HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__11-16-23_0906_548       NOTICE OF MEETING WORK SESSION FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL     Mayor Ginny Dickey Vice Mayor Sharron Grzybowski Councilmember Peggy McMahon Councilmember Hannah Toth Councilmember Gerry Friedel Councilmember Brenda J. Kalivianakis Councilmember Allen Skillicorn    TIME:3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. – WORK SESSION WHEN:THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2023 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Council meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Town Council are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.    AGENDA          1.CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Ginny Dickey      2.ROLL CALL – Mayor Dickey      3.REGULAR AGENDA      A.Discussions Related to future Pavement Management funding     4.ADJOURNMENT        CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE    CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Town Council with the Town Clerk. Dated this ______ day of ____________________, 2023. _____________________________________________  Linda G. Mendenhall, MMC, Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's Office.    Town Council Work Session of November 16, 2023 2 of 2 ITEM 3. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 11/16/2023 Meeting Type: Town Council Work Session Agenda Type: Regular Agenda                  Submitting Department: Public Works Prepared by: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Staff Contact Information: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Request to Town Council Work Session (Agenda Language):  Discussions Related to future Pavement Management funding   Staff Summary (Background): Infrastructure strategic planning is an essential component of the management of Town streets, and is driven by growth, aging infrastructure, and limited revenue sources. The emphasis is now being placed on not only knowing the true cost of providing a cost-effective pavement management program, but also understanding what will be required to maintain a specific level of service throughout the life of Town-owned streets. The pavement management software used to complete the Town of Fountain Hills pavement analysis is a Budget Optimization Street Selector system known as "BOSS." The pavement analysis conducted by our consultant (Roadway Asset Services, LLC.) and staff, prioritizes a multi-year rehabilitation plan using sound pavement engineering and financial optimization principles. The FY24 pavement maintenance projects for streets have been identified, and a budget of $5,000,000 has been allocated and approved by the council.  The Council has also indicated that another $5,000,000 will be allocated for the FY25 pavement maintenance projects. For the outlying years beyond FY25, a Town budget of $2,125,000.00 was utilized for the 5-year budget models.  Prior to the General Fund savings that resulted from federal grants, the Streets Fund received a $2,125,000.00 budget for maintenance and rehabilitation activities. Each year, 15% of the budget is allocated to cover other expenses such as administrative overhead, inspections, etc.   These budgets were applied in the Budget Optimization Street Selector (BOSS) software, for the development of a financially optimized 5-year planning model. Based on the Fix All analysis and current needs assessment, the Town would require a total investment of $64,000,424 to treat all Town maintained roads with an appropriate maintenance and rehabilitation activity based on current conditions and pavement type.   The Town’s greatest maintenance funding need is the Full depth reconstruction + subgrade prep for Pre-Incorporation Asphalt which represents 75.03% percent of the total Fix All cost at $48,025,763. Having utilized pavement management best practices and financially optimizing the Town’s limited budget, the network average PCI of the Town’s roads at the time of the analysis was 69.  However, the Town’s current backlog (roads below a PCI of 40) of 5.3% remains unsustainable at the current budget levels and is forecasted to grow to 15.3% in 5 years, which is considerably higher than the target backlog of 8%. The biggest challenge for staff will be gathering the funds required to complete full rehabilitation of the critical Pre-Incorporation Asphalt roadways.  In addition, there will come a point in each roadway's life cycle where it no longer benefits from preservation and will need more progressive rehabilitation such as an overlay.  The Town’s historical budget of $2.125M dedicated to pavement management will result in a network average PCI of 67 and a backlog of over 15% in the next 5 years. To control the growth of backlog below the target threshold of 8% would require $5,000,000 annually and the net benefit to PCI would be a jump in the average PCI to 72. An additional concern that requires consideration is the Town's Expenditure Limitation. This constitutionally-required limitation on the expenditure of local revenues is calculated each year by the Economic Estimates Commission, and the Town must remain below that set limit or lose state-shared revenue. The limit for FY24 is $34.3M, and the current pavement maintenance budget of $5.0M represents 15% of that limit. The Town's Municipal Advisor, Jim Stricklin from Columbia Capital, will also be in attendance to share his expertise and answer the Council's questions regarding various funding options, including, but not limited to, the issuance of municipal bonds. In addition, members of the Citizens' Street Committee and Roadway Asset Services will be available to answer questions. Attached to this staff report please find the following documents for review: Roadway Asset Services executive summary. Citizen Advisory Committee report. Roadway Geotechnical Engineering Report. Memo from the Town Engineer.   Attachments RAS Final Report  Citizen Advisory Committee Report  Roadway Geotechnical Engineering Report  Pavement modification Detail memo  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Public Works Director (Originator)Justin Weldy 11/03/2023 05:02 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 11/06/2023 12:04 PM Town Manager Linda Mendenhall 11/07/2023 09:20 AM Finance Director David Pock 11/07/2023 01:36 PM Town Manager Rachael Goodwin 11/08/2023 07:55 AM Form Started By: Justin Weldy Started On: 11/03/2023 09:56 AM Final Approval Date: 11/08/2023  Roadway Asset Services, LLC 6001 W Parmer Lane #370-1102 Austin, TX 78727 210-837-5249 2023 Pavement Evaluation Report Fountain Hills, AZ May 2023 1 Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Condition Results .......................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Budget Scenarios ........................................................................................................................... 7 Commonly Used Acronyms ........................................................................................................................... 8 2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 9 3 Project Scope & Methodology ........................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Pavement Condition Assessment ............................................................................................... 12 3.2 Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Calculation .............................................................................. 15 3.3 International Roughness Index (IRI) Calculation and Analysis .................................................... 15 4 Description of Distress Analysis ......................................................................................................... 16 5 Results ................................................................................................................................................ 20 5.1 Pavement Condition Index Results ............................................................................................. 21 5.2 International Roughness Index Results ....................................................................................... 25 5.3 Distress Breakdown by Severity .................................................................................................. 27 6 Pavement Maintenance/Preservation Funding ................................................................................. 28 7 Scenarios and Budget Estimates ........................................................................................................ 28 7.1 Deterioration curves ................................................................................................................... 28 7.2 Treatment Activities and Cost ..................................................................................................... 29 7.3 Scenarios ..................................................................................................................................... 31 7.3.1 Do-Nothing .............................................................................................................. 31 7.3.2 Unlimited Funding (Fix All) and Distribution of Costs ............................................. 32 7.3.3 Steady State Network PCI (SS PCI) .......................................................................... 33 7.3.4 Steady State Backlog Budget (SS Backlog) .............................................................. 34 7.3.5 Sample Maintenance Budgets versus PCI Improvement........................................ 35 8 Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 36 9 Appendix I: Distress Definitions (Colorado State University) ............................................................. 37 10 Appendix II: Automated Data Collection Equipment ......................................................................... 38 10.1 Roadway Asset Collection (RAC) Vehicle .................................................................................... 38 10.2 Quality Control/Assurance .......................................................................................................... 40 10.3 LCMS-2 ........................................................................................................................................ 41 10.4 Profile .......................................................................................................................................... 41 List of Figures Figure 1.1 Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Distribution ................................................................................ 5 Figure 1.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Surface Type Distribution ................................................................ 6 Figure 2.1: Deterioration Curve Example .................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Inspection Breakdown ................................................................... 10 Figure 2.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Roadway Network (Collection Status) .......................................... 11 Figure 3.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Network Coverage Map ................................................................ 13 Figure 3.2: Right-of-Way Image Example.................................................................................................... 15 Figure 4.1: RAS Pavement Analysis Tool Example ...................................................................................... 17 Figure 4.2: LCMS Post PCI Processing Image .............................................................................................. 18 Figure 4.3: Example of Distress Overlay Images ......................................................................................... 19 Figure 5.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent of Area ....................................................... 21 Figure 5.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent of Area for Asphalt Roads ....................... 22 Figure 5.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent of Area for Pre- Incorporation Asphalt Roads ........................................................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 5.4: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Distribution Map ..................................................................... 23 Figure 5.5: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Example Map .......................................................................... 24 Figure 5.6: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ IRI Distribution Map ...................................................................... 25 Figure 5.7: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Normalized IRI Example Map ........................................................ 26 Figure 5.8: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Asphalt Distress Breakdown ......................................................... 27 Figure 7.1: Typical Pavement Life Cycle Curve............................................................................................ 29 Figure 7.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - PCI Trend by Budget Scenario...................................................... 34 Figure 7.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - PCI Trend by Budget Scenario...................................................... 35 Figure 7.4: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Predicted 5-Year Pavement Condition Index Outlook ................. 36 Figure 10.1: RAS RAC Vehicle ...................