HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__03-14-23_1217_461       NOTICE OF MEETING SPECIAL WORK SESSION FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL     Mayor Ginny Dickey Vice Mayor Peggy McMahon Councilmember Sharron Grzybowksi Councilmember Hannah Toth Councilmember Gerry Friedel Councilmember Brenda J. Kalivianakis Councilmember Allen Skillicorn      TIME:5:30 P.M. – SPECIAL WORK SESSION - (Capital Improvement Projects) WHEN:TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2023 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Council meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Town Council are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.  AGENDA NOTICE OF OPTION TO RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council, and to the general public, that at this meeting, the Town Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for legal advice and discussion with the Town's attorneys for legal advice on any item listed on the following agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3).        1.CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Ginny Dickey      2.ROLL CALL – Mayor Dickey      3.CONSIDERATION AND DIRECTION: FY 2023-24 Proposed Capital Improvement Projects   4.ADJOURNMENT    4.ADJOURNMENT        CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Town Council with the Town Clerk. Dated this ______ day of ____________________, 2023. _____________________________________________  Linda G. Mendenhall, MMC, Town Clerk   The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's Office. Town Council Work Session of March 14, 2023 2 of 2 ITEM 3. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 03/14/2023 Meeting Type: Town Council Special Work Session - CIP Agenda Type: Council Discussion                  Submitting Department: Public Works Prepared by: David Janover, Town Engineer Staff Contact Information: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Request to Town Council Special Work Session - CIP (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND DIRECTION: FY 2023-24 Proposed Capital Improvement Projects Staff Summary (Background): Town Engineer David Janover will present the Town Council with a preview of the ongoing multiyear and Proposed FY 2023-2024 Capital Improvement Projects and provide a description of the projects.   COMMUNITY SERVICES PROJECTS Sunridge Preserve/Walking Path - $100,000 This is for the design and construction of passive walking paths, in Sunridge Canyon. A public is identified in the General Plan and a public charrette was held earlier this year where the conceptual design was presented and public input was gained.  At the Council Retreat, direction was provided to reduce the scope to passive walking paths, with the possibility of developing future amenities.  The $100,000 cost would come from the Parks Development Fees. P3054 CIP Park Sidewalk Replacement - $100,000 CIP Sidewalk Replacement is a four-year program that was approved by Council, and FY23 (current year) was year 1.  FY24 will be year 2 of 4.  The program was approved for $100,000 per year for 4 years, and is intended to replace sidewalks in the parks that are creating potential safety issues due to root lifting or other issues, and is meant to reduce the risk of slip and falls within the Town’s park system. P3053 Centennial Pavilion/Pavilion Improvements - $250,000 The Centennial Circle on the Town Campus is a large, but under-utilized space.  This project is designed to make the new pavilion area become a programmable space that can be utilized by multiple departments to host many outdoor events, as well as become a revenue generator.  The project requires moving existing art pieces within the area, adding lighting and adding a large shade structure to make it a more welcoming area during the hot summer months.  Existing monument signs recognizing Arizona's centennial, including the "5 C's" as well as art dedications will be renovated as well.  To offset the project costs, staff developed a fundraising method, consisting of a large Arizona State-shaped puzzle monument sign, with each puzzle piece inscribed with the name of a donor.   P3032 Golden Eagle Park - Field Lights - $700,000 As part of the FY23 budget last year, this ballfield light upgrade project for Golden Eagle Park was approved and was to be paid over a 2-year period, with $700k allotted for each year.  FY24 is year two.  The four ballfields within Golden Eagle Park currently use dated, metal halide lights. The fixtures, poles and wiring are more than 20 within Golden Eagle Park currently use dated, metal halide lights. The fixtures, poles and wiring are more than 20 years old, and in need of replacement/upgrade due to failures. This item has been highlighted as a future project within the CIP for the last 5 years.  A transition to LED lighting is recommended to be consistent with other park amenities as well as to increase the longevity of the fixtures. LED lighting will also reduce glare and light spill, improving the impact on nearby residents, and will reduce operational costs for power use, as they are more efficient. The resulting cost savings from LED fixtures will offset the investment within the warranty window.  New lighting will be warrantied for parts and labor for 25 years through MUSCO.  Staff recommends approving the 2nd year (the second half of the funding) for $700k, which will complete upgrades to all four fields.  By signing the contract last year, this allowed parts to be manufactured for the complete installation in July of 2023. P3036 - Desert Vista Park - Year Two - $200,000 Desert Vista Park has been in need of improvement for several years.  The improvements began with turf renovations and accessibility upgrades, including a crosswalk and walking loop in 2021.  This is the second year of the $400k multiyear improvement plan for Desert Vista Park.  Staff began the multi-year improvement to the park this year by installing a Ramada near the playground and adding sidewalk connector from mini pitch to skate park.  This year, staff will be lighting the new section of the walking loop on the east end and adding a cross training fitness area to the eastern portion of the park.  