HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__10-10-22_0147_398       NOTICE OF MEETING REGULAR MEETING FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION      Chairman Peter Gray  Vice Chairman Scott Schlossberg Commissioner Patrick Depaah Commissioner Clayton Corey Commissioner Susan Dempster Commissioner Dan Kovacevic Commissioner Rick Watts, Jr.      TIME:6:00 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2022 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s Council,  various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Commission are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.    REQUEST TO COMMENT   The public is welcome to participate in Commission meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM, please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commissioners. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion, if possible. REGULAR MEETING        1.CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE        2.ROLL CALL – Commissioner Kovacevic     3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.     4.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: approving the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission September 12, 2022.     5.HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 2.02, Special Use Permits, by repealing and replacing the existing section.     6.REVIEW AND DISCUSS draft language for a Zoning Ordinance text amendment to provide for drug and alcohol treatment centers and detoxification facilities.     7.COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff.    8.SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director.    9.REPORT from Development Services Director.    10.ADJOURNMENT       CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Planning and Zoning Commission with the Town Clerk. Dated this ______ day of ____________________, 2022. _____________________________________________  Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant   The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or    Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of October 10, 2022 2 of 3 The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Development Services' Office.    Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of October 10, 2022 3 of 3 ITEM 4. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 10/10/2022 Meeting Type: Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Request to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: approving the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission September 12, 2022. Staff Summary (Background) The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at the meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the Town's website and maintained as permanent records in compliance with state law.   Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approving the meeting minutes of the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission September 12, 2022.   SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission September 12, 2022. Attachments PZ MM DRAFT 091222  D R A F T TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 12, 2022            1.CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE     Chairman Gray called the regular meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held September 12, 2022, to order at 6:03 p.m. and led the Commission and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.   2.ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Peter Gray; Vice Chairman Scott Schlossberg; Commissioner Clayton Corey; Commissioner Susan Dempster; Commissioner Dan Kovacevic; Commissioner Rick Watts, Jr.; Commissioner Patrick Dapaah  Staff Present: Development Services Director John Wesley; Senior Planner Farhad Tavassoli; Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu  3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.    Fountain Hills resident Jane Bell spoke.   4.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: approving the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission June 13, 2022.       MOVED BY Commissioner Susan Dempster, SECONDED BY Commissioner Clayton Corey to APPROVE the Planning and Zoning Commission minutes of the regular meeting of June 13, 2022.   Vote: 7 - 0 - Unanimously   5.PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: REZONE property at 17205 E Shea Boulevard, approximately 1.43 acres, generally located approximately 1,400 feet southeast of the southeast corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Shea Boulevard from C-1 – Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District to C-2 – Intermediate Commercial Zoning District.       Farhad Tavassoli presented the rezone request from C-1 to C-2 for a live gun firing  Farhad Tavassoli presented the rezone request from C-1 to C-2 for a live gun firing range located at 1702 E Shea Blvd. He said this is an existing gun showroom business.  The applicant, SOT USA LLC, was present and available to answer questions from the public, staff and the Commission.  Chris Hart, from Action Target, explained the design and engineering of the gun range installation. Mr. Tavassoli reported that staff recommends denial for the rezone request from C-1 – Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District to C-2 – Intermediate Commercial Zoning District. Mr. Tavassoli stated that staff has concerns introducing C-2 in this location.  A C-2 Zoning District has the potential to negatively impact the area should the business owners cease operations and the landowner agree to allow for 24-hour establishments. The potential building's height would be up to forty feet. These conditions are not compatible adjacent to a R1-43 zoning district. Mr. Meyers, Fountain Hills resident, expressed concern regarding the rezone from C-1 to C-2 zoning district. He stated that he does support this business and likes that it is a private gun club which restricts membership.          MOVED BY Commissioner Rick Watts, Jr., SECONDED BY Commissioner Dan Kovacevic to CONTINUE the rezone request from C-1 zoning district to C-2 zoning district for a live gun firing range at 1702 E Shea Blvd to the November 14, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, to consider and take possible action on a staff initiated text amendment for C-1 zoning under a Special Use Permit.     Vote: 7 - 0 - Unanimously   6.REVIEW AND DISCUSS draft language for a Zoning Ordinance text amendment to provide for drug and alcohol treatment centers and detoxification facilities.       Mr. Wesley explained that over a year ago the topic of detox facilities was brought to the Town’s attention while addressing sober living home amendment.  He said that detoxification facilities are not specifically listed in the Zoning Ordinance.  While researching other municipalities’ procedures, it was discovered that most did not list detox facilities in their zoning ordinances.  Prescott and Gilbert treat them as other medical uses and Mesa requires approval of a Council Use Permit in zoning districts. Based on Commission discussions earlier this year, staff will provide a draft ordinance for review and schedule a public input meeting for feedback.  Mr. Wesley said that action was not required by the Commission that evening. The Commission provided feedback regarding Mr. Wesley’s PowerPoint Presentation.    Jane Bell, Fountain Hills resident, stated that the Town needs to take time making decisions regarding a detox facility.  