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 10.2: 9-Point Calibration Site Example ............................................................................................ 40 Figure 10.3: LCMS Data Definition .............................................................................................................. 42 List of Tables Table 1.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent ...................................................................... 4 Table 2.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Inspection Breakdown .................................................................... 11 Table 3.1: IRI Category Ranges by Miles ..................................................................................................... 16 Table 5.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Condition Scale ............................................................................... 20 Table 5.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent of Centerline Miles .................................... 21 Table 5.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Asphalt Distress Breakdown by Severity ........................................ 27 Table 7.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Maintenance Suggestion by PCI Range (Arterial Roads) (Inflated to 2023 Rates) ................................................................................................................................................. 29 Table 7.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Maintenance Suggestion by PCI Range (Alleys) (Inflated to 2023 Rates) .......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Table 7.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Maintenance Suggestion by PCI Range (Collector Roads) (Inflated to 2023 Rates) ............................................................................................................................................. 30 Table 7.4: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Maintenance Suggestion by PCI Range (Local Roads) (Inflated to 2023 Rates) ................................................................................................................................................. 31 Table 7.5: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ – Fix All Analysis by Treatment Type ............................................... 33 Table 7.6: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Predicted 5-Year Overall Condition Index Outlook ....................... 36 4 | P a g e 1 Executive Summary Roadway Asset Services, LLC (RAS) performed a pavement condition assessment for the Town of Fountain Hills, AZ to provide an accurate assessment of the pavement conditions. The pavement data collection started on November 03, 2022 and completed on November 12, 2022. This report provides the processes and procedures for pavement condition data collection and evaluation, assessment of the results, and maintenance recommendations for the Town’s maintained roadway network. The pavement condition assessment included an automated mobile data collection effort, a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) calculated using RAS’s pavement analysis tool – Road Technical Rating Intelligence Program (Road TRIPTM), publishing of the results to a Microsoft PowerBI dashboard, and the delivery of an ESRI file geodatabase. The assessment and conditions rating were performed in general accordance with national standards, where applicable. The network PCI was determined following the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) D6433-11 “Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys” to determine the Surface Distresses Index (SDI) in combination with a Roughness Index (RI), which is derived from the International Roughness Index (IRI). The combination of SDI and a normalized IRI value such as RI used is (67%*SDI) + (33%*RI) = PCI. The PCI category break points below were developed during the Town’s 2018 survey update and were adopted for the 2023 survey in an effort to maintain consistency in the Town’s use of descriptive terminology as they relate to the PCI condition score ranges. In 2019, the Town Mayor and Council adopted the use of letter grades to assist in simplifying the interpretation of the condition score ranges. The criteria used at that time were as follows: A = 85 to 70; B = 70 to 60; and C = 60 to 50. These letter grades are not reflected in Table 1.1 as there is no industry standard for their application and every agency’s definition of each letter grade is a matter of local perception. Table 1.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Range Condition Description Total Distance (Miles) Total Area (Sq. Yd.) Percent of Network by Centerline Miles 86 – 100 Excellent 27.28 606,319 16.4% 71 – 85 Very Good 54.03 1,217,767 32.5% 61 – 70 Good 30.76 636,866 18.5% 51 – 60 Fair 26.77 534,470 16.1% 41 – 50 Marginal 17.23 337,707 10.4% 26 – 40 Poor 9.43 184,142 5.7% 0 – 25 Very Poor 0.93 15,395 0.6% Total of Rated Segments 166.44 3,532,666 100% 5 | P a g e Figure 1.1 Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Distribution 6 | P a g e Figure 1.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Surface Type Distribution 7 | P a g e 1.1 Condition Results RAS’s pavement analysis tool, Road Technical Rating Intelligence Program (Road TRIPTM), was used to evaluate and classify the pavement distresses, and calculate the SDI. The SDI is a numerical rating of the pavement condition based on the type, severity, and density of distresses observed on the pavement surface. The SDI is a measure of the overall serviceability provided by a pavement to the vehicle driver. The IRI value is normalized to provide a Roughness Index (RI) between 0 and 100 for the initial calculation of the final PCI value, which is a combination of the SDI and the RI; calculated using a weighted average: PCI = 67%*SDI + 33%*RI. At the time of this evaluation, the weighted arithmetic average PCI for all roads was 69. Following the categories from Table 1.1, the network is currently in a ‘Good’ condition. 1.2 Budget Scenarios RAS performed several five-year maintenance and preservation program scenarios for the Town of Fountain Hills, AZ. Fountain Hills has a budget of $2,125,000.00 per year assigned to optimized maintenance and rehabilitation activities. While the Town’s actual budget is $2,500,000; 15% of that budget was removed to cover other expenses such as administrative overhead, inspection, etc. In addition, The Town has an additional funding source from the CARES Act that equates to $10,000,000 and using the same logic presented above, 15% of the funding was removed to cover other expenses. As such, the CARES Act funding used in the model after removing administrative expenses was $8,500,000. This funding was spread over Fiscal Years 23 and 24 evenly and used to target pre-incorporation residential roadways that required full reconstruction or major rehabilitation. RAS also ran 9 additional scenarios with budgets below and above the Town’s annual budget. All of the additional budget runs also accounted for the $8,500,000 in CARES Act funding that was used to target residential roadways. These budgets were applied in the Budget Optimization Street Selector (BOSSTM) software, for the development of a financially optimized 5-year plan. Optimization is a broad-based term that has many different definitions. For most pavement management systems, optimization is the ability to prioritize a multi-year rehabilitation plan using several different factors that are important to Fountain Hills and based on sound engineering constraints. RAS infuses financial optimization by identifying two key components of a financial analysis: • Need Year – when a road/segment becomes critical, meaning it is getting closer to dropping into the next more expensive rehabilitation category. • Cost of Deferral – identifying the cost of deferral between a road/segment’s current rehabilitation category and its next category. Understanding the “Cost of Segment Deferral” allows the analysis to maximize the Town’s limited funds in the best manner possible. Using information provided by the Town, RAS pavement management experience, and industry standards, RAS assigned the PCI impact to each maintenance activity and is presented in Tables 7.1 to 7.4. A 5% inflation rate per year was applied to the maintenance and rehabilitation activity costs in the 5-year models. 8 | P a g e Commonly Used Acronyms • AC Asphalt Concrete • ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials • BR Brick • GR Gravel • GPS Global Positioning System • IRI International Roughness Index • LCMS Laser Crack Measurement System • PCI Pavement Condition Index • PCC Portland Cement Concrete • PCS POS Computer System • SDI Surface Distress Index • RI Roughness Index • POS Position and Orientation System • RAC Roadway Asset Collection vehicle • RAS Roadway Asset Services • Road TRIPTM Road Technical Rating Intelligence Program • ROW Right-of-way • UNS Unsurfaced 9 | P a g e 2 Introduction An asphalt pavement surface begins to oxidize and deteriorate from the day it is constructed. While concrete pavements may have longer durability, they also began deteriorating after construction due to joint failure and subgrade weakening. Many factors affect the deterioration rate, such as, but not limited to, the traffic loads, climatic conditions, age, material durability, subgrade support, damage caused by poor drainage, and construction materials and techniques. These factors cause the deterioration rate to be different for every pavement section. To manage a large pavement network, “family performance” curves are developed from available data to represent the expected performance and to help determine optimal times to apply preventive and rehabilitation treatments. To develop more accurate curves, periodic evaluations and assessment of the pavement condition must be performed to gain a realistic representation of condition versus age of the pavement network. Pavement deterioration is a non-linear process and initial deterioration occurs at a slow rate. After approximately 40% to 50% of a pavement’s service life, a pavement segment reaches an “inflection point’ after which pavement condition rapidly deteriorates. Understanding the condition and age at which this rapid drop in condition occurs is unbelievably valuable in determining the optimal time for maintenance as displayed in Figure 2.1. Properly understanding pavement conditions allows for cost effective preventive maintenance versus reactive rehabilitation at a much higher cost. Standard industry practice is to assess a pavement network every three to five years. More frequent assessments will likely not detect significant changes in condition. More than five years between assessments will likely miss critical changes and will not provide adequate data to define a deterioration curve where preventive maintenance is best applied. RAS recommends assessments every three years for networks greater than 100 miles. Local and residential streets can be delayed to every five years, because they are expected to deteriorate at a slower rate compared to arterial/collector streets. Local street deterioration is based on climatic conditions more than traffic loads. However, if funding is not separated by arterial/collector streets versus local streets, the assessments should be done in the same year to provide equivalent information for the decision process. Here, we describe the tools, processes and procedures used to collect and analyze pavement condition data as well as provide a summary of the results obtained from calculating each segment’s Pavement Condition Index (PCI). 10 | P a g e Figure 2.1: Deterioration Curve Example Figure 2.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Inspection Breakdown 11 | P a g e Table 2.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Inspection Breakdown Item Description Centerline Miles Percent of Centerline Miles 1 Asphalt Segments with PCI 109.16 64.9% 2 Pre-Incorporation Asphalt Segments with PCI 57.28 34.1% Total 168.22 100% Figure 2.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Roadway Network (Collection Status) 12 | P a g e 3 Project Scope & Methodology The overall project scope of work contains seven tasks outlined below: 1. Verify the Town’s Street network, 2. Perform mobile image data collection, 3. Determine the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), 4. Determine International Roughness Index (IRI), 5. Determine the Surface Distress Index (SDI), 6. Budget Analysis in the BOSS software, 7. Prepare pavement final report. 