HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__06-18-24_0220_622       NOTICE OF MEETING REGULAR MEETING FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL      Mayor Ginny Dickey Vice Mayor Brenda J. Kalivianakis Councilmember Peggy McMahon Councilmember Hannah Toth Councilmember Gerry Friedel Councilmember Sharron Grzybowski Councilmember Allen Skillicorn    TIME:5:30 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024 WHERE:   FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Council meeting.   Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Town Council are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.  REQUEST TO COMMENT The public is welcome to participate in Council meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM, please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Town Clerk prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Council. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Councilmembers. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Town Clerk prior to discussion, if possible. TO COMMENT IN WRITING ONLINE: Please feel free to provide your comments by visiting  https://www.fountainhillsaz.gov/publiccomment and SUBMIT a Public Comment Card by 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting . These comments will be shared with the Town Council.          Town Council Regular Meeting of June 18, 2024 2      NOTICE OF OPTION TO RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council, and to the general public, that at this meeting, the Town Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for legal advice and discussion with the Town's attorneys for legal advice on any item listed on the following agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3).        1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Dickey     2.INVOCATION - Dennis Brown, Former Town Councilmember      3.ROLL CALL – Mayor Dickey     4.STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION     5.REPORTS BY MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS AND TOWN MANAGER     A.PROCLAMATION: Designation of July as Park and Recreation Month.    B.RECOGNITION: Outgoing Commission member Susan Dempster, for her service on the Planning and Zoning Commission.     C.RECOGNITION: Recognizing David Pock, Chief Financial Officer for his years of service.    6.PRESENTATIONS     7.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Council, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual councilmembers may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda.     8.CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine, noncontroversial matters and will be enacted by one motion of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a councilmember or member of the public   Town Council Regular Meeting of June 18, 2024 3   wishes to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, he/she may request so prior to the motion to accept the Consent Agenda or with notification to the Town Manager or Mayor prior to the date of the meeting for which the item was scheduled. The items will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.   A.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes for the Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting of May 7, 2024, and the Regular Meeting of May 21, 2024.      B.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of a transfer of $245,883.50 from the Fire Development Fees Fund to the General Fund to reimburse for telecommunications equipment needed to maintain existing dispatch services while transferring from a contracted department to an in-house Fire Department.     C.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution 2024-29, abandoning a portion of Right-of-Way on Palisades Boulevard subject to establishing a public utility easement over the abandoned Right-of-Way, located within Plat 602-A (Book 161 of maps, Page 42, MCR); including a finding of de minimis value.     D.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: To enter into the Kroger Settlement Agreement (national opioid settlement agreement) by authorizing Town staff to submit the Participation Form releasing all claims against Kroger in exchange for opioid-remediation monies.       9.REGULAR AGENDA     A.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the recommendation for the appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission.       B.HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING, REVIEW AND CONSIDER: Ordinance 24-10 allowing patio covers to encroach into required front and street side yards.      C.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: A waiver of the standards set forth in Section 5.03, Cut and Fill Standards, of the Subdivision Ordinance to allow fill in excess of 10' in height on property located at 9130 N. Hummingbird Trail.     D.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving contract 2024-057 for General Contracting Services, which encompass six (6) as-need Job Order Master Agreement Contracts; 2024-057A, 2024-057B, 2024-057C, 2024-057D, 2024-057E, and 2024-057F,with identical terms for a period of one-year with up to four, one-year renewable options and with identical compensation not to exceed $250,000 per contract in a twelve (12) month period.     E. CONSIDERATION OF AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Discussions and Direction related to FY-25   Town Council Regular Meeting of June 18, 2024 4   E. CONSIDERATION OF AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Discussions and Direction related to FY-25 Pavement Management planning and funding.     F.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Relating to any item included in the League of Arizona Cities and Towns' weekly Legislative Bulletin(s), or relating to any action proposed or pending before the State Legislature.      10.COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the TOWN MANAGER Item(s) listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such item(s) on a future agenda for action, or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council.     11.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS     12.ADJOURNMENT         CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Town Council with the Town Clerk. Dated this ______ day of ____________________, 2024. _____________________________________________  Linda G. Mendenhall, MMC, Town Clerk   The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's Office. On the day of the Council Meeting, the Council Chamber doors open at 5:15 p.m. for public seating. Town Council Regular Meeting of June 18, 2024 5   ITEM 5. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Reports                  Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  PROCLAMATION: Designation of July as Park and Recreation Month. Staff Summary (Background) Mayor Dickey will proclaim July as Park and Recreation Month.   Attachments PROCLAMATION: Designation of July as Park and Recreation Month  Form Review Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 06/12/2024 11:29 AM Final Approval Date: 06/12/2024  ITEM 5. B. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Reports                  Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  RECOGNITION: Outgoing Commission member Susan Dempster, for her service on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Manager Rachael Goodwin 06/12/2024 08:28 AM Form Started By: Paula Woodward Started On: 06/11/2024 05:56 PM Final Approval Date: 06/12/2024  ITEM 5. C. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Reports                  Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Holly Sambora, Clerk Assistant Staff Contact Information: Linda Mendenhall, Town Clerk Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  RECOGNITION: Recognizing David Pock, Chief Financial Officer for his years of service. Form Review Form Started By: Holly Sambora Started On: 06/10/2024 09:21 AM Final Approval Date: 06/10/2024  ITEM 8. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent                  Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Linda Mendenhall, Town Clerk Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes for the Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Regular Meeting of May 7, 2024, and the Regular Meeting of May 21, 2024.  Staff Summary (Background) The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at the meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the town's website and maintained as permanent records in compliance with state law. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approving the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of May 7, 2024, and the Regular Meeting of May 21, 2024. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of May 7, 2024, and the Regular Meeting of May 21, 2024, as presented. Attachments Verbatim Transcript  Verbatim Transcript  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Attorney Linda Mendenhall 06/05/2024 05:11 PM Finance Director David Pock 06/08/2024 08:25 AM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 06/10/2024 08:44 AM Town Manager Rachael Goodwin 06/11/2024 08:05 AM Form Started By: Linda Mendenhall Started On: 06/05/2024 05:07 PM Final Approval Date: 06/11/2024  TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MAY 7, 2024 A Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains in open and public session at 5:33 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Ginny Dickey: Vice Mayor Brenda J. Kalivianakis; Councilmember Gerry Friedel; Councilmember Peggy McMahon; Councilmember Sharron Grzybowski; Councilmember Hannah Toth; Councilmember Allen Skillicorn Staff Present: Town Manager Rachael Goodwin; Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson; Town Clerk Linda Mendenhall Audience: Approximately fifty-four members of the public were present. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 1 of 56 Post-Production File Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Meeting Minutes May 7, 2024 Transcription Provided By: eScribers, LLC * * * * * Transcription is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. * * * * * TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 2 of 56 MAYOR DICKEY: So now, we will call to order our regular meeting, just a couple minutes late. There we go. Could we please stand for the pledge? And if you choose, please remain standing. ALL: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you so much. Today we have Carrie Schneider. Are you here? Come on up. SCHNEIDER: Hello. Let's pray. Dear God, I come before you today on behalf of all who are gathered in this meeting tonight. With a grateful heart I praise you, Lord, for your creation, the beautiful desert mountains and terrain that make Fountain Hills so special. Thank you for life itself and for the health we need to do the work that you've called us to do. Lord, give all the elected leaders here today the wisdom to govern wisely, putting the welfare of the people that they serve first. May the work they do tonight please you and those who live and work in Fountain Hills. God, please give the mayor and councilmembers the ability to listen and respect a wide variety of viewpoints and help them to work together in unity even if there's honest disagreement. May these leaders value truth, honesty, integrity, and moral judgment that comes from you as they make decisions within their legal authority, so that Fountain Hills can be a safe, prosperous, joyful place where families can raise children and its citizens can live in peace. We pray this in Jesus' mighty name. Amen. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Our third and final roll call, please? MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Here. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Here. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Present. MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 56 MCMAHON: Here. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRZYBOWSKI: Present. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Present. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Here. MENDENHALL: Anyone wishing to address the council regarding items listed on the agenda or under call the public should fill out a request to comment card located in the back of the council chambers and hand it to the town clerk prior to consideration of that agenda item. When your name is called, please approach the podium, speak into the microphone, and state your name for the public record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. It is the policy of the mayor and council to not comment on items brought forth under call to the public; however, staff can be directed to report back to the council at a future date or to schedule items raised for a future council agenda. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you, Linda. So there's a lot of recognitions and activities in the month of May, as you're going to soon see when we do our reports. But I do want to mention that I just found out that its 55th annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week. So I wanted to tell our clerk that while we have this little thing, clerks -- don't look surprised -- clerks provide the professional link between the citizens, the local governing bodies, and agencies of governments and other levels, and impartially render equal service to all. And we appreciate you, Linda, so I want to make sure I mention that before we got started with our reports. Thank you. So we'll start with our town manager for activities. It's been three weeks since we met, so we probably have some stuff. GOODWIN: It has been. It seems like it's been a long time. Welcome back, everybody. I'm going to do a quick update. Things that have gone on over the past -- there's too TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 4 of 56 many to name, but one of the big ones I would like recognize is the grand opening of our fitness park at Desert Vista Park. A number of you were there, so thanks for coming out to join us. Special thanks to the vice mayor for presiding over that ribbon-cutting for us. It's been a great amenity. It's been well used already, so we're excited for that addition. I'd also like to thank ADOG as well as their donors for a number of new benches that were recently installed in the dog park. So we're going to be doing a ribbon-cutting for that, I believe, next week. I think it was just kind of identified today. I think that's the plan, so we'll get that on calendars. But we did want to say thank you to them. That's a great addition to the dog park as well. Looking forward, on Saturday we have our Movie in the Park over at Four Peaks Park. It's one of our last sort of outdoor activities before the heat really gets going. And then next Wednesday, on May 15th, we have our downtown strategy open house. That's welcome to everyone in the community to come give feedback about the development or redevelopment of our downtown. And that's at the community center from 6 to 8. That's what I have. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. GOODWIN: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Councilwoman? TOTH: Thank you, Madam Mayor. I just wanted really quickly to congratulate the school on the ribbon-cutting of the planetarium. I've heard a lot of the buzz around it, and people seem really excited. I was so sad I was not able to attend the ribbon-cutting because I was at work. But I've heard a lot about it and I'm very happy for them. GRZYBOWSKI: After, what was it? Five weeks of getting together every single week, it does seem like forever since we saw each other. So I had to go back through my calendar to make sure I didn't miss anything. We had an ambassador event for the Greater Phoenix Economic Council on the growth of the bioscience industry, obviously, in this general area. I think we had two Arizona League of Cities and Towns calls, and the Phoenix East Valley Partnership Critical Transportation and Infrastructure met and discussed the upcoming November Prop 479 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 5 of 56 Transportation election and its importance to Maricopa's transportation infrastructure and the business growth of our community, and we'll all be hearing much more about that in the near future. Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Councilman? FRIEDEL: Thank you, Mayor. So I did get to attend the strategic planning commission's open house that they had on April 20th here at the community center in town. And they gathered a lot of data and ranked priorities for the town from the residents that attended. So it was interesting to see how those stacked up. I'm sure they'll share that with us at some point. I also attended the Desert Vista ribbon-cutting. It was great because that whole structure is a combination of the American Legion Post donating the shade structure to the town and then we have a nice covering now for our exercise area, so that worked out really well. So I was glad to be a part of that. And then I attended a talk by Dirk van Leenen, a Holocaust survivor here at the community center that was really a well-attended event, and this man was a survivor and told some real-life stories about how they survived and what they had to do to make it through that whole war and the issues that they faced. So it was really a good event. And then on May 4th, I attended -- the Elks Lodge had their -- one of their big fundraisers; they had a golf outing. And why that's important to the town is that tomorrow night, at the community center, the Elks Lodge from Fountain Hills is going to be presenting four $2,000 scholarships to graduating seniors. So that's going to be really kind of nice to be a part of that. And along with that, Katie Hobbs also had a proclamation that she did for Elks Youth Week. So that runs from May 1st to May 7th, which is today. So I thought that was really nice, and it recognized our Elks Lodge as well as the others across the state. So it's good to see that the Elks really do a lot for our community. And this Elks Lodge in town has returned just over a $1 million since its TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 6 of 56 inception in this town to various communities and events that they hold for veterans and children in our area. I also did attend the middle school planetarium. That was really kind of a -- really a cool thing, and I see that as a feeder to the International Dark Sky Discovery Center. So they'll go hand in hand, and I think it's a great thing to have here in our town. And then Christ's Church this past weekend celebrated 40 years. It was a packed event, and kudos to them for making it 40 years in our town. So we wanted to recognize that as well. And then May 11th kicks off National Police Week in our town, and we're going to be turning our fountain blue that night. That's a Saturday night, I believe. MAYOR DICKEY: I think it's the 15th. FRIEDEL: Oh, 15th? I'm sorry. 15th. So that's in the middle of the week. That's Wednesday. MAYOR DICKEY: Yes. FRIEDEL: Yes. So it runs from the 12th to the 15th. So to recognize our police heroes, we will be turning our fountain blue that night. So that's all I have, Mayor. Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. MCMAHON: Good evening, everybody. I also have been busy over the past few weeks. I attended a Valley Metro board meeting, and we're talking about support of the proposition, so more information will be available for that in the future. I also was fortunate enough to be able to attend the ribbon-cutting for our Vista Park and the gym equipment that's out there. Thank you. I think it's pretty awesome that we keep improving our parks so that they meet our community's needs and services. In addition, we are a recognized dementia-friendly town, and on April 27th, the dementia-friendly committee taskforce put together our inaugural summit on taking care of the caregivers who take care of those people with cognitive impairments. And I have to say that that event absolutely exceeded our expectations. We had four amazing, dynamic speakers. We had 16 or so local vendors, and also we had the vendor from the Sky Harbor Airport to talk about how dementia-friendly the airport is and TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 7 of 56 traveling with somebody with cognitive impairment. The energy and synergy in those rooms was just amazing. The collaboration between the vendor for the services that they provide for our residents in this town who have cognitive impairments are just amazing. I mean, there were -- we had to have about 40, 45 in attendance. One man even drove down from Payson to get information and support as a caregiver. We had a separate respite room to take care of those people with cognitive impairment while their caregivers were able to attend the program. And it was so successful; we are still receiving emails and kudos. In fact, today I received a really nice thank you card from one of the vendors for including them. And as a demonstration of what a difference our community makes in the inclusivity of our community, one woman came up to me after -- and she was an older woman -- and she said, I just want to let you know I've learned so much; I really appreciate that. And she was almost apologizing because she left the program meeting for a couple of times. But she said, I left because I wanted to go check on my husband, who was in the respite care room. And I looked in the window. I saw that he was laughing; I saw that he was participating and singing. And she looked at me and she goes, you know what? After all these years of taking care of him, that's the first time I've ever left him. So if we can walk -- so for me to walk away from such a summit and have that be such an amazing compliment and fulfill the purpose of it, we should be proud of that as town because it's our town that put that on: the community services, our volunteers. It was an amazing event. So I am proud to say that we put us on the map for that. So thank you, everybody, for all of your help. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. MCMAHON: Also, I attended with Brenda the ribbon-cutting for the remodel of the Sonesta Hotel at the Mayo campus, also the elementary school's planetarium; thank you, Dr. Kane (ph.), for your innovation in bringing that to our young kids here and all the people who donated to make that happen. It's an amazing, amazing planetarium. It's really cute. And also I attended the Arizona League of Cities and Towns committee meeting on elections, and I want to recognize that over the weekend the fountain was TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 8 of 56 turned red in support of fallen firefighters, which I think is amazing. So thank you all. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Vice Mayor? KALIVIANAKIS: Thank you, Ms. Mayor. And hi, everybody, and welcome to another town council meeting. It does seem like it's been quite while since we've been here. Greetings to everybody on YouTube livestreaming and on Cox Channel 11. Just a reminder to all of our speakers tonight, I get a lot of feedback from people saying, could you please tell the people to speak into the microphone, because even though we can hear you in this room, there's a lot of times they can't hear you either on TV or on YouTube livestreaming. It keeps coming up. They say we can't hear what's going on, and so could you please let people know. So please, when you do address the council, please speak into the microphone; it's really important. But again thanks for attending. And informed and engaged citizenry is the key to good governance. What we do, with your help, is we identify problems, we respectfully debate ideas. and we implement solutions. That's what we do. It's interactive between you and between us. Tonight agenda item 9.A -- we'll be discussing that later, but that is the culmination of this very process of community input and then discussion and then doing something about it. So we'll be discussing that later tonight. As far as -- there's been a lot of ribbon-cuttings since the last time we met. And so the first one was with Keith Gilbert and HealthMarkets. That was at the chamber, and he's quite a great guy. And then we had the State 48 Roofing, and they promise you sexy roof status. So you can call them to explain that. And then, of course, the Sonesta Select Mayo Campus, which Peggy did attend with me, is as well. Again, what a lot of the people talked to you tonight about was this very special ribbon-cutting at the Desert Vista Park, the grand opening of the first fitness park in Fountain Hills. I was joined by our town manager, Rachael, Gerry, Peggy, and Kevin from the parks department; we all did the ribbon-cutting. That park is -- I think it's got to be one of the best parks in the state now, and it's a culmination with the American Legion, with the ADOG, with the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 9 of 56 town, the skate park, and now the shaded exercise area. It's just an amazing thing if you haven't gone there. It's something that we can all be proud of, and it's right here in Fountain Hills, naturally. Speaking of church, we had the National Day of Prayer on May 2nd, and there was a ceremony down by the lake, and then many of the congregations in town had special prayers that night. And also, like Gerry mentioned, I was with him at the Christ's Church of Fountain Hills, where they celebrated 40 years serving our faith-based community. Pastor Keith and Dee Pavia are pastors, are accomplishing great things at the Christ's Church. That's the 40-year milestone. We also recently attended, a couple of months ago, the 50th anniversary of Cornerstone Church with Pastor Pierce. And so those are two really significant milestones -- a 50- year and a 40-year -- in a town this young. And so that's something we can congratulate them for being such integral part of our community. We recently had the Art on the Avenue event, our weekly music on the Avenue. Of course, lunch and music at the community center and movies at the park. So if you live in Fountain Hills, there's always something to do. I want to tonight, just to kind of let everybody know, if you're wondering how do I find out all the stuff that's going on, because there's so much stuff going on in Fountain Hills, there's desertvibe.com, which will lead you to all the activities going here; experiencefountainhills.org -- not com -- which, again, recounts all the activities in our town; our own website, fountainhillsarizona.com; the community center -- where you can link to that from our website. And every single day from, like, 9 in the morning till 8 o'clock at night they've got Mahjong and bingo and seminars on pain management and allergies and so it's always packed. Really good things going on at the community center. Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce also has a listing of all the things going on in our town, which is worthwhile too. And of course, our local hometown newspaper, the Arizona Fountain Hills Independent Times, always covers our town events very w3ell. So if anybody wants to write me, it would be kalivianakis@fountainhillsaz.gov. I can email you all these links; otherwise, you can look on YouTube later. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 10 of 56 And then, just lastly, a reminder that this Saturday at noon at that same community center, the Desert Valley Winds will be performing a concert at which I'll playing saxophone, and I invite you all to come out. It's free to the public, and it will be a good time for all. So thank you very much. SKILLICORN: Thank you, Madam Mayor. There's pros and cons to being last. One, everybody steals the thunder. But I can also be the person who's short and sweet. So we live in a wonderful, wonderful town. Thank you very much, everybody. MAYOR DICKEY: I feel what you're saying. Yeah. I was able to go to a couple of things. Most of everything I've done in the last three weeks has been online because I had my second and final back surgery, I'm sure; I was hoping I'd be another two inches taller, but it didn't work out. MAG Regional Council, our legislative calls, of course, Greater Phoenix Economic Council mayors and supervisors meeting, which is very interesting. My big outing to the MacDowell Mountain Elementary School planetarium, which was really cool. Mayor education roundtable, which I'm honored to be a part of. They talked about something called the Arizona Education Workforce visualization, which is a tool that communicates how our economy is evolving and what that means for Arizona workers and learners, delivering information directly into the hands of decision-makers to better plan for the future. And I do meet with other superintendent quarterly, and I also send them items, and it was very, very relevant to the high school. As far as the month of May, I'm not doing proclamations for everything, but it is Asian American Pacific Islander Month. It's observed during May. It recognizes contributions and influence of Asian Americans -- I'm a little partial to that -- native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander Americans to the history, cultural, and achievements of the U.S. Today is Teacher Appreciation Day, May 7th, 2024, so thank you, teachers. The international recognized date for Holocaust Remembrance Day, which marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising this year 2024, that was yesterday on May TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 11 of 56 6th. National Peace Officers, the Police Week, and also it was National Peace Officers' Memorial Day, which is May 15th, so that's why the fountain will be blue on that day. National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend, which just passed, that's a national tribute to the firefighters who have died in the line of duty during the previous year, and they call that the Night for Fallen Firefighters, and the fountain was red, as has been noted on May 4th. So I do have some proclamations. I wanted to ask first if Cheryl (ph.) is here for National Therapy Animal Day. Did Cheryl come? So I'm probably going to do that from here; I'll read that. And then I'll come down. We'll do Economic Development Week for Amanda. We'll do International Firefighters Day, which is different from what I mentioned, and we'll have Dave come up for that. And then we're going to give Jill Keefe a certificate of appreciation. So I will -- let me do the National Therapy Day from up here, and then I'll make my way down there. So we were asked to do this: Whereas Pet Partners has designated April 30 as National Therapy Animal Day and scientific research shows that interacting with therapy animals can reduce stress, relieve depression, slow heartrate, lower blood pressure, and strengthen the immune system; and whereas therapy animal teams in the Town of Fountain Hills play an essential role in improving human health and well-being through the animal-human bond; and whereas therapy animal teams interact with a variety of people in our community, including veterans, seniors, patients, students, and those approaching end of life; and whereas these exceptional therapy animals partner with their human companions, they bring comfort and healing to those in need, and we encourage more pet owners to consider becoming pet partners, volunteering to help our community by creating greater access to meaningful therapy animal visits. So be it resolved that I, Mayor Ginny Dickey, on behalf of the Town of Fountain Hills do proclaim -- this is in the past because we haven't met -- April 30th as National Therapy Animal Day and encourage our citizens to celebrate our therapy animals and their human handlers all year long and salute the service of therapy animal teams in our TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 12 of 56 community and in communities across the nation. So we do have a proclamation, and we will make sure that Cheryl gets that. Now, I'll start with economic development, and we'll have Dave, and we'll have everybody come one by one -- Jill. And I'll meet you down there. Thank you. We're starting with Amanda. JACOBS: The Chief's asking me (indiscernible) once a week. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. Let's see. Let me find yours. This is yours, so you hold that up, and I'll read it for you. And then you say whatever you would like. So whereas more than 100,000 economic development or related professionals worldwide are committed to creating, retaining, and expanding top tier opportunities that facilitate long-term community growth; and whereas the economic development profession cultivates thriving neighborhoods, champions sustainability and resiliency, boosts economic prosperity, enhances the quality of life, and builds robust tax bases; and whereas economic development professionals operate throughout the diverse economic environments, including rural, suburban, and urban settings, local state and national governments, public-private partnerships, chambers of commerce, institutions of higher education, and many similar organizations -- except I think we hit them all; whereas economic development professionals serve as stewards being connections between stakeholders such as residents, business leaders, elected officials, industry executives, and educational administrations and collaborate in promoting job creation, community investment, infrastructure advancements, and an optimistic future -- you can't beat that -- and since 1926 the International Economic Development Council has been a leader and a driving force in educating -- and I'm sorry -- in advancing economic development initiatives with a steadfast commitment to fostering growth and prosperity in communities of all sizes worldwide and economic developers contribute to the betterment and progress of Fountain Hills. So therefore, be it resolved that I, Mayor Ginny Dickey, on behalf of the Town of Fountain Hills, recognize the week of May 6th through May 10th as Economic Development Week and remind individuals of the importance of this community TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 13 of 56 celebration, which supports expanding opportunities, bettering lives, and moving society forward. Wow, that's really something. What are you going to say about that? JACOBS: I just -- I don't like being up here in this way. But thank you to the Mayor and council for your support of economic development, the community. And then, as the Mayor said, this is a team sport, and so what you can do is shop our local business, like Jill's here with Good Living Greens. So we don't have a primary property tax, so remember sales tax dollars matter. When you go to Scottsdale, we don't get that money. You're providing leakage. So shop local. Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. I didn't know we were providing leakage. So next we're going to have Dave Ott, our chief, come up and accept this for International Firefighters Day. This one's right here. I'll make you talk too. There you go. All right. Whereas the brave men and women of the firefighting community exemplify valor, dedication, and selflessness in the face of danger, serving as the frontline defenders of our community safety and well-being; and whereas May 4th was commemorated as International Firefighters Day, a day of recognition and gratitude for sacrifice and efforts of firefighters worldwide; and whereas the resilience, courage, and compassion demonstrated by firefighters resonate within our community, inspiring us to express our appreciation and support for your invaluable work; and whereas the Town of Fountain Hills proudly stands alongside our firefighting heroes, honoring their unwavering commitment to protecting lives, property, and the environment; whereas, members of the Fountain Hills Fire Department deserve recognition for their dedication to public safety; so now, therefore, be it resolved that I, Mayor Ginny Dickey, on behalf of the Town of Fountain Hills do hereby proclaim that May 4th, 2024, was International Firefighters Day in the town and urge all residents to join us in honoring and celebrating the dedication and bravery of our firefighters and recognize their contributions to the safety and prosperity of our community. OTT: Thank you. And this day actually revolves around the National Firefighters TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 14 of 56 Memorial Weekend that's held in Emmitsburg, Maryland every year. This year they added 266 names to the wall there, 2 of them from Arizona. So thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you so much. We appreciate that. I saw that number, and I guess I didn't actually believe it. But wow, that's a lot for one year. Thanks, Dave. All right. Now it's time -- Jill, come on up. We want to express our appreciation for all your good, hard work on behalf of the town. So you hold on to that, and then I guess you can say something too. KEEFE: Oh, my goodness. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. So we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Jill Keefe, who has served with distinction on the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission since her appointment by the town council in November of 2022. Throughout her tenure, Jill has demonstrated exceptional commitment and expertise, making invaluable contributions to the commission. Both the town council and her fellow commissioners deeply appreciate her dedicated efforts for the constructive influence you have had on the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission. Wow, there you go. Thank you. KEEFE: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Give you a hand there. KEEFE: Wow. Thank you so much, Mayor and town council, for the opportunity to serve in this way. I've learned a tremendous amount about the town and how it runs, and to be able to contribute to the long-term horizon of the town means a lot to me. And I'm stepping back for a little bit just to take care of my family. But I want to continue to support the town in any way I can, and I appreciate the opportunity. MAYOR DICKEY: Thanks so much. KEEFE: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: That's what it's all about. Thank you. Picture? Thank you, guys. Thank you so much, Jill. All right. Thank you, everyone, so much. It's important that we do these recognitions, and thank TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 15 of 56 you all for being here. We have some presentations, and I saw some of the teachers there from the Mayor's Youth Council, so I believe you're first up. Come on up. Guys, thanks for coming. I know it's a busy time of year. HEINSMA: Yes. Mayor and Council, my name is Steven Heinsma, and myself and Skylar Thomas, were privileged enough to work with this great group of teens. They made a large impact on my time here so far. And as advisors on the Mayor's Youth Council, we got to see all they accomplished, and they're going to be sharing that with you in just a moment. We have several of them here tonight. So without further ado, I'd like to invite Kevin, our chair for this year, to say a few words and introduce their presentation. KEVIN: Hello, Mayor. Hello, Council. As Steven just said, I am the -- or I had the privilege of being president for the Mayor's Youth Council for this year. Just to introduce our presentation, I'm super proud of this entire group. While we didn't accomplish absolutely everything we wanted to this year, it was still a great year. We got a lot done. And I especially want to thank the new members that joined this year. We had people from all around. We had people from bases, people from ASU prep, obviously people from Fountain Hills as well. And one thing I want to thank these people for is they were not afraid to speak up during our meetings and introduce new ideas. And I'm super happy they're here, and I'm excited to see where they take the club next year. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. [VIDEO] MAYOR DICKEY: Anybody have any questions or comments for these fine people? Obviously, we're very grateful for everything you did. I know that we had Fountain Hills Cares events; we had other -- Make a Difference Day like you just had up there where we always saw you there. We're always so grateful that you did that. I just signed your volunteer certificates, and I just couldn't believe those hours. So you guys are really making a difference, and you know that. I want to congratulate the seniors, who are ready to do their next wonderful adventure. And again, I can't express my appreciation TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 16 of 56 for you and your advisors and really look forward to next year as well. Anybody else? MCMAHON: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Thanks for making us all happy tonight. We have another presentation, which is going to be a Public Works Project update from Justin. WELDY: Madam Mayor, councilmembers. First, thank you for the opportunity. I have the privilege of not only updating the mayor and council but also an opportunity to thank the staff that often are not seen standing at this podium. They're oftentimes seen in the building, on the streets, or in the facilities. The staff that I'm talking about is in the umbrella of the public works department. Under direction from the town manager and support from the mayor and council, the public works department has the Facilities Department, which is relatively small, about actually three and a half persons. The half person has been taking care of the library museum for a little bit more than 20 years. The street department is also a relatively small division of five down there. Also the engineering division, which is technically two, but we also include the civil engineering inspector in that group. But it's also important to note that we share an executive assistant with development services, and we also share the CAD GIS guru with the entire town department and all of their staff and the mayor and council. So on behalf of all of them, I'm just a spokesperson. The stuff you're going to see tonight is an end result of, again, the support from the town manager and the mayor and council and the hard word of those individuals. This year we are going to accomplish just under nine lane miles of paving. Keep in mind, there is still a small portion of this that's underway on Panorama, but it will be completed before June 30th of this year. There have been several times during the past year that we've had discussions in regards to pavement maintenance and the funding scenarios. I have some extremely good news in regards to some minor change of scope related to some of the projects that we did. We anticipated the worst, planned for the best. That said, the outcome is a benefit. There is approximately going to be $700,000 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 17 of 56 that was budgeted for paving this year that will remain in the streets budget and be available for the outlying years as a result of these cost savings. That's pretty substantial. Included in this year's pavement markings, based on a pilot program that the mayor and council approved for El Lago between Fountain Hills Boulevard and Palisades, we've begun to stripe all of our wider boulevards in that manner, which includes an eight-foot shoulder, a five-foot bike lane, two travel lanes, and a two-way left turn lane. The end result of this is the Town of Fountain Hills was able to add ten additional bike lane miles without constructing any new roadways. And all of these bike lane miles are five feet wide, which is a pretty substantial amount and also an adequate width and is in compliance with not only the federal, but state and county recommendations for the width of a bike lane. It should be noted that, as I stated earlier, the portion along Panorama Drive will be restriped after that is paved, and all of it completed before June 30th of this year. Oftentimes, as we're out walking, as not only staff but elected members of the council and the residents, we get notification about uneven surfaces. The photo, the second one on the bottom right there, are actually two of the town street apartment staff, utilizing a state of the art device that allows us to grind multiple types of surface to eliminate that uneven and/or oftentimes referred to as a trip hazard. As you can see from this, there are several locations identified here. We intentionally use this exhibit, although there are several other locations in town, because prior to special events that are going to impact the downtown, we spread out in all of those areas the entire public works staff and look for areas that may or may not create challenges for those that are going to be walking after the sun sets or even when sun is up, just to ensure their safety. We oftentimes discuss big sidewalk projects, and we're proud to be showing some of those tonight. This is another example. So the process in regards to uneven walking surfaces is that we identify them, we take the necessary action to make them less challenging, and then we put them on a list for eventual replacement. This particular TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 18 of 56 case there are 25 locations that we replaced in and around the downtown area as part of this year and several other ones out on Palisades, some on Golden Eagle Boulevard. But these are the primary ones right here in the downtown. Please note you can ask any questions or share any comments you have as I'm moving forward. Golden Eagle Boulevard and Sierra Madre. This is a relatively big project. This is a project that we discussed with the town manager after having received a request from a resident, and then several others chimed in. And then we took the proposal to the pedestrian and traffic safety committee. The proposal was to install a marked crosswalk at Golden Eagle and Sierra Madre. This project also included revisions to the curb ramps and the approach to each one of those ramps to make them compliant with the DOJ standards. This is a very exciting one that is multiple years in the works. The town was able to complete with MAG and the Arizona Department of Transportation, guidance from the mayor and council, town manager, the safe routes to school assessment. Those assessments had been shared with the mayor and council in the past. The next step for these is we will begin to work with the school to implement some of the onsite and offsite changes. For this activity grant, we have $14,000 in funds available that we're working with the school and each of the schools' principals, to identify areas where they may be able to utilize that funding. But it's important to note that these books are the roadmap for the future for the youth and the schools in Fountain Hills because they will allow us the opportunity with backup documentation to apply for grants, to take action, and correct the deficiencies that are noted and shown in these books. Here are a few capital improvement projects that we completed this year. This was the one down on Grande that connected a concrete channel to Rosita. As you'll note, the home shown on the right here as oftentimes flooded prior to this work. This is the project down on Deuce Court. The home, again, on the right-hand side was oftentimes flooded. This is additional photos of that work, same location. This is one of our bridge repairs. Going to get a little bit technical here. But first, every TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 19 of 56 five years the Arizona Department of Transportation, at no cost to the Town of Fountain Hills, inspects all of the bridges that we own and/or we are responsible for. And we have a lot more than you would imagine. We'll pick out a couple of examples that you may not know. Golden Eagle Boulevard at Desert Canyon, that's a bridge that crosses under Golden Eagle there in the form of concrete box culverts. All of the entries into the Target Center, except for the one on Saguaro, you have to cross a bridge. Having said that, this right here was a strong recommendation and a high priority in regards to that inspection. The photo on the left is some overgrown brush, and just outside of that photo is the outfall turn-down wall that was being exposed by erosion and a lot of water. What it's referred to is head cutting. Head cutting is when water flows over a spillway and/or a bridge, and it begins to erode the soil, and the soil begins to work backwards towards the bridge. It could undermine it. This project right here was to address that headcutting. This is one that we're really excited about. This is a sidewalk infill project. The photos on the top left show before and, obviously, on the bottom left shows after the curb opening ramp at Indian Wells. But the big photo on the right-hand side shows that with the funding approved by the mayor and council and under the direction of the town manager, we were able to eliminate another gap in the Fountain Hills neighborhood adjacent to this. This gets us much, much closer to having a completed system that ties directly into Desert Vista on one side of the road. This is another one of our drainage projects. Last year we worked on the west side of Saguaro at Kingstree. This year we were able to complete the east side. You might recall that in an earlier presentation related to capital projects, I described a home south and east of this location that was inundated with flood water as a result of this intersection not able to dewater itself due to outdated or missing drainage components. Everyone should be familiar with this. This was the old patio section of the community center. It's still a patio section that is open and available for the public. We're working on getting some furniture out there, but more importantly, it has added badly needed storage to the community center and is part of our ongoing effort to keep water away TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 20 of 56 from the building and dewater it. This is the downtown parking management plan. It was identified in the strategic plan, also in the general plan. The town engineer and I just received their draft recommendation today, and we need to go over that and make any corrections or any suggestions that won't impact the outcome and then share that with the town manager. Once it's finalized, we'll bring it before the mayor and council and have a little discussion related to it. I should note, and this is important, that there have been numerous stakeholder meetings related to this parking management plan that the vendor has had and town staff has attended. And in fact, there was one more today, and there the town engineer and I have a separate meeting related to this with a Plat 208 board of directors later on this month to hear some of their concerns and/or recommendations related to the areas that are in bright red, yellow, and green on this exhibit. This is the Ashbrook wash slope stabilization project. This is in Ashbrook wash between Fountain Hills Boulevard and Hampstead on the north side. You'll recall just a short three years ago we had a couple of storm events. The end result of some of that runoff was lateral migration that cut the bank to within one foot of an occupied dwelling. All of the material that you see here -- and it's kind of hard to visualize -- a rough math on this is about 5.5 million cubic yards of donated material that were placed by local vendors. Spend a little time on that. These are people that are not only working for the town on their projects, but commercial development and residential development. By allowing them to place material in locations like this, we substantially reduce the cost of town projects, but we also reduce the cost to the homeowner and/or the business owner, and we also minimize the number of trips necessary to export that material out of this community, either into landfills or facilities along the 202 Red Mountain that accept those type of materials. So this is a wide-ranging beneficial project. These are some of the environmental programs that we are responsible for. I'm going to give you some numbers. Related to our residential recycling, Republic Services deposited 2,500 tons that were recycled this year up to date. For the electronics TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 21 of 56 recycling event, we had 6.7 tons of electronics that will be recycled through reclamation and reuse. And lastly, the household hazardous waste recycling event, 12.8 tons. There is one other one in which we are a partner with the Friends of the Maricopa County Library, the paper shredding that we just had two weekends ago. It was a very, very big event, and we do not have the data for that event. But at probably 40 minutes after the opening, there were about 78 vehicles in queue on Hampstead that stretched from the driveway all the way up to Carmel. And it was that way for quite a little while there. My hat's off to that group of volunteers and all of the youngsters from the high school that showed up to help them. I was impressed with that group. They really worked hard. That was it. Lots of good news. Any questions? I'll do my best to answer them. You're welcome. MAYOR DICKEY: Yeah. I mean, I think a lot of times it's really easy to not realize everything that goes into what you have to do. I mean, we think about our houses, and we got this project or that project, and just look at the entire town and you're responsible for that. And we really appreciate it and saved us $700,000 somehow along the way. So I'm sure we'll be able to -- pardon me? MCMAHON: Spend it. MAYOR DICKEY: Yes, spend it. That's what she said. I wasn't going to be that blatant, but yeah, we'll find a way. Something to do with streets. But yeah, we we appreciate how thorough and how you're always there for us to ask questions and to help us understand all that you do. WELDY: Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity. MAYOR DICKEY: So our next item is a call to the public. Do we have any speaker cards? MENDENHALL: Yes, Mayor, we do. We have a total of three. We'll start with Cody Ream (ph.). On deck is Lori Troller, and last is Ed Stizza. Cody has decided not to speak. So now we'll go with Lori. You ready, Lori? TROLLER: Sure. MENDENHALL: And then Ed. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 22 of 56 TROLLER: Mayor, Council. Lori Troller, resident. I recently had conversations with folks in Fountain Hills on the topic of small wireless facilities. And so for those of you who don't know what that is, it's an antenna. And as we all know, antennas need to be up in the air about 20, 30 feet. So nobody realized the first ten feet of their yard was an ROW, the right-of-way. So although residents own this and maintain it, the town can allow for a 20-, 30-foot tower to be built on it. So everybody thought they could go back and talk to somebody about it and pass that, maybe get a lawyer and fight the town or the telecoms. But nobody looks up the rules until they have to. And in this case, it's too late because in this case, you have exactly 30 days to sue from the date of when the construction begins. So we all know the amount of snowbird population, and 30 days isn't nearly long enough for them or for regular residents to get a lawyer together for a case. So this is why I'm here, making sure the ordinance we do write protects our properties to the fullest legal extent possible. But for some reason, this process is like pulling teeth, hair, and nails for two years now. We were even told at the beginning of this we couldn't change the law, and that was 100 percent wrong. This is why -- or sorry. So we are just asking that the law that we write fully protects our properties. Thank you. MENDENHALL: Ed Stizza. STIZZA: How close? Is that good? So good evening, Madam Mayor, town council, staff, Aaron, and I hope everybody's well. And I rushed down here from up north to be here tonight and cut my vacation short. So this is near and dear to my heart, what I'm going to say. And really tried to get on board with what's happening over at the Centennial Circle. And I even tried to find some good, which I've been accused of not doing, in our shade structure. Well, after what I've seen over this past week -- and my father passed away, it's been close to 12 years now. So we purchased a plaque and a bench down at Centennial Circle that was abruptly, without any notice, without any concern whatsoever, pulled out of the Centennial Circle and thrown into a pile. Now, my family holds that plaque very dear, and we had absolutely no information on that whatsoever. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 23 of 56 I even asked when, if we were going to disrupt any of the Centennial Circle, when it came to the benches and everything else -- we all know about the five C's. And we also all know what we spent fairly recently on the rest of the pavers that seemed to be absolutely no plywood down. Everybody just seemed to run over stuff. So it just doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? So I'm no longer on board with the circus tent, so. And that's exactly what I'm going to call it. It's already been purchased. The design is going to conflict with a $25 million beautiful Dark Sky Center, and nobody upon nobody took the time to look at other options to make that Centennial Circle the best it could be. And now we've got an open palette, and we're going to put this tent in there. Let's see how long it gets -- how many times you guys actually rent that. We can barely rent out the facility behind the community center. So going back to the actual plaques and total disrespect, my dad's plaque was put into a pile, and I did not go grab it. I should have, but there was a camera down there, and my family was not alerted, nor were any of the other families. And I'll tell you what, I hold some things very, very dear to my heart, and one of them is my family. And I am absolutely disgusted at what happened and your guys' lack of concern on it. Thank you. GOODWIN: Mayor, if I may? I just wanted to thank Ed for his comments and his feedback. We've actually been in touch with a number of folks over there, including your mom, to make sure that we were able to make those plaques available. So I just wanted to let you know. MENDENHALL: Yes, Mayor. We have two more, Steve Baggio and on deck Rachel Hope. BAGGIO: Mayor Dickey, Vice Mayor Brenda Kalivianakis -- hopefully I said it right -- and council. Excuse me. I wasn't going to speak today, but I noticed a disturbing sight that's been happening. About a month ago, the Town of Fountain Hills website on Facebook run by the town had posted about the circus tent that was going up that Mr. Stizza just talked about. And I had commented politely. I had asked -- well, because they were asking for donations for it. I said, well, why are we not enjoying our natural environment and putting in trees? I'm all about nature and loving nature and all this trees. And what's this fascination with putting shade structures when there's one TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 24 of 56 directly 20 feet behind it, all over the town, for $250,000 and a half a million at the park? How many trees can we put up? How much greenery can we help the environment with? My comment on the Town of Fountain Hills and somebody else's was taken off, as well as on a private site that is not affiliated with the Town of Fountain Hills but seems to be. Now, to me that smelled something funny. I'd reposted a comment again on that private site. It was deleted. Then I posted again a couple hours later on Town of Fountain Hills; it was left up. On the private site, I was not only having my comments deleted, other people's comments were deleted, and I was kicked off and banned from that site. To me, that spells collusion when you have two people operating like that. And then today and yesterday, on the Town of Fountain Hills, it had posted about the meeting for people wanting to talk about that downtown area. Okay, great. The comments were -- there was no comments you could post. This is a town website, and it's not letting the public speak up for what they believe in, in a professional and respectful way. Also last week, I looked up on the Town of Fountain Hills, the firefighter, which was great. We had the firefighter being read. There was no comments allowed. I'm wondering why the Town of Fountain Hills' public site, run by the town, is not letting the public use free speech and talk about their opinions. The town seems to be wanting to do all these surveys about peoples' opinions. Well, I'm trying to figure out now, does it really care about the opinions or only opinions that please them and certain members of the community? And I believe that this town really needs to listen to the people. It's fine to disagree with people, but don't listen to the opinions that only you want to and only opinions that certain people in certain groups do. That's not what this country is all about, and it's not what this town is all about. It's about accepting others, accepting other's viewpoints. Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Aaron? ARNSON: Sure. Mayor and council, I'm happy to address at least that last comment. Staff has had some discussions recently about comments and what's required and what isn't with respect to social media pages. As the council is well aware from past TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 25 of 56 conversations and other things, First Amendment and the Supreme Court precedent says that if you allow one, you allow them all. So it's an all-or-nothing proposition, right? And so in order to ensure that we're having dialogue or -- excuse me -- being able to put comments out there without having to parse through comments and avoiding that situation for these posts, the town has adopted a practice of not allowing comments. The town does not have to allow comments. There's no legal obligation to do so. But again, if you allow one comment, you allow all the comments. And so that's the basis for that direction that my office provided. MENDENHALL: That's it for public comment. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. You had one other. Right? MENDENHALL: He declined. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. Thank you very much. Okay, our next item is our consent agenda. Can I get a motion, please? SKILLICORN: Motion to approve. GRZYBOWSKI: Second. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Roll call? MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Yes. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRZYBOWSKI: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Aye. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Aye. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 26 of 56 MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Aye. Thank you. Our first regular agenda item is our public hearing, which I will start. Consideration of possible action for an ordinance modifying our zoning ordinance. So I'll open the public hearing. We'll hear from staff. We'll take cards after that. Then we'll close the hearing, and then we can talk. But you're going to ask questions, if you want, on the way. WESLEY: Good evening, Mayor and council. Yes, this is a public hearing to consider an amendment to the zoning ordinance specifically dealing with community residences. A little background, council asked staff to look into the possibility of making some modifications to this section of the zoning ordinance, particularly as it pertains to providing for some additional inspections of these homes. The current regulations were approved approximately two years ago in May of 2022. The goal is to provide some increased oversight into the operation of these homes. The proposed ordinance was reviewed at two planning and zoning commission meetings. Just a little bit more background -- I know you can't read this, but the ordinance does provide a definition of what a community residence is. And basically it is a home for individuals who have some type of disability to live together as a housekeeping unit. They may have some staff as a part of that to help provide some of their habilitative or rehabilitative needs. Beyond that, we have two subcategories or refinements of that. One is for a family community residence, and these would be for people of up to eight residents in the home. In a family residence, we typically expect residency to be a little bit longer than you might have in the other type, which is the transitional residence, which is usually a shorter-term residence. So think just generally the family residence is more likely going to be senior-type living arrangement or along that line. A transitional community residence is going to be what we often call a sober living home or others that are moving through a little faster in some type of program like that. So with regard to the ordinance itself, again, we're talking about section 5.13 of the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 27 of 56 zoning ordinance. It has the six sections listed there as part of the overall section of the code. Just a few sections, though, within that that we are going to look at for modification. So first is in item 2 where we talk about -- under registration, where we talk about what is required with registration. This is the main change that we're making in response to the request from council to provide for increased level of inspections of these particular homes. And so the change is to allow the unannounced follow-up inspections to be conducted upon reasonable belief of noncompliance. Mayor, I don't know if you want to talk about each of these as we go, if you have any questions, if you want to go all the way through it. Either way I'm fine with. Just keep keep going. MAYOR DICKEY: Anyone? WESLEY: Okay. So then another place where we do have some reference to inspections currently in the code is with the annual reregistration; that is required. And so that was a little bit limited in the current ordinance, really, just to the life safety standards. So I've expanded that to include then the occupancy limits and clarifying on the policies and procedures. As we reviewed these text amendments with the P&Z Commission, they noted a couple other things that they thought ought to be modified a little bit. One has to do with clarification on the business license. The "if applicable" in there they found to be a little bit confusing about when it would apply, and so clarifying that owner and/or operator must have a business license, and the business license is always applicable from one of those two. And then finally another item that we noted one of the final provisions in the overall code has to do with waivers that can be applied for, primarily having to do with the separation requirements or the maximum number of residents. As we reviewed this, the commission thought it would be helpful to make it a little bit more clear when we talk about a waiver; waiver of what? So it's a waiver for reasonable accommodation that's often found in other codes. So putting that in. And then in particular what TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 28 of 56 brought this up is down in the section under Item B -- I can go through the history here a little bit. But it currently states a maximum of ten is when you need the consideration of a waiver. That was some language that got lost when we made the change in the other part of the code, which made the maximum eight, and we missed reducing this down. So it was consistent with other parts of the code. So that's what this does now is make it consistent with those two definitions for the family and the transitional residences. If you want more than either one of those numbers, then you could apply for this waiver. So those are the proposed changes, Mayor and council. Any questions about? MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Why don't we take speaker cards, and then council can discuss and ask questions. MENDENHALL: Okay. First, in your electronic comment card packet you have 13 comments that are for it. And then we had one in person who just wants to comment in writing that they're for it. So a total of 14 people for it and so far nobody against it. And then we have two comment cards. First is Barry Wolborsky, and on deck is Crystal Cavanaugh. WOLBORKSY: Barry Wolborsky, Fountain Hills resident. I'm just getting up here to say how much I support this. We've all read in the papers and seen on the news the horrors that have happened in these houses where people's lives have been lost. And I don't think we cannot do our due diligence and supervise them as closely as possible. I think that the more supervision we do, the better. The supervision will not hurt the people in those houses. The supervision will help the people in those houses. And so I think it behooves us all to support this. CAVANAUGH: Good evening, Mayor, Vice Mayor, Council. This will be one of the shortest comments I've ever made, probably. This is actually an issue that I was actively involved in over the past two-plus years, and I was really happy when it was finally approved to lower the occupancy. And I do just want to be sure that when you say eight and you say six, that includes staff. That's how it was before, so I just wanted to make sure it was that way, because I wholeheartedly support planning and zoning TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 29 of 56 recommendations and the staff recommendations to add these extra protections for the residential areas and for the clients in those homes. Thanks. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. I'm going to close the hearing, and then council can discuss. Questions or comments? Vice Mayor? KALIVIANAKIS: Thank you, Ms. Mayor. Director Wesley, if I may just ask one or two, just quick questions. When you talk about reasonable grounds for inspections, would those grounds include just neighborhood complaints or concerns that they're not in compliance? WESLEY: Mayor, Vice mayor, that would often be the way that we would first learn of any concerns. Code officers aren't driving by, studying these on a regular basis. So it probably would stem from a neighborhood complaint or question being raised. From there, depending upon the nature of what the complaint might be, the code staff may approach them immediately or may do their own investigation and observe what's going on for a period of time before they determine there's enough concern to actually -- that warrants an inspection inside the home. KALIVIANAKIS: Would one complaint be sufficient, or would it require numerous people to make a complaint on the same situation? WESLEY: Mayor, Vice Mayor, because we're talking about things -- for this purpose, unannounced inspections, that's for something inside the home. And it is somebody's place where they're living. We would probably be a little bit sensitive to what it is and want maybe a little bit more, either our own investigation or more than one person reporting something, before we would proceed with an interior inspection. But again, it depends upon the nature and what we're learning through even that one complaint. KALIVIANAKIS: Okay. Thank you. And then when you talk about the waivers, that's another question I have. I guess when somebody requests a waiver, there's five criteria. And I guess the board would be yourself, the chairman of planning and zoning, and who would be the third member of the board? MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor, it's the chair of the board of adjustment. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 30 of 56 KALIVIANAKIS: The board of adjustment? WESLEY: Yes. KALIVIANAKIS: So it would be you three? MENDENHALL: Yes. KALIVIANAKIS: And then, I guess, one of my concerns that I want to share tonight is that it's my understanding that if two people agree, you can receive a waiver on a two-to- one vote; is that correct? WESLEY: Vice Mayor, let me maybe pull that up real quick if I can. I'm not sure that the code is actually clear on that, in that it says that three make up the committee. Let me read that again real quick. Mayor, hold on just a second. MAYOR DICKEY: Aaron, you know that? ARNSON: While John looks that up, I mean, I would envision that the committee would ultimately have to come to a conclusion and that we'd follow a majority rule process. So to the extent that it's not written down that that's what the process would be, I think it would have to be the consensus of the group. Right? KALIVIANAKIS: Because, I guess, my concern is that if we have three people and they all seem to be appropriate stakeholders, one of which would have a real heartfelt concern, it seems like we might want to require a unanimous decision of an approval of this sort of a waiver. If one of the members has a good cause that they bring up -- I think that maybe to grant a waiver, and this is just something that maybe staff can consider, that we require unanimous of the three board members to agree to the waiver. That seems kind of reasonable. I know it usually is just a two-out-of-three democracy kind of a thing. But I don't think we should grant waivers easily. We do have the code set up and it's all codified, and I'm just a little -- I think the burden should be on the person wanting the waiver. And I think there should be consensus among the board members that the waiver should be granted. So I'll just throw that out there as maybe something to look into and consider. ARNSON: Noted. I don't know that I have an immediate response for it. But noted. KALIVIANAKIS: Yeah. Not needed. Just something to consider. Yeah. Thank you, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 31 of 56 Director. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Councilwoman? MCMAHON: Thank you very much. I looked at this, thought about it, had some conversation. And Aaron, my biggest concern about this proposed amendment is registration section number 2, where it says, "Unannounced follow-up inspections may be conducted upon reasonable belief of noncompliance". It's my understanding that you cannot legally do unannounced inspections like that. Could you please weigh in on that? ARNSON: Well -- and John, I'll turn to you in part -- if there's a concern for, you know, immediate health, life, safety issues -- I mean, there are those exigent circumstance exceptions. The other situation where we can do unannounced is if you obtain consent when you walk up to the person's door. MCMAHON: Right. Okay. ARNSON: Yeah. MCMAHON: But that is a really, really blanket comment with no parameters et cetera in it. And that really concerns me because I think that staff needs guidance on this. And so I am not comfortable with leaving that particular sentence in like that. And I would like to modify that and provide some guidance for staff and possibly have it say follow-up inspections may be conducted upon a reasonable belief of noncompliance as determined based on objective evidence and totality of the facts and circumstances. I think that is reasonable. I think it does provide guidance, and it's just not unfettered for any reason whatsoever, that you can show up and do an inspection. I understand that within our ordinances, that we're fitting this in with our code enforcement -- normal code enforcement, in the course of doing business and looking at registration to make sure that these homes are in compliance with the requirements as set forth in this ordinance. So I would like to submit that we change that language to the language that I suggested in section number -- under registration C.2. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 32 of 56 Councilman? SKILLICORN: Thank you, Madam Mayor. Director Wesley, I think you nodded your head in answer to this question, but there was a question about the occupancy, if it includes staff. Could you just say for the record what that answer was? WESLEY: Oh, yes. Mayor, Councilmember, the definition is right here, and as you read through those, it does say including resident staff. SKILLICORN: Great. Thank you so much. And Madam Mayor, I'd like to make a motion to approve as written. FRIEDEL: Second. MAYOR DICKEY: We have a motion and a second. Further discussion, Councilwoman? TOTH: I just had a question. The motion was for as written, not for the proposed amendment. Okay. Then I'm good. MAYOR DICKEY: Vice Mayor? KALIVIANAKIS: Thank you, Ms. Mayor. Yeah, just as far as further discussion on this subject. Just to me, when I look at this, in a perfect world, I think our neighborhoods would be better off without any business in there whatsoever, whether it be Airbnb’s, sober living, any of those uses. I think that our neighborhood should be enjoyed to raise families and to retire and to be left at peace. Due to land use, and we do live in America, and I bought a property, and so we do allow for businesses to be conducted in homes, unfortunately. This has been something that this council has been addressing, I think, since we were seated. And when you do go back to May of 2022, when we did toughen up the sober living ordinances in this town, I thought it was a step in the right direction. I was wholeheartedly for that. Around six weeks ago or so we revisited the in-home business regulations, and you gave us a presentation. Or again, we try to tighten up who can be there, who can live there, who can park there, and I think those are all really good regulations, really good. And I think this council has listened to the people and we've TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 33 of 56 listened to the complaints of people in neighborhoods that they did not like the inconvenience of party houses. As a matter of fact, just this week -- I was going to turn that over to you, John, another one of the Airbnb’s that we discussed months ago. They cleaned it up after you sent a compliance officer, and it's right back to garbage and overturned cans and loud noise. And so when I looked at this coming up on our agenda tonight, where we're reasonably taking a look at the ordinances we passed, and then we're adding on to them and adding reasonable, unannounced inspections. I think this is -- again, this is a step in the right direction. When the police come to do a search for a home for drugs, they don't announce we're going to be there in four hours to search your house for drugs. They show up, they say we have a warrant, and they search. This is the same thing. If we announced we're going to come next week to do about a head count on how many people are living here, of course they're going to have six people and one staffer or five people and a staffer. So I think the fact that -- I like the unannounced. I like the fact that we're giving our town compliance officers some teeth to regulate these homes so we can have better care for the people that are in the homes and better, more peaceful neighborhoods for people that have the inconvenience of having these homes. And so you know, when I saw this, I think it's a step in the right direction. And when I first spoke -- when I gave my report, I said, you know, that this 9.A would be coming up. And this -- again, this was from the community. We heard that they wanted this, which we did. Some of the councilmembers here took it seriously, and we did get this back on the agenda. So again, that's that relationship that I was talking about between the people of the town and the council doing the people's business. And so I'm wholeheartedly in favor of this as written. MAYOR DICKEY: So staff recognizes that there's a little extra responsibility there, and they are recommending this change. So that was one of the things we talked about was, like, it's another responsibility for code enforcement or for something. And you guys already recognize that. But am I correct that -- I did ask you a question because I was asking a little bit about these different definitions of these now community residents. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 34 of 56 And we've had a lot of complications of which is what kind of house. And one of the things you said to me is that at this time, this would currently apply to only two homes. Is that is that still the case? WESLEY: Yes, Mayor. That is correct. MAYOR DICKEY: So there are two homes like this in the entire town of Fountain Hills. And so I guess -- WESLEY: Mayor, if I may clarify? There are -- MAYOR DICKEY: Four. WESLEY: -- four, but only two that have come in since these regulations. The two that were preexisting are still they -- MAYOR DICKEY: They have to stay under the -- WESLEY: Right. MAYOR DICKEY: Right. But it's still the six because we had done that before, the five and the one. So I think recognizing that you are recommending approval of this ordinance, then I think it's something that we can do. Thanks. Any other comments or questions? We do have a motion on the table and a second. So if there's nothing else, a roll call? MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Yes. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRZYBOWSKI: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Aye. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 35 of 56 MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Aye. Thank you very much. Our next item is approval of a preliminary plat on Palisades and La Montana. Hi. TAVASSOLI: Hi. Good evening, Mayor, members of the council. Just give me a minute here. Okay. So what I'm presenting to you is a proposal for a preliminary plat for a approximately three-acre property -- many of you are very familiar with it-- at the northeast corner of Palisades and La Montana Drive. It is currently the home of the new HonorHealth facility as well as Dutch Bros, yes, and the Southwest Decor retail store. As I mentioned, it's about a three-acre property. It's consisting currently of three commercial parcels. It is zoned C-2 or intermediate commercial. I mentioned some of the tenants in there. There is one vacant unit next door to the Southwest, or I should say Sonoran Designs Decor store, it is the former Asian Fang establishment. And there's one undeveloped pad on the far northeast side of the site. As I mentioned, the applicant is proposing a preliminary plat. So as I mentioned, it's currently three parcels. The applicant is wanting to subdivide it further into a total of four. And the layout is before you here on this slide. Really the only stark difference here, as you can see in this comparison, is a new property line separating the building here to the north, as well as lot 4, which currently is contained by the Dutch Bros. Lot 3 is that vacant pad; that will be expanded slightly. So the lot 3 will be slightly larger than what you currently see here. There are two ingress-egress points of access on La Montana and also two on Palisades Boulevard. Incidentally, there is a new parking aisle here. This used to connect the HonorHealth building with this building right here; that has since been demolished. And as I mentioned, that is now additional parking. Again, this is a preliminary plat. A final plat, granted that this is approved, will come before you directly to council. It wouldn't need to go before the planning and zoning commission. And prior to presenting that to you, we will require from the applicant a shared parking and maintenance agreement so a patron to any one of these establishments can use any of these parking stalls available. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 36 of 56 So staff supports approval of the preliminary plat, as it was recommended for approval by the commission about a month ago. And as I mentioned, a shared parking agreement will be required prior to final plat approval. With that, I'll end my presentation and I'll open it up to questions. MAYOR DICKEY: Do we have any speaker cards on this item? MENDENHALL: No, Mayor, we do not. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Questions from council? Councilwoman? GRZYBOWSKI: My only question reviewing this was the parking. It has been an agreement, or it will be an agreement, that they will share parking. It's not going to be nickel and diming, correct? TAVASSOLI: Correct. We're expecting to get that agreement before the final plat approval, and that will validate the shared parking. GRZYBOWSKI: Okay. So very important to me would be that that agreement come into play because businesses have a tendency -- when we don't have these kinds of things, there's a little you-know-what contest between the businesses. And I don't want that to happen. So if we if we nip it in the bud on the front end and make sure that we get that before we allow the breaking of it, I don't have a problem with this at all. I think it's a great idea. I don't know that I understand why they wanted to bring it to us regarding the overall character of the downtown corridor. I don't see that we're increasing the building envelope, so I'm not sure I understand that question that planning and zoning had that they wanted to present to us. I'd be ready to move to approve as written. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Can we get a roll call, please? MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRZYBOWSKI: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 37 of 56 TOTH: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Yes. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Aye. MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Aye. Thank you. TAVASSOLI: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Thanks for all the info. KALIVIANAKIS: I just hope (indiscernible) parking agreement for our business address. MAYOR DICKEY: Oh. Oh, Brenda. Our next item is about the budget. Hello, Paul. SOLDINGER: All right. Good evening, Madam Mayor, Vice Mayor, and councilmembers. Thank you for another opportunity to be in front of the council. Tonight, we will be discussing the potential adoption of the fiscal year 2025 tentative budget, which would set the maximum amount of budget expenditures for the town next fiscal year. The tentative budget is almost the same or mostly the same as the proposed budget we discussed at the last work session, other than some few key changes that we'll discuss during the presentation today. Please note that the staff reports in your packets noted the tentative budget amount set at 46.2 million, but the actual figure is 45.2 million. That will be in the presentation. So we'll start by discussing the third quarter revenues that have been coming into the town, so through the first nine months of the fiscal year that we're currently in. As I kind of hinted or implied -- not implied -- I actually stated during our last work session, our local sales tax revenues have been coming in fairly strong, about 35 percent higher than projections. On your screen, you'll see that we've collected about $15.2 million over the first nine months of local sales taxes, compared to 11.3 million budgeted. And I TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 38 of 56 also mentioned the construction sales tax that are more one-time in nature. Construction sales taxes have been coming in strong. There seems to be a lot of construction activity in the town. We've collected about $2.4 million of those tax revenues, about 240 percent compared to our budgeted revenues. And remember, for that category, we split half of those revenues in the general fund and half in the capital projects fund, just for your information. Utilities and communications also higher than expected at $1.3 million. Wholesale and retail, about on par with projections at 7.9 million. And real estate at $1 million higher than projections. However, this is the category with the long-term residential rental taxes. That tax will be going away in January of 2025. And through the first nine months, we've actually collected about 607,000 of that $1 million specifically for that purpose. Restaurants and bars, a little bit above projections at $1 million collected. That's always a good indicator of the economy. It's basically a source of discretionary income spending. And so right now we're a little bit above par on that. And services, which also includes our short-term residential rentals such as Airbnbs and hotel stays and the bed tax, we've collected $1.4 million, about 153 percent of the budget to date. So actually, so far through this fiscal year, we're about two percent less than last fiscal year. But keep in mind, last fiscal year was actually skewed a bit because we had a large audit collection in March of last year of $450,000. Okay. So just really briefly on state shared revenues. All of our state shared revenues have been coming in about on par with what's expected. Our state shared sales tax has come in at about $2.8 million, about 78 percent of the budget. Our HURF monies have come in about 1.3 million, about 70 percent of the budget. Urban revenue sharing, that's a consistent amount every month. It's been coming in consistently at $5.3 million. And vehicle license taxes, we've collected about $1 million thus far, about 83 percent of our annual budget. Any questions on revenues before we move on to key changes? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 39 of 56 Okay. All right. So I'm just going to briefly go over some of the key changes from the proposed budget we discussed last month to the tentative budget that we're discussing today. So at council's direction, we added $250,000 for the wayfinding signs project. And we actually also carried over $50,000 from the current year to be able to complete the splash pad ongoing project in early next fiscal year. This is really only a just-in-case kind of item because there may be vendor delays in delivering some of the products that we've ordered. We removed $150,000 for the roundabout project at Palisades and La Montana, and that's really because we did not obtain council consensus on that project. So that was taken out and considered a red light project for the budget. And actually, through our reviews and discussions with departments, we removed a $15,000 line item from the economic development operational budget. That's just because that was in place in prior years, because of a community contract we had at one point, but we no longer have it. It was not being used, and therefore we took it out of the budget because it was unnecessary. MAYOR DICKEY: I just want to mention the roundabout thing. The $150,000 was for the design. Obviously, the reason that staff came up with that proposal was because we had a study done of that intersection, and the indication was that that would be the safest and best solution for that particular intersection. This $150,000 was for the design so that we would be able to try to get grant funding for the actual big amount, which would probably be like $1 million. But I was told that we will do other -- there won't be in the capital project, but we will do other things to try and make that a little bit of a little safer of an intersection. And that one of those things that we -- because the MUTCD rule for the left turn -- we're not going to change that stop sign, though, right? GOODWIN: Correct. Based on the feedback we had from Director Weldy as well as the conversation at the pedestrian traffic safety committee discussion, we'll be doing some additional signage. We'll be doing some relining -- we call the piano keys or the continental markings so that the crosswalk is highlighted and more reflective. So again, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 40 of 56 it will be some safety measures. But you're correct; the relocation of the stop sign is not recommended based on MUTCD standards. If I may, I was going to add one other thing that Paul mentioned about the splash pad project, which is a $50,000 carryover. I wanted to just clarify that that is not an additional or on top of what is already approved for that project. It's just reallocating it from this year to potentially be spent next year. So it's not in addition to; it's just it may not be spent this year, and so we needed to budget for it next year. Is that -- that's accurate? SOLDINGER: Exactly. GOODWIN: Okay. MAYOR DICKEY: It's executive session (indiscernible). MCMAHON: Can we talk about the money saved that we discussed in executive session? ARNSON: Oh, right. So specifically with regard to legal advice received regarding restrooms and the discussion that transpired -- so this is the opportunity to discuss the budget and any anticipated direction and changes. So Paul, I don't want to step on your toes, but if they're going to -- if we're going to make changes, this is the opportunity to discuss those changes. MCMAHON: Okay. Thank you. ARNSON: I would urge you to do so as much as you want. MCMAHON: Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I'm also disappointed that this intersection has been removed from the budget. It is a safety and a street repair issue. And it is also a major gateway to our town. To me, that four-way stop is so aged and outdated, to me it doesn't fit in our town. It doesn't complement it. Again it's a safety traffic issue and a street repair. So based on our discussion we have, what, 475 more thousand dollars in the budget available, and I would like to use part of that money to put the La Montana change back into the budget. MAYOR DICKEY: Councilwoman? TOTH: I don't see those two things as related. I think that the decision that was made TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 41 of 56 previously on the Palisades and La Montana intersection was in order to, as I keep saying, tighten our belts. The amount of money that we would save by stalling or waiting on the bathroom issue, that was something that can go to downtown fund. That's something that can go to the projects that we're working on that truly bring value to our town. I do not see how a roundabout brings value, and I would rather see that money go to improve our quality of life than a roundabout. MAYOR DICKEY: Go ahead. MCMAHON: It is related. It's related to our downtown improvements. It's related to our quality of life because it has to do with pedestrian traffic safety. It also is in concert with street improvements. And that money isn't particularly slotted for anything in particular. So I do see how it does relate to budget discussions and use of money in our funds. MAYOR DICKEY: Vice Mayor? KALIVIANAKIS: Yeah. Thank you, Ms. Mayor. I think there's a little confusion here. I mean, we were talking about capital improvement projects earlier and funding them. And tonight we're just talking about the budget. And I don't think this is a time for us to be voting up or down on roundabouts and other capital improvement projects. So I'm just not sure that I'm following where you're going tonight here with that. SOLDINGER: May I? MAYOR DICKEY: Go ahead. SOLDINGER: So Mayor, councilmembers, so later in the presentation we are specifically talking about the capital projects and kind of reiterating some of the decisions that have been made, including council consensus projects, green light, yellow light projects. And if we're discussing the downtown restroom -- and so I'm hearing from you, is that if we're not moving forward on the downtown restroom project -- currently, this budget does include $475,000 allocated for that purpose. So there could be an opportunity to discuss reallocating those monies, either to other projects or to create a additional contingency monies in the capital projects fund for future potential needs. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 42 of 56 MCMAHON: Thank you for that clarification. [CLERKS NOTE: CM Sharron Grzybowski left the dais at 7:29 P.M. and returned at 7:31] SOLDINGER: All right. So every year we have to compare our proposed budget to the expenditure limitation, so we conduct an analysis. And after we did this analysis, we identified a need to reduce our budgeted expenditures by about $2 million. So. Therefore, we made several modifications that I'll discuss to reduce the total proposed budgeted expenditures from $47.1 million that we discussed at the budget session to $45.2 million that we're discussing tonight. First, we move some CIP ongoing projects to operational budgets for fiscal year '25. These projects were either multiyear, ongoing maintenance projects or a one-time maintenance project below $50,000. Moving these projects into operational budgets reduced expenditures in the capital projects fund and ate into the general fund contingency amount. Therefore, it reduced the total budget amount, and it gave us a little bit more wiggle room under the expenditure limitation. That's why we took some of these measures. So that screens out -- so if I look over here, in the community services department, we moved the sidewalk replacement budgeted line item -- that's the multiyear kind of project -- into the community services operational budget, as well as $35,000 out of the $235,000 allocated for the Avenue Linear Park improvements, and that was specific to the tree barrier root installation that would take place, because that was kind of different than the overall project. It was more of a one-off. So we include that in the operational budget. Also in public works, the bridge repair project, which is more of a ongoing maintenance and repair line item. We moved that to the operational budget as well. We also reduced some budgets to some CIP projects. We had some discussions with Justin and Kevin. We reduced the community services Pleasantville Park budget by $100,000 from 800,000 to 700,000. And during those discussions, we still felt that was enough budget capacity to be able to complete that project. And in public works, the community center renovations, phase 3, we reduced that budget amount from 750,000 to 500,000. After reviewing the environmental fund budget, we reduced the budget to be able to TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 43 of 56 spend down the remaining fund balances, which allowed us to reduce the overall budget by about 223,000. And this next one's a little bit complicated. But we delayed the Shea Boulevard widening project to wait until after the first quarter of next fiscal year so we can evaluate our local sales taxes coming in. And so if our revenues are coming in as projected and we do have that additional contingency in the general fund that we're budgeting for, that $1.8 million, we'll take a look at that and we'll transfer 1 million of that $1.8 million into the capital projects fund to fully fund the Shea Boulevard widening project. So it's just a little bit of a delay and then a transfer of the general fund contingency for that purpose. So that reduced our overall budget by about $1 million. And also, we included the 4.5 percent pay increase, effective July 1st, that was recommended by council at the budget work session. So as we've kind of discussed ad nauseam, there's an expenditure limitation in the state. The town-specific fiscal year '25 expenditure limitation is set at $35.66 million. And so we have to go through a process where we evaluate the different types of exclusions and project how much we will end up underneath the expenditure limitation each year, which is actually a somewhat convoluted process. So we start with the $45.2 million tentative budget amount, and we have several types of exclusions, such as grants, HURF revenues, payments of state, other exclusions, and expected carryovers. And as you can see, we're projecting that our budget will be below the expenditure limitation. All right. So general fund. Just to briefly go over general fund past performance. We feel like it's a kind of a good illustration to present to council each year. As you can see from the past three fiscal years, from 2021 to 2023, we've seen about 2 to $3 million of actual revenues above our projected revenues each year. And as we've already discussed, we are currently seeing stronger revenues coming in for local sales tax in the general fund this fiscal year. Also, our budget expenditures come in well below our budget each of the past three fiscal years, as you can see on your screen. This is just a reminder and illustration that our revenue forecasts remain conservative, while our budget expenditures are the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 44 of 56 maximum amount that we can spend in the general fund. And as you can see, we do not spend that full amount each year. Here are just some simple reminders and characteristics about the town's general fund budget that we have discussed in prior work sessions. The general fund budget is required to be balanced. That's why you'll see that $25.8 million is the projected revenue amount, as well as the budget expenditure amount in the general fund. The budget process will begin with forecasting revenues earlier in the year. And our conservative revenue estimate for the general fund is that $25.8 million for next fiscal year. The tentative budget includes $24 million, if you exclude the contingency, and $1.8 million for the contingency. When you have that kind of out of balance or extra monies there, you kind of have two options: number one, reducing revenues, or number two, increasing expenditures. And because we have conservative projections, we typically select option two and increase expenditures with the contingency amount. That gives us money to work with in the case of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances. So on your screen are just our projected general fund revenues for next fiscal year. You'll see that we are projecting a 12.6 percent increase for taxes, and that's really just because of the trends we've been discussing with taxes coming in stronger than projections. What we also have discussed is our intergovernmental revenues going down by that 15.4 percent, and that's really mostly due to the urban revenue sharing amount, where that amount is projected to decrease by about $1.3 million next year. And also council direction to move the full amount of the vehicle license taxes from the general fund into the streets fund starting next fiscal year. And that was an impact of about $390,000 to the general fund. Lastly, in the general fund our investment earnings have been coming in strong in our investments, so we increased our projections for investment earnings up to $100,000 for next fiscal year. Regarding expenditures, our general government expenditures has gone down by about five percent. That's really primarily due to the decrease in the contingency from the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 45 of 56 prior year. Development services has gone up by about 20 percent, and that's really almost entirely due to the increase in supplements related to the senior building inspector and the vehicle related to that new hire. Public safety has actually gone down. And that's really related to a decrease in the MCSO contract next year due to credits received by the town through the MCSO annual review process. And public works and culture and recreation both went up slightly due to supplements and some of the budget changes that we have discussed, including some of those changes in the capital projects to turn them into operational budget line items. So just a brief breakdown on the supplements and we've kind of also discussed these quite a bit. But just a reminder, $147,000 of ongoing personnel, including the supplemental process, a chunk of that is the senior building inspector. One-time expenditure is 108,000. About 40,000 of that is related to the vehicle for the senior building inspector and ongoing nonpersonnel items. About half of that is related to economic development-type initiatives of $267,000. And including projected offsets, this had a total budget impact of $387,000 to the budget for next fiscal year, which is less than one percent of our overall budget. All right. Streets funds. As we discussed at the last budget workshop, streets revenues are increasing, and expenditures are staying relatively consistent. But one more thing we want to note, and we'll talk about the very end of the presentation, town staff will be recommending a $2 million transfer from the general fund into the streets fund at fiscal year-end, which we will discuss at the end of the presentation. Including this proposed transfer, we project that the Streets Fund will have a bit more than $10 million -- about $10.5 million of fund balance at fiscal year-end for future streets pavement purposes. This proposed transfer is a direct result of town staff listening to council feedback during these work sessions. All right. And just briefly to go over the streets fund revenues. As we've discussed, tax revenues are trending up. So you'll see an increase in the taxes of 13.9 percent in our projections. And our intergovernmental revenues are going up, and that's primarily due to the the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 46 of 56 modification for the vehicle license taxes fully going into the streets fund. Streets fund expenditures. They're relatively consistent. Nothing really to specifically note here. Although Justin kind of alluded to it in his presentation, but our recent internal reviews of year to date budget reports show that we have spent a majority of that $7.048 million on the left-hand side for the fiscal year 2024 adopted budget. We spent over 90 percent of those allocated monies for this fiscal year, just to give you an idea and give you a number to kind of align with the presentation for the streets paving purposes. All right. Capital projects fund. This is a little bit confusing, but here's a breakdown of the proposed capital projects as they exist in the current tentative budget. This includes about $6 million from the capital projects fund, $475,000 for the downtown restroom. It sounds like we'll be discussing $950,000 for two parks projects from parks development fees and $1.6 million from grants funding. Now, I just wanted to bring it to your attention because in the last few work sessions, we've talked about $10.3 million of proposed capital projects. So kind of what's the difference there? Majority of it is that $1 million of contingency. So we reduced that Shea widening project by a million right off the top. But we'll be able to replenish that as long as our revenues are coming in strong. And just a few of the other modifications we've made, such as reducing some of the capital projects and moving them to operational budgets that we've discussed as well. So that's why you're going from 10.3 to 8.9. But, really, it's more like 9.9 in the end is what we're planning to do next fiscal year. All right. So I know the downtown restroom is on one of these slides, so we'll get to it, but I'd like to start this part of the presentation by just restating or reiterating the town staff's understanding of what we consider green light versus yellow light projects throughout this budget process and what ends up in the final adopted budget that will present to council next month. Green light projects indicate that council has approved these projects to move forward to completion and will only require coming back to council if the project substantially changes in scope or cost. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 47 of 56 Yellow light projects indicate that council has approved the project to move forward on tasks such as planning and bidding but should be brought back to council to approve contracts and costs. A quick break. All right. So we'll just briefly go over the green light projects in the community services department. As you can see, the Four Peaks pickleball courts and Golden Eagle playground replacement stay intact in the budget. The sidewalk replacement is just moving from the capital projects fund into the operational budget. It's still there, but just in a different bucket. The Avenue Linear Park improvements stay in the capital projects fund budget for 200,000, and we moved $35,000 into the operational budget for that one-time maintenance cost for the tree barrier -- I don't know why I keep forgetting that wording -- but tree root barrier lining, and the splash pad carryover. As the town manager mentioned, this is not a new budget item. This is really what we have in this current fiscal year, but because the vendor might not be able to fulfill their obligations, we're just putting it in the next year's budget just in case. Also the Pleasantville Park, we reduced that project from 800,000 down to 700,000. Now greenlight projects. What we consider greenlight projects in public works, same thing that we've discussed for the bridge repair that was moved into the operational budget for public works for an ongoing need, as needed to complete those repairs. We removed the the roundabout at Palisades and La Montana, and we consider that a red light project not to move forward on at this point, other than some of the modifications that the mayor and town manager mentioned. We added $250,000 for the wayfinding signs project at council direction based on the direction or feedback we received at the -- I believe it was the budget workshop. So that's now in the budget. And now moving on to yellow light projects. So these are the ones that we consider yellow light projects where we can move forward but bring forth back the contracts and costs to council for further consideration. For the community center renovations phase 3, we reduced that budget after discussing the project with the public works director, from 750,000 to $500,000, so a $250,000 reduction. And here we are, the public restroom facility; that is included in the budget for $475,000. So this would be the time TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 48 of 56 to have some sort of discussion or find some consensus on what we want to do with that. Some potential options I could offer to council is to reallocate those monies to other projects, or maybe set aside additional contingency monies in the capital projects fund in case something comes up throughout the year just to keep that budget authority. But otherwise I turn it back over to council for your consideration. MAYOR DICKEY: Can we keep the budget authority and keep it in the downtown fund? SOLDINGER: Mayor, good question. So that specific project, it's -- the way we budget is we budget for it in the capital projects fund, but the monies would be replenished through a transfer. So it would take monies from the downtown fund and into the capital projects fund. So if we maintain that monies -- or that $475,000 as a contingency line item in the capital projects fund, we could do something like that because we do have existing fund balance or monies in the downtown fund. We have about $630,000 in that fund right now. So if there's something that you want to do that was more of a capital project in nature and use it for -- use the downtown monies for that purpose, we could certainly take that approach if we keep that as a contingency line item. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. SOLDINGER: Yes. MAYOR DICKEY: Oh, go ahead. I'm sorry, Vice Mayor. KALIVIANAKIS: Thank you. And if instead of going to the downtown, since it's a capital improvement funding, it doesn't necessarily have to go to the downtown fund. Could this be directed to streets? SOLDINGER: Mayor, Vice Mayor, that would be a council decision. If you want to redirect it to streets, there is existing fund balance in the streets fund to be able to -- as I mentioned, we have $10.5 million projected to be in the streets fund. KALIVIANAKIS: And I'm assuming with that $10.5 million, would that fund the streets for budget year '25 and '26 to $10 million, like we've been doing for '24? SOLDINGER: Mayor, Vice Mayor, excellent question. So let me take a step back. Let me try to fully explain this from my perspective. We have about $7 million budgeted in the streets fund, and we're projecting -- and the projections on this are pretty -- most of the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 49 of 56 monies going to that fund are pretty predictable. So we're predicting about 4.3, 4.4 million going that fund. So therein lies a deficit of about $2.6 million. So what we have budgeted, you'd only spend -- if you spent all the monies in the budget, you'd spend down that $10.5 million by 2.6. You could add to -- you could redirect that to the streets fund if that was a council direction, and we could try to -- but the public works director is not currently here to answer if we could find additional vendor contracts and capacity from a contract authority perspective to complete those projects. So that might be something we'd have to revisit. But so -- if you leave it in contingency, we could redirect it by coming back to council at another time. KALIVIANAKIS: Yeah. I appreciate that because that's something I think -- before we just redirect it to downtown, I think that needs more conversation. I just had a conversation today with a constituent that said our streets look like Baghdad after the war. And I think that might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but it just seems to be an issue that's on everybody's mind, and it's certainly worth discussion. MAYOR DICKEY: Well, if we're putting $10 million into our streets next year, and we've been putting millions and millions into them year after year and doing what we can, I think that by putting this in the capital fund, contingency fund, it sounds like a safe place to put it. And that way it can be used for other things. We shouldn't be deciding probably right now how to spend $475,000. GOODWIN: I was just going to echo both -- pretty much what you both shared is that we don't have to decide today. We can sort of piggybank it in the contingency, which gives it the most flexibility available, whether that is eventually into a streets allocation or whether it's into something unexpected that we hadn't budgeted for. It gives us the most flexibility to do the best with that budget. So leaving it in the contingency gives us that flexibility. SOLDINGER: So as I've already explained, our yellow light projects, we consider any grant-funded project to be a yellow light project because it is contingent on obtaining that grant funding. And as I've mentioned, that that Shea Boulevard widening project, it shows up as $2.5 million, but right now, currently as constructed in the tentative TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 50 of 56 budget, it's a $1.5 million plan capital project. But we will transfer the contingency from the general fund if our sales tax revenues are coming in as projected. FRIEDEL: Can I ask him something? MAYOR DICKEY: Oh, sure. FRIEDEL: Can I ask you another question about the 475? Could we add some of that to the wayfinding signs? SOLDINGER: Mayor, Councilmember, yes. If that was council consensus and council directed, you could redirect those monies to other projects. FRIEDEL: So if we needed to do the wayfinding signs, that might be an opportunity right there? MAYOR DICKEY: Because it's in the contingency, it (indiscernible). FRIEDEL: Yeah. But that's a thought, though, for going forward, I mean. SOLDINGER: All right. Almost done. FRIEDEL: I'm sorry. Instead of breaking it up over two years, then we get the project done. SOLDINGER: Yeah, Mayor, Councilmember. Actually, that's a good point, because I know they're going to begin the bidding process at some point. So once we get the bids, we'll be able to better evaluate the total cost and be able to make a determination with council direction at that point. All right. Last item to talk about. Just some proposed substantial transfers. We've already talked about the first one, related to $2 million of transfers from the general fund to the facilities reserve fund. $1 million of that would be earmarked for the future lake liner project, which would leave us with about $5 million total earmarked for that project, and another $1 million that town staff can use throughout the budget process to be able to spend on facility repairs as needed. As I've already stated that other $2 million transfer that we're recommending is from the general fund to the streets fund for future pavement needs, leaving about 10, $10.5 million in the streets fund at fiscal year-end. And a $350,000 we're recommending from the economic development fund to the tourism fund to cover fiscal year '25 operations TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 51 of 56 and any decreased grant revenues. And so that completes my presentation. Any questions from council? MAYOR DICKEY: Do we have any comment cards? MENDENHALL: Mayor, we just have comment cards in your electronic packet. Six people commented in favor of the budget, and nobody has voted against it. MAYOR DICKEY: Great. Thank you. Any questions or comments? Can I get a motion? GRZYBOWSKI: Move to approve as written. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. KALIVIANAKIS: Second. MAYOR DICKEY: Thanks. We have a motion and a second. Roll call, please? SKILLICORN: Can I ask a couple questions before we do that? MAYOR DICKEY: Yeah. SKILLICORN: Thank you, Madam Mayor. Finance Director, just a couple -- I mean, obviously, all this motion is, is going to be set that our maximum expenditure limit, which is by -- it's actually in the Constitution, I believe, because it was a voter-approved thing, 30, 40 years ago. I'm curious, though. I would prefer a situation where we have more guardrails, and I would love to spend less, and we have had a consistency. We've spent less. And even one of your slides showed that we kind of are actually banking on probably spending less than that, but I would prefer to have more guardrails there. So I would love to propose that we do, like, a three percent reduction on that. And we can spend that money on roads, or we can just save that money. Three percent is only just over $1.3 million. I don't know if anyone would be interested in that at all. MAYOR DICKEY: (Indiscernible)? SKILLICORN: So I don't hear any jumping to have it, but what about, like, one percent? one percent would be only $451,000. SOLDINGER: Mayor, Councilmember Skillicorn, so the tentative budget that we're discussing today sets the maximum. So based on council direction, we can reduce that amount. Really, it's the council decision at that point, and I'd be happy to hear your TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 52 of 56 feedback. SKILLICORN: Yeah. Thank you. And Madam Mayor, Director, the only reason I say that is we would have an opportunity to amend this to something lower. Even though there is a motion and a second on the table, we could make a motion to amend it. And it could be $1 lower, so. MAYOR DICKEY: I think -- SKILLICORN: Well, I'll make a motion to amend. It will be $1 lower. So we change it to $45,151,632. Is there a second? TOTH: Second. Sure. SKILLICORN: Okay. MAYOR DICKEY: We have a motion and a second to amend the original motion and reducing the budget amount by $1. Is there any further discussion? KALIVIANAKIS: Yeah. I actually have a little further discussion, and I'm not sure why this would be necessary. Again, this simply setting a statutory cap that's required under state laws. And of course, we could spend $1 less; we could spend $1.3 million less or $454,000 less. This isn't a requirement that we spend all the money. This is simply setting the statutory maximum. And so I'm not sure what the sense of lowering it by $1 or even more because we don't have to spend the money. So I would be against the amendment. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Any further? Can we please have a roll call on the amendment, on the amended motion? MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Yes. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRZYBOWSKI: No. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 53 of 56 MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Nay. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Nay. MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: No. Thank you. That was like exercising something. I don't know what. Can we get a roll call on the original motion, please? MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: No. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRZYBOWSKI: Aye. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Aye. MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Aye. Thank you, Paul. Thank you very much. SOLDINGER: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Our next item is just related to any legislative items that you want to talk about. Just a quick summary. 1,762 bills were introduced, 244 passed, and 178 were signed. Of course, they're still in session. We did a lot of bills. They have been meeting on Wednesdays only, but the House is not meeting tomorrow; they're not meeting until the 15th. They're planning for a state shortfall of 1.2 billion. The budget meetings are slow. Could delay road projects and other things like that. They're looking TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 54 of 56 at fund sweeps, and she's going to agencies, the governor, and asking them what a four percent cut might look like for them to try and take a bite out of that expected shortfall. There's only, like, three bills that are really still there that are important to us, the ones about ADUs and putting as many as you want in a lot. And there's just a lot of things like that going on. But since they haven't really done anything about any of those and they meet tomorrow, but the house doesn't, so I'm not sure whether we'll get any answers on any of those, but we're still following them, of course. Any other comments about any of the bills or anything legislatively? Nope? All right. Well, our next item, then, is our discussion direction to the town manager. I think we had some speakers. We addressed that we don't comment. I guess our Facebook is more like a website, so it's not for comments, and so -- because you have to do all or nothing. About the benches, maybe we can follow up on what happened with the benches at the Centennial and that kind of thing. Did anybody else say anything that -- GRZYBOWSKI: Actually, the town manager did speak about what happened with the benches and the plaque, that they made contact with people, including one individual directly related to the comment that was made. So I don't know, is further -- MAYOR DICKEY: I thought I -- maybe I misunderstood. I thought maybe we got the plaques and are offering them to the family now, but it wasn't clear that we had any previous contact. GOODWIN: We did. But what I'll do is I'll work with our community services director to get an update out to council to let them know what we've done and what we'll be doing moving forward. MAYOR DICKEY: Perfect. FRIEDEL: Rachael, do you think it would be something we could consider on our posts that we turn off the comments on if you have a comment directed to somebody in the town? GOODWIN: That's exactly what we've been working towards. Thank you. I appreciate you bringing that up because it is not intended to be a one-way conversation. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 55 of 56 FRIEDEL: Right. GOODWIN: But it is difficult when it comes to documenting and archiving. And to be fair, sometimes comments go in unexpected directions and whatnot, and we aren't always able to answer questions that come up or sometimes they're unrelated to whatever the content is. So yes, absolutely. There's always the opportunity that says, if you have more questions about this specific item, contact -- you can always contact Bo (phonetic) through our PIO office. There's always the option for direct messaging. And so there's lots of different outlets. But yes, we will be certainly pushing alternate ways to get more information. FRIEDEL: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Very good to your point that there's plenty of ways to communicate. All right. Future agenda items. Anything for the 21st or beyond? Vice Mayor? KALIVIANAKIS: Thank you, Ms. Mayor. Yeah, I do have one item I'd like to ask to be placed in the future agenda, and that would be I would like to modify our code to ban council members from using a telephone or computer to communicate with anyone either on the dais or outside of this dais during council meetings. This would exclude devices used to relate to meeting documents or similar tasks for us to do our job. MAYOR DICKEY: Is there support for that? GRZYBOWSKI: Absolutely. I wholeheartedly support it. I mentioned it to you before. I think it was Scottsdale that just passed the same thing. MAYOR DICKEY: They did. GRZYBOWSKI: Or something similar, anyway. MAYOR DICKEY: Well, we can discuss it. KALIVIANAKIS: Do we need a third? MAYOR DICKEY: Pardon me? KALIVIANAKIS: Do we need a third or are we good? MAYOR DICKEY: Oh, no. We're good. KALIVIANAKIS: Okay. MAYOR DICKEY: Thanks. All right. Thank you. If there's nothing else, thank you very TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 7, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 56 of 56 much for everybody for being here. And we're adjourned. Having no further business, Mayor Ginny Dickey adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council held on May 7, 2024, at 7:46 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS _______________________ Ginny Dickey, Mayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: __________________________ Linda G. Mendenhall, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 7th day of May 2024. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 18th Day of June 2024. _____________________________ Linda G. Mendenhall, Town Clerk TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MAY 21, 2024 A Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains in open and public session at 5:31 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Ginny Dickey: Vice Mayor Brenda J. Kalivianakis; Councilmember Gerry Friedel; Councilmember Peggy McMahon; Councilmember Sharron Grzybowski; Councilmember Hannah Toth; Councilmember Allen Skillicorn Staff Present: Town Manager Rachael Goodwin; Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson; Town Clerk Linda Mendenhall Audience: Approximately sixty-nine members of the public were present. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 1 of 44 Post-Production File Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Meeting Minutes May 21, 2024 Transcription Provided By: eScribers, LLC * * * * * Transcription is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. * * * * * TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 2 of 44 MAYOR DICKEY: Good evening everyone. Welcome. Please stand for the pledge. And remain standing, if you choose, for the invocation. ALL: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Today we have Grace Holbert, Fountain Hills resident. Come on up. HOLBERT: Thank you. Father, we just come for no other reason today, Lord, but we ask for your guidance in this meeting, O God. We ask that everyone's heart will be married to your heart, Lord. That this community will be stronger as of today. In Jesus' name. Amen. ALL: Amen. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Roll call, please? MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Here. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Here. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Present. MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Here. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRYBOWSKI: Present. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Present. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Here. MENDENHALL: Anyone wishing to address the council regarding items listed on the agenda or under call to the public, should fill out a request to comment card located in the back of the council chambers and hand it to the town clerk prior to consideration of TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 44 that item. When your name is called, please approach the podium, speak into the microphone, and state your name for the public record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. It is the policy of the mayor and council to not comment on items brought forth under call to the public, however, staff can be directed to report back to the council at a future date or to schedule items raised for a future council agenda. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you, Linda. Before we start with our reports, I just wanted to mention that the first mayor of Fountain Hills, John Cutillo, passed away on Wednesday the 8th of May. He led the hard-fought effort for incorporation, with many of us helping in support of incorporation and the third time was the charm and we became a municipality -- a town in 1989. We want to express our care and our comfort to Joanne and the family at this sad time and we will probably have a proclamation and more at a future meeting. We'll start our reports with our town manager, and then I think we'll start with this side because I keep forgetting to do that. GOODWIN: Thank you, Mayor. Good evening, everyone. I just have a couple of quick updates. One, I wanted to thank a number of our council as well as our residents that came out last Wednesday for our community input meeting for our downtown visioning process. We had over 100 folks out with lots of comments and feedback. So we really appreciate that engagement. Council will be getting an update on that later this year; I believe in the fall Amanda will be bringing back those findings. A couple of other things. This Friday is graduation for our Falcons down at the park. So graduation is Friday evening and then throughout the evening Friday night the fountain will be blue to honor all of our grads. Also on Monday, just a reminder, it is Memorial Day. Special thank you to our VFW for all of our poppies that we all have up here tonight. So Monday at 9 a.m. at the Veteran's Memorial will be our Memorial Day ceremony. And the fountain will be red, white, and blue, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to honor that. Last update: as we do close out the school year, we'll be heading into the summer, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 4 of 44 there's lots of activities and things going on for the summer, including our parties in the Park, our Whacky Wet Wednesday, our ice cream social, and a whole myriad of other things. So if you don't already have that, check our social media, head out to our website. There's lots of things to do and you want to get them on the calendar now. So lots of excitement. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. GOODWIN: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Councilman? SKILLICORN: Thank you, Mayor Dickey. Yeah, welcome everyone. Welcome students and welcome families that brought your students here. I'll be brief because I knew you guys want to celebrate the recognition tonight. But I do want to point out a couple of great things that happened. Well, one thing was great that happened in the town. Well, obviously, Law Enforcement Week was last week, so on Thursday we had the fountain lit up blue in support of law enforcement. But also, I was able to join on a couple of occasions residents, not just from Fountain Hills but from over the Foothills, up in the Toto National Forest, because we had the fires over the weekend. So that was -- we saw the smoke here. A very large -- over 14,000 acres, and I was able to see some of that first-hand, see the aircraft and helicopters. And then I do want to let people know that I was actually at the same location yesterday afternoon and really it looked much, much different; there were no flames. I saw one little plume of smoke. And -- at least the south end of that it does seem to be that it was wrapped up. I can't speak to, like road closures or what was happening up by the lake. But I can tell you that 12 miles north of Fountain Hills it looked like it was extinguished completely there. And I didn't see much activity other than I hear a few firefighters or chainsaws in the area. So I just want to give people that update. Thanks. MAYOR DICKEY: Vice Mayor? KALIVIANAKIS: Thank you, Ms. Mayor. And hello everybody, thanks for coming tonight. We always appreciate your presence. I'd also like to thank the people on Cox Channell TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 5 of 44 11, YouTube, and livestreaming. An informed citizenry is our best chance for good governance and by the citizens in this town, we have that. A couple of things. The Chamber Gala was this week, and it was a 70s theme. For decades, the Chamber has shone a spotlight on business owners, employees, non- profits, and volunteers in Fountain Hills. From Betsy LaVoie at the Chamber, she says: "The Chamber Gala Awards shine a spotlight on the remarkable talent, dedication, and passion present throughout our community, fostering meaningful connections and aspiring local businesses and non-profit relationships". So I'd really like to give a heartfelt congratulations to the winners and also the nominees for all those classifications. Congratulations. We also did, like Rachael said, we had the ADOG ribbon-cutting this week. ADOG started 25 years ago, when the people who loved dogs were walking in the parks and they were sharing the parks with the ballfields and that didn't work out too good because the ball players didn't like all the doodie and the messes. And so they formed a committee, the ADOG people, and they said we need our own dog park; wouldn't that be great? And so 25 years ago they formed a committee. They talked to the town and, together, we created this dog park which is really nice: big dogs, little dogs, separately. There's shade structures, benches, and all this was done by a combination with the town and private funding. And so I just -- shout out to ADOG and for all that they've done for our dog owners in this community. Teddy Roosevelt said, "Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining". And so these people, they saw a problem and they created a solution themselves. And so they made things the way they wanted to. So congratulations. Teddy Roosevelt will be proud. This week, I also had a chance to attend the public safety military affairs and courts policy committee, PSMEC, I don't want to throw a bunch of acronyms at you. It was interesting this week, because we explored legislation or administrative options to create a statewide impediment driving disability program. This program will better assist disabled people with neuro-divergent conditions. This program will allow for TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 6 of 44 anybody with a neuro-divergent condition or other disability to put that on their license or registration and that will be through the Motor Vehicle Division and ADOT. So essentially, I know that sounds kind of, while divergent -- it's tough to take in. People that are on the spectrum for autism or other diseases that affect your congenital (sic) abilities and your mind, when they get pulled over by police, sometimes they don't act normally. They don't put their hands on the steering wheel, wait for the police officer, when told get this stuff, and so sometimes they panic; sometimes they become argumentative; sometimes they don't know what's going on. And so sometimes this creates a situation -- a dangerous situation with law enforcement. And somebody that's just not processing the information correctly in their brain. And so our committee, we passed a recommendation to take this to either the Arizona State Legislature or administratively to get this on people's driver's license. And so when the officer approaches a vehicle with a neuro-divergent person, they will understand that they might have to be treated a little differently than a normal stop. And this will result in public safety. So that's a good committee to be on and I'm really proud of the work that we're doing there. The one last thing I'd like to address is, this past Saturday there was a -- well, at the Chamber gala, we celebrated Discount Air and Mike Jones who passed away, one of our community leaders. And then this past Saturday, there was a remembrance service for Mike. Mike was a friendly face behind Discount Air. He's been one of our town's icons for over 20 years. And, in fact, I, myself, was one of his satisfied customers. Great men are known by certain traits. These traits include strength, courage, independence, leadership, and assertiveness. By any definition, Mike Jones was a great man, a good husband and father, and he made a difference in our community that he lived in. So our deepest condolences to his family, including his business family and his customers. Mike, we miss you. Thank you, Ms. Mayor. MCMAHON: Good evening, everyone. And thank you, again, very much for coming. I attended a few business meetings: the AZ League of Cities and Towns, looking at TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 7 of 44 transportation and electronic vehicle potential tax; just like gas tax, not known yet. The Youth Coalition Committee got together, it's their last meeting in the summer and they showed off the selection of the posters that were drawn by 6th graders, 7th, and 8th graders, that -- one or two of them are going to be -- actually, three of them are going to be picked to showcase the Youth Coalition this year. And the Valley Metro board meeting as well. And also the Chambers 70 Disco Night Gala, it was a blast. I mean, it was so much fun to see everybody. Everybody dressed up. You couldn't recognize half the men for all their wigs, their mustaches, and their trying to be John Travolta. It was really, really fun. So thank you Betsy and the Chamber; I appreciate it. And congratulations to all the nominees and the winners. And tomorrow, there is a East Valley Partnership board meeting and we've invited Joann Bill and the International Dark Sky to present to them and showcase what's going to be happening and what's going to be built here in Fountain Hills. And they're really excited to see that presentation. So thank you very much. FRIEDEL: Thank you, Mayor. I also attended the downtown strategy planning session, and a lot of good ideas and comments were exchanged there. And as Councilwoman Brenda K. mentioned, ADOG had a ribbon-cutting and 25 years -- that went by so fast for those people. So Denise and her crowd has done a tremendous job with the help of the town staff at that dog park. It's one of the best in the area. I mean, we have people coming from all over to use that dog park. And I've spent a little bit of time down there helping them pull some weeds, so I know first-hand all the work that they're doing down there. And also, I see Betsy in the back. A shoutout for the Chamber Gala. Great food, great time, and great awards and all the nominees, well-deserved every one of them. And as Brenda K., mentioned, Mike Jones, one of the pillars of the community, and he never met somebody he didn't want to help out. So this man was really something and the celebration of life was really good. So thanks for doing that, Betsy, at the Chamber. And Monday morning, we will be setting up flags around 6 a.m. We do that all around TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 8 of 44 the fountain. So if you haven't seen that, it's quite a spectacle. We get together with The Rotary people, and we go around and plant all those flags every Memorial Day. So it's a great event to attend. And then, congratulations to all the graduates for graduation coming up on Friday night. That's it. Thank you. GRYBOWSKI: I missed the grand opening of the McDowell Mountain Elementary School, the library planetarium, so Dr. J. let me have a personal tour and that place is as fun and cool as it looks like in the photos. And he also says, if you contact his office and talk to Krista, he can do the same for you. Of course, hopefully, not everybody will call him right now because he might need to spread some of those out. We also had two Arizona League of Cities and Towns calls over the past couple of weeks. And today is our favorite day of the month: it's Stellar Student Day. We love it when you guys come. It's great to celebrate you. We appreciate seeing the families. We love seeing a packed house and we know that it's because of you. Thanks so much. TOTH: Thank you. Well, I also want to give a shoutout to the Chamber for a beautiful gala. It was so -- such a wonderful event. I really enjoy watching the leaders in our community get recognized. And it was a really, really special moment when Mike Jones received Businessperson of the Year. In truth, I got a little emotional at that part; I think some people saw that. But Mike was a friend of our families for some time, and I really think it's beautiful how many people can say the same. He was a really special part of this town. And I thought we did a really good job of honoring him this weekend. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you all very much. Little Sister City news. We sent a note from our office to the new mayor of Zamosc, Rafal Zwolak and thanks to Mayor Wnuk who had come here a few months ago. And they send their warmest regards. Similarly, there was a change in Ataco, El Salvador. We reached out to send thanks to Mayor Oscar Gomez, who's been here several times. And greetings to Mayor Luis Carlos TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 9 of 44 Milla Garcia and so we look forward to those relationships continuing. Again, the veteran's organizations will hold the Memorial Day service, 9 a.m. Boe James and some others came over and gave us the -- what they call the Buddy Poppies. Boe is the VFW post 7507 -- adjutant? Is that how you say it? Yes. And then also there's the National Moment of Remembrance, which was created and occurs at 3 p.m. our time and it's in conjunction with Taps Across America. And residents will be there, including our Vice Mayor at 3 o'clock at the Memorial. I attended two League Executive Committee meetings; we had two this time. The DAR Liberty Tree event, Mayor's Youth Council graduation, which was very fun. They have some graduates coming out of the high school this year. The ADOG groundbreaking, East Valley Mayors' Quarterly Lunch, which was in Carefree this time. And I was proud to present the Tourism Award on behalf of the town and our economic development to the Chamber, which I think surprised some people and that was a fun thing to do. And the Mayor's Award to Dr. J. And yes, it was a very, very fun event. Right now, we're going to do the Stellar Students, which I read all the nice things about the kids from up here and then, we go down. We give you the certificates, Angela. And we'll take a picture. And then, after that, I'll go right into the National Travel and Tourism Week, which the Chamber, as a tourism award honorees, are going to accept that proclamation. So let's start with our Little Falcons. And the first Little Falcon is Ava DuFour. Is Ava here? Come on up. I forgot to say everybody stay up here and we'll take the picture afterwards. "Ava represents kindness and compassion. She comes to school every day with a hug for her teachers and a smile on her face. She's always willing to share whatever she's playing with or doing with others. She's loving, kind, and gentle. Everybody, children, and teachers alike, love Ava. We're so proud of her and that's why Ava is a Stellar Student." Ava. Our next Little Falcon is Drayven Smith-Miller. Is Drayven here? Come on up. "Drayven brightens everyone's day. He comes to school with a big smile, energy, and enthusiasm. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 10 of 44 He always wants to help. He's compassionate and kind and a real gentleman". There you go. "We can't wait to hear about his continued progress when he goes to elementary school. He is a Stellar Student". Drayven. Now we move to McDowell Mountain Elementary and Hadley Greenman. Is Hadley here? Hadley? All right. We're going to read good things about Hadley. "It's an honor to nominate Hadley for the Stellar Student Award. Hadley is a positive role model for other students and lends a hand when she sees a need. She shows great respect and responsibility in and out of the classroom. Her smile is contagious, and her kindness is appreciated by teachers and students. Hadley goes above and beyond to put her best effort into all that she does and exceeds all expectations." Congratulations to Hadley for being an exemplary student of McDowell Mountain. Our next student from McDowell is Ian Pierce. Is Ian here? Come on up, Ian. "Ian is everything a Stellar Student should be. In my STEM class he's always an active participant. His ideas are amazing and outside the box, which we love. He's never afraid to dig into something new and he gives his all to everything he does with a smile. He's always willing to help a friend or teacher whenever he can. When his class has STEM, like clockwork when we're wrapping up our sessions, Ian starts to make his rounds through the room, pushing in chairs and making sure the classroom is all set without being asked. He's such a pleasure to have in class and I know he'll be an outstanding middle school student next year." Ian. Our next student from the middle school is Audrey Del Mundo. Is Audrey here? Come on up, Audrey. "Audrey: she's such a friendly student to both students and staff. She's helpful in the classroom. Audrey's very kind. She strives to do her very best. She always goes above and beyond. She follows direction, completes tasks, and cares about her work and others. Audrey is a true Stellar Student." Now we have the high school -- oh, I'm sorry. The middle school. Don't want to skip that. Angel Rivera? Is Angel here? Come on up. "Angel has made great accomplishments in his academic performance this year. He TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 11 of 44 strives to achieve excellence and is a great role model to his peers. Not only is he a pleasure to have in class, he's also an asset to the Fountain Hills Middle School baseball team as a pitcher and a third-base player." That's Angel. Next, we have the high school. Did I skip one? No, I didn't. Oh, I got the middle school. The high school. We have Hadley Chandler. Is Hadley here? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Hailey (ph.). MAYOR DICKEY: Hailey? Duh. I'm sorry. We just read about you in the paper. "Hailey, a senior, is known for her friendly demeanor and compassionate nature. With a constant smile on her face, she radiates kindness wherever she goes. Her genuine warmth and caring attitude make her a cherished member of our community. Hailey's willingness to lend a helping hand and her positive, upbeat presence has a great impact on those around her. She truly embodies the essence of a good-hearted individual." Hailey Chandler. And from the high school, Canon Lipps. Is Canon here? Come on up, Canon. Yeah. It says, "Canon, our senior, has a habit of being the first to greet others as they pass by, exemplifying his friendly and approachable nature. Not only does he acknowledge people, but he also actively listens to what they have to say, showing genuine concern for their well-being. His accomplishments academically are truly commendable, reflecting his determination and growth. Canon's sincere care for others and dedication have already made a difference within our community and there is no doubt he'll continue to positively impact others beyond high school." That's Canon. All right, it will be in the paper you guys. Uh, oh. There you go, Honey, hold it like that. Can you do that? Perfect. All right. Ready? Smile. (Indiscernible). UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Grandma. MAYOR DICKEY: I can wait. Thanks, you guys. Okay. Who's here from the Chamber? Come on up. Busy, busy weeks for you guys. Here you go. So we're going to start a new tradition of giving this award because it's always at this TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 12 of 44 time this proclamation to the winner of the Tourism Award, which was you guys. LAVOIE: Great. That's awesome. MAYOR DICKEY: Yeah. I'll read it here. It says: "Whereas the travel industry is essential to the success of every industry and will continue to be a critical part of Fountain Hills' economy, development, and workforce and travel is an economic powerhouse for every state and destination across the country, with an economic output of $2.8 trillion supporting 15 million American jobs. And whereas, travel spending supports vibrant and safe communities in Fountain Hills and across the U.S. by generating $89 billion in state and local tax revenue in 2023 to support essential services such as: education, emergency response, public safety, and more. And whereas, America's travel industry cannot be globally competitive without maximizing growth in leisure, business, and international inbound travelers, increasing travel to and within the United States, drives our economy to a more prosperous future and connects America. And whereas, small businesses account for more than 60 percent of leisure and hospitability employment and travel is an essential industry, we must continue to communicate that growing travel leads to economic growth, benefits businesses, fosters mutual understanding, and connects the nation. So now, therefore, let it be resolved that I, Mayor Ginny Dickey, on behalf of the Town of Fountain Hills, recognizes the week of May 19th through the 25th as National Travel and Tourism Week and urge the residents of Fountain Hills to join me in recognizing the essential role this industry plays in Fountain Hills. That's a mouthful. There you go. Thank you guys. LAVOIE: Thank you, yes. Thank you so much, Mayor, Vice Mayor, council, staff. It was truly, as I stated on Friday on behalf of the board of directors and our staff, I'm not often without words and it was truly an honor to receive this. And so we thank the town for your partnership in tourism and economic development here in Fountain Hills. And thank you for this. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Thanks so much for everything you do. All right. Thank you. Thanks, guys. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 13 of 44 Thank you all so much. We have a presentation tonight from our Capt. Kratzer. Welcome. Thank you for being here. KRATZER: Good evening, Madam Mayor, Vice Mayor, members of the council. Tonight I just wanted to speak a little bit on a topic that we have received a lot of questions and concerns about from residents, and that's the issue of squatters. I know it's come up quite a bit. There's been quite a lot of national conversation about issues related to squatters and the ability of law enforcement or the inability of law enforcement to address or help residents address those squatter issues. Many of you may know, I think it was discussed here in council, House Bill 1129 was vetoed by the governor. It was stated that the intent of that was to strengthen the rights of homeowners. So with that bill being vetoed, there is some good news. We have spoken to the town prosecutor, also MCSO's legal team, and in the State of Arizona the trespassing laws and some of the squatter laws are a little bit more -- they're a little bit more strict. So we have ability to enforce our trespassing laws that are currently on statute. There are some caveats to that, but there's been a lot of concern over, you know, people who live here that are snowbirds, that leave their home for three - four-plus months a year and the concern of whether or not, you know, people would be looking to move into their property while they're gone. So that's probably the biggest concern we've heard and if that happens, you know, what can they do? What should they do? So we've been trying to be consistent with our messaging to people and we wanted to make sure we push it out today, especially after the recent conversations with town prosecutor and our legal. That if they notice that, if that does happen, absolutely and quickly call MCSO and we'll investigate that. There is a difference and there are sometimes confused, people sometimes believe that if they have a renter or someone who leases the property that overstays, that that would fall into a squatter situation, and that's not the case. That would fall into the Landlord-Tenant Act. And there's all kinds of laws that govern those and procedures. A squatter situation would be where somebody moves into a property, onto a property, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 14 of 44 into a residence without any sort of lease or agreement or knowledge of the owner, with the intent to reside there. And so again, we have tools that we could enforce the current trespassing laws if that were to be the case. There are scenarios where squatters, over a long period of time, that magic number seems to be a little bit elusive, but it's been stated in the ballpark of years, you know, five to ten years, they're on a property without any knowledge of the owner, without any contention, that they would then fall into a category where they do have certain rights and potentially have some claim to that property. So what we encourage people who are concerned about going out of state or leaving a property, maybe they have an investment property that has been vacant for some time, is to just, either -- you know, be diligent in checking on that property. Having family or friends check on the property. There's all kinds of companies out there or private people who you could pay to check on a property for you. And at the first sight of anything that's suspicious, report it to law enforcement so that we can get on top of that as soon as possible. We did have a scenario, it was probably about three years ago now, where something like that happened and we were able to charge the people that moved into the residence unbeknownst to the homeowner's property. And we were able to charge them with trespassing and a couple of other charges. So we do have tools. But I think people are concerned that, you know, with some of the stuff and the conversations they've heard nationally, that they would be in a predicament where they'd have to go through the eviction process. But we do have some ability to curb that. The other thing I wanted to talk just briefly on is, we do have a vacation patrol that people could put in for. And that's found on the town's website. There's a form that you fill out with your information. It asks how long you're going to be gone and it asks for some specific information so that law enforcement, when they go by the residence during our routine checks, knows if, you know, there's not supposed to be any vehicles in the house, if there's lights on, things of that nature. Those are good for 30 days at a TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 15 of 44 time. So that could be a problem for people who are gone for three or four months, but they could go online and fill that form out again if they're gone for multiple months and they can email it to our community services webpage. They can email it, they can mail it, they can stop in in person and get the form and fill it out and give it to our administrative assistant. And our deputies, our posse members, and our deputy service aides all take part of going by the properties and doing welfare checks on the property. So that is a good tool that people can utilize and rely on a little bit. Maybe, it gives them a little peace of mind while they're out of town. So that's all I have for you tonight. If there's any questions, I'm happy to answer them for you. SKILLICORN: Thank you, Madam Mayor. Captain, you mentioned the vacation crime watch and I actually pulled it up here on the website. It looks like a pretty simple form. Is there any reason we can't -- you know, if someone chooses to be longer than 30 days, that -- you know, there's no legal reason to not do that? KRATZER: No, there's not. And that's something that we probably could tweak ourselves a little bit. It's more of an internal thing. It gets hard to track some of those. Like, we ran into, I think, at a time where people were gone for eight, nine months and it's just keeping those requests fresh if somebody does come back and then we go by the residence, there's a car in the driveway when there shouldn't have been, and they came home early. So the, I think, the mindset behind that was just making sure that they're updated and they're up to date so that we have good information and we're not unnecessarily scaring residents or homeowners. But that's something that we could consider. Because I know, for us in Fountain Hills and some of the snowbirds, three to four months is pretty typical. So we could look at extending that time frame. That's not a set-in-stone policy. SKILLICORN: And Mayor, Captain, this is something that I'm looking into, and I've been doing a little research. There is some tiny latitude that we could have, and we could also define what a renter is and what a squatter is, things like that. I look at what the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 16 of 44 State of New York did, and this is something that I'm currently looking into. But this is -- yeah, this is also another thing that we could open up dates to and look at a little closer to. KRATZER: Yeah. And I think there's been some conversation with the town manager and town attorney, kind of going down that road of what -- and I've heard council talk about that at times as well. And I think all that's being looked into and obviously, MCSO will be a good partner and work with our legal and just make sure any ordinance that's passed is enforceable by us, for sure. SKILLICORN: Okay. KALIVIANAKIS: Thank you, Ms. Mayor. Thank you, Captain, for your informative report as always and thank you for your service for our community. Do we have a ordinance on the books on leave-behinds and peddlers and people that leave things on people's doors? This is the political season now and I know there's a lot of people that like to leave leave-behinds. And with the nature of our residents being going back to Minnesota, Chicago, here; could you just explain why, policy-wise, what it does to the seasonal visitors when people stack unwanted flyers and things on their property? KRATZER: Yes. Thank you, Vice Mayor. I think you're speaking to maybe the concern that people then -- it's easily -- it's easy to identify that maybe people aren't home. So when those stack up: newspapers, things of that nature. And plus, you know, those pamphlets tend to blow away, so it also creates an issue with littering. But definitely the concern from law enforcement is it makes that house obvious that it's vacant or no one's there and it makes it an easy target for someone to select to burglarize the home or -- you know, maybe, even squat in the home. I'm not sure if that's where you were hoping I'd go with that, but -- KALIVIANAKIS: No. I just want to let people know that, you know, this is -- you're trying to get a message out there but it's doing a disserve to the people that you're visiting at their home, that if they're not here and you put a leave-behind out there. So just thank TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 17 of 44 you for addressing that. KRATZER: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: All right. Thank you so much for everything you do. Okay. Our next item is call to the public. Do we have any speaker cards? MENDENHALL: Yes, Mayor, we do. First in your packet, there is a comment from Jennifer Brown. And then, in person, we have two speakers. First is Barry Wolborsky and on deck is Lori Troller. WOLBORSKY: I am Barry Wolborsky, as you all know. And I have a topic today that might surprise you. I'm going to talk about the wayfinding signs. I think the wayfinding signs are a total waste of the town's money. Although the town decreased the cost of the signs from $1 million to a mere $550,000, 300,000 of which has always been -- has already been spent on design studies. It's still a bad idea. In business we say never throw good money after bad. In other words, take the loss on the $300,000 and don't compound it by spending another quarter million. Wayfinding signs will not bring one dollar into this community. They are a generations- ago-idea before smartphones and automobile navigation units. Nobody uses them anymore. If you pull into a new town and want lunch, you take out your phone and type in "lunch restaurant Fountain Hills", and you get your choices. You examine the menus, then click on your choice, and voila, directions to the front door. No one uses wayfinding signs anymore. The signs add to sign pollution, which detracts from the landscape. Also it detracts from drivers seeing important traffic signs. But it even gets better than this. Not only do the signs need to be maintained and replaced as they wear and look even worse, but every time an entity closes, moves, changes its name, or gets added, the signs have to be updated and replaced, adding to the real cost of the signs. Please remove this antiquated costly item from the town's budget. TROLLER: I'm just going to get that to stay there. Please stay. Please. Please. By now, just about everybody here knows what I'm about to say. Broadband, not cellular, small wireless facilities, we need to update our ordinance. And I'm not talking TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 18 of 44 about big antennas. Mr. Wesley knows it too. For the record, anyone on the council who needs to know the exact verbiage to give P&Z direction to work on this: P&Z needs to update Resolution 2018, and, in turn, that that will codify our code. At this time, we should make sure that gets into all of Chapter 17, and not split like it is now into Chapter 16. All of that needs to be updated. And yes, P&Z does have purview on ROW and the sign ordinance is an example of that. I'm going to jump back two years. Fountain Hills recognized we did not have the technical or legal expertise to write a strong enough ordinance to hold its own against teams of telecom lawyers. So we contracted with the top lawyer in the country, who writes these ordinances across the United States. That contract had roughly seven steps. The first step was, we contracted with him. We got that done and he gave us questions to fill out, a template of sorts. We do our best to fill it out, we give it back to him, he writes the draft, he gives a series a presentations, more drafts, Q and A sessions until we're all happy and Campanelli stays with it through the codification to our code. Then he's done. That's what this illustrates right here. So what happened? He gave Fountain Hills the same template that he gives everyone else: Houston, Chicago, Gilbert, it doesn't matter. It's just a template. It doesn't have state or municipal code in it yet. Were you under the impression that that was a draft? If so, I ask you to revisit the document because if you were expecting more from the process at that point, you weren't there yet, and that document needs to be passed to P&Z and they need to continue the process. We know Aaron and his law firm spent up to eight hours writing questions for Attorney Campanelli, but that's the last we heard of Campanelli. Why is that? Then, in steps P&Z. P&Z didn't get anywhere without help from the lawyer or at least the documents the lawyer wrote. We've been asked -- or they've been asking for help for over four months, only to be told repeatedly no. They aren't permitted the Campanelli's document, they aren't permitted the questions Aaron already asked Campanelli, and they aren't allowed to talk to experts. Why is that? Why was Campanelli, literally, contracted to codify Chapter 16.2 into 17 and P&Z is TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 19 of 44 refused to do the very same? Why is Mr. Wesley saying P&Z doesn't have purview of the broadband ordinance when they are allowed to work on the sign ordinance, that's on ROW? The same situation, and easily ten more examples of that in the code. Council, please take control of this two-year stonewall. Please don't allocate your power to Aaron and give P&Z the tools they need so they can get an awesome ordinance to you, and you can vote on it and have an amazing accomplishment. No whining. All facts. Thanks. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Our next item is our consent -- I'm sorry. MENDENHALL: No. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. Our next item is our consent agenda. Do I have a motion, please? GRYBOWSKI: Move to approve. MCMAHON: Second. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Roll call, please? SKILLICORN: I'd actually like to take item E off. Because I'd like -- is Chief Ott here? Aha, I would like -- I'd like to have some more face time with Chief Ott, because it's such a pleasure. MAYOR DICKEY: I'm sorry. You want to take -- SKILLICORN: Yes. MAYOR DICKEY: Item B off? SKILLICORN: I think it's E. Yes, item E. So I would like to amend that motion to approve A through D. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. That's fine. We can do that. And then we can take a roll call on the amendment. Yep. He amended to pass the consent agenda without item E. ARNSON: Yeah. Right. So it's just approval of consent A through D. Did we get a second? MAYOR DICKEY: We had a second on the original. But I don't think on the -- TOTH: Oh, I'll second it. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 20 of 44 MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. Okay. So roll call on -- MENDENHALL: Amendment? MAYOR DICKEY: -- I keep hearing people talking but I can't -- you have to talk to me if you have to tell me something. Go ahead. MENDENHALL: Allen's amendment; we're voting on that? MAYOR DICKEY: Yes. We're going to vote on the amendment to pass the consent agenda on item A through D. And then we'll put item E as the first item on the regular agenda. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRYBOWSKI: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Aye. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Aye. MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Aye. Thank you. Our first item is approval of Resolution 2024 for an intergovernmental agreement with the Department of Forestry. Is there anybody prepared to speak on this? GOODWIN: I believe Chief Ott can probably step up and give us some background. If there's any particular questions, Mayor or council had. OTT: Good evening Mayor and council. The IGA is just another tool for us to be able to work with our interagency partners. And moving forward, the IGA with the FFM helps us in a wildfire situation in areas like the state trust land, McDowell Mountain park, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 21 of 44 who's actually the purview of DFFM. It kind of establishes the relationship pretty much as a mutual aid agreement, but it also establishes some cost for either side. So if we were in a situation where we needed to pull assets in, that would also kind of give us an idea of what that could cost us if there was a charge on that. And as well as, if they required assets from us, that we would be able to bill those back. There's a billing mechanism and a rate in there as well. It also establishes some training criteria for us to meet that wild line criteria. Really, one of the biggest things is that it helps pull us into that interagency realm of when we do have something, if we needed other assets. An example would be using the fire that was on the Beeline last week. That the Pima agency, which is BIA, also has an agreement with DFFM. So if those lines overlap, we have the ability to have a duty officer be able to do things, like, call in air support and that. Without that relationship, we would pretty much be on our own for that area, the state trust land, which is incorporated into Fountain Hills. So we worked on this -- kind of 2019 was the worst fire season we'd seen up to that point. We were in the process of formulating this relationship between the town and DFFM at that point, we all decided that it was -- we were busy, we were tired in October. We would move forward with it coming into the following spring and get that relationship set up before fire season started and then we all know what happened in 2020. We no longer had the meetings. They felt that our word and handshake deal that we kind of had before, would suffice if we needed it in the meantime until we could actually get back in-person. There was also a change in the state forester. And some of their paperwork process had kind of changed a little bit at that point and stalled. We got back to the point where, now that Rural Metro is not really in the mix anymore, there was a little sticking point between the private side and DFFM. With that, we had clear lines cut starting in January and the fire that we had had last July, up in Eagle's Nest -- or August in Eagle's Nest, we had kind of worked out some of the relationships with one of the duty chiefs for DFFM at that point. That once we moved forward and hit January, we would start moving forward with that IGA between the town, Fountain Hills TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 22 of 44 Fire Department, and DFFM. So that gives us a lot of resources available from the State, that, again, we might not necessarily have if we didn't have that IGA. So it just helps us cement the relationships with our other interagency partners. SKILLICORN: Thank you, Madam Mayor, Chief Ott. So obviously, I mean, I read in there about mutual aid. I read in there about sharing equipment. Do you think that -- probably one should wonder -- and I'm sure that your answer is satisfactory. But if we're receiving more aid or giving up more aid? Kind of what's your thoughts there? OTT: Mayor, Councilmember, I think at this point that we would be receiving more aid. SKILLICORN: Okay. OTT: I think it's a better deal, as most of these agreements will be moving forward to us. That I think we're going to be receiving more with those resources available to us. And there's some things that we couldn't do on our own without that relationship. Where if we needed air assets, like we almost had called in in Eagle's Nest last summer, we can't do that without having that interagency agreement with DFFM. So they're our link to the Southwest Coordinating Group. SKILLICORN: And Mayor, Chief, so thank you. That's very helpful to know. I am curious -- let's say there was a fire either at McDowell Park or State Trust, and previous to this, you know, what assets and who would be fighting that? Is that going to be Scottsdale? Is that going to be someone else? How would that work? OTT: Mayor, Councilmember, past history has had us being the first responders in there. SKILLICORN: Okay. OTT: So what we call IA, which is initial attack. We still have that arrangement moving forward. And then, the -- wasn't the Diamond Fire. It was -- yeah, there's been too many fires, I can't keep the names straight. But the fire that we had at McDowell Mountain Park almost three years ago now, we were there on the initial attack. Kind of had set that up. I coordinated with the State duty officer at that point. They were already rolling assets for it. We just added some support until they came in and took over. There were five agencies, I believe, that responded to that fire as well. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 23 of 44 So the State took care of that. If it was a state trust land, again, our responsibility will be initial attack and coordinating with the state to bring in other assets for that. So between Fort McDowell, Rio Verde, Salt River is also a part of the Pima agency. That gives us some resources that even though it's not BIA land, we would still be able to get some resources from Fort McDowell and Salt River, wild land-wise. We've got two type 6 wild land trucks, but in a situation like that, you need a few more assets to get it under control early. So. SKILLICORN: And then, Mayor, Chief, do the two last ones here. One is the training, you know, kind of give us a rundown of where we are with the additional training that's required because of this. And then, is there anything that you learned and can implement for our own town safety over the last weekend, and will that -- you know, obviously, the fire we had last weekend? OTT: I'll start with the first question last, Mayor and Councilmember. I didn't really learn anything that I didn't know before on the Wild Cat Fire. It kind of started, it burned, it moved away from town. And, again, they were on it and had a type 3 IMT team come in to manage it quite early. Which is key right now. We're lucky, at this point, that it's early in the fire season; there's a lot of resources and assets available in town. I think I saw three different VLATS, which are very large air tankers, flying on Saturday. Which, sometimes we don't always have that. When there's other areas that are on fire, a lot of those assets will be moved towards that area. And then, as things progress and they're available, there would be other assets to move in to back them up. And as far as the training goes, part of that asset availability, if you will, is to be red card certified. And that's just another level of training for a firefighter, but it's wildland specific and it deals -- some of the simple things are, you have to pass a Pack Test, which is a 45-pound pack, you have to be able to do three miles in 45 minutes with that pack without running at a steady pace. Which kind of shows your conditioning. And then there's a couple of classes, 130/190 to start with that are wildfire behavior classes. And it's -- once you end up being kind of seated in as a structure guy, you think okay, we have a house fire, a couple of hours we're back taking showers, everything's good. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 24 of 44 Wildland fire, you could be out there on a campaign fire for 14 days before you rotated out of your operational period. So the training is a little bit different. The mindset's a little bit different. And without having that red card training, we would not be able to provide assets as a staffed type 6 response vehicle to the state or any other agency that would be billing that. So any fire that stayed or national forest or BIA or BLM, you would have to have red card certified firefighters. So through this process, of our 30, we've got 9 people that have kind of stepped up to be able to fill those roles and provide service on the brush truck if we need. With that in mind, that's not our business moving forward, would be to supply a staffed brush truck. It's to maintain the level of security for the town and provide public safety for the town first off. But with that additional training we've got some urban -- wild land/urban interface that that training is valuable for anyways. So even though not all of our people will do the Pack Test, they all have to do the wildland refresher, so they have that training in their pocket. It has terminology with it. It also teaches you the fire behavior: upslope, downslope, those types of things, wind direction. So it's a valuable training all the way round, even though we might not have all of our members red card certified so. MAYOR DICKEY: Any further questions? Can I get a motion? GRYBOWSKI: Move to approve as written. MCMAHON: Second. MAYOR DICKEY: Roll call, please? MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Yes. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRYBOWSKI: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 25 of 44 TOTH: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Aye. MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Aye. Thank you. SKILLICORN: Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Thanks, Dave. Our next item is -- I can see Justin coming up. Is there any intro here? GOODWIN: Nope. This is a Justin show from here on out. I think we're starting off with Golden Eagle Park; is that right? WELDY: Yes, ma'am. GOODWIN: Alrighty. WELDY: Good evening. How's everybody? I'm trying to decide how to approach this. This is a long time moving forward here, as you all well know. This is directly tied to a grant that we applied for now almost seven years ago, for debris mitigation on the face and the bottom of Golden Eagle Dam. Refresher: Golden Eagle Dam is adjacent to Golden Eagle Park. Was originally constructed to protect life and property downstream. As the dam began to age and Mother Nature did as well, and storm frequency and the intensity changed, modeling showed that the potential for overtopping of the original dam and, possibly, outflow of the spillway, which is on the south end adjacent to the high school, could cause problems downstream. So there was a -- the flood control district and the town partnered, raised the dam, and added length to the spillway to protect life and property downstream. At that time, there was an agreement in regards to the maintenance related to sediment. Sediment are the fine particles that flow in stormwater downstream, and they historically pond and pile at the bottom of the dam. Over the years, that has TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 26 of 44 become increasingly challenging to address that migration of material onto the dam. As you all know, we have been working on a project to help ease some of the backwatering concerns in Golden Eagle Park related to the impoundment and the intensity and frequency of some of the storms. There's a grant that covers part of that design and the eventual part of the construction. Staff has been before this council and others and asked for permissions to spend additional funding and allocate additional time for the Golden Eagle Park impoundment project. That is now approved. We are about ready to release it onto the street. Ideally, staff will return in August and ask for a notice to award a bid to start construction. Having said all of that, this grant is tied to the next phase, which is just the face of the dam and the very bottom of the dam. Each year we get an extension on it and this year we simply ran out of time. We believe, based on the progress, that this is likely to be the last amendment to this and we'll be able to utilize this funding in FY '24/'25. With that, if there's any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. MAYOR DICKEY: Do we have any speaker cards on this item? MENDENHALL: No, Mayor, we do not. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Any questions or comments? Sure. FRIEDEL: Move to adopt resolution 2024-23. MCMAHON: Second. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Any further discussion? A roll call, please? MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRYBOWSKI: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Aye. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 27 of 44 MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Yes. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Aye. MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Aye. Thank you. Next item is about an amendment for our active transportation plan. Justin? WELDY: Thank you. Madam Mayor, Councilmembers, tonight we're asking for an amendment to the active transportation plan. And not the entire plan, just one small part of it. And that small part is tied to the sidewalk infill and gap elimination. The original sidewalk infill and gap elimination site plan that you see here, in front of you, was originally put together by town staff in the early 2000s to address obvious gaps in areas where it was needed. Each year, some priorities were identified that would take one to five years to fill those gaps or eliminate those areas. This one that you currently have in front of you is the most recent addition of the sidewalk infill and gap elimination plan. It included one to five years, which we have completed the majority of that work over the last five years. There are two areas that we're facing some challenges with. The first one is on Fountain Hills Boulevard, north of Palisades. When we had originally included that, it was prior to staff receiving direction to apply for grants to bridge that area, so putting in a sidewalk there. And then, obviously, if we ever receive federal funding to fill that gap with a bridge, then the sidewalk and that good money would be -- you know, be good after bad. The second one has a negative impact on some homes just off of Saguaro, south of the intersection of Fountain Hills Boulevard. It would impact their mailboxes and their driveways and be very costly. So those two sections have been eliminated. The third one, which is a short, little piece that was tied to the Ashbrook Wash project TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 28 of 44 off of Bayfield that ties it to Ashbrook, we've simply decided there's not enough benefit for those couple of hundred feet right now. That addresses the one to five year that was on this. With that, this document is used as a short- and long-range planning tool and we're only talking about sidewalks and trails and connectors to them. The area that we're discussing primarily is circled in red on the map that you can see. That is the downtown. We're going to draw some limits on that: La Montana to Saguaro, El Lago to Palisades. What we're looking at primarily is to eliminate the gaps on Verde River between The Avenue and Palisades, on Parkview between La Montana and Saguaro, and on La Montana between Avenue of the Fountains and Palisades on the Basha's side. Everybody kind of got their bearings about those locations? These are the areas that have been determined by the mayor and council and citizen input to be the priority at this time. There is another little section that isn't properly circled right here on this map. This is not the area. The area that we're talking about is actually off of Eagle Mountain at Summer Hill. In my own personal opinion, this is an underserved area because not many of us get down there. In fact, myself -- and I've made multiple trips into that area -- as part of our visits and design to eliminate a gap there and provide for a safer crossing, we got a plan approved by the pedestrian and traffic safety committee and to deal with the homeowners' association and the adjacent golf course, made one more trip out there to take a look around and I discovered I errored, and I errored badly because I did not recognize that there was a sidewalk ramp there, or a curb ramp that was simply not usable. We went back to the drawing board, went back to the pedestrian and traffic safety committee. Asked for their blessing to make a change to create what I would call is not quite a mid-block crossing. Met with the partnering agencies, the homeowner's association and, obviously, the golf course; these are the stakeholders. And then came to this council in its position as a board of directors for the Eagle Mountain Improvement District and asked for funding of the unspent balance in there. With that said, the area on Eagle Mountain adjacent to Summer Hill is approximately TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 29 of 44 $119,000 to complete that project. The board of directors, through the homeowners' association, has agreed that we can use $19,500 out of that unspent fund balance. The adjacent property owner is the golf course. They have also offered up an additional $19,500. The balance to finish the project would be the town's share, and that's approximately $81,000 for that. As we're working through the budget process, one of the projects in there is a multiyear for sidewalk infill. That $81,000 of the town's funding portion would come out of that project for next year. Keep in mind, that is a relatively small project and something that we can tackle. However, the balance of this amendment is multiple years because it, again, once it involves the downtown area, we first have to establish the design and how we want it to look when we're finished. And as part of that, begin the process of applying for grants. A short break right there. We will utilize this document just like we have in the past, to apply for grants. The town is currently the recipient, and a project is soon to start on one of those grants that now totals $4 million for the gap elimination project on Saguaro Boulevard and Palisades. KALIVIANAKIS: (Indiscernible)? WELDY: We're talking about the amendment, and I spent a little bit of time on that other portion, Madam Vice Mayor. But now we're right back up in the downtown because it's a much larger and much longer duration. But did we have questions about the lower section? MAYOR DICKEY: Vice Mayor? KALIVIANAKIS: Yeah. Thank you, Ms. Mayor. It was supposed to be $119,000 minus, say, 20, 20 it's going to be 80,000; would that qualify for grant funding? WELDY: Madam Mayor and Madam Vice Mayor, I don't -- I'm not aware of any call for grants for that right now. Would it? Absolutely. There's certainly a possibility that we could apply for either design assistance or construction after the design assistance. But I'm not aware of any of those on the horizon. KALIVIANAKIS: So could we tap the brakes and apply for grant funding? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 30 of 44 WELDY: Madam Vice Mayor, if that is the intent of the council, absolutely. KALIVIANAKIS: Because it seems like these infill projects, just like the drainage projects, normally qualify for some kind of grant funding. And if we could do that here, I think that would be preferable. That would be my desire. And then, skipping back to the downtown. If you look at the appendix 6, slide 3, it's all the way in the appendix area at the end. No, all the way down. WELDY: On the bottom of this graph? KALIVIANAKIS: No. It's actually -- it's in the active transportation plan in the appendix 6. It's probably not in this slide. It's actually in the active transportation plan. Do you have that? WELDY: I do not have that open, Madam Vice Mayor. KALIVIANAKIS: Okay. If you look at appendix 6, slide 3, it shows the downtown area that would be the prospective infill project design. It says the downtown cost estimate would be $1.1 million. Is that what you have in mind? WELDY: Madam Vice Mayor, we currently do not have an estimate because the infill at that time was substantially different than what we are proposing or, at least, what we've heard from the mayor and council and the citizens in regards to that. So I'm not comfortable giving a number for any of the sections in the downtown right now. KALIVIANAKIS: Well, it's in the plan. So the number's already -- is already in there. It's just in the appendix under "priority projects option, opinion of probable cost". WELDY: Not having that in front of me, can you provide a little bit more detail about the location on that? KALIVIANAKIS: Well, this just has all the different projects and estimated expenditures, like Saguaro Boulevard, cost estimate 3.7 million; Palisades is 710,000. It's just a breakdown of all the costs for the infill projects. And the downtown, which would be just what you described, was $1.1 million. I'm just trying to get a handle on the cost. It's part of the active transportation plan. It's part of our packet. WELDY: Admittedly, I'm a little bit lost on that one. I'm not having that exhibit up and in front of me right now. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 31 of 44 KALIVIANAKIS: Okay. WELDY: So I'm -- MAYOR DICKEY: Excuse me. Maybe -- Rachael, could you maybe help us with this whole overall thing? Because what the active transportation plan was, how it came about, where these amounts are, and what we're actually doing today? GOODWIN: Absolutely. I'd be happy to. So to our Vice Mayor's point, Justin only has the map in front of him right now. In our packet -- he doesn't have the full packet in front of him. But Justin, for your reference, the packet includes the entire active transportation plan that was adopted in 2021. In that, there's some mapping and one of them details downtown and it does have a downtown cost estimate, at that time, of being 1.1. Today's conversation -- and, Justin, please feel free to jump in. Today's conversation is about the priority. Not necessarily the cost of it but moving the priority to say the next project that the staff will focus on will include the golf course area, which is what we talked about a second ago, and the downtown. The downtown was not originally identified as being a project that we were going to tackle right now. It was further out in terms of the vision. But based on the feedback that we've heard and the efforts that we have been putting into our downtown visioning process, it makes sense to move up the project timeline for our downtown improvements. Now, 1.1 was based on a very -- well, I'll say, probably a very basic idea of adding sidewalks only. I don't know that it had lighting. I don't know that it had any type of ADA accommodations. I don't know that it had any type of other improvements. Because we're anticipating looking at the downtown as a full-fledged project probably later this fall. This is just specific to the sidewalk application. The cost of this is still TBD. It will depend on to what scale we want to build out and what the cost is today, versus in 2021 when this plan was originally put together. KALIVIANAKIS: Yeah. I'm sure it would be more now. GOODWIN: Oh, absolutely. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 32 of 44 KALIVIANAKIS: That was three years ago. And again, it's just Parkview and Rio Verde and right in front of Basha's, that's it? GOODWIN: Correct. KALIVIANAKIS: So it would probably be now, like, $1.5 million or more. GOODWIN: Again -- KALIVIANAKIS: So I'm just saying that -- GOODWIN: Um-hum. KALIVIANAKIS: -- and then, if you look at all the projects and their projected costs, it looks like it's more than $30 million. And so it's just that huge price tag. And again, I'm all for grant funding. GOODWIN: Absolutely. KALIVIANAKIS: And if to provide the guidance for you guys to apply for the grants. But I just don't know if I'm comfortable at this point spending that kind of money on infill -- GOODWIN: And I don't think that's the -- KALIVIANAKIS: -- when we have road projects. GOODWIN: Absolutely. And I don't think that's the ask tonight. The ask is not for money, the ask is not for an allocation of funding. It is simply to update the maps so that we, when we do go for grants, the map reflects that this is our priority area. That it's not reflective of an outlying project in future years that we were in; it's not identified until 2030 or otherwise. The ask tonight is to update the map and the plan. It's not an ask for cost or an expenditure of any kind. KALIVIANAKIS: So it's aspirational? GOODWIN: Indeed. KALIVIANAKIS: Okay. I can live with that. GOODWIN: Okay. WELDY: And now, that -- and I realized which exhibit you're looking at. Please note, when that estimate was put together, it was tied to a plan that was developed almost seven years ago now and only included sidewalk on part of Parkview on the south side, extended to Verde River and only on one side of Verde River, and then the opposite side TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 33 of 44 of Park View. I'll make a long story very, very short. As this plan has evolved and developed over the years, the staff more often than not, until just a few years ago, met an incredible amount of resistance in regards to sidewalk infill and gap elimination. So any time there was a parking lot -- let's pick the one in front of the Tap House, there was no sidewalk considered for that part of the road. It was determined that anyone walking would walk in the parking lot. That also applied to any location where there was a service road. And the intent at that time of the town engineer, was to minimize the amount of denial when asking for funding for that. So a little bit of clarification. That 1.1 or 1.3 million would have only been for portions of it, not the entire area that we're describing tonight. And, again, staff is not here asking for any funding. We are simply asking for an amendment to the plan that will become a part of the total active transportation plan and then we'll start the process of applying for grants with not only state, but federal governmental agencies. And having an amendment and/or an up-to-date active transportation plan has a very positive impact on those grant applications. MAYOR DICKEY: Councilman Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Thank you, Madam Mayor. And Director and also Town Manager. Actually, your explanation was very helpful because when I was looking through the packet, I saw the memo and I saw a map and I saw the plan. I didn't actually see an amendment. So explaining that all you're doing is adding that particular map to the plan was helpful. My only objection would be, I just don't think Eagle Mountain is the priority. I just don't see the traffic there. I think this is probably a responsibility of the HOA and not the town. And again, I don't see a lot of traffic there and I don't see this benefitting our businesses. And yeah, theoretically people could be walking up to where Fry's is, but I don't see them carrying -- I don't see them carrying ice cream on a 118-degree day, walking that path. So I just don't see it as a priority. MAYOR DICKEY: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: I'm sorry. I kind of lost my train of thought. For Eagle Mountain, I think I do have TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 34 of 44 a question now, though. Did you mention that the amount by the Eagle Mountain board was already approved? WELDY: Madam Mayor. Yes, councilmember, I did. The board of directors approved 19,500. TOTH: And was that the same for the Golf Club as well? WELDY: That is correct. TOTH: That's already -- okay. So while I do agree that it is not in our downtown, it might not necessarily have a bunch of traffic, this is something that you identified as an issue and have already secured some of the funding for. I don't see why we would -- I guess pushing it back wouldn't be the right term because we technically haven't brought it forward yet, but you get what I mean. Move it down on -- or keep it down on priorities. So anyway, considering that we are -- just as a review for those following along, we are simply changing the plan. We are not approving any projects or any additional funding. If a project is presented to us and it has a crazy price tag, we still have the ability to say no. However, this plan is utilized to apply for grants -- please do correct me if I say anything incorrect here. But with all of that context, I would like to move to approve the amendment as written. MAYOR DICKEY: Could I -- wait. I didn't get speaker cards yet because we started asking questions -- TOTH: Sorry. MAYOR DICKEY: -- so once we make a motion we can't take speakers. So do we have any? Yes? MENDENHALL: Yes, Madam Mayor, we do. We have two. First is Craig Rudolphy and on deck is Gayle Earle. RUDOLPHY: Good evening, Mayor Dickey, and councilmembers. My name is Craig Rudolphy. I'm a resident of Fountain Hills, currently residing in Eagle Mountain. I'm also a member of the board of directors of the Eagle Mountain Community Association and I am speaking for the board as well as a resident this evening. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 35 of 44 We are advocating for the new sidewalk, as well as a relocation of an existing crosswalk. Residents that are out walking and wish to go to breakfast or lunch at Eagle Mountain walk up Summer Hill. When they reach Eagle Mountain Parkway, they must walk in the street, facing oncoming traffic, in order to get to the driveway of the golf course, which leads them to the clubhouse. Residents also walking to Fry's need to cross Eagle Mountain Boulevard and encounter the steep slope that Director Weldy had mentioned, on the opposite side of the street. Residents and I, myself, have slipped and fallen on that slope due to dirt and small pebbles that just happen to wind up on it because of the environment. The ramp is not ADA compliant. Relocating our crosswalk would remove the steep slope as well as address the golfers crossing the street to go to the driving range. Golf course statistics from the Eagle Mountain Golf Course show that on average, for the past three years, the golf course issued 6,000 driving range passes. That means that there are 6,000 golfers crossing Eagle Mountain Boulevard to get to the driving range and 6,000 golfers crossing Eagle Mountain Parkway to get back to the golf course in the opposite directions. The golfers do not use the crosswalk. They cross mid-block, which is where we're proposing to place the relocating of the sidewalk. We've been fortunate that there have not been any serious incidents or injuries to either pedestrians or golfers crossing Eagle Mountain Boulevard. As Director Weldy mentioned, there are funds remaining in the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District that arise from the defeasance of last outstanding bonds and that amount is 19,500. In conversation with the Eagle Mountain Golf Course, they have also agreed to contribute 19,500 to the project. The golf course will install a pathway from Eagle Mountain Parkway to their clubhouse so that they have an easier access to the clubhouse. We are requesting that the council approve the project to improve the pedestrian and traffic safety on Eagle Mountain Parkway. Thank you for your consideration. And I'd be happy to answer any questions if you have some. EARLE: Thank you, Madam Mayor and council and staff. I am Gayle Earle; a Fountain TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 36 of 44 Hills resident and I also live in Eagle Mountain. And I ask that you make this repair a priority. I know some of you don't think it's a priority because you haven't been there. That steep, non-ADA compliant slope is very dangerous. I have slipped on it. And just a couple of months ago, while parked, ready to turn, drive past there, I stopped because there was a man in a electric wheelchair trying to get across. He was going up forwards, turn around, up backwards; back and forth and back and forth. Could not get up and thank -- I was going to try to help him, but a gentleman working in our neighborhood got over there and pushed him up. So I don't know what he did to get back. I go past there -- when you go to walk -- walk our dog every morning, we have to cross there. It's not safe. We have golfers going back and forth. And we have a lot of wonderful weather in our town, so we do have a lot of people that walk to Fry's and get some groceries. Maybe not in the middle of the summer, but we have maybe nine months of nice weather and -- please make it a priority. Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: Councilwoman? TOTH: For all the reasons I said about five minutes ago, I would like to make a motion to approve the amendment as written. MCMAHON: Second. MAYOR DICKEY: Just -- thank you. And to clarify that is public -- that's a public street, so it's not owned by any HOAs or anything. And also the board that made the decision to spend the $19,000 was us. So thank you. We have a motion and a second. Could we have a roll call, please? MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: No. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 37 of 44 MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRYBOWSKI: Aye. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Aye. MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Aye. Thank you. Our next item is Justin again, and we'll hear your report. Thanks. WELDY: Thank you, Madam Mayor, councilmembers. Tonight we're going to talk about doors. Recently when I was reviewing this contract and discussing it with our facilities supervisor, I asked for a count on doors. How many doors are we actually working on and responsible for? How about 366? For three individuals and a contractor, that's still a large number of doors. I'm delighted to say that this one GPA agreement that we have been using since 2019 had nine original submittals to the one GPA agreement. Of those, five were selected. Of the five selected, the one GPA committee and review committee asked that they tailor the pricing to the individual states and/or locations because there is a substantial difference in the type of doors utilized in climates where you have freeze/thaw environments and environments where the doors may reach 120 degrees or more on the exterior. So this agreement actually includes the Arizona pricing. We have been working with D. H. Pace as a whole for the majority of about 15-plus years. They have provided the service for the specialty doors that we have, not only on the town hall and some of the fire stations, but certainly the community center. And let's just pick that location just briefly. For the number of auto open and close sessions that those doors go through on a regular week basis when the weather is nice, I'm surprised that it honestly doesn't fall off the rails on a regular basis because of that use. But in the interest of saving funds, note that the underlying agreement is not to exceed $150,000. That includes all of the past agreements and amendments and renewals. Currently, there is just under $59,000 remaining until December of this calendar year for this contract. Sometime before that, we'll be coming back with the new contract. So TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 38 of 44 we're asking for the authority to utilize that $49,000 in funding, or a portion of it, if we need it for maintenance repairs and/or replacement of all of those doors. With that, if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. MAYOR DICKEY: Do we have any speaker cards? MENDENHALL: No, Mayor, we do not. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Councilman? SKILLICORN: Thank you, Madam Mayor. I'd like to make a motion to approve. KALIVIANAKIS: Second. MAYOR DICKEY: Thank you. Roll call, please? KALIVIANAKIS: Ms. Mayor? MAYOR DICKEY: Yes. SKILLICORN: I lost my connectivity with the computer. I can't reboot. SKILLICORN: Yeah, yeah. Adobe support is -- KALIVIANAKIS: Yeah. Hold on a second. MCMAHON: What would you like to see? KALIVIANAKIS: Agenda item -- MCMAHON: It's right here. KALIVIANAKIS: -- is this agenda item -- MCMAHON: Right here, the dollar. MAYOR DICKEY: 9-C. MCMAHON: $49,000 if we spend it. KALIVIANAKIS: Yes. It's (indiscernible). Thank you. Director Weldy, just -- one thing I just want to kind of clarify. As part of the annual door maintenance and as-needed repairs begin, the facilities supervisor provides a list of locations and time frames where the vendor is required to perform routine maintenance on all town-owned buildings. I just want to know what that means. Is this going through public works? Or is each of these 366 doors being directed by different people to spend these funds? I guess, is there a review process? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 39 of 44 WELDY: Madam Mayor, Madam Vice Mayor, yes. So the facility supervisor works directly for me; he's a direct report. He has two plant mechanics. They go around all of the buildings, and either are doing on-call or tickets for door service that are received through our process and/or they know that there is wear and tear on a particular door. If that work can be done in-house, then it's done by staff. If not, then the door company is called to perform those types of work. So yes, it's being tracked by not only myself but the facility supervisor, also procurement and the finance department. KALIVIANAKIS: Okay. Because it just seems like the vendor is required to perform -- it seems like it should be "requested to perform". WELDY: When we give work orders to them, they're required to fill those work orders, especially if we need fire department doors to open. KALIVIANAKIS: But that's under the direction of your staff? WELDY: Correct. Under the facility supervisor. KALIVIANAKIS: Okay. And then the other thing was, when it says the "unencumbered amount of $49,000", was that the 150 but the unencumbered amount was -- or encumbered amount was 49,000? WELDY: So the unencumbered amount is 49,000. The unencumbered amount is the balance of that, which is 101,5. So that's what we had already allocated over the last several years. KALIVIANAKIS: And that's been spent? WELDY: Not all of it. But that was in the original agreements. Annually, we typically don't spend that much unless we have a pretty challenging situation. And we've had those situations at the community center. On average, we're probably about 30 to 40,000 a year for maintenance. KALIVIANAKIS: Okay. But by "encumbered" I'm assuming you mean that it's already been allocated towards something? WELDY: It's in a budget, but it's not encumbered because the contract does not allow for that. So after this contract is approved, as work orders are received, the facility supervisor will encumber small portions of that unencumbered money. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 40 of 44 KALIVIANAKIS: Okay. Thank you. MAYOR DICKEY: I think we had a second, did we? FRIEDEL: Yes. MAYOR DICKEY: Roll call, please? MENDENHALL: Councilmember Toth? TOTH: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Friedel? FRIEDEL: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Skillicorn? SKILLICORN: Yes. MENDENHALL: Councilmember Grzybowski? GRYBOWSKI: Aye. MENDENHALL: Councilmember McMahon? MCMAHON: Aye. MENDENHALL: Vice Mayor Kalivianakis? KALIVIANAKIS: Aye. MENDENHALL: Mayor Dickey? MAYOR DICKEY: Aye. Thank you. Thank you, Justin. WELDY: You're welcome. MAYOR DICKEY: Our next item is the legislative bulletins. Any comments about anything? Yes, Hannah? TOTH: I do have one. It's not necessarily municipality related, but I think it's important for everyone to know. There was a almost unanimous passing of HB2623, which was presented by Matt Gress. We had 57 yesses and three no votes, so I'll just call it unanimous. But the bill was to defend victims of human trafficking and sex trafficking, where, if someone was prosecuted on charges of prostitution, that they can now have those revoked from their record should they have been victims of sex trafficking. And that is now on the governor's desk. I know that's not technically town related, but these TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 41 of 44 issues do touch everybody and I think it's important to give kudos to our legislature where it's due. KALIVIANAKIS: Yeah. I'd just like to know the name of the three that didn't vote the right way. TOTH: Sorry. I'm not throwing anyone under the bus. It's not that they voted no, it's that they didn't vote. Sorry. There's not three of them that are in trouble or anything. MAYOR DICKEY: So the governor just signed that. She signed the all-important Backyard Chicken Bill which now, everybody's -- you know, we always talk about chickens. So maybe this will be the end of it. So they'll be allowed -- minimum allowances for single-family homes on lots of one-half acre or less, they can have up to six. But it's very -- has reasonable limitations on enclosure size and such. I think -- I'm reading that she signed 2720, the ADU Bill, which is 75,000 or more people. But I'm kind of surprised, but that's -- you know, I'm sure there's a lot of ins and outs to that. So that's the one that -- the League obviously opposed that. Allows the ADU's, casitas, and if you're above 75,000, it preempts already established ordinances that cities may have. The casita doesn't have to look like the house. But there is a good thing that the person has to live in the house, I think, who has the casitas. But it's quite impactful. She did -- oh, and she signed 2721, which is another middle housing municipal zoning bill that the League could get behind, so they supported that, and she passed -- and she did sign that. And she signed the bill that Hannah was talking about. So we wait and see. They meet on Wednesdays most of the time. Just real quickly. We got the second most bills introduced ever: 1,761. And second highest ever. The League tracked 570 of them and registered in to testify on 25 of them and registered an opinion on a 100 of them. So it's been a busy, busy week -- or session. Anything else about that? No? All right. Our next item is discussion of items that were brought to us, call to public. I don't think -- TOTH: I actually do have one. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 42 of 44 MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. TOTH: Or three, but all about the same thing. For the 5G ordinance with all of the confusion with requests that we're getting from planning and zoning, I would like to add to our next agenda to have a discussion about -- or a discussion about waiving our attorney-client privilege on Campanelli's proposed ordinance, so that planning and zoning may review that. I do think it's important that they're able to see what has been said about the 5G request. And also for consolidating Article 16-2 of the Town Code with Chapter 17, therefore, expanding the project to include Article 16-2. I understand that this is adding a little bit more work on our plates but for some background, our original code regarding these was passed on a federal deadline that was given to us. It was not really reviewed. It's over 100 pages of information that does deserve a thorough look and I know it's been a couple of years, and everybody wants this done, but we also want it done right. So that's my argument for that. SKILLICORN: I would second that. MAYOR DICKEY: Aaron, I would ask, does any of that require executive session, as far as waiving rights or that kind of thing? ARNSON: The advice regarding waiver of attorney-client privilege would -- I would suggest that it be in executive session. The discussion about whether to formally act to do so and whether to consolidate 16-2 with 17, that would be public. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. The -- okay. So we would have an executive session that meeting you're here. ARNSON: Yes. MAYOR DICKEY: To discuss -- ARNSON: To come forth, correct. MAYOR DICKEY: -- the waiver. And then possibly take action on it. The other item, I'm not sure we could get that done in this amount of time. You know, that would be up to, to have to talk to John and such. But I think we'll -- you know, we can move those items forward if legally that seems like the process we can follow. I mean, I think at this point TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 43 of 44 we're waiting for P&Z. There's all these, you know, time deadlines and things like that. But they're not meeting now until July. So I'm looking to see if you think this is okay, and it looks like you're saying yes. ARNSON: It is. This is ultimately a policy directive from the council. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. ARNSON: And I -- you know, in terms of the agenda item, I think that I can probably put something together for discussion. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. Okay. Anything -- yes, sir. FRIEDEL: I have something. I know that we passed the parking for at-home businesses, but I think we need to bring that back and clean that up a little bit. Rachael and I had a little discussion about that. And I know John's not available to do that right away, but we want to rework that and take a look at the six visits being three roundtrips and that kind of thing too. And then the enforceability of that, it's going to be complaint-driven, I believe. GOODWIN: Correct. And then I think there was some question about on-street parking as well? FRIEDEL: Yes. Yes. On-street parking, yeah. Right. MAYOR DICKEY: Okay. TOTH: I'll second that if it's necessary. MAYOR DICKEY: The timing is just the question. FRIEDEL: Yeah. MAYOR DICKEY: Just to make sure -- FRIEDEL: Correct. MAYOR DICKEY: -- I mean, I understand -- FRIEDEL: Yeah. MAYOR DICKEY: -- wanting to do it, but -- ARNSON: (Indiscernible). Sorry. I'll turn my mic on. And it would seem as though, given the timing of summer recess and planning and zoning's meeting, that Hannah's TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 21, 2024 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Page 44 of 44 item would be timely for that. Is that fair? FRIEDEL: Yes, that's fair. So this will be after we come back then, correct? MAYOR DICKEY: Probably. FRIEDEL: Yeah. MAYOR DICKEY: Yeah. FRIEDEL: All right. That's good. MAYOR DICKEY: It's our slow time too. FRIEDEL: Yeah. MAYOR DICKEY: So, okay. Thank you very much. Having no further business, Mayor Ginny Dickey adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council held on May 21, 2024, at 7:07 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS _______________________ Ginny Dickey, Mayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: __________________________ Linda G. Mendenhall, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 21st day of May 2024. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 18th Day of June 2024. _____________________________ Linda G. Mendenhall, Town Clerk ITEM 8. B. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent                  Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Paul Soldinger, Chief Financial Officer Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of a transfer of $245,883.50 from the Fire Development Fees Fund to the General Fund to reimburse for telecommunications equipment needed to maintain existing dispatch services while transferring from a contracted department to an in-house Fire Department. Staff Summary (Background) Throughout the fiscal year, it is sometimes necessary to transfer funds from one general ledger account to another. The following transfer of $245,883.50 is needed to reimburse the General Fund for Fire Department expenditures while purchasing telecommunications equipment necessary to maintain dispatch services that Rural Metro provided as a private organization before the in-house transition. Specifically, A.R.S. § 9-463.05 allows development fees to be collected to pay for a necessary public service that is identified in the Land Use and Infrastructure Improvements Plan (Plan). The Town's last Plan, completed in 2020, specifically identified a forecast need for expanded fire apparatus & equipment. Therefore, this transfer is being requested to reimburse the General Fund for these expenditures in accordance with statutory requirements. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Town Council approved financial policies and best practices for the transfer of funds. A.R.S. § 9-463.05 regarding the use of development fee revenues for statutory-authorized purposes. Risk Analysis If not approved, the General Fund will not be reimbursed for allowable expenditures of development fee revenues. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval of the funding transfer as requested. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the funding transfer as requested. Attachments Dispatch Equipment Expenditures Supporting Transfer  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 06/04/2024 01:48 PM Finance Director David Pock 06/04/2024 02:30 PM Finance Director David Pock 06/04/2024 02:30 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 06/05/2024 06:24 PM Town Manager Rachael Goodwin 06/11/2024 08:06 AM Form Started By: Paul Soldinger Started On: 06/04/2024 01:15 PM Final Approval Date: 06/11/2024  Final Details for Order #112-3682211-1189041 Order Placed: May 22, 2024 Amazon.com order number: 112-3682211-1189041 Order Total: $48.02 Business order information GL code: FDOP-6603 Shipped on May 22, 2024 Items Ordered Price 2 of: Spigen PaperTouch Tempered Glass Screen Protector [GlasTR EZ FIT PaperTouch] designed for iPad Pro 11" & iPad Air 5th & iPad Air 4th Sold by: Spigen Inc (seller profile) | Product question? (Ask Seller ) Business Price Condition: New $21.99 Shipping Address: Mike Ciccarone 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268-3815 United States Shipping Speed: FREE Prime Delivery Item(s) Subtotal:$43.98 Shipping & Handling:$0.00 ----- Total before tax:$43.98 Sales Tax:$4.04 ----- Total for This Shipment:$48.02 ----- Payment information Payment Method: Visa | Last digits: 3702 Billing address Mike Ciccarone 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268-3815 United States Item(s) Subtotal:$43.98 Shipping & Handling:$0.00 ----- Total before tax:$43.98 Estimated Tax:$4.04 ----- Grand Total:$48.02 Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 3702: May 22, 2024: $48.02 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary . Conditions of Use | Privacy Notice © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. 1 Mike Ciccarone From:RAM Mounts <support@rammount.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 22, 2024 12:48 PM To:Mike Ciccarone Subject:Order 99-121071 confirmed EXTERNAL EMAIL ORDER 99-121071 Thank you for your purchase! Hi Mike, we're getting your order ready to be shipped. We will notify you when it has been sent. All products are assembled to order. Estimated shipping times are based on when the product(s) ship, not the date of the order. View your order or Visit our store Order summary IntelliSkin® Next Gen with LED for iPad Air 5 & Pro 11" 1st - 4th Gen × 2 $292.98 Subtotal $292.98 Shipping $18.50 Taxes $19.63 The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location. 2 Total $331.11 USD Customer information Shipping address Mike Ciccarone 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ 85268-3815 United States Billing address Mike Ciccarone 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ 85268-3815 United States Shipping method UPS® Ground If you have any questions, contact us at https://www.rammount.com/support ITEM 8. C. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent                  Submitting Department: Public Works Prepared by: David Janover, Town Engineer Staff Contact Information: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Resolution 2024-29, abandoning a portion of Right-of-Way on Palisades Boulevard subject to establishing a public utility easement over the abandoned Right-of-Way, located within Plat 602-A (Book 161 of maps, Page 42, MCR); including a finding of de minimis value. Staff Summary (Background) In 2021, the residential property at 15407 E Palisades Boulevard was purchased by David Zirinsky.  The property is located at the end of the Palisades frontage road cul de sac, and also has frontage on El Lago Boulevard.  On the northwest side of the residence, the right-of-way line separating the private property from the Palisades Boulevard ROW is located right at the front porch of the residence.  Mr. Zirinsky contacted the Town to request a partial abandonment of the excess ROW to allow him to install landscaping and improve property immediately adjacent to his residence on property that currently belongs to the Town. Town staff have reviewed the request, and find that there is excess right-of-way that is not needed by the Town.  The request is for an approximately 14-foot wide area to be abandoned, which would keep existing Town-owned sidewalk on Palisades Boulevard within the ROW.  Exhibits A and B include the legal description and survey of the proposed right-of-way abandonment.  The abandoned right-of-way will be conveyed to the property owner, David Zirinsky.  The abandonment is contingent upon the new owner agreeing to establish a public utility easement over the fully abandoned right-of-way.  Mr. Zirinsky agreed to this condition, and immediately following the recording of the abandonment with Maricopa County, a Grant of Easement from Mr. Zirinsky to the Town for the Public Utility Easement will be recorded under a separate instrument. Although a Public Utility Easement will be maintained over the area to be abandoned, all utility companies have been contacted as a courtesy for their approval of this right-of-way abandonment.  With the condition of maintaining a Public Utility Easement, all utility companies have approved the abandonment. State Law requires the Council to make a finding of "de minimis value" to abandon a right-of-way, State Law requires the Council to make a finding of "de minimis value" to abandon a right-of-way, so that has been included in the approval motion language. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2024-29, abandoning a portion of the right-of-way of Palisades Boulevard subject to the new owner's agreement to immediately establish a Public Utility Easement over the abandoned area, under separate instrument. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to to adopt Resolution 2024-29, including a finding of de minimis value. Attachments Vicinity Map  Aerial Photo Map  Resolution 2024-29  Exhibit A: Description of ROW Abandonment  Exhibit B: Survey  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director John Wesley 06/10/2024 04:06 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 06/11/2024 08:39 AM Town Manager Rachael Goodwin 06/11/2024 09:40 AM Form Started By: David Janover Started On: 02/13/2024 11:43 AM Final Approval Date: 06/11/2024  BEELIN E H W Y SHEA BLVD PAL I S A D E S B L V D SAGUARO BLVD SAG U A R O B L V D PALISA D E S B L V D PALISA D E S B L V D SA G U A R O B L V D FO U N T A I N H I L L S B L V D McDOWELL M O U N T A I N R D F O U N T A I N H I L L S B L V D SUN R I D G E D R EL L A G O B L V D AVEN U E O F T H E FOUNT A I N S PA N O R A M A D R EAG L E M O U N T A I N PK W Y CR E S T V I E W D R PALO M I N O B L V D SIERRA M A D R E GRANDE BL V D G O L D E N E A G L E B L V D E A G L E R I D G E D R VICINITY MAP TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS NORTH SCALE: 1" = 3500' All that is A r i z o n a F O U N T AIN HI L L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 TOWN HALL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SCOTTSDALE McDOWELL MOUNTAIN PARK FO R T M c D O W E L L Y A V A P A I N A T I O N SALT RIVER PIMA MARICOPA INDIAN COMMUNITY TOWN BOUNDARY SCOTTSDALE 15407 E Palisades Blvd A24-000008 EXHIBIT "B" TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT ABANDON RIGHT-OF-WAY, PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE ESTABLISHED UNDER SEPARATE INSTRUMENT. RIGHT OF WAY ABANDONMENT AREA: 2,770.08 SF EL L A G O B L V D PALISADES BLVD POINT OF BEGINNING FRONTAG E R D RESOLUTION 2024-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, PURSUANT TO A.R.S § 28-1901 ET. SEQ. ABANDONING ALL RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY OF PALISADES BOULEVARD, LOCATED WITHIN FOUNTAIN HILLS PLAT 602- A, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 161 OF MAPS, PAGE 42 OF THE RECORDS OF THE MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER, WHICH HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE NO LONGER NECESSARY RECITALS: WHEREAS, A.R.S § 28-1901 et. seq. provides for the disposition of unnecessary public roads; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills is the governing body of the Town. ENACTMENTS: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA as follows: SECTION 1. That the public right-of-way located within Plat 602-A, as recorded in Book 161, Page 42, Maricopa County Recorder Records as depicted in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and incorporated herein is hereby declared to be no longer necessary for public use as a right-of-way. SECTION 2. That the Council determines this property can best be used to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the adjacent property owner and the citizens of the Town and therefore declares that the value of the property is de minimis and that no compensation is required from the adjacent property owners pursuant to A.R.S. § 28-1902.A.3 and § 28-1902.A.5. SECTION 3. That upon recordation of this resolution in the office of the Maricopa County Recorder, title to the abandoned right-of-way as depicted on Exhibit B shall vest in the owner of record of the adjacent property owner (Plat 602-A, Block 1, Lot 1 (15407 E Palisades Boulevard) as determined by the records of the Maricopa County Recorder on the day of recordation, subject to the easements retained. SECTION 4. That following the abandonment, the new owner of record agrees to grant a public utility easement over the former right-of-way. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, this 18th day of June, 2024. ATTESTED TO: _____________________________________ Linda Mendenhall, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________________ FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ____________________________________ Ginny Dickey, Mayor REVIEWED BY: ____________________________________ Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager Aaron D. Arson, Town Attorney Exhibit A PALISADES BOULEVARD RIGHT OF WAY ABANDONMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Fountain Hills Arizona Final Plat No. 602-A, Book 161, Page 42 of the Records of Maricopa County, Arizona and situated in the southwest quarter of Section 16 Township 3 North Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona, described as follows: Commencing at a point being the most northerly corner Lot 1, Block 1, of said Fountain Hills Arizona Final Plat No. 602-A, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said point is the beginning of a curve, which is the boundary common to said lot 1 and the right of way of Palisades Boulevard, from which the center bears north 53 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west. Thence southwesterly along said curve, having a radius of 1055.00 feet, a central angle of 09 degrees 01 minutes 37 seconds and an arc length of 166.22 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence along a reverse curve concave east, having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 86 degrees 41 minutes 37 seconds and an arc length of 30.26 feet to a point on the southwest line of said Lot 1; Thence north 40 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds west along the prolongation of the southwest line of said Lot 1, a distance of 14.03 feet; Thence northeasterly along a tangential curve, concave east, having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 86 degrees 63 minutes 12 seconds and an arc length of 30.24 feet, to a point of reverse curvature; Thence northwesterly along a reverse curve, concave northwest, having a radius of 1041.00 feet, a central angle of 8 degrees 98 minutes 29 seconds and an arc length of 163.21 feet to a point; Thence south 53 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east, a distance of 14.00 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. This Right of Way Abandonment contains an area of 2,770.08 square feet or 0.064 acres more or less. EXHIBIT "B" TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT ABANDON RIGHT-OF-WAY, PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE ESTABLISHED UNDER SEPARATE INSTRUMENT. RIGHT OF WAY ABANDONMENT AREA: 2,770.08 SF EL L A G O B L V D PALISADES BLVD POINT OF BEGINNING FRONTAG E R D ITEM 8. D. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent                  Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: To enter into the Kroger Settlement Agreement (national opioid settlement agreement) by authorizing Town staff to submit the Participation Form releasing all claims against Kroger in exchange for opioid-remediation monies.   Staff Summary (Background) In recent years, the State of Arizona joined other states in lawsuits against several pharmaceutical companies for their role in the opioid crisis that has devastated communities and families. In late 2020, the parties’ attorneys negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), under which Arizona municipalities agreed to the possibility of signing onto a future settlement agreement that would allow them to receive a share of any eventual settlement. Following advice and discussion, the Town Council directed the Town Attorney to execute the MOU for the Town, with the understanding that settlement agreements would be formalized in the future. These lawsuits are now approaching final resolution. The first is a global settlement with three opioid distributors – McKesson, AmerisourceBergen, and Cardinal. The second is with the manufacturer Johnson & Johnson. If these settlements are finalized, Arizona will receive up to $549 million from the settlements, with the funds to be used for opioid treatment, prevention, and education. Because the Town previously entered into the MOU, it is eligible to participate in these settlements. In October 2021, the Council approved the One Arizona Distribution of Opioid Settlement Funds Agreement. Now, the Town must approve and execute the participation agreement form by July 31, 2024, if it wishes to receive funding from this settlement. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A  Risk Analysis Failure to approve the Kroger Settlement for the distribution of the Opioid Settlement Funds Agreement will result in the Town not receiving proceeds from these settlements. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approving the Kroger settlement for the distribution of the Opioid Settlement Funds Agreement. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve and authorize the Mayor and/or Town Manager to execute the Kroger settlement participation form for the distribution of the Opioid Settlement Funds Agreement, and to take all necessary steps to finalize the opioid settlements, including but not limited to executing any future settlement or other agreements. Attachments Master Stipulation of Dismissal  Kroger Multistate Settlement Agreement  Memo - Kroger Settlement - Fountain Hills  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 06/11/2024 08:41 AM Finance Director David Pock 06/11/2024 08:49 AM Town Manager Rachael Goodwin 06/11/2024 09:46 AM Form Started By: Linda Mendenhall Started On: 06/10/2024 11:06 AM Final Approval Date: 06/11/2024  UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO EASTERN DIVISION IN RE: NATIONAL PRESCRIPTION OPIATE LITIGATION This document relates to: All Cases Noted on Attached Exhibit MDL No. 2804 Case No. 1:17-md-2804 JUDGE DAN AARON POLSTER MASTER STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER DISMISSING WITH PREJUDICE CLAIMS PURSUANT TO NATIONAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the Plaintiff Subdivisions identified in Appendix A (collectively, the “Dismissing Plaintiffs”) and Defendants __________________ (collectively and together with their Released Entities, the “_______ Defendants”1) that, pursuant to the election of each Dismissing Plaintiff to participate in the _______ Settlement Agreement, which was announced on ______, 2022 and is now binding on the Dismissing Plaintiffs and the _____ Defendants, (a copy of which is attached as Appendix B), all claims of each Dismissing Plaintiff against any ______ Defendant, including any entity identified on the attached Appendix C, are hereby voluntarily DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE, with each party to bear its own costs. The Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to the Janssen Settlement Agreement to the extent provided under that Agreement. 1 The Released Entities are each and every entity of any of the _____ Defendants that is a “Released Entity” as set forth in Section ___ and Exhibit ___ of the _____ Settlement Agreement, a copy of which is attached as Appendix B. Appendix C, also attached hereto, represents a good faith effort by the ____ Defendants to list all Released Entities that may be individually named in any of the Dismissing Plaintiffs’ complaints. Appendix C is not intended to limit the scope of Released Entities, and to the extent that Dismissing Plaintiffs or _____ Defendants subsequently identify any Released Entity that should have been included on Appendix C, they will inform the Clerk of the Court. 2 January 25, 2023 Respectfully submitted, Agreed as to form and substance: SO ORDERED this __ day of ______, 2023. ________________________________ Hon. Dan Aaron Polster United States District Judge CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on January 25, 2023, I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of Court by using the CM/ECF system. Copies will be served upon counsel of record by, and may be obtained through, the Court CM/ECF system. 1 KROGER SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 2 KROGER SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Settlement Agreement, dated as of March 22, 2024 (the “Agreement”), sets forth the terms of settlement between and among the Settling States, the Participating Subdivisions, and Kroger (as those terms are defined below). Upon satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Sections II and VIII, this Agreement will be binding on the Settling States, Kroger, and the Participating Subdivisions. This Agreement will then be filed as part of a Consent Judgment in the respective courts of each of the Settling States, pursuant to the terms set forth in Section VIII. I. Definitions Unless otherwise specified, the following definitions apply: A. “Additional Remediation Amount.” The amount available to the Settling States totaling up to $8,000,000.00, to be paid in accord with the payment schedule at Exhibit M-3. B. “Adjusted State Remediation Payment.” The State Remediation Payment reduced by the Overall State Allocation for each Non-Settling State on Exhibit F. C. “Agreement.” This agreement, as set forth above. For the avoidance of doubt, this Agreement is inclusive of all exhibits. D. “Alleged Harms.” The alleged past, present, and future financial, societal, and public nuisance harms and related expenditures arising out of the alleged misuse and abuse of Products, non-exclusive examples of which are described in the documents listed on Exhibit A, that have allegedly arisen as a result of the physical and bodily injuries sustained by individuals suffering from opioid-related addiction, abuse, death, and other related diseases and disorders, and that have allegedly been caused by Released Entities. E. “Allocation Statute.” A state law that governs allocation, distribution, and/or use of some or all of the Settlement Fund amounts allocated to that Settling State and/or its Subdivisions. An Allocation Statute may, without limitation, contain a Statutory Trust, further restrict expenditures of funds, form an advisory committee, establish oversight and reporting requirements, or address other default provisions and other matters related to the funds. An Allocation Statute is not required to address all three (3) types of funds comprising the Settlement Fund or all default provisions. F. “Annual Fees Payment.” The amounts payable by Kroger in each Payment Year comprised of the State AG Fees and Costs payment, the Additional Remediation Amount payment, and the Private Attorney Fees payment, and not including the Annual Remediation Payment. 3 G. “Annual Remediation Maximum.” The total amount available to Eligible States for Annual Remediation Payments in each Payment Year as set forth in the “Maximum Annual Remediation Payment” column of Exhibit M-1. In no event shall an Annual Remediation Payment in Payment Years 1-2, or 5-10 exceed the Annual Remediation Maximum for that Payment Year set forth in Exhibit M-1. For Payment Years 3-4, the Annual Remediation Payment may exceed the Annual Remediation Maximum for that Payment Year only to the extent needed for the Incentive Payment A Catch-up Payment for a Settling State that has not earned some or all of Incentive Payment BC in prior Payment Years, having resulted in correspondingly lower Annual Remediation Payments in those prior Payment Years. For Payment Year 11, the Annual Remediation Payment may exceed the Annual Remediation Maximum for that Payment Year only to the extent needed to pay the Incentive Payment Earn-Back provided by Section IV.H.7. H. “Annual Remediation Payment.” The amount payable to the Settlement Fund by Kroger for Settling States’ Base Payments and Incentive Payments on the Payment Date for each Payment Year, as calculated by the Settlement Fund Administrator. I. “Appropriate Official.” As defined in Section XIII.F.3. J. “Bankruptcy Code.” Title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. § 101, et seq. K. “Bar.” Either: (1) a law barring Subdivisions in a Settling State from maintaining Released Claims against Released Entities (either through a direct bar or through a grant of authority to release claims and the exercise of such authority in full) or (2) a ruling by the highest court of the Settling State (or, in a Settling State with a single intermediate court of appeals, the intermediate court of appeals) when setting forth the general principle that Subdivisions in the Settling State may not maintain any Released Claims against Released Entities, whether on the ground of this Agreement (or the release in it) or otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, a law or ruling that is conditioned or predicated upon payment by a Released Entity (apart from the Annual Remediation Payments by Kroger under this Agreement) shall not constitute a Bar. L. “Base Payment.” As defined in Section IV.G. M. “Case-Specific Resolution.” Either: (1) a law barring the Subdivision at issue from maintaining any Released Claims against any Released Entities (either through a direct bar or through a grant of authority to release claims and the exercise of such authority in full); or (2) a ruling by a court of competent jurisdiction over the Subdivision at issue that the Subdivision may not maintain any Released Claims at issue against any Released Entities, whether on the ground of this Agreement (or the release in it) or otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, a law or ruling that is conditioned or predicated upon payment by a Released Entity (apart from the annual payments by Kroger under this Agreement) shall not constitute a Case-Specific Resolution. N. “Claim.” Any past, present or future cause of action, claim for relief, cross-claim or counterclaim, theory of liability, demand, derivative claim, request, assessment, charge, covenant, damage, debt, lien, loss, penalty, judgment, right, obligation, dispute, suit, contract, controversy, agreement, parens patriae claim, promise, performance, warranty, omission, or grievance of any nature whatsoever, whether legal, equitable, statutory, regulatory or administrative, whether arising under federal, state or local common law, statute, regulation, 4 guidance, ordinance or principles of equity, whether filed or unfiled, whether asserted or unasserted, whether known or unknown, whether accrued or unaccrued, whether foreseen, unforeseen or unforeseeable, whether discovered or undiscovered, whether suspected or unsuspected, whether fixed or contingent, and whether existing or hereafter arising, in all such cases, including, but not limited to, any request for declaratory, injunctive, or equitable relief, compensatory, punitive, or statutory damages, absolute liability, strict liability, restitution, remediation, subrogation, contribution, indemnity, apportionment, disgorgement, reimbursement, attorney fees, expert fees, consultant fees, fines, penalties, expenses, costs or any other legal, equitable, civil, administrative, or regulatory remedy whatsoever. O. “Claim-Over.” A Claim asserted by a Non-Released Entity against a Released Entity on the basis of contribution, indemnity, or other claim-over on any theory relating to a Non-Party Covered Conduct Claim asserted by a Releasor. P. “Compensatory Restitution Amount.” The aggregate amount paid or incurred by Kroger hereunder for Opioid Remediation, which includes each Annual Remediation Payment and does not include amounts paid as attorneys’ fees and costs or identified pursuant to Section V.B.2 as being used to pay attorneys’ fees, investigation costs or litigation costs, which shall be up to the amount of the Adjusted State Remediation Payment. Q. “Consent Judgment.” A consent judgment in a form to be agreed by the Settling States and Kroger prior to the Effective Date that, among other things, (1) approves this Agreement and (2) provides for the release set forth in Section X.A, including the dismissal with prejudice of any Released Claims that the Settling State has brought against Released Entities. R. “Covered Conduct.” Any actual or alleged act, failure to act, negligence, statement, error, omission, breach of any duty, conduct, event, transaction, agreement, misstatement, misleading statement or other activity of any kind whatsoever from the beginning of time through the Initial Participation Date (and any past, present, or future consequence of any such act, failure to act, negligence, statement, error, omission, breach of duty, conduct, event, transaction, agreement, misstatement, misleading statement or other activity) relating in any way to (1) compounding, counseling and documentation relating to any Product or class of Products (2) the discovery, development, manufacture, packaging, repackaging, marketing, promotion, advertising, labeling, recall, withdrawal, distribution, delivery, monitoring, reporting, supply, sale, prescribing, dispensing, physical security, warehousing, use or abuse of, or operating procedures relating to, any Product, or any system, plan, policy or advocacy relating to any Product or class of Products, including, but not limited to, any unbranded promotion, marketing, programs, or campaigns relating to any Product or class of Products; (3) the characteristics, properties, risks, or benefits of any Product; (4) the reporting, disclosure, non-reporting or nondisclosure to federal, state or other regulators of orders placed with any Released Entity; or (5) diversion control programs or suspicious order monitoring. S. “Designated State.” The State of Tennessee. T. “Effective Date.” The date sixty (60) calendar days after the Reference Date. 5 U. “Eligible States.” The thirty-three (33) states of the United States listed in Exhibit F, and the District of Columbia. V. “Enforcement Committee.” A committee consisting of representatives of the Settling States and of the Participating Subdivisions. Exhibit B contains the organizational bylaws of the Enforcement Committee. Notice pursuant to Section XIII.R shall be provided when there are changes in membership or contact information. W. “Final Order.” An order or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction with respect to the applicable subject matter (1) which has not been reversed or superseded by a modified or amended order, is not currently stayed, and as to which any right to appeal or seek certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing has expired, and as to which no appeal or petition for certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing is pending, or (2) as to which an appeal has been taken or petition for certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing has been filed and (a) such appeal or petition for certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing has been resolved by the highest court to which the order or judgment was appealed or from which certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing was sought, or (b) the time to appeal further or seek certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing has expired and no such further appeal or petition for certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing is pending. X. “Global Settlement Amount.” The Global Settlement Amount is $1,372,800,000, which is comprised of the State Remediation Payment, Private Attorney Fees, State AG Fees and Costs, and Additional Remediation Amount. Y. “Implementation Administrator.” Rubris, Inc., which is the vendor that will be retained by Kroger for costs of up to $1,500,000, to provide notice pursuant to Section VII.A and to manage the initial joinder period for Subdivisions, including the issuance and receipt of Subdivision Participation Agreements. Z. “Incentive Payment A.” The incentive payment described in Section IV.H.4. AA. “Incentive Payment A Catch-up Payment.” As defined in Section IV.H.4.f. BB. “Incentive Payment BC.” The incentive payment described in Section IV.H.5. CC. “Incentive Payment D.” The incentive payment described in Section IV.H.6. DD. “Incentive Payment Earn-Back.” The incentive payment described in Section IV.H.7. EE. “Initial Participating Subdivision.” A Subdivision that meets the requirements set forth in Section VII.D. FF. “Initial Participation Date.” The date ninety (90) calendar days after the Preliminary Agreement Date, unless it is extended by written agreement of Kroger and the Enforcement Committee. 6 GG. “Injunctive Relief Terms.” The terms described in Section III and set forth in Exhibit P. HH. “Kroger.” The Kroger Co. II. “Later Litigating Subdivision.” A Subdivision (or Subdivision official asserting the right of or for the Subdivision to recover for Alleged Harms to the Subdivision and/or the people thereof) that: (1) first files a lawsuit bringing a Released Claim against a Released Entity after the Trigger Date; or (2) adds a Released Claim against a Released Entity after the Trigger Date to a lawsuit brought before the Trigger Date that, prior to the Trigger Date, did not include any Released Claims against a Released Entity; or (3) (a) was a Litigating Subdivision whose Released Claims against Released Entities were resolved by a legislative Bar or legislative Case-Specific Resolution as of the Trigger Date, (b) such legislative Bar or legislative Case-Specific Resolution is subject to a Revocation Event after the Trigger Date, and (c) the earlier of the date of completion of opening statements in a trial in an action brought by a Subdivision in that Settling State that includes a Released Claim against a Released Entity or one hundred eighty (180) days from the Revocation Event passes without a Bar or Case-Specific Resolution being implemented as to that Litigating Subdivision or the Litigating Subdivision's Released Claims being dismissed; or (4) (a) was a Litigating Subdivision whose Released Claims against Released Entities were resolved by a judicial Bar or judicial Case-Specific Resolution as of the Trigger Date, (b) such judicial Bar or judicial Case-Specific Resolution is subject to a Revocation Event after the Trigger Date, and (c) such Litigating Subdivision takes any action in its lawsuit asserting a Released Claim against a Released Entity other than seeking a stay or dismissal. JJ. “Later Participating Subdivision.” A Participating Subdivision that is not an Initial Participating Subdivision, but meets the requirements set forth in Section VII.E. KK. “Litigating Subdivision.” A Subdivision (or Subdivision official) that brought any Released Claim against any Released Entity prior to the Trigger Date; provided, however, that a Subdivision (or Subdivision official) that is a Prior Litigating Subdivision shall not be considered a Litigating Subdivision. Exhibit C is an agreed list of all Litigating Subdivisions. Exhibit C will be updated (including with any corrections) periodically, and a final version of Exhibit C will be attached hereto as of the Reference Date. LL. “National Arbitration Panel.” The panel comprised as described in Section VI.F.2.b. MM. “National Disputes.” As defined in Section VI.F.2.a. NN. “Non-Eligible State.” Any state or territory of the United States of America that is not an Eligible State. OO. “Non-Litigating Subdivision.” Any Subdivision that is neither a Litigating Subdivision nor a Later Litigating Subdivision. 7 PP. “Non-Litigating Threshold Subdivisions.” Primary Subdivisions (a) with populations greater than 30,000 that have not sued Kroger as of the Initial Participation Date and (b) with populations between 10,000 and 30,000 that have not sued Kroger but did sue McKesson, AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal or Janssen prior to July 1, 2021 related to any allegations regarding the Products for Covered Conduct Attached as Exhibit W is a list of the Non-Litigating Threshold Subdivisions in each Eligible State. Exhibit W will be updated (including with any corrections) periodically, and a final version of Exhibit W will be attached hereto as of the Initial Participation Date. QQ. “Non-Participating Subdivision.” Any Subdivision that is not a Participating Subdivision. RR. “Non-Party Covered Conduct Claim.” A Claim against any Non-Released Entity involving, arising out of, or related to Covered Conduct (or conduct that would be Covered Conduct if engaged in by a Released Entity). SS. “Non-Party Settlement.” A settlement by any Releasor that settles any Non-Party Covered Conduct Claim and includes a release of any Non-Released Entity. TT. “Non-Released Entity.” An entity that is not a Released Entity. UU. “Non-Settling State.” Any Eligible State that is not a Settling State. VV. “Opioid Remediation.” Care, treatment, and other programs and expenditures (including reimbursement for past such programs or expenditures1 except where this Agreement restricts the use of funds solely to future Opioid Remediation) designed to (1) address the misuse and abuse of opioid products in the Settling States, (2) treat or mitigate opioid use or related disorders in the Settling States, or (3) mitigate other alleged effects of, including on those injured as a result of, the opioid epidemic in the Settling States. Exhibit E provides a non-exhaustive list of expenditures that qualify as being paid for Opioid Remediation. Qualifying expenditures may include reasonable related administrative expenses in connection with the above. WW. “Opioid Tax.” Any tax, assessment, license fee, surcharge or any other fee (other than a fixed prospective excise tax or similar tax or fee that has no restriction on pass-through) imposed by a Settling State on Kroger on the sale, transfer or distribution of opioid products; provided, however, that none of the following as currently enacted shall be considered an Opioid Tax for purposes of this Agreement: 16 Del. Code Chapter 48B; fees assessed by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy under Minnesota Statutes section 151.065; any penalty assessed under Minnesota’s Opiate Product Registration Fee law, Minnesota Statutes section 151.066; the MinnesotaCare Wholesale Drug Distributor and Use Tax, Minnesota Statutes section 292.52; the Excise Tax on sale of Opioids, Article 20-D of New York’s Tax Law; the Opioid Stewardship Act, Article 33, Title 2-A of New York’s Public Health Law; and Rhode Island’s Opioid Stewardship Act, R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 21-28.10, et seq.). 