She said she is in favor of the “26/40” for Fountain Hills. Liz Gildersleeve, Fountain Hills resident, said that she does not understand why the Town even has to have detox facilities.  It should not be easy to open a facility in Town when there are so many available in adjacent communities. She suggested that the Town review and adopt Paradise Valley’s regulations regarding detox facilities and sober living homes. Larry Meyers, Fountain Hills resident, said that the Fountain Hills businesses that would be located near any such facility would not be happy. He explained his first-hand experience with a facility located next to one of his businesses. He stated that the Town should make it very difficult to have a facility located in Town. Chairman Gray stated that the next meeting will include public input. He suggested that staff review Paradise Valley’s approach or model. Mr. Wesley said he would review Paradise Valley’s ordinance again and provide the Commission with that information as well as the draft ordinance.   7.REVIEW AND DISCUSS possible amendments to Section 2.02, Special Use Permits, of the Zoning Ordinance.        Mr. Wesley explained that Chapter Two of the Zoning Ordinance provides procedures for rezoning, special use permits, temporary use permits, site plans, and variances. The staff noted that there have been some challenges to the zoning ordinances. Making updates to the existing ordinance will make it more readable and consistent. He said that he would present a section of the Chapter Two a section at a time, starting with Chapter 2.02, Special Use Permits. Mr. Wesley provided details related specially to changes requiring changes. Discussion ensued relative to the suggested revisions to the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2.02, and Special Use Permit.   Mr. Wesley said that he would like to keep the revisions rapidly moving forward since the SUP ties in with the detox facilities amendments. He asked that this item be included in the November 14, 2022 meeting agenda.   Larry Meyers, Fountain Hills resident, suggested that when a Special Use Permit is issued, shouldn’t an expiration date be included for construction timelines.     8.REVIEW AND DISCUSS possible amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 7, Parking and Loading Requirements.        Agenda item 8 was tabled.    9.COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff.    Chairman Gray referenced Jane Bell’s comment regarding house bill 2389. Mr. Wesley said that the ordinance relating to noise is outdated. Nosie is referenced specifically in the town code.     10.SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director.   11.REPORT from Development Services Director.    None.   12.ADJOURNMENT    The Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held September 12, 2022, adjourned at 8:42 p.m.      PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ____________________________ Peter Gray, Chairman             ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: ______________________________  Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant    CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 12th day of September, 2022. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 29th day of September, 2022.                                                                                         _________________________________                                                                                          Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant ITEM 5. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 10/10/2022 Meeting Type: Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Language):  HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 2.02, Special Use Permits, by repealing and replacing the existing section. Staff Summary (Background) Chapter 2 of the Zoning Ordinance provides the procedures for rezoning, special use permits, temporary use permits, site plans, appeals, and variances.  Staff has found a need to update and modernize each of these sections, to make them more readable and consistent, and to address some issues found within each of the sections.  Because this is a lot of material and because each section can stand alone, staff is proposing to submit the changes to the Commission one section at a time. Staff has looked at and prepared draft language for each section of Chapter 2 that needs to be updated.  This has been done to create a consistent structure in each chapter to ease use in the future and ensure consistency in each section.  Staff is starting the review with the Planning and Zoning Commission with Section 2.02, Special Use Permits, because it is used more frequently than Section 2.01, Amendments or Zoning Changes.  The next section to be reviewed will be Section 2.04, Site Plans. Special use permits are set up for each zoning district for uses which may or may not be compatible with the zoning district depending on the setting.  Special use permit requests are reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the Town Council following public input.  Conditions can be placed on the approval of a special use permit to address compatibility concerns.  Staff believes amendments are needed to this section to:  Provide consistency in requirements with other types of applications, Update application requirements and procedures to current practice, Clarify site plan requirements, Clarify that the Permit is reviewed as a Public Hearing, Clarify and improve notice requirements, Add options to what can be required as part of approval of a Special Use Permit, and Provide direction for modification of an approved Special Use Permit. Staff held a preliminary review session regarding this proposed amendment at the September 12 Commission meeting.  The draft ordinance has been revised based on the comments and suggestions made by the Commissioners at that meeting.  The changes made are highlighted in the discussion below. A copy of the existing Section 2.02 and the revised draft Section 2.02 are attached for your review.  Because of the nature of the changes it became difficult to use a strike through version to see the changes.  The following is a description of the primary changes.  Purpose.  (2.02 A in both the revised and existing ordinance).  There are no changes to this section Application (2.02 B in the revised ordinance, 2.02 C in the existing ordinance).  This section has been revised to reflect our change from paper applications to online applications. The revised ordinance contains more detail as to the information to be provided in a project narrative. The existing ordinance allows the Zoning Administrator to require a site plan.  The revised ordinance requires the site plan, but then allows for exceptions. Requires submission of a "Good Neighbor Statement", as applicable.  This is one of the changes from the Commission discussion.  This section now provides more description of what should be in such a statement, but also leaves some flexibility based on the nature of the application.  For example, a request for a SUP to erect a golf ball net is very different from an SUP for a drive-thru window. Under Section 2.02 F, Action, the Commission may require modifications to the statement if they determine changes are needed to address the specific situation. The revised ordinance adds the requirement for submitting the Citizen Participation Plan required by Section 2.08. States the requirement to submit the names of property owners for notification. Provides for the filing fee. Note: The items listed in the existing section 2.02 B have been moved to Section 2.02 I to keep the format with other sections. Review (2.02 C in the revised ordinance, mostly new).  