3.1 Pavement Condition Assessment Roadway Asset Services, LLC (RAS) performed a pavement condition survey for Fountain Hills, AZ beginning November 3, 2022 and completed on November 12, 2022, covering approximately 168.22 centerline miles of roadway. RAS used a Roadway Asset Collection (RAC) vehicle to collect street level ROW images and Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS-2) pavement images. The collected LCMS-2 pavement images were used to identify street segment pavement distresses and severities through analysis, while the 360-degree panoramic ROW images were used to confirm pavement distresses. Roadway networks are usually divided into three pavement surface types: asphalt (AC), Portland cement concrete (PCC), and unsurfaced (UNS). Due to the nature and scope of the project, pavement imagery and data were only collected on paved surfaces such as asphalt, pre-incorporation asphalt, and concrete roads. These types of roads (AC and PCC) account for most of the Town’s roadway, at approximately 166.44 centerline miles (98.9%) of total centerline miles (Table 2.1, Figure 2.2). To determine the general distress characteristics of each roadway segment, RAS utilized a RAC vehicle, which combines multiple engineered technologies to collect real-time pavement data, ROW data, and images at posted speed limits. This eliminates the need to place pavement inspection technicians in the field near vehicle traffic. A detailed listing and description of the RAC equipment is included in Section 10.0 of this report. Mobile image collection of the Town’s roadway network was accomplished through coordination with the Town’s GIS map provided for the survey areas, as displayed in Figure 3.1. Efforts associated with mobile image collection included review of client GIS street centerline file, route planning based on GIS street centerline, and coordination of existing construction projects along the Town’s streets. This project applied the ASTM D6433-11 ‘Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys’ pavement condition analysis method on collected LCMS-2 images to determine the road segment and network SDI. The ASTM D6433-11 method covers the process of quantifying pavement conditions and identifies pavement distress types, distress extent measurements, and distress severity to determine the deduct values for each distress type. ASTM D6433-11 outlines the method of SDI value calculation, which includes determining the deduct values, correcting for number of distresses in each survey sample, and calculating the PCI value by subtracting the maximum deduct value from one hundred. The ASTM D6433-11 procedure also outlines how the road network is divided into sections and sample units; first identifying the branches of the pavement with different uses, then dividing each branch into sections based on pavement design, construction history, traffic, and condition. RAS used the segmentation defined by Fountain Hills in their provided GIS database files. RAS used the option to evaluate 100% of the length of each 13 | P a g e lane driven by the RAC vehicle. Instead of averaging the number of sample units inspected within each section, RAS provided one PCI score, which was determined by measuring all the distresses and IRI within the driven lane to calculate the PCI for the entire section. Figure 3.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Network Coverage Map 14 | P a g e The RAS RAC vehicle collects pavement and ROW images concurrently, approximately every 20 feet along each street segment. All pavement rating is done automatically through RAS’s Road Technical Rating Intelligence Program (Road TRIPTM) to ensure accurate distress capture and to minimize false positives using proper sensor settings and sound engineering definitions for each distress. International Roughness Index (IRI) and longitudinal profiles were collected using an ICC inertial profiling system in accordance with ASTM E950, AASHTO Standard M328-14, AASHTO R43-13, and AASHTO Standard R56-14. For the network collection project, RAS collected IRI data and presented the results in the final database based on the following: • Line lasers were used in each wheel path to increase repeatability of measurements and to reduce variability due to wheel path cracking and concrete tinning. • The ICC profiler routinely achieves 98%+ cross-correlations on certification sites, making it one of the most accurate devices available for IRI and profile measurement. • The operation and verification of the inertial profiling system shall be expertly conducted in accordance with AASHTO Standard R57-14. ROW images were also collected as part of this project. The RAC vehicle is configured with a Point Gray Ladybug 5+ 32MP 360-degree camera to provide a full panoramic image of the ROW, displayed in Figure 3.2. The images were captured at roughly 20-foot intervals and were post-processed using collected inertial and GPS data. The measuring of pavement width is accomplished utilizing the calibrated Ladybug imagery in conjunction with the LCMS-2 imagery and inertial GPS data. Using the 360-degree view of the ladybug, RAS can accurately and repeatably measure from edge of pavement to edge of pavement for each road segment. This provides a more accurate area calculation for better budgeting and forecasting. For cul-de-sac sections an average width measurement is taken for the straight portion and the bulb. RAS can also calculate the areas of each segment independently and get a true area of the cul-de-sac section. The length of a road segment is determined from the GIS database provided by the Town. RAS understands that the GIS is not always 100 % accurate. In these cases, after collection is complete, RAS can use the GPS trajectory of the van to determine the true beginning and ending of the road to get a more accurate length and ultimately more accurate area measurement. 15 | P a g e Figure 3.2: Right-of-Way Image Example 3.2 Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Calculation A pavement distress inventory consists of identifying specific pavement surface distress types that are associated with degradation of a pavement surface due to traffic loads, environmental factors, lack of maintenance and other anthropogenic or natural occurrences. The distress type is then assigned a severity rating (low/medium/high), and the extents of the distress type and severity are recorded. For this project, the pavement distress types, causes and measurements were inventoried utilizing the ASTM D6433-11 method. The inspections covered 100% of the length of a section for the outside lane of travel. Each street segment’s PCI was calculated utilizing Road TRIPTM. The calculation tool within Road TRIPTM is based on the ASTM D6433-11 method of calculating a street segment’s PCI value using the observed pavement distresses and severities in the inventory database and ASTM D6433-11 deduct curves for each distress type in combination with a normalized IRI value called a Roughness Index. 3.3 International Roughness Index (IRI) Calculation and Analysis As part of this project, IRI values were collected along the survey segments utilizing a high-speed three laser profiler. The IRI is a general measurement of the ride quality of a street section and was performed in accordance with AASHTO R 43-07 and ASTM E950. IRI indexes were obtained from measured longitudinal road profiles and were processed using a quarter-car model at 52.80-foot intervals (0.010/mi). RAS utilized a three-laser surface profiling system for evaluating the smoothness of the pavement. The profiler uses infrared lasers and precision accelerometer to obtain accurate and precise profile measurements. The values reported to the Town are in units of inches per mile. It should be noted that IRI indexes can “spike”, resulting in erroneous data being reported along sections of roads where slow speeds (below 15mph) are involved. Another cause of data spikes are abrupt stops caused by stop signs, slow going traffic, or road characteristics (gutter pans, manholes, etc...). Categorization of IRI indexes can vary from state to state and are typically determined by the agency (e.g., City, DOT, County, etc.). For this report, the results have been based on a common category system that has been in 16 | P a g e use by a variety of agencies (Table 3.1). The values for IRI should range from 0 to 550 inches/mile. Any values above 550 inches/mile are flagged and changed to be equal to 550 in/mi as they are caused by several reasons mentioned above. The lower the IRI number, the smoother the ride and conversely, higher the values indicate a rougher ride using IRI. Table 3.1: IRI Category Ranges by Miles & Percent of Area IRI Category IRI Value (in/Mile) Normalized IRI Value Centerline Miles % of Area Excellent < 136 86 – 100 24.96 18.59 Very Good 137 - 209 71 – 85 57.95 36.53 Good 209 - 257 61 – 70 33.60 18.97 Fair 258 - 305 51 – 60 18.80 9.90 Marginal 306 - 353 41 – 50 9.80 5.18 Poor 354-426 26 – 40 8.93 4.53 Very Poor > 426 0 – 25 12.40 6.03 4 Description of Distress Analysis Fully automated distress reduction methods are used to classify and rate the distress; therefore, acceptance checks are performed by viewing the pavement images. The data collection vehicle includes software programs that overlay the distress ratings directly on the pavement image to allow viewing of the image and ratings together. Checking of distress ratings is a manual process in which samples of data are visually inspected for accuracy of the ratings. Since distress rating checks are very time-consuming, we commonly begin sampling checks before data collection/rating is complete. Because of this overlap, there is an opportunity to promptly re-collect or resurvey any sections with data that do not meet quality criteria. Everything captured in the survey vehicle is GPS-tagged and allows for real time QC to ensure nothing is missed during data collection. RAS post-processes the pavement and Right-of-Way (ROW) imagery from the RAC vehicle for each day of image collection. A data collection session, which is referred to as a survey, begins when the RAC crew selects “Start” in the collection software on board the RAC vehicle and ends when they select “Stop.” In a single day, we will collect multiple survey sets. With a completed day of collection, RAS pavement engineers and GIS analysts use Pavemetrics® Road Inspect Software to generate all the source data used by Road TRIPTM. Every survey set is linked to a uniquely identified road segment, which is used as an identifier during the analysis of the sample area, then identification of the distress extent / severity, and ultimately the distress density for each road segment is added to the database. Figure 4.1 shows a few of the different tool’s RAS utilized within Road TRIPTM during the QC process. In the upper left corner, we can observe the segment ID, all the images linked to that segment, the rated distresses and exercise the option to manually add a patch area if the Road TRIPTM tool has not identified the patch. RAS utilizes Microsoft® Azure Computer Vision algorithm to identify patches. The algorithm has been specially tested and trained by RAS to produce accurate patch detection. The upper right corner displays the Ladybug images, which the user can toggle between forward, left, right, right-rear, or left-rear facing views. The lower left corner lists 17 | P a g e the distresses rated in the segment selected with the severity, quantity, density and how many points are deducted from the SDI based on the ASTM D6433-11 deduct curve values. The lower right corner displays the rutting measured by the Laser Profiler and visually displayed by the LCMS-2 3D data. Figure 4.1: RAS Pavement Analysis Tool Example This method of pavement distress inventory provides a quantifiable and repeatable process to the Town. Each street segment, in conjunction with the pavement and ROW imagery, allows pavement engineers to review each road segment, allowing for an open quality control process that is defendable and repeatable. Road TRIPTM uses the depth map created by the Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS) to locate the valleys and fissures within the surface of the roadway. These valleys and fissures are then measured and rated. Figures 4.2 and 4.3 display an example of distress overlay images. 18 | P a g e Figure 4.2: LCMS Post PCI Processing Image The yellow line indicates the boundary of rated sample, green, yellow, and red dotted lines indicate longitudinal and transverse cracking (LT) of low, moderate, and high extent. The blue lines are sealed cracks detected by the LCMS and are attributed to the low severity linear crack category. The pink, magenta, and violet lines indicate areas of low, moderate, and high severity alligator cracking that has been filtered because it does not meet minimum length or width requirements. The measurements on the right side of the image are the length for longitudinal / transverse (LT) cracking in meters, the area in square meters for alligator cracking (Acrk) and the number of potholes (Pot) or count. Refer to Figure 4.3 for an example. The LCMS has been set up to follow the ASTM D6433 protocols to determine the severity of each distress. Each distress is defined by ASTM D6433, and the severity levels are presented as measurable attributes of the distress. For example, longitudinal and transverse cracks are defined by the crack width; where non-filled cracks with a width less than 3/8 inch or filled cracks of any width are considered low severity. Moderate severity is defined as non-filled cracks with a width between 3/8 inch and 3 inches. High severity is defined as cracks greater than 3 inches in width or those surrounded by moderate to high severity cracks. The overlay images provide a visual means by which to review the sensor. 19 | P a g e Figure 4.3: Example of Distress Overlay Images 20 | P a g e 5 Results The overall pavement network health of the Town of Fountain Hills can be assessed by reviewing Figure 5.1 in more detail. This graph illustrates the percentage of the network by area that falls into each descriptive condition category. A few areas for review are as follows: • Shape of Distribution – the graph illustrates a distribution that is shifted to the right and peaks between a PCI of 71 to 85. This is indicative of a municipality that has an ongoing maintenance program and is actively re-investing in the roadway network using preventative measures. • Average PCI – The Town’s network average PCI score is 69 and slightly above the averages that are typically seen across the Country between a 60 to 65. • Excellent Roads – Currently 16.4% of the Town’s roadways fall into the Excellent condition category which is slightly above the average of 15%. This is also indicative of an agency that is actively re-investing in the roadway network. • Backlog – these are the roads that fall below a PCI of 40 and land in the Poor or Very Poor condition categories. Currently less than 6% of the roadway network falls into this category, which is a healthy number. However, current status can often be deceiving as backlog can grow at an alarming rate. The funding scenarios discussed further in this report will illustrate that the Town’s current budget is not adequate to arrest the growth in backlog over the next 5-year period. Table 5.