This will be the Town’s first outdoor fitness park and will provide residents with the ability to cross train in the parks for free while enjoying the beauty of the surrounding area.  The project is being supported by The American Legion and the Rotary Club with the donation of a shade structure and equipment for the fitness area.  This will also activate an area of the park that has been under utilized.  This project aligns with our strategic initiative of improving public health, well-being and safety of our community.  Staff is requesting the second half of the $400,000 funding for this 2-year project for a total of $200,000 in FY24. Fountain Park Hillside Protection - $100,000 The project will provide erosion control on the Park's Panorama Drive hillside.   The hillside along Panorama Dr is very steep and hasn't had irrigation since the sidewalk was installed.  In the interim, medium to large rocks have been placed on the hill to prevent mud from covering the sidewalk when it rains. However, this is not a permanent solution.  Staff recommends $100,000 for regrading and fortifying the slope, and to make this area a landscaping hillside protection area to help slow the erosion and improve the aesthetics of the area, along with a possible redesigning of the sidewalk pathway. Fountain Park Splash Pad Picnic Area - $550,000 The "turf area", dirt patch between the splash pad and businesses at Plaza Fountainside has been an eyesore since the lake was drained and the sludge from the lake was stored there over 20 years ago.  The amount of sodium in the soil from the sludge has made the area unable to sustain turf growth.  With the addition of the newly renovated splash pad and playground areas, Fountain Park is in need of far greater picnic areas.  Staff is recommending $550,000 to design and construct a shaded picnic area with 20 picnic tables and two Ramadas near the splash pad with 6 total picnic tables.  This will increase the available picnic tables by 26 tables which will be available for use by the area businesses and available for reservation.  PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS 6058 – Shea Boulevard Widening - $169,500 This partially grant-funded project will design and construct an expansion of Shea Boulevard.  This segment will complete westbound Shea, between Palisades Blvd and Fountain Hills Blvd.  The ultimate build-out when completed will widen Shea Boulevard to six lanes.  The total project cost is $2.6M, for which the Federal share is $1.8M and the Town’s share is  $780k.  Construction is commencing in FY23 and is anticipated to carry over into FY24.  Carry-over funds are requested for the Town’s share of the remaining construction in FY24 of $169,500. D6057 – Golden Eagle Impoundment Area Improvements - $500,000 Design is 90% complete for this drainage improvement project throughout Golden Eagle Park. The Golden Eagle impoundment area receives storm runoff from three washes, Ashbrook wash, Bristol wash and Cloudburst wash, and over time, the storm water runoff volumes have increased (due to increased development upstream). This additional flow through the park requires major modifications to the drainage channels through the Park to minimize the risk of damage to the fields and park amenities during major storm flows.  Work will include channel improvements, construction of floodwalls, drop basins, grouted rip-rap, irrigation and electrical utility relocation. Staff is requesting $500,000 for the remainder of construction in FY24, which would begin following league use in the park.  D6062 – Grande & Rosita Drainage Channel - $15,625 Last year, staff was granted authorization from Council to apply for grant funding from the Flood Control District for this project.  The Town applied successfully, and The Flood Control District approved the grant for this project, which will improve an unlined ditch between Grande Boulevard and Rosita Drive, by constructing a re-designed concrete-lined u-shaped drainage channel in its place.  The proposed improvements will address past and future flooding concerns and frequent maintenance issues, by more efficiently conveying drainage runoff from Grande Blvd to Rosita Drive. The channel’s curb openings will be resized and regraded as part of the improvements.  The total cost for design and construction is $290,000.  The FCDMC, through the SPAP Program, will provide a 75% share of the total cost of the project, and the Town will provide its 25% share.   The Flood Control District’s share is $217k, and the Town’s share is $72,500.  Design was completed and construction is commencing in FY23.  The anticipated cost to complete the construction in FY24 is $62,500, of which $15,625 is the Town’s share. D6063 – Deuce Court Drainage Improvements - $5,000 Last year, staff was granted authorization from Council to apply for grant funding from the Flood Control District for this project.  The Town applied successfully, and The Flood Control District approved the grant for this project, which will construct new drainage improvements that will address surface drainage conditions on the cul-de-sac at Deuce Court.  Many years ago, when this was subdivision was originally constructed, the stormwater infrastructure was not built per the approved construction plans.  This resulted in a catch basin with inadequate depth and an undersized storm drain. This failing system is to blame for past flooding events as well as future flooding concerns for multiple homeowners on Deuce Ct.  The extent of the proposed improvements include the design, sizing and construction of a new catch basin and accompanying storm drain to replace the existing failing system.  The total cost for design and construction is $95,000.  The Flood Control District will participate with a 75% share of the total cost of the project, and the Town will provide its 25% share. The Flood Control District’s share is $71,250k, and the Town’s share is $23,750.  Design was completed and construction is commencing in FY23.  