Establishes the need to determine a complete application before processing begins. Establishes that staff will review, comment on, and require revisions until ready for hearing and will then prepare a report with recommendations. Includes general review criteria from current Sec. 2.02 D 1. Gives staff a maximum of three months to review a complete application and place it on a Commission agenda.  This was added based on Commission comments to process applications in a timely manner.  Establishes that the SUP shall be placed on the next available Council agenda at least 28 days following the Commission action.  This addresses Commission discussion following staff recommendation to remove the current 8-day requirement to get on a Town Council agenda.  This wording works with current processing timelines, addresses a long Council summer break, but still gives the applicant and public an expectation as to when the request will be on a Council agenda. Notice (2.02 D in the revised ordinance, 2.02 D 2 in the existing ordinance).  Current ordinance requires site posting and mailed notice.  Practice has also been to publish notice so that has been added. The revised ordinance includes all three forms of notice. Revised ordinance includes the requirement for a minimum 15-day notice which has been the practice. Hearings (2.02 E in the revised ordinance, mostly new)  Provides an overview of the hearing process. Describes who can appear, what information can be presented, and the ability for the presiding officer to set time limits. Allows for investigations by the decision body Requires a written summary of the testimony and action. Action (2.02 F in the revised ordinance, 2.02 D & E in the existing ordinance).  Mostly the same, just re-organized. Based on Commission discussion, a requirement for a maximum 60-day continuance was changed to 90-day and allows the applicant to request a longer continuance. The Commission may require modification of the "Good Neighbor Statement" to be submitted with the SUP. Current ordinance requires the SUP to be heard by the Town Council at the next meeting at least 8 days after the Commission recommendation.  We often go to the second meeting after the Commission meeting to have minutes done and to meet the processing requirements for Council.  This requirement has been omitted from the revised ordinance. Time Limits (2.02G in revised ordinance, 2.02 F in existing ordinance)  In response to discussion at the Commission meeting, the following modifications were made:  The basic time limit for a SUP was changed to require application for a building permit within 6 months and receipt of a building permit within 1 year. Unless a different time limit is set by Council in their approval, if a use requested through a SUP is not begun within 18 months of Council approval, it terminates . An applicant can request an extension. Revocation (2.02 H in revised ordinance, 2.02 G in existing ordinance). No changes to this section. General Regulations (2.02 I in the revised ordinance, 2.02 B in the existing ordinance).  This was moved to maintain a more consistent format with the other sections.  No changes to this section. Modifications and Amendments (2.02 J in revised ordinance).  This section is new, the current ordinance gives no direction on how to consider modifications or amendments to an approved SUP Defines minor and major modifications.  Minor modifications can be approved administratively, major modifications are processed like new applications. Amendments are defined and are processed like new applications. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval of the revised Section 2.02. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to recommend approval of Ordinance 22-07. Attachments Existing Section 2.02  Draft Revised Ordinance  Section 2.02 Special Use Permits A. Purpose: Every zoning district contains certain buildings, structures and uses of land which are normal and complementary to permitted uses in the district, but which, by reason of their typical physical or operational characteristics, influence on the traffic function of adjoining streets, or similar conditions, are often incompatible with adjacent activities and uses. It is the intent of this ordinance to permit special uses in appropriate zoning districts, but only in specific locations within such districts that can be designed and developed in a manner which assures maximum compatibility with adjoining uses. It is the purpose of this section to establish principles and procedures essential to proper guidance and control of such uses. B. General Regulations: 1. Zoning district regulations established elsewhere in this ordinance specify that certain buildings, structures and uses of land may be allowed by the Town Council as conditional uses in a given district subject to the provisions of this section and to requirements set forth in district regulations. The Town Council is empowered to grant and to deny applications for use permits and to impose reasonable conditions upon them. 2. Any building, structure or use existing on the effective date of this ordinance which is reclassified as a special use by this ordinance for the district in which it is located shall be considered as meeting the conditions which would otherwise be imposed upon such use by this ordinance, and its continuance shall not be subject to issuance of a special use permit; provided, however, to the extent that such use fails to conform to the requirements of this ordinance, it shall be considered nonconforming as described in section 4.01, and its continuance shall be governed by all nonconforming use regulations applicable thereto. 3. Every special use permit issued shall be applicable only to the specific use and to the specific property for which it is issued. Upon completion and final inspection by the Zoning Administrator of any authorized structures, signifying that all zoning and site development requirements imposed in connection with the permit have been satisfied, the special use permit shall thereafter be transferable and shall run with the land, whereupon the maintenance of special conditions imposed by the permit, as well as the compliance with other provisions of this ordinance, shall become the responsibility of the property owner. C. Special Use Permit Application: 1. Application for a use permit shall be filed with the Development Services Department on a form prescribed by the Development Services Department. The application shall be forwarded to the Commission by the Planning and Zoning Division, and when required by the Zoning Administrator, shall be accompanied by a detailed site plan prepared in accordance with Section 2.04 showing all information necessary to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with all special conditions as well as other regulations and requirements of this Zoning Ordinance. An applicant may furnish the Commission with any additional information it may consider relevant to the case. D. Commission Action and Findings: 2.02 Special Use Permits | Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Page 1 of 4 The Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance is current through Ordinance 22-01, passed May 3, 2022. 