call Engineering Services (RFQ-2023-009) J2 Design Project Schedule Section 7.2.5 Project Schedule J2 has a strong understanding of how to schedule and achieve key project milestones and deliverables for on-call engineering projects. To fulfill this RFQ requirement, and demonstrate our ability to meet project milestones, be available for key meetings, and accurately schedule the types of projects that may arise under this contract, our team prepared an example schedule for the Fountain Hills Boulevard/Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements project listed in the Town's Capital Improvement program. This schedule is solely an example and all schedules, dates, milestones, and scope items will always be created, discussed, and approved in partnership with Town staff. ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 2 3 Fountain Hills Boulevard Legend Wash Crossing Drainage Improvements 267 days Mon 2/5/24 Tue 2/11/25 4 Data Collection and Survey 40 days Mon 2/5/24 Fri 3/29/24 5 30% Plans 71 days Fri 3/29/24 Mon 7/8/24 4 6 Kickoff 0 days Fri 3/29/24 Fri 3/29/24 7 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 8 Roadway Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 9 Structural Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 10 Geotechnical Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 11 Traffic Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 12 Environmental Design 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 13 Utilities 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 14 Locating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 15 Relocating 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 16 Public Involvement 71 days Mon 4/1/24 Mon 7/8/24 6 17 Submittal 0 days Mon 7/8/24 Mon 7/8/24 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16 18 City Review 16 days Tue 7/9/24 Tue 7/30/24 17 19 60% Plans 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 20 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 21 Roadway Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 22 Structural Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 23 Geotechnical Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 24 Traffic Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 25 Environmental Design 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 26 Utilities 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 27 Locating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 28 Relocating 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 29 Public Involvement 41 days Wed 7/31/24 Wed 9/25/24 18 30 Submittal 0 days Wed 9/25/24 Wed 9/25/24 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 31 City Review 16 days Thu 9/26/24 Thu 10/17/24 30 32 90% Plans 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 33 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 34 Roadway Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 35 Structural Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 36 Geotechnical Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 37 Traffic Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 38 Environmental Design 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 39 Utilities 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 40 Locating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 41 Relocating 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 42 Public Involvement 31 days Fri 10/18/24 Fri 11/29/24 31 43 Submittal 0 days Fri 11/29/24 Fri 11/29/24 33,34,35,36,37,38,40,41 44 City Review 16 days Mon 12/2/24 Mon 12/23/24 43 45 100% Plans 36 days Tue 12/24/24 Tue 2/11/25 46 Drainage Design (Hydrology, hydraulics, Sediment Transport)20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 47 Roadway Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 48 Structural Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 49 Geotechnical Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 50 Traffic Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 51 Environmental Design 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 52 Utilities 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 53 Locating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 54 Relocating 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 55 Public Involvement 20 days Tue 12/24/24 Mon 1/20/25 44 56 Submittal 0 days Mon 1/20/25 Mon 1/20/25 46,47,48,49,50,51,53,54,55 57 Final Review 16 days Tue 1/21/25 Tue 2/11/25 56 58 Approval 0 days Tue 2/11/25 Tue 2/11/25 57 3/29 7/8 9/25 11/29 11/29 2/11 1/20 2/11 M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M EDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch April Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 1 Project: fountain hills BlvdDate: Wed 12/13/23 Provide a generic project schedule showing potential key project milestones and deliverables. The schedule shall demonstrate Vendor’s ability to meet the designated project milestones. Appendix Resumes and Certifications Jason Touchin, PE Contract Principal, Project Manager, Project Civil Engineer Experience 29 Years Total 20 with J2 Education B.S., Construction Management, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #38806 About Jason. Jason is a Vice President and Principal Civil Engineer at J2. He has 29 years of experience across a variety of project types. He is responsible for all of J2’s civil engineering design, including the civil engineering for regional, community, and neighborhood park projects. Jason is collaborative and enjoys working in-house with J2’s landscape staff to offer creative, functional, maintainable designs. He brings strong expertise in regional park engineering elements such as site utilities, earthwork balance, sports field grading, and more. He draws upon his experience coupled with his construction management background to provide innovative solutions that meet client needs. His client experience includes Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, City of Phoenix, Town of Gilbert, City of Chandler and various other counties and municipalities. Experience McDowell Mountain Preserve Central Trailhead; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Engineer. Jason was responsible for developing grading, pavement, and utility design for the Town of Fountain Hill’s first dedicated hiking trailhead located in the McDowell Mountain Preserve. This trailhead will grant the public walking access to the hiking trails, vehicular parking, school bus access, as well as providing accessibility and like experiences for the disabled. Amenities included in the design were a restroom facility, two scenic overlook plaza areas with picnic ramadas, decorative entry gates, and gabion baskets filled with native rock material utilized as retaining walls. The primary objective of this design was to preserve the natural environmental beauty of the site. Flatiron Community Park; Apache Junction, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 was the prime firm leading a design team for Flatiron Community Park. J2 provided professional services for master planning and thematic design, as well as the development of construction documents and construction observation for this three acre community park within the City of Apache Junction. J2 administered extensive public involvement and master planning for the development of Flatiron Community Park. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Civil Engineer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multiuse fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Project Civil Engineer. The grounds of the former Mesa Jr. High School property were converted into Eagles Park, a new City park and recreation facility. The new park (approximately 27 acres) includes lighted multi-purpose sports fields, playgrounds, walkways with exercise stations, picnic facilities, a newly renovated recreation facility and new parking lots. The old Fraser Drive will be reconstructed to accommodate side street parking and serves as a fire lane providing vehicular access to the park, Mesa Public School’s Lowell Elementary School, and the recreation facility. A previously completed J2 park master plan was used as a basis for the design. Piestewa Peak, Summit and Navajo Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Phoenix redeveloped the former trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Project improvements included new parking lots, new ramadas, new restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, and roadway improvements along the frontage of these special trailheads. The traffic design elements included pavement marking and signing plans for both trailheads and Squaw Peak Drive. A field review was completed in order to inventory regulatory signage, as well as trailhead signage, prior to the new pavement marking and signing plans. SR 202L South Mountain Freeway; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. As a subconsultant, J2 was responsible for the lighting and maintenance of traffic design for select segments of this project. This megaproject was the largest construction project in state history, constructing 22 miles of a new 8-lane freeway facility. As the last section of the Maricopa Association of Governments’ original Regional Transportation Plan, the South Mountain Freeway will complete the Valley’s highway network. Ma Ha Tauk Park; Phoenix, AZ Civil Engineer. Improvements to this 11-acre park will include renovation of the existing parking lot, new site lighting, open turf play areas, new landscaping, refurbishment of the existing restroom building, new playground equipment, new fitness stations, and refurbishment of the existing basketball court, new sand volleyball court, new ramadas, and concrete pathways. Two washes traverse the site from the east to the west, dividing the site into approximate thirds. Impacts to these washes will be protected in place and serve as a main feature of the park. At grade low water crossings will be utilized to cross the washes to create the continuous walking paths. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Civil Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Civil Engineer. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Mustang Transit; Scottsdale, AZ Civil Engineer. The City of Scottsdale has provided several transportation improvements along the 90th Street corridor between Shea Boulevard and Mountain View Road. J2 served as a subconsultant and was responsible for assisting the City of Scottsdale’s Capital Project Management staff by providing the City (COS) with the required Design Review documents and presentation exhibits as needed for the Design Review Board (DRB) review and approval. The project included extensive public involvement and outreach, and coordination with the COS committees and stakeholders. The project improvements include new transit amenities, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, new signal and a roundabout. J2 prepared and electronically delivered to COS final construction documents including plant inventory and salvage plans, native revegetation plans, civil plans, drainage plans, landscape plans, irrigation plans, and wall graphics for the areas within COS established rights-of-way along roadway corridor. J2 worked hand in hand with the artist to provide the locations and construction documents for some of the art features throughout the project. West Mesa Stadium Connector; Mesa, AZ Civil Engineer. This project includes a combination of shared use pathways and cycle tracks weaving through the neighborhoods with signalized pedestrian crossings at Center St and the canal and at Country Club Drive and the canal. Street improvements and enhanced landscaping is also included on Brown/ Date Street, 10th Street, and Alma School Road. This project completes one of the areas “missing links” by provide a nonmotorized connection from the City of Mesa to its neighboring Cities to the west (Tempe, Scottsdale, Phoenix). This paved, lighted shared use pathway project was designed by J2. J2 provided all of the civil engineering and landscape architecture associated with this extensive project. Jason Touchin, PE Jeff Holzmeister, PE Engineering Oversight/QAQC Experience 40 Years Total 20 with J2 Education M.S., Water Resources Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Arizona Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Arizona Floodplain Managers Association (AFMA) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #23170 About Jeff. Jeff is the Director of Engineering at J2 and has 40 years of water resources and general civil engineering experience. Jeff has been involved in a wide range of water resource and general civil engineering projects throughout Arizona. Investigation of these projects has required analyses of surface water hydrology, open channel hydraulics, culvert design, storm drain analyses, and sediment transport analyses. In addition to technical engineering analyses, the majority of these projects have also required the development of construction cost estimates, operation and maintenance plans, and benefit/cost analyses to determine the economic feasibility of a specific flood control or drainage plan. Jeff is experienced in the application of the HEC-1/HEC-HMS, HEC-2/HEC-RAS, HEC-6, StormCadd, and FLO-2D computer programs. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Engineer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Project Principal. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is on a 46-acre site at Appleby Road and 196th Street. J2 provided plans, specification, quantities, and estimates for the development of two multi-purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness pods, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, and an urban fishing lake. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. As project principal, Jeff was responsible for the multifaceted design team that sucessfully completed this landmark destination park. Tempe Area Drainage Master Study; Tempe, AZ Project Manager. This District project evaluated Tempe’s overall drainage system (total 47 square-miles) using the two-dimensional modeling software of FLO-2D. This ADMS identified drainage and flooding problems in Tempe and developed alternative measures to mitigate identified\ concerns. There were multiple storm events that caused street drainage problems and flooding. Tempe expected major redevelopment in portions of the City and as a response to this projected growth the City considered implementation of various green infrastructure and low impact design techniques as part of the General Plan. Three dependent FLO-2D models were developed with more than one million grids for each of the three models to cover the entire project area. Complex storm drain systems with 147 miles of pipe, 2,767 inlets, 110 outfalls, and six pumps were modeled with the integration of FLO-2D and EPA SWMM models. The Project Team worked with ASU sustainability group to evaluate the use of Low Impact Development (LID) concepts for mitigation of regional drainage concerns and they obtained. Area Drainage Master Study North of Arizona Canal; SRP-MIC, AZ Project Principal. The purpose of this project was to develop a FLO-2D model and mitigation CIP program for a 42 square mile watershed. Key objectives of this project included the identification of flood hazards and the development of a flood mitigation CIP program. The project included FLO-2D modeling, flood hazard evaluation, multiple stakeholders, a large watershed, and a defined process for model development. The Community utilized information from this study to immediately address flooding issues at the northeast corner of the Talking Stick Resort. 