The anticipated cost to complete the construction in FY24 is $20k, of which $5k is the Town’s share. D6047 Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements - $50,000 This project will provide for the construction of new drainage facilities, repairs, or the extension of existing facilities to prevent erosion issues and damage to private properties. A total of $50,000 is requested each year and is used as necessary to make drainage improvements. S6058 - Wayfinding Signs - $250,000  This project will fabricate and install way-finding signs at strategic locations throughout the Town to help direct visitors to public amenities, parks, lodging and business areas.  Plans were completed several years ago, but were not signed or sealed.  During FY23, an engineering firm was contracted to perform structural calculations for the Primary and Secondary Vehicular Directional Signs, Vehicular Directional Post and Event Signage.  The design plans are also being value engineered to align with industry standards, to reduce the cost of materials and fabrication. D6065 – Sidewalk Gap Infill, Palisades and Saguaro - $200,117 Several years ago, the Town applied for and received grant funding for this sidewalk gap infill project on Saguaro Blvd between FHB and Colony Drive, and Palisades Blvd between FHB and Saguaro Blvd.  Design is 60% complete, and after July 2023, construction will begin.  In 2022, the Town received additional MAG closeout funds to be used toward construction.  The total project cost is $3,867,934, of which the Federal Share is $3,645,752, and the Town’s share is $222,182.  After deducting the design costs expended in FY23, the remaining town’s share for construction in FY24 is $200,117. S6061 Sidewalks Infill Project - $300,000 This is a multiyear project, and over the last 7 years, over 15,000 linear feet of new sidewalk has been installed. Most pre-incorporation areas within the Town were constructed without any sidewalks, requiring pedestrians to walk in the street. Increased roadway traffic has created safety hazards; increased pedestrian usage has intensified the hazards. Town funds may be used as matching funds for future sidewalk grant applications.  Community Center Moisture Intrusion Measures - $200,000 During the initial phase of renovations to the Community Center in 2021, drainage issues were discovered at the exterior walls and doors of the building. Subsequently, during the Summer of 2022, the building experienced interior odors, carpet staining, ceiling leaks, and increased humidity. An Evaluation of the Community Center structure was performed, and moisture and air testing were completed throughout the building, to determine the extent of the moisture intrusion damage. The Evaluation provided short-term, medium-term, and long-term recommendations. An architect has been retained and this project will fund the near-term recommendations identified by the design professional to address moisture issues. T5005 - Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr/Palomino Blvd Traffic Signal - Completion of Design - $34,910  Design is currently 90% complete for a traffic signal at the intersection of Palisades Blvd and Eagle Ridge Drive/Palomino Blvd.  The traffic signal is warranted based on the expansion of the Adero at Scottsdale resort and Adero Canyon residential development.  During design, there were unanticipated complications with emergency vehicle pre-emption due to line-of-sight issues approaching the intersection.  Staff is requesting $34,910 in FY24 to complete the design.  Once the design is completed, staff will apply for grant funding for future construction, which would be brought back to Council for approval at a later date.  This intersection was previously identified in the IIP, and can be funded partially through development impact fees.  It should be noted that part of this intersection lies within the City of Scottsdale, and an IGA will be necessary to establish the maintenance of the signal by the Town of Fountain Hills, when the time comes. S6068 - Town Wide Guardrail Replacement - $50,000 The Town owns and maintains 10,000 linear feet of guardrail. There was a change in Federal guidelines in 2014, and as a result, several segments of pre- and post-incorporation guardrail are no longer in compliance with Federal highway standards. In 2022, an assessment of the Town's guardrails was performed, and this project will follow the recommendations of that assessment. Staff intends to apply for HSIP grant funding to offset the cost of replacing the guardrail, and the $50k per year represents the Town’s share of the cost. D6060 - Town-wide Storm Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation - $150,000 This project constructs, maintains and repairs Town-wide stormwater infrastructure, including pipe cleaning, inspecting, maintenance and treatments, and installation of pipe linings.  The Town is responsible for the maintenance and repair of 407 catch basins and over 73,000 linear feet of storm drains and culverts, as well as drop inlets and curb openings at drainage parcels.  These are all essential components of the Town's storm drain network, as they convey large amounts of runoff to our washes, mitigating flooding concerns.  Many of these large pipe culverts were installed by the County pre-incorporation, and some drainage structures are over 40 years old, so maintenance is critical to minimize the risk of failure during flooding events.  Staff is requesting to continue funding this program at $150,000 annually. Bridge Repair - $75,000 The Bridge Repair program is allocated for ongoing maintenance and to repair deficiencies to existing Town-maintained bridges.  The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Bridge Group conducts bridge inspections every four (4) years on twenty-three (23) Town bridges.  In 2022, three (3) of the bridges were noted to require maintenance: •Zapata Wash – Sunridge Dr at Zapata Wash – Repair & Stabilization of the culvert approach •Sunridge Dr at Cholula Wash – Repair erosion behind SE corner wingwall •Golden Eagle Blvd at Bristol Wash– Patch spall with exposed rebar at inlet side of south barrel Performing regular maintenance on the bridges will address issues before they become more serious, and save the Town money over time.  Staff is requesting $75,000 per year to maintain and repair our bridges. Sidewalk on Fountain Hills Boulevard at Church of the Ascension - $290,000 This project will construct an ADA-compliant concrete sidewalk and retaining wall on the east side of Fountain Hills Boulevard between Crystal Ridge Drive and Segundo Drive, in front of the Church of the Ascension.  