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Condition Scale Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Condition Description 86 – 100 EXCELLENT 71 – 85 VERY GOOD 61 – 70 GOOD 51 – 60 FAIR 41 – 50 MARGINAL 26 – 40 POOR 0 – 25 VERY POOR 21 | P a g e 5.1 Pavement Condition Index Results Table 5.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent of Centerline Miles Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Range Condition Description Total Distance (Miles) Total Area (Sq. Yd.) Percent of Network By Centerline Miles 86 – 100 Excellent 27.28 606,319 16.4% 71 – 85 Very Good 54.03 1,217,767 32.5% 61 – 70 Good 30.76 636,866 18.5% 51 – 60 Fair 26.77 534,470 16.1% 41 – 50 Marginal 17.23 337,707 10.4% 26 – 40 Poor 9.43 184,142 5.7% 0 – 25 Very Poor 0.93 15,395 0.6% Total of Rated Segments 166.44 3,532,666 100% Figure 5.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent of Area 22 | P a g e Figure 5.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent of Area for Asphalt Roads Figure 5.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Ranges by Percent of Area for Pre- Incorporation Asphalt Roads The PCI value for each road segment can be viewed in the Town’s database. The average of the road segment PCI values for the collected roads within the survey areas was calculated to be 69 at the time of collection. This value indicates the roadway network is in a ‘Good’ condition. 23 | P a g e Figure 5.4 displays the Pavement Condition Index distribution throughout the Town’s survey area. Figure 5.5 displays an example zoomed-in PCI map with the actual PCI values for each roadway section. Figure 5.4: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Distribution Map 24 | P a g e Figure 5.5: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ PCI Example Map 25 | P a g e 5.2 International Roughness Index Results Figure 5.6 displays the International Roughness Index distribution (IRI) throughout the Town’s survey area roads. Figure 5.7 displays an example zoomed-in IRI with the normalized IRI values for each roadway section. Figure 5.6: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ IRI Distribution Map 26 | P a g e Figure 5.7: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Normalized IRI Example Map 27 | P a g e 5.3 Distress Breakdown by Severity Figure 5.8 and Table 5.3 display the types of distresses found on the Town’s asphalt roads. Figure 5.8: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Asphalt Distress Breakdown Table 5.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ Asphalt Distress Breakdown by Severity Asphalt Distress Breakdown by Severity Type Low Moderate High Alligator Cracking 0.7% 0.1% 0.0% Block Cracking 4.3% 0.1% 0.0% Long / Trans Cracking 8.6% 1.0% 0.0% Patching 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% Potholes 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Rutting 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% Weathering 84.5% 0.1% 0.0% 28 | P a g e 6 Pavement Maintenance/Preservation Funding RAS performed several five-year pavement maintenance and preservation program scenarios for the Town’s consideration using the Budget Optimization Street Selector (BOSSTM) software. The analysis runs a series of 10 profile models of increasing budgets to define how the Town’s budget will impact network PCI and network backlog. The scenarios include very small budgets, well below current funding and very large scenarios, well above current funding levels. The results from all scenarios are then used to establish a funding level trend. This approach will answer specific funding questions asked at the time of analysis but will also provide a method to answer funding questions after the analysis is complete. Most segments that are collected are also analyzed. However, in some cases this may not be the case, and certain totals such as lengths or segment counts may differ between collection and analysis. This includes, but is not limited to, requests from the client, legally disputed areas, and roads that the client is not required to maintain. 7 Scenarios and Budget Estimates 7.1 Deterioration curves Deterioration curves were established for each roadway pavement type (asphalt and pre-incorporation asphalt) and follow similar degradation standards as outlined by ASTM D6433 and the US Army Corps of Engineers. A degradation analysis was attempted through comparison of the new 2022 inspection data to the Town’s legacy data captured in 2018. To do so, RAS analyzed the deterioration of roadways that had not received treatment during that time to better understand the rate of degradation. In future pavement condition assessments, it is always suggested that the current consultant conduct a thorough comparison of the current inspection data against the previous condition assessment. Such an analysis will allow for further refinement of the pavement deterioration curves to ensure they reflect reasonable rates of degradation in Fountain Hills. This should be conducted after every pavement condition update. Reviewing deterioration rates for unmaintained roads as part of each condition data collection cycle and adjusting deterioration curves is a recommended best practice. The pavement deterioration curves were assembled to establish a 100 - 0 deterioration curve for each pavement type. The curve represents the deterioration of roads without maintenance applied such that appropriate maintenance and rehabilitation can be triggered at the appropriate time. As seen in the typical pavement degradation curve illustrated in Figure 7.1 on the following page, the purpose of pavement management is to trigger an appropriate rehabilitation on the right road and at the right time in an effort to maximize the roadways design life and reduce the total cost of roadway ownership. 29 | P a g e Figure 7.1: Typical Pavement Life Cycle Curve 7.2 Treatment Activities and Cost Tables 7.1 to 7.4 summarize the maintenance strategy for roads within a PCI range, the cost of the maintenance per square yard, and the assumed PCI impact for each type of maintenance. The costs displayed in Tables 7.1 to 7.4 show the unit rate for roads with different strengths (defined by calculating the density of load associated distresses for each segment), where the rates are increased to consider structural patch work needed in the moderate and weak roads, these are Identified with Patching x1 and Patching x2 respectively. The treatment activity “Full Depth Reconstruction + Subgrade Prep” is for Pre-Incorporation Asphalt roads and have a different PCI range (0 to 60) than typical asphalt roads (0 to 40). A 5% inflation rate per year was applied to the maintenance and rehabilitation activity costs in the 5-year models. Table 7.1: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Maintenance Suggestion by PCI Range (Arterial Roads) (Inflated to 2023 Rates) Treatment Min PCI Critical PCI Max PCI Cost per SY Priority Reset Value Do nothing 85 97 100 $0.00 500 0 Surface Preservation 70 73 85 $1.58 300 +10 Surface Preservation + Patching x1 70 73 85 $2.63 200 +10 Surface Preservation + Patching x2 70 73 85 $3.68 200 +10 Micro Surface 60 63 70 $4.73 100 +20 Micro Surface + Patching x1 60 63 70 $5.78 100 +20 Micro Surface + Patching x2 60 63 70 $6.83 100 +20 Mill & Overlay 40 43 60 $67.69 500 Fixed 95 Mill & Overlay + Patching x1 40 43 60 $68.74 300 Fixed 95 Mill & Overlay + Patching x2 40 43 60 $69.79 300 Fixed 95 Surface Reconstruction 30 33 40 $70.35 200 Fixed 99 Surface Reconstruction + Patching X1 30 33 40 $71.40 500 Fixed 99 30 | P a g e Table 7.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Maintenance Suggestion by PCI Range (Alleys) (Inflated to 2023 Rates) Treatment Min PCI Critical PCI Max PCI Cost per SY Priority Reset Value Do nothing 85 97 100 $0.00 500 0 Surface Preservation 70 73 85 $1.58 300 +10 Surface Preservation + Patching x1 70 73 85 $2.63 400 +10 Surface Preservation + Patching x2 70 73 85 $3.68 400 +10 Slurry Seal 60 63 70 $3.60 100 +20 Slurry Seal + Patching x1 60 63 70 $4.65 100 +20 Slurry Seal + Patching x2 60 63 70 $5.70 100 +20 Mill & Overlay 40 43 60 $50.77 200 Fixed 95 Mill & Overlay + Patching x1 40 43 60 $51.82 200 Fixed 95 Mill & Overlay + Patching x2 40 43 60 $52.87 200 Fixed 95 Full Depth Reconstruction 0 20 40 $57.11 300 Fixed 99 Full Depth Reconstruction + Subgrade Prep 0 40 60 $67.69 200 Fixed 99 Table 7.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Maintenance Suggestion by PCI Range (Collector Roads) (Inflated to 2023 Rates) Treatment Min PCI Critical PCI Max PCI Cost per SY Priority Reset Value Do nothing 85 97 100 $0.00 600 0 Surface Preservation 70 73 85 1.58 500 +10 Surface Preservation + Patching x1 70 73 85 2.63 500 +10 Surface Preservation + Patching x2 70 73 85 3.68 300 +10 Slurry Seal 60 63 70 3.60 100 +20 Slurry Seal + Patching x1 60 63 70 4.65 100 +20 Slurry Seal + Patching x2 60 63 70 5.70 100 +20 Mill & Overlay 40 43 60 50.77 300 Fixed 95 Mill & Overlay + Patching x1 40 43 60 51.82 200 Fixed 95 Mill & Overlay + Patching x2 40 43 60 52.87 200 Fixed 95 Surface Reconstruction 30 33 40 53.55 200 Fixed 95 Surface Reconstruction + Patching X1 30 33 40 54.60 300 Fixed 95 Surface Reconstruction + Patching x2 30 33 40 55.65 500 Fixed 99 Full Depth Reconstruction 0 20 30 57.11 400 Fixed 99 Full Depth Reconstruction + Subgrade Prep 0 40 60 67.69 200 Fixed 99 31 | P a g e Table 7.4: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Maintenance Suggestion by PCI Range (Local Roads) (Inflated to 2023 Rates) Treatment Min PCI Critical PCI Max PCI Cost per SY Priority Reset Value Do nothing 85 97 100 $0.00 500 0 Surface Preservation 70 73 85 $1.58 200 +10 Surface Preservation + Patching x1 70 73 85 $2.63 300 +10 Surface Preservation + Patching x2 70 73 85 $3.68 400 +10 Slurry Seal 60 63 70 $3.60 100 +20 Slurry Seal + Patching x1 60 63 70 $4.65 100 +20 Slurry Seal + Patching x2 60 63 70 $5.70 100 +20 Mill & Overlay 40 43 60 $33.84 200 Fixed 95 Mill & Overlay + Patching x1 40 43 60 $34.89 200 Fixed 95 Mill & Overlay + Patching x2 40 43 60 $35.94 200 Fixed 95 Full Depth Reconstruction 0 20 40 $40.18 300 Fixed 99 Full Depth Reconstruction + Subgrade Prep 0 40 60 $50.77 200 Fixed 99 Each maintenance strategy has a critical and non-critical PCI range. Streets that are not maintained when they are in critical range will deteriorate into the next category of maintenance and will become more expensive the following year. The analysis prioritizes segments in the critical PCI range over segments that are in the non- critical PCI range. Given an unlimited budget, the analysis will select all segments in the critical PCI range followed by all segments in the non-critical PCI range. Each maintenance strategy has a Cost of Deferral Priority which prioritizes selections within the critical PCI range (within 2-4 points of dropping into the next rehabilitation activity) and within the non-critical PCI range. The order is sequenced by prioritizing the segments that cost more to defer than segments that cost less to defer, starting with the critical segments first. For example, the cost of deferring a critical Micro Surface at $4.73/sqyd to a mill & overlay at $67.69/sqyd is $62.96/sqyd. The cost of deferring a mill & overlay at $67.69/sqyd to a full reconstruction at $ 70.35/sqyd is $2.66/sqyd. The financially optimized model will prioritize the critical selections first and if there is funding left over, non-critical selections will then be selected and prioritized using the very same cost of deferral sequencing. 7.3 Scenarios A variety of scenarios have been run to provide an understanding of the relationship between funding levels and the corresponding impact to network PCI and backlog. For this analysis, all roads having a PCI < 40 were considered backlog. 7.3.1 Do-Nothing The Do-Nothing budget models the impact of applying zero maintenance. While it is not a scenario that occurs in practice, the Do-Nothing budget provides an understanding of the rate at which the level of service of the street network will deteriorate without maintenance and ensures the modeling engine is properly applying deterioration over time. In Figure 7.2 (page 35) The blue line represents the PCI trend if there is zero maintenance applied for the next 5 years. The network PCI would drop to 57 as well as increasing the backlog to 22.5%. 32 | P a g e 7.3.2 Unlimited Funding (Fix All) and Distribution of Costs The Fix All analysis identifies the current maintenance deficiency of the network. Based on the Fix All analysis, the Town needs a total budget of $64,000,424 to treat all roads with an appropriate maintenance and rehabilitation activity based on its current condition. The Town’s greatest maintenance need by funding is the Full depth reconstruction + subgrade prep for Pre-Incorporation Asphalt with 75.03% percent of the total cost for a total of $48,025,763. It is important to note that a Micro Surface or a Slurry Seal has the highest cost of deferral and if critical roadways in this category are deferred, they will increase the already growing backlog of the network. 