HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__03-09-20_0852_56       NOTICE OF MEETING REGULAR MEETING FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION      Chairman Erik Hansen  Vice Chairman Peter Gray Commissioner Mathew Boik Commissioner Clayton Corey Commissioner Susan Demptster Commissioner Dan Kovacevic Commissioner Scott Schlossberg      TIME:6:00 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2020 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s Council,  various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Commission are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.    REQUEST TO COMMENT   The public is welcome to participate in Commission meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM, please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commissioners. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion, if possible.   REGULAR MEETING    REGULAR MEETING        1.CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE – Chairman Hansen     2.ROLL CALL – Chairman Hansen     3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.     4.CONSIDERATION OF approving the meeting minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 13, 2020.     5.HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF rezoning approximately 0.41 acres located at the southwest corner of E. Parkview Avenue and N. Verde River Drive (AKA 13040 and 13048 N. Verde River Drive; APN's 176-08-977 and 176-08-976) from C-2-ED - Intermediate Commercial Zoning District with the Entertainment District Overlay to C-3-ED - General Commercial Zoning District with the Entertainment District Overlay.        6.HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF rezoning approximately 1.62 acres located north of the northeast corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Shea Boulevard (AKA 9637 N. Saguaro Boulevard; APN # 176-10-805) from C-1, Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District to C-2, Intermediate Commercial Zoning District.  (Case Z2019-04)     7.REVIEW AND DISCUSSION of the Fountain Hills General Plan 2020.    8.COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff.    9.SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director.    10.REPORT from Development Services Director.    11.ADJOURNMENT      Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of March 9, 2020 2 of 3       CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Planning and Zoning Commission with the Town Clerk. Dated this ______ day of ____________________, 2020. _____________________________________________  Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant   The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Development Services' Office.    Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of March 9, 2020 3 of 3   ITEM 4. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 03/09/2020 Meeting Type: Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF approving the meeting minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 13, 2020. Staff Summary (Background) The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at the meeting for archival purposes.  Approved minutes are placed on the Town's website and maintained as permanent records in compliance with state law.  Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approving the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 13, 2020.  SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 13, 2020. Attachments Meeting Minutes 2/13/2020  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director Form Started By: Paula Woodward Started On: 03/03/2020 05:02 PM PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 13, 2020 PAGE 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 13, 2020 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Chairman Erik Hansen Chairman Hansen called the meeting of February 13, 2020 to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. MOMENT OF SILENCE – Chairman Erik Hansen 2. ROLL CALL — Chairman Erik Hansen COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Erik Hansen, Vice Chairman Peter Gray; Commissioners, Mathew Boik, Clayton Corey, Susan Dempster, Dan Kovacevic and Scott Schlossberg. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Development Services Director John Wesley and Executive Assistant Paula Woodward. 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC None. Pursuant to ARS. 38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (I) must be within the jurisdiction of the Planning and Zoning Commission and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Planning and Zoning Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to the Public" unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Planning and Zoning Commission agenda. 4. CONSIDERATION of approving the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes dated January 23, 2020. Commissioner Kovacevic MOVED to approve the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission dated January 23, 2020; Commissioner Dempster SECONDED: passed unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF rezoning approximately 1.62 acres located north of the northeast corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Shea Boulevard (AKA 9637 N. Saguaro Boulevard; APN # 176-10- 805) from C-1, Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District to C-2, Intermediate Commercial Zoning District.(Case Z2019-04) Mr. Wesley said that this is a request for a rezone from a C-1 to C-2 zoning in order to build a three-story hotel with sixty- six rooms. Staff has received a number of comments from the public regarding the proposed rezone. Public comments are in the agenda packet. Based on the large PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 13, 2020 PAGE 2 community interest the applicant would like to meet with the neighbors. They would like to request a continuance to have that opportunity to meet with the community. Chairman Hansen suggested and the commission agreed to a twenty-five day continuance to the next scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The commissioners discussed and agreed it was a good idea to hear the call to the public that evening. It would allow the applicant to hear firsthand the public’s comments. Commissioner Dempster MOVED to hear the public speakers that evening. Commissioner Schlossberg SECONDED passed unanimously. Wendy Ridell of Berry Riddell LLC, representing the applicant, asked the Commission for a continuance so that more of the community could be reached to share the proposed plan and take their input. The following Fountain Hills individuals spoke in opposition to this project; Larry Meyers, Fred Bedell, Steve Smith, David Williams, Cindy Strasser and Robert Strasser. Commissioner Kovacevic MOVED to continue Item # 5 to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting March 9, 2020; Commissioner Corey SECONDED: passed unanimously. 6. COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. None 7. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director. None 8. REPORT from Development Services Director. Mr. Wesley announced the new Senior Planner is Farhad Tavassoli. Previously he was the Project Manager for the Flood Control District of Maricopa County and as a Planner for the City of Goodyear. Farhad is active in the Arizona Planning Association and holds both undergraduate and graduate degrees in Urban Planning from Arizona State University. Mr. Wesley reminded the Commission that the open meeting laws training takes place on February 18, 4:00 p.m. in the council chambers. The General Plan Update 2020 stakeholders meeting is on February 26, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers. 9. ADJOURNMENT. The Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held February 13, 2020, adjourned at 6:32 p.m. Town of Fountain Hills Erik Hansen, Chairman ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 13, 2020 PAGE 3 Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session held by the Planning and Zoning Commission of Fountain Hills in the Fountain Hills Council Chambers on the 23rd day of January 2020. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 3rd of February 2020. Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE ITEM 5. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 03/09/2020 Meeting Type: Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Language):  HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF rezoning approximately 0.41 acres located at the southwest corner of E. Parkview Avenue and N. Verde River Drive (AKA 13040 and 13048 N. Verde River Drive; APN's 176-08-977 and 176-08-976) from C-2-ED - Intermediate Commercial Zoning District with the Entertainment District Overlay to C-3-ED - General Commercial Zoning District with the Entertainment District Overlay.    Staff Summary (Background) Request The property owner desires to have an indoor, climate controlled, multi-story, mini-storage facility built on the property at the southwest corner of Parkview Avenue and Verde River Drive.  The zoning ordinance clearly lists mini-storage as a use by right in the C-3 zoning district and does not include mini-storage in any other zoning district.  The property currently has a base zoning district of C-2, Intermediate Commercial.  Therefore, a rezoning is needed to allow the proposed use. Context This property is currently vacant.  The property immediately to the west includes a veterinary clinic along Parkview with the Plat 208 common parking area behind.  Further to the west are additional commercial properties.  To the north along Parkview Avenue, there is a commercial building and vacant lot to the west of Verde River Drive and an office building at the northeast corner of Parkview Avenue and Verde River Drive.  To the east, across Verde River Drive, the property is vacant.  The property immediately south of this site is developed with a commercial building.  All of the surrounding properties are zoned C-2-ED. General Plan Zoning of property must be consistent with the General Plan. The Land Use designation for this area is C/R - General Commercial/Retail.  This land use designation "denotes areas providing for the sale of convenience goods (food, drugs and sundries) and personal services that meet the daily needs of a multi-neighborhood trade area." This area is also designated as part of the Downtown Area Specific Plan. The General Plan, Chapter 4, Growth Areas Element,  includes the following objectives related to the Town Center:  Objective 1.2  The Town should implement its recently approved Town Center Vision Plan and should continually study comparable and successful downtown areas.  The Town Center Vision Plan should be used to help guide the design and development of the Town Center and peripheral areas.  This should be part of the Town Center Specific Area Plan. Objective 2.2  The Town should encourage mixed-use developments, particularly in the Town Center. Objective 3.2  The Town should encourage mixed-use housing in the Town Center. Objective 4.1  The Town should encourage the development of mixed-use housing in the Town Center to be used as an opportunity to provide a variety of housing price points. Objective 5.6  The town should recognize the plan for the downtown area prepared by Swaback Partners as an Area Specific Plan. This plan will encourage the development of the Town Center that will strengthen the community identity and provide day and night time activities. In addition to the objectives listed above, Chapter 4 of the General Plan includes a section describing the vision and plan for the Town Center Multi-Use Growth Area (pages 52 and 54).  This section states in part "The Town Center should incorporate residential, office, retail, entertainment and governmental services providing day and evening activities to maintain a lively and safe environment."  