Design was completed in FY22 under Project S6061, Sidewalk Infill and Design.  This is a critical section in our short-term sidewalk gap elimination program, and supports the Town’s Active Transportation Plan and the 2021 Strategic Plan for creating a walkable community.  The Town received a quote for construction of the improvements, and based on the construction estimate, staff is requesting $290,000 to complete this sidewalk project. Low Flow Roadway Drainage Crossing Improvement Program - $200,000 This project is a newly proposed annual program which will allocate $200k each year towards design and construction of improvements at low-flow roadway crossings at Washes throughout the Town.  There are approximately 30 of these crossings within the Town, and this program would include design and construction of pipes, culverts or other appropriate means to eliminate nuisance flow across roads, will reduce roadway maintenance costs and sediment cleanup after storms and reduce the risk of freezing water on the roadway surface, increasing safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and pedestrians.   This program is intended to address and improve each of the crossings over a 20-year period.  It is anticipated that the majority of these locations will meet criteria for potential grant funding from the Flood District of Maricopa County, through their Small Project Assistance Program (SPAP).  This grant funding is planned to offset the Town's cost of design and construction of improvements. Downtown Streetscape Improvements - $635,000 This project will design and construct pedestrian path light poles and fixtures along Verde River Drive and Parkview Avenue.  Each of the poles will have electrical receptacles for use by Community Services.  The poles will also be fitted to accommodate the hanging of banners, promoting the Town, special events and holidays.  This project is supported by the Economic Development Department and will facilitate the expansion of downtown development.   The proposed improvements will make the adjacent lots more attractive for development, resulting in increased economic activity.  Staff is requesting $635k for design and construction of the pedestrian lighting improvements. Shea Boulevard Multi Modal Path and Sidewalk - $638,000 This is a multi-jurisdictional Grant application project, that the Town of Fountain Hills is applying for through the Federal RAISE Grant program (formerly TIGER Grant).  This project will design and construct a multi-use path along the south side of Shea Boulevard, from 142nd Street (in Scottsdale) to Eagle Mountain Parkway (in Fountain Hills), and 6’ wide sidewalk on the north side of Shea between 136th Street in Scottsdale and Palisades Blvd.  This project will require future IGAs to establish the Federal cost share and Scottsdale’s cost share if this project is awarded the RAISE Grant.  The MUP and Sidewalk will fill in the existing gaps on the north and south sides of Shea Boulevard.  The RAISE grant would fund up to 80% of the total project cost (estimated at $5.8M).  Of the remaining 20%, the local funding split between Fountain Hills and Scottsdale would be based on the length of the project located within each jurisdiction, approximately 55% Fountain Hills and 45% Scottsdale.  The anticipated project cost share for Fountain Hills is $638,000 and for Scottsdale is $522,000.  The estimated Town share for design in FY24 is $100k, and for construction in FY25 is $538k.  Resident feedback supports this project. Panorama Drive Spring Pump Electrical Upgrade - $100,000 This project will design and construct electrical upgrades to the existing pump located on Panorama Drive, which will allow the pump to operate at a higher pumping capacity. The electrical upgrade will ensure that the pump is able to divert subterranean spring water into Fountain Lake, to minimize the water flow onto adjacent Tribal land. F3033 Video Surveillance Cameras - $75,000 This project involves the installation of video surveillance cameras at town-owned buildings and parks. Additional surveillance cameras have deterred vandalism and provide video evidence when vandalism has occurred. Since originally approved by Council in 2017, cameras have been installed in the Community Center, Town Hall, Fountain Park, Four Peaks Park, Golden Eagle Park and Cutillo Plaza. This ongoing multiyear project will allow staff to install additional cameras at Adero Canyon, Desert Vista, Fountain Park, Golden Eagle parks, and the street maintenance facility.  S6066 - Fountain Hills Boulevard & Palisades Boulevard Intersection Improvements - $290,000 In FY21, an evaluation of the intersection geometry and level of service was performed at this intersection. Based on the findings of the assessment, this project will consist of the optimization of signal timing for the existing traffic signal and will replace the curb ramps.  To reduce intersection delay, the project will implement a left-turn permissive phase change at this signal, and left turns from all approaches will be allowed during the green phase whenever there are appropriate gaps in oncoming traffic. This will reduce the buildup of the left-turn queues and allow more vehicles to make their turn during the cycle. To support the permissive left turn phase, physical intersection improvements will be installed to improve sight distance for left-turning vehicles.  This project will increase the overall intersection level of service (LOS).  Design is slated for FY24 at a cost of $90k, and construction would follow in FY25 at a cost of $200k.  Staff intends to apply for HSIP funding to offset construction costs. Saguaro Blvd & Kingstree Drainage Improvements - $165,000 This project will design and construct improvements to address existing drainage conditions at the intersection of Saguaro Blvd and Kingstree Blvd.  Improvements will consist of newly constructed sidewalk scuppers on both sides of Saguaro Blvd, just south of Kingstree Blvd, to allow stormwater runoff to flow efficiently from Saguaro Blvd into the scuppers under the sidewalks, leading into the Jacklin Wash below.  Historically, the water has taken up to several hours to drain from this area, and has been unpassable after numerous high-intensity storms. This project will substantially reduce the flooding and required time to drain, improving the safety of vehicles driving through the intersection and reducing the risk of vehicular damage from passing through floodwaters during or following storm events.  Palisades & La Montana Intersection Improvements - $150,000 This intersection, which has experienced numerous crashes over the years, is currently stop-controlled on all four approaches.  This project will include the design and construction of intersection improvements, to be determined based on recommendations from an intersection analysis that is currently underway.  The improvements are intended to enhance safety for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. The analysis will determine the nature of the improvements, which may include either a traffic signal or roundabout.  The recommended solution from the Intersection Traffic Analysis will be brought to the Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee for their input and approval prior to bringing the project to the full Council for approval.  It is anticipated that this project will qualify for Federal grant funding.  Design is proposed for FY24 for $150k, and construction is slated for FY25 for $1.5M.  These numbers are high-level estimate placeholders, and will be finalized during the procurement and design process. Calico Drive Landscape Beautification - $825,000 In response to resident feedback, this project would replace the existing natural landscape/flora on the south side of Calico Drive between El Pueblo Boulevard and Del Cambre Ave with new landscaping, ground cover, trees, vegetation and associated irrigation. The beautification is proposed adjacent to the Ashbrook Wash, along the northern shelf of the Wash.  The landscape beautification will improve the overall aesthetic of the streetscape of Calico Drive, and design will consider biophyllic plantings.  Design would take place in FY24 for $75,000, and construction would be slated for FY25 for $750,000. Unsignalized Intersection Street Light Program - $125,000 This project consists of the design and construction of overhead streetlighting at unsignalized intersections.  Typically in Fountain Hills, the only streetlights are located at signalized intersections, while the remaining unsignalized intersections have no streetlights.  The streets become very dark at night, and this project would install dark-sky-compliant LED streetlights at unsignalized intersections over time. The streetlights would need to be powered by an electric source, and coordinated with SRP.  Each intersection would require trenching and installation of conduit, tying into the nearest electrical source, and could cost in the range of $100k-$125k per intersection, depending on the location and amount of trenching required. Staff is requesting $125,000 per year to focus on the design and installation of streetlights at 1 intersection per year. Town Hall Fire Alarm Panel and Device Upgrade - $90,000 This project will upgrade the fire alarm panel and associated components in the Town Hall building. The existing fire alarm system in Town Hall was part of the original construction and is reaching the end of its useful life. Alarm components are becoming obsolete, making repairs difficult.  Both the Library/Museum and the Community Center facilities received fire alarm component upgrades in 2022. Community Center Interior Lighting Upgrade - $200,000 This project will upgrade the interior lighting system at the Community Center.  It will be determined if the existing electrical control panel can be upgraded, or if it needs to be replaced. The original interior lighting at the Community Center shows its age with cracked/discolored lenses and out-of-date fixtures.  The control system is also original, and future failures will be difficult to repair based on equipment obsolescence.   Council Chambers Patio Shade Structure - $175,000 This project will design and install a new steel patio shade structure outside the exterior entrance to the Council Chambers at Town Hall.   This will be similar to the type originally installed at Town Hall. The proposed shade structure will promote the use of the exterior public space on the Town Hall Campus for use by the public and Town employees. MCSO Locker Room Renovation - $125,000 This project will renovate the Maricopa County Sheriffs' Office locker rooms.  The locker rooms are original to the Town Hall’s 2005 construction, and finishes and surfaces are worn and deteriorated to the point of needing to be replaced.  The MCSO Sub Station operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and is subject to a great deal of wear and tear.  Tiles are coming loose to the point of needing replacement. Replacement of Chiller $3 Compressors - $110,000 Chiller # 3’s two compressors are original equipment installed in 2000. Chiller #2 is also original but has had both compressors replaced in recent years. Chiller #1 was added several years later.  Chillers are responsible for providing chilled water to campus buildings, providing cooling in hotter months.  Three operational chillers are critical for providing redundancy to avoid unnecessary HVAC failures. These are large, complex, and expensive machines, often requiring long lead times on replacement components, parts and needed equipment to remain in operation.  The replacement of the Chiller #3 compressors is critical for environmental control of the Town campus. Town Hall Campus Exterior Lighting and Electrical Upgrade - $295,500 This 2-year project will replace outdated exterior lighting with new LED lighting, where brightness and colors can be modified to commemorate holidays and special events.  The project will install new landscape granite mulch and address landscape repair/replacements campus wide.  The scope will also provide new window treatments on the west side of Town Hall, which will provide enhanced security for the Council Chambers.  Design is $20,000, and construction is $275,000, split over FY24 and FY25. Town Hall Entrance Column Repairs - $150,000 Both the North and South entrances of Town Hall have flagstone lined columns as a design element.  