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue Drainage Study; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This project for the City of Phoenix performed engineering analyses required to develop mitigation measures for storm water flooding in the vicinity of 52nd Street and Turquoise Avenue. FLO-2D hydrologic modeling was performed for the 2, 10, and 100-year storm events. The contributing watershed area is approximately four miles. The grid systems (12’x12’ cells with total 803,229 grids) for models were developed and data collection was conducted. Major flooding issues were identified and three flood mitigation alternatives for the three design storms were modeled and evaluated. Preliminary drainage plans were developed with associated quantity and probable cost estimates. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. The BLVD Water Features; Avondale, AZ Project Principal. J2 served as the lead designer on the design-build team to provide landscape architecture, irrigation, and drainage engineering services for Avondale’s The BLVD project. This project included the design of two entry water features, one “lake” water feature, and additional aesthetics elements and was completed on an accelerated schedule. The BLVD project will aid the City in furthering the economic development of this quickly growing area. Chandler ADA Improvements; Chandler, AZ Project Principal. This project focus is on ADA compliance for the City of Chandler. The project limits were Boston Street east of Arizona Avenue, the circular drive adjacent the Senior Center, Washington Street south from Boston Street to Chicago Street and Chicago Street east to Delaware Street. J2 served as the prime consultant on this project and included design of crosswalks, ramps, sidewalks, parking stalls, striping, signing, storm drain and utility coordination and relocation. This project required a hard ground survey and very detailed micro- grading to ensure ADA compliance, this detailed approach was absolutely necessary to minimize project costs, to ensure ADA compliance and to ensure accurate existing hardscape tie-in locations. Page Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; Page, AZ Project Principal. J2 worked with the City of Page on the development of this comprehensive planning and implementation document for the Downtown core. The development of the plan involved determining and designing suitable projects that enhance the streetscape of the Page downtown area through public outreach, incorporation of prior and future planning documentation, and through urban design and engineering enhancements. The team proposed improvements to lane conditions, entry monumentation and wayfinding, streetscape elements, lighting improvements, pedestrian connectivity, multi-modal transportation, and placemaking elements. Cave Creek Wash Regional Park Improvements; Project Engineer. This project entailed three separate park facilities under one contract: Rose Mofford Sports Complex, Cholla Park, and Sweetwater Park. Rose Mofford Sports Complex included lighted softball fields, dog park, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and additional lighted field along with multi-use trails, ramadas, and a restroom. Cholla Park design included two lighted multi-use fields as well as a restroom facility, ramadas, pedestrian plaza, parking area, and extensive multi-use trail system. Sweetwater Park design included extensive turf, open play areas, revegetation of the disturbed Cave Creek Wash banks, picnic ramadas, basketball court, multi-use trail system, restroom, trail lighting, and a pedestrian bridge over Cave Creek Wash. 12th Street Storm Drain, Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Engineer. Jeff was responsible for the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and design of the storm drain from Arizona Canal to Bethany Home Road. Storm drains varied in size from 24-inches to 64-inches. The project tasks included utility coordination, plan and specifications preparation and computation of cost estimates. 44th Street Storm Drain Design, Bell Road to Greenway Road; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Jeff was responsible for design of the storm drain from 44th Street to Greenway Road. The project required modification of an existing set of engineering documents. The previous plans contained several “fatal flaw” utility conflicts. Team members developed several design alternatives for the project. Jeff Holzmeister, PE Evan Grace, PE Project Manager, Drainage Engineer Experience 7 Years Total 7 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #71783 About Evan. Evan has 7 years of experience working with several professional engineers in areas including hydrologic studies, pavement drainage, stormdrain design, grading and drainage plans, utility coordination, cost estimating, and general engineering plan development. Clients include Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, Flood Control District of Maricopa County, and various counties and municipalities in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Experience Crestview at Fountain Hills; Fountain Hills, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the development of proposed plans and cost estimate for a catch basin and landscape reconstruction in Fountain Hills. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report and utilized AutoCAD and GIS to prepare plans and exhibits. Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. SR202L, South Mountain Freeway On-Site Drainage; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the on-site drainage design for cross-roads along four segments of the South Mountain Freeway. Evan led in the preparation of inlet sizes and locations using MicroStation and Flowmaster with considerations made for allowable spread, pipe length, and existing conditions/ storm drain systems. Evan developed pipe summary sheets using StormCAD to calculate pipe sizes and various inlet characteristics, and assisted in the preparation of plan and profile sheets with an emphasis on ProjectWise utilization. Piestewa Peak Trailhead Improvements; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the calculation of onsite retention volumes and basin sizing for the park improvements along Squaw Peak Dr utilizing Bentley Microstation InRoads. Evan assisted in the development of several hydrologic models using HEC-1 and led the preparation of the onsite drainage report, including the utilization of GIS to develop shapefiles and exhibits. East Park Drainage Study; Queen Creek, AZ Drainage Engineer. The purpose of this study was to define the drainage design parameters for the proposed East Park within the Town of Queen Creek. FLO-2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study. A model was created to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. The project had to take into account rapid private development within the watershed and planning based on older HEC-1 models. The proposed drainage improvements were geometrically modeled within the FLO-2D Model. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Elliot Road Technology Corridor project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. J2 was a subconsultant providing landscape architecture, hardscape, theme development, and a drainage study. Our design team provided conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. SR101L Widening Design Build Proposal; Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan utilized an existing Design Concept for Loop 101 widening and adapted proposed drainage infrastructure to new roadway geometry. Evan led in the development of design basefiles and quantities for 13 miles of on-site and off-site improvements, emphasizing ProjectWise integration and coordination with a multidisciplinary design team. Casa Blanca Area Drainage Master Study; Casa Blanca, AZ Drainage Designer. GIS tools were developed for use for the ef ficient development of FLO-2D input data files and post-processing of the modeling results for the 62 sq. mile 2-dimensional hydraulic study of the Gila River Indian Community District 5 area. Evan led the field data collection efforts and preparation of hydraulic structures data, GIS implementation of FLO-2D crosssections, HEC-RAS modeling of multiple channels, and preparation of exhibits for flood mitigation alternatives. 83rd Ave & Thunderbird Rd Intersection Improvements; Peoria, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan led in the hydraulic analysis of existing drainage infrastructure at 83rd Ave & Thunderbird, identified potential drainage concerns, and proposed multiple mitigation alternatives. Evan led in the preparation of the drainage report, utilizing Flowmaster and StormCAD to perform hydraulic calculations and GIS to prepare exhibits. Agua Fria Freeway and I-10 Interchange Drainage Study; Tolleson, AZ Drainage Designer. Evan assisted in the development of updates to the Maryvale Area Drainage Master Study HEC-1 model to incorporate the Bethany Home Outfall Channel and determine the required volume of a regional basin at I-10 and L101. Evan analyzed as- built records to determine existing conditions, utilized GIS to prepare DDMSW input files, and assisted in final plan production. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Project Drainage Engineer. J2 was retained as a subconsultant for TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extral general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Drainage Engineer. The City of Apache Junction recently improved a county drainage basin to include a dog park. J2 was selected to design the improvements. The dog park improvements included dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solar powered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase. This award- winning facility opened to the public last spring. West Plaza Park; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. West Plaza Park is an existing 6 acre park at the northwest corner of 43rd Avenue and Maryland Avenue. The existing park features are mature trees, large turf area, playground, and drinking fountain. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide professional design services for the City of Phoenix. The new improvements included picnic ramadas, walking pathways, sport courts, fitness plaza, area lighting, and landscape and irrigation improvements. Festival Fields Park; Avondale, AZ Drainage Engineer. The J2 Team provided public involvement, master planning, and construction documents for this 27-acre park expansion for the City of Avondale. This included two lighted little league fields, an irrigation lake, extensive walking trail system, multi-use fields, dog park, adventure play area, skate park, Arizona’s first asphalt BMX pump track, restrooms, expanded parking and roadway network, and an equestrian and hiking staging area. USS Arizona Memorial Gardens; SRP-MIC, AZ Drainage Engineer. The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are over 1,500 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. The site includes a contemplative Memorial Garden and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast as well as a showcase of The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona. Evan Grace, PE Serin Oh, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 2 with J2 Education BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of South Carolina MS Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Arizona State University Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #75112 About Serin. Serin’s initial experience was as an environmental engineer, working as a consultant in both air quality and stormwater management, with work focused in permitting and conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. After obtaining her master’s degree with a concentration in hydrosystems, She is now enjoying her career in hydrology and hydraulics, with her work being spread across pavement drainage design, HEC-RAS modeling, with the ever present opportunity to continue to expand her skillset. Experience North Water Treatment Plant; Gilbert, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin developed 1-D and 2-D models in HEC-RAS to in support of the North Water Treatment Plant expansion, which incorporates part of a FEMA floodplain. I-17 Auxiliary Lanes; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. Serin analyzed drainage areas and calculated flow in order to design proposed inlets for the planned addition of auxiliary lanes along I-17 in central Phoenix according to AZDOT regulations and specifications. Sundance Park; Buckeye, AZ Staff Engineer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. I-10 Broadway Curve; Phoenix, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Gilbert Road Bridge; Mesa, SRP-MIC, AZ Staff Engineer. On this MCDOT project, J2 provided both water resource engineering and bridge scour evaluations of this bridge replacement over the Salt River as well as complete landscape restoration plans, erosion control plans and bridge and wall aesthetics including the design and placement of a new entry monument for the SRP-MIC community. Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue; Peoria, AZ Drainage Engineer. J2 served as a subconsultant to perform the hydrologic/hydraulic analyses required for on-site and off-site drainage design, water quality treatment mitigation, preparation of landscape plans, irrigation, and stormwater pollution prevention plans for the proposed Northern Parkway 99th Avenue to 87th Avenue project. J2 assisted in the report preparation to document the drainage analyses performed, and coordinated the design with TYLin and MCDOT. Savannah Khan, PE Project Drainage Engineer Experience 4 Years Total 1 with J2 Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79325 About Savannah. Savannah has 4 years of engineering experience. She has experience working for state and local government under several professional engineers in areas including water resource planning, sediment transport, water quality, and plan review. Savannah joins us from Flood Control District of Maricopa County where she assumed the technical responsibility for reviewing the hydrologic and hydraulic design components of projects/studies including review of engineering