1 Reimbursement includes amounts paid to any governmental entities for past expenditures or programs 8 XX. “Overall Allocation Percentage.” A Settling State’s percentage as set forth in Exhibit F. YY. “Participating Subdivision.” Any Subdivision that meets the requirements for becoming a Participating Subdivision under Section VII.B and Section VII.C. Participating Subdivisions include both Initial Participating Subdivisions and Later Participating Subdivisions. ZZ. “Participation Percentage of Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision Population.” As defined in Section IV.H.5.e. AAA. “Parties.” Kroger and the Settling States (each, a "Party"). BBB. “Payment Date.” March 31 for each Payment Year, which is the date by which Kroger makes the Annual Remediation Payment and the Annual Fees Payment. CCC. “Payment Year.” The calendar year during which the applicable Annual Remediation Payment and the Annual Fees Payment is due. Payment Year 1 is 2024, Payment Year 2 is 2025 and so forth. References to payment “for a Payment Year” mean the Annual Remediation Payment and/or Annual Fees Payment due during that year. References to eligibility “for a Payment Year” mean eligibility in connection with the Annual Remediation Payment and/or Annual Fees Payment due during that year. DDD. “Potential Earn-Back Amount.” As defined in Section IV.H.7. EEE. “Preliminary Agreement Date.” The date on which Kroger is to inform the Settling States of their determination whether the condition in Section II.B has been satisfied. The Preliminary Agreement Date shall be no more than ten (10) calendar days after the end of the notice period to Eligible States, unless it is extended by written agreement of Kroger and the Enforcement Committee. FFF. “Primary Fire District.” A fire district that covers a population of 25,000, or 0.20% of an Eligible State’s population if an Eligible State’s population is greater than 18 million. If not easily calculable from state data sources and agreed to between the Eligible State and Kroger, a fire district’s population is calculated by dividing the population of the county or counties a fire district serves by the number of fire districts in the county or counties. “Primary Fire Districts” shall mean fire districts as identified in connection with the implementation of the July 21, 2021 Janssen Settlement Agreement. GGG. “Primary Subdivision.” A Subdivision that is a General Purpose Government (including, but not limited to, a municipality, county, county subdivision, city, town, township, parish, village, borough, gore, or any other entities that provide municipal-type government) with population over 10,000. Attached as Exhibit I is an agreed list of the Primary Subdivisions in each Eligible State. HHH. “Prior Litigating Subdivision.” A Subdivision (or Subdivision official) that brought any Released Claim against any Released Entity prior to the Trigger Date and all such Released Claims were separately settled or finally adjudicated prior to the Trigger Date; provided, however, 9 that if the final adjudication was pursuant to a Bar, such Subdivision shall not be considered a Prior Litigating Subdivision. Notwithstanding the prior sentence, Kroger and the Settling State of the relevant Subdivision may agree in writing that the Subdivision shall not be considered a Prior Litigating Subdivision. III. “Private Attorney Fees” are the amount to be paid by Kroger for private attorneys’ litigation fees and costs on behalf of Participating Subdivisions. The maximum amount of Private Attorney Fees are $148,800,000. For avoidance of doubt, Private Attorney Fees do not include State AG Fees and Costs or Additional Remediation Amount. JJJ. “Product.” Any chemical substance, whether used for medicinal or non-medicinal purposes, and whether natural, synthetic, or semi-synthetic, or any finished pharmaceutical product made from or with such substance, that is: (1) an opioid or opiate, as well as any product containing any such substance; or (2) benzodiazepine, carisoprodol, or gabapentin; or (3) a combination or "cocktail" of chemical substances prescribed, sold, bought, or dispensed to be used together that includes opioids or opiates. “Product” shall include, but is not limited to, any substance consisting of or containing buprenorphine, codeine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, meperidine, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, oxymorphone, tapentadol, tramadol, opium, heroin, carfentanil, diazepam, estazolam, quazepam, alprazolam, clonazepam, oxazepam, flurazepam, triozolam, temazepam, midazolam, carisoprodol, gabapentin, or any variant of these substances or any similar substance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this section prohibits a Settling State from taking administrative or regulatory action related to benzodiazepine (including, but not limited to, diazepam, estazolam, quazepam, alprazolam, clonazepam, oxazepam, flurazepam, triozolam, temazepam, and midazolam), carisoprodol, or gabapentin that is wholly independent from the use of such drugs in combination with opioids, provided such action does not seek money (including abatement and/or remediation) for conduct prior to the Initial Participation Date. KKK. “Reference Date.” The date on which Kroger is to inform the Settling States of its determination whether the condition in Section VIII has been satisfied. The Reference Date shall be no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the Initial Participation Date, unless it is extended by written agreement of Kroger and the Enforcement Committee. LLL. “Released Claims.” Any and all Claims that directly or indirectly are based on, arise out of, or in any way relate to or concern the Covered Conduct occurring prior to the Initial Participation Date. Without limiting the foregoing, Released Claims include any Claims that have been asserted against Released Entities, by a Settling State or Litigating Subdivision in any federal, state, or local action or proceeding (whether judicial, arbitral, or administrative) based on, arising out of, or relating to, in whole or in part, the Covered Conduct, or any such Claims that could be or could have been asserted prior to the Initial Participation Date by a Settling State, Subdivision, or Releasor (whether or not such Settling State, Subdivision, or Releasor has brought such action or proceeding). The Parties intend that this term, “Released Claims,” be interpreted broadly. This Agreement does not release Claims by private individuals. It is the intent of the Parties that Claims by private individuals be treated in accordance with applicable law. Released Claims is also used herein to describe claims brought by a Later Litigating Subdivision or other non-party Subdivision that would have been Released Claims if they had been brought by a Releasor against a Released Entity. 10 MMM. “Released Entities.” With respect to Released Claims, Kroger and (1) all past and present subsidiaries, divisions, predecessors, successors, and assigns (in each case, whether direct or indirect) of Kroger; (2) all past and present subsidiaries and divisions (in each case, whether direct or indirect) of any entity described in subsection (1); (3) the respective past and present officers, directors, members, trustees, and employees of any of the foregoing (each for actions that occurred during and related to their work for, or employment with, any of Kroger or the foregoing entities); (4) all past and present joint ventures (whether direct or indirect) of Kroger or its subsidiaries, including in any subsidiary’s capacity as a participating member in such joint venture; (5) all direct or indirect parents and shareholders of Kroger (solely in their capacity as parents or shareholders of Kroger with respect to Covered Conduct); and (6) any insurer of Kroger or any person or entity otherwise described in subsections (1)-(5) (solely in its role as insurer of such person or entity and subject to the last sentence of Section X.C). An illustrative list of Kroger’s joint ventures, subsidiaries and affiliates and predecessor entities is set forth in Exhibit J. Any person or entity described in subsections (3)-(6) shall be a Released Entity solely in the capacity described in such clause and shall not be a Released Entity with respect to its conduct in any other capacity. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Albertsons Companies, Inc. (and its joint ventures, subsidiaries, divisions, and affiliates, and the predecessors, successors, assigns, and agents of Albertsons Companies, Inc., its joint ventures, subsidiaries, divisions, and affiliates) is not a Released Entity and will not become a Released Entity if acquired by Kroger. Any other entity acquired, or joint venture entered into, by Kroger after the Initial Participation Date is not a Released Entity. Further and notwithstanding anything else in this paragraph, no entity sued in In re: National Prescription Opiate Litigation, No. 1:17-md-2804 (N.D. Ohio) is included as a Released Entity other than the entities listed on Exhibit J. NNN. “Releasors.” With respect to Released Claims, (1) each Settling State; (2) each Participating Subdivision; and (3) without limitation and to the maximum extent of the power of each Settling State’s Attorney General’s and/or Participating Subdivision to release Claims, (a) the Settling State’s and Participating Subdivision’s departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, Subdivisions, districts, instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys, including its Attorney General, and any person in his or her official capacity whether elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency, person, or other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, (b) any public entities, public instrumentalities, public educational institutions, unincorporated districts, fire districts, irrigation districts, and other Special Districts in a Settling State, and (c) any person or entity acting in a parens patriae, sovereign, quasi-sovereign, private attorney general, qui tam, taxpayer, or other capacity seeking relief on behalf of or generally applicable to the general public with respect to a Settling State or Subdivision in a Settling State, whether or not any of them participate in this Agreement. The inclusion of a specific reference to a type of entity in this definition shall not be construed as meaning that the entity is not a Subdivision. Each Settling State’s Attorney General represents that he or she has or has obtained (or will obtain no later than the Initial Participation Date) the authority set forth in Section X.G. In addition to being a Releasor as provided herein, a Participating Subdivision shall also provide the Subdivision Settlement Participation Form referenced in Section VII providing for a release to the fullest extent of the Participating Subdivision’s authority. OOO. “Remediation Accounts Fund.” The component of the Settlement Fund described in Section V. 11 PPP. “Revocation Event.” With respect to a Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution, a revocation, rescission, reversal, overruling, or interpretation that in any way limits the effect of such Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution on Released Claims, or any other action or event that otherwise deprives the Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution of force or effect in any material respect. QQQ. “Settlement Class Resolution.” A class action resolution in a court of competent jurisdiction in a Settling State (that is not successfully removed to federal court) with respect to a class of Subdivisions in that Settling State that (1) conforms with that Settling State’s statutes, case law, and rules of procedure regarding class actions; (2) is approved and entered as an order of a court of competent jurisdiction in that Settling State and such order has become a Final Order; (3) is binding on all Non-Participating Subdivisions in that Settling State (other than opt outs as permitted under the next sentence); (4) provides that all such Non-Participating Subdivisions may not bring any Released Claims against any Released Entities, whether on the ground of this Agreement (or the releases herein) or otherwise; and (5) does not impose any costs or obligations on Kroger other than those provided for in this Agreement, or contain any provision inconsistent with any provision of this Agreement. If applicable state law requires that opt-out rights be afforded to members of the class, a class action resolution otherwise meeting the foregoing requirements shall qualify as a Settlement Class Resolution unless Subdivisions collectively representing more than one percent (1%) of the total population of that Settling State opt out. In seeking certification of any Settlement Class, the applicable Settling State and Participating Subdivisions shall make clear that certification is sought solely for settlement purposes and shall have no applicability beyond approval of the settlement for which certification is sought. Nothing in this Agreement constitutes an admission by any Party that class certification would be appropriate for litigation purposes in any case or for purposes unrelated to this Agreement. RRR. “Settlement Fund.” The interest-bearing fund established at U.S. Bank pursuant to this Agreement into which the Annual Remediation Payments are made under Section IV, which is intended to be classified as a “qualified settlement fund” within the meaning of 26 C.F.R. §§ 1.468B-1 et seq. and which shall be approved by any Settling State in accordance with the requirements of 26 C.F.R. § 1.468B-1. SSS. “Settlement Fund Administrator.” BrownGreer PLC, which is the entity that annually determines the Annual Remediation Payment (including calculating offset or reduction and Incentive Payments pursuant to Section IV and any amounts subject to offset or reduction pursuant to Section XII) and Additional Remediation Amount, administers the Settlement Fund, and distributes amounts into the Remediation Accounts Fund, State Fund, and Subdivision Fund pursuant to this Agreement. The duties of the Settlement Fund Administrator shall be governed by this Agreement. Prior to the Effective Date, Kroger and the Enforcement Committee shall agree to a detailed description of the Settlement Fund Administrator’s duties and responsibilities, including a detailed mechanism for paying the Settlement Fund Administrator’s fees and costs, all of which shall be appended to the Agreement as Exhibit L. TTT. “Settlement Fund Escrow.” The interest-bearing escrow fund established pursuant to this Agreement to hold disputed payments made under this Agreement. 12 UUU. “Settlement Payment Schedule.” The schedule attached to this Agreement as Exhibit M-1, Exhibit M-2, and Exhibit M-3. VVV. “Settling State.” An Eligible State that has entered into this Agreement and delivers executed releases in accordance with Section VIII.A. WWW. “State Allocation.” The State Remediation Payment multiplied by the percentage for each Eligible State listed in Exhibit F. The allocation percentages in Exhibit F reflect a re-allocation to only states in which the Released Entities operate because any and all potential claims and/or liability against the Released Entities arise from alleged Covered Conduct related to Products in those states. XXX. “State AG Fees and Costs.” The amount to be paid by Kroger to the Settling States for their litigation fees and costs pursuant to Exhibit S and Exhibit T. The State AG Fees and Costs are 2% times the State Remediation Payment, minus the Additional Remediation Amount, with the maximum amount being $16,000,000.00. YYY. “State Fund.” The component of the Settlement Fund described in Section V. ZZZ. “Statewide Payment Amount.” The amount from an Annual Remediation Payment to be paid to a Settling State, its separate types of funds (if applicable), and its Participating Subdivision listed on Exhibit G. AAAA. “State Remediation Payment.” The maximum amount owed by Kroger to the Settling States and Subdivisions, exclusive of the Private Attorney Fees, State AG Fees and Costs, Additional Remediation Amount, and is in the amount of $1,200,000,000. BBBB. “State-Subdivision Agreement.” An agreement that a Settling State reaches with the Subdivisions in that Settling State regarding the allocation, distribution, and/or use of funds allocated to that Settling State and to its Subdivisions. A State-Subdivision Agreement shall be effective if approved pursuant to the provisions of Exhibit O or if adopted by statute. Preexisting agreements addressing funds other than those allocated pursuant to this Agreement shall qualify if the approval requirements of Exhibit O are met. A Settling State and its Subdivisions may revise a State-Subdivision Agreement if approved pursuant to the provisions of Exhibit O, or if such revision is adopted by statute. CCCC. “Statutory Trust.” A trust fund established by state law to receive funds allocated to a Settling State's Remediation Accounts Fund and restrict any expenditures made using funds from the Settling State's Remediation Accounts Fund to Opioid Remediation, subject to reasonable administrative expenses. A Settling State may give a Statutory Trust authority to allocate one (1) or more of the three (3) types of funds comprising such Settling State’s Settlement Fund, but this is not required. DDDD. “Subdivision.” Any (1) General Purpose Government (including, but not limited to, a municipality, county, county subdivision, city, town, township, parish, village, borough, gore, or any other entities that provide municipal-type government), School District, or Special District within a Settling State, and (2) any other subdivision, subdivision official (acting 13 in an official capacity on behalf of the subdivision) or sub-entity of or located within a Settling State (whether political, geographical or otherwise, whether functioning or non-functioning, regardless of population overlap, and including, but not limited to, Nonfunctioning Governmental Units and public institutions) that has filed a lawsuit that includes a Released Claim against a Released Entity in a direct, parens patriae, or any other capacity. “General Purpose Government,” “School District,” and “Special District” shall correspond to the “five basic types of local governments” recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau and match the 2017 list of Governmental Units.2 The three (3) General Purpose Governments are county, municipal, and township governments; the two (2) special purpose governments are School Districts and Special Districts.3 “Fire District,” “Health District,” “Hospital District,” and “Library District” shall correspond to categories of Special Districts recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau.4 References to a Settling State’s Subdivisions or to a Subdivision “in,” “of,” or “within” a Settling State include Subdivisions located within the Settling State even if they are not formally or legally a sub-entity of the Settling State; provided, however, that a “Health District” that includes any of the following words or phrases in its name shall not be considered a Subdivision: mosquito, pest, insect, spray, vector, animal, air quality, air pollution, clean air, coastal water, tuberculosis, and sanitary. EEEE. “Subdivision Allocation Percentage.” The portion of a Settling State's Subdivision Fund set forth in Exhibit G that a Subdivision will receive pursuant to Section V if it becomes a Participating Subdivision. The aggregate Subdivision Allocation Percentage of all Subdivisions receiving a Subdivision Allocation Percentage in each Settling State shall equal one hundred percent (100%). Immediately upon the effectiveness of any State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3 (or upon the effectiveness of an amendment to any State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3) that addresses allocation from the Subdivision Fund, whether before or after the Initial Participation Date, Exhibit G will automatically be amended to reflect the allocation from the Subdivision Fund pursuant to the State- Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3. The Subdivision Allocation Percentages contained in Exhibit G may not change once notice is distributed pursuant to Section VII.A, except upon the effectiveness of any State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3 (or upon the effectiveness of an amendment to any State-Subdivision Agreement, 2 https://www.census.govidataidatasets/2017/econ/gus/public-use-files.html. 3 E.g., U.S. Census Bureau, “Technical Documentation: 2017 Public Use Files for State and Local Government Organization” at 7 (noting that “the Census Bureau recognizes five basic types of local governments,” that three of those are “general purpose governments” (county governments, municipal governments, and township governments), and that the other two are “school district and special district governments”), https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveysigus/datasets/2017/2017_gov_org_meth_tech_doc.pdf. 4 A list of 2017 Government Units provided by the Census Bureau identifies 38,542 Special Districts and categorizes them by “FUNCTION_NAME.” “Govt_Units_2017_Final” spreadsheet, “Special District” sheet, included in “Independent Governments - list of governments with reference information,” https://www.census.govidataidatasets/2017/econ/gus/public-use-files.html. As used herein, “Fire District” corresponds to Special District function name “24 — Local Fire Protection,” “Health District” corresponds to Special District function name “32 — Health,” “Hospital District” corresponds to Special District function name “40 —Hospitals,” and “Library District” corresponds to Special District function name “52 — Libraries.” See id. 14 Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3) that addresses allocation from the Subdivision Fund. For the avoidance of doubt, no Subdivision not listed on Exhibit G shall receive an allocation from the Subdivision Fund and no provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted to create such an entitlement. FFFF. “Subdivision Fund.” The component of the Settlement Fund described in Section V.A. GGGG. “Subdivision Settlement Participation Form.” The form attached as Exhibit K that Participating Subdivisions must execute and return to the Implementation Administrator or Settlement Fund Administrator, and which shall (1) make such Participating Subdivisions signatories to this Agreement, (2) include a full and complete release of any and of such Subdivision’s claims, and (3) require the prompt dismissal with prejudice of any Released Claims that have been filed by any such Participating Subdivision HHHH. “Threshold Motion.” A motion to dismiss or equivalent dispositive motion made at the outset of litigation under applicable procedure. A Threshold Motion must include as potential grounds for dismissal any applicable Bar or the relevant release by a Settling State or Participating Subdivision provided under this Agreement and, where appropriate under applicable law, any applicable limitations defense. IIII. “Total Unearned Incentive Payments.” As defined in Section IV.H.7. JJJJ. “Trigger Date.” In the case of a Primary Subdivision, the Reference Date. In the case of all other Subdivisions, the Preliminary Agreement Date. II. Participation by Eligible States and Condition to Preliminary Agreement A. Notice to Eligible States. On March 25, 2024, this Agreement shall be distributed to all Eligible States. The Attorneys General of the Eligible States shall then have until April 24, 2024 to decide whether to become Settling States. Eligible States that determine to become Settling States shall so notify Kroger and shall further commit to obtaining any necessary additional state releases prior to the Reference Date. This notice period may be extended by written agreement of Kroger and the Enforcement Committee. B. Condition to Preliminary Agreement. Following the notice period set forth in Section II.A, Kroger shall determine whether, in its sole discretion, enough Eligible States have agreed to become Settling States to proceed with notice to Subdivisions as set forth in Section VII. If Kroger determines that this condition has been satisfied, and that notice to the Subdivisions should proceed, it will so notify the Settling States by providing notice to the Enforcement Committee on the Preliminary Agreement Date. If Kroger determine that this condition has not been satisfied, and this Agreement will have no further effect and all releases and other commitments or obligations contained herein will be void. C. Later Joinder by Eligible States. After the Preliminary Agreement Date, an Eligible State may only become a Settling State with the consent of Kroger and the Enforcement Committee. If an Eligible State becomes a Settling State more than sixty (60) calendar days after 15 the Preliminary Agreement Date, but on or before the Reference Date, the Subdivisions in that Eligible State that become Participating Subdivisions within ninety (90) calendar days of the Eligible State becoming a Settling State shall be considered Initial Participating Subdivisions. An Eligible State may not become a Settling State after the Reference Date. D. Litigation Activity. Following the Preliminary Agreement Date, Eligible States that determine to become Settling States shall make reasonable efforts to cease litigation activity against Kroger, including by jointly seeking stays or, where appropriate, severance of claim against Kroger, where feasible, and otherwise to minimize such activity by means of agreed deadline extensions and agreed postponement of depositions, document productions, and motion practice if a motion to stay or sever is not feasible or is denied. III. Injunctive Relief A. Injunctive Relief. As part of the Consent Judgment, the Parties agree to the entry of the injunctive relief terms attached in Exhibit P. IV. Settlement Payments A. Settlement Fund. All payments under this Section IV shall be made into the Settlement Fund, except that, where specified, they shall be made into the Settlement Fund Escrow. The Settlement Fund shall be allocated and used only as specified in Section V. B. Annual Remediation Payments 1. Kroger shall make eleven (11) Annual Remediation Payments, each comprised of Base Payments and Incentive Payments as provided in this Section IV and as determined by the Settlement Fund Administrator as set forth in this Agreement, provided that the Annual Remediation Payment in Payment Year 1 shall consist solely of Base Payments. The payment schedule for the Annual Remediation Payments is attached hereto as Exhibit M-2. 2. In no instance shall Kroger’s Annual Remediation Payment obligation exceed the Annual Remediation Maximum, reduced for Non-Settling States, except as specified in the definition of “Annual Remediation Maximum” for Payment Years 3, 4, and 11. In no instance shall the sum of Kroger’s Annual Remediation Payment obligations for Payment Years 1-11 exceed the sum of Kroger’s Annual Remediation Maximums for Payment Years 1-11, reduced for Non-Settling States. C. Settlement Fund Payment Process 1. To determine each Annual Remediation Payment for Payment Year 2 forward, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall use the data as of sixty (60) days prior to the Payment Date for each payment, unless another provision of the Agreement specifies a different date. Prior to the Effective Date, the Parties will include an exhibit to the Agreement setting forth in detail the process for the Settlement Fund Administrator obtaining relevant data and for 16 distributing funds to the Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G consistent with the terms of this Agreement as quickly as practical. 2. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall determine the Annual Remediation Payment and the Statewide Payment Amount for each Settling State, consistent with the provisions in Exhibit L, by: a. Determining, for each Settling State, the amount of Base Payments and Incentive Payments to which the Settling State is entitled by applying the criteria under Section IV.F, Section IV.G, and Section IV.H; b. applying any offsets, credits or reductions as specified under Section IV and Section XII; c. determining the total amount owed by Kroger to all Settling States and the Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G; and d. the Settlement Fund Administrator shall then allocate, after subtracting the portion of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees owed out of funds from the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5, the Annual Remediation Payment pursuant to Section V among the Settling States, among the separate types of funds for each Settling State (if applicable), and among the Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G. 3. If, no later than fifty (50) days prior to the Payment Date, Kroger and the Enforcement Committee inform the Settlement Fund Administrator that they agree on the amount of the Annual Remediation Payment and the Statewide Payment Amount for each Settling State, Kroger shall pay the agreed-upon Annual Remediation Payment amount on the Payment Date and the Settlement Fund Administrator shall treat those amounts as the determination described in Section IV.C.2. If the Settlement Fund Administrator is not so informed, it shall give notice to Kroger, the Settling States, and the Enforcement Committee of the amount of the Annual Remediation Payment, and the Statewide Payment Amount for each Settling State, following the determination described in Section IV.C.2, and the following timeline shall apply: a. Within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the notice provided by the Settlement Fund Administrator, Kroger, any Settling State or the Enforcement Committee may dispute, in writing, the calculation of the Annual Remediation Payment or the Statewide Payment Amount for a Settling State. Such disputing party must provide a written notice of dispute to the Settlement Fund Administrator, the Enforcement Committee, any affected Settling State, and Kroger identifying the nature of the dispute, the amount of money that is disputed, and the Settling State(s) affected. b. Within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the sending of a written notice of dispute, any affected party may submit a response, in writing, to the 17 Settlement Fund Administrator, the Enforcement Committee, any affected Settling State, and Kroger identifying the basis for disagreement with the notice of dispute. c. If no response is filed, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall adjust the amount calculated consistent with the written notice of dispute, and Kroger shall pay the adjusted amount, collectively totaling that year's Annual Remediation Payment, on the Payment Date. If a written response to the written notice of dispute is timely sent to the Settlement Fund Administrator, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall notify Kroger of the preliminary amount to be paid, which shall be the greater of the amount originally calculated by the Settlement Fund Administrator or the amount that would be consistent with the notice of dispute, provided, however, that in no circumstances shall the preliminary amount to be paid be higher than the Annual Remediation Maximum. For the avoidance of doubt, a transfer of payments from the Settlement Fund Escrow for other Payment Years does not count toward determining whether the amount to be paid is higher than the Annual Remediation Maximum. d. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall place any disputed amount of the preliminary amount paid by Kroger into the Settlement Fund Escrow and shall disburse any undisputed amount to each Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G pursuant to Section IV.C.4. 4. If a Settling State informs the Settlement Fund Administrator that it and its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G have agreed on the amount of its Statewide Payment Amount, determined pursuant to Section IV.C.2 or Section IV.C.3, to be distributed to the Settling State, among its separate types of funds (if applicable), and among its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall disburse the Statewide Payment Amount pursuant to the consensus distribution amounts provided by the Settling State as quickly as practical. For a Settling State that does not so notify the Settlement Fund Administrator, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall allocate the Settling State’s Statewide Payment Amount, pursuant to Section V, among the separate types of funds for the Settling State (if applicable), and among its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G using the following procedures: a. As soon as possible for each payment and following the determination described in Section IV.C.2 or Section IV.C.3, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall give notice to the relevant Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the amount to be received by each Settling State, the amount to be received by the separate types of funds for each Settling State (if applicable), and the amount to be received by each Participating Subdivision listed on Exhibit G for each Settling State. b. Within twenty-one (21) days of the notice provided by the Settlement Fund Administrator, any Settling State or Participating Subdivision listed on Exhibit G may dispute, in writing, the calculation of the amount to be received by the relevant Settling State and/or its Participating Subdivision listed on Exhibit G. A dispute will be deemed invalid and disregarded if it challenges the 18 allocations adopted by a State-Subdivision Agreement approved pursuant to the provisions of Exhibit O or by statute. Such disputing party must provide a written notice of dispute to the Settlement Fund Administrator, any affected Settling State, and any affected Participating Subdivision identifying the nature of the dispute, the amount of money that is disputed, and the Settling State(s) affected. c. Within twenty-one (21) days of the sending of a written notice of dispute, any affected Settling State or any affected Participating Subdivision may submit a response, in writing, to the Settlement Fund Administrator, any affected Settling State and any affected Participating Subdivision identifying the basis for disagreement with the notice of dispute. d. If no response is filed, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall adjust the amount calculated consistent with the written notice of dispute. e. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall place any disputed amount into the Settlement Fund Escrow and shall disburse any undisputed amount to the Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions eligible for payment. 5. Disputes described in this subsection shall be resolved in accordance with the terms of Section VI.F. 6. The Settlement Fund Administrator may combine the disbursements of Annual Remediation Payments with disbursement of funds under other comparable opioid settlements. In determining when disbursements for each Annual Remediation Payment will be made, the Settlement Fund Administrator may take into account the timeline for the availability of disbursements under other comparable opioid settlements. 7. For the avoidance of doubt, a Subdivision not listed on Exhibit G shall not receive an allocation from the Subdivision Fund and no provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted to create such an entitlement. D. Procedure for Annual Remediation Payment and Annual Fees Payment in Payment Year 1. The process described in Section IV.C shall not apply to Payment Year 1. The procedure in lieu of Section IV.C for Payment Year 1 is as set forth below: 1. The Payment Date for Payment Year 1 is March 31, 2024. Kroger shall deposit into a segregated interest-bearing bank account it establishes the “Maximum Base Payment” for Payment Year 1 as specified in Exhibit M-2. Kroger shall also deposit into two (2) separate segregated interest-bearing bank accounts it establishes: (a) the “Maximum Exhibit R Attorney Fee and Cost Funds” for Payment Year 1 as specified in Exhibit M-3; and (b) the sum of the “State Cost Fund,” the “Maximum State Outside Counsel Fee Fund,” and the “Maximum Additional Remediation Amount” for Payment Year 1 as specified in Exhibit M-3. Kroger shall separately account for the interest earned on each of the three (3) accounts. 19 2.Kroger shall provide proof to the Enforcement Committee of the depositsrequired by Section IV.D.1 by March 31, 2024. Kroger shall not remove any money from the segregated bank accounts, except as provided by Section IV.D.3 and Section IV.D.4. 3. In the event that an Eligible State does not agree to become a Settling Stateby the Preliminary Agreement Date, such State’s share of the funds held in the segregated bank account holding the “Maximum Base Payment” for Payment Year 1 shall immediately revert to Kroger. This amount shall be calculated by multiplying the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage attributable to Eligible States that have not agreed to become Settling State by the Preliminary Agreement Date by the “Maximum Base Payment” amount specified in Exhibit M-2 for Payment Year 1. In the event that, in accordance with the terms of Section VIII.B, Kroger determines not to proceed with the Settlement, or the Settlement does not become effective for any other reason, the funds held in the segregated bank accounts shall immediately revert to Kroger. 4.If the condition set forth in Section VIII.B is met, Kroger shall transfer intothe Settlement Fund, no later than five (5) business days after the Reference Date (unless the Enforcement Committee specifies a later date), the amount in the segregated account holding the “Maximum Base Payment” for Payment Year 1 (including all interest accrued on that account) plus the total amount of the Base Payment owed in Payment Year 1 for the Eligible States that newly agreed to become a Settling State between the Preliminary Agreement Date and the Reference Date, which shall be calculated by multiplying those Settling States’ Overall Allocation Percentage by the amount specified in Exhibit M-2 for Payment Year 1. If the condition set forth in Section VIII.B is met, Kroger also shall transfer into the relevant funds as directed by the Enforcement Committee, no later than five (5) business days after the Reference Date (unless the Enforcement Committee specifies a later date), the amount in the segregated account holding the “Maximum Exhibit R Attorney Fee and Cost Funds” for Payment Year 1 (including all interest accrued on that account), and the amount in the segregated account holding the sum of the “State Cost Fund,” the “Maximum State Outside Counsel Fee Fund,” and the “Maximum Additional Remediation Amount” for Payment Year 1 (including all interest accrued on that account), except that any reductions provided by Section IX.B and Exhibits R, S, and T shall revert to Kroger. Kroger shall provide an accounting to the Enforcement Committee of the transfers, including Statewide Payment Amount for Payment Year 1 for each Eligible State that newly agreed to become a Settling State between the Preliminary Agreement Date and the Reference Date. 5.The Annual Remediation Payment for Payment Year 1 transferred byKroger into the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section IV.D.4 shall be disbursed by the Settlement Fund Administrator after the Effective Date to each Settling State and to its Initial Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G pursuant to Section IV.C.4 through Section IV.C.7; provided, however, that for any Settling State where the Consent Judgment has not been entered as of the Effective Date, the funds allocable to that Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G shall not be disbursed until ten (10) calendar days after the entry of the Consent Judgment in that Settling State. 20 E. Payment Date for Payment Years 2 through 11. The Payment Date for Payment Year 2 is March 31, 2025. The Payment Date for Payment Years 3 through 11 shall be each successive March 31. The Annual Remediation Payments for those Payment Years shall be made pursuant to the process set forth in Section IV.C. F. Offsets to Annual Remediation Payments to the Settlement Fund for Non-Settling States. An offset equal to $1,200,000,000 times the Overall Allocation Percentage assigned to each Non-Settling State in Exhibit F shall be deducted from the total amount to be paid by Kroger to the Settlement Fund. For the avoidance of doubt, the Adjusted State Remediation Payment is calculated in a way that reflects this offset. The Base Payments and Incentive Payments are also subject to offset and reduction as provided in Section XII. G. Base Payments. 1. Subject to the offset and reduction provisions set forth in Section XII, Kroger shall make Base Payments into the Settlement Fund in an amount equal to thirty-eight percent (38%) of the Adjusted State Remediation Payment. The maximum total for Base Payments is $456,000,000. The Base Payments shall be due in installments consistent with Exhibit M-2 over the eleven (11) Payment Years, subject to potential offsets for Non-Settling States as provided in Section IV.F. 2. The Base Payment for any Settling State in each Payment Year shall be the Base Payment for that Payment Year specified in Exhibit M-2 times the Settling State’s Overall Allocation Percentage specified in Exhibit F. H. Incentive Payments. 1. Subject to the offset and reduction provisions set forth in Section XII, Kroger shall make potential additional incentive payments totaling up to a maximum of sixty-two percent (62%) of the Adjusted State Remediation Payment, with the Incentive Payment amount depending on whether and the extent to which the criteria set forth below are met in each Settling State. The maximum total for Incentive Payments is $744,000,000. 2. A Settling State qualifies to receive Incentive Payments in addition to Base Payments if it meets the incentive eligibility requirements specified below. With the exception of the Incentive Payment Earn-Back, the maximum total Incentive Payment for any Settling State shall be no more than the maximum total for Incentive Payments listed in Section IV.H.1 times the Settling State’s Overall Allocation Percentage specified in Exhibit F. With the exception of the Incentive Payment Earn-Back, Incentive Payments are state- specific, with the actual amount depending on whether and the extent to which the criteria set forth below are met in such Settling State. 3. The incentive payments shall be divided among four (4) categories, referred to as Incentive Payments A, BC and D, and the Incentive Payment Earn-Back. Incentive Payments A and BC will be due in installments over the ten (10) Payment Years beginning with Payment Year 2, and Incentive Payment D will be due in installments over Payment Years 6 through 11, as shown on Exhibit M-2. The Incentive Payment Earn-Back will be 21 due, if earned pursuant to Section IV.H.7, in Payment Year 11. The total amount of incentive payments in an Annual Remediation Payment shall be the sum of the incentive payments for which the individual Settling States are eligible for that Payment Year under the criteria set forth below. The incentive payments shall be made with respect to a specific Settling State based on its eligibility for that Payment Year under the criteria set forth below. For the avoidance of doubt, eligibility for Incentive Payments A, BC, and D shall be determined on a Settling State-by-Settling State basis. 4. Incentive Payment A. a. Incentive Payment A is mutually exclusive with Incentive Payments BC and D; if a Settling State receives Incentive Payment A in an Annual Remediation Payment, such Settling State is not eligible for Incentive Payments BC or D in that Annual Remediation Payment. A Settling State that receives Incentive Payment A is eligible to receive the Incentive Payment Earn-Back, if the requirements of Section IV.H.7 are met. b. Incentive Payment A shall be equal to sixty-two percent (62%) of the Adjusted State Remediation Payment, provided all Settling States satisfy the requirements of Incentive Payment A. Incentive Payment A will be due to a Settling State as part of the Annual Remediation Payment over ten (10) Payment Years, starting in Payment Year 2, and shall equal a total potential maximum of $744,000,000 if all Eligible States qualify for Incentive Payment A. Each Settling State’s share of Incentive Payment A in a given year, provided that Settling State qualifies, shall equal the total maximum amount available for Incentive Payment A for that year as reflected in Exhibit M-2 times the Settling State’s Overall Allocation Percentage. c. Qualification for Incentive Payment A is as follows: A Settling State qualifies for Incentive Payment A if, as of two (2) years of the Effective Date: (i) there is a Bar in that Settling State in full force and effect, (ii) there is a Settlement Class Resolution in that Settling State in full force and effect, (iii) the Released Claims of all of the following entities are released through the execution of Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms, or there is a Case-Specific Resolution against such entities: all Primary Subdivisions, Litigating Subdivisions, School Districts with a K-12 student enrollment of at least 25,000 or .10% of a Settling State’s population, whichever is greater, Hospital Districts that have at least one hundred twenty-five (125) hospital beds in one or more hospitals rendering services in that district, and Primary Fire Districts; or (iv) a combination of the actions in clauses (i)-(iii) has achieved the same level of resolution of Claims by Subdivisions (e.g., a Bar against future litigation combined with full joinder by Litigating Subdivisions). For the avoidance of doubt, subsection (iv) cannot be satisfied unless all Litigating Subdivisions are Participating Subdivisions or there is a Case-Specific Resolution against any such Subdivisions that are not Participating Subdivisions. Kroger and the Enforcement Committee shall meet and confer in order to agree on data sources for purposes of this Section prior to the Initial Participation Date. 22 d. A Settling State that does not qualify for Incentive Payment A as of two (2) years after the Effective Date shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment A for that Payment Year or any subsequent Payment Years. e. Kroger shall indicate before the Initial Participation Date whether existing legislation in a Settling State is sufficient to qualify as a Bar. f. If a Settling State does not qualify for Incentive Payment A as of the Payment Date for Payment Year 2, and becomes eligible for Incentive Payment A as of Payment Date for Payment Year 3, it shall receive the payment that it would have received for Incentive Payment A for Payment Year 2 (the “Incentive Payment A Catch-up Payment”) on the Payment Date for Payment Year 3. If a Settling State is not eligible for Incentive Payment A as of the Payment Date for Payment Year 3, and becomes eligible for Incentive Payment A as of two (2) years after the Effective Date, it shall receive the payment that it would have received for Incentive Payment A for Payment Years 2 and 3 (also an “Incentive Payment A Catch-up Payment”) on the Payment Date for Payment Year 4. The Incentive Payment A Catch-up Payment shall be reduced by any amounts paid to the Settling State under Incentive Payment BC prior to the Settling State’s eligibility for Incentive Payment A. g. If Kroger made a payment under Incentive Payment A solely on the basis of a Bar or Settlement Class Resolution in a Settling State and that Bar or Settlement Class Resolution is subsequently removed, revoked, rescinded, reversed, overruled, interpreted in a manner to limit the scope of the release, or otherwise deprived of force or effect in any material respect, that Settling State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment A thereafter, unless the Settling State requalifies for Incentive Payment A through any method pursuant to Section IV.H.4.c, in which case the Settling State shall be eligible for Incentive Payment A less any litigation fees and costs incurred by Kroger in the interim, except that, if the re-imposition occurs after the completion of opening statements in a trial involving a Released Claim, the Settling State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment A (unless this exception is waived by Kroger). 5. Incentive Payment BC. a. Incentive Payment BC shall be available to Settling States that do not qualify for Incentive Payment A. b. Incentive Payment BC shall be up to a maximum of fifty-nine percent (59%) of the Settling State’s State Allocation. Incentive Payment BC will be due to a Settling State as part of the Annual Remediation Payment over ten (10) Payment Years, starting in Annual Remediation Payment 2. Subject to Section IV.F, Incentive Payment BC shall equal a total potential maximum of $708,000,000 if all states are eligible. 23 c. A Settling State may earn Incentive Payment BC in Annual Remediation Payments 2 through 11 and may receive, when combined with the Settling State’s Base Payment, a maximum of up to ninety-seven 97% of the Settling State’s State Allocation. The maximum Incentive Payment BC for any Settling State in a given Payment Year shall be the Incentive Payment BC for that Payment Year specified in Exhibit M-2 times the Settling State’s Overall Allocation Percentage specified in Exhibit F, provided such Settling State becomes eligible for Incentive Payment BC by sixty (60) days before the Payment Date for Payment Year 6. d. The amount of Incentive Payment BC for which a Settling State is eligible shall be determined based on the aggregate population of the Settling State’s Incentive BC Subdivisions that are Participating Subdivisions or have had their claims resolved through a Case-Specific Resolution, divided by the aggregate population of all the Settling State’s Incentive BC Subdivisions. The Settling State’s Incentive BC Subdivisions are (i) all Litigating Subdivisions (including School Districts and Special Districts) and (ii) all Non-Litigating Threshold Subdivisions (collectively, all Litigating Subdivisions and all Non-Litigating Threshold Subdivisions are “Incentive BC Subdivisions”). e. The percentage of the Settling State’s maximum Incentive Payment BC for the Payment Year provided by Section IV.H.5.c to which the Settling State is entitled shall be determined according to the table of Incentive BC payment levels below: Participation Percentage of Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision Population5 Incentive Payment BC Percentage for the Relevant Payment Year Less than 85% 0% 85% or more but less than 86% 3.57% 86% or more but less than 87% 8.93% 5 The “Participation Percentage of Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision Population” shall be determined by the aggregate population of the Settling State’s Incentive BC Subdivisions that are Participating Subdivisions, or have had their claims resolved through a Case-Specific Resolution, divided by the aggregate population of the Settling State’s Incentive BC Subdivisions. In calculating the Settling State’s population that resides in Incentive BC Subdivisions, the population of the Settling State’s Incentive BC Subdivisions shall be the sum of the population of all Incentive BC Subdivisions in the Settling State, notwithstanding that persons may be included within the population of more than one Incentive BC Subdivision. An individual Subdivision shall not be included more than once in the numerator, and shall not be included more than once in the denominator, of the calculation regardless if it (or any of its officials) is named as multiple plaintiffs in the same lawsuit; provided, however, that for the avoidance of doubt, no Subdivision will be excluded from the numerator or denominator under this sentence unless a Subdivision otherwise counted in the denominator has the authority to release the Claims (consistent with Section X) of the Subdivision to be excluded. 24 87% or more but less than 88% 14.29% 88% or more but less than 89% 19.64% 89% or more but less than 90% 25% 90% or more but less than 91% 30.36% 91% or more but less than 92% 35.71% 92% or more but less than 93% 41.07% 93% or more but less than 94% 46.43% 94% or more but less than 95% 51.79% 95% or more but less than 96% 60.71% 96% or more but less than 97% 68.75% 97% or more but less than 98% 76.79% 98% or more but less than 99% 84.82% 99% or more but less than 100% 92.86% 100% 100% f. For Payment Years 2-5, the percentage of the available Incentive Payment BC amount for which a Settling State is eligible will be based on the Participation Percentage of Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision Population as of sixty (60) days before the Payment Date. For Payment Years 6-11, the percentage of the available Incentive Payment BC amount for which a Settling State is eligible will be based on the Participation Percentage of Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision Population as of sixty (60) days before the Payment Date for Payment Year 6. If Incentive BC Eligible Subdivisions that have become Participating Subdivisions, or achieved Case-Specific Resolution status, collectively represent less than eighty-five percent (85%) of a Settling State’s Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision population by sixty (60) days before the Payment Date for Payment Year 6, the Settling State shall not receive any Incentive Payment BC. g. If there are no Incentive BC Eligible Subdivisions in a Settling State, and that Settling State is otherwise eligible for Incentive Payment BC because it is not eligible for Incentive Payment A, that Settling State will receive its maximum 25 Incentive Payment BC for that Annual Remediation Payment provided by Section IV.H.5.c. 6. Incentive Payment D. a. Incentive Payment D shall be available to Settling States that do not qualify for Incentive Payment A. b. Incentive Payment D shall be equal to up to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the Adjusted State Remediation Payment, with the actual amount depending whether and the extent to which the criteria set forth below are met in each Settling State. The maximum total for Incentive Payment D is $120,000,000.6 c. Incentive Payment D shall be paid starting at Payment Year 6 and the amount of Incentive Payment D in Payment Years 6-11 will depend on (i) the Settling State meeting the qualifications set out in Section IV.H.6.d and (ii) the Participation Percentage of Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision Population achieved by the Settling State as of sixty (60) days prior to the Payment Date for Payment Year 6. d. A Settling State qualifies for Incentive Payment D if no Later Litigating Subdivision (for purposes of Incentive Payment D, Later Litigating Subdivisions are limited to (i) a Primary Subdivision; (ii) a school district with a K-12 student enrollment of at least 25,000 or 0.10% of the Settling State’s population, whichever is greater; (iii) a health district or hospital district that has at least one hundred twenty-five (125) hospital beds in one or more hospitals rendering services in that district; and (iv) Primary Fire Districts) in that Settling State has a lawsuit against a Released Entity survive more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion. e. A Settling State’s qualification for Incentive Payment D shall be determined as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date (“Incentive Payment D Look-Back Date”). If a Later Litigating Subdivision’s lawsuit in that Settling State survives more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part a Threshold Motion after that date, that Settling State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D for the Payment Year in which that occurs and any subsequent Payment Year. f. The Incentive Payment D for any Settling State qualifying for Incentive Payment D in Payment Years 6-11 shall be equal to between three percent (3%) and ten percent (10%) of the of the State Remediation Payment times the Settling State’s Overall Allocation Percentage specified in Exhibit F. The 6 The Incentive Payment BC table specified in Section IV.H.5.e and Incentive Payment D table specified in Section IV.H.6.f operate so that the combined amount of Incentive Payment BC and Incentive Payment D cannot exceed sixty-two percent (62%) of the Adjusted State Remediation Payment over the term of the Agreement. Kroger will have no obligation to pay more than $744,000,000 for the combined amounts of Incentive Payment BC and Incentive Payment D minus any offsets for Non-Settling States specified in Section IV.F. 26 applicable percentage shall be determined based on the Participation Percentage of Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision Population achieved by the Settling State as of sixty (60) days prior to the Payment Date for Payment Year 6 as shown in the table below: Participation Percentage of Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision Population as of sixty (60) days prior to the Payment Date for Payment Year 6 Each Eligible Settling State’s Applicable Incentive Payment D Percentage Participation of less than 95% 10% of State Allocation Participation of 95% but less than 96% 9% of State Allocation Participation of 96% but less than 97% 8% of State Allocation Participation of 97% but less than 98% 7% of State Allocation Participation of 98% but less than 99% 6% of State Allocation Participation of 99% but less than 100% 5% of State Allocation Participation of 100% 3% of State Allocation g. Incentive Payment D shall be paid in six equal installments. Prior to making the Annual Remediation Payment for Payment Years 6-11, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall determine a Settling State’s qualification for Incentive Payment D as of the Incentive Payment D Look-Back Date for that Payment Year. Prior to the Incentive Payment D Look-Back Date for each Payment Year, Kroger may provide the Settlement Fund Administrator and the Enforcement Committee with notice identifying any Settling State(s) it believes do not qualify for Incentive Payment D and information supporting its belief. h. Notwithstanding Section IV.H.6.d and Section IV.H.6.e, a Settling State can become re-eligible for Incentive Payment D if the lawsuit that survived a Threshold Motion is dismissed pursuant to a later motion on grounds included in the Threshold Motion, in which case the Settling State shall be eligible for Incentive Payment D less any litigation fees and costs incurred by Kroger in the interim, except that if the dismissal motion occurs after the completion of opening statements in such action, the Settling State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D. 7. Incentive Payment Earn-Back. Upon calculation of Incentive Payments A, BC, and D for Payment Year 11, all Incentive Payment amounts that have been unearned by any Settling State under this Agreement for Payment Years 2-11 will be aggregated to determine the Total Unearned Incentive Payments for all Settling States. In Payment Year 11, the Settling States can collectively qualify to receive the Total Unearned Incentive Payments, up to a maximum of 2% of the State Remediation Payment ($24,000,000) (the “Potential Earn-Back Amount”), if there has been no lawsuit for Covered Conduct against a Released Entity by a Non-Eligible State or Subdivision in a Non-Eligible State that survived more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion. If, at any point prior to Payment Year 11, any lawsuit for Covered Conduct against a Released Entity by a Non-Eligible State or Subdivision in a Non-Eligible State survives more than (6) months 27 after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion, no Settling State is eligible for any portion of the Potential Earn-Back Amount. If no lawsuit for Covered Conduct against a Released Entity by a Non-Eligible State or Subdivision in a Non-Eligible State survives more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion, then the Settling States will receive the Potential Earn-Back Amount in accordance with the Overall Allocation Percentages in Exhibit F. I. In no event shall any Settling State receive Base Payments and Incentive Payments A, BC, and D totaling more than one hundred percent (100%) of its respective Overall Allocation Percentage specified in Exhibit F times the State Remediation Payment. However, if the requirements in Section IV.H.7 are met by the Settling States, a Settling State may receive Base Payments and Incentive Payments totaling more than one hundred percent (100%) of its respective Overall Allocation Percentage specified in Exhibit F times the State Remediation Payment. V. Allocation and Use of Settlement Payments A. Components of Settlement Fund. The Settlement Fund shall be funded by the Annual Remediation Payments and comprised of a Remediation Accounts Fund, a State Fund, and a Subdivision Fund for each Settling State. The payments made under Section IV into the Settlement Fund shall be initially allocated among those three (3) sub-funds and distributed and used as provided below. Payments placed into the Settlement Fund do not revert back to Kroger. B. Use of Settlement Payments. 1. It is the intent of the Parties that the payments disbursed from the Settlement Fund to Settling States and Participating Subdivisions be for Opioid Remediation, subject to exceptions that must be documented in accordance with Section V.B.2. In no event may less than ninety-five (95%) of Kroger’s maximum amount of payments pursuant to Section IV as set forth on Exhibit M-2 over the entirety of all Payments Years (but not any single Payment Year) be spent on Opioid Remediation. 2. While disfavored by the Parties, a Settling State or a Participating Subdivision set forth on Exhibit G may use monies from the Settlement Fund (that have not been restricted by this Agreement solely to future Opioid Remediation) for purposes that do not qualify as Opioid Remediation. If, at any time, a Settling State or a Participating Subdivision set forth on Exhibit G uses any monies from the Settlement Fund for a purpose that does not qualify as Opioid Remediation, such Settling State or Participating Subdivision set forth on Exhibit G shall identify such amounts and report to the Settlement Fund Administrator and Kroger how such funds were used, including if used to pay attorneys' fees, investigation costs, litigation costs, or costs related to the operation and enforcement of this Agreement, respectively. It is the intent of the Parties that the reporting under this Section V.B.2 shall be available to the public. For the avoidance of doubt, (a) any amounts not identified under this Section V.B.2 as used to pay attorneys' fees, investigation costs, or litigation costs shall be included in the Compensatory Restitution Amount for purposes of Section V.F and (b) Participating Subdivisions not listed on Exhibit G may only use monies from the Settlement Fund for purposes that qualify as Opioid Remediation. 28 C. Allocation of Settlement Fund. The allocation of the Settlement Fund allows for different approaches to be taken in different states, such as through a State-Subdivision Agreement. Given the uniqueness of Settling States and their Subdivisions, Settling States and their Subdivisions are encouraged to enter into State-Subdivision Agreements in order to direct the allocation of their portion of the Settlement Fund. As set out below, the Settlement Fund Administrator will make an initial allocation to three (3) state-level sub-funds. The Settlement Fund Administrator will then, for each Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions, apply the terms of this Agreement and any relevant State-Subdivision Agreement, Statutory Trust, Allocation Statute, or voluntary redistribution of funds as set out below before disbursing the funds. 1. Base Payments. The Settlement Fund Administrator will allocate Base Payments under Section IV.G among the Settling States pursuant to Section IV.G.2. Base payments for each Settling State will then be allocated fifteen percent (15%) to its State Fund, seventy percent (70%) to its Remediation Accounts Fund, and fifteen percent (15%) to its Subdivision Fund. Amounts may be reallocated and will be distributed as provided in Section V.D. 2. Incentive Payments. The Settlement Fund Administrator will treat Incentive Payments under Section IV.H on a state-specific basis. Incentive Payments for which a Settling State is eligible under Section IV.H will be allocated fifteen percent (15%) to its State Fund, seventy percent (70%) to its Remediation Accounts Fund, and fifteen percent (15%) to its Subdivision Fund. Amounts may be reallocated and will be distributed as provided in Section V.D. 3. Application of Adjustments. If an offset or reduction under Section XII applies with respect to a Settling State, the offset or reduction shall be applied proportionally to all amounts that would otherwise be apportioned and distributed to the State Fund, the Remediation Accounts Fund, and the Subdivision Fund for that Settling State. 4. Settlement Fund Administrator. Prior to the Effective Date, Kroger and the Enforcement Committee will agree to a detailed mechanism consistent with the foregoing for the Settlement Fund Administrator to follow in allocating, apportioning, and distributing payments, which shall then be appended hereto as Exhibit L. 5. Settlement Fund Administrator Costs. Any costs and fees associated with or arising out of the duties of the Settlement Fund Administrator as described in Exhibit L shall be paid from the interest accrued in the Settlement Fund Escrow and the Settlement Fund; provided, however, that if such accrued interest is insufficient to pay the entirety of any such costs and fees, Kroger shall pay fifty percent (50%) of the additional amount and fifty percent (50%) shall be paid out of the Settlement Fund. D. Settlement Fund Reallocation and Distribution. As set forth below, within a particular Settling State's account, amounts contained in the Settlement Fund sub-funds may be reallocated and distributed per a State-Subdivision Agreement or other means. If the apportionment of amounts is not addressed and controlled under Section V.D.1 and Section V.D.2, then the default provisions of Section V.D.4 apply. It is not necessary that a State-Subdivision Agreement or other means of allocating funds pursuant to Section V.D.1 and Section V.D.2 29 address all of the Settlement Fund sub-funds. For example, a Statutory Trust might only address disbursements from a Settling State’s Remediation Accounts Fund. 1. Distribution by State-Subdivision Agreement. If a Settling State has a State- Subdivision Agreement, amounts apportioned to that Settling State’s State Fund, Remediation Accounts Fund, and Subdivision Fund under Section V.C shall be reallocated and distributed as provided by that agreement. Any State-Subdivision Agreement entered into after the Preliminary Agreement Date shall be applied only if it requires: (a) that all amounts be used for Opioid Remediation, except as allowed by Section V.B.2, and (b) that at least seventy percent (70%) of amounts be used solely for future Opioid Remediation.7 For a State-Subdivision Agreement to be applied to the relevant portion of an Annual Payment, notice must be provided to Kroger and the Settlement Fund Administrator at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date. 2. Distribution by Allocation Statute. If a Settling State has an Allocation Statute and/or a Statutory Trust that addresses allocation or distribution of amounts apportioned to such Settling State’s State Fund, Remediation Accounts Fund, and/or Subdivision Fund and that, to the extent any or all such sub-funds are addressed, requires (1) all amounts to be used for Opioid Remediation, except as allowed by Section V.B.2, and (2) at least seventy percent (70%) of all amounts to be used solely for future Opioid Remediation then, to the extent allocation or distribution is addressed, the amounts apportioned to that Settling State’s State Fund, Remediation Accounts Fund, and Subdivision Fund under Section V.C shall be allocated and distributed as addressed and provided by the applicable Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust. For the avoidance of doubt, an Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust need not address all three (3) sub-funds that comprise the Settlement Fund, and if the applicable Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust does not address distribution of all or some of these three (3) sub-funds, the applicable Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust does not replace the default provisions described in Section V of any such unaddressed fund. For example, if an Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust that meets the requirements of this Section V.D.2 only addresses funds restricted to remediation, then the default provisions of this Agreement concerning allocation among the three (3) sub-funds comprising the Settlement Fund and the distribution of the State Fund and Subdivision Fund for that Settling State would still apply, while the distribution of the applicable State’s Remediation Accounts Fund would be governed by the qualifying Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust. 3. Voluntary Redistribution. A Settling State may choose to reallocate all or a portion of its State Fund to its Remediation Accounts Fund. A Participating Subdivision included on Exhibit G may choose to reallocate all or a portion of its allocation from the Subdivision Fund to the Settling State’s Remediation Accounts Fund or to another Participating Subdivision. The Settlement Fund Administrator is not required to honor a voluntary redistribution for which notice is provided to it less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the applicable Payment Date. 4. Distribution in the Absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust. If Section V.D.1 and Section V.D.2 do not apply, amounts apportioned to that 7 Future Opioid Remediation includes amounts paid to satisfy any future demand by another governmental entity to make a required reimbursement in connection with the past care and treatment of a person related to the Alleged Harms 30 Settling State’s State Fund, Remediation Accounts Fund, and Subdivision Fund under Section V.C shall be distributed as follows: a. Amounts apportioned to that Settling State’s State Fund shall be distributed to that Settling State. b. Amounts apportioned to that Settling State’s Remediation Accounts Fund shall be distributed consistent with Section V.E. Each Settling State shall submit to the Settlement Fund Administrator a designation of a lead state agency or other entity to serve as the single point of contact for that Settling State’s funding requests from the Remediation Accounts Fund and other communications with the Settlement Fund Administrator. The designation of an individual entity is for administrative purposes only and such designation shall not limit funding to such entity or even require that such entity receive funds from this Agreement. The designated entity shall be the only entity authorized to request funds from the Settlement Fund Administrator to be disbursed from that Settling State’s Remediation Accounts Fund. If a Settling State has established a Statutory Trust then that Settling State’s single point of contact may direct the Settlement Fund Administrator to release the Settling State’s Remediation Accounts Fund to the Statutory Trust. c. Amounts apportioned to that Settling State’s Subdivision Fund shall be distributed to Participating Subdivisions in that Settling State included on Exhibit G per the Subdivision Allocation Percentage listed in Exhibit G. Section VII.I shall govern amounts that would otherwise be distributed to Non-Participating Subdivisions listed in Exhibit G. For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, no Non-Participating Subdivision will directly receive any amount from the Settlement Fund, regardless of whether such Subdivision is included on Exhibit G. d. Special Districts shall not be allocated funds from the Subdivision Fund, except through a voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3 to Special Districts that are Participating Subdivisions. A Settling State may allocate funds from its State Fund or Remediation Accounts Fund for Special Districts that are Participating Subdivisions. 5. Restrictions on Distribution. No amounts may be distributed from the Subdivision Fund contrary to Section VII, i.e., no amounts may be distributed directly to Non-Participating Subdivisions or to Later Participating Subdivisions to the extent such a distribution would violate Section VII.E through Section VII.H. Amounts allocated to the Subdivision Fund that cannot be distributed by virtue of the preceding sentence shall be distributed into the sub-account in the Remediation Accounts Fund for the Settling State in which the Subdivision is located, unless those payments are redirected elsewhere by a State-Subdivision Agreement described in Section V.D.1 or by an Allocation Statute or a Statutory Trust described in Section V.D.2. E. Provisions Regarding the Remediation Accounts Fund. 31 1. State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, and Statutory Trust Fund Provisions. A State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust may govern the operation and use of amounts in that Settling State’s Remediation Accounts Fund so long as it complies with the requirements of Section V.D.1 or Section V.D.2, as applicable, and all direct payments to Subdivisions comply with Section VII.E through Section VII.H. 2. Absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust. In the absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust that addresses distribution, the Remediation Accounts Fund will be used solely for future Opioid Remediation and the following shall apply with respect to a Settling State: a. Regional Remediation. (i) At least fifty percent (50%) of distributions for remediation from a Settling State’s Remediation Accounts Fund shall be annually allocated and tracked to the regional level. A Settling State may allow the Advisory Committee established pursuant to Section V.E.2.d to define its regions and assign regional allocations percentages. Otherwise, the Settling State shall (A) define its initial regions, which shall consist of one (1) or more General Purpose Subdivisions and which shall be designated by the state agency with primary responsibility for substance abuse disorder services employing, to the maximum extent practical, existing regions established in that Settling State for opioid abuse treatment or other public health purposes; (B) assign initial regional allocation percentages to the regions based on the Subdivision Allocation Percentages in Exhibit G and an assumption that all Subdivisions included on Exhibit G will become Participating Subdivisions. (ii) This minimum regional expenditure percentage is calculated on the Settling State’s initial Remediation Accounts Fund allocation and does not include any additional amounts a Settling State has directed to its Remediation Accounts Fund from its State Fund, or any other amounts directed to the fund. A Settling State may dedicate more than fifty percent (50%) of its Remediation Accounts Fund to the regional expenditure and may annually adjust the percentage of its Remediation Accounts Fund dedicated to regional expenditures as long as the percentage remains above the minimum amount. (iii) The Settling State (A) has the authority to adjust the definition of the regions, and (B) may annually revise the percentages allocated to each region to reflect the number of General Purpose Subdivisions in each region that are Non-Participating Subdivisions. b. Subdivision Block Grants. Certain Subdivisions shall be eligible to receive regional allocation funds in the form of a block grant for future Opioid Remediation. A Participating Subdivision eligible for block grants is a county or parish (or in the case of Settling States that do not have counties or parishes that 32 function as political subdivisions, a city) that (1) does not contain a Litigating Subdivision or a Later Litigating Subdivision for which it has the authority to end the litigation through a release, bar or other action, (2) either (i) has a population of 400,000 or more or (ii) in the case of California has a population of 750,000 or more and (3) has funded or otherwise managed an established health care or treatment infrastructure (e.g., health department or similar agency). Each Subdivision eligible to receive block grants shall be assigned its own region. c. Small Settling States. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section V.E.2.a, Settling States with populations under four (4) million that do not have existing regions described in Section V.E.2.a shall not be required to establish regions. However, such a Settling State that contains one (1) or more Subdivisions eligible for block grants under Section V.E.2.b shall be divided regionally so that each block-grant eligible Subdivision is a region and the remainder of the state is a region. d. Advisory Committee. The Settling State shall designate an Opioid Settlement Remediation Advisory Committee (the “Advisory Committee”) to provide input and recommendations regarding remediation spending from that Settling State’s Remediation Accounts Fund. A Settling State may elect to use an existing advisory committee or similar entity (created outside of a State-Subdivision Agreement or Allocation Statute); provided, however, the Advisory Committee or similar entity shall meet the following requirements: (i) Written guidelines that establish the formation and composition of the Advisory Committee, terms of service for members, contingency for removal or resignation of members, a schedule of meetings, and any other administrative details; (ii) Composition that includes at least an equal number of local representatives as state representatives; (iii) A process for receiving input from Subdivisions and other communities regarding how the opioid crisis is affecting their communities, their remediation needs, and proposals for remediation strategies and responses; and (iv) A process by which Advisory Committee recommendations for expenditures for Opioid Remediation will be made to and considered by the appropriate state agencies. 3. Remediation Accounts Fund Reporting. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall track and assist in the report of remediation disbursements as agreed to between Kroger and the Enforcement Committee 33 F. Nature of Payment. Kroger, the Settling States, and the Participating Subdivisions each acknowledge and agree that notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the scope of the Released Claims: 1. They have entered into this Agreement to avoid the delay, expense, inconvenience, and uncertainty of further litigation; 2. (a) The Settling States and Participating Subdivisions sought compensatory restitution and remediation for alleged damage or harm caused by the potential violation of a law (within the meaning of 26 U.S.C. § 162(f)(2)(A) and 26 C.F.R. § 1.162-21(e)(4)(i) as damages for the Alleged Harms allegedly suffered by the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions; (b) the Compensatory Restitution Amount is less than or equal to the amount, in the aggregate, of the Alleged Harms allegedly suffered by the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions; and (c) the portion of the Compensatory Restitution Amount received by each Settling State or Participating Subdivision is less than or equal to the amount of the Alleged Harms allegedly suffered by such Settling State or Participating Subdivision; 3. The payment of the Compensatory Restitution Amount by Kroger constitutes, and is paid for, compensatory restitution and remediation for alleged damage or harm caused by the potential violation of a law (within the meaning of 26 U.S.C. § 162(f)(2)(A) and 26 C.F.R. § 1.162-21(e)(4)(i) in order to restore, in whole or in part, the Settling States, Participating Subdivisions, and persons to the same position or condition that they would be in had the Settling States, Participating Subdivisions, and persons not suffered the Alleged Harms, and constitutes compensatory restitution and remediation for alleged damage or harm allegedly caused by the potential violation of a law; and 4. For the avoidance of doubt: (a) the entire Compensatory Restitution Amount is properly characterized as described in Section V.F, (b) no portion of the Compensatory Restitution Amount represents reimbursement to any Settling State or Participating Subdivision or other person or entity for the fees or costs of any investigation or litigation, including without limitation attorneys’ fees, (c) no portion of the Global Settlement Amount constitutes the disgorgement of any allegedly ill-gotten gains, and (d) no portion of the Global Settlement Amount is paid for, is in place of, or is properly characterized as the payment of any fine, penalty, punitive damages, or other punitive assessments. VI. Enforcement A. Enforceability. This Agreement is enforceable only by the Settling States and Kroger; provided, however, that Released Entities may enforce Section X and Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G have the enforcement rights described later in this paragraph and in Section VI.D. Except to the extent allowed by the Injunctive Relief Terms, Settling States and Participating Subdivisions shall not have enforcement rights against Kroger with respect to either the terms of this Agreement that apply only to or in other Settling States or any Consent Judgment entered into by another Settling State. Participating Subdivisions shall not have enforcement rights against Kroger with respect to this Agreement or any Consent Judgment except that Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G shall have enforcement rights as set forth herein as to payments 34 that would be allocated to the Participating Subdivisions or the Remediation Accounts Fund in such Settling State; provided, however, that each Settling State shall allow Participating Subdivisions in such Settling State to notify it of any perceived violations of this Agreement or the applicable Consent Judgment. B. Jurisdiction. Kroger consents to the jurisdiction of the court in which each Settling State files its Consent Judgment, limited to resolution of disputes identified in Section VI.F.1 for resolution in that court. C. Specific Terms Dispute Resolution. 1. Any dispute that is addressed by the provisions set forth in the Injunctive Relief Terms shall be resolved as provided therein. 2. In the event that Kroger believes that the ninety-five percent (95%) threshold established in Section V.B.1 is not being satisfied, any Party may request that Kroger and the Enforcement Committee meet and confer regarding the use of funds to implement Section V.B.1. The completion of such meet-and-confer process is a precondition to further action regarding any such dispute. Further action concerning Section V.B.1 shall: (i) be limited to Kroger seeking to reduce its Annual Remediation Payments by no more than five percent (5%) of the difference between the actual amount of Opioid Remediation and the ninety-five percent (95%) threshold established in Section V.B.1; (ii) only reduce Annual Remediation Payments to those Settling States and their Participating Subdivision(s) that are below the ninety-five percent (95%) threshold established in Section V.B.1; and (iii) not reduce Annual Remediation Payments restricted to future Opioid Remediation. D. State-Subdivision Enforcement. 1. A Subdivision shall not have enforcement rights against a Settling State in which it is located with respect to this Agreement or any Consent Judgment except that a Participating Subdivision listed on Exhibit G shall have enforcement rights (a) as provided for in a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust with respect to intrastate allocation or (b) in the absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust, to allegations that (i) the Settling State’s use of Remediation Accounts Fund monies were not used for uses similar to or in the nature of those uses contained in Exhibit E; or (ii) a Settling State failed to pay funds directly from the Remediation Accounts Fund to a Participating Subdivision eligible to receive a block grant pursuant to Section V.E.2.b. 2. A Settling State shall have enforcement rights against a Participating Subdivision located in its territory (a) as provided for in a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust; or (b) in the absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust, to allegations that the Participating Subdivisions’ uses of Remediation Accounts Fund monies were not used for purposes similar to or in the nature of those uses contained in Exhibit E. 35 3. As between the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions, the above rights are contractual in nature and nothing herein is intended to limit, restrict, change or alter any other existing rights under law. E. Subdivision Kroger Payment Enforcement. A Participating Subdivision listed on Exhibit G shall have the same right as a Settling State to seek resolution regarding the failure by Kroger to make its Annual Remediation Payment in a Payment Year. F. Other Terms Regarding Dispute Resolution. 1. Except to the extent provided by Section VI.C or Section VI.F.2, all disputes shall be resolved in either the court that entered the relevant Consent Judgment or, if no such Consent Judgment was entered, a state or territorial court with jurisdiction located wherever the seat of the relevant state government is located. a. State court proceedings shall be governed by the rules and procedures of the relevant forum. b. For the avoidance of doubt, disputes to be resolved in state court include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) disputes concerning whether expenditures qualify as Opioid Remediation; (ii) disputes between a Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions as provided by Section VI.D, except to the extent the State-Subdivision Agreement provides for other dispute resolution mechanisms. For the avoidance of doubt, disputes between a Settling State and any Participating Subdivision shall not be considered National Disputes; (iii) whether this Agreement and relevant Consent Judgment are binding under state law; (iv) the extent of the Attorney General’s or other participating entity’s authority under state law, including the extent of the authority to release claims; and (v) whether the definition of a Bar, a Case-Specific Resolution, Final Order, lead state agency as described in Section V.D.4.b, Later Litigating Subdivision, Litigating Subdivision, or Threshold Motion have been met; and (vi) all other disputes not specifically identified in Section VI.C or Section VI.F.2. c. Any Party may request that the National Arbitration Panel provide an interpretation of any provision of the settlement that is relevant to the state court determination, and the National Arbitration Panel shall make reasonable best 36 efforts to supply such interpretation within the earlier of thirty (30) calendar days or the time period required by the state court proceedings. Any Party may submit that interpretation to the state court to the extent permitted by, and for such weight provided by, the state court’s rules and procedures. If requested by a Party, the National Arbitration Panel shall request that its interpretation be accepted in the form of an amicus curiae brief, and any attorneys’ fees and costs for preparing any such filing shall be paid for by the requesting Party. 2. National Disputes involving a Settling State, a Participating Subdivision that has enforcement rights pursuant to Section VI.A, and/or Kroger shall be resolved by the National Arbitration Panel. a. National Disputes are disputes that are not addressed by Section VI.C, and which are exceptions to Section VI.F.1’s presumption of resolution in state courts because they involve issues of interpretation of terms contained in this Agreement applicable to all Settling States without reference to a particular state’s law. Disputes between a Settling State and any Participating Subdivision shall not be considered National Disputes. National Disputes are limited to the following: (i) the amount of offset and/or credit attributable to Non- Settling States; (ii) issues involving the scope and definition of Product; (iii) interpretation and application of the terms “Covered Conduct,” “Released Entities,” and “Released Claims”; (iv) the failure by Kroger to pay the Annual Remediation Payment or the Additional Restitution Amount in a Payment Year, but for the avoidance of doubt, disputes between Kroger and a Settling State over the amounts owed only to that state that do not affect any other Settling State shall not be considered National Disputes; (v) the interpretation and application of any most-favored- nation provision in Section XIII.D; (vi) questions regarding the performance and/or removal of the Settlement Fund Administrator; (vii) disputes involving liability of successor entities; (viii) disputes that require a determination of the sufficiency of participation in order to qualify for Incentive Payments A, BC or D; (ix) disputes involving a Releasor’s compliance with, and the appropriate remedy under, Section X.B.4.c; 37 (x) disputes requiring the interpretation of Agreement terms that are national in scope or impact, which shall mean disputes requiring the interpretation of Agreement terms that (i) concretely affect four (4) or more Settling States; and (ii) do not turn on unique definitions and interpretations under state law; and (xi) any dispute subject to resolution under Section VI.F.1 but for which all parties to the dispute agree to arbitration before the National Arbitration Panel under the provisions of this Section VI.F.2. b. The National Arbitration Panel shall be comprised of three (3) arbitrators. One (1) arbitrator shall be chosen by Kroger, one (1) arbitrator shall be chosen by the Enforcement Committee with due input from Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G, and the third arbitrator shall be agreed upon by the first two (2) arbitrators. The membership of the National Arbitration Panel is intended to remain constant throughout the term of this Agreement, but in the event that replacements are required, the retiring arbitrator shall be replaced by the party that selected him/her. c. The National Arbitration Panel shall make reasonable best efforts to decide all matters within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days of filing, and in no event shall it take longer than one (1) year. d. The National Arbitration Panel shall conduct all proceedings in a reasonably streamlined process consistent with an opportunity for the parties to be heard. Issues shall be resolved without the need for live witnesses where feasible and with a presumption in favor of remote participation to minimize the burdens on the parties. e. To the extent allowed under state law, a Settling State, a Participating Subdivision that has enforcement rights pursuant to Section VI.A, and (at any party’s request) the National Arbitration Panel may certify to an appropriate state court any question of state law. The National Arbitration Panel shall be bound by a final state court determination of such a certified question. The time period for the arbitration shall be tolled during the course of the certification process. f. The arbitrators will give due deference to any authoritative interpretation of state law, including any declaratory judgment or similar relief obtained by a Settling State, a Participating Subdivision that has enforcement rights pursuant to Section VI.A, or Kroger on a state law issue. g. The decisions of the National Arbitration Panel shall be binding on Settling States, Participating Subdivisions, Kroger, and the Settlement Fund Administrator. In any proceeding before the National Arbitration Panel involving a dispute between a Settling State and Kroger whose resolution could prejudice the rights of a Participating Subdivision(s) in that Settling State, such Participating Subdivision(s) shall be allowed to file a statement of view in the proceeding. 38 h. Nothing herein shall be construed so as to limit or otherwise restrict a Settling State from seeking injunctive or other equitable relief in state court to protect the health, safety, or welfare of its citizens. i. Each party shall bear its own costs in any arbitration or court proceeding arising under this Section VI. The costs for the arbitrators on the National Arbitration Panel shall be divided and paid equally by the disputing sides for each individual dispute, e.g., a dispute between Kroger and Settling States/Participating Subdivisions shall be split fifty percent (50%) by Kroger and fifty percent (50%) by the Settling States/Participating Subdivisions that are parties to the dispute; a dispute between a Settling State and a Participating Subdivision shall be split fifty percent (50%) by the Settling State that is party to the dispute and fifty percent (50%) by any Participating Subdivisions that are parties to the dispute. 3. Prior to initiating an action to enforce pursuant to this Section VI.F, the complaining party must: a. Provide written notice to the Enforcement Committee and/or Kroger of its complaint, including the provision of the Consent Judgment and/or Agreement that the practice appears to violate, as well as the basis for its interpretation of the disputed provision. The Enforcement Committee shall establish a reasonable process and timeline for obtaining additional information from the involved parties; provided, however, that the date the Enforcement Committee establishes for obtaining additional information from the parties shall not be more than forty-five (45) calendar days following the notice. The Enforcement Committee may advise the involved parties of its views on the complaint and/or seek to resolve the complaint informally. b. Wait to commence any enforcement action until thirty (30) calendar days after the date that the Enforcement Committee establishes for obtaining additional information from the involved parties. 4. If the parties to a dispute cannot agree on the proper forum for resolution of the dispute under the provisions of Section VI.F.1 or Section VI.F.2, a committee comprising the Enforcement Committee and sufficient representatives of Kroger such that the members of the Enforcement Committee have a majority of one (1) member will determine the forum where the dispute will be initiated within twenty-eight (28) calendar days of receiving notification of the dispute relating to the proper forum. The forum identified by such committee shall be the sole forum for litigating the issue of which forum will hear the substantive dispute, and the committee’s identification of such forum in the first instance shall not be entitled to deference by the forum selected. G. To the extent allowed by applicable law, this Settlement Agreement shall not be deemed to create a lien or encumbrance against any real property owned by Kroger or its affiliates, unless in the event of a default or breach of the payment provisions by Kroger. Nothing in this 39 Section shall be construed to limit any remedy of any Settling State or Participating Subdivision in the event of a default or breach of this Agreement by Kroger. H. No Effect. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to limit the Settling States’ Civil Investigative Demand (“CID”) or investigative subpoena authority, to the extent such authority exists under applicable state law and the CID or investigative subpoena is issued pursuant to such authority, and Kroger reserve all of its rights in connection with a CID or investigative subpoena issued pursuant to such authority. VII. Participation by Subdivisions A. Notice. No later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the Preliminary Agreement Date, the Implementation Administrator shall send individual written notice (which may be delivered via e-mail or other electronic means and may be combined with distribution of the Subdivision Settlement Participation Form) of the opportunity to participate in this Agreement and the requirements of participation to all Subdivisions in the Settling States that are (1) Litigating Subdivisions or (2) Non-Litigating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G. To the extent a Special District is entitled to an allocation for a direct payment through its inclusion in Exhibit G pursuant to a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution, the Implementation Administrator, with the cooperation of the Settling States shall also send individual written notice (which may be delivered via e-mail or other electronic means) of the opportunity to participate in this Agreement and the requirements of participation to such Special Districts. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the version of Exhibit G used for notice shall be the one in place as of the Preliminary Agreement Date. Notice (which may be delivered via e-mail or other electronic means) shall also be provided simultaneously to counsel of record for Litigating Subdivisions and known counsel for Non-Litigating Subdivisions and Special Districts listed on Exhibit G. Up to $1,500,000 of the costs of the Implementation Administrator shall be paid for by Kroger. The Settling States, with the cooperation of Kroger, may also provide general notice reasonably calculated to alert Non-Litigating Subdivisions in the Settling States to this Agreement, the opportunity to participate in it, and the requirements for participation. Such notice may include publication and other standard forms of notification, as well as notice to state and county organizations such as the National Association of Counties and the National League of Cities. The notice will include that the deadline for becoming an Initial Participating Subdivision is the Initial Participation Date. Nothing contained herein shall preclude a Settling State from providing further notice to or otherwise contacting any of its Subdivisions about becoming a Participating Subdivision, including beginning any of the activities described in this paragraph prior to the Preliminary Agreement Date. B. Requirements for Becoming a Participating Subdivision—Non-Litigating Subdivisions. A Non-Litigating Subdivision in a Settling State may become a Participating Subdivision by returning an executed Subdivision Settlement Participation Form to the Implementation Administrator or Settlement Fund Administrator (which may be executed and returned by electronic means established by the Implementation Administrator or Settlement Fund Administrator) specifying (1) that the Subdivision agrees to the terms of this Agreement pertaining to Subdivisions, (2) that the Subdivision releases all Released Claims against all Released Entities, (3) that the Subdivision agrees to use monies it receives, if any, from the Settlement Fund pursuant to the applicable requirements of Section V; provided, however, that Non-Litigating Subdivisions 40 may only use monies originating from the Settlement Fund for purposes that qualify as Opioid Remediation, and (4) that the Subdivision submits to the jurisdiction of the court where the applicable Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court's role under this Agreement. The required Subdivision Settlement Participation Form is attached as Exhibit K. C. Requirements for Becoming a Participating Subdivision—Litigating Subdivisions/Later Litigating Subdivisions. A Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating Subdivision in a Settling State may become a Participating Subdivision by returning an executed Subdivision Settlement Participation Form to the Implementation Administrator or Settlement Fund Administrator (which may be executed and returned by electronic means established by the Implementation Administrator or Settlement Fund Administrator) and upon prompt dismissal with prejudice of its lawsuit following the Reference Date or the date on which the conditions for effectiveness in Section VIII.B have been met, whichever is later. A Settling State may require each Litigating Subdivision in that Settling State to specify on the Subdivision Settlement Participation Form whether its counsel has waived any contingency fee contract with that Participating Subdivision and whether, if eligible, it intends to seek fees pursuant to Exhibit R. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall provide quarterly reports of this information to the parties organized by Settling State. A Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating Subdivision may not become a Participating Subdivision after the completion of opening statements in a trial of the lawsuit it brought that includes a Released Claim against a Released Entity. D. Initial Participating Subdivisions. A Subdivision qualifies as an Initial Participating Subdivision if it meets the applicable requirements for becoming a Participating Subdivision set forth in Section VII.B or Section VII.C by the Initial Participation Date. All Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms shall be held in escrow by the Implementation Administrator until the Reference Date. If, for any reason, the Agreement does not become effective, all obligations created by such forms and releases in them shall be void ab initio and/ all Subdivision Participation Agreements shall be returned to Counsel for Litigating Subdivisions or to the Subdivisions not represented by counsel or destroyed to the extent that such destruction is not prohibited by then existing document preservation obligations. E. Later Participating Subdivisions. A Subdivision that is not an Initial Participating Subdivision may become a Later Participating Subdivision by meeting the applicable requirements for becoming a Participating Subdivision set forth in Section VII.B or Section VII.C after the Initial Participation Date and by agreeing to be subject to the terms of a State-Subdivision Agreement (if any) or any other structure adopted or applicable pursuant to Section V.D or Section V.E. The following provisions govern what a Later Participating Subdivision can receive (but do not apply to Initial Participating Subdivisions): 1. A Later Participating Subdivision shall not receive any share of any Annual Remediation Payment due before it became a Participating Subdivision. 2. A Later Participating Subdivision that becomes a Participating Subdivision after January 31, 2025, shall receive seventy-five percent (75%) of the share of future Base Payments or Incentive Payments that it would have received had it become a Later Participating Subdivision prior to that date (unless the Later Participating Subdivision is subject to Section VII.E.3 or Section VII.E.4). 41 3. A Later Participating Subdivision that, after the Initial Participation Date, maintains a lawsuit for a Released Claim(s) against a Released Entity and has judgment entered against it on every such Claim before it became a Participating Subdivision (other than a consensual dismissal with prejudice) shall receive fifty percent (50%) of the share of future Base Payments or Incentive Payments that it would have received had it become a Later Participating Subdivision prior to such judgment; provided, however, that if the Subdivision appeals the judgment and the judgment is affirmed with finality before the Subdivision becomes a Participating Subdivision, the Subdivision shall not receive any share of any Base Payment or Incentive Payments. 4. A Later Participating Subdivision that becomes a Participating Subdivision while a Bar or Case-Specific Resolution involving a different Subdivision exists in its state shall receive twenty-five percent (25%) of the share of future Base Payments or Incentive Payments that it would have received had it become a Later Participating Subdivision without such Bar or Case- Specific Resolution. F. No Increase in Payments. Amounts to be received by Later Participating Subdivisions shall not increase the payments due from Kroger. G. Ineligible Subdivisions. Prior Litigating Subdivisions whose claims have already been resolved, Subdivisions located in Non-Settling States, and Subdivisions not located in Eligible States cannot be Participating Subdivisions. H. Non-Participating Subdivisions. Non-Participating Subdivisions shall not directly receive any portion of any Annual Remediation Payment, including from the State Fund and direct distributions from the Remediation Accounts Fund; however, a Settling State may choose to fund future Opioid Remediation that indirectly benefits Non-Participating Subdivisions. I. Unpaid Allocations to Later Participating Subdivisions and Non-Participating Subdivisions. Any Base Payment and Incentive Payments allocated pursuant to Section V.D to a Later Participating Subdivision or Non-Participating Subdivision that cannot be paid pursuant to this Section VII, including the amounts that remain unpaid after the reductions required by Section VII.E.2 through Section VII.E.4, will be allocated to the Remediation Accounts Fund for the Settling State in which the Subdivision is located, unless those payments are redirected elsewhere by a State-Subdivision Agreement or by a Statutory Trust. VIII. Condition to Effectiveness of Agreement and Filing of Consent Judgment A. Determination to Proceed with Settlement—Settling States. Following the Initial Subdivision Participation Date, the Settling States on the Enforcement Committee shall determine whether to proceed with the Agreement. No later than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the Reference Date, the Settling States shall provide notice to Kroger and the Enforcement Committee of their decision. If the Settling States elect not to proceed, this Agreement will have no further effect, and all releases (including those contained in Subdivision Participation Agreements) and other commitments or obligations contained herein or in Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms will be void. Within seven (7) calendar days of informing Kroger that there is sufficient participation to proceed, the Settling States will deliver all signatures and releases required by the Agreement to be provided by the Settling States to Kroger. 42 B. Determination to Proceed with Settlement—Kroger. If the Settling States elect to proceed, Kroger will then determine on or before the Reference Date whether there is sufficient Eligible State participation, sufficient Subdivision participation, and sufficient resolution of the Claims of the Litigating Subdivisions in the Settling States (through participation under Section VII, Case-Specific Resolution(s) and Bar(s)) to proceed with this Agreement. The determination shall be in the sole discretion of Kroger and may be based on any criteria or factors deemed relevant by Kroger. C. Notice by Kroger. On or before the Reference Date, Kroger shall inform the Settling States of its determination pursuant to Section VIII.B. If Kroger determines to proceed, the Parties will proceed to file the Consent Judgments and the obligations in the Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms will be effective and binding as of the Reference Date. If Kroger determines not to proceed, this Agreement will have no further effect, any amounts deposited for Payment Year 1, including funds referenced in Section IV.D.1 and Exhibit M, shall revert to Kroger, and all releases (including those contained in Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms) and other commitments or obligations contained herein or in Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms will be void. IX. Settling State and Participating Subdivision Attorneys’ Fees and Costs and Additional Remediation Amount A. The Agreement on Subdivision Attorneys’ Fees, Expenses and Costs is set forth in Exhibit R and incorporated herein by reference. Agreed terms concerning the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund and the State Cost Fund are set forth in Exhibit S and Exhibit T, respectively, and are incorporated herein by reference. B. Additional Remediation Amount. 1. Subject to and without exceeding the maximum payment amounts set forth in the “Additional Remediation Amount” column of Exhibit M-3 and subject to the reduction specified in Section IX.B.2, Kroger shall pay an Additional Remediation Amount to the Settling States listed in Exhibit N. Such funds shall be paid, on the schedule set forth in Exhibit M-3, as allocated by the Settlement Fund Administrator pursuant to Exhibit N. 2. Reduction of Additional Remediation Amount. The amounts owed by Kroger pursuant to this Section IX.B shall be reduced by the allocations set forth on Exhibit N for Non-Settling States. 3. For the avoidance of doubt, (1) a Settling State that retained outside counsel in connection with the investigation of Kroger that receives an Additional Remediation Amount because the Settling State was not otherwise eligible to receive funds from the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund may choose to have the Additional Remediation Amount designated to pay the Settling State’s outside counsel, and may instruct the Settlement Fund Administrator to pay those funds directly to the Settling State’s outside counsel, and (2) Additional Remediation Amount funds, including funds designated by a Settling State to pay its outside counsel under this paragraph, shall not be subject to allocation as provided in Section V.C through Section V.E. 43 C. All payments addressed by this Section IX will be made on March 31 for each Payment Year in which they are due pursuant to Exhibit M-3. X. Release A. Scope. As of the Effective Date, the Released Entities are hereby released and forever discharged from all of the Releasors’ Released Claims. Each Settling State (for itself and its Releasors) and Participating Subdivisions hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in this Agreement are intended by the Parties to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of each Settling State and its Attorney General to release claims. This Agreement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim. B. Claim-Over and Non-Party Settlement. 1. It is the intent of the Parties that: a. Released Entities should not seek contribution or indemnification (other than pursuant to an insurance contract), from other parties for their payment obligations under this Agreement; b. the payments made under this Agreement shall be the sole payments made by the Released Entities to the Releasors involving, arising out of, or related to Covered Conduct (or conduct that would be Covered Conduct if engaged in by a Released Entity); c. Claims by Releasors against non-Parties should not result in additional payments by Released Entities, whether through contribution, indemnification or any other means; and d. the Agreement meets the requirements of the Uniform Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors Act and any similar state law or doctrine that reduces or discharges a released party's liability to any other parties. The provisions of this Section X.B are intended to be implemented consistent with these principles. This Agreement and the releases and dismissals provided for herein are made in good faith. 2. No Released Entity shall seek to recover for amounts paid under this Agreement based on indemnification, contribution, or any other theory from a manufacturer, pharmacy, hospital, pharmacy benefit manager, health insurer, third-party vendor, trade association, distributor, or health care practitioner; provided that a Released Entity shall be relieved of this prohibition with respect to any entity that asserts a Claim-Over against it. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing herein shall prohibit a Released Entity from recovering amounts owed pursuant to insurance contracts. 44 3. To the extent that, on or after the Reference Date, any Releasor enters into a Non-Party Settlement, including in any bankruptcy case or through any plan of reorganization (whether individually or as a class of creditors), the Releasor will include (or in the case of a Non-Party Settlement made in connection with a bankruptcy case, will cause the debtor to include), unless prohibited from doing so under applicable law, in the Non-Party Settlement a prohibition on contribution or indemnity of any kind substantially equivalent to that required from Kroger in Section X.B.2, or a release from such Non-Released Entity in favor of the Released Entities (in a form equivalent to the releases contained in this Agreement) of any Claim-Over. The obligation to obtain the prohibition and/or release required by this subsection is a material term of this Agreement. 4. In the event that any Releasor obtains a judgment with respect to Non-Party Covered Conduct against a Non-Released Entity that does not contain a prohibition like that described in Section X.B.3 or any Releasor files a Non-Party Covered Conduct Claim against a Non-Released Entity in bankruptcy or a Releasor is prevented for any reason from obtaining a prohibition/release in a Non-Party Settlement as provided in Section X.B.3, and such Non-Released Entity asserts a Claim-Over against a Released Entity, the Released Entity shall be relieved of the prohibition in Section X.B.2 with respect to that Non-Released Entity and that Releasor and Kroger shall take the following actions to ensure that the Released Entities do not pay more with respect to Covered Conduct to Releasors or to Non-Released Entities than the amounts owed under this Settlement Agreement by Kroger: a. Kroger shall notify that Releasor of the Claim-Over within sixty (60) calendar days of the assertion of the Claim-Over or sixty (60) calendar days of the Effective Date of this Settlement Agreement, whichever is later; b. Kroger and that Releasor shall meet and confer concerning the means to hold Released Entities harmless and ensure that they are not required to pay more with respect to Covered Conduct than the amounts owed by Kroger under this Agreement; c. That Releasor and Kroger shall take steps sufficient and permissible under the law of the state of the Releasor to hold Released Entities harmless from the Claim-Over and ensure Released Entities are not required to pay more with respect to Covered Conduct than the amounts owed by Kroger under this Agreement. Such steps may include, where permissible: (i) Filing of motions to dismiss or such other appropriate motion by Kroger or Released Entities, and supported by Releasors, in response to any claim filed in litigation or arbitration; (ii) Reduction of that Releasors’ Claim and any judgment it has obtained or may obtain against such Non-Released Entity by whatever amount or percentage is necessary to extinguish such Claim-Over under applicable law, up to the amount that Releasor has obtained, may obtain, or has authority to control from such Non-Released Entity; 45 (iii) Placement into escrow of funds paid by the Non-Released Entities such that those funds are available to satisfy the Claim-Over; (iv) Return of monies paid by Kroger to that Releasor under this Settlement Agreement to permit satisfaction of a judgment against or settlement with the Non-Released Entity to satisfy the Claim-Over; (v) Payment of monies to Kroger by that Releasor to ensure they are held harmless from such Claim-Over, up to the amount that Releasor has obtained, may obtain, or has authority to control from such Non- Released Entity; (vi) Credit to Kroger under this Agreement to reduce the overall amounts to be paid under the Agreement such that they are held harmless from the Claim-Over; and (vii) Such other actions as that Releasor and Kroger may devise to hold Kroger harmless from the Claim-Over. d. The actions of that Releasor and Kroger taken pursuant to paragraph (c) must, in combination, ensure Kroger is not required to pay more with respect to Covered Conduct than the amounts owed by Kroger under this Agreement. e. In the event of any dispute over the sufficiency of the actions taken pursuant to paragraph (c), that Releasor and Kroger may seek review by the National Arbitration Panel, provided that, if the parties agree, such dispute may be heard by the state court where the relevant Consent Judgment was filed. The National Arbitration Panel shall have authority to require Releasors to implement a remedy that includes one or more of the actions specified in paragraph (c) sufficient to hold Released Entities fully harmless. In the event that the Panel’s actions do not result in Released Entities being held fully harmless, Kroger shall have a claim for breach of this Agreement by Releasors, with the remedy being payment of sufficient funds to hold Kroger harmless from the Claim-Over. For the avoidance of doubt, the prior sentence does not limit or eliminate any other remedy that Kroger may have. 5. To the extent that the Claim-Over is based on a contractual indemnity, the obligations under Section X.B.4 shall extend solely to a Non-Party Covered Conduct Claim against a clinic, hospital or other purchaser, distributor or dispenser of Products, a manufacturer that sold Products, a consultant, and/or a pharmacy benefit manager or other third-party payor. Kroger shall notify the Settling States, to the extent permitted by applicable law, in the event that any of these types of Non-Released Entity asserts a Claim-Over arising out of contractual indemnity against it. 46 C. Indemnification and Contribution Prohibited. No Released Entity shall seek to recover for amounts paid under this Agreement based on indemnification, contribution, or any other theory, from a manufacturer, pharmacy, hospital, pharmacy benefit manager, health insurer, third-party vendor, trade association, distributor, or health care practitioner. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing herein shall prohibit a Released Entity from recovering amounts owed pursuant to insurance contracts. D. General Release. In connection with the releases provided for in this Agreement, each Settling State (for itself and its Releasors) and Participating Subdivision expressly waives, releases, and forever discharges any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads: General Release; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party. A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it knows, believes, or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims, but each Settling State (for itself and its Releasors) and Participating Subdivision hereby expressly waives and fully, finally, and forever settles, releases and discharges, upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and which, if known, would materially affect the Settling States’ decision to enter into this Agreement or the Participating Subdivisions’ decision to participate in this Agreement. E. Assigned Interest Waiver. To the extent that any Settling State has any direct or indirect interest in any rights of a third-party that is a debtor under the Bankruptcy Code as a result of a claim arising out of Covered Conduct by way of assignment or otherwise, including as a result of being the beneficiary of a trust or other distribution entity, to assert claims against Kroger (whether derivatively or otherwise), under any legal or equitable theory, including for indemnification, contribution, or subrogation, the Settling State waives the right to assert any such claim, or to receive a distribution or any benefit on account of such claim and such claim, distribution, or benefit shall be deemed assigned to Kroger. F. Res Judicata. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to reduce the scope of the res judicata or claim preclusive effect that the settlement memorialized in this Agreement, and/or any Consent Judgment or other judgment entered on this Agreement, gives rise to under applicable law. G. Representation and Warranty. The signatories hereto on behalf of their respective Settling States expressly represent and warrant that they have (or have obtained, or will obtain no later than the Initial Participation Date) the authority to settle and release, to the maximum extent of the Settling State’s power, all Released Claims of (1) their respective Settling States, (2) all past and present executive departments, state agencies, divisions, boards, commissions and 47 instrumentalities with the regulatory authority to enforce state and federal controlled substances acts, and (3) any of their respective Settling State’s past and present executive departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, and instrumentalities that have the authority to bring Claims related to Covered Conduct seeking money (including abatement and/or remediation) or revocation or suspension of a pharmaceutical distribution or dispensing license. For the purposes of clause (3) above, executive departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, and instrumentalities are those that are under the executive authority or direct control of the Settling State’s Governor. Also for the purposes of clause (3), a release from a Settling State’s Governor as set forth in Exhibit X is sufficient to demonstrate that the appropriate releases have been obtained. H. Effectiveness. The releases set forth in this Agreement shall not be impacted in any way by any dispute that exists, has existed, or may later exist between or among the Releasors. Nor shall such releases be impacted in any way by any current or future law, regulation, ordinance, or court or agency order limiting, seizing, or controlling the distribution or use of the Settlement Fund or any portion thereof, or by the enactment of future laws, or by any seizure of the Settlement Fund or any portion thereof. I. Cooperation. Releasors (1) will not encourage any person or entity to bring or maintain any Released Claim against any Released Entity and (2) will reasonably cooperate with and not oppose any effort by Kroger to secure the prompt dismissal of any and all Released Claims, including suits brought by non-Releasors based on Released Claims. Releasors will meet and confer and make reasonable efforts to resolve any action that is filed by a Subdivision against Kroger on or after the date the Preliminary Agreement Date. This provision shall not require a Settling State to make any monetary payment or adjustment to allocation or incur other obligation. J. Non-Released Claims. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything in the definition of Released Claims, this Agreement does not waive, release or limit any criminal liability, workers’ compensation Claims, Claims for liability under tax law, Claims under securities law by a Settling State Releasor as investor, Claims against parties who are not Released Entities, Claims by private individuals, and any claims arising under this Agreement for enforcement of this Agreement. XI. Later Litigating Subdivisions A. Released Claims against Released Entities. If a Later Litigating Subdivision in a Settling State maintains a lawsuit for a Released Claim against a Released Entity after the Reference Date, the following shall apply subject to Section XI.B: 1. The Released Entity shall take ordinary and reasonable measures to defend the action, including filing a Threshold Motion with respect to the Released Claim. The Released Entity shall further notify the Settling State and Settlement Fund Administrator immediately upon notice of a Later Litigating Subdivision bringing a lawsuit for a Released Claim and shall not oppose a Settling State’s submission in support of the Threshold Motion. Kroger shall give the relevant Settling State a reasonable opportunity to extinguish the Released Claims without any payment or any other obligations being imposed upon any Released Entities (apart from the Global Settlement Amount payable by Kroger under the Agreement or the Injunctive Relief Terms incurred by it). The relevant Settling State and Kroger shall confer and use reasonable efforts to 48 promptly resolve the lawsuit so that it is dismissed with prejudice. Nothing in this subsection creates an obligation for a Settling State to make a monetary payment or incur any other obligation to an entity filing a lawsuit. 