33 | P a g e Table 7.5: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ – Fix All Analysis by Treatment Type Pavement Type Treatment Code Treatment Area (%) Cost ($) Cost (%) Asphalt 200 Surface Preservation 31.57% 1,491,471 2.33% Asphalt 202 Surface Preservation + Patching x2 1.89% 208,083 0.33% Asphalt 300 Micro Surface 0.49% 69,268 0.11% Asphalt 302 Micro Surface + Patching x2 1.98% 405,237 0.63% Asphalt 310 Slurry Seal 10.86% 1,169,345 1.83% Asphalt 312 Slurry Seal + Patching x2 4.09% 697,634 1.09% Asphalt 400 Mill & Overlay 3.45% 3,689,378 5.76% Asphalt 402 Mill & Overlay + Patching x2 4.46% 5,359,328 8.37% Asphalt 600 Full Depth Reconstruction 1.12% 1,534,789 2.40% Pre- Incorporation Asphalt 200 Surface Preservation 3.67% 173,277 0.27% Pre- Incorporation Asphalt 202 Surface Preservation + Patching x2 0.04% 4,196 0.01% Pre- Incorporation Asphalt 300 Micro Surface 0.54% 76,874 0.12% Pre- Incorporation Asphalt 302 Micro Surface + Patching x2 0.78% 158,509 0.25% Pre- Incorporation Asphalt 310 Slurry Seal 1.99% 214,557 0.34% Pre- Incorporation Asphalt 312 Slurry Seal + Patching x2 4.24% 722,715 1.13% Pre- Incorporation Asphalt 610 Full Depth Reconstruction + Subgrade Prep 28.83% 48,025,763 75.03% 7.3.3 Steady State Network PCI (SS PCI) The Network PCI is generally accepted as the street networks measure of level of service to the community. The purpose of the Steady State Network PCI analysis is to identify the budget needed to maintain the network PCI as it was surveyed in 2022 and provide a steady level of service to the community. 34 | P a g e Approximately $3,200,000 per year is needed to maintain a Network PCI of 69. However, looking at PCI alone does not tell the whole story as backlog continues to grow while the network average PCI is maintained. At this funding level, the network average backlog would grow to 12.5% of the network. Figure 7.2 indicates that a budget of approximately $3,200,000 per year is needed to maintain a network PCI of 69 and maintain a consistent level of service to the community. This budget scenario already accounts for the $8,500,000 of CARES Act funding that is being dedicated to the residential roadway network in Fiscal Year 2023 and Fiscal Year 2024. The remaining $3,200,000 Steady State PCI budget was optimized to select maintenance and rehabilitation candidates in the most financially sound manner possible using a cost of deferral analysis that identifies critical roadways. Figure 7.2: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - PCI Trend by Budget Scenario 7.3.4 Steady State Backlog Budget (SS Backlog) Backlog is the term generally used to describe roads that have a PCI equal to or less than 40 and need surface or full reconstruction. These roads provide the worst level of service to the community and are the most expensive to repair. The purpose of the Steady State Backlog analysis is to identify the budget needed to maintain the network backlog as it was surveyed in 2022 and not let the percent of lowest service level roads increase. Approximately $6,500,000 annually is needed to maintain a Network backlog of 5.3%. Figure 7.3 can be used to predict the Town’s backlog at different budget levels. 35 | P a g e Figure 7.3: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - PCI Trend by Budget Scenario 7.3.5 Sample Maintenance Budgets versus PCI Improvement Ten sample maintenance budgets were run to define the relationship between budget levels and network PCI. The 5-year budget scenario is set to start in fiscal year 2023 and end in fiscal year 2028. With the Town’s current budget, the network’s condition will decrease to 67 and the backlog will increase to 15.3% in Fiscal Year 2028. This budget scenario already accounts for the $8,500,000 of CARES Act funding that is being dedicated to the residential roadway network in Fiscal Year 2023/24 and Fiscal Year 2024/25. The remaining $2,125,000 Town annual budget was optimized to select maintenance and rehabilitation candidates in the most financially sound manner possible using a cost of deferral analysis that identifies critical roadways. Figure 7.4 can be used to answer and predict the network PCI at any funding level between $0 per year and $7,000,000 per year. Figure 7.4 was used to predict the PCI at the following budgets in Table 7.7. Fix All = $64M Average PCI = 85 Minimum PCI = 73 36 | P a g e Figure 7.4: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Predicted 5-Year Pavement Condition Index Outlook Table 7.6: Town of Fountain Hills, AZ - Predicted 5-Year Overall Condition Index Outlook Budget Network PCI $1,000,000.00 66 $1,500,000.00 67 $2,000,000.00 67 $2,500,000.00 68 $3,000,000.00 69 $4,000,000.00 70 $5,000,000.00 72 $6,000,000.00 75 $7,000,000.00 77 8 Summary In conclusion, Fountain Hills pavement is in good condition with a network average PCI of 69. However, it is worth nothing that this is a network wide average, resulting in roadways that are much higher and much lower than the average. At the Town’s current level of funding ($2.125M annually), the Town’s backlog (roads below a PCI of 40) continues to grow to 15.3% over the next 5 years, larger than the target backlog of 8%. The biggest challenge for Town staff will be to determine the level of rehabilitation necessary for pre-incorporation roadways and those level of service decisions will directly impact future funding requirements. In addition, there will come a point in each roadway’s life cycle where it no longer benefits from preservation and will need more progressive rehabilitation such as an overlay. The Town’s current budget of $2.125M dedicated to pavement management is insufficient to maintain the network’s current PCI of 69 and will decline to an average PCI of 67 over the next 5 years. To control the growth of backlog below the target threshold of 8% would require $5,000,000 annually and the net benefit to PCI would be a jump in the average PCI to 72. 37 | P a g e 9 Appendix I: Distress Definitions (Colorado State University) • AC Bleeding & Pumping (ft2) represents excessive use of bituminous binder in the asphalt mix. • AC Fatigue (Alligator) Cracking (ft2) is associated with fatigue due to traffic loading and visually looks like interconnected cracks forming small pieces ranging in size from about 1” to 6” typically in the wheel path. • AC Block Cracking (ft2) usually intersect at nearly right angles and range from one foot to 10’ or more across. The closer spacing indicates more advanced aging caused by shrinking and hardening of the asphalt over time. • AC Edge Cracking (ft) is parallel to and usually within 1.5 feet of the outer edge of the pavement. This distress is accelerated by traffic loading and can be caused by frost-weakened base or subgrade near the edge of the pavement. • AC/PCC Lane/Shoulder Drop-off (ft) is a difference in elevation between the pavement edge and the shoulder. This distress is caused by shoulder erosion, shoulder settlement, or by building up the roadway without adjusting the shoulder level. • AC Linear Cracking (trans/long) (ft) typically occurs in overlays where the crack is reflected through the overlaying asphalt surface. • AC Patching (ft2) is an area of pavement that has been replaced with new material to repair existing pavement. • AC Potholes (count) are small, usually less than 30 inches in diameter, bowl-shaped depressions in the pavement surface. Generally, have sharp edges and vertical sides near the top of the hole. • AC Raveling & Weathering (ft2) is loss of pavement material from the asphalt surface. Typically raveling is caused by stripping of the bituminous film from the aggregate or hardening of asphalt due to aging. Poor compaction, especially in cold weather construction, or insufficient asphalt content can also cause raveling. • AC Slippage Cracking (ft2) are crescent of half-moon shaped cracks, usually transverse to the direction of travel. They are produced when braking or turning wheels cause the pavement to slide or deform. • AC Rutting (ft2) is a surface depression in the wheel paths. • PCC Corner Break (slab count) is a crack that intersects the joints. Load repetition combined with loss of support and curling stresses usually cause corner breaks. • PCC Divided Slab (slab count) is when a slab is divided into four or more pieces due to overloading, or inadequate support. • PCC Durability “D” Cracking (slab count) is caused by freeze-thaw expansion of the large aggregate, which gradually breaks down the concrete. Usually appears as a pattern of cracks running parallel and close to a joint or linear crack. • PCC Joint Sealant Damage (slab count) is any condition that enables soil or rocks to accumulate in the joints or allows significant water infiltration. • PCC Linear Cracking (trans/long) (slab count) divide the slab in two or three pieces and are usually caused by a combination of repeated traffic loading, thermal gradient curling and repeated moisture loading. 38 | P a g e • PCC Patching, Large/Utility Cut (slab count) is an area where the original pavement has been removed and replaced by new pavement. • PCC Patching, Small (slab count) is an area where the original pavement has been removed and replaced by filler material. • PCC Polished Aggregate (slab count) is caused by repeated traffic applications. There are no rough or angular aggregate particles to provide good skid resistance. • PCC Popouts (slab count) are small pieces of pavement that breaks loose from the surface due to freeze- thaw action, combined with expansive aggregates. Usually range in diameter from 1 to 4 inches and in depth from ½ to 2 inches. • PCC Punchout (slab count) is a localized area of the slab that is broken into pieces. This distress is caused by heavy repeated loads, inadequate slab thickness, loss of foundation support or localized concrete construction deficiency. • PCC Scaling/Map Cracking/Crazing (slab count) is a network of shallow, fine or hairline cracks that extend only through the upper surface of the concrete. Usually caused by concrete over-finishing and may lead to scaling, which is the breakdown of the slab surface to a depth of ¼ to ½ in. • PCC Shrinkage Cracks (slab count) are hairline cracks usually less than 6 feet long and do not extend across entire slab. They are formed during the setting and curing of the concrete and do not extend through the depth of the slab. • PCC Spalling, Corner (slab count) is the breakdown of the slab within 1.5 feet of the corner. Usually caused by traffic loading or infiltration of incompressible materials, weak concrete and/or water accumulation and freeze-thaw action. • PCC Spalling, Joint (slab count) is the breakdown of the slab edges within 1.5 feet of the joint. Usually caused by traffic loading or infiltration of incompressible materials, weak concrete and/or water accumulation and freeze-thaw action. 10 Appendix II: Automated Data Collection Equipment 10.1 Roadway Asset Collection (RAC) Vehicle To determine the general distress characteristics of each roadway segment, RAS utilized one of our RAC vehicles, presented in Figure 10.1, to collect street level (ROW) imagery and downward (LCMS-2) pavement imagery. The RAC vehicle components include: Navigation System • Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU): Generates a true representation of vehicle motion in all three axes; producing continuous, accurate position and orientation information. • PCS: Applanix POS/LV Computer System with DGPS (Provides accurate GPS coordinates for each subsystem) enables raw GPS data from as few as one satellite to be processed directly into the system, to compute accurate positional information in areas of intermittent, or no GPS reception. • GPS Receivers: Embedded GPS receivers provide heading aiding to supplement the inertial data. Laser Crack Measuring System (LCMS-2) 39 | P a g e • GPS Antennas: Two GPS antennas generate raw observables data. • Sub-meter accuracy: The system is rated to get 0.3 m accuracy in the X, Y position and 0.5 m in the Z position. Distance Measuring Indicator (DMI) • Computes wheel rotation information to aid vehicle positioning and collect high-resolution imagery at posted speeds. Cameras • Point Gray Ladybug 5+ 32MP 360 camera (Utilized for accurate ROW asset capture and extraction). This system is far superior to multiple mounted independent HD cameras others use. Pavement Imaging System • Second-generation Pavemetrics Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS-2) provides 1mm resolution pavement imagery for automatic and continuous measuring of pavement cracking, texture, rutting geometrics, and other pavement distresses. • LCMS-2 camera is a laser array providing images used to evaluate data that conforms with ASTM D6433 protocols and provides a detailed array of data using two 1-millimeter resolution line scan cameras. A 1mm resolution is equivalent to over 4,000 laser points across the driven lane. • Allows fully illuminated pavement image collection even in heavy shadow/canopy areas. Pavement Ride Quality • An inertial profiler with line lasers (Used to capture International Roughness Index (IRI) measurements). Ladybug 360o Right-of-Way Camera NCAT Certified 3-Laser Profiler 40 | P a g e Figure 10.1: RAS RAC Vehicle 10.2 Quality Control/Assurance All subsystems for the RAS vans are integrated using International Cybernetics Corporation’s (ICC) collection core with tight synchronization between all data streams on the van in real-time, referenced to both time and distance. All sensor locations are calibrated to the vehicle, together with the GPS and IMU, using 3D translations and rotations. This allows for the rapid calculation of the precise location of all sensor data. The RAC vehicle has received independent inertial profiler certification for accuracy and repeatability from the