reports, calculations, plans for compliance with District standards, FEMA requirements, and standard modeling guidelines. Here at J2, Savannah will be working with the Civil Engineering team to complete drainage design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, and more. Experience Skyline Drive Corridor from Magma Railroad to SR 79; Pinal County, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design is served as a subconsultant to Jacobs Engineering. Savannah created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantify peak flows, and identify points along the Skyline Drive corridor that will require drainage structures and sized preliminary drainage structures. River Island State Park Off-Highway Vehicle Trailhead Phase I; Parker, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design quantified offsite peak flows moving through the project area and ensured that no modifications significantly changed the existing flow paths. A retention basin was sized in order to accommodate first flush volume for direct runoff from the site improvements. J2 also ensured finished floor of the proposed restroom facility and camp host site were elevated one foot above the 100-year water surface elevation. Sierra Vista Shooting Range; Sierra Vista, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 Design created hydrologic models in order to identify volumes of storm water contributing to the project area, quantified peak flows, and sized two preliminary ford crossings. Grand Canal Multi-Use Trail; Phoenix, AZ Staff Engineer. J2 is served as a subconsultant for TRACE Consulting. Savannah quantified the amount of additional runoff associated with replacing the compacted dirt along the canal with a concrete multi-use path and ensured there was no adverse impact to surrounding properties associated with this additional runoff. Indian Bend Wash Vista Del Camino Park; Scottsdale, AZ Staff Engineer. The Vista Del Camino Park project, 1 of 4 design areas, includes shade ramadas, walking trails and pathways, playground structures, restroom buildings, parking lots, pathway lighting, drinking fountains, roadway improvements, reconstruction of the lake system, drainage structures (Indian Bend Wash serves as a regional floodway) and irrigation systems. J2 Design is the Prime Consultant for the project and is providing master plan validation, final design construction documents, public involvement, civil engineering,landscape architecture, irrigation design, and lake design. Dan Farnsworth, PE Civil Engineer Experience 2 Years Total 4 with J2 Education B.S Mining Engineering, University of Utah Registrations Professional Engineer Arizona #79703 About Dan. Dan graduated from the University of Utah where he completed his undergraduate in Mining Engineering. Dan then moved to the civil sector and gained two years of experience in providing innovative solutions to water resource management. While at J2 Dan has assisted in a number of drainage projects for the City of Scottsdale, Peoria and Town of Gilbert. Experience Grand Canal Phase III; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the Prime Consultant for this project providing civil engineering, drainage engineering, and landscape architecture design services. The project will develop a lit multi-use pathway along the north bank of the Grand Canal from 47th Avenue to Camelback Road. The pathway will include HAWK crossings at major intersections, a pedestrian bridge, landscape and irrigation where space allows, along with some artistic enhancements along the corridor. Southern Avenue and Apache Road – Traffic Signal Design; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan created an exhibit to coordinate with the City of Buckeye, land developers and utility companies to illustrate the proposed conditions of the intersection and to identify potential conflicts. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Well Site 36-5 Drainage Improvements; Scottsdale, AZ Engineering Designer. Dan provided design and grading for a new driveway and drainage swale to redirect flow of water off of the driveway and towards the existing wash utilizing a trench drain to capture excess water. The flow was then directed to a gabion bed to mitigate the impact of erosion. Hatcher Road; Phoenix, AZ Engineering Designer. The City of Phoenix has endeavored to revitalize Hatcher Road from Central Avenue to 19th Avenue. The roadway exists in an economically distressed area. The City has incorporated portions of the roadway over the years from Maricopa County. It contains significant restraints including a homeless population, spot development, land ownership, and development, significant business vacancies, and an active residential community looking for enhancement of a roadway that has many differing roadway profiles with utility challenges. ADOT SR79 Gila River Bridge Engineering Designer. The SR-79 Gila River Bridge project will replace the existing 2 lane bridge with a new 4 lane bridge over the Gila River. J2 provided hydraulic and scour analysis, scour countermeasure design, and bridge aesthetics and landscape design. The bridge hydraulic analysis included utilizing both HEC-RAS 1-dimensional and SRH 2-dimensional modeling to evaluate the complex flow patterns in the vicinity of the bridge for bridge design as well as the floodplain impact analysis. I-10 (PHX-Casa Grande HWY); ADOT, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 was served as a subconsultant to TYLin for this 14 mile long project. J2 is providing landscape architecture, drainage engineering, civil engineering, bridge aesthetics, and wall aesthetics. The goal for this project is to improve the flow of traffic by bringing extra general purpose HOV lanes, several new and widened bridges, and improved bridges for pedestrians. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Engineering Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/ events grounds. Civic Center Park Design; Avondale, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is partnering with the City of Avondale to develop a passive, open space area to include open turf areas, shade ramadas, a playground, and a small water feature. The 4-Acre parcel for this project is located within Avondale’s Civic Center area and adjacent to a forthcoming aquatic center. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for the project providing landscape architecture and civil engineering design services. ST Johns Shooting Range; Saint Johns, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is serving as the prime consultant for this project providing professional design services for the St. Johns Shooting Range project. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF) needs to implement lead containment basins at the St. John’s Shooting Range. The new detention basins will be along the south side of the ranges and collect drainage run off prior to the storm water entering the adjacent tributary of the Little Colorado River. Mesa Cemetary Northwest Expansion Master Plan; Mesa, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 provided master planning services for an 8 acre expansion of the Mesa Cemetery. Five concepts were developed and vetted that included more than 4,000 new plots, new roadway layout, a new memorial garden, new irrigation mainlines, grading concepts and coordination with SRP on a historic irrigation canal. Seth prepared various conceptual layouts for the roadways, the memorial garden and plot locations. Roper Lake Park Improvements; Safford, AZ Engineering Designer. Arizona State Parks is targeting several key State owned and operated parks for renovation of aging infrastructure. One of the first projects targeted is Roper Lake State Park just outside of Safford Arizona. Roper Lake State Park has 30 lake surface acres, a boat ramp, natural stone hot tub, swimming beach, day use island with numerous picnic tables and grills, camping cabins, and public campgrounds all serviced through an antiquated septic or sewage tank operations. The existing sewage infrastructure of the park had either failed, or was not operating efficiently and overall was inadequate for the current use of the park. J2 provided construction documents based upon our initial evaluation of the site’s sewage system and have provided the following infrastructure elements and features to Arizona State Parks to address the site issues. Rotary Park Trail; Casa Grande, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is assisting the City in the design of a new trail that will run along the north side of the North Branch of the Santa Cruz Wash, and extend from Rotary Park to Peart Road. Services to the City include assisting in the interviews and selection of the trail designer, and hydraulic and floodplain impact analysis. J2 will assist the trail designer with making sure the trail does not negatively impact the existing regulatory floodway. Heritage Center ADA Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the Town of Gilbert to provide ADA improvements as well as creative, holistic landscape architecture and engineering solutions that will promote increased flow, usage, and enhanced aesthetics at the Heritage Center. Dan provided grading design for a challenging location to alleviate risks recurring drainage problems and to address ADA compliance deficiencies. Section 12 Near-Term Drainage Improvements Phase 3; Peoria, AZ Engineering Designer. J2 is working with the City of Peoria to provide drainage engineering services, hydrologic / hydraulic analyses, plan development, and a drainage memorandum for 70th Ave Storm Drain: Camino De Oro to Avenida Del Sol and 73rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road. Dan is serving as a drainage engineer on the project providing support to J2’s internal engineering team. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Landscape Architect Experience 21 Years Total 21 with J2 Education B.S. in Landscape Architecture, Arizona State University PSMJ Resources, Inc. Project Management Training Affiliations American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) Certified #7445 Arizona Parks & Recreation Association (APRA) Registrations Professional Landscape Architect Arizona #45439 About Aaron. Aaron has 20 years of landscape architecture experience and has completed a wide variety of public works projects throughout Arizona. Aaron has outstanding experience leading multidisciplinary design teams on successful award-winning projects including design of park and recreation facilities, urban plazas and streetscapes, environmental restorations, and shared-use pathways. Aaron has the ability to navigate projects that involve multiple stakeholder involvement and gain consensus on design direction. Aaron gives the J2 staff multi-faceted talent, due to his diverse expertise in parks, recreation , and open-space, master planning, hardscape design, urban design, public presentation, soils, horticulture and planting design and construction management experience. Experience Fountain Hills Active Transportation Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected off of the MAG Design Assistance On-Call to lead the development of the Town of Fountain Hill’s first-ever Active Transportation Plan. The plan will serve as the primary tool for the deployment and integration of connected, safe, and comfortable facilities for bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized modes within the Town. J2 conducted inventory analysis, identified priority areas, created an implementation strategy, and included customizable cost estimates as a part of the plan document. Additionally, the J2 Team assisted the Town with public involvement by attending meetings, collecting public input via surveys, and even creating a custom brand and logo for the project to spread awareness. Avenue of the Fountains Master Plan; Fountain Hills, AZ Project Landscape Architect. The Town of Fountain Hills had an opportunity to improve upon the existing median along the Avenue of the Fountains. The median facilities were near the end of their workable life cycles. Aaron helped facilitate working group meeting with key stakeholders, facilitated public involvement meetings, and provided a master plan and estimated construction budgets for the renovation of the Avenue of the Fountains, which included new hardscape, waterfeatures, lighting, seating areas, landscape and irrigation improvements. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Project Manager. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Landscape Architect. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Heritage Center Improvements; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. The Town of Gilbert’s Heritage Center project addressed wayfinding, accessibility, and on-site flooding issues at the current site. J2 worked with the Town to provide a site evaluation, master plan, and construction documents for the Heritage Center that included, addressing ADA issues, adding a play structure, courtyard and street lighting, new wayfinding and signage, a new pathway, new irrigation and landscaping, and more. USS Arizona Memorial; Salt River Pima Indian Community, AZ Project Manager. The USS Arizona Memorial honors the brave individuals aboard the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are 1,511 Commemorative Columns, each representing a valiant sailor or marine aboard the ship that day. The Commemorative Columns outline a to-scale perimeter of the USS Arizona whose mass extends across the street to the north and into the lake on the south. Commemorative Columns line the stabilized paths, with each walkway terminating in a flagpole flying a flag for each branch of the US military. Each column will subtly glow come sundown, transforming the space at night. The contemplative Memorial Garden sits to the north of the Boat House relic house and amphitheater area with a layout based off the ship’s vertical mast. The Boat House relic of the USS Arizona is prominently displayed adjacent to the lake’s edge. J2 provided design services for this important memorial. El Oso & Mariposa Splash Pads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. J2 provided professional design services for the Mariposa and El Oso Parks Splash Pads for the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix desired two new splash pads for the community at two of their existing parks; El Oso Park and Mariposa Park. Each splashpad is between 3,500 and 4,500 SF and located near the existing restroom facility of each park. Piestewa Peak Trailheads; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. The City of Phoenix is redeveloping the existing trailheads along the Squaw Peak Drive access road to the Piestewa Peak recreation area. Improvements for this trailhead redevelopment include new parking lots, ramadas, restroom/ranger station facility, vehicular/pedestrian bridge linking Summit and Navajo Trailheads, entry monument, and refurbishing ramadas. The project included significant grade changes. Powerline Trail Greenfield Road Signal Crossing; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. J2 was selected as the prime consultant to provide landscape architecture and civil engineering design services for the Town of Gilbert for the Western Powerline Trail-Phase IV project. The project was an approximate half mile of shared-use pathway along the Western Powerline Trail corridor that tied into the SRP Powerline Trail and extended east to Greenfield Road. This project included tiling of an SRP tail water ditch, pathway lighting, ramadas, and a pedestrian activated signal and cross walk improvements at Greenfield Road. Water Tower Plaza; Gilbert, AZ Project Manager. Aaron was responsible for the landscape master plan and final construction documents for the restoration of the historic Water Tower Plaza in downtown Gilbert’s Heritage District. The project has included extensive public outreach to both the community and local business owners. Unique to the project is the association created with ASU’s Decision Theater where the public input process has been teamed with the latest in 3-D modeling technology. This has provided the ability to gather public input and present ideas in a virtual walk through. This facet of the design process has allowed Aaron to investigate how the public feels about a multitude of aspects on the project including the sounds of water, the texture of pavement, and the colors of the site and ultimately how the entire project will be developed. The plaza improvements consisted of four different themed water features, outdoor plaza spaces, and an informal turf amphitheater. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Aaron also provided construction management services. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Project Manager. This 13 acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included new parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball court, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Aaron Allan, PLA, ASLA Kevin Wallin, CID Irrigation Design Experience 30 Years Total 20 with J2 Education Associates in Specialized Technology, Architectural CADD, Pittsburgh Technical Institute Registrations Certified Irrigation Designer CID #64027 About Kevin. Kevin has over 30 years of combined experience in landscape architecture and irrigation design with responsibilities varying from project manager, lead designer, assistant designer, and CAD drafter. As a landscape and irrigation designer, Kevin creates design concepts for both master plans and construction documents including planting, irrigation, hardscape, lake design, pump design, demolition, plant salvage/ inventory, and site plans. Kevin has extensive experience working on municipal park projects and his expertise is focused on irrigation design. He brings strong knowledge and experience with sports field irrigation projects, turf irrigation design projects, drip irrigation design projects, and irrigation pump design from lake projects. The in-house irrigation and lake design expertise that Kevin brings will be an invaluable asset to the project team. Experience Frontier Family Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 is currently partnering with the Town of Queen Creek to construct a 90-acre park that includes a 5-acre lake, basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and tennis courts, three multi-use fields, a 6-plex baseball/softball complex, a multi- generational center, a destination playground, and a splash pad. In addition to leading the full design of the park J2 also completed a drainage study to define the drainage design parameters for the park site. FLO- 2D was applied to update the hydrologic modeling for this study to aid in defining contributing flows to the park boundaries. Sundance Park Phase II; Buckeye, AZ Irrigation Designer. This project includes a grand pavilion, themed children’s play area with interactive water features, urban fishing, lakeside promenade, desert reclamation, multiuse path, regional storm water retention basin, maintenance compound, parking, shade ramadas, and four multi-use soccer fields/events grounds. Mansel Carter Oasis Park; Queen Creek, AZ Irrigation Designer. Mansel Carter Oasis Park is a 46-acre site and is Queen Creek’s newest community park. J2 provided conceptual design, plans, specifications, quantities, estimates, and post-design services for the development of two multi- purpose fields, four baseball fields, two basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, themed inclusive playground areas, themed splash pad, several shade ramadas, concession and restroom buildings, paths with fitness stations, maintenance building and yard, skate/BMX park, an urban fishing lake, and a LID stormwater harvesting swale system. Also included are roadway and parking lots, widening of Sossaman Road, utilities, and general landscape and irrigation. Eagles Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 provided professional engineering services for the 27 acre park site that consists of multi-purpose sports fields, playground, ADA walkways, picnic facilities, new parking lots, and exercise stations. J2 provided all project coordination, landscape architecture, irrigation and civil design. Chuparosa Park: Volleyball and Parking Lot Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was the prime consultant, selected from the City’s on-call contract, leading the design of a parking lot expansion and two additional volleyball courts. The scope of work included conceptual design, construction documents, specifications, cost estimates, and post design services. Park improvements included sport court and parking lot lighting, landscape and irrigation, court design, parking lot design, and civil improvements. Desert Breeze Park Improvements; Chandler, AZ Irrigation Designer. Kevin supported the professional design services which included conceptual design, final construction documents, specifications , cost estimates, and post design services for several phases of the park’ s development. The task phases have included: multi-use sports fields, a new path system, lake edge improvements, fabric shade structures, ADA accessibility improvements, fishing zones, splash pad refurbishment, fencing systems, and landscape & irrigation improvements. West Chandler Park Master Plan and Design; Chandler, AZ Landscape Designer. 40-acre community park includes softball and baseball complexes, restroom/concessions building, maintenance building and storage area, and soccer/football field. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Landscape and Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Indian School Lake Rehabilitation; Scottsdale, AZ Irrigation and Lake Design. J2 provided civil engineering, landscape architecture and electrical engineering in the renovation of the 40 year old Indian School Lake. J2 also was responsible for design and construction management of Lake, Pump system, Wet Wells, Electrical, landscape Irrigation, planting and civil paving and multi-use pathways. Hayden Park Expansion; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. Hayden Park is located on the southeast corner of Broadway Road and 7th Avenue. This project looked at developing an additional five acres on the site. J2 refined the existing City master plan that included a walking loop path, large open turf area, and ramadas. The site had significant cultural resources that needed to be design around and monitored during construction. The project also incorporated several art benches and tree bosque groves through the City’s office of Arts and Culture. Dust Devil Park; Phoenix, AZ Irrigation Designer. This thirteen acre community park in the City of Phoenix is themed around the influence of the adjacent Agua Fria and New Rivers. The park amenities included porous concrete parking lots, custom ramadas with solar panels to achieve a 100% power offset, tot-lot, splash pad, skate plaza, basketball courts, and group picnic plaza. A main feature in the park is an ephemeral river spine that will deliver flood irrigation water to the open turf areas. Fiesta Sports Park; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The park master plan and final design beautifully accommodates a lighted championship baseball diamond complex and parking and also includes a restroom/concession building and a shaded play area. The park wraps around the active Mesa Public School facilities which required close coordination for safety and security issues. Paseo Verde Park; Peoria, AZ Irrigation Designer. J2 was responsible for providing professional landscape architecture services which prepared the design and construction documents for this 10 acre neighborhood “infill” park in an established Peoria neighborhood. The park was delivered by “Design-Build” contract. Facilities include; two soccer/softball fields, playground, basketball court, armadas mesquite “bosque”, “volcano mountain” art landform and a “butterfly garden” picnic area, loop and neighborhood connecting trails. Elliot Road Technology Corridor; Mesa, AZ Irrigation Designer. The project area spans 2 miles and is intended to set the table for private development along this vital economic corridor. The scope of work included conceptual design, stakeholder involvement, construction documents, and post design services. The project included vibrant monumentation and signage with custom lighting, as well as low impact development (LID) water harvesting swales adjacent to the roadway in the streetscape planting areas. Dutchman Dog Park; Apache Junction, AZ Irrigation Designer. The City of Apache Junction is in the process of improving a county drainage basin to include a dog park. The dog park will include dog turf areas, a plaza area, entry nodes, fencing, solarpowered lighting, and ADA sidewalks. J2 has developed final construction documents utilizing base data and master plan concept drawings from the County Basin Dog Park master planning phase and the project is now in construction. Kevin Wallin, CID Evidence of Certifications Form W-9 (Rev. October 2018) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification a Go to www.irs.gov/FormW9 for instructions and the latest information. Give Form to the requester. Do not send to the IRS.Print or type. See Specific Instructions on page 3.1 Name (as shown on your income tax return). Name is required on this line; do not leave this line blank. 2 Business name/disregarded entity name, if different from above 3 Check appropriate box for federal tax classification of the person whose name is entered on line 1. Check only one of the following seven boxes. Individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC C Corporation S Corporation Partnership Trust/estate Limited liability company. Enter the tax classification (C=C corporation, S=S corporation, P=Partnership) a Note: Check the appropriate box in the line above for the tax classification of the single-member owner. Do not check LLC if the LLC is classified as a single-member LLC that is disregarded from the owner unless the owner of the LLC is another LLC that is not disregarded from the owner for U.S. federal tax purposes. Otherwise, a single-member LLC that is disregarded from the owner should check the appropriate box for the tax classification of its owner. Other (see instructions) a 4 Exemptions (codes apply only to certain entities, not individuals; see instructions on page 3): Exempt payee code (if any) Exemption from FATCA reporting code (if any) (Applies to accounts maintained outside the U.S.) 5 Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.) See instructions. 6 City, state, and ZIP code 7 List account number(s) here (optional) Part I Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is generally your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the instructions for Part I, later. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN, later. Note: If the account is in more than one name, see the instructions for line 1. Also see What Name and Number To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter. Social security number –– or Employer identification number – Part II Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me); and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding; and 3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the instructions for Part II, later. Sign Here Signature of U.S. person a Date a General Instructions Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Future developments. For the latest information about developments related to Form W-9 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to www.irs.gov/FormW9. Purpose of Form An individual or entity (Form W-9 requester) who is required to file an information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) which may be your social security number (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer identification number (EIN), to report on an information return the amount paid to you, or other amount reportable on an information return. Examples of information returns include, but are not limited to, the following. • Form 1099-INT (interest earned or paid) • Form 1099-DIV (dividends, including those from stocks or mutual funds) • Form 1099-MISC (various types of income, prizes, awards, or gross proceeds) • Form 1099-B (stock or mutual fund sales and certain other transactions by brokers) • Form 1099-S (proceeds from real estate transactions) • Form 1099-K (merchant card and third party network transactions) • Form 1098 (home mortgage interest), 1098-E (student loan interest), 1098-T (tuition) • Form 1099-C (canceled debt) • Form 1099-A (acquisition or abandonment of secured property) Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN. If you do not return Form W-9 to the requester with a TIN, you might be subject to backup withholding. See What is backup withholding, later. Cat. No. 10231X Form W-9 (Rev. 10-2018) J2 Engineering & Environmental Design,LLC ✔P 4649 E. Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 06 1648988 6/28/2023 Requester’s name and address (optional) John D Hensler, LLC dba MHN Construction 1130 E Missouri Avenue, Suite 890 Phoenix, AZ 85014 CLASSIFICATION 2024 FULLY LOADED HOURLY RATE Rate For Sr. Design Manager 215.27$ Rate for Project Engineer - SR 188.67$ Rate for Project Engineer 144.35$ Rate for Engineer 116.50$ Rate For Senior Project Landscape Architect 195.00$ Rate For Project Landscape Architect 137.71$ Rate For Designer - Sr.125.36$ Rate For Designer 89.61$ Rate For Clerical 83.57$ Aaron Allan, PLA Vice President 4649 E. Cotton Gin Loop, Suite B2 Phoenix, Arizona 85040 January 2024 Certified Billing Rates for J2 Engineering and Environmental Design, LLC I hereby certify that the current rates for the proposed employees of J2 Engineering and Environmental Design, LLC are true as of 6/19/2024 EXHIBIT B TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND J2 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, LLC [Quote or Work Order] See following pages.