2. If the lawsuit asserting a Released Claim is resolved with finality on terms requiring payment by the Released Entity, Kroger shall receive a dollar-for-dollar offset against Incentive Payment D for the amount paid. The offset shall be applied against the relevant portion of the Annual Remediation Payments starting in Payment Year 11 and working backwards. 3. For the avoidance of doubt, any offset pursuant to this Section XI in a Settling State that at the time is not eligible for Incentive Payment A shall continue to apply even if the Settling State at issue subsequently becomes eligible for Incentive Payment A. 4. “Terms requiring payment” shall mean (i) a final monetary judgment or (ii) a settlement; provided that the Released Entity sought the applicable State Attorney General's consent to the settlement and such consent was either obtained or unreasonably withheld. Should the judgment or settlement resolve claims that are not Released Claims, the offset shall be for the Released Claims portion only, which shall be distinguishable in the judgment or settlement. B. Exceptions 1. Section XI.A shall not apply where the Settling State at issue meets the eligibility criteria for and is entitled to Incentive Payment A for the Payment Year at issue, except as expressly provided therein. 2. An offset under Section XI.A.2 shall not apply where the Later Litigating Subdivision opted out of a Settlement Class Resolution in the Settling State at issue that was in full force and effect in that Settling State as of the due date of the payment for Payment Year 2 and remains in full force and effect; provided that an offset relating to that Subdivision may apply under Section XII. 3. Section XI.A shall not apply where the Later Litigating Subdivision seeks less than $10 million, or so long as its total claim is reduced to less than $10 million, in the lawsuit for a Released Claim at issue. C. No Effect on Other Provisions. An offset under Section XI.A shall not affect the Injunctive Relief Terms or the Consent Judgment. D. No Effect on Other States. An offset under Section XI.A applicable to one State shall not affect the allocation or payment of the Annual Remediation Payment to other Settling States. E. Litigating Subdivisions in Non-Eligible States. The Settling States will not encourage, facilitate, or assist in any manner whatsoever claims for Covered Conduct against Kroger in any Settling, Non-Settling, or Non-Eligible State, regardless of whether those claims were filed against Kroger prior to, on, or after the Effective Date. XII. Other Reductions/Offsets 49 A. Settlement Class Resolution Opt Outs. If a Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment A on the basis of a Settlement Class Resolution, and a Primary Subdivision that opted out of the Settlement Class Resolution maintains a lawsuit asserting a Released Claim against a Released Entity, the following shall apply. If the lawsuit asserting a Released Claim either survives a Threshold Motion or has an unresolved Threshold Motion fewer than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the scheduled start of a trial involving a Released Claim, and is resolved with finality on terms requiring payment by the Released Entity, Kroger shall receive a dollar-for-dollar offset for the amount paid against its obligation to make remaining Incentive Payment A payments that would be apportioned to that Settling State and to its Subdivisions. For the avoidance of doubt, an offset shall not be applicable under this subsection if it is applicable under Section XI.A with respect to the Subdivision at issue. B. Revoked Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution. If Kroger made any Annual Remediation Payments that included any incentive payments earned as a result of the existence of a Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution in a Settling State, and there is subsequently a Revocation Event with respect to that Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution after the determination of the amount of such Annual Remediation Payment, Kroger shall receive a dollar-for-dollar offset against the portion of remaining Annual Remediation Payments that would be allocated to that Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions. This offset will be calculated as the dollar amount difference between (1) the total amount of incentive payments paid by Kroger by virtue of the Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution subject to the Revocation Event and (2) the total amount of incentive payments that would have been due from Kroger during that time had the Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution subject to the Revocation Event not been in effect. The amount of incentive payments that would have been due, referenced in clause (2) above, will be calculated one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the Revocation Event; for purposes of calculating the amount of incentive payments that would have been due, any relevant Subdivision shall be included as a Participating Subdivision if: (1) its Released Claims are extinguished by any subsequent Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution in effect as of the date of such calculation, or (2) it becomes a Participating Subdivision (in addition to all other Participating Subdivisions) prior to the date of such calculation. C. Certain Taxes. Amounts paid by Kroger under an Opioid Tax in a Settling State in a Payment Year shall give rise to a dollar-for-dollar offset against Kroger obligation to pay its share of the Annual Remediation Payment in that Payment Year that would be allocated to the taxing Settling State or its Participating Subdivisions. If such amounts paid exceed the Annual Remediation Payment allocable to the taxing Settling State or its Participating Subdivisions in that Payment Year, the excess shall carry forward as an offset against its remaining Annual Remediation Payments that would be allocated to the taxing Settling State or its Participating Subdivisions. Kroger represents that as of March 4, 2024, there is no Opioid Tax currently in effect in any Eligible State that would give rise to this offset provision. XIII. Miscellaneous A. Population of General Purpose Governments. The population figures for General Purpose Governments shall be the published U.S. Census Bureau's population estimates for July 50 1, 2019, released May 2020. These population figures shall remain unchanged during the term of this Agreement. B. Population of Special Districts. For any purpose in this Agreement in which the population of a Special District is used other than Section IV.H.4.c and Section IV.H.6.d: (a) School Districts’ population will be measured by the number of students enrolled who are eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; (b) Health Districts’ and Hospital Districts’ population will be measured at twenty-five percent (25%) of discharges; and (c) all other Special Districts’ (including Fire Districts’ and Library Districts’) population will be measured at ten percent (10%) of the population served.8 For the avoidance of doubt, this means that California healthcare districts will be measured at ten percent (10%) of their membership. Kroger and the Enforcement Committee shall meet and confer in order to agree on data sources for purposes of this Section prior to the Preliminary Agreement Date. C. Population Associated with Sheriffs. For any purpose in this Agreement in which the population associated with a lawsuit by a sheriff is used, the population will be measured at twenty percent (20%) of the capacity of the jail(s) operated by the sheriff. D. Most-Favored-Nation Provision 1. If, after the Effective Date, Kroger enters into any settlement agreement with any Non-Settling State that resolves Claims similar in scope to the Claims released by a Settling State under this Agreement on overall payment terms that are more favorable to such Non-Settling State than the overall payment terms of the Agreement (after due consideration of relevant differences in population or other appropriate factors), then the Settling States, individually or collectively, may elect to seek review, pursuant to Section XIII.D.3, of the overall payment terms of this Agreement and the Non-Settling State agreement so that such Settling State(s) may obtain overall payment terms at least as favorable as those obtained by such Non-Settling State. “Overall payment terms” refers to consideration of all payment terms of the two agreements, taken together, including, but not limited to the amount of payments, the timing of payments, and conditions or contingencies on payments. 2. For any settlement with a Non-Settling State involving Released Claims that is entered into after the Effective Date, Kroger shall provide the Enforcement Committee with a copy of the settlement agreement or relevant consent judgment within thirty (30) calendar days of the consummation of such settlement. The Enforcement Committee will promptly distribute such copy to all Settling States. 3. In the event that one or more Settling State(s) believes that the overall payment terms of an agreement by Kroger with a Non-Settling State are more favorable to the Non-Settling State, when compared based on the totality of the consideration set forth in Section XIII.D.1, the Settling State(s) and Kroger shall engage in the following process: 8 The estimates for counties and parishes were accessed at https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-counties-total.html. The estimates for cities and towns can currently be found at https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-total-cities-and-towns.html. 51 a. Within sixty (60) calendar days of the date on which the Enforcement Committee provides a settlement agreement or consent judgment to Settling States, the Settling State(s) shall provide notice to Kroger of its intent to seek revision of this Agreement to provide payment terms that are, on an overall basis, as favorable as those obtained by the Non-Settling State. To the extent allowed by law, such notice shall be confidential and not disclosed publicly and shall provide, in detail, the basis for the Settling State(s)’s belief that it is entitled to a revision of the Agreement. b. Kroger shall, within thirty (30) calendar days, provide a response to the Settling State(s), explaining its position, in detail, as to whether the Settling State(s) are entitled to more favorable overall payment terms than those provided for in this Agreement. c. In the event the Settling State(s) and Kroger do not reach agreement as to the application of Section XIII.D.1, the Settling State(s) may petition the National Arbitration Panel to seek a ruling from the Panel as to the applicability of Section XIII.D.1, provided that the Settling State(s) may seek such review only if at least five (5) Settling States co-sign the petition. The Panel shall consider submissions and argument by the parties pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section VI.F.2. d. The Settling State and Kroger shall be bound by the determination of the National Arbitration Panel of the overall payment terms of this Agreement and the Non-Settling State agreement so that such Settling State(s) may obtain, with respect to Kroger, overall payment terms at least as favorable as those obtained by such Non-Settling State. 4. This Section XIII.D does not apply to, and there is no ability of any Settling State to seek or obtain revision of this Agreement based on, any agreement with Kroger that is entered into with a Non-Settling State: (a) either the earlier of (i) after the close of expert discovery or (ii) after a date ninety (90) calendar days prior to the scheduled start date of a trial between Kroger and the Non-Settling State, or any severed or bifurcated portion thereof, provided that, where, in order to complete a settlement, a Non-Settling State and Kroger jointly request an adjournment of the scheduled start date of a trial within ninety (90) days of that date, this exception will apply as if the trial date had not been adjourned; (b) that previously litigated to judgment a case related to opioids against any manufacturer, distributor, or pharmacy; (c) the earlier of (i) after a Non-Settling State that has obtained any court order or judicial determination that grants judgment (in whole or in part) against Kroger in the Non-Settling State’s case; (ii) after a sanctions ruling against Kroger in the Non-Settling State’s case against Kroger; or (iii) after any ruling has issued in the Non- Settling State’s case against any manufacturer, distributor, or pharmacy on the issue of joint and several liability. The National Arbitration Panel shall have no power to review agreements that satisfy any of the conditions described in this paragraph. 52 5. This Section XIII.D does not apply to, and there is no ability of any Settling State to seek or obtain revision of this Agreement based on, any agreement between Kroger and Non-Participating Subdivisions or Non-Participating Special Districts. 6. This Section XIII.D will not apply to any agreement entered into more than eighteen (18) months after the Effective Date. E. No Admission. Kroger does not admit liability or wrongdoing. Neither this Agreement nor the Consent Judgments shall be considered, construed or represented to be (1) an admission, concession or evidence of liability or wrongdoing or (2) a waiver or any limitation of any defense otherwise available to Kroger. F. Tax Cooperation and Reporting. 1. Upon request by Kroger, the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions agree to perform such further acts and to execute and deliver such further documents as may be reasonably necessary for Kroger to establish the statements set forth in Section V.F to the satisfaction of their tax advisors, their independent financial auditors, the Internal Revenue Service, or any other governmental authority, including as contemplated by 26 C.F.R § 1.162-21(b)(3)(ii) and any subsequently proposed or finalized relevant regulations or administrative guidance. 2. Without limiting the generality of Section XIII.F.1, each Settling State and Participating Subdivision shall cooperate in good faith with Kroger with respect to any tax claim, dispute, investigation, audit, examination, contest, litigation, or other proceeding relating to this Agreement. 3. Pursuant to 26 C.F.R. § 1.6050X-1(a) and (b), the Designated State, on behalf of all Settling States and Participating Subdivisions, shall designate one of its officers or employees to act as the “appropriate official” within the meaning of 26 C.F.R. § 1.6050X-1(f)(1)(ii)(B) (the “Appropriate Official”). The Designated State shall direct and ensure that the Appropriate Official timely (a) files (i) at the time this Agreement becomes binding on the Parties, an IRS Form 1098-F in the form attached as Exhibit U with respect to Kroger and (ii) any legally required forms, returns or amended returns with any applicable governmental authority, or any returns requested by Kroger, and (b) provides to Kroger a copy of (i) the IRS Form 1098-F filed with respect to Kroger and (ii) any legally required written statement pursuant to any applicable law and any other document referred to in clause (a)(ii) above. Any such forms, returns, or statements shall be prepared and filed in a manner fully consistent with Section V.F. and as set forth in Section XIII.F.4. 4. Any form, return, amended return, or written statement filed or provided pursuant to Section XIII.F.3, and any similar document, shall be prepared and filed in a manner consistent with reporting the Global Settlement Amount as the “Total amount to be paid” pursuant to this Agreement in Box 1 of IRS Form 1098-F and the Compensatory Restitution Amount as “Restitution/remediation amount” in Box 3 of IRS Form 1098-F, as reflected in the attached Exhibit U. If the Designated State or Appropriate Official shall be required to file any form, return, amended return, or written statement contemplated by this Section 53 XIII.F other than an IRS Form 1098-F in the form attached as Exhibit U, the Designated State shall direct and ensure that the Appropriate Official provides to Kroger a draft of such form, return, amended return, or written statement no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the due date thereof, and shall accept any reasonable revisions from Kroger on the return, amended return, or written statement. 5. For the avoidance of doubt, neither Kroger nor the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions make any warranty or representation to any Settling State, Participating Subdivision, or Releasor as to the tax consequences of the payment of the Compensatory Restitution Amount (or any portion thereof). G. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no portion of this Agreement shall provide any rights to, or be enforceable by, any person or entity that is not the Settling State or Released Entity. Settling States may not assign or otherwise convey any right to enforce any provision of this Agreement. H. Calculation. Any figure or percentage referred to in this Agreement shall be carried to seven decimal places. I. Construction. None of the Parties and no Participating Subdivision shall be considered to be the drafter of this Agreement or of any of its provisions for the purpose of any statute, case law, or rule of interpretation or construction that would or might cause any provision to be construed against the drafter of this Agreement. The headings of the provisions of this Agreement are not binding and are for reference only and do not limit, expand, or otherwise affect the contents or meaning of this Agreement. J. Cooperation. Each Party and each Participating Subdivision agrees to use its best efforts and to cooperate with the other Parties and Participating Subdivisions to cause this Agreement and the Consent Judgments to become effective, to obtain all necessary approvals, consents and authorizations, if any, and to execute all documents and to take such other action as may be appropriate in connection herewith. Consistent with the foregoing, each Party and each Participating Subdivision agrees that it will not directly or indirectly assist or encourage any challenge to this Agreement or any Consent Judgment by any other person, and will support the integrity and enforcement of the terms of this Agreement and the Consent Judgments. K. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including its exhibits and any other attachments, embodies the entire agreement and understanding between and among the Parties and Participating Subdivisions relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes (1) all prior agreements and understandings relating to such subject matter, whether written or oral and (2) all purportedly contemporaneous oral agreements and understandings relating to such subject matter. L. Execution. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and by different signatories on separate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall together be one and the same Agreement. One or more counterparts of this Agreement may be delivered by facsimile or electronic transmission with the intent that it or they shall constitute an original counterpart hereof. One or more counterparts of this Agreement may be signed by electronic signature. 54 M. Good Faith and Voluntary Entry. Each Party warrants and represents that it negotiated the terms of this Agreement in good faith. Each of the Parties and Participating Subdivisions warrants and represents that it freely and voluntarily entered into this Agreement without any degree of duress or compulsion. The Parties and Participating Subdivisions state that no promise of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than the written terms of this Agreement) was made to them to induce them to enter into this Agreement N. Legal Obligations. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as relieving Kroger of the obligation to comply with all state and federal laws, regulations or rules, nor shall any of the provisions herein be deemed to be permission to engage in any acts or practices prohibited by such laws, regulations, or rules. Except with respect to the Injunctive Relief Terms, in the event of a conflict between this Agreement and any requirement or requirements of federal, state, or local laws, such that Kroger cannot comply with this Agreement without violating such a requirement or requirements, Kroger shall document such conflicts and notify the Attorney(s) General of the relevant Settling State(s) that it intends to comply with the requirement or requirements to the extent necessary to eliminate the conflict. With respect to the Injunctive Relief Terms, in the event of such a conflict, the procedures set forth in the Injunctive Relief Terms will be followed. O. No Prevailing Party. The Parties and Participating Subdivisions each agree that they are not the prevailing party in this action, for purposes of any claim for fees, costs, or expenses as prevailing parties arising under common law or under the terms of any statute, because the Parties and Participating Subdivisions have reached a good faith settlement. P. Waive Challenge. The Parties and Participating Subdivisions each further waive any right to challenge or contest the validity of this Agreement on any ground, including, without limitation, that any term is unconstitutional or is preempted by, or in conflict with, any current or future law. Nothing in the previous sentence shall modify, or be construed to conflict with, Section XIII.N. Q. Non-Admissibility. The settlement negotiations resulting in this Agreement have been undertaken by the Parties and by certain representatives of the Participating Subdivisions in good faith and for settlement purposes only, and no evidence of negotiations or discussions underlying this Agreement shall be offered or received in evidence in any action or proceeding for any purpose. This Agreement shall not be offered or received in evidence in any action or proceeding for any purpose other than in an action or proceeding arising under or relating to this Agreement. R. Notices. All notices or other communications under this Agreement shall be in writing (including, but not limited to, electronic communications) and shall be given to the recipients indicated below: For the Attorney(s) General: Josh Stein, Attorney General North Carolina Department of Justice Attn: Daniel Mosteller, Deputy General Counsel 55 PO Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602 Dmosteller@ncdoj.gov Jonathan Skrmetti, Attorney General Tennessee Attorney General’s Office Attn: Michael Leftwich, Senior Deputy Attorney General Hamilton Millwee, Assistant Attorney General P.O. Box 20207 Nashville, TN 37202 Michael.Leftwich@ag.tn.gov Hamilton.Millwee@ag.tn.gov For the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee: Co-leads Jayne Conroy Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC 112 Madison Avenue 7th Floor New York, NY 10016-7416 JConroy@simmonsfirm.com Paul T. Farrell, Jr. Farrell & Fuller, LLP 270 Munoz Rivera Ave. Suite 201 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 paul@farrellfuller.com Joseph F. Rice Motley Rice LLC 28 Bridgeside Blvd. Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 jrice@motleyrice.com For Kroger: Chantale Fiebig Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP 2001 M St. NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Chantale.fiebig@weil.com Dan Nadratowski Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP 2001 M St. NW 56 Washington, D.C. 20036 Daniel.nadratowski@weil.com and Christine Wheatley christine.wheatley@kroger.com 1014 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 Antonio Matthews toney.matthews@kroger.com 1014 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 Any Party or the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee may change or add the contact information of the persons designated to receive notice on its behalf by notice given (effective upon the giving of such notice) as provided in this Section XIII.R. S. No Waiver. The waiver of any rights conferred hereunder shall be effective only if made by written instrument executed by the waiving Party or Parties. The waiver by any Party of any breach of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be or construed as a waiver of any other breach, whether prior, subsequent, or contemporaneous, nor shall such waiver be deemed to be or construed as a waiver by any other Party. T. Preservation of Privilege. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any Consent Judgment, and no act required to be performed pursuant to this Agreement or any Consent Judgment, is intended to constitute, cause, or effect any waiver (in whole or in part) of any attorney-client privilege, work product protection, or common interest/joint defense privilege, and each Party and Participating Subdivision agrees that it shall not make or cause to be made in any forum any assertion to the contrary. U. Successors. 1. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, Kroger and its respective successors and assigns. 2. Kroger shall not, in one (1) transaction or a series of related transactions, sell or transfer U.S. assets having a fair market value equal to twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the consolidated assets of Kroger (other than sales or transfers of inventories, or sales or transfers to an entity owned directly or indirectly by Kroger) where the sale or transfer is announced after the Reference Date, is not for fair consideration, and would foreseeably and unreasonably jeopardize Kroger’s ability to make the payments under this Agreement that are due on or before the third Payment Date following the close of a sale or transfer transaction, unless Kroger obtains the 57 acquiror’s agreement that it will be either a guarantor of or successor to the percentage of Kroger’s remaining Payment Obligations under this Agreement equal to the percentage of Kroger’s consolidated assets being sold or transferred in such transaction. Percentages under this section shall be determined in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles and as of the date of Kroger most recent publicly filed consolidated balance sheet prior to the date of entry into the sale or transfer agreement at issue. This Section XIII.U shall be enforceable solely by the Settling States, and any objection under this Section XIII.U not raised within sixty (60) calendar days of the announcement of the relevant transaction is waived. V. Modification, Amendment, Alteration. In the event the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee, the Executive Committee of the State Attorneys General, or Kroger concludes prior to the Reference Date that technical corrections are required to this Agreement, the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee, the Executive Committee of the State Attorneys General, and Kroger shall meet and confer and make such amendments as they agree are appropriate. After the Reference Date, any modification, amendment, or alteration of this Agreement by the Parties shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by Kroger, along with the signature of at least two-thirds of those then serving as Attorney General of the Settling States along with a representation from each Attorney General that either: (1) the advisory committee or similar entity established or recognized by that Settling State (either pursuant to Section V.E.2.d, by a State-Subdivision Agreement, or by statute) voted in favor of the modification, amendment or alteration of this Agreement including at least one member appointed by the Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G; or (2) in Settling States without any advisory committee, that 50.1% (by population) of the Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G expressed approval of the modification, amendment, or alteration of this Agreement in a writing. W. Termination. 1. Unless otherwise agreed to by each of Kroger and the Settling States, this Agreement and all of its terms (except Section XIII.Q and any other non-admissibility provisions, which shall continue in full force and effect) shall be canceled and terminated with respect to the Settling State, and the Agreement and all orders issued by the courts in the Settling State pursuant to the Agreement shall become null and void and of no effect if one or more of the following conditions applies: a. a Consent Judgment approving this Agreement without modification of any of the Agreement’s terms has not been entered as to a Settling State by a court of competent jurisdiction on or before one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the Effective Date; b. this Agreement or the Consent Judgment as to that Settling State has been disapproved by a court of competent jurisdiction to which it was presented for approval and/or entry (or, in the event of an appeal from or review of a decision of such a court to approve this Agreement and the Consent Judgment, by the court hearing such appeal or conducting such review), and the time to appeal from such disapproval has expired, or, in the event of an appeal from such disapproval, the appeal has been dismissed or the disapproval has been affirmed by the court of last resort to which such appeal has been taken and such dismissal or disapproval has 58 become no longer subject to further appeal (including, without limitation, review by the United States Supreme Court); or 2. If this Agreement is terminated with respect to a Settling State for whatever reason pursuant to Section XIII.W.1, then: a. an applicable statute of limitation or any similar time requirement (excluding any statute of repose) shall be tolled from the date the Settling State signed this Agreement until the later of the time permitted by applicable law or for one year from the date of such termination, with the effect that Kroger and the Settling State shall be in the same position with respect to the statute of limitation as they were at the time the Settling State filed its action; and b. Kroger and the Settling State shall jointly move the relevant court of competent jurisdiction for an order reinstating the actions and claims dismissed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement governing dismissal, with the effect that Kroger and the Settling State shall be in the same position with respect to those actions and claims as they were at the time the action or claim was stayed or dismissed. 3. Unless Kroger and the Enforcement Committee agree otherwise, this Agreement, with the exception of the Injunctive Relief Terms that have their own provisions on duration, shall terminate as to all Parties as of the Payment Date for Payment Year 11, provided that Kroger has performed its Payment obligations under the Agreement as of that date. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Section XIII.W.3 or in this Agreement, all releases under this Agreement will remain effective despite any termination under this Section XIII.W.3. X. Governing Law. Except as (1) otherwise provided in this Agreement or (2) as necessary, in the sole judgment of the National Arbitration Panel, to promote uniformity of interpretation for matters within the scope of the National Arbitration Panel’s authority, this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the respective laws of the Settling State, without regard to the conflict of law rules of such Settling State, that is seeking to enforce the Agreement against Kroger or against which Kroger is seeking enforcement. Notwithstanding any other provision in this subsection on governing law, any disputes relating to the Settlement Fund Escrow shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the law of the state where the escrow agent has its primary place of business. Y. Bankruptcy. The following provisions shall apply if Kroger enters bankruptcy and (i) the Kroger bankruptcy estate recovers, pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 550, any payments made under this Agreement, or (ii) this Agreement is deemed executory and is rejected by Kroger pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 365: 1. In the event that the both a number of Settling States equal to at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the total number of Settling States and Settling States having aggregate Overall Allocation Percentages as set forth on Exhibit F equal to at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the total aggregate Overall Allocation Percentages assigned to all Settling States deem (by written notice to Kroger) that the financial obligations of this Agreement have been terminated and 59 rendered null and void (except as provided in Section XIII.Y.1.a) due to a material breach by Kroger, whereupon: a. all agreements, all concessions, all reductions of Releasing Parties' Claims, and all releases and covenants not to sue, contained in this Agreement shall immediately and automatically be deemed null and void as to Kroger; the Settling States shall be deemed immediately and automatically restored to the same position they were in immediately prior to their entry into this Settlement Agreement in respect to Kroger and the Settling States shall have the right to assert any and all claims against Kroger in the bankruptcy or otherwise without regard to any limits or agreements as to the amount of the settlement otherwise provided in this Agreement; provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, (i) all reductions of Releasing Parties’ Claims, and all releases and covenants not to sue, contained in this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to all persons or entities other than Kroger itself; and (ii) in the event the Settling State asserts any Released Claim against Kroger after the rejection and/or termination of this Agreement as described in this Section XIII.Y.1.a and receives a judgment, settlement or distribution arising from such Released Claim, then the amount of any payments the Settling State has previously received from Kroger under this Agreement shall be applied to reduce the amount of any such judgment, settlement or distribution (provided that no credit shall be given against any such judgment, settlement or distribution for any payment that the Settling State is required to disgorge or repay to Kroger’s bankruptcy estate); and b. the Settling States may exercise all rights provided under the federal Bankruptcy Code (or other applicable bankruptcy or non-bankruptcy law) with respect to their Claims against Kroger subject to all defenses and rights of the Kroger. Z. Waiver. Kroger, for good and valuable consideration the receipt of which is acknowledged, hereby (a) waives, foregoes and relinquishes all rights to utilize and/or seek relief under any of the following laws of the State of Texas for the restructuring of its debts or liabilities related to Released Claims, Claims that would have been Released Claims if they had been brought by a Releasor against a Released Entity before the Effective Date, or this Agreement: Tex. Bus. Orgs. Code § 10.003 (Contents of Plan of Merger: More Than One Successor) or any other statute of Subchapter A of Chapter 10 of Tex. Bus. Orgs. Code to the extent such statute relates to multi- successor mergers (and/or any other similar laws or statutes in any other state or territory); Tex. Bus. Orgs. Code §§ 11.01–11.414 (Winding Up and Termination of Domestic Entity); or Tex. Bus. & Com. Code §§ 23.01–23.33 (Assignments for the Benefit of Creditors) (collectively, the “Texas Statutes”), and (b) agrees, warrants and represents that it will not file, request or petition for relief under the Texas Statutes related to its debts or liabilities related to Released Claims, Claims that would have been Released Claims if they had been brought by a Releasor against a Released Entity before the Effective Date, or this Agreement, in each case until such time as all of Kroger’s payment obligations incurred hereunder are satisfied in full. The foregoing waiver and relinquishment includes, without limitation, until such time as all of Kroger’s payment obligations incurred hereunder are satisfied in full, Kroger’s rights to execute a divisional merger or equivalent transaction or restructuring related to its debts or liabilities related to Released Claims, Claims that 60 would have been Released Claims if they had been brought by a Releasor against a Released Entity before the Effective Date, or this Agreement that in each case has the intent or foreseeable effect of (i) separating material assets from material liabilities and (ii) assigning or allocating all or a substantial portion of those liabilities to any subsidiary or affiliate that files for relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, or pursuant to which such subsidiary or affiliate that files for relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code would be assuming or retaining all or a substantial portion of those liabilities. A-1 EXHIBIT A Alleged Harms The following expert reports that were served in connection with the case captioned In re: National Prescription Opiate Litigation, No. 1:17-md-2804 (N.D. Ohio) provide non-exclusive examples of Alleged Harms: 1. Expert reports of G. Caleb Alexander, dated April 16, 2021. 2. Expert reports of David Cutler, dated April 16, 2019; supplemental expert report of David Cutler, dated April 21, 2021; and second supplemental expert report of David Cutler, dated May 10, 2021. 3. Expert report of David Herzberg, dated April 16, 2021. 4. Expert reports of Katherine M. Keyes, Ph.D., dated April 16, 2021; supplemental expert report of Katherine M. Keyes, Ph.D, dated June 2, 2021. 5. Expert reports of Dr. Anna Lembke, M.D., dated April 16, 2021. 6. Expert report of Harvey Rosen, dated April 16, 2021. 7. Expert report of Nancy Young, dated April 16, 2021. B-1 EXHIBIT B Enforcement Committee Organization Bylaws ARTICLE I These bylaws constitute the code of rules adopted by the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions for the creation of an Enforcement Committee (the “Committee”) to exist and operate during the term of the Agreement in connection with Kroger and shall control the regulation and management of the Committee’s affairs. ARTICLE II Purpose The Committee is organized for the sole purpose of evaluating and taking such action as deemed reasonable, necessary, and appropriate by the members of the Committee on the matters delegated to the Committee under that certain Settlement Agreement between the Settling States and Kroger dated March 22, 2024. ARTICLE III Members of the Committee (1) Number of Members The Committee will consist of thirteen (13) members (the “Members”). Upon majority resolution of the Committee, the number of Members may be increased or decreased from time to time, but in no event shall a decrease have the effect of decreasing the total number of Members to less than seven Members. (2) Initial Members The Committee initially will consist of eight (8) Settling State Members and five (5) Participating Subdivision Members; at least two (2) of the Participating Subdivisions shall be counties and at least two (2) shall be municipalities. The initial Settling State Members are representatives from: California, Colorado, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. The initial Participating Subdivision Members are: [●]. Until fifteen (15) months from the Effective Date contained in the Settlement Agreement, the Participating Subdivisions may designate their outside counsel to serve as their representative. After fifteen (15) months from the Effective Date, an employee or official of the Participating Subdivision must be the designated as the representative of the Participating Subdivision. (3) Term of Members The term of office for Members of the Committee will be until the end of the term of the Settlement Agreement unless and until a Member withdraws or resigns from the Committee. B-2 (4) Resignation Any Member may resign at any time by delivering written notice to the Chairperson of the Committee. Such resignation shall take effect upon receipt or, if later, at the time specified in the notice. (5) Removal (a) Any Member may be removed without cause, at any time, by a majority of the entire Committee, at a Regular or Special Meeting called for that purpose. Any Member under consideration of removal must first be notified about the consideration by written notice at least five days prior to the meeting at which the vote takes place. (b) In the event that any Member is not a Settling State or a Participating Subdivision or the Member subsequently becomes a Later Litigating Subdivision, the Member shall be removed immediately without notice or vote of the Committee. (6) Vacancies In the event of a vacancy, the Members of the same type (Settling State or Participating Subdivision) shall select another Settling State or Participating Subdivision to fill that Member’s position. (7) Compensation Members shall not receive any salaries or other compensation for their services, but, by resolution of the Committee, may be reimbursed for any actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties for the Committee, as long as a majority of disinterested Members approve the reimbursement. Any reimbursement shall be sought from the Settlement Fund Administrator. ARTICLE IV Conflicts of Interest and Code of Ethics If a Member, agent, or employee of the Committee has a conflict of interest, he or she may not participate in a vote, discussion, or decision about the matter. Each Member shall follow any applicable state or local law with respect to conflicts, gifts, and ethics. ARTICLE V Committee Meetings (1) Place of Meetings Meetings of the Committee will be held at any place that the Chairperson may designate, including by telephonic or electronic means. (2) Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held as deemed necessary by the Chairperson or any three members. B-3 (3) Notice of Meetings Written notice of the date, time, place and subject of each meeting must be provided to the Members at least 72 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting, except when there is an emergency or urgent public necessity. (4) Quorum A majority of the incumbent Members (not counting vacancies) shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of convening a meeting or conducting business. (5) Voting and Proxy When it is necessary to vote on any matter before the Committee, Members may vote by electronic means as provided in these Bylaws. Proxy voting is permitted. In order for a matter to pass, the matter must have a majority vote of Members present and must have at least one vote from a Settling State Member and a Participating Subdivision Member. In the event that there is a Quorum, but no Settling State or Participating Subdivision Member is present, then a matter may pass with a simple majority vote. (6) Minutes The Committee shall prepare and keep minutes. The minutes must state the subject of each deliberation and indicate each vote, order, decision, or other action taken. ARTICLE VI Officers (1) Roster of Officers The Committee shall have a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and a Secretary. The Committee may have at its discretion, such other officers as may be appointed by the Members of the Committee. One person may hold two or more offices, except those serving as Chairperson. (2) Election and Removal of Officers All officers shall serve two-year terms. The election shall be conducted at the first meeting of the fiscal year. Officers shall remain in office until their successors have been selected. Officers may serve consecutive terms without limit. The election of officers shall be by majority vote of the Members of the Committee attending the meeting. (3) Vacancies If a vacancy occurs during the term of office for any elected officer, the Members of the Committee shall elect a new officer to fill the remainder of the term as soon as practical, by majority vote of Members present. (4) Chairperson The Chairperson will supervise and control the affairs of the Committee and shall exercise such supervisory powers as may be given him/her by the Members of the Committee. The Chairperson will perform all duties incident to such office and such other duties as may be provided in these bylaws or as may be prescribed from time to time by the Committee. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall exercise parliamentary control in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. B-4 (5) Vice Chairperson The Vice Chairperson shall act in place of the Chairperson in the event of the Chairperson’s absence, inability, or refusal to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required by the Committee. The Vice Chairperson shall serve as the parliamentarian and interpret any ambiguities of the bylaws. (6) Secretary The Secretary will keep and maintain all records related to the Committee and take minutes of all meetings. (7) Records All elected officers and committee chairpersons shall relinquish their records to the Chairperson immediately upon the completion of their term of office or completion of a project. (8) Resignation An officer may resign the office while not resigning membership from the Committee, by submitting a letter to the Chairperson. Vacancies occurring in any office shall be appointed for the remainder of the term. ARTICLE VII Duties (1) Prior to the Effective Date The Committee shall be responsible for any additional negotiations with Kroger, including, but not limited to, negotiating extensions of any periods created by the Settlement Agreement, except that any additional negotiations related to the Injunctive Relief Terms (Exhibit P) shall be handled by the States Injunctive Relief Committee in accordance with the terms of Exhibit P. (2) After the Effective Date The Committee shall establish procedures for the receipt of notices that a dispute exists concerning the Agreement and review of such disputes, pursuant to Section VI of the Agreement. Members may engage with Kroger, Settling States, and Participating Subdivisions attempting to resolve any dispute without further action by the Committee. The Committee may request additional information from Kroger, Settling States, and Participating Subdivisions to the extent the Committee believes such information is necessary to understand, resolve, or provide advice related to a dispute. The Committee shall endeavor to provide advice relative to the dispute no later than 60 days after receipt of notice. ARTICLE VIII Rules of Procedure The proceedings and business of the Committee shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order unless otherwise waived by the Committee. B-5 ARTICLE IX Operations (1) Records The Committee will keep correct and complete records and will also keep minutes of the proceedings of the Committee meetings and Committees. The Committee will keep such records at its principal place of business at a place designated by the Chairperson. All elected officers and committee chairpersons shall relinquish their records to the Chairperson, immediately upon the completion of their term of office. (2) Inspection of Books and Records The minutes of a meeting are public records and shall be available for public inspection and copying on request to the Committee’s Chairperson or the Chairperson’s designee. (3) Amendments The bylaws may be amended at any time by a vote of a majority of Members present and must have at least one vote from a Settling State Member and a Participating Subdivision Member. In the event that there is a Quorum, but no Settling State or Participating Subdivision Member is present, then a matter may pass with a simple majority vote. EXHIBIT C Litigating Subdivisions Exhibit 1. Auburn, City of, Alabama 2. Decatur, City of, Alabama 3. Hartselle, City of, Alabama 4. Lee, County of, Alabama 5. Madison, County of, Alabama 6. Mobile County Board of Health, Alabama 7. Morgan, County of, Alabama 8. Winston, County of, Alabama 9. Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool, Arizona 10. Kingman, City of, Arizona 11. Mohave, County of, Arizona 12. Pinal, County of, Arizona 13. Prescott, City of, Arizona 14. Amador, County of, California 15. Butte, County of, California 16. Calaveras, County of, California 17. Chico, City of, California 18. Chula Vista, City of, California 19. Clearlake, City of, California 20. Del Norte, County of, California 21. El Dorado, County of, California 22. Fresno, County of, California 2 23. Imperial, County of, California 24. Inyo, County of, California 25. Lakeport, City of, California 26. Lassen, County of, California 27. Madera, County of, California 28. Mariposa, County of, California 29. Merced, County of, California 30. Modoc, County of, California 31. Mono, County of, California 32. Monterey, County of, California 33. Nevada, County of, California 34. Placer, County of, California 35. Plumas, County of, California 36. Riverside, County of, California 37. Sacramento, County of, California 38. San Bernardino, County of, California 39. San Diego, County of , California 40. San Jose, City of, California 41. Shasta, County of, California 42. Sutter, County of, California 43. Tehama, County of, California 44. Trinity, County of, California 45. Tuolumne, County of, California 46. Yolo, County of, California 47. Yuba, County of, California 3 48. Adams, County of, Colorado 49. Alamosa, City of, Colorado 50. Alamosa, County of, Colorado 51. Arapahoe, County of, Colorado 52. Aurora, City of, Colorado 53. Black Hawk, City of, Colorado 54. Boulder, County of, Colorado 55. Brighton, City of, Colorado 56. Broomfield, City of, Colorado 57. Broomfield, County of, Colorado 58. Chaffee, County of, Colorado 59. Commerce, City of, Colorado 60. Conejos, County of, Colorado 61. Denver, City of, Colorado 62. Denver, County of, Colorado 63. Federal Heights, City of, Colorado 64. Fremont, County of, Colorado 65. Greeley, City of, Colorado 66. Hudson, Town of, Colorado 67. Jefferson, County of, Colorado 68. Lakewood, City of, Colorado 69. Larimer, County of, Colorado 70. Las Animas, County of, Colorado 71. Mesa, County of, Colorado 72. Northglenn, City of, Colorado 4 73. Otero, County of, Colorado 74. Pueblo, County of, Colorado 75. Sheridan, City of, Colorado 76. Teller, County of, Colorado 77. Thornton, City of, Colorado 78. Westminster, City of, Colorado 79. Wheat Ridge, City of, Colorado 80. Yuma, County of, Colorado 81. Escambia, County of, Florida 82. Pensacola, City of, Florida 83. Albany, City of, Georgia 84. Appling, County of, Georgia 85. Athens-Clarke, County of, Georgia 86. Atlanta, City of, Georgia 87. Augusta, City of, Georgia 88. Bainbridge, City of, Georgia 89. Bainbridge and Decatur County Hospital Authority, Georgia 90. Baldwin, County of/ Baldwin (Sheriff of) County of, Georgia 91. Banks, County of, Georgia 92. Bartow, County of, Georgia 93. Ben Hill, County of, Georgia 94. Bibb, County of, Georgia 95. Brantley, County of, Georgia 96. Bullock, County of, Georgia 97. Burke, County of, Georgia 5 98. Butts, County of, Georgia 99. Camden, County of, Georgia 100. Candler, County of, Georgia 101. Candler County Hospital Authority, Georgia 102. Cartersville, City of, Georgia 103. Charlton, County of, Georgia 104. Chattooga, County of, Georgia 105. Cherokee, County of, Georgia 106. Clay, County of, Georgia 107. Clayton, County of, Georgia 108. Clinch, County of, Georgia 109. Clinch County Hospital Authority, Georgia 110. Columbia, County of, Georgia 111. Cobb, County of, Georgia 112. Cook, County of, Georgia 113. Crisp, County of, Georgia 114. Dawson, County of, Georgia 115. Decatur, County of, Georgia 116. Dekalb, County of, Georgia 117. Dooly, County of, Georgia 118. Dougherty, County of , Georgia 119. Early, County of, Georgia 120. Effingham, County of, Georgia 121. Elbert, County of, Georgia 122. Emanuel, County of, Georgia 6 123. Evans, County of, Georgia 124. Fayette, County of, Georgia 125. Fitzgerald, City of, Georgia 126. Floyd, County of, Georgia 127. Forsyth, County of, Georgia 128. Fulton, County of, Georgia 129. Gainesville, City of, Georgia 130. Glascock, County of, Georgia 131. Greene, County of, Georgia 132. Gwinnett, County of, Georgia 133. Habersham, County of, Georgia 134. Hall, County of, Georgia 135. Hancock, County of, Georgia 136. Henry, County of, Georgia 137. Houston, County of, Georgia 138. Houston, County of/Houston (Sheriff of) County of, Georgia 139. Irwin, County of, Georgia 140. Jackson, County of, Georgia 141. Jasper, County of, Georgia 142. Jeff Davis, County of, Georgia 143. Jefferson, County of, Georgia 144. Johnson, County of, Georgia 145. Jones, County of, Georgia 146. Laurens, County of, Georgia 147. Lee, County of, Georgia 7 148. Liberty, County of, Georgia 149. Lincoln, County of, Georgia 150. Long, County of, Georgia 151. Lumpkin, County of, Georgia 152. Macon-Bibb, County of, Georgia 153. Madison, County of, Georgia 154. McDuffie, County of, Georgia 155. McIntosh, County of, Georgia 156. Milledgeville, City of, Georgia 157. Montgomery, County of, Georgia 158. Newton, County of, Georgia 159. Oconee, County of, Georgia 160. Oglethorpe, County of, Georgia 161. Pike, County of, Georgia 162. Polk, County of, Georgia 163. Pulaski, County of, Georgia 164. Rabun, County of, Georgia 165. Randolph, County of, Georgia 166. Rockdale, County of, Georgia 167. Rome, City of, Georgia 168. Savannah, City of, Georgia 169. Screven, County of, Georgia 170. Seminole, County of, Georgia 171. Spalding, County of, Georgia 172. Springfield, City of, Georgia 8 173. Stephens, County of, Georgia 174. Sumter, County of, Georgia 175. Taliaferro, County of, Georgia 176. Tattnall, County of, Georgia 177. Tifton, City of, Georgia 178. Toombs, County of, Georgia 179. Towns, County of, Georgia 180. Troup, County of, Georgia 181. Twiggs, County of, Georgia 182. Union, County of, Georgia 183. Walton, County of, Georgia 184. Ware, County of/Ware, (Sheriff of) County of, Georgia 185. Warren, County of, Georgia 186. Washington, County of, Georgia 187. Wayne, County of, Georgia 188. Whitfield, County of, Georgia 189. Wilkes, County of, Georgia 190. Worth, County of, Georgia 191. Adams, County of, Idaho 192. Bingham, County of, Idaho 193. Blaine, County of, Idaho 194. Boise, County of, Idaho 195. Bonneville, County of, Idaho 196. Canyon, County of, Idaho 197. Caribou, County of, Idaho 9 198. Cassia, County of, Idaho 199. Elmore, County of, Idaho 200. Latah, County of, Idaho 201. Minidoka, County of, Idaho 202. Owyhee, County of, Idaho 203. Payette, County of, Idaho 204. Boone, County of, Illinois 205. Bureau, County of, Illinois 206. Champaign, County of, Illinois 207. Christian, County of, Illinois 208. Cook, County of, Illinois 209. Dekalb, County of, Illinois 210. Dupage, County of, Illinois 211. Franklin, County of, Illinois 212. Henry, County of, Illinois 213. Herrin, City of, Illinois 214. Jefferson, County of, Illinois 215. Kane, County of, Illinois 216. Kankakee, County of, Illinois 217. Kendall, County of, Illinois 218. Logan, County of, Illinois 219. Macon, County of, Illinois 220. Macoupin, County of, Illinois 221. Marion, City of, Illinois 222. Mchenry, County of, Illinois 10 223. Platt, County of, Illinois 224. Putnam, County of, Illinois 225. Rockford, City of, Illinois 226. Rock Island, County of, Illinois 227. Saline, County of, Illinois 228. Sangamon, County of, Illinois 229. Stephenson, County of, Illinois 230. West Frankfort, City of, Illinois 231. Will, County of, Illinois 232. Winnebago, County of, Illinois 233. Alexandria, City of, Indiana 234. Allen, County of, Indiana 235. Bloomington, City of, Indiana 236. Benton, County of, Indiana 237. Connersville, City of, Indiana 238. Danville, Town of, Indiana 239. Delaware, County of, Indiana 240. Elwood, City of, Indiana 241. Fayette, County of, Indiana 242. Franklin, City of, Indiana 243. Franklin, County of, Indiana 244. Huntington, City of, Indiana 245. Jackson, County of, Indiana 246. Jeffersonville, City of, Indiana 247. Jennings, County of, Indiana 11 248. Lafayette, City of, Indiana 249. Lawrence, City of, Indiana 250. Lawrence, County of, Indiana 251. Madison, County of, Indiana 252. Martinsville, City of, Indiana 253. Mooresville, Town of, Indiana 254. Morgan, County of, Indiana 255. New Albany, City of, Indiana 256. New Castle, City of, Indiana 257. Noblesville, City of, Indiana 258. Pendleton, Town of, Indiana 259. Peru, City of, Indiana 260. Plainfield, Town of, Indiana 261. Richmond, City of, Indiana 262. Ripley, County of, Indiana 263. Seymour, City of, Indiana 264. Sheridan, Town of, Indiana 265. South Bend, City of, Indiana 266. Terre Haute, City of, Indiana 267. Tippecanoe, County of, Indiana 268. Vigo, County of, Indiana 269. Westfield, City of, Indiana 270. West Lafayette, City of, Indiana 271. Zionsville, Town of, Indiana 272. Barber, County of, Kansas 12 273. Cowley, County of, Kansas 274. Finney, County of, Kansas 275. Ford, County of, Kansas 276. Harvey, County of, Kansas 277. Johnson, County of, Kansas 278. Leavenworth, County of, Kansas 279. Pratt, County of, Kansas 280. Reno, County of, Kansas 281. Sedgwick, County of, Kansas 282. Seward, County of, Kansas 283. Witchita, City of, Kansas 284. Anderson, County of, Kentucky 285. Bell, County of, Kentucky 286. Bellefonte, City of, Kentucky 287. Boone, County of, Kentucky 288. Boyd, County of, Kentucky 289. Boyle, County of, Kentucky 290. Breckinridge, County of, Kentucky 291. Bullitt, County of, Kentucky 292. Campbell, County of, Kentucky 293. Christian, County of, Kentucky 294. Clark, County of, Kentucky 295. Covington, City of, Kentucky 296. Franklin, County of, Kentucky 297. Green, County of, Kentucky 13 298. Greenup, City of, Kentucky 299. Hardin, County of, Kentucky 300. Henderson, City of, Kentucky 301. Hopkins, County of, Kentucky 302. Jenkins, City of, Kentucky 303. Jessamine, County of, Kentucky 304. Kenton, County of, Kentucky 305. Kentucky River District Health Department, Kentucky 306. Laurel, County of, Kentucky 307. Lexington, City of, Kentucky 308. London, City of, Kentucky 309. Louisville/Jefferson, County of, Kentucky 310. Madison, County of, Kentucky 311. McCracken, County of, Kentucky 312. Meade, County of, Kentucky 313. Montgomery, County of, Kentucky 314. Morehead, City of, Kentucky 315. Ohio, County of, Kentucky 316. Oldham, County of, Kentucky 317. Paducah, City of, Kentucky 318. Pineville, City of, Kentucky 319. Powell, County of, Kentucky 320. Pulaski, County of, Kentucky 321. Rowan, County of, Kentucky 322. Russell, City of, Kentucky 14 323. Scott, County of, Kentucky 324. Shelby, County of, Kentucky 325. South Shore, City of, Kentucky 326. Vanceburg, City of, Kentucky 327. Wayne, County of, Kentucky 328. Woodford, County of, Kentucky 329. Worthington, City of, Kentucky 330. Allen, Parish of/Allen, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 331. Ascension, Parish of/Ascension, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 332. Avoyelles, Parish of/Avoyelles, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 333. Calcasieu, Parish of/Calcasieu, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 334. East Baton Rouge, Parish of/East Baton Rouge, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 335. East Carroll, Parish of/East Carroll, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 336. Evangeline, Parish of/Evangeline, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 337. Jefferson Davis, Parish of/Jefferson Davis, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 338. Lafayette, Parish of/Lafayette, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 339. Moorehouse, Parish of/Moorehouse, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 340. Ouachita, Parish of/Ouachita, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 341. Rapides, Parish of/Rapides, (District Attorney of) Parish of, Louisiana 342. Rapids, Parish of/Rapids, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 343. Richland, Parish of/Richland, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 344. Sabine, Parish of/Sabine, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 345. Shreveport, City of, Louisiana 346. Vernon, Parish of/Vernon, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 347. Washington, Parish of/Washington, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 15 348. West Carrol, Parish of/West Carrol, (Sheriff of) Parish of, Louisiana 349. Calvert, County of, Maryland 350. Cambridge, City of, Maryland 351. Dorchester, County of, Maryland 352. Bay, County of, Michigan 353. Branch, County of, Michigan 354. Calhoun, County of, Michigan 355. Canton, Charter Township of, Michigan 356. Clinton, Charter Township of, Michigan 357. Eaton, County of, Michigan 358. Huron, Charter Township of, Michigan 359. Kalamazoo, County of, Michigan 360. Livonia, City of, Michigan 361. Monroe, County of, Michigan 362. Muskegon, County of, Michigan 363. Northville, Charter Township of, Michigan 364. Pittsfield, Charter Township of, Michigan 365. Pontiac, City of, Michigan 366. Romulus, City of, Michigan 367. Van Buren, Charter Township of, Michigan 368. Arcola, Town of, Mississippi 369. Bolivar, County of, Mississippi 370. Desoto, County of, Mississippi 371. Hinds, County of, Mississippi 372. Jackson, City of, Mississippi 16 373. Lafayette, County of, Mississippi 374. Laurel, City of, Mississippi 375. Madison, County of, Mississippi 376. Mound Bayou, City of, Mississippi 377. Audrain, County of, Missouri 378. Boone, County of, Missouri 379. Callaway, County of, Missouri 380. Chariton, County of, Missouri 381. Cole, County of, Missouri 382. Douglas, County of, Missouri 383. Gasconade, County of, Missouri 384. Jackson, County of, Missouri 385. Kansas City, City of, Missouri 386. Knox, County of, Missouri 387. Lewis, County of, Missouri 388. Maries, County of, Missouri 389. Miller, County of, Missouri 390. Moniteau, County of, Missouri 391. Montgomery, County of, Missouri 392. Osage, County of, Missouri 393. Ozark, County of, Missouri 394. Pemiscot, County of, Missouri 395. Phelps, County of, Missouri 396. Pulaski, County of, Missouri 397. Randolph, County of, Missouri 17 398. Reynolds, County of, Missouri 399. Ripley, County of, Missouri 400. Schyuler, County of, Missouri 401. Shannon, County of, Missouri 402. Shelby, County of, Missouri 403. St. Charles, County of, Missouri 404. St. Louis, County of, Missouri 405. Warren, County of, Missouri 406. Webster, County of, Missouri 407. Wright, County of, Missouri 408. Douglas, County of, Nebraska 409. Clark, County of, Nevada 410. Douglas, County of, Nevada 411. Fernley, City of, Nevada 412. Lyon, County of, Nevada 413. Nye, County of, Nevada 414. West Wendover, City of, Nevada 415. Cabarrus, County of, North Carolina 416. Cleveland, County of, North Carolina 417. Davidson, County of, North Carolina 418. Durham, County of, North Carolina 419. Iredell, County of, North Carolina 420. Mecklenburg, County of, North Carolina 421. Athens, County of, Ohio 422. Auglaize, County of, Ohio 18 423. Belmont, County of, Ohio 424. Brown, County of, Ohio 425. Butler, County of, Ohio 426. Champaign, County of, Ohio 427. Cincinnati, City of, Ohio 428. Clermont, County of, Ohio 429. Cleveland, City of, Ohio 430. Clinton, County of, Ohio 431. Crawford, County of, Ohio 432. Cuyahoga, County of, Ohio 433. Dayton, City of, Ohio 434. Delaware, County of, Ohio 435. Drake, County of, Ohio 436. Erie, County of, Ohio 437. Fairfield, City of, Ohio 438. Fairfield, County of, Ohio 439. Fayette, County of, Ohio 440. Finlay, City of, Ohio 441. Franklin, County of, Ohio 442. Fulton, County of, Ohio 443. Hamilton, City of, Ohio 444. Hamilton, County of, Ohio 445. Hancock, County of, Ohio 446. Hocking, County of, Ohio 447. Ironton, City of, Ohio 19 448. Jackson, County of, Ohio 449. Jefferson, County of, Ohio 450. Knox, County of, Ohio 451. Lawrence, County of, Ohio 452. Lebanon, City of, Ohio 453. Licking, County of, Ohio 454. Logan, County of, Ohio 455. Lucas, County of, Ohio 456. Marion, County of, Ohio 457. Meigs, County of, Ohio 458. Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Allen County, Ohio 459. Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Auglaize County, Ohio 460. Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Hardin County, Ohio 461. Middletown, City of, Ohio 462. Montgomery, County of, Ohio 463. Morrow, County of, Ohio 464. Muskingum, County of, Ohio 465. Noble, County of, Ohio 466. Ottawa, County of, Ohio 467. Perry, County of, Ohio 468. Pike, County of, Ohio 469. Portsmouth, City of, Ohio 470. Ross, County of, Ohio 471. Sandusky, County of, Ohio 472. Sciota, County of, Ohio 20 473. Seneca, County of, Ohio 474. Shelby, County of, Ohio 475. St. Mary’s, City of, Ohio 476. Summit, County of, Ohio 477. Toledo, City of, Ohio 478. Washington, County of, Ohio 479. Clackamas, County of, Oregon 480. Clatsop, County of, Oregon 481. Columbia, County of, Oregon 482. Coos, County of, Oregon 483. Curry, County of, Oregon 484. Jackson, County of, Oregon 485. Josephine, County of, Oregon 486. Lane, County of, Oregon 487. Multnomah, County of, Oregon 488. Portland, City of, Oregon 489. Washington, County of, Oregon 490. Yarnhill, County of, Oregon 491. Abbeville, County of, South Carolina 492. Allendale, County of, South Carolina 493. Anderson, County of, South Carolina 494. Bamberg, County of, South Carolina 495. Barnwell, County of, South Carolina 496. Beaufort, County of, South Carolina 497. Calhoun, County of, South Carolina 21 498. Charleston, City of, South Carolina 499. Cherokee, County of, South Carolina 500. Chester, County of, South Carolina 501. Chesterfield, County of, South Carolina 502. Clarendon, County of, South Carolina 503. Colleton, County of, South Carolina 504. Dillon, County of, South Carolina 505. Dorchester, County of, South Carolina 506. Edgefield, County of, South Carolina 507. Fairfield, County of, South Carolina 508. Florence, County of, South Carolina 509. Greenwood, County of, South Carolina 510. Greenville, County of, South Carolina 511. Hampton, County of, South Carolina 512. Horry, County of, South Carolina 513. Jasper, County of, South Carolina 514. Kershaw, County of, South Carolina 515. Laurens, County of, South Carolina 516. Lee, County of, South Carolina 517. Lexington, County of, South Carolina 518. Marion, County of, South Carolina 519. Marlboro, County of, South Carolina 520. McCormick, County of, South Carolina 521. Mt. Pleasant, Town of, South Carolina 522. Newberry, County of, South Carolina 22 523. North Charleston, City of, South Carolina 524. Oconee, County of, South Carolina 525. Orangeburg, County of, South Carolina 526. Pickens, County of, South Carolina 527. Saluda, County of, South Carolina 528. Spartanburg, County of, South Carolina 529. Summerville, Town of, South Carolina 530. Sumter, County of, South Carolina 531. Union, County of, South Carolina 532. Williamsburg, County of, South Carolina 533. York, County of, South Carolina 534. Arlington, Town of, Tennessee 535. Davidson, County of, Tennessee 536. Madison, County of, Tennessee 537. Memphis, City of, Tennessee 538. Montgomery, County of, Tennessee 539. Nashville, County of, Tennessee 540. Rutherford, County of, Tennessee 541. Shelby, County of, Tennessee 542. Washington, County of, Tennessee 543. Williamson, County of, Tennessee 544. Brazos, County of, Texas 545. Dallas, County of, Texas 546. Kaufman, County of, Texas 547. Lamar, County of, Texas 23 548. Montgomery, County of, Texas 549. Rusk, County of, Texas 550. San Antonio, City of, Texas 551. Tarrant, County of, Texas 552. Beaver, County of, Utah 553. Cache, County of, Utah 554. Daggett, County of, Utah 555. Duchesne, County of, Utah 556. Emery, County of, Utah 557. Garfield, County of, Utah 558. Juab ,County of, Utah 559. Kane, County of, Utah 560. Piute, County of, Utah 561. Rich, County of, Utah 562. Salt Lake, County of, Utah 563. Sevier, County of, Utah 564. Summit, County of, Utah 565. Tooele, County of, Utah 566. Tricounty Health Department, Utah 567. Uintah, County of, Utah 568. Utah, County of, Utah 569. Wasatch, County of, Utah 570. Washington, County of, Utah 571. Wayne, County of, Utah 572. Weber, County of, Utah 24 573. Danville, City of, Virginia 574. Norfolk, City of, Virginia 575. Richmond, City of, Virginia 576. Scott, County of, Virginia 577. Virginia Beach, City of, Virginia 578. Wise, County of, Virginia 579. Clark, County of, Washington 580. Jefferson, County of, Washington 581. Kittitas, County of, Washington 582. Vancouver, City of, Washington 583. Adams, County of, Wisconsin 584. Ashland, County of, Wisconsin 585. Barron, County of, Wisconsin 586. Bayfield, County of, Wisconsin 587. Brown, County of, Wisconsin 588. Buffalo, County of, Wisconsin 589. Burnett, County of, Wisconsin 590. Calumet, County of, Wisconsin 591. Chippewa, County of, Wisconsin 592. Clark, County of, Wisconsin 593. Columbia, County of, Wisconsin 594. Crawford, County of, Wisconsin 595. Dodge, County of, Wisconsin 596. Door, County of, Wisconsin 597. Douglas, County of, Wisconsin 25 598. Dunn, County of, Wisconsin 599. Eau Claire, County of, Wisconsin 600. Florence, County of, Wisconsin 601. Fond Du Lac, County of, Wisconsin 602. Forest, County of, Wisconsin 603. Grant, County of, Wisconsin 604. Green, County of, Wisconsin 605. Green Lake, County of, Wisconsin 606. Iowa, County of, Wisconsin 607. Iron, County of, Wisconsin 608. Jackson, County of, Wisconsin 609. Jefferson, County of, Wisconsin 610. Juneau, County of, Wisconsin 611. Kenosha, County of, Wisconsin 612. Kewaunee, County of, Wisconsin 613. La Crosse, County of, Wisconsin 614. Lafayette, County of, Wisconsin 615. Langlade, County of, Wisconsin 616. Lincoln, County of, Wisconsin 617. Manitowoc, County of, Wisconsin 618. Marathon, County of, Wisconsin 619. Marinette, County of, Wisconsin 620. Marquette, County of, Wisconsin 621. Menominee, County of, Wisconsin 622. Monroe, County of, Wisconsin 26 623. Oconto, County of, Wisconsin 624. Oneida, County of, Wisconsin 625. Outagamie, County of, Wisconsin 626. Ozaukee, County of, Wisconsin 627. Pepin, County of, Wisconsin 628. Pierce, County of, Wisconsin 629. Portage, County of, Wisconsin 630. Price, County of, Wisconsin 631. Racine, County of, Wisconsin 632. Richland, County of, Wisconsin 633. Rock, County of, Wisconsin 634. Rusk, County of, Wisconsin 635. Sauk, County of, Wisconsin 636. Sawyer, County of, Wisconsin 637. Sheboygan, County of, Wisconsin 638. Shawano, County of, Wisconsin 639. St. Croix, County of, Wisconsin 640. Trempealeau, County of, Wisconsin 641. Vernon, County of, Wisconsin 642. Washburn, County of, Wisconsin 643. Washington, County of, Wisconsin 644. Waupaca, County of, Wisconsin 645. Waushara, County of, Wisconsin 646. Winnebago, County of, Wisconsin 647. Wood, County of, Wisconsin D-1 EXHIBIT D [Intentionally Omitted] E-1 EXHIBIT E List of Opioid Remediation Uses Schedule A Core Strategies Settling States and Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G may choose from among the abatement strategies listed in Schedule B. However, priority may be given to the following core abatement strategies (“Core Strategies”).1 A. NALOXONE OR OTHER FDA-APPROVED DRUG TO REVERSE OPIOID OVERDOSES 1. Expand training for first responders, schools, community support groups and families; and 2. Increase distribution to individuals who are uninsured or whose insurance does not cover the needed service. B. MEDICATION-ASSISTED TREATMENT (“MAT”) DISTRIBUTION AND OTHER OPIOID-RELATED TREATMENT 1. Increase distribution of MAT to individuals who are uninsured or whose insurance does not cover the needed service; 2. Provide education to school-based and youth-focused programs that discourage or prevent misuse; 3. Provide MAT education and awareness training to healthcare providers, EMTs, law enforcement, and other first responders; and 4. Provide treatment and recovery support services such as residential and inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient therapy or counseling, and recovery housing that allow or integrate medication and with other support services. 1 As used in this Schedule A, words like “expand,” “fund,” “provide” or the like shall not indicate a preference for new or existing programs. E-2 C. PREGNANT & POSTPARTUM WOMEN 1. Expand Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (“SBIRT”) services to non-Medicaid eligible or uninsured pregnant women; 2. Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery services, including MAT, for women with co- occurring Opioid Use Disorder (“OUD”) and other Substance Use Disorder (“SUD”)/Mental Health disorders for uninsured individuals for up to 12 months postpartum; and 3. Provide comprehensive wrap-around services to individuals with OUD, including housing, transportation, job placement/training, and childcare. D. EXPANDING TREATMENT FOR NEONATAL ABSTINENCE SYNDROME (“NAS”) 1. Expand comprehensive evidence-based and recovery support for NAS babies; 2. Expand services for better continuum of care with infant- need dyad; and 3. Expand long-term treatment and services for medical monitoring of NAS babies and their families. E. EXPANSION OF WARM HAND-OFF PROGRAMS AND RECOVERY SERVICES 1. Expand services such as navigators and on-call teams to begin MAT in hospital emergency departments; 2. Expand warm hand-off services to transition to recovery services; 3. Broaden scope of recovery services to include co-occurring SUD or mental health conditions; 4. Provide comprehensive wrap-around services to individuals in recovery, including housing, transportation, job placement/training, and childcare; and E-3 5. Hire additional social workers or other behavioral health workers to facilitate expansions above. F. TREATMENT FOR INCARCERATED POPULATION 1. Provide evidence-based treatment and recovery support, including MAT for persons with OUD and co-occurring SUD/MH disorders within and transitioning out of the criminal justice system; and 2. Increase funding for jails to provide treatment to inmates with OUD. G. PREVENTION PROGRAMS 1. Funding for media campaigns to prevent opioid use (similar to the FDA’s “Real Cost” campaign to prevent youth from misusing tobacco); 2. Funding for evidence-based prevention programs in schools; 3. Funding for medical provider education and outreach regarding best prescribing practices for opioids consistent with the CDC guidelines, including providers at hospitals (academic detailing); 4. Funding for community drug disposal programs; and 5. Funding and training for first responders to participate in pre- arrest diversion programs, post-overdose response teams, or similar strategies that connect at-risk individuals to behavioral health services and supports. H. EXPANDING SYRINGE SERVICE PROGRAMS 1. Provide comprehensive syringe services programs with more wrap-around services, including linkage to OUD treatment, access to sterile syringes and linkage to care and treatment of infectious diseases. I. EVIDENCE-BASED DATA COLLECTION AND RESEARCH ANALYZING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ABATEMENT STRATEGIES WITHIN THE STATE E-4 Schedule B Approved Uses Support treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and any co-occurring Substance Use Disorder or Mental Health (SUD/MH) conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: PART ONE: TREATMENT A. TREAT OPIOID USE DISORDER (OUD) Support treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (“OUD”) and any co-occurring Substance Use Disorder or Mental Health (“SUD/MH”) conditions through evidence-based or evidence- informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that:2 1. Expand availability of treatment for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including all forms of Medication-Assisted Treatment (“MAT”) approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 2. Support and reimburse evidence-based services that adhere to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (“ASAM”) continuum of care for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 3. Expand telehealth to increase access to treatment for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including MAT, as well as counseling, psychiatric support, and other treatment and recovery support services. 4. Improve oversight of Opioid Treatment Programs (“OTPs”) to assure evidence-based or evidence-informed practices such as adequate methadone dosing and low threshold approaches to treatment. 5. Support mobile intervention, treatment, and recovery services, offered by qualified professionals and service providers, such as peer recovery coaches, for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions and for persons who have experienced an opioid overdose. 6. Provide treatment of trauma for individuals with OUD (e.g., violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or adverse childhood experiences) and family members (e.g., surviving family members after an overdose or overdose fatality), and training of health care personnel to identify and address such trauma. 2 As used in this Schedule B, words like “expand,” “fund,” “provide” or the like shall not indicate a preference for new or existing programs. E-5 7. Support evidence-based withdrawal management services for people with OUD and any co-occurring mental health conditions. 8. Provide training on MAT for health care providers, first responders, students, or other supporting professionals, such as peer recovery coaches or recovery outreach specialists, including telementoring to assist community-based providers in rural or underserved areas. 9. Support workforce development for addiction professionals who work with persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 10. Offer fellowships for addiction medicine specialists for direct patient care, instructors, and clinical research for treatments. 11. Offer scholarships and supports for behavioral health practitioners or workers involved in addressing OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH or mental health conditions, including, but not limited to, training, scholarships, fellowships, loan repayment programs, or other incentives for providers to work in rural or underserved areas. 12. Provide funding and training for clinicians to obtain a waiver under the federal Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 (“DATA 2000”) to prescribe MAT for OUD, and provide technical assistance and professional support to clinicians who have obtained a DATA 2000 waiver. 13. Disseminate web-based training curricula, such as the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry’s Provider Clinical Support Service–Opioids web-based training curriculum and motivational interviewing. 14. Develop and disseminate new curricula, such as the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry’s Provider Clinical Support Service for Medication–Assisted Treatment. B. SUPPORT PEOPLE IN TREATMENT AND RECOVERY Support people in recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the programs or strategies that: 1. Provide comprehensive wrap-around services to individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions, including housing, transportation, education, job placement, job training, or childcare. 2. Provide the full continuum of care of treatment and recovery services for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including supportive housing, peer support E-6 services and counseling, community navigators, case management, and connections to community-based services. 3. Provide counseling, peer-support, recovery case management and residential treatment with access to medications for those who need it to persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 4. Provide access to housing for people with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including supportive housing, recovery housing, housing assistance programs, training for housing providers, or recovery housing programs that allow or integrate FDA-approved mediation with other support services. 5. Provide community support services, including social and legal services, to assist in deinstitutionalizing persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 6. Support or expand peer-recovery centers, which may include support groups, social events, computer access, or other services for persons with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions. 7. Provide or support transportation to treatment or recovery programs or services for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 8. Provide employment training or educational services for persons in treatment for or recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 9. Identify successful recovery programs such as physician, pilot, and college recovery programs, and provide support and technical assistance to increase the number and capacity of high-quality programs to help those in recovery. 10. Engage non-profits, faith-based communities, and community coalitions to support people in treatment and recovery and to support family members in their efforts to support the person with OUD in the family. 11. Provide training and development of procedures for government staff to appropriately interact and provide social and other services to individuals with or in recovery from OUD, including reducing stigma. 12. Support stigma reduction efforts regarding treatment and support for persons with OUD, including reducing the stigma on effective treatment. 13. Create or support culturally appropriate services and programs for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including new Americans. 14. Create and/or support recovery high schools. E-7 15. Hire or train behavioral health workers to provide or expand any of the services or supports listed above. C. CONNECT PEOPLE WHO NEED HELP TO THE HELP THEY NEED (CONNECTIONS TO CARE) Provide connections to care for people who have—or are at risk of developing—OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1. Ensure that health care providers are screening for OUD and other risk factors and know how to appropriately counsel and treat (or refer if necessary) a patient for OUD treatment. 2. Fund SBIRT programs to reduce the transition from use to disorders, including SBIRT services to pregnant women who are uninsured or not eligible for Medicaid. 3. Provide training and long-term implementation of SBIRT in key systems (health, schools, colleges, criminal justice, and probation), with a focus on youth and young adults when transition from misuse to opioid disorder is common. 4. Purchase automated versions of SBIRT and support ongoing costs of the technology. 5. Expand services such as navigators and on-call teams to begin MAT in hospital emergency departments. 6. Provide training for emergency room personnel treating opioid overdose patients on post-discharge planning, including community referrals for MAT, recovery case management or support services. 7. Support hospital programs that transition persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, or persons who have experienced an opioid overdose, into clinically appropriate follow-up care through a bridge clinic or similar approach. 8. Support crisis stabilization centers that serve as an alternative to hospital emergency departments for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions or persons that have experienced an opioid overdose. 9. Support the work of Emergency Medical Systems, including peer support specialists, to connect individuals to treatment or other appropriate services following an opioid overdose or other opioid-related adverse event. 10. Provide funding for peer support specialists or recovery coaches in emergency departments, detox facilities, recovery centers, recovery housing, or similar settings; offer services, supports, or connections to care to persons with OUD and any co- E-8 occurring SUD/MH conditions or to persons who have experienced an opioid overdose. 11. Expand warm hand-off services to transition to recovery services. 12. Create or support school-based contacts that parents can engage with to seek immediate treatment services for their child; and support prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery programs focused on young people. 13. Develop and support best practices on addressing OUD in the workplace. 14. Support assistance programs for health care providers with OUD. 15. Engage non-profits and the faith community as a system to support outreach for treatment. 16. Support centralized call centers that provide information and connections to appropriate services and supports for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. D. ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE-INVOLVED PERSONS Address the needs of persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions who are involved in, are at risk of becoming involved in, or are transitioning out of the criminal justice system through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1. Support pre-arrest or pre-arraignment diversion and deflection strategies for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including established strategies such as: 1. Self-referral strategies such as the Angel Programs or the Police Assisted Addiction Recovery Initiative (“PAARI”); 2. Active outreach strategies such as the Drug Abuse Response Team (“DART”) model; 3. “Naloxone Plus” strategies, which work to ensure that individuals who have received naloxone to reverse the effects of an overdose are then linked to treatment programs or other appropriate services; 4. Officer prevention strategies, such as the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (“LEAD”) model; E-9 5. Officer intervention strategies such as the Leon County, Florida Adult Civil Citation Network or the Chicago Westside Narcotics Diversion to Treatment Initiative; or 6. Co-responder and/or alternative responder models to address OUD-related 911 calls with greater SUD expertise. 2. Support pre-trial services that connect individuals with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions to evidence-informed treatment, including MAT, and related services. 3. Support treatment and recovery courts that provide evidence-based options for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 4. Provide evidence-informed treatment, including MAT, recovery support, harm reduction, or other appropriate services to individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions who are incarcerated in jail or prison. 5. Provide evidence-informed treatment, including MAT, recovery support, harm reduction, or other appropriate services to individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions who are leaving jail or prison or have recently left jail or prison, are on probation or parole, are under community corrections supervision, or are in re-entry programs or facilities. 6. Support critical time interventions (“CTI”), particularly for individuals living with dual-diagnosis OUD/serious mental illness, and services for individuals who face immediate risks and service needs and risks upon release from correctional settings. 7. Provide training on best practices for addressing the needs of criminal justice- involved persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions to law enforcement, correctional, or judicial personnel or to providers of treatment, recovery, harm reduction, case management, or other services offered in connection with any of the strategies described in this section. E. ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF PREGNANT OR PARENTING WOMEN AND THEIR FAMILIES, INCLUDING BABIES WITH NEONATAL ABSTINENCE SYNDROME Address the needs of pregnant or parenting women with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, and the needs of their families, including babies with neonatal abstinence syndrome (“NAS”), through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1. Support evidence-based or evidence-informed treatment, including MAT, recovery services and supports, and prevention services for pregnant women—or women who E-10 could become pregnant—who have OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, and other measures to educate and provide support to families affected by Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. 2. Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery services, including MAT, for uninsured women with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions for up to 12 months postpartum. 3. Provide training for obstetricians or other healthcare personnel who work with pregnant women and their families regarding treatment of OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 4. Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery support for NAS babies; expand services for better continuum of care with infant-need dyad; and expand long-term treatment and services for medical monitoring of NAS babies and their families. 5. Provide training to health care providers who work with pregnant or parenting women on best practices for compliance with federal requirements that children born with NAS get referred to appropriate services and receive a plan of safe care. 6. Provide child and family supports for parenting women with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions. 7. Provide enhanced family support and child care services for parents with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 8. Provide enhanced support for children and family members suffering trauma as a result of addiction in the family; and offer trauma-informed behavioral health treatment for adverse childhood events. 9. Offer home-based wrap-around services to persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including, but not limited to, parent skills training. 10. Provide support for Children’s Services—Fund additional positions and services, including supportive housing and other residential services, relating to children being removed from the home and/or placed in foster care due to custodial opioid use. E-11 PART TWO: PREVENTION F. PREVENT OVER-PRESCRIBING AND ENSURE APPROPRIATE PRESCRIBING AND DISPENSING OF OPIOIDS Support efforts to prevent over-prescribing and ensure appropriate prescribing and dispensing of opioids through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Funding medical provider education and outreach regarding best prescribing practices for opioids consistent with the Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including providers at hospitals (academic detailing). 2. Training for health care providers regarding safe and responsible opioid prescribing, dosing, and tapering patients off opioids. 3. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on appropriate prescribing of opioids. 4. Providing Support for non-opioid pain treatment alternatives, including training providers to offer or refer to multi-modal, evidence-informed treatment of pain. 5. Supporting enhancements or improvements to Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (“PDMPs”), including, but not limited to, improvements that: 1. Increase the number of prescribers using PDMPs; 2. Improve point-of-care decision-making by increasing the quantity, quality, or format of data available to prescribers using PDMPs, by improving the interface that prescribers use to access PDMP data, or both; or 3. Enable states to use PDMP data in support of surveillance or intervention strategies, including MAT referrals and follow-up for individuals identified within PDMP data as likely to experience OUD in a manner that complies with all relevant privacy and security laws and rules. 6. Ensuring PDMPs incorporate available overdose/naloxone deployment data, including the United States Department of Transportation’s Emergency Medical Technician overdose database in a manner that complies with all relevant privacy and security laws and rules. 7. Increasing electronic prescribing to prevent diversion or forgery. 8. Educating dispensers on appropriate opioid dispensing. E-12 G. PREVENT MISUSE OF OPIOIDS Support efforts to discourage or prevent misuse of opioids through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Funding media campaigns to prevent opioid misuse. 2. Corrective advertising or affirmative public education campaigns based on evidence. 3. Public education relating to drug disposal. 4. Drug take-back disposal or destruction programs. 5. Funding community anti-drug coalitions that engage in drug prevention efforts. 6. Supporting community coalitions in implementing evidence-informed prevention, such as reduced social access and physical access, stigma reduction—including staffing, educational campaigns, support for people in treatment or recovery, or training of coalitions in evidence-informed implementation, including the Strategic Prevention Framework developed by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (“SAMHSA”). 7. Engaging non-profits and faith-based communities as systems to support prevention. 8. Funding evidence-based prevention programs in schools or evidence-informed school and community education programs and campaigns for students, families, school employees, school athletic programs, parent-teacher and student associations, and others. 9. School-based or youth-focused programs or strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness in preventing drug misuse and seem likely to be effective in preventing the uptake and use of opioids. 10. Create or support community-based education or intervention services for families, youth, and adolescents at risk for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 11. Support evidence-informed programs or curricula to address mental health needs of young people who may be at risk of misusing opioids or other drugs, including emotional modulation and resilience skills. 12. Support greater access to mental health services and supports for young people, including services and supports provided by school nurses, behavioral health workers or other school staff, to address mental health needs in young people that (when not properly addressed) increase the risk of opioid or another drug misuse. E-13 H. PREVENT OVERDOSE DEATHS AND OTHER HARMS (HARM REDUCTION) Support efforts to prevent or reduce overdose deaths or other opioid-related harms through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Increased availability and distribution of naloxone and other drugs that treat overdoses for first responders, overdose patients, individuals with OUD and their friends and family members, schools, community navigators and outreach workers, persons being released from jail or prison, or other members of the general public. 2. Public health entities providing free naloxone to anyone in the community. 3. Training and education regarding naloxone and other drugs that treat overdoses for first responders, overdose patients, patients taking opioids, families, schools, community support groups, and other members of the general public. 4. Enabling school nurses and other school staff to respond to opioid overdoses, and provide them with naloxone, training, and support. 5. Expanding, improving, or developing data tracking software and applications for overdoses/naloxone revivals. 6. Public education relating to emergency responses to overdoses. 7. Public education relating to immunity and Good Samaritan laws. 8. Educating first responders regarding the existence and operation of immunity and Good Samaritan laws. 9. Syringe service programs and other evidence-informed programs to reduce harms associated with intravenous drug use, including supplies, staffing, space, peer support services, referrals to treatment, fentanyl checking, connections to care, and the full range of harm reduction and treatment services provided by these programs. 10. Expanding access to testing and treatment for infectious diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C resulting from intravenous opioid use. 11. Supporting mobile units that offer or provide referrals to harm reduction services, treatment, recovery supports, health care, or other appropriate services to persons that use opioids or persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 12. Providing training in harm reduction strategies to health care providers, students, peer recovery coaches, recovery outreach specialists, or other professionals that provide care to persons who use opioids or persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. E-14 13. Supporting screening for fentanyl in routine clinical toxicology testing. PART THREE: OTHER STRATEGIES I. FIRST RESPONDERS In addition to items in section C, D and H relating to first responders, support the following: 1. Education of law enforcement or other first responders regarding appropriate practices and precautions when dealing with fentanyl or other drugs. 2. Provision of wellness and support services for first responders and others who experience secondary trauma associated with opioid-related emergency events. J. LEADERSHIP, PLANNING AND COORDINATION Support efforts to provide leadership, planning, coordination, facilitations, training and technical assistance to abate the opioid epidemic through activities, programs, or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Statewide, regional, local or community regional planning to identify root causes of addiction and overdose, goals for reducing harms related to the opioid epidemic, and areas and populations with the greatest needs for treatment intervention services, and to support training and technical assistance and other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list. 2. A dashboard to (a) share reports, recommendations, or plans to spend opioid settlement funds; (b) to show how opioid settlement funds have been spent; (c) to report program or strategy outcomes; or (d) to track, share or visualize key opioid- or health-related indicators and supports as identified through collaborative statewide, regional, local or community processes. 3. Invest in infrastructure or staffing at government or not-for-profit agencies to support collaborative, cross-system coordination with the purpose of preventing overprescribing, opioid misuse, or opioid overdoses, treating those with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, supporting them in treatment or recovery, connecting them to care, or implementing other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list. 4. Provide resources to staff government oversight and management of opioid abatement programs. E-15 K. TRAINING In addition to the training referred to throughout this document, support training to abate the opioid epidemic through activities, programs, or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1. Provide funding for staff training or networking programs and services to improve the capability of government, community, and not-for-profit entities to abate the opioid crisis. 2. Support infrastructure and staffing for collaborative cross-system coordination to prevent opioid misuse, prevent overdoses, and treat those with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions, or implement other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list (e.g., health care, primary care, pharmacies, PDMPs, etc.). L. RESEARCH Support opioid abatement research that may include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Monitoring, surveillance, data collection and evaluation of programs and strategies described in this opioid abatement strategy list. 2. Research non-opioid treatment of chronic pain. 3. Research on improved service delivery for modalities such as SBIRT that demonstrate promising but mixed results in populations vulnerable to opioid use disorders. 4. Research on novel harm reduction and prevention efforts such as the provision of fentanyl test strips. 5. Research on innovative supply-side enforcement efforts such as improved detection of mail-based delivery of synthetic opioids. 6. Expanded research on swift/certain/fair models to reduce and deter opioid misuse within criminal justice populations that build upon promising approaches used to address other substances (e.g., Hawaii HOPE and Dakota 24/7). 7. Epidemiological surveillance of OUD-related behaviors in critical populations, including individuals entering the criminal justice system, including, but not limited to approaches modeled on the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (“ADAM”) system. 8. Qualitative and quantitative research regarding public health risks and harm reduction opportunities within illicit drug markets, including surveys of market participants who sell or distribute illicit opioids. E-16 9. Geospatial analysis of access barriers to MAT and their association with treatment engagement and treatment outcomes F-1 Exhibit F List of Eligible States and Overall Allocation Percentages Alabama 1.6384549059% Alaska 0.8012984736% Arizona 5.7122518530% Arkansas 1.1279238585% California 10.1861592681% Colorado 5.8155254204% Delaware 0.2269125546% District of Columbia 0.1847806185% Florida 1.4426834003% Georgia 4.5952042174% Idaho 0.7995357547% Illinois 3.4151077333% Indiana 3.5880508392% Kansas 2.0316964506% Kentucky 4.8514037715% Louisiana 1.5041900036% Maryland 1.0834678885% Michigan 3.4928147567% Mississippi 0.8854488990% Missouri 2.0591730911% Montana 0.3208892888% Nebraska 0.4282874195% Nevada 2.2265135156% North Carolina 3.3369934823% Ohio 11.2417088689% Oregon 3.2546133019% South Carolina 1.5803885360% Tennessee 3.5805961294% Texas 6.4611654623% Utah 3.6774956066% Virginia 2.3409654830% Washington 3.9618592158% Wisconsin 1.8051793884% Wyoming 0.3412605429% Subdivision Name State BG Entity ID Consolidated State Allocation Abbeville City Alabama 1113 0.0005373276788370600000 Alabaster City Alabama 1206 0.0050906155914419900000 Albertville City Alabama 1179 0.0030073173498551100000 Alexander City Alabama 1222 0.0031021586558805200000 Anniston City Alabama 1037 0.0080101152336446600000 Arab City Alabama 1078 0.0019249341507943800000 Argo Town Alabama 1142 0.0002394095067075490000 Ashland Town Alabama 1058 0.0003903714157458470000 Ashville City Alabama 1204 0.0001799180180480230000 Athens City Alabama 1152 0.0034982234331958100000 Attalla City Alabama 1094 0.0016452490218524000000 Attentus Mouton, Llc D/B/A Lawrence Medical Center Alabama 13302 0.0014143420563150100000 Auburn City Alabama 1153 0.0049379760320341900000 Autauga County Alabama 1011 0.0025196509791884800000 Baldwin County Alabama 1010 0.0147023732753838000000 Barbour County Alabama 1007 0.0007277031699063790000 Bay Minette city Alabama 14647 0.0012614031368064400000 Berry Town Alabama 1099 0.0002060389726109660000 Bessemer City Alabama 1124 0.0058643322270761100000 Bibb County Alabama 1022 0.0032904730429154700000 Bibb County Healthcare Authority Alabama 13312 0.0052488215603591500000 Birmingham City Alabama 1137 0.0418442675390468000000 Blount County Alabama 1028 0.0074378299576171200000 Boaz City Alabama 1100 0.0016593254403001500000 Brent City Alabama 1006 0.0006233303941214890000 Brewton (Al), City Of Alabama 13607 0.0022130588319048500000 Bridgeport City Alabama 1115 0.0000151300231408150000 Brookwood Town Alabama 1225 0.0000696629136886535000 Brundidge City Alabama 1200 0.0001089862331296370000 Bullock County Alabama 1034 0.0006418709145491790000 Butler County Alabama 1031 0.0005373624201936570000 Butler Town Alabama 1053 0.0008203304449912770000 Calera City Alabama 1049 0.0024319709382201200000 Calhoun County Alabama 1039 0.0073004532177505800000 Camp Hill Town Alabama 1224 0.0000607441256104749000 Carbon Hill City Alabama 1226 0.0009325758719295250000 Cedar Bluff Town Alabama 1050 0.0005726177540570260000 Center Point City Alabama 1134 0.0001073160505283720000 Centre City Alabama 1052 0.0014450358825257400000 EXHIBIT G Centreville City Alabama 1027 0.0002291656767950460000 Chambers County Alabama 1044 0.0042645541213545000000 Cherokee County Alabama 1041 0.0030474566041477600000 Cherokee Town Alabama 1064 0.0000837480986469508000 Chickasaw City Alabama 1187 0.0008065098787771530000 Childersburg city Alabama 14650 0.0009673766459869510000 Chilton County Alabama 1048 0.0065834253848867800000 Choctaw County Alabama 1051 0.0012575403525126500000 Clanton City Alabama 1057 0.0016879497206515400000 Clarke County Alabama 1062 0.0024012462668797000000 Clay County Alabama 1055 0.0016558350703616600000 Cleburne County Alabama 1060 0.0020515352257754600000 Cleveland Town Alabama 1030 0.0001274799988344310000 Coffee County Alabama 1059 0.0031178909707642100000 Colbert County Alabama 1063 0.0031838531182613400000 Columbiana City Alabama 14110 0.0005006719760858110000 Conecuh County Alabama 1065 0.0015445396734178300000 Coosa County Alabama 1069 0.0012178647492220600000 Cordova City Alabama 1236 0.0009563175305939320000 Covington County Alabama 1080 0.0045692575726444400000 Crenshaw County Alabama 1076 0.0014376470128801400000 Cullman City Alabama 1072 0.0053795721169973400000 Cullman County Alabama 1073 0.0089679454743356500000 Cullman Regional Medical Center, Inc. (Healthcare Authority of Cullman County)Alabama 13308 0.0043745923357493200000 Dadeville City Alabama 1223 0.0002418310117309230000 Dale County Alabama 1079 0.0024320907471975400000 Dale County Healthcare Authority Alabama 13313 0.0029945201925755100000 Daleville City Alabama 1083 0.0007752611649175970000 Dallas County Alabama 1085 0.0020683597829357200000 Daphne City Alabama 1015 0.0032129647516618100000 Dauphin Island Town Alabama 1184 0.0004612275489251010000 Dch Health Care Authority Alabama 13314 0.0203896534839883000000 De Kalb County Alabama 1087 0.0040059258260516800000 Decatur City Alabama 1158 0.0188368966680214000000 Demopolis City Alabama 1168 0.0014633737991542100000 Dora City Alabama 1235 0.0009240281994643420000 Dothan City Alabama 1084 0.0109030734534639000000 Double Springs Town Alabama 1241 0.0008025220905367300000 Douglas Town Alabama 1180 0.0000097275798471816600 East Brewton City Alabama 14117 0.0002656781932074230000 Elmore County Alabama 1093 0.0055644997087924300000 Enterprise City Alabama 1061 0.0033245406769430200000 Escambia County Alabama 1096 0.0065163401499834000000 Escambia County Health Care Authority d/b/a D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital and Atmore Community Hospital Alabama 14781 0.0015477293845132500000 Etowah County Alabama 1101 0.0102826912043695000000 Eufaula City Alabama 1021 0.0021259346526420400000 Evergreen City Alabama 1070 0.0004145059439568190000 Fairfield City Alabama 1125 0.0011699106378085200000 Fairhope City Alabama 1019 0.0022328055592461700000 Faunsdale Town Alabama 1169 0.0000027565805374690300 Fayette City Alabama 1104 0.0007882554063416310000 Fayette County Alabama 1097 0.0013876915395781500000 Florence City Alabama 1149 0.0089173419286246200000 Foley City Alabama 1004 0.0034393082614331000000 Fort Deposit Town Alabama 1160 0.0000516071488254435000 Fort Payne City Alabama 1089 0.0058210250156216100000 Franklin County Alabama 1103 0.0028807497174883200000 Fultondale City Alabama 1127 0.0009530547652439880000 Gadsden City Alabama 1102 0.0083652189774752600000 Geneva City Alabama 1110 0.0006639031036576640000 Geneva County Alabama 1107 0.0022068995465343200000 Geneva County Health Care Authority Alabama 13299 0.0048787124726487900000 Georgiana Town Alabama 1033 0.0001833389052733200000 Geraldine Town Alabama 1098 0.0001101187364175870000 Gilbertown Town Alabama 1056 0.0000201561558522427000 Grant Town Alabama 1177 0.0001702349201247090000 Graysville City Alabama 1126 0.0003683772148497160000 Greene County Alabama 1109 0.0007053609060731260000 Greene County Hospital Board Alabama 13295 0.0030954587690265000000 Greensboro City Alabama 1112 0.0002495617752877120000 Greenville City Alabama 1036 0.0017114173446900800000 Guin City Alabama 1173 0.0002535375501618350000 Gulf Shores City Alabama 1017 0.0048785192847312600000 Guntersville City Alabama 1178 0.0025418471345126800000 Gurley Town Alabama 1165 0.0000751669835674728000 Hale County Alabama 1116 0.0013189455379552000000 Haleyville City Alabama 1175 0.0014259976191105400000 Hamilton City Alabama 1174 0.0009032285168011140000 Hammondville Town Alabama 1091 0.0000490310934680490000 Hartselle City Alabama 1192 0.0006358502699194630000 Headland City Alabama 1117 0.0006278880055472190000 Health Care Authority Of Clarke County Alabama 14586 0.0010093886866800900000 Health Care Authority Of The City Of Huntsville D/B/A Huntsville Hospital Alabama 13298 0.0303261217443931000000 Healthcare Authority for Baptist Health, an affiliate of UAB Health System d/b/a Baptist Medical Center East (Montgomery)Alabama 13319 0.0061909178627385700000 Healthcare Authority for Baptist Health, an affiliate of UAB Health System d/b/a Baptist Medical Center South (Montgomery)Alabama 14779 0.0130211153244469000000 Healthcare Authority for Baptist Health, an affiliate of UAB Health System d/b/a Prattville Baptist Hospital Alabama 14780 0.0018505460879229500000 Helena City Alabama 1139 0.0013940462856652300000 Henagar City Alabama 1090 0.0003432173295907680000 Henry County Alabama 1114 0.0008134656178648090000 Hh Health System- Athens Limestone, Llc D/B/A Athens Limestone Hospital Alabama 13297 0.0021708503564384300000 Hh Health System- Morgan, Llc D/B/A Decatur Morgan Hospital-Decatur Alabama 14778 0.0108542517821921000000 Hh Health System- Morgan, Llc D/B/A Decatur Morgan Hospital-Parkway Alabama 13303 0.0039470005890361300000 Hh Health System- Shoals, Llc D/B/A Helen Keller Hospital Alabama 13301 0.0056573675758889000000 Homewood City Alabama 1129 0.0040003759755066900000 Hoover City Alabama 1135 0.0141830120728766000000 Houston County Alabama 1119 0.0055870611353892600000 Hueytown City Alabama 1136 0.0019444760015374500000 Huntsville City Alabama 1159 0.0318917672789720000000 Irondale City Alabama 1131 0.0017364096921919800000 Jackson County Alabama 1118 0.0015808077015917300000 Jackson County Health Care Authority Alabama 13307 0.0031247087184822100000 Jacksonville City Alabama 1040 0.0025009708439632500000 Jasper City Alabama 1233 0.0140982301753567000000 Jefferson County Alabama 1121 0.0550780373047089000000 Jefferson County Board of Health Alabama 14783 0.0308543617986526000000 Killen Town Alabama 1148 0.0001833161772830230000 Lakeland Community Hospital HCA Winston County Alabama 14782 0.0019514849890595100000 Lamar County Alabama 1143 0.0016280419850840000000 Lanett City Alabama 1043 0.0012800105424627200000 Lauderdale County Alabama 1147 0.0047859088932963000000 Lawrence County Alabama 1145 0.0045357831391636400000 Leeds City Alabama 1144 0.0014992359703585200000 Leesburg Town Alabama 1047 0.0001918722915731740000 Leighton Town Alabama 1066 0.0000564699646923073000 Level Plains Town Alabama 1077 0.0000350595484612375000 Limestone County Alabama 1154 0.0058188759217962300000 Lincoln City Alabama 1215 0.0018466222627409300000 Linden City Alabama 1170 0.0001718012033417580000 Locust Fork Town Alabama 1032 0.0000390814286871066000 Louisville Town Alabama 1012 0.0000463180207977203000 Lowndes County Alabama 1161 0.0006941452922326320000 Loxley town Alabama 14648 0.0004113340905680630000 Luverne City Alabama 1081 0.0001532252921863190000 Macon County Alabama 1162 0.0013647706860490400000 Madison City Alabama 1157 0.0047088048355843600000 Madison County Alabama 1163 0.0131238390221929000000 Marengo County Alabama 1166 0.0004980089049941360000 Marion City Alabama 1199 0.0002355243191090390000 Marion County Alabama 1172 0.0022296850061783700000 Marshall County Alabama 1176 0.0074162828487586900000 Marshall County Health Care Authority, Hospital 1 Alabama 13309 0.0029602506041198800000 Marshall County Health Care Authority, Hospital 2 Alabama 14784 0.0064138762006978900000 Mckenzie Town Alabama 1038 0.0000440552870208508000 Medical West Hospital Authority Alabama 14588 0.0083442806540712200000 Midfield City Alabama 1128 0.0000038923306811753600 Millbrook City Alabama 1020 0.0024754158163587100000 Mobile City Alabama 1182 0.0322757190115156000000 Mobile County Alabama 1181 0.0276021701591658000000 Mobile County Board Of Health Alabama 13583 0.0193445993855628000000 Monroe County Alabama 1188 0.0018825776187054500000 Monroe County Health Care Authority D/B/A Monroe County Hospital Alabama 13574 0.0016486682856498200000 Monroeville City Alabama 1190 0.0010619523592114700000 Montgomery City Alabama 1189 0.0177726471583620000000 Montgomery County Alabama 1193 0.0098033322388420700000 Moody City Alabama 1216 0.0003620711715989830000 Morgan County Alabama 1196 0.0031373818458719000000 Moulton City Alabama 1151 0.0013546080275304600000 Mountain Brook City Alabama 1130 0.0035653362663731200000 Munford Town Alabama 1220 0.0002417891272916610000 Muscle Shoals City Alabama 1068 0.0026828019094231400000 Nauvoo Town Alabama 1232 0.0001870510354599970000 New Hope City Alabama 1167 0.0001307908176495750000 Northport City Alabama 1229 0.0042416628142127900000 Oakman Town Alabama 1237 0.0004189836827309340000 Oneonta City Alabama 1025 0.0027040610221759500000 Opelika City Alabama 1155 0.0053658372677751900000 Opp City Alabama 1074 0.0009265286030826040000 Orange Beach City Alabama 1023 0.0029416707967375400000 Oxford City Alabama 1045 0.0035237875519964700000 Ozark City Alabama 1082 0.0029499421617778200000 Parrish Town Alabama 1234 0.0011686245582432800000 Pelham City Alabama 1205 0.0068738196181712000000 Pell City Alabama 1211 0.0044443071991300800000 Perry County Alabama 1194 0.0005087894401632270000 Phenix City Alabama 1156 0.0062594382078864300000 Pickens County Alabama 1201 0.0028661898422183900000 Piedmont City Alabama 1046 0.0014348703018369800000 Pike County Alabama 1198 0.0002971580831968590000 Pleasant Grove City Alabama 1133 0.0005168400190120550000 Powell Town Alabama 1088 0.0000530497268381614000 Prattville City Alabama 1008 0.0060331346344409500000 Priceville Town Alabama 1195 0.0001217687795583320000 Prichard City Alabama 1183 0.0011003827933193500000 Ragland Town Alabama 1212 0.0001519801230036110000 Rainbow City Alabama 1095 0.0013460113275433500000 Rainsville City Alabama 1092 0.0018816655769233900000 Randolph County Alabama 1208 0.0017748105799124700000 Red Bay City Alabama 1106 0.0006274639661853890000 Roanoke City Alabama 14118 0.0010908084650638800000 Robertsdale City Alabama 1005 0.0008564458709446050000 Rockford Town Alabama 1075 0.0000588596505292652000 Russell County Alabama 1207 0.0017037596353878100000 Russellville City Alabama 1108 0.0031690084937415400000 Saraland City Alabama 1186 0.0024847953332687700000 Satsuma City Alabama 1185 0.0006260301546832150000 Scottsboro City Alabama 1123 0.0066355520306333000000 Selma City Alabama 1086 0.0026395099581907000000 Semmes (Al), City Of Alabama 13606 0.0004200467033056890000 Sheffield City Alabama 1071 0.0016093939937307600000 Shelby County Alabama 1210 0.0163752907032528000000 Sipsey Town Alabama 1238 0.0003758758282198990000 Slocomb City Alabama 1111 0.0004424009805052420000 Spanish Fort City Alabama 1013 0.0002939683721014420000 Springville City Alabama 1214 0.0005781214992502700000 St Clair County Alabama 1209 0.0103787114437202000000 Sumiton City Alabama 1140 0.0023258714845438000000 Summerdale town Alabama 14649 0.0002450324115070650000 Sumter County Alabama 1213 0.0011813782076557400000 Sweet Water Town Alabama 1171 0.0000030000947192242500 Sylacauga City Alabama 1218 0.0023084021018302500000 Sylacauga Health Care Authority Alabama 13316 0.0047777735715122200000 Talladega City Alabama 1221 0.0022820288665750100000 Talladega County Alabama 1217 0.0051585677368324200000 Tallapoosa County Alabama 1219 0.0019470098477700100000 Tarrant City Alabama 1132 0.0009199699544539970000 Thomasville City Alabama 1054 0.0008852500271049140000 Tombigbee Health Care Authority Alabama 13315 0.0020524238901960800000 Troy City Alabama 1197 0.0032823721378024100000 Trussville City Alabama 1138 0.0024448154995937700000 Tuscaloosa City Alabama 1227 0.0195122494838196000000 Tuscaloosa County Alabama 1228 0.0101248511560961000000 Tuscumbia City Alabama 1067 0.0008432211027618420000 Tuskegee City Alabama 1164 0.0009179124219609530000 Union Springs City Alabama 1035 0.0004230906305776290000 Uniontown Town Alabama 1202 0.0001814515080219300000 Vance Town Alabama 1029 0.0000962932999198282000 Vernon City Alabama 1146 0.0003170902060018870000 Vestavia Hills City Alabama 1141 0.0030835957321481100000 Walker County Alabama 1230 0.0146359656592768000000 Washington County Alabama 1231 0.0016134379525757700000 Weaver City Alabama 1042 0.0004227639968885020000 West Blocton Town Alabama 1026 0.0004044773805809880000 Wetumpka (Al), City Of Alabama 13605 0.0016601095559654000000 Wilcox County Alabama 1239 0.0008791066513275940000 Winfield City Alabama 1105 0.0019023873350484500000 Woodville Town Alabama 1120 0.0000046128079735951200 Yellow Bluff Town Alabama 1240 0.0000293074188026036000 Anchorage Municipality Alaska 1002 0.4765780000000000000000 Fairbanks City Alaska 1009 0.0512260000000000000000 Fairbanks North Star Borough Alaska 1001 0.1096270000000000000000 Juneau City And Borough Alaska 7050 0.0523240000000000000000 Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska 1016 0.0949220000000000000000 Ketchikan Gateway Borough Alaska 1014 0.0224060000000000000000 Kodiak Island Borough Alaska 1003 0.0218390000000000000000 Matanuska-Susitna Borough Alaska 1018 0.1547260000000000000000 Wasilla City Alaska 1000 0.0163510000000000000000 Apache County Arizona 1814 0.0039074700000000000000 Apache Junction City Arizona 1878 0.0022013400000000000000 Avondale City Arizona 1852 0.0056771400000000000000 Benson City Arizona 1819 0.0006529600000000000000 Bisbee City Arizona 1822 0.0006436850000000000000 Buckeye City Arizona 1855 0.0026647800000000000000 Bullhead City Arizona 1877 0.0064163800000000000000 Camp Verde Town Arizona 1911 0.0004162270000000000000 Carefree Town Arizona 1867 0.0002317200000000000000 Casa Grande City Arizona 1895 0.0021251440000000000000 Cave Creek Town Arizona 1865 0.0003475800000000000000 Chandler City Arizona 1853 0.0165679800000000000000 Chino Valley Town Arizona 1916 0.0002917880000000000000 Clarkdale Town Arizona 1914 0.0003089520000000000000 Clifton Town Arizona 1846 0.0001028700000000000000 Cochise County Arizona 1820 0.0117736850000000000000 Coconino County Arizona 1828 0.0120118080000000000000 Colorado City Town Arizona 1880 0.0002987780000000000000 Coolidge City Arizona 1897 0.0006444480000000000000 Cottonwood City Arizona 1913 0.0020982990000000000000 Dewey-Humboldt Town Arizona 1909 0.0006608140000000000000 Douglas City Arizona 1823 0.0015656200000000000000 Duncan Town Arizona 1848 0.0000025200000000000000 Eagar Town Arizona 1815 0.0014255400000000000000 El Mirage City Arizona 1859 0.0022592700000000000000 Eloy City Arizona 1898 0.0134183280000000000000 Flagstaff City Arizona 1829 0.0031143600000000000000 Florence Town Arizona 1901 0.0004564840000000000000 Fountain Hills Town Arizona 1872 0.0009848100000000000000 Fredonia Town Arizona 1827 0.0000523280000000000000 Gila Bend Town Arizona 1875 0.0001737900000000000000 Gila County Arizona 1838 0.0077804460000000000000 Gilbert Town Arizona 1856 0.0099060300000000000000 Glendale City Arizona 1857 0.0152355900000000000000 Globe City Arizona 1839 0.0011682660000000000000 Goodyear City Arizona 1858 0.0044026800000000000000 Graham County Arizona 1842 0.0044764940000000000000 Greenlee County Arizona 1845 0.0007946100000000000000 Guadalupe Town Arizona 1873 0.0000000000000000000000 Hayden Town Arizona 1841 0.0002638020000000000000 Holbrook City Arizona 1882 0.0005756250000000000000 Huachuca City Town Arizona 1830 0.0001688050000000000000 Jerome Town Arizona 1912 0.0000128730000000000000 Kearny Town Arizona 1903 0.0001074080000000000000 Kingman City Arizona 1876 0.0048539180000000000000 La Paz County Arizona 1851 0.0026701710000000000000 Lake Havasu City Arizona 1883 0.0067935260000000000000 Litchfield Park City Arizona 1866 0.0002317200000000000000 Mammoth Town Arizona 1904 0.0000613760000000000000 Marana Town Arizona 1892 0.0038412820000000000000 Maricopa City Arizona 1902 0.0010472280000000000000 Maricopa County Arizona 1854 0.2985132900000000000000 Mesa City Arizona 1860 0.0351055800000000000000 Miami Town Arizona 1835 0.0003094820000000000000 Mohave County Arizona 1884 0.0306173980000000000000 Navajo County Arizona 1885 0.0107895150000000000000 Nogales City Arizona 1905 0.0008343500000000000000 Oro Valley Town Arizona 1896 0.0032072840000000000000 Page City Arizona 1833 0.0005756080000000000000 Paradise Valley Town Arizona 1869 0.0019696200000000000000 Parker Town Arizona 1850 0.0001562190000000000000 Patagonia Town Arizona 1908 0.0000247900000000000000 Payson Town Arizona 1837 0.0018466140000000000000 Peoria City Arizona 1874 0.0087474300000000000000 Phoenix City Arizona 1861 0.1232750400000000000000 Pima County Arizona 1890 0.1346126930000000000000 Pima Town Arizona 1844 0.0001596180000000000000 Pinal County Arizona 1899 0.0203346360000000000000 Pinetop-Lakeside Town Arizona 1888 0.0007291250000000000000 Prescott City Arizona 1910 0.0059172890000000000000 Prescott Valley Town Arizona 1915 0.0034714190000000000000 Quartzsite Town Arizona 1849 0.0001839110000000000000 Queen Creek Town Arizona 1870 0.0006372300000000000000 Safford City Arizona 1843 0.0019290770000000000000 Sahuarita Town Arizona 1894 0.0015104070000000000000 San Luis City Arizona 1918 0.0009638400000000000000 Santa Cruz County Arizona 1906 0.0028408600000000000000 Scottsdale City Arizona 1863 0.0231140700000000000000 Sedona City Arizona 1832 0.0006903920000000000000 Show Low City Arizona 1881 0.0014413650000000000000 Sierra Vista City Arizona 1824 0.0030848650000000000000 Snowflake Town Arizona 1887 0.0004512900000000000000 Somerton City Arizona 1922 0.0004497920000000000000 South Tucson City Arizona 1891 0.0005780570000000000000 Springerville Town Arizona 1818 0.0007403700000000000000 St. Johns City Arizona 1821 0.0008266200000000000000 Star Valley Town Arizona 1836 0.0000399700000000000000 Superior Town Arizona 1900 0.0001687840000000000000 Surprise City Arizona 1868 0.0056771400000000000000 Taylor Town Arizona 1889 0.0004113800000000000000 Tempe City Arizona 1864 0.0189431100000000000000 Thatcher Town Arizona 1847 0.0006240920000000000000 Tolleson City Arizona 1862 0.0015641100000000000000 Tombstone City Arizona 1825 0.0002151800000000000000 Tucson City Arizona 1893 0.0427202770000000000000 Tusayan Town Arizona 1834 0.0001130960000000000000 Wellton Town Arizona 1917 0.0001224880000000000000 Wickenburg Town Arizona 1879 0.0005793000000000000000 Willcox City Arizona 1826 0.0004433450000000000000 Williams City Arizona 1831 0.0003240960000000000000 Winkelman Town Arizona 1840 0.0000114200000000000000 Winslow City Arizona 1886 0.0009501650000000000000 Yavapai County Arizona 1907 0.0297409210000000000000 Youngtown Town Arizona 1871 0.0002896500000000000000 Yuma City Arizona 1921 0.0052850560000000000000 Yuma County Arizona 1920 0.0132588240000000000000 Adona City Arkansas 1652 0.0000207905060000000000 Alexander City Arkansas 1704 0.0001034760180000000000 Alicia Town Arkansas 1532 0.0000023095790000000000 Allport Town Arkansas 1591 0.0000265873500000000000 Alma City Arkansas 1372 0.0018752366730000000000 Almyra Town Arkansas 1243 0.0000108810660000000000 Alpena Town Arkansas 1298 0.0001413193470000000000 Altheimer City Arkansas 1520 0.0000710818080000000000 Altus City Arkansas 1434 0.0001611496750000000000 Amagon Town Arkansas 1504 0.0000165877590000000000 Amity City Arkansas 1321 0.0001059472970000000000 Anthonyville Town Arkansas 1391 0.0000109783720000000000 Antoine Town Arkansas 1665 0.0000105762700000000000 Arkadelphia City Arkansas 1323 0.0027105931660000000000 Arkansas City Arkansas 1410 0.0000263655500000000000 Arkansas County Arkansas 1242 0.0022720049280000000000 Ash Flat City Arkansas 1444 0.0005609644560000000000 Ashdown City Arkansas 1561 0.0002106453600000000000 Ashley County Arkansas 1249 0.0030245585690000000000 Atkins City Arkansas 1684 0.0005075407690000000000 Aubrey Town Arkansas 1554 0.0000211668500000000000 Augusta City Arkansas 1803 0.0001346453210000000000 Austin City Arkansas 1579 0.0002017476130000000000 Avoca Town Arkansas 1283 0.0000302277270000000000 Bald Knob City Arkansas 1788 0.0010482270050000000000 Banks Town Arkansas 1303 0.0000068228460000000000 Barling City Arkansas 1732 0.0015886785630000000000 Bassett Town Arkansas 1613 0.0000114992430000000000 Batesville City Arkansas 1485 0.0013189657850000000000 Bauxite Town Arkansas 1721 0.0000498162220000000000 Baxter County Arkansas 1257 0.0086902354700000000000 Bay City Arkansas 1364 0.0002504934720000000000 Bearden City Arkansas 1641 0.0001611010220000000000 Beaver Town Arkansas 1316 0.0000513659580000000000 Beebe City Arkansas 1789 0.0024120922130000000000 Beedeville Town Arkansas 1515 0.0000180301720000000000 Bella Vista City Arkansas 1282 0.0051366487450000000000 Bellefonte Town Arkansas 1297 0.0000084355450000000000 Belleville City Arkansas 1810 0.0000508808600000000000 Ben Lomond Town Arkansas 1739 0.0000124994890000000000 Benton City Arkansas 1712 0.0137626166670000000000 Benton County Arkansas 1265 0.0194935241560000000000 Bentonville City Arkansas 1270 0.0132121483470000000000 Bergman Town Arkansas 1294 0.0000801913380000000000 Berryville City Arkansas 1311 0.0017676738150000000000 Big Flat Town Arkansas 1266 0.0000055521480000000000 Bigelow Town Arkansas 1651 0.0000283517310000000000 Biggers Town Arkansas 1703 0.0000025714460000000000 