HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__11-16-22_0633_415       NOTICE OF MEETING REGULAR MEETING STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION      Chairman Patrick Garman  Vice Chairman Bernie Hoenle Commissioner Kevin Beck Commissioner Mary Edman Commissioner Jill Keefe Commissioner Cynthia Magazine Commissioner Geoff Yazzetta      TIME:4:00 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2022 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s Council,  various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Commission are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.    REQUEST TO COMMENT   The public is welcome to participate in Commission meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM, please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commissioners. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion, if possible.          1.CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Garman      Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Meeting of November 16, 2022 1 of 2   2.ROLL CALL – Chairman Garman     3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.     4.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving the October 26, 2022, Meeting Minutes.       5.REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS AND TOWN MANAGER     6.PRESENTATION: Arizona Alliance for Livable Communities by Kenneth Steel.    7.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the 2023 Meeting Dates of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission.     8.DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Town of Fountain Hills Environmental Plan Draft.    9.COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIRMAN     10.NEXT MEETING DATE: Wednesday, January 25, 2023.    11.ADJOURNMENT       CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission with the Town Clerk. Dated this  10 day of  November, 2022. _____________________________________________  Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant   The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Town Manager's Office.    Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Meeting of November 16, 2022 2 of 2 ITEM 4. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 11/16/2022 Meeting Type: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Request to Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving the October 26, 2022, Meeting Minutes.   Staff Summary (Background) The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at the meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the town's website and maintained as permanent records in compliance with state law.   Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approving the minutes of the regular meeting on October 26, 2022. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on October 26, 2022. Attachments 10262022 SPAC Minutes  Form Review Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 11/01/2022 03:49 PM Final Approval Date: 11/01/2022  TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION OCTOBER 26, 2022            1.CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Garman    Vice Chairman Hoenle called to order the meeting of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission at 4:00 p.m.   2.ROLL CALL – Chairman Garman Present: Commissioner Mary Edman; Vice Chairman Bernie Hoenle; Commissioner Kevin Beck; Commissioner Geoffrey Yazzetta  Absent: Vacancy; Chairman Patrick Garman; Commissioner Cynthia Magazine  Staff Present: Town Manager Grady Miller; Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu  3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.    Newly appointed Commissioner to the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Jill Keefe addressed the commission. Ms.Keefe has been a Fountain Hills resident since 2017. She recently retired from corporate life and started an organic produce shop and grocery. She said her goal is to serve the town in a way that will make Fountain Hills residents proud.    4.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving the September 28, 2022, Meeting Minutes.         MOVED BY Commissioner Kevin Beck, SECONDED BY Commissioner Mary Edman to APPROVE the minutes of the September 28, 2022, Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Meeting.   Vote: 4 - 0 - Unanimously   5.REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS AND TOWN MANAGER       Commissioner Yazzetta reported that Fountain Hills has the most volunteers and people  Commissioner Yazzetta reported that Fountain Hills has the most volunteers and people that are interested in giving back to the community. He said that it is excellent to see how frequently people step up to give back to this great town.  He welcomed new Commissioner Jill Keefe, who is a fellow Leadership Academy Class 6 member. Commissioner Edman extended a warm welcome to new Commissioner Jill Keefe and said that she is looking forward to having her join them. Commissioner Beck welcomed new Commissioner Jill Keefe. Vice Chair Hoenle reported that he and Fountain Hills Unified School District Superintendent Cain Jagodzinski met for coffee.  He said that they have had discussions on the Biophilic Network,  the town's Environmental Plan, and potential outdoor study education areas.   Town Manager Miller reported that it is great to have new Commissioner Jill Keefe here and to have her introduce herself before the first meeting as acting commissioner.   A.Update on the Recruitment of a Strategic Planning Advisory Commissioner by Town Manager Grady E. Miller       Town Manager Miller updated the commission on the appointment of the new commissioner to the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission.  He reported that Mayor Dickey appointed Jill Keefe at the October 18, 2022, Town Council Meeting.  Jill Keefe will begin her role as commissioner at the November 16, 2022, commission meeting.   6.PRESENTATION: FH Young Community by Betsy LaVoie, President / CEO of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce.       Betsy LaVoie, the President and CEO of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, shared the history and background of the Fountain Hills Young Community.  She said that in 2016, a group sponsored by the Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association named Vision Fountain Hills was tasked with conducting the largest community survey in the town's history. She said that the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission worked closely with Vision Fountain Hills and that through this workshop survey and collaborative process, the Town, the Chamber of Commerce, Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association and the Fountains Unified School District defined initiatives that the community was seeking and that one of those recommendations was a way to connect our younger community for the purpose of fostering vibrant and dynamic growth. She said that resident and a member of Vision Fountain Hills Ryan Deegan partnered with the town’s Economic Development Director at that time and the previous CEO at the Chamber of Commerce to create and form the Fountain Hills Young Community.   She said the mission of the FHYC is to grow and foster the young community of Fountain Hills as a diverse and vibrant town through active and adventure-type activities and events, social connection, and community engagement.  She said that they wanted to share with the world that Fountain Hills is not a retirement community and that young people do live and work here.   She said that the FHYC committee is currently led by Chair Jason O'Neal and that the immediate past Chair, Savannah Lamey, won the 2020 Young Professional of the Year Award.   In closing, Ms. LaVoie shared that the FHYC events not only drive business to local establishments in Fountain Hills but if a young professional was looking at communities to possibly move to, it might encourage them to consider Fountain Hills.  She mentioned that it is crucial for the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce to have a committee like the FHYC to help the sustainability of our community.  She stated that the main idea is to have the  FHYC committee put on these engaging events to then share socially to attract people from outside of Fountain Hills to Fountain Hills and to also encourage other people who do live and work here so that they know they're not alone here in town, and that they can join and that we will welcome them.     7.COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIRMAN       Vice Chair Hoenle thanked Ms. LaVoie for a great presentation on the Fountain Hills Young Community and commented that Ms. LaVoie always brings energy to everything that is going on.   8.NEXT MEETING DATE: Wednesday, November 16, 2022.      The next meeting of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission will be held on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, in the Council Chambers at 4:00 p.m.  The meeting is being held on the third Wednesday of the month due to the Thanksgiving Holiday being on the fourth week.   9.ADJOURNMENT      MOVED BY Commissioner Mary Edman, SECONDED BY Commissioner Geoffrey Yazzetta to ADJOURN the meeting of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission at 4:29 p.m.   Vote: 4 - 0 - Unanimously     STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION ____________________________ Patrick Garman, Chairman             ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: ______________________________  Angela Espiritu, Executive Assistant    CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 26th day of October, 2022. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 16th day of November, 2022.                                                                                    _________________________________                                                                                          Angela Espiritu, Executive Assistant ITEM 5. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 11/16/2022 Meeting Type: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Request to Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS AND TOWN MANAGER Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 11/01/2022 03:52 PM Final Approval Date: 11/01/2022  ITEM 6. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 11/16/2022 Meeting Type: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Request to Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  PRESENTATION: Arizona Alliance for Livable Communities by Kenneth Steel. Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 11/08/2022 02:02 PM Final Approval Date: 11/08/2022  ITEM 7. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 11/16/2022 Meeting Type: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Request to Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the 2023 Meeting Dates of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission. Staff Summary (Background) STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Fourth Wednesday of each month 2023 Potential Meeting Dates   January 25 February 22 March 22 April 26 May 24 June 28 July 26?  (Possible Summer Break) August 23? (Possible Summer Break) September 27 October 25 November 15 (third Wednesday due to Thanksgiving week) December 20? (third Wednesday due to Christmas week)    Attachments 2023 Potential Meeting Dates  Form Review Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 11/01/2022 03:54 PM Final Approval Date: 11/01/2022  11.29.2021 STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Fourth Wednesday of each month 2023 Potential Meeting Dates January 25 February 22 March 22 April 26 May 24 June 28 July 26? (Possible Summer Break) August 23? (Possible Summer Break) September 27 October 25 November 15 (third Wednesday due to Thanksgiving week) December 20? (third Wednesday due to Christmas week) ITEM 8. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 11/16/2022 Meeting Type: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Request to Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Town of Fountain Hills Environmental Plan Draft. Staff Summary (Background) Attachments Environmental Plan 2022  Form Review Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 11/07/2022 09:48 AM Final Approval Date: 11/07/2022  T O W N O F F O U N T A I N H I L L S E NV I RONM ENTAL P LAN 2 02 2 P r e p a r e d B y : John Wesley Development Services Director Introduction Environmental Plan 1. Require all newly platted or re-platted hillside properties to provide a Hillside Protection Easement for each parcel as required by ordinance; 2. Identify where appropriate trails should be located per the direction provided in the Parks, Recreation, Trails, and Open Space Map and the Social Environment goals and policies and develop public educational materials to discourage off-trail use and protect wildlife habitat and vegetation; 3. Discourage un-permitted grading or dumping and require re-vegetation for violators; 4. Encourage redevelopment, revitalization, and rehabilitation to reduce land consumption; 5. Continually update the approved low-water use plant list to ensure that all plants on the list are suitable for the community; 6. Continually protect dark skies; and 7. Update the Land Disturbance Regulations when appropriate. Continue to preserve and conserve the natural desert, support open space, identify and protect historical and archaeological resources, and develop and implement programs and policies that encourage water and energy conservation and reduce water and air pollution. Guiding Principles GOAL 1: Continue to promote the vigilance and guardianship of the natural desert. POLICIES Continue to support the following Town policies: ACTION ITEMS 1. Continue to enforce and update all applicable ordinances, including Land Disturbance Regulations, to conserve the natural desert, protect open space, hillsides, unpaved trails, wild habitats, and dark skies, and encourage low-water-use, drought-tolerant landscapes 2. Require observance of all applicable requirements through the Development Review Process. GOAL 2: Provide and maintain an open space network throughout the community. POLICIES 1. Continue to protect the existing natural washes within the platted portions of the community as permanent natural desert open spaces. 2. Continue to identify and evaluate all wash/wildlife corridors in unsubdivided areas and encourage landowners to ensure those corridors are rezoned to one of the Open Space (OS) Zoning Districts. 3. Continue the development of land trusts and taxing mechanisms that have community support to accomplish open space acquisition and management programs. 4. Continue to require new development to meet recreational/open space needs as part of site design through the development plan review process. 5. Encourage the private development of a neighborhood park as a part of subdivision design, which may or may not be conveyed to the Town or other public entities even though its status as a permanent open space is secured. 6. Continually support unpaved trails within the Town limits that provide connectivity and opportunities for recreation, enjoyment, and use of the Sonoran Desert subject to the appropriate findings and studies in places where they have little impact on residential developments and natural wildlife. ACTION ITEMS 1. Continue to protect natural washes, wildlife corridors, open space, and the unpaved trail network through established mechanisms, including subdivision regulations, Open Space (OS) Zoning Districts, available space acquisition, and DRP. 2. Support the creation of neighborhood parks and continued development of unpaved trails through the DRP and subdivision regulations approval processes GOAL 3: Provide open space linkages within the Town and to the regional systems beyond its boundaries where feasible and appropriate. POLICIES 1. Continue to encourage the development of trail systems that link Fountain Hills with McDowell Mountain Regional Park, the City of Scottsdale’s trail system, and Maricopa County’s trail system and potential systems on both the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and the Ft. McDowell Yavapai Nation to support eco-tourism efforts, provided that such trails do not infringe on the privacy of residential areas. 2. Continue to update and produce mapping and facility information for the public on the Town’s website and through printed media regarding recreation, trail, and open space facilities. ACTION ITEMS 1. Continue to encourage the development of local trails that connect to the regional trail system to increase opportunities for eco-tourism 2. Update the trail system map and facility information on the Town’s website and social and print media to inform the public of the availability of these assets, as needed. GOAL 4: Identify and preserve historical and archaeological resources. POLICIES 1. Collaborate with studies that aim to uncover and preserve the historical and archaeological resources within the incorporated area. 2. Promote the preservation of archaeological artifacts by applying the latest applicable cultural resource conservation reporting methods working collaboratively with the State Historic Preservation Office and the Arizona State Museum. 