National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University. RAS RAC image collection includes a daily check of the on-board systems. This vehicle component check includes a calibration site survey of a nine-point grid in state plane coordinates (Figure 10.2). Each morning and afternoon, before and after a day’s image collection, the RAC vehicle drives over the surveyed location. The RAC technician then extracts each point’s location to verify the location of the point extracted was within approximately three feet of the surveyed points. RAS’ QA/QC manual includes further details regarding RAC quality control procedures. Figure 10.2: 9-Point Calibration Site Example Calibration of the laser profiling system includes laser sensor checks and block tests to ensure the accuracy of the height sensors, accelerometer calibration “bounce tests” to verify proper functioning of the height sensors and accelerometers and distance calibration to ensure accuracy of the DMI. Calibration of the DMI and some accelerometers occurs during field testing, and each is checked and recalibrated on a regular basis. During image collection, the RAC technician reviews the images collected on-screen as they are collected and any issue with image clarity requires the collection run to end and the image quality issue to be resolved. This 41 | P a g e provides real-time verification that the equipment is operating correctly. Once resolved, the collection run begins from the beginning for the road segment collected. The RAC technician also monitors GPS reception during collection. If GPS reception is lost measured using positional dilution of precision (PDOP), the RAC technician stops the collection and resolves the GPS reception issue. Collection begins again once the GPS reception issue is resolved. The RAC technician will check each camera’s exposure rate, image quality and GPS and IMU operation to ensure the RAC system is recording the image, GPS, DMI and IMU data and that the GPS location is within the stated project tolerance. Each day’s image and road data collection are recorded on an RAC server. Each night, the day’s collection data is backed up to an external hard drive. The external hard drives are then mailed back to RAS’ project office where the data is placed on a production server for post-processing of images and data, quality control review and pavement distress inventory. The QC program for pavement condition data collection typically includes random sample audits, inter-rater reproducibility and data checks for accuracy and repeatability of the results. For this survey project random samples of the pavement condition data were selected and checked by the lead rater or QC personnel. If the pavement condition ratings did not meet quality standards, corrective action was taken, and the entire section was reviewed. Cameras • High-definition cameras with precision lenses allow for accurate asset extraction and video log recording, but with lower frame rate: 15 images per second, with lower 1936x1456 color resolution. Pavement Imaging System • Two line-scan cameras and lasers configured to image 4m transverse road sections with 1 mm resolution (4000 pixel) at speeds that can reach 100 km/h, upgraded to the 3D imagery of the LCMS-2 camera system. 10.3 LCMS-2 Downward-facing LCMS-2 pavement imagery is collected for use in quantifying distress type, severity, and extents present on segments of road. The resolution of the imagery allows for distresses to be easily identified and measured during the analysis portion of the contract. Pavemetrics’ Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS) is a high-speed and high-resolution transverse profiling system. Capable of acquiring full 4-meter width 3D profiles of a highway lane at normal traffic speed, the system uses two laser profilers that acquire the shape of the pavement. Both the resolutions and acquisition rate of the LCMS are high enough to perform automatic cracking detection, macro- texture evaluation, rutting measurements, and much more. Custom optics and high-power pulsed laser line projectors allow the system to operate in full daylight or in nighttime conditions. Road profile data is collected onboard the inspection vehicle. 10.4 Profile A road profile is a set of (X,Z) data points captured along the transversal axis of the road. A profile is captured each time the LCMS controller receives a trigger signal from the vehicle's odometer. Typically, the LCMS system can capture one road profile every few millimeters (5 mm at 100km/h). Each profile consists of up to 4160 data points. This value will be referred to later in this document as being the number of points per profile. The longitudinal profile of the road is generated by measuring its shape along an imaginary line in the direction of travel or longitudinal axis of the road. The longitudinal profile can then be used to compute various roughness 42 | P a g e indexes such as the IRI (International Roughness Index). The following guidelines should be followed to ensure proper readings from the Roughness subsystem: • Maintain the recommended tire pressure. • Ensure the wheels are balanced. • Drive at speeds between 15.5 mph and 60 mph. • Avoid quick accelerations and decelerations and sudden changes in direction. A road section is a set of consecutive profiles that are merged and saved in a common file. A road section can be seen as a set of 3D coordinates (X, Y, Z), where X is the coordinate along the transversal axis of the road, Y along the longitudinal axis, and Z is the depth axis, as displayed I Figure 10.3. The road section length is configurable and is set by the user before starting the acquisition. A typical road section length is between 5 to 10 meters. Figure 10.3: LCMS Data Definition Z Y X CASC Report Page 1 Fountain Hills CITIZEN ADVISORY STREETS COMMITTEE REPORT June 20, 2023 A “FIX-ALL-NOW” PROGRAM CASC Report Page 2 The Citizens Advisory Streets Committee (CASC) was presented a mission at its first meeting on September 29, 2021, to address street conditions and funding options, and make recommendations to the Town Council. During the process of studying available data the committee concluded new information was needed to determine current street conditions and subsequently the Town authorized Roadway Asset Services in 2022 to laser-test the entire network. This Report represents the Committee’s evaluation of current data and provides recommendations to repair and maintain Fountain Hills streets. Contents I. Executive Summary II. Overview III. A Fix-All-Now Program IV. Funding Options V. Recommendations VI. Summary VII. Appendix A. Talking Points B. Pavement Lifecycle C. Additional Considerations D. A “Roadmap” Forward E. Cost Estimations F. Volunteer CASC Members CASC Report Page 3 Executive Summary The street network evaluation conducted by Roadway Asset Services, LLC (RAS) reveals that while pavement conditions in Fountain Hills are generally considered ‘good’ with an average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 69, nearly half of all streets fall below the average. The current annual funding level of $2.125 million is insufficient to address the backlog of streets with a PCI below 40, which is projected to increase to 15.2% over the next few years, surpassing an industry standard target backlog of 8%. The primary challenge for Town staff is determining needed repairs for pre- incorporation streets (1989), which impacts future funding requirements. It is important to note that at a certain point in pavement life cycle, maintenance preservation measures will no longer suffice, and more extensive rehabilitation, such as overlays, will be necessary and more costly. Given the current budget, the network’s average PCI is expected to drop to 67 over the next five years, highlighting the insufficiency of funds to achieve acceptable PCI levels. It is evident that “business as usual” will not yield different results in the future. To address these issues, the Citizens Advisory Streets Committee (CASC) recommends a comprehensive “Fix-All-Now” program that requires an additional $50 million in funds (including intersection improvements). This program aims to improve the street network to a “PCI 70-Threshold” level, ensuring that the existing $2.125 million street revenue sources are sufficient for future maintenance. The proposed amount considers the allocation of nearly $8 million in Federal Covid relief funds already directed by the Town Council to street repairs. Historically, funding for street improvements has relied on general funds, sales taxes, state-shared revenues, regional funds, and grants, but these sources have proven to be inadequate to prevent the deterioration of an increasing number of streets. The CASC suggests that traditional options like bonds should be considered, weighing the benefits of lower interest costs with a 5-year plan versus a higher annual secondary property tax, or higher interest costs with a 20-year plan and a lower annual tax. In summary, the CASC emphasizes the urgent need for increased funding and the implementation of a large-scale rehabilitation program. Failure to invest adequately in street infrastructure will result in significant future challenges and a continued decline in pavement conditions throughout the community. CASC Report Page 4 Overview During the past 20 months the CASC examined three street network reports: one developed in 2008 by Stantec Consultants, another in 2018 by Infrastructure Management Services (IMS), and a third in 2023 by Roadway Asset Services (RAS). During that time questions were raised, many matters were investigated, and on May 15, 2023, final CASC comments were submitted to generate this report. The Fountain Hills Street network has nearly 4.2 million square yards of pavement for which the Town has responsibilities for about 3.5 million square yards (85%), or 166 miles. The other 15% are in gated ‘communities’ where sustaining street conditions are the responsibility of a HOA. Before the Town was incorporated in 1989, many streets were constructed by developers before ‘standards’ were adopted, and many are now 34-50 years old. In the past decade maintenance/repairs have been a mix of activities totally dependent on the funds available which have varied from $1.7M to $3.9M each year. Since 2016, $14.8M has been spent on streets, nearly 70% having occurred in the past 4 years. For several decades, monies spent on streets and intersections have come from a combination of general funds including sales taxes, state-shared revenues, regional funds, and grants, but the total funds were never enough; streets continued to deteriorate. Following the Stantec Report, voters were asked in 2011 to approve an influx of new money, but a $29M, 10-year bond package was rejected 55-45. Then two years later, in 2013, voters did approve 67-33 an $8.2M, 5-year bond for the total reconstruction of a single project, Saguaro Blvd. And following the IMS Report, after the Saguaro bonds were paid off, voters were asked in 2018 to approve a $7M Primary Property Tax (PPT) with $4M being promised to be spent annually to repair and sustain the network, but it was rejected 60-40. Now, following the RAS Report, it’s de- ja-vu again; more street funds are needed. Using RAS PCI data, RAS square yardage, and RAS unit costs, the CASC has concluded that $50M of additional funds are needed (including intersection improvements) to position the community so the existing $2.125M street revenue sources will be sufficient to maintain the network thereafter. To accomplish that, an ‘outside-the-box’ 5-year “Fix-All-Now” program is suggested that will improve the street network to a “PCI 70-Threshold” level. (The $50M amount is after $8M in Federal Covid relief funds directed by the Town Council to the network have been spent, and continuance of the $2.125M annual allocation.) CASC Report Page 5 Cost Summary by PCI and by Street Category (See Appendix E for Detail) Without significant additional revenues street network maintenance levels cannot be achieved which means streets will continue to deteriorate, creating failing conditions from which the Town cannot possibly recover. A “Fix-All-Now” Program Deciding which streets to fix, and when to do it, is a complicated process because the rates at which streets deteriorate are affected by many variables such as traffic, vehicle weights, pavement materials, subsurface soil conditions, and weather, to name a few. As streets age, pavements deteriorate. Usually, the first signs of distress appear as longitudinal cracks along the direction of travel, then transverse cracks across the pavement, then alligator-style cracking and subsequent potholes. When street deterioration reaches the alligator stage, even in small areas, it may represent a failure of the underlying base materials which necessitates total reconstruction, including subgrade repair. To establish street conditions the best approach has proven to be by using laser technology to assign numerical values to ride comfort and pavement distresses. In doing so Pavement Condition Indexes (PCIs) are created. The first time this was done in Fountain Hills was 15-years ago, and then again in 2018, and in 2023. After extensive reviews of all the data collected in each test year the conclusion reached is that PCIs collected in one year cannot be compared to those in a later year, because no two streets are alike, each deteriorate differently. CASC Report Page 6 Streets fall into 4 classifications, Arterials, Collectors, Locals, and Alleys. Arterials are the streets with the highest traffic volumes, followed by Collectors that take traffic from intersecting residential streets to a connection with Arterials, and then Locals that are in essence residential streets. Alleys (less than 1% of the network) are often found in business areas, but in a few situations Alleys act like Locals as they are the only access for some residents. In June 2020 the Town Council established ‘minimum’ PCI goals for Arterials of 60-70; Collectors, 50-60; Locals, 50-55. Using PCI numbers street conditions can also be characterized in terms of five letter-grade categories that closely match maintenance/ repair options: • “A” are those streets with PCI ratings between 100-85 and labeled as ‘excellent’. • “B” streets between 85-70 PCI ratings are referred to as being in ‘good’ condition. • “C” (70-55 PCI ratings), a ‘marginal’ category. • “D” (55-40 PCI ratings), a ‘fair’ category. • “F” (below a PCI rating of 40), considered a ‘poor’ category. Pavement management falls into three major categories: (1) maintenance, (2) rehabilitation (repairs), and (3) reconstruction. The reason for these categories is that State Statutes restrict ‘low interest, tax-free bonds’ to be used for one-time ‘rehabilitation/reconstruction’ projects, not ongoing/annual ‘maintenance’. • Maintenance is usually associated with “A” and “B” streets, down to a PCI rating of 70, and consists of crack filling followed by protective or slurry seals. (Recent example, Shea Blvd. Costs in the maintenance category are estimated to vary from $1.60 to $3.70 per square yard.) • Repair/Rehabilitation usually occurs with “C” and “D” streets (PCI ratings between 70 and 40) and consists of some panel replacements followed with a slurry seal or chip seals with cape. And mill & overlays, some for the full pavement width, and in some very wide streets, just the travel lanes. (Recent example, El Lago Blvd from Palisades to Ave of the Fountains. Costs in this category vary widely between $3.70 and $53.00 / SY.) • Reconstruction is normally associated with “F” streets (PCI ratings between 40 and 25) and consists of mill & overlay with major panel replacements. PCI ratings below 25 usually necessitate full-depth replacement. (Costs in this category vary extensively and could approach $70.00 / SY.) Once streets are ‘fixed’ PCI values are ‘reset’ until the next laser test results. Assumed values are: For Maintenance: crack fill with seal coating: PCI 85 CASC Report Page 7 For Repair/Rehabilitation: slurry, chip seals with cape: PCI 88. Mill & overlay (including isolated panel replacements): PCI 90 For Reconstruction: PCI 95 But these values do not last forever; all streets begin to deteriorate immediately. To keep pavements above a PCI 70-Threshold, maintenance activities must be repeated every 6-7 years. But each time that’s done the ‘reset’ value diminishes somewhat, and after maybe three maintenance applications (20 years) streets will need to undergo more extensive treatment. To determine deterioration rates, it is suggested that laser tests be conducted every five years. Pavement Maintenance Life Cycle Funding Options Over the years funding options have not changed. Three options are available to supplement current existing Town revenues: • Bonds are often considered first since they have a sunset provision that appeals to many voters. However, bonds include interest expenses; dollars paid that do not make it to the streets. Depending on bond retirement schedules, a 5-year plan will have a lower interest price tag but a higher annual secondary property tax, while a 20-year plan will have more interest but a lower annual tax. (Bonds are like home mortgages or vehicle loans when cash reserves are not available.) CASC Report Page 8 • A Primary Property Tax is a cash reserve alternative to bonds (no interest expenses). Based on a 5-year “Fix-All-Now” program, $9M will be needed. Then, after the entire network is fixed, property tax revenues could be used to pay for fire, police, etc. and the local sales tax rate could be cut to 1.2% thus making FH more attractive to businesses and consumers. • Local Sales Taxes are another option (they do not require voter approval). The Town’s current 2.9% sales tax rate is expected to generate $15.4M in 2024. To produce another $9M to fix the street network, the rate would have to increase 58% to 4.6% (and when combined with State Sales Taxes it would mean that FH would have the highest sales tax rate in Maricopa County). Inasmuch as no decisions will be reached for a while, the months that follow would be a great opportunity to assess how voters would like to proceed. Then in the fall the Town Council will be in a better position to arrive at a consensus on how to address the street network going forward. Recommendations The CASC recommends a “Fix-All-Now” strategy to bring all streets up to a PCI 70- Threshold level using municipal tax-free bonds as the financing source. Two bond alternatives are suggested, either a combination of “packages” by street category, or one overall issue. Either alternative is designed to be a “Fix-All-Now” program, where the monies available from General Fund commitments and from bonds are combined to complete all necessary repairs over a seven-year period. Funds for the first two years, FY23 and FY24, are already committed by the Council. Bond funds will be needed for FY25 though FY 29. Then when the program is completed in 2030, the currently available $2.125M annual revenues should be sufficient to sustain “maintenance” activities for the foreseeable future. Alternative 1: Comprehensive single bond package: $50M, 20-year bond program to improve all streets, including intersections. Alternative 2: Street “Packages” – 4 separate bond packages: $5M, 5 to 20-year bond program for Arterials only. $9M, 5 to 20-year bond program for Collectors only. $26M, 5 to 20-year bond program for Locals/Alleys only. $10M, 5 to 20-year bond program for Intersections, Pedestrian, & Bicycle Safety only*. CASC Report Page 9 *(La Montana/Palisades, La Montana/Saguaro, Palisades/Palomino, Palisades/Golden Eagle, Palisades/FH Blvd, Saguaro/FH Blvd, Avenue of the Fountains/Saguaro + sidewalk infill, Crosswalk Safety Improvements, adding turn lanes, installing traffic and/or pedestrian signals, adding bicycle lanes.) The advantage of long-term bonds is the annual ‘tax’ is the least and some of the indebtedness will be paid by those who move to Town in later years. Costs used to generate the bond amounts are based on recent street bid prices, plus reasonable contingencies for unknown surprises, and 5% annual inflation. The CASC recommends Alternative 2 on the belief this bond referendum approach provides voters an opportunity to choose what they believe are most important. The CASC also recommends that a referendum be presented to voters in November 2024. Summary Throughout this decade and before, monies to fix Fountain Hills streets have come from a combination of general funds including sales taxes, state-shared revenues, regional funds, and grants. Because streets have continued to deteriorate using these limited funds should be proof that relying on those monies alone is not enough. The recommended “Fix-All-Now” 5-year program will eliminate the need to ask voters for more funds every 5-7 years, and after streets are improved to a PCI 70-Threshold level, the combination of existing general funds should be sufficient to properly maintain the street network for the foreseeable future. Other considerations: 1. The “Fix-All-Now” solution differs considerably from the RAS recommendation, where instead of an “average” PCI as a goal, the “Fix-All-Now” uses a PCI 70- Threshold goal. (Adopting an “average” approach means some streets will not meet the Council’s ‘minimum’ conditions.) 2. The CASC believes an across-the-board “reconstruction” strategy for pre- incorporation streets included in the RAS report is not warranted, or affordable. (Using a previously proven hybrid repair on pre-incorporation streets that served the community for at least the past 34 years (since 1989 incorporation) is recommended.) 3. Before bond amounts are finalized consideration should be given to reclassify some streets and make a thorough review of future intersection needs, including pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements. (Traffic warrants may already justify signals at several locations, and as the community grows in the next 7 years, more improvements will be needed.) CASC Report Page 10 4. After extensive reviews the CASC is convinced that there are no short cuts to fixing the streets without a significant amount of new revenue; conditions will only worsen. Even if the Town could allocate an additional $1M each year, that would not be enough. (It’s unrealistic to believe the Town could allocate as much as $50M over the next 7 years … $7M every year.) 5. Since 2008 two different professional street consultants have concluded more funds are needed, and now in 2023, a third consultant has concluded the same. But only once have more funds been provided, and that was 10 years ago when $8M was approved to reconstruct Saguaro Blvd. (The $29M rejected by voters in 2011 and the $4M annual rejection in 2018 would have reduced today’s price tag considerably.) 6. Catching-up with street repairs to overcome ongoing deterioration seems paramount. To accomplish that requires significant additional revenues so existing revenues can be used to maintain the network at levels acceptable to residents and businesses. Failure to invest adequately in street infrastructure will result in significant future challenges and a continued decline in pavement conditions throughout the community. To help resolve the street issues it’s suggested that public open forums be initia ted this fall to give residents ample opportunities to voice their opinions. CASC Report Page 11 Appendix A. Talking Points Overview: The streets in Town are falling apart; half the network is substandard. Even streets that are in good condition are subject to deterioration and must be maintained. The problem today is the result of ignoring what should have been done years ago and without an influx of capital, continual deterioration will exceed the Town’s ability to sustain the network. Support statements include: 1. Infrastructure Improvement: Investing in the bond issue will significantly enhance the overall infrastructure, leading to smoother, quieter, and safer travel experiences for residents and visitors. 2. Long-Term Cost Savings: By proactively addressing streets through the bond issue, further damage can be prevented, and more expensive repairs can be avoided. Investing now will help save money over time by reducing the need for extensive street reconstruction projects. 3. Enhanced Safety: Upgrading and maintaining streets is crucial for ensuring the safety of motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. By addressing current street conditions and intersection needs through the bond issue, accidents and potential injuries can be minimized, creating a safer environment for everyone. 4. Economic Growth: Well-maintained and reliable infrastructure is vital to attracting businesses, promoting tourism, and stimulating economic growth. By investing in the bond issue, it demonstrates the community’s commitment to attracting new businesses and creating job opportunities. 5. Preserving Property Values: High-quality streets contribute to the overall appeal and desirability of the Town. By funding street repairs through the bond issue, property values will be preserved and potentially increased, thus benefiting property owners and ensuring a positive real estate market in the long term. 6. Limited-Time Opportunity: The urgent need for street repairs combined with the availability of the bond issue presents a unique opportunity. By acting now, necessary funding at favorable interest rates can be achieved. 7. Community Well-being: Investing in the Town's streets is an investment in the well- being of its residents. Smooth and well-maintained streets improve accessibility, reduce noise levels, and minimize traffic congestion, resulting in a higher quality of life for everyone. CASC Report Page 12 8. Environmental Benefits: Upgrading streets can include implementing environmentally friendly practices, such as incorporating sustainable materials and improving drainage systems, thus reducing the carbon footprint, and contributing to a greener future. 9. Increased Civic Pride: Addressing Street problems through the bond issue demonstrates commitment to a sense of pride among residents, fostering a stronger community spirit, and a shared responsibility for the Town's development. 10. Transparency and Accountability: The bond issue provides a clear and transparent mechanism for funding street repairs, ensuring the funds are dedicated solely to the intended purpose. Implementing oversight and accountability measures to promote trust and confidence among residents are doable. B. Pavement Lifecycle Program CASC Report Page 13 C. Additional Considerations 1. Based upon Town growth in the past decade and current traffic, some streets may need to be reclassified to the next higher category. Prior to finalizing any bond packages, each category should be visited to determine which streets should be reclassified to a higher level; examples are included below. from to Collectors to Arterials Golden Eagle Palisades Sunridge Sunridge Dr Palisades Golden Eagle Locals to Collectors Gunsight Saguaro La Montana LA Montana El Lago Arroyo Vista Arroyo Vista La Montana FH Blvd Chama FH Blvd Gunsight Sierra Madre Sunridge Sunridge Verde River / Paul Nordin Palisades Saguaro Panorama Saguaro Saguaro Bainbridge FH Blvd Golden Eagle Inca FH Blvd Kingstree Monterey Shea Saguaro Del Cambre Grande El Sobrante Hampstead / Fayette Palisades Fairlynn Saguaro Business Frontage Panorama Colony Thistle Palisades Mountain Side Mountain Side Thistle Palisades 2. A Town-wide “speed limit assessment” should be conducted to ensure that by category streets are consistent; that speed limits are posted the same in both directions; that general signage upon entrance to the Town informs drivers that the local speed limit is 25 mph on any street not posted. 3. The Town should investigate and identify options for private (HOA) properties to be able to use Town negotiated prices so cost savings can be passed along. 4. Throughout the program of street repairs, the Town should consider addressing wide streets with pavement markings that allow for a left-turn lane, parking lanes, and/or bike lanes by narrowing the travel lanes appropriately to help “manage” posted speed limits. 5. All Arterials and Collectors should have centerline markings. 6. All Local streets at a minimum should have traffic control stop signs/stop lines when intersecting with Collectors and/or Arterials. 7. All frontage streets should be clearly marked and/or signed as two-way. CASC Report Page 14 8. Additional radar activated speed limit signage should be placed strategically throughout the community on Arterials, and on all streets ahead of entering a special enforcement area. 9. Prepare an ‘Intersection 10-Year Improvement Plan” addressing primary intersections; considerations are shown below. Facility Cross Street Existing Recommended Description Palisades Palomino 4 way stop New Traffic Signal Complete planned improvements Palisades Golden Eagle 3 way stop Traffic Circle Eliminate 3 way stop with circle Palisades FH Blvd Existing Traffic Signal L Turn Queuing NB to WB & EB to NB turn lane ext Palisades Ave of the Fountains Existing Traffic Signal Do Nothing - Palisades La Montana 4 way stop Traffic Circle Eliminate 4 way stop with circle Palisades Saguaro Existing Traffic Signal L Turn Queuing NB to EB turn lane extension Saguaro La Montana 2 way stop Traffic Circle Eliminate 2 way stop with circle Saguaro Ave of the Fountains 3 way stop Traffic Circle Eliminate 3 way stop with circle Saguaro El Lago Existing Traffic Signal L Turn Queuing NB to EB turn lane extension Parkview Verde River Drive 4 way stop Traffic Circle Eliminate 4 way stop with circle FH Blvd El Lago Existing Traffic Signal Do Nothing - FH Blvd Saguaro 1 way stop Traffic Circle Reduce traffic conflicts with circle El Lago La Montana 4 way stop Traffic Circle Eliminate 4 way stop with circle La Montana Parkview 1 way stop Traffic Circle Eliminate EB stop sign with circle Other Concept Sidewalk Infill Downtown/Arterials x ft Speed Controls Radar Speed Limit Signs x number of controls Pedestrian Crossings Signal Controlled Crossings x number of crossings Bicycle Lanes Arterials/Collectors x number of miles CASC Report Page 15 D. Ju n e Ju l y Au g Se p t Oc t No v De c Ja n Fe b Ma r Ap r Ma y Ju n Ju l y Au g Se p t Oc t No v CA S C Pr e s e n t F i n d i n g s - S o l u t i o n s t o T C / S t u d y S e s s i o n 20 CA S C F i n a l P r e s e n t a t i o n / S t u d y S e s s i o n ? X Ho s t P u b l i c O p e n H o u s e ( Q / A ) X X X X Or g a n i z e P o l i t i c a l A c t i o n C o m m i t t e e ( P A C ) 7t h X X X X X X X X X 5t h TO W N P U B L I C R E L A T I O N S Co m m u n i c a t i o n s F H T i m e s X X X X X X X S o c i a l M e d i a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I n s i d e r X X X X X Ge n e r a t e F u n d i n g S u r v e y ( B o L a r s o n ) X X X X Pu b l i s h S u r v e y R e s u l t s X Pu b l i c I n f o r m a t i o n O u t r e a c h X X X X X X X X X 5t h TO W N S T R E E T D E P A R T M E N T Re c l a s s i f y S t r e e t s X X Fi n a l i z e I n t e r s e c t i o n N e e d s X X Fi n a l i z e F u n d i n g N e e d s X X Pr o v i d e S t r e e t U p d a t e t o T C X X X X X RE S I D E N T S Pr o v i d e F u n d i n g I n p u t X X X Q/ A O p p o r t u n i t y ( O p e n H o u s e F o r u m s ) X X X X De c i s i o n T i m e ( V o t e ) 7t h X 5t h TO W N C O U N C I L Me e t i n g s 0 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 2 CA S C F i n a l P r e s e n t a t i o n / S t u d y S e s s i o n ? X Pa r t i c i p a t e i n P u b l i c O p e n H o u s e X X Po l i c y / F u n d i n g D e c i s i o n s X X X Re f e r e n d u m L a n g u a g e ( d u e d a t e ) X 4t h 20 2 3 / 2 4 E l e c t i o n D a t e s 7t h 2 5t h CA S C R e p o r t P a g e 1 5 20 2 3 20 2 4 Ac t i v i t i e s / T i m e D. A " R o a d M a p " F o r w a r d CASC Report Page 16 Le t t e r - G r a d e PC I R a n g e Re p a i r s / P C I R a n g e s Ar t e r i a l s Co l l e c t o r s Lo c a l s All e y s Art e r i a l s Co l l e c t o r s Lo c a l s All e y s Art e r i a l s Co l l e c t o r s Lo c a l s All e y s Art e r i a l s Co l l e c t o r s Lo c a l s All e y s 20 2 3 U n i t C o s t s $4 . 7 3 $3 . 6 0 $3 . 6 0 $3 . 6 0 $3 6 . 2 1 $2 7 . 1 9 $1 8 . 7 2 $2 7 . 1 9 $6 7 . 6 9 $5 0 . 7 7 $3 3 . 8 4 $5 0 . 7 7 $7 0 . 3 5 $5 7 . 1 1 $4 0 . 1 8 $5 7 . 1 1 w/ p a t c h i n g $6 . 8 3 $5 . 7 0 $5 . 7 0 $5 . 7 0 $3 8 . 3 1 $2 9 . 2 9 $2 0 . 8 2 $2 9 . 2 9 $6 9 . 7 9 $5 2 . 8 7 $3 5 . 9 4 $5 2 . 8 7 $7 1 . 4 0 $6 7 . 6 9 $5 0 . 7 7 $6 7 . 6 9 Av e 2 0 2 3 U n i t C o s t s / S Y $5 . 7 8 $4 . 6 5 $4 . 6 5 $4 . 6 5 $3 7 . 2 6 $2 8 . 2 4 $1 9 . 7 7 $2 8 . 2 4 $6 8 . 7 4 $5 1 . 8 2 $3 4 . 8 9 $5 1 . 8 2 $7 0 . 8 8 $6 2 . 4 0 $4 5 . 4 8 $6 2 . 4 0 5% 20 2 5 I n f l a t e d U n i t C o s t s $6 . 3 6 $5 . 1 2 $5 . 1 2 $5 . 1 2 $4 0 . 9 9 $3 1 . 0 6 $2 1 . 7 5 $3 1 . 0 6 $7 5 . 6 1 $5 7 . 0 0 $3 8 . 3 8 $5 7 . 0 0 $7 7 . 9 6 $6 8 . 6 4 $5 0 . 0 2 $6 8 . 6 4 11 3 , 4 3 6 12 , 3 3 9 28 , 9 2 0 16 , 3 6 5 17 1 , 0 6 0 $7 2 1 , 2 2 6 50 5 , 7 2 6 $ $2 , 1 8 6 , 7 5 7 $1 , 2 7 5 , 8 5 6 $4 , 6 8 9 , 5 6 6 $4 , 6 8 9 , 5 6 6 15 6 , 1 2 6 70 , 1 6 6 90 , 7 6 8 0 31 7 , 0 6 0 $7 9 8 , 5 8 4 $2 , 1 7 9 , 2 5 1 $5 , 1 7 3 , 9 5 8 $8 , 1 5 1 , 7 9 3 $8 , 1 5 1 , 7 9 3 41 5 , 7 1 8 23 3 , 3 7 9 45 0 , 9 1 9 95 , 6 0 4 1, 1 9 5 , 6 2 0 $2 , 1 2 6 , 3 9 8 $5 , 0 7 5 , 2 9 3 $1 7 , 3 0 5 , 8 2 0 $4 , 7 8 2 , 3 5 1 $2 9 , 2 8 9 , 8 6 2 -$ 8 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 $2 1 , 2 8 9 , 8 6 2 4,6 3 1 - 15 , 0 8 3 15 , 7 0 1 35 , 4 1 5 $2 3 , 6 8 8 $0 $8 5 9 , 7 6 1 $1 , 0 7 7 , 7 1 7 $1 , 9 6 1 , 1 6 5 $1 , 9 6 1 , 1 6 5 1, 7 1 9 , 1 5 5 $7 2 1 , 2 2 6 $7 9 8 , 5 8 4 $2 , 1 2 6 , 3 9 8 $2 3 , 6 8 8 $5 0 5 , 7 2 6 $2 , 1 7 9 , 2 5 1 $5 , 0 7 5 , 2 9 3 $0 $2 , 1 8 6 , 7 5 7 $5 , 1 7 3 , 9 5 8 $1 7 , 3 0 5 , 8 2 0 $8 5 9 , 7 6 1 $1 , 2 7 5 , 8 5 6 $0 $4 , 7 8 2 , 3 5 1 $1 , 0 7 7 , 7 1 7 $4 4 , 0 9 2 , 3 8 6 $3 6 , 0 9 2 , 3 8 6 IM P R O V E M E N T C O S T S $4 4 , 0 9 2 , 3 8 6 -$ 8 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 $3 6 , 0 9 2 , 3 8 6 Br e a k d o w n b y S q u a r e Y a r d s 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 1.0 5 In f l a t i o n F a c t o r ST R E E T R E F E R E N D U M 5 $7 , 2 1 8 , 4 7 7 $7 , 2 1 8 , 4 7 7 $7 , 5 7 9 , 4 0 1 $7 , 9 5 8 , 3 7 1 $8 , 3 5 6 , 2 9 0 $8 , 7 7 4 , 1 0 4 $3 9 , 8 8 6 , 6 4 3 $4 0 M Re f e r e n d u m P a c k a g e s AR T E R I A L S 2 $2 , 3 4 4 , 7 8 3 $2 , 3 4 4 , 7 8 3 $2 , 4 6 2 , 0 2 2 $4 , 8 0 6 , 8 0 5 $5 M CO L L E C T O R S 3 $2 , 7 1 7 , 2 6 4 $2 , 7 1 7 , 2 6 4 $2 , 8 5 3 , 1 2 7 $2 , 9 9 5 , 7 8 4 $8 , 5 6 6 , 1 7 6 $9 M LO C A L S / A L L E Y S 5 $4 , 6 5 0 , 2 0 5 $4 , 6 5 0 , 2 0 5 $4 , 8 8 2 , 7 1 6 $5 , 1 2 6 , 8 5 2 $5 , 3 8 3 , 1 9 4 $5 , 6 5 2 , 3 5 4 $2 5 , 6 9 5 , 3 2 1 $2 6 M IN T E R S E C T I O N S 3 $2 , 9 8 3 , 3 3 3 $3 , 2 8 9 , 1 2 5 $3 , 4 5 3 , 5 8 1 $3 , 6 2 6 , 2 6 0 $1 0 , 3 6 8 , 9 6 7 $1 0 M PA C K A G E R E F E R E N D U M $9 , 7 1 2 , 2 5 3 $1 0 , 1 9 7 , 8 6 5 $1 1 , 4 1 1 , 7 6 0 $8 , 8 3 6 , 7 7 5 $9 , 2 7 8 , 6 1 4 $4 9 , 4 3 7 , 2 6 8 $5 0 M FO O T N O T E S : Up p e r ' I m p r o v e m e n t C o s t s ' C h a r t : Lo w e r ‘ C o s t S u m m a r y ’ C h a r t : · On l y s t r e e t s b e l o w a 7 0 P C I a r e i n c l u d e d · Re f e r e n d u m p a c k a g e s f o r e a c h s t r e e t c l a s s i f i c a t i o n a r e e x p e c t e d t o v a r y · Le t t e r - g r a d e s : C , m a r g i n a l s t r e e t s ; D , s t r e e t s i n f a i r c o n d i t i o n s ; F , p o o r ( b a c k l o g ) A r t e r i a l s … 2 - y e a r i m p r o v e m e n t p l a n ( 2 0 2 5 - 2 6 ) · Su g g e s t e d r e p a i r s a r e i d e n t i f i e d f o r e a c h P C I r a n g e C o l l e c t o r s … 3 - y e a r p l a n ( 2 0 2 5 - 2 7 ) · Un i t c o s t s a r e ‘ a v e r a g e ’ f o r 2 0 2 3 ; 2 0 2 5 u n i t c o s t s a r e i n f l a t e d 5 % L o c a l s / A l l e y s … 5 - y e a r p l a n ( 2 0 2 5 - 2 9 ) · Sq u a r e y a r d a g e a n d i m p r o v e m e n t c o s t s a r e s h o w n f o r e a c h s t r e e t c l a s s i f i c a t i o n a n d e a c h l e t t e r - g r a d e I n t e r s e c t i o n s … 3 - y e a r p l a n ( 2 0 2 7 - 2 9 ) · Fe d e r a l F u n d s a r e s h o w n t o b e s p e n t o n L o c a l s ( a c t u a l d i s t r i b u t i o n w i l l v a r y ) · 5% i n f l a t i o n i s i n c l u d e d f o r e a c h p l a n y e a r To t a l s le s s F e d e r a l F u n d s Fu n d s N e e d e d 69 - 6 0 59 - 5 5 54 - 4 0 39 a n d B e l o w Mi c r o S u r f a c i n g w / p a t c h i n g , S l u r r y S e a l w / p a t c h i n g (P C I r a n g e : M i n = 6 0 ; C r i t i c a l = 6 3 ; M a x = 7 0 ) So m e S l u r r y S e a l So m e M i l l & O v e r l a y (g r a y - z o n e c o m b i n a t i o n ) Mil l & O v e r l a y w / p a t c h i n g (P C I r a n g e : M i n = 4 0 ; C r i t i c a l = 4 3 ; M a x = 6 0 ) Su r f a c e R e c o n s t u c t i o n w / p a t c h i n g ( P C I ra n g e : M i n = 3 0 ; C r i t i c a l = 3 3 ; M a x = 4 0 ) F u l l De p t h R e p l a c e m e n t w / s u b g r a d e p r e p a r a t i o n ( P C I ra n g e : M i n = 0 ; C r i t i c a l = 2 0 ; M a x = 4 0 ) C ( 6 9 - 5 5 ) D F CO L L E C T O R S AR T E R I A L S LO C A L S AL L E Y S $3 , 6 6 9 , 8 9 6 $7 , 7 6 0 , 2 7 0 $2 5 , 5 2 6 , 2 9 6 $7 , 1 3 5 , 9 2 4 40 % 18 % 34 % 7% ST R E E T T O T A L S 68 9 , 9 1 1 31 5 , 8 8 4 58 5 , 6 9 0 12 7 , 6 7 0 CO S T S U M M A R Y Im p r o v e m e n t F u n d s Ne e d e d Co n t i n g e n c y To t a l s Im p r o v Ye a r s Av e A n n u a l Co s t s Im p r o v e m e n t Y e a r s 1.0 5 1. 1 0 1.1 6 1. 2 2 5- Y e a r F u n d s N e e d e d $4 , 6 8 9 , 5 6 6 $0 E. Co s t B r e a k d o w n $8 , 9 5 0 , 0 0 0 $0 $8 , 9 5 0 , 0 0 0 $4 5 , 0 4 2 , 3 8 6 $0 $4 5 , 0 4 2 , 3 8 6 $4 , 6 8 9 , 5 6 6 $8 , 1 5 1 , 7 9 3 $0 $8 , 1 5 1 , 7 9 3 $2 3 , 2 5 1 , 0 2 7 $0 $2 3 , 2 5 1 , 0 2 7 Bo n d F u n d s 0% $3 6 , 0 9 2 , 3 8 6 $0 $3 6 , 0 9 2 , 3 8 6 CASC Report Page 17 F. Volunteer CASC Members Jerry Butler, Kim Colenso, Gregg Dudash, Mark Graham, Buck Haworth, Bernie Hoenle, Dean Hughson, Jeffrey Kerr, Karl Manthe, Joe Mueller, Chris Plumb, Gary Salavitch CASC Background Experience 45 years - Business Management Leadership 40 years - Transportation Planning 36 years - Design / Construction Industry 33 years - Civil Engineering 28 years - Roadway Construction 25 years - Project Consulting 20 years - Home Building Industry 15 years - Project Management 8 years - Design / Roadway Management *** A special debt of gratitude is extended to Town Hall staff for guiding us through the community’s complicated street maize, and for their patience. Without their leadership this report would not have been possible. Thank you. Grady Miller, Retired Town Manager Rachael Goodwin, Interim Town Manager Justin Weldy, Public Works Director David Janover, Town Engineer Andy Whisler, Assistant Town Engineer Jeff Pierce, Streets Superintendent Angela Espiritu, Executive Assistant Local Road Pavement Section Detail Page 1 of 2 Town of Fountain Hills Public Works Department Memorandum TO: Justin Weldy, Director of Public Works FROM: David A. Janover, PE, F.NSPE, CFM, Town Engineer CC: Andrew Whisler, PE, Assistant Town Engineer DATE: August 29, 2023 RE: Local Pavement Pavement Section Detail As the Town’s roadways age, staff is looking for ways to not only improve the asphalt’s resistance to vehicular loading and climate, but look for ways to improve our maintenance to achieve maximum pavement lifecycle. One such way to achieve additional effectiveness for future maintenance, is to increase the thickness of the top (surface) course for newly reconstructed road sections. Currently, the standard pavement section for local roads is 2” of asphalt over 6” of aggregate base, resulting in an 8” total section atop the subgrade (see figure below, the Local Road Typical Section, which appears as Exhibit 5 of Section 3.05 of the Subdivision Ordinance). I recommend that the surface course (item 2 in the above exhibit) be increased by one inch, from 2” to 3” thick, and to decrease the thickness of the aggregate base by one inch, from 6” to 5”. This will result in the same overall thickness of 8” atop the subgrade, but due to the increased strength of asphalt compared to aggregate base, this pavement section change will result in a stronger road section than the existing one. Furthermore, the thicker 3” top layer of asphalt will be very beneficial for future maintenance, when it comes time to perform a mill and overlay. The thicker asphalt layer will provide a more stabilized base for the future milling operation, resulting in superior performance, improved lifecycle, and ultimately, a lower overall cost to the Town. The proposed detail reflecting the discussed modification is shown below: Local Road Pavement Section Detail Page 2 of 2 Town of Fountain Hills Public Works Department Memorandum I recommend that this modified pavement section be implemented immediately, starting with the M.R. Tanner pavement work for FY24, and that the Subdivision Ordinance be amended to reflect the updated detail, subject to Council approval.