Birdsong Town Arkansas 1612 0.0000012105970000000000 Black Oak Town Arkansas 1365 0.0000030794390000000000 Black Rock City Arkansas 1534 0.0000205529660000000000 Black Springs Town Arkansas 1629 0.0000077143380000000000 Blevins City Arkansas 1462 0.0000422893400000000000 Blue Eye Town Arkansas 1309 0.0000070847130000000000 Blue Mountain Town Arkansas 1564 0.0000234578270000000000 Bluff City Town Arkansas 1633 0.0000019561310000000000 Blytheville City Arkansas 1603 0.0034448819560000000000 Bodcaw Town Arkansas 1636 0.0000048924730000000000 Bonanza City Arkansas 1725 0.0002715343970000000000 Bono City Arkansas 1362 0.0001663111690000000000 Boone County Arkansas 1287 0.0068443450490000000000 Booneville City Arkansas 1568 0.0023956704460000000000 Bradford City Arkansas 1794 0.0001961367950000000000 Bradley City Arkansas 1530 0.0001271670930000000000 Bradley County Arkansas 1300 0.0009035577670000000000 Branch City Arkansas 1431 0.0000015955270000000000 Briarcliff City Arkansas 1260 0.0000018416530000000000 Brinkley City Arkansas 1618 0.0007887942880000000000 Brookland City Arkansas 1366 0.0003367292110000000000 Bryant City Arkansas 1713 0.0105361731120000000000 Buckner City Arkansas 1533 0.0000651805040000000000 Bull Shoals City Arkansas 1589 0.0006925432170000000000 Burdette Town Arkansas 1611 0.0000012105970000000000 Cabot City Arkansas 1576 0.0096260142990000000000 Caddo Valley Town Arkansas 1325 0.0004475990310000000000 Caldwell Town Arkansas 1759 0.0000422392560000000000 Cale Town Arkansas 1639 0.0000078273840000000000 Calhoun County Arkansas 1301 0.0013979594050000000000 Calico Rock City Arkansas 1500 0.0000244595030000000000 Calion City Arkansas 1761 0.0000293619930000000000 Camden City Arkansas 1644 0.0040985429630000000000 Cammack Village City Arkansas 1697 0.0001120546600000000000 Campbell Station City Arkansas 1505 0.0000430906810000000000 Caraway City Arkansas 1367 0.0002258550980000000000 Carlisle City Arkansas 1578 0.0014685346520000000000 Carroll County Arkansas 1306 0.0059282606050000000000 Carthage City Arkansas 1405 0.0000166106540000000000 Casa Town Arkansas 1649 0.0000151210180000000000 Cash Town Arkansas 1368 0.0000123191870000000000 Caulksville Town Arkansas 1577 0.0000069287380000000000 Cave City Arkansas 1498 0.0008504632020000000000 Cave Springs City Arkansas 1284 0.0003207968350000000000 Cedarville City Arkansas 1381 0.0001788020720000000000 Centerton City Arkansas 1267 0.0011310770790000000000 Central City Town Arkansas 1741 0.0001742687720000000000 Charleston City Arkansas 1430 0.0004100547750000000000 Cherokee Village City Arkansas 1447 0.0021254139020000000000 Cherry Valley City Arkansas 1398 0.0000814663290000000000 Chester Town Arkansas 1379 0.0000043615850000000000 Chicot County Arkansas 1313 0.0028323526370000000000 Chidester City Arkansas 1643 0.0000074195590000000000 Clarendon City Arkansas 1617 0.0002704840680000000000 Clark County Arkansas 1319 0.0033427081170000000000 Clarksville City Arkansas 1531 0.0024588375810000000000 Clay County Arkansas 1328 0.0004796741360000000000 Cleburne County Arkansas 1339 0.0035031580490000000000 Cleveland County Arkansas 1345 0.0011436795970000000000 Clinton City Arkansas 1768 0.0008240346890000000000 Coal Hill City Arkansas 1523 0.0013287135260000000000 Colt City Arkansas 1747 0.0000852054440000000000 Columbia County Arkansas 1352 0.0006716639910000000000 Concord Town Arkansas 1344 0.0001507851880000000000 Conway City Arkansas 1417 0.0209227430150000000000 Conway County Arkansas 1360 0.0051389712030000000000 Corning City Arkansas 1326 0.0001918095540000000000 Cotter City Arkansas 1258 0.0002339257470000000000 Cotton Plant City Arkansas 1808 0.0000249860990000000000 Cove Town Arkansas 1679 0.0000017772600000000000 Coy Town Arkansas 1581 0.0000781965720000000000 Craighead County Arkansas 1361 0.0092651890500000000000 Crawford County Arkansas 1373 0.0095658879670000000000 Crawfordsville Town Arkansas 1384 0.0000372294440000000000 Crittenden County Arkansas 1382 0.0048646893510000000000 Cross County Arkansas 1396 0.0031149684360000000000 Crossett City Arkansas 1252 0.0024829264640000000000 Cushman City Arkansas 1489 0.0000312351270000000000 Daisy Town Arkansas 1668 0.0000190361420000000000 Dallas County Arkansas 1403 0.0011701038160000000000 Damascus Town Arkansas 1432 0.0003288331410000000000 Danville City Arkansas 1816 0.0005545980880000000000 Dardanelle City Arkansas 1811 0.0012703186630000000000 Datto Town Arkansas 1330 0.0000020419890000000000 De Queen City Arkansas 1746 0.0018251771870000000000 De Valls Bluff City Arkansas 1692 0.0001533695120000000000 Decatur City Arkansas 1269 0.0004612060880000000000 Delaplaine Town Arkansas 1458 0.0000124093380000000000 Delight City Arkansas 1663 0.0000190361420000000000 Dell Town Arkansas 1602 0.0000496273340000000000 Denning Town Arkansas 1433 0.0000668933710000000000 Dermott City Arkansas 1315 0.0000988110690000000000 Des Arc City Arkansas 1693 0.0004619029680000000000 Desha County Arkansas 1406 0.0018804425270000000000 Dewitt City Arkansas 1247 0.0005614724490000000000 Diamond City Arkansas 1296 0.0000674814980000000000 Diaz City Arkansas 1513 0.0001447994560000000000 Dierks City Arkansas 1484 0.0001098438170000000000 Donaldson Town Arkansas 1482 0.0000972885210000000000 Dover City Arkansas 1687 0.0003575612150000000000 Drew County Arkansas 1414 0.0043143426630000000000 Dumas City Arkansas 1407 0.0003452091160000000000 Dyer City Arkansas 1375 0.0000392485370000000000 Dyess Town Arkansas 1614 0.0000048423890000000000 Earle City Arkansas 1385 0.0001699200660000000000 East Camden Town Arkansas 1646 0.0000778259520000000000 Edmondson Town Arkansas 1387 0.0000806649880000000000 Egypt Town Arkansas 1370 0.0000071863120000000000 El Dorado City Arkansas 1765 0.0075497226010000000000 Elaine City Arkansas 1657 0.0000612725360000000000 Elkins City Arkansas 1786 0.0005848200920000000000 Elm Springs City Arkansas 1289 0.0001692704070000000000 Emerson Town Arkansas 1353 0.0000077129070000000000 Emmet City Arkansas 1470 0.0000067326950000000000 England City Arkansas 1580 0.0012777339290000000000 Enola Town Arkansas 1423 0.0001662839810000000000 Etowah Town Arkansas 1610 0.0000169455000000000000 Eudora City Arkansas 1318 0.0000901279670000000000 Eureka Springs City Arkansas 1310 0.0038913619720000000000 Evening Shade City Arkansas 1745 0.0001128774650000000000 Everton Town Arkansas 1288 0.0000238255850000000000 Fairfield Bay City Arkansas 1348 0.0009941837100000000000 Fargo Town Arkansas 1624 0.0000035402100000000000 Farmington City Arkansas 1774 0.0009084502400000000000 Faulkner County Arkansas 1419 0.0100721165400000000000 Fayetteville City Arkansas 1776 0.0211036586240000000000 Felsenthal Town Arkansas 1770 0.0000171816100000000000 Fifty-Six City Arkansas 1762 0.0000046148660000000000 Fisher City Arkansas 1667 0.0000196056660000000000 Flippin City Arkansas 1594 0.0009569013200000000000 Fordyce City Arkansas 1401 0.0005450635610000000000 Foreman City Arkansas 1563 0.0000205830160000000000 Forrest City Arkansas 1751 0.0029610909310000000000 Fort Smith City Arkansas 1729 0.0384349300880000000000 Fouke City Arkansas 1598 0.0000543724180000000000 Fountain Hill Town Arkansas 1254 0.0000071505370000000000 Fountain Lake Town Arkansas 1450 0.0000282701660000000000 Fourche Town Arkansas 1650 0.0000096590210000000000 Franklin County Arkansas 1428 0.0059816871540000000000 Franklin Town Arkansas 1499 0.0001470632450000000000 Fredonia (Biscoe) Town Arkansas 1690 0.0000780305800000000000 Friendship Town Arkansas 1475 0.0000513029950000000000 Fulton County Arkansas 1440 0.0049581786570000000000 Fulton Town Arkansas 1465 0.0000663524660000000000 Garfield Town Arkansas 1273 0.0000744760600000000000 Garland County Arkansas 1445 0.0173345884430000000000 Garland Town Arkansas 1600 0.0000028919820000000000 Garner Town Arkansas 1799 0.0000779347050000000000 Gassville City Arkansas 1261 0.0007275632500000000000 Gateway Town Arkansas 1271 0.0000628780800000000000 Gentry City Arkansas 1275 0.0009048613770000000000 Georgetown Town Arkansas 1802 0.0000402659540000000000 Gilbert Town Arkansas 1730 0.0000248315540000000000 Gillett City Arkansas 1246 0.0001146160890000000000 Gillham Town Arkansas 1744 0.0000138016680000000000 Gilmore City Arkansas 1386 0.0000009544540000000000 Glenwood City Arkansas 1628 0.0004800218610000000000 Goshen Town Arkansas 1783 0.0000316601240000000000 Gosnell City Arkansas 1620 0.0002723471860000000000 Gould City Arkansas 1559 0.0001712480020000000000 Grady City Arkansas 1560 0.0003131039620000000000 Grannis City Arkansas 1683 0.0000092426100000000000 Grant County Arkansas 1449 0.0026644817150000000000 Gravette City Arkansas 1278 0.0008034545350000000000 Green Forest City Arkansas 1317 0.0011760881160000000000 Greenbrier City Arkansas 1422 0.0007200664190000000000 Greene County Arkansas 1456 0.0052985282130000000000 Greenland City Arkansas 1779 0.0002374459240000000000 Greenway City Arkansas 1333 0.0000047579620000000000 Greenwood City Arkansas 1731 0.0023100671940000000000 Greers Ferry City Arkansas 1347 0.0004998607740000000000 Griffithville Town Arkansas 1787 0.0000454617920000000000 Grubbs City Arkansas 1511 0.0000568851940000000000 Guion Town Arkansas 1494 0.0001883337370000000000 Gum Springs Town Arkansas 1327 0.0000305124890000000000 Gurdon City Arkansas 1320 0.0006332582930000000000 Guy City Arkansas 1429 0.0001554816180000000000 Hackett City Arkansas 1733 0.0001715671080000000000 Hamburg City Arkansas 1251 0.0005246508300000000000 Hampton City Arkansas 1305 0.0001492583470000000000 Hardy City Arkansas 1443 0.0002257048470000000000 Harrell Town Arkansas 1312 0.0000156089780000000000 Harrisburg City Arkansas 1671 0.0006103742840000000000 Harrison City Arkansas 1291 0.0075090416660000000000 Hartford City Arkansas 1734 0.0000797033790000000000 Hartman City Arkansas 1528 0.0000418085360000000000 Haskell City Arkansas 1716 0.0007190175200000000000 Hatfield Town Arkansas 1677 0.0000031195060000000000 Havana City Arkansas 1812 0.0000288325350000000000 Haynes Town Arkansas 1555 0.0000218079230000000000 Hazen City Arkansas 1694 0.0006484580150000000000 Heber Springs City Arkansas 1340 0.0037675476330000000000 Hector Town Arkansas 1688 0.0000467324900000000000 Helena-West Helena City Arkansas 1658 0.0017392147620000000000 Hempstead County Arkansas 1463 0.0027346591530000000000 Hermitage City Arkansas 1302 0.0001218396060000000000 Hickory Ridge City Arkansas 1402 0.0000377703490000000000 Higden Town Arkansas 1343 0.0000856547670000000000 Higginson Town Arkansas 1790 0.0001519728890000000000 Highfill Town Arkansas 1281 0.0001560110760000000000 Highland City Arkansas 1750 0.0002987184600000000000 Hindsville Town Arkansas 1590 0.0000338165900000000000 Holland City Arkansas 1421 0.0001488648310000000000 Holly Grove City Arkansas 1622 0.0000446089360000000000 Hope City Arkansas 1464 0.0022488662060000000000 Horatio City Arkansas 1740 0.0000294178000000000000 Horseshoe Bend City Arkansas 1441 0.0011121096230000000000 Horseshoe Lake Town Arkansas 1393 0.0000143196770000000000 Hot Spring County Arkansas 1473 0.0047821497970000000000 Hot Springs City Arkansas 1442 0.0356179775070000000000 Houston Town Arkansas 1654 0.0000529228490000000000 Howard County Arkansas 1480 0.0017302497600000000000 Hoxie City Arkansas 1538 0.0001203184890000000000 Hughes City Arkansas 1756 0.0001136086890000000000 Humnoke City Arkansas 1582 0.0001481765360000000000 Humphrey City Arkansas 1253 0.0001426859200000000000 Hunter Town Arkansas 1806 0.0000017357620000000000 Huntington City Arkansas 1737 0.0000621425630000000000 Huntsville City Arkansas 1587 0.0008545085430000000000 Huttig City Arkansas 1767 0.0000907561610000000000 Imboden Town Arkansas 1539 0.0000076213250000000000 Independence County Arkansas 1488 0.0108930202760000000000 Izard County Arkansas 1496 0.0055130486290000000000 Jackson County Arkansas 1503 0.0018172410490000000000 Jacksonport Town Arkansas 1514 0.0000506805250000000000 Jacksonville City Arkansas 1695 0.0263893052800000000000 Jasper City Arkansas 1635 0.0000705265940000000000 Jefferson County Arkansas 1521 0.0059928415350000000000 Jennette Town Arkansas 1397 0.0000124093380000000000 Jericho Town Arkansas 1395 0.0000096418490000000000 Johnson City Arkansas 1782 0.0013077112370000000000 Johnson County Arkansas 1519 0.0031316878440000000000 Joiner City Arkansas 1606 0.0002947389430000000000 Jonesboro City Arkansas 1371 0.0217405973620000000000 Judsonia City Arkansas 1793 0.0004702082950000000000 Junction City Arkansas 1771 0.0000418199830000000000 Keiser City Arkansas 1605 0.0000653636680000000000 Kensett City Arkansas 1792 0.0003623978810000000000 Keo Town Arkansas 1583 0.0001370636540000000000 Kibler City Arkansas 1380 0.0004317410650000000000 Kingsland City Arkansas 1349 0.0000620366720000000000 Knobel City Arkansas 1331 0.0000092182830000000000 Knoxville Town Arkansas 1527 0.0000588327390000000000 Lafayette County Arkansas 1529 0.0009106195840000000000 Lafe Town Arkansas 1461 0.0000283631780000000000 Lagrange Town Arkansas 1551 0.0000082395030000000000 Lake City Arkansas 1369 0.0002597332200000000000 Lake View City Arkansas 1660 0.0000471331600000000000 Lake Village City Arkansas 1324 0.0002248863340000000000 Lakeview City Arkansas 1262 0.0001934022190000000000 Lamar City Arkansas 1524 0.0010216854460000000000 Lavaca City Arkansas 1735 0.0003026049640000000000 Lawrence County Arkansas 1536 0.0048076639220000000000 Leachville City Arkansas 1604 0.0002324017680000000000 Lead Hill Town Arkansas 1290 0.0000691686070000000000 Lee County Arkansas 1545 0.0009890393870000000000 Leola Town Arkansas 1448 0.0000136871900000000000 Lepanto City Arkansas 1669 0.0006822602950000000000 Leslie City Arkansas 1720 0.0002544443700000000000 Letona Town Arkansas 1791 0.0000961194220000000000 Lewisville City Arkansas 1535 0.0001661480390000000000 Lexa Town Arkansas 1659 0.0000730565420000000000 Lincoln City Arkansas 1777 0.0004643384720000000000 Lincoln County Arkansas 1557 0.0013878811110000000000 Little Flock City Arkansas 1286 0.0005307238500000000000 Little River County Arkansas 1556 0.0030408257910000000000 Little Rock City Arkansas 1702 0.0671356948920000000000 Lockesburg City Arkansas 1742 0.0000626720210000000000 Logan County Arkansas 1567 0.0050581030180000000000 London City Arkansas 1685 0.0001423725380000000000 Lonoke City Arkansas 1585 0.0024522479830000000000 Lonoke County Arkansas 1575 0.0058193984310000000000 Lonsdale Town Arkansas 1446 0.0000094329280000000000 Louann Town Arkansas 1647 0.0000021192610000000000 Lowell City Arkansas 1272 0.0024493660170000000000 Luxora City Arkansas 1609 0.0001192266620000000000 Lynn Town Arkansas 1547 0.0000013851750000000000 Madison City Arkansas 1758 0.0000582603530000000000 Madison County Arkansas 1586 0.0031969270180000000000 Magazine City Arkansas 1566 0.0003187305200000000000 Magness Town Arkansas 1486 0.0000141794430000000000 Magnolia City Arkansas 1354 0.0058241692720000000000 Malvern City Arkansas 1476 0.0038356959610000000000 Mammoth Spring City Arkansas 1436 0.0000724083140000000000 Manila City Arkansas 1607 0.0004091246470000000000 Mansfield City Arkansas 1728 0.0000079976690000000000 Marianna City Arkansas 1552 0.0008466482460000000000 Marie Town Arkansas 1621 0.0000098493390000000000 Marion City Arkansas 1392 0.0011269158290000000000 Marion County Arkansas 1592 0.0039523368670000000000 Marked Tree City Arkansas 1670 0.0009920215200000000000 Marmaduke City Arkansas 1460 0.0003917613040000000000 Marshall City Arkansas 1724 0.0003917970790000000000 Marvell City Arkansas 1662 0.0006103757150000000000 Maumelle City Arkansas 1701 0.0025720126880000000000 Mayflower City Arkansas 1420 0.0006086943290000000000 Maynard Town Arkansas 1705 0.0000131405610000000000 Mccaskill Town Arkansas 1469 0.0000128944350000000000 Mccrory City Arkansas 1804 0.0001474839490000000000 Mcdougal Town Arkansas 1342 0.0000011891330000000000 Mcgehee City Arkansas 1409 0.0004299938560000000000 Mcnab Town Arkansas 1472 0.0000091510280000000000 Mcneil City Arkansas 1351 0.0000063906940000000000 Mcrae City Arkansas 1795 0.0003078437300000000000 Melbourne City Arkansas 1501 0.0006872958650000000000 Mena City Arkansas 1678 0.0077168665920000000000 Menifee Town Arkansas 1363 0.0001061447700000000000 Midland Town Arkansas 1736 0.0000027016640000000000 Miller County Arkansas 1597 0.0037690945070000000000 Mineral Springs City Arkansas 1481 0.0001335692350000000000 Minturn Town Arkansas 1540 0.0000023238890000000000 Mississippi County Arkansas 1601 0.0045615034150000000000 Mitchellville City Arkansas 1411 0.0000001903180000000000 Monette City Arkansas 1376 0.0002309879740000000000 Monroe County Arkansas 1619 0.0007512672030000000000 Montgomery County Arkansas 1623 0.0022640916850000000000 Monticello City Arkansas 1415 0.0005267471960000000000 Montrose City Arkansas 1256 0.0000598830680000000000 Moorefield Town Arkansas 1495 0.0000096160920000000000 Moro Town Arkansas 1550 0.0000198589470000000000 Morrilton City Arkansas 1357 0.0025971504690000000000 Morrison Bluff Town Arkansas 1574 0.0000017329000000000000 Mount Ida City Arkansas 1626 0.0001335506320000000000 Mount Pleasant Town Arkansas 1506 0.0001222946530000000000 Mount Vernon Town Arkansas 1427 0.0000716756590000000000 Mountain Home City Arkansas 1263 0.0084471000250000000000 Mountain Pine City Arkansas 1451 0.0001113119890000000000 Mountain View City Arkansas 1757 0.0014442626050000000000 Mountainburg City Arkansas 1374 0.0005058779860000000000 Mulberry City Arkansas 1378 0.0008394962780000000000 Murfreesboro City Arkansas 1664 0.0004018782350000000000 Nashville City Arkansas 1483 0.0011740046300000000000 Nevada County Arkansas 1631 0.0010429724980000000000 Newark City Arkansas 1491 0.0007439592590000000000 Newport City Arkansas 1510 0.0029570241250000000000 Newton County Arkansas 1640 0.0025389559410000000000 Nimmons Town Arkansas 1335 0.0000014052090000000000 Norfork City Arkansas 1264 0.0000717357600000000000 Norman Town Arkansas 1627 0.0000542550780000000000 Norphlet City Arkansas 1764 0.0001993092470000000000 North Little Rock City Arkansas 1699 0.0161457647290000000000 Oak Grove Heights Town Arkansas 1457 0.0001081338130000000000 Oak Grove Town Arkansas 1314 0.0000318819240000000000 Oakhaven Town Arkansas 1467 0.0000084584400000000000 Oden Town Arkansas 1630 0.0000020863490000000000 Ogden City Arkansas 1565 0.0000008299600000000000 Oil Trough Town Arkansas 1492 0.0000184566000000000000 O'Kean Town Arkansas 1710 0.0000017142970000000000 Okolona Town Arkansas 1322 0.0000190461580000000000 Ola City Arkansas 1813 0.0002628827760000000000 Omaha Town Arkansas 1293 0.0000304051670000000000 Oppelo City Arkansas 1356 0.0000903354570000000000 Osceola City Arkansas 1608 0.0024928788330000000000 Ouachita County Arkansas 1642 0.0029136014600000000000 Oxford City Arkansas 1502 0.0002641563360000000000 Ozan Town Arkansas 1466 0.0000113690250000000000 Ozark City Arkansas 1438 0.0011312387780000000000 Palestine City Arkansas 1753 0.0001908035850000000000 Pangburn City Arkansas 1796 0.0001571687270000000000 Paragould City Arkansas 1459 0.0100563902230000000000 Paris City Arkansas 1572 0.0016161674210000000000 Parkdale City Arkansas 1255 0.0000071505370000000000 Parkin City Arkansas 1399 0.0001451571980000000000 Patmos Town Arkansas 1471 0.0000126382920000000000 Patterson City Arkansas 1807 0.0000197802440000000000 Pea Ridge City Arkansas 1276 0.0010998748630000000000 Peach Orchard City Arkansas 1337 0.0000027431620000000000 Perla Town Arkansas 1478 0.0000150895370000000000 Perry County Arkansas 1648 0.0024117645220000000000 Perry Town Arkansas 1653 0.0000548131550000000000 Perrytown Town Arkansas 1474 0.0000142180790000000000 Perryville City Arkansas 1656 0.0004139312620000000000 Phillips County Arkansas 1655 0.0032451219550000000000 Piggott City Arkansas 1336 0.0038953801250000000000 Pike County Arkansas 1661 0.0034815361520000000000 Pindall Town Arkansas 1727 0.0000303507900000000000 Pine Bluff City Arkansas 1518 0.0098408180470000000000 Pineville Town Arkansas 1508 0.0000220125510000000000 Plainview City Arkansas 1817 0.0001255057410000000000 Pleasant Plains Town Arkansas 1497 0.0000244981390000000000 Plumerville City Arkansas 1355 0.0002924622760000000000 Pocahontas City Arkansas 1707 0.0046711812410000000000 Poinsett County Arkansas 1666 0.0040099117870000000000 Polk County Arkansas 1674 0.0006914184780000000000 Pollard City Arkansas 1334 0.0000045218530000000000 Pope County Arkansas 1681 0.0085684216210000000000 Portia Town Arkansas 1542 0.0000094558240000000000 Portland City Arkansas 1250 0.0000813346800000000000 Pottsville City Arkansas 1686 0.0003564736810000000000 Powhatan Town Arkansas 1549 0.0000015568910000000000 Poyen Town Arkansas 1452 0.0000228124610000000000 Prairie County Arkansas 1691 0.0009031771300000000000 Prairie Grove City Arkansas 1780 0.0008776701590000000000 Prattsville Town Arkansas 1454 0.0000114062310000000000 Prescott City Arkansas 1632 0.0009255645940000000000 Pulaski County Arkansas 1698 0.0235361091910000000000 Pyatt Town Arkansas 1588 0.0000614356660000000000 Quitman City Arkansas 1346 0.0007208763450000000000 Randolph County Arkansas 1709 0.0005330491700000000000 Ratcliff City Arkansas 1570 0.0000381924840000000000 Ravenden Springs Town Arkansas 1708 0.0000011433420000000000 Ravenden Town Arkansas 1541 0.0000212469840000000000 Rector City Arkansas 1341 0.0000565016950000000000 Redfield City Arkansas 1526 0.0001998887880000000000 Reed Town Arkansas 1412 0.0000092941250000000000 Reyno City Arkansas 1711 0.0000017142970000000000 Rison City Arkansas 1350 0.0002661582580000000000 Rockport City Arkansas 1479 0.0004662588290000000000 Roe Town Arkansas 1625 0.0000062976820000000000 Rogers City Arkansas 1277 0.0174098086060000000000 Rondo Town Arkansas 1553 0.0000012821460000000000 Rose Bud Town Arkansas 1801 0.0002013326330000000000 Rosston Town Arkansas 1634 0.0000127198570000000000 Rudy Town Arkansas 1383 0.0000436101220000000000 Russell Town Arkansas 1797 0.0000727388670000000000 Russellville City Arkansas 1689 0.0091716010070000000000 Salem City Arkansas 1435 0.0000449623850000000000 Salesville City Arkansas 1268 0.0000644049210000000000 Saline County Arkansas 1717 0.0108002006620000000000 Scott County Arkansas 1718 0.0033804054870000000000 Scranton City Arkansas 1571 0.0000727531770000000000 Searcy City Arkansas 1798 0.0098808736490000000000 Searcy County Arkansas 1722 0.0021162528570000000000 Sebastian County Arkansas 1726 0.0219348338340000000000 Sedgwick Town Arkansas 1543 0.0000053117460000000000 Sevier County Arkansas 1738 0.0026130599490000000000 Shannon Hills City Arkansas 1714 0.0004981636480000000000 Sharp County Arkansas 1743 0.0028118855300000000000 Sheridan City Arkansas 1453 0.0022766713080000000000 Sherrill Town Arkansas 1517 0.0000257616820000000000 Sherwood City Arkansas 1700 0.0042418298880000000000 Shirley Town Arkansas 1773 0.0000091453040000000000 Sidney Town Arkansas 1748 0.0000357741520000000000 Siloam Springs City Arkansas 1274 0.0074777836440000000000 Smackover City Arkansas 1766 0.0000080076860000000000 Smithville Town Arkansas 1548 0.0000016241460000000000 South Lead Hill Town Arkansas 1295 0.0000183135040000000000 Sparkman City Arkansas 1404 0.0000350658240000000000 Springdale City Arkansas 1285 0.0201367863330000000000 Springtown Town Arkansas 1280 0.0000029248950000000000 St Francis County Arkansas 1749 0.0020442151630000000000 St. Charles Town Arkansas 1245 0.0000246641310000000000 St. Francis City Arkansas 1332 0.0000071376590000000000 St. Joe Town Arkansas 1723 0.0000767570200000000000 St. Paul Town Arkansas 1595 0.0000416196480000000000 Stamps City Arkansas 1537 0.0001802072810000000000 Star City Arkansas 1558 0.0005648652700000000000 Stephens City Arkansas 1645 0.0001165865290000000000 Stone County Arkansas 1760 0.0028377688440000000000 Strawberry Town Arkansas 1546 0.0000069287380000000000 Strong City Arkansas 1769 0.0000293619930000000000 Stuttgart City Arkansas 1248 0.0022038151010000000000 Subiaco Town Arkansas 1573 0.0001091469370000000000 Success Town Arkansas 1338 0.0000017844150000000000 Sulphur Rock Town Arkansas 1493 0.0000326546460000000000 Sulphur Springs City Arkansas 1279 0.0001209080470000000000 Summit City Arkansas 1593 0.0000744674740000000000 Sunset Town Arkansas 1394 0.0000160411300000000000 Swifton City Arkansas 1507 0.0001789308590000000000 Taylor City Arkansas 1358 0.0000141036020000000000 Texarkana City Arkansas 1599 0.0076839558040000000000 Thornton City Arkansas 1304 0.0000224375480000000000 Tillar City Arkansas 1413 0.0000032654650000000000 Tinsman Town Arkansas 1307 0.0000031509870000000000 Tollette Town Arkansas 1487 0.0000327319180000000000 Tontitown City Arkansas 1781 0.0006103556810000000000 Traskwood City Arkansas 1715 0.0001776787640000000000 Trumann City Arkansas 1672 0.0023199451530000000000 Tuckerman City Arkansas 1509 0.0004054399090000000000 Tull Town Arkansas 1455 0.0000307972520000000000 Tupelo Town Arkansas 1512 0.0000051715110000000000 Turrell City Arkansas 1389 0.0000906874750000000000 Twin Groves Town Arkansas 1426 0.0001561026570000000000 Tyronza City Arkansas 1676 0.0003829551390000000000 Ulm Town Arkansas 1696 0.0000008972160000000000 Union County Arkansas 1763 0.0045200454660000000000 Valley Springs Town Arkansas 1299 0.0000327161770000000000 Van Buren City Arkansas 1377 0.0176490317890000000000 Van Buren County Arkansas 1772 0.0036418487110000000000 Vandervoort Town Arkansas 1682 0.0000006596750000000000 Victoria Town Arkansas 1615 0.0000054462570000000000 Vilonia City Arkansas 1424 0.0010354413230000000000 Viola Town Arkansas 1439 0.0000327004370000000000 Wabbaseka Town Arkansas 1525 0.0000825309680000000000 Waldenburg Town Arkansas 1673 0.0000235265130000000000 Waldo City Arkansas 1359 0.0000284261410000000000 Waldron City Arkansas 1719 0.0015014654740000000000 Walnut Ridge City Arkansas 1544 0.0003154607630000000000 Ward City Arkansas 1584 0.0014826096340000000000 Warren City Arkansas 1308 0.0013314566880000000000 Washington City Arkansas 1468 0.0000142180790000000000 Washington County Arkansas 1775 0.0201415628970000000000 Watson City Arkansas 1408 0.0000005695240000000000 Weiner City Arkansas 1675 0.0001150167600000000000 Weldon Town Arkansas 1516 0.0000155145340000000000 West Fork City Arkansas 1784 0.0002787793790000000000 West Memphis City Arkansas 1388 0.0064020863830000000000 West Point Town Arkansas 1800 0.0000311735960000000000 Western Grove Town Arkansas 1638 0.0000572043000000000000 Wheatley City Arkansas 1752 0.0000509767350000000000 Whelen Springs Town Arkansas 1329 0.0000023811280000000000 White County Arkansas 1785 0.0099795917050000000000 White Hall City Arkansas 1522 0.0005519593870000000000 Wickes Town Arkansas 1680 0.0000014223800000000000 Widener Town Arkansas 1754 0.0000145658040000000000 Wiederkehr Village City Arkansas 1437 0.0000159552720000000000 Williford Town Arkansas 1755 0.0000250419060000000000 Willisville Town Arkansas 1637 0.0000039136920000000000 Wilmar City Arkansas 1416 0.0000180788250000000000 Wilmot City Arkansas 1259 0.0001716057440000000000 Wilson City Arkansas 1616 0.0000387333900000000000 Wilton City Arkansas 1562 0.0000023238890000000000 Winchester Town Arkansas 1418 0.0000110942800000000000 Winslow City Arkansas 1778 0.0000593292840000000000 Winthrop City Arkansas 1569 0.0000043157940000000000 Woodruff County Arkansas 1805 0.0021362706410000000000 Wooster Town Arkansas 1425 0.0000529300040000000000 Wrightsville City Arkansas 1706 0.0000890146750000000000 Wynne City Arkansas 1400 0.0015411905230000000000 Yell County Arkansas 1809 0.0050329323250000000000 Yellville City Arkansas 1596 0.0002680814760000000000 Zinc Town Arkansas 1292 0.0000184923750000000000 Adelanto City California 2222 Agoura Hills City California 2079 Alameda City California 1924 Alameda County California 1919 Albany City California 1928 Alhambra City California 2012 Aliso Viejo City California 2147 Amador County California 1935 American Canyon City California 2118 Anaheim City California 2125 Anderson City California 2299 Apple Valley Town California 2213 Arcadia City California 2011 Arcata City California 1981 Arroyo Grande City California 2250 Artesia City California 2074 Arvin City California 1999 Atascadero City California 2254 Atwater City California 2105 Auburn City California 2160 Avenal City California 2006 Azusa City California 2014 Bakersfield City California 1993 Baldwin Park City California 2018 Banning City California 2167 Barstow City California 2203 Beaumont City California 2165 Bell City California 2016 Bell Gardens City California 2077 Bellflower City California 2061 Belmont City California 2256 Benicia City California 2305 Berkeley City California 1923 Beverly Hills City California 2017 Blythe City California 2166 Brawley City California 1984 Brea City California 2126 Brentwood City California 1942 Buena Park City California 2127 Burbank City California 2015 Burlingame City California 2257 Butte County California 1944 Calabasas City California 2060 Calaveras County California 1941 Calexico City California 1991 California City California 2002 Camarillo City California 2345 Campbell City California 2281 Canyon Lake City California 2183 Capitola City California 2295 Carlsbad City California 2219 Carpinteria City California 2277 Carson City California 2088 Cathedral City California 2185 Ceres City California 2320 Cerritos City California 2020 Chico City California 1939 Chino City California 2204 Chino Hills City California 2214 Chowchilla City California 2090 Chula Vista City California 2225 Citrus Heights City California 2197 City Of Antioch California 1945 City Of Lathrop California 2252 City Of Santa Cruz California 2293 Claremont City California 2019 Clayton City California 1961 Clearlake City California 2010 Clovis City California 1969 Coachella City California 2170 Coalinga City California 1970 Colton City California 2201 Colusa County California 1946 Commerce City California 2071 Compton City California 2022 Concord City California 1948 Contra Costa County California 1943 Corcoran City California 2003 Corona City California 2168 Coronado City California 2226 Costa Mesa City California 2130 Covina City California 2021 Cudahy City California 2075 Culver City California 2024 Cupertino City California 2280 Cypress City California 2148 Daly City California 2262 Dana Point City California 2151 Danville Town California 1956 Davis City California 2346 Del Norte County California 1960 Delano City California 1988 Desert Hot Springs City California 2184 Diamond Bar City California 2063 Dinuba City California 2326 Dixon City California 2307 Downey City California 2059 Duarte City California 2068 Dublin City California 1938 East Palo Alto City California 2270 Eastvale City California 2182 El Cajon City California 2229 El Centro City California 1992 El Cerrito City California 1947 El Dorado County California 1965 El Monte City California 2026 El Paso De Robles (Paso Robles) City California 2249 El Segundo City California 2023 Elk Grove City California 2198 Emeryville City California 1925 Encinitas City California 2233 Escondido City California 2227 Eureka City California 1983 Exeter City California 2324 Fairfield City California 2308 Farmersville City California 2337 Fillmore City California 2343 Folsom City California 2190 Fontana City California 2202 Fortuna City California 1985 Foster City California 2271 Fountain Valley City California 2153 Fremont City California 1927 Fresno City California 1971 Fresno County California 1968 Fullerton City California 2131 Galt City California 2195 Garden Grove City California 2132 Gardena City California 2027 Gilroy City California 2279 Glendale City California 2029 Glendora City California 2030 Glenn County California 1982 Goleta City California 2276 Grand Terrace City California 2224 Grass Valley City California 2120 Greenfield City California 2113 Grover Beach City California 2251 Half Moon Bay City California 2269 Hanford City California 2001 Hawaiian Gardens City California 2083 Hawthorne City California 2028 Hayward City California 1926 Healdsburg City California 2309 Hemet City California 2173 Hercules City California 1949 Hermosa Beach City California 2025 Hesperia City California 2211 Highland City California 2212 Hillsborough Town California 7017 Hollister City California 2199 Humboldt County California 1980 Huntington Beach City California 2129 Huntington Park City California 2033 Imperial Beach City California 2231 Imperial City California 1987 Imperial County California 1986 Indio City California 2172 Inglewood City California 2032 Inyo County California 1990 Irvine City California 2152 Jurupa Valley City California 2179 Kerman City California 1976 Kern County California 1989 King City California 2110 Kings County California 1998 Kingsburg City California 1972 La Cañada Flintridge City California 2089 La Habra City California 2136 La Mesa City California 2230 La Mirada City California 2078 La Palma City California 2128 La Puente City California 2031 La Quinta City California 2189 La Verne City California 2034 Lafayette City California 1962 Laguna Beach City California 2135 Laguna Hills City California 2144 Laguna Niguel City California 2154 Laguna Woods City California 2145 Lake County California 2007 Lake Elsinore City California 2169 Lake Forest City California 2141 Lakeport City California 2005 Lakewood City California 2036 Lancaster City California 2085 Larkspur City California 2094 Lassen County California 2009 Lawndale City California 2076 Lemon Grove City California 2238 Lemoore City California 2004 Lincoln City California 2159 Lindsay City California 2330 Livermore City California 1930 Livingston City California 2103 Lodi City California 2243 Loma Linda City California 2218 Lomita City California 2084 Lompoc City California 2274 Long Beach City California 2037 Los Alamitos City California 2150 Los Altos City California 2282 Los Angeles City California 2035 Los Angeles County California 2013 Los Banos City California 2104 Los Gatos Town California 2283 Lynwood City California 2040 Madera City California 2092 Madera County California 2091 Malibu City California 2064 Manhattan Beach City California 2041 Manteca City California 2241 Marin County California 2093 Marina City California 2119 Mariposa County California 2097 Martinez City California 1950 Marysville City California 2354 Maywood City California 2038 Mcfarland City California 1994 Mendocino County California 2100 Mendota City California 1973 Menifee City California 2176 Menlo Park City California 2260 Merced City California 2106 Merced County California 2101 Mill Valley City California 2095 Millbrae City California 2265 Milpitas City California 2286 Mission Viejo City California 2149 Modesto City California 2318 Modoc County California 2108 Mono County California 2107 Monrovia City California 2042 Montclair City California 2217 Montebello City California 2039 Monterey City California 2117 Monterey County California 2109 Monterey Park City California 2043 Moorpark City California 2347 Moraga Town California 1966 Moreno Valley City California 2186 Morgan Hill City California 2287 Morro Bay City California 2259 Mountain View City California 2288 Murrieta City California 2181 Napa City California 2122 Napa County California 2115 Allocations in California will be made in accordance with the California State-Subdivision Agreement. National City California 2235 Nevada County California 2121 Newark City California 1929 Newman City California 2319 Newport Beach City California 2133 Norco City California 2188 Norwalk City California 2066 Novato City California 2099 Oakdale City California 2321 Oakland City California 1932 Oakley City California 1952 Oceanside City California 2228 Ontario City California 2206 Orange City California 2134 Orange County California 2123 Orange Cove City California 1977 Orinda City California 1959 Oroville City California 1940 Oxnard City California 2344 Pacific Grove City California 2111 Pacifica City California 2266 Palm Desert City California 2187 Palm Springs City California 2174 Palmdale City California 2086 Palo Alto City California 2284 Palos Verdes Estates City California 2045 Paramount City California 2070 Parlier City California 1974 Pasadena City California 2044 Patterson City California 2322 Perris City California 2175 Petaluma City California 2313 Pico Rivera City California 2067 Piedmont City California 1931 Pinole City California 1954 Pittsburg City California 1951 Placentia City California 2137 Placer County California 2157 Placerville City California 1967 Pleasant Hill City California 1963 Pleasanton City California 1934 Plumas County California 2162 Pomona City California 2047 Port Hueneme City California 2340 Porterville City California 2333 Poway City California 2234 Rancho Cordova City California 2196 Rancho Cucamonga City California 2221 Rancho Mirage City California 2192 Rancho Palos Verdes City California 2087 Rancho Santa Margarita City California 2146 Red Bluff City California 2336 Redding City California 2298 Redlands City California 2205 Redondo Beach City California 2046 Redwood City California 2264 Reedley City California 1978 Rialto City California 2208 Richmond City California 1953 Ridgecrest City California 2000 Ripon City California 2242 Riverbank City California 2327 Riverside City California 2171 Riverside County California 2163 Rocklin City California 2161 Rohnert Park City California 2317 Rosemead City California 2082 Roseville City California 2164 Sacramento City California 2194 Sacramento County California 2191 Salinas City California 2112 San Anselmo Town California 2098 San Benito County California 2193 San Bernardino City California 2207 San Bernardino County California 2200 San Bruno City California 2261 San Buenaventura (Ventura) City California 2341 San Carlos City California 2267 San Clemente City California 2138 San Diego City California 2236 San Diego County California 2223 San Dimas City California 2080 San Fernando City California 2048 San Francisco City California 2245 San Gabriel City California 2051 San Jacinto City California 2178 San Joaquin County California 2240 San Jose City California 2285 San Juan Capistrano City California 2158 San Leandro City California 1933 San Luis Obispo City California 2255 San Luis Obispo County California 2248 San Marcos City California 2246 San Marino City California 2049 San Mateo City California 2263 San Mateo County California 2253 San Pablo City California 1957 San Rafael City California 2096 San Ramon City California 1958 Sanger City California 1979 Santa Ana City California 2139 Santa Barbara City California 2273 Santa Barbara County California 2272 Santa Clara City California 2291 Santa Clara County California 2278 Santa Clarita City California 2065 Santa Cruz County California 2292 Santa Fe Springs City California 2069 Santa Maria City California 2275 Santa Monica City California 2050 Santa Paula City California 2342 Santa Rosa City California 2311 Santee City California 2239 Saratoga City California 2290 Scotts Valley City California 2297 Seal Beach City California 2140 Seaside City California 2116 Selma City California 1975 Shafter City California 1995 Shasta County California 2296 Shasta Lake City California 2301 Sierra Madre City California 2052 Signal Hill City California 2054 Simi Valley City California 2349 Siskiyou County California 2302 Solana Beach City California 2232 Solano County California 2303 Soledad City California 2114 Sonoma City California 2314 Sonoma County California 2312 South El Monte City California 2072 South Gate City California 2053 South Lake Tahoe City California 1964 South Pasadena City California 2056 South San Francisco City California 2268 Stanislaus County California 2316 Stanton City California 2142 Stockton City California 2247 Suisun City California 2310 Sunnyvale City California 2289 Susanville City California 2008 Sutter County California 2328 Tehachapi City California 1996 Tehama County California 2331 Temecula City California 2180 Temple City California 2081 Thousand Oaks City California 2348 Torrance City California 2055 Tracy City California 2244 Trinity County California 2329 Truckee Town California 2124 Tulare City California 2334 Tulare County California 2332 Tuolumne County California 2339 Turlock City California 2325 Tustin City California 2143 Twentynine Palms City California 2215 Ukiah City California 2102 Union City California 1936 Upland City California 2210 Vacaville City California 2304 Vallejo City California 2306 Ventura County California 2338 Victorville City California 2220 Visalia City California 2335 Vista City California 2237 Walnut City California 2073 Walnut Creek City California 1955 Wasco City California 1997 Watsonville City California 2294 West Covina City California 2057 West Hollywood City California 2062 West Sacramento City California 2350 Westminster City California 2155 Whittier City California 2058 Wildomar City California 2177 Windsor Town California 2315 Woodland City California 2351 Yolo County California 2352 Yorba Linda City California 2156 Yuba City California 2323 Yuba County California 2353 Yucaipa City California 2216 Yucca Valley Town California 2209 Adams County Colorado 2357 Aguilar Town Colorado 13013 Akron Town Colorado 13097 Alamosa City Colorado 2364 Alamosa County Colorado 2365 Alma Town Colorado 13058 Antonito Town Colorado 12931 Arapahoe County Colorado 2368 Archuleta County Colorado 2369 Arriba Town Colorado 13019 Arvada City Colorado 2358 Aspen City Colorado 13054 Ault Town Colorado 13098 Aurora City Colorado 2360 Avon Town Colorado 12957 Baca County Colorado 2377 Basalt Town Colorado 12948 Bayfield Town Colorado 13009 Bennett Town Colorado 12892 Bent County Colorado 2374 Berthoud Town Colorado 13010 Bethune Town Colorado 13001 Black Hawk City Colorado 2405 Blanca Town Colorado 12935 Blue River Town Colorado 13091 Boone Town Colorado 13064 Boulder City Colorado 2378 Boulder County Colorado 2370 Bow Mar Town Colorado 12895 Branson Town Colorado 13014 Breckenridge Town Colorado 13087 Brighton City Colorado 2361 Brookside Town Colorado 12969 Brush City Colorado 13040 Buena Vista Town Colorado 12921 Burlington City Colorado 13002 Calhan Town Colorado 12962 Campo Town Colorado 12897 Cañon City Colorado 2398 Carbondale Town Colorado 12977 Castle Pines City Colorado 2395 Castle Rock Town Colorado 2396 Cedaredge Town Colorado 12943 Centennial City Colorado 2373 Center Town Colorado 13076 Central City Colorado 12978 Chaffee County Colorado 2386 Cheraw Town Colorado 13044 Cherry Hills Village City Colorado 12901 Cheyenne County Colorado 2382 Cheyenne Wells Town Colorado 12929 City and County of Broomfield Colorado 2384 City Of Creede Town Colorado 13030 Clear Creek County Colorado 2385 Coal Creek Town Colorado 12968 Cokedale Town Colorado 13015 Collbran Town Colorado 13031 Colorado Springs City Colorado 2399 Columbine Valley Town Colorado 12902 Commerce City Colorado 2356 Conejos County Colorado 2387 Cortez City Colorado 13033 Costilla County Colorado 2388 Craig City Colorado 13034 Crawford Town Colorado 12946 Crested Butte Town Colorado 12987 Crestone Town Colorado 13074 Cripple Creek City Colorado 13093 Crook Town Colorado 13027 Crowley County Colorado 2383 Crowley Town Colorado 12937 Custer County Colorado 2391 Dacono City Colorado 13101 De Beque Town Colorado 13024 Deer Trail Town Colorado 12903 Del Norte Town Colorado 13068 Delta City Colorado 12945 Delta County Colorado 2390 Denver City Colorado 2389 Dillon Town Colorado 13088 Dinosaur Town Colorado 13032 Dolores County Colorado 2393 Dolores Town Colorado 13035 Douglas County Colorado 2392 Dove Creek Town Colorado 12951 Durango City Colorado 2418 Eads Town Colorado 13000 Eagle County Colorado 2404 Eagle Town Colorado 12953 Eaton Town Colorado 13099 Eckley Town Colorado 13115 Edgewater City Colorado 12995 El Paso County Colorado 2401 Elbert County Colorado 2402 Elizabeth Town Colorado 12959 Empire Town Colorado 12925 Englewood City Colorado 2366 Erie Town Colorado 2381 Estes Park Town Colorado 13011 Evans City Colorado 2463 Fairplay Town Colorado 13057 Federal Heights City Colorado 2359 Firestone Town Colorado 2462 Flagler Town Colorado 13005 Fleming Town Colorado 13022 Florence City Colorado 12971 Fort Collins City Colorado 2421 Fort Lupton City Colorado 13102 Fort Morgan City Colorado 2438 Fountain City Colorado 2400 Fowler Town Colorado 13046 Foxfield Town Colorado 12898 Fraser Town Colorado 12980 Frederick Town Colorado 2465 Fremont County Colorado 2406 Frisco Town Colorado 13089 Fruita City Colorado 2439 Garden City Town Colorado 13104 Garfield County Colorado 2403 Genoa Town Colorado 13020 Georgetown Town Colorado 12924 Gilcrest Town Colorado 13100 Gilpin County Colorado 2408 Glendale City Colorado 12900 Glenwood Springs City Colorado 12979 Golden City Colorado 2415 Granada Town Colorado 13059 Granby Town Colorado 12983 Grand County Colorado 2410 Grand Junction City Colorado 2431 Grand Lake Town Colorado 12974 Greeley City Colorado 2464 Green Mountain Falls Town Colorado 12964 Greenwood Village City Colorado 2367 Grover Town Colorado 13103 Gunnison City Colorado 12986 Gunnison County Colorado 2411 Gypsum Town Colorado 12954 Hartman Town Colorado 13060 Haswell Town Colorado 12999 Haxtun Town Colorado 13052 Hayden Town Colorado 13071 Hillrose Town Colorado 13042 Hinsdale County Colorado 2407 Holly Town Colorado 13061 Holyoke City Colorado 13053 Hooper Town Colorado 12904 Hot Sulphur Springs Town Colorado 12973 Hotchkiss Town Colorado 12944 Hudson Town Colorado 2467 Huerfano County Colorado 2409 Hugo Town Colorado 13021 Idaho Springs City Colorado 12927 Ignacio Town Colorado 13008 Iliff Town Colorado 13029 Jackson County Colorado 2413 Jamestown Town Colorado 12916 Jefferson County Colorado 2412 Johnstown Town Colorado 2420 Julesburg Town Colorado 13085 Keenesburg Town Colorado 13106 Kersey Town Colorado 13105 Kim Town Colorado 13018 Kiowa County Colorado 2414 Kiowa Town Colorado 12961 Kit Carson County Colorado 2424 Kit Carson Town Colorado 12926 Kremmling Town Colorado 12982 La Jara Town Colorado 12930 La Junta City Colorado 13045 La Plata County Colorado 2417 La Salle Town Colorado 13108 La Veta Town Colorado 12992 Lafayette City Colorado 2376 Lake City Town Colorado 12991 Lake County Colorado 2422 Lakeside Town Colorado 12998 Lakewood City Colorado 2419 Lamar City Colorado 13062 Larimer County Colorado 2423 Larkspur Town Colorado 12950 Las Animas City Colorado 12917 Las Animas County Colorado 2428 Leadville City Colorado 13007 Limon Town Colorado 13026 Lincoln County Colorado 2427 Littleton City Colorado 2372 Lochbuie Town Colorado 13117 Log Lane Village Town Colorado 13041 Logan County Colorado 2430 Lone Tree City Colorado 2394 Longmont City Colorado 2379 Louisville City Colorado 2375 Loveland City Colorado 2425 Lyons Town Colorado 12918 Manassa Town Colorado 12932 Mancos Town Colorado 13036 Manitou Springs City Colorado 12963 Allocations in Colorado will be made in accordance with the Colorado Opioids Settlement Memorandum of Understanding. Manzanola Town Colorado 13047 Marble Town Colorado 12988 Mead Town Colorado 13107 Meeker Town Colorado 13066 Merino Town Colorado 13028 Mesa County Colorado 2433 Milliken Town Colorado 13109 Mineral County Colorado 2432 Minturn Town Colorado 12956 Moffat County Colorado 2436 Moffat Town Colorado 13075 Monte Vista City Colorado 13069 Montezuma County Colorado 2434 Montezuma Town Colorado 13090 Montrose City Colorado 2440 Montrose County Colorado 2437 Monument Town Colorado 12965 Morgan County Colorado 2444 Morrison Town Colorado 12996 Mount Crested Butte Town Colorado 12990 Mountain View Town Colorado 12997 Mountain Village Town Colorado 13084 Naturita Town Colorado 13038 Nederland Town Colorado 12920 New Castle Town Colorado 12975 Northglenn City Colorado 2363 Norwood Town Colorado 13081 Nucla Town Colorado 13037 Nunn Town Colorado 13110 Oak Creek Town Colorado 13072 Olathe Town Colorado 13039 Olney Springs Town Colorado 12938 Ophir Town Colorado 13082 Orchard City Town Colorado 12947 Ordway Town Colorado 12939 Otero County Colorado 2442 Otis Town Colorado 13096 Ouray City Colorado 13050 Ouray County Colorado 2445 Ovid Town Colorado 13083 Pagosa Springs Town Colorado 12899 Palisade Town Colorado 13023 Palmer Lake Town Colorado 12966 Paoli Town Colorado 13055 Paonia Town Colorado 12949 Parachute Town Colorado 12981 Park County Colorado 2441 Parker Town Colorado 2397 Peetz Town Colorado 13025 Phillips County Colorado 2443 Pierce Town Colorado 13111 Pitkin County Colorado 2446 Pitkin Town Colorado 12989 Platteville Town Colorado 13112 Poncha Springs Town Colorado 12928 Pritchett Town Colorado 12896 Prowers County Colorado 2447 Pueblo City Colorado 2448 Pueblo County Colorado 2449 Ramah Town Colorado 12967 Rangely Town Colorado 13067 Raymer (New Raymer) Town Colorado 13113 Red Cliff Town Colorado 12955 Rico Town Colorado 12952 Ridgway Town Colorado 13051 Rifle City Colorado 12976 Rio Blanco County Colorado 2450 Rio Grande County Colorado 2451 Rockvale Town Colorado 12970 Rocky Ford City Colorado 13049 Romeo Town Colorado 12933 Routt County Colorado 2452 Rye Town Colorado 13063 Saguache County Colorado 2455 Saguache Town Colorado 13077 Salida City Colorado 12922 San Juan County Colorado 2453 San Luis Town Colorado 12936 San Miguel County Colorado 2458 Sanford Town Colorado 12934 Sawpit Town Colorado 13079 Sedgwick County Colorado 2457 Sedgwick Town Colorado 13086 Seibert Town Colorado 13003 Severance Town Colorado 13114 Sheridan City Colorado 2371 Sheridan Lake Town Colorado 13620 Silt Town Colorado 12984 Silver Cliff Town Colorado 12941 Silver Plume Town Colorado 12923 Silverthorne Town Colorado 13092 Silverton Town Colorado 13078 Simla Town Colorado 12960 Snowmass Village Town Colorado 13056 South Fork Town Colorado 13070 Springfield Town Colorado 12907 Starkville Town Colorado 13016 Steamboat Springs City Colorado 2456 Sterling City Colorado 2435 Stratton Town Colorado 13004 Sugar City Town Colorado 12942 Summit County Colorado 2454 Superior Town Colorado 2380 Swink Town Colorado 13048 Teller County Colorado 2461 Telluride Town Colorado 13080 Thornton City Colorado 2362 Timnath Town Colorado 13012 Trinidad City Colorado 13017 Two Buttes Town Colorado 12913 Vail Town Colorado 12958 Victor City Colorado 13094 Vilas Town Colorado 12914 Vona Town Colorado 13006 Walden Town Colorado 12994 Walsenburg City Colorado 12993 Walsh Town Colorado 12915 Ward Town Colorado 12919 Washington County Colorado 2460 Weld County Colorado 2459 Wellington Town Colorado 2429 Westcliffe Town Colorado 12940 Westminster City Colorado 2355 Wheat Ridge City Colorado 2416 Wiggins Town Colorado 13043 Wiley Town Colorado 13065 Williamsburg Town Colorado 12972 Windsor Town Colorado 2426 Winter Park Town Colorado 12985 Woodland Park City Colorado 13095 Wray City Colorado 13116 Yampa Town Colorado 13073 Yuma City Colorado 13118 Yuma County Colorado 2466 Dover City Delaware 2639 0.2500000000000000000000 Kent County Delaware 2643 0.2500000000000000000000 Middletown Town Delaware 2641 0.0000000000000000000000 Milford City Delaware 2648 0.0000000000000000000000 New Castle County Delaware 2638 0.0000000000000000000000 Newark City Delaware 2642 0.0000000000000000000000 Seaford City Delaware 2646 0.2500000000000000000000 Smyrna Town Delaware 2640 0.0000000000000000000000 Sussex County Delaware 2644 0.2500000000000000000000 Wilmington City Delaware 2645 0.0000000000000000000000 Alachua County Florida 2651 0.0085946132340000000000 Altamonte Springs City Florida 2866 0.0008130543020000000000 Apopka City Florida 2799 0.0009721547040000000000 Atlantic Beach City Florida 2707 0.0003889156640000000000 Auburndale City Florida 2852 0.0002863678310000000000 Aventura City Florida 2783 0.0002462007560000000000 Avon Park City Florida 2727 0.0002582887370000000000 Baker County Florida 2653 0.0019317366220000000000 Bartow City Florida 2851 0.0004397257480000000000 Bay County Florida 2652 0.0053944656930000000000 Belle Glade City Florida 2810 0.0002082781280000000000 Boca Raton City Florida 2812 0.0047206896320000000000 Bonita Springs City Florida 2750 0.0001737545800000000000 Boynton Beach City Florida 2819 0.0030649792460000000000 Bradenton City Florida 2764 0.0037993032490000000000 Bradford County Florida 2657 0.0018948348070000000000 Brevard County Florida 2660 0.0238707635250000000000 Broward County Florida 2668 0.0406262277080000000000 Calhoun County Florida 2695 0.0004712821810000000000 Callaway City Florida 2656 0.0002495350150000000000 Cape Canaveral City Florida 2666 0.0004556071900000000000 Cape Coral City Florida 2755 0.0071443001100000000000 Casselberry City Florida 2864 0.0008003529620000000000 Charlotte County Florida 2697 0.0069022514260000000000 Citrus County Florida 2702 0.0096964664730000000000 Clay County Florida 2699 0.0119343001210000000000 Clearwater City Florida 2831 0.0063386253720000000000 Clermont City Florida 2738 0.0007590953480000000000 Cocoa Beach City Florida 2659 0.0008436320480000000000 Cocoa City Florida 2661 0.0014924471990000000000 Coconut Creek City Florida 2692 0.0010113093180000000000 Collier County Florida 2700 0.0135482248740000000000 Columbia County Florida 2703 0.0034212219730000000000 Cooper City Florida 2681 0.0007393632490000000000 Coral Gables City Florida 2773 0.0007177994220000000000 Coral Springs City Florida 2689 0.0032340640850000000000 Crestview City Florida 2792 0.0007043975660000000000 Cutler Bay Town Florida 2788 0.0000941414630000000000 Dania Beach City Florida 2671 0.0001780678900000000000 Davie Town Florida 2688 0.0026692252930000000000 Daytona Beach City Florida 2883 0.0044755599850000000000 Daytona Beach Shores City Florida 2892 0.0003974331580000000000 De Soto County Florida 2706 0.0011364042050000000000 Debary City Florida 2893 0.0003528332960000000000 Deerfield Beach City Florida 2669 0.0020242335620000000000 Deland City Florida 2882 0.0009898435420000000000 Delray Beach City Florida 2811 0.0035184660050000000000 Deltona City Florida 2890 0.0019932923040000000000 Destin City Florida 2797 0.0001467830920000000000 Dixie County Florida 2708 0.0010374439270000000000 Doral City Florida 2777 0.0001397804770000000000 Dunedin City Florida 2841 0.0010244112130000000000 Eatonville Town Florida 2802 0.0000832564150000000000 Edgewater City Florida 2879 0.0005804271720000000000 Escambia County Florida 2711 0.0101099906100000000000 Estero Village Florida 2752 0.0001207975550000000000 Eustis City Florida 2741 0.0004193003950000000000 Fernandina Beach City Florida 2793 0.0008316019890000000000 Flagler County Florida 2709 0.0030500824840000000000 Florida City Florida 2767 0.0000392878900000000000 Fort Lauderdale City Florida 2672 0.0083058162950000000000 Fort Myers City Florida 2748 0.0043109956340000000000 Fort Pierce City Florida 2877 0.0015953587260000000000 Fort Walton Beach City Florida 2794 0.0007783706050000000000 Franklin County Florida 2714 0.0004991067080000000000 Fruitland Park City Florida 2744 0.0000838209320000000000 Gadsden County Florida 2719 0.0012365547050000000000 Gainesville City Florida 2647 0.0038159828940000000000 Gilchrist County Florida 2716 0.0006433350420000000000 Glades County Florida 2721 0.0004061249630000000000 Greenacres City Florida 2814 0.0007642489860000000000 Groveland City Florida 2739 0.0002615314820000000000 Gulf County Florida 2722 0.0005991419080000000000 Gulfport City Florida 2836 0.0004789455470000000000 Haines City Florida 2849 0.0004798470660000000000 Hallandale Beach City Florida 2673 0.0015495052720000000000 Hamilton County Florida 2718 0.0004794180050000000000 Hardee County Florida 2720 0.0006711036430000000000 Hendry County Florida 2717 0.0014446089510000000000 Hernando County Florida 2723 0.0151007589960000000000 Hialeah City Florida 2770 0.0009801565250000000000 Hialeah Gardens City Florida 2771 0.0000545192940000000000 Highlands County Florida 2726 0.0029318603860000000000 Hillsborough County Florida 2729 0.0652311253080000000000 Holly Hill City Florida 2889 0.0003161624440000000000 Hollywood City Florida 2674 0.0052016477540000000000 Holmes County Florida 2731 0.0008161189220000000000 Homestead City Florida 2769 0.0002493539850000000000 Indian River County Florida 2733 0.0065411779010000000000 Jackson County Florida 2737 0.0015893576780000000000 Jacksonville Beach City Florida 2710 0.0010044668520000000000 Jacksonville City Florida 2713 0.0529563801960000000000 Jefferson County Florida 2735 0.0004082079890000000000 Jupiter Town Florida 2816 0.0012546664310000000000 Key Biscayne Village Florida 2785 0.0001368387830000000000 Key West City Florida 2790 0.0008808677790000000000 Kissimmee City Florida 2807 0.0016236577080000000000 Lady Lake Town Florida 2742 0.0002504819270000000000 Lafayette County Florida 2740 0.0003191133990000000000 Lake City Florida 2705 0.0010465943910000000000 Lake County Florida 2736 0.0078154785620000000000 Lake Mary City Florida 2868 0.0007976743700000000000 Lake Wales City Florida 2854 0.0003629317620000000000 Lake Worth City Florida 2820 0.0011714590410000000000 Lakeland City Florida 2850 0.0029487492060000000000 Lantana Town Florida 2822 0.0002450789870000000000 Largo City Florida 2840 0.0037419364980000000000 Lauderdale Lakes City Florida 2693 0.0006262430400000000000 Lauderhill City Florida 2678 0.0014438307210000000000 Lee County Florida 2746 0.0215038742990000000000 Leesburg City Florida 2743 0.0009133989060000000000 Leon County Florida 2753 0.0047120197970000000000 Levy County Florida 2756 0.0025119232080000000000 Liberty County Florida 2757 0.0001939861910000000000 Lighthouse Point City Florida 2686 0.0002913228270000000000 Longwood City Florida 2865 0.0006170916690000000000 Lynn Haven City Florida 2649 0.0003920578160000000000 Madison County Florida 2754 0.0006354033090000000000 Maitland City Florida 2803 0.0004672824510000000000 Manatee County Florida 2766 0.0228852340190000000000 Marco Island City Florida 2704 0.0006209454130000000000 Margate City Florida 2685 0.0014368335540000000000 Marion County Florida 2760 0.0133218148660000000000 Martin County Florida 2761 0.0078826510790000000000 Melbourne City Florida 2662 0.0038310548760000000000 Miami Beach City Florida 2772 0.0018140924770000000000 Miami City Florida 2768 0.0029279345570000000000 Miami Gardens City Florida 2774 0.0004068396410000000000 Miami Lakes Town Florida 2791 0.0000783751390000000000 Miami Shores Village Florida 2778 0.0000628760940000000000 Miami Springs City Florida 2775 0.0000616949500000000000 Miami-Dade County Florida 2763 0.0432717051920000000000 Milton City Florida 2858 0.0004663146570000000000 Minneola City Florida 2745 0.0001605804180000000000 Miramar City Florida 2675 0.0027927964040000000000 Monroe County Florida 2789 0.0038830119670000000000 Mount Dora City Florida 2747 0.0004102122120000000000 Naples City Florida 2701 0.0013441579440000000000 Nassau County Florida 2800 0.0039377251830000000000 New Port Richey City Florida 2832 0.0014987832530000000000 New Smyrna Beach City Florida 2886 0.0010406603440000000000 Niceville City Florida 2801 0.0002174463850000000000 North Lauderdale City Florida 2687 0.0006606905080000000000 North Miami Beach City Florida 2776 0.0003039179460000000000 North Miami City Florida 2779 0.0003037843070000000000 North Palm Beach Village Florida 2827 0.0004434916090000000000 North Port City Florida 2861 0.0020961190360000000000 Oakland Park City Florida 2676 0.0010043123320000000000 Ocala City Florida 2758 0.0036899458150000000000 Ocoee City Florida 2808 0.0006660008460000000000 Okaloosa County Florida 2795 0.0063451241170000000000 Okeechobee County Florida 2796 0.0035349531810000000000 Oldsmar City Florida 2838 0.0003942198280000000000 Opa-Locka City Florida 2780 0.0000784753690000000000 Orange City Florida 2884 0.0003356241790000000000 Orange County Florida 2806 0.0313074198040000000000 Orlando City Florida 2813 0.0116024921000000000000 Ormond Beach City Florida 2885 0.0011464382110000000000 Osceola County Florida 2817 0.0083724911160000000000 Oviedo City Florida 2871 0.0010313086960000000000 Palatka City Florida 2860 0.0004695492310000000000 Palm Bay City Florida 2667 0.0040481693420000000000 Palm Beach County Florida 2809 0.0597840016450000000000 Palm Beach Gardens City Florida 2824 0.0023367521630000000000 Palm Coast City Florida 2715 0.0008485647090000000000 Palm Springs Village Florida 2823 0.0003802098770000000000 Palmetto Bay Village Florida 2782 0.0000740407670000000000 Palmetto City Florida 2762 0.0005286975940000000000 Panama City Florida 2654 0.0015515314660000000000 Panama City Beach City Florida 2655 0.0008089730450000000000 Parkland City Florida 2691 0.0004580428340000000000 Pasco County Florida 2829 0.0442953683170000000000 Pembroke Pines City Florida 2682 0.0046283317780000000000 Pensacola City Florida 2712 0.0033063595540000000000 Pinecrest Village Florida 2787 0.0000829657140000000000 Pinellas County Florida 2835 0.0479353599920000000000 Pinellas Park City Florida 2844 0.0025166644900000000000 Plant City Florida 2724 0.0010421857540000000000 Plantation City Florida 2684 0.0021391927610000000000 Polk County Florida 2848 0.0160168811610000000000 Pompano Beach City Florida 2677 0.0033547196480000000000 Port Orange City Florida 2887 0.0017759701160000000000 Port St. Lucie City Florida 2878 0.0039080426020000000000 Punta Gorda City Florida 2698 0.0004712075540000000000 Putnam County Florida 2856 0.0033793825940000000000 Riviera Beach City Florida 2826 0.0016361743870000000000 Rockledge City Florida 2663 0.0009660390820000000000 Royal Palm Beach Village Florida 2834 0.0004929487790000000000 Safety Harbor City Florida 2839 0.0003806156970000000000 Sanford City Florida 2867 0.0016424387180000000000 Santa Rosa County Florida 2857 0.0065463680350000000000 Sarasota City Florida 2862 0.0048428037860000000000 Sarasota County Florida 2855 0.0196880412450000000000 Satellite Beach City Florida 2664 0.0003597503890000000000 Sebastian City Florida 2732 0.0003831577450000000000 Sebring City Florida 2725 0.0003817285690000000000 Seminole City Florida 2847 0.0009524892430000000000 Seminole County Florida 2863 0.0150869511380000000000 South Daytona City Florida 2888 0.0004522141010000000000 South Miami City Florida 2781 0.0000783304720000000000 St Johns County Florida 2870 0.0066382167530000000000 St Lucie County Florida 2872 0.0095628875030000000000 St. Augustine City Florida 2874 0.0004651088190000000000 St. Cloud City Florida 2804 0.0007383660400000000000 St. Petersburg City Florida 2843 0.0145659241730000000000 Stuart City Florida 2765 0.0008122301340000000000 Sumter County Florida 2873 0.0032639863450000000000 Sunny Isles Beach City Florida 2786 0.0000769377930000000000 Sunrise City Florida 2696 0.0028607044810000000000 Suwannee County Florida 2876 0.0019101493730000000000 Sweetwater City Florida 2784 0.0000411597450000000000 Tallahassee City Florida 2759 0.0042599725630000000000 Tamarac City Florida 2694 0.0013449289110000000000 Tampa City Florida 2728 0.0197567264620000000000 Tarpon Springs City Florida 2846 0.0010197096960000000000 Tavares City Florida 2749 0.0003182185980000000000 Taylor County Florida 2881 0.0009218121760000000000 Temple Terrace City Florida 2730 0.0010798104180000000000 Titusville City Florida 2665 0.0024005584650000000000 Union County Florida 2875 0.0006515551160000000000 Venice City Florida 2859 0.0014234761830000000000 Vero Beach City Florida 2734 0.0006064172480000000000 Volusia County Florida 2880 0.0174468491890000000000 Wakulla County Florida 2895 0.0011512946110000000000 Walton County Florida 2891 0.0026855768320000000000 Washington County Florida 2897 0.0012012445750000000000 Wellington Village Florida 2825 0.0005018406800000000000 West Melbourne City Florida 2670 0.0005199716520000000000 West Palm Beach City Florida 2828 0.0054926622670000000000 West Park City Florida 2679 0.0002955389940000000000 Weston City Florida 2683 0.0013863735460000000000 Wilton Manors City Florida 2680 0.0003163060700000000000 Winter Garden City Florida 2818 0.0005626531760000000000 Winter Haven City Florida 2853 0.0009703282430000000000 Winter Park City Florida 2805 0.0010490296720000000000 Winter Springs City Florida 2869 0.0006226215300000000000 Zephyrhills City Florida 2833 0.0011267175510000000000 Acworth City Georgia 2952 0.0010100660570000000000 Adel City Georgia 2966 0.0005456494320000000000 Albany City Georgia 2988 0.0031578430120000000000 Alma City Georgia 2898 0.0007201086150000000000 Alpharetta City Georgia 3008 0.0021103778630000000000 Americus City Georgia 3115 0.0006517324440000000000 Appling County Georgia 2901 0.0018919256470000000000 Arlington City Georgia 2927 0.0000577551470000000000 Ashburn City Georgia 13586 0.0002072942090000000000 Athens-Clarke County Unified Government Georgia 2945 0.0138563303050000000000 Atkinson County Georgia 2896 0.0009867207800000000000 Atlanta City Georgia 2983 0.0299223206590000000000 Augusta-Richmond County Consolidated Government Georgia 3102 0.0277610217130000000000 Bacon County Georgia 2899 0.0013263132980000000000 Bainbridge City Georgia 2971 0.0005698617900000000000 Baker County Georgia 2902 0.0001389925400000000000 Baldwin County Georgia 2900 0.0029400934020000000000 Banks County Georgia 2903 0.0021082872410000000000 Barrow County Georgia 2905 0.0075623155700000000000 Bartow County Georgia 2914 0.0109452351120000000000 Ben Hill County Georgia 2908 0.0008340314580000000000 Berrien County Georgia 2911 0.0012257336420000000000 Blackshear City Georgia 3096 0.0003491619270000000000 Blakely City Georgia 2990 0.0001584413970000000000 Bleckley County Georgia 2916 0.0014305618580000000000 Brantley County Georgia 2912 0.0028754107770000000000 Braselton Town Georgia 2906 0.0003714676240000000000 Brookhaven City Georgia 2974 0.0009134504450000000000 Brooks County Georgia 2917 0.0014559438860000000000 Brunswick City Georgia 3019 0.0010200853390000000000 Bryan County Georgia 2920 0.0022898836500000000000 Buford City Georgia 3033 0.0000235865470000000000 Bulloch County Georgia 2918 0.0040884751820000000000 Burke County Georgia 2919 0.0018754132880000000000 Butts County Georgia 2926 0.0031788609830000000000 Calhoun City Georgia 3021 0.0017800854020000000000 Calhoun County Georgia 2921 0.0003607835610000000000 Camden County Georgia 2924 0.0033870096650000000000 Candler County Georgia 2928 0.0009908825390000000000 Canton City Georgia 2944 0.0013782745350000000000 Carroll County Georgia 2930 0.0141085488140000000000 Carrollton City Georgia 2932 0.0043950183390000000000 Cartersville City Georgia 2909 0.0029914064770000000000 Catoosa County Georgia 2931 0.0105483396120000000000 Chamblee City Georgia 2978 0.0005370519790000000000 Charlton County Georgia 2934 0.0010463138180000000000 Chatham County Georgia 2935 0.0145440337080000000000 Chatsworth City Georgia 13590 0.0012260568630000000000 Chattooga County Georgia 2939 0.0033175131090000000000 Cherokee County Georgia 2941 0.0211906838510000000000 Clarkston City Georgia 2977 0.0001752534810000000000 Clay County Georgia 2947 0.0002746371040000000000 Clayton County Georgia 2942 0.0167288813770000000000 Clinch County Georgia 2950 0.0006172068100000000000 Cobb County Georgia 2953 0.0585808019670000000000 Coffee County Georgia 2963 0.0041647559440000000000 College Park City Georgia 2949 0.0018059963910000000000 Colquitt County Georgia 2961 0.0025786123940000000000 Columbia County Georgia 2960 0.0129057306330000000000 Columbus City Georgia 3084 0.0182271402980000000000 Conyers City Georgia 3105 0.0012022319120000000000 Cook County Georgia 2962 0.0009734056740000000000 Cordele City Georgia 2969 0.0005839895340000000000 Covington City Georgia 3089 0.0019690843780000000000 Coweta County Georgia 2964 0.0097672763050000000000 Crawford County Georgia 2965 0.0012825695580000000000 Crisp County Georgia 2968 0.0012966589050000000000 Cusseta-Chattahoochee County Unified Government Georgia 2938 0.0006955386500000000000 Dade County Georgia 2975 0.0017994654900000000000 Dallas City Georgia 3091 0.0009167766430000000000 Dalton City Georgia 3149 0.0036280925180000000000 Damascus City Georgia 2995 0.0000050403010000000000 Dawson City Georgia 3121 0.0001386962540000000000 Dawson County Georgia 2973 0.0031927824150000000000 Dawsonville City Georgia 13588 0.0000224409460000000000 Decatur City Georgia 2979 0.0010403405310000000000 Decatur County Georgia 2972 0.0016333710870000000000 Dekalb County Georgia 2976 0.0405796029790000000000 Demorest City Georgia 3034 0.0002335398800000000000 Dodge County Georgia 2987 0.0032283986340000000000 Dooly County Georgia 2985 0.0007589702260000000000 Doraville City Georgia 2982 0.0006194842580000000000 Dougherty County Georgia 2984 0.0045191467180000000000 Douglas City Georgia 2956 0.0023643666380000000000 Douglas County Georgia 2986 0.0124112194850000000000 Douglasville City Georgia 2992 0.0023132891020000000000 Dublin City Georgia 3062 0.0015986838430000000000 Duluth City Georgia 3026 0.0011744005090000000000 Dunwoody City Georgia 2981 0.0008236454000000000000 Early County Georgia 2989 0.0004334676280000000000 East Point City Georgia 3009 0.0023084339080000000000 Echols County Georgia 2991 0.0002621873590000000000 Effingham County Georgia 2993 0.0043702930680000000000 Elbert County Georgia 2997 0.0026551172330000000000 Emanuel County Georgia 3002 0.0022784975550000000000 Evans County Georgia 2996 0.0011569597490000000000 Fairburn City Georgia 3010 0.0005425524690000000000 Fannin County Georgia 3000 0.0056518052800000000000 Fayette County Georgia 2998 0.0065270124750000000000 Fayetteville City Georgia 2999 0.0012012037940000000000 Fitzgerald City Georgia 2915 0.0005690938530000000000 Floyd County Georgia 3001 0.0098873500920000000000 Forest Park City Georgia 2948 0.0014552005920000000000 Forsyth County Georgia 3005 0.0171106645700000000000 Franklin County Georgia 3011 0.0055502966500000000000 Fulton County Georgia 3007 0.0327923301200000000000 Gainesville City Georgia 3038 0.0036404373880000000000 Georgetown-Quitman County Unified Government Georgia 3100 0.0001765956510000000000 Gilmer County Georgia 3013 0.0042390211580000000000 Glascock County Georgia 3015 0.0002836626530000000000 Glynn County Georgia 3018 0.0079688097060000000000 Gordon County Georgia 3016 0.0041752795430000000000 Grady County Georgia 3020 0.0017164979470000000000 Greene County Georgia 3022 0.0017373858270000000000 Griffin City Georgia 3109 0.0022874801230000000000 Grovetown City Georgia 2970 0.0006326228540000000000 Gwinnett County Georgia 3024 0.0489127327750000000000 Habersham County Georgia 3035 0.0046351246520000000000 Hall County Georgia 3037 0.0157729370950000000000 Hancock County Georgia 3036 0.0005368009670000000000 Haralson County Georgia 3039 0.0109349126670000000000 Harris County Georgia 3043 0.0020375407820000000000 Hart County Georgia 3041 0.0029353980990000000000 Heard County Georgia 3044 0.0012320582320000000000 Helen City Georgia 13597 0.0004785523920000000000 Henry County Georgia 3042 0.0197152085830000000000 Hinesville City Georgia 3065 0.0025723640250000000000 Holly Springs City Georgia 2940 0.0008231084170000000000 Houston County Georgia 3046 0.0083780764370000000000 Irwin County Georgia 3050 0.0006105538410000000000 Jackson City Georgia 13595 0.0005681591480000000000 Jackson County Georgia 3055 0.0092012203860000000000 Jasper County Georgia 3056 0.0011522455340000000000 Jeff Davis County Georgia 3048 0.0036597916860000000000 Jefferson City Georgia 3051 0.0008817839430000000000 Jefferson County Georgia 3052 0.0015175593490000000000 Jenkins County Georgia 3054 0.0008087405500000000000 Johns Creek City Georgia 3017 0.0018776970400000000000 Johnson County Georgia 3058 0.0008765843230000000000 Jones County Georgia 3053 0.0027735216170000000000 Kennesaw City Georgia 2951 0.0014461916630000000000 Kingsland City Georgia 2929 0.0013131981990000000000 Lagrange City Georgia 3134 0.0020696227720000000000 Lakeland City Georgia 3061 0.0001552321090000000000 Lamar County Georgia 3057 0.0020830152450000000000 Lanier County Georgia 3059 0.0005746132560000000000 Laurens County Georgia 3060 0.0052498345210000000000 Lawrenceville City Georgia 3025 0.0016471733170000000000 Lee County Georgia 3063 0.0021628508660000000000 Liberty County Georgia 3072 0.0029316420860000000000 Lilburn City Georgia 3030 0.0005383557520000000000 Lincoln County Georgia 3064 0.0010004874790000000000 Loganville City Georgia 3032 0.0014686813210000000000 Long County Georgia 3070 0.0012167665480000000000 Lowndes County Georgia 3066 0.0062538298660000000000 Lumpkin County Georgia 3067 0.0031395558020000000000 Macon County Georgia 3071 0.0011108577550000000000 Macon-Bibb County Unified Government Georgia 2910 0.0202652146230000000000 Madison County Georgia 3069 0.0051144340910000000000 Marietta City Georgia 2954 0.0073540069960000000000 Marion County Georgia 3073 0.0006152187710000000000 Mcdonough City Georgia 3040 0.0008036440860000000000 Mcduffie County Georgia 3074 0.0022164098690000000000 Mcintosh County Georgia 3075 0.0016787590140000000000 Meriwether County Georgia 3076 0.0020158345340000000000 Milledgeville City Georgia 2904 0.0013438428870000000000 Miller County Georgia 3078 0.0005623893070000000000 Milton City Georgia 3014 0.0007656306440000000000 Mitchell County Georgia 3079 0.0018428642320000000000 Monroe City Georgia 3138 0.0016160586980000000000 Monroe County Georgia 3080 0.0024638688900000000000 Montgomery County Georgia 3082 0.0006854408550000000000 Morgan County Georgia 3083 0.0018079328520000000000 Moultrie City Georgia 2958 0.0011502729680000000000 Murray County Georgia 3087 0.0056368087360000000000 Nashville City Georgia 2913 0.0002880427580000000000 Newnan City Georgia 2967 0.0020379734620000000000 Newton County Georgia 3086 0.0062066997540000000000 Norcross City Georgia 3031 0.0007620362420000000000 Oconee County Georgia 3085 0.0027210004750000000000 Oglethorpe County Georgia 3090 0.0014616587110000000000 Paulding County Georgia 3088 0.0174952111880000000000 Peach County Georgia 3093 0.0023196566730000000000 Peachtree City Georgia 3003 0.0022198334920000000000 Peachtree Corners City Georgia 3023 0.0020994009520000000000 Perry City Georgia 3047 0.0009545809080000000000 Pickens County Georgia 3094 0.0039053623840000000000 Pierce County Georgia 3092 0.0020120682050000000000 Pike County Georgia 3097 0.0010722706530000000000 Polk County Georgia 3101 0.0071309414290000000000 Pooler City Georgia 2936 0.0005163033600000000000 Powder Springs City Georgia 2957 0.0006334309060000000000 Pulaski County Georgia 3098 0.0016715656250000000000 Putnam County Georgia 3099 0.0020612087070000000000 Rabun County Georgia 3103 0.0031701300000000000000 Randolph County Georgia 3104 0.0003822451000000000000 Richmond Hill City Georgia 2923 0.0007163824020000000000 Rincon Town Georgia 13725 0.0002754881390000000000 Ringgold City Georgia 13594 0.0005857288530000000000 Riverdale City Georgia 2946 0.0006844608760000000000 Rockdale County Georgia 3108 0.0079476960300000000000 Rome City Georgia 3004 0.0037193835780000000000 Roswell City Georgia 2959 0.0021746421340000000000 Sandy Springs City Georgia 3012 0.0025901434800000000000 Savannah City Georgia 2937 0.0112466852430000000000 Schley County Georgia 3112 0.0002383566780000000000 Screven County Georgia 3110 0.0011320539550000000000 Seminole County Georgia 3106 0.0008048177690000000000 Smyrna City Georgia 2955 0.0026619088880000000000 Snellville City Georgia 3029 0.0007586888400000000000 South Fulton City Georgia 13721 0.0025614123000000000000 Spalding County Georgia 3107 0.0059006460140000000000 Springfield City Georgia 2994 0.0001248023290000000000 St. Marys City Georgia 2925 0.0009628035620000000000 Statesboro City Georgia 2922 0.0018446906600000000000 Stephens County Georgia 3111 0.0075205552840000000000 Stewart County Georgia 3114 0.0004197427640000000000 Stockbridge City Georgia 3045 0.0003026988880000000000 Stonecrest City Georgia 13727 0.0009043888000000000000 Sugar Hill City Georgia 3028 0.0001060583690000000000 Sumter County Georgia 3113 0.0013144263250000000000 Suwanee City Georgia 3027 0.0007005623320000000000 Talbot County Georgia 3117 0.0004103573160000000000 Taliaferro County Georgia 3118 0.0000686374990000000000 Tattnall County Georgia 3119 0.0029307681280000000000 Taylor County Georgia 3116 0.0008194355020000000000 Telfair County Georgia 3122 0.0018553787350000000000 Terrell County Georgia 3120 0.0003347109620000000000 Thomas County Georgia 3123 0.0020779119040000000000 Thomasville City Georgia 3124 0.0012819735470000000000 Tift County Georgia 3125 0.0020882882200000000000 Tifton City Georgia 3126 0.0014165023110000000000 Toombs County Georgia 3131 0.0024231040560000000000 Towns County Georgia 3127 0.0024544083680000000000 Treutlen County Georgia 3128 0.0005714475220000000000 Troup County Georgia 3133 0.0043340957390000000000 Tucker City Georgia 2980 0.0006152256480000000000 Turner County Georgia 3130 0.0004906577110000000000 Twiggs County Georgia 3129 0.0006404162650000000000 Union City Georgia 3006 0.0015315380900000000000 Union County Georgia 3132 0.0029497590890000000000 Upson County Georgia 3135 0.0033555666670000000000 Valdosta City Georgia 3068 0.0025982469320000000000 Vidalia City Georgia 3081 0.0012525300500000000000 Villa Rica City Georgia 2933 0.0013971136280000000000 Walker County Georgia 3136 0.0084536053090000000000 Walton County Georgia 3137 0.0081943819560000000000 Ware County Georgia 3140 0.0051700785590000000000 Warner Robins City Georgia 3049 0.0039698455740000000000 Warren County Georgia 3139 0.0004478280450000000000 Warwick City Georgia 3150 0.0001032983810000000000 Washington County Georgia 3142 0.0019599889130000000000 Waycross City Georgia 3095 0.0013582743670000000000 Wayne County Georgia 3141 0.0066093479020000000000 Webster County Unified Government Georgia 3143 0.0001436563230000000000 Wheeler County Georgia 3144 0.0006753006520000000000 White County Georgia 3148 0.0038733869880000000000 Whitfield County Georgia 3145 0.0076442888060000000000 Wilcox County Georgia 3146 0.0008286965900000000000 Wilkes County Georgia 3151 0.0009763060680000000000 Wilkinson County Georgia 3153 0.0008472972790000000000 Winder City Georgia 2907 0.0020077207660000000000 Woodbury City Georgia 3077 0.0000852363940000000000 Woodstock City Georgia 2943 0.0019429567630000000000 Worth County Georgia 3147 0.0014918323210000000000 Ada County Idaho 3302 0.1327762783330000000000 Adams County Idaho 3305 0.0014468319020000000000 Ammon City Idaho 3318 0.0008129160240000000000 Bannock County Idaho 3309 0.0305955898320000000000 Bear Lake County Idaho 3311 0.0060827120410000000000 Benewah County Idaho 3313 0.0065268298090000000000 Bingham County Idaho 3312 0.0164212708120000000000 Blackfoot City Idaho 3314 0.0062838574010000000000 Blaine County Idaho 3317 0.0091377175510000000000 Boise City Idaho 3301 0.1275864091100000000000 Boise County Idaho 3315 0.0033096446520000000000 Bonner County Idaho 3319 0.0259873617860000000000 Bonneville County Idaho 3316 0.0377612538750000000000 Boundary County Idaho 3320 0.0087882844470000000000 Burley City Idaho 3329 0.0044859753630000000000 Butte County Idaho 3322 0.0018397455180000000000 Caldwell City Idaho 3323 0.0119585532490000000000 Camas County Idaho 3327 0.0004220734430000000000 Canyon County Idaho 3324 0.0501201136880000000000 Caribou County Idaho 3330 0.0043961838320000000000 Cassia County Idaho 3325 0.0072702358660000000000 Chubbuck City Idaho 3307 0.0048419354470000000000 Clark County Idaho 3326 0.0004209244250000000000 Clearwater County Idaho 3332 0.0048904183900000000000 Coeur D'Alene City Idaho 3346 0.0275937782370000000000 Custer County Idaho 3331 0.0021332438780000000000 Eagle City Idaho 3304 0.0017118766610000000000 Elmore County Idaho 3336 0.0088995121650000000000 Franklin County Idaho 3333 0.0057536249580000000000 Fremont County Idaho 3335 0.0057160716960000000000 Garden City Idaho 3306 0.0055827828380000000000 Gem County Idaho 3334 0.0137840257250000000000 Gooding County Idaho 3338 0.0069664720130000000000 Hayden City Idaho 3343 0.0000471321460000000000 Idaho County Idaho 3340 0.0084743055470000000000 Idaho Falls City Idaho 3321 0.0388750275780000000000 Jefferson County Idaho 3341 0.0098426707490000000000 Jerome City Idaho 3345 0.0041690174240000000000 Jerome County Idaho 3342 0.0062234442910000000000 Kootenai County Idaho 3351 0.0563947985650000000000 Kuna City Idaho 3299 0.0018494617240000000000 Latah County Idaho 3353 0.0129438611660000000000 Lemhi County Idaho 3349 0.0048808142840000000000 Lewis County Idaho 3357 0.0028825435550000000000 Lewiston City Idaho 3358 0.0201765493750000000000 Lincoln County Idaho 3347 0.0019301844220000000000 Madison County Idaho 3352 0.0127484048450000000000 Meridian City Idaho 3303 0.0240456507540000000000 Minidoka County Idaho 3354 0.0091406209220000000000 Moscow City Idaho 3344 0.0065905526500000000000 Mountain Home City Idaho 3339 0.0057066945910000000000 Nampa City Idaho 3328 0.0332746479540000000000 Nez Perce County Idaho 3350 0.0127658334820000000000 Oneida County Idaho 3364 0.0023716566470000000000 Owyhee County Idaho 3355 0.0055542984090000000000 Payette County Idaho 3359 0.0127507281020000000000 Pocatello City Idaho 3310 0.0294948981160000000000 Post Falls City Idaho 3348 0.0067813288260000000000 Power County Idaho 3360 0.0035051710350000000000 Preston City Idaho 3337 0.0014962200470000000000 Rexburg City Idaho 3356 0.0013362319410000000000 Shoshone County Idaho 3361 0.0128410913400000000000 Star City Idaho 3308 0.0000013227720000000000 Teton County Idaho 3362 0.0042581952110000000000 Twin Falls City Idaho 3366 0.0182457652220000000000 Twin Falls County Idaho 3363 0.0331043018730000000000 Valley County Idaho 3367 0.0080747108140000000000 Washington County Idaho 3365 0.0049173586520000000000 Adams County Illinois 3370 Addison Village Illinois 3545 Alexander County Illinois 3369 Algonquin Village Illinois 3619 Anna City Illinois 3802 Arlington Heights Village Illinois 3405 Aurora City Illinois 3564 Bartlett Village Illinois 3518 Bedford Park Village Illinois 3403 Belleville City Illinois 3780 Bellwood Village Illinois 3409 Bensenville Village Illinois 3509 Benton City Illinois 3575 Berkeley Village Illinois 3408 Berwyn City Illinois 3407 Bloomington City Illinois 3728 Bolingbrook Village Illinois 3829 Bond County Illinois 3372 Boone County Illinois 3379 Bridgeview Village Illinois 3411 Broadview Village Illinois 3410 Brown County Illinois 3373 Buffalo Grove Village Illinois 3527 Burbank City Illinois 3480 Bureau County Illinois 3378 Calhoun County Illinois 3377 Calumet City Illinois 3415 Carbondale City Illinois 3600 Carol Stream Village Illinois 3554 Carpentersville Village Illinois 3606 Carroll County Illinois 3380 Cass County Illinois 3382 Champaign City Illinois 3384 Champaign County Illinois 3385 Chicago City Illinois 3511 Chicago Heights City Illinois 3413 Chicago Ridge Village Illinois 3414 Christian County Illinois 3388 Cicero Town Illinois 13120 Clark County Illinois 3394 Clay County Illinois 3399 Clinton County Illinois 3395 Coles County Illinois 3398 Cook County Illinois 3400 Countryside City Illinois 3475 Crawford County Illinois 3528 Crystal Lake City Illinois 3720 Cumberland County Illinois 3532 Danville City Illinois 3803 De Witt County Illinois 3531 Decatur City Illinois 3684 Dekalb City Illinois 3535 Dekalb County Illinois 3537 Des Plaines City Illinois 3417 Dolton Village Illinois 3419 Douglas County Illinois 3538 Downers Grove Village Illinois 3544 Dupage County Illinois 3541 Edgar County Illinois 3568 Edwards County Illinois 3569 Effingham County Illinois 3570 Elgin City Illinois 3517 Elk Grove Village Village Illinois 3508 Elmhurst City Illinois 3513 Evanston City Illinois 3420 Evergreen Park Village Illinois 3424 Fayette County Illinois 3574 Ford County Illinois 3576 Forest Park Village Illinois 3421 Franklin County Illinois 3580 Franklin Park Village Illinois 3422 Fulton County Illinois 3582 Galesburg City Illinois 3636 Gallatin County Illinois 3587 Glendale Heights Village Illinois 3555 Glenview Village Illinois 3426 Granite City Illinois 3690 Greene County Illinois 3588 Grundy County Illinois 3584 Gurnee Village Illinois 3638 Hamilton County Illinois 3583 Hancock County Illinois 3591 Hanover Park Village Illinois 3510 Hardin County Illinois 3590 Harrisburg City Illinois 3767 Harvey City Illinois 3423 Harwood Heights Village Illinois 3427 Henderson County Illinois 3594 Henry County Illinois 3595 Herrin City Illinois 3838 Hillside Village Illinois 3429 Hodgkins Village Illinois 3434 Hoffman Estates Village Illinois 3521 Iroquois County Illinois 3593 Jackson County Illinois 3597 Jasper County Illinois 3599 Jefferson County Illinois 3601 Jersey County Illinois 3604 Jo Daviess County Illinois 3605 Johnson County Illinois 3602 Joliet City Illinois 3635 Kane County Illinois 3603 Kankakee City Illinois 3625 Kankakee County Illinois 3618 Kendall County Illinois 3628 Knox County Illinois 3631 La Grange Park Village Illinois 3435 Lake County Illinois 3637 Lasalle County Illinois 3673 Lawrence County Illinois 3675 Lee County Illinois 3678 Livingston County Illinois 3680 Logan County Illinois 3682 Lombard Village Illinois 3547 Lyons Township Illinois 3488 Lyons Village Illinois 3440 Macon County Illinois 3689 Macoupin County Illinois 3685 Madison County Illinois 3691 Marion City Illinois 3837 Marion County Illinois 3706 Marshall County Illinois 3713 Mason County Illinois 3715 Massac County Illinois 3710 Maywood Village Illinois 3437 Mccook Village Illinois 3439 Mcdonough County Illinois 3711 Mchenry County Illinois 3716 Mclean County Illinois 3729 Melrose Park Village Illinois 3438 Menard County Illinois 3735 Mercer County Illinois 3738 Merrionette Park Village Illinois 3446 Metropolis City Illinois 3712 Moline City Illinois 3760 Monroe County Illinois 3733 Montgomery County Illinois 3741 Morgan County Illinois 3740 Moultrie County Illinois 3739 Mount Prospect Village Illinois 3445 Allocations in Illinois will be made in accordance with the Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement. Mundelein Village Illinois 3645 Naperville City Illinois 3567 Normal Town Illinois 3732 North Riverside Village Illinois 3450 Northbrook Village Illinois 3447 Northlake City Illinois 3449 Oak Lawn Village Illinois 3456 Oak Park Village Illinois 3454 Ogle County Illinois 3744 Orland Park Village Illinois 3529 Oswego Village Illinois 3630 Palatine Village Illinois 3453 Palos Heights City Illinois 3476 Palos Hills City Illinois 3479 Park Ridge City Illinois 3458 Pekin City Illinois 3746 Peoria City Illinois 3745 Peoria County Illinois 3743 Perry County Illinois 3750 Piatt County Illinois 3753 Pike County Illinois 3754 Plainfield Village Illinois 3839 Pope County Illinois 3751 Posen Village Illinois 3452 Princeton City Illinois 3376 Pulaski County Illinois 3755 Putnam County Illinois 3756 Quincy City Illinois 3368 Randolph County Illinois 3757 Richland County Illinois 3759 River Forest Village Illinois 3459 River Grove Village Illinois 3460 Riverside Village Illinois 3463 Rock Island City Illinois 3763 Rock Island County Illinois 3758 Rockford City Illinois 3852 Romeoville Village Illinois 3821 Saline County Illinois 3772 Sangamon County Illinois 3774 Schaumburg Village Illinois 3507 Schiller Park Village Illinois 3465 Schuyler County Illinois 3770 Scott County Illinois 3775 Sesser City Illinois 3577 Shelby County Illinois 3779 Skokie Village Illinois 3461 Springfield City Illinois 3769 St Clair County Illinois 3777 St. Charles City Illinois 3566 Stark County Illinois 3788 Stephenson County Illinois 3793 Stone Park Village Illinois 3466 Streamwood Village Illinois 3472 Streator City Illinois 3677 Summit Village Illinois 3471 Tazewell County Illinois 3790 Tinley Park Village Illinois 3524 Union County Illinois 3804 Urbana City Illinois 3386 Vermilion County Illinois 3805 Wabash County Illinois 3810 Warren County Illinois 3806 Washington County Illinois 3809 Waukegan City Illinois 3651 Wayne County Illinois 3812 West Frankfort City Illinois 3579 Wheaton City Illinois 3549 Wheeling Village Illinois 3520 White County Illinois 3811 Whiteside County Illinois 3816 Will County Illinois 3813 Williamson County Illinois 3841 Winnebago County Illinois 3842 Woodford County Illinois 3846 Woodridge Village Illinois 3519 Adams County Indiana 3849 0.0030930669430000000000 Advance Town Indiana 3887 0.0000056978630000000000 Akron Town Indiana 4015 0.0000032852540000000000 Alamo Town Indiana 4253 0.0000057491950000000000 Albany Town Indiana 3975 0.0002569684860000000000 Albion Town Indiana 4280 0.0002166214570000000000 Alexandria City Indiana 4214 0.0010624204480000000000 Alfordsville Town Indiana 3933 0.0000015399630000000000 Allen County Indiana 3857 0.0155291918460000000000 Alton Town Indiana 3932 0.0000003079930000000000 Altona Town Indiana 3945 0.0000124737000000000000 Ambia Town Indiana 3875 0.0000065191770000000000 Amboy Town Indiana 4239 0.0000048252170000000000 Amo Town Indiana 4076 0.0000057491950000000000 Anderson City Indiana 4213 0.0138289187390000000000 Andrews Town Indiana 4113 0.0000605205440000000000 Angola City Indiana 4386 0.0009475392110000000000 Arcadia Town Indiana 4045 0.0000631384810000000000 Argos Town Indiana 4231 0.0001679072950000000000 Ashley Town Indiana 3944 0.0000623685000000000000 Atlanta Town Indiana 4052 0.0000116523860000000000 Attica City Indiana 3999 0.0002075870070000000000 Auburn City Indiana 3947 0.0014726152490000000000 Aurora City Indiana 3953 0.0000943997300000000000 Austin City Indiana 4358 0.0002322777470000000000 Avilla Town Indiana 4279 0.0001995792000000000000 Avon Town Indiana 4086 0.0001641087200000000000 Bainbridge Town Indiana 4337 0.0000147836440000000000 Bargersville Town Indiana 4139 0.0001210410890000000000 Bartholomew County Indiana 3869 0.0118392352580000000000 Batesville City Indiana 4010 0.0015470467920000000000 Battle Ground Town Indiana 4408 0.0001362867220000000000 Bedford City Indiana 4211 0.0032698033590000000000 Beech Grove City Indiana 4226 0.0005447362320000000000 Benton County Indiana 3872 0.0007443154320000000000 Berne City Indiana 3854 0.0000280786580000000000 Bethany Town Indiana 4263 0.0000027206010000000000 Beverly Shores Town Indiana 4309 0.0001544582850000000000 Bicknell City Indiana 4150 0.0000132950140000000000 Birdseye Town Indiana 3980 0.0000294646250000000000 Blackford County Indiana 3883 0.0027153653600000000000 Bloomfield Town Indiana 4044 0.0000428623020000000000 Bloomingdale Town Indiana 4297 0.0000260253740000000000 Bloomington City Indiana 4252 0.0083902315430000000000 Blountsville Town Indiana 4087 0.0000025666050000000000 Bluffton City Indiana 4472 0.0010029778780000000000 Boone County Indiana 3886 0.0067627986840000000000 Boonville City Indiana 4446 0.0010078544270000000000 Borden Town Indiana 3914 0.0000175042460000000000 Boston Town Indiana 4465 0.0000056978630000000000 Boswell Town Indiana 3876 0.0000210974930000000000 Bourbon Town Indiana 4234 0.0001730405050000000000 Brazil City Indiana 3915 0.0006268162580000000000 Bremen Town Indiana 4233 0.0005293879350000000000 Bristol Town Indiana 3982 0.0001584621890000000000 Brook Town Indiana 4270 0.0000373697680000000000 Brooklyn Town Indiana 4262 0.0000657050860000000000 Brooksburg Town Indiana 4131 0.0000095477700000000000 Brookston Town Indiana 4488 0.0001166778600000000000 Brookville Town Indiana 4003 0.0005389357050000000000 Brown County Indiana 3895 0.0018791654710000000000 Brownsburg Town Indiana 4077 0.0011259182540000000000 Brownstown Town Indiana 4115 0.0000336225250000000000 Bruceville Town Indiana 4151 0.0000024126090000000000 Bryant Town Indiana 4125 0.0000037472430000000000 Bunker Hill Town Indiana 4245 0.0000109850690000000000 Burket Town Indiana 4157 0.0000111390650000000000 Burlington Town Indiana 3901 0.0000638057990000000000 Burnettsville Town Indiana 4490 0.0000046198890000000000 Burns Harbor Town Indiana 4323 0.0003979777620000000000 Butler City Indiana 3948 0.0002391562480000000000 Cadiz Town Indiana 4092 0.0000028232650000000000 Cambridge City Town Indiana 4466 0.0002415175250000000000 Camden Town Indiana 3893 0.0000642164560000000000 Campbellsburg Town Indiana 4458 0.0000818746980000000000 Cannelburg Town Indiana 3935 0.0000022586120000000000 Cannelton City Indiana 4302 0.0000183255590000000000 Carbon Town Indiana 3917 0.0000268466880000000000 Carlisle Town Indiana 4394 0.0000176582420000000000 Carmel City Indiana 4049 0.0036762509170000000000 Carroll County Indiana 3896 0.0016297941360000000000 Carthage Town Indiana 4357 0.0000131410170000000000 Cass County Indiana 3900 0.0033896124780000000000 Cayuga Town Indiana 4422 0.0000784867790000000000 Cedar Grove Town Indiana 4009 0.0000040552360000000000 Cedar Lake Town Indiana 4203 0.0005116783600000000000 Center Point Town Indiana 3920 0.0000163749400000000000 Centerville Town Indiana 4464 0.0003507522310000000000 Chalmers Town Indiana 4485 0.0000068271690000000000 Chandler Town Indiana 4451 0.0003475183090000000000 Charlestown City Indiana 3910 0.0001460398210000000000 Chesterfield Town Indiana 3974 0.0003790362170000000000 Chesterton Town Indiana 4311 0.0021600033840000000000 Chrisney Town Indiana 4366 0.0000323392220000000000 Churubusco Town Indiana 4495 0.0000005646530000000000 Cicero Town Indiana 4055 0.0001732971650000000000 Clark County Indiana 3908 0.0193760706590000000000 Clarks Hill Town Indiana 4406 0.0000406036900000000000 Clarksville Town Indiana 3907 0.0010717628900000000000 Clay City Town Indiana 3918 0.0000576972790000000000 Clay County Indiana 3912 0.0029545216080000000000 Claypool Town Indiana 4161 0.0000246907400000000000 Clayton Town Indiana 4082 0.0000069811650000000000 Clear Lake Town Indiana 4390 0.0000197628580000000000 Clifford Town Indiana 3866 0.0000023099440000000000 Clinton City Indiana 4430 0.0003365845720000000000 Clinton County Indiana 3922 0.0027442140000000000000 Cloverdale Town Indiana 4331 0.0000502027930000000000 Coatesville Town Indiana 4079 0.0000074944860000000000 Colfax Town Indiana 3921 0.0000461475570000000000 Columbia City Indiana 4497 0.0008864026810000000000 Columbus City Indiana 3861 0.0007642836180000000000 Connersville City Indiana 3994 0.0046361611640000000000 Converse Town Indiana 4040 0.0000457369000000000000 Corunna Town Indiana 3946 0.0000163749400000000000 Corydon Town Indiana 4061 0.0000698116540000000000 Country Club Heights Town Indiana 4222 0.0000122170400000000000 Covington City Indiana 4001 0.0002571224830000000000 Crandall Town Indiana 4064 0.0000001539960000000000 Crane Town Indiana 4244 0.0000156562900000000000 Crawford County Indiana 3930 0.0013389464640000000000 Crawfordsville City Indiana 4251 0.0027384134730000000000 Cromwell Town Indiana 4282 0.0000345465020000000000 Crothersville Town Indiana 4118 0.0000182228950000000000 Crown Point City Indiana 4190 0.0012461893620000000000 Culver Town Indiana 4236 0.0002898210300000000000 Cumberland Town Indiana 14145 0.0001482471010000000000 Cynthiana Town Indiana 4328 0.0000327498790000000000 Dale Town Indiana 4369 0.0000597505630000000000 Daleville Town Indiana 3971 0.0001997845280000000000 Dana Town Indiana 4432 0.0000505107850000000000 Danville Town Indiana 4078 0.0000394743840000000000 Darlington Town Indiana 4257 0.0000747908680000000000 Darmstadt Town Indiana 4425 0.0001094913670000000000 Daviess County Indiana 3942 0.0037589982600000000000 Dayton Town Indiana 4410 0.0001147272410000000000 De Kalb County Indiana 3943 0.0027734732960000000000 De Motte Town Indiana 4121 0.0000709409600000000000 Dearborn County Indiana 3956 0.0095772349940000000000 Decatur City Indiana 3856 0.0000909091470000000000 Decatur County Indiana 3961 0.0035332396900000000000 Decker Town Indiana 4148 0.0000012319700000000000 Delaware County Indiana 3970 0.0120357345330000000000 Delphi City Indiana 3897 0.0001772497370000000000 Denver Town Indiana 4240 0.0000060058560000000000 Dillsboro Town Indiana 3954 0.0000600072230000000000 Dublin Town Indiana 4469 0.0000515887590000000000 Dubois County Indiana 3976 0.0027289683660000000000 Dugger Town Indiana 4393 0.0000234074370000000000 Dune Acres Town Indiana 4313 0.0000469175380000000000 Dunkirk City Indiana 3884 0.0000798727460000000000 Dunreith Town Indiana 4089 0.0000033879190000000000 Dupont Town Indiana 4136 0.0000397823770000000000 Dyer Town Indiana 4187 0.0005331865100000000000 Earl Park Town Indiana 3882 0.0000091884460000000000 East Chicago City Indiana 4185 0.0046210181950000000000 East Germantown Town Indiana 4463 0.0000158616190000000000 Eaton Town Indiana 3969 0.0001664186640000000000 Economy Town Indiana 4467 0.0000076484830000000000 Edgewood Town Indiana 4216 0.0002436734730000000000 Edinburgh Town Indiana 3873 0.0001989632150000000000 Edwardsport Town Indiana 4147 0.0000014886310000000000 Elberfeld Town Indiana 4449 0.0000315692410000000000 Elizabeth Town Indiana 4074 0.0000001539960000000000 Elizabethtown Town Indiana 3864 0.0000051332100000000000 Elkhart City Indiana 3986 0.0054258028390000000000 Elkhart County Indiana 3983 0.0116626528390000000000 Ellettsville Town Indiana 4249 0.0006777890320000000000 Elnora Town Indiana 3940 0.0000135516740000000000 Elwood City Indiana 4224 0.0021127778530000000000 English Town Indiana 3931 0.0000037472430000000000 Etna Green Town Indiana 4158 0.0000337251890000000000 Evansville City Indiana 4423 0.0193211966460000000000 Fairland Town Indiana 4365 0.0000051332100000000000 Fairmount Town Indiana 4027 0.0001044094890000000000 Fairview Park Town Indiana 4431 0.0000933730880000000000 Farmersburg Town Indiana 4396 0.0000397310440000000000 Farmland Town Indiana 4342 0.0001820749540000000000 Fayette County Indiana 3990 0.0029451278340000000000 Ferdinand Town Indiana 3978 0.0001894154440000000000 Fillmore Town Indiana 4338 0.0000104204160000000000 Fishers City Indiana 4048 0.0015218427320000000000 Flora Town Indiana 3898 0.0001759664350000000000 Floyd County Indiana 3989 0.0157609562720000000000 Fort Branch Town Indiana 4019 0.0000732509050000000000 Fort Wayne City Indiana 3859 0.0273400404540000000000 Fortville Town Indiana 4058 0.0001527129940000000000 Fountain City Town Indiana 4470 0.0000459935600000000000 Fountain County Indiana 3996 0.0016407792050000000000 Fowler Town Indiana 3877 0.0000938864090000000000 Fowlerton Town Indiana 4033 0.0000226887880000000000 Francesville Town Indiana 4327 0.0000114983900000000000 Francisco Town Indiana 4020 0.0000276680010000000000 Frankfort City Indiana 3926 0.0015203027690000000000 Franklin City Indiana 4145 0.0010740728340000000000 Franklin County Indiana 4006 0.0029486184170000000000 Frankton Town Indiana 4212 0.0001155485540000000000 Fremont Town Indiana 4392 0.0002014271560000000000 French Lick Town Indiana 4289 0.0002116422430000000000 Fulton County Indiana 4008 0.0023599419080000000000 Fulton Town Indiana 4013 0.0000029259300000000000 Galveston Town Indiana 3902 0.0000127303600000000000 Garrett City Indiana 3949 0.0003872493530000000000 Gary City Indiana 4194 0.0072952665440000000000 Gas City Indiana 4030 0.0005447362320000000000 Gaston Town Indiana 3967 0.0000832093320000000000 Geneva Town Indiana 3853 0.0000083671320000000000 Gentryville Town Indiana 4374 0.0000179662350000000000 Georgetown Town Indiana 13132 0.0000448642540000000000 Gibson County Indiana 4016 0.0025885237440000000000 Glenwood Town Indiana 3992 0.0000271033480000000000 Goodland Town Indiana 4276 0.0000463528850000000000 Goshen City Indiana 3984 0.0023863779390000000000 Gosport Town Indiana 4293 0.0000977363160000000000 Grabill Town Indiana 3860 0.0000575432830000000000 Grandview Town Indiana 4371 0.0000484061690000000000 Grant County Indiana 4026 0.0074498788250000000000 Greencastle City Indiana 4334 0.0002862791150000000000 Greendale City Indiana 3959 0.0001365433830000000000 Greene County Indiana 4042 0.0043155408750000000000 Greenfield City Indiana 4057 0.0006122892740000000000 Greens Fork Town Indiana 4473 0.0000175042460000000000 Greensboro Town Indiana 4090 0.0000027206010000000000 Greensburg City Indiana 3960 0.0001953699680000000000 Greentown Town Indiana 4101 0.0000174529140000000000 Greenville Town Indiana 3991 0.0000092911100000000000 Greenwood City Indiana 4141 0.0018037586180000000000 Griffin Town Indiana 4322 0.0000101124230000000000 Griffith Town Indiana 4195 0.0006961659230000000000 Hagerstown Town Indiana 4474 0.0002344336950000000000 Hamilton County Indiana 4051 0.0202697624990000000000 Hamilton Town Indiana 3952 0.0000343411740000000000 Hamlet Town Indiana 4384 0.0001882348060000000000 Hammond City Indiana 4193 0.0107702443020000000000 Hancock County Indiana 4062 0.0089544226400000000000 Hanover Town Indiana 4133 0.0000796674170000000000 Hardinsburg Town Indiana 4454 0.0000346491670000000000 Harmony Town Indiana 3923 0.0000435296200000000000 Harrison County Indiana 4071 0.0056100337420000000000 Hartford City Indiana 3879 0.0010330584880000000000 Hartsville Town Indiana 3863 0.0000038499070000000000 Haubstadt Town Indiana 4014 0.0000667830600000000000 Hazleton Town Indiana 4018 0.0000149376410000000000 Hebron Town Indiana 4314 0.0007220373010000000000 Hendricks County Indiana 4073 0.0157008463840000000000 Henry County Indiana 4088 0.0116532077330000000000 Highland Town Indiana 4192 0.0008649971960000000000 Hillsboro Town Indiana 3998 0.0000405010260000000000 Hobart City Indiana 4201 0.0015946316480000000000 Holland Town Indiana 3981 0.0000444535980000000000 Holton Town Indiana 4360 0.0000600585560000000000 Hope Town Indiana 3874 0.0000368051150000000000 Howard County Indiana 4106 0.0186935077420000000000 Hudson Town Indiana 4398 0.0000296699530000000000 Huntertown Town Indiana 3868 0.0004152253470000000000 Huntingburg City Indiana 3979 0.0004558290370000000000 Huntington City Indiana 4110 0.0024871428490000000000 Huntington County Indiana 4108 0.0026170130590000000000 Hymera Town Indiana 4400 0.0000201735150000000000 Indian Village Town Indiana 4378 0.0000060058560000000000 Indianapolis City - Marion County Consolidated Government Indiana 4230 0.1583485396120000000000 Ingalls Town Indiana 4215 0.0000151943010000000000 Jackson County Indiana 4111 0.0071835165650000000000 Jamestown Town Indiana 13130 0.0000104717480000000000 Jasonville City Indiana 4043 0.0000396283800000000000 Jasper City Indiana 3977 0.0008921005440000000000 Jasper County Indiana 4119 0.0042695986470000000000 Jay County Indiana 4124 0.0031175523540000000000 Jefferson County Indiana 4132 0.0035778986160000000000 Jeffersonville City Indiana 3909 0.0017727540310000000000 Jennings County Indiana 4137 0.0041751989170000000000 Johnson County Indiana 4138 0.0174136445240000000000 Jonesboro City Indiana 4032 0.0000654997580000000000 Jonesville Town Indiana 3871 0.0000018479560000000000 Kempton Town Indiana 4417 0.0000274626730000000000 Kendallville City Indiana 4284 0.0009553930220000000000 Kennard Town Indiana 4091 0.0000090344490000000000 Kentland Town Indiana 4269 0.0000537960400000000000 Kewanna Town Indiana 4017 0.0000053898700000000000 Kingman Town Indiana 3997 0.0000379344210000000000 Kingsbury Town Indiana 4169 0.0000129356890000000000 Kingsford Heights Town Indiana 4173 0.0000459422280000000000 Kirklin Town Indiana 3925 0.0000532827190000000000 Knightstown Town Indiana 4093 0.0000368564470000000000 Knightsville Town Indiana 3919 0.0000530260580000000000 Knox City Indiana 4389 0.0009986146490000000000 Knox County Indiana 4146 0.0052987558950000000000 Kokomo City Indiana 4105 0.0028246000660000000000 Kosciusko County Indiana 4156 0.0049363512770000000000 Kouts Town Indiana 4318 0.0003835021100000000000 La Crosse Town Indiana 4172 0.0000282839860000000000 La Fontaine Town Indiana 4439 0.0000175555780000000000 La Paz Town Indiana 4235 0.0000341871780000000000 La Porte City Indiana 4174 0.0016379046070000000000 La Porte County Indiana 4168 0.0077614133330000000000 Laconia Town Indiana 4066 0.0000000513320000000000 Ladoga Town Indiana 4256 0.0001081567320000000000 Lafayette City Indiana 4409 0.0101224332150000000000 Lagrange County Indiana 4182 0.0020884464380000000000 Lagrange Town Indiana 4183 0.0002329963960000000000 Lagro Town Indiana 4436 0.0000082644680000000000 Lake County Indiana 4188 0.0183441414780000000000 Lake Station City Indiana 4191 0.0007385149050000000000 Lakeville Town Indiana 4379 0.0000354704800000000000 Lanesville Town Indiana 4069 0.0000005133210000000000 Lapel Town Indiana 4219 0.0002165701250000000000 Larwill Town Indiana 4492 0.0000249987320000000000 Laurel Town Indiana 4007 0.0000132950140000000000 Lawrence City Indiana 4227 0.0014136346680000000000 Lawrence County Indiana 4206 0.0041447589820000000000 Lawrenceburg City Indiana 3955 0.0003977211010000000000 Leavenworth Town Indiana 3934 0.0000013859670000000000 Lebanon City Indiana 3888 0.0002210873490000000000 Leesburg Town Indiana 4159 0.0000322365580000000000 Leo-Cedarville Town Indiana 3870 0.0001960372850000000000 Lewisville Town Indiana 4094 0.0000069811650000000000 Liberty Town Indiana 4416 0.0001733998300000000000 Ligonier City Indiana 4281 0.0004070122110000000000 Linden Town Indiana 4259 0.0000668857250000000000 Linton City Indiana 4041 0.0002145168410000000000 Little York Town Indiana 4460 0.0000267953560000000000 Livonia Town Indiana 4456 0.0000179662350000000000 Lizton Town Indiana 4081 0.0000068271690000000000 Logansport City Indiana 3903 0.0001840769060000000000 Long Beach Town Indiana 4176 0.0000391150590000000000 Loogootee City Indiana 4238 0.0001785330390000000000 Losantville Town Indiana 4346 0.0000651917650000000000 Lowell Town Indiana 4196 0.0004135313880000000000 Lynn Town Indiana 4341 0.0001496330680000000000 Lynnville Town Indiana 4453 0.0000453775750000000000 Lyons Town Indiana 4038 0.0000164262720000000000 Mackey Town Indiana 4021 0.0000061598520000000000 Macy Town Indiana 4246 0.0000026179370000000000 Madison City Indiana 4129 0.0013095845040000000000 Madison County Indiana 4207 0.0137926269450000000000 Marengo Town Indiana 3929 0.0000048252170000000000 Marion City Indiana 4031 0.0079365584540000000000 Markle Town Indiana 4107 0.0000688876770000000000 Markleville Town Indiana 4223 0.0000805400630000000000 Marshall County Indiana 4232 0.0026797922160000000000 Marshall Town Indiana 4298 0.0000254093890000000000 Martin County Indiana 4242 0.0008651511930000000000 Martinsville City Indiana 4271 0.0007940049040000000000 Matthews Town Indiana 4037 0.0000508187780000000000 Mauckport Town Indiana 4068 0.0000000513320000000000 Mccordsville Town Indiana 4060 0.0001708332250000000000 Mecca Town Indiana 4301 0.0000254607210000000000 Medaryville Town Indiana 4330 0.0000081104720000000000 Medora Town Indiana 4117 0.0000080078070000000000 Mellott Town Indiana 4000 0.0000147323120000000000 Mentone Town Indiana 4160 0.0000563113120000000000 Merom Town Indiana 4397 0.0000059031910000000000 Merrillville Town Indiana 4209 0.0010769474320000000000 Miami County Indiana 4241 0.0021571801180000000000 Michiana Shores Town Indiana 4177 0.0000160669470000000000 Michigan City Indiana 4175 0.0051926524470000000000 Michigantown Town Indiana 3924 0.0000305939310000000000 Middlebury Town Indiana 3985 0.0001863355190000000000 Middletown Town Indiana 4098 0.0000390637270000000000 Milan Town Indiana 4352 0.0002914636570000000000 Milford Town Indiana 4163 0.0001565629010000000000 Millersburg Town Indiana 3995 0.0000439402770000000000 Millhousen Town Indiana 3964 0.0000016939590000000000 Milltown Town Indiana 3936 0.0000047738850000000000 Milton Town Indiana 4475 0.0000005646530000000000 Mishawaka City Indiana 4375 0.0055379121430000000000 Mitchell City Indiana 4208 0.0004247217850000000000 Modoc Town Indiana 4347 0.0000444535980000000000 Monon Town Indiana 4489 0.0001328988040000000000 Monroe City Town Indiana 4149 0.0000026692690000000000 Monroe County Indiana 4248 0.0116042882420000000000 Monroe Town Indiana 3855 0.0000075971510000000000 Monroeville Town Indiana 3858 0.0000675017100000000000 Monrovia Town Indiana 4272 0.0000589292490000000000 Monterey Town Indiana 4333 0.0000028745980000000000 Montezuma Town Indiana 4296 0.0000789487680000000000 Montgomery County Indiana 4254 0.0038813226520000000000 Montgomery Town Indiana 3937 0.0000030285940000000000 Monticello City Indiana 4484 0.0008595046620000000000 Montpelier City Indiana 3885 0.0002380269420000000000 Mooreland Town Indiana 4103 0.0000070838300000000000 Moores Hill Town Indiana 3957 0.0000098044310000000000 Mooresville Town Indiana 4274 0.0006795343230000000000 Morgan County Indiana 4266 0.0118920046560000000000 Morgantown Town Indiana 4268 0.0000332632000000000000 Morocco Town Indiana 4275 0.0000433242910000000000 Morristown Town Indiana 4367 0.0000142189910000000000 Mount Auburn Town Indiana 4471 0.0000045685570000000000 Mount Ayr Town Indiana 4277 0.0000046198890000000000 Mount Carmel Town Indiana 4012 0.0000022072800000000000 Mount Etna Town Indiana 4109 0.0000094964380000000000 Mount Summit Town Indiana 4100 0.0000067245050000000000 Mount Vernon City Indiana 4326 0.0005280019680000000000 Mulberry Town Indiana 3928 0.0001020482120000000000 Muncie City Indiana 3973 0.0114267305130000000000 Munster Town Indiana 4197 0.0014017769530000000000 Napoleon Town Indiana 4356 0.0000292079640000000000 Nappanee City Indiana 3988 0.0007509372730000000000 Nashville Town Indiana 3894 0.0001229403770000000000 New Albany City Indiana 3993 0.0010054931510000000000 New Amsterdam Town Indiana 4067 0.0000000000000000000000 New Carlisle Town Indiana 4385 0.0002600484120000000000 New Castle City Indiana 4096 0.0005254353630000000000 New Chicago Town Indiana 4198 0.0003023973940000000000 New Harmony Town Indiana 4325 0.0000464042170000000000 New Haven City Indiana 3867 0.0012102568930000000000 New Market Town Indiana 4258 0.0000558493230000000000 New Middletown Town Indiana 4072 0.0000001026640000000000 New Palestine Town Indiana 4059 0.0000392690560000000000 New Pekin Town Indiana 4462 0.0002370003000000000000 New Point Town Indiana 3965 0.0000043118960000000000 New Richmond Town Indiana 4255 0.0000294646250000000000 New Ross Town Indiana 4260 0.0000305425990000000000 New Whiteland Town Indiana 4142 0.0001497357320000000000 Newberry Town Indiana 4047 0.0000043118960000000000 Newburgh Town Indiana 4455 0.0003359685860000000000 Newport Town Indiana 4426 0.0000425543100000000000 Newton County Indiana 4273 0.0013173869830000000000 Newtown Town Indiana 4004 0.0000193522010000000000 Noble County Indiana 4278 0.0033086104260000000000 Noblesville City Indiana 4056 0.0018132550570000000000 North Judson Town Indiana 4391 0.0005506907560000000000 North Liberty Town Indiana 4376 0.0002584057850000000000 North Manchester Town Indiana 4442 0.0001909040750000000000 North Salem Town Indiana 4083 0.0000072891580000000000 North Vernon City Indiana 4135 0.0015136809280000000000 North Webster Town Indiana 4164 0.0001160618750000000000 Oakland City Indiana 4028 0.0001175505060000000000 Oaktown Town Indiana 4152 0.0000030285940000000000 Odon Town Indiana 3938 0.0000011293060000000000 Ogden Dunes Town Indiana 4316 0.0000075458190000000000 Ohio County Indiana 4286 0.0006051027800000000000 Oldenburg Town Indiana 4011 0.0000175555780000000000 Onward Town Indiana 3906 0.0000002053280000000000 Oolitic Town Indiana 4210 0.0000592885740000000000 Orange County Indiana 4287 0.0015971982530000000000 Orestes Town Indiana 4217 0.0000641137910000000000 Orland Town Indiana 4395 0.0000252553930000000000 Orleans Town Indiana 4288 0.0002508599670000000000 Osceola Town Indiana 4383 0.0003336073100000000000 Osgood Town Indiana 4349 0.0002495766640000000000 Ossian Town Indiana 4481 0.0002691341940000000000 Otterbein Town Indiana 3880 0.0000476361880000000000 Owen County Indiana 4292 0.0022652341860000000000 Owensville Town Indiana 4025 0.0000563626440000000000 Oxford Town Indiana 3878 0.0000391663910000000000 Palmyra Town Indiana 4075 0.0000008213140000000000 Paoli Town Indiana 4290 0.0004284176960000000000 Paragon Town Indiana 4264 0.0000222267990000000000 Parke County Indiana 4295 0.0014182032250000000000 Parker City Town Indiana 4345 0.0001942919940000000000 Patoka Town Indiana 4024 0.0000426056420000000000 Patriot Town Indiana 4404 0.0000227401200000000000 Pendleton Town Indiana 4218 0.0007461633880000000000 Pennville Town Indiana 4127 0.0000100097590000000000 Perry County Indiana 4299 0.0021676518670000000000 Perrysville Town Indiana 4429 0.0000379344210000000000 Peru City Indiana 4247 0.0018260367490000000000 Petersburg City Indiana 4306 0.0001035881750000000000 Pierceton Town Indiana 4162 0.0001028695260000000000 Pike County Indiana 4307 0.0012382842180000000000 Pine Village Town Indiana 4447 0.0000088804530000000000 Pittsboro Town Indiana 4080 0.0000228427840000000000 Plainfield Town Indiana 4085 0.0010210467760000000000 Plainville Town Indiana 3939 0.0000071864940000000000 Plymouth City Indiana 4237 0.0013561427170000000000 Poneto Town Indiana 4483 0.0000110877330000000000 Portage City Indiana 4319 0.0048944129530000000000 Porter County Indiana 4312 0.0110764916030000000000 Porter Town Indiana 4315 0.0016347220170000000000 Portland City Indiana 4126 0.0001232997010000000000 Posey County Indiana 4321 0.0019427146100000000000 Poseyville Town Indiana 4329 0.0000446589260000000000 Pottawattamie Park Town Indiana 4179 0.0000123197040000000000 Princes Lakes Town Indiana 4144 0.0000390637270000000000 Princeton City Indiana 4023 0.0004530057720000000000 Pulaski County Indiana 4324 0.0018855306520000000000 Putnam County Indiana 4332 0.0044760563480000000000 Randolph County Indiana 4340 0.0019484638050000000000 Redkey Town Indiana 4128 0.0000116010540000000000 Remington Town Indiana 4122 0.0000242287510000000000 Rensselaer City Indiana 4120 0.0001012782310000000000 Reynolds Town Indiana 4486 0.0000070838300000000000 Richland Town Indiana 4373 0.0000268980200000000000 Richmond City Indiana 4476 0.0069008306970000000000 Ridgeville Town Indiana 4343 0.0001789436960000000000 Riley Town Indiana 4433 0.0000146296480000000000 Ripley County Indiana 4351 0.0029639153830000000000 Rising Sun City Indiana 4285 0.0003560907690000000000 River Forest Town Indiana 4225 0.0000034392510000000000 Roachdale Town Indiana 4335 0.0000177609060000000000 Roann Town Indiana 4441 0.0000095991020000000000 Roanoke Town Indiana 4112 0.0001234023650000000000 Rochester City Indiana 4022 0.0000906524860000000000 Rockport City Indiana 4370 0.0001047688140000000000 Rockville Town Indiana 4300 0.0002451621040000000000 Rome City Town Indiana 4283 0.0001250963250000000000 Rosedale Town Indiana 4303 0.0000561059840000000000 Roseland Town Indiana 4380 0.0000282839860000000000 Rossville Town Indiana 3927 0.0001340794420000000000 Royal Center Town Indiana 3904 0.0000017966230000000000 Rush County Indiana 4355 0.0021950118750000000000 Rushville City Indiana 4359 0.0001540476280000000000 Russellville Town Indiana 4339 0.0000069298330000000000 Russiaville Town Indiana 4104 0.0000080591400000000000 Salamonia Town Indiana 4130 0.0000022586120000000000 Salem City Indiana 4457 0.0009492845020000000000 Saltillo Town Indiana 4461 0.0000128330250000000000 Sandborn Town Indiana 4154 0.0000020532840000000000 Santa Claus Town Indiana 4372 0.0000752528570000000000 Saratoga Town Indiana 4344 0.0000450182510000000000 Schererville Town Indiana 4205 0.0013048619510000000000 Schneider Town Indiana 4202 0.0000093424420000000000 Scott County Indiana 4363 0.0122207354160000000000 Scottsburg City Indiana 4361 0.0006250196350000000000 Seelyville Town Indiana 4434 0.0000829526720000000000 Sellersburg Town Indiana 3911 0.0001357220690000000000 Selma Town Indiana 3972 0.0000808993880000000000 Seymour City Indiana 4116 0.0004505418310000000000 Shadeland Town Indiana 4413 0.0001293568890000000000 Shamrock Lakes Town Indiana 3881 0.0000309019230000000000 Sharpsville Town Indiana 4415 0.0000508187780000000000 Shelburn Town Indiana 4402 0.0000444022650000000000 Shelby County Indiana 4368 0.0004505418310000000000 Shelbyville City Indiana 4364 0.0054573720800000000000 Sheridan Town Indiana 4053 0.0001216570740000000000 Shipshewana Town Indiana 4186 0.0000471741990000000000 Shirley Town Indiana 4063 0.0000118063830000000000 Shoals Town Indiana 4243 0.0000669883890000000000 Sidney Town Indiana 4167 0.0000047738850000000000 Silver Lake Town Indiana 4170 0.0000531287220000000000 Somerville Town Indiana 4029 0.0000169395930000000000 South Bend City Indiana 4381 0.0135823193360000000000 South Whitley Town Indiana 4493 0.0000005646530000000000 Southport City Indiana 4228 0.0000034905830000000000 Speedway Town Indiana 4229 0.0007163907700000000000 Spencer County Indiana 4362 0.0015631137390000000000 Spencer Town Indiana 4294 0.0003353012690000000000 Spiceland Town Indiana 4095 0.0000168369280000000000 Spring Grove Town Indiana 4477 0.0000141676590000000000 Spring Lake Town Indiana 4070 0.0000030799260000000000 Springport Town Indiana 4099 0.0000027719330000000000 Spurgeon Town Indiana 4308 0.0000068271690000000000 St Joseph County Indiana 4377 0.0133604620050000000000 St. Joe Town Indiana 3950 0.0000298239490000000000 St. John Town Indiana 4200 0.0006538682740000000000 St. Leon Town Indiana 3958 0.0000111903980000000000 St. Paul Town Indiana 3963 0.0000162209430000000000 Starke County Indiana 4388 0.0057546875960000000000 State Line City Town Indiana 4445 0.0000058005270000000000 Staunton Town Indiana 3916 0.0000354191480000000000 Steuben County Indiana 4387 0.0022890522800000000000 Stilesville Town Indiana 4084 0.0000045172250000000000 Stinesville Town Indiana 4250 0.0000143216560000000000 Straughn Town Indiana 4097 0.0000042605640000000000 Sullivan City Indiana 4403 0.0001506083780000000000 Sullivan County Indiana 4399 0.0049970771500000000000 Sulphur Springs Town Indiana 4102 0.0000074944860000000000 Summitville Town Indiana 4220 0.0001540989600000000000 Sunman Town Indiana 4354 0.0001613367860000000000 Swayzee Town Indiana 4036 0.0000849546230000000000 Sweetser Town Indiana 4035 0.0000437862800000000000 Switz City Town Indiana 4054 0.0000065705090000000000 Switzerland County Indiana 4401 0.0013903812270000000000 Syracuse Town Indiana 4166 0.0002883323990000000000 Tell City Indiana 4305 0.0000713516170000000000 Tennyson Town Indiana 4452 0.0000143729880000000000 Terre Haute City Indiana 4437 0.0101726873400000000000 Thorntown Town Indiana 3889 0.0000199681860000000000 Tippecanoe County Indiana 4407 0.0098365134250000000000 Tipton City Indiana 4411 0.0007568404640000000000 Tipton County Indiana 4418 0.0014612195230000000000 Topeka Town Indiana 4184 0.0001025102010000000000 Town Of Pines Town Indiana 4317 0.0001775063980000000000 Trafalgar Town Indiana 4140 0.0000347518310000000000 Trail Creek Town Indiana 4180 0.0000700683150000000000 Troy Town Indiana 4304 0.0000036959110000000000 Ulen Town Indiana 3890 0.0000013859670000000000 Union City Indiana 4350 0.0004672760950000000000 Union County Indiana 4414 0.0007886663650000000000 Uniondale Town Indiana 4480 0.0000205328400000000000 Universal Town Indiana 4427 0.0000298239490000000000 Upland Town Indiana 4034 0.0001326934750000000000 Utica Town Indiana 3913 0.0000155536260000000000 Valparaiso City Indiana 4320 0.0045085495660000000000 Van Buren Town Indiana 4039 0.0000745855400000000000 Vanderburgh County Indiana 4421 0.0187300048640000000000 Veedersburg Town Indiana 4002 0.0001744778040000000000 Vera Cruz Town Indiana 4487 0.0000052872060000000000 Vermillion County Indiana 4424 0.0014792370900000000000 Vernon Town Indiana 4134 0.0000445562620000000000 Versailles Town Indiana 4353 0.0003257534990000000000 Vevay Town Indiana 4405 0.0002226273120000000000 Vigo County Indiana 4428 0.0079493401460000000000 Vincennes City Indiana 4153 0.0001419845850000000000 Wabash City Indiana 4440 0.0006165498380000000000 Wabash County Indiana 4438 0.0052543536290000000000 Wakarusa Town Indiana 3987 0.0001335661210000000000 Walkerton Town Indiana 4382 0.0002934142770000000000 Wallace Town Indiana 4005 0.0000074431540000000000 Walton Town Indiana 3905 0.0000102150880000000000 Wanatah Town Indiana 4181 0.0000342898420000000000 Warren County Indiana 4443 0.0005768187940000000000 Warren Town Indiana 4114 0.0000765874910000000000 Warrick County Indiana 4450 0.0039914300030000000000 Warsaw City Indiana 4165 0.0025807725970000000000 Washington City Indiana 3941 0.0001495817360000000000 Washington County Indiana 4459 0.0034043961220000000000 Waterloo Town Indiana 3951 0.0001279709220000000000 Waveland Town Indiana 4261 0.0000372157720000000000 Wayne County Indiana 4468 0.0076578764900000000000 Waynetown Town Indiana 4267 0.0000841333100000000000 Wells County Indiana 4478 0.0020198667540000000000 West Baden Springs Town Indiana 4291 0.0000548226810000000000 West College Corner Town Indiana 4419 0.0000653457620000000000 West Harrison Town Indiana 3962 0.0000047738850000000000 West Lafayette City Indiana 4412 0.0026122905060000000000 West Lebanon Town Indiana 4444 0.0000297726170000000000 West Terre Haute Town Indiana 4435 0.0001801756670000000000 Westfield City Indiana 4050 0.0011068740460000000000 Westport Town Indiana 3966 0.0000220214700000000000 Westville Town Indiana 4178 0.0004051642560000000000 Wheatfield Town Indiana 4123 0.0000140649950000000000 Wheatland Town Indiana 4155 0.0000023612770000000000 White County Indiana 4482 0.0020457381320000000000 Whiteland Town Indiana 4143 0.0001268929480000000000 Whitestown Town Indiana 3892 0.0000755608490000000000 Whitewater Town Indiana 4479 0.0000029772620000000000 Whiting City Indiana 4199 0.0007469333690000000000 Whitley County Indiana 4491 0.0030739200700000000000 Wilkinson Town Indiana 4065 0.0000063651800000000000 Williamsport Town Indiana 4448 0.0000945537260000000000 Winamac Town Indiana 4336 0.0000215594810000000000 Winchester City Indiana 4348 0.0007150048040000000000 Windfall City Town Indiana 4420 0.0000588779170000000000 Winfield Town Indiana 4204 0.0002465480700000000000 Wingate Town Indiana 4265 0.0000232534410000000000 Winona Lake Town Indiana 4171 0.0009640168150000000000 Winslow Town Indiana 4310 0.0000284893150000000000 Wolcott Town Indiana 4494 0.0000133976780000000000 Wolcottville Town Indiana 4189 0.0000864945860000000000 Woodburn City Indiana 3862 0.0000821313580000000000 Woodlawn Heights Town Indiana 4221 0.0000122170400000000000 Worthington Town Indiana 4046 0.0000261280380000000000 Yeoman Town Indiana 3899 0.0000145783160000000000 Yorktown Town Indiana 3968 0.0009019563070000000000 Zanesville Town Indiana 3865 0.0000259227100000000000 Zionsville Town Indiana 3891 0.0003758536270000000000 Abilene City Kansas 13662 0.0013279901640000000000 Allen County Kansas 4498 0.0024695909820000000000 Anderson County Kansas 4496 0.0010330708460000000000 Andover City Kansas 4514 0.0029652591090000000000 Anthony City Kansas 13696 0.0004407114180000000000 Arkansas City Kansas 4520 0.0025176073530000000000 Atchison City Kansas 4501 0.0022614655300000000000 Atchison County Kansas 4499 0.0020813472890000000000 Augusta City Kansas 14076 0.0020170355260000000000 Barber County Kansas 4500 0.0008680117350000000000 Barton County Kansas 4503 0.0033345743820000000000 Baxter Springs City Kansas 13659 0.0008443354090000000000 Bel Aire City Kansas 13622 0.0018368036420000000000 Belleville City Kansas 13593 0.0003992862800000000000 Beloit City Kansas 13636 0.0007729800660000000000 Bentley City Kansas 14077 0.0001116960530000000000 Benton City Kansas 13649 0.0001876059920000000000 Bonner Springs City Kansas 13658 0.0017277102150000000000 Bourbon County Kansas 4502 0.0028751145920000000000 Brown County Kansas 4505 0.0012323031530000000000 Burlingame City Kansas 13687 0.0001917268180000000000 Burrton City Kansas 14078 0.0001852202520000000000 Butler County Kansas 4506 0.0087064388120000000000 Caney City Kansas 13697 0.0004224930330000000000 Chanute City Kansas 13632 0.0019500178940000000000 Chase County Kansas 4507 0.0003360826780000000000 Cheney City Kansas 13596 0.0004712922790000000000 Cherokee County Kansas 4510 0.0039199951710000000000 Clay County Kansas 4515 0.0010429479860000000000 Coffey County Kansas 4518 0.0010602329800000000000 Coffeyville City Kansas 13701 0.0019886235200000000000 Colby City Kansas 13653 0.0011527466470000000000 Comanche County Kansas 4516 0.0002196363980000000000 Concordia City Kansas 13639 0.0010640404610000000000 Cowley County Kansas 4517 0.0068970881950000000000 Crawford County Kansas 4519 0.0077141107140000000000 Derby City Kansas 4619 0.0054535869140000000000 Dickinson County Kansas 4522 0.0036381602450000000000 Dodge City Kansas 4534 0.0057880244180000000000 Douglas County Kansas 4526 0.0159242886850000000000 Edwards County Kansas 4527 0.0003573965060000000000 Edwardsville City Kansas 13642 0.0009762018180000000000 El Dorado City Kansas 4509 0.0027882805080000000000 Elk County Kansas 4531 0.0004993358010000000000 Elkhart City Kansas 4589 0.0004604270740000000000 Ellis County Kansas 4529 0.0037261509910000000000 Ellsworth City Kansas 14642 0.0006365590610000000000 Ellsworth County Kansas 4532 0.0007841929150000000000 Emporia City Kansas 4573 0.0053141295120000000000 Enterprise City Kansas 14075 0.0001676525230000000000 Eudora City Kansas 14643 0.0013865492600000000000 Fairway City Kansas 14054 0.0008595173970000000000 Fall River City Kansas 13699 0.0000307977470000000000 Finney County Kansas 4528 0.0071538268660000000000 Ford County Kansas 4533 0.0065915512520000000000 Fort Scott City Kansas 14055 0.0016587406130000000000 Franklin County Kansas 4536 0.0033404226890000000000 Galena City Kansas 14070 0.0006124847660000000000 Garden City Kansas 4537 0.0056396747080000000000 Garden Plain City Kansas 13637 0.0001977996130000000000 Gardner City Kansas 4559 0.0048517295400000000000 Garnett City Kansas 14079 0.0007066130910000000000 Geary County Kansas 4541 0.0041871275020000000000 Goddard City Kansas 14069 0.0010761860520000000000 Gove County Kansas 4539 0.0003406313610000000000 Graham County Kansas 4540 0.0003104800920000000000 Grant County Kansas 4544 0.0014095729800000000000 Great Bend City Kansas 4504 0.0032318114380000000000 Greeley County Unified Government Kansas 4548 0.0001554349900000000000 Greenwood County Kansas 4546 0.0011687684400000000000 Halstead City