1. It is the express intent of this ordinance that any use for which a special use permit is required shall be permitted in the particular zoning district; provided, that all special conditions and requirements of this ordinance are met. Therefore, the action of the Commission shall be one of recommending approval or denial to the Town Council based upon its judgment as to whether the specified conditions have been or will be met. The Commission shall consider not only the nature of the use and the special conditions influencing its location in the particular district, but also the proposed location of buildings, parking and other facilities within the site, the amount of traffic likely to be generated and how it will be accommodated, and the influence that such factors are likely to exert on adjoining properties. The Commission may make such suggestions to the Town Council concerning ways a proposed project may be acceptable and compatible to the area. 2. Notice of the nature of the special use permit application and the date of the meeting at which it will be considered shall be posted on the property and shall be mailed to the owners of all real property within three hundred (300) feet of the external boundaries of the property for which application is made. The applicant shall be responsible for providing the names and addresses of these owners. 3. The Commission shall consider the application at the first regular meeting after the proper advertising procedures and period have been completed. The Commission, at this regularly scheduled meeting, shall either (1) make a recommendation to the Town Council, or continue the matter to a specified date (but not longer than sixty (60) days from the date of the original hearing). Within sixty (60) days after the date of the original hearing, the Commission shall render its decision in the form of a written recommendation to the Council. The recommendation shall include the rationale for the recommendation. However, if the Commission is not able to make a recommendation to the Council at the continued meeting and the applicant does not consent to a further continuance, the matter shall be automatically forwarded to the Council with a recommendation for denial. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to maintain the posting. The notice shall set forth the time and place of the hearing and include a general explanation of the matter to be considered and a general description of the area affected. 5. In order to recommend approval of any use permit, the findings of the Commission must be that the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the use or building applied for will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor shall it be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the Town. 6. The Commission may recommend to the Town Council such conditions in connection with the use permit as it deems appropriate to secure the intent and purposes of this ordinance and may recommend such guarantees and evidence that such conditions are being or will be followed. 7. If the Commission finds that the application and supporting data do not indicate that all applicable conditions and requirements of this ordinance will be met, it may recommend denial of the special use permit. The Commission recommendation shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application. 2.02 Special Use Permits | Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Page 2 of 4 The Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance is current through Ordinance 22-01, passed May 3, 2022. 8. Upon conclusion of the Commission's hearing, the Commission's recommendation shall be forwarded to the Town Council along with the application materials, staff report, written comments from the public, and minutes of the hearing. E. Council Action and Findings: 1. When the Town Council receives a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning a Special Use Permit application, it shall hear the request at the scheduled date and time specified in accordance to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, but no later than the next regularly scheduled meeting held at least eight (8) days after the Commission recommendation is received. The Council may adopt the Commission's recommendation, approve the Special Use Permit request with the conditions it deems appropriate, or deny the Special Use Permit. 2. The Council's decision shall be final and shall become effective immediately. Notice of the decision shall forthwith be mailed to the applicant at the address shown in the application. F. Time Limits: 1. The Council may establish a time limitation for special use permits. A building permit for the construction of any improvements allowed by any special use permit issued by the Town Council shall be secured within six (6) months from the date of approval. Any lapsing of the building permit prior to completion of the improvements will cause the Special Use Permit to become null and void. Prior to the termination of this time limit, the applicant may make a written request to the Town Council and the Council may reconsider said use permit to determine if the permit should be reissued for an additional time period or be terminated. There shall be no use permit fee for this extension request. 2. No person shall reapply for the same or substantially the same use permit on the same or substantially the same plot, lot, or parcel of land within a period of one (1) year from the date of denial of said use permit. G. Revocation: 1. Special use permits granted in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance may be revoked by the Town Council, if any of the conditions or terms of the permit are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the permittee of a violation of a special use permit, in writing. If the violation is not remedied or the remedy is not substantially begun in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator within ten (10) days after notification, the owner/tenant should be notified that the Town Council will consider revocation of the permit at its next meeting. 2. Any special use permit issued by the Town Council shall be considered null and void if construction does not conform to the originally approved site plan. Any requests for deviations from the originally approved site plan shall be processed as a new use permit. H. Fee: The application for a special use permit shall be accompanied by a filing fee in an amount established by a schedule adopted by resolution of the Council and filed in the office of the Town Clerk. No part of the filing fee shall be refundable. Payment of the filing fee shall be waived when the petitioner is the Town, county, school district, state or federal government. 2.02 Special Use Permits | Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Page 3 of 4 The Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance is current through Ordinance 22-01, passed May 3, 2022. This site does not support Internet Explorer. To view this site, Code Publishing Company recommends using one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. The Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance is current through Ordinance 22-01, passed May 3, 2022. Disclaimer: The town clerk’s office has the official version of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. Users should contact the town clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. Town Website: www.fh.az.gov Code Publishing Company 2.02 Special Use Permits | Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Page 4 of 4 The Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance is current through Ordinance 22-01, passed May 3, 2022. 2.02 Special Use Permits A. Purpose. Every zoning district contains certain buildings, structures and uses of land which are normal and complementary to permitted uses in the district, but which, by reason of their typical physical or operational characteristics, influence on the traffic function of adjoining streets, or similar conditions, are often incompatible with adjacent activities and uses. It is the intent of this ordinance to permit special uses in appropriate zoning districts, but only in specific locations within such districts that can be designed and developed in a manner which assures maximum compatibility with adjoining uses. It is the purpose of this section to establish principles and procedures essential to proper guidance and control of such uses. B. Application. 1. Complete Application. Applications for special use permits shall be filed with the Development Services Department by an owner of real property within the area proposed to the special use using the process established by the Director for such applications. All such applications shall include the information required in this section. 2. Project Narrative. A written statement which includes: a. A narrative describing the existing zoning, desired use of the property, and reasons justifying the proposed special use permit. b. A map showing the particular property or properties for which the special use permit is requested and substantially the adjoining properties and the public streets and ways within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries thereof. c. A true statement revealing any conditions or restrictions of record (if any) which would affect the permitted uses of the property and the date or dates (if any) of expiration thereof. d. Such photographs, drawings, and other supporting documents (if any) as the applicant may desire to present. 3. A detailed site plan prepared in accordance with Section 2.04 B. 3 showing all information necessary to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with all special conditions as well as other regulations and requirements of this Zoning Ordinance. a. For previously developed sites the Development Services Director may allow deviations from the requirements of Section 2.04 B. 3 provided the submitted site plan still provides the information needed by the Commission and Council to consider the impacts of the proposed use. b. The applicant may request to have consideration of a conceptual site plan as part of the consideration of the special use permit. If the Development Services Director approves submission of a conceptual site plan with the special use permit, a final site plan in substantial conformance with the conceptual site plan must be submitted and approved as required by Section 2.04 before submittal of building construction plans. 4. A “Good Neighbor Statement” which provides, as applicable, the following: a. The name and contact information of the property owner. b. The name and contact information for the business. c. A commitment to place emergency contact information on the property in a location that is visible to the public. RESOLUTION 2022-43 d. A statement regarding how potentially negative impacts of the proposed use will be mitigated. e. A statement regarding a process for conflict resolution. f. A statement regarding steps that will be taken to integrate into the surrounding neighborhood. 5. Citizen Participation Plan. A copy of the Citizen Participation Plan as required by Section 2.08 6. A list of names and addresses for all property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the property for which an application is made. 7. Filing Fee. Payment of a filing fee in an amount established by a schedule adopted by resolution of the Council and filed in the offices of the Town Clerk. No part of the filing fee shall be returnable. Payment of the filing fee shall be waived when the use permit is initiated by the Council or the Commission or when the applicant is the Town, school district, special purpose district, county, state or federal government. C. Review. 1. Determination of Complete Application. Before initiating review, the Development Services Director, or designee, shall review the submittal to determine if it is complete and meets the requirements of this Section. Applicants will be notified of missing or incomplete application items. Once an application has been determined to be complete the applicant will be notified to pay the application fee. When the fee has been received staff will begin review of the application. 2. Staff review. Staff will conduct review and analysis of the special use permit and will seek additional information and clarification from the applicant as necessary to prepare a report and recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 3. Review of a special use permit request will include any item specifically required by this Ordinance for a given special use permit plus the following: a. The nature of the use and the special conditions influencing its location in the particular district; b. The proposed location of buildings, parking and other facilities within the site; c. The amount of traffic likely to be generated and how it will be accommodated; and, d. The influence that such factors are likely to exert on adjoining properties. 4. Following notice requirements, the special use permit will be scheduled for public hearings by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. Unless the applicant requests a delay in writing, staff shall place the request on a Planning Zoning Commission meeting within three months of receiving a complete application. After public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission will make a recommendation to the Town Council. The request will be placed on the next available Council agenda at least 28 days after the Planning and Zoning Commission action. D. Notice. Prior to holding a public hearing, notice of the time and place of the hearing including a general explanation of the matter to be considered and including a general description of the area affected shall be given at least fifteen (15) days before the hearing in the following manner: 1. Notice shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation published or circulated in Fountain Hills. RESOLUTION 2022-43 2. One or more notices as required by the Development Services Director shall be posted on the property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to erect and maintain the posting. 3. Notice shall be sent by first class mail to each real property owner, as shown on the current records of the County Assessor, within three hundred (300) feet of the external boundaries of the property which for which application is made. E. Hearings 1. The Development Services Director shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the proposed special use permit and shall give notice in accordance with the Public Notice Requirements Deadline in Section 2.02 D. of this Ordinance. 2. Any person may appear at a public hearing and submit oral or written evidence, either individually or as a representative of a person or an organization. Each person who appears at a public hearing shall be identified, state their name and town, and, if appearing on behalf of a person or organization, state the name and town of the person or organization being represented. The presiding officer may establish time limits for individual testimony and may require that individuals with shared concerns select one or more spokespersons to present testimony on behalf of those individuals. 3. The body conducting the hearing may cause such investigations to be made as it deems necessary and in the public interest on any matter to be heard by it. Such investigation may be made by a committee of one or more members of the body conducting the hearing or by members of its staff or its agents or employees. The facts established by such investigation shall be submitted to the body conducting the hearing either in writing, to be filed with the records of the matter, or in testimony before the body, and may be considered by the body in making its decision. 4. The body conducting the hearing shall cause a written summary of all pertinent testimony heard at such public hearing, together with a record of the names and addresses of all persons testifying, to be prepared and filed with the papers relating to such matter. F. Action. It is the express intent of this ordinance that any use for which a special use permit is required shall be permitted in the particular zoning district; provided, that all special conditions and requirements of this ordinance are met. 1. Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission: a. May recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial, or may continue a proposed amendment. b. May for any reason, when it deems such action necessary or desirable, continue such hearing to a time and certain place. However, if the Commission is not able to make a recommendation to the Council at the continued meeting and the applicant does not consent to a further continuance, the matter shall be automatically forwarded to the Council with a recommendation for denial. c. Shall, unless waived by the applicant, within ninety – (90) days after the date of the original hearing, the Commission shall render its decision in the form of a written recommendation to the Council. d. In order to recommend approval of any use permit, the findings of the Commission must be that the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the use or building applied for will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, RESOLUTION 2022-43 peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor shall it be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the Town. e. The Commission may make such recommendations to the Town Council concerning ways a proposed project may be acceptable and compatible to the area which may include: i. Modifications to the “Good Neighbor Statement”. ii. Additional landscaping, setbacks, or other similar measures to mitigate the impact of the proposed use. iii. Adjustments to the location of proposed uses or activities on the site. f. Shall include the rationale for its recommendation. 2. Town Council. a. Town Council may approve, approve with conditions, deny, or continue a proposed amendment. b. The action of the Council shall be final and become effective immediately. G. Time Limits. 1. The Council may establish a time limitation for special use permits. An application for a building permit for the construction of any improvements allowed by any special use permit issued by the Town Council shall be submitted within six (6) months from the date of approval and secured within one (1) year. Any lapsing of the building permit prior to completion of the improvements will cause the special use permit to become null and void. 2. Unless otherwise stipulated by Council approval, if the use(s) approved through the special use permit are not established within eighteen (18) months from the date of Council approval, the special use permit shall become null and void. 3. Prior to the termination of an approved special use permit, the applicant may make a written request to the Town Council and the Council may reconsider said use permit to determine if the permit should be reissued for an additional time period or be terminated. There shall be no use permit fee for this extension request. 4. No person shall reapply for the same or substantially the same use permit on the same or substantially the same plot, lot, or parcel of land within a period of one (1) year from the date of denial of said use permit. H. Revocation. 1. Special use permits granted in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance may be revoked by the Town Council, if any of the conditions or terms of the permit are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the permittee of a violation of a special use permit, in writing. If the violation is not remedied or the remedy is not substantially begun in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator within ten (10) days after notification, the owner/tenant shall be notified that the Town Council will consider revocation of the permit at its next meeting. 2. Any special use permit issued by the Town Council shall be considered null and void if construction does not conform to the originally approved site plan. Any requests for deviations from the originally approved site plan shall be processed as a new use permit. RESOLUTION 2022-43 I. General Regulations: 1. Zoning district regulations established elsewhere in this ordinance specify that certain buildings, structures and uses of land may be allowed by the Town Council as special uses in a given district subject to the provisions of this section and to requirements set forth in district regulations. The Town Council is empowered to grant and to deny applications for use permits and to impose reasonable conditions upon them. 2. Any building, structure or use existing on the effective date of this ordinance which is reclassified as a special use by this ordinance for the district in which it is located shall be considered as meeting the conditions which would otherwise be imposed upon such use by this ordinance, and its continuance shall not be subject to issuance of a special use permit; provided, however, to the extent that such use fails to conform to the requirements of this ordinance, it shall be considered nonconforming as described in section 4.01, and its continuance shall be governed by all nonconforming use regulations applicable thereto. 3. Every special use permit issued shall be applicable only to the specific use and to the specific property for which it is issued. Upon completion and final inspection by the Zoning Administrator of any authorized structures, signifying that all zoning and site development requirements imposed in connection with the permit have been satisfied, the special use permit shall thereafter be transferable and shall run with the land, whereupon the maintenance of special conditions imposed by the permit, as well as the compliance with other provisions of this ordinance, shall become the responsibility of the property owner. J. Modifications and Amendments. Following approval of a special use permit modifications and amendment can be considered as follows: 1. Modifications. Modifications are changes to the nature of the site or approved use and can be minor or major as described below. Minor modifications can be considered and approved administratively by the Development Services Director. Major modifications require review and consideration the same as described in this section for new applications. a. A modification is considered minor if it does not materially alter the approved plan or other approval, will not intensify any potentially detrimental effects of the project and is consistent with the original findings and all conditions of approval. b. A modification is considered major if it changes, eliminates or affects a condition of approval (whether adopted by resolution, ordinance or otherwise) such as a change to a discretionary permit, approved plan, or building plan or materially alters a previous approval or plan. Additionally, any modification not determined minor by the Development Services Director is a major modification. 2. Amendments. Amendments are changes to the use(s) approved through the special use permit. Amendments require review and consideration the same as described in this section for new applications. ITEM 6. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 10/10/2022 Meeting Type: Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Language):  REVIEW AND DISCUSS draft language for a Zoning Ordinance text amendment to provide for drug and alcohol treatment centers and detoxification facilities. Staff Summary (Background) October Meeting Update The Commission and public received a copy of the draft ordinance at the Commission's September 2022 meeting. The next step in the process of drafting this ordinance is to receive public comment at the October Commission meeting.  The Commissioners provided some input at their last meeting.  Staff made note of those comments, but is waiting for further input and direction from the Commission based on the October meeting to make any changes. Two of the comments received at the October meeting had to do with separation distances.  The Commission wanted to see the impact of having separation requirements from schools, day cares, and parks.  Staff added churches and libraries to the list and created a map with a 1,000' separation for Commission review and comment.  These separations did not significantly alter what was already provided with the 500' separation from residential zoned areas.  The Commission also asked to have the 500' separation from residential zoning also applied to residential uses.  A map showing that impact is also attached.  This change did significantly reduce the area available for these uses at the intersection of Keith McMahan and Avenue of the Fountains. Other comments and suggestions from the Commission at the September meeting included:  Alter the wording regarding indoor vs. outdoor waiting to further limit outdoor waiting  Add the word Addiction to the title of treatment centers Consider the 30-90 use period for treatment centers with lodging Require a sign to be posted on the properties with a contact person name and phone number Obtain contact information for the property owner if different from the business owner Consider ways to address outdoor smoking impacts Following is the report outlining the draft ordinance that was provided to the Commission for their September meeting. September Report The Commission began discussion of this text amendment at their March 2022 meeting and followed up with further discussion at their May 2022 meeting. The discussions by the Commission and citizens have provided input and direction to staff in the drafting of an ordinance for further review and discussion. One of the points of discussion at the May meeting was the impact of doing nothing. These uses are not currently specifically listed in the zoning ordinance but must be allowed if someone wanted to establish one of these uses. If a person wanted to start one of these uses, they would need to ask the Zoning Administrator to make a determination as to which zoning district the use would appropriately fall into. In making that determination, the Zoning Administrator would not be able to also put conditions or requirements on the use. By acting proactively and taking the time to specifically consider these uses and their potential impacts, the Town can place them in the appropriate zoning district(s) and also place any necessary processes and requirements on them to help ensure their compatibility. At the May meeting the Commission asked that staff go ahead and take the comments which had been received and put it into an ordinance for the Commission and citizens.  This will give everyone a starting place to consider for finalizing an ordinance to send to the Council. The thought at the May meeting was that staff would make this first draft of possible ordinance language available then the Commission would follow up with a public input session to gather further input on the draft language. After receiving that input, an amended ordinance would be prepared and a public hearing scheduled for Commission consideration. Attached is the first draft ordinance staff has prepared based on the input received thus far. The point of this agenda item is to make this draft ordinance available to the Commission and public. Beyond a basic introduction and overview of the draft ordinance, no action is anticipated at this time.  Based on the direction provided by the Commission, substantive discussion will take place following the public input session. The attached draft ordinance to start public discussion includes:  Definitions for detoxification facility, outpatient; detoxification facility, inpatient; substance abuse treatment center; and, substance abuse treatment center, lodging. Lists substance abuse treatment center as a use by right in C-2 and C-3 Lists detoxification center, outpatient as a use in the C-2 district with approval of a SUP and subject to several conditions Lists detoxification center, outpatient and detoxification center, inpatient as uses in the C-3 district with approval of a SUP and subject to several conditions Lists substance abuse treatment center, lodging as a use in the C-3 district with approval of a SUP and subject to several conditions. The ordinance also makes the change in language changing group homes to community residences that was overlooked in the advertisement for the previous change.   Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) N/A SUGGESTED MOTION The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the public with the opportunity to comment on the draft ordinance. No action will be taken. Attachments Draft ordinance  500 foot boundary map  1000' Separation Map  ORDINANCE NO. 22-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 1, INTRODUCTION, SECTION 1.12, DEFINITIONS, AMENDING THE DEFINITIONS OF TREATMENT CENTER; AMENDING CHAPTER 12, COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, SECTION 12.03 C. TO UPDATE THE LANGUAGE FROM GROUP HOME TO COMMUNITY RESIDENCE; AMENDING CHAPTER 12, COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, SECTION 12.05, USES SUBJECT TO SPECIAL USE PERMITS IN C-2 ZONING DISTRICTS BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS O AND P REGARDING DETOXIFICATION FACILITIES AND TREATMENT CENTERS; AMENDING CHAPTER 12, COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, SECTION 12.06, USES SUBJECT TO SPECIAL USE PERMITS IN C-3 ZONING DISTRICTS ONLY BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS F, G, H, AND I REGARDING DETOXIFICATION FACILITIES AND TREATMENT CENTERS; AND, AMENDING CHAPTER 18, TOWN CENTER COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, SECTION 18.05 B. TO UPDATE THE LANGUAGE FROM GROUP HOME TO COMMUNITY RESIDENCE RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town Council”) adopted Ordinance No. 93-22 on November 18, 1993, which adopted the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Zoning Ordinance”); and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.12, Definitions, and Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Sections 12.05 and 12.06 to provide for detoxification facilities and drug and alcohol treatment centers; and WHEREAS, the C-2 and C-3 zoning districts have the primary purposes of providing for the sale of commodities, provision of services, and wholesale and distribution; and WHEREAS, the Town wants to ensure uses in commercial areas are focused on businesses that provide for the sale of goods and services to the community, especially those that provide jobs and generate revenues for the Town; and WHEREAS, the uses included in this ordinance are appropriate in commercial areas but should be limited to maintain the primary purpose of these districts; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-462.04, public hearings regarding this ordinance were advertised in the ???? editions of the Fountain Hills Times; and WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning Commission on ?????, 2022, and by the Town Council on ????, 2022. WHEREAS, in accordance with Article II, Sections 1 and 2, Constitution of Arizona, and the laws of the State of Arizona, the Town Council has considered the individual property rights and personal liberties of the residents of the Town and the probable impact of the proposed ordinance on the cost to construct housing for sale or rent before adopting this ordinance. ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.12, Definitions, is hereby amended as follows: … DETOXIFICATION FACILITY, OUTPATIENT: FACILITIES PROVIDING OUTPATIENT DRUG OR ALCOHOL DETOXIFICATION SERVICES WITH OR WITHOUT TRAINING, EDUCATION, OR TREATMENT SERVICES AT THE SAME LOCATION. DETOXIFICATION FACILITY, INPATIENT: FACILITIES PROVIDING INPATIENT DRUG OR ALCOHOL DETOXIFICATION SERVICES. … SUBSTANCE ABUSE Treatment Center: Facilities providing lodging and meals and, primarily, treatment, training or education as a part of an alcoholism or drug addiction program WITHOUT ON-SITE DETOXIFICATION, LODGING, OR MEALS. SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER, LODGING: FACILITIES PROVIDING TREATMENT, TRAINING, OR EDUCATION AS PART OF AN ALCOHOLISM OR DRUG ADDICTION PROGRAM. MAY INCLUDE PROVIDING DETOXIFICATION SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TREATMENT AND MY INCLUDE PROVISIONS WHERE CLIENTS CAN LODGE AT THE FACILITY AND RECEIVE MEALS, TYPICALLY FOR A PERIOD OF 30 DAYS TO 90 DAYS. … SECTION 3. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 12.02 C. Additional Uses Permitted in C-2 and C-3 Zoning Districts, is hereby amended as follows: 26. SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER SECTION 4. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 12.03, Uses Subject to Special Use Permits in C-1, C-C, C-2, and C-3 Zoning Districts, is hereby amended as follows: C. Group Homes for the Handicapped and Elderly PeopleCOMMUNITY RESIDENCES SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 5.13, Nursing Home, Homes for the Aged, Convalescent Home. SECTION 5. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 12.05, Uses Subject to Special Use Permits in C-2 Zoning Districts, is hereby amended as follows: … O. DETOXIFICATION CENTER, OUTPATIENT. IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 2.02 FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, APPLICANTS SHALL PROVIDE 1. COPY OF LICENSE OR CERTIFICATION BY THE STATE OF ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. 2. SUFFICIENT INDOOR ACTIVITY AND WAITING SPACE TO LIMIT OUTDOOR WAITING. 3. CONTACT INFORMATION AND PROCESS FOR RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS. 4. MUST BE LOCATED AT LEAST THE FOLLOWING DISTANCES FROM THE LISTED USES: A. 2,000 FEET FROM ANY OTHER DETOXIFICATION CENTER, SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER, OR TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RESIDENCE B. 500 FROM ANY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT INCLUDING PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENTS WITH A RESIDENTIAL PRIMARY USE. SECTION 5. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 12.06, Uses Subject to Special Use Permits in C-3 Zoning Districts Only, is hereby amended as follows: F. DETOXIFICATION CENTER, OUTPATIENT AND INPATIENT. IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 2.02 FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, APPLICANTS SHALL PROVIDE: 1. COPY OF LICENSE OR CERTIFICATION BY THE STATE OF ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. 2. SUFFICIENT INDOOR ACTIVITY AND WAITING SPACE TO LIMIT OUTDOOR WAITING. 3. CONTACT INFORMATION AND PROCESS FOR RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS. 4. MUST BE LOCATED AT LEAST THE FOLLOWING DISTANCES FROM THE LISTED USES: A. 2,000 FEET FROM ANY OTHER DETOXIFICATION CENTER, SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER, OR TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RESIDENCE B. 500 FROM ANY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT INCLUDING PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENTS WITH A RESIDENTIAL I. SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER, LODGING. IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 2.02 FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE: 1. COPY OF LICENSE OR CERTIFICATION BY THE STATE OF ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. 2. SUFFICIENT INDOOR ACTIVITY AND WAITING SPACE TO LIMIT OUTDOOR WAITING. 3. CONTACT INFORMATION AND PROCESS FOR RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS. 4. MUST BE LOCATED AT LEAST THE FOLLOWING DISTANCES FROM THE LISTED USES: A. 2,000 FEET FROM ANY OTHER DETOXIFICATION CENTER, SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER, OR TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RESIDENCE B. 500 FROM ANY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT INCLUDING PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENTS WITH A RESIDENTIAL SECTION 6. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 18, Town Center Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 18.05, Uses Subject to Special Use Permits, is hereby amended as follows: B. Group Homes for the Handicapped and Elderly PeopleCOMMUNITY RESIDENCES SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 5.13, Nursing Home, Homes for the Aged, Convalescent Home. SECTION 7. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this ___ day of ___ 2022. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Klein, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney GRANDE BL V D PALIS A D E S B L V D SAG U A R O B L V D SAGU A R O B L V D SH E A B L V D SAG U A R O B L V D PALISA D E S B L V D FOUN T A I N H I L L S B L V D SHEA BLV D SHEA BLVD SAG U A R O B L V D DEVELOPMENT SERVICES All that is Ar i z o n a F O U N TAIN HI L L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 EXHIBIT MAP LEGEND: C-2 and C-3 Zoning Residential Zoning Vacant ParcelV 500 feet Other Zoning GRANDE BL V D PALI S A D E S B L V D SA G U A R O B L V D FOU N T A I N H I L L S B L V D SA G U A R O B L V D DEVELOPMENT SERVICES A ll that is A r i z o n a F O U N TAIN HI L L S T OWN OF INC. 1989 EXHIBIT MAP LEGEND: C-2 and C-3 Zoning Park Church Preserve and Trails Library 1,000 feet buffer Vacant ParcelV School, Pre-School & Day Care