The Plan also describes the desire for the Town Center to primarily be an employment center and secondarily a residential community.  Emphasis is placed on designing an attractive and enjoyable streetscape resulting in an area that will "attract investment and stimulate development." Downtown Area Specific Plan & Town Center Vision Plan These planning documents were completed and adopted in 2009 and were "the product of months of research, staff reviews, Town Council reviews, focus groups, and public forums."  The location of this request is within The Avenues District of the Plan.  This district is defined as "The core of the downtown with a comfortable atmosphere for strolling, sight-seeing and shopping.  This district will evolve into a premier shopping destination for residents and a must-visit magnet for visitors." A couple of specific recommendations for this area include:  The Avenues district is designed as a premier shopping and dining location but is also designed to "accommodate a variety of other uses including second story office space, condominiums and small-scale businesses along with neighborhood services." Special attention should be given to creating sidewalks with an abundance of shade.  Sidewalk design should allow for generous space for seating as well as storefront presentations (emphasis added).  Outdoor sidewalk cafés and dining will be highly encouraged. Zoning Ordinance Section 12.01 D of the Zoning Ordinance states the following for the purpose of the C-2 Zoning District:  C-2.  Intermediate Commercial Zoning District:  The principal purpose of this Zoning District is to provide for the sale of commodities and the performance of services and other activities in locations for which the market area extends beyond the immediate neighborhoods.  Principal uses permitted in this Zoning District include furniture stores, hotels and motels, restaurants, and some commercial recreation and cultural facilities such as movies and instruction in art and music.  This Zoning District is designed for application at major street intersections. Section 12.01 E of the Zoning Ordinance states the following for the purpose of the C-3 Zoning District: C-3. General Commercial Zoning District:  The principal purpose of this Zoning District is to provide for commercial uses concerned with wholesale or distribution activities in locations where there is adequate access to major streets or highways.  Principal uses permitted in this Zoning District include retail and wholesale commerce and commercial entertainment.   The development standards in the C-3 zoning district are the same as in the C-2 zoning district.  Some of the additional uses allowed by right in the C-3 zoning district include:  Art metal and ornamental iron shops; cabinet and carpentry shops; lumber yards; new and use automobile sales; stone monument sales; wholesale stores; mini-storage.  Even though the current property owner and applicant has a plan for development as a mini-storage, once the property is rezoned, any of the uses allowed in the C-3 district could be established on the property. In 2016 the Town added Chapter 25, Entertainment District Overlay, to the Zoning Ordinance and applied the district to much of the Town Center area, including these lots.  The primary purpose of this zoning district was to equalize and standardize the allowance for noise in this area to help facilitate entertainment activities.  In 2017 this district was amended to allow for residential uses without requiring a Special Use Permit.  Partially due to a potential mixed use development on this property that was considered in 2019, staff proposed and Council approved an amendment to Chapter 25 to allow consideration of residential uses in excess of 8 units per acre within the Overlay area.  This zoning overlay will still apply to this property if it rezoned to the C-3 Zoning District. Plat 208 was platted in the County and began development prior to the incorporation of the Town.  It was clearly platted with the intent and understanding that, for at least the smaller lots, the common parking area would serve all the development and individual lots would not need to provide on-site parking.  There was not, however, a zoning district in the County that seemed to correlate with this form of development.  In order to have initial zoning for the Town following incorporation, the Town adopted a zoning ordinance in 1990 which was similar to the County zoning ordinance in effect at the time (I have not been able to find a copy of that initial Town zoning ordinance). Following incorporation, additional development was proposed for the Plat 208 area.  Because there was nothing in the zoning ordinance to allow for this form of development in this portion of Plat 208, the Town created and approved a zoning overlay district, the Shopping Center Plaza Overlay District, in 1992 and then applied that zoning district to this area.  Among other things, this zoning designation allowed properties 10,800 square feet or less to have 100% lot coverage and lots larger than that to have 60% lot coverage. In 1993 the Town completed the process of drafting and adopting a zoning ordinance specific for the Town.  That new zoning ordinance was adopted in November 1993.  I have reviewed that ordinance.  That ordinance did not include the Shopping Center Plaza Overlay zoning designation and it is still not in our zoning ordinance today.  While the Town has continued to rely on the provisions of that ordinance, and will continue to do so until a new overlay can be adopted, the action of rezoning the property will clearly remove any rights or ability to continue to apply this now non-existent zoning overlay.  This situation creates challenges for the proposed as described below under the Tentative Development Plan section. Tentative Development Plan The tentative development plan submitted with this request shows a three-story, enclosed mini-storage facility.  There is access into the building from the existing parking lot.  Approximately three existing parking spaces would need to be removed to provide access to the loading area.  The proposed plan shows the building located on or close to each of the property lines.  There are a number of issues with the proposed plan that will need to be addressed in a formal site plan review.  These include but are not  limited to: adjustments to setbacks, completing a re-plat to join the lots, the overall building height, verification of existing parking requirements for this block of Plat 208 to allow a reduction in the number of spaces. The tentative plan shows a building with minimal to no setback and near 100% lot coverage.  Because they are rezoning the property to C-3 to allow for the use, we can no longer apply the non-existent Shopping Center Plaza Overlay district to this property.  Therefore, if the rezoning is approved, the development would be subject to the straight C-3 zoning ordinance bulk standards which include a front yard setback equal to the height of the building and a maximum 60% lot coverage.  Even if we determined they could continue to use the Shopping Center Plaza Overlay, there would be an issue with the proposed plan. The Shopping Center Plaza Overlay district allows lots of 10,800 square feet or less to have 100% lot coverage.  Lots larger than 10,800 square feet have a ten-foot setback on the front yard, must maintain a sight triangle at the corner, and have a maximum 60% lot coverage.  The proposed development combines to existing lots to create a new lot in excess of 17,000 square feet, therefore, if we were able to apply the Overlay, they would have amend the tentative plan to meet these setback and lot coverage requirements. The proposed elevations are attractive for the proposed use; the building will not be perceived as a storage facility.  Unfortunately, however, the building has solid massing on the ground floor adjacent to the streets.  As stated above, these lots are in a portion of the downtown area that are designated for significant pedestrian activity.  In order to facilitate that pedestrian activity and make a walkable street, these facades need to include windows and openings to add to the pedestrian experience along these streets. Analysis Both the General Plan 2010 and the Downtown Area Specific Plan clearly set the goal for further development of the town center area as a mixed-use, urban place that is active and pedestrian friendly.  As stated above, the primary purpose of the C-3 zoning district is to provide for wholesale and distribution activities and this zoning district should have access to major streets or highways.  The C-3 zoning district does not include or allow any additional uses above what is included in the C-2 that would benefit the downtown area or add to the mix of uses desired in this urban, pedestrian area. The Downtown Area Specific Plan envisions a strong activity core at the intersection of Verde River and Avenue of the Fountains.  This strong activity core would then radiate out along the two streets and form the primary location in the downtown area for shops, restaurants, and entertainment activities.  For areas such as this to be successful, they must have uses that generate a lot of activity and be designed with buildings that create and support a walkable environment.  When gaps in the pedestrian environment are created in the street, whether through vacant parcels, blank walls, or uses that do not generate pedestrian activity, the ability to achieve the desired environment is significantly compromised. compromised. Mini-storage uses are likely to be successful and be fully rented, whether downtown or elsewhere in the Town. The use will generate some amount of sales tax revenues to the Town.  There is, however, an opportunity cost from the retail or restaurant space that will not be constructed if the mini-storage is built.  Also, because the mini-storage use will generate only minor activity and will not likely contribute pedestrian activity on the street, other shops and restaurants in the area will not see the same level of benefit as other uses might generate. There is a small area to the west along Parkview that is already zoned C-3.  This property was zoned C-3 in 1989.  The bowling alley which has occupied this building is an allowed use in the C-2 zoning district. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle General Plan 2010, especially Chapter 3: Land Use Element Downtown Specific Area Plan, The Avenue District Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.01, Amendments or Zone Changes Zoning Ordinance, Section 12.02 D. Use Permitted in the C-3 Zoning District Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) The General Plan and the Downtown Specific Area Plan clearly describe a vision for this area along Verde River as a mixed use, pedestrian friendly place that contributes to the ongoing effort to make downtown Fountain Hills a prosperous and vibrant urban core.  