3. Continue to support public education programs emphasizing local and regional historical and cultural resources like those provided at the River of Time Museum. ACTION ITEM Work collaboratively with the State Historic Preservation Office and the Arizona State Museum to protect historical and archaeological resources and support educational programs on historic and cultural resources. 1. Continue to support the expansion and development of regional and local transit service and alternative transportation modes to reduce hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, ozone, and particulate matter pollution. 2. Continue to require the utilization of native, drought-tolerant landscapes that eliminate the use of gasoline-powered landscape equipment. 3. Promote environmentally friendly initiatives supported by the 2022 Fountain Hills Strategic Plan. 4. Support a walkable Town Center. 5. Encourage bicycle and pedestrian connectivity throughout the Town to reduce automobile dependence, improve air quality and support active and healthy lifestyles. GOAL 5: Continue to promote programs that encourage environmentally- friendly alternatives and improve air quality. POLICIES ACTION ITEMS 1. Prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Environment Plan (CEP) that implements the 2022 Strategic Plan and the policy direction included in Goals 5 and 6 of this Element 2. Update all applicable regulations and ordinances to meet the directives of the CEP once adopted GOAL 6: Continue to promote environmental stewardship. POLICIES 1. Continue to pursue improved communication and collaboration with Federal, State, and local partners on environmental concerns and legislation. 2. Promote environmental stewardship and embrace ecological initiatives in partnership with Maricopa County, the Maricopa Association of Governments, the City of Scottsdale, the Fountain Hills Sanitary District, the Fort Mc Dowell Yavapai Nation, and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. 3. Design, construct, and maintain public buildings, infrastructure, and grounds in a manner that is both environmentally sustainable and protects public health and safety. 4. Advance understanding of the environment through the Town’s Communications Office, education programs, and media and environmental agencies partnerships. 5. Consider environmental costs, risks, and impacts as integral components of the planning and decision-making processes when feasible and appropriate. 6. Implement and maintain a process/system to evaluate environmental initiatives that seek input from Town Staff, the business community, citizens, and community services providers. 7. Encourage the use of architectural design using active and passive solar heating, shade elements, and energy-efficient insulating materials to reduce energy consumption. 8. Encourage water conservation through: a. Supporting water use reduction education programs; b. Continuing use of recycled water for turf irrigation Town parks and golf courses; c. Encouraging drought-tolerant landscapes that incorporate water harvesting, drip or low-flow irrigation as water use reduction measures; and d. Encouraging the utilization of low water use features in new development and redevelopment. 9.Encourage salt-free water treatment systems to improve irrigation water used at Town Parks. 10. Where feasible and appropriate, encourage Low Impact Development (LID) designed to support sustainable stormwater management planning and design practices in their watersheds that either enhance or do not significantly diminish environmental quality by encouraging: a. Practices that preserve or restore predevelopment hydrological and ecological functions; b. Site design strategies that minimize runoff and protect natural drainage patterns; c. Structural methods that filter, detain, retain, infiltrate, and harvest stormwater; and d. Reduce the volume and intensity of stormwater flows. GOAL 6: continued . . . ACTION ITEM Amend the Zoning Ordinance to include Low Impact Development (LID) GOAL 7: Support waste reduction programs and proper management of hazardous waste. POLICIES 1. Continue to develop and distribute educational materials regarding the proper handling, collection, and disposal of hazardous materials. 2. Encourage citizens and businesses to participate in the Town’s recycling programs to reduce solid waste. ACTION ITEM Continue to develop/distribute materials to educated and encourage solid waste reduction, proper hazardous waste handling, collection and disposal, and recycling. GOAL 8: Incorporate biophilic design goals and design principles into Town practices and development within the community. POLICIES 1. Consider and, where feasible, incorporate biophilic design into the development of Town facilities. 2. Review and update land development plans, policies, and ordinances to incorporate biophilic design principles. ACTION ITEM Join the Biophilic Cities network. ITEM 9. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 11/16/2022 Meeting Type: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Request to Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIRMAN Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 11/01/2022 03:52 PM Final Approval Date: 11/01/2022  ITEM 10. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 11/16/2022 Meeting Type: Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Request to Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  NEXT MEETING DATE: Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 11/01/2022 03:52 PM Final Approval Date: 11/01/2022