Many of these stones are coming loose and represent a potential hazard.  Potential options to address this issue include repair of the existing stones, removal and replacement with new stones, removal and replacement with a different material, or remove and stucco. This project will eliminate this potential public hazard. Public Restroom Facility on Avenue of the Fountains - $185,000 There have been requests from business owners on the Avenue of the Fountains, as well as those visiting downtown for a public restroom facility on the Avenue.  There exists Town-owned land on the south side of the Avenue, immediately west of Georgie’s that might serve as a possible site for a future restroom. This project would involve the planning, siting and design for a public restroom facility in FY24 for $35,000, and construction in FY25 for $150,000.  These are high-level planning numbers, and if approved, staff will refine these costs and provide potential design options to Council, with input from design professionals. FUTURE PROJECTS McDowell Mountain Road Culvert Crossing at Escalante Wash - $625,000 The Town applied for Federal grants through the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program, to address three low flow crossings by converting them to culvert crossings.  The first location is McDowell Mountain Road where it crosses the Escalante Wash.  The low-flow crossing is subject to flooding and sediment deposition from the adjacent Wash during storm events.  This project will remove the existing road at the crossing, and reconstruct the road as a properly designed culvert crossing.     If the grant is awarded, it will provide a 75% share of the total cost of the project, while the Town would provide its 25% share.  The preliminary high-level total project cost is $2.5M, with a Federal grant share of $1.875M and a Town contribution of $625k.  If the Town is awarded the grant and the project moves forward, the Town will apply to the Flood Control District of Maricopa County for an SPAP grant to assist us with our share of the cost.   FY25 - Design - Total  $200k (Fed share $150k, Town share $50k)  FY26 - Construction - Total $2.3M (Fed share $1.725M, Town share $575k) Del Cambre Avenue Culvert Crossing at Ashbrook Wash - $262,500 The second BRIC grant location is Del Cambre Avenue where it crosses the Ashbrook Wash.  The total project cost is $1,050,000.  If the grant is awarded, the Federal share would be $787,500 and the Town contribution would be $262,500.   FY25 - Design - Total  $100k (Fed share $75k, Town share $25k)  FY26 - Construction - Total $950k (Fed share $712,500, Town share $237,500k) El Pueblo Boulevard Culvert Crossing at Ashbrook Wash - $328,750 The third BRIC grant location is El Pueblo Boulevard where it crosses the Ashbrook Wash.  The total project cost is $1,315,000.  If the grant is awarded, the Federal share would be $986,250 and the Town share would be $328,750.   FY25 - Design - Total  $100k (Fed share $75k, Town share $25k)  FY26 - Construction - Total $1.215M (Fed share $911,250, Town share $303,750k) Fountain Hills Boulevard/Legend Wash Crossing - $1,300,000 Staff anticipates applying for a Flood Control SPAP grant for this project, which would design and construct drainage improvements at the Fountain Hills Boulevard crossing of Legend Wash. This is another low flow crossing, and the design would elevate the roadway and install either a culvert or drainage pipes below the roadway to allow storm runoff to pass under the roadway.  This will reduce the risk of future flooding and sediment deposition on Fountain Hills Boulevard.  The SPAP grant provides for a 75% County/25% Town cost ratio towards the Design and Construction costs.  The very preliminary high-level project cost estimate is $1.3M, with Town expenditures of $50k in FY25 for our share of design, and $275k in FY26 for our share of construction.  The Flood District/Town cost shares are estimated as: FY25 - Design - FCDMC share $150k, Town share $50k FY26 - Construction - FCDMC share $825k, Town share $275k Total Project Federal share = $975k Total Project Local share = $325k     Attachments 2023-24 CIP Presentation  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Public Works Director Justin Weldy 03/07/2023 02:40 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 03/08/2023 04:08 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 03/08/2023 09:38 AM Form Started By: David Janover Started On: 03/06/2023 01:28 PM Final Approval Date: 03/08/2023  TOW N OF F OU N TA IN HIL L S WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Presented by Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director Justin T. Weldy, Public Works Director David Janover, Town Engineer CIP Work Session March 14, 2023 Capital Projects Overview WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Today’s presentation will cover the following: •FY2024 Community Services Capital Projects •FY2024 Public Works Capital Projects •Outer Year Public Works Capital Projects 2 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Community Services FY 2024 Proposed Capital Projects 3 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Sunridge Preserve/Walking Paths $100,000 Fund Source: Park Development Fee Fund 4 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Sunridge Preserve: Pedestrian Access and Walking Paths only •Estimated budget: $100,000 from Park Development Fees •Partnership with Conservancy Trailblazers- volunteer trail building •Operation from Sunrise to Sunset only •Designate as a park to allow all A.R.S and local park Ordinances to be enforced •Remove parking lot and vehicular access area •Remove shade ramadas •Install walking paths with pedestrian access from Desert Canyon Dr only •Include pedestrian bridge and drainage culvert •Include signage with rules •Include refuse receptacles and dog waste stations WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV P3054 CIP Park Sidewalk Replacement $100,000 6 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV P3053 Centennial Pavilion/Pavilion Improvements $250,000 7 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV P3032 Golden Eagle Park – Field Lights $700,000 8 