The proposed zoning and use of this property are not consistent with the goals and policies contained in the General Plan and the Downtown Specific Area Plan. Therefore, staff recommends denial of the request to rezone this property from C-2 to C-3. Should the Commission determine the rezoning and proposed use are consistent with the Plans and recommend approval, the applicant would need to significantly redesign the site for compliance with the zoning ordinance requirements. SUGGESTED MOTION Staff will assist the Commission in drafting a motion, as needed. Attachments Application  Vicinity Map  Tentative Development Plan  Elevations 1  Elevations 2  Specific Area Plan  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 03/04/2020 12:18 PM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 02/19/2020 01:47 PM Final Approval Date: 03/04/2020  Vicinity CASE: Z2020-01 SITE / ADDRESS: 13048 N Verde River Dr APN#176-08-976 & 176-08-977 REQUEST: Amending the OFFICIAL Zoning District Maps of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, by changing the zoning designation of approximately 0.41 acres located the southwest corner of Parkview Ave and Verde River Dr, (AKA 13040 and 13048 N Verde River Drive; from C-2-ED - Intermediate Commercial Zoning District with the Entertainment District Overlay to C-3-ED - General Commercial Zoning District with the Entertainment District Overlay. All that is Ariz on a FO U N TAIN HIL L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN REGIONAL PARK SALT RIVER PIMA - MARICOPA INDIAN COMMUNITY FO R T M C D O W E L L Y A V A P A I N A T I O N SC O T T S D A L E Rezoning C-2 to C-3 Vicinity MapMap ::Z2020-01Z2020-01 CaseCase DetailsDetails PARK V I E W A V E VE R D E R I V E R D R AVE N U E O F T H E F O U N T A I N S LA M O N T A N A D R PALI S A D E S B L V D Rezoning Request ITEM 6. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 03/09/2020 Meeting Type: Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Language):  HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF rezoning approximately 1.62 acres located north of the northeast corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Shea Boulevard (AKA 9637 N. Saguaro Boulevard; APN # 176-10-805) from C-1, Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District to C-2, Intermediate Commercial Zoning District.  (Case Z2019-04) Staff Summary (Background) Update This item was continued from the February 12, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to allow the applicant to review the request with neighbors.  Several residents of the adjacent Monterra Ranch development attended the February meeting and expressed concerns about the proposal. A meeting was held on February 26th.  Eleven people signed in at the meeting.  The applicant provided a revised site plan to those in attendance.  The revised site plan shows a maximum height of the proposed building at 34-feet, down from the 40-foot tall building with some embellishments up to 44-feet in the previous site plan.  The drawings also now show the trees which will be planted along the north property line to screen the building from the adjacent neighbors.  They also presented the results of a sound study which shows construction of a building at this location will help to buffer the sound of the traffic noise on Shea Boulevard.  A copy of the revised building elevations and sound study are attached. The reduction in the building height will mean that the proposed use will have less of an impact on the adjacent residential neighborhood.  Any building built on the site, whether in the C-1 or C-2 zoning district will help to block the sound of the traffic on Shea Boulevard from the existing residential neighborhood.  By rezoning to C-2 the site can be developed with uses that operate past 11:00 pm which can result in increased on-site noise impacting the neighborhood. Request This request is to rezone the vacant property north of the northeast corner of Shea and Saguaro Boulevards from C-1 to C-2.  The intended purpose for the property is the construction of a three-story, 67 room hotel. This property has been zoned C-1 since the start of Fountain Hills.  The surrounding property to the south, east, and west has also been zoned C-1.  All of this property, except for the site now planned for a hospital, has been developed with a variety of retail and office uses.  The property immediately north was originally zoned C-1 but was rezoned to R-5 in 1986 for the development of Monterra Ranch. General Plan The land use designation for this area is C/R - General Commercial/Retail.  The stated intent for this designation is to provide for the "sale of convenience goods (food, drugs and sundries) and personal services that meet the daily needs of a multi-neighborhood trade area." The Vision statement in the Land Use Element is: A Town that seeks to preserve its character and beauty using land use principles that allow development in a cohesive and beneficial manner to protect neighborhoods and support business development." Land Use element Goals and Objectives that relate to this specific request include:  Objective 2.1  The Town should continue to employ a policy to encourage the overall development of existing commercially zoned lands and the renovation of underutilized commercial building. Objective 3.2  The Town should study issues and implement solutions related to infill, revitalization, and redevelopment of the commercial land and existing uses along Shea Boulevard and Saguaro Boulevard. Goal Five:  Protect and preserve existing neighborhoods from incompatible adjacent land uses. Zoning Pattern Typical zoning patterns place the most intense zoning and land uses at major arterial intersections and along major streets and then step down to less intense zones and uses to provide buffers and transitions to residential areas.  The C-1 and CC zoning districts are the least intense commercial zoning districts in the Town.  The C-2 District is more intense in terms of some of the uses allowed (e.g. auto repair, bars, drive-in restaurants, liquor stores, etc.) and in terms of allowing stores to operate 24 hours a day (C-1 and CC are restricted to hours from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.). A request was made last year to rezone the property across Saguaro to the west from C-1 to C-2.  There was significant neighborhood opposition to this request and it was denied by Council.  Chief concerns in that case was the more intense uses that could happen in close proximity to the adjacent single residence neighborhood. Planned Use As shown in the attached illustrations, the request for the C-2 zoning district has been made due to the desire to construct a 3-story hotel on the property; this use is not allowed in the C-1 district.  Section 2.01 B 1 b of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a tentative development plan be submitted with each rezoning application.  A final site plan will be submitted for staff review and approval at a later date prior to submission of construction drawings.  While this tentative development plan gives an idea of how the property owner is planning to use the land at this time, this development plan does not impose any restrictions on the ultimate use of the property.  For any reason the property ownership could change, or the current owner could change their mind and decide to use the property for any of the other uses allowed in the approved zoning district. Analysis This area has been planned and zoned for commercial uses since the founding of Fountain Hills.  Most of the area has been developed and used for a variety of commercial activities for many years, this is one of few lots remaining to be developed. The General Plan recognizes that the area of Shea and Saguaro Boulevards is under transition and a good place to locate a mix of office, retail, entertainment, and residential uses.  Given the proximity to the SR 87 Highway, this is a good location attract and serve both local and regional needs.  C-2 zoning has been introduced into the area at the Tractor Supply and at the Target Center. The General Plan supports the idea of developing the tourism industry in Fountain Hills.  Hotels can be a good revenue generator for the Town from both the taxes on the hotel stay and any purchases that take place in the Town during a hotel stay.  The applicant reports that current hotels in Fountain Hills have an annual occupancy rate around 75%, which is high and shows some demand in the market for additional hotel rooms.  This average comes from nearly 100% occupancy in the prime season and around 50% in the off season.  Hotel rooms are currently under construction at CopperWynd and the Lakeshore Hotel is being renovated. As part of the rezoning application, staff asked the applicant for a traffic impact analysis.  That analysis reviewed a wide range of commercial uses that could result from C-2 zoning, not just the impact of the proposed hotel.  That analysis did not show any adverse impact on the adjacent streets due to the development of this property with C-2 uses. Of primary consideration in review of this request to rezone from C-1 to C-2 is the General Plan Land Use Goal Five which states: "Protect and preserve existing neighborhoods from incompatible adjacent land uses."  Development of C-2 uses on this property could negatively impact the adjacent residential property.  As stated previously, the Council has recently denied C-2 across Saguaro due to concerns from the adjacent neighborhood with the potential impact C-2 uses.  In that case the adjacent properties are zoned and developed with single-family uses and the street pattern allows direct access from the commercial activities into the residential neighborhood.  In this case, the adjacent property is zoned for multi-family uses and the property is developed with attached single-family homes and there will be no direct street access from the commercial area into the neighborhood.    Potential impacts still exist, however, in terms of the lights, noise, and activity that can occur with C-2 uses, including a hotel.  One significant difference between the C-1 and C-2 zoning districts is the height allowed.  In the C-1 District the maximum height is 25'; in the C-2 it is 40'.  However, the setback from the adjacent residential use increases with the building height (setback must at least 40 feet for the proposed 40' tall hotel).  Also of concern are the hours of operation.  People who purchased property and live in Monterra Ranch did so with the existing commercial development being closed at night.  Rezoning to C-2 will allow 24-hour operations.  The nature of the uses also become more intense with the additionally allowed uses, primarily drive-thrus being a use by right. Many of these impacts can be addressed through site and building design.  In this case, the applicant has tried to mitigate impacts by designing the hotel with the entry on the opposite side from the residences and including significant landscaping along the north property line.  While the site plan provided is a "tentative development plan" and other site plans could be provided in the future for any use allowed in the C-2 zoning district, stipulations could be provided in the future for any use allowed in the C-2 zoning district, stipulations could be included on the approval of the zoning to ensure whatever development occurs provides the buffers and transitions needed to mitigate any negative impacts of the development.  The attached draft ordinance includes a stipulation for a landscape buffer of trees along the north property line.  Additional stipulations could be added. The tentative development plan includes an access drive around the north side of the building to provide emergency access for the fire department.  This results in the trees planted along the north property line not having a lot of room.  There is a concern with the Willow Acacia trees being shown.  The trees are shown to be planted just a few feet from the north property line. The radius of the mature tree is about 20'.  This will put significant portions of the tree canopy into the rear yards of the adjoining residential properties.  Any tree that is tall enough (at least 20' tall) to provide screening of the hotel and prevent people in the hotel from looking into the homes, would have this same issue. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle General Plan Chapter 3 - Land Use Element Zoning Ordinance Chapter 12 - Commercial Zoning Districts Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff appreciates the efforts the applicant has made to meet with the neighbors and provide a revised tentative development plan which reduces the impact of the proposed use on the neighborhood.  As stated previously, the proposed hotel on this property has been designed in a manner to significantly reduce the potential negative impacts Staff still has concerns with the introduction of the C-2 zoning district at this location.    The C-2 zoning district brings with it an increase in intensity of use that can be detrimental to the adjacent residential neighborhood. and approval at this location would set a precedent for similar zoning of adjacent properties.  Therefore, staff recommends denial of the requested rezoning. Should the Commission determine rezoning to C-2 is appropriate for this location, a draft ordinance is attached.  The draft ordinance includes one stipulation related to trees along the north property line that could be used to mitigate the current use and any other uses that might be proposed for the property.  Additional stipulations could be added should the Commission identify other key development standards that would be important for this or other uses on the property to address potential impacts. The draft ordinance also includes a procedure for reverting the zoning back to C-1 should the property owner not proceed with the hotel in a timely manner.  This could be included in the recommendation to Council or deleted if the Commission determines it is not necessary. SUGGESTED MOTION Staff will help the Commission draft a motion as necessary. Attachments Vicinity Map  Application  Submittal Documents  Sound Study Letter  Public Comments  Sign-In Sheet  Draft Ordinance  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 03/04/2020 09:16 AM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 03/02/2020 08:41 AM Final Approval Date: 03/04/2020  EXTERIOR ENTRY SKETCH HOMEWOOD STAPLETON 18 FEBRUARY 2020 FOUNTAIN HILLS - FAIRFIELD INN RENDERING ENTRANCE 27 FEBRUARY 2020 EXTERIOR ENTRY SKETCH HOMEWOOD STAPLETON 18 FEBRUARY 2020 FOUNTAIN HILLS - FAIRFIELD INN ARIAL CONTEXT PLAN 27 FEBRUARY 2020 EXTERIOR ENTRY SKETCH HOMEWOOD STAPLETON 18 FEBRUARY 2020 FOUNTAIN HILLS - FAIRFIELD INN RENDERED LANDSCAPE PLAN 27 FEBRUARY 2020 EXTERIOR ENTRY SKETCH HOMEWOOD STAPLETON 18 FEBRUARY 2020 FOUNTAIN HILLS - FAIRFIELD INN PLANTINGS LANDSCAPE PLAN 27 FEBRUARY 2020 EXTERIOR ENTRY SKETCH HOMEWOOD STAPLETON 18 FEBRUARY 2020 FOUNTAIN HILLS - FAIRFIELD INN PLANTING COLLAGE 27 FEBRUARY 2020 ACACIA SALICINA WILLOW ACACIA LEUCOPHYLLUM LANGMANIAE RIO BRAVO TEXAS SAGE YUCCA RED YUCCA POINCIANNA PULCHERRIMA RED BIRD OF PARADISE POINCIANNA PULCHERRIMA RED BIRD OF PARADISE EXTERIOR ENTRY SKETCH HOMEWOOD STAPLETON 18 FEBRUARY 2020 FOUNTAIN HILLS - FAIRFIELD INN SITE SECTION/ELEVATION HEIGHTS 27 FEBRUARY 2020 34 ' - 3 1 / 8 " 44 ' - 4 1 / 2 " PREVIOUS HEIGHT CURRENT HEIGHT EXTERIOR ENTRY SKETCH HOMEWOOD STAPLETON 18 FEBRUARY 2020 LEVEL 1 0' -0" LEVEL 2 12' -3 1/8" LEVEL 3 21' -5 5/8" TRUSS BEARING 1 29' -7 1/4" HIGH PARAPET 1 34' -1 1/2" FOUNTAIN HILLS - FAIRFIELD INN BUILDING ELEVATIONS 27 FEBRUARY 2020 LEVEL 1 0' -0" LEVEL 2 12' -3 1/8" LEVEL 3 21' -5 5/8" TRUSS BEARING 1 29' -7 1/4" HIGH PARAPET 1 34' -1 1/2" LEVEL 1 0' -0" LEVEL 2 12' -3 1/8" LEVEL 3 21' -5 5/8" TRUSS BEARING 1 29' -7 1/4" HIGH PARAPET 1 34' -1 1/2" LEVEL 1 0' -0" LEVEL 2 12' -3 1/8" LEVEL 3 21' -5 5/8" TRUSS BEARING 1 29' -7 1/4" HIGH PARAPET 1 34' -1 1/2" LEVEL 1 0' -0" LEVEL 2 12' -3 1/8" LEVEL 3 21' -5 5/8" TRUSS BEARING 1 29' -7 1/4" HIGH PARAPET 1 34' -1 1/2" LEVEL 1 0' -0" LEVEL 2 12' -3 1/8" LEVEL 3 21' -5 5/8" TRUSS BEARING 1 29' -7 1/4" HIGH PARAPET 1 34' -1 1/2" REAR ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION VTAC GRILL (COLOR MATCHED) ON REAR BUILDING UNITS - TYP. TINTED WINDOWS ON REAR BUILDING UNITS - TYP. SIDE ELEVATION EXTERIOR ENTRY SKETCH HOMEWOOD STAPLETON 18 FEBRUARY 2020 FOUNTAIN HILLS - FAIRFIELD INN BUILDING SECTION 27 FEBRUARY 2020 LEVEL 1 0' -0" LEVEL 2 12' -3 1/8" LEVEL 3 21' -5 5/8" TRUSS BEARING 1 29' -7 1/4" HIGH PARAPET 1 34' -1 1/2" 2' - 4 3 / 4 " 31 ' - 1 0 3 / 8 " 1/4" / 1'-0" 34 ' - 3 1 / 8 " EXTERIOR ENTRY SKETCH HOMEWOOD STAPLETON 18 FEBRUARY 2020 FOUNTAIN HILLS - FAIRFIELD INN RENDERING 27 FEBRUARY 2020 AZ Office CA Office 4960 S. Gilbert Rd, Suite 1-461 1197 Los Angeles Ave, Suite C-256 Chandler, AZ 85249 Simi Valley, CA 93065 p. (602) 774-1950 p. (805) 426-4477 www.mdacoustics.com MD Acoustics, LLC 1 JN: 06652001_Letter Report February 24, 2020 Mr. Rajan Olson Chalet, Inc P.O. Box 207 Flagstaff, AZ 86002 Subject: Fairfield Inn and Suites Traffic Noise Evaluation, Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Dear Mr. Olson: MD Acoustics, LLC (MD) has completed a traffic noise evaluation for the proposed Fairfield Inn and Suites located at 9637 North Saguaro Boulevard in the Town of Fountain Hills, AZ. Per the Town’s request, the project was evaluated with regard to the traffic noise impact to the existing condos located near 9750 Monterey Drive. This report provides the baseline traffic noise levels (pre project) and the post constructed project traffic noise levels at said location. A glossary of acoustical terms is located in Appendix A. 1.0 Study Method and Procedure Traffic noise along Shea Boulevard was modeled using SoundPlan 3D (SP) acoustic modeling software. SP is capable of evaluating traffic noise sources at multiple receptor locations. SP’s software utilizes algorithms (based on FHWA TNM-traffic noise model software) to calculate the noise projections. The software allows the user to input: • Roadway classification – (e.g. freeway, major arterial, arterial, secondary, collector, etc), • Roadway Active Width – (distance between the center of the outer most travel lanes on each side of the roadway) • Average Daily Traffic Volumes (ADT), Travel Speeds, Percentages of automobiles, medium trucks and heavy trucks • Roadway grade and angle of view • Site Conditions (e.g. soft vs. hard) • Percentage of total ADT which flows each hour through-out a 24-hour period Appendix B provides the traffic data and model’s inputs/outputs. MD utilized traffic data from Maricopa Association of Governments website -Transportation Data Management System (TDMS). According to the TDMS website, Shea Boulevard has approximately 20,000 ADTs. In addition to using the ADT information, MD performed 24-hour noise level measurements on 02/20/2020 to 02/21/2020 to evaluate the existing traffic noise conditions at the site. The noise level ranged between 47.5 to 59.9 dBA and had a day night level (DNL) of 61. The day night level is the 24- hour average noise level. This data was utilized to calibrate the acoustical model. The 24-hour sound level data is provided in Appendix C. Fairfield Inn and Suites Traffic Noise Evaluation Town of Fountain Hills, AZ MD Acoustics, LLC 2 JN: 06652001_Letter Report 2.0 Findings The existing traffic noise levels at the property line separating the project site and the condos units (north of the project site) currently experience a DNL of 60-61 dBA. Once the project is constructed, the DNL will drop to 54 dBA. A 6 dBA reduction occurs along the project site’s property line and to the condos to the north. Exhibits A and B illustrate the existing traffic noise level contours and future traffic noise level projects. The change in noise level would be considered an audible difference as the ear can perceive a 3 dBA change in noise level, while a 5 dBA change will significant and a 10 dBA change is considered twice as quiet. As shown in Exhibit B, the noise contours illustrate how the building shell will further attenuate traffic noise levels along Shea Boulevard. 3.0 Conclusion MD is pleased to provide this noise evaluation for this project. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please call our office at (602) 774-1950. Sincerely, MD Acoustics, LLC Mike Dickerson, INCE Robert Pearson Principal Acoustical Consultant Fairfield Inn and Suites Traffic Noise Evaluation Town of Fountain Hills, AZ MD Acoustics, LLC 3 JN: 06652001_Letter Report Exhibit A Existing Condition Noise Levels Fairfield Inn and Suites Traffic Noise Evaluation Town of Fountain Hills, AZ MD Acoustics, LLC 4 JN: 06652001_Letter Report Exhibit B Project Condition Noise Levels MD Acoustics, LLC JN: 06652001_Letter Report Appendix A Glossary of Acoustical Terms MD Acoustics, LLC JN: 06652001_Letter Report Glossary of Terms A-Weighted Sound Level: The sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighted filter network. The A-weighting filter de-emphasizes the very low and very high frequency components of the sound in a manner similar to the response of the human ear. A numerical method of rating human judgment of loudness. Ambient or Background Noise Level: The composite of noise from all sources, near and far. In this context, the ambient noise level constitutes the normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location. Decibel (dB): A unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound, equal to 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure, which is 20 micro-pascals. dB(A): A-weighted sound level (see definition above). Equivalent Sound Level (LEQ): The sound level corresponding to a steady noise level over a given sample period with the same amount of acoustic energy as the actual time varying noise level. The energy average noise level during the sample period. Day-Night Level (LDN or DNL): LDN is the average noise level over a 24-hour period. The noise between the hours of 10PM to 7AM is artificially increased by 10 dB. This noise is weighted to take into account the decrease in community background noise of 10 dB during this period. Noise: Any unwanted sound or sound which is undesirable because it interferes with speech and hearing, or is intense enough to damage hearing, or is otherwise annoying. The State Noise Control Act defines noise as "...excessive undesirable sound...". Sound Level (Noise Level): The weighted sound pressure level obtained by use of a sound level meter having a standard frequency-filter for attenuating part of the sound spectrum. Sound Level Meter: An instrument, including a microphone, an amplifier, an output meter, and frequency weighting networks for the measurement and determination of noise and sound levels. MD Acoustics, LLC JN: 06652001_Letter Report Appendix B Traffic Data & SoundPlan Input/Outputs Directions:2-WAY EB WB Transportation Data Management System This report and/or data was funded in part through grant[s] from the Federal Highway Administration and/or Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. ... more Record 1 of 1 Goto Record go Location ID 248 MPO ID Type LINK HPMS ID On NHS No On HPMS No LRS ID 07 SHEA BLVD LRS Loc Pt.19.2284597 SF Group U3-7-South FC 3 Route Type AF Group U3-7-South FC 3 Route GF Group U3-7-South Active Yes Class Dist Grp Category Seas Clss Grp Statewide-2015 WIM Group QC Group Default Fnct'l Class (3) Other Principal Arterial Milepost Located On Shea Blvd Loc On Alias From Road Saguaro Blvd To Road Beeline Hwy More Detail STATION DATA AADT Year AADT DHV-30 K % D % PA BC Src 2019 17,793 2018 20,9933 Grown from 2017 2017 20,0513 Grown from 2016 2016 19,3733 Grown from 2015 2015 18,9563 Grown from 2014 |<<<>>>| 1-5 of 11 Travel Demand Model ModelYear ModelAADT AM PHV AM PPV MD PHV MD PPV PM PHV PM PPV NT PHV NT PPV VOLUME COUNT Date Int Total Thu 10/3/2019 15 21,489 Tue 10/28/2014 15 19,683 Mon 10/27/2014 15 19,026 Sun 10/26/2014 15 14,879 Sat 10/25/2014 15 17,630 Fri 10/24/2014 15 21,859 Year Annual Growth 2019 -15% 2018 5% 2017 3% 2016 2% 2015 1% 2014 5% VOLUME TREND Transportation Data Management System https://mag.ms2soft.com/tcds/tsearch.asp?loc=mag 1 of 1 2/18/2020, 11:36 AM Fountain Hills Fairfield Contribution spectra - Situation 1: Outdoor SP 23 Source Time slice Sum dB(A) 50Hz dB(A) 63Hz dB(A) 80Hz dB(A) 100Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 160Hz dB(A) 200Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 315Hz dB(A) 400Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 630Hz dB(A) 800Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 1.25kHz dB(A) 1.6kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 2.5kHz dB(A) 3.15kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 5kHz dB(A) 6.3kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 10kHz dB(A) Receiver Receiver 1 Fl G dB(A)Lden 60. 