Kansas 13617 0.0004398438760000000000 Hamilton County Kansas 4552 0.0003151587370000000000 Harper City Kansas 13695 0.0002804330040000000000 Harper County Kansas 4547 0.0006934791840000000000 Harvey County Kansas 4556 0.0068299656730000000000 Haskell County Kansas 4551 0.0005098423610000000000 Hays City Kansas 4535 0.0045175089220000000000 Haysville City Kansas 4617 0.0024701094200000000000 Herington City Kansas 14083 0.0004858236110000000000 Hiawatha City Kansas 13651 0.0006703932050000000000 Highland City Kansas 13654 0.0002138491430000000000 Hillsboro City Kansas 13693 0.0005990378630000000000 Hoisington City Kansas 13657 0.0005318033450000000000 Hugoton City Kansas 13648 0.0007977050180000000000 Humboldt City Kansas 13629 0.0003856224910000000000 Hutchinson City Kansas 4605 0.0087207506950000000000 Independence City Kansas 13655 0.0018270437930000000000 Iola City Kansas 13638 0.0011416854850000000000 Jackson County Kansas 4554 0.0017117343200000000000 Jefferson County Kansas 4555 0.0024734437460000000000 Johnson City Kansas 13698 0.0002865057990000000000 Johnson County Kansas 4550 0.1209440306690000000000 Junction City Kansas 4542 0.0047415516850000000000 Kansas City Kansas 4638 0.0440604981880000000000 Kearny County Kansas 4563 0.0004867090600000000000 Kechi City Kansas 13703 0.0004574116050000000000 Kingman City Kansas 13630 0.0005996885190000000000 Kingman County Kansas 4564 0.0009063575390000000000 Kiowa County Kansas 4568 0.0003191875700000000000 Labette County Kansas 4567 0.0025454428970000000000 Lansing City Kansas 4579 0.0025926497500000000000 Lawrence City Kansas 4530 0.0213519476850000000000 Leavenworth City Kansas 4572 0.0077935650100000000000 Leavenworth County Kansas 4569 0.0163814807590000000000 Leawood City Kansas 4558 0.0075192048010000000000 Lenexa City Kansas 4561 0.0121794244090000000000 Leoti City Kansas 13663 0.0003079774670000000000 Liberal City Kansas 4623 0.0040820027570000000000 Lincoln Center City Kansas 13706 0.0002578769080000000000 Logan County Kansas 4575 0.0003550571830000000000 Longton City Kansas 14056 0.0000663669750000000000 Lyon County Kansas 4584 0.0042946063790000000000 Maize City Kansas 13704 0.0011423361410000000000 Manhattan City Kansas 4600 0.0119165591340000000000 Manter City Kansas 4630 0.0000397241660000000000 Marshall County Kansas 4581 0.0012543967550000000000 Marysville City Kansas 13635 0.0007050948920000000000 Mcpherson City Kansas 4578 0.0028223315380000000000 Mcpherson County Kansas 4580 0.0036971693830000000000 Meade City Kansas 14644 0.0003294491360000000000 Meade County Kansas 4583 0.0008024826250000000000 Medicine Lodge City Kansas 13702 0.0003912615150000000000 Merriam City Kansas 4560 0.0024135022940000000000 Miami County Kansas 4586 0.0044621278680000000000 Mission City Kansas 14072 0.0021413109410000000000 Mission Hills City Kansas 13599 0.0007662566140000000000 Montgomery County Kansas 4587 0.0062744620630000000000 Morton County Kansas 4588 0.0005055102760000000000 Moundridge City Kansas 13592 0.0004036239910000000000 Mount Hope City Kansas 13601 0.0001748097460000000000 Neodesha City Kansas 13705 0.0004795339300000000000 Neosho County Kansas 4594 0.0031726844710000000000 Ness County Kansas 4595 0.0003597358290000000000 Newton City Kansas 4549 0.0040653025700000000000 North Newton City Kansas 13589 0.0003821523220000000000 Norton City Kansas 13641 0.0005875429290000000000 Oakley City Kansas 13694 0.0004402776470000000000 Olathe City Kansas 4562 0.0307250900860000000000 Osage County Kansas 4599 0.0020495065090000000000 Osawatomie City Kansas 13627 0.0009159076370000000000 Ottawa City Kansas 4538 0.0026750662560000000000 Overland Park City Kansas 4566 0.0526227888110000000000 Park City Kansas 13700 0.0017227218480000000000 Parsons City Kansas 13650 0.0020523878690000000000 Pawnee County Kansas 4591 0.0008273404210000000000 Phillips County Kansas 4601 0.0006733350170000000000 Phillipsburg City Kansas 13628 0.0005248630080000000000 Pittsburg City Kansas 4523 0.0043307704710000000000 Pleasanton City Kansas 13634 0.0002511534560000000000 Pottawatomie County Kansas 4607 0.0032129296080000000000 Prairie Village City Kansas 4565 0.0048398008350000000000 Pratt City Kansas 14061 0.0014017312480000000000 Pratt County Kansas 4596 0.0018178850630000000000 Rantoul City Kansas 14080 0.0000405575960000000000 Rawlins County Kansas 4610 0.0003263355010000000000 Reno County Kansas 4604 0.0123077212330000000000 Republic County Kansas 4608 0.0005895092910000000000 Rice County Kansas 4602 0.0012167076690000000000 Riley County Kansas 4606 0.0095135051030000000000 Roeland Park City Kansas 13656 0.0014427226150000000000 Russell City Kansas 13640 0.0009506093240000000000 Russell County Kansas 4609 0.0008842639370000000000 Sabetha City Kansas 13646 0.0005534918990000000000 Salina City Kansas 4612 0.0100361614980000000000 Saline County Kansas 4613 0.0070083505400000000000 Satanta City Kansas 13587 0.0002431286910000000000 Scott City Kansas 13652 0.0008102843790000000000 Scott County Kansas 4614 0.0006225197320000000000 Sedgwick City Kansas 14053 0.0003593793410000000000 Sedgwick County Kansas 4615 0.1035533219480000000000 Seward County Kansas 4618 0.0041902778520000000000 Shawnee City Kansas 4570 0.0143790775600000000000 Shawnee County Kansas 4620 0.0350548869500000000000 Sheridan County Kansas 4627 0.0003275051620000000000 Sherman County Kansas 4629 0.0007507925870000000000 Smith County Kansas 4625 0.0004605866240000000000 Spring Hill City Kansas 14071 0.0017071060890000000000 Stanton County Kansas 4626 0.0003921787760000000000 Sterling City Kansas 14074 0.0004719429360000000000 Stevens County Kansas 4628 0.0007002372270000000000 Sublette City Kansas 13591 0.0002871564560000000000 Sumner County Kansas 4632 0.0029342902960000000000 Syracuse City Kansas 14645 0.0003537403160000000000 Thomas County Kansas 4633 0.0010009701420000000000 Tonganoxie City Kansas 13664 0.0012340787250000000000 Topeka City Kansas 4624 0.0270148291460000000000 Trego County Kansas 4631 0.0003584362050000000000 Ulysses City Kansas 4545 0.0014785920970000000000 Valley Falls City Kansas 13690 0.0002498521430000000000 Wabaunsee County Kansas 4635 0.0013755137770000000000 Wakeeney City Kansas 13598 0.0003769470690000000000 Wallace County Kansas 4634 0.0001996221940000000000 Wamego City Kansas 13616 0.0010232659800000000000 Washington City Kansas 13624 0.0002309831010000000000 Washington County Kansas 4636 0.0007053057590000000000 Weir City Kansas 14068 0.0001375054330000000000 Wellington City Kansas 13631 0.0016374858300000000000 Westwood City Kansas 14067 0.0003561260570000000000 Wichita City Kansas 4616 0.1044374974480000000000 Wichita County Kansas 4637 0.0002695419470000000000 Wilson City Kansas 14065 0.0001546393900000000000 Wilson County Kansas 4641 0.0010867453030000000000 Winfield City Kansas 4521 0.0025607675760000000000 Adair County Kentucky 4640 0.0020721499720000000000 Albany City Kentucky 4743 0.0012642983040000000000 Alexandria City Kentucky 4707 0.0010801318260000000000 Allen County Kentucky 4642 0.0036529327460000000000 Anderson County Kentucky 4649 0.0036211593700000000000 Ashland City Kentucky 4674 0.0098344992020000000000 Ballard County Kentucky 4643 0.0012758185710000000000 Barbourville City Kentucky 4948 0.0007304701680000000000 Bardstown City Kentucky 5039 0.0023528703730000000000 Barren County Kentucky 4652 0.0031220305860000000000 Bath County Kentucky 4655 0.0016007813280000000000 Beattyville City Kentucky 4961 0.0014482332390000000000 Bell County Kentucky 4661 0.0064185799130000000000 Bellevue City Kentucky 4708 0.0009657040870000000000 Berea City Kentucky 4985 0.0016739603190000000000 Boone County Kentucky 4666 0.0204308197250000000000 Bourbon County Kentucky 4669 0.0025548350510000000000 Bowling Green City Kentucky 5117 0.0067078659570000000000 Boyd County Kentucky 4673 0.0089277875840000000000 Boyle County Kentucky 4677 0.0037902929990000000000 Bracken County Kentucky 4682 0.0012755771660000000000 Breathitt County Kentucky 4679 0.0053905544140000000000 Breckinridge County Kentucky 4686 0.0032449633820000000000 Bullitt County Kentucky 4688 0.0106302040770000000000 Butler County Kentucky 4700 0.0016248983220000000000 Caldwell County Kentucky 4698 0.0014410084730000000000 Calloway County Kentucky 4702 0.0002704052790000000000 Campbell County Kentucky 4706 0.0105196989310000000000 Campbellsville City Kentucky 5103 0.0027696096810000000000 Carlisle County Kentucky 4723 0.0006040844380000000000 Carroll County Kentucky 4725 0.0025414793560000000000 Carrollton City Kentucky 4726 0.0008876350050000000000 Carter County Kentucky 4731 0.0060158495960000000000 Casey County Kentucky 4736 0.0026685723920000000000 Catlettsburg City Kentucky 4672 0.0012634857930000000000 Cave City Kentucky 4653 0.0007001334780000000000 Central City Kentucky 5032 0.0008446748190000000000 Christian County Kentucky 4733 0.0043861663880000000000 Clark County Kentucky 4740 0.0061102388610000000000 Clay County Kentucky 4745 0.0078341610440000000000 Clinton County Kentucky 4746 0.0039204843760000000000 Cold Spring City Kentucky 4709 0.0007507176400000000000 Columbia City Kentucky 4646 0.0009412743000000000000 Corbin City Kentucky 4949 0.0020360585500000000000 Covington City Kentucky 4931 0.0171468272030000000000 Crittenden City Kentucky 4784 0.0014852973250000000000 Crittenden County Kentucky 4747 0.0020102315270000000000 Cumberland County Kentucky 4748 0.0018572490040000000000 Cynthiana City Kentucky 4822 0.0024299170060000000000 Danville City Kentucky 4675 0.0027994649700000000000 Daviess County Kentucky 4755 0.0112639352760000000000 Dayton City Kentucky 4712 0.0013696696070000000000 Dry Ridge City Kentucky 4785 0.0011243831050000000000 Edgewood City Kentucky 4933 0.0009973281110000000000 Edmonson County Kentucky 4752 0.0018843685280000000000 Elliott County Kentucky 4756 0.0014582214790000000000 Erlanger City Kentucky 4934 0.0033977772980000000000 Estill County Kentucky 4758 0.0040493095150000000000 Flatwoods City Kentucky 4798 0.0008151346720000000000 Fleming County Kentucky 4762 0.0018239144800000000000 Flemingsburg City Kentucky 4763 0.0009744745000000000000 Florence City Kentucky 4664 0.0073890205120000000000 Floyd County Kentucky 4766 0.0191793224490000000000 Fort Mitchell City Kentucky 4935 0.0010458340320000000000 Fort Thomas City Kentucky 4713 0.0036512969230000000000 Fort Wright City Kentucky 4939 0.0008884855580000000000 Frankfort City Kentucky 4769 0.0042542710880000000000 Franklin City Kentucky 5100 0.0010592817810000000000 Franklin County Kentucky 4772 0.0044384831220000000000 Fulton County Kentucky 4775 0.0010400093200000000000 Gallatin County Kentucky 4776 0.0023478614590000000000 Garrard County Kentucky 4780 0.0031271174640000000000 Georgetown City Kentucky 5092 0.0021298889200000000000 Glasgow City Kentucky 4656 0.0041009781200000000000 Grant County Kentucky 4782 0.0053437369180000000000 Graves County Kentucky 4787 0.0024478669070000000000 Grayson City Kentucky 4727 0.0014057009120000000000 Grayson County Kentucky 4790 0.0043713711870000000000 Green County Kentucky 4794 0.0013639933070000000000 Greenup County Kentucky 4795 0.0068723462040000000000 Hancock County Kentucky 4806 0.0010014822460000000000 Hardin County Kentucky 4809 0.0166779651300000000000 Harlan County Kentucky 4816 0.0092368570780000000000 Harrison County Kentucky 4823 0.0020786040270000000000 Harrodsburg City Kentucky 5020 0.0014333281380000000000 Hart County Kentucky 4825 0.0023334696950000000000 Hazard City Kentucky 5064 0.0028536556440000000000 Henderson City Kentucky 4831 0.0056445117620000000000 Henderson County Kentucky 4829 0.0037960575950000000000 Henry County Kentucky 4830 0.0022630861150000000000 Hickman County Kentucky 4835 0.0005336257130000000000 Highland Heights City Kentucky 4714 0.0010992032720000000000 Hopkins County Kentucky 4840 0.0054933623180000000000 Hopkinsville City Kentucky 4737 0.0056626861600000000000 Independence City Kentucky 4937 0.0012552376400000000000 Irvine City Kentucky 4760 0.0007678771050000000000 Jackson County Kentucky 4846 0.0019308793370000000000 Jefferson County Kentucky 4861 0.1449391329250000000000 Jeffersontown City Kentucky 4859 0.0019819913960000000000 Jenkins City Kentucky 4964 0.0006886545410000000000 Jessamine County Kentucky 4923 0.0064077956010000000000 Johnson County Kentucky 4928 0.0064007986200000000000 Kenton County Kentucky 4926 0.0257313982610000000000 Knott County Kentucky 4946 0.0049108948790000000000 Knox County Kentucky 4951 0.0080607551140000000000 La Grange City Kentucky 5054 0.0007279927160000000000 Larue County Kentucky 4955 0.0019171338250000000000 Laurel County Kentucky 4954 0.0092156421070000000000 Lawrence County Kentucky 4957 0.0044749573160000000000 Lawrenceburg City Kentucky 4645 0.0008048012320000000000 Lebanon City Kentucky 4992 0.0011220418540000000000 Lee County Kentucky 4959 0.0022359313660000000000 Leitchfield City Kentucky 4792 0.0011353806420000000000 Leslie County Kentucky 4958 0.0055254649260000000000 Letcher County Kentucky 4960 0.0063275524680000000000 Lewis County Kentucky 4965 0.0024924840500000000000 Lexington-Fayette Urban County Kentucky 4761 0.0625970706660000000000 Lincoln County Kentucky 4968 0.0041091825940000000000 Livingston County Kentucky 4973 0.0020560378470000000000 Logan County Kentucky 4979 0.0030225849720000000000 London City Kentucky 4952 0.0019615058060000000000 Louisa City Kentucky 4956 0.0008662110360000000000 Ludlow City Kentucky 4938 0.0006696178490000000000 Lyndon City Kentucky 4902 0.0007487807660000000000 Lyon County Kentucky 4982 0.0013673466730000000000 Madison County Kentucky 4986 0.0110730526730000000000 Madisonville City Kentucky 4842 0.0039273554890000000000 Magoffin County Kentucky 4989 0.0030847795760000000000 Manchester City Kentucky 4742 0.0018003972410000000000 Marion County Kentucky 4991 0.0020187699290000000000 Marshall County Kentucky 4995 0.0061108033920000000000 Martin City Kentucky 4768 0.0029432882010000000000 Martin County Kentucky 4999 0.0046929138860000000000 Mason County Kentucky 5002 0.0017417462150000000000 Mayfield City Kentucky 4786 0.0029293815960000000000 Maysville City Kentucky 5004 0.0017962985260000000000 Mccracken County Kentucky 5007 0.0033775049330000000000 Mccreary County Kentucky 5006 0.0030118692300000000000 Mclean County Kentucky 5010 0.0014338818670000000000 Meade County Kentucky 5014 0.0037621524360000000000 Menifee County Kentucky 5013 0.0011525617110000000000 Mercer County Kentucky 5017 0.0028419282560000000000 Metcalfe County Kentucky 5021 0.0011670708890000000000 Middlesborough City Kentucky 7148 0.0096278698700000000000 Monroe County Kentucky 5022 0.0028901923030000000000 Montgomery County Kentucky 5027 0.0057460525260000000000 Morehead City Kentucky 5085 0.0011769374870000000000 Morgan County Kentucky 5031 0.0005058895260000000000 Morganfield City Kentucky 5112 0.0010820879560000000000 Morgantown City Kentucky 4704 0.0010668409440000000000 Mount Sterling City Kentucky 5026 0.0013577369780000000000 Mount Vernon City Kentucky 5083 0.0011952541910000000000 Muhlenberg County Kentucky 5030 0.0053380361960000000000 Murray City Kentucky 4705 0.0057659623140000000000 Nelson County Kentucky 5038 0.0048165643210000000000 Newport City Kentucky 4716 0.0073129963260000000000 Nicholas County Kentucky 5040 0.0013243831990000000000 Nicholasville City Kentucky 4924 0.0037231533540000000000 Ohio County Kentucky 5043 0.0044671506430000000000 Oldham County Kentucky 5051 0.0073334471610000000000 Owen County Kentucky 5058 0.0021988574180000000000 Owensboro City Kentucky 4751 0.0051183193440000000000 Owingsville City Kentucky 4657 0.0011207413680000000000 Owsley County Kentucky 5059 0.0012947613310000000000 Paducah City Kentucky 5005 0.0110410801610000000000 Paintsville City Kentucky 4929 0.0036426603630000000000 Paris City Kentucky 4670 0.0013578487570000000000 Pendleton County Kentucky 5060 0.0030949007290000000000 Perry County Kentucky 5065 0.0148483860910000000000 Pike County Kentucky 5067 0.0192944415270000000000 Pikeville City Kentucky 5069 0.0092325531220000000000 Pineville City Kentucky 4662 0.0007366062640000000000 Powell County Kentucky 5071 0.0057889516570000000000 Prestonsburg City Kentucky 4767 0.0041979336020000000000 Princeton City Kentucky 4696 0.0010442954290000000000 Pulaski County Kentucky 5074 0.0087239029400000000000 Richmond City Kentucky 4988 0.0050690511670000000000 Robertson County Kentucky 5079 0.0003461998010000000000 Rockcastle County Kentucky 5081 0.0043805018300000000000 Rowan County Kentucky 5084 0.0042450582550000000000 Russell City Kentucky 4803 0.0014552485370000000000 Russell County Kentucky 5087 0.0055991102880000000000 Russellville City Kentucky 4983 0.0010190540710000000000 Scott County Kentucky 5091 0.0063324439670000000000 Shelby County Kentucky 5093 0.0050937838840000000000 Shelbyville City Kentucky 5094 0.0011683746620000000000 Shepherdsville City Kentucky 4690 0.0017179913280000000000 Shively City Kentucky 4870 0.0010408260570000000000 Simpson County Kentucky 5097 0.0020499064480000000000 Somerset City Kentucky 5080 0.0031084982990000000000 Southgate City Kentucky 4717 0.0009527006350000000000 Spencer County Kentucky 5101 0.0024476959510000000000 St. Matthews City Kentucky 4865 0.0011318342460000000000 Stanford City Kentucky 4974 0.0007358054950000000000 Taylor County Kentucky 5099 0.0019084460710000000000 Taylor Mill City Kentucky 4941 0.0010203982350000000000 Todd County Kentucky 5102 0.0017887464080000000000 Trigg County Kentucky 5115 0.0020477385010000000000 Trimble County Kentucky 5111 0.0011744276290000000000 Union City Kentucky 4663 0.0012600591610000000000 Union County Kentucky 5108 0.0025311928820000000000 Versailles City Kentucky 5138 0.0017001358290000000000 Walton City Kentucky 4665 0.0007257205050000000000 Warren County Kentucky 5114 0.0098930703870000000000 Washington County Kentucky 5124 0.0015498341190000000000 Wayne County Kentucky 5127 0.0034779659510000000000 Webster County Kentucky 5128 0.0023712077420000000000 West Liberty City Kentucky 5033 0.0016919755020000000000 Whitley County Kentucky 5134 0.0157941324850000000000 Wilder City Kentucky 4719 0.0012717123420000000000 Williamsburg City Kentucky 5135 0.0025112732320000000000 Williamstown City Kentucky 4789 0.0010297106360000000000 Winchester City Kentucky 4744 0.0046469990750000000000 Wolfe County Kentucky 5137 0.0026006996090000000000 Woodford County Kentucky 5139 0.0026753594350000000000 Acadia Parish Louisiana 5140 Alexandria City Louisiana 5209 Allen Parish Louisiana 5142 Ascension Parish Louisiana 5145 Assumption Parish Louisiana 5147 Avoyelles Parish Louisiana 5148 Baldwin Town Louisiana 5233 Bastrop City Louisiana 5198 Baton Rouge City Louisiana 5170 Beauregard Parish Louisiana 5150 Berwick Town Louisiana 5229 Bienville Parish Louisiana 5153 Bogalusa City Louisiana 5249 Bossier City Louisiana 5155 Bossier Parish Louisiana 5152 Caddo Parish Louisiana 5156 Calcasieu Parish Louisiana 5158 Caldwell Parish Louisiana 5160 Cameron Parish Louisiana 5161 Catahoula Parish Louisiana 5164 Claiborne Parish Louisiana 5163 Concordia Parish Louisiana 5162 Covington City Louisiana 5231 De Soto Parish Louisiana 5165 Delhi Town Louisiana 5214 Donaldsonville City Louisiana 5149 East Carroll Parish Louisiana 5171 East Feliciana Parish Louisiana 5172 Eunice City Louisiana 5143 Evangeline Parish Louisiana 5177 Ferriday Town Louisiana 5167 Franklin City Louisiana 5225 Franklin Parish Louisiana 5174 Gramercy Town Louisiana 5218 Grant Parish Louisiana 5178 Gretna City Louisiana 5182 Iberia Parish Louisiana 5175 Iberville Parish Louisiana 5180 Jackson Parish Louisiana 5181 Jean Lafitte Town Louisiana 5183 Jefferson Davis Parish Louisiana 5184 Jefferson Parish Louisiana 5179 Kenner City Louisiana 5187 Lafayette City Louisiana 5186 Lafourche Parish Louisiana 5189 Lake Charles City Louisiana 5157 Lake Providence Town Louisiana 5173 Lasalle Parish Louisiana 5193 Lincoln Parish Louisiana 5191 Livingston Parish Louisiana 5194 Lutcher Town Louisiana 5230 Madison Parish Louisiana 5197 Madisonville Town Louisiana 5237 Mandeville City Louisiana 5236 Monroe City Louisiana 5206 Morehouse Parish Louisiana 5199 Morgan City Louisiana 5226 Natchitoches City Louisiana 5200 Natchitoches Parish Louisiana 5195 New Iberia City Louisiana 5176 New Orleans City Louisiana 5205 New Roads City Louisiana 5201 Opelousas City Louisiana 5224 Ouachita Parish Louisiana 5204 Patterson City Louisiana 5232 Pearl River Town Louisiana 5235 Pineville City Louisiana 5213 Plaquemines Parish Louisiana 5203 Pointe Coupee Parish Louisiana 5210 Rapides Parish Louisiana 5208 Red River Parish Louisiana 5212 Richland Parish Louisiana 5211 Richwood Town Louisiana 5207 Sabine Parish Louisiana 5215 Sheriff Of Acadia Parish Louisiana 14184 Sheriff Of Allen Parish Louisiana 13403 Sheriff Of Ascension Parish Louisiana 13405 Sheriff Of Assumption Parish Louisiana 13406 Sheriff Of Avoyelles Parish Louisiana 13408 Sheriff Of Beauregard Parish Louisiana 14183 Sheriff Of Bienville Parish Louisiana 13556 Sheriff Of Bossier Parish Louisiana 14158 Sheriff Of Caddo Parish Louisiana 14154 Sheriff Of Calcasieu Parish Louisiana 13411 Sheriff Of Caldwell Parish Louisiana 14156 Sheriff Of Cameron Parish Louisiana 14157 Sheriff Of Catahoula Parish Louisiana 13409 Sheriff Of Claiborne Parish Louisiana 14161 Sheriff Of Concordia Parish Louisiana 13412 Sheriff Of De Soto Parish Louisiana 14165 Sheriff Of East Baton Rouge Parish Louisiana 13415 Sheriff Of East Carroll Parish Louisiana 13416 Sheriff Of East Feliciana Parish Louisiana 14163 Sheriff Of Evangeline Parish Louisiana 13419 Sheriff Of Franklin Parish Louisiana 14164 Sheriff Of Grant Parish Louisiana 13417 Sheriff Of Iberia Parish Louisiana 13557 Sheriff Of Iberville Parish Louisiana 14169 Allocations in Louisiana will be made in accordance with the Louisiana State-Local Government Opioid Litigation Memorandum of Understanding. Sheriff Of Jackson Parish Louisiana 13422 Sheriff Of Jefferson Davis Parish Louisiana 13425 Sheriff Of Jefferson Parish Louisiana 13423 Sheriff Of Lafayette Parish Louisiana 13430 Sheriff Of Lafourche Parish Louisiana 14168 Sheriff Of Lasalle Parish Louisiana 14167 Sheriff Of Lincoln Parish Louisiana 13429 Sheriff Of Livingston Parish Louisiana 13433 Sheriff Of Madison Parish Louisiana 14162 Sheriff Of Morehouse Parish Louisiana 13436 Sheriff Of Natchitoches Parish Louisiana 14166 Sheriff Of Orleans Parish Louisiana 13440 Sheriff Of Ouachita Parish Louisiana 13435 Sheriff Of Plaquemines Parish Louisiana 14159 Sheriff Of Pointe Coupee Parish Louisiana 14153 Sheriff Of Rapides Parish Louisiana 13559 Sheriff Of Red River Parish Louisiana 14155 Sheriff Of Richland Parish Louisiana 13439 Sheriff Of Sabine Parish Louisiana 13441 Sheriff Of St Helena Parish Louisiana 14160 Sheriff Of St James Parish Louisiana 14152 Sheriff Of St John The Baptist Parish Louisiana 14170 Sheriff Of St Martin Parish Louisiana 14171 Sheriff Of St. Bernard Parish Louisiana 13442 Sheriff Of St. Charles Parish Louisiana 13444 Sheriff Of St. Landry Parish Louisiana 13445 Sheriff Of St. Mary Parish Louisiana 13447 Sheriff Of St. Tammany Parish Louisiana 13449 Sheriff Of Tangipahoa Parish Louisiana 14172 Sheriff Of Tensas Parish Louisiana 13455 Sheriff Of Terrebonne Parish Louisiana 13458 Sheriff Of Union Parish Louisiana 13460 Sheriff Of Vermilion Parish Louisiana 14173 Sheriff Of Vernon Parish Louisiana 13459 Sheriff Of Washington Parish Louisiana 13462 Sheriff Of Webster Parish Louisiana 14174 Sheriff Of West Baton Rouge Parish Louisiana 14175 Sheriff Of West Carroll Parish Louisiana 13561 Sheriff Of West Feliciana Parish Louisiana 14176 Sheriff Of Winn Parish Louisiana 14177 Shreveport City Louisiana 5154 Slidell City Louisiana 5238 St Bernard Parish Louisiana 5217 St Charles Parish Louisiana 5216 St Helena Parish Louisiana 5219 St James Parish Louisiana 5223 St John The Baptist Parish Louisiana 5220 St Landry Parish Louisiana 5227 St Martin Parish Louisiana 5222 St Mary Parish Louisiana 5228 St Tammany Parish Louisiana 5234 St. Martinville City Louisiana 5221 Tangipahoa Parish Louisiana 5239 Tensas Parish Louisiana 5242 Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government Louisiana 5241 Union Parish Louisiana 5245 Vermilion Parish Louisiana 5243 Vernon Parish Louisiana 5246 Washington Parish Louisiana 5248 Webster Parish Louisiana 5247 West Baton Rouge Parish Louisiana 5250 West Carroll Parish Louisiana 5253 West Feliciana Parish Louisiana 5254 West Monroe City Louisiana 5202 Westwego City Louisiana 5185 Winn Parish Louisiana 5252 Aberdeen City Maryland 5639 0.0003727965290000000000 Allegany County Maryland 5612 0.0161204114940000000000 Annapolis City Maryland 5622 0.0024132309580000000000 Anne Arundel County Maryland 5613 0.0958500951560000000000 Baltimore City Maryland 5617 0.2099703343540000000000 Baltimore County Maryland 5614 0.1775653944340000000000 Bel Air Town Maryland 5636 0.0003223642800000000000 Berlin Town Maryland 5671 0.0001092361860000000000 Bowie City Maryland 5647 0.0002632709460000000000 Calvert County Maryland 5615 0.0169483436880000000000 Cambridge City Maryland 5631 0.0001967461850000000000 Caroline County Maryland 5616 0.0058650178500000000000 Carroll County Maryland 5618 0.0296055630010000000000 Cecil County Maryland 5621 0.0379585776340000000000 Charles County Maryland 5626 0.0196634091790000000000 Charlestown Town Maryland 5623 0.0000138465870000000000 College Park City Maryland 5649 0.0000503348450000000000 Cottage City Town Maryland 5655 0.0000159720230000000000 Cumberland City Maryland 5607 0.0016271324260000000000 Dorchester County Maryland 5628 0.0039519131250000000000 Easton Town Maryland 5662 0.0006301083700000000000 Elkton Town Maryland 5627 0.0008841101600000000000 Forest Heights Town Maryland 5652 0.0000148121820000000000 Frederick City Maryland 5629 0.0015308892740000000000 Frederick County Maryland 5633 0.0349573332120000000000 Frostburg City Maryland 5619 0.0001946787410000000000 Gaithersburg City Maryland 5645 0.0002439669140000000000 Garrett County Maryland 5632 0.0035134346900000000000 Grantsville Town Maryland 5637 0.0000022070760000000000 Greenbelt City Maryland 5651 0.0003699380280000000000 Hagerstown City Maryland 5666 0.0018293281740000000000 Harford County Maryland 5638 0.0519581107200000000000 Havre De Grace City Maryland 5641 0.0004580099310000000000 Howard County Maryland 5648 0.0324872137440000000000 Hyattsville City Maryland 5650 0.0001273775620000000000 Kent County Maryland 5646 0.0046838521520000000000 Laurel City Maryland 5654 0.0003005164800000000000 Montgomery County Maryland 5640 0.0855743789580000000000 Mountain Lake Park Town Maryland 5635 0.0000010044450000000000 New Carrollton City Maryland 5653 0.0000627276890000000000 North Brentwood Town Maryland 5658 0.0000006626860000000000 North East Town Maryland 5624 0.0001838145220000000000 Oakland Town Maryland 5634 0.0000117774530000000000 Perryville Town Maryland 5620 0.0001841607850000000000 Prince Georges County Maryland 5643 0.0713826506550000000000 Queen Annes County Maryland 5657 0.0073817925350000000000 Rockville City Maryland 5644 0.0006110458780000000000 Salisbury City Maryland 5667 0.0013478066910000000000 Seat Pleasant City Maryland 5656 0.0000401288080000000000 Somerset County Maryland 5660 0.0038751288390000000000 St Marys County Maryland 5659 0.0136845625110000000000 Takoma Park City Maryland 5642 0.0001955964790000000000 Talbot County Maryland 5664 0.0048968248500000000000 Upper Marlboro Town Maryland 5661 0.0000094436950000000000 Vienna Town Maryland 5630 0.0000015826760000000000 Washington County Maryland 5663 0.0304744905050000000000 Westminster City Maryland 5625 0.0004400875730000000000 Wicomico County Maryland 5665 0.0166944224110000000000 Worcester County Maryland 5668 0.0098760310640000000000 Ada Township Michigan 5807 0.0000437602920000000000 Adrian City Michigan 5821 0.0003396266600000000000 Alcona County Michigan 5710 0.0009346301200000000000 Alger County Michigan 5708 0.0008795261610000000000 Algoma Township Michigan 5811 0.0000175353370000000000 Allegan County Michigan 5712 0.0046165611940000000000 Allen Park City Michigan 5955 0.0006422026090000000000 Allendale Charter Township Michigan 5919 0.0000464749050000000000 Alpena County Michigan 5716 0.0035525680750000000000 Alpine Charter Township Michigan 5805 0.0000151938230000000000 Ann Arbor City Michigan 5947 0.0027679777930000000000 Antrim County Michigan 5713 0.0026667265460000000000 Antwerp Township Michigan 5944 0.0000078474940000000000 Arenac County Michigan 5714 0.0018055048910000000000 Auburn Hills City Michigan 5890 0.0007032505560000000000 Bangor Charter Township Michigan 5717 0.0000652823920000000000 Baraga County Michigan 5719 0.0008300460650000000000 Barry County Michigan 5715 0.0025871914760000000000 Bath Charter Township Michigan 5741 0.0003214603320000000000 Battle Creek City Michigan 5734 0.0020458170570000000000 Bay City Michigan 5723 0.0006858636540000000000 Bay County Michigan 5718 0.0123301056910000000000 Bedford Township Michigan 5860 0.0002465424420000000000 Benton Charter Township Michigan 5731 0.0005421171850000000000 Benzie County Michigan 5721 0.0015597090020000000000 Berkley City Michigan 5874 0.0002144833830000000000 Berrien County Michigan 5722 0.0143530128660000000000 Beverly Hills Village Michigan 5889 0.0002748934320000000000 Big Rapids City Michigan 5857 0.0001464444510000000000 Birmingham City Michigan 5879 0.0006160716510000000000 Blackman Charter Township Michigan 13854 0.0000000000000000000000 Bloomfield Charter Township Michigan 5895 0.0014314410400000000000 Branch County Michigan 5730 0.0038230209660000000000 Brandon Charter Township Michigan 5896 0.0001783481990000000000 Brighton Township Michigan 5822 0.0000060493410000000000 Brownstown Charter Township Michigan 5974 0.0006186013360000000000 Burton City Michigan 5755 0.0001982874150000000000 Byron Township Michigan 5810 0.0000858034730000000000 Cadillac City Michigan 5987 0.0005928571840000000000 Caledonia Charter Township Michigan 5806 0.0000275778300000000000 Calhoun County Michigan 5729 0.0185054766050000000000 Cannon Township Michigan 5812 0.0000330933950000000000 Canton Charter Township Michigan 5977 0.0026353816720000000000 Cascade Charter Township Michigan 5809 0.0001211863500000000000 Cass County Michigan 5733 0.0041274553920000000000 Charlevoix County Michigan 5736 0.0021428580410000000000 Cheboygan County Michigan 5738 0.0031672388090000000000 Chesterfield Charter Township Michigan 5843 0.0012625116440000000000 Chippewa County Michigan 5740 0.0026802056920000000000 Clare County Michigan 5739 0.0027998174330000000000 Clawson City Michigan 5875 0.0001394973320000000000 Clinton Charter Township Michigan 5844 0.0065243179430000000000 Clinton County Michigan 5737 0.0054026690120000000000 Coldwater City Michigan 5727 0.0000772835770000000000 Commerce Charter Township Michigan 5899 0.0001988543620000000000 Comstock Charter Township Michigan 5795 0.0000845186680000000000 Cooper Charter Township Michigan 5798 0.0000095907660000000000 Crawford County Michigan 5748 0.0028862532510000000000 Davison Township Michigan 5759 0.0000884463550000000000 Dearborn City Michigan 5954 0.0029965833190000000000 Dearborn Heights City Michigan 5972 0.0010536201750000000000 Delhi Charter Township Michigan 5777 0.0001967531050000000000 Delta Charter Township Michigan 5746 0.0004055389220000000000 Delta County Michigan 5744 0.0026044851580000000000 Detroit City Michigan 5957 0.0713165322820000000000 Dewitt Charter Township Michigan 5745 0.0003677017780000000000 Dickinson County Michigan 5750 0.0027729291700000000000 East Bay Township Michigan 5768 0.0000146467670000000000 East Grand Rapids City Michigan 5801 0.0002073540590000000000 East Lansing City Michigan 5742 0.0019287731410000000000 Eastpointe City Michigan 5831 0.0016772498200000000000 Eaton County Michigan 5752 0.0100403824090000000000 Egelston Township Michigan 5870 0.0000592033050000000000 Emmet County Michigan 5747 0.0018132565780000000000 Emmett Charter Township Michigan 5732 0.0000813904060000000000 Escanaba City Michigan 5743 0.0001810208480000000000 Farmington City Michigan 5877 0.0002202472780000000000 Farmington Hills City Michigan 5897 0.0016511895200000000000 Fenton Charter Township Michigan 5760 0.0000185269540000000000 Fenton City Michigan 5766 0.0004796071890000000000 Ferndale City Michigan 5880 0.0008911313490000000000 Flat Rock City Michigan 5866 0.0001717819670000000000 Flint Charter Township Michigan 5761 0.0002557549030000000000 Flint City Michigan 5754 0.0295481256150000000000 Flushing Charter Township Michigan 5757 0.0000374311470000000000 Fort Gratiot Charter Township Michigan 5942 0.0000944163810000000000 Fraser City Michigan 5835 0.0008009068380000000000 Frenchtown Charter Township Michigan 5862 0.0004888385340000000000 Fruitport Charter Township Michigan 5876 0.0001292709620000000000 Gaines Township Michigan 5815 0.0000899141310000000000 Garden City Michigan 5959 0.0003602298200000000000 Garfield Charter Township Michigan 5771 0.0000040665700000000000 Genesee Charter Township Michigan 5762 0.0001294622450000000000 Genesee County Michigan 5753 0.0205906790680000000000 Genoa Township Michigan 5824 0.0000007561670000000000 Georgetown Charter Township Michigan 5923 0.0000720269210000000000 Gladwin County Michigan 5767 0.0021503077360000000000 Gogebic County Michigan 5765 0.0007467226840000000000 Grand Blanc Charter Township Michigan 5764 0.0002098336110000000000 Grand Haven Charter Township Michigan 5921 0.0001127618500000000000 Grand Haven City Michigan 5920 0.0003477289140000000000 Grand Rapids Charter Township Michigan 5813 0.0000375682890000000000 Grand Rapids City Michigan 5803 0.0134403101080000000000 Grand Traverse County Michigan 5773 0.0092338019800000000000 Grandville City Michigan 5802 0.0002780157430000000000 Gratiot County Michigan 5769 0.0035251722030000000000 Green Oak Township Michigan 5825 0.0003216953050000000000 Grosse Ile Township Michigan 5983 0.0002142228910000000000 Grosse Pointe Park City Michigan 5956 0.0002831115390000000000 Grosse Pointe Woods City Michigan 5960 0.0002017492510000000000 Hamburg Township Michigan 5826 0.0003393032080000000000 Hamtramck City Michigan 5958 0.0010823453980000000000 Harper Woods City Michigan 5961 0.0003021064750000000000 Harrison Charter Township Michigan 5845 0.0012420493550000000000 Hartland Township Michigan 5827 0.0000029166460000000000 Hazel Park City Michigan 5881 0.0004399957570000000000 Highland Charter Township Michigan 5898 0.0001759096270000000000 Highland Park City Michigan 5962 0.0002339422740000000000 Hillsdale County Michigan 5770 0.0041796783500000000000 Holland Charter Township Michigan 5922 0.0001743272210000000000 Holland City Michigan 5711 0.0009894686520000000000 Holly Township Michigan 5900 0.0000244965520000000000 Houghton County Michigan 5772 0.0024927201570000000000 Huron Charter Township Michigan 5981 0.0004047269230000000000 Huron County Michigan 5775 0.0017506615170000000000 Independence Charter Township Michigan 5901 0.0004932009380000000000 Ingham County Michigan 5776 0.0239108074300000000000 Inkster City Michigan 5963 0.0009975672850000000000 Ionia City Michigan 5782 0.0002684628550000000000 Ionia County Michigan 5779 0.0054943125130000000000 Iosco County Michigan 5780 0.0035979730060000000000 Iron County Michigan 5783 0.0012347789750000000000 Iron Mountain City Michigan 5749 0.0001028904300000000000 Isabella County Michigan 5781 0.0064066292390000000000 Jackson City Michigan 5786 0.0019759611310000000000 Jackson County Michigan 5784 0.0064866012850000000000 Kalamazoo Charter Township Michigan 5792 0.0003108609650000000000 Kalamazoo City Michigan 5793 0.0022630631960000000000 Kalamazoo County Michigan 5790 0.0222270723980000000000 Kalkaska County Michigan 5797 0.0009837976920000000000 Kent County Michigan 5799 0.0311452505370000000000 Kentwood City Michigan 5804 0.0008504898600000000000 Keweenaw County Michigan 5814 0.0000404399100000000000 Lake County Michigan 5817 0.0008157508480000000000 Lansing City Michigan 5751 0.0059449414360000000000 Lapeer County Michigan 5819 0.0047307352990000000000 Leelanau County Michigan 5818 0.0013858695000000000000 Lenawee County Michigan 5820 0.0088237929540000000000 Lenox Township Michigan 5842 0.0000668759180000000000 Leoni Township Michigan 5788 0.0000543324100000000000 Lincoln Charter Township Michigan 5728 0.0001066495340000000000 Lincoln Park City Michigan 5965 0.0009493812730000000000 Livingston County Michigan 5823 0.0149765368180000000000 Livonia City Michigan 5966 0.0044797409660000000000 Luce County Michigan 5828 0.0007151373520000000000 Lyon Charter Township Michigan 5905 0.0000360243410000000000 Mackinac County Michigan 5834 0.0005434900330000000000 Macomb County Michigan 5836 0.0865110465510000000000 Macomb Township Michigan 5850 0.0006465034890000000000 Madison Heights City Michigan 5882 0.0008623672990000000000 Manistee County Michigan 5847 0.0034954682540000000000 Marion Township Michigan 5833 0.0000011882630000000000 Marquette City Michigan 5848 0.0001873163450000000000 Marquette County Michigan 5852 0.0060352741930000000000 Mason County Michigan 5851 0.0027857703120000000000 Mecosta County Michigan 5853 0.0019846587480000000000 Melvindale City Michigan 5970 0.0003105429410000000000 Menominee County Michigan 5856 0.0009442283530000000000 Meridian Charter Township Michigan 5778 0.0004230781490000000000 Midland City Michigan 5720 0.0018064208800000000000 Midland County Michigan 5854 0.0032176018620000000000 Milford Charter Township Michigan 5904 0.0000384074890000000000 Missaukee County Michigan 5855 0.0005992272430000000000 Monitor Charter Township Michigan 5725 0.0000263963870000000000 Monroe Charter Township Michigan 5861 0.0000715436020000000000 Monroe City Michigan 5858 0.0012560022780000000000 Monroe County Michigan 5859 0.0171543939300000000000 Montcalm County Michigan 5869 0.0069578341280000000000 Montmorency County Michigan 5864 0.0009858481610000000000 Mount Clemens City Michigan 5832 0.0003005674790000000000 Mount Morris Charter Township Michigan 5756 0.0001487815940000000000 Mount Pleasant City Michigan 5785 0.0002137885640000000000 Mundy Charter Township Michigan 5758 0.0000901065540000000000 Muskegon Charter Township Michigan 5872 0.0002156349330000000000 Muskegon City Michigan 5868 0.0010446192330000000000 Muskegon County Michigan 5863 0.0191003740320000000000 Muskegon Heights City Michigan 5867 0.0002990421160000000000 New Baltimore City Michigan 5837 0.0002870852370000000000 Newaygo County Michigan 5873 0.0052318127210000000000 Niles City Michigan 5726 0.0003485556050000000000 Niles Township Michigan 5724 0.0001286802850000000000 Northville Charter Township Michigan 5979 0.0009374105120000000000 Norton Shores City Michigan 5871 0.0004193741210000000000 Novi City Michigan 5894 0.0008758902820000000000 Oak Park City Michigan 5883 0.0006201174620000000000 Oakland Charter Township Michigan 5902 0.0001639384620000000000 Oakland County Michigan 5878 0.0585357271140000000000 Oceana County Michigan 5915 0.0024376421470000000000 Oceola Township Michigan 5829 0.0000021604790000000000 Ogemaw County Michigan 5912 0.0062312530160000000000 Ontonagon County Michigan 5910 0.0005648708840000000000 Orion Charter Township Michigan 5906 0.0002895802790000000000 Osceola County Michigan 5916 0.0021551218640000000000 Oscoda County Michigan 5914 0.0005866115240000000000 Oshtemo Charter Township Michigan 5796 0.0000743284920000000000 Otsego County Michigan 5918 0.0031792059880000000000 Ottawa County Michigan 5917 0.0088613450940000000000 Owosso City Michigan 5933 0.0003587611180000000000 Oxford Charter Township Michigan 5908 0.0001318490870000000000 Park Township Michigan 5926 0.0000414755640000000000 Pittsfield Charter Township Michigan 5951 0.0002848203740000000000 Plainfield Charter Township Michigan 5816 0.0000879888870000000000 Plymouth Charter Township Michigan 5984 0.0003699083460000000000 Pontiac City Michigan 5887 0.0033688147390000000000 Port Huron Charter Township Michigan 5939 0.0000862478810000000000 Port Huron City Michigan 5938 0.0015570980200000000000 Portage City Michigan 5791 0.0005868954660000000000 Presque Isle County Michigan 5929 0.0016298467950000000000 Redford Charter Township Michigan 5982 0.0012666525540000000000 Riverview City Michigan 5964 0.0002883907740000000000 Rochester City Michigan 5884 0.0002385365590000000000 Rochester Hills City Michigan 5891 0.0004038605720000000000 Romulus City Michigan 5976 0.0010430545820000000000 Roscommon County Michigan 5928 0.0043018366800000000000 Roseville City Michigan 5839 0.0025535928020000000000 Royal Oak City Michigan 5886 0.0015512635400000000000 Saginaw Charter Township Michigan 5934 0.0004135270020000000000 Saginaw City Michigan 5927 0.0025740509010000000000 Saginaw County Michigan 5931 0.0180527643860000000000 Sanilac County Michigan 5935 0.0038845852230000000000 Sault Ste. Marie City Michigan 5735 0.0011028617300000000000 Schoolcraft County Michigan 5936 0.0004718011580000000000 Scio Charter Township Michigan 5950 0.0000307901410000000000 Shelby Charter Township Michigan 5849 0.0030268607450000000000 Shiawassee County Michigan 5932 0.0081260410300000000000 South Lyon City Michigan 5888 0.0001547384000000000000 Southfield City Michigan 5893 0.0023508376420000000000 Southfield Township Michigan 5903 0.0000006650640000000000 Southgate City Michigan 5973 0.0005308730360000000000 Spring Lake Township Michigan 5925 0.0000621209000000000000 Springfield Charter Township Michigan 5909 0.0000267134340000000000 St Clair County Michigan 5937 0.0223552710100000000000 St Joseph County Michigan 5943 0.0025489421580000000000 St. Clair Shores City Michigan 5840 0.0020311040440000000000 Sterling Heights City Michigan 5838 0.0105364597820000000000 Sturgis City Michigan 5940 0.0003581199580000000000 Summit Township Michigan 5789 0.0000879726220000000000 Superior Charter Township Michigan 5948 0.0000724444200000000000 Taylor City Michigan 5978 0.0022496241950000000000 Texas Charter Township Michigan 5794 0.0000311100810000000000 Thomas Township Michigan 5930 0.0000759563130000000000 Traverse City Michigan 5774 0.0006947487510000000000 Trenton City Michigan 5969 0.0002879249220000000000 Troy City Michigan 5892 0.0014103252340000000000 Tuscola County Michigan 5941 0.0049641098760000000000 Tyrone Township Michigan 5830 0.0000575767620000000000 Union Charter Township Michigan 5787 0.0000003060950000000000 Van Buren Charter Township Michigan 5980 0.0007692914910000000000 Van Buren County Michigan 5945 0.0045586529890000000000 Vienna Charter Township Michigan 5763 0.0000516565810000000000 Walker City Michigan 5800 0.0003448789710000000000 Warren City Michigan 5841 0.0131541290400000000000 Washington Township Michigan 5846 0.0004833260540000000000 Washtenaw County Michigan 5949 0.0266152920340000000000 Waterford Charter Township Michigan 5907 0.0013063534440000000000 Wayne City Michigan 5967 0.0009384777120000000000 Wayne County Michigan 5953 0.1140875273460000000000 West Bloomfield Charter Township Michigan 5911 0.0015671696720000000000 Westland City Michigan 5971 0.0036531164910000000000 Wexford County Michigan 5985 0.0033453814500000000000 White Lake Charter Township Michigan 5913 0.0003498240610000000000 Wixom City Michigan 5885 0.0002207460760000000000 Woodhaven City Michigan 5975 0.0003417524980000000000 Wyandotte City Michigan 5968 0.0005836653850000000000 Wyoming City Michigan 5808 0.0015264068540000000000 Ypsilanti Charter Township Michigan 5952 0.0003458548540000000000 Ypsilanti City Michigan 5946 0.0005369527620000000000 Zeeland Charter Township Michigan 5924 0.0000367539890000000000 Adams County Mississippi 6363 0.0089560216576269400000 Alcorn County Mississippi 6372 0.0005763039855516710000 Amite County Mississippi 6367 0.0027458863561989500000 Amory City Mississippi 6463 0.0021165787205654100000 Arcola Town Mississippi 6515 0.0000105552956670764000 Attala County Mississippi 6373 0.0042973205341581600000 Bay St. Louis City Mississippi 6410 0.0003112561058928250000 Benton County Mississippi 6376 0.0019607860502207400000 Biloxi City Mississippi 6412 0.0066447560116145000000 Bolivar County Mississippi 6378 0.0050381057195479000000 Brandon City Mississippi 6484 0.0055701554924526100000 Brookhaven City Mississippi 6453 0.0046831090100835800000 Byram City Mississippi 6421 0.0005459698574208520000 Caledonia Town Mississippi 6457 0.0000299472761824010000 Calhoun County Mississippi 6382 0.0041532206686674500000 Canton City Mississippi 6456 0.0036080179305284600000 Carroll County Mississippi 6379 0.0020316671971110700000 Centreville Town Mississippi 14081 0.0001014408007884940000 Charleston City Mississippi 6496 0.0004702917471796820000 Chickasaw County Mississippi 6381 0.0051087712165030400000 Claiborne County Mississippi 6388 0.0016466721789274200000 Clarke County Mississippi 6384 0.0051136603664874000000 Clarksdale City Mississippi 6389 0.0027735520283806900000 Clay County Mississippi 6386 0.0018598177028148600000 Cleveland City Mississippi 6375 0.0013745539639507100000 Clinton City Mississippi 6418 0.0032360491214639600000 Coahoma County Mississippi 6391 0.0042361090395715600000 Columbia City Mississippi 6461 0.0016948986195033700000 Columbus City Mississippi 6452 0.0070396198679698100000 Copiah County Mississippi 6395 0.0072173511568719900000 Corinth City Mississippi 6370 0.0157646662446243000000 Covington County Mississippi 6393 0.0061543463187342100000 Desoto County Mississippi 6397 0.0224487939025045000000 Diamondhead City Mississippi 6406 0.0000017005023686986100 D'Iberville City Mississippi 6416 0.0004480074317822520000 Forrest County Mississippi 6399 0.0305159516967070000000 Franklin County Mississippi 6400 0.0025731545103409100000 Gautier City Mississippi 6433 0.0013175846705548200000 George County Mississippi 6403 0.0103697513727650000000 Greene County Mississippi 6402 0.0029451875191484400000 Greenville City Mississippi 6514 0.0008404974985153170000 Greenwood City Mississippi 6454 0.0059235998569269300000 Grenada City Mississippi 6409 0.0005592742708234350000 Grenada County Mississippi 6407 0.0052566079071545600000 Gulfport City Mississippi 6415 0.0833885656343728000000 Hancock County Mississippi 6408 0.0240513797800086000000 Harrison County Mississippi 6411 0.0128324028715450000000 Hattiesburg City Mississippi 6401 0.0032342761873186000000 Hernando City Mississippi 6392 0.0044217946617601600000 Hinds County Mississippi 6417 0.0208841063426677000000 Holly Springs City Mississippi 6464 0.0016281921812472800000 Holmes County Mississippi 6419 0.0033241361243159300000 Horn Lake City Mississippi 6398 0.0065196892595573200000 Humphreys County Mississippi 6420 0.0013736814888053800000 Indianola City Mississippi 6491 0.0002320238963392310000 Issaquena County Mississippi 6424 0.0001756850896935790000 Itawamba County Mississippi 6427 0.0105165081713815000000 Iuka City Mississippi 6501 0.0028542904906194500000 Jackson City Mississippi 6422 0.0269350446772121000000 Jackson County Mississippi 6423 0.0765514849630983000000 Jasper County Mississippi 6435 0.0039220972313282500000 Jefferson County Mississippi 6429 0.0009851488343646300000 Jefferson Davis County Mississippi 6434 0.0035140524248720300000 Jones County Mississippi 6431 0.0222324729012432000000 Jonestown Town Mississippi 6390 0.0000933317260927384000 Kemper County Mississippi 6432 0.0022232675379924600000 Kosciusko City Mississippi 6374 0.0004085534752995830000 Lafayette County Mississippi 6439 0.0070486557407098400000 Lamar County Mississippi 6436 0.0131040239405016000000 Lauderdale County Mississippi 6438 0.0147057603905307000000 Laurel City Mississippi 6430 0.0014855722299818200000 Lawrence County Mississippi 6437 0.0034282108101323800000 Leake County Mississippi 6442 0.0057974186413293300000 Leakesville Town Mississippi 6405 0.0000983476321922200000 Lee County Mississippi 6445 0.0147575343447921000000 Leflore County Mississippi 6446 0.0010182123263860300000 Lincoln County Mississippi 6450 0.0057401349277616900000 Long Beach City Mississippi 6414 0.0013904593387220200000 Lowndes County Mississippi 6451 0.0093892496999896000000 Lumberton City Mississippi 6443 0.0003977956999391970000 Madison City Mississippi 6459 0.0057254674798324700000 Madison County Mississippi 6455 0.0107874641851182000000 Marion County Mississippi 6458 0.0162725468275078000000 Marshall County Mississippi 6460 0.0062803612695149100000 Mccomb City Mississippi 6477 0.0111306693194920000000 Mclain Town Mississippi 6413 0.0000445801556419426000 Meridian City Mississippi 6441 0.0111630397694030000000 Monroe County Mississippi 6468 0.0081299348040210000000 Morton City Mississippi 6486 0.0006067105454591520000 Moss Point City Mississippi 6425 0.0000328379656697088000 Mound Bayou City Mississippi 6380 0.0001409424955551360000 Natchez City Mississippi 6371 0.0010924088759952100000 Neshoba County Mississippi 6466 0.0101851736284899000000 Nettleton City Mississippi 6449 0.0003078139470588460000 New Albany City Mississippi 6504 0.0027290426591206200000 Newton County Mississippi 6467 0.0054572935069062000000 Noxubee County Mississippi 6471 0.0018481281907743600000 Ocean Springs City Mississippi 6426 0.0011965691628182700000 Oktibbeha County Mississippi 6472 0.0078753434487807300000 Olive Branch City Mississippi 6394 0.0109095497074613000000 Oxford City Mississippi 6440 0.0060041111464072700000 Panola County Mississippi 6470 0.0112554809139241000000 Pascagoula City Mississippi 6428 0.0024955059244693200000 Pearl City Mississippi 6485 0.0119557338961910000000 Pearl River County Mississippi 6476 0.0305389981931780000000 Perry County Mississippi 6478 0.0036906791286741500000 Petal City Mississippi 6404 0.0002718531809351650000 Philadelphia City Mississippi 6469 0.0011539775912568800000 Picayune City Mississippi 6474 0.0058905199028621300000 Pike County Mississippi 6475 0.0010947266948722700000 Pontotoc County Mississippi 6479 0.0114840807588676000000 Prentiss County Mississippi 6480 0.0079769011288402700000 Quitman City Mississippi 6383 0.0008794460779561470000 Quitman County Mississippi 6483 0.0021374901240077700000 Rankin County Mississippi 6482 0.0346676628198758000000 Ridgeland City Mississippi 6462 0.0071366406794998700000 Scott County Mississippi 6489 0.0063180669839053900000 Shannon Town Mississippi 6444 0.0002936518741476110000 Shubuta Town Mississippi 6385 0.0000614896988700308000 Simpson County Mississippi 6490 0.0091962533994828400000 Smith County Mississippi 6487 0.0038715151095801800000 Southaven City Mississippi 6396 0.0155622587422523000000 Starkville City Mississippi 6473 0.0010065886604952900000 Stone County Mississippi 6493 0.0056470517746790200000 Summit Town Mississippi 6481 0.0000511335910947403000 Sunflower County Mississippi 6495 0.0046553248117964800000 Tallahatchie County Mississippi 6494 0.0026078296109109400000 Tate County Mississippi 6500 0.0115580303818734000000 Tippah County Mississippi 6498 0.0066724463768613500000 Tishomingo County Mississippi 6499 0.0131846718635255000000 Tunica County Mississippi 6502 0.0017887027985511400000 Tupelo City Mississippi 6447 0.0147748768332854000000 Union County Mississippi 6503 0.0049560486686806100000 Verona City Mississippi 6448 0.0006139191597153650000 Vicksburg City Mississippi 6507 0.0073374085884565900000 Walthall County Mississippi 6505 0.0049491528271775000000 Warren County Mississippi 6508 0.0056046643292176600000 Washington County Mississippi 6511 0.0092012939976354900000 Wayne County Mississippi 6506 0.0094159161429347500000 Waynesboro City Mississippi 6509 0.0001346211710690030000 Webb Town Mississippi 6497 0.0001203883137997590000 West Point City Mississippi 6387 0.0021162445465487200000 Wiggins City Mississippi 6492 0.0017264245801476000000 Winston County Mississippi 6512 0.0053393119058035600000 Yalobusha County Mississippi 6516 0.0029862678998164200000 Yazoo City Mississippi 6521 0.0025399889552694900000 Yazoo County Mississippi 6517 0.0042236392390192500000 Adair County Missouri 6177 Andrew County Missouri 6176 Arnold City Missouri 6258 Atchison County Missouri 6182 Audrain County Missouri 6183 Ballwin City Missouri 6331 Barry County Missouri 6175 Barton County Missouri 6178 Bates County Missouri 6181 Bellefontaine Neighbors City Missouri 6333 Belton City Missouri 6200 Benton County Missouri 6186 Blue Springs City Missouri 6245 Bolivar City Missouri 6304 Bollinger County Missouri 6184 Boone County Missouri 6185 Branson City Missouri 6359 Bridgeton City Missouri 6334 Buchanan County Missouri 6189 Butler County Missouri 6188 Caldwell County Missouri 6192 Callaway County Missouri 6193 Camden County Missouri 6197 Cape Girardeau City Missouri 6319 Cape Girardeau County Missouri 6195 Carroll County Missouri 6201 Carter County Missouri 6202 Carthage City Missouri 6255 Cass County Missouri 6199 Cedar County Missouri 6210 Chariton County Missouri 6207 Chesterfield City Missouri 6351 Christian County Missouri 6204 Citizens Memorial Hospital District D/B/A Citizens Memorial Hospital Missouri 13496 Clark County Missouri 6217 Clay County Missouri 6213 Clayton City Missouri 6336 Clinton County Missouri 6214 Cole County Missouri 6222 Columbia City Missouri 6187 Cooper County Missouri 6219 Crawford County Missouri 6221 Crestwood City Missouri 6339 Creve Coeur City Missouri 6335 Dade County Missouri 6224 Dallas County Missouri 6223 Dardenne Prairie City Missouri 6324 Daviess County Missouri 6225 De Kalb County Missouri 6226 Dent County Missouri 6227 Douglas County Missouri 6229 Dunklin County Missouri 6228 Eureka City Missouri 6342 Excelsior Springs City Missouri 6220 Farmington City Missouri 6330 Ferguson City Missouri 6338 Festus City Missouri 6257 Florissant City Missouri 6337 Franklin County Missouri 6230 Fulton City Missouri 6194 Gasconade County Missouri 6234 Gentry County Missouri 6232 Gladstone City Missouri 6212 Grain Valley City Missouri 6246 Grandview City Missouri 6248 Greene County Missouri 6236 Grundy County Missouri 6239 Hannibal City Missouri 6277 Harrison County Missouri 6238 Harrisonville City Missouri 6206 Hazelwood City Missouri 6341 Henry County Missouri 6240 Hickory County Missouri 6242 Holt County Missouri 6243 Howard County Missouri 6244 Howell County Missouri 6241 Independence City Missouri 6252 Iron County Missouri 6250 Jackson City Missouri 6198 Jackson County Missouri 6249 Jasper County Missouri 6253 Jefferson City Missouri 6196 Jefferson County Missouri 6259 Jennings City Missouri 6340 Johnson County Missouri 6260 Joplin City Missouri 6261 Kansas City Missouri 6203 Kearney City Missouri 6218 Kennett City Missouri 6231 Kinloch Fire Protection District Missouri 13136 Kirksville City Missouri 6179 Kirkwood City Missouri 6344 Knox County Missouri 6269 Laclede County Missouri 6266 Lafayette County Missouri 6268 Lake St. Louis City Missouri 6327 Lawrence County Missouri 6263 Lebanon City Missouri 6262 Lee'S Summit City Missouri 6251 Lewis County Missouri 6267 Liberty City Missouri 6211 Lincoln County Missouri 6265 Linn County Missouri 6270 Livingston County Missouri 6273 Macon County Missouri 6271 Madison County Missouri 6275 Manchester City Missouri 6345 Maries County Missouri 6272 Marion County Missouri 6278 Marshall City Missouri 6315 Maryland Heights City Missouri 6352 Maryville City Missouri 6288 Mcdonald County Missouri 6274 Mercer County Missouri 6279 Mexico City Missouri 6180 Miller County Missouri 6280 Mississippi County Missouri 6283 Allocations in Missouri will be made in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding Between the State of Missouri and its Political Subdivisions on Proceeds Relating to the Settlement of Opioid Litigation and with the ancillary Memorandum of Understanding Between the Litigating Subdivisions of the State of Missouri. Moberly City Missouri 6313 Moniteau County Missouri 6281 Monroe County Missouri 6282 Montgomery County Missouri 6285 Morgan County Missouri 6284 Neosho City Missouri 6290 New Madrid County Missouri 6289 Newton County Missouri 6286 Nixa City Missouri 6208 Nodaway County Missouri 6294 Northeast Ambulance And Fire Protection District Missouri 13135 O'Fallon City Missouri 6323 Oregon County Missouri 6291 Osage County Missouri 6293 Overland City Missouri 6349 Ozark City Missouri 6209 Ozark County Missouri 6292 Pemiscot County Missouri 6297 Perry County Missouri 6296 Pettis County Missouri 6295 Phelps County Missouri 6298 Pike County Missouri 6300 Platte County Missouri 6301 Polk County Missouri 6302 Poplar Bluff City Missouri 6191 Pulaski County Missouri 6307 Putnam County Missouri 6305 Ralls County Missouri 6306 Randolph County Missouri 6310 Ray County Missouri 6308 Raymore City Missouri 6205 Raytown City Missouri 6254 Republic City Missouri 6237 Reynolds County Missouri 6309 Ripley County Missouri 6311 Rolla City Missouri 6299 Saline County Missouri 6312 Schuyler County Missouri 6314 Scotland County Missouri 6316 Scott County Missouri 6318 Sedalia City Missouri 6303 Shannon County Missouri 6321 Shelby County Missouri 6322 Sikeston City Missouri 6287 Smithville City Missouri 6215 Springfield City Missouri 6216 St Charles County Missouri 6320 St Clair County Missouri 6328 St Francois County Missouri 6329 St Louis County Missouri 6332 St. Ann City Missouri 6343 St. Charles City Missouri 6317 St. Joseph City Missouri 6190 St. Louis City Missouri 6354 St. Peters City Missouri 6325 Ste Genevieve County Missouri 6353 Stoddard County Missouri 6358 Stone County Missouri 6357 Sullivan County Missouri 6355 Taney County Missouri 6356 Texas County Missouri 6361 Town And Country City Missouri 6350 Troy City Missouri 6276 Union City Missouri 6235 University City Missouri 6347 Vernon County Missouri 6362 Warren County Missouri 6368 Warrensburg City Missouri 6264 Washington City Missouri 6233 Washington County Missouri 6360 Wayne County Missouri 6364 Webb City Missouri 6256 Webster County Missouri 6365 Webster Groves City Missouri 6346 Wentzville City Missouri 6326 West Plains City Missouri 6247 Wildwood City Missouri 6348 Worth County Missouri 6366 Wright County Missouri 6369 Anaconda-Deer Lodge County Montana 6534 0.0144801905140000000000 Beaverhead County Montana 6522 0.0068414802250000000000 Big Horn County Montana 6518 0.0085049036090000000000 Billings City Montana 6582 0.0913311424130000000000 Blaine County Montana 6520 0.0036910943370000000000 Bozeman City Montana 6538 0.0201618865070000000000 Broadwater County Montana 6523 0.0041432512640000000000 Butte-Silver Bow Montana 6569 0.0561012604340000000000 Carbon County Montana 6519 0.0071053605220000000000 Carter County Montana 6524 0.0003746791040000000000 Cascade County Montana 6525 0.0389930504800000000000 Chouteau County Montana 6527 0.0040530634240000000000 Custer County Montana 6530 0.0151390564500000000000 Daniels County Montana 6532 0.0017876029080000000000 Dawson County Montana 6528 0.0078006821330000000000 Fallon County Montana 6533 0.0015435820110000000000 Fergus County Montana 6535 0.0086670276690000000000 Flathead County Montana 6529 0.0801417853690000000000 Gallatin County Montana 6537 0.0402055727170000000000 Garfield County Montana 6536 0.0003988385990000000000 Glacier County Montana 6540 0.0152307093670000000000 Golden Valley County Montana 6541 0.0002643036480000000000 Granite County Montana 6539 0.0018313982370000000000 Great Falls City Montana 6526 0.0435777797840000000000 Helena City Montana 6548 0.0173606550420000000000 Hill County Montana 6543 0.0184385329220000000000 Jefferson County Montana 6542 0.0077708430870000000000 Judith Basin County Montana 6544 0.0006148042280000000000 Kalispell City Montana 6531 0.0247354327100000000000 Lake County Montana 6546 0.0361750990640000000000 Lewis And Clark County Montana 6545 0.0493267123340000000000 Liberty County Montana 6547 0.0012103959730000000000 Lincoln County Montana 6549 0.0219155976240000000000 Madison County Montana 6550 0.0054980476730000000000 Mccone County Montana 6552 0.0008230353940000000000 Meagher County Montana 6551 0.0009120863730000000000 Mineral County Montana 6555 0.0075469099140000000000 Missoula City Montana 6554 0.0443125585750000000000 Missoula County Montana 6553 0.0802728336290000000000 Musselshell County Montana 6559 0.0038955105940000000000 Park County Montana 6558 0.0208318356530000000000 Petroleum County Montana 6556 0.0001447429220000000000 Phillips County Montana 6557 0.0020856223470000000000 Pondera County Montana 6563 0.0040038739480000000000 Powder River County Montana 6565 0.0015043864520000000000 Powell County Montana 6562 0.0088727234900000000000 Prairie County Montana 6560 0.0005720696530000000000 Ravalli County Montana 6561 0.0369068192700000000000 Richland County Montana 6564 0.0075415252810000000000 Roosevelt County Montana 6566 0.0081829767820000000000 Rosebud County Montana 6567 0.0056419819490000000000 Sanders County Montana 6568 0.0106791345580000000000 Sheridan County Montana 6574 0.0027003552250000000000 Stillwater County Montana 6571 0.0050556040140000000000 Sweet Grass County Montana 6570 0.0028365407660000000000 Teton County Montana 6573 0.0057359038320000000000 Toole County Montana 6572 0.0032580404870000000000 Treasure County Montana 6575 0.0002265541380000000000 Valley County Montana 6576 0.0055982912680000000000 Wheatland County Montana 6580 0.0007209985080000000000 Wibaux County Montana 6577 0.0006303730470000000000 Yellowstone County Montana 6578 0.0730908895500000000000 Adams County Nebraska 6832 0.0071304102640000000000 Antelope County Nebraska 6834 0.0024063398000000000000 Arthur County Nebraska 6833 0.0001108312780000000000 Banner County Nebraska 6836 0.0001836746060000000000 Beatrice City Nebraska 6873 0.0092482053820000000000 Bellevue City Nebraska 6920 0.0247878800230000000000 Blaine County Nebraska 6840 0.0001236409970000000000 Boone County Nebraska 6838 0.0025334075070000000000 Box Butte County Nebraska 6837 0.0074925336200000000000 Boyd County Nebraska 6839 0.0009028474330000000000 Brown County Nebraska 6844 0.0013751353540000000000 Buffalo County Nebraska 6842 0.0096303203320000000000 Burt County Nebraska 6841 0.0033656617700000000000 Butler County Nebraska 6846 0.0028998056720000000000 Cass County Nebraska 6851 0.0123563393440000000000 Cedar County Nebraska 6845 0.0035025880090000000000 Chase County Nebraska 6848 0.0017078988140000000000 Cherry County Nebraska 6847 0.0030821615580000000000 Cheyenne County Nebraska 6850 0.0074082630230000000000 Clay County Nebraska 6852 0.0017729719910000000000 Colfax County Nebraska 6849 0.0026704759130000000000 Columbus City Nebraska 6911 0.0072912940610000000000 Cuming County Nebraska 6853 0.0040198839780000000000 Custer County Nebraska 6857 0.0048481379610000000000 Dakota County Nebraska 6854 0.0039409176730000000000 Dawes County Nebraska 6856 0.0065772931640000000000 Dawson County Nebraska 6858 0.0075403163730000000000 Deuel County Nebraska 6861 0.0015000558520000000000 Dixon County Nebraska 6860 0.0021445714990000000000 Dodge County Nebraska 6865 0.0183179963300000000000 Douglas County Nebraska 6866 0.1491191114550000000000 Dundy County Nebraska 6867 0.0015136303300000000000 Fillmore County Nebraska 6868 0.0035414436670000000000 Franklin County Nebraska 6863 0.0016301629870000000000 Fremont City Nebraska 6864 0.0014769463930000000000 Frontier County Nebraska 6862 0.0007326492600000000000 Furnas County Nebraska 6871 0.0023154265810000000000 Gage County Nebraska 6870 0.0053906513800000000000 Garden County Nebraska 6872 0.0011321183640000000000 Garfield County Nebraska 6876 0.0011044791770000000000 Gosper County Nebraska 6874 0.0005285810720000000000 Grand Island City Nebraska 6879 0.0150528611960000000000 Grant County Nebraska 6881 0.0001670754060000000000 Greeley County Nebraska 6875 0.0010069968720000000000 Hall County Nebraska 6878 0.0130232143970000000000 Hamilton County Nebraska 6877 0.0032855532280000000000 Harlan County Nebraska 6880 0.0018311574310000000000 Hastings City Nebraska 6835 0.0077381586350000000000 Hayes County Nebraska 6884 0.0004642089240000000000 Hitchcock County Nebraska 6883 0.0014287273360000000000 Holt County Nebraska 6882 0.0043190862690000000000 Hooker County Nebraska 6885 0.0001953911110000000000 Howard County Nebraska 6886 0.0031175905050000000000 Jefferson County Nebraska 6890 0.0046215878090000000000 Johnson County Nebraska 6887 0.0036742813850000000000 Kearney City Nebraska 6843 0.0131286629460000000000 Kearney County Nebraska 6891 0.0032840874390000000000 Keith County Nebraska 6888 0.0055861209280000000000 Keya Paha County Nebraska 6894 0.0002077007950000000000 Kimball County Nebraska 6889 0.0020745175820000000000 Knox County Nebraska 6892 0.0042621803290000000000 La Vista City Nebraska 6928 0.0069485397060000000000 Lancaster County Nebraska 6896 0.0795305993400000000000 Lexington City Nebraska 6859 0.0026722358400000000000 Lincoln City Nebraska 6895 0.0895849934370000000000 Lincoln County Nebraska 6893 0.0075884618950000000000 Logan County Nebraska 6897 0.0001922536370000000000 Loup County Nebraska 6898 0.0001630702240000000000 Madison County Nebraska 6899 0.0101980855150000000000 Mcpherson County Nebraska 6900 0.0001336515010000000000 Merrick County Nebraska 6904 0.0055711492930000000000 Morrill County Nebraska 6903 0.0026408071730000000000 Nance County Nebraska 6907 0.0018202203920000000000 Nemaha County Nebraska 6905 0.0058621402250000000000 Norfolk City Nebraska 6901 0.0068559646070000000000 North Platte City Nebraska 6902 0.0126687141240000000000 Nuckolls County Nebraska 6908 0.0026062410300000000000 Omaha City Nebraska 6869 0.1678360327330000000000 Otoe County Nebraska 6909 0.0081145378900000000000 Papillion City Nebraska 6922 0.0119434526350000000000 Pawnee County Nebraska 6912 0.0024493035880000000000 Perkins County Nebraska 6906 0.0009387421000000000000 Phelps County Nebraska 6910 0.0044531642700000000000 Pierce County Nebraska 6913 0.0027916069310000000000 Platte County Nebraska 6917 0.0050546327900000000000 Polk County Nebraska 6914 0.0021260358900000000000 Red Willow County Nebraska 6919 0.0067822829850000000000 Region 1 - Behavioral Health Authority Nebraska 14709 0.0000000000000000000000 Region 2 - Human Services Nebraska 14710 0.0000000000000000000000 Region 3 - Behavioral Health Services Nebraska 14711 0.0000000000000000000000 Region 4 - Behavioral Health Systems Nebraska 14712 0.0000000000000000000000 Region 5 - Systems Nebraska 14713 0.0000000000000000000000 Region 6 - Behavioral Healthcare Nebraska 14714 0.0000000000000000000000 Richardson County Nebraska 6918 0.0067806407130000000000 Rock County Nebraska 6915 0.0004206323480000000000 Saline County Nebraska 6916 0.0064314153180000000000 Sarpy County Nebraska 6921 0.0412050964070000000000 Saunders County Nebraska 6923 0.0091473404870000000000 Scotts Bluff County Nebraska 6925 0.0184289256540000000000 Scottsbluff City Nebraska 6926 0.0051595371830000000000 Seward County Nebraska 6930 0.0076374506140000000000 Sheridan County Nebraska 6924 0.0018140925130000000000 Sherman County Nebraska 6929 0.0011982602430000000000 Sioux County Nebraska 6931 0.0003557307520000000000 South Sioux City Nebraska 6855 0.0044313686280000000000 Stanton County Nebraska 6933 0.0021620629180000000000 Thayer County Nebraska 6934 0.0020595753610000000000 Thomas County Nebraska 6927 0.0001735709580000000000 Thurston County Nebraska 6936 0.0025641596570000000000 Valley County Nebraska 6932 0.0031039571990000000000 Washington County Nebraska 6935 0.0078785557060000000000 Wayne County Nebraska 6937 0.0035100346080000000000 Webster County Nebraska 6942 0.0016523557150000000000 Wheeler County Nebraska 6938 0.0002101568490000000000 York County Nebraska 6939 0.0083219396450000000000 Boulder City Nevada 7297 0.0014786604520000000000 Carson City Nevada 7296 0.0181460075370000000000 Central Lyon County Fire Protection District Nevada 13500 0.0001509226180000000000 Churchill County Nevada 7305 0.0070130519880000000000 Clark County Nevada 7300 0.6692480268340000000000 Douglas County Nevada 7301 0.0166014624720000000000 Elko County Nevada 7313 0.0108257452250000000000 Ely City Nevada 7327 0.0000661728070000000000 Esmeralda County Nevada 7304 0.0004972914480000000000 Eureka County Nevada 7306 0.0010335736230000000000 Fernley City Nevada 7314 0.0001445069910000000000 Henderson City Nevada 7303 0.0230206439740000000000 Humboldt County Nevada 7309 0.0101927247310000000000 Lander County Nevada 7310 0.0036274387910000000000 Las Vegas City Nevada 7307 0.0472069707730000000000 Lincoln County Nevada 7311 0.0023732842190000000000 Lyon County Nevada 7312 0.0157213968720000000000 Mesquite City Nevada 7302 0.0014650695440000000000 Mineral County Nevada 7316 0.0059929302530000000000 North Las Vegas City Nevada 7299 0.0242588668920000000000 North Lyon County Fire Protection District Nevada 13504 0.0000518291500000000000 Nye County Nevada 7317 0.0160168415760000000000 Pershing County Nevada 7315 0.0036244987910000000000 Reno City Nevada 7321 0.0135628633830000000000 Sparks City Nevada 7322 0.0042532292180000000000 Storey County Nevada 7320 0.0012639086200000000000 Washoe County Nevada 7318 0.0911394888280000000000 West Wendover City Nevada 7319 0.0005640157940000000000 White Pine County Nevada 7325 0.0104585765940000000000 Alamance County North Carolina 6581 0.00013780289676124900 Alexander County North Carolina 6584 0.00510007879580514 Alleghany County North Carolina 6591 0.00149090598929352 Anson County North Carolina 6586 0.00182192960366522 Ashe County North Carolina 6589 0.00338639188321974 Asheville City North Carolina 6600 0.00235814724255298 Avery County North Carolina 6588 0.0026599676693500602 Beaufort County North Carolina 6592 .004778884348878579 Bertie County North Carolina 6590 0.00139468575095652 Bladen County North Carolina 6597 0.00429217809476617 Brunswick County North Carolina 6594 0.021132385075912 Buncombe County North Carolina 6598 0.0251158785732273 Burke County North Carolina 6595 0.0209019682704727 Cabarrus County North Carolina 6602 0.0189702931691348 Caldwell County North Carolina 6605 0.0127630114619465 Camden County North Carolina 6607 0.000730364004126626 Canton Town North Carolina 6669 0.00011453823221205001 Carteret County North Carolina 6609 0.011284655938523 Cary Town North Carolina 6619 0 Caswell County North Carolina 6608 0.00172920237524674 Catawba County North Carolina 6610 0.0207269522269969 Charlotte City North Carolina 6694 0 Chatham County North Carolina 6611 0.00451520271642446 Cherokee County North Carolina 6617 0.00782759152904478 Chowan County North Carolina 6612 0.00113705596126821 Clay County North Carolina 6614 0.00224429948904576 Cleveland County North Carolina 6616 0.011199280277491199 Columbus County North Carolina 6623 0.012209369389860501 Concord City North Carolina 6601 0 Craven County North Carolina 6622 0.0133686019024719 Cumberland County North Carolina 6625 0.0263729965963461 Currituck County North Carolina 6631 0.00186778551294444 Dare County North Carolina 6630 0.00533126731273811 Davidson County North Carolina 6634 0.019402695303932502 Davie County North Carolina 6639 0.00513147526867745 Duplin County North Carolina 6635 0.00382785147396895 Durham City North Carolina 6642 0.00380405026684971 Durham County North Carolina 6638 0.0179960277166275 Edgecombe County North Carolina 6643 0.004171019390266689 Fayetteville City North Carolina 6624 0.00309769055181433 Forsyth County North Carolina 6646 0.0306845080948474 Franklin County North Carolina 6654 0.00500503643290578 Gaston County North Carolina 6652 0.0335593771069755 Gastonia City North Carolina 6651 0 Gates County North Carolina 6657 0.000795675166324135 Graham County North Carolina 6655 0.00183484561708488 Granville County North Carolina 6659 0.0059010340934014605 Greene County North Carolina 6658 0.00123274818647799 Greensboro City North Carolina 6660 0.00527391696384329 Greenville City North Carolina 6720 0.00162656474659432 Guilford County North Carolina 6662 0.033750152311479 Halifax County North Carolina 6665 0.00453161173976264 Harnett County North Carolina 6666 0.0098898077219889 Haywood County North Carolina 6667 0.008033151101110449 Henderson City North Carolina 6749 0.00032253478794180504 Henderson County North Carolina 6673 0.013815950870409299 Hertford County North Carolina 6670 0.00206843050128754 Hickory City North Carolina 6599 0.0009487583568231479 High Point City North Carolina 6633 0.0020642876290585897 Hoke County North Carolina 6672 0.0033248580457015697 Hyde County North Carolina 6675 0.000272373540856031 Iredell County North Carolina 6674 0.021159313745400202 Jackson County North Carolina 6679 0.005077577313306741 Jacksonville City North Carolina 6714 0.0009500986978383951 Johnston County North Carolina 6678 0.0125088746821767 Jones County North Carolina 6680 0.000879669869946305 Lee County North Carolina 6684 0.00653115683614534 Lenoir County North Carolina 6686 0.00604282592625687 Lincoln County North Carolina 6689 0.00926833627125253 Macon County North Carolina 6688 0.00466767666100745 Madison County North Carolina 6693 0.00237776496104888 Martin County North Carolina 6692 0.00232882220579515 Mcdowell County North Carolina 6691 0.00587544576492856 Mecklenburg County North Carolina 6695 0.06285785074287381 Mitchell County North Carolina 6704 0.00309314151564137 Montgomery County North Carolina 6702 0.00226050543041193 Moore County North Carolina 6708 0.009717391127754809 Nash County North Carolina 6705 0.00845653639635102 New Hanover County North Carolina 6706 0.0289726489200101 Northampton County North Carolina 6709 0.00120996238921878 Onslow County North Carolina 6711 0.0164400136471085 Orange County North Carolina 6713 0.0105583941902309 Pamlico County North Carolina 6715 0.00119936151028001 Pasquotank County North Carolina 6716 0.00374816210815334 Pender County North Carolina 6718 0.00585749331860312 Perquimans County North Carolina 6717 0.00111833180344914 Person County North Carolina 6721 0.004030242967271311 Pitt County North Carolina 6719 0.000136900806641593 Polk County North Carolina 6727 0.00266142985954851 Raleigh City North Carolina 6640 0 Randolph County North Carolina 6723 0.0152543398617418 Richmond County North Carolina 6725 0.007491328399795289 Robeson County North Carolina 6728 0.0135973534357408 Rockingham County North Carolina 6724 0.013653688374775602 Rowan County North Carolina 6731 0.0233521928791337 Rutherford County North Carolina 6732 0.00928941617994687 Sampson County North Carolina 6734 0.00619513740526226 Scotland County North Carolina 6736 0.00449148274209402 Stanly County North Carolina 6738 0.007249742085895549 Stokes County North Carolina 6737 0.006239531124343029 Surry County North Carolina 6740 0.0141082670609165 Swain County North Carolina 6742 0.0028116292860450197 Transylvania County North Carolina 6743 0.00497595509451435 Tyrrell County North Carolina 6745 0.000414409072077854 Union County North Carolina 6744 0.014667026798697 Vance County North Carolina 6750 0.0053625825528216195 Wake County North Carolina 6754 0.056100176275151695 Warren County North Carolina 6760 0.00106390583495122 Washington County North Carolina 6758 0.0007477072045360391 Watauga County North Carolina 6757 0.00469675799939888 Wayne County North Carolina 6762 0.00970699333078804 Wilkes County North Carolina 6763 0.019971771605891 Wilmington City North Carolina 6710 0.00119497493968465 Wilson County North Carolina 6765 0.006464708414904589 Winston-Salem City North Carolina 6645 0.00494459923803644 Yadkin County North Carolina 6764 0.005621471450736381 Yancey County North Carolina 6768 0.0038211497688927197 Aberdeen Village Ohio 7634 0.0000818829935220100000 Ada Village Ohio 8258 0.0000727042878362355000 Adams County Ohio 7464 0.0032528780735393700000 Adams Township Ohio 7706 0.0000012872851906656700 Adams Township Ohio 7770 0.0000029241577607122200 Adams Township Ohio 7937 0.0000156681424528529000 Adams Township Ohio 8775 0.0000002919010281583810 Adams Township Ohio 8855 0.0000009393681440879840 Adams Township Ohio 9167 0.0000035682429207204900 Adams Township Ohio 9415 0.0000010954413642070100 Adamsville Village Ohio 8845 0.0000008530176090433000 Addyston Village Ohio 8193 0.0000236158204196025000 Adelphi Village Ohio 9098 0.0000187931866061518000 Adena Village Ohio 8303 0.0000033422537883469600 Aid Township Ohio 8491 0.0000030933965119390100 Akron City Ohio 9235 0.0082522660559478700000 Albany Village Ohio 7554 0.0000182508367731613000 Alexander Township Ohio 7560 0.0000011711766913153400 Alexandria Village Ohio 8506 0.0000052069474463022000 Alger Village Ohio 8263 0.0000048382484402815300 Allen County Ohio 7480 0.0038329804600574800000 Allen Township Ohio 7934 0.0000062211742091576100 Allen Township Ohio 8250 0.0000055282110719741300 Allen Township Ohio 8902 0.0000055970229731952200 Allen Township Ohio 9342 0.0000267071782649405000 Alliance City Ohio 8653 0.0008329828002592810000 Amanda Township Ohio 8020 0.0000173969517836584000 Amanda Township Ohio 8253 0.0000015136768411351300 Amanda Village Ohio 8008 0.0000054150572392991100 Amberley Village Ohio 8194 0.0001799337840566500000 Amboy Township Ohio 8100 0.0000161485279374733000 Amelia Village Ohio 7736 0.0001299546521856930000 American Township Ohio 7492 0.0001815834029313130000 Ames Township Ohio 7564 0.0000040015203621265400 Amesville Village Ohio 7555 0.0000008783825184932410 Amherst City Ohio 8566 0.0003228648077959400000 Amherst Township Ohio 8582 0.0001258625521937840000 Amsterdam Village Ohio 8405 0.0000037314220017820800 Anderson Township Ohio 8224 0.0007125409127847390000 Andover Township Ohio 7529 0.0000098954693133009100 Andover Village Ohio 7521 0.0000379326323688209000 Anna Village Ohio 9178 0.0000269249852995465000 Ansonia Village Ohio 7919 0.0000139400385058946000 Antioch Village Ohio 8761 0.0000002919010281583810 Antwerp Village Ohio 8916 0.0000086930143552161000 Apple Creek Village Ohio 9433 0.0000045255189647330800 Aquilla Village Ohio 8126 0.0000000896286354900282 Arcadia Village Ohio 8245 0.0000001974361097137470 Arcanum Village Ohio 7917 0.0000320275264849201000 Archbold Village Ohio 8090 0.0001581639509345790000 Arlington Heights Village Ohio 8196 0.0000225210472875554000 Arlington Village Ohio 8242 0.0000161829967607627000 Ashland City Ohio 7504 0.0006348898676042930000 Ashland County Ohio 7502 0.0019332339340147100000 Ashley Village Ohio 7969 0.0000113554866575286000 Ashtabula City Ohio 7523 0.0008719007961550400000 Ashtabula County Ohio 7519 0.0069571746252574200000 Ashtabula Township Ohio 7530 0.0001637150423072220000 Ashville Village Ohio 8960 0.0000230208758708869000 Athalia Village Ohio 8484 0.0000001628103427359010 Athens City Ohio 7562 0.0006563469374151540000 Athens County Ohio 7553 0.0042929481621124100000 Athens Township Ohio 7567 0.0000242043182872556000 Athens Township Ohio 8288 0.0000029489348099685100 Attica Village Ohio 9163 0.0000074181892300465200 Atwater Township Ohio 9000 0.0000044510702197630500 Auburn Township Ohio 7838 0.0000071296518913910400 Auburn Township Ohio 8130 0.0000636363311985396000 Auburn Township Ohio 9319 0.0000000922761909456682 Auglaize County Ohio 7578 0.0015438552180414400000 Auglaize Township Ohio 7485 0.0000095771836988736800 Auglaize Township Ohio 8929 0.0000006844893193028390 Augusta Township Ohio 7688 0.0000043865784942869600 Aurelius Township Ohio 9409 0.0000000782458117294569 Aurora City Ohio 9001 0.0002758141802989690000 Austinburg Township Ohio 7533 0.0000045079360205097300 Austintown Township Ohio 8641 0.0008335196198564210000 Avon City Ohio 8571 0.0006833971765058960000 Avon Lake City Ohio 8569 0.0006210131288928450000 Bailey Lakes Village Ohio 7512 0.0000007617154980509840 Bainbridge Township Ohio 8128 0.0003805631862847270000 Bainbridge Village Ohio 9100 0.0000212805201276295000 Bairdstown Village Ohio 9474 0.0000005733397339286370 Ballville Township Ohio 9125 0.0000201538996326559000 Baltic Village Ohio 9336 0.0000088123164987917800 Baltimore Village Ohio 8011 0.0000295290365805718000 Barberton City Ohio 9238 0.0010902352830090200000 Barlow Township Ohio 9412 0.0000030515866573626100 Barnesville Village Ohio 7602 0.0001000727745523260000 Barnhill Village Ohio 9299 0.0000061825047933786300 Bartlow Township Ohio 8315 0.0000010140716816558300 Batavia Township Ohio 7750 0.0000004843030516146660 Batavia Village Ohio 7735 0.0000447173151003268000 Batesville Village Ohio 8876 0.0000004845608960331690 Bath Township Ohio 7491 0.0000829384108332105000 Bath Township Ohio 8153 0.0000016427421424948100 Bath Township Ohio 9255 0.0004584241247168050000 Baughman Township Ohio 9444 0.0000012671453101037100 Bay Township Ohio 8903 0.0000005146687791412910 Bay View Village Ohio 7992 0.0000121613408973614000 Bay Village City Ohio 7856 0.0002763555739632380000 Bazetta Township Ohio 9275 0.0003103987031001570000 Beach City Village Ohio 9200 0.0000061163799828295200 Beachwood City Ohio 7861 0.0005368009997307960000 Beallsville Village Ohio 8763 0.0000014804808142030800 Bearfield Township Ohio 8951 0.0000051379342927548000 Beaver Township Ohio 8644 0.0001387282171602360000 Beaver Township Ohio 8984 0.0000031654338586879100 Beaver Village Ohio 8980 0.0000017409886223322300 Beavercreek City Ohio 8151 0.0007900623386433610000 Beavercreek Township Ohio 8154 0.0012630754438136200000 Beaverdam Village Ohio 7481 0.0000007023268045804780 Bedford City Ohio 7857 0.0004024897487781450000 Bedford Heights City Ohio 7859 0.0003621223727863400000 Bedford Township Ohio 7822 0.0000002867019401234510 Bellaire Village Ohio 7603 0.0000096122533450513100 Bellbrook City Ohio 8147 0.0002228331400371540000 Belle Center Village Ohio 8543 0.0000048994044780565900 Belle Valley Village Ohio 8874 0.0000010054211658087100 Bellefontaine City Ohio 8538 0.0006830629656626780000 Bellevue City Ohio 8009 0.0002807866441380600000 Bellville Village Ohio 9074 0.0000105258928005076000 Belmont County Ohio 7601 0.0045932086771635200000 Belmont Village Ohio 7604 0.0000105339762685383000 Belmore Village Ohio 9050 0.0000023257389979839900 Beloit Village Ohio 8631 0.0000351996968924083000 Belpre City Ohio 9400 0.0000931125159561140000 Belpre Township Ohio 9414 0.0000087635309135483000 Bennington Township Ohio 8520 0.0000052069474463022000 Bennington Township Ohio 8835 0.0000013822616919661200 Bentleyville Village Ohio 7860 0.0000187221743775039000 Benton Ridge Village Ohio 8240 0.0000008559995970302070 Benton Township Ohio 8345 0.0000010206650319600000 Benton Township Ohio 8905 0.0000074626972974140200 Benton Township Ohio 8921 0.0000023272636856619800 Benton Township Ohio 8985 0.0000034819772447722300 Berea City Ohio 7858 0.0002747645591328940000 Bergholz Village Ohio 8412 0.0000022388532010961900 Berkey Village Ohio 8597 0.0000034082025461816800 Berkshire Township Ohio 7973 0.0000006952338769942960 Berlin Heights Village Ohio 7988 0.0000085615839917187400 Berlin Township Ohio 7975 0.0000001544964171095440 Berlin Township Ohio 8000 0.0000012647794533288200 Berlin Township Ohio 8362 0.0000007625754249342270 Berlin Township Ohio 8639 0.0000140338660811091000 Bern Township Ohio 7565 0.0000012687747489406700 Berne Township Ohio 8018 0.0000015260484020800300 Bethel Township Ohio 7724 0.0001293586793808460000 Bethel Township Ohio 8769 0.0000004670416450426330 Bethel Village Ohio 7742 0.0000539190730806282000 Bethesda Village Ohio 7605 0.0000064520604644089900 Bethlehem Township Ohio 7826 0.0000007167548503086290 Bethlehem Township Ohio 9215 0.0000141788808690050000 Bettsville Village Ohio 9165 0.0000089206073018012100 Beverly Village Ohio 9402 0.0000183095199444451000 Bexley City Ohio 8054 0.0004295302946204010000 Big Island Township Ohio 8664 0.0000052243752651974000 Black Creek Township Ohio 8729 0.0000014365739077463800 Blakeslee Village Ohio 9459 0.0000005886995709095940 Blanchard Township Ohio 8249 0.0000013820527680070000 Blanchard Township Ohio 9062 0.0000060469213946613800 Blanchester Village Ohio 7786 0.0001073583635006650000 Blendon Township Ohio 8076 0.0002646839194805380000 Bloom Township Ohio 8019 0.0001110200212507830000 Bloom Township Ohio 8819 0.0000016048504257550800 Bloom Township Ohio 9140 0.0000007987892403662390 Bloom Township Ohio 9162 0.0000092962118196725400 Bloomdale Village Ohio 9478 0.0000053320595255794300 Bloomfield Township Ohio 8402 0.0000124181179604361000 Bloomfield Township Ohio 8553 0.0000000934167075575526 Bloomingburg Village Ohio 8036 0.0000019463347112149400 Bloomingdale Village Ohio 8408 0.0000020895963210141300 Bloominggrove Township Ohio 9081 0.0000016707766349776900 Bloomville Village Ohio 9161 0.0000041316496976621700 Blue Ash City Ohio 8197 0.0007977768209159520000 Blue Creek Township Ohio 8930 0.0000007187137852652870 Blue Rock Township Ohio 8859 0.0000010333049585075600 Bluffton Village Ohio 7501 0.0000494800666525631000 Boardman Township Ohio 8643 0.0013191834116129400000 Bokescreek Township Ohio 8554 0.0000125178388126204000 Bolivar Village Ohio 9301 0.0000041524285924069000 Boston Heights Village Ohio 9236 0.0000722972482556587000 Boston Township Ohio 9253 0.0000034298320020499700 Botkins Village Ohio 9180 0.0000182823974255082000 Bowerston Village Ohio 8276 0.0000005361699654610650 Bowersville Village Ohio 8144 0.0000008581071619586430 Bowling Green City Ohio 9480 0.0007049212028532440000 Bowling Green Township Ohio 8517 0.0000003471298297534800 Braceville Township Ohio 9281 0.0000352870953633556000 Bradford Village Ohio 8759 0.0000268405564874784000 Bradner Village Ohio 9481 0.0000086000960089295600 Brady Lake Village Ohio 8999 0.0000023967301183401700 Brady Township Ohio 9462 0.0000047095965671689900 Bratenahl Village Ohio 7864 0.0000480634476603673000 Bratton Township Ohio 7470 0.0000007403561353723460 Brecksville City Ohio 7865 0.0002257021021798100000 Bremen Village Ohio 8013 0.0000064094032885744600 Brewster Village Ohio 9202 0.0000551400922691010000 Brice Village Ohio 8072 0.0000052207311868127300 Bridgeport Village Ohio 7609 0.0000472712185062409000 Bridgewater Township Ohio 9467 0.0000039001346571615700 Brighton Township Ohio 8581 0.0000001824094959343080 Brimfield Township Ohio 9012 0.0001048474318449240000 Bristol Township Ohio 8821 0.0000012036378192961000 Bristol Township Ohio 9278 0.0002364714399656090000 Broadview Heights City Ohio 7863 0.0002123819781152730000 Bronson Township Ohio 8380 0.0000087412950168877300 Brook Park City Ohio 7866 0.0003648233979509050000 Brookfield Township Ohio 8882 0.0000004845608960331690 Brookfield Township Ohio 9276 0.0003244496732129780000 Brooklyn City Ohio 7862 0.0001989138526737380000 Brooklyn Heights Village Ohio 7867 0.0000944988801575905000 Brookside Village Ohio 7607 0.0000010533976268538300 Brookville City Ohio 8785 0.0002028854464338690000 Broughton Village Ohio 8917 0.0000000684489319302839 Brown County Ohio 7627 0.0043578013006932200000 Brown Township Ohio 7687 0.0000088751704418479800 Brown Township Ohio 7935 0.0000073732435071298000 Brown Township Ohio 7977 0.0000000772482085534251 Brown Township Ohio 8071 0.0000036473601442116300 Brown Township Ohio 8443 0.0000365478817879008000 Brown Township Ohio 8750 0.0000057431056011794700 Brown Township Ohio 8931 0.0000012320807747558900 Brown Township Ohio 9376 0.0000003653510027899120 Brunswick City Ohio 8683 0.0011213441128445400000 Brunswick Hills Township Ohio 8686 0.0001878859613144560000 Brush Creek Township Ohio 8425 0.0000011940550405756500 Brush Creek Township Ohio 9143 0.0000103842601247342000 Brushcreek Township Ohio 8329 0.0000560486354722652000 Bryan City Ohio 9458 0.0002672696051904770000 Buchtel Village Ohio 7576 0.0000017317647982874200 Buckeye Lake Village Ohio 8037 0.0000379858234617117000 Buckland Village Ohio 7577 0.0000010004461937814300 Bucks Township Ohio 9316 0.0000026760095373947400 Bucyrus City Ohio 7834 0.0004374550696184690000 Bucyrus Township Ohio 7842 0.0000020370433975056600 Buffalo Township Ohio 8883 0.0000006460811947108920 Burbank Village Ohio 9431 0.0000014599765055433900 Burgoon Village Ohio 9118 0.0000014351009285200800 Burkettsville Village Ohio 8739 0.0000001905834825588960 Burlington Township Ohio 8521 0.0000121495440411024000 Burton Township Ohio 8133 0.0000212419866113549000 Burton Village Ohio 8123 0.0000338796242144601000 Butler County Ohio 7655 0.0251793099542582000000 Butler Township Ohio 7794 0.0000165795887505596000 Butler Township Ohio 7938 0.0000062211742091576100 Butler Township Ohio 8724 0.0000196895129710194000 Butler Township Ohio 8803 0.0002884409030882690000 Butler Township Ohio 9082 0.0000036757085968701000 Butler Village Ohio 9077 0.0000045110969144263000 Butlerville Village Ohio 9383 0.0000017482067301181100 Byesville Village Ohio 8165 0.0000173183169649771000 Byrd Township Ohio 7638 0.0000171315482903316000 Cadiz Township Ohio 8291 0.0000125106325275146000 Cadiz Village Ohio 8283 0.0000394084924621291000 Caesarscreek Township Ohio 8158 0.0000043484350830269600 Cairo Village Ohio 7486 0.0000003830873479603350 Caldwell Village Ohio 8879 0.0000167981110626448000 Caledonia Village Ohio 8656 0.0000066472131462273000 Cambridge City Ohio 8167 0.0006257515409304110000 Cambridge Township Ohio 8178 0.0000008913839614354170 Camden Township Ohio 8585 0.0000029185519349166100 Camden Village Ohio 9028 0.0000291237217312865000 Camp Creek Township Ohio 8989 0.0000018201244687994300 Campbell City Ohio 8634 0.0001937133645945130000 Canaan Township Ohio 8841 0.0000008293570151796690 Canaan Township Ohio 9445 0.0000022808615582082300 Canal Fulton City Ohio 9207 0.0001342823423494580000 Canal Winchester City Ohio 8035 0.0000159218919064003000 Canfield City Ohio 8633 0.0003186377790442900000 Canfield Township Ohio 8646 0.0000226612427702294000 Canton City Ohio 9204 0.0045944207637337100000 Canton Township Ohio 9216 0.0002231551969478910000 Cardington Village Ohio 8824 0.0000247701295198496000 Carey Village Ohio 9517 0.0000451729360643739000 Carlisle Township Ohio 8583 0.0000435046647811556000 Carlisle Village Ohio 8815 0.0000764712044149345000 Carroll County Ohio 7679 0.0011939654580808700000 Carroll Township Ohio 8904 0.0000294004540076044000 Carroll Village Ohio 8022 0.0000081643589511820200 Carrollton Village Ohio 7684 0.0000574335742380185000 Carryall Township Ohio 8932 0.0000004791425235281510 Carthage Township Ohio 7568 0.0000022447553250323000 Cass Township Ohio 8857 0.0000018787362882029100 Cass Township Ohio 9084 0.0000073514171940096000 Casstown Village Ohio 8737 0.0000049986289492345900 Castalia Village Ohio 7996 0.0000107019799898505000 Castine Village Ohio 7920 0.0000049538979814959600 Catawba Island Township Ohio 8906 0.0000564205649118486000 Catawba Village Ohio 7717 0.0000021665985709103300 Cecil Village Ohio 8919 0.0000001026733978954260 Cedarville Township Ohio 8157 0.0000344975849913673000 Cedarville Village Ohio 8145 0.0000340144255402120000 Celina City Ohio 8718 0.0001551499820382250000 Center Township Ohio 7692 0.0000015302018003232600 Center Township Ohio 7796 0.0000031164640507517400 Center Township Ohio 8179 0.0000017827679228708300 Center Township Ohio 8730 0.0000039717043331336200 Center Township Ohio 8776 0.0000050206976840870700 Center Township Ohio 8818 0.0000005015157580467770 Center Township Ohio 8884 0.0000016152029868041700 Center Township Ohio 9468 0.0000047831840136067800 Center Township Ohio 9503 0.0000023506929091128000 Centerburg Village Ohio 8441 0.0000387159764681334000 Centerville City Ohio 8808 0.0005539707131270400000 Centerville Village Ohio 8108 0.0000047393053958414200 Cessna Township Ohio 8269 0.0000010401185670464700 Chagrin Falls Township Ohio 7912 0.0000000370003446186251 Chagrin Falls Village Ohio 7870 0.0001172170917544550000 Champaign County Ohio 7695 0.0021253078497842300000 Champion Township Ohio 9279 0.0002656910709678200000 Chardon City Ohio 8124 0.0004489498351776790000 Chardon Township Ohio 8129 0.0000368373691875950000 Charlestown Township Ohio 9013 0.0000001141300056364010 Chatfield Township Ohio 7841 0.0000077407649104299100 Chatfield Village Ohio 7835 0.0000008148173589968750 Chatham Township Ohio 8685 0.0000035387585414983700 Chauncey Village Ohio 7563 0.0000007807844608948550 Cherry Fork Village Ohio 7466 0.0000039933128548805400 Cherry Valley Township Ohio 7534 0.0000043979863614072000 Chesapeake Village Ohio 8485 0.0000205141031848205000 Cheshire Township Ohio 8113 0.0000098296704505642000 Cheshire Village Ohio 8111 0.0000015797684652894500 Chester Township Ohio 7772 0.0000179626833871167000 Chester Township Ohio 8135 0.0002367092263303310000 Chester Township Ohio 8838 0.0000048102706879289300 Chester Township Ohio 9451 0.0000039462525373140600 Chesterhill Village Ohio 8817 0.0000008978944380777490 Chesterville Village Ohio 8830 0.0000004976142090970250 Cheviot City Ohio 8195 0.0001658581295017590000 Chickasaw Village Ohio 8721 0.0000030451337484629500 Chillicothe City Ohio 9101 0.0029187477021555800000 Chilo Village Ohio 7743 0.0000014401683379816100 Chippewa Lake Village Ohio 8678 0.0000047552067900963400 Chippewa Township Ohio 9449 0.0000242205774991351000 Christiansburg Village Ohio 7697 0.0000023765265058318900 Cincinnati City Ohio 8198 0.0180044043350549000000 Circleville City Ohio 8964 0.0032327497152708300000 Circleville Township Ohio 8968 0.0000060054458793266600 Claibourne Township Ohio 9344 0.0000001976218264838840 Claridon Township Ohio 8132 0.0000241101029470789000 Clarington Village Ohio 8762 0.0000004670416450426330 Clark County Ohio 7711 0.0113799952702209000000 Clark Township Ohio 7639 0.0000502331839685079000 Clark Township Ohio 7771 0.0000102345521624928000 Clarksburg Village Ohio 9104 0.0000002763703912693150 Clarksfield Township Ohio 8381 0.0000069416166311450600 Clarksville Village Ohio 7765 0.0000039684998179554900 Clay Center Village Ohio 8896 0.0000005790023765272170 Clay Township Ohio 7583 0.0000041685258075124100 Clay Township Ohio 8326 0.0000033840685568719200 Clay Township Ohio 8800 0.0000544545885551507000 Clay Township Ohio 8858 0.0000037574725765135800 Clay Township Ohio 8907 0.0000246397678011536000 Clay Township Ohio 9151 0.0000607079822685885000 Clay Township Ohio 9321 0.0000004613809547148710 Clayton City Ohio 8787 0.0003513163043125860000 Clayton Township Ohio 8949 0.0000040297523865324600 Clear Creek Township Ohio 9395 0.0008187536026326660000 Clearcreek Township Ohio 8025 0.0000102245242937745000 Clermont County Ohio 7732 0.0179319662237407000000 Cleveland City Ohio 7873 0.0168625000564224000000 Cleveland Heights City Ohio 7869 0.0008066815133931160000 Cleves Village Ohio 8200 0.0000299498649702461000 Clifton Village Ohio 7728 0.0000028063531044388700 Clinton County Ohio 7763 0.0037489791176020500000 Clinton Township Ohio 8073 0.0001009818141882220000 Clinton Township Ohio 8098 0.0000060700140474152200 Clinton Township Ohio 9168 0.0000069486835823706100 Clinton Township Ohio 9189 0.0000051523120016802600 Clinton Township Ohio 9372 0.0000026792406870362200 Clinton Township Ohio 9447 0.0000018102075858932300 Clinton Village Ohio 9239 0.0000106505309539610000 Cloverdale Village Ohio 9048 0.0000018605911983656400 Clyde City Ohio 9120 0.0002059423693562350000 Coal Grove Village Ohio 8488 0.0000468893787073143000 Coal Township Ohio 8399 0.0000046567942352309000 Coal Township Ohio 8948 0.0000033245457189364300 Coalton Village Ohio 8390 0.0000227665495941329000 Coitsville Township Ohio 8647 0.0000449773904730341000 Coldwater Village Ohio 8716 0.0000511251302457134000 Colerain Township Ohio 7616 0.0000056620122443157700 Colerain Township Ohio 8232 0.0013092704678130500000 College Corner Village Ohio 9044 0.0000211753992519582000 College Township Ohio 8447 0.0000267914557166164000 Columbia Township Ohio 8227 0.0000854705023798562000 Columbia Township Ohio 8587 0.0000416805698206541000 Columbia Township Ohio 8708 0.0000006336406787826660 Columbiana City Ohio 7813 0.0001989590794279060000 Columbiana County Ohio 7783 0.0063983500134918300000 Columbus City Ohio 7990 0.0377948412151789000000 Columbus Grove Village Ohio 9049 0.0000130241383886672000 Commercial Point Village Ohio 8966 0.0000082802359853158900 Concord Township Ohio 7972 0.0001236743818945590000 Concord Township Ohio 8047 0.0000029984075279429900 Concord Township Ohio 8330 0.0000006345128544101180 Concord Township Ohio 8480 0.0003082113630992920000 Concord Township Ohio 8751 0.0000452003681580297000 Concord Township Ohio 9108 0.0000320589653863785000 Conesville Village Ohio 7823 0.0000018260306506764200 Congress Township Ohio 8842 0.0000003317428060826440 Congress Township Ohio 9448 0.0000003620415171840350 Congress Village Ohio 9434 0.0000013055559136264600 Conneaut City Ohio 7522 0.0004690452454479850000 Continental Village Ohio 9055 0.0000128690891221996000 Convoy Village Ohio 9355 0.0000147357583035943000 Coolville Village Ohio 7559 0.0000027327456131858700 Copley Township Ohio 9258 0.0006039212085828330000 Corning Village Ohio 8939 0.0000101751247758530000 Cortland City Ohio 9262 0.0003274834053746920000 Corwin Village Ohio 9382 0.0000046759264348276300 Coshocton City Ohio 7821 0.0001660720988171560000 Coshocton County Ohio 7815 0.0017697394009199900000 Coventry Township Ohio 9256 0.0001055124634348800000 Covington Village Ohio 8738 0.0000723205890533863000 Craig Beach Village Ohio 8635 0.0000039110774325197400 Cranberry Township Ohio 7844 0.0000015277825481359800 Crane Township Ohio 8927 0.0000010951829109060900 Crane Township Ohio 9526 0.0000053070302509401700 Crawford County Ohio 7836 0.0024304983297274700000 Crawford Township Ohio 7824 0.0000022219400359836900 Crawford Township Ohio 9528 0.0000010108629049474000 Crestline Village Ohio 7855 0.0001559237579576630000 Creston Village Ohio 8701 0.0000071139161128284800 Cridersville Village Ohio 7587 0.0000426857042667503000 Crooksville Village Ohio 8942 0.0000405997552942944000 Crosby Township Ohio 8228 0.0000419141713412296000 Cross Creek Township Ohio 8427 0.0000573146419488167000 Crown City Village Ohio 8110 0.0000050903650547227900 Cumberland Village Ohio 8169 0.0000066027073898165400 Custar Village Ohio 9485 0.0000002293358935714550 Cuyahoga County Ohio 14863 0.0626699627041429 Cuyahoga Falls City Ohio 9237 0.0016965934774759700000 Cuyahoga Heights Village Ohio 7871 0.0001814866903591110000 Cygnet Village Ohio 9482 0.0000023506929091128000 Cynthian Township Ohio 9186 0.0000002493054194414430 Dallas Township Ohio 7843 0.0000014259303782512700 Dalton Village Ohio 9440 0.0000111870828807253000 Damascus Township Ohio 8314 0.0000073520196920586100 Danbury Township Ohio 8909 0.0000360911481377882000 Danville Village Ohio 8440 0.0000204420355757995000 Darby Township Ohio 8624 0.0000106252667923106000 Darby Township Ohio 9345 0.0000039524365295699100 Darbyville Village Ohio 8967 0.0000002274790105827590 Darke County Ohio 7915 0.0024831701649183400000 Dayton City Ohio 8788 0.0125047945273476000000 De Graff Village Ohio 8541 0.0000122375886898212000 Decatur Township Ohio 8496 0.0000009768620564046270 Decatur Township Ohio 9423 0.0000010954413642070100 Deer Park City Ohio 8202 0.0001006409300654470000 Deercreek Township Ohio 8969 0.0000040036305862177700 Deerfield Township Ohio 9015 0.0000081412737353552800 Deerfield Township Ohio 9106 0.0000143712603458966000 Deerfield Township Ohio 9393 0.0010783052504190500000 Deersville Village Ohio 8286 0.0000001959387383579650 Defiance City Ohio 7949 0.0006169170139544050000 Defiance County Ohio 7952 0.0016010908231874100000 Defiance Township Ohio 7954 0.0000067168519108933200 Delaware City Ohio 7967 0.0010782304950097500000 Delaware County Ohio 7959 0.0045102139045390400000 Delaware Township Ohio 7957 0.0000140537209210258000 Delaware Township Ohio 7976 0.0000702958697848292000 Delaware Township Ohio 8255 0.0000012504286948519300 Delhi Township Ohio 8231 0.0005903955104765920000 Dellroy Village Ohio 7683 0.0000023463094271892700 Delphos City Ohio 7497 0.0001601852742982820000 Delta Village Ohio 8095 0.0000798264111521516000 Dennison Village Ohio 9302 0.0000585953812487078000 Deshler Village Ohio 8302 0.0000088731272144884700 Dexter City Village Ohio 8880 0.0000006460811947108920 Dillonvale Village Ohio 8411 0.0000116420366455924000 Dinsmore Township Ohio 9192 0.0000039057849046212200 Dodson Township Ohio 8328 0.0000991955095720455000 Donnelsville Village Ohio 7715 0.0000025489394951743600 Dorset Township Ohio 7535 0.0000010994965903787400 Dover City Ohio 9304 0.0003902360114963240000 Dover Township Ohio 7571 0.0000046847067654230100 Dover Township Ohio 9322 0.0000008304857185083200 Dover Township Ohio 9346 0.0000047993872145547200 Doylestown Village Ohio 9438 0.0000194054253205578000 Dresden Village Ohio 8848 0.0000263023080347868000 Dublin City Ohio 7989 0.0008895671062433010000 Dublin Township Ohio 8728 0.0000040562086807273500 Duchouquet Township Ohio 7586 0.0000101712029702010000 Dunham Township Ohio 9416 0.0000040687822099964100 Dunkirk Village Ohio 8262 0.0000049010828355748700 Dupont Village Ohio 9054 0.0000062019706611289900 Eagle Township Ohio 7645 0.0000847866457762072000 Eagle Township Ohio 9371 0.0000020703223490710000 East Canton Village Ohio 9203 0.0000232607784192099000 East Cleveland City Ohio 7872 0.0005226298677613170000 East Liverpool City Ohio 7784 0.0003454288753995910000 East Palestine Village Ohio 7785 0.0001553245682945750000 East Sparta Village Ohio 9206 0.0000040775866550400800 East Union Township Ohio 9452 0.0000033307819579961300 Eastlake City Ohio 8456 0.0006562692283563650000 Eaton City Ohio 9032 0.0005764964075338740000 Eaton Township Ohio 8589 0.0000041954184064594600 Eden Township Ohio 8519 0.0000041655579568801100 Eden Township Ohio 9169 0.0000010329124244290100 Eden Township Ohio 9530 0.0000008845050418323430 Edgerton Village Ohio 9457 0.0000396636335892863000 Edinburg Township Ohio 9017 0.0000109945238763326000 Edison Village Ohio 8831 0.0000018245854333737200 Edon Village Ohio 9461 0.0000130249780062872000 Eldorado Village Ohio 9034 0.0000030656549192671200 Elgin Village Ohio 9354 0.0000005801479647111950 Elida Village Ohio 7483 0.0000104710541775825000 Elizabeth Township Ohio 8492 0.0000089545688504206500 Elizabeth Township Ohio 8752 0.0000004254152297289710 Elk Township Ohio 8886 0.0000003230405973554460 Elk Township Ohio 9373 0.0000024356733518609100 Elkrun Township Ohio 7797 0.0000039890739850484400 Ellsworth Township Ohio 8642 0.0000018405070270285000 Elmore Village Ohio 8911 0.0000155043969713283000 Elmwood Place Village Ohio 8199 0.0000421487655817906000 Elyria City Ohio 8570 0.0024705542129170100000 Elyria Township Ohio 8588 0.0000072051750892664400 Empire Village Ohio 8415 0.0000094031834446309200 Englewood City Ohio 8789 0.0005881095563913170000 Enon Village Ohio 7718 0.0000359400468809267000 Erie County Ohio 7994 0.0042445025547588400000 Erie Township Ohio 8908 0.0000056613565705542000 Euclid City Ohio 7868 0.0008772781709189980000 Evendale Village Ohio 8203 0.0003187353775793280000 Fairborn City Ohio 8152 0.0014461928767551400000 Fairfax Village Ohio 8208 0.0000743663748963178000 Fairfield City Ohio 7678 0.0027099256738015600000 Fairfield County Ohio 8010 0.0058481226863903000000 Fairfield Township Ohio 7662 0.0007501848961478480000 Fairfield Township Ohio 7798 0.0000231864925382287000 Fairfield Township Ohio 8383 0.0000062988743503687400 Fairfield Township Ohio 9318 0.0000038756000196695700 Fairfield Township Ohio 9413 0.0000004694748703821290 Fairlawn City Ohio 9252 0.0006324429694453600000 Fairport Harbor Village Ohio 8461 0.0000852839389396135000 Fairview Park City Ohio 7875 0.0002050559098797770000 Fairview Village Ohio 7615 0.0000008661041448177450 Falls Township Ohio 8354 0.0000026908441751893100 Falls Township Ohio 8860 0.0000206660991701512000 Farmer Township Ohio 7956 0.0000026867407643303900 Farmersville Village Ohio 8793 0.0000127996352480815000 Farmington Township Ohio 9277 0.0000143703103287709000 Fayette County Ohio 8039 0.0023925187928331800000 Fayette Township Ohio 8493 0.0000125363963905889000 Fayette Village Ohio 8094 0.0000115673852600517000 Fayetteville Village Ohio 7633 0.0000275846963987047000 Fearing Township Ohio 9417 0.0000039122905864728400 Felicity Village Ohio 7740 0.0000287353143969889000 Findlay City Ohio 8241 0.0010883336487876600000 Fitchville Township Ohio 8384 0.0000032137114033428200 Flatrock Township Ohio 8312 0.0000015844870025872300 Fletcher Village Ohio 8740 0.0000113798573948997000 Florence Township Ohio 8001 0.0000123559223517860000 Florence Township Ohio 9466 0.0000025019731763523100 Florida Village Ohio 8297 0.0000145772804238025000 Flushing Township Ohio 7621 0.0000055303375409219900 Flushing Village Ohio 7612 0.0000043452652109168600 Forest Park City Ohio 8229 0.0008066914021488670000 Forest Village Ohio 8264 0.0000218424899081374000 Fort Jennings Village Ohio 9051 0.0000039537562965404500 Fort Loramie Village Ohio 9182 0.0000119666601332216000 Fort Recovery Village Ohio 8719 0.0000092954782266892900 Fostoria City Ohio 9176 0.0004796661014347970000 Fowler Township Ohio 9283 0.0000445479620187047000 Frankfort Village Ohio 9102 0.0000746165399608690000 Franklin City Ohio 9385 0.0005010153134151300000 Franklin County Ohio 8052 0.0542058506747616000000 Franklin Township Ohio 7473 0.0000093778443813650900 Franklin Township Ohio 7641 0.0000223581223449223000 Franklin Township Ohio 7747 0.0000319640014066757000 Franklin Township Ohio 7799 0.0000057342938536418300 Franklin Township Ohio 7825 0.0000022936155210145500 Franklin Township Ohio 7939 0.0000044930702621993200 Franklin Township Ohio 8077 0.0004128668649414050000 Franklin Township Ohio 8106 0.0000006871714015997680 Franklin Township Ohio 8404 0.0000028458186992329400 Franklin Township Ohio 8731 0.0000113235825670530000 Franklin Township Ohio 9011 0.0000018641234253936500 Franklin Township Ohio 9085 0.0000080197278478390400 Franklin Township Ohio 9190 0.0000110525402619731000 Franklin Township Ohio 9320 0.0000292515525293916000 Franklin Township Ohio 9392 0.0000331249793986795000 Frazeysburg Village Ohio 8849 0.0000030059780611031000 Fredericksburg Village Ohio 9439 0.0000011223287032354800 Fredericktown Village Ohio 8439 0.0000521891362796150000 Freedom Township Ohio 9018 0.0000039945501973683200 Freedom Township Ohio 9504 0.0000115241286519979000 Freeport Township Ohio 8292 0.0000024127648445882600 Freeport Village Ohio 8282 0.0000009829782700074620 Fremont City Ohio 9121 0.0006787968884773310000 Fulton County Ohio 8091 0.0017138054755882600000 Fulton Village Ohio 8828 0.0000011558555962389900 Fultonham Village Ohio 8851 0.0000000939368144087984 Gahanna City Ohio 8057 0.0006780514024723310000 Galena Village Ohio 7968 0.0000013132195454217000 Galion City Ohio 8840 0.0004120938793055910000 Gallia County Ohio 8107 0.0030643997629075600000 Gallipolis Village Ohio 8116 0.0003949421163156280000 Gambier Village Ohio 8445 0.0000181190769876037000 Gann Village Ohio 8442 0.0000003097278117504550 Garfield Heights City Ohio 7874 0.0004798944697052120000 Garrettsville Village Ohio 9007 0.0000383572467187934000 Gasper Township Ohio 9037 0.0000564080505126831000 Gates Mills Village Ohio 7877 0.0000616055737917485000 Geauga County Ohio 8127 0.0037786536437344600000 Geneva City Ohio 7525 0.0002874084087302190000 Geneva Township Ohio 7537 0.0000145133549929132000 Geneva-On-The-Lake Village Ohio 7528 0.0000487076989538644000 Genoa Township Ohio 7979 0.0004597813373224860000 Genoa Village Ohio 8895 0.0000222594246975241000 Georgetown Village Ohio 7630 0.0002465200762455230000 German Township Ohio 7584 0.0000029179680651509300 German Township Ohio 7725 0.0001133003605598170000 German Township Ohio 8104 0.0000119109709610267000 German Township Ohio 8293 0.0000025021265055029300 German Township Ohio 8802 0.0000648963962586673000 Germantown City Ohio 8792 0.0001556166180167150000 Gettysburg Village Ohio 7916 0.0000159141034180686000 Gibson Township Ohio 8725 0.0000009295478226689280 Gibsonburg Village Ohio 9123 0.0000318397742085734000 Gilboa Village Ohio 9052 0.0000014729680320619100 Gilead Township Ohio 8836 0.0000027645233839322300 Girard City Ohio 9261 0.0006546474705275070000 Glandorf Village Ohio 9057 0.0000072097908937072500 Glendale Village Ohio 8204 0.0000839847388428332000 Glenford Village Ohio 8938 0.0000037502404196302000 Glenmont Village Ohio 8351 0.0000007081057517207910 Glenwillow Village Ohio 7876 0.0000403673759810295000 Gloria Glens Park Village Ohio 8680 0.0000022117240884432200 Glouster Village Ohio 7556 0.0000242043182872556000 Gnadenhutten Village Ohio 9300 0.0000195625524803523000 Golf Manor Village Ohio 8209 0.0001402873570623950000 Good Hope Township Ohio 8344 0.0000005103325159800000 Gordon Village Ohio 7918 0.0000003456207893916580 Gorham Township Ohio 8103 0.0000036649141419372700 Goshen Township Ohio 7590 0.0000001667410322978020 Goshen Township Ohio 7619 0.0000071104339813778500 Goshen Township Ohio 7710 0.0000087139305212758200 Goshen Township Ohio 7748 0.0005164284873745200000 Goshen Township Ohio 8267 0.0000024962845609222900 Goshen Township Ohio 8645 0.0000921403830390398000 Goshen Township Ohio 9324 0.0000004613809547148710 Grafton Township Ohio 8584 0.0000211595015283474000 Grafton Village Ohio 8567 0.0000626576618542984000 Grand Prairie Township Ohio 8669 0.0000064433961606525900 Grand Rapids Township Ohio 9505 0.0000030960345630745500 Grand Rapids Village Ohio 9484 0.0000047013858181717200 Grand River Village Ohio 8463 0.0000416214020435210000 Grand Township Ohio 8661 0.0000003482916843464930 Grandview Heights City Ohio 8062 0.0003406348307290640000 Grandview Township Ohio 9419 0.0000055554526326621200 Granger Township Ohio 8687 0.0000266512752656680000 Granville Township Ohio 8524 0.0001180241421129500000 Granville Township Ohio 8727 0.0000149572695100811000 Granville Village Ohio 8502 0.0000972831347872812000 Gratiot Village Ohio 8510 0.0000019362317430840600 Gratis Village Ohio 9031 0.0000600868364151571000 Graysville Village Ohio 8766 0.0000002900687600325060 Green Camp Township Ohio 8667 0.0000111453338993033000 Green Camp Village Ohio 8660 0.0000019156042639326500 Green City Ohio 9248 0.0007937353322747540000 Green Creek Township Ohio 9124 0.0000064356990423991900 Green Springs Village Ohio 9135 0.0000153799629342466000 Green Township Ohio 7475 0.0000002467853784592450 Green Township Ohio 7643 0.0000325209052276063000 Green Township Ohio 7723 0.0000070095836117766400 Green Township Ohio 7774 0.0000014620788803561100 Green Township Ohio 8048 0.0000011572800985544100 Green Township Ohio 8112 0.0000086009616443447000 Green Township Ohio 8230 0.0008932566776621170000 Green Township Ohio 8289 0.0000053616996546106500 Green Township Ohio 8347 0.0000310374957440483000 Green Township Ohio 8648 0.0000317487462154670000 Green Township Ohio 8771 0.0000000583802056289821 Green Township Ohio 9109 0.0000986642296814214000 Green Township Ohio 9145 0.0002042237824563380000 Green Township Ohio 9193 0.0000005817126453570810 Greene County Ohio 8146 0.0084880486503777400000 Greene Township Ohio 9280 0.0000003193402295282410 Greenfield Township Ohio 8029 0.0000795834241676112000 Greenfield Township Ohio 8378 0.0000105409734026304000 Greenfield Village Ohio 8340 0.0001393813236854050000 Greenhills Village Ohio 8211 0.0000770251096469219000 Greensburg Township Ohio 9064 0.0000012403941322527400 Greenville City Ohio 7921 0.0005158966316467120000 Greenville Township Ohio 7940 0.0001317967276908210000 Greenwich Village Ohio 8369 0.0000167112992969516000 Groton Township Ohio 7997 0.0000055455714493498400 Grove City Ohio 8058 0.0006864903926077640000 Groveport City Ohio 8061 0.0001175737270005680000 Grover Hill Village Ohio 8920 0.0000017454477642464900 Guernsey County Ohio 8162 0.0027253427916896100000 Guilford Township Ohio 8688 0.0000567307228685389000 Gustavus Township Ohio 9284 0.0000004790103442923620 Guyan Township Ohio 8115 0.0000033350667600465300 Hambden Township Ohio 8137 0.0000369269978233895000 Hamden Village Ohio 9369 0.0000088902077341414500 Hamer Township Ohio 8331 0.0000004230085696157260 Hamersville Village Ohio 7635 0.0000066784001808808300 Hamilton City Ohio 7657 0.0063345080028064400000 Hamilton County Ohio 8191 0.0548415652757596000000 Hamilton Township Ohio 8074 0.0002396530165300660000 Hamilton Township Ohio 8403 0.0000049155050259723000 Hamilton Township Ohio 8497 0.0000092801895360864200 Hamilton Township Ohio 9396 0.0004221255598362330000 Hamler Village Ohio 8306 0.0000038027688062093400 Hancock County Ohio 8239 0.0026742062940557000000 Hanging Rock Village Ohio 8486 0.0000187231894147363000 Hanover Township Ohio 7665 0.0000919952434174530000 Hanover Township Ohio 7802 0.0000123411976413110000 Hanover Township Ohio 8523 0.0000404406251654183000 Hanover Village Ohio 8511 0.0000075500737970304200 Hanoverton Village Ohio 7788 0.0000097774673196958100 Harbor View Village Ohio 8594 0.0000014297120850473600 Hardin County Ohio 8259 0.0020937586754943900000 Harding Township Ohio 8603 0.0000002556151909649730 Hardy Township Ohio 8363 0.0000130182518972031000 Harlan Township Ohio 9399 0.0000285485019806578000 Harlem Township Ohio 7978 0.0000461171805075128000 Harmony Township Ohio 7726 0.0000177151294913850000 Harmony Township Ohio 8839 0.0000011058093535728900 Harpersfield Township Ohio 7538 0.0000047278353387148000 Harpster Village Ohio 9521 0.0000007706581325960230 Harris Township Ohio 8910 0.0000039243494407839700 Harrisburg Village Ohio 8092 0.0000027891577573383100 Harrison City Ohio 8212 0.0005251783110510560000 Harrison County Ohio 8280 0.0007216847735237940000 Harrison Township Ohio 7705 0.0000012872851906656700 Harrison Township Ohio 8117 0.0000026329474421221500 Harrison Township Ohio 8234 0.0000212698779937874000 Harrison Township Ohio 8313 0.0000001901384403104670 Harrison Township Ohio 8449 0.0000001548639058779220 Harrison Township Ohio 8522 0.0000028638210953045600 Harrison Township Ohio 8558 0.0000001868334151124110 Harrison Township Ohio 8804 0.0003078649109743850000 Harrison Township Ohio 8862 0.0000038514093909062100 Harrison Township Ohio 8933 0.0000006160403873779430 Harrison Township Ohio 8954 0.0000194435552645275000 Harrison Township Ohio 8971 0.0000639670977759991000 Harrison Township Ohio 9040 0.0000148684263579202000 Harrison Township Ohio 9144 0.0000670982961921650000 Harrison Township Ohio 9360 0.0000017404438941335800 Harrison Township Ohio 9375 0.0000048713467037757000 Harrisville Township Ohio 8690 0.0000629235503150161000 Harrisville Village Ohio 8284 0.0000005802801097594800 Harrod Village Ohio 7484 0.0000006308014937782250 Hartford Township Ohio 8525 0.0000069425965948001900 Hartford Township Ohio 9288 0.0000138912999846401000 Hartford Village Ohio 8508 0.0000023431263507821100 Hartland Township Ohio 8385 0.0000008998391928982740 Hartsgrove Township Ohio 7536 0.0000054974829518937100 Hartville Village Ohio 9209 0.0000927650964056641000 Harveysburg Village Ohio 9384 0.0000113322297942993000 Haskins Village Ohio 9483 0.0000083707601152287900 Haviland Village Ohio 8918 0.0000004791425235281510 Hayesville Village Ohio 7503 0.0000008378870478506940 Heath City Ohio 8507 0.0004026706025064930000 Hebron Village Ohio 8512 0.0001408479284185410000 Helena Village Ohio 9122 0.0000005080815033558120 Hemlock Village Ohio 8944 0.0000033240767356180500 Henrietta Township Ohio 8592 0.0000043778279025096100 Henry County Ohio 8298 0.0010205363886388800000 Hicksville Township Ohio 7958 0.0000019633874816333100 Hicksville Village Ohio 7951 0.0000723353282697082000 Higginsport Village Ohio 7637 0.0000148583530578077000 Highland County Ohio 8322 0.0036361816644673200000 Highland Heights City Ohio 7879 0.0002105689612288600000 Highland Hills Village Ohio 7911 0.0000147631375030658000 Highland Township Ohio 7960 0.0000256273734442868000 Highland Township Ohio 8866 0.0000015969258449711300 Highland Village Ohio 8325 0.0000006345128544101180 Hilliard City Ohio 8059 0.0004683639526377340000 Hills And Dales Village Ohio 9208 0.0000056838742032296900 Hillsboro City Ohio 8323 0.0006622199157093200000 Hinckley Township Ohio 8689 0.0001548206861915640000 Hiram Township Ohio 9019 0.0000077608403831351600 Hiram Village Ohio 9002 0.0000304727115040757000 Hocking County Ohio 8348 0.0023969854337185300000 Holgate Village Ohio 8300 0.0000025985586842430500 Holiday City Village Ohio 9464 0.0000005741048848068750 Holland Village Ohio 8601 0.0000913398282389620000 Hollansburg Village Ohio 7923 0.0000033410009642271300 Holloway Village Ohio 7608 0.0000025018193638081600 Holmes County Ohio 8356 0.0012520943780737400000 Holmes Township Ohio 7845 0.0000032592694360413800 Holmesville Village Ohio 8355 0.0000004085225490738320 Homer Township Ohio 8694 0.0000101739308067741000 Homer Township Ohio 8820 0.0000017051535773428800 Hopedale Village Ohio 8281 0.0000025914881663906600 Hopewell Township Ohio 8528 0.0000023431263507821100 Hopewell Township Ohio 8861 0.0000069513242664019500 Hopewell Township Ohio 8953 0.0000120892571593280000 Hopewell Township Ohio 9171 0.0000012207146834185600 Howard Township Ohio 8448 0.0000004645917176391530 Howland Township Ohio 9282 0.0004707074983349730000 Hoytville Village Ohio 9488 0.0000022278066631609700 Hubbard City Ohio 9267 0.0002709601847554130000 Hubbard Township Ohio 9289 0.0001433837630577490000 Huber Heights City Ohio 8760 0.0011729213335546700000 Hudson City Ohio 9243 0.0006182723477560330000 Hunting Valley Village Ohio 7913 0.0000718181605416233000 Huntington Township Ohio 7644 0.0000676550974856062000 Huntington Township Ohio 9112 0.0000619069676430335000 Huntsburg Township Ohio 8136 0.0000060947472132788100 Huntsville Village Ohio 8545 0.0000079404201422976800 Huron City Ohio 7998 0.0002835051789891430000 Huron County Ohio 8372 0.0034076910235325100000 Huron Township Ohio 8003 0.0000072968045383629800 Independence City Ohio 7878 0.0002917847176627960000 Independence Township Ohio 9418 0.0000007042123055597240 Irondale Village Ohio 8417 0.0000014925688007128300 Ironton City Ohio 8483 0.0008321236617361090000 Island Creek Township Ohio 8437 0.0000249258989720875000 Israel Township Ohio 9041 0.0000044451996326275100 Ithaca Village Ohio 7922 0.0000035714148238754400 Jackson Center Village Ohio 9181 0.0000142935107144344000 Jackson City Ohio 8396 0.0005213022435378780000 Jackson County Ohio 8395 0.0045308020798876800000 Jackson Township Ohio 7499 0.0000039585692621221000 Jackson Township Ohio 7514 0.0000001523430996075030 Jackson Township Ohio 7589 0.0000029179680651509300 Jackson Township Ohio 7647 0.0000046458436040207300 Jackson Township Ohio 7745 0.0000137219197960183000 Jackson Township Ohio 7831 0.0000051606349223298900 Jackson Township Ohio 7847 0.0000001018521698766300 Jackson Township Ohio 8075 0.0006193360558440850000 Jackson Township Ohio 8175 0.0000096778830098163700 Jackson Township Ohio 8270 0.0000143536362252628000 Jackson Township Ohio 8334 0.0000004230085696157260 Jackson Township Ohio 8400 0.0000010348431633696800 Jackson Township Ohio 8649 0.0000552152108095079000 Jackson Township Ohio 8773 0.0000005254218506527570 Jackson Township Ohio 8805 0.0000808398015679646000 Jackson Township Ohio 8865 0.0000107087968426461000 Jackson Township Ohio 8887 0.0000011306420907440600 Jackson Township Ohio 8928 0.0000014374275705575100 Jackson Township Ohio 8972 0.0000017743362825369000 Jackson Township Ohio 8990 0.0000040359281700156700 Jackson Township Ohio 9086 0.0000043440192509689400 Jackson Township Ohio 9128 0.0000040646520267926200 Jackson Township Ohio 9170 0.0000040377485681269900 Jackson Township Ohio 9191 0.0000127976781980174000 Jackson Township Ohio 9219 0.0012847178136411300000 Jackson Township Ohio 9347 0.0000013268894063864000 Jackson Township Ohio 9377 0.0000008524856731405420 Jackson Township Ohio 9506 0.0000012613474146537800 Jackson Township Ohio 9532 0.0000011372207680624600 Jacksonburg Village Ohio 7656 0.0000026884057938677200 Jacksonville Village Ohio 7557 0.0000079054426663314100 Jamestown Village Ohio 8149 0.0000326615790694341000 Jefferson County Ohio 8406 0.0062016233670054600000 Jefferson Township Ohio 7469 0.0000071567759753019300 Jefferson Township Ohio 7646 0.0000063880349557305600 Jefferson Township Ohio 7773 0.0000137853151576048000 Jefferson Township Ohio 7829 0.0000005734038802469030 Jefferson Township Ohio 7846 0.0000042777911348885000 Jefferson Township Ohio 8046 0.0000055233822885429000 Jefferson Township Ohio 8078 0.0002449452645813730000 Jefferson Township Ohio 8161 0.0000005797913444035940 Jefferson Township Ohio 8177 0.0000006367028295967270 Jefferson Township Ohio 8401 0.0000007761323725205240 Jefferson Township Ohio 8453 0.0000058848284233933500 Jefferson Township Ohio 8557 0.0000023354176889253400 Jefferson Township Ohio 8621 0.0002459822038241250000 Jefferson Township Ohio 8807 0.0001248525824195990000 Jefferson Township Ohio 8863 0.0000046968407204399200 Jefferson Township Ohio 8891 0.0000001615202986804170 Jefferson Township Ohio 9042 0.0000075108545518946300 Jefferson Township Ohio 9088 0.0000165406886863196000 Jefferson Township Ohio 9111 0.0000085674821292948900 Jefferson Township Ohio 9148 0.0000338154111753335000 Jefferson Township Ohio 9323 0.0000075666476576040600 Jefferson Township Ohio 9473 0.0000020604484981566400 Jefferson Village Ohio 7524 0.0000370530350949230000 Jeffersonville Village Ohio 8040 0.0000001052072816862750 Jenera Village Ohio 8248 0.0000011188046217238000 Jennings Township Ohio 9066 0.0000025583128977662200 Jerome Township Ohio 9350 0.0000412464983557429000 Jeromesville Village Ohio 7507 0.0000028896428632280700 Jerry City Village Ohio 9487 0.0000032002043598946700 Jersey Township Ohio 8526 0.0000165754493704054000 Jerusalem Township Ohio 8608 0.0000201936000861736000 Jerusalem Village Ohio 8770 0.0000002919010281583810 Jewett Village Ohio 8285 0.0000016978715572978600 Johnson Township Ohio 7707 0.0000021784826303324200 Johnston Township Ohio 9285 0.0000020757114919335700 Johnstown Village Ohio 8516 0.0000863485451487534000 Junction City Village Ohio 8941 0.0000161190095458604000 Kalida Village Ohio 9053 0.0000212417495149527000 Kelleys Island Village Ohio 7995 0.0000269495314298590000 Kent City Ohio 9008 0.0004806775404122540000 Kenton City Ohio 8265 0.0002871767363682000000 Kettering City Ohio 8809 0.0031692047864522500000 Kettlersville Village Ohio 9184 0.0000002493054194414430 Killbuck Township Ohio 8366 0.0000019609082355759400 Killbuck Village Ohio 8359 0.0000100224198707335000 Kingston Township Ohio 7981 0.0000001544964171095440 Kingston Village Ohio 9107 0.0000719441285383358000 Kingsville Township Ohio 7544 0.0000103352679494416000 Kinsman Township Ohio 9287 0.0000194797540013844000 Kipton Village Ohio 8586 0.0000009120474796580720 Kirby Village Ohio 9520 0.0000004422525209161710 Kirkersville Village Ohio 8518 0.0000052069474463022000 Kirkwood Township Ohio 7620 0.0000001316747033587490 Kirtland City Ohio 8476 0.0002097044200994150000 Kirtland Hills Village Ohio 8464 0.0000906973835543468000 Knox County Ohio 8438 0.0029174811227514200000 Knox Township Ohio 7803 0.0000048616839193451400 Knox Township Ohio 8176 0.0000019101084887901800 Knox Township Ohio 8428 0.0000094031834446309200 Knox Township Ohio 9379 0.0000010960530083428000 La Grange Township Ohio 8595 0.0000394916558691298000 La Rue Village Ohio 8663 0.0000062692503182907600 Lafayette Township Ohio 8691 0.0000691163777641873000 Lafayette Village Ohio 7487 0.0000008300225872339230 Lagrange Village Ohio 8572 0.0000508010446177736000 Lake Township Ohio 9221 0.0003440000378176960000 Lake Township Ohio 9507 0.0001320974746978260000 Lakeline Village Ohio 8462 0.0000008874499369431120 Lakemore Village Ohio 9241 0.0000782543248921168000 Lakeview Village Ohio 8544 0.0000077535867271879600 Lakewood City Ohio 7881 0.0009440637929730330000 Lancaster City Ohio 8024 0.0014656168853417100000 Latty Township Ohio 8934 0.0000008213871831795710 Latty Village Ohio 8923 0.0000002053467957935460 Laura Village Ohio 8742 0.0000010635380742954900 Laurel Township Ohio 8349 0.0000010206650319600000 Laurelville Village Ohio 8341 0.0000067271104380406300 Lawrence County Ohio 8487 0.0049842758324126100000 Lawrence Township Ohio 8495 0.0000872663437067014000 Lawrence Township Ohio 9220 0.0001315948420524500000 Lawrence Township Ohio 9326 0.0000489986573914790000 Lawrence Township Ohio 9426 0.0000003129832469124390 Lebanon City Ohio 9386 0.0008180998201486110000 Lebanon Township Ohio 8709 0.0000044354847514517200 Lee Township Ohio 7566 0.0000054654912261023400 Lee Township Ohio 7690 0.0000009181210801939570 Lee Township Ohio 8780 0.0000008173228788111370 Leesburg Township Ohio 9349 0.0000018632915068588200 Leesburg Village Ohio 8332 0.0000513955412067347000 Leesville Village Ohio 7682 0.0000002040269067124620 Leetonia Village Ohio 7787 0.0000698087947383477000 Leipsic Village Ohio 9056 0.0000286841143072838000 Lemon Township Ohio 7667 0.0000388861472992267000 Lenox Township Ohio 7539 0.0000024188924988278400 Leroy Township Ohio 8482 0.0000503184114251863000 Letart Township Ohio 8711 0.0000050691254304229700 Lewis Township Ohio 7648 0.0000374571140592020000 Lewisburg Village Ohio 9036 0.0001238524587327880000 Lewisville Village Ohio 8764 0.0000016346457576222700 Lexington Township Ohio 9224 0.0000134375014772285000 Lexington Village Ohio 9080 0.0000872980791773486000 Liberty Center Village Ohio 8304 0.0000026619381643465400 Liberty Township Ohio 7476 0.0000051824929476603000 Liberty Township Ohio 7664 0.0010764048711673600000 Liberty Township Ohio 7781 0.0000150385256264045000 Liberty Township Ohio 7848 0.0000013240782083935000 Liberty Township Ohio 7943 0.0000101382098223708000 Liberty Township Ohio 7980 0.0006057032032700870000 Liberty Township Ohio 8182 0.0000015280867910321400 Liberty Township Ohio 8254 0.0000128333471314744000 Liberty Township Ohio 8272 0.0000100891501004908000 Liberty Township Ohio 8317 0.0000062111890500341700 Liberty Township Ohio 8333 0.0000154398127906103000 Liberty Township Ohio 8407 0.0000175923337771498000 Liberty Township Ohio 8450 0.0000035618698351975900 Liberty Township Ohio 8531 0.0000008678245743567590 Liberty Township Ohio 8555 0.0000033630014719749100 Liberty Township Ohio 8732 0.0000023661217304153000 Liberty Township Ohio 9071 0.0000020931650981748100 Liberty Township Ohio 9172 0.0000031926384028491600 Liberty Township Ohio 9286 0.0006452269337666070000 