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV P3036 Desert Vista Park - Year Two $200,000 9 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Fountain Park Hillside Protection $100,000 Panorama Hillside Protection - $100k Fund Sources: CIP Fund - $100k 10 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Fountain Park Splash Pad Picnic Area $550,000 Splash Pad Picnic Area - $550k Fund Sources: CIP Fund - $550k 11 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Community Services CIP Summary Description FY24 Sunridge Preserve/Walking Paths $ 100,000 P3054 Sidewalk Replacement (Multi Year)100,000 P3053 Centennial Pavilion / Pavilion Improvements 250,000 P3032 Golden Eagle Park – Field Lights 700,000 P3036 Desert Vista Park Improvements 200,000 Fountain Park Hillside Protection 100,000 Fountain Park Splash Pad Picnic Area 550,000 Total FY24 Community Services CIP $2,000,000 12 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Community Services CIP Summary – Outer Years Description FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 Sidewalk Replacement $100,000 $100,000 Total Community Services CIP $100,000 $100,000 13 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Public Works FY 2023 Carry-Over Projects 14 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV S6058 – Shea Boulevard Widening Federal Grant Total Project Cost - $2.6M Fed Share - $1.8M Town Share - $780k Design – Complete FY24 – Remaining Construction Fed Share - $385,500 Town Share - $169,500 15 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV D6057 - Golden Eagle Impoundment Area Improvements $500,000 Total Project - $2.2M Design – Complete FY24 – Remaining Construction - $500k 16 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV D6062 – Grande & Rosita Drainage Channel Flood Control District SPAP Grant Total Project Cost - $227,500 FCDMC Share - $170,625 Town Share - $56,875 Design – 90% Complete Construction to begin in FY23 FY24 – Remaining Construction FCDMC Share $46,875 Town Share - $15,625 17 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV D6063 – Deuce Court Drainage Improvements Flood Control District SPAP Grant Total Project Cost – $95,000 FCDMC Share - $71,250 Town Share - $23,750 Design – 90% Complete Construction to begin in FY23 FY24 – Remaining Construction FCDMC Share $15k Town Share - $5k 18 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Public Works FY 2024 Proposed Capital Projects 19 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV D6047 - Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements $50,000 CIP (Multi Year) FY2023 Projects Completed: FHB/Balboa Wash - Pipe Extension 20 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV S6059 – Wayfinding Signs Value Engineering Underway Construction in FY24 - $250k 21 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV D6065 – Sidewalk Gap Infill, Palisades and Saguaro Federal Grant Design – 60% Complete FY24 Construction Fed Share-$3,310,704 Town Share-$200,117 22 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV S6061 Sidewalk Infill and Design Design/Construction $300,000 (Multi Year) FY2023 PROJECTS Location Status Fountain Park Connector Sidewalk Complete La Montana Drive at the Driveway w/o Parkview Blvd Complete Panorama Drive Crosswalk and Ramp (n/o Diamante Dr)Complete Saguaro Blvd N Service Road, Rand Dr to Tower Dr Complete S/S El Lago Blvd, Saguaro to La Montana Under Design 23 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV F4037 Community Center Moisture Intrusion Measures $200,000 24 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV T5005 – Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr/Palomino Blvd Traffic Signal – Completion of Design ($34,910) Design is Currently 90% Complete FY24 – Complete Design - $34,910 Anticipate Grant for Future Construction 25 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV S6068 – Town wide Guardrail replacement $50,000 CIP (Multi Year) Completed Guardrail Assessment Report Anticipated HSIP Grant 26 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV D6060 Town Wide Storm Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation $150,000 (Multi Year) FY2023 Projects Completed: Ongoing Cleanings and Inspections 27 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Bridge Repair $75,000 (Multi Year) 28 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Sidewalk on Fountain Hills Boulevard at Church of the Ascension $290,000 29 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Low-Flow Roadway Drainage Crossing Improvement Program $200,000 Design - $50k Construction - $150k Potential Grants Projects 30 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Downtown Streetscape Improvements $635,000 Design - $60k Construction - $575k 31 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Shea Boulevard Multi Modal Path and Sidewalk $100,000 (Town Share) 32 Total Project Cost $5,800,000 RAISE Grant (Fed Share 80%) - $4,640,000 Local Match (20%) - $1,160,000 •Scottsdale Share (45%) - $522,000 •Fountain Hills Share (55%) - $638,000 FY24 – Design •Town Share - $100,000 FY25 – Construction •Town Share – $538,000 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Panorama Drive Spring Pump Electrical Upgrade $100,000 33 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV F3033 – Video Surveillance Cameras $75,000 (Multi Year) 34 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV S6066 - Fountain Hills Boulevard & Palisades Boulevard Intersection Improvements Design $90,000 FY24 – Design - $90k FY25 - Construction - $200k 35 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Saguaro & Kingstree Drainage Improvements Design & Construction - $165,000 36 FY24 Design - $15,000 Construction - $150,000 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV S6074 - Palisades Blvd & La Montana Drive Intersection Improvements Design $150,000 Intersection Analysis Underway 37 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Calico Drive Landscape Beautification Design $75,000 FY 25 – Construction $750k 38 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Unsignalized Intersection Streetlighting Program $125,000 39 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Proposed Capital Improvement Facility Projects FY 2023-24 •Town Hall Fire Alarm Panel and Device Upgrade - $90k •Community Center Interior Lighting Upgrade - $200k •Council Chambers Patio Shade Structure - $175k •MCSO Locker Room Renovation - $125k •Replacement of Chiller #3 Compressors - $110k 40 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV F4041 - Town Hall Campus Exterior Lighting and Electrical Upgrade Design/Construction $157,500 FY24 Design - $20k Construction – $137,500 FY25 Construction - $137,500 41 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Town Hall Campus Entrance Column Repairs $150,000 42 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Public Restroom Facility on the Avenue of the Fountains $185,500 FY24 - Planning/Siting and Design - $35,000 FY25 - Construction – $150,000 Maintenance - 12,000/year Source: Downtown Fund 43 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Future Capital Improvement Projects Beyond FY 2023-24 44 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV McDowell Mountain Road Culvert Crossing at Escalante Wash (Anticipated Federal BRIC Grant) Design - $200k Construction – $2.3M FY25 – Design Town Share -$50k Fed Grant - $150k FY26 – Construction Town Share -$575k Fed Grant - $1,725,000 45 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Del Cambre Avenue Culvert Crossing at Ashbrook Wash (Anticipated Federal BRIC Grant) Design - $100k Construction – $950k FY25 – Design Town Share -$25k Fed Grant - $75k FY26 – Construction Town Share -$237,500 Fed Grant - $712,500k 46 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV El Pueblo Blvd Culvert Crossing at Ashbrook Wash (Anticipated Federal BRIC Grant) Design - $100k Construction – $1,215,000 FY25 – Design Town Share -$25k Fed Grant - $75k FY26 – Construction Town Share -$303,750 Fed Grant - $911,250 47 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Fountain Hills Boulevard/Legend Wash Crossing $1,300,000 (Anticipated SPAP Grant Funding)FY25 – Design – $200k FCDMC Share - $150k Town Share - $50k FY26 – Construction - $1.1M FCDMC Share - $825k Town Share - $275k FCDMC SPAP Grant $975k Town Share - $325k 48 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Public Works CIP Summary Description FY 24 Shea Boulevard Widening $ 169,500* Golden Eagle Impoundment Area Improvements 500,000 Grande & Rosita Drainage Channel 15,625* Deuce Court Drainage Improvements 5,000* Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements (Program)50,000 Wayfinding Signs 250,000 Sidewalk Gap Infill, Palisades & Saguaro (Multi Year)200,117* Sidewalk Infill & Design (Program)300,000 Community Center Moisture Intrusion Measures 200,000 Palisades Blvd & Eagle Ridge Dr/Palomino Dr Traffic Signal Design 34,910 Town Wide Guardrail Replacement (Multi Year)50,000* Continued next slide * Denotes Town Share of Grant 49 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Public Works CIP Summary Description FY24 Town Wide Storm Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation (Program)$ 150,000 Bridge Repair (Program)75,000 Sidewalk on Fountain Hills Blvd at Church of the Ascension 290,000 Low-Flow Roadway Drainage Crossing Improvements (Program) 200,000 Downtown Streetscape Improvements 635,000 Shea Boulevard Multi Modal Path (Multi Year) (Grant-Dependent)100,000* Panorama Drive Spring Pump Electrical Upgrade 100,000 Video Surveillance Cameras (Program)75,000 Fountain Hills Blvd & Palisades Blvd Intersection Improvements Design (Multi Year)90,000 Saguaro & Kingstree Intersection Improvements Design & Construction 165,000 Palisades Blvd & La Montana Drive Intersection Improvement Design (Multi Year)150,000 Continued next slide * Denotes Town Share of Project 50 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Public Works CIP Summary – FY24 Description FY24 Calico Drive Landscape Beautification Design (Multi Year)$ 75,000 Unsignalized Intersection Streetlighting Program 125,000 Town Hall Fire Alarm Panel and Device Upgrade 90,000 Community Center Interior Lighting Upgrade Design & Construction 200,000 Council Chambers Patio Shade Structure Design & Construction 175,000 MCSO Locker Room Renovation 125,000 Replacement of Chiller #3 Compressors 110,000 Town Hall Campus Exterior Lighting and Electrical Upgrade 157,500 Town Hall Building Entrance Column Repairs 150,000 Public Restroom Facility on Avenue of the Fountains $35,000 Total FY24 Public Works CIP $4,867,652 51 WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Public Works CIP Summary – Outer Years Description FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements (Program)$50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Sidewalk Infill & Design (Program)$300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Town Wide Guardrail Replacement $50,000 Town Wide Storm Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation (Program) $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 Bridge Repair (Program)$75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 Low-Flow Roadway Drainage Crossing Improvements (Program) $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 Shea Boulevard Multi Modal Path Construction $538,000* Video Surveillance Cameras (Program)$75,000 $75,000 $75,000 Continued next slide 52 * Denotes Town Share of Grant WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Public Works CIP Summary – Outer Years Description FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 Fountain Hills Blvd & Palisades Blvd Intersection Improvements Construction $200,000 Palisades Blvd & La Montana Drive Intersection Improvements Construction $1,500,000 Calico Drive Landscape Beautification Construction $750,000 Unsignalized Intersection Streetlight Program $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 Town Hall Campus Exterior Lighting/Electrical $137,500 Public Restroom Facility on Avenue of the Fountains $150,000 McDowell Mountain Rd Culvert at Escalante Wash $50,000*$575,000* Del Cambre Ave Culvert at Ashbrook Wash $25,000*$237,500* El Pueblo Rd Culvert at Ashbrook Wash $25,000*$303,750* Fountain Hills Blvd/Legend Wash Crossing $50,000*$275,000* Total FY24 Public Works CIP $4,450,500 $2,366,250 $975,000 $900,000 * Denotes Town Share of Grant 53 TOW N OF F OU N TA IN HIL L S WWW.FOUNTAINHILLSAZ.GOV Questions