1 dB(A) W Shea Blvd Lden 58.4 26.0 32.7 36.7 38.8 40.1 41.6 43.2 45.9 46.4 47.0 49.1 50.5 48.7 49.0 47.4 46.2 44.5 41.9 39.2 36.0 31.8 32.2 29.6 26.4 E Shea Blvd Lden 55.3 21.6 29.8 34.1 35.9 36.7 37.4 38.3 39.7 41.5 43.7 46.1 48.2 46.1 46.5 44.7 43.4 41.1 37.7 33.9 29.0 23.1 24.4 21.8 19.0 Remaining sources (best guess)Lden SoundPLAN 8.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 1 Fountain Hills Fairfield Assessed contribution level - Situation 1: Outdoor SP 9 Source Source typeTr. lane Lden dB(A) A dB Receiver Receiver 1 Fl G dB(A)Lden 60.1 dB(A) W Shea Blvd Road 58.4 0.0 E Shea Blvd Road 55.3 0.0 SoundPLAN 8.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 1 Fountain Hills Fairfield Emission calculation road - Situation 1: Outdoor SP 16 Road Section name KM km ADT Veh/24h Gradient % W Shea Blvd 0.000 8897 0.0 E Shea Blvd 0.000 8897 0.0 SoundPLAN 8.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 1 Fountain Hills Fairfield Contribution spectra - Situation 2: Outdoor SP 23 Source Time slice Sum dB(A) 50Hz dB(A) 63Hz dB(A) 80Hz dB(A) 100Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 160Hz dB(A) 200Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 315Hz dB(A) 400Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 630Hz dB(A) 800Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 1.25kHz dB(A) 1.6kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 2.5kHz dB(A) 3.15kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 5kHz dB(A) 6.3kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 10kHz dB(A) Receiver Receiver 1 Fl G dB(A)Lden 53. 7 dB(A) W Shea Blvd Lden 52.2 20.9 27.6 31.5 33.5 34.7 36.0 37.4 39.5 40.1 40.8 42.9 44.3 42.4 42.7 41.0 39.7 37.9 35.1 31.9 27.5 21.8 23.6 21.0 17.9 E Shea Blvd Lden 48.5 16.1 24.3 28.5 30.2 31.0 31.6 32.2 33.2 35.0 37.0 39.4 41.4 39.2 39.6 37.7 36.1 33.6 30.0 26.0 20.8 14.0 16.1 13.5 10.7 Remaining sources (best guess)Lden SoundPLAN 8.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 1 Fountain Hills Fairfield Assessed contribution level - Situation 2: Outdoor SP 9 Source Source typeTr. lane Lden dB(A) A dB Receiver Receiver 1 Fl G dB(A)Lden 53.7 dB(A) W Shea Blvd Road 52.2 0.0 E Shea Blvd Road 48.5 0.0 SoundPLAN 8.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 1 Fountain Hills Fairfield Emission calculation road - Situation 2: Outdoor SP 16 Road Section name KM km ADT Veh/24h Gradient % W Shea Blvd 0.000 8897 0.0 E Shea Blvd 0.000 8897 0.0 SoundPLAN 8.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 1 MD Acoustics, LLC JN: 06652001_Letter Report Appendix C Field Sheet www.mdacoustics.com AZ Office 4960 S. Gilbert Rd, Ste 1-461 Chandler, AZ 85249 CA Office 1197 E Los Angeles Ave, C-256 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Project:Fountain Hills Site Observations: Site Address/Location:9637 North Saquaro Boulevard Date:2/20/2020 to 2/21/2020 Field Tech/Engineer:Samual Horde General Location: Sound Meter:LD 831 C SN:Site Topo: Settings:A-weighted, slow, 1-min, 24-hour duration Ground Type: Meteorological Con.:77 degrees F, 2 to 5 mph wind, eastern direction Site ID:LT-1 Figure 2: LT-1 Photo 24-Hour Continuous Noise Measurement Datasheet C/L of E Shea Blvd is 470ft from meter C/L of N Saguaro Blvd is 280ft from meter Clear Sky, Meter at ptoperty line of project and condos to the north east. Noise Source(s) w/ Distance: Flat Soft site, w/ street surface hard Figure 1: LT-1 Monitoring Location 1 06652001 24Hr Field Sheet Template_1Min_Awtg_DOSE www.mdacoustics.com AZ Office 4960 S. Gilbert Rd, Ste 1-461 Chandler, AZ 85249 CA Office 1197 E Los Angeles Ave, C-256 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Project:Fountain Hills Day:1 of 1 Site Address/Location:9637 North Saquaro Boulevard Site ID:LT-1 Date Start Stop Leq Lmax Lmin L2 L8 L25 L50 L90 2/20/2020 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 55.6 67.3 53.3 58.4 56.2 56.1 55.3 54.7 2/20/2020 10:00 PM 11:00 PM 53.2 67.9 50.4 55.2 54.6 54.4 53.1 51.2 2/20/2020 11:00 PM 12:00 AM 49.8 58.6 46.4 51.5 51.2 50.6 49.6 48.6 2/21/2020 12:00 AM 1:00 AM 48.8 67.2 46.7 52.4 51.1 50.4 47.9 45.8 2/21/2020 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 47.5 63.2 41.9 51.5 50.3 50.0 46.7 45.1 2/21/2020 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 49.4 71.2 41.7 58.1 53.3 52.1 46.1 44.5 2/21/2020 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 50.0 71.7 42.8 54.3 52.9 51.4 48.6 47.1 2/21/2020 4:00 AM 5:00 AM 50.9 62.9 47.0 53.9 52.8 52.5 50.7 48.5 2/21/2020 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 55.0 64.6 51.9 56.7 56.3 56.2 55.1 53.1 2/21/2020 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 57.6 64.0 55.0 58.7 58.5 58.5 57.6 56.7 2/21/2020 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 59.1 59.7 55.9 59.5 59.4 59.4 59.2 58.7 2/21/2020 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 59.5 65.0 56.9 59.8 59.7 59.7 59.6 59.2 2/21/2020 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 59.6 59.9 56.9 59.9 59.9 59.8 59.7 59.4 2/21/2020 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 59.8 60.0 56.6 60.0 59.9 59.9 59.9 59.6 2/21/2020 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 59.8 59.9 56.7 59.9 59.9 59.9 59.9 59.8 2/21/2020 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 59.8 59.9 57.0 59.9 59.9 59.9 59.8 59.7 2/21/2020 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 59.9 60.0 57.8 59.9 59.9 59.9 59.9 59.8 2/21/2020 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 59.8 69.3 56.7 59.9 59.9 59.9 59.8 59.7 2/21/2020 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 59.7 60.6 56.4 59.9 59.9 59.8 59.8 59.5 2/21/2020 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 59.5 59.8 56.6 59.7 59.7 59.7 59.6 59.1 2/21/2020 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 59.2 62.3 56.3 59.7 59.7 59.7 59.2 58.9 2/21/2020 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 59.0 64.4 56.1 59.4 59.3 59.3 59.0 58.5 2/21/2020 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 58.5 62.4 56.3 59.4 59.3 59.1 58.5 57.9 2/21/2020 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 57.6 59.2 55.1 58.7 58.6 58.3 57.5 57.0 DNL:60.8 24-Hour Continuous Noise Measurement Datasheet - Cont. 06652001 24Hr Field Sheet Template_1Min_Awtg_DOSE www.mdacoustics.com AZ Office 4960 S. Gilbert Rd, Ste 1-461 Chandler, AZ 85249 CA Office 1197 E Los Angeles Ave, C-256 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Project:Fountain Hills Day:1 of 1 Site Address/Location:9637 North Saquaro Boulevard Site ID:LT-1 24-Hour Continuous Noise Measurement Datasheet - Cont. 55.6 53.2 49.8 48.8 47.5 49.4 50.0 50.9 55.0 57.6 59.1 59.5 59.6 59.8 59.8 59.8 59.9 59.8 59.7 59.5 59.2 59.0 58.5 57.6 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 9: 0 0 P M 10 : 0 0 P M 11 : 0 0 P M 12 : 0 0 A M 1: 0 0 A M 2: 0 0 A M 3: 0 0 A M 4: 0 0 A M 5: 0 0 A M 6: 0 0 A M 7: 0 0 A M 8: 0 0 A M 9: 0 0 A M 10 : 0 0 A M 11 : 0 0 A M 12 : 0 0 P M 1: 0 0 P M 2: 0 0 P M 3: 0 0 P M 4: 0 0 P M 5: 0 0 P M 6: 0 0 P M 7: 0 0 P M 8: 0 0 P M Le q ( h ) , d B A Time 24Hr -1Hr Leq & L90 Leq L(90) 06652001 24Hr Field Sheet Template_1Min_Awtg_DOSE From:Julie Hendrickson To:PZC (Commission) Subject:rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch Date:Saturday, February 22, 2020 1:55:16 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision,   I am an Owner at Monterra Ranch and oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that I do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Website : pzc@fh.az.gov Julie Hendrickson Monterra Ranch From:Larry Meyers To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Hotel Case Z2019-04 Date:Tuesday, February 18, 2020 12:50:13 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe.  Commissioners,   Thank you for deciding to hear from the citizens last night regardless of the continuance. For those who have been on the board for the last few years, this will be boring and repetitive.  For those who are new this is yet again a recurrent theme for Fountain Hills. 1. Town makes general plan and has zoning ordinances.2. Residents invest in homes relying on this information and hope to enjoy life in FH.3. Commercial investors make investment in land hoping for a return on investment. Some work out. Some not so much.4. Commercial land owner with a bad parcel hires realtor and lawyer not from FountainHills to get the zoning changed and sell the land to a development project that does notbelong on the land they invested in so they can get out from under their badinvestment.5. None of the three from (4) above care one bit about the neighbors or FH, they don’tlive here probably. The land owner just wants out of the bad investment. The lawyerjust wants to bill. The realtor just wants commission on sale. The developer just wantsto make money. NONE CARE THAT THE PROJECT LOWERS PROPERTYVALUES OF NEIGHBORS AND VISION OF TOWN.6. All involved with the commercial project ride off with their saddle bags full of cash.7. Residents are always asked to bail out the commercial investment with the excuse thatthe town needs the money or doesn’t want to be known as anti-development and theproject is really needed. With the continuance the games begin.1. The lawyer will do their best to convince the neighbors that everything will be ok. The developer is really a good guy and will work with them. The town really needsthe project and the money.2. The realtor works the developer (land buyer) to hang on it will all be ok, please don’tgo away.3. The land owner pays the legal bills and hopes the lawyer can scam all of us. Sound about right? No doubt the town needs money but bad development will never get us tosustainable viability from a financial standpoint. Only a realistic property tax will get usthere. Citizens who continually get shafted by the town officials will never vote yes on aproperty tax until that changes. Certain council members will say you don’t have theknowledge to run a town and purport to have some much more knowledge than you. So I askyou:1. How would you feel if you were a direct neighbor to this?2. Is this really good for the town?3. Have you been 100% successful in all of your investments and if not, did anyone bailyou out?4. To ignore certain council members and know that of course you have knowledge, thatis why you are on P&Z and no one has the corner on smarts. I did talk to the land owner after the meeting and he confirmed to me that his investment was bad before the lawyer dragged him away from me. Nothing will change between now andwhen this returns to P&Z so please consider these points and reject a C1 to C2 zoning change for this parcel. Thanks for listening and reading. By the way, I don’t live next to this so I see this from thebig picture, not the views wrecked, traffic bad or the sound too loud. That’s all true but too personal. Larry Meyers Fountain Hills resident 39 years   February 12, 2020 Rajah Olson 2919 N 73rd St Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Fairfield by Marriott Inn and Suites Dear Mr Olson, The Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to Fountain Hills. The Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit civic organization run by a Board of Directors that supports business growth and vitality in Fountain Hills. Thank you for sharing the renderings and details of the proposed Fairfield by Marriott Inn and Suites along Shea Boulevard. The addition of the Fairfield to the Town will bring visitors, jobs, and increased business to the Chamber members. For these reasons the Chamber Board of Directors is please to support the project. We look forward to having you as a Member of the Chamber in the near future. Sincerely yours on behalf of the Board of Directors, Betsy LaVoie Betsy LaVoie Executive Director Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce 480-837-1654 16837 E Palisades Blvd Fountain Hills AZ 85268 foutainhillschamber.com From:John Wesley To:Paula Woodward Subject:FW: 9637 N Saguaro Blvd; 3 story hotel Date:Thursday, February 13, 2020 1:57:48 PM Please provide the email below to the P&Z Commission this evening. -----Original Message----- From: Frank G Sparrow Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 1:29 PM To: John Wesley <jwesley@fh.az.gov> Subject: 9637 N Saguaro Blvd; 3 story hotel This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. Good Afternoon Mr. Wesley, I received your two letters regarding the subject property. I am the Managing Member of the entity, MJFFH4, LLC, that owns the property located N. Saguaro Boulevard: The MCO Building. Although I generally support the development of a hotel, I am concerned that the parking is not sufficient relative to the zoning code. I count 60 spaces on the plans that you mailed to me, and the zoning code requires one space per room plus one space per two employees. Based on my interpretation of the zoning code, the property would need more than 67 spaces total. The commercial property that I own is adjacent to the subject property, and I fear hotel occupants will start to park on my property. Please feel free to email or call me if you have any additional questions that I can answer. Property Owner of N. Saguaro Blvd. MJFFH4, LLC Managing Member Frank Sparrow From:Anthony Morande To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Oppose Rezoning Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 4:36:31 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. I oppose the rezoning of the parcel of land adjacent to Monterra ranch from c1 to c2 . Please note that I do notapprove and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z board that zoning is not changed .SincerelyMr. Anthony MorandeMonterra Ranch Sent from my iPhone From:Anna Collins-Christie To:PZC (Commission) Cc:Rudy; Jose Ramos; Ole Umpa; Subject:Feb 13 meeting for Fairfield Inn rezoning request Date:Tuesday, February 4, 2020 12:29:56 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. P&Z Members Matthew, Clayton, Susan, Erik, Dan, Scott, & Peter: MONTERRA RANCH HOA BOARD MEMBERS AND HOA MANAGER ARE CC'D IN THIS EMAIL. I am out of town for the meeting, but wanted to express my/our objection to allow to increase that building height next to our condos. As an owner of three condos at Monterra Ranch, and as a Real Estate agent in town for 22 years, and as the President of the HOA Board of Directors at Monterra Ranch....I want you to know that I/we do NOT approve of the zoning change request from C1 to C2 for the parcel adjacent to Monterra Ranch on Saguaro near Shea. I am personally not opposed to allowing the USE of a Hotel on that location, but WE are not at all happy with the request of C2 that allows the building height of 40 feet. I would personally be okay if you either allowed a variance on C1 to include a hotel, or limited the C2 zoning approval to no more than 25 feet in building height. I do not speak for Monterra Ranch Board or the owners in this opinion, and I do not know what that full opinion is. I do know that We object to the request that will be set forth for your review on Feb 13th. Personally, 2 of my 3 units back to that development. I've always known and accept that there will be commercial built on that lot, and I encourage development. However, 40 feet in height will impact my views, my property lifestyle and privacy, and will in my opinion lower the values of Monterra Ranch properties. Please know that I/we do not approve. Please submit a recommendation to Council that the zoning should NOT be changed as requested. Thank you for your time and consideration. Anna Collins-Christie Fountain Hills Resident and Investor for 22 Years, Monterra Ranch Board President From:Anthony Morande To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Oppose Hotel Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 2:32:14 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. Sent from my iPhone Monterra Ranch Owners Reminder on upcoming hearing. If you have not already sentin a note to the Town’s Planning & Zoning Commission, please do and if possible attendthe hearing. To the Owners of Property at Monterra Ranch: As you know the Planning and ZoningCommission are going to be voting on a change to the zoning of the property adjacent toMonterra Ranch for the building of a 3 story Hotel. I am sending you this with the hope thatyou would copy and send it to the Zoning Board before the Feb. 13thmeeting. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacentto Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and followwith a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Website : pzc@fh.az.govYour Name:Unit #:Monterra Ranch Thank You if you have questions please feel free to email myself,Steve Smith Unit# Board Vice Pres. From:Arkady Bytensky To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Oppose zoning change, Monterra Ranch, Unit #32 Date:Tuesday, February 11, 2020 9:25:18 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. Good day, We, Arkady and Nelya Bytensky the Owners of Monterra Ranch unit oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that we do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Arkady Bytensky Nelya Bytensky Monterra Ranch, Unit From:Gramps (via Google Docs) To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Untitled document Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 12:09:20 PM Attachments:Untitled document.pdf This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. has attached the following document: Untitled document To the Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission, In regards to APN#176-10-805 I just want to start by saying that Myself, Residents, and other Owners always knew that something would be built in the lot adjacent to and directly behind Monterra Ranch to the Southwest, and I myself am not opposed to new development. But I and other Residents are opposed to the fact it will drastically change the Landscape of this area with the proposed Zoning change from C1 to C2, and the fact that it would allow a 40 foot Building to be erected. So to that effect We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of Land adjacent to Complex from a C1 to C2. The designation of a Hotel exceeding 40 feet is totally out of character for anyone living close to it. C1 as We/Myself understand is for Commercial Property not to exceed 25 feet. That was the original plan for this parcel and to now want to change it is unacceptable in our view. There are no other structures in this immediate area that are even close to the height being considered. Not only will our Complex be affected by the change, (as an example) the close proximity to retaining wall and patios, increased traffic, a market decrease in Property Value, and the sheer appearance of a 3 story 40 foot tall structure, but the adjoining Housing Complexes and Neighborhoods around us would be affected as well. Please know that We/Myself do not approve and please follow with a recommendation that the Zoning not be changed as requested. Thank You for your consideration, Steven and Barb Smith Owner for 9 Years and Vice President of Monterra Ranch Board. Google Docs: Create and edit documents online. Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA You have received this email because someone shared a document with you from Google Docs. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, We the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Website : pzc@fh.az.go Your Name: Gina and John Klein, Roberto Guerrieri, Rina Bellotti Unit Monterra Ranch From:Ole Umpa To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Zoning Meeting Feb 13th Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 11:53:48 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. From: Arkady Bytensky [mailto:Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2020 1:55 PMTo: RudySubject: Re: Monterra Ranch Owners - Pending Zoning Case Good day, I oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Your Name: Arkady Bytensky Unit #: Monterra Ranch Thank you Arkady Bytensky From:Charles Portolano To:PZC (Commission) Subject:oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Date:Thursday, February 6, 2020 8:02:34 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission of Fountain Hill, AZ: Charles and Elvira Portolano, Owners of Monterra Ranch, oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that we do not approve and want a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Thank you for your time and efforts in this matter. Be well, Charles and Elvira Portolano Unit - Monterra Ranch - N. Monterey Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ From:Will Collins To:PZC (Commission) Cc:Will Collins Subject:Pending Zoning Case Date:Thursday, February 6, 2020 9:39:58 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Will Collins Unit Monterra Ranch From:THOMAS CUDZILO To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Rezoning Parcel of Lane Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 8:03:37 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Thank you, Diane Cudzilo N. Monterey Drive, Montera Ranch From:Dan Graham To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Zoning Change - C1 to C2 Date:Tuesday, February 11, 2020 11:26:39 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe.I am an owner at Monterra Ranch and very much oppose the rezoning of the Parcel ofland adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. The traffic congestion is alreadydangerous and difficult. Please know that I do not approve and follow with arecommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Dan Graham Monterra Ranch From:Jeff Davey To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Fountain Hills Rezoning of Monterra Ranch Adjacent Land Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 9:32:05 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Website : pzc@fh.az.gov Your Name: Jeffrey Davey Unit # Monterra Ranch Thanks, Jeff Jeff Davey Information Technology Advisor M: E: | j From:Sharon Dennis To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Monterra Ranch Date:Thursday, February 6, 2020 9:47:28 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We/ Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Sharon Dennis, owner Unit # Monterra Ranch Additionally:Property values will be diminished and resale will be very difficult, if not impossible, if athree-story building is directly behind Monterra Ranch the current owners privacy andlifestyle will be destroyed. From my iPhone From:Patty Domine To:PZC (Commission) Subject:pending zone change Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 9:57:07 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. 2/7/2020 To the members of the Planning & Zoning Commission, We are homeowners in Monterra Ranch, Fountain Hills, AZ. We purchased our home in 2004, and have enjoyed the progress and growth of our beautiful city during our 16 years as residents of same. We have, and will continue to support well planned development for Fountain Hills in every way possible. We are, however opposed to the proposed zoning change from C1 to C2 for the lot adjacent to our residential neighborhood. Zone designations are very key to property values, highest and best use, and ultimately long term sustainability to a community. We have all seen examples of communities that do not maintain consistency with zoning, and the effects it can have on future growth. The proposed change for this C1 lot is not consistent with the immediate and surrounding area. A 40 foot tall commercial hotel structure is completely out of character for the adjacent residential property owners to the North, and is also a compromise to the zone protections that the homeowners enjoy today as well as what they relied on when they made the investment in Fountain Hills at purchase. This change is also a compromise to the well structured office complexes on the three other lot lines. A hotel property is a 24 hour a day endeavor, while the office buildings are essentially in line with the normal activity of the surrounding residential properties. Fountain Hills has a very solid reputation of care and caution with respect to planning and zone protections. The very fabric of zoning protection is to preserve the existing intent, value, and future of current property owners, and I believe we need to stay the course. This change would likely diminish property values in their current use, increase traffic in an area tightly situated between a residential entryway and the already busy corner of Shea and Saguaro, and adversely convert the cosmetic appeal of the current zone C1. All of this is simply outside the zone consistency and history of the Fountain Hills community. We should not compromise the area residents and neighboring properties via a zone change for the benefit of one. The development of that land should be done within the confines of the current C1 zone. Thank you, Patty & Steve Domine Monterra Ranch, Fountain Hills, AZ. From:Debbie Downes To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Zoning change Date:Tuesday, February 11, 2020 10:55:50 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. We the owners of unit at Monterra Ranch are opposed to rezoning the parcel of landadjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2 . We do not approve and recommend to theplanning and zoning board that the zoning not be changed. Dougand Debbie Downes Unit Monterra Ranch From:Ken Griner To:PZC (Commission) Cc:Ken Griner Subject:Opposition to Zoning change Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 11:32:18 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission,   Ken Griner, an Owner of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that I, Ken Griner, do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Website : pzc@fh.az.gov Your Name:Ken Griner Unit # Monterra Ranch   Sincerely, Ken Griner From:Rick Haney To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Rezoning for hotel Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 5:19:41 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, We are against the zoning change to allow the 3 story hotel to be built adjacent to the Monterra Complex. One of thereasons we chose Fountain Hills was the small quiet and safe community environment. We are from Nebraska andwe purchased our unit about 6 years ago. We really enjoy the sunlight from the south side of our complex. I feel wewill lose much of the reason for our choice of location with the hotel being built next to us. Please do not allow thezoning change. Best Regards, Rick and Julie HaneyMonterra ComplexUnit Sent from my iPad From:Robert Hawkinson To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Rezoning APN#176-10-805 C-1 toC-3. I Totally OBJECT Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 9:39:57 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. Robert David Hawkinson Unit Monterra Ranch Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone From:holly sambora To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Opposed to Zoning change from C1 to C2 Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 10:01:20 AM Importance:High This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, I, the Owner of Monterra Ranch, oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that I do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Holly Sambora Unit Monterra Ranch From:CHUCK HOLLY To:PZC (Commission) Subject:no re-zoning Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 7:53:41 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. Please advise the Town Council that re-zoning from C-1 to C-2 is a burden to homeowners ofMonterra Ranch Condos as the height of a 3-story building will lower the value of thoseseveral units directly on the other side of the wall. Privacy, noise and blocking the sunsetswill surely become a few of the annoyances. I am the owner of Unit in Monterra Ranch,and a Board member. Please, do not support re-zoning. From:Jeff Jones To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Parcel adjacent to Monterra Ranch Proposed Zoning Change Date:Tuesday, February 11, 2020 5:33:26 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. Planning and Zoning Commission; As residents of Monterra Ranch, we vehemently oppose the proposed rezoning of the parceladjacent to our community from C1 to C2. Allowing a 3 story structure to be built on thisparcel of land will be detrimental to the property values and quality of living in the MonterraRanch neighborhood. We urge you to reject this proposed rezoning. Jeff and Judy JonesUnit Monterra Ranch From:Jeff Jones To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Parcel adjacent to Monterra Ranch Proposed Zoning Change Date:Tuesday, February 11, 2020 5:33:26 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. Planning and Zoning Commission; As residents of Monterra Ranch, we vehemently oppose the proposed rezoning of the parceladjacent to our community from C1 to C2. Allowing a 3 story structure to be built on thisparcel of land will be detrimental to the property values and quality of living in the MonterraRanch neighborhood. We urge you to reject this proposed rezoning. Jeff and Judy JonesUnit No. Monterra Ranch From:John To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Fwd: Zoning Commission Date:Sunday, February 9, 2020 8:11:07 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: John <>Date: February 9, 2020 at 10:07:59 AM ESTTo: pzh@fh.az.govSubject: Fwd: Zoning Commission  Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: John >Date: February 7, 2020 at 9:54:07 AM ESTTo: pzh@fg.az.govSubject: Zoning Commission   To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed.  Website : pzc@fh.az.gov Your Name:John Stuart Unit # Monterra Ranch  Sent from my iPhone From:linnel@cox.net To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Proposed 3-story hotel in Fountain Hills Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 5:01:27 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, I wanted to write to oppose the proposed 3-story hotel next to the Monterra Ranch community in Fountain Hills. I would hope that we are not so hungry for developer fees that we are willing to denigrate living conditions and property values for homeowners in Fountain Hills and particularly those directly impacted by having a hotel in their back yard. I would suggest that if this developer wants to move forward with this project, and if you are inclined to let him, he needs to buy out the Monterra Ranch property from the property owners. Would you want to live behind a 3-story hotel? The other two hotels in Fountain Hills are not next to an area of housing and so this proposed hotel should not be near any houses, either. I do not approve and recommend that the zoning for this area not be changed. Linda L. Nelson Unit Monterra Ranch From:Maria or Jim PETTIT To:PZC (Commission) Cc: Subject:Monterra Ranch Rezoning of the Parcel of Land adjacent to us Date:Thursday, February 6, 2020 8:45:07 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We/Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We/Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Your Name: Maria Pettit Unit #: Monterra Ranch From:Michelle Greaves To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Zoning Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 10:47:34 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, We the Owners of Monterra Ranch Unit oppose the rezoning of the parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranchfrom C1 to C2. Please know that we do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that thezoning not be changed.Michelle & Randy GreavesUnit Monterra Ranch From:Ronald Nagel To:PZC (Commission) Subject:FW: Monterra Ranch Owners - Pending Zoning Case Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 2:35:47 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe.  To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision,   We are owners of Unit in Monterra Ranch and we oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. We made our purchase in 2013 partly due to the fact the adjacent property had a C1 zoning. To change this zoning at this time to C2 in our opinion would have a negative effect on our property values, the traffic noise factor, and just the general life quality issues. So please know we do not approve or support this zoning change being presented to the P&Z Board.  Website : pzc@fh.az.gov Your Name: Ron and Vicky Nagel Unit #: Monterra Ranch    Thank You if you have questions please feel free to email me at    From:Maria or Jim PETTIT To:PZC (Commission) Cc: Subject:Monterra Ranch Rezoning of the Parcel of Land adjacent to us Date:Thursday, February 6, 2020 8:45:07 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We/Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We/Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Your Name: Maria Pettit Unit #: Monterra Ranch From:Rachelle Rizzi To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Pending Zoning Case Date:Sunday, February 9, 2020 7:29:50 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Website : pzc@fh.az.gov Your Name: Rachelle Rizzi Unit #: Monterra Ranch Sincerely, Rachelle Rizzi From:Sandra McKinney To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Rezoning parcel next to Monterra Ranch Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 12:24:35 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. We own Unit at Monterra Ranch and oppose the rezoning of adjoining lot next to us inorder to build a hotel. We enjoy our views, along with peace and quiet that would becompromised by having a hotel so close to our home. Sincerely,Robert and Sandra McKinney-- Sent from Gmail Mobile From:Robert Hawkinson To:PZC (Commission) Subject:APN#176-10-805. Rezoning from C-1 to C-2 to allow for a three-story hotel. Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 9:16:21 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. I totally OBJECTRobert David Hawkinson Unit # Monterra Ranch Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone From:Suzanne Nann To:PZC (Commission) Subject:As an owner of a property at Monterra Ranch Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 9:47:45 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. I DO APPROVE zoning change. There is strong movement by the Board VP to oppose this change. I truly hope they do not succeed. Thank you for all you do for Fountain Hills. Suzanne Nann      From:Sharron Grzybowski To:PZC (Commission); Susan Dempster (P&Z); Scott Schlossberg (P&Z) Subject:Zoning Change approval, Trevino/Saguaro (Fairfield Inn) Date:Wednesday, February 12, 2020 3:51:54 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. Good afternoon, P&Z Commissioners, I'm Emailing you to express my approval of the zoning change for the 3-story Fairfield Inn on Trevino/Saguaro. This will be approximately the height of theexisting MCO building, so I do not see the height to be a problem. The added hotel rooms will be a good addition for the town. The location is perfect. With this proposal being from a chain they will have signage and an online presenceto help entice the Route 87 travelers to stop in Fountain Hills. This will help to drawpeople to the area - whether it be for a short time or to fall in love an move into town like so many of us did. Thank you for your time,Sharron Sharron Grzybowski Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.~Shirley Chisholm From:Ole Umpa To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Meeting Feb 13th Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 12:12:00 PM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission, In regards to APN#176-10-805 I just want to start by saying that Myself, Residents, and other Owners always knew that something would be built in the lot adjacent to and directly behind Monterra Ranch to the Southwest, and I myself am not opposed to new development. But I and other Residents are opposed to the fact it will drastically change the Landscape of this area with the proposed Zoning change from C1 to C2, and the fact that it would allow a 40 foot Building to be erected. So to that effect We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of Land adjacent to Complex from a C1 to C2. The designation of a Hotel exceeding 40 feet is totally out of character for anyone living close to it. C1 as We/Myself understand is for Commercial Property not to exceed 25 feet. That was the original plan for this parcel and to now want to change it is unacceptable in our view. There are no other structures in this immediate area that are even close to the height being considered. Not only will our Complex be affected by the change, (as an example) the close proximity to retaining wall and patios, increased traffic, a market decrease in Property Value, and the sheer appearance of a 3 story 40 foot tall structure, but the adjoining Housing Complexes and Neighborhoods around us would be affected as well. Please know that We/Myself do not approve and please follow with a recommendation that the Zoning not be changed as requested. Thank You for your consideration, Steven Smith Unit# Owner for 9 Years and Vice President of Monterra Ranch Board. From:Teresa Kalaj To:PZC (Commission) Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 10:02:07 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. I do not approve of this zoning. Owner at monterra ranch. From:Elizabeth Burke To:John Wesley; Paula Woodward Subject:FW: Building and planning zoning committee Date:Monday, February 10, 2020 7:25:47 AM Attachments:image001.png image002.png image003.png image004.png Please see following. Thanks. Elizabeth A. Burke, MMC Town Clerk Town of Fountain Hills p: (480) 816-5115 a: 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 w: www.fh.az.gov e: eburke@fh.az.gov Follow us on: From: terri blatchford Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 6:20 PM To: Elizabeth Burke <eburke@fh.az.gov> Subject: Building and planning zoning committee   This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe.   I am not certain who to forward this to, therefore, I am starting with you. I understand there will be a vote on Feb 13 regarding building a 3 story lodging facility off of Sahuaro and Shea. Please, record my vote against such action. We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed.  Website : pzc@fh.az.go Your Name: Terri Blatchford Unit #:  Monterra Ranch   Warm regards Terri Blatchford From: To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Do Not Approve Date:Friday, February 7, 2020 11:01:16 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission,   We the Owners of a property in Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Your Name: Todd Jones Unit #: Monterra Ranch     Todd Jones   From:David Wachsman To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Letter opposing rezoning of parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch Date:Saturday, February 8, 2020 12:55:46 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that we do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Your Name: David Wachsman Unit #: Monterra Ranch From:Jose Ramos To:PZC (Commission) Date:Thursday, February 13, 2020 10:55:55 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Thank you Regards. Jose Ramos Unit #: Monterra Ranch From:Rod Drought To:PZC (Commission) Subject:Re: rezoning of land parcel adjacent to Monterra Ranch Date:Thursday, February 13, 2020 8:33:20 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commision, We / Myself the Owners of Monterra Ranch oppose the rezoning of the Parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch from a C1 to C2. Please know that We / Myself do not approve and follow with a recommendation to the P&Z Board that the Zoning not be changed. Website : pzc@fh.az.gov Rodney Drought Unit #: Monterra Ranch From:Robert Gregory To:PZC (Commission); Robert Gregory Subject:Zoning change for 9637 N Saguaro Blvd Date:Thursday, February 13, 2020 10:15:27 AM This message originated from an External Source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe. TO: Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Robert Gregory Monterra Ranch Unit RE: Case Z2019-04 9637 N Saguaro Blvd zoning change We, the owners of Monterra Ranch, oppose the rezoning of the parcel of land adjacent to Monterra Ranch (aka 9637 N Saguaro Blvd) from C1 to C2. Please know that we ask the Planning and Zoning board to decline the request for rezoning since this would negatively affect many of our members. Thanks Robert Gregory       Sent from Mail for Windows 10   ORDINANCE NO. 20-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAPS OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DESIGNATION OF APPROXIMATELY 1.62 ACRES LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD NORTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NORTH SAGUARO BOULEVARD AND EAST SHEA BOULEVARD (AKA 9637 NORTH SAGUAGO BOULEVARD; APN#176-10-805) FROM C-1 – NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL ZONING DISTRICT TO C-2 – INTERMEDIATE COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town”) adopted Ordinance No. 93-22, on November 18, 1993, adopting the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Zoning Ordinance”); and WHEREAS, Chapter 2, Procedures, Section 2.01, Amendments or Zone Changes, of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the authority and procedures for amending the zoning district boundaries; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-462.04, public hearings were advertised in the January 29, 2020 and the February 5, 2020 editions of the Times of Fountain Hills; WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning Commission on February 13, 2020, and by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills on March 17, 2020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The approximately 1.62 acre parcel of real property located at 9637 N Saguaro Blvd., as more particularly described and depicted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is rezoned from “C-1 – Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District” to "C-2 – Intermediate Commercial Zoning District.” SECTION 3. That rezoning is adopted subject to the following conditions: 2 1. Planting and maintenance of trees along the north property line of a species that will grow to a height of at least 25-feet and spaced to provide a solid screen along the property line. The trees when planted shall be a minimum 10-foot tall, 36-inch box tree. SECTION 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Approval of the C-2 zoning is conditioned on development of the project commencing within one year of the effective date of this Ordinance. 1. Prior to the expiration of the one-year time condition, the property owner or authorized representative may submit an application for an extension to the Town. A submittal of an application for extension of the one-year time condition does not toll the running of the time condition. Should the one-year time condition expire between the submittal of an application for a time extension and the public hearing on the requested extension, the C-2 zoning designation shall be subject to reversion as set forth below. Upon receipt of a request for extension, the Town’s Zoning Administrator shall submit the request to the Town Council for consideration at a public hearing held as set forth below. 2. The Town Council shall, after notices via certified mail to the property owner and authorized representative have been provided at least 15 days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing, hold a public hearing on the extension request. The Town Council may, in its sole discretion, grant an extension of the time condition, subject to the limitation on the number of extensions set forth below. If the public hearing is held after expiration of the time condition, the Town Council may also, at that public hearing, take action to revert the zoning on the property to its prior zoning classification. 3. In the event the project has not commenced within the one-year time period and no request for time extension has been received as provided above, the Zoning Administrator may submit the C-2 – Intermediate Commercial zoning designation of the subject property to the Town Council for consideration of reversion, pursuant to the hearing procedure set forth below. 4. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the property owner and authorized representative by certified mail of the Town Council’s intention to hold a hearing to determine compliance with the one-year time condition, and to revert the zoning on the property to its former classification if the condition is determined by the Town Council to have not been met. All such notices shall be made at least 15 days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing. The Town Council may, in its sole discretion, either grant an extension of the time condition, subject to the 3 limitation on the number of extensions set forth below, or revert the zoning on the property to its prior zoning classification. 5. The Town Council may grant up to two one-year extensions of the time condition. 6. Following the commencement of the project, the Zoning Administrator shall monitor the project to ensure it continues to completion. Upon the Zoning Administrator’s initial determination that the project is not being actively pursued, no further review or approval of any project site plan or plat shall occur until it is determined that good cause exists for delay in the construction of the project. Should the project fail to proceed, a public hearing shall be held by the Town Council to determine the cause of the delay. At the public hearing on the matter, if the Town Council determines that there is not good cause for the delay, it may impose additional conditions on the property owner to ensure compliance. If such additional conditions are not met, the Zoning Administrator may set the matter for public hearing, according to the process set forth in subsection above, on a possible reversion from C-2 – Intermediate Commercial zoning to C-1 – Neighborhood Commercial and Professional zoning. 7. For purposes of this Section, the terms “commence,” “commencing” and “commencement” shall mean physical vertical construction activity in accordance with a valid building permit issued by the Town. SECTION 6. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents and take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this 17th day of March, 2020. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney Grady Miller, Town Manager Town Attorney