Liberty Township Ohio 9348 0.0000166002334247324000 Liberty Township Ohio 9510 0.0000020066890687502300 Lick Township Ohio 8409 0.0000005174215816713690 Licking County Ohio 8505 0.0066668019451299100000 Licking Township Ohio 8527 0.0000295060355295846000 Licking Township Ohio 8870 0.0000120239122444124000 Lima City Ohio 7488 0.0016177140225257000000 Limaville Village Ohio 9205 0.0000036237800598186700 Lincoln Heights Village Ohio 8201 0.0000781198827776219000 Lincoln Township Ohio 8837 0.0000016587140303593400 Lindsey Village Ohio 9126 0.0000060969780400542200 Linndale Village Ohio 7883 0.0000263072450244971000 Lisbon Village Ohio 7789 0.0000089754164663589900 Litchfield Township Ohio 8692 0.0000185784823429338000 Lithopolis Village Ohio 8034 0.0000131759856901451000 Liverpool Township Ohio 7801 0.0000497387662516789000 Liverpool Township Ohio 8695 0.0000507590678290364000 Lockbourne Village Ohio 8093 0.0000000715168655727771 Lockington Village Ohio 9183 0.0000004155090323979150 Lockland Village Ohio 8210 0.0001370030376649070000 Lodi Township Ohio 7570 0.0000036111281315174700 Lodi Village Ohio 8679 0.0000644717571773089000 Logan City Ohio 8343 0.0000765498773969999000 Logan County Ohio 8540 0.0025016060116647600000 Logan Township Ohio 7592 0.0000015006692906721400 London City Ohio 8618 0.0004046334477161750000 Londonderry Township Ohio 8180 0.0000011460650932741100 Lorain City Ohio 8574 0.0026532373230925600000 Lorain County Ohio 8565 0.0125091872072723000000 Lordstown Village Ohio 9274 0.0001947975400138440000 Lore City Village Ohio 8171 0.0000017827679228708300 Lostcreek Township Ohio 8754 0.0000075511203274467700 Loudon Township Ohio 7689 0.0000034684574140121800 Loudon Township Ohio 9174 0.0000007512090359312290 Loudonville Village Ohio 7520 0.0000598980345878243000 Louisville City Ohio 9211 0.0001593038968225880000 Loveland City Ohio 7761 0.0004459011328225080000 Lowell Village Ohio 9408 0.0000007824581172945690 Lowellville Village Ohio 8636 0.0000373852989853798000 Lower Salem Village Ohio 9406 0.0000002068585605923180 Lucas County Ohio 8593 0.0299409741636340000000 Lucas Village Ohio 9075 0.0000071843395305522400 Luckey Village Ohio 9495 0.0000053320595255794300 Ludlow Falls Village Ohio 8744 0.0000023959880385851800 Ludlow Township Ohio 9420 0.0000004694748703821290 Lykens Township Ohio 7852 0.0000002037043397505660 Lynchburg Village Ohio 7780 0.0000270720937477014000 Lyndhurst City Ohio 7880 0.0003172409547597200000 Lynn Township Ohio 8275 0.0000001040118567046470 Lyons Village Ohio 8102 0.0000013508784138732000 Macedonia City Ohio 9254 0.0004935347733500780000 Macksburg Village Ohio 9407 0.0000004473917705816300 Mad River Township Ohio 7709 0.0000035647897586670100 Mad River Township Ohio 7731 0.0001245156943391990000 Madeira City Ohio 8207 0.0001247259389704820000 Madison County Ohio 8615 0.0023998547790791300000 Madison Township Ohio 7671 0.0000612797262896395000 Madison Township Ohio 7729 0.0000262540768003256000 Madison Township Ohio 7800 0.0000017452198684586900 Madison Township Ohio 8053 0.0000034192366547096400 Madison Township Ohio 8079 0.0006073927392939700000 Madison Township Ohio 8184 0.0000010187245273547600 Madison Township Ohio 8260 0.0000014478648045710700 Madison Township Ohio 8336 0.0000004230085696157260 Madison Township Ohio 8478 0.0001737626976536230000 Madison Township Ohio 8530 0.0000151001475940608000 Madison Township Ohio 8867 0.0000001878736288202910 Madison Township Ohio 8973 0.0000054140004518233400 Madison Township Ohio 9087 0.0001521242126149680000 Madison Township Ohio 9129 0.0000097382288139829800 Madison Township Ohio 9149 0.0000846716594793063000 Madison Township Ohio 9479 0.0000015453363736309500 Madison Village Ohio 8465 0.0000651388253699541000 Magnetic Springs Village Ohio 9338 0.0000030772541553190900 Magnolia Village Ohio 9233 0.0000366361707369134000 Mahoning County Ohio 8629 0.0149837977701843000000 Maineville Village Ohio 9391 0.0000190686559036643000 Malaga Township Ohio 8774 0.0000005254218506527570 Malinta Village Ohio 8308 0.0000005704153209314020 Malta Village Ohio 8814 0.0000013039409709108400 Malvern Village Ohio 7686 0.0000055087264811098600 Manchester Township Ohio 7474 0.0000130796250584962000 Manchester Village Ohio 7505 0.0000239381817106599000 Mansfield City Ohio 9079 0.0020044307289815100000 Mantua Township Ohio 9016 0.0000006086933633905450 Mantua Village Ohio 9006 0.0000148749440679002000 Maple Heights City Ohio 7882 0.0003702624486155300000 Marble Cliff Village Ohio 8063 0.0000043625287999394000 Marblehead Village Ohio 8898 0.0000180134072696758000 Marengo Village Ohio 8832 0.0000024327805778495900 Margaretta Township Ohio 8002 0.0000732599175651320000 Mariemont Village Ohio 8206 0.0001440408649436990000 Marietta City Ohio 9411 0.0007987332461108470000 Marietta Township Ohio 9421 0.0000019561452932094800 Marion City Ohio 8658 0.0023379079312357800000 Marion County Ohio 8654 0.0031598763062407000000 Marion Township Ohio 7490 0.0000017238930658080400 Marion Township Ohio 7775 0.0000196336306790293000 Marion Township Ohio 8051 0.0000072066987956095100 Marion Township Ohio 8273 0.0000057206521187016800 Marion Township Ohio 8311 0.0000008873127214488470 Marion Township Ohio 8353 0.0000015309975479669400 Marion Township Ohio 8671 0.0004930068791969600000 Marion Township Ohio 8733 0.0000141122260349520000 Marion Township Ohio 8988 0.0000018201244687994300 Mark Township Ohio 7963 0.0000012400341989362200 Marlboro Township Ohio 7985 0.0000018539570053091400 Marlboro Township Ohio 9222 0.0000451314704798491000 Marseilles Township Ohio 9534 0.0000000631789315602228 Marseilles Village Ohio 9522 0.0000000631789315602228 Marshall Township Ohio 8335 0.0000059221199744585200 Marshallville Village Ohio 9437 0.0000043082940544172700 Martins Ferry City Ohio 7606 0.0003252365172883250000 Martinsburg Village Ohio 8444 0.0000001548639058779220 Martinsville Village Ohio 7762 0.0000056394471098680200 Mary Ann Township Ohio 8535 0.0000088518106586059700 Marysville City Ohio 9340 0.0003618737959832450000 Mason City Ohio 9387 0.0014145673768015700000 Mason Township Ohio 8494 0.0000003256206854771890 Massie Township Ohio 9398 0.0000011986012282395600 Massillon City Ohio 9214 0.0011190195195788200000 Matamoras Village Ohio 9410 0.0000029733408456008200 Maumee City Ohio 8598 0.0007773257957308450000 Mayfield Heights City Ohio 7885 0.0004308690131064790000 Mayfield Village Ohio 7888 0.0002080899381392210000 Mcarthur Village Ohio 9368 0.0000320291045763351000 Mcclure Village Ohio 8305 0.0000006971742811383800 Mccomb Village Ohio 8243 0.0000182957461668036000 Mcconnelsville Village Ohio 8812 0.0000359085282759768000 Mcdonald Township Ohio 8278 0.0000040564624115458700 Mcdonald Village Ohio 9269 0.0000803140677256522000 Mcguffey Village Ohio 8266 0.0000001040118567046470 Mckean Township Ohio 8529 0.0000157076247960217000 Mclean Township Ohio 9194 0.0000000831018064795829 Mead Township Ohio 7622 0.0000152742655896365000 Mecca Township Ohio 9292 0.0000146896505584607000 Mechanicsburg Village Ohio 7699 0.0000559473948257689000 Medina City Ohio 8677 0.0007968841890647930000 Medina County Ohio 8675 0.0073285477670682100000 Medina Township Ohio 8693 0.0001693074789696360000 Meigs County Ohio 8703 0.0018603690329315500000 Meigs Township Ohio 7477 0.0000185089033845781000 Meigsville Township Ohio 8822 0.0000007021220612493240 Melrose Village Ohio 8922 0.0000010522688595953600 Mendon Village Ohio 8720 0.0000008450434751560210 Mentor City Ohio 8466 0.0023367444289613300000 Mentor-On-The-Lake City Ohio 8467 0.0001835246469591890000 Mercer County Ohio 8713 0.0015503167595148600000 Mesopotamia Township Ohio 9294 0.0000276229298551089000 Metamora Village Ohio 8097 0.0000014888713701283400 Meyers Lake Village Ohio 9210 0.0000140731732457830000 Miami County Ohio 8741 0.0054113880757996700000 Miami Township Ohio 7749 0.0020487633427106900000 Miami Township Ohio 8155 0.0000530509080137909000 Miami Township Ohio 8236 0.0002082414893268050000 Miami Township Ohio 8556 0.0000022420009813704900 Miami Township Ohio 8806 0.0012686234970917600000 Miamisburg City Ohio 8796 0.0015549311276494600000 Middle Point Village Ohio 9359 0.0000095144266212204900 Middleburg Heights City Ohio 7886 0.0003532792904211220000 Middlebury Township Ohio 8457 0.0000026326863999192800 Middlefield Village Ohio 8125 0.0001036107026281640000 Middleport Village Ohio 8706 0.0000627304272006424000 Middleton Township Ohio 7808 0.0000124658562032764000 Middleton Township Ohio 9508 0.0000302150039783732000 Middletown City Ohio 7676 0.0054563996270383000000 Midland Village Ohio 7764 0.0000002088684114782900 Midvale Village Ohio 9308 0.0000046138095471487100 Midway Village Ohio 8619 0.0000063478237915506300 Mifflin Township Ohio 7516 0.0000031992050917494700 Mifflin Township Ohio 8080 0.0008575587350707780000 Mifflin Township Ohio 8987 0.0000011870376970349100 Mifflin Township Ohio 9089 0.0000754355650705292000 Mifflin Township Ohio 9531 0.0000011372207680624600 Mifflin Village Ohio 7506 0.0000014472594462753200 Milan Township Ohio 8004 0.0000189716918000670000 Milan Village Ohio 8007 0.0000382271072350380000 Milford Center Village Ohio 9339 0.0000005928654794624270 Milford City Ohio 7759 0.0007037795824402740000 Milford Township Ohio 7673 0.0000146768727161543000 Milford Township Ohio 7964 0.0000027900769475189500 Mill Creek Township Ohio 7827 0.0000002150264550952830 Mill Creek Township Ohio 9477 0.0000005886995709095940 Mill Township Ohio 9331 0.0001138688196251060000 Millbury Village Ohio 9486 0.0000092758429519089400 Millcreek Township Ohio 9353 0.0000001693901369861860 Milledgeville Village Ohio 8041 0.0000002408935622845990 Miller City Village Ohio 9061 0.0000002325738997983990 Miller Township Ohio 8454 0.0000080529231055118400 Millersburg Village Ohio 8361 0.0000171034773879414000 Millersport Village Ohio 8023 0.0000549377424754197000 Millville Village Ohio 7660 0.0000712660520555980000 Millwood Township Ohio 8187 0.0000005093622636773810 Milton Center Village Ohio 9489 0.0000000573339733928637 Milton Township Ohio 7511 0.0000001523430996075030 Milton Township Ohio 8650 0.0000455525489178440000 Miltonsburg Village Ohio 8765 0.0000001619864504086730 Mineral City Village Ohio 9306 0.0000248222953642474000 Minerva Park Village Ohio 8060 0.0000288212968263680000 Minerva Village Ohio 9234 0.0001107049442618470000 Mingo Junction Village Ohio 8413 0.0000701507336331798000 Minster Village Ohio 7579 0.0000528569072369513000 Mississinawa Township Ohio 7945 0.0000032257940345376700 Mogadore Village Ohio 9027 0.0001007814551875910000 Monclova Township Ohio 8607 0.0001013088206844350000 Monday Creek Township Ohio 8955 0.0000004029752386532460 Monroe City Ohio 7680 0.0011222600011426900000 Monroe County Ohio 8768 0.0007194192739649740000 Monroe Township Ohio 7478 0.0000157942642214024000 Monroe Township Ohio 7496 0.0000025539156530419600 Monroe Township Ohio 7693 0.0000094872511620311600 Monroe Township Ohio 7754 0.0000326097388086131000 Monroe Township Ohio 7942 0.0000057603464901303800 Monroe Township Ohio 8192 0.0000017827679228708300 Monroe Township Ohio 8294 0.0000033063814537888200 Monroe Township Ohio 8455 0.0000204420355757995000 Monroe Township Ohio 8532 0.0001503072162788380000 Monroe Township Ohio 8559 0.0000017749174435692500 Monroe Township Ohio 8868 0.0000011272417729271300 Monroe Township Ohio 8958 0.0000007052066676229760 Monroe Township Ohio 8975 0.0000035031767630079000 Monroe Township Ohio 9043 0.0000190070604985402000 Monroe Township Ohio 9069 0.0000072097908937072500 Monroe Township Ohio 9092 0.0000108600481274223000 Monroeville Village Ohio 8373 0.0000538618031194653000 Monterey Township Ohio 9068 0.0000010853448657312500 Montezuma Village Ohio 8722 0.0000030421565104108100 Montgomery City Ohio 8213 0.0004605866962616270000 Montgomery County Ohio 8786 0.0483638708963532000000 Montgomery Township Ohio 8672 0.0000067916878448374400 Montgomery Township Ohio 9512 0.0000107214530243147000 Montpelier Village Ohio 9465 0.0000507017505441780000 Montville Township Ohio 8140 0.0000053777181293478100 Montville Township Ohio 8696 0.0001899870991968790000 Moorefield Township Ohio 7727 0.0000850071321647102000 Moraine City Ohio 8801 0.0008339972861542570000 Moreland Hills Village Ohio 7887 0.0000324123018858833000 Morgan County Ohio 8816 0.0008180725045214630000 Morgan Township Ohio 7540 0.0000122044121531070000 Morgan Township Ohio 7670 0.0000564378713726478000 Morgan Township Ohio 8118 0.0000042127159073846600 Morgan Township Ohio 8451 0.0000125439763760955000 Morgan Township Ohio 9150 0.0000133131540061938000 Morral Village Ohio 8659 0.0000083590004244774800 Morris Township Ohio 8452 0.0000003097278117504550 Morristown Village Ohio 7610 0.0000044769399140412200 Morrow County Ohio 8826 0.0020534326790983900000 Morrow Village Ohio 9388 0.0000144921784867202000 Moscow Village Ohio 7737 0.0000096860610325627200 Moulton Township Ohio 7593 0.0000022510039360082100 Mount Blanchard Village Ohio 8246 0.0000005923083291574050 Mount Cory Village Ohio 8247 0.0000011188046217238000 Mount Eaton Village Ohio 9441 0.0000030773528960508200 Mount Gilead Village Ohio 8829 0.0000446746978845388000 Mount Healthy City Ohio 8216 0.0001409129417092790000 Mount Orab Village Ohio 7640 0.0008037309435069020000 Mount Pleasant Township Ohio 8432 0.0000089554128043847500 Mount Pleasant Village Ohio 8414 0.0000014925688007128300 Mount Sterling Village Ohio 8622 0.0000863120987370347000 Mount Vernon City Ohio 8446 0.0008579460385689670000 Mount Victory Village Ohio 8271 0.0000034901650496168600 Mowrystown Village Ohio 8327 0.0000934848938824083000 Munroe Falls City Ohio 9240 0.0001355686228214290000 Munson Township Ohio 8134 0.0001183994274830630000 Murray City Village Ohio 8346 0.0000034331460166515000 Muskingum County Ohio 8847 0.0048573787362619900000 Muskingum Township Ohio 9424 0.0000323937660542925000 Mutual Village Ohio 7702 0.0000004800583541736230 Napoleon City Ohio 8309 0.0001875398816259010000 Napoleon Township Ohio 8316 0.0000080491939732508700 Nashville Village Ohio 8360 0.0000010893934642148400 Navarre Village Ohio 9212 0.0000422586253344926000 Nellie Village Ohio 7820 0.0000007173691841846880 Nelsonville City Ohio 7558 0.0001438595369169400000 Nevada Village Ohio 9523 0.0000005054314524602300 Neville Village Ohio 7738 0.0000001614343505409160 New Albany City Ohio 8088 0.0003333695541825320000 New Alexandria Village Ohio 8418 0.0000014925688007128300 New Athens Village Ohio 8290 0.0000009829782700074620 New Bavaria Village Ohio 8310 0.0000018032288247154000 New Bloomington Village Ohio 8662 0.0000058871869608364600 New Boston Village Ohio 9137 0.0002039575193743930000 New Bremen Village Ohio 7581 0.0000719487554358000000 New Carlisle City Ohio 7720 0.0001135552545105120000 New Concord Village Ohio 8846 0.0000687617481472620000 New Franklin City Ohio 9250 0.0002751988887956290000 New Haven Township Ohio 8379 0.0000152972662793515000 New Holland Village Ohio 8045 0.0000017821860006344500 New Jasper Township Ohio 8159 0.0000153644706270185000 New Knoxville Village Ohio 7580 0.0000110882786477890000 New Lebanon Village Ohio 8790 0.0000546791435610627000 New Lexington Village Ohio 8945 0.0001216985220705320000 New London Township Ohio 8386 0.0000026995175786140000 New London Village Ohio 8377 0.0000285377572603265000 New Madison Village Ohio 7924 0.0000155529355228940000 New Market Township Ohio 8339 0.0000023265471328460800 New Miami Village Ohio 7658 0.0000225448869558616000 New Middletown Village Ohio 8632 0.0000071319647296512300 New Paris Village Ohio 9033 0.0000151749918496583000 New Philadelphia City Ohio 9307 0.0007255676893948060000 New Richmond Village Ohio 7739 0.0003097925187006830000 New Riegel Village Ohio 9159 0.0000022536271078206300 New Russia Township Ohio 8591 0.0000078436083250378600 New Straitsville Village Ohio 8943 0.0000199472743130798000 New Vienna Village Ohio 7768 0.0000085636048705802400 New Washington Village Ohio 7839 0.0000115092951958949000 New Waterford Village Ohio 7791 0.0000455003751416220000 New Weston Village Ohio 7925 0.0000008064485086074760 Newark City Ohio 8515 0.0016648346634716100000 Newark Township Ohio 8533 0.0000170961441149817000 Newberry Township Ohio 8753 0.0000186119163002384000 Newburgh Heights Village Ohio 7884 0.0000400713732216451000 Newbury Township Ohio 8139 0.0000259923042922967000 Newcomerstown Village Ohio 9309 0.0000718831527460263000 Newton Falls Village Ohio 9265 0.0003418537157093900000 Newton Township Ohio 8539 0.0000103271124349505000 Newton Township Ohio 8864 0.0000189752365108144000 Newton Township Ohio 8992 0.0000021366678546682200 Newton Township Ohio 9290 0.0000252278781328388000 Newtonsville Village Ohio 7746 0.0000051658992173847500 Newtown Village Ohio 8214 0.0000536438834689580000 Ney Village Ohio 7953 0.0000006200170994546420 Nile Township Ohio 9152 0.0000489924067438277000 Niles City Ohio 9271 0.0015393795764402900000 Nimishillen Township Ohio 9226 0.0001148211333133050000 Noble County Ohio 8878 0.0009247037099272710000 Noble Township Ohio 7595 0.0000000833705161475542 Noble Township Ohio 7962 0.0000032034216804348300 Noble Township Ohio 8888 0.0000077529743365845900 North Baltimore Village Ohio 9493 0.0000323363609945666000 North Bend Village Ohio 8215 0.0000239812640416481000 North Bloomfield Township Ohio 8834 0.0000038703327374512400 North Canton City Ohio 9213 0.0004915345367903770000 North College Hill City Ohio 8218 0.0001818105379973020000 North Fairfield Village Ohio 8374 0.0000006427422806416240 North Hampton Village Ohio 7716 0.0000170778946176116000 North Kingsville Village Ohio 7531 0.0000548648798603733000 North Lewisburg Village Ohio 7701 0.0000379919484776943000 North Olmsted City Ohio 7890 0.0003744804878855710000 North Perry Village Ohio 8472 0.0000200563685746988000 North Randall Village Ohio 7889 0.0000096200896010580600 North Ridgeville City Ohio 8580 0.0010298840140412700000 North Robinson Village Ohio 7837 0.0000006111130192543920 North Royalton City Ohio 7891 0.0004592112770723790000 North Star Village Ohio 7927 0.0000056572546926640400 North Township Ohio 8295 0.0000058085079591839900 Northfield Center Township Ohio 9257 0.0000518987737175339000 Northfield Village Ohio 9242 0.0001918900746460110000 Northwest Township Ohio 9472 0.0000031642601935919200 Northwood City Ohio 9502 0.0001442522770553460000 Norton City Ohio 9263 0.0003505852562913180000 Norwalk City Ohio 8376 0.0006292446927458600000 Norwalk Township Ohio 8388 0.0000091269403852996400 Norwich Township Ohio 8081 0.0008258052467467660000 Norwich Township Ohio 8387 0.0000051419382451329900 Norwich Village Ohio 8850 0.0000007271625519761960 Norwood City Ohio 8217 0.0010615389476577500000 Nottingham Township Ohio 8296 0.0000021446798618442600 Oak Harbor Village Ohio 8899 0.0000404658327598156000 Oak Hill Village Ohio 8398 0.0000093135884701924000 Oakwood City Ohio 8795 0.0006230278595802950000 Oakwood Village Ohio 7893 0.0001502213991537190000 Oakwood Village Ohio 8925 0.0000057154858162406700 Oberlin City Ohio 8577 0.0004900431108328250000 Obetz Village Ohio 8064 0.0000118717996848116000 Octa Village Ohio 8044 0.0000001236444832977600 Ohio City Village Ohio 9356 0.0000125311960377510000 Ohio Township Ohio 7755 0.0000234079808285810000 Ohio Township Ohio 8777 0.0000026271092533176600 Old Washington Village Ohio 8173 0.0000155355490420524000 Olive Township Ohio 8714 0.0000050691254304229700 Olive Township Ohio 8890 0.0000019382435841596200 Olmsted Falls City Ohio 7892 0.0001089290145590430000 Olmsted Township Ohio 7914 0.0001387512923218650000 Ontario City Ohio 9083 0.0001805274154108010000 Orange Township Ohio 7513 0.0000045702929882520200 Orange Township Ohio 7691 0.0000034684574140121800 Orange Township Ohio 7983 0.0004977874559306100000 Orange Township Ohio 8712 0.0000031682033940480300 Orange Township Ohio 9198 0.0000111356420684258000 Orange Village Ohio 7895 0.0000938698743006337000 Orangeville Village Ohio 9270 0.0000049497735576338600 Oregon City Ohio 8605 0.0008771861303184240000 Orrville City Ohio 9442 0.0000839212236813895000 Orwell Township Ohio 7546 0.0000045079360205097300 Orwell Village Ohio 7526 0.0000512365411116062000 Osgood Village Ohio 7926 0.0000009216554384046960 Osnaburg Township Ohio 9223 0.0000164030190446038000 Ostrander Village Ohio 7965 0.0000011587231283148500 Ottawa County Ohio 8894 0.0022409965315419500000 Ottawa Hills Village Ohio 8599 0.0001255070587645070000 Ottawa Village Ohio 9060 0.0000443440902291332000 Ottoville Village Ohio 9058 0.0000102332515911726000 Otway Village Ohio 9136 0.0000010650523205062800 Owensville Village Ohio 7741 0.0000082331518776648400 Oxford City Ohio 7661 0.0007441325775083430000 Oxford Township Ohio 7666 0.0010316177131811500000 Oxford Township Ohio 7828 0.0000020069135808911000 Oxford Township Ohio 8185 0.0000011460650932741100 Oxford Township Ohio 9330 0.0000007382095275599580 Painesville City Ohio 8470 0.0007759862248471090000 Painesville Township Ohio 8479 0.0003130035927608860000 Paint Township Ohio 8050 0.0000002630182042183810 Paint Township Ohio 8337 0.0000025380514176404700 Paint Township Ohio 8367 0.0000039218164710980100 Paint Township Ohio 8626 0.0000001455515998957730 Paint Township Ohio 9110 0.0000035928150866088600 Paint Township Ohio 9450 0.0000017740034341559700 Palestine Village Ohio 7928 0.0000047963681090680500 Palmer Township Ohio 9422 0.0000005477206820900340 Palmyra Township Ohio 9021 0.0000076086670425165100 Pandora Village Ohio 9063 0.0000086052342924545400 Paris Township Ohio 9014 0.0000014076034028372700 Paris Township Ohio 9225 0.0000097306045180766500 Parkman Township Ohio 8141 0.0000080665771942911200 Parma City Ohio 7894 0.0014450854594447700000 Parma Heights City Ohio 7896 0.0003054008444921050000 Parral Village Ohio 9305 0.0000000922761909456682 Pataskala City Ohio 8513 0.0001629774550650560000 Patterson Village Ohio 8268 0.0000007882860504944100 Paulding County Ohio 8915 0.0007863755544894530000 Paulding Township Ohio 8937 0.0000014374275705575100 Paulding Village Ohio 8926 0.0000157774788099547000 Paxton Township Ohio 9115 0.0000096729636944260400 Payne Village Ohio 8924 0.0000053047922245835300 Pease Township Ohio 7626 0.0000048719640242225400 Pebble Township Ohio 8991 0.0000032445697053436900 Pee Pee Township Ohio 8994 0.0000140861806715923000 Peebles Village Ohio 7467 0.0000636706276419140000 Pemberville Village Ohio 9491 0.0000120401344125553000 Peninsula Village Ohio 9245 0.0000472053193981451000 Penn Township Ohio 8827 0.0000013039409709108400 Pepper Pike City Ohio 7901 0.0001814496900128410000 Perkins Township Ohio 8005 0.0004795459942673680000 Perry County Ohio 8940 0.0022292590201831000000 Perry Township Ohio 7494 0.0000426503914065201000 Perry Township Ohio 7649 0.0001344390992944140000 Perry Township Ohio 7805 0.0000457496922671692000 Perry Township Ohio 8056 0.0000033140293730179800 Perry Township Ohio 8082 0.0000858202386846385000 Perry Township Ohio 8481 0.0000239611482974640000 Perry Township Ohio 8499 0.0000086289481650242800 Perry Township Ohio 8537 0.0000152737125088298000 Perry Township Ohio 8568 0.0000252225110403506000 Perry Township Ohio 8778 0.0000008173228788111370 Perry Township Ohio 8872 0.0000262083712201248000 Perry Township Ohio 8974 0.0000002729748126917680 Perry Township Ohio 8993 0.0000011870376970349100 Perry Township Ohio 9067 0.0000000775246332661329 Perry Township Ohio 9093 0.0000038427862605968600 Perry Township Ohio 9232 0.0005032112622282330000 Perry Township Ohio 9509 0.0000009746775476894600 Perry Village Ohio 8469 0.0000508508813857897000 Perrysburg City Ohio 9494 0.0005402006972964190000 Perrysburg Township Ohio 9511 0.0003204395772945150000 Perrysville Village Ohio 7508 0.0000079218411794931500 Peru Township Ohio 8394 0.0000002570969122593440 Peru Township Ohio 8844 0.0000006634856121383470 Phillipsburg Village Ohio 8794 0.0000392971257625044000 Philo Village Ohio 8856 0.0000098633655131124200 Pickaway County Ohio 8961 0.0008747477872792970000 Pickaway Township Ohio 8977 0.0000050955298369309600 Pickerington City Ohio 8033 0.0003279472201567050000 Pierce Township Ohio 7751 0.0006759256257069300000 Pierpont Township Ohio 7541 0.0000111049155628899000 Pike County Ohio 8983 0.0028769045625821400000 Pike Township Ohio 7650 0.0000226484875700725000 Pike Township Ohio 7730 0.0000251070540275873000 Pike Township Ohio 8959 0.0000208539685999889000 Pike Township Ohio 9227 0.0000199245711559463000 Piketon Village Ohio 8979 0.0000224745803974385000 Pioneer Village Ohio 9470 0.0000269330053687503000 Piqua City Ohio 8746 0.0008142447496898280000 Pitsburg Village Ohio 7931 0.0000052995187708337400 Pitt Township Ohio 9529 0.0000026535151254700900 Plain City Village Ohio 8630 0.0000959897355178863000 Plain Township Ohio 8083 0.0003638062951627900000 Plain Township Ohio 9230 0.0004345409960377930000 Plain Township Ohio 9456 0.0000027877196822066100 Plain Township Ohio 9516 0.0000025226948292806200 Plainfield Village Ohio 7819 0.0000001433509700644200 Pleasant City Village Ohio 8168 0.0000081050087903153100 Pleasant Hill Village Ohio 8747 0.0000026588451857521900 Pleasant Plain Village Ohio 9390 0.0000001089637480205540 Pleasant Township Ohio 7654 0.0000113242437851710000 Pleasant Township Ohio 7733 0.0000303323799925830000 Pleasant Township Ohio 8030 0.0000644755449884199000 Pleasant Township Ohio 8084 0.0001290879423561690000 Pleasant Township Ohio 8256 0.0000026324814628589400 Pleasant Township Ohio 8318 0.0000020915228434151400 Pleasant Township Ohio 8458 0.0000427424380229099000 Pleasant Township Ohio 8670 0.0000902075462464422000 Pleasant Township Ohio 8956 0.0000017126447642426200 Pleasant Township Ohio 9173 0.0000030048361437788000 Pleasant Township Ohio 9362 0.0000026686806376607200 Pleasantville Village Ohio 8021 0.0000005341169407280090 Plymouth Township Ohio 7543 0.0000163824991965786000 Plymouth Village Ohio 9103 0.0000609268986047240000 Poland Township Ohio 8655 0.0001388432488491970000 Poland Village Ohio 8637 0.0000577459079720593000 Polk Township Ohio 7851 0.0000100833648177783000 Polk Village Ohio 7510 0.0000003808577490254920 Pomeroy Village Ohio 8704 0.0000879176441833511000 Port Clinton City Ohio 8897 0.0001361298920821980000 Port Jefferson Village Ohio 9188 0.0000029085632269201100 Port Washington Village Ohio 9303 0.0000030451143011881900 Port William Village Ohio 7766 0.0000102345521624928000 Portage County Ohio 8998 0.0086034241716080300000 Portage Township Ohio 8257 0.0000015794888777261400 Portage Township Ohio 8912 0.0000004503351817553650 Portage Township Ohio 9518 0.0000013186813880250900 Portage Village Ohio 9497 0.0000150215010287794000 Porter Township Ohio 7984 0.0000346071974329043000 Porter Township Ohio 9154 0.0003703719444558570000 Portsmouth City Ohio 9142 0.0020917627574441600000 Potsdam Village Ohio 8743 0.0000002127076148617910 Powell City Ohio 7966 0.0001726497461191280000 Powhatan Point Village Ohio 7614 0.0000155376149961546000 Prairie Township Ohio 8087 0.0003226840974719140000 Prairie Township Ohio 8365 0.0000036222332684241100 Preble County Ohio 9030 0.0028722120938084800000 Proctorville Village Ohio 8489 0.0000170950859872157000 Prospect Village Ohio 8665 0.0000104487505306642000 Providence Township Ohio 8610 0.0000247946735234784000 Pulaski Township Ohio 9471 0.0000027227355155040200 Pultney Township Ohio 7618 0.0000173810608431286000 Pusheta Township Ohio 7597 0.0000025011154844535700 Put In Bay Township Ohio 8913 0.0000324241330845543000 Put-In-Bay Village Ohio 8900 0.0000375064872807635000 Putnam County Ohio 9047 0.0012857460427241500000 Quaker City Village Ohio 8170 0.0000040748981093112900 Quincy Village Ohio 8548 0.0000031761680568651900 Raccoon Township Ohio 8122 0.0000033350667600465300 Racine Village Ohio 8705 0.0000101382508605765000 Radnor Township Ohio 7982 0.0000016994605882022900 Randolph Township Ohio 9020 0.0000128586473015377000 Range Township Ohio 8627 0.0000066953735953133000 Rarden Township Ohio 9153 0.0000191709417688436000 Rarden Village Ohio 9147 0.0000047927354421435600 Ravenna City Ohio 9004 0.0002046731434405420000 Ravenna Township Ohio 9024 0.0000558476160924430000 Rawson Village Ohio 8252 0.0000013162407314429400 Rayland Village Ohio 8419 0.0000037314220017820800 Reading City Ohio 8219 0.0004282908888669130000 Reading Township Ohio 8962 0.0000181338857389920000 Recovery Township Ohio 8734 0.0000007605391276431130 Reily Township Ohio 7672 0.0000119533293254139000 Reminderville Village Ohio 9247 0.0001417964756675330000 Rendville Village Ohio 8946 0.0000017126447642426200 Republic Village Ohio 9164 0.0000104230253738253000 Reynoldsburg City Ohio 8042 0.0006528436833943140000 Rice Township Ohio 9130 0.0000037259310244476500 Richfield Township Ohio 8321 0.0000218659206357037000 Richfield Township Ohio 8611 0.0000440510179099841000 Richfield Township Ohio 9260 0.0000898977019499989000 Richfield Village Ohio 9251 0.0003744834994032640000 Richland County Ohio 9072 0.0069815072469291200000 Richland Township Ohio 7495 0.0000028093072183757900 Richland Township Ohio 7629 0.0000250181936380816000 Richland Township Ohio 7776 0.0000054305786983116000 Richland Township Ohio 7941 0.0000027649663152410300 Richland Township Ohio 8031 0.0000032810040644181700 Richland Township Ohio 8371 0.0000013889766668618000 Richland Township Ohio 9533 0.0000010108629049474000 Richmond Heights City Ohio 7900 0.0002047599071230870000 Richmond Township Ohio 7542 0.0000029686407938825100 Richmond Township Ohio 8389 0.0000141403301743851000 Richmond Village Ohio 8420 0.0000071263413359506700 Richwood Village Ohio 9341 0.0000131559673059918000 Ridgefield Township Ohio 8392 0.0000032137114033428200 Ridgeville Township Ohio 8319 0.0000020281433633116500 Ridgeway Village Ohio 8277 0.0000036188077079982100 Riley Township Ohio 9070 0.0000067446430940350200 Rio Grande Village Ohio 8114 0.0000135157968694921000 Ripley Township Ohio 8364 0.0000003268180392536770 Ripley Township Ohio 8391 0.0000001285484561310190 Ripley Village Ohio 7636 0.0001048218463183110000 Risingsun Village Ohio 9492 0.0000042427140310395900 Rittman City Ohio 8702 0.0000558605420832943000 Riverlea Village Ohio 8065 0.0000015733710425741600 Riverside City Ohio 8791 0.0007658448423543170000 Roaming Shores Village Ohio 7527 0.0000327649983920796000 Rochester Township Ohio 8590 0.0000126774599672687000 Rochester Village Ohio 8573 0.0000001824094959343080 Rock Creek Village Ohio 7532 0.0000019790938626601800 Rockford Village Ohio 8723 0.0000172388868929565000 Rocky Ridge Village Ohio 8901 0.0000019943415191523000 Rocky River City Ohio 7898 0.0004716433928695390000 Rogers Village Ohio 7790 0.0000051110010432759600 Rome Township Ohio 7547 0.0000133039087435935000 Rome Township Ohio 7569 0.0000026351475554797200 Rome Township Ohio 8498 0.0000099314309068791600 Rome Village Ohio 7471 0.0000024217510215938800 Rootstown Township Ohio 9023 0.0000248422978933732000 Rose Township Ohio 7694 0.0000044885919475610200 Roseville Village Ohio 8873 0.0000154728866398083000 Ross County Ohio 9099 0.0094673441232647700000 Ross Township Ohio 7668 0.0002451189051558640000 Ross Township Ohio 8164 0.0000024157972683842300 Ross Township Ohio 8429 0.0000046269632822744300 Rossburg Village Ohio 7932 0.0000009216554384046960 Rossford City Ohio 9490 0.0001189106608154200000 Roswell Village Ohio 9311 0.0000025837333464463800 Roundhead Township Ohio 8274 0.0000021842489908137400 Royalton Township Ohio 8101 0.0000090477567876719000 Rumley Township Ohio 8299 0.0000058978696202064200 Rush Creek Township Ohio 8027 0.0000248745889537967000 Rush Township Ohio 9155 0.0000444659343803963000 Rush Township Ohio 9328 0.0000006459333366115950 Rushcreek Township Ohio 8560 0.0000039235017173040600 Rushsylvania Village Ohio 8547 0.0000000934167075575526 Rushville Village Ohio 8014 0.0000002289072603120040 Russell Township Ohio 8142 0.0001739691814870420000 Russells Point Village Ohio 8546 0.0000214858427381563000 Russellville Village Ohio 7642 0.0000540079318968084000 Russia Village Ohio 9187 0.0000032409704527306800 Rutland Village Ohio 8707 0.0000042770745817762600 Sabina Village Ohio 7767 0.0000682999705525467000 Sagamore Hills Township Ohio 9259 0.0002118372555013930000 Salem City Ohio 7811 0.0003587580651873730000 Salem Township Ohio 7596 0.0000010838167099209000 Salem Township Ohio 7708 0.0000035647897586670100 Salem Township Ohio 7807 0.0000084767822182279300 Salem Township Ohio 8869 0.0000036635357618515400 Salem Township Ohio 8914 0.0000067550277261957700 Salem Township Ohio 9197 0.0000099722167775499500 Salem Township Ohio 9325 0.0000247300191732451000 Salem Township Ohio 9397 0.0000698457624812155000 Salem Township Ohio 9432 0.0000046947487038212900 Salesville Village Ohio 8172 0.0000006367028295967270 Salineville Village Ohio 7792 0.0000324112261298656000 Salisbury Township Ohio 8715 0.0000033266135637234900 Salt Creek Township Ohio 8352 0.0000017165730083257500 Salt Creek Township Ohio 8370 0.0000004357573856805500 Salt Creek Township Ohio 9463 0.0000013033494618409700 Salt Lick Township Ohio 8957 0.0000004029752386532460 Salt Rock Township Ohio 8668 0.0000066175420027450200 Saltcreek Township Ohio 8978 0.0000036851599713254000 Sandusky City Ohio 7999 0.0011812067186956200000 Sandusky County Ohio 9116 0.0028776889545863800000 Sandusky Township Ohio 7850 0.0000001018521698766300 Sandusky Township Ohio 9133 0.0000141416018431206000 Sandy Township Ohio 9229 0.0000463362119900715000 Sandy Township Ohio 9329 0.0000064593333661159500 Sarahsville Village Ohio 8885 0.0000006460811947108920 Sardinia Village Ohio 7652 0.0000412318619875025000 Savannah Village Ohio 7509 0.0000021488435109236700 Saybrook Township Ohio 7549 0.0001516205798113320000 Scio Village Ohio 8287 0.0000014297865745538600 Scioto County Ohio 9146 0.0088045212704839300000 Scioto Township Ohio 7986 0.0000184623218445515000 Scioto Township Ohio 8976 0.0000589170637402719000 Scioto Township Ohio 8995 0.0000024532112405639500 Scioto Township Ohio 9113 0.0001376324548522270000 Scipio Township Ohio 8717 0.0000044354847514517200 Scipio Township Ohio 9175 0.0000052584632515455500 Scott Township Ohio 8673 0.0000012190208952396700 Scott Township Ohio 9132 0.0000087220658074868800 Scott Village Ohio 8936 0.0000060086762665517700 Seal Township Ohio 8996 0.0000125034637422483000 Seaman Village Ohio 7465 0.0000234446109538168000 Sebring Village Ohio 8638 0.0000737353127701018000 Seneca County Ohio 9160 0.0026233158546376500000 Seneca Township Ohio 8779 0.0000001167604112579640 Seneca Township Ohio 8889 0.0000001615202986804170 Senecaville Village Ohio 8174 0.0000073857528231603900 Seven Hills City Ohio 7897 0.0001952878189009130000 Seven Mile Village Ohio 7659 0.0000122559452579279000 Seville Village Ohio 8682 0.0000518649298746858000 Shadyside Village Ohio 7611 0.0000732111350680789000 Shaker Heights City Ohio 7899 0.0009818041444712620000 Shalersville Township Ohio 9025 0.0000008749967098638060 Sharon Township Ohio 8085 0.0000503478733621575000 Sharon Township Ohio 8699 0.0000544084125764467000 Sharon Township Ohio 9094 0.0000007518494857466960 Sharonville City Ohio 7675 0.0012026449576035900000 Shawnee Hills Village Ohio 7971 0.0000285818371651714000 Shawnee Township Ohio 7498 0.0002714173860199970000 Shawnee Village Ohio 8950 0.0000055409095313811100 Sheffield Lake City Ohio 8579 0.0001060711218856780000 Sheffield Township Ohio 7550 0.0000117646135169663000 Sheffield Township Ohio 8596 0.0000365731039355603000 Sheffield Village Ohio 8578 0.0003590730927458660000 Shelby City Ohio 9076 0.0002822777124873140000 Shelby County Ohio 9179 0.0024366280677883600000 Sherrodsville Village Ohio 7685 0.0000099973184289402800 Sherwood Village Ohio 7955 0.0000115736525232611000 Shiloh Village Ohio 9078 0.0000014201601397377700 Shreve Village Ohio 9435 0.0000112956953358833000 Sidney City Ohio 9185 0.0007193292369030030000 Silver Lake Village Ohio 9244 0.0000815938981551935000 Silverton Village Ohio 8222 0.0001100246997687070000 Sinking Spring Village Ohio 8324 0.0000175099715431261000 Smith Township Ohio 7623 0.0000109290003787196000 Smith Township Ohio 8651 0.0000526845136496505000 Smithfield Township Ohio 8431 0.0000028358807212897200 Smithfield Village Ohio 8416 0.0000201496788097310000 Smithville Village Ohio 9436 0.0000116577368529865000 Solon City Ohio 7907 0.0005390950210971670000 Somerford Township Ohio 8628 0.0000176117435873615000 Somers Township Ohio 9046 0.0000088903992655244300 Somerset Village Ohio 8947 0.0000125929762076109000 Somerville Village Ohio 7663 0.0000015130796614655900 South Amherst Village Ohio 8575 0.0000189705875770926000 South Bloomfield Township Ohio 8852 0.0000044785278818462900 South Bloomfield Village Ohio 8965 0.0000120563875609347000 South Charleston Village Ohio 7714 0.0000251070540275873000 South Euclid City Ohio 7904 0.0003897616302162130000 South Lebanon Village Ohio 9389 0.0000549177290027903000 South Point Village Ohio 8490 0.0000574720509860639000 South Russell Village Ohio 8131 0.0000630089307506725000 South Salem Village Ohio 9105 0.0000052184222379536100 South Solon Village Ohio 8620 0.0000069864767950509600 South Vienna Village Ohio 7721 0.0000085389473089405200 South Webster Village Ohio 9141 0.0000231648879708095000 South Zanesville Village Ohio 8854 0.0000145602062335523000 Southington Township Ohio 9293 0.0000135719597549503000 Sparta Village Ohio 8833 0.0000007218561769531520 Spencer Township Ohio 7493 0.0000015323493918144000 Spencer Township Ohio 8183 0.0000015280867910321400 Spencer Township Ohio 8609 0.0000230053671867937000 Spencer Township Ohio 8697 0.0000006635172265275770 Spencer Village Ohio 8681 0.0000151503100057310000 Spencerville Village Ohio 7489 0.0000236875676820120000 Sprigg Township Ohio 7482 0.0000009871415138477550 Spring Valley Township Ohio 8160 0.0000662894770438727000 Spring Valley Village Ohio 8148 0.0000013528464702930100 Springboro City Ohio 8810 0.0002808386013045190000 Springdale City Ohio 8221 0.0006481838922439540000 Springfield City Ohio 7722 0.0044350272746935100000 Springfield Township Ohio 7734 0.0000983890645128736000 Springfield Township Ohio 8120 0.0000091275511328014600 Springfield Township Ohio 8233 0.0009870161766118390000 Springfield Township Ohio 8430 0.0000020895963210141300 Springfield Township Ohio 8612 0.0004050648726264480000 Springfield Township Ohio 8652 0.0000371552356074558000 Springfield Township Ohio 9090 0.0001659081198549150000 Springfield Township Ohio 9117 0.0000497466704268603000 Springfield Township Ohio 9264 0.0004398308249015710000 Springfield Township Ohio 9476 0.0000046360091210006100 St Albans Township Ohio 8542 0.0000406141900801873000 St Clair Township Ohio 7677 0.0000051444708489668600 St Clair Township Ohio 7804 0.0001573191052854820000 St Marys Township Ohio 7598 0.0000020008923875628500 St. Bernard Village Ohio 8225 0.0003557230698391430000 St. Clairsville City Ohio 7613 0.0001756540542787990000 St. Henry Village Ohio 8726 0.0000131826782122292000 St. Louisville Village Ohio 8514 0.0000035580807549192900 St. Marys City Ohio 7591 0.0002632840899958240000 St. Paris Village Ohio 7700 0.0000356478975866701000 Stafford Village Ohio 8767 0.0000002335208225159280 Stark County Ohio 9201 0.0143428183870470000000 Starr Township Ohio 8358 0.0000013454220876081300 Staunton Township Ohio 8755 0.0000035096756450754300 Sterling Township Ohio 7651 0.0000406511315372020000 Steubenville City Ohio 8421 0.0012804747741458600000 Steubenville Township Ohio 8433 0.0000002985137601371780 Stock Township Ohio 8301 0.0000031276581317439600 Stock Township Ohio 8893 0.0000003230405973554460 Stockport Village Ohio 8823 0.0000021063661837749100 Stokes Township Ohio 8561 0.0000447466029207978000 Stokes Township Ohio 8623 0.0000071320283949198000 Stone Creek Village Ohio 9310 0.0000012918666732231900 Stonelick Township Ohio 7753 0.0001725733207297240000 Stoutsville Village Ohio 8017 0.0000006867217809360120 Stow City Ohio 9249 0.0013821320381335000000 Strasburg Village Ohio 9314 0.0000308202477742745000 Stratton Village Ohio 8424 0.0000140301467269054000 Streetsboro City Ohio 9003 0.0001929557961948570000 Strongsville City Ohio 7905 0.0006924244492082590000 Struthers City Ohio 8640 0.0002366201846608440000 Stryker Village Ohio 9469 0.0000156741260753535000 Suffield Township Ohio 9026 0.0000250705579047053000 Sugar Bush Knolls Village Ohio 9010 0.0000009202195899059450 Sugar Creek Township Ohio 7500 0.0000025539156530419600 Sugar Creek Township Ohio 9073 0.0000015504926653226600 Sugar Creek Township Ohio 9453 0.0000034031902615245400 Sugar Grove Village Ohio 8015 0.0000018312580824960300 Sugarcreek Township Ohio 8163 0.0004401582623085080000 Sugarcreek Village Ohio 9317 0.0000259296096554661000 Sullivan Township Ohio 7515 0.0000160721970084932000 Summerfield Village Ohio 8881 0.0000011357535391527800 Summit County Ohio 14922 0.0308592816277689 Summit Township Ohio 8781 0.0000000583802056289821 Summitville Village Ohio 7793 0.0000044877082331794900 Sunbury Village Ohio 7974 0.0000770937121379616000 Sunfish Township Ohio 9005 0.0000006330867717645230 Swan Creek Township Ohio 8099 0.0000453533125039143000 Swanton Township Ohio 8613 0.0000140588355031004000 Swanton Village Ohio 8109 0.0000678333065047415000 Switzerland Township Ohio 8782 0.0000016930259632593400 Sycamore Township Ohio 8235 0.0005471519717748780000 Sycamore Township Ohio 9535 0.0000025903361939260300 Sycamore Village Ohio 9524 0.0000112458498175903000 Sylvania City Ohio 8600 0.0004931669084248640000 Sylvania Township Ohio 8616 0.0011686726530942900000 Symmes Township Ohio 8238 0.0002858139855485060000 Symmes Township Ohio 8501 0.0000004884310282023140 Syracuse Village Ohio 8710 0.0000050691254304229700 Tallmadge City Ohio 9029 0.0005438449262515880000 Tarlton Village Ohio 8028 0.0000021001640915121500 Tate Township Ohio 7760 0.0002502232433396320000 Taylor Creek Township Ohio 8279 0.0000010401185670464700 Terrace Park Village Ohio 8226 0.0000530964969022610000 Texas Township Ohio 7853 0.0000027500085866178200 The Village Of Indian Hill City Ohio 8205 0.0002474187278372430000 Thompson Township Ohio 7993 0.0000023174462566296900 Thompson Township Ohio 8138 0.0000210627293403048000 Thorn Township Ohio 8963 0.0000069513228665731800 Thornville Village Ohio 8952 0.0000057423971506942600 Thurston Village Ohio 8016 0.0000128188065774183000 Tiffin City Ohio 9166 0.0006590920279016680000 Tiffin Township Ohio 7970 0.0000047534644292061300 Tiltonsville Village Ohio 8423 0.0000155227155274565000 Timberlake Village Ohio 8468 0.0000218312684485850000 Tipp City Ohio 8745 0.0003525628716342480000 Tiro Village Ohio 7840 0.0000003055565096271960 Toledo City Ohio 8602 0.0095498687395811700000 Tontogany Village Ohio 9498 0.0000017773531751841600 Toronto City Ohio 8426 0.0002613487970075220000 Townsend Township Ohio 8393 0.0000057846805259093200 Townsend Township Ohio 9134 0.0000002540407516725180 Tremont City Village Ohio 7719 0.0000059900078135775800 Trenton City Ohio 7669 0.0003899206287541800000 Trenton Township Ohio 7987 0.0000005407374598874460 Trimble Township Ohio 7572 0.0000215691707317220000 Trimble Village Ohio 7561 0.0000040456548355082600 Trotwood City Ohio 8798 0.0007601186897453180000 Troy City Ohio 8748 0.0008427475700824230000 Troy Township Ohio 7517 0.0000022089749442993600 Troy Township Ohio 7575 0.0000081982368392882100 Troy Township Ohio 8143 0.0000243789888533846000 Troy Township Ohio 9096 0.0000325801443809200000 Troy Township Ohio 9515 0.0000259722899467948000 Trumbull Township Ohio 7545 0.0000060472312471369600 Truro Township Ohio 8086 0.0004619989515839760000 Tully Township Ohio 9364 0.0000074258939482170900 Turtle Creek Township Ohio 9196 0.0000031578686462780300 Turtlecreek Township Ohio 9401 0.0000667947775376638000 Tuscarawas County Ohio 9297 0.0034852717320857000000 Tuscarawas Township Ohio 9228 0.0000196465538839627000 Tuscarawas Village Ohio 9312 0.0000035987714469322500 Twin Township Ohio 7944 0.0000035714148238754400 Twin Township Ohio 9119 0.0000491939296444295000 Twinsburg City Ohio 9246 0.0007805575567063210000 Tymochtee Township Ohio 9538 0.0000029694097831903800 Uhrichsville City Ohio 9313 0.0000953213052455094000 Union City Ohio 8758 0.0001863419514222320000 Union City Village Ohio 7930 0.0000713130895459336000 Union County Ohio 9337 0.0028114527986502800000 Union Township Ohio 7594 0.0000015840398068116100 Union Township Ohio 7696 0.0000007140941734841890 Union Township Ohio 7713 0.0000001980438754859900 Union Township Ohio 7752 0.0029829839292464500000 Union Township Ohio 7777 0.0000804143384195860000 Union Township Ohio 8049 0.0000131509102109191000 Union Township Ohio 8338 0.0001051176295475820000 Union Township Ohio 8500 0.0000110711033061706000 Union Township Ohio 8536 0.0000719426572148461000 Union Township Ohio 8564 0.0000011210004906852400 Union Township Ohio 8736 0.0000043942260708328600 Union Township Ohio 8757 0.0000360539407186951000 Union Township Ohio 8871 0.0000030059780611031000 Union Township Ohio 8997 0.0000010287660041005100 Union Township Ohio 9114 0.0001116536380725880000 Union Township Ohio 9327 0.0000020300762007831500 Union Township Ohio 9351 0.0000023432302283142900 Union Township Ohio 9366 0.0000027847102305814100 Union Township Ohio 9403 0.0000748580948904035000 Unionville Center Village Ohio 9343 0.0000013813396449063000 Uniopolis Village Ohio 7585 0.0000023343744521476800 Unity Township Ohio 7806 0.0000007479513721965820 University Heights City Ohio 7903 0.0002874186769968980000 Upper Arlington City Ohio 8066 0.0011223141714179700000 Upper Sandusky City Ohio 9525 0.0001016549008794720000 Upper Township Ohio 8503 0.0000070008447377730400 Urbana City Ohio 7703 0.0005385803193872960000 Urbancrest Village Ohio 8068 0.0000032182589507749700 Utica Village Ohio 8459 0.0000421286904288691000 Valley Hi Village Ohio 8552 0.0000012324400359875600 Valley Township Ohio 8181 0.0000050936226367738100 Valley Township Ohio 9156 0.0000170408371278311000 Valley View Village Ohio 7902 0.0001487413853702680000 Valleyview Village Ohio 8069 0.0000150185417700138000 Van Buren Township Ohio 7946 0.0000032257940345376700 Van Buren Township Ohio 9065 0.0000021706897314355600 Van Buren Township Ohio 9199 0.0000036564794849938900 Van Buren Village Ohio 8244 0.0000011133778542603000 Van Wert City Ohio 9357 0.0004952143026726700000 Van Wert County Ohio 9352 0.0010512281120667100000 Vandalia City Ohio 8799 0.0009058548875611740000 Vanlue Village Ohio 8251 0.0000010439724815150100 Venedocia Village Ohio 9358 0.0000003480887788159410 Venice Township Ohio 9177 0.0000000939011294920772 Vermilion City Ohio 8012 0.0004047398550967190000 Vermilion Township Ohio 8006 0.0000119667594432062000 Vermillion Township Ohio 7518 0.0000045702929882520200 Vernon Township Ohio 7854 0.0000001018521698766300 Vernon Township Ohio 9158 0.0000364780419759257000 Vernon Township Ohio 9291 0.0000059077942461647000 Verona Village Ohio 8811 0.0000115872825660210000 Versailles Village Ohio 7929 0.0000936632339267019000 Vienna Township Ohio 9295 0.0000394385183474383000 Vinton County Ohio 9367 0.0010209124854247500000 Vinton Township Ohio 9378 0.0000010960530083428000 Vinton Village Ohio 8119 0.0000047393053958414200 Violet Township Ohio 8032 0.0005823400702184360000 Virginia Township Ohio 7832 0.0000007884303353394920 Wabash Township Ohio 7947 0.0000004608277191888780 Wadsworth City Ohio 8684 0.0007126175013069980000 Waite Hill Village Ohio 8473 0.0000496971964693531000 Wakeman Village Ohio 8375 0.0000169683962090466000 Walbridge Village Ohio 9496 0.0000271763033889933000 Waldo Township Ohio 8674 0.0000006965833687199270 Waldo Village Ohio 8666 0.0000038966421891770200 Walnut Township Ohio 8038 0.0000815672870896687000 Walnut Township Ohio 8121 0.0000014042386357948900 Walton Hills Village Ohio 7908 0.0000932038680974068000 Wapakoneta City Ohio 7588 0.0002577816359297570000 Ward Township Ohio 8350 0.0000013918159526776200 Warren City Ohio 9268 0.0032965491893194900000 Warren County Ohio 9381 0.0098369202801511100000 Warren Township Ohio 7624 0.0000009217229235139400 Warren Township Ohio 8436 0.0000040299357619462000 Warren Township Ohio 9298 0.0000014370310328770900 Warren Township Ohio 9332 0.0000019378000098347900 Warren Township Ohio 9425 0.0000082158102314852100 Warrensville Heights City Ohio 7906 0.0003382201501573250000 Warsaw Village Ohio 7817 0.0000036629305314962600 Warwick Township Ohio 9333 0.0000079357524213436300 Washington County Ohio 9405 0.0031143397984688400000 Washington Court House City Ohio 8043 0.0003521287718009820000 Washington Township Ohio 7599 0.0000221765572955781000 Washington Township Ohio 7628 0.0000007900482201471080 Washington Township Ohio 7653 0.0000110338785597513000 Washington Township Ohio 7698 0.0000020402690671246200 Washington Township Ohio 7756 0.0002865459722039970000 Washington Township Ohio 7778 0.0000275706303152096000 Washington Township Ohio 7812 0.0000058589524156072400 Washington Township Ohio 7830 0.0000007884303353394920 Washington Township Ohio 7950 0.0000029953801748893500 Washington Township Ohio 7961 0.0000033067578638658500 Washington Township Ohio 8089 0.0011474881080963500000 Washington Township Ohio 8186 0.0000008913839614354170 Washington Township Ohio 8261 0.0000083581286444713900 Washington Township Ohio 8307 0.0000031276581317439600 Washington Township Ohio 8320 0.0000024084202439325800 Washington Township Ohio 8342 0.0000038070771265145900 Washington Township Ohio 8357 0.0000022732993893752500 Washington Township Ohio 8368 0.0000002451135294469930 Washington Township Ohio 8410 0.0000031045294899743300 Washington Township Ohio 8504 0.0000006512413709543780 Washington Township Ohio 8534 0.0000076368562544149100 Washington Township Ohio 8562 0.0000166281739450342000 Washington Township Ohio 8614 0.0000666303597792122000 Washington Township Ohio 8735 0.0000010985565176947400 Washington Township Ohio 8756 0.0000091464274390651200 Washington Township Ohio 8783 0.0000000583802056289821 Washington Township Ohio 8813 0.0012326946963883000000 Washington Township Ohio 8843 0.0000022669091748082600 Washington Township Ohio 8875 0.0000139026485325345000 Washington Township Ohio 8935 0.0000003764691256138670 Washington Township Ohio 8986 0.0000037306557736068300 Washington Township Ohio 9045 0.0000064378753302723700 Washington Township Ohio 9091 0.0000113612811177944000 Washington Township Ohio 9139 0.0000060969780400542200 Washington Township Ohio 9157 0.0001062389689686830000 Washington Township Ohio 9195 0.0000007479162583162460 Washington Township Ohio 9231 0.0000061163799828295200 Washington Township Ohio 9513 0.0000021213570155197900 Washingtonville Village Ohio 7816 0.0000131255297710747000 Waterford Township Ohio 9427 0.0000468692412248347000 Waterloo Township Ohio 7573 0.0000062462756870510700 Watertown Township Ohio 9428 0.0000014084246111194500 Waterville City Ohio 8606 0.0001169013473333040000 Waterville Township Ohio 8617 0.0000145700658849334000 Wauseon City Ohio 8096 0.0002595217326696690000 Waverly Village Ohio 8981 0.0000725675712128181000 Wayne County Ohio 9430 0.0021142500520100200000 Wayne Lakes Village Ohio 7936 0.0000703914341068015000 Wayne Township Ohio 7479 0.0000118456981661192000 Wayne Township Ohio 7548 0.0000048377849975479200 Wayne Township Ohio 7600 0.0000040017847751257100 Wayne Township Ohio 7625 0.0000005266988134403860 Wayne Township Ohio 7681 0.0000069601664427040200 Wayne Township Ohio 7712 0.0000139620932217152000 Wayne Township Ohio 7758 0.0000192106877143717000 Wayne Township Ohio 7779 0.0000018798157033073000 Wayne Township Ohio 7810 0.0000056096352914070100 Wayne Township Ohio 7948 0.0000003456207893916580 Wayne Township Ohio 8055 0.0000013150910210919100 Wayne Township Ohio 8435 0.0000197019081694848000 Wayne Township Ohio 8784 0.0000000583802056289821 Wayne Township Ohio 8877 0.0000013151154017393400 Wayne Township Ohio 8892 0.0000008076014933886150 Wayne Township Ohio 8982 0.0000004094622190511220 Wayne Township Ohio 9335 0.0000036910476376650900 Wayne Township Ohio 9404 0.0000357401093510650000 Wayne Village Ohio 9499 0.0000075680844878149100 Waynesburg Village Ohio 9218 0.0000113060357258037000 Waynesfield Village Ohio 7582 0.0000070864938726633400 Waynesville Village Ohio 9394 0.0000433675717126385000 Weathersfield Township Ohio 9296 0.0002340763882449550000 Weller Township Ohio 9097 0.0000041769415875115800 Wellington Village Ohio 8576 0.0001545008430550690000 Wells Township Ohio 8434 0.0000944796050865554000 Wellston City Ohio 8397 0.0003803048625407140000 Wellsville Village Ohio 7795 0.0001176776825605450000 Wesley Township Ohio 9429 0.0000011736871759149100 West Alexandria Village Ohio 9035 0.0000935024750340103000 West Carrollton City Ohio 8797 0.0005652049459553220000 West Chester Township Ohio 7674 0.0034997532570651000000 West Elkton Village Ohio 9038 0.0000251383703370744000 West Farmington Village Ohio 9273 0.0000017563712624053300 West Jefferson Village Ohio 8625 0.0001490448382926250000 West Lafayette Village Ohio 7818 0.0000245846913657476000 West Leipsic Village Ohio 9059 0.0000020156404649140700 West Liberty Village Ohio 8550 0.0000327892643537759000 West Manchester Village Ohio 9039 0.0000236055428773062000 West Mansfield Village Ohio 8551 0.0000007473336604658090 West Millgrove Village Ohio 9501 0.0000010320115210607700 West Milton Village Ohio 8749 0.0000921023972332510000 West Rushville Village Ohio 8026 0.0000010025173537865300 West Salem Village Ohio 9443 0.0000046703355715204900 West Township Ohio 7809 0.0000054849767294416000 West Union Village Ohio 7468 0.0001048837858453140000 West Unity Village Ohio 9460 0.0000137608524698569000 Westerville City Ohio 7991 0.0019876791397783900000 Westfield Center Village Ohio 8676 0.0000144867927794189000 Westfield Township Ohio 8700 0.0000207902064312693000 Westlake City Ohio 7910 0.0004407481051079900000 Westland Township Ohio 8189 0.0000003820216977580360 Weston Township Ohio 9514 0.0000009746775476894600 Weston Village Ohio 9500 0.0000087147639557799400 Wharton Village Ohio 9527 0.0000002527157262355030 Wheeling Township Ohio 7631 0.0000050036387276163100 Wheeling Township Ohio 8190 0.0000003820216977580360 Whetstone Township Ohio 7849 0.0000030555650962719600 White Eyes Township Ohio 7833 0.0000017918871257985100 Whitehall City Ohio 8067 0.0006631758944461250000 Whitehouse Village Ohio 8604 0.0001790158387375930000 Whitewater Township Ohio 8237 0.0000680323303472906000 Wickliffe City Ohio 8474 0.0005086863038483560000 Wilkesville Township Ohio 9380 0.0000051149140388432500 Wilkesville Village Ohio 9365 0.0000009684535227284720 Willard City Ohio 8382 0.0003170004928146580000 Williams County Ohio 9454 0.0014117015710195500000 Williamsburg Township Ohio 7757 0.0001294703491342400000 Williamsburg Village Ohio 7744 0.0000600535784017272000 Williamsfield Township Ohio 7552 0.0000043979863614072000 Williamsport Village Ohio 8970 0.0000039581347842057500 Willoughby City Ohio 8471 0.0012702070947423900000 Willoughby Hills City Ohio 8475 0.0004948420848349530000 Willowick City Ohio 8477 0.0005059352090501100000 Wills Township Ohio 8188 0.0000010187245273547600 Willshire Village Ohio 9361 0.0000062655980190102200 Wilmington City Ohio 7769 0.0011970248661896200000 Wilmot Village Ohio 9217 0.0000227974162994169000 Wilson Township Ohio 7782 0.0000064749207558242800 Wilson Village Ohio 7617 0.0000013258878266379000 Winchester Village Ohio 7472 0.0000318353138223040000 Windham Township Ohio 9022 0.0000011413000563640100 Windham Village Ohio 9009 0.0000283803280688856000 Windsor Township Ohio 7551 0.0000059372815880344300 Windsor Township Ohio 8509 0.0000066752240521072700 Windsor Township Ohio 8825 0.0000046139449741165600 Wintersville Village Ohio 8422 0.0001588093203965350000 Wood County Ohio 9475 0.0056355282466581900000 Woodlawn Village Ohio 8220 0.0002255232651989970000 Woodmere Village Ohio 7909 0.0000066230616868066400 Woodsfield Village Ohio 8772 0.0000105084370133245000 Woodstock Village Ohio 7704 0.0000014211628504757200 Woodville Township Ohio 9131 0.0000183756143709510000 Woodville Village Ohio 9127 0.0000320938149614771000 Wooster City Ohio 9446 0.0037893437438032000000 Wooster Township Ohio 9455 0.0000162556641212479000 Worthington City Ohio 8070 0.0007678050687850250000 Worthington Township Ohio 9095 0.0000164571498547256000 Wren Village Ohio 9363 0.0000077739827270060900 Wyandot County Ohio 9519 0.0008982148699828720000 Wyoming City Ohio 8223 0.0002062865373059660000 Xenia City Ohio 8150 0.0011877992009227600000 Xenia Township Ohio 8166 0.0000707345440192859000 Yankee Lake Village Ohio 9272 0.0000003193402295282410 Yellow Creek Township Ohio 7814 0.0000100973435245865000 Yellow Springs Village Ohio 8156 0.0001332553773258280000 York Township Ohio 7574 0.0000051726970534149400 York Township Ohio 8105 0.0000579514548685075000 York Township Ohio 8698 0.0000216748960667112000 York Township Ohio 9138 0.0000058429372884975500 York Township Ohio 9334 0.0000072898190845973300 York Township Ohio 9370 0.0000010442663364747600 Yorkshire Village Ohio 7933 0.0000071428296474814800 Yorkville Village Ohio 7632 0.0000110461736273547000 Youngstown City Ohio 8657 0.0053864862766374800000 Zaleski Village Ohio 9374 0.0000007307020055528840 Zane Township Ohio 8563 0.0000117705051521816000 Zanesfield Village Ohio 8549 0.0000011777998373359000 Zanesville City Ohio 8853 0.0012841162529870800000 Zoar Village Ohio 9315 0.0000022146285826798700 Albany City Oregon 9661 0.0115744212340000000000 Ashland City Oregon 9693 0.0057255932380000000000 Astoria City Oregon 9675 0.0018592830650000000000 Baker County Oregon 9660 0.0047716362050000000000 Beaverton City Oregon 9744 0.0097096760290000000000 Bend City Oregon 9686 0.0094435190430000000000 Benton County Oregon 9664 0.0102198853060000000000 Canby City Oregon 9671 0.0017168124370000000000 Central Point City Oregon 9695 0.0017187300430000000000 Clackamas County Oregon 9662 0.0777131425770000000000 Clatsop County Oregon 9679 0.0114236920990000000000 Columbia County Oregon 9678 0.0100966994130000000000 Coos Bay City Oregon 9687 0.0025389459290000000000 Coos County Oregon 9681 0.0156330024700000000000 Cornelius City Oregon 9742 0.0009497502650000000000 Corvallis City Oregon 9666 0.0066337114250000000000 Cottage Grove City Oregon 9704 0.0009102295750000000000 Crook County Oregon 9685 0.0035132299110000000000 Curry County Oregon 9683 0.0076129612950000000000 Dallas City Oregon 9725 0.0016069646830000000000 Deschutes County Oregon 9684 0.0225697536000000000000 Douglas County Oregon 9688 0.0256894810470000000000 Eugene City Oregon 9706 0.0276110399320000000000 Forest Grove City Oregon 9735 0.0025221694150000000000 Gladstone City Oregon 9665 0.0011813600320000000000 Grants Pass City Oregon 9699 0.0082325818950000000000 Gresham City Oregon 9722 0.0098319427180000000000 Happy Valley City Oregon 9667 0.0001035060090000000000 Hermiston City Oregon 9728 0.0013163043140000000000 Hillsboro City Oregon 9743 0.0150835193640000000000 Hood River County Oregon 9694 0.0035536874980000000000 Independence City Oregon 9727 0.0008089706010000000000 Jackson County Oregon 9692 0.0407695106400000000000 Jefferson County Oregon 9702 0.0036746929150000000000 Josephine County Oregon 9701 0.0165365237980000000000 Keizer City Oregon 9721 0.0019165584510000000000 Klamath County Oregon 9700 0.0121696286010000000000 Klamath Falls City Oregon 9703 0.0032092752140000000000 La Grande City Oregon 9739 0.0027156486690000000000 Lake Oswego City Oregon 9670 0.0069341603420000000000 Lane County Oregon 9705 0.0633268082340000000000 Lebanon City Oregon 9708 0.0032693452820000000000 Lincoln County Oregon 9709 0.0151903432680000000000 Linn County Oregon 9712 0.0181853766890000000000 Malheur County Oregon 9714 0.0050140270230000000000 Marion County Oregon 9713 0.0416364753080000000000 Mcminnville City Oregon 9747 0.0048035926350000000000 Medford City Oregon 9696 0.0155407585980000000000 Milwaukie City Oregon 9677 0.0021136471180000000000 Monmouth City Oregon 9724 0.0007069609300000000000 Morrow County Oregon 9723 0.0013515449370000000000 Multnomah County Oregon 9720 0.1396438156620000000000 Newberg City Oregon 9748 0.0040932573610000000000 Newport City Oregon 9711 0.0019083926230000000000 Ontario City Oregon 9717 0.0018697801820000000000 Oregon City Oregon 9674 0.0027650404750000000000 Pendleton City Oregon 9733 0.0035210494580000000000 Polk County Oregon 9726 0.0070742996810000000000 Portland City Oregon 9673 0.0827367028580000000000 Prineville City Oregon 9682 0.0009248618430000000000 Redmond City Oregon 9689 0.0015503110860000000000 Roseburg City Oregon 9690 0.0063707998770000000000 Salem City Oregon 9715 0.0304382214210000000000 Sandy City Oregon 9669 0.0007750156820000000000 Sherwood City Oregon 9745 0.0014042049280000000000 Silverton City Oregon 9718 0.0007756307310000000000 Springfield City Oregon 9710 0.0116672346590000000000 St. Helens City Oregon 9680 0.0019644530770000000000 The Dalles City Oregon 9737 0.0017234187380000000000 Tigard City Oregon 9738 0.0050498759560000000000 Tillamook County Oregon 9731 0.0090012288700000000000 Troutdale City Oregon 9719 0.0008999296100000000000 Tualatin City Oregon 9676 0.0015515656180000000000 Umatilla County Oregon 9730 0.0097386338840000000000 Union County Oregon 9732 0.0041538413740000000000 Wasco County Oregon 9734 0.0041162787310000000000 Washington County Oregon 9736 0.0721676222100000000000 West Linn City Oregon 9668 0.0016005049830000000000 Wilsonville City Oregon 9672 0.0013833513960000000000 Woodburn City Oregon 9716 0.0020693492660000000000 Yamhill County Oregon 9746 0.0141202464440000000000 Abbeville County South Carolina 10199 0.0033500598230000000000 Aiken City South Carolina 10205 0.0078380268920000000000 Aiken County South Carolina 10203 0.0256616705970000000000 Allendale County South Carolina 10200 0.0012204418230000000000 Anderson City South Carolina 10211 0.0117353030520000000000 Anderson County South Carolina 10206 0.0333922319040000000000 Bamberg County South Carolina 10210 0.0027059133720000000000 Barnwell County South Carolina 10208 0.0046532247690000000000 Beaufort City South Carolina 10212 0.0007699824780000000000 Beaufort County South Carolina 10213 0.0233644183520000000000 Berkeley County South Carolina 10216 0.0209614402940000000000 Bluffton Town South Carolina 10215 0.0004819689170000000000 Calhoun County South Carolina 10225 0.0018332603930000000000 Cayce City South Carolina 10267 0.0025721369600000000000 Charleston City South Carolina 10221 0.0230043405520000000000 Charleston County South Carolina 10229 0.0380164384880000000000 Cherokee County South Carolina 10227 0.0094407007450000000000 Chester City South Carolina 10231 0.0012995731330000000000 Chester County South Carolina 10230 0.0039479652110000000000 Chesterfield County South Carolina 10232 0.0094434886640000000000 Clarendon County South Carolina 10235 0.0057053835750000000000 Clemson City South Carolina 10207 0.0033116168770000000000 Colleton County South Carolina 10233 0.0085893655350000000000 Columbia City South Carolina 10270 0.0239180607020000000000 Conway City South Carolina 10250 0.0028947394020000000000 Darlington County South Carolina 10234 0.0169064628670000000000 Dillon County South Carolina 10237 0.0066084114170000000000 Dorchester County South Carolina 10236 0.0160157659750000000000 Easley City South Carolina 10209 0.0085658357710000000000 Edgefield County South Carolina 10238 0.0035860970740000000000 Fairfield County South Carolina 10242 0.0035364218910000000000 Florence City South Carolina 10239 0.0100653369040000000000 Florence County South Carolina 10240 0.0220590062720000000000 Forest Acres City South Carolina 10277 0.0009959290560000000000 Fort Mill Town South Carolina 10289 0.0017149748020000000000 Fountain Inn City South Carolina 10251 0.0019756970940000000000 Gaffney City South Carolina 10228 0.0020443537820000000000 Georgetown City South Carolina 10249 0.0026262335620000000000 Georgetown County South Carolina 10241 0.0118950989000000000000 Goose Creek City South Carolina 10218 0.0054735757680000000000 Greenville City South Carolina 10244 0.0227056483950000000000 Greenville County South Carolina 10243 0.0715023283640000000000 Greenwood City South Carolina 10248 0.0003082206180000000000 Greenwood County South Carolina 10255 0.0133889444900000000000 Greer City South Carolina 10245 0.0055905646720000000000 Hampton County South Carolina 10252 0.0034503769190000000000 Hanahan City South Carolina 10222 0.0022796848400000000000 Hilton Head Island Town South Carolina 10220 0.0023238784580000000000 Horry County South Carolina 10253 0.0521667188790000000000 Irmo Town South Carolina 10266 0.0009427409060000000000 James Island Town South Carolina 10223 0.0004615518870000000000 Jasper County South Carolina 10259 0.0042785483170000000000 Kershaw County South Carolina 10257 0.0107808928230000000000 Lancaster County South Carolina 10258 0.0148092826030000000000 Laurens County South Carolina 10262 0.0135984429460000000000 Lee County South Carolina 10260 0.0021766218200000000000 Lexington County South Carolina 10264 0.0448813916050000000000 Lexington Town South Carolina 10261 0.0023421040620000000000 Marion County South Carolina 10269 0.0069732423070000000000 Marlboro County South Carolina 10265 0.0048782380420000000000 Mauldin City South Carolina 10246 0.0042532539290000000000 Mccormick County South Carolina 10268 0.0012816234930000000000 Moncks Corner Town South Carolina 10217 0.0019654264450000000000 Mount Pleasant Town South Carolina 10226 0.0057508018890000000000 Myrtle Beach City South Carolina 10254 0.0190682340680000000000 Newberry City South Carolina 10274 0.0003448646570000000000 Newberry County South Carolina 10273 0.0056565517100000000000 North Augusta City South Carolina 10202 0.0051396785250000000000 North Charleston City South Carolina 10219 0.0177510909590000000000 North Myrtle Beach City South Carolina 10256 0.0063663132480000000000 Oconee County South Carolina 10271 0.0280995152140000000000 Orangeburg City South Carolina 10275 0.0004689403440000000000 Orangeburg County South Carolina 10272 0.0145439829120000000000 Pickens County South Carolina 10276 0.0281433471650000000000 Port Royal Town South Carolina 10214 0.0002060986170000000000 Richland County South Carolina 10278 0.0388167238390000000000 Rock Hill City South Carolina 10290 0.0131200735550000000000 Saluda County South Carolina 10280 0.0026048018090000000000 Simpsonville City South Carolina 10247 0.0034970644950000000000 Spartanburg City South Carolina 10279 0.0118903089580000000000 Spartanburg County South Carolina 10282 0.0640842933950000000000 Summerville Town South Carolina 10224 0.0064460119120000000000 Sumter City South Carolina 10283 0.0053906426710000000000 Sumter County South Carolina 10284 0.0094809957330000000000 Tega Cay City South Carolina 10292 0.0004333650220000000000 Union County South Carolina 10281 0.0064995240200000000000 West Columbia City South Carolina 10263 0.0039438583220000000000 Williamsburg County South Carolina 10287 0.0049313576290000000000 York County South Carolina 10286 0.0258008788650000000000 Anderson County Tennessee 10371 0.0120632490260000000000 Arlington Town Tennessee 10524 0.0000365663090000000000 Bartlett City Tennessee 10523 0.0007305615660000000000 Bedford County Tennessee 10372 0.0057626635550000000000 Benton County Tennessee 10377 0.0052166080680000000000 Bledsoe County Tennessee 10380 0.0013985808200000000000 Blount County Tennessee 10378 0.0191964655810000000000 Bradley County Tennessee 10381 0.0104302175520000000000 Brentwood City Tennessee 10561 0.0004782086000000000000 Bristol City Tennessee 10535 0.0054268711500000000000 Campbell County Tennessee 10382 0.0159743705590000000000 Cannon County Tennessee 10383 0.0032054539490000000000 Carroll County Tennessee 10384 0.0044380607850000000000 Carter County Tennessee 10392 0.0084355968910000000000 Chattanooga City Tennessee 10436 0.0049812370280000000000 Cheatham County Tennessee 10396 0.0082099987810000000000 Chester County Tennessee 10390 0.0017513991180000000000 Claiborne County Tennessee 10391 0.0119294123570000000000 Clarksville City Tennessee 10486 0.0022968151920000000000 Clay County Tennessee 10395 0.0032615091700000000000 Cleveland City Tennessee 10388 0.0055312822520000000000 Cocke County Tennessee 10394 0.0087462574700000000000 Coffee County Tennessee 10398 0.0089535516980000000000 Collierville Town Tennessee 10528 0.0006173753870000000000 Columbia City Tennessee 10479 0.0003908941580000000000 Cookeville City Tennessee 10504 0.0084041019200000000000 Crockett County Tennessee 10403 0.0012320624760000000000 Cumberland County Tennessee 10400 0.0087848479590000000000 Dandridge Town Tennessee 10456 0.0001090896630000000000 De Kalb County Tennessee 10406 0.0044784258860000000000 Decatur County Tennessee 10414 0.0036071959390000000000 Decatur Town Tennessee 10488 0.0000505994810000000000 Dickson County Tennessee 10413 0.0083413473080000000000 Dyer County Tennessee 10412 0.0040190885590000000000 Fayette County Tennessee 10415 0.0031570838310000000000 Fentress County Tennessee 10420 0.0055267146560000000000 Franklin City Tennessee 10563 0.0010899896460000000000 Franklin County Tennessee 10419 0.0063233711080000000000 Gallatin City Tennessee 10536 0.0007600796740000000000 Gatlinburg City Tennessee 10515 0.0005078196680000000000 Germantown City Tennessee 10527 0.0006875010470000000000 Gibson County Tennessee 10417 0.0049406952190000000000 Giles County Tennessee 10425 0.0046043676660000000000 Grainger County Tennessee 10426 0.0046712606680000000000 Greene County Tennessee 10429 0.0121279671010000000000 Grundy County Tennessee 10432 0.0038968588920000000000 Hamblen County Tennessee 10431 0.0226144886040000000000 Hamilton County Tennessee 10433 0.0420555303460000000000 Hancock County Tennessee 10441 0.0020890653760000000000 Hardeman County Tennessee 10437 0.0021506584080000000000 Hardin County Tennessee 10443 0.0056839466440000000000 Hartsville-Trousdale County Tennessee 10542 0.0011396415220000000000 Hawkins County Tennessee 10442 0.0109680950830000000000 Haywood County Tennessee 10444 0.0011042635920000000000 Henderson County Tennessee 10445 0.0024988676560000000000 Hendersonville City Tennessee 10538 0.0011374075540000000000 Henry County Tennessee 10446 0.0066616859910000000000 Hickman County Tennessee 10448 0.0028040892440000000000 Houston County Tennessee 10450 0.0011987355250000000000 Humphreys County Tennessee 10451 0.0024416089820000000000 Jackson City Tennessee 10473 0.0004313706440000000000 Jackson County Tennessee 10452 0.0027809853670000000000 Jefferson County Tennessee 10453 0.0089122473670000000000 Johnson City Tennessee 10389 0.0106828552600000000000 Johnson County Tennessee 10454 0.0022820659780000000000 Kingsport City Tennessee 10440 0.0098711493590000000000 Knox County Tennessee 10455 0.0918091981440000000000 Knoxville City Tennessee 10457 0.0154178168880000000000 La Vergne City Tennessee 10525 0.0005189501470000000000 Lake County Tennessee 10461 0.0006714646320000000000 Lauderdale County Tennessee 10458 0.0027337751530000000000 Lawrence County Tennessee 10460 0.0069928505030000000000 Lebanon City Tennessee 10565 0.0011102582470000000000 Lewis County Tennessee 10468 0.0015282259200000000000 Lexington City Tennessee 10447 0.0007968674960000000000 Lincoln County Tennessee 10470 0.0040607844110000000000 Loudon County Tennessee 10469 0.0089924842960000000000 Lynchburg, Moore County Metropolitan Government Tennessee 10490 0.0005791060700000000000 Macon County Tennessee 10471 0.0030910170000000000000 Madison County Tennessee 10475 0.0089072568450000000000 Marion County Tennessee 10474 0.0036371612590000000000 Marshall County Tennessee 10477 0.0054222273440000000000 Maryville City Tennessee 10379 0.0032239010400000000000 Maury County Tennessee 10480 0.0107725401780000000000 Mcminn County Tennessee 10483 0.0092972737470000000000 Mcnairy County Tennessee 10489 0.0042698846560000000000 Meigs County Tennessee 10485 0.0020164507370000000000 Memphis City Tennessee 10529 0.0490792163070000000000 Millington City Tennessee 10534 0.0002122005830000000000 Monroe County Tennessee 10492 0.0075067355930000000000 Montgomery County Tennessee 10484 0.0167585456820000000000 Morgan County Tennessee 10494 0.0051325627150000000000 Morristown City Tennessee 10430 0.0039194627970000000000 Mount Juliet City Tennessee 10568 0.0005776224810000000000 Murfreesboro City Tennessee 10520 0.0072835494140000000000 Nashville-Davidson Metropolitan Government Tennessee 10404 0.0898102360060000000000 Oak Ridge City Tennessee 10369 0.0095980500110000000000 Obion County Tennessee 10493 0.0031980334910000000000 Overton County Tennessee 10495 0.0054616708030000000000 Perry County Tennessee 10497 0.0008578646640000000000 Pickett County Tennessee 10496 0.0014711326480000000000 Pigeon Forge City Tennessee 10517 0.0008773225880000000000 Polk County Tennessee 10499 0.0032201315600000000000 Putnam County Tennessee 10500 0.0039308960230000000000 Rhea County Tennessee 10507 0.0054044205040000000000 Ripley City Tennessee 10465 0.0001907599340000000000 Roane County Tennessee 10510 0.0163615358540000000000 Robertson County Tennessee 10511 0.0093330431970000000000 Rutherford County Tennessee 10521 0.0257569781540000000000 Scott County Tennessee 10514 0.0051893410960000000000 Sequatchie County Tennessee 10518 0.0024339745480000000000 Sevier County Tennessee 10522 0.0144127820950000000000 Shelby County Tennessee 10526 0.0352554890820000000000 Smith County Tennessee 10532 0.0057118429800000000000 Smyrna Town Tennessee 10513 0.0013146916560000000000 Spring Hill City Tennessee 10482 0.0002445987730000000000 Stewart County Tennessee 10531 0.0014592731470000000000 Sullivan County Tennessee 10530 0.0145733979060000000000 Sumner County Tennessee 10537 0.0174490871870000000000 Tipton County Tennessee 10539 0.0063127498150000000000 Unicoi County Tennessee 10541 0.0034645276630000000000 Union County Tennessee 10540 0.0056067451480000000000 Van Buren County Tennessee 10546 0.0004791725350000000000 Warren County Tennessee 10548 0.0057191126940000000000 Washington County Tennessee 10555 0.0110610461590000000000 Wayne County Tennessee 10551 0.0023287175940000000000 Weakley County Tennessee 10556 0.0038747775730000000000 White County Tennessee 10558 0.0041623949910000000000 Williamson County Tennessee 10560 0.0168433049840000000000 Wilson County Tennessee 10566 0.0140190727600000000000 Abbott City Texas 11279 0.0000045866700000000000 Abernathy City Texas 11164 0.0000007333300000000000 Abilene City Texas 11395 0.0037587866700000000000 Ackerly City Texas 10939 0.0000001400000000000000 Addison Town Texas 10914 0.0003872933300000000000 Adrian City Texas 11658 0.0000012066700000000000 Agua Dulce City Texas 11646 0.0000002866700000000000 Alamo City Texas 11257 0.0001474733300000000000 Alamo Heights City Texas 10631 0.0001879866700000000000 Alba Town Texas 11717 0.0000213066700000000000 Albany City Texas 11795 0.0000012000000000000000 Aledo City Texas 11685 0.0000022066700000000000 Alice City Texas 11370 0.0004752733300000000000 Allen City Texas 10834 0.0021005400000000000000 Alma Town Texas 11026 0.0000073800000000000000 Alpine City Texas 10717 0.0001979066700000000000 Alto Town Texas 10803 0.0000251133300000000000 Alton City Texas 11270 0.0000769333300000000000 Alvarado City Texas 11377 0.0001935266700000000000 Alvin City Texas 10683 0.0007597466700000000000 Alvord Town Texas 12005 0.0000023866700000000000 Amarillo City Texas 11711 0.0065844066700000000000 Ames City Texas 11487 0.0000371400000000000000 Amherst City Texas 11453 0.0000001466700000000000 Anahuac City Texas 10788 0.0000036133300000000000 Anderson City Texas 11153 0.0000001266700000000000 Anderson County Texas 10567 0.0017917533300000000000 Andrews City Texas 10569 0.0001265533300000000000 Andrews County Texas 10571 0.0002507066700000000000 Angelina County Texas 10573 0.0015330400000000000000 Angleton City Texas 10689 0.0004186066700000000000 Angus City Texas 11640 0.0000022066700000000000 Anna City Texas 10836 0.0000605000000000000000 Annetta North Town Texas 11683 0.0000002266700000000000 Annetta South Town Texas 11689 0.0000040133300000000000 Annetta Town Texas 11690 0.0000397066700000000000 Annona Town Texas 11739 0.0000049200000000000000 Anson City Texas 11384 0.0000342266700000000000 Anthony Town Texas 11009 0.0000300933300000000000 Anton City Texas 11294 0.0000029600000000000000 Appleby City Texas 11621 0.0000103400000000000000 Aquilla City Texas 11293 0.0000013866700000000000 Aransas County Texas 10578 0.0017767466700000000000 Aransas Pass City Texas 11654 0.0003854200000000000000 Archer City Texas 10585 0.0000703600000000000000 Archer County Texas 10581 0.0003035600000000000000 Arcola City Texas 11078 0.0000486000000000000000 Argyle City Texas 10965 0.0000760400000000000000 Arlington City Texas 11832 0.0049053533300000000000 Armstrong County Texas 10589 0.0000064933300000000000 Arp City Texas 11804 0.0000133933300000000000 Asherton City Texas 10988 0.0000007466700000000000 Aspermont Town Texas 11831 0.0000000600000000000000 Atascosa County Texas 10593 0.0011793533300000000000 Athens City Texas 11233 0.0007062800000000000000 Atlanta City Texas 10783 0.0002066333300000000000 Aubrey City Texas 10950 0.0001009400000000000000 Aurora City Texas 12019 0.0000123266700000000000 Austin City Texas 11912 0.0325181066700000000000 Austin County Texas 10597 0.0005068666700000000000 Austwell City Texas 11735 0.0000007266700000000000 Avery Town Texas 11732 0.0000009200000000000000 Avinger Town Texas 10779 0.0000074333300000000000 Azle City Texas 11691 0.0002147533300000000000 Bailey City Texas 11037 0.0000063333300000000000 Bailey County Texas 10605 0.0001025133300000000000 Bailey'S Prairie Village Texas 10700 0.0000373600000000000000 Baird City Texas 10750 0.0000186800000000000000 Balch Springs City Texas 10912 0.0001823866700000000000 Balcones Heights City Texas 10643 0.0001587400000000000000 Ballinger City Texas 11759 0.0000611466700000000000 Balmorhea City Texas 11740 0.0000004200000000000000 Bandera City Texas 10608 0.0000192866700000000000 Bandera County Texas 10609 0.0005787666700000000000 Bangs City Texas 10722 0.0000203333300000000000 Bardwell City Texas 11012 0.0000024133300000000000 Barry City Texas 11630 0.0000013333300000000000 Barstow City Texas 11955 0.0000004066700000000000 Bartlett City Texas 12000 0.0000224933300000000000 Bartonville Town Texas 10970 0.0000592466700000000000 Bastrop City Texas 10610 0.0003088000000000000000 Bastrop County Texas 10612 0.0022930666700000000000 Bay City Texas 11536 0.0003860800000000000000 Baylor County Texas 10615 0.0001988800000000000000 Bayou Vista City Texas 11104 0.0000416000000000000000 Bayside Town Texas 11746 0.0000016133300000000000 Baytown City Texas 10802 0.0014404400000000000000 Bayview Town Texas 10765 0.0000002733300000000000 Beach City Texas 10794 0.0000833666700000000000 Bear Creek Village Texas 11225 0.0000060400000000000000 Beasley City Texas 11075 0.0000008666700000000000 Beaumont City Texas 11362 0.0045534000000000000000 Beckville City Texas 11674 0.0000083133300000000000 Bedford City Texas 11839 0.0006287600000000000000 Bedias City Texas 11151 0.0000231666700000000000 Bee Cave City Texas 11902 0.0000857533300000000000 Bee County Texas 10611 0.0006522933300000000000 Beeville City Texas 10617 0.0001601800000000000000 Bell County Texas 10622 0.0043383200000000000000 Bellaire City Texas 11189 0.0002750933300000000000 Bellevue City Texas 10821 0.0000003733300000000000 Bellmead City Texas 11544 0.0000965800000000000000 Bells Town Texas 11129 0.0000126066700000000000 Bellville City Texas 10600 0.0000499200000000000000 Belton City Texas 10618 0.0004845333300000000000 Benavides City Texas 10996 0.0000010133300000000000 Benbrook City Texas 11836 0.0002927933300000000000 Benjamin City Texas 11434 0.0000063400000000000000 Berryville Town Texas 11248 0.0000958600000000000000 Bertram City Texas 10742 0.0000012133300000000000 Beverly Hills City Texas 11546 0.0000289066700000000000 Bevil Oaks City Texas 11366 0.0000036600000000000000 Bexar County Texas 10632 0.0467143466700000000000 Big Lake City Texas 11725 0.0000036466700000000000 Big Sandy Town Texas 11917 0.0000305266700000000000 Big Spring City Texas 11323 0.0012661866700000000000 Big Wells City Texas 10982 0.0000015733300000000000 Bishop City Texas 11647 0.0000547533300000000000 Bishop Hills Town Texas 11708 0.0000021533300000000000 Blackwell City Texas 10826 0.0000002066700000000000 Blanco City Texas 10660 0.0000412733300000000000 Blanco County Texas 10656 0.0003281533300000000000 Blanket Town Texas 10721 0.0000009800000000000000 Bloomburg Town Texas 10781 0.0000067333300000000000 Blooming Grove Town Texas 11622 0.0000023466700000000000 Blossom City Texas 11444 0.0000013200000000000000 Blue Mound City Texas 11854 0.0000192533300000000000 Blue Ridge City Texas 10837 0.0000089666700000000000 Blum Town Texas 11282 0.0000108133300000000000 Boerne City Texas 11417 0.0003038400000000000000 Bogata City Texas 11728 0.0000243266700000000000 Bonham City Texas 11039 0.0006727266700000000000 Bonney Village Texas 10703 0.0000167333300000000000 Booker Town Texas 11506 0.0000069066700000000000 Borden County Texas 10661 0.0000066666700000000000 Borger City Texas 11344 0.0004645333300000000000 Bosque County Texas 10662 0.0004738200000000000000 Bovina City Texas 11694 0.0000011533300000000000 Bowie City Texas 11585 0.0005574666700000000000 Bowie County Texas 10675 0.0015546000000000000000 Boyd Town Texas 12012 0.0000463533300000000000 Brackettville City Texas 11429 0.0000000533300000000000 Brady City Texas 11541 0.0001832000000000000000 Brazoria City Texas 10685 0.0000769133300000000000 Brazoria County Texas 10684 0.0068072666700000000000 Brazos Bend City Texas 11306 0.0000030800000000000000 Brazos Country City Texas 10603 0.0000060133300000000000 Brazos County Texas 10708 0.0022805800000000000000 Breckenridge City Texas 11826 0.0001598400000000000000 Bremond City Texas 11745 0.0000370266700000000000 Brenham City Texas 11958 0.0003650000000000000000 Brewster County Texas 10712 0.0004005800000000000000 Briarcliff Village Texas 11897 0.0000038133300000000000 Briaroaks City Texas 11385 0.0000003800000000000000 Bridge City Texas 11665 0.0005383733300000000000 Bridgeport City Texas 12011 0.0002220066700000000000 Briscoe County Texas 10715 0.0000065133300000000000 Broaddus Town Texas 11769 0.0000002066700000000000 Bronte Town Texas 10828 0.0000006600000000000000 Brooks County Texas 10720 0.0001380666700000000000 Brookshire City Texas 11948 0.0000427066700000000000 Brookside Village City Texas 10692 0.0000074000000000000000 Brown County Texas 10723 0.0012894466700000000000 Browndell City Texas 11351 0.0000010133300000000000 Brownfield City Texas 11878 0.0000963466700000000000 Brownsboro City Texas 11236 0.0000211733300000000000 Brownsville City Texas 10757 0.0028337133300000000000 Brownwood City Texas 10724 0.0011104800000000000000 Bruceville-Eddy City Texas 11562 0.0000112800000000000000 Bryan City Texas 10707 0.0016459800000000000000 Bryson City Texas 11345 0.0000081866700000000000 Buckholts Town Texas 11573 0.0000074200000000000000 Buda City Texas 11224 0.0000718933300000000000 Buffalo City Texas 11469 0.0000791066700000000000 Buffalo Gap Town Texas 11872 0.0000005866700000000000 Buffalo Springs Village Texas 11515 0.0000012533300000000000 Bullard Town Texas 11814 0.0000499133300000000000 Bulverde City Texas 10877 0.0000962400000000000000 Bunker Hill Village City Texas 11188 0.0000031466700000000000 Burkburnett City Texas 11979 0.0002522933300000000000 Burke City Texas 10574 0.0000074266700000000000 Burleson City Texas 11388 0.0010118600000000000000 Burleson County Texas 10726 0.0004682933300000000000 Burnet City Texas 10732 0.0002223000000000000000 Burnet County Texas 10729 0.0012655266700000000000 Burton City Texas 11961 0.0000062466700000000000 Byers City Texas 10818 0.0000005133300000000000 Bynum Town Texas 11288 0.0000025333300000000000 Cactus City Texas 11605 0.0000318600000000000000 Caddo Mills City Texas 11326 0.0000002866700000000000 Caldwell City Texas 10727 0.0001216333300000000000 Caldwell County Texas 10738 0.0005760866700000000000 Calhoun County Texas 10746 0.0008528400000000000000 Callahan County Texas 10751 0.0000859600000000000000 Callisburg City Texas 10889 0.0000006733300000000000 Calvert City Texas 11747 0.0000051466700000000000 Cameron City Texas 11574 0.0000739400000000000000 Cameron County Texas 10753 0.0035801733300000000000 Camp County Texas 10775 0.0001923400000000000000 Camp Wood City Texas 11729 0.0000028133300000000000 Campbell City Texas 11335 0.0000074400000000000000 Canadian City Texas 11235 0.0000072666700000000000 Caney City Town Texas 11245 0.0000133666700000000000 Canton City Texas 11934 0.0003782266700000000000 Canyon City Texas 11718 0.0001750066700000000000 Carbon Town Texas 10994 0.0000041333300000000000 Carl'S Corner Town Texas 11287 0.0000003200000000000000 Carmine City Texas 11059 0.0000025666700000000000 Carrizo Springs City Texas 10983 0.0000111400000000000000 Carrollton City Texas 10855 0.0020683666700000000000 Carson County Texas 10780 0.0001966200000000000000 Carthage City Texas 11676 0.0001261800000000000000 Cashion Community City Texas 11980 0.0000021466700000000000 Cass County Texas 10782 0.0006210333300000000000 Castle Hills City Texas 10636 0.0000852000000000000000 Castro County Texas 10789 0.0000294666700000000000 Castroville City Texas 11567 0.0000301666700000000000 Cedar Hill City Texas 10929 0.0004675133300000000000 Cedar Park City Texas 11907 0.0012371133300000000000 Celeste City Texas 11324 0.0000085333300000000000 Celina City Texas 10838 0.0001218866700000000000 Center City Texas 11803 0.0003922533300000000000 Centerville City Texas 11473 0.0000025666700000000000 Chambers County Texas 10796 0.0010212533300000000000 Chandler City Texas 11242 0.0001157600000000000000 Channing City Texas 11219 0.0000000133300000000000 Charlotte City Texas 10592 0.0000283800000000000000 Cherokee County Texas 10804 0.0010440800000000000000 Chester Town Texas 11919 0.0000078266700000000000 Chico City Texas 12009 0.0000195200000000000000 Childress City Texas 10811 0.0002527733300000000000 Childress County Texas 10817 0.0003372133300000000000 Chillicothe City Texas 11174 0.0000011466700000000000 China City Texas 11360 0.0000034800000000000000 China Grove Town Texas 10645 0.0000039866700000000000 Chireno City Texas 11623 0.0000104533300000000000 Christine Town Texas 10595 0.0000023600000000000000 Cibolo City Texas 10658 0.0000912666700000000000 Cisco City Texas 10995 0.0000481200000000000000 Clarendon City Texas 10986 0.0000007600000000000000 Clarksville City Texas 11148 0.0000003600000000000000 Clarksville City Texas 11733 0.0001392733300000000000 Claude City Texas 10591 0.0000001733300000000000 Clay County Texas 10814 0.0004803333300000000000 Clear Lake Shores City Texas 11107 0.0000445466700000000000 Cleburne City Texas 11374 0.0015212266700000000000 Cleveland City Texas 11493 0.0006459800000000000000 Clifton City Texas 10664 0.0000662600000000000000 Clint Town Texas 11013 0.0000025000000000000000 Clute City Texas 10693 0.0003423333300000000000 Clyde City Texas 10752 0.0001152466700000000000 Coahoma Town Texas 11322 0.0000152733300000000000 Cochran County Texas 10824 0.0000225933300000000000 Cockrell Hill City Texas 10911 0.0000034133300000000000 Coffee City Town Texas 11246 0.0000072466700000000000 Coke County Texas 10831 0.0000368133300000000000 Coldspring City Texas 11773 0.0000029800000000000000 Coleman City Texas 10830 0.0000362800000000000000 Coleman County Texas 10835 0.0000277600000000000000 College Station City Texas 10710 0.0017209800000000000000 Colleyville City Texas 11838 0.0003069933300000000000 Collin County Texas 10832 0.0084448066700000000000 Collingsworth County Texas 10866 0.0001282266700000000000 Collinsville Town Texas 11128 0.0000122066700000000000 Colmesneil City Texas 11915 0.0000147400000000000000 Colorado City Texas 11582 0.0000560333300000000000 Colorado County Texas 10869 0.0003272266700000000000 Columbus City Texas 10867 0.0000457800000000000000 Comal County Texas 10873 0.0026409466700000000000 Comanche City Texas 10881 0.0001100200000000000000 Comanche County Texas 10875 0.0003397600000000000000 Combes Town Texas 10756 0.0000114000000000000000 Combine City Texas 11419 0.0000126133300000000000 Commerce City Texas 11328 0.0002257933300000000000 Como Town Texas 11309 0.0000027666700000000000 Concho County Texas 10882 0.0000257266700000000000 Conroe City Texas 11590 0.0031111400000000000000 Converse City Texas 10654 0.0001846200000000000000 Cooke County Texas 10886 0.0013363400000000000000 Cool City Texas 11686 0.0000048733300000000000 Coolidge Town Texas 11491 0.0000016200000000000000 Cooper City Texas 10946 0.0000024133300000000000 Coppell City Texas 10931 0.0005772866700000000000 Copper Canyon Town Texas 10971 0.0000032600000000000000 Copperas Cove City Texas 10630 0.0008899466700000000000 Corinth City Texas 10964 0.0005019866700000000000 Corpus Christi City Texas 11435 0.0120847133300000000000 Corral City Town Texas 10974 0.0000009533300000000000 Corrigan Town Texas 11703 0.0001421200000000000000 Corsicana City Texas 11624 0.0005820666700000000000 Coryell County Texas 10891 0.0008243933300000000000 Cottle County Texas 10896 0.0000058333300000000000 Cottonwood City Texas 11410 0.0000019266700000000000 Cottonwood Shores City Texas 10734 0.0000080200000000000000 Cotulla City Texas 11438 0.0000083400000000000000 Coupland City Texas 11992 0.0000017733300000000000 Cove City Texas 10800 0.0000025800000000000000 Covington City Texas 11291 0.0000034600000000000000 Coyote Flats City Texas 11378 0.0000098133300000000000 Crandall City Texas 11399 0.0000806266700000000000 Crane City Texas 10901 0.0000706600000000000000 Crane County Texas 10899 0.0001743066700000000000 Cranfills Gap City Texas 10672 0.0000008533300000000000 Crawford Town Texas 11545 0.0000025533300000000000 Creedmoor City Texas 11899 0.0000001066700000000000 Cresson City Texas 11302 0.0000072400000000000000 Crockett City Texas 11312 0.0001560200000000000000 Crockett County Texas 10900 0.0001214000000000000000 Crosby County Texas 10898 0.0001225866700000000000 Crosbyton City Texas 10905 0.0000099866700000000000 Cross Plains Town Texas 10754 0.0000325133300000000000 Cross Roads Town Texas 10973 0.0000016266700000000000 Cross Timber Town Texas 11383 0.0000036133300000000000 Crowell City Texas 11062 0.0000422333300000000000 Crowley City Texas 11387 0.0001489666700000000000 Crystal City Texas 12037 0.0001294133300000000000 Cuero City Texas 10938 0.0001645933300000000000 Culberson County Texas 10908 0.0000052600000000000000 Cumby City Texas 11307 0.0000354666700000000000 Cuney Town Texas 10810 0.0000040400000000000000 Cushing City Texas 11620 0.0000074666700000000000 Cut And Shoot City Texas 11595 0.0000142733300000000000 Daingerfield City Texas 11609 0.0000831733300000000000 Daisetta City Texas 11488 0.0000358000000000000000 Dalhart City Texas 10902 0.0000773933300000000000 Dallam County Texas 10909 0.0001445733300000000000 Dallas City Texas 10852 0.0199993466700000000000 Dallas County Texas 10913 0.0569219400000000000000 Dalworthington Gardens City Texas 11837 0.0000404000000000000000 Danbury City Texas 10697 0.0000282066700000000000 Darrouzett Town Texas 11497 0.0000006733300000000000 Dawson County Texas 10937 0.0003127400000000000000 Dawson Town Texas 11625 0.0000040000000000000000 Dayton City Texas 11483 0.0003141466700000000000 Dayton Lakes City Texas 11478 0.0000002533300000000000 De Kalb City Texas 10668 0.0000069000000000000000 De Leon City Texas 10883 0.0000547866700000000000 De Witt County Texas 10936 0.0004593000000000000000 Deaf Smith County Texas 10943 0.0002302133300000000000 Dean City Texas 10822 0.0000009400000000000000 Decatur City Texas 12015 0.0003777933300000000000 Decordova City Texas 11305 0.0000918533300000000000 Deer Park City Texas 11186 0.0003292533300000000000 Del Rio City Texas 11930 0.0003937066700000000000 Dell City Texas 11319 0.0000001000000000000000 Delta County Texas 10945 0.0002038933300000000000 Denison City Texas 11130 0.0014028400000000000000 Denton City Texas 10949 0.0030555600000000000000 Denton County Texas 10944 0.0075486533300000000000 Denver City Town Texas 12027 0.0000140266700000000000 Deport City Texas 11452 0.0000002800000000000000 Desoto City Texas 10916 0.0004826666700000000000 Detroit Town Texas 11730 0.0000064333300000000000 Devers City Texas 11489 0.0000012733300000000000 Devine City Texas 11565 0.0000290266700000000000 Diboll City Texas 10577 0.0001702200000000000000 Dickens City Texas 10977 0.0000004733300000000000 Dickens County Texas 10980 0.0000124866700000000000 Dickinson City Texas 11105 0.0005578866700000000000 Dilley City Texas 11094 0.0000175533300000000000 Dimmit County Texas 10978 0.0002219600000000000000 Dimmitt City Texas 10792 0.0000067466700000000000 Dish Town Texas 10951 0.0000001266700000000000 Dodd City Town Texas 11041 0.0000080733300000000000 Dodson Town Texas 10870 0.0000029800000000000000 Domino Town Texas 10791 0.0000013066700000000000 Donley County Texas 10984 0.0001491333300000000000 Donna City Texas 11251 0.0000919866700000000000 Dorchester City Texas 11139 0.0000015400000000000000 Double Oak Town Texas 10972 0.0000317666700000000000 Douglassville Town Texas 10786 0.0000038266700000000000 Dripping Springs City Texas 11234 0.0000054066700000000000 Driscoll City Texas 11649 0.0000002600000000000000 Dublin City Texas 11031 0.0000965200000000000000 Dumas City Texas 11606 0.0001748600000000000000 Duncanville City Texas 10915 0.0003888533300000000000 Duval County Texas 10990 0.0003273933300000000000 Eagle Lake City Texas 10871 0.0000325466700000000000 Eagle Pass City Texas 11538 0.0003733666700000000000 Early City Texas 10728 0.0000989200000000000000 Earth City Texas 11454 0.0000016133300000000000 East Bernard City Texas 11968 0.0000370266700000000000 East Mountain City Texas 11924 0.0000166266700000000000 East Tawakoni City Texas 11713 0.0000181533300000000000 Eastland City Texas 10998 0.0001059733300000000000 Eastland County Texas 10993 0.0003485000000000000000 Easton City Texas 11143 0.0000021933300000000000 Ector City Texas 11038 0.0000073866700000000000 Ector County Texas 11001 0.0032000000000000000000 Edcouch City Texas 11255 0.0000273400000000000000 Eden City Texas 10878 0.0000033133300000000000 Edgecliff Village Town Texas 11840 0.0000148800000000000000 Edgewood Town Texas 11944 0.0000876933300000000000 Edinburg City Texas 11258 0.0008058933300000000000 Edmonson Town Texas 11165 0.0000009066700000000000 Edna City Texas 11350 0.0001212933300000000000 Edom City Texas 11935 0.0000143266700000000000 Edwards County Texas 11006 0.0000065000000000000000 El Campo City Texas 11967 0.0002113333300000000000 El Cenizo City Texas 11965 0.0000041400000000000000 El Lago City Texas 11206 0.0000373600000000000000 El Paso City Texas 11002 0.0081624733300000000000 El Paso County Texas 11011 0.0172808066700000000000 Eldorado City Texas 11790 0.0000003333300000000000 Electra City Texas 11976 0.0001047733300000000000 Elgin City Texas 10614 0.0001752266700000000000 Elkhart Town Texas 10564 0.0000020066700000000000 Ellis County Texas 11016 0.0021024800000000000000 Elmendorf City Texas 10657 0.0000049733300000000000 Elsa City Texas 11260 0.0000514666700000000000 Emhouse Town Texas 11633 0.0000005533300000000000 Emory City Texas 11716 0.0000258533300000000000 Enchanted Oaks Town Texas 11244 0.0000086600000000000000 Encinal City Texas 11442 0.0000101000000000000000 Ennis City Texas 11015 0.0005455933300000000000 Erath County Texas 11028 0.0006841066700000000000 Escobares City Texas 11819 0.0000002666700000000000 Estelline Town Texas 11167 0.0000060600000000000000 Euless City Texas 11841 0.0006188266700000000000 Eureka City Texas 11637 0.0000022266700000000000 Eustace City Texas 11239 0.0000139266700000000000 Evant Town Texas 10897 0.0000137866700000000000 Everman City Texas 11842 0.0000512800000000000000 Fair Oaks Ranch City Texas 11421 0.0000538466700000000000 Fairchilds Village Texas 11070 0.0000005400000000000000 Fairfield City Texas 11087 0.0000083000000000000000 Fairview Town Texas 10845 0.0002149666700000000000 Falfurrias City Texas 10719 0.0000148066700000000000 Falls City Texas 11398 0.0000002733300000000000 Falls County Texas 11033 0.0002301466700000000000 Fannin County Texas 11042 0.0008776866700000000000 Farmers Branch City Texas 10917 0.0006302133300000000000 Farmersville City Texas 10842 0.0000702133300000000000 Farwell City Texas 11696 0.0000022866700000000000 Fate City Texas 11752 0.0000231533300000000000 Fayette County Texas 11053 0.0006162666700000000000 Fayetteville City Texas 11049 0.0000026066700000000000 Ferris City Texas 10927 0.0000924866700000000000 Fisher County Texas 11060 0.0000367866700000000000 Flatonia Town Texas 11050 0.0000377400000000000000 Florence City Texas 11990 0.0000263266700000000000 Floresville City Texas 12003 0.0001446600000000000000 Flower Mound Town Texas 10976 0.0014350400000000000000 Floyd County Texas 11056 0.0000603266700000000000 Floydada City Texas 11057 0.0000423800000000000000 Foard County Texas 11058 0.0000384266700000000000 Follett City Texas 11502 0.0000014133300000000000 Forest Hill City Texas 11844 0.0001742133300000000000 Forney City Texas 11396 0.0005340800000000000000 Forsan City Texas 11318 0.0000038400000000000000 Fort Bend County Texas 11067 0.0100447933300000000000 Fort Stockton City Texas 11697 0.0000294066700000000000 Fort Worth City Texas 11386 0.0141386000000000000000 Franklin City Texas 11750 0.0000262066700000000000 Franklin County Texas 11082 0.0001718866700000000000 Frankston Town Texas 10570 0.0000018266700000000000 Fredericksburg City Texas 11113 0.0003765733300000000000 Freeport City Texas 10687 0.0004864866700000000000 Freer City Texas 10992 0.0000218066700000000000 Freestone County Texas 11089 0.0003366333300000000000 Friendswood City Texas 11111 0.0009355333300000000000 Frio County Texas 11092 0.0001330266700000000000 Friona City Texas 11699 0.0000189866700000000000 Frisco City Texas 10858 0.0027020600000000000000 Fritch City Texas 11338 0.0000303200000000000000 Frost City Texas 11626 0.0000021400000000000000 Fruitvale City Texas 11937 0.0000156266700000000000 Fulshear City Texas 11073 0.0000351466700000000000 Fulton Town Texas 10583 0.0000106800000000000000 Gaines County Texas 11093 0.0003623133300000000000 Gainesville City Texas 10885 0.0010265333300000000000 Galena Park City Texas 11193 0.0000872866700000000000 Gallatin City Texas 10809 0.0000083533300000000000 Galveston City Texas 11103 0.0032545800000000000000 Galveston County Texas 11102 0.0074939533300000000000 Ganado City Texas 11353 0.0000367333300000000000 Garden Ridge City Texas 10874 0.0000756733300000000000 Garland City Texas 10853 0.0028016266700000000000 Garrett Town Texas 11027 0.0000167333300000000000 Garrison City Texas 11617 0.0000237000000000000000 Gary City Town Texas 11679 0.0000030000000000000000 Garza County Texas 11112 0.0000596266700000000000 Gatesville City Texas 10892 0.0001799600000000000000 George West City Texas 11505 0.0000413800000000000000 Georgetown City Texas 11989 0.0015059733300000000000 Gholson City Texas 11555 0.0000100333300000000000 Giddings City Texas 11468 0.0000844933300000000000 Gillespie County Texas 11116 0.0004212733300000000000 Gilmer City Texas 11921 0.0002263400000000000000 Gladewater City Texas 11147 0.0001642533300000000000 Glasscock County Texas 11121 0.0000066666700000000000 Glen Rose City Texas 11817 0.0000036000000000000000 Glenn Heights City Texas 10928 0.0001106200000000000000 Godley City Texas 11371 0.0000207666700000000000 Goldsmith City Texas 11004 0.0000045133300000000000 Goldthwaite City Texas 11579 0.0000081666700000000000 Goliad City Texas 11110 0.0000237533300000000000 Goliad County Texas 11115 0.0002310666700000000000 Golinda City Texas 11036 0.0000006666700000000000 Gonzales City Texas 11117 0.0000992133300000000000 Gonzales County Texas 11122 0.0002215333300000000000 Goodlow City Texas 11632 0.0000014733300000000000 Goodrich City Texas 11707 0.0000642866700000000000 Gordon City Texas 11672 0.0000024333300000000000 Goree City Texas 11437 0.0000049933300000000000 Gorman City Texas 10997 0.0000207133300000000000 Graford City Texas 11673 0.0000001533300000000000 Graham City Texas 12033 0.0015695200000000000000 Granbury City Texas 11300 0.0004782333300000000000 Grand Prairie City Texas 11865 0.0029695933300000000000 Grand Saline City Texas 11939 0.0002427533300000000000 Grandfalls Town Texas 11954 0.0000004333300000000000 Grandview City Texas 11373 0.0000440000000000000000 Granger City Texas 11993 0.0000182733300000000000 Granite Shoals City Texas 10741 0.0000788933300000000000 Granjeno City Texas 11271 0.0000002866700000000000 Grapeland City Texas 11316 0.0000485800000000000000 Grapevine City Texas 10925 0.0008613000000000000000 Gray County Texas 11125 0.0004392266700000000000 Grays Prairie Village Texas 11411 0.0000001133300000000000 Grayson County Texas 11123 0.0035938866700000000000 Greenville City Texas 11327 0.0013540800000000000000 Gregg County Texas 11142 0.0016249600000000000000 Gregory City Texas 11781 0.0000313133300000000000 Grey Forest City Texas 10647 0.0000031600000000000000 Grimes County Texas 11150 0.0006325200000000000000 Groesbeck City Texas 11494 0.0000383000000000000000 Groom Town Texas 10778 0.0000064333300000000000 Groves City Texas 11363 0.0002716800000000000000 Groveton City Texas 11910 0.0000588466700000000000 Gruver City Texas 11173 0.0000077733300000000000 Guadalupe County Texas 11158 0.0009788266700000000000 Gun Barrel City Texas 11240 0.0002420133300000000000 Gunter City Texas 11131 0.0000307266700000000000 Gustine Town Texas 10879 0.0000002266700000000000 Hackberry Town Texas 10956 0.0000006266700000000000 Hale Center City Texas 11162 0.0000402800000000000000 Hale County Texas 11160 0.0005276666700000000000 Hall County Texas 11168 0.0000595533300000000000 Hallettsville City Texas 11466 0.0000459666700000000000 Hallsburg City Texas 11553 0.0000018133300000000000 Hallsville City Texas 11209 0.0000682600000000000000 Haltom City Texas 11846 0.0004786666700000000000 Hamilton City Texas 11177 0.0000238733300000000000 Hamilton County Texas 11172 0.0004423800000000000000 Hamlin City Texas 11391 0.0000310400000000000000 Hansford County Texas 11179 0.0001094400000000000000 Happy Town Texas 11723 0.0000021800000000000000 Hardeman County Texas 11175 0.0001014600000000000000 Hardin City Texas 11479 0.0000006666700000000000 Hardin County Texas 11180 0.0025320000000000000000 Harker Heights City Texas 10623 0.0007578733300000000000 Harlingen City Texas 10755 0.0011028600000000000000 Harris County Texas 11182 0.0997746800000000000000 Harrison County Texas 11212 0.0012394000000000000000 Hart City Texas 10795 0.0000005733300000000000 Hartley County Texas 11214 0.0000052400000000000000 Haskell City Texas 11218 0.0000721933300000000000 Haskell County Texas 11217 0.0001467400000000000000 Haslet City Texas 11869 0.0000127200000000000000 Hawk Cove City Texas 11336 0.0000044933300000000000 Hawkins City Texas 12025 0.0000528800000000000000 Hawley City Texas 11392 0.0000062066700000000000 Hays City Texas 11230 0.0000033733300000000000 Hays County Texas 11226 0.0035299266700000000000 Hearne City Texas 11749 0.0001121600000000000000 Heath City Texas 11416 0.0001916733300000000000 Hebron Town Texas 10859 0.0000045800000000000000 Hedley City Texas 10987 0.0000004666700000000000 Hedwig Village City Texas 11190 0.0000871133300000000000 Helotes City Texas 10649 0.0001052666700000000000 Hemphill City Texas 11768 0.0000535666700000000000 Hemphill County Texas 11232 0.0000959600000000000000 Hempstead City Texas 11949 0.0001416000000000000000 Henderson City Texas 11761 0.0003997733300000000000 Henderson County Texas 11238 0.0021864333300000000000 Henrietta City Texas 10816 0.0000181333300000000000 Hereford City Texas 10941 0.0001361533300000000000 Hewitt City Texas 11552 0.0001318400000000000000 Hickory Creek Town Texas 10962 0.0001100666700000000000 Hico City Texas 11032 0.0000368933300000000000 Hidalgo City Texas 11269 0.0001774733300000000000 Hidalgo County Texas 11259 0.0083540200000000000000 Hideaway City Texas 11811 0.0000061466700000000000 Higgins City Texas 11503 0.0000002866700000000000 Highland Haven City Texas 10731 0.0000021333300000000000 Highland Park Town Texas 10918 0.0002892200000000000000 Highland Village City Texas 10960 0.0003354333300000000000 Hill Country Village City Texas 10642 0.0000432333300000000000 Hill County Texas 11277 0.0008498466700000000000 Hillcrest Village Texas 10698 0.0000356333300000000000 Hillsboro City Texas 11280 0.0003107266700000000000 Hilshire Village City Texas 11191 0.0000057266700000000000 Hitchcock City Texas 11101 0.0001919733300000000000 Hockley County Texas 11295 0.0003093800000000000000 Holiday Lakes Town Texas 10696 0.0000119666700000000000 Holland Town Texas 10613 0.0000005133300000000000 Holliday City Texas 10586 0.0000394000000000000000 Hollywood Park Town Texas 10639 0.0000628266700000000000 Hondo City Texas 11564 0.0007685866700000000000 Honey Grove City Texas 11043 0.0000479733300000000000 Hood County Texas 11301 0.0019473666700000000000 Hooks City Texas 10674 0.0000180133300000000000 Hopkins County Texas 11308 0.0009967866700000000000 Horizon City Texas 11010 0.0000501333300000000000 Horseshoe Bay City Texas 10740 0.0003211533300000000000 Houston City Texas 11083 0.0468119533300000000000 Houston County Texas 11314 0.0005243200000000000000 Howard County Texas 11313 0.0005955333300000000000 Howardwick City Texas 10991 0.0000005600000000000000 Howe Town Texas 11132 0.0000611800000000000000 Hubbard City Texas 11281 0.0000242333300000000000 Hudson City Texas 10580 0.0000456000000000000000 Hudson Oaks City Texas 11684 0.0001042466700000000000 Hudspeth County Texas 11320 0.0000065666700000000000 Hughes Springs City Texas 10790 0.0000296133300000000000 Humble City Texas 11192 0.0004930133300000000000 Hunt County Texas 11325 0.0020656733300000000000 Hunters Creek Village City Texas 11197 0.0000980533300000000000 Huntington City Texas 10576 0.0000586133300000000000 Huntsville City Texas 11942 0.0005358200000000000000 Hurst City Texas 11843 0.0006612466700000000000 Hutchins City Texas 10919 0.0000636733300000000000 Hutchinson County Texas 11337 0.0004975333300000000000 Hutto City Texas 11994 0.0002556400000000000000 Huxley City Texas 11800 0.0000049200000000000000 Idalou City Texas 11516 0.0000133266700000000000 Impact Town Texas 11880 0.0000000533300000000000 Indian Lake Town Texas 10771 0.0000031533300000000000 Industry City Texas 10601 0.0000040266700000000000 Ingleside City Texas 11650 0.0002699133300000000000 Ingleside On The Bay City Texas 11783 0.0000009466700000000000 Ingram City Texas 11424 0.0000349533300000000000 Iola City Texas 11152 0.0000210933300000000000 Iowa Colony Village Texas 10704 0.0000272666700000000000 Iowa Park City Texas 11977 0.0001565800000000000000 Iraan City Texas 11698 0.0000003733300000000000 Iredell City Texas 10666 0.0000014400000000000000 Irion County Texas 11341 0.0000607000000000000000 Irving City Texas 10922 0.0028521200000000000000 Italy Town Texas 11017 0.0000356600000000000000 Itasca City Texas 11283 0.0000579600000000000000 Ivanhoe City Texas 11914 0.0000001733300000000000 Jacinto City Texas 11195 0.0000942733300000000000 Jack County Texas 11346 0.0000986600000000000000 Jacksboro City Texas 11348 0.0001550266700000000000 Jackson County Texas 11347 0.0002532266700000000000 Jacksonville City Texas 10807 0.0005345266700000000000 Jamaica Beach City Texas 11108 0.0000327533300000000000 Jarrell City Texas 11995 0.0000161533300000000000 Jasper City Texas 11354 0.0005228133300000000000 Jasper County Texas 11352 0.0016590333300000000000 Jayton City Texas 11420 0.0000004200000000000000 Jeff Davis County Texas 11356 0.0000566666700000000000 Jefferson City Texas 11530 0.0000746266700000000000 Jefferson County Texas 11361 0.0050440933300000000000 Jersey Village City Texas 11196 0.0002423133300000000000 Jewett City Texas 11476 0.0000622533300000000000 Jim Hogg County Texas 11367 0.0000847866700000000000 Jim Wells County Texas 11369 0.0011102600000000000000 Joaquin City Texas 11798 0.0000054000000000000000 Johnson City Texas 10663 0.0000238733300000000000 Johnson County Texas 11375 0.0027246133300000000000 Jolly City Texas 10820 0.0000001733300000000000 Jones County Texas 11393 0.0001466733300000000000 Jones Creek Village Texas 10699 0.0000338533300000000000 Jonestown City Texas 11900 0.0000427933300000000000 Josephine City Texas 10865 0.0000058733300000000000 Joshua City Texas 11380 0.0001374600000000000000 Jourdanton City Texas 10596 0.0000640000000000000000 Junction City Texas 11427 0.0000321666700000000000 Justin City Texas 10947 0.0000571666700000000000 Karnes City Texas 11400 0.0000775466700000000000 Karnes County Texas 11397 0.0002349933300000000000 Katy City Texas 11085 0.0003497800000000000000 Kaufman City Texas 11403 0.0001840466700000000000 Kaufman County Texas 11404 0.0023536466700000000000 Keene City Texas 11381 0.0002553066700000000000 Keller City Texas 11845 0.0005279266700000000000 Kemah City Texas 11106 0.0001888333300000000000 Kemp City Texas 11405 0.0000427933300000000000 Kempner City Texas 11459 0.0000022000000000000000 Kendall County Texas 11418 0.0006709533300000000000 Kendleton City Texas 11074 0.0000000866700000000000 Kenedy City Texas 11401 0.0000045066700000000000 Kenedy County Texas 11426 0.0000066666700000000000 Kenefick Town Texas 11484 0.0000027733300000000000 Kennard City Texas 11317 0.0000008800000000000000 Kennedale City Texas 11847 0.0001401600000000000000 Kent County Texas 11422 0.0000062600000000000000 Kerens City Texas 11627 0.0000128266700000000000 Kermit City Texas 12008 0.0000376800000000000000 Kerr County Texas 11423 0.0014563466700000000000 Kerrville City Texas 11425 0.0012690466700000000000 Kilgore City Texas 11762 0.0007038866700000000000 Killeen City Texas 10619 0.0035710000000000000000 Kimble County Texas 11428 0.0001365333300000000000 King County Texas 11430 0.0000066666700000000000 Kingsville City Texas 11432 0.0001338866700000000000 Kinney County Texas 11431 0.0000142800000000000000 Kirby City Texas 10634 0.0000583466700000000000 Kirbyville City Texas 11357 0.0000712666700000000000 Kirvin Town Texas 11086 0.0000000133300000000000 Kleberg County Texas 11433 0.0008273933300000000000 Knollwood City Texas 11137 0.0000077333300000000000 Knox City Town Texas 11440 0.0000130800000000000000 Knox County Texas 11439 0.0000782000000000000000 Kosse Town Texas 11492 0.0000164533300000000000 Kountze City Texas 11183 0.0001314400000000000000 Kress City Texas 11834 0.0000012400000000000000 Krugerville City Texas 10968 0.0000100533300000000000 Krum City Texas 10953 0.0000644066700000000000 Kurten Town Texas 10711 0.0000045733300000000000 Kyle City Texas 11229 0.0003455666700000000000 La Feria City Texas 10758 0.0000692066700000000000 La Grange City Texas 11047 0.0000641533300000000000 La Grulla City Texas 11823 0.0000113866700000000000 La Joya City Texas 11278 0.0000563800000000000000 La Marque City Texas 11099 0.0006595333300000000000 La Porte City Texas 11194 0.0006102133300000000000 La Salle County Texas 11447 0.0000998333300000000000 La Vernia City Texas 12007 0.0000214466700000000000 La Villa City Texas 11263 0.0000038133300000000000 La Ward City Texas 11349 0.0000021400000000000000 Lacoste City Texas 11575 0.0000010600000000000000 Lacy-Lakeview City Texas 11548 0.0000773266700000000000 Ladonia Town Texas 11040 0.0000134066700000000000 Lago Vista City Texas 11898 0.0000917866700000000000 Laguna Vista Town Texas 10768 0.0000245933300000000000 Lake Bridgeport City Texas 12020 0.0000015466700000000000 Lake City Town Texas 11784 0.0000194533300000000000 Lake Dallas City Texas 10958 0.0001687600000000000000 Lake Jackson City Texas 10691 0.0005052066700000000000 Lake Tanglewood Village Texas 11726 0.0000040866700000000000 Lake Worth City Texas 11856 0.0001336733300000000000 Lakeport City Texas 11145 0.0000030866700000000000 Lakeside City Town Texas 10584 0.0000014800000000000000 Lakeside Town Texas 11787 0.0000298266700000000000 Lakeside Town Texas 11860 0.0000298266700000000000 Lakeview Town Texas 11169 0.0000028466700000000000 Lakeway City Texas 11908 0.0002110466700000000000 Lakewood Village City Texas 10959 0.0000037133300000000000 Lamar County Texas 11443 0.0009439866700000000000 Lamb County Texas 11451 0.0003378733300000000000 Lamesa City Texas 10932 0.0001977066700000000000 Lampasas City Texas 11463 0.0001880733300000000000 Lampasas County Texas 11458 0.0002854533300000000000 Lancaster City Texas 10920 0.0006043533300000000000 Laredo City Texas 11964 0.0050878266700000000000 Latexo City Texas 11315 0.0000008266700000000000 Lavaca County Texas 11465 0.0003064866700000000000 Lavon City Texas 10850 0.0000495666700000000000 Lawn Town Texas 11862 0.0000003866700000000000 League City Texas 11109 0.0020161200000000000000 Leakey City Texas 11724 0.0000017066700000000000 Leander City Texas 11909 0.0005909400000000000000 Leary City Texas 10679 0.0000053133300000000000 Lee County Texas 11470 0.0002030466700000000000 Lefors Town Texas 11127 0.0000010600000000000000 Leon County Texas 11472 0.0004492866700000000000 Leon Valley City Texas 10635 0.0001550533300000000000 Leona City Texas 11477 0.0000058866700000000000 Leonard City Texas 11045 0.0000567000000000000000 Leroy City Texas 11558 0.0000011733300000000000 Levelland City Texas 11299 0.0003123200000000000000 Lewisville City Texas 10926 0.0025472933300000000000 Lexington Town Texas 11471 0.0000154533300000000000 Liberty City Texas 11480 0.0004822866700000000000 Liberty County Texas 11482 0.0035414133300000000000 Liberty Hill City Texas 11998 0.0000185333300000000000 Limestone County Texas 11490 0.0009045600000000000000 Lincoln Park Town Texas 10967 0.0000045133300000000000 Lindale City Texas 11806 0.0001613466700000000000 Linden City Texas 10785 0.0000244066700000000000 Lindsay City Texas 10895 0.0000081866700000000000 Lipan City Texas 11303 0.0000002933300000000000 Lipscomb County Texas 11499 0.0000675466700000000000 Little Elm City Texas 10963 0.0004621733300000000000 Little River-Academy City Texas 10628 0.0000053200000000000000 Littlefield City Texas 11455 0.0000511866700000000000 Live Oak City Texas 10648 0.0002182666700000000000 Live Oak County Texas 11501 0.0002647733300000000000 Liverpool City Texas 10702 0.0000095666700000000000 Livingston Town Texas 11700 0.0004877666700000000000 Llano City Texas 11504 0.0001541400000000000000 Llano County Texas 11508 0.0007709800000000000000 Lockhart City Texas 10737 0.0003270000000000000000 Lockney Town Texas 11061 0.0000220066700000000000 Log Cabin City Texas 11241 0.0000130666700000000000 Lometa City Texas 11460 0.0000078400000000000000 Lone Oak City Texas 11329 0.0000113666700000000000 Lone Star City Texas 11610 0.0000552200000000000000 Longview City Texas 11146 0.0032150266700000000000 Loraine Town Texas 11588 0.0000012533300000000000 Lorena City Texas 11556 0.0000226000000000000000 Lorenzo City Texas 10903 0.0000757200000000000000 Los Fresnos City Texas 10759 0.0000745666700000000000 Los Indios Town Texas 10766 0.0000010600000000000000 Lott City Texas 11029 0.0000101066700000000000 Lovelady City Texas 11321 0.0000016600000000000000 Loving County Texas 11509 0.0000066666700000000000 Lowry Crossing City Texas 10856 0.0000052200000000000000 Lubbock City Texas 11510 0.0021324466700000000000 Lubbock County Texas 11512 0.0091981266700000000000 Lucas City Texas 10844 0.0000351066700000000000 Lueders City Texas 11394 0.0000033866700000000000 Lufkin City Texas 10575 0.0018772800000000000000 Luling City Texas 10743 0.0001961400000000000000 Lumberton City Texas 11184 0.0002440600000000000000 Lyford City Texas 11988 0.0000204733300000000000 Lynn County Texas 11518 0.0000418333300000000000 Lytle City Texas 10599 0.0000481533300000000000 Mabank Town Texas 11415 0.0001296200000000000000 Madison County Texas 11526 0.0003299466700000000000 Madisonville City Texas 11524 0.0000763866700000000000 Magnolia City Texas 11598 0.0001735400000000000000 Malakoff City Texas 11237 0.0000840933300000000000 Malone Town Texas 11285 0.0000029266700000000000 Manor City Texas 11889 0.0000833266700000000000 Mansfield City Texas 11389 0.0010052533300000000000 Manvel City Texas 10694 0.0000820333300000000000 Marble Falls City Texas 10735 0.0002469266700000000000 Marfa City Texas 11715 0.0000004333300000000000 Marietta Town Texas 10793 0.0000022533300000000000 Marion City Texas 11155 0.0000018333300000000000 Marion County Texas 11529 0.0003648533300000000000 Marlin City Texas 11035 0.0001442266700000000000 Marquez City Texas 11474 0.0000088133300000000000 Marshall City Texas 11211 0.0007224733300000000000 Mart City Texas 11496 0.0000061866700000000000 Martin County Texas 11528 0.0000724133300000000000 Martindale City Texas 10736 0.0000162466700000000000 Mason City Texas 11534 0.0000051800000000000000 Mason County Texas 11537 0.0000208933300000000000 Matador Town Texas 11616 0.0000080200000000000000 Matagorda County Texas 11535 0.0009015933300000000000 Mathis City Texas 11776 0.0001048000000000000000 Maud City Texas 10671 0.0000028200000000000000 Maverick County Texas 11539 0.0007727933300000000000 Maypearl City Texas 11021 0.0000065733300000000000 Mcallen City Texas 11262 0.0024294933300000000000 Mccamey City Texas 11927 0.0000036133300000000000 Mcculloch County Texas 11543 0.0001334733300000000000 Mcgregor City Texas 11561 0.0000610333300000000000 Mckinney City Texas 10839 0.0030025533300000000000 Mclean Town Texas 11124 0.0000000933300000000000 Mclendon-Chisholm City Texas 11757 0.0000027400000000000000 Mclennan County Texas 11542 0.0035309400000000000000 Mcmullen County Texas 11560 0.0000066666700000000000 Meadow Town Texas 11874 0.0000074733300000000000 Meadowlakes City Texas 10733 0.0000060333300000000000 Meadows Place City Texas 11069 0.0001209866700000000000 Medina County Texas 11563 0.0003223666700000000000 Megargel Town Texas 10588 0.0000040733300000000000 Melissa City Texas 10847 0.0001025400000000000000 Melvin Town Texas 11540 0.0000023000000000000000 Memphis City Texas 11171 0.0000480200000000000000 Menard City Texas 11572 0.0000066066700000000000 Menard County Texas 11568 0.0000981133300000000000 Mercedes City Texas 11266 0.0001429400000000000000 Meridian City Texas 10665 0.0000236400000000000000 Merkel Town Texas 11863 0.0000674466700000000000 Mertens Town Texas 11290 0.0000015933300000000000 Mertzon City Texas 11342 0.0000001933300000000000 Mesquite City Texas 10934 0.0020713933300000000000 Mexia City Texas 11495 0.0001406400000000000000 Miami City Texas 11743 0.0000030333300000000000 Midland City Texas 11531 0.0034789933300000000000 Midland County Texas 11569 0.0018661800000000000000 Midlothian City Texas 11019 0.0006386600000000000000 Midway City Texas 11527 0.0000005200000000000000 Milam County Texas 11570 0.0006492400000000000000 Milano City Texas 11578 0.0000060266700000000000 Mildred Town Texas 11628 0.0000019066700000000000 Miles City Texas 11754 0.0000006200000000000000 Milford Town Texas 11018 0.0000411800000000000000 Miller'S Cove Town Texas 11883 0.0000006466700000000000 Millican Town Texas 10709 0.0000027800000000000000 Mills County Texas 11577 0.0001328733300000000000 Millsap Town Texas 11688 0.0000002266700000000000 Mineola City Texas 12021 0.0003247933300000000000 Mineral Wells City Texas 11677 0.0006137400000000000000 Mingus City Texas 11667 0.0000012600000000000000 Mission City Texas 11261 0.0008317866700000000000 Missouri City Texas 11081 0.0013975533300000000000 Mitchell County Texas 11581 0.0001390000000000000000 Mobeetie City Texas 11975 0.0000003466700000000000 Mobile City Texas 11751 0.0000135600000000000000 Monahans City Texas 11960 0.0000389933300000000000 Mont Belvieu City Texas 10805 0.0001311266700000000000 Montague County Texas 11580 0.0006319733300000000000 Montgomery City Texas 11592 0.0000125600000000000000 Montgomery County Texas 11589 0.0180060733300000000000 Moody City Texas 11550 0.0000055200000000000000 Moore County Texas 11604 0.0002708466700000000000 Moore Station City Texas 11254 0.0000051466700000000000 Moran City Texas 11796 0.0000003333300000000000 Morgan City Texas 10667 0.0000040333300000000000 Morgan'S Point City Texas 11203 0.0000207000000000000000 Morgan'S Point Resort City Texas 10627 0.0000534933300000000000 Morris County Texas 11607 0.0003555200000000000000 Morton City Texas 10823 0.0000011133300000000000 Motley County Texas 11613 0.0000222933300000000000 Moulton Town Texas 11464 0.0000066600000000000000 Mount Calm City Texas 11286 0.0000040333300000000000 Mount Enterprise City Texas 11764 0.0000122133300000000000 Mount Pleasant City Texas 11879 0.0004378933300000000000 Mount Vernon Town Texas 11084 0.0000403266700000000000 Mountain City Texas 11231 0.0000103200000000000000 Muenster City Texas 10880 0.0000310400000000000000 Muleshoe City Texas 10607 0.0000327333300000000000 Mullin Town Texas 11583 0.0000025600000000000000 Munday City Texas 11441 0.0000136466700000000000 Murchison City Texas 11252 0.0000153466700000000000 Murphy City Texas 10840 0.0003459533300000000000 Mustang Ridge City Texas 11903 0.0000164133300000000000 Mustang Town Texas 11642 0.0000000466700000000000 Nacogdoches City Texas 11618 0.0013732800000000000000 Nacogdoches County Texas 11614 0.0013238866700000000000 Naples City Texas 11612 0.0000281600000000000000 Nash City Texas 10680 0.0000533266700000000000 Nassau Bay City Texas 11205 0.0000749800000000000000 Natalia City Texas 11566 0.0000041666700000000000 Navarro County Texas 11619 0.0006900866700000000000 Navarro Town Texas 11629 0.0000022266700000000000 Navasota City Texas 10714 0.0002511733300000000000 Nazareth City Texas 10797 0.0000008266700000000000 Nederland City Texas 11359 0.0002972333300000000000 Needville City Texas 11064 0.0000689400000000000000 Nevada City Texas 10841 0.0000015800000000000000 New Berlin City Texas 11159 0.0000000266700000000000 New Boston City Texas 10673 0.0000463533300000000000 New Braunfels City Texas 10876 0.0020487533300000000000 New Chapel Hill City Texas 11813 0.0000019200000000000000 New Deal Town Texas 11520 0.0000022533300000000000 New Fairview City Texas 12018 0.0000155600000000000000 New Home City Texas 11525 0.0000000600000000000000 New Hope Town Texas 10848 0.0000068266700000000000 New London City Texas 11767 0.0000275266700000000000 New Summerfield City Texas 10812 0.0000029466700000000000 New Waverly City Texas 11946 0.0000170800000000000000 Newark City Texas 11867 0.0000034666700000000000 Newcastle City Texas 12032 0.0000060933300000000000 Newton City Texas 11643 0.0000406800000000000000 Newton County Texas 11639 0.0010533733300000000000 Neylandville Town Texas 11330 0.0000010866700000000000 Niederwald City Texas 10745 0.0000001066700000000000 Nixon City Texas 11118 0.0000152200000000000000 Nocona City Texas 11586 0.0001102400000000000000 Nolan County Texas 11645 0.0003350800000000000000 Nolanville City Texas 10629 0.0000283133300000000000 Nome City Texas 11368 0.0000026066700000000000 Noonday City Texas 11812 0.0000015066700000000000 Nordheim City Texas 10940 0.0000046466700000000000 Normangee Town Texas 11481 0.0000412800000000000000 North Cleveland City Texas 11486 0.0000007000000000000000 North Richland Hills City Texas 11850 0.0009761266700000000000 Northlake Town Texas 10955 0.0000593666700000000000 Novice City Texas 10833 0.0000005066700000000000 Nueces County Texas 11648 0.0091195466700000000000 Oak Grove Town Texas 11413 0.0000184600000000000000 Oak Leaf City Texas 11024 0.0000040800000000000000 Oak Point City Texas 10966 0.0000600733300000000000 Oak Ridge North City Texas 11593 0.0002234133300000000000 Oak Ridge Town Texas 10888 0.0000023866700000000000 Oak Ridge Town Texas 11414 0.0000023866700000000000 Oak Valley Town Texas 11634 0.0000000466700000000000 Oakwood Town Texas 11475 0.0000009866700000000000 O'Brien City Texas 11221 0.0000005066700000000000 Ochiltree County Texas 11657 0.0001031733300000000000 Odem City Texas 11779 0.0000494666700000000000 Odessa City Texas 11003 0.0037277533300000000000 O'Donnell City Texas 11522 0.0000001800000000000000 Oglesby City Texas 10893 0.0000001933300000000000 Old River-Winfree City Texas 10801 0.0001443533300000000000 Oldham County Texas 11661 0.0000687866700000000000 Olmos Park City Texas 10637 0.0000653400000000000000 Olney City Texas 12034 0.0000405866700000000000 Olton City Texas 11456 0.0000079800000000000000 Omaha City Texas 11611 0.0000279000000000000000 Onalaska City Texas 11705 0.0002110266700000000000 Opdyke West Town Texas 11296 0.0000031933300000000000 Orange City Texas 11660 0.0020755933300000000000 Orange County Texas 11659 0.0045987866700000000000 Orange Grove City Texas 11372 0.0000111800000000000000 Orchard City Texas 11079 0.0000057800000000000000 Ore City Texas 11922 0.0000453733300000000000 Overton City Texas 11765 0.0000526666700000000000 Ovilla City Texas 10933 0.0000892733300000000000 Oyster Creek City Texas 10701 0.0000642200000000000000 Paducah Town Texas 10906 0.0000008333300000000000 Paint Rock Town Texas 10884 0.0000009400000000000000 Palacios City Texas 11533 0.0000935733300000000000 Palestine City Texas 10572 0.0011867266700000000000 Palisades Village Texas 11719 0.0000016000000000000000 Palm Valley City Texas 10770 0.0000127866700000000000 Palmer Town Texas 11022 0.0000844400000000000000 Palmhurst City Texas 11275 0.0000310666700000000000 Palmview City Texas 11276 0.0000505133300000000000 Palo Pinto County Texas 11670 0.0008308066700000000000 Pampa City Texas 11126 0.0004481800000000000000 Panhandle Town Texas 10774 0.0000635733300000000000 Panola County Texas 11675 0.0005379933300000000000 Panorama Village City Texas 11599 0.0000086133300000000000 Pantego Town Texas 11855 0.0000859866700000000000 Paradise City Texas 12014 0.0000003466700000000000 Paris City Texas 11445 0.0013412000000000000000 Parker City Texas 10849 0.0000687133300000000000 Parker County Texas 11678 0.0031750266700000000000 Parmer County Texas 11695 0.0001057733300000000000 Pasadena City Texas 11198 0.0023769066700000000000 Pattison City Texas 11952 0.0000076533300000000000 Patton Village City Texas 11594 0.0000617866700000000000 Payne Springs Town Texas 11247 0.0000118000000000000000 Pearland City Texas 10706 0.0022250133300000000000 Pearsall City Texas 11091 0.0000771333300000000000 Pecan Gap City Texas 10948 0.0000047933300000000000 Pecan Hill City Texas 11025 0.0000015266700000000000 Pecos City Texas 11734 0.0000508133300000000000 Pecos County Texas 11701 0.0003133133300000000000 Pelican Bay City Texas 11858 0.0000079933300000000000 Penelope Town Texas 11289 0.0000027666700000000000 Penitas City Texas 11272 0.0000020800000000000000 Perryton City Texas 11656 0.0001557600000000000000 Petersburg City Texas 11163 0.0000112733300000000000 Petrolia City Texas 10819 0.0000001133300000000000 Petronila City Texas 11651 0.0000000333300000000000 Pflugerville City Texas 11901 0.0005760533300000000000 Pharr City Texas 11268 0.0009648066700000000000 Pilot Point City Texas 10890 0.0000774200000000000000 Pine Forest City Texas 11668 0.0000259600000000000000 Pine Island Town Texas 11950 0.0000209400000000000000 Pinehurst City Texas 11664 0.0002178066700000000000 Pineland City Texas 11766 0.0000275866700000000000 Piney Point Village City Texas 11204 0.0001049200000000000000 Pittsburg City Texas 10773 0.0001368400000000000000 Plains Town Texas 12031 0.0000008600000000000000 Plainview City Texas 11166 0.0004019866700000000000 Plano City Texas 10862 0.0076773866700000000000 Pleak Village Texas 11076 0.0000018000000000000000 Pleasant Valley Town Texas 11981 0.0000020533300000000000 Pleasanton City Texas 10594 0.0001934066700000000000 Plum Grove City Texas 11485 0.0000017200000000000000 Point Blank City Texas 11775 0.0000023666700000000000 Point City Texas 11714 0.0000101266700000000000 Point Comfort City Texas 10749 0.0000029800000000000000 Point Venture Village Texas 11894 0.0000039200000000000000 Polk County Texas 11702 0.0024722066700000000000 Ponder Town Texas 10969 0.0000085466700000000000 Port Aransas City Texas 11653 0.0002068133300000000000 Port Arthur City Texas 11365 0.0024529666700000000000 Port Isabel City Texas 10763 0.0000653466700000000000 Port Lavaca City Texas 10747 0.0000783466700000000000 Port Neches City Texas 11358 0.0002589933300000000000 Portland City Texas 11655 0.0005101133300000000000 Post City Texas 11114 0.0000155466700000000000 Post Oak Bend City Town Texas 11407 0.0000068933300000000000 Poteet City Texas 10598 0.0000451133300000000000 Poth Town Texas 12004 0.0000264933300000000000 Potter County Texas 11704 0.0024780066700000000000 Pottsboro Town Texas 11133 0.0000820133300000000000 Powell Town Texas 11638 0.0000007333300000000000 Poynor Town Texas 11253 0.0000078666700000000000 Prairie View City Texas 11951 0.0000506666700000000000 Premont City Texas 11376 0.0000221400000000000000 Presidio City Texas 11712 0.0000009866700000000000 Presidio County Texas 11709 0.0000052466700000000000 Primera Town Texas 10764 0.0000197200000000000000 Princeton City Texas 10843 0.0001283000000000000000 Progreso City Texas 11265 0.0000538133300000000000 Progreso Lakes City Texas 11273 0.0000002600000000000000 Prosper Town Texas 10861 0.0001518000000000000000 Providence Village Town Texas 10954 0.0000033866700000000000 Putnam Town Texas 10760 0.0000000933300000000000 Pyote Town Texas 11962 0.0000001466700000000000 Quanah City Texas 11178 0.0000013800000000000000 Queen City Texas 10787 0.0000322466700000000000 Quinlan City Texas 11331 0.0000486933300000000000 Quintana Town Texas 10705 0.0000032800000000000000 Quitaque City Texas 10716 0.0000000533300000000000 Quitman City Texas 12023 0.0001041266700000000000 Rains County Texas 11710 0.0003546000000000000000 Ralls City Texas 10907 0.0000264466700000000000 Rancho Viejo Town Texas 10769 0.0000255733300000000000 Randall County Texas 11720 0.0018541733300000000000 Ranger City Texas 10999 0.0000812400000000000000 Rankin City Texas 11926 0.0000107533300000000000 Ransom Canyon Town Texas 11517 0.0000062000000000000000 Ravenna City Texas 11046 0.0000045666700000000000 Raymondville City Texas 11983 0.0000497733300000000000 Reagan County Texas 11721 0.0001681000000000000000 Real County Texas 11731 0.0000338200000000000000 Red Lick City Texas 10677 0.0000001533300000000000 Red Oak City Texas 11020 0.0001789533300000000000 Red River County Texas 11727 0.0001953733300000000000 Redwater City Texas 10678 0.0000070533300000000000 Reeves County Texas 11738 0.0006890000000000000000 Refugio County Texas 11736 0.0003081066700000000000 Refugio Town Texas 11742 0.0000589266700000000000 Reklaw City Texas 10815 0.0000075733300000000000 Reno City Texas 11449 0.0000744266700000000000 Reno City Texas 11693 0.0000252733300000000000 Retreat Town Texas 11636 0.0000003466700000000000 Rhome City Texas 12016 0.0000819000000000000000 Rice City Texas 11631 0.0000131466700000000000 Richardson City Texas 10854 0.0017354333300000000000 Richland Hills City Texas 11857 0.0001629200000000000000 Richland Springs Town Texas 11788 0.0000148933300000000000 Richland Town Texas 11635 0.0000014000000000000000 Richmond City Texas 11065 0.0005173733300000000000 Richwood City Texas 10688 0.0000807466700000000000 Riesel City Texas 11557 0.0000074533300000000000 Rio Bravo City Texas 11970 0.0000569866700000000000 Rio Grande City Texas 11821 0.0001729800000000000000 Rio Hondo City Texas 10762 0.0000236666700000000000 Rio Vista City Texas 11379 0.0000294600000000000000 Rising Star Town Texas 11000 0.0000128866700000000000 River Oaks City Texas 11851 0.0000794466700000000000 Riverside City Texas 11940 0.0000057200000000000000 Roanoke City Texas 10981 0.0000018333300000000000 Roaring Springs Town Texas 11615 0.0000030733300000000000 Robert Lee City Texas 10827 0.0000005666700000000000 Roberts County Texas 11755 0.0000036466700000000000 Robertson County Texas 11744 0.0002976133300000000000 Robinson City Texas 11547 0.0001200133300000000000 Robstown City Texas 11652 0.0002676933300000000000 Roby City Texas 11063 0.0000028533300000000000 Rochester Town Texas 11223 0.0000044933300000000000 Rockdale City Texas 11571 0.0001398200000000000000 Rockport City Texas 10582 0.0003616866700000000000 Rocksprings Town Texas 11007 0.0000001666700000000000 Rockwall City Texas 11748 0.0007620533300000000000 Rockwall County Texas 11753 0.0011254666700000000000 Rocky Mound Town Texas 10777 0.0000018666700000000000 Rogers Town Texas 10620 0.0000254533300000000000 Rollingwood City Texas 11890 0.0000316933300000000000 Roma City Texas 11818 0.0001108600000000000000 Roman Forest Town Texas 11601 0.0000574000000000000000 Ropesville City Texas 11292 0.0000141466700000000000 Roscoe City Texas 11641 0.0000051866700000000000 Rose City Texas 11669 0.0000267466700000000000 Rose Hill Acres City Texas 11187 0.0000154066700000000000 Rosebud City Texas 11034 0.0000099266700000000000 Rosenberg City Texas 11068 0.0008439533300000000000 Ross City Texas 11559 0.0000009800000000000000 Rosser Village Texas 11412 0.0000036600000000000000 Rotan City Texas 11054 0.0000099533300000000000 Round Mountain Town Texas 10659 0.0000030266700000000000 Round Rock City Texas 11905 0.0031732800000000000000 Round Top Town Texas 11055 0.0000009333300000000000 Rowlett City Texas 10935 0.0006664200000000000000 Roxton City Texas 11446 0.0000003133300000000000 Royse City Texas 11339 0.0001566266700000000000 Rule Town Texas 11222 0.0000053333300000000000 Runaway Bay City Texas 12017 0.0000462066700000000000 Runge Town Texas 11402 0.0000017000000000000000 Runnels County Texas 11756 0.0002255400000000000000 Rusk City Texas 10806 0.0001199400000000000000 Rusk County Texas 11758 0.0010092666700000000000 Sabinal City Texas 11933 0.0000120733300000000000 Sabine County Texas 11763 0.0003098600000000000000 Sachse City Texas 10860 0.0001560000000000000000 Sadler City Texas 11140 0.0000061666700000000000 Saginaw City Texas 11849 0.0002131533300000000000 Salado Village Texas 10624 0.0000214000000000000000 San Angelo City Texas 11887 0.0035767266700000000000 San Antonio City Texas 10653 0.0291027733300000000000 San Augustine City Texas 11772 0.0001678800000000000000 San Augustine County Texas 11770 0.0002523600000000000000 San Benito City Texas 10761 0.0002667666700000000000 San Diego City Texas 10989 0.0000784733300000000000 San Elizario City Texas 11005 0.0000522066700000000000 San Felipe Town Texas 10602 0.0000099866700000000000 San Jacinto County Texas 11771 0.0013159866700000000000 San Juan City Texas 11264 0.0001923000000000000000 San Leanna Village Texas 11904 0.0000002400000000000000 San Marcos City Texas 10739 0.0021712533300000000000 San Patricio City Texas 11782 0.0000280866700000000000 San Patricio County Texas 11777 0.0018127733300000000000 San Perlita City Texas 11985 0.0000147933300000000000 San Saba City Texas 11786 0.0000670466700000000000 San Saba County Texas 11785 0.0001170800000000000000 Sanctuary Town Texas 11682 0.0000001133300000000000 Sandy Oaks City Texas 10633 0.0000657533300000000000 Sandy Point City Texas 10682 0.0000109133300000000000 Sanford Town Texas 11343 0.0000020533300000000000 Sanger City Texas 10952 0.0001482466700000000000 Sansom Park City Texas 11848 0.0000014866700000000000 Santa Anna Town Texas 10829 0.0000021933300000000000 Santa Clara City Texas 11161 0.0000005800000000000000 Santa Fe City Texas 11100 0.0002218133300000000000 Santa Rosa Town Texas 10767 0.0000142533300000000000 Savoy City Texas 11044 0.0000156600000000000000 Schertz City Texas 10655 0.0004007333300000000000 Schleicher County Texas 11789 0.0000379666700000000000 Schulenburg City Texas 11052 0.0000170666700000000000 Scotland City Texas 10590 0.0000009866700000000000 Scottsville City Texas 11215 0.0000047200000000000000 Scurry County Texas 11791 0.0004874400000000000000 Scurry Town Texas 11406 0.0000074000000000000000 Seabrook City Texas 10798 0.0002018000000000000000 Seadrift City Texas 10748 0.0000066066700000000000 Seagoville City Texas 10930 0.0001140400000000000000 Seagraves City Texas 11088 0.0000502066700000000000 Sealy City Texas 10604 0.0001375800000000000000 Seguin City Texas 11157 0.0025102533300000000000 Selma City Texas 10651 0.0001495266700000000000 Seminole City Texas 11097 0.0001072800000000000000 Seven Oaks City Texas 11706 0.0000261133300000000000 Seven Points City Texas 11256 0.0000496800000000000000 Seymour City Texas 10625 0.0000947866700000000000 Shackelford County Texas 11793 0.0000085866700000000000 Shady Shores Town Texas 10957 0.0000039600000000000000 Shallowater City Texas 11513 0.0000127133300000000000 Shamrock City Texas 11973 0.0000288533300000000000 Shavano Park City Texas 10640 0.0000211866700000000000 Shelby County Texas 11794 0.0007328333300000000000 Shenandoah City Texas 11603 0.0003141466700000000000 Shepherd City Texas 11774 0.0000009800000000000000 Sherman City Texas 11135 0.0022039000000000000000 Sherman County Texas 11799 0.0000528666700000000000 Shiner City Texas 11462 0.0000269466700000000000 Shoreacres City Texas 10813 0.0000063866700000000000 Silsbee City Texas 11185 0.0004429466700000000000 Silverton City Texas 10718 0.0000000933300000000000 Simonton City Texas 11072 0.0000127066700000000000 Sinton City Texas 11778 0.0001577200000000000000 Skellytown Town Texas 10784 0.0000026666700000000000 Slaton City Texas 11514 0.0000010266700000000000 Smiley City Texas 11119 0.0000043666700000000000 Smith County Texas 11807 0.0050597400000000000000 Smithville City Texas 10616 0.0001133933300000000000 Smyer Town Texas 11297 0.0000020000000000000000 Snook City Texas 10730 0.0000094800000000000000 Snyder City Texas 11792 0.0000601200000000000000 Socorro City Texas 11008 0.0000741666700000000000 Somerset City Texas 10652 0.0000101800000000000000 Somervell County Texas 11816 0.0003805066700000000000 Somerville City Texas 10725 0.0000253733300000000000 Sonora City Texas 11829 0.0000489133300000000000 Sour Lake City Texas 11181 0.0001190400000000000000 South Houston City Texas 11200 0.0001708000000000000000 South Mountain Town Texas 10894 0.0000010266700000000000 South Padre Island Town Texas 10772 0.0002041933300000000000 Southlake City Texas 11864 0.0004723066700000000000 Southmayd City Texas 11141 0.0000473066700000000000 Southside Place City Texas 11199 0.0000059000000000000000 Spearman City Texas 11176 0.0000933333300000000000 Splendora City Texas 11597 0.0000517066700000000000 Spofford City Texas 11436 0.0000000466700000000000 Spring Valley Village City Texas 11201 0.0001093600000000000000 Springlake Town Texas 11457 0.0000000200000000000000 Springtown City Texas 11692 0.0000949600000000000000 Spur City Texas 10985 0.0000028466700000000000 St. Hedwig Town Texas 10650 0.0000007400000000000000 St. Jo City Texas 11587 0.0000490666700000000000 St. Paul Town Texas 10846 0.0000001400000000000000 Stafford City Texas 11080 0.0005009666700000000000 Stagecoach Town Texas 11602 0.0000202400000000000000 Stamford City Texas 11390 0.0000026533300000000000 Stanton City Texas 11532 0.0000255866700000000000 Staples City Texas 11154 0.0000001266700000000000 Star Harbor City Texas 11249 0.0000010066700000000000 Starr County Texas 11820 0.0006659733300000000000 Stephens County Texas 11822 0.0002349600000000000000 Stephenville City Texas 11030 0.0005564800000000000000 Sterling City Texas 11828 0.0000004133300000000000 Sterling County Texas 11825 0.0000062600000000000000 Stinnett City Texas 11340 0.0000273133300000000000 Stockdale City Texas 12002 0.0000049400000000000000 Stonewall County Texas 11827 0.0000121466700000000000 Stratford City Texas 11801 0.0000558533300000000000 Strawn City Texas 11671 0.0000065800000000000000 Streetman Town Texas 11090 0.0000000333300000000000 Sudan City Texas 11461 0.0000002133300000000000 Sugar Land City Texas 11066 0.0021437400000000000000 Sullivan City Texas 11274 0.0000408066700000000000 Sulphur Springs City Texas 11310 0.0008306866700000000000 Sun Valley City Texas 11450 0.0000000266700000000000 Sundown City Texas 11298 0.0000172800000000000000 Sunnyvale Town Texas 10921 0.0000216533300000000000 Sunray City Texas 11608 0.0000171400000000000000 Sunrise Beach Village City Texas 11511 0.0000138866700000000000 Sunset Valley City Texas 11906 0.0000628333300000000000 Surfside Beach City Texas 10695 0.0000435333300000000000 Sutton County Texas 11824 0.0000436066700000000000 Sweeny City Texas 10686 0.0000300200000000000000 Sweetwater City Texas 11644 0.0004549866700000000000 Swisher County Texas 11835 0.0000483400000000000000 Taft City Texas 11780 0.0000390733300000000000 Tahoka City Texas 11523 0.0000028666700000000000 Talco City Texas 11885 0.0000024800000000000000 Talty Town Texas 11409 0.0000608266700000000000 Tarrant County Texas 11833 0.0411410600000000000000 Tatum City Texas 11680 0.0000064800000000000000 Taylor City Texas 11997 0.0003863000000000000000 Taylor County Texas 11866 0.0023405200000000000000 Taylor Lake Village City Texas 11210 0.0000027466700000000000 Taylor Landing City Texas 11364 0.0000010200000000000000 Teague City Texas 11096 0.0000114266700000000000 Tehuacana Town Texas 11498 0.0000000800000000000000 Temple City Texas 10621 0.0018716466700000000000 Tenaha Town Texas 11797 0.0000314533300000000000 Terrell City Texas 11408 0.0009913733300000000000 Terrell County Texas 11873 0.0000382466700000000000 Terrell Hills City Texas 10641 0.0000657200000000000000 Terry County Texas 11875 0.0001694866700000000000 Texarkana City Texas 10676 0.0012806266700000000000 Texas City Texas 10799 0.0019913466700000000000 Texhoma City Texas 11805 0.0000010400000000000000 Texline Town Texas 10904 0.0000057666700000000000 The Colony City Texas 10961 0.0007619800000000000000 The Hills Village Texas 11896 0.0000066933300000000000 Thompsons Town Texas 11077 0.0000126466700000000000 Thorndale City Texas 11576 0.0000106333300000000000 Thornton Town Texas 11500 0.0000018000000000000000 Thorntonville Town Texas 11957 0.0000005800000000000000 Thrall City Texas 11996 0.0000055000000000000000 Three Rivers City Texas 11507 0.0000311266700000000000 Throckmorton County Texas 11881 0.0000379666700000000000 Throckmorton Town Texas 11882 0.0000001933300000000000 Tiki Island Village Texas 11098 0.0000145200000000000000 Timbercreek Canyon Village Texas 11722 0.0000024600000000000000 Timpson City Texas 11802 0.0000842800000000000000 Tioga Town Texas 11134 0.0000159333300000000000 Tira Town Texas 11311 0.0000012333300000000000 Titus County Texas 11891 0.0004707400000000000000 Toco City Texas 11448 0.0000000266700000000000 Todd Mission City Texas 11156 0.0000112000000000000000 Tolar City Texas 11304 0.0000157933300000000000 Tom Bean City Texas 11138 0.0000152866700000000000 Tom Green County Texas 11884 0.0018828466700000000000 Tomball City Texas 11208 0.0002308000000000000000 Tool City Texas 11250 0.0000985800000000000000 Toyah Town Texas 11741 0.0000002666700000000000 Travis County Texas 11888 0.0313564866700000000000 Trent Town Texas 11868 0.0000004200000000000000 Trenton City Texas 10864 0.0000205933300000000000 Trinidad City Texas 11243 0.0000390600000000000000 Trinity City Texas 11920 0.0001576800000000000000 Trinity County Texas 11911 0.0007051066700000000000 Trophy Club Town Texas 10979 0.0001958000000000000000 Troup City Texas 11815 0.0000527866700000000000 Troy City Texas 10626 0.0000354666700000000000 Tulia City Texas 11830 0.0000594066700000000000 Turkey City Texas 11170 0.0000049133300000000000 Tuscola City Texas 11871 0.0000009200000000000000 Tye City Texas 11870 0.0000117733300000000000 Tyler City Texas 11810 0.0048255266700000000000 Tyler County Texas 11916 0.0008782866700000000000 Uhland City Texas 10744 0.0000103000000000000000 Uncertain City Texas 11216 0.0000012333300000000000 Union Grove City Texas 11923 0.0000066266700000000000 Union Valley City Texas 11334 0.0000044400000000000000 Universal City Texas 10644 0.0001895200000000000000 University Park City Texas 10924 0.0003388866700000000000 Upshur County Texas 11918 0.0008553333300000000000 Upton County Texas 11925 0.0000566600000000000000 Uvalde City Texas 11929 0.0001229266700000000000 Uvalde County Texas 11928 0.0002416266700000000000 Val Verde County Texas 11932 0.0007854333300000000000 Valentine Town Texas 11355 0.0000013800000000000000 Valley Mills City Texas 10669 0.0000148533300000000000 Valley View City Texas 10887 0.0000121600000000000000 Van Alstyne City Texas 10863 0.0002916600000000000000 Van City Texas 11936 0.0000413733300000000000 Van Horn Town Texas 10910 0.0000014066700000000000 Van Zandt County Texas 11931 0.0016583133300000000000 Vega City Texas 11662 0.0000064933300000000000 Venus Town Texas 11382 0.0000652800000000000000 Vernon City Texas 11984 0.0005422466700000000000 Victoria City Texas 11943 0.0005639866700000000000 Victoria County Texas 11945 0.0034725733300000000000 Vidor City Texas 11663 0.0006374666700000000000 Vinton Village Texas 11014 0.0000041466700000000000 Volente Village Texas 11892 0.0000022200000000000000 Von Ormy City Texas 10638 0.0000034200000000000000 Waco City Texas 11554 0.0034133800000000000000 Waelder City Texas 11120 0.0000228466700000000000 Wake Village City Texas 10681 0.0000011600000000000000 Walker County Texas 11941 0.0012308266700000000000 Waller City Texas 11953 0.0000753000000000000000 Waller County Texas 11947 0.0008413733300000000000 Wallis City Texas 10606 0.0000179866700000000000 Walnut Springs City Texas 10670 0.0000012200000000000000 Ward County Texas 11956 0.0004528000000000000000 Warren City Texas 11149 0.0000004400000000000000 Washington County Texas 11963 0.0005581800000000000000 Waskom City Texas 11213 0.0000356400000000000000 Watauga City Texas 11861 0.0002214400000000000000 Waxahachie City Texas 11023 0.0010139600000000000000 Weatherford City Texas 11681 0.0013858133300000000000 Webb County Texas 11966 0.0033686933300000000000 Webberville Village Texas 11893 0.0000085333300000000000 Webster City Texas 11207 0.0003546800000000000000 Weimar City Texas 10872 0.0000388666700000000000 Weinert City Texas 11220 0.0000015600000000000000 Weir City Texas 12001 0.0000029533300000000000 Wellington City Texas 10868 0.0000607400000000000000 Wellman City Texas 11877 0.0000025533300000000000 Wells Town Texas 10808 0.0000090466700000000000 Weslaco City Texas 11267 0.0004929933300000000000 West City Texas 11551 0.0000234800000000000000 West Columbia City Texas 10690 0.0001197200000000000000 West Lake Hills City Texas 11895 0.0001137066700000000000 West Orange City Texas 11666 0.0002830133300000000000 West Tawakoni City Texas 11333 0.0000466333300000000000 West University Place City Texas 11202 0.0002311466700000000000 Westbrook City Texas 11584 0.0000002866700000000000 Westlake Town Texas 10975 0.0002769333300000000000 Weston City Texas 10851 0.0000017733300000000000 Weston Lakes City Texas 11071 0.0000012600000000000000 Westover Hills Town Texas 11853 0.0000300600000000000000 Westworth Village City Texas 11859 0.0000522800000000000000 Wharton City Texas 11971 0.0002113333300000000000 Wharton County Texas 11969 0.0004859133300000000000 Wheeler City Texas 11974 0.0000029800000000000000 Wheeler County Texas 11972 0.0001751533300000000000 White Deer Town Texas 10776 0.0000084866700000000000 White Oak City Texas 11144 0.0001020333300000000000 White Settlement City Texas 11852 0.0001553600000000000000 Whiteface Town Texas 10825 0.0000010333300000000000 Whitehouse City Texas 11809 0.0001934466700000000000 Whitesboro City Texas 11136 0.0001262133300000000000 Whitewright Town Texas 11051 0.0000473200000000000000 Whitney Town Texas 11284 0.0000004866700000000000 Wichita County Texas 11978 0.0036824733300000000000 Wichita Falls City Texas 11982 0.0055504933300000000000 Wickett Town Texas 11959 0.0000005800000000000000 Wilbarger County Texas 11986 0.0003674933300000000000 Willacy County Texas 11987 0.0001638733300000000000 Williamson County Texas 11991 0.0079732466700000000000 Willis City Texas 11591 0.0001625600000000000000 Willow Park City Texas 11687 0.0001782466700000000000 Wills Point City Texas 11938 0.0002917666700000000000 Wilmer City Texas 10923 0.0000028400000000000000 Wilson City Texas 11521 0.0000000800000000000000 Wilson County Texas 11999 0.0008068933300000000000 Wimberley City Texas 11227 0.0000048266700000000000 Windcrest City Texas 10646 0.0000860533300000000000 Windom Town Texas 11048 0.0000072466700000000000 Windthorst Town Texas 10587 0.0000225666700000000000 Winfield City Texas 11886 0.0000019333300000000000 Wink City Texas 12006 0.0000008000000000000000 Winkler County Texas 12013 0.0004077533300000000000 Winnsboro City Texas 12028 0.0001919400000000000000 Winona Town Texas 11808 0.0000021266700000000000 Winters City Texas 11760 0.0000415266700000000000 Wise County Texas 12010 0.0019271600000000000000 Wixon Valley City Texas 10713 0.0000029400000000000000 Wolfe City Texas 11332 0.0000364400000000000000 Wolfforth City Texas 11519 0.0000268133300000000000 Wood County Texas 12022 0.0017803200000000000000 Woodbranch City Texas 11596 0.0000641133300000000000 Woodcreek City Texas 11228 0.0000023866700000000000 Woodloch Town Texas 11600 0.0000067466700000000000 Woodsboro Town Texas 11737 0.0000075333300000000000 Woodson Town Texas 11876 0.0000008133300000000000 Woodville Town Texas 11913 0.0001356000000000000000 Woodway City Texas 11549 0.0001714200000000000000 Wortham Town Texas 11095 0.0000025066700000000000 Wylie City Texas 10857 0.0007647200000000000000 Yantis Town Texas 12024 0.0000138133300000000000 Yoakum City Texas 11467 0.0001347333300000000000 Yoakum County Texas 12030 0.0002328266700000000000 Yorktown City Texas 10942 0.0000363133300000000000 Young County Texas 12026 0.0002941333300000000000 Zapata County Texas 12029 0.0003765333300000000000 Zavala County Texas 12036 0.0002543133300000000000 Zavalla City Texas 10579 0.0000072533300000000000 Beaver County Utah 12035 0.0022800000000000000000 Box Elder County Utah 12040 0.0146400000000000000000 Cache County Utah 12039 0.0264900000000000000000 Carbon County Utah 12046 0.0271800000000000000000 Daggett County Utah 12043 0.0002800000000000000000 Davis County Utah 12044 0.0869500000000000000000 Duchesne County Utah 12051 0.0064100000000000000000 Emery County Utah 12059 0.0093800000000000000000 Garfield County Utah 12061 0.0014700000000000000000 Grand County Utah 12060 0.0030400000000000000000 Iron County Utah 12065 0.0162200000000000000000 Juab County Utah 12066 0.0035200000000000000000 Kane County Utah 12064 0.0043900000000000000000 Millard County Utah 12070 0.0035500000000000000000 Morgan County Utah 12068 0.0021600000000000000000 Piute County Utah 12067 0.0002200000000000000000 Rich County Utah 12072 0.0006100000000000000000 Salt Lake County Utah 12071 0.4227100000000000000000 San Juan County Utah 12088 0.0024900000000000000000 Sanpete County Utah 12089 0.0101300000000000000000 Sevier County Utah 12086 0.0066100000000000000000 Summit County Utah 12090 0.0094400000000000000000 Tooele County Utah 12091 0.0223300000000000000000 Uintah County Utah 12094 0.0086600000000000000000 Utah County Utah 12098 0.1542600000000000000000 Wasatch County Utah 12117 0.0060100000000000000000 Washington County Utah 12114 0.0486500000000000000000 Wayne County Utah 12119 0.0010900000000000000000 Weber County Utah 12121 0.0988300000000000000000 Accomack County Virginia 12129 0.0034800348000000000000 Albemarle County Virginia 12126 0.0086300863010000000000 Alexandria City Virginia 12221 0.0116201162010000000000 Alleghany County Virginia 12130 0.0021300213000000000000 Amelia County Virginia 12127 0.0010000100000000000000 Amherst County Virginia 12131 0.0029900299000000000000 Appomattox County Virginia 12134 0.0013300133000000000000 Arlington County Virginia 12132 0.0137801378010000000000 Augusta County Virginia 12135 0.0083500835010000000000 Bath County Virginia 12133 0.0003700037000000000000 Bedford County Virginia 12139 0.0077700777010000000000 Bland County Virginia 12138 0.0014700147000000000000 Botetourt County Virginia 12137 0.0036200362000000000000 Bristol City Virginia 12224 0.0043400434000000000000 Brunswick County Virginia 12136 0.0010700107000000000000 Buchanan County Virginia 12140 0.0092900929010000000000 Buckingham County Virginia 12142 0.0012700127000000000000 Buena Vista City Virginia 12225 0.0007800078000000000000 Campbell County Virginia 12144 0.0045600456000000000000 Caroline County Virginia 12143 0.0031800318000000000000 Carroll County Virginia 12141 0.0044000440000000000000 Charles City County Virginia 12145 0.0007300073000000000000 Charlotte County Virginia 12146 0.0013800138000000000000 Charlottesville City Virginia 12230 0.0046300463000000000000 Chesapeake City Virginia 12240 0.0291202912030000000000 Chesterfield County Virginia 12147 0.0408804088040000000000 Clarke County Virginia 12149 0.0012500125000000000000 Colonial Heights City Virginia 12222 0.0028300283000000000000 Covington City Virginia 12228 0.0010000100000000000000 Craig County Virginia 12151 0.0007000070000000000000 Culpeper County Virginia 12150 0.0079000790010000000000 Cumberland County Virginia 12148 0.0010000100000000000000 Danville City Virginia 12226 0.0063700637010000000000 Dickenson County Virginia 12153 0.0094800948010000000000 Dinwiddie County Virginia 12154 0.0019600196000000000000 Emporia City Virginia 12256 0.0005000050000000000000 Essex County Virginia 12160 0.0010100101000000000000 Fairfax City Virginia 12227 0.0026900269000000000000 Fairfax County Virginia 12157 0.0867208672090000000000 Falls Church City Virginia 12229 0.0010200102000000000000 Fauquier County Virginia 12156 0.0121001210010000000000 Floyd County Virginia 12152 0.0018200182000000000000 Fluvanna County Virginia 12158 0.0019400194000000000000 Franklin City Virginia 12231 0.0007900079000000000000 Franklin County Virginia 12155 0.0095400954010000000000 Frederick County Virginia 12165 0.0127701277010000000000 Fredericksburg City Virginia 12233 0.0052400524010000000000 Galax City Virginia 12237 0.0013900139000000000000 Giles County Virginia 12162 0.0040900409000000000000 Gloucester County Virginia 12163 0.0042400424000000000000 Goochland County Virginia 12159 0.0022500225000000000000 Grayson County Virginia 12167 0.0022400224000000000000 Greene County Virginia 12161 0.0017800178000000000000 Greensville County Virginia 12166 0.0012400124000000000000 Halifax County Virginia 12168 0.0035300353000000000000 Hampton City Virginia 12234 0.0153801538020000000000 Hanover County Virginia 12169 0.0107901079010000000000 Harrisonburg City Virginia 12235 0.0052300523010000000000 Henrico County Virginia 12164 0.0447304473040000000000 Henry County Virginia 12171 0.0122001220010000000000 Highland County Virginia 12170 0.0002300023000000000000 Hopewell City Virginia 12238 0.0034400344000000000000 Isle Of Wight County Virginia 12174 0.0035600356000000000000 James City County Virginia 12172 0.0061200612010000000000 King And Queen County Virginia 12173 0.0007200072000000000000 King George County Virginia 12178 0.0030600306000000000000 King William County Virginia 12177 0.0017800178000000000000 Lancaster County Virginia 12176 0.0013500135000000000000 Lee County Virginia 12179 0.0055600556010000000000 Lexington City Virginia 12236 0.0009300093000000000000 Loudoun County Virginia 12175 0.0256702567030000000000 Louisa County Virginia 12182 0.0044900449000000000000 Lunenburg County Virginia 12180 0.0008800088000000000000 Lynchburg City Virginia 12242 0.0081600816010000000000 Madison County Virginia 12189 0.0016300163000000000000 Manassas City Virginia 12257 0.0045200452000000000000 Manassas Park City Virginia 12260 0.0009500095000000000000 Martinsville City Virginia 12241 0.0049400494000000000000 Mathews County Virginia 12184 0.0008800088000000000000 Mecklenburg County Virginia 12181 0.0034400344000000000000 Middlesex County Virginia 12186 0.0010800108000000000000 Montgomery County Virginia 12183 0.0120501205010000000000 Nelson County Virginia 12188 0.0014700147000000000000 New Kent County Virginia 12187 0.0015600156000000000000 Newport News City Virginia 12244 0.0204702047020000000000 Norfolk City Virginia 12239 0.0338803388030000000000 Northampton County Virginia 12185 0.0012200122000000000000 Northumberland County Virginia 12192 0.0012900129000000000000 Norton City Virginia 12243 0.0011000110000000000000 Nottoway County Virginia 12193 0.0013300133000000000000 Orange County Virginia 12190 0.0063800638010000000000 Page County Virginia 12191 0.0041000410000000000000 Patrick County Virginia 12199 0.0032900329000000000000 Petersburg City Virginia 12245 0.0039500395000000000000 Pittsylvania County Virginia 12195 0.0075000750010000000000 Poquoson City Virginia 12258 0.0018600186000000000000 Portsmouth City Virginia 12248 0.0193701937020000000000 Powhatan County Virginia 12197 0.0026200262000000000000 Prince Edward County Virginia 12194 0.0019000190000000000000 Prince George County Virginia 12196 0.0035100351000000000000 Prince William County Virginia 12202 0.0355603556040000000000 Pulaski County Virginia 12200 0.0106101061010000000000 Radford City Virginia 12250 0.0024700247000000000000 Rappahannock County Virginia 12198 0.0009100091000000000000 Richmond City Virginia 12249 0.0422504225040000000000 Richmond County Virginia 12203 0.0008400084000000000000 Roanoke City Virginia 12247 0.0185901859020000000000 Roanoke County Virginia 12201 0.0149801498010000000000 Rockbridge County Virginia 12205 0.0023500235000000000000 Rockingham County Virginia 12207 0.0061400614010000000000 Russell County Virginia 12206 0.0106401064010000000000 Salem City Virginia 12259 0.0078600786010000000000 Scott County Virginia 12204 0.0042100421000000000000 Shenandoah County Virginia 12208 0.0066000660010000000000 Smyth County Virginia 12209 0.0059200592010000000000 Southampton County Virginia 12210 0.0013700137000000000000 Spotsylvania County Virginia 12211 0.0141701417010000000000 Stafford County Virginia 12214 0.0144301443010000000000 Staunton City Virginia 12251 0.0044000440000000000000 Suffolk City Virginia 12255 0.0071000710010000000000 Surry County Virginia 12212 0.0005800058000000000000 Sussex County Virginia 12213 0.0008100081000000000000 Tazewell County Virginia 12217 0.0160601606020000000000 Virginia Beach City Virginia 12246 0.0485904859050000000000 Warren County Virginia 12220 0.0076600766010000000000 Washington County Virginia 12218 0.0099600996010000000000 Waynesboro City Virginia 12254 0.0036300363000000000000 Westmoreland County Virginia 12216 0.0022300223000000000000 Williamsburg City Virginia 12252 0.0008600086000000000000 Winchester City Virginia 12253 0.0064900649010000000000 Wise County Virginia 12223 0.0175601756020000000000 Wythe County Virginia 12219 0.0064200642010000000000 York County Virginia 12232 0.0056100561010000000000 Aberdeen City Washington 12565 0.0024915253330000000000 Adams County Washington 12543 0.0016387324750000000000 Anacortes City Washington 12630 0.0017749629060000000000 Arlington City Washington 12637 0.0026205240800000000000 Asotin County Washington 12545 0.0046944983860000000000 Auburn City Washington 12597 0.0032512970290000000000 Bainbridge Island City Washington 12604 0.0013646860140000000000 Battle Ground City Washington 12556 0.0013847298570000000000 Bellevue City Washington 12577 0.0113005925730000000000 Bellingham City Washington 12663 0.0089786145770000000000 Benton County Washington 12547 0.0148488318920000000000 Bonney Lake City Washington 12621 0.0011907738640000000000 Bothell City Washington 12599 0.0044761613040000000000 Bremerton City Washington 12602 0.0061933743890000000000 Burien City Washington 12587 0.0002709629210000000000 Burlington City Washington 12629 0.0011468616610000000000 Camas City Washington 12553 0.0026915927240000000000 Centralia City Washington 12611 0.0019099903530000000000 Chelan County Washington 12549 0.0074349144850000000000 Cheney City Washington 12651 0.0012384543490000000000 Clallam County Washington 12552 0.0130769834010000000000 Clark County Washington 12554 0.0451497753260000000000 Columbia County Washington 12560 0.0005616995370000000000 Covington City Washington 12592 0.0001181344060000000000 Cowlitz County Washington 12558 0.0172269459900000000000 Des Moines City Washington 12595 0.0011797645260000000000 Douglas County Washington 12559 0.0039321751750000000000 East Wenatchee City Washington 12561 0.0007998108650000000000 Edgewood City Washington 12628 0.0000480167910000000000 Edmonds City Washington 12634 0.0030589360090000000000 Ellensburg City Washington 12609 0.0009558249150000000000 Enumclaw City Washington 12601 0.0005377683260000000000 Everett City Washington 12635 0.0192583632410000000000 Federal Way City Washington 12585 0.0030614522400000000000 Ferndale City Washington 12661 0.0006461018910000000000 Ferry County Washington 12568 0.0011534879940000000000 Fife City Washington 12625 0.0019551854810000000000 Franklin County Washington 12570 0.0033612371440000000000 Garfield County Washington 12566 0.0003219822090000000000 Gig Harbor City Washington 12618 0.0008599633450000000000 Grandview City Washington 12666 0.0005306061090000000000 Grant County Washington 12562 0.0099325721670000000000 Grays Harbor County Washington 12571 0.0099924291380000000000 Island County Washington 12572 0.0068204226100000000000 Issaquah City Washington 12576 0.0018762401070000000000 Jefferson County Washington 12574 0.0044171373800000000000 Kelso City Washington 12564 0.0013311452700000000000 Kenmore City Washington 12591 0.0002044410240000000000 Kennewick City Washington 12546 0.0054156505640000000000 Kent City Washington 12578 0.0053773976760000000000 King County Washington 12575 0.1397437226620000000000 Kirkland City Washington 12579 0.0054535252460000000000 Kitsap County Washington 12600 0.0262941336680000000000 Kittitas County Washington 12606 0.0038557046830000000000 Klickitat County Washington 12605 0.0022116734570000000000 Lacey City Washington 12656 0.0023486272210000000000 Lake Forest Park City Washington 12598 0.0005254391240000000000 Lake Stevens City Washington 12646 0.0013852028910000000000 Lakewood City Washington 12623 0.0052536408940000000000 Lewis County Washington 12610 0.0107773774790000000000 Liberty Lake City Washington 12643 0.0003896365190000000000 Lincoln County Washington 12608 0.0017126696450000000000 Longview City Washington 12563 0.0061627369050000000000 Lynden City Washington 12662 0.0008271156120000000000 Lynnwood City Washington 12641 0.0077046292140000000000 Maple Valley City Washington 12594 0.0000937615870000000000 Marysville City Washington 12644 0.0039450678270000000000 Mason County Washington 12615 0.0080899180120000000000 Mercer Island City Washington 12596 0.0017517974810000000000 Mill Creek City Washington 12645 0.0012279395460000000000 Monroe City Washington 12640 0.0017716218980000000000 Moses Lake City Washington 12567 0.0020782939090000000000 Mount Vernon City Washington 12631 0.0028010636650000000000 Mountlake Terrace City Washington 12639 0.0021089358050000000000 Mukilteo City Washington 12636 0.0025617907020000000000 Newcastle City Washington 12590 0.0000331178800000000000 Oak Harbor City Washington 12573 0.0025115504310000000000 Okanogan County Washington 12613 0.0061450433450000000000 Olympia City Washington 12652 0.0060394233850000000000 Pacific County Washington 12612 0.0048954164660000000000 Pasco City Washington 12569 0.0042780560660000000000 Pend Oreille County Washington 12614 0.0025663749400000000000 Pierce County Washington 12617 0.0723101640200000000000 Port Angeles City Washington 12551 0.0045983705270000000000 Port Orchard City Washington 12603 0.0010094971620000000000 Poulsbo City Washington 12607 0.0007737482460000000000 Pullman City Washington 12669 0.0022148374910000000000 Puyallup City Washington 12620 0.0038457048140000000000 Redmond City Washington 12580 0.0048394860070000000000 Renton City Washington 12581 0.0076526269200000000000 Richland City Washington 12550 0.0047567795170000000000 Sammamish City Washington 12593 0.0002243690900000000000 San Juan County Washington 12624 0.0021014951710000000000 Seatac City Washington 12583 0.0014815512780000000000 Seattle City Washington 12586 0.0660324038160000000000 Sedro-Woolley City Washington 12632 0.0006611463510000000000 Shelton City Washington 12616 0.0012391798880000000000 Shoreline City Washington 12589 0.0004358345010000000000 Skagit County Washington 12626 0.0105260239610000000000 Skamania County Washington 12633 0.0016319319250000000000 Snohomish City Washington 12642 0.0008610979640000000000 Snohomish County Washington 12638 0.0690544156220000000000 Snoqualmie City Washington 12582 0.0006491644810000000000 Spokane City Washington 12648 0.0308720782870000000000 Spokane County Washington 12647 0.0556238592920000000000 Spokane Valley City Washington 12649 0.0006842175000000000000 Stevens County Washington 12654 0.0074792401790000000000 Sumner City Washington 12619 0.0010831575690000000000 Sunnyside City Washington 12660 0.0012134783840000000000 Tacoma City Washington 12622 0.0328163746170000000000 Thurston County Washington 12650 0.0232584920940000000000 Tukwila City Washington 12584 0.0030322057390000000000 Tumwater City Washington 12653 0.0020659823500000000000 University Place City Washington 12627 0.0003537333630000000000 Vancouver City Washington 12555 0.0173066053250000000000 Wahkiakum County Washington 12657 0.0005965821970000000000 Walla Walla City Washington 12658 0.0031407686540000000000 Walla Walla County Washington 12655 0.0055438702940000000000 Washougal City Washington 12557 0.0012793282200000000000 Wenatchee City Washington 12548 0.0029683334940000000000 West Richland City Washington 12544 0.0004593604900000000000 Whatcom County Washington 12659 0.0134526373060000000000 Whitman County Washington 12667 0.0026268058370000000000 Woodinville City Washington 12588 0.0001855163640000000000 Yakima City Washington 12671 0.0060604105390000000000 Yakima County Washington 12664 0.0193883929590000000000 Adams County Wisconsin 12668 0.0032700000000000000000 Ashland County Wisconsin 12665 0.0022500000000000000000 Barron County Wisconsin 12670 0.0047800000000000000000 Bayfield County Wisconsin 12672 0.0012400000000000000000 Brown County Wisconsin 12674 0.0290000000000000000000 Buffalo County Wisconsin 12682 0.0012600000000000000000 Burnett County Wisconsin 12683 0.0022400000000000000000 Calumet County Wisconsin 12690 0.0038600000000000000000 Chippewa County Wisconsin 12687 0.0069600000000000000000 Clark County Wisconsin 12685 0.0026100000000000000000 Columbia County Wisconsin 12693 0.0107600000000000000000 Crawford County Wisconsin 12686 0.0019500000000000000000 Cudahy City Wisconsin 12754 0.0008700000000000000000 Dane County Wisconsin 12692 0.0824800000000000000000 Dodge County Wisconsin 12703 0.0130200000000000000000 Door County Wisconsin 12706 0.0028200000000000000000 Douglas County Wisconsin 12712 0.0055400000000000000000 Dunn County Wisconsin 12713 0.0044200000000000000000 Eau Claire County Wisconsin 12714 0.0117700000000000000000 Florence County Wisconsin 12711 0.0005300000000000000000 Fond Du Lac County Wisconsin 12709 0.0119600000000000000000 Forest County Wisconsin 12717 0.0012700000000000000000 Franklin City Wisconsin 12755 0.0015500000000000000000 Grant County Wisconsin 12719 0.0049800000000000000000 Green County Wisconsin 12721 0.0046600000000000000000 Green Lake County Wisconsin 12723 0.0028000000000000000000 Greenfield City Wisconsin 12764 0.0016300000000000000000 Iowa County Wisconsin 12722 0.0027900000000000000000 Iron County Wisconsin 12724 0.0006100000000000000000 Jackson County Wisconsin 12725 0.0023600000000000000000 Jefferson County Wisconsin 12728 0.0105100000000000000000 Juneau County Wisconsin 12729 0.0043800000000000000000 Kenosha City Wisconsin 12731 0.0048400000000000000000 Kenosha County Wisconsin 12730 0.0371200000000000000000 Kewaunee County Wisconsin 12735 0.0015600000000000000000 La Crosse County Wisconsin 12733 0.0164900000000000000000 Lafayette County Wisconsin 12739 0.0013400000000000000000 Langlade County Wisconsin 12740 0.0031200000000000000000 Lincoln County Wisconsin 12741 0.0035000000000000000000 Manitowoc County Wisconsin 12744 0.0140300000000000000000 Marathon County Wisconsin 12745 0.0125900000000000000000 Marinette City Wisconsin 12752 0.0003200000000000000000 Marinette County Wisconsin 12753 0.0050300000000000000000 Marquette County Wisconsin 12756 0.0024600000000000000000 Menominee County Wisconsin 12751 0.0008000000000000000000 Milwaukee City Wisconsin 12768 0.0781500000000000000000 Milwaukee County Wisconsin 12750 0.2522100000000000000000 Monroe County Wisconsin 12767 0.0065500000000000000000 Mount Pleasant Village Wisconsin 12794 0.0011700000000000000000 Oak Creek City Wisconsin 12760 0.0016600000000000000000 Oconto County Wisconsin 12766 0.0033600000000000000000 Oneida County Wisconsin 12769 0.0052600000000000000000 Outagamie County Wisconsin 12771 0.0183600000000000000000 Ozaukee County Wisconsin 12778 0.0103600000000000000000 Pepin County Wisconsin 12782 0.0005500000000000000000 Pierce County Wisconsin 12781 0.0038700000000000000000 Pleasant Prairie Village Wisconsin 12732 0.0005900000000000000000 Portage County Wisconsin 12786 0.0072900000000000000000 Price County Wisconsin 12790 0.0014900000000000000000 Racine County Wisconsin 12787 0.0320800000000000000000 Richland County Wisconsin 12796 0.0021800000000000000000 Rock County Wisconsin 12803 0.0294700000000000000000 Rusk County Wisconsin 12805 0.0015900000000000000000 Sauk County Wisconsin 12800 0.0122600000000000000000 Sawyer County Wisconsin 12799 0.0025800000000000000000 Shawano County Wisconsin 12806 0.0041800000000000000000 Sheboygan County Wisconsin 12808 0.0141000000000000000000 South Milwaukee City Wisconsin 12763 0.0009600000000000000000 St Croix County Wisconsin 12807 0.0082900000000000000000 Sturtevant Village Wisconsin 12792 0.0001800000000000000000 Superior City Wisconsin 12705 0.0008900000000000000000 Taylor County Wisconsin 12810 0.0015900000000000000000 Trempealeau County Wisconsin 12811 0.0032000000000000000000 Union Grove Village Wisconsin 12791 0.0000700000000000000000 Vernon County Wisconsin 12812 0.0032200000000000000000 Vilas County Wisconsin 12813 0.0046800000000000000000 Walworth County Wisconsin 12814 0.0157300000000000000000 Washburn County Wisconsin 12816 0.0018500000000000000000 Washington County Wisconsin 12819 0.0199100000000000000000 Waukesha County Wisconsin 12821 0.0603500000000000000000 Waupaca County Wisconsin 12831 0.0060600000000000000000 Waushara County Wisconsin 12832 0.0023100000000000000000 Wauwatosa City Wisconsin 12762 0.0030900000000000000000 West Allis City Wisconsin 12765 0.0037800000000000000000 Winnebago County Wisconsin 12833 0.0217600000000000000000 Wood County Wisconsin 12841 0.0084200000000000000000 Yorkville Town Wisconsin 12795 0.0000200000000000000000 Albany County Wyoming 12836 0.0163298761370000000000 Big Horn County Wyoming 12839 0.0303244324850000000000 Campbell County Wyoming 12843 0.0443933352130000000000 Carbon County Wyoming 12849 0.0369685560430000000000 Casper City Wyoming 12856 0.0735036110590000000000 Cheyenne City Wyoming 12853 0.0122862653280000000000 Converse County Wyoming 12846 0.0189624324930000000000 Crook County Wyoming 12847 0.0054486698850000000000 Evanston City Wyoming 12869 0.0197024051990000000000 Fremont County Wyoming 12850 0.0673748384370000000000 Gillette City Wyoming 12844 0.0174106356700000000000 Goshen County Wyoming 12845 0.0163612029050000000000 Green River City Wyoming 12860 0.0061222186720000000000 Hot Springs County Wyoming 12851 0.0085573093290000000000 Jackson Town Wyoming 12872 0.0055985449630000000000 Johnson County Wyoming 12852 0.0093224272360000000000 Laramie City Wyoming 12837 0.0341810788110000000000 Laramie County Wyoming 12854 0.1558552699220000000000 Lincoln County Wyoming 12855 0.0312280119140000000000 Natrona County Wyoming 12857 0.0790001694720000000000 Niobrara County Wyoming 12861 0.0015402808610000000000 Park County Wyoming 12864 0.0579642680090000000000 Platte County Wyoming 12858 0.0175070271570000000000 Riverton City Wyoming 12848 0.0127444833140000000000 Rock Springs City Wyoming 12866 0.0152614797380000000000 Sheridan City Wyoming 12865 0.0034051871020000000000 Sheridan County Wyoming 12859 0.0391494949120000000000 Sublette County Wyoming 12862 0.0071367404770000000000 Sweetwater County Wyoming 12863 0.0763913060200000000000 Teton County Wyoming 12867 0.0132909003490000000000 Uinta County Wyoming 12870 0.0439115081080000000000 Washakie County Wyoming 12871 0.0150075979280000000000 Weston County Wyoming 12868 0.0077584348510000000000 H-1 EXHIBIT H [Intentionally Omitted] I-1 EXHIBIT I Primary Subdivisions 1. Alabaster, City of, Alabama 2. Albertville, City of, Alabama 3. Alexander City, City of, Alabama 4. Anniston, City of, Alabama 5. Athens, City of, Alabama 6. Auburn, City of, Alabama 7. Autauga, County of, Alabama 8. Baldwin, County of, Alabama 9. Barbour, County of, Alabama 10. Bessemer, City of, Alabama 11. Bibb, County of, Alabama 12. Birmingham, City of, Alabama 13. Blount, County of, Alabama 14. Bullock, County of, Alabama 15. Butler, County of, Alabama 16. Calera, City of, Alabama 17. Calhoun, County of, Alabama 18. Center Point, City of, Alabama 19. Chambers, County of, Alabama 20. Chelsea, City of, Alabama 21. Cherokee, County of, Alabama 22. Chilton, County of, Alabama 23. Choctaw, County of, Alabama 24. Clarke, County of, Alabama 25. Clay, County of, Alabama 26. Cleburne, County of, Alabama 27. Coffee, County of, Alabama 28. Colbert, County of, Alabama 29. Conecuh, County of, Alabama 30. Coosa, County of, Alabama 31. Covington, County of, Alabama 32. Crenshaw, County of, Alabama 33. Cullman, City of, Alabama 34. Cullman, County of, Alabama 35. Dale, County of, Alabama 36. Dallas, County of, Alabama 37. Daphne, City of, Alabama 38. Decatur, City of, Alabama 39. DeKalb, County of, Alabama 40. Dothan, City of, Alabama 41. Elmore, County of, Alabama 42. Enterprise, City of, Alabama 43. Escambia, County of, Alabama 44. Etowah, County of, Alabama 45. Eufaula, City of, Alabama 46. Fairfield, City of, Alabama 47. Fairhope, City of, Alabama 48. Fayette, County of, Alabama 49. Florence, City of, Alabama 50. Foley, City of, Alabama 51. Fort Payne, City of, Alabama 52. Franklin, County of, Alabama 53. Gadsden, City of, Alabama 54. Gardendale, City of, Alabama 55. Geneva, County of, Alabama 56. Gulf Shores, City of, Alabama 57. Hale, County of, Alabama 58. Hartselle, City of, Alabama 59. Helena, City of, Alabama 60. Henry, County of, Alabama 61. Homewood, City of, Alabama 62. Hoover, City of, Alabama 63. Houston, County of, Alabama 64. Hueytown, City of, Alabama 65. Huntsville, City of, Alabama 66. Irondale, City of, Alabama 67. Jackson, County of, Alabama 68. Jacksonville, City of, Alabama 69. Jasper, City of, Alabama 70. Jefferson, County of, Alabama 71. Lamar, County of, Alabama 72. Lauderdale, County of, Alabama 73. Lawrence, County of, Alabama 74. Lee, County of, Alabama 75. Leeds, City of, Alabama 76. Limestone, County of, Alabama 77. Macon, County of, Alabama 78. Madison, City of, Alabama 79. Madison, County of, Alabama 80. Marengo, County of, Alabama 81. Marion, County of, Alabama 82. Marshall, County of, Alabama 83. Millbrook, City of, Alabama 84. Mobile, City of, Alabama 85. Mobile, County of, Alabama 86. Monroe, County of, Alabama I-2 87. Montgomery, City of, Alabama 88. Montgomery, County of, Alabama 89. Moody, City of, Alabama 90. Morgan, County of, Alabama 91. Mountain Brook, City of, Alabama 92. Muscle Shoals, City of, Alabama 93. Northport, City of, Alabama 94. Opelika, City of, Alabama 95. Oxford, City of, Alabama 96. Ozark, City of, Alabama 97. Pelham, City of, Alabama 98. Pell City, City of, Alabama 99. Phenix City, City of, Alabama 100. Pickens, County of, Alabama 101. Pike, County of, Alabama 102. Pike Road, Town of, Alabama 103. Prattville, City of, Alabama 104. Prichard, City of, Alabama 105. Randolph, County of, Alabama 106. Russell, County of, Alabama 107. Saraland, City of, Alabama 108. Scottsboro, City of, Alabama 109. Selma, City of, Alabama 110. Shelby, County of, Alabama 111. St. Clair, County of, Alabama 112. Sumter, County of, Alabama 113. Sylacauga, City of, Alabama 114. Talladega, City of, Alabama 115. Talladega, County of, Alabama 116. Tallapoosa, County of, Alabama 117. Troy, City of, Alabama 118. Trussville, City of, Alabama 119. Tuscaloosa, City of, Alabama 120. Tuscaloosa, County of, Alabama 121. Vestavia Hills, City of, Alabama 122. Walker, County of, Alabama 123. Washington, County of, Alabama 124. Wilcox, County of, Alabama 125. Winston, County of, Alabama 126. Anchorage, Municipality of, Alaska 127. Fairbanks, City of, Alaska 128. Fairbanks North Star, Borough of, Alaska 129. Juneau, City of/ Borough of, Alaska 130. Kenai Peninsula, Borough of, Alaska 131. Ketchikan Gateway, Borough of, Alaska 132. Kodiak Island, Borough of, Alaska 133. Matanuska-Susitna, Borough of, Alaska 134. Wasilla, City of, Alaska 135. Apache, County of, Arizona 136. Apache Junction, City of, Arizona 137. Avondale, City of, Arizona 138. Buckeye, City of, Arizona 139. Bullhead City, City of, Arizona 140. Camp Verde, Town of, Arizona 141. Casa Grande, City of, Arizona 142. Chandler, City of, Arizona 143. Chino Valley, Town of, Arizona 144. Cochise, County of, Arizona 145. Coconino, County of, Arizona 146. Coolidge, City of, Arizona 147. Cottonwood, City of, Arizona 148. Douglas, City of, Arizona 149. El Mirage, City of, Arizona 150. Eloy, City of, Arizona 151. Flagstaff, City of, Arizona 152. Florence, Town of, Arizona 153. Fountain Hills, Town of, Arizona 154. Gila, County of, Arizona 155. Gilbert, Town of, Arizona 156. Glendale, City of, Arizona 157. Goodyear, City of, Arizona 158. Graham, County of, Arizona 159. Kingman, City of, Arizona 160. La Paz, County of, Arizona 161. Lake Havasu City, City of, Arizona 162. Marana, Town of, Arizona 163. Maricopa, City of, Arizona 164. Maricopa, County of, Arizona 165. Mesa, City of, Arizona 166. Mohave, County of, Arizona 167. Navajo, County of, Arizona 168. Nogales, City of, Arizona 169. Oro Valley, Town of, Arizona 170. Paradise Valley, Town of, Arizona 171. Payson, Town of, Arizona 172. Peoria, City of, Arizona 173. Phoenix, City of, Arizona 174. Pima, County of, Arizona I-3 175. Pinal, County of, Arizona 176. Prescott, City of, Arizona 177. Prescott Valley, Town of, Arizona 178. Queen Creek, Town of, Arizona 179. Sahuarita, Town of, Arizona 180. San Luis, City of, Arizona 181. Santa Cruz, County of, Arizona 182. Scottsdale, City of, Arizona 183. Sedona, City of, Arizona 184. Show Low, City of, Arizona 185. Sierra Vista, City of, Arizona 186. Somerton, City of, Arizona 187. Surprise, City of, Arizona 188. Tempe, City of, Arizona 189. Tucson, City of, Arizona 190. Yavapai, County of, Arizona 191. Yuma, City of, Arizona 192. Yuma, County of, Arizona 193. Arkadelphia, City of, Arkansas 194. Arkansas, County of, Arkansas 195. Ashley, County of, Arkansas 196. Batesville, City of, Arkansas 197. Baxter, County of, Arkansas 198. Bella Vista, City of, Arkansas 199. Benton, City of, Arkansas 200. Benton, County of, Arkansas 201. Bentonville, City of, Arkansas 202. Blytheville, City of, Arkansas 203. Boone, County of, Arkansas 204. Bradley, County of, Arkansas 205. Bryant, City of, Arkansas 206. Cabot, City of, Arkansas 207. Camden, City of, Arkansas 208. Carroll, County of, Arkansas 209. Centerton, City of, Arkansas 210. Chicot, County of, Arkansas 211. Clark, County of, Arkansas 212. Clay, County of, Arkansas 213. Cleburne, County of, Arkansas 214. Columbia, County of, Arkansas 215. Conway, City of, Arkansas 216. Conway, County of, Arkansas 217. Craighead, County of, Arkansas 218. Crawford, County of, Arkansas 219. Crittenden, County of, Arkansas 220. Cross, County of, Arkansas 221. Desha, County of, Arkansas 222. Drew, County of, Arkansas 223. El Dorado, City of, Arkansas 224. Faulkner, County of, Arkansas 225. Fayetteville, City of, Arkansas 226. Forrest City, City of, Arkansas 227. Fort Smith, City of, Arkansas 228. Franklin, County of, Arkansas 229. Fulton, County of, Arkansas 230. Garland, County of, Arkansas 231. Grant, County of, Arkansas 232. Greene, County of, Arkansas 233. Harrison, City of, Arkansas 234. Helena-West Helena, City of, Arkansas 235. Hempstead, County of, Arkansas 236. Hot Spring, County of, Arkansas 237. Hot Springs, City of, Arkansas 238. Howard, County of, Arkansas 239. Independence, County of, Arkansas 240. Izard, County of, Arkansas 241. Jackson, County of, Arkansas 242. Jacksonville, City of, Arkansas 243. Jefferson, County of, Arkansas 244. Johnson, County of, Arkansas 245. Jonesboro, City of, Arkansas 246. Lawrence, County of, Arkansas 247. Lincoln, County of, Arkansas 248. Little River, County of, Arkansas 249. Little Rock, City of, Arkansas 250. Logan, County of, Arkansas 251. Lonoke, County of, Arkansas 252. Madison, County of, Arkansas 253. Magnolia, City of, Arkansas 254. Malvern, City of, Arkansas 255. Marion, City of, Arkansas 256. Marion, County of, Arkansas 257. Maumelle, City of, Arkansas 258. Miller, County of, Arkansas 259. Mississippi, County of, Arkansas 260. Mountain Home, City of, Arkansas 261. North Little Rock, City of, Arkansas 262. Ouachita, County of, Arkansas 263. Paragould, City of, Arkansas 264. Perry, County of, Arkansas 265. Phillips, County of, Arkansas I-4 266. Pike, County of, Arkansas 267. Pine Bluff, City of, Arkansas 268. Poinsett, County of, Arkansas 269. Polk, County of, Arkansas 270. Pope, County of, Arkansas 271. Pulaski, County of, Arkansas 272. Randolph, County of, Arkansas 273. Rogers, City of, Arkansas 274. Russellville, City of, Arkansas 275. Saline, County of, Arkansas 276. Scott, County of, Arkansas 277. Searcy, City of, Arkansas 278. Sebastian, County of, Arkansas 279. Sevier, County of, Arkansas 280. Sharp, County of, Arkansas 281. Sherwood, City of, Arkansas 282. Siloam Springs, City of, Arkansas 283. Springdale, City of, Arkansas 284. St. Francis, County of, Arkansas 285. Stone, County of, Arkansas 286. Texarkana, City of, Arkansas 287. Union, County of, Arkansas 288. Van Buren, City of, Arkansas 289. Van Buren, County of, Arkansas 290. Washington, County of, Arkansas 291. West Memphis, City of, Arkansas 292. White, County of, Arkansas 293. Yell, County of, Arkansas 294. Adelanto, City of, California 295. Agoura Hills, City of, California 296. Alameda, City of, California 297. Alameda, County of, California 298. Albany, City of, California 299. Alhambra, City of, California 300. Aliso Viejo, City of, California 301. Amador, County of, California 302. American Canyon, City of, California 303. Anaheim, City of, California 304. Anderson, City of, California 305. Antioch, City of, California 306. Apple Valley, Town of, California 307. Arcadia, City of, California 308. Arcata, City of, California 309. Arroyo Grande, City of, California 310. Artesia, City of, California 311. Arvin, City of, California 312. Atascadero, City of, California 313. Atwater, City of, California 314. Auburn, City of, California 315. Avenal, City of, California 316. Azusa, City of, California 317. Bakersfield, City of, California 318. Baldwin Park, City of, California 319. Banning, City of, California 320. Barstow, City of, California 321. Beaumont, City of, California 322. Bell, City of, California 323. Bell Gardens, City of, California 324. Bellflower, City of, California 325. Belmont, City of, California 326. Benicia, City of, California 327. Berkeley, City of, California 328. Beverly Hills, City of, California 329. Blythe, City of, California 330. Brawley, City of, California 331. Brea, City of, California 332. Brentwood, City of, California 333. Buena Park, City of, California 334. Burbank, City of, California 335. Burlingame, City of, California 336. Butte, County of, California 337. Calabasas, City of, California 338. Calaveras, County of, California 339. Calexico, City of, California 340. California City, City of, California 341. Camarillo, City of, California 342. Campbell, City of, California 343. Canyon Lake, City of, California 344. Capitola, City of, California 345. Carlsbad, City of, California 346. Carpinteria, City of, California 347. Carson, City of, California 348. Cathedral City, City of, California 349. Ceres, City of, California 350. Cerritos, City of, California 351. Chico, City of, California 352. Chino, City of, California 353. Chino Hills, City of, California 354. Chowchilla, City of, California 355. Chula Vista, City of, California 356. Citrus Heights, City of, California I-5 357. Claremont, City of, California 358. Clayton, City of, California 359. Clearlake, City of, California 360. Clovis, City of, California 361. Coachella, City of, California 362. Coalinga, City of, California 363. Colton, City of, California 364. Colusa, County of, California 365. Commerce, City of, California 366. Compton, City of, California 367. Concord, City of, California 368. Contra Costa, County of, California 369. Corcoran, City of, California 370. Corona, City of, California 371. Coronado, City of, California 372. Costa Mesa, City of, California 373. Covina, City of, California 374. Cudahy, City of, California 375. Culver City, City of, California 376. Cupertino, City of, California 377. Cypress, City of, California 378. Daly City, City of, California 379. Dana Point, City of, California 380. Danville, Town of, California 381. Davis, City of, California 382. Del Norte, County of, California 383. Delano, City of, California 384. Desert Hot Springs, City of, California 385. Diamond Bar, City of, California 386. Dinuba, City of, California 387. Dixon, City of, California 388. Downey, City of, California 389. Duarte, City of, California 390. Dublin, City of, California 391. East Palo Alto, City of, California 392. Eastvale, City of, California 393. El Cajon, City of, California 394. El Centro, City of, California 395. El Cerrito, City of, California 396. El Dorado, County of, California 397. El Monte, City of, California 398. El Paso de Robles (Paso Robles), City of, California 399. El Segundo, City of, California 400. Elk Grove, City of, California 401. Emeryville, City of, California 402. Encinitas, City of, California 403. Escondido, City of, California 404. Eureka, City of, California 405. Exeter, City of, California 406. Fairfield, City of, California 407. Farmersville, City of, California 408. Fillmore, City of, California 409. Folsom, City of, California 410. Fontana, City of, California 411. Fortuna, City of, California 412. Foster City, City of, California 413. Fountain Valley, City of, California 414. Fremont, City of, California 415. Fresno, City of, California 416. Fresno, County of, California 417. Fullerton, City of, California 418. Galt, City of, California 419. Garden Grove, City of, California 420. Gardena, City of, California 421. Gilroy, City of, California 422. Glendale, City of, California 423. Glendora, City of, California 424. Glenn, County of, California 425. Goleta, City of, California 426. Grand Terrace, City of, California 427. Grass Valley, City of, California 428. Greenfield, City of, California 429. Grover Beach, City of, California 430. Half Moon Bay, City of, California 431. Hanford, City of, California 432. Hawaiian Gardens, City of, California 433. Hawthorne, City of, California 434. Hayward, City of, California 435. Healdsburg, City of, California 436. Hemet, City of, California 437. Hercules, City of, California 438. Hermosa Beach, City of, California 439. Hesperia, City of, California 440. Highland, City of, California 441. Hillsborough, Town of, California 442. Hollister, City of, California 443. Humboldt, County of, California 444. Huntington Beach, City of, California I-6 445. Huntington Park, City of, California 446. Imperial Beach, City of, California 447. Imperial, City of, California 448. Imperial, County of, California 449. Indio, City of, California 450. Inglewood, City of, California 451. Inyo, County of, California 452. Irvine, City of, California 453. Jurupa Valley, City of, California 454. Kerman, City of, California 455. Kern, County of, California 456. King City, City of, California 457. Kings, County of, California 458. Kingsburg, City of, California 459. La Cañada Flintridge, City of, California 460. La Habra, City of, California 461. La Mesa, City of, California 462. La Mirada, City of, California 463. La Palma, City of, California 464. La Puente, City of, California 465. La Quinta, City of, California 466. La Verne, City of, California 467. Lafayette, City of, California 468. Laguna Beach, City of, California 469. Laguna Hills, City of, California 470. Laguna Niguel, City of, California 471. Laguna Woods, City of, California 472. Lake, County of, California 473. Lake Elsinore, City of, California 474. Lake Forest, City of, California 475. Lakewood, City of, California 476. Lancaster, City of, California 477. Larkspur, City of, California 478. Lassen, County of, California 479. Lathrop, City of, California 480. Lawndale, City of, California 481. Lemon Grove, City of, California 482. Lemoore, City of, California 483. Lincoln, City of, California 484. Lindsay, City of, California 485. Livermore, City of, California 486. Livingston, City of, California 487. Lodi, City of, California 488. Loma Linda, City of, California 489. Lomita, City of, California 490. Lompoc, City of, California 491. Long Beach, City of, California 492. Los Alamitos, City of, California 493. Los Altos, City of, California 494. Los Angeles, City of, California 495. Los Angeles, County of, California 496. Los Banos, City of, California 497. Los Gatos, Town of, California 498. Lynwood, City of, California 499. Madera, City of, California 500. Madera, County of, California 501. Malibu, City of, California 502. Manhattan Beach, City of, California 503. Manteca, City of, California 504. Marin, County of, California 505. Marina, City of, California 506. Mariposa, County of, California 507. Martinez, City of, California 508. Marysville, City of, California 509. Maywood, City of, California 510. McFarland, City of, California 511. Mendocino, County of, California 512. Mendota, City of, California 513. Menifee, City of, California 514. Menlo Park, City of, California 515. Merced, City of, California 516. Merced, County of, California 517. Mill Valley, City of, California 518. Millbrae, City of, California 519. Milpitas, City of, California 520. Mission Viejo, City of, California 521. Modesto, City of, California 522. Mono, County of, California 523. Monrovia, City of, California 524. Montclair, City of, California 525. Montebello, City of, California 526. Monterey, City of, California 527. Monterey, County of, California 528. Monterey Park, City of, California 529. Moorpark, City of, California 530. Moraga, Town of, California 531. Moreno Valley, City of, California 532. Morgan Hill, City of, California 533. Morro Bay, City of, California 534. Mountain View, City of, California 535. Murrieta, City of, California I-7 536. Napa, City of, California 537. Napa, County of, California 538. National City, City of, California 539. Nevada, County of, California 540. Newark, City of, California 541. Newman, City of, California 542. Newport Beach, City of, California 543. Norco, City of, California 544. Norwalk, City of, California 545. Novato, City of, California 546. Oakdale, City of, California 547. Oakland, City of, California 548. Oakley, City of, California 549. Oceanside, City of, California 550. Ontario, City of, California 551. Orange, City of, California 552. Orange, County of, California 553. Orange Cove, City of, California 554. Orinda, City of, California 555. Oroville, City of, California 556. Oxnard, City of, California 557. Pacific Grove, City of, California 558. Pacifica, City of, California 559. Palm Desert, City of, California 560. Palm Springs, City of, California 561. Palmdale, City of, California 562. Palo Alto, City of, California 563. Palos Verdes Estates, City of, California 564. Paramount, City of, California 565. Parlier, City of, California 566. Pasadena, City of, California 567. Patterson, City of, California 568. Perris, City of, California 569. Petaluma, City of, California 570. Pico Rivera, City of, California 571. Piedmont, City of, California 572. Pinole, City of, California 573. Pittsburg, City of, California 574. Placentia, City of, California 575. Placer, County of, California 576. Placerville, City of, California 577. Pleasant Hill, City of, California 578. Pleasanton, City of, California 579. Plumas, County of, California 580. Pomona, City of, California 581. Port Hueneme, City of, California 582. Porterville, City of, California 583. Poway, City of, California 584. Rancho Cordova, City of, California 585. Rancho Cucamonga, City of, California 586. Rancho Mirage, City of, California 587. Rancho Palos Verdes, City of, California 588. Rancho Santa Margarita, City of, California 589. Red Bluff, City of, California 590. Redding, City of, California 591. Redlands, City of, California 592. Redondo Beach, City of, California 593. Redwood City, City of, California 594. Reedley, City of, California 595. Rialto, City of, California 596. Richmond, City of, California 597. Ridgecrest, City of, California 598. Ripon, City of, California 599. Riverbank, City of, California 600. Riverside, City of, California 601. Riverside, County of, California 602. Rocklin, City of, California 603. Rohnert Park, City of, California 604. Rosemead, City of, California 605. Roseville, City of, California 606. Sacramento, City of, California 607. Sacramento, County of, California 608. Salinas, City of, California 609. San Anselmo, Town of, California 610. San Benito, County of, California 611. San Bernardino, City of, California 612. San Bernardino, County of, California 613. San Bruno, City of, California 614. San Buenaventura (Ventura), City of, California 615. San Carlos, City of, California 616. San Clemente, City of, California 617. San Diego, City of, California 618. San Diego, County of, California 619. San Dimas, City of, California 620. San Fernando, City of, California I-8 621. San Francisco, City of/ County of, California 622. San Gabriel, City of, California 623. San Jacinto, City of, California 624. San Joaquin, County of, California 625. San Jose, City of, California 626. San Juan Capistrano, City of, California 627. San Leandro, City of, California 628. San Luis Obispo, City of, California 629. San Luis Obispo, County of, California 630. San Marcos, City of, California 631. San Marino, City of, California 632. San Mateo, City of, California 633. San Mateo, County of, California 634. San Pablo, City of, California 635. San Rafael, City of, California 636. San Ramon, City of, California 637. Sanger, City of, California 638. Santa Ana, City of, California 639. Santa Barbara, City of, California 640. Santa Barbara, County of, California 641. Santa Clara, City of, California 642. Santa Clara, County of, California 643. Santa Clarita, City of, California 644. Santa Cruz, City of, California 645. Santa Cruz, County of, California 646. Santa Fe Springs, City of, California 647. Santa Maria, City of, California 648. Santa Monica, City of, California 649. Santa Paula, City of, California 650. Santa Rosa, City of, California 651. Santee, City of, California 652. Saratoga, City of, California 653. Scotts Valley, City of, California 654. Seal Beach, City of, California 655. Seaside, City of, California 656. Selma, City of, California 657. Shafter, City of, California 658. Shasta, County of, California 659. Shasta Lake, City of, California 660. Sierra Madre, City of, California 661. Signal Hill, City of, California 662. Simi Valley, City of, California 663. Siskiyou, County of, California 664. Solana Beach, City of, California 665. Solano, County of, California 666. Soledad, City of, California 667. Sonoma, City of, California 668. Sonoma, County of, California 669. South El Monte, City of, California 670. South Gate, City of, California 671. South Lake Tahoe, City of, California 672. South Pasadena, City of, California 673. South San Francisco, City of, California 674. Stanislaus, County of, California 675. Stanton, City of, California 676. Stockton, City of, California 677. Suisun City, City of, California 678. Sunnyvale, City of, California 679. Susanville, City of, California 680. Sutter, County of, California 681. Tehachapi, City of, California 682. Tehama, County of, California 683. Temecula, City of, California 684. Temple City, City of, California 685. Thousand Oaks, City of, California 686. Torrance, City of, California 687. Tracy, City of, California 688. Trinity, County of, California 689. Truckee, Town of, California 690. Tulare, City of, California 691. Tulare, County of, California 692. Tuolumne, County of, California 693. Turlock, City of, California 694. Tustin, City of, California 695. Twentynine Palms, City of, California 696. Ukiah, City of, California 697. Union City, City of, California 698. Upland, City of, California 699. Vacaville, City of, California 700. Vallejo, City of, California 701. Ventura, County of, California 702. Victorville, City of, California 703. Visalia, City of, California 704. Vista, City of, California 705. Walnut, City of, California 706. Walnut Creek, City of, California I-9 707. Wasco, City of, California 708. Watsonville, City of, California 709. West Covina, City of, California 710. West Hollywood, City of, California 711. West Sacramento, City of, California 712. Westminster, City of, California 713. Whittier, City of, California 714. Wildomar, City of, California 715. Windsor, Town of, California 716. Woodland, City of, California 717. Yolo, County of, California 718. Yorba Linda, City of, California 719. Yuba City, City of, California 720. Yuba, County of, California 721. Yucaipa, City of, California 722. Yucca Valley, Town of, California 723. Adams, County of, Colorado 724. Alamosa, County of, Colorado 725. Arapahoe, County of, Colorado 726. Archuleta, County of, Colorado 727. Arvada, City of, Colorado 728. Aurora, City of, Colorado 729. Boulder, City of, Colorado 730. Boulder, County of, Colorado 731. Brighton, City of, Colorado 732. Broomfield, City of/ County of, Colorado 733. Cañon City, City of, Colorado 734. Castle Pines, City of, Colorado 735. Castle Rock, Town of, Colorado 736. Centennial, City of, Colorado 737. Chaffee, County of, Colorado 738. Colorado Springs, City of, Colorado 739. Commerce City, City of, Colorado 740. Delta, County of, Colorado 741. Denver, City of/ County of, Colorado 742. Douglas, County of, Colorado 743. Durango, City of, Colorado 744. Eagle, County of, Colorado 745. El Paso, County of, Colorado 746. Elbert, County of, Colorado 747. Englewood, City of, Colorado 748. Erie, Town of, Colorado 749. Evans, City of, Colorado 750. Federal Heights, City of, Colorado 751. Firestone, Town of, Colorado 752. Fort Collins, City of, Colorado 753. Fort Morgan, City of, Colorado 754. Fountain, City of, Colorado 755. Frederick, Town of, Colorado 756. Fremont, County of, Colorado 757. Fruita, City of, Colorado 758. Garfield, County of, Colorado 759. Golden, City of, Colorado 760. Grand, County of, Colorado 761. Grand Junction, City of, Colorado 762. Greeley, City of, Colorado 763. Greenwood, Village of/ City of, Colorado 764. Gunnison, County of, Colorado 765. Jefferson, County of, Colorado 766. Johnstown, Town of, Colorado 767. La Plata, County of, Colorado 768. Lafayette, City of, Colorado 769. Lakewood, City of, Colorado 770. Larimer, County of, Colorado 771. Las Animas, County of, Colorado 772. Littleton, City of, Colorado 773. Logan, County of, Colorado 774. Lone Tree, City of, Colorado 775. Longmont, City of, Colorado 776. Louisville, City of, Colorado 777. Loveland, City of, Colorado 778. Mesa, County of, Colorado 779. Moffat, County of, Colorado 780. Montezuma, County of, Colorado 781. Montrose, City of, Colorado 782. Montrose, County of, Colorado 783. Morgan, County of, Colorado 784. Northglenn, City of, Colorado 785. Otero, County of, Colorado 786. Park, County of, Colorado 787. Parker, Town of, Colorado 788. Pitkin, County of, Colorado 789. Prowers, County of, Colorado 790. Pueblo, City of, Colorado 791. Pueblo, County of, Colorado 792. Rio Grande, County of, Colorado 793. Routt, County of, Colorado 794. Steamboat Springs, City of, Colorado I-10 795. Sterling, City of, Colorado 796. Summit, County of, Colorado 797. Superior, Town of, Colorado 798. Teller, County of, Colorado 799. Thornton, City of, Colorado 800. Weld, County of, Colorado 801. Wellington, Town of, Colorado 802. Westminster, City of, Colorado 803. Wheat Ridge, City of, Colorado 804. Windsor, Town of, Colorado 805. Yuma, County of, Colorado 806. Dover, City of, Delaware 807. Kent, County of, Delaware 808. Middletown, Town of, Delaware 809. Milford, City of, Delaware 810. New Castle, County of, Delaware 811. Newark, City of, Delaware 812. Smyrna, Town of, Delaware 813. Sussex, County of, Delaware 814. Wilmington, City of, Delaware 815. Alachua County, Florida 816. Altamonte Springs city, Florida 817. Apopka city, Florida 818. Atlantic Beach city, Florida 819. Auburndale city, Florida 820. Aventura city, Florida 821. Avon Park city, Florida 822. Baker County, Florida 823. Bartow city, Florida 824. Bay County, Florida 825. Belle Glade city, Florida 826. Boca Raton city, Florida 827. Bonita Springs city, Florida 828. Boynton Beach city, Florida 829. Bradenton city, Florida 830. Bradford County, Florida 831. Brevard County, Florida 832. Broward County, Florida 833. Calhoun County, Florida 834. Callaway city, Florida 835. Cape Canaveral city, Florida 836. Cape Coral city, Florida 837. Casselberry city, Florida 838. Charlotte County, Florida 839. Citrus County, Florida 840. Clay County, Florida 841. Clearwater city, Florida 842. Clermont city, Florida 843. Cocoa Beach city, Florida 844. Cocoa city, Florida 845. Coconut Creek city, Florida 846. Collier County, Florida 847. Columbia County, Florida 848. Cooper City city, Florida 849. Coral Gables city, Florida 850. Coral Springs city, Florida 851. Crestview city, Florida 852. Cutler Bay town, Florida 853. Dania Beach city, Florida 854. Davie town, Florida 855. Daytona Beach city, Florida 856. DeBary city, Florida 857. Deerfield Beach city, Florida 858. DeLand city, Florida 859. Delray Beach city, Florida 860. Deltona city, Florida 861. DeSoto County, Florida 862. Destin city, Florida 863. Dixie County, Florida 864. Doral city, Florida 865. Dunedin city, Florida 866. Duval County / Jacksonville city, Florida 867. Edgewater city, Florida 868. Escambia County, Florida 869. Estero village, Florida 870. Eustis city, Florida 871. Fernandina Beach city, Florida 872. Flagler County, Florida 873. Florida City city, Florida 874. Fort Lauderdale city, Florida 875. Fort Myers city, Florida 876. Fort Pierce city, Florida 877. Fort Walton Beach city, Florida 878. Franklin County, Florida 879. Fruitland Park city, Florida 880. Gadsden County, Florida 881. Gainesville city, Florida 882. Gilchrist County, Florida 883. Glades County, Florida 884. Greenacres city, Florida 885. Groveland city, Florida I-11 886. Gulf County, Florida 887. Gulfport city, Florida 888. Haines City city, Florida 889. Hallandale Beach city, Florida 890. Hamilton County, Florida 891. Hardee County, Florida 892. Hendry County, Florida 893. Hernando County, Florida 894. Hialeah city, Florida 895. Hialeah Gardens city, Florida 896. Highlands County, Florida 897. Hillsborough County, Florida 898. Holly Hill city, Florida 899. Hollywood city, Florida 900. Holmes County, Florida 901. Homestead city, Florida 902. Indian River County, Florida 903. Jackson County, Florida 904. Jacksonville Beach city, Florida 905. Jefferson County, Florida 906. Jupiter town, Florida 907. Key Biscayne village, Florida 908. Key West city, Florida 909. Kissimmee city, Florida 910. Lady Lake town, Florida 911. Lake City city, Florida 912. Lake County, Florida 913. Lake Mary city, Florida 914. Lake Wales city, Florida 915. Lake Worth city, Florida 916. Lakeland city, Florida 917. Lantana town, Florida 918. Largo city, Florida 919. Lauderdale Lakes city, Florida 920. Lauderhill city, Florida 921. Lee County, Florida 922. Leesburg city, Florida 923. Leon County, Florida 924. Levy County, Florida 925. Lighthouse Point city, Florida 926. Longwood city, Florida 927. Lynn Haven city, Florida 928. Madison County, Florida 929. Maitland city, Florida 930. Manatee County, Florida 931. Marco Island city, Florida 932. Margate city, Florida 933. Marion County, Florida 934. Martin County, Florida 935. Melbourne city, Florida 936. Miami Beach city, Florida 937. Miami city, Florida 938. Miami Gardens city, Florida 939. Miami Lakes town, Florida 940. Miami Shores village, Florida 941. Miami Springs city, Florida 942. Miami-Dade County, Florida 943. Milton city, Florida 944. Minneola city, Florida 945. Miramar city, Florida 946. Monroe County, Florida 947. Mount Dora city, Florida 948. Naples city, Florida 949. Nassau County, Florida 950. New Port Richey city, Florida 951. New Smyrna Beach city, Florida 952. Niceville city, Florida 953. North Lauderdale city, Florida 954. North Miami Beach city, Florida 955. North Miami city, Florida 956. North Palm Beach village, Florida 957. North Port city, Florida 958. Oakland Park city, Florida 959. Ocala city, Florida 960. Ocoee city, Florida 961. Okaloosa County, Florida 962. Okeechobee County, Florida 963. Oldsmar city, Florida 964. Opa-locka city, Florida 965. Orange City city, Florida 966. Orange County, Florida 967. Orlando city, Florida 968. Ormond Beach city, Florida 969. Osceola County, Florida 970. Oviedo city, Florida 971. Palatka city, Florida 972. Palm Bay city, Florida 973. Palm Beach County, Florida 974. Palm Beach Gardens city, Florida 975. Palm Coast city, Florida 976. Palm Springs village, Florida 977. Palmetto Bay village, Florida I-12 978. Palmetto city, Florida 979. Panama City Beach city, Florida 980. Panama City city, Florida 981. Parkland city, Florida 982. Pasco County, Florida 983. Pembroke Pines city, Florida 984. Pensacola city, Florida 985. Pinecrest village, Florida 986. Pinellas County, Florida 987. Pinellas Park city, Florida 988. Plant City city, Florida 989. Plantation city, Florida 990. Polk County, Florida 991. Pompano Beach city, Florida 992. Port Orange city, Florida 993. Port St. Lucie city, Florida 994. Punta Gorda city, Florida 995. Putnam County, Florida 996. Riviera Beach city, Florida 997. Rockledge city, Florida 998. Royal Palm Beach village, Florida 999. Safety Harbor city, Florida 1000. Sanford city, Florida 1001. Santa Rosa County, Florida 1002. Sarasota city, Florida 1003. Sarasota County, Florida 1004. Satellite Beach city, Florida 1005. Sebastian city, Florida 1006. Sebring city, Florida 1007. Seminole city, Florida 1008. Seminole County, Florida 1009. South Daytona city, Florida 1010. South Miami city, Florida 1011. St. Augustine city, Florida 1012. St. Cloud city, Florida 1013. St. Johns County, Florida 1014. St. Lucie County, Florida 1015. St. Petersburg city, Florida 1016. Stuart city, Florida 1017. Sumter County, Florida 1018. Sunny Isles Beach city, Florida 1019. Sunrise city, Florida 1020. Suwannee County, Florida 1021. Sweetwater city, Florida 1022. Tallahassee city, Florida 1023. Tamarac city, Florida 1024. Tampa city, Florida 1025. Tarpon Springs city, Florida 1026. Tavares city, Florida 1027. Taylor County, Florida 1028. Temple Terrace city, Florida 1029. Titusville city, Florida 1030. Union County, Florida 1031. Venice city, Florida 1032. Vero Beach city, Florida 1033. Volusia County, Florida 1034. Wakulla County, Florida 1035. Walton County, Florida 1036. Washington County, Florida 1037. Wellington village, Florida 1038. West Melbourne city, Florida 1039. West Palm Beach city, Florida 1040. West Park city, Florida 1041. Weston city, Florida 1042. Wilton Manors city, Florida 1043. Winter Garden city, Florida 1044. Winter Haven city, Florida 1045. Winter Park city, Florida 1046. Winter Springs city, Florida 1047. Zephyrhills city, Florida 1048. Acworth, City of, Georgia 1049. Albany, City of, Georgia 1050. Alpharetta, City of, Georgia 1051. Americus, City of, Georgia 1052. Appling, County of, Georgia 1053. Athens-Clarke County, Unified Government of, Georgia 1054. Atlanta, City of, Georgia 1055. Augusta-Richmond County, Consolidated Government of, Georgia 1056. Bacon, County of, Georgia 1057. Bainbridge, City of, Georgia 1058. Baldwin, County of, Georgia 1059. Banks, County of, Georgia 1060. Barrow, County of, Georgia 1061. Bartow, County of, Georgia 1062. Ben Hill, County of, Georgia 1063. Berrien, County of, Georgia 1064. Bleckley, County of, Georgia 1065. Brantley, County of, Georgia 1066. Braselton, Town of, Georgia I-13 1067. Brookhaven, City of, Georgia 1068. Brooks, County of, Georgia 1069. Brunswick, City of, Georgia 1070. Bryan, County of, Georgia 1071. Buford, City of, Georgia 1072. Bulloch, County of, Georgia 1073. Burke, County of, Georgia 1074. Butts, County of, Georgia 1075. Calhoun, City of, Georgia 1076. Camden, County of, Georgia 1077. Candler, County of, Georgia 1078. Canton, City of, Georgia 1079. Carroll, County of, Georgia 1080. Carrollton, City of, Georgia 1081. Cartersville, City of, Georgia 1082. Catoosa, County of, Georgia 1083. Chamblee, City of, Georgia 1084. Charlton, County of, Georgia 1085. Chatham, County of, Georgia 1086. Chattooga, County of, Georgia 1087. Cherokee, County of, Georgia 1088. Clarkston, City of, Georgia 1089. Clayton, County of, Georgia 1090. Cobb, County of, Georgia 1091. Coffee, County of, Georgia 1092. College Park, City of, Georgia 1093. Colquitt, County of, Georgia 1094. Columbia, County of, Georgia 1095. Columbus, City of, Georgia 1096. Columbus, City of/ Muscogee, County of, Georgia 1097. Conyers, City of, Georgia 1098. Cook, County of, Georgia 1099. Cordele, City of, Georgia 1100. Covington, City of, Georgia 1101. Coweta, County of, Georgia 1102. Crawford, County of, Georgia 1103. Crisp, County of, Georgia 1104. Cusseta-Chattahoochee County, Unified Government of, Georgia 1105. Dade, County of, Georgia 1106. Dallas, City of, Georgia 1107. Dalton, City of, Georgia 1108. Dawson, County of, Georgia 1109. Decatur, City of, Georgia 1110. Decatur, County of, Georgia 1111. DeKalb, County of, Georgia 1112. Dodge, County of, Georgia 1113. Dooly, County of, Georgia 1114. Doraville, City of, Georgia 1115. Dougherty, County of, Georgia 1116. Douglas, City of, Georgia 1117. Douglas, County of, Georgia 1118. Douglasville, City of, Georgia 1119. Dublin, City of, Georgia 1120. Duluth, City of, Georgia 1121. Dunwoody, City of, Georgia 1122. Early, County of, Georgia 1123. East Point, City of, Georgia 1124. Effingham, County of, Georgia 1125. Elbert, County of, Georgia 1126. Emanuel, County of, Georgia 1127. Evans, County of, Georgia 1128. Fairburn, City of, Georgia 1129. Fannin, County of, Georgia 1130. Fayette, County of, Georgia 1131. Fayetteville, City of, Georgia 1132. Floyd, County of, Georgia 1133. Forest Park, City of, Georgia 1134. Forsyth, County of, Georgia 1135. Franklin, County of, Georgia 1136. Fulton, County of, Georgia 1137. Gainesville, City of, Georgia 1138. Gilmer, County of, Georgia 1139. Glynn, County of, Georgia 1140. Gordon, County of, Georgia 1141. Grady, County of, Georgia 1142. Greene, County of, Georgia 1143. Griffin, City of, Georgia 1144. Grovetown, City of, Georgia 1145. Gwinnett, County of, Georgia 1146. Habersham, County of, Georgia 1147. Hall, County of, Georgia 1148. Haralson, County of, Georgia 1149. Harris, County of, Georgia 1150. Hart, County of, Georgia 1151. Heard, County of, Georgia 1152. Henry, County of, Georgia 1153. Hinesville, City of, Georgia 1154. Holly Springs, City of, Georgia 1155. Houston, County of, Georgia 1156. Jackson, County of, Georgia I-14 1157. Jasper, County of, Georgia 1158. Jeff Davis, County of, Georgia 1159. Jefferson, City of, Georgia 1160. Jefferson, County of, Georgia 1161. Johns Creek, City of, Georgia 1162. Jones, County of, Georgia 1163. Kennesaw, City of, Georgia 1164. Kingsland, City of, Georgia 1165. LaGrange, City of, Georgia 1166. Lamar, County of, Georgia 1167. Lanier, County of, Georgia 1168. Laurens, County of, Georgia 1169. Lawrenceville, City of, Georgia 1170. Lee, County of, Georgia 1171. Liberty, County of, Georgia 1172. Lilburn, City of, Georgia 1173. Loganville, City of, Georgia 1174. Long, County of, Georgia 1175. Lowndes, County of, Georgia 1176. Lumpkin, County of, Georgia 1177. Macon, County of, Georgia 1178. Macon-Bibb, County of, Georgia 1179. Madison, County of, Georgia 1180. Marietta, City of, Georgia 1181. McDonough, City of, Georgia 1182. McDuffie, County of, Georgia 1183. McIntosh, County of, Georgia 1184. Meriwether, County of, Georgia 1185. Milledgeville, City of, Georgia 1186. Milton, City of, Georgia 1187. Mitchell, County of, Georgia 1188. Monroe, City of, Georgia 1189. Monroe, County of, Georgia 1190. Morgan, County of, Georgia 1191. Moultrie, City of, Georgia 1192. Murray, County of, Georgia 1193. Newnan, City of, Georgia 1194. Newton, County of, Georgia 1195. Norcross, City of, Georgia 1196. Oconee, County of, Georgia 1197. Oglethorpe, County of, Georgia 1198. Paulding, County of, Georgia 1199. Peach, County of, Georgia 1200. Peachtree City, City of, Georgia 1201. Peachtree Corners, City of, Georgia 1202. Perry, City of, Georgia 1203. Pickens, County of, Georgia 1204. Pierce, County of, Georgia 1205. Pike, County of, Georgia 1206. Polk, County of, Georgia 1207. Pooler, City of, Georgia 1208. Powder Springs, City of, Georgia 1209. Pulaski, County of, Georgia 1210. Putnam, County of, Georgia 1211. Rabun, County of, Georgia 1212. Richmond Hill, City of, Georgia 1213. Rincon, City of, Georgia 1214. Riverdale, City of, Georgia 1215. Rockdale, County of, Georgia 1216. Rome, City of, Georgia 1217. Roswell, City of, Georgia 1218. Sandy Springs, City of, Georgia 1219. Savannah, City of, Georgia 1220. Screven, County of, Georgia 1221. Smyrna, City of, Georgia 1222. Snellville, City of, Georgia 1223. South Fulton, City of, Georgia 1224. Spalding, County of, Georgia 1225. St. Marys, City of, Georgia 1226. Statesboro, City of, Georgia 1227. Stephens, County of, Georgia 1228. Stockbridge, City of, Georgia 1229. Stonecrest, City of, Georgia 1230. Sugar Hill, City of, Georgia 1231. Sumter, County of, Georgia 1232. Suwanee, City of, Georgia 1233. Tattnall, County of, Georgia 1234. Telfair, County of, Georgia 1235. Thomas, County of, Georgia 1236. Thomasville, City of, Georgia 1237. Tift, County of, Georgia 1238. Tifton, City of, Georgia 1239. Toombs, County of, Georgia 1240. Towns, County of, Georgia 1241. Troup, County of, Georgia 1242. Tucker, City of, Georgia 1243. Union City, City of, Georgia 1244. Union, County of, Georgia 1245. Upson, County of, Georgia 1246. Valdosta, City of, Georgia 1247. Vidalia, City of, Georgia 1248. Villa Rica, City of, Georgia I-15 1249. Walker, County of, Georgia 1250. Walton, County of, Georgia 1251. Ware, County of, Georgia 1252. Warner Robins, City of, Georgia 1253. Washington, County of, Georgia 1254. Waycross, City of, Georgia 1255. Wayne, County of, Georgia 1256. White, County of, Georgia 1257. Whitfield, County of, Georgia 1258. Winder, City of, Georgia 1259. Woodstock, City of, Georgia 1260. Worth, County of, Georgia 1261. Ada, County of, Idaho 1262. Ammon, City of, Idaho 1263. Bannock, County of, Idaho 1264. Bingham, County of, Idaho 1265. Blackfoot, City of, Idaho 1266. Blaine, County of, Idaho 1267. Boise City, City of, Idaho 1268. Bonner, County of, Idaho 1269. Bonneville, County of, Idaho 1270. Boundary, County of, Idaho 1271. Burley, City of, Idaho 1272. Caldwell, City of, Idaho 1273. Canyon, County of, Idaho 1274. Cassia, County of, Idaho 1275. Chubbuck, City of, Idaho 1276. Coeur d'Alene, City of, Idaho 1277. Eagle, City of, Idaho 1278. Elmore, County of, Idaho 1279. Franklin, County of, Idaho 1280. Fremont, County of, Idaho 1281. Garden City, City of, Idaho 1282. Gem, County of, Idaho 1283. Gooding, County of, Idaho 1284. Hayden, City of, Idaho 1285. Idaho, County of, Idaho 1286. Idaho Falls, City of, Idaho 1287. Jefferson, County of, Idaho 1288. Jerome, City of, Idaho 1289. Jerome, County of, Idaho 1290. Kootenai, County of, Idaho 1291. Kuna, City of, Idaho 1292. Latah, County of, Idaho 1293. Lewiston, City of, Idaho 1294. Madison, County of, Idaho 1295. Meridian, City of, Idaho 1296. Minidoka, County of, Idaho 1297. Moscow, City of, Idaho 1298. Mountain Home, City of, Idaho 1299. Nampa, City of, Idaho 1300. Nez Perce, County of, Idaho 1301. Owyhee, County of, Idaho 1302. Payette, County of, Idaho 1303. Pocatello, City of, Idaho 1304. Post Falls, City of, Idaho 1305. Rexburg, City of, Idaho 1306. Shoshone, County of, Idaho 1307. Star, City of, Idaho 1308. Teton, County of, Idaho 1309. Twin Falls, City of, Idaho 1310. Twin Falls, County of, Idaho 1311. Valley, County of, Idaho 1312. Washington, County of, Idaho 1313. Adams, County of, Illinois 1314. Addison Township, Illinois 1315. Addison, Village of, Illinois 1316. Algonquin Township, Illinois 1317. Algonquin, Village of, Illinois 1318. Alsip, Village of, Illinois 1319. Alton, City of, Illinois 1320. Alton Township, Illinois 1321. Antioch Township, Illinois 1322. Antioch, Village of, Illinois 1323. Arlington Heights, Village of, Illinois 1324. Aurora, City of, Illinois 1325. Aurora Township, Illinois 1326. Aux Sable Township, Illinois 1327. Avon Township, Illinois 1328. Barrington Township, Illinois 1329. Barrington, Village of, Illinois 1330. Bartlett, Village of, Illinois 1331. Batavia, City of, Illinois 1332. Batavia Township, Illinois 1333. Beach Park, Village of, Illinois 1334. Belleville, City of, Illinois 1335. Bellwood, Village of, Illinois 1336. Belvidere, City of, Illinois 1337. Belvidere Township, Illinois 1338. Bensenville, Village of, Illinois 1339. Benton Township, Illinois I-16 1340. Berwyn, City of, Illinois 1341. Berwyn Township, Illinois 1342. Blackberry Township, Illinois 1343. Bloom Township, Illinois 1344. Bloomingdale Township, Illinois 1345. Bloomingdale, Village of, Illinois 1346. Bloomington, City of, Illinois 1347. Bloomington City Township, Illinois 1348. Blue Island, City of, Illinois 1349. Bolingbrook, Village of, Illinois 1350. Bond, County of, Illinois 1351. Boone, County of, Illinois 1352. Bourbonnais Township, Illinois 1353. Bourbonnais, Village of, Illinois 1354. Bradley, Village of, Illinois 1355. Bremen Township, Illinois 1356. Bridgeview, Village of, Illinois 1357. Bristol Township, Illinois 1358. Brookfield, Village of, Illinois 1359. Bruce Township, Illinois 1360. Buffalo Grove, Village of, Illinois 1361. Burbank, City of, Illinois 1362. Bureau, County of, Illinois 1363. Burr Ridge, Village of, Illinois 1364. Cahokia, Village of, Illinois 1365. Calumet City, City of, Illinois 1366. Calumet Township, Illinois 1367. Campton Hills, Village of, Illinois 1368. Campton Township, Illinois 1369. Canton, City of, Illinois 1370. Canton Township, Illinois 1371. Capital Township, Illinois 1372. Carbondale, City of, Illinois 1373. Carbondale Township, Illinois 1374. Carol Stream, Village of, Illinois 1375. Carpentersville, Village of, Illinois 1376. Carroll, County of, Illinois 1377. Cary, Village of, Illinois 1378. Caseyville Township, Illinois 1379. Cass, County of, Illinois 1380. Centralia, City of, Illinois 1381. Centralia Township, Illinois 1382. Centreville Township, Illinois 1383. Champaign, City of, Illinois 1384. Champaign City Township, Illinois 1385. Champaign, County of, Illinois 1386. Champaign Township, Illinois 1387. Channahon Township, Illinois 1388. Channahon, Village of, Illinois 1389. Charleston, City of, Illinois 1390. Charleston Township, Illinois 1391. Chatham, Village of, Illinois 1392. Cherry Valley Township, Illinois 1393. Chicago, City of, Illinois 1394. Chicago Heights, City of, Illinois 1395. Chicago Ridge, Village of, Illinois 1396. Christian, County of, Illinois 1397. Cicero, Town of/ Township of, Illinois 1398. Clark, County of, Illinois 1399. Clay, County of, Illinois 1400. Clinton, County of, Illinois 1401. Coles, County of, Illinois 1402. Collinsville, City of, Illinois 1403. Collinsville Township, Illinois 1404. Coloma Township, Illinois 1405. Columbia, City of, Illinois 1406. Cook, County of, Illinois 1407. Cortland Township, Illinois 1408. Country Club Hills, City of, Illinois 1409. Crawford, County of, Illinois 1410. Crest Hill, City of, Illinois 1411. Crestwood, Village of, Illinois 1412. Crete Township, Illinois 1413. Crystal Lake, City of, Illinois 1414. Cuba Township, Illinois 1415. Cumberland, County of, Illinois 1416. Cunningham Township, Illinois 1417. Danville, City of, Illinois 1418. Danville Township, Illinois 1419. Darien, City of, Illinois 1420. De Witt, County of, Illinois 1421. Decatur, City of, Illinois 1422. Decatur Township, Illinois 1423. Deerfield, Village of, Illinois 1424. DeKalb, City of, Illinois 1425. DeKalb, County of, Illinois 1426. DeKalb Township, Illinois 1427. Des Plaines, City of, Illinois 1428. Dixon, City of, Illinois 1429. Dixon Township, Illinois 1430. Dolton, Village of, Illinois I-17 1431. Dorr Township, Illinois 1432. Douglas, County of, Illinois 1433. Douglas Township, Illinois 1434. Downers Grove Township, Illinois 1435. Downers Grove, Village of, Illinois 1436. Du Page Township, Illinois 1437. Dundee Township, Illinois 1438. DuPage, County of, Illinois 1439. East Moline, City of, Illinois 1440. East Peoria, City of, Illinois 1441. East St. Louis, City of, Illinois 1442. East St. Louis Township, Illinois 1443. Edgar, County of, Illinois 1444. Edwardsville, City of, Illinois 1445. Edwardsville Township, Illinois 1446. Effingham, City of, Illinois 1447. Effingham, County of, Illinois 1448. Ela Township, Illinois 1449. Elgin, City of, Illinois 1450. Elgin Township, Illinois 1451. Elk Grove Township, Illinois 1452. Elk Grove Village, Village of, Illinois 1453. Elmhurst, City of, Illinois 1454. Elmwood Park, Village of, Illinois 1455. Evanston, City of, Illinois 1456. Evergreen Park, Village of, Illinois 1457. Fairview Heights, City of, Illinois 1458. Fayette, County of, Illinois 1459. Flagg Township, Illinois 1460. Fondulac Township, Illinois 1461. Ford, County of, Illinois 1462. Forest Park, Village of, Illinois 1463. Fox Lake, Village of, Illinois 1464. Frankfort Township, Illinois 1465. Frankfort, Village of, Illinois 1466. Franklin, County of, Illinois 1467. Franklin Park, Village of, Illinois 1468. Freeport, City of, Illinois 1469. Freeport Township, Illinois 1470. Fremont Township, Illinois 1471. Fulton, County of, Illinois 1472. Galesburg, City of, Illinois 1473. Galesburg City Township, Illinois 1474. Geneva, City of, Illinois 1475. Geneva Township, Illinois 1476. Glen Carbon, Village of, Illinois 1477. Glen Ellyn, Village of, Illinois 1478. Glendale Heights, Village of, Illinois 1479. Glenview, Village of, Illinois 1480. Godfrey Township, Illinois 1481. Godfrey, Village of, Illinois 1482. Grafton Township, Illinois 1483. Granite City, City of, Illinois 1484. Granite City Township, Illinois 1485. Grant Township, Illinois 1486. Grayslake, Village of, Illinois 1487. Greene, County of, Illinois 1488. Greenwood Township, Illinois 1489. Groveland Township, Illinois 1490. Grundy, County of, Illinois 1491. Gurnee, Village of, Illinois 1492. Hampton Township, Illinois 1493. Hancock, County of, Illinois 1494. Hanover Park, Village of, Illinois 1495. Hanover Township, Illinois 1496. Harlem Township, Illinois 1497. Harrisburg Township, Illinois 1498. Harvey, City of, Illinois 1499. Hazel Crest, Village of, Illinois 1500. Henry, County of, Illinois 1501. Herrin, City of, Illinois 1502. Hickory Hills, City of, Illinois 1503. Hickory Point Township, Illinois 1504. Highland Park, City of, Illinois 1505. Hinsdale, Village of, Illinois 1506. Hoffman Estates, Village of, Illinois 1507. Homer Glen, Village of, Illinois 1508. Homer Township, Illinois 1509. Homewood, Village of, Illinois 1510. Huntley, Village of, Illinois 1511. Iroquois, County of, Illinois 1512. Jackson, County of, Illinois 1513. Jacksonville, City of, Illinois 1514. Jarvis Township, Illinois 1515. Jefferson, County of, Illinois 1516. Jersey, County of, Illinois 1517. Jo Daviess, County of, Illinois 1518. Johnson, County of, Illinois 1519. Joliet, City of, Illinois 1520. Joliet Township, Illinois 1521. Justice, Village of, Illinois I-18 1522. Kane, County of, Illinois 1523. Kankakee, City of, Illinois 1524. Kankakee, County of, Illinois 1525. Kankakee Township, Illinois 1526. Kendall, County of, Illinois 1527. Kewanee, City of, Illinois 1528. Knox, County of, Illinois 1529. La Grange Park, Village of, Illinois 1530. La Grange, Village of, Illinois 1531. Lake, County of, Illinois 1532. Lake Forest, City of, Illinois 1533. Lake in the Hills, Village of, Illinois 1534. Lake Villa Township, Illinois 1535. Lake Zurich, Village of, Illinois 1536. Lansing, Village of, Illinois 1537. LaSalle, County of, Illinois 1538. LaSalle Township, Illinois 1539. Lawrence, County of, Illinois 1540. Lee, County of, Illinois 1541. Lemont Township, Illinois 1542. Lemont, Village of, Illinois 1543. Leyden Township, Illinois 1544. Libertyville Township, Illinois 1545. Libertyville, Village of, Illinois 1546. Limestone Township, Illinois 1547. Lincoln, City of, Illinois 1548. Lincolnwood, Village of, Illinois 1549. Lindenhurst, Village of, Illinois 1550. Lisle Township, Illinois 1551. Lisle, Village of, Illinois 1552. Little Rock Township, Illinois 1553. Livingston, County of, Illinois 1554. Lockport, City of, Illinois 1555. Lockport Township, Illinois 1556. Logan, County of, Illinois 1557. Lombard, Village of, Illinois 1558. Long Creek Township, Illinois 1559. Loves Park, City of, Illinois 1560. Lyons Township, Illinois 1561. Lyons, Village of, Illinois 1562. Machesney Park, Village of, Illinois 1563. Macomb, City of, Illinois 1564. Macomb City Township, Illinois 1565. Macon, County of, Illinois 1566. Macoupin, County of, Illinois 1567. Madison, County of, Illinois 1568. Mahomet Township, Illinois 1569. Maine Township, Illinois 1570. Manhattan Township, Illinois 1571. Manteno Township, Illinois 1572. Marion, City of, Illinois 1573. Marion, County of, Illinois 1574. Markham, City of, Illinois 1575. Marshall, County of, Illinois 1576. Mason, County of, Illinois 1577. Massac, County of, Illinois 1578. Matteson, Village of, Illinois 1579. Mattoon, City of, Illinois 1580. Mattoon, Township of, Illinois 1581. Maywood, Village of, Illinois 1582. McDonough, County of, Illinois 1583. McHenry, City of, Illinois 1584. McHenry, County of, Illinois 1585. McHenry, Township of, Illinois 1586. McLean, County of, Illinois 1587. Medina, Township of, Illinois 1588. Melrose Park, Village of, Illinois 1589. Menard, County of, Illinois 1590. Mercer, County of, Illinois 1591. Midlothian, Village of, Illinois 1592. Milton Township, Illinois 1593. Minooka, Village of, Illinois 1594. Mokena, Village of, Illinois 1595. Moline, City of, Illinois 1596. Moline, Township of, Illinois 1597. Monee, Township of, Illinois 1598. Monroe, County of, Illinois 1599. Montgomery, County of, Illinois 1600. Montgomery, Village of, Illinois 1601. Moraine, Township of, Illinois 1602. Morgan, County of, Illinois 1603. Morris, City of, Illinois 1604. Morton Grove, Village of, Illinois 1605. Morton, Township of, Illinois 1606. Morton, Village of, Illinois 1607. Moultrie, County of, Illinois 1608. Mount Prospect, Village of, Illinois 1609. Mount Vernon, City of, Illinois 1610. Mount Vernon, Township of, Illinois 1611. Mundelein, Village of, Illinois 1612. Nameoki, Township of, Illinois 1613. Naperville, City of, Illinois I-19 1614. Naperville, Township of, Illinois 1615. New Lenox, Township of, Illinois 1616. New Lenox, Village of, Illinois 1617. New Trier, Township of, Illinois 1618. Newell, Township of, Illinois 1619. Niles, Township of, Illinois 1620. Niles, Village of, Illinois 1621. Normal, Town of, Illinois 1622. Normal, Township of, Illinois 1623. Norridge, Village of, Illinois 1624. North Aurora, Village of, Illinois 1625. North Chicago, City of, Illinois 1626. Northbrook, Village of, Illinois 1627. Northfield, Township of, Illinois 1628. Northlake, City of, Illinois 1629. Norwood Park, Township of, Illinois 1630. Nunda, Township of, Illinois 1631. Oak Forest, City of, Illinois 1632. Oak Lawn, Village of, Illinois 1633. Oak Park, Township of, Illinois 1634. Oak Park, Village of, Illinois 1635. O'Fallon, City of, Illinois 1636. O'Fallon, Township of, Illinois 1637. Ogle, County of, Illinois 1638. Orland Park, Village of, Illinois 1639. Orland, Township of, Illinois 1640. Oswego, Township of, Illinois 1641. Oswego, Village of, Illinois 1642. Ottawa, City of, Illinois 1643. Ottawa, Township of, Illinois 1644. Palatine, Township of, Illinois 1645. Palatine, Village of, Illinois 1646. Palos Heights, City of, Illinois 1647. Palos Hills, City of, Illinois 1648. Palos, Township of, Illinois 1649. Park Forest, Village of, Illinois 1650. Park Ridge, City of, Illinois 1651. Pekin, City of, Illinois 1652. Pekin, Township of, Illinois 1653. Peoria, City of, Illinois 1654. Peoria City Township, Illinois 1655. Peoria, County of, Illinois 1656. Perry, County of, Illinois 1657. Peru, Township of, Illinois 1658. Piatt, County of, Illinois 1659. Pike, County of, Illinois 1660. Plainfield, Township of, Illinois 1661. Plainfield, Village of, Illinois 1662. Plano, City of, Illinois 1663. Pontiac, City of, Illinois 1664. Pontiac, Township of, Illinois 1665. Prospect Heights, City of, Illinois 1666. Proviso, Township of, Illinois 1667. Quincy, City of, Illinois 1668. Quincy, Township of, Illinois 1669. Randolph, County of, Illinois 1670. Rantoul, Township of,Illinois 1671. Rantoul, Village of, Illinois 1672. Rich, Township of, Illinois 1673. Richland, County of, Illinois 1674. Richton Park, Village of, Illinois 1675. River Forest, Township of, Illinois 1676. River Forest, Village of, Illinois 1677. Riverdale, Village of, Illinois 1678. Riverside, Township of, Illinois 1679. Rock Island, City of, Illinois 1680. Rock Island, County of, Illinois 1681. Rock Island, Township of, Illinois 1682. Rockford, City of, Illinois 1683. Rockford, Township of, Illinois 1684. Rockton, Township of, Illinois 1685. Rolling Meadows, City of, Illinois 1686. Romeoville, Village of, Illinois 1687. Roscoe, Township of, Illinois 1688. Roscoe, Village of, Illinois 1689. Roselle, Village of, Illinois 1690. Round Lake Beach, Village of, Illinois 1691. Round Lake, Village of, Illinois 1692. Rutland, Township of, Illinois 1693. Saline, County of, Illinois 1694. Sangamon, County of, Illinois 1695. Sauk Village, Village of, Illinois 1696. Schaumburg, Township of, Illinois 1697. Schaumburg, Village of, Illinois 1698. Schiller Park, Village of, Illinois 1699. Shelby, County of, Illinois 1700. Shields, Township of, Illinois 1701. Shiloh Valley, Township of, Illinois 1702. Shiloh, Village of, Illinois 1703. Shorewood, Village of, Illinois 1704. Skokie, Village of, Illinois I-20 1705. South Elgin, Village of, Illinois 1706. South Holland, Village of, Illinois 1707. South Moline, Township of, Illinois 1708. South Rock Island, Township of, Illinois 1709. Springfield, City of, Illinois 1710. St. Charles, City of, Illinois 1711. St. Charles, Township of, Illinois 1712. St. Clair, County of, Illinois 1713. St. Clair, Township of, Illinois 1714. Stephenson, County of, Illinois 1715. Sterling, City of, Illinois 1716. Sterling, Township of, Illinois 1717. Stickney, Township of, Illinois 1718. Streamwood, Village of, Illinois 1719. Streator, City of, Illinois 1720. Sugar Grove, Township of, Illinois 1721. Summit, Village of, Illinois 1722. Swansea, Village of, Illinois 1723. Sycamore, City of, Illinois 1724. Sycamore, Township of, Illinois 1725. Taylorville, City of, Illinois 1726. Taylorville, Township of, Illinois 1727. Tazewell, County of, Illinois 1728. Thornton, Township of, Illinois 1729. Tinley Park, Village of, Illinois 1730. Troy, City of, Illinois 1731. Troy, Township of, Illinois 1732. Union, County of, Illinois 1733. Urbana, City of, Illinois 1734. Vermilion, County of, Illinois 1735. Vernon Hills, Village of, Illinois 1736. Vernon, Township of, Illinois 1737. Villa Park, Village of, Illinois 1738. Wabash, County of, Illinois 1739. Warren, County of, Illinois 1740. Warren, Township of, Illinois 1741. Warrenville, City of, Illinois 1742. Washington, City of, Illinois 1743. Washington, County of, Illinois 1744. Washington, Township of, Illinois 1745. Waterloo, City of, Illinois 1746. Wauconda, Township of, Illinois 1747. Wauconda, Village of, Illinois 1748. Waukegan, City of, Illinois 1749. Waukegan, Township of, Illinois 1750. Wayne, County of, Illinois 1751. Wayne, Township of, Illinois 1752. West Chicago, City of, Illinois 1753. West Deerfield, Township of, Illinois 1754. Westchester, Village of, Illinois 1755. Western Springs, Village of, Illinois 1756. Westmont, Village of, Illinois 1757. Wheatland, Township of, Illinois 1758. Wheaton, City of, Illinois 1759. Wheeling, Township of, Illinois 1760. Wheeling, Village of, Illinois 1761. White, County of, Illinois 1762. Whiteside, County of, Illinois 1763. Will, County of, Illinois 1764. Williamson, County of, Illinois 1765. Wilmette, Village of, Illinois 1766. Winfield, Township of, Illinois 1767. Winnebago, County of, Illinois 1768. Winnetka, Village of, Illinois 1769. Wood Dale, City of, Illinois 1770. Wood River, City of, Illinois 1771. Wood River, Township of, Illinois 1772. Woodford, County of, Illinois 1773. Woodridge, Village of, Illinois 1774. Woodside, Township of, Illinois 1775. Woodstock, City of, Illinois 1776. Worth, Township of, Illinois 1777. Worth, Village of, Illinois 1778. York, Township of, Illinois 1779. Yorkville, City of, Illinois 1780. Zion, City of, Illinois 1781. Zion, Township of, Illinois 1782. Aboite, Township of, Indiana 1783. Adams, County of, Indiana 1784. Adams, Township of, Indiana 1785. Addison, Township of, Indiana 1786. Allen, County of, Indiana 1787. Anderson, City of, Indiana 1788. Anderson, Township of, Indiana 1789. Auburn, City of, Indiana 1790. Avon, Town of, Indiana 1791. Bainbridge, Township of, Indiana 1792. Bartholomew, County of, Indiana 1793. Baugo, Township of, Indiana 1794. Bedford, City of, Indiana 1795. Beech Grove, City of, Indiana I-21 1796. Blackford, County of, Indiana 1797. Bloomington, City of, Indiana 1798. Bloomington, Township of, Indiana 1799. Bluffton, City of, Indiana 1800. Boon, Township of, Indiana 1801. Boone, County of, Indiana 1802. Brown, County of, Indiana 1803. Brown, Township of, Indiana 1804. Brownsburg, Town of, Indiana 1805. Calumet, Township of, Indiana 1806. Carmel, City of, Indiana 1807. Carroll, County of, Indiana 1808. Cass, County of, Indiana 1809. Cedar Creek, Township of, Indiana 1810. Cedar Lake, Town of, Indiana 1811. Center, Township of, Indiana 1812. Centre, Township of, Indiana 1813. Charlestown, Township of, Indiana 1814. Chesterton, Town of, Indiana 1815. Clark, County of, Indiana 1816. Clarksville, Town of, Indiana 1817. Clay, County of, Indiana 1818. Clay, Township of, Indiana 1819. Cleveland, Township of, Indiana 1820. Clinton, County of, Indiana 1821. Columbia, Township of, Indiana 1822. Columbus, City of, Indiana 1823. Columbus, Township of, Indiana 1824. Concord, Township of, Indiana 1825. Connersville, City of, Indiana 1826. Connersville, Township of, Indiana 1827. Coolspring, Township of, Indiana 1828. Crawford, County of, Indiana 1829. Crawfordsville, City of, Indiana 1830. Crown Point, City of, Indiana 1831. Danville, Town of, Indiana 1832. Daviess, County of, Indiana 1833. Dearborn, County of, Indiana 1834. Decatur, County of, Indiana 1835. Decatur, Township of, Indiana 1836. DeKalb, County of, Indiana 1837. Delaware, County of, Indiana 1838. Delaware, Township of, Indiana 1839. Dubois, County of, Indiana 1840. Dyer, Town of, Indiana 1841. East Chicago, City of, Indiana 1842. Eel, Township of, Indiana 1843. Elkhart, City of, Indiana 1844. Elkhart, County of, Indiana 1845. Elkhart, Township of, Indiana 1846. Evansville, City of, Indiana 1847. Fairfield, Township of, Indiana 1848. Fall Creek, Township of, Indiana 1849. Fayette, County of, Indiana 1850. Fishers, City of, Indiana 1851. Floyd, County of, Indiana 1852. Fort Wayne, City of, Indiana 1853. Fountain, County of, Indiana 1854. Frankfort, City of, Indiana 1855. Franklin, City of, Indiana 1856. Franklin, County of, Indiana 1857. Franklin, Township of, Indiana 1858. Fulton, County of, Indiana 1859. Gary, City of, Indiana 1860. Georgetown, Township of, Indiana 1861. Gibson, County of, Indiana 1862. Goshen, City of, Indiana 1863. Grant, County of, Indiana 1864. Greencastle, City of, Indiana 1865. Greencastle, Township of, Indiana 1866. Greene, County of, Indiana 1867. Greenfield, City of, Indiana 1868. Greensburg, City of, Indiana 1869. Greenwood, City of, Indiana 1870. Griffith, Town of, Indiana 1871. Guilford, Township of, Indiana 1872. Hamilton, County of, Indiana 1873. Hammond, City of, Indiana 1874. Hancock, County of, Indiana 1875. Hanover, Township of, Indiana 1876. Harris, Township of, Indiana 1877. Harrison, County of, Indiana 1878. Harrison, Township of, Indiana 1879. Hendricks, County of, Indiana 1880. Henry, County of, Indiana 1881. Henry, Township of, Indiana 1882. Highland, Town of, Indiana 1883. Hobart, City of, Indiana 1884. Hobart, Township of, Indiana 1885. Honey Creek, Township of, Indiana 1886. Howard, County of, Indiana 1887. Huntington, City of, Indiana I-22 1888. Huntington, County of, Indiana 1889. Huntington, Township of, Indiana 1890. Jackson, County of, Indiana 1891. Jackson, Township of, Indiana 1892. Jasper, City of, Indiana 1893. Jasper, County of, Indiana 1894. Jay, County of, Indiana 1895. Jefferson, County of, Indiana 1896. Jefferson, Township of, Indiana 1897. Jeffersonville, City of, Indiana 1898. Jeffersonville, Township of, Indiana 1899. Jennings, County of, Indiana 1900. Johnson, County of, Indiana 1901. Keener, Township of, Indiana 1902. Knight, Township of, Indiana 1903. Knox, County of, Indiana 1904. Kokomo, City of, Indiana 1905. Kosciusko, County of, Indiana 1906. La Porte, City of, Indiana 1907. Lafayette, City of, Indiana 1908. LaGrange, County of, Indiana 1909. Lake, County of, Indiana 1910. Lake Station, City of, Indiana 1911. LaPorte, County of, Indiana 1912. Lawrence, City of, Indiana 1913. Lawrence, County of, Indiana 1914. Lawrence, Township of, Indiana 1915. Lawrenceburg, Township of, Indiana 1916. Lebanon, City of, Indiana 1917. Lincoln, Township of, Indiana 1918. Logansport, City of, Indiana 1919. Lost Creek, Township of, Indiana 1920. Madison, City of, Indiana 1921. Madison, County of, Indiana 1922. Madison, Township of, Indiana 1923. Marion, City of, Indiana 1924. Marion, County of/ Indianapolis, City of, Indiana 1925. Marshall, County of, Indiana 1926. Martin, County of, Indiana 1927. Martinsville, City of, Indiana 1928. Merrillville, Town of, Indiana 1929. Miami, County of, Indiana 1930. Michigan City, City of, Indiana 1931. Michigan, Township of, Indiana 1932. Mill, Township of, Indiana 1933. Mishawaka, City of, Indiana 1934. Monroe, County of, Indiana 1935. Montgomery, County of, Indiana 1936. Morgan, County of, Indiana 1937. Muncie, City of, Indiana 1938. Munster, Town of, Indiana 1939. New Albany, City of, Indiana 1940. New Albany, Township of, Indiana 1941. New Castle, City of, Indiana 1942. New Haven, City of, Indiana 1943. Newton, County of, Indiana 1944. Noble, County of, Indiana 1945. Noble, Township of, Indiana 1946. Noblesville, City of, Indiana 1947. Noblesville, Township of, Indiana 1948. North, Township of, Indiana 1949. Ohio, Township of, Indiana 1950. Orange, County of, Indiana 1951. Osolo, Township of, Indiana 1952. Owen, County of, Indiana 1953. Parke, County of, Indiana 1954. Patoka, Township of, Indiana 1955. Penn, Township of, Indiana 1956. Perry, County of, Indiana 1957. Perry, Township of, Indiana 1958. Peru, City of, Indiana 1959. Peru, Township of, Indiana 1960. Pigeon, Township of, Indiana 1961. Pike, County of, Indiana 1962. Pike, Township of, Indiana 1963. Pipe Creek, Township of, Indiana 1964. Plainfield, Town of, Indiana 1965. Pleasant, Township of, Indiana 1966. Portage, City of, Indiana 1967. Portage, Township of, Indiana 1968. Porter, County of, Indiana 1969. Posey, County of, Indiana 1970. Pulaski, County of, Indiana 1971. Putnam, County of, Indiana 1972. Randolph, County of, Indiana 1973. Richland, Township of, Indiana 1974. Richmond, City of, Indiana 1975. Ripley, County of, Indiana 1976. Ross, Township of, Indiana 1977. Rush, County of, Indiana 1978. Schererville, Town of, Indiana I-23 1979. Scott, County of, Indiana 1980. Seymour, City of, Indiana 1981. Shawswick, Township of, Indiana 1982. Shelby, County of, Indiana 1983. Shelbyville, City of, Indiana 1984. Silver Creek, Township of, Indiana 1985. South Bend, City of, Indiana 1986. Speedway, Town of, Indiana 1987. Spencer, County of, Indiana 1988. St. John, Town of, Indiana 1989. St. John, Township of, Indiana 1990. St. Joseph, County of, Indiana 1991. St. Joseph, Township of, Indiana 1992. Starke, County of, Indiana 1993. Steuben, County of, Indiana 1994. Sugar Creek, Township of, Indiana 1995. Sullivan, County of, Indiana 1996. Switzerland, County of, Indiana 1997. Terre Haute, City of, Indiana 1998. Tippecanoe, County of, Indiana 1999. Tipton, County of, Indiana 2000. Troy, Township of, Indiana 2001. Union, Township of, Indiana 2002. Valparaiso, City of, Indiana 2003. Van Buren, Township of, Indiana 2004. Vanderburgh, County of, Indiana 2005. Vermillion, County of, Indiana 2006. Vernon, Township of, Indiana 2007. Vigo, County of, Indiana 2008. Vincennes, City of, Indiana 2009. Vincennes, Township of, Indiana 2010. Wabash, County of, Indiana 2011. Wabash, Township of, Indiana 2012. Warren, Township of, Indiana 2013. Warrick, County of, Indiana 2014. Warsaw, City of, Indiana 2015. Washington, City of, Indiana 2016. Washington, County of, Indiana 2017. Washington, Township of, Indiana 2018. Wayne, County of, Indiana 2019. Wayne, Township of, Indiana 2020. Wea, Township of, Indiana 2021. Wells, County of, Indiana 2022. West Lafayette, City of, Indiana 2023. Westchester, Township of, Indiana 2024. Westfield, City of, Indiana 2025. White, County of, Indiana 2026. White River, Township of, Indiana 2027. Whitley, County of, Indiana 2028. Winfield, Township of, Indiana 2029. Yorktown, Town of, Indiana 2030. Zionsville, Town of, Indiana 2031. Allen, County of, Kansas 2032. Andover, City of, Kansas 2033. Arkansas City, City of, Kansas 2034. Atchison, City of, Kansas 2035. Atchison, County of, Kansas 2036. Barton, County of, Kansas 2037. Bourbon, County of, Kansas 2038. Bruno, Township of, Kansas 2039. Butler, County of, Kansas 2040. Cherokee, County of, Kansas 2041. Cowley, County of, Kansas 2042. Crawford, County of, Kansas 2043. Derby, City of, Kansas 2044. Dickinson, County of, Kansas 2045. Dodge City, City of, Kansas 2046. Douglas, County of, Kansas 2047. El Dorado, City of, Kansas 2048. Ellis, County of, Kansas 2049. Emporia, City of, Kansas 2050. Fairmount, Township of, Kansas 2051. Finney, County of, Kansas 2052. Ford, County of, Kansas 2053. Franklin, County of, Kansas 2054. Garden City, City of, Kansas 2055. Gardner, City of, Kansas 2056. Geary, County of, Kansas 2057. Great Bend, City of, Kansas 2058. Harvey, County of, Kansas 2059. Hays, City of, Kansas 2060. Haysville, City of, Kansas 2061. Haysville, City of, Kansas 2062. Hutchinson, City of, Kansas 2063. Jackson, County of, Kansas 2064. Jefferson, County of, Kansas 2065. Johnson, County of, Kansas 2066. Junction City, City of, Kansas 2067. Kansas City, City of, Kansas 2068. Kansas City, City of, Kansas 2069. Labette, County of, Kansas 2070. Lansing, City of, Kansas I-24 2071. Lawrence, City of, Kansas 2072. Lawrence, City of, Kansas 2073. Leavenworth, City of, Kansas 2074. Leavenworth, County of, Kansas 2075. Leawood, City of, Kansas 2076. Lenexa, City of, Kansas 2077. Liberal, City of, Kansas 2078. Lyon, County of, Kansas 2079. Madison, Township of, Kansas 2080. Manhattan, City of, Kansas 2081. Marion, County of, Kansas 2082. McPherson, City of, Kansas 2083. McPherson, County of, Kansas 2084. Merriam, City of, Kansas 2085. Miami, County of, Kansas 2086. Montgomery, County of, Kansas 2087. Nemaha, County of, Kansas 2088. Neosho, County of, Kansas 2089. Newton, City of, Kansas 2090. Olathe, City of, Kansas 2091. Osage, County of, Kansas 2092. Ottawa, City of, Kansas 2093. Overland Park, City of, Kansas 2094. Pittsburg, City of, Kansas 2095. Pottawatomie, County of, Kansas 2096. Prairie, Village of, City of, Kansas 2097. Reno, County of, Kansas 2098. Riley, County of, Kansas 2099. Riverside, Township of, Kansas 2100. Rockford, Township of, Kansas 2101. Salina, City of, Kansas 2102. Saline, County of, Kansas 2103. Sedgwick, County of, Kansas 2104. Seward, County of, Kansas 2105. Shawnee, City of, Kansas 2106. Shawnee, County of, Kansas 2107. Soldier, Township of, Kansas 2108. Sumner, County of, Kansas 2109. Topeka, City of, Kansas 2110. Wichita, City of, Kansas 2111. Winfield, City of, Kansas 2112. Wyandotte, County of, Kansas 2113. Adair, County of, Kentucky 2114. Allen, County of, Kentucky 2115. Anderson, County of, Kentucky 2116. Ashland, City of, Kentucky 2117. Bardstown, City of, Kentucky 2118. Barren, County of, Kentucky 2119. Bath, County of, Kentucky 2120. Bell, County of, Kentucky 2121. Berea, City of, Kentucky 2122. Boone, County of, Kentucky 2123. Bourbon, County of, Kentucky 2124. Bowling Green, City of, Kentucky 2125. Boyd, County of, Kentucky 2126. Boyle, County of, Kentucky 2127. Breathitt, County of, Kentucky 2128. Breckinridge, County of, Kentucky 2129. Bullitt, County of, Kentucky 2130. Butler, County of, Kentucky 2131. Caldwell, County of, Kentucky 2132. Calloway, County of, Kentucky 2133. Campbell, County of, Kentucky 2134. Campbellsville, City of, Kentucky 2135. Carroll, County of, Kentucky 2136. Carter, County of, Kentucky 2137. Casey, County of, Kentucky 2138. Christian, County of, Kentucky 2139. Clark, County of, Kentucky 2140. Clay, County of, Kentucky 2141. Clinton, County of, Kentucky 2142. Covington, City of, Kentucky 2143. Danville, City of, Kentucky 2144. Daviess, County of, Kentucky 2145. Edmonson, County of, Kentucky 2146. Elizabethtown, City of, Kentucky 2147. Erlanger, City of, Kentucky 2148. Estill, County of, Kentucky 2149. Fleming, County of, Kentucky 2150. Florence, City of, Kentucky 2151. Floyd, County of, Kentucky 2152. Fort Thomas, City of, Kentucky 2153. Frankfort, City of, Kentucky 2154. Franklin, County of, Kentucky 2155. Garrard, County of, Kentucky 2156. Georgetown, City of, Kentucky 2157. Glasgow, City of, Kentucky 2158. Grant, County of, Kentucky 2159. Graves, County of, Kentucky 2160. Grayson, County of, Kentucky 2161. Green, County of, Kentucky 2162. Greenup, County of, Kentucky I-25 2163. Hardin, County of, Kentucky 2164. Harlan, County of, Kentucky 2165. Harrison, County of, Kentucky 2166. Hart, County of, Kentucky 2167. Henderson, City of, Kentucky 2168. Henderson, County of, Kentucky 2169. Henry, County of, Kentucky 2170. Hopkins, County of, Kentucky 2171. Hopkinsville, City of, Kentucky 2172. Independence, City of, Kentucky 2173. Jackson, County of, Kentucky 2174. Jeffersontown, City of, Kentucky 2175. Jessamine, County of, Kentucky 2176. Johnson, County of, Kentucky 2177. Kenton, County of, Kentucky 2178. Knott, County of, Kentucky 2179. Knox, County of, Kentucky 2180. Larue, County of, Kentucky 2181. Laurel, County of, Kentucky 2182. Lawrence, County of, Kentucky 2183. Lawrenceburg, City of, Kentucky 2184. Letcher, County of, Kentucky 2185. Lewis, County of, Kentucky 2186. Lexington-Fayette, Urban County of, Kentucky 2187. Lincoln, County of, Kentucky 2188. Logan, County of, Kentucky 2189. Louisville/Jefferson, County Metro of, Kentucky 2190. Lyndon, City of, Kentucky 2191. Madison, County of, Kentucky 2192. Madisonville, City of, Kentucky 2193. Magoffin, County of, Kentucky 2194. Marion, County of, Kentucky 2195. Marshall, County of, Kentucky 2196. Martin, County of, Kentucky 2197. Mason, County of, Kentucky 2198. McCracken, County of, Kentucky 2199. McCreary, County of, Kentucky 2200. Meade, County of, Kentucky 2201. Mercer, County of, Kentucky 2202. Metcalfe, County of, Kentucky 2203. Monroe, County of, Kentucky 2204. Montgomery, County of, Kentucky 2205. Morgan, County of, Kentucky 2206. Mount Washington, City of, Kentucky 2207. Muhlenberg, County of, Kentucky 2208. Murray, City of, Kentucky 2209. Nelson, County of, Kentucky 2210. Newport, City of, Kentucky 2211. Nicholasville, City of, Kentucky 2212. Ohio, County of, Kentucky 2213. Oldham, County of, Kentucky 2214. Owen, County of, Kentucky 2215. Owensboro, City of, Kentucky 2216. Paducah, City of, Kentucky 2217. Pendleton, County of, Kentucky 2218. Perry, County of, Kentucky 2219. Pike, County of, Kentucky 2220. Powell, County of, Kentucky 2221. Pulaski, County of, Kentucky 2222. Radcliff, City of, Kentucky 2223. Richmond, City of, Kentucky 2224. Rockcastle, County of, Kentucky 2225. Rowan, County of, Kentucky 2226. Russell, County of, Kentucky 2227. Scott, County of, Kentucky 2228. Shelby, County of, Kentucky 2229. Shelbyville, City of, Kentucky 2230. Shepherdsville, City of, Kentucky 2231. Shively, City of, Kentucky 2232. Simpson, County of, Kentucky 2233. Somerset, City of, Kentucky 2234. Spencer, County of, Kentucky 2235. St. Matthews, City of, Kentucky 2236. Taylor, County of, Kentucky 2237. Todd, County of, Kentucky 2238. Trigg, County of, Kentucky 2239. Union, County of, Kentucky 2240. Warren, County of, Kentucky 2241. Washington, County of, Kentucky 2242. Wayne, County of, Kentucky 2243. Webster, County of, Kentucky 2244. Whitley, County of, Kentucky 2245. Winchester, City of, Kentucky 2246. Woodford, County of, Kentucky 2247. Morgan, County of, Kentucky Louisiana 2248. Abbeville, City of, Louisiana 2249. Acadia, Parish of, Louisiana I-26 2250. Alexandria, City of, Louisiana 2251. Allen, Parish of, Louisiana 2252. Ascension, Parish of, Louisiana 2253. Assumption, Parish of, Louisiana 2254. Avoyelles, Parish of, Louisiana 2255. Baker, City of, Louisiana 2256. Bastrop, City of, Louisiana 2257. Baton Rouge, City of, Louisiana 2258. Beauregard, Parish of, Louisiana 2259. Bienville, Parish of, Louisiana 2260. Bogalusa, City of, Louisiana 2261. Bossier City, City of, Louisiana 2262. Bossier, Parish of, Louisiana 2263. Broussard, City of, Louisiana 2264. Caddo, Parish of, Louisiana 2265. Calcasieu, Parish of, Louisiana 2266. Central, City of, Louisiana 2267. Claiborne, Parish of, Louisiana 2268. Concordia, Parish of, Louisiana 2269. Covington, City of, Louisiana 2270. Crowley, City of, Louisiana 2271. De Soto, Parish of, Louisiana 2272. DeRidder, City of, Louisiana 2273. East Baton Rouge, Parish of, Louisiana 2274. East Feliciana, Parish of, Louisiana 2275. Evangeline, Parish of, Louisiana 2276. Franklin, Parish of, Louisiana 2277. Gonzales, City of, Louisiana 2278. Grant, Parish of, Louisiana 2279. Gretna, City of, Louisiana 2280. Hammond, City of, Louisiana 2281. Iberia, Parish of, Louisiana 2282. Iberville, Parish of, Louisiana 2283. Jackson, Parish of, Louisiana 2284. Jefferson Davis, Parish of, Louisiana 2285. Jefferson, Parish of, Louisiana 2286. Kenner, City of, Louisiana 2287. Lafayette, City of, Louisiana 2288. Lafayette, Parish of, Louisiana 2289. Lafourche, Parish of, Louisiana 2290. Lake Charles, City of, Louisiana 2291. LaSalle, Parish of, Louisiana 2292. Lincoln, Parish of, Louisiana 2293. Livingston, Parish of, Louisiana 2294. Madison, Parish of, Louisiana 2295. Mandeville, City of, Louisiana 2296. Minden, City of, Louisiana 2297. Monroe, City of, Louisiana 2298. Morehouse, Parish of, Louisiana 2299. Morgan City, City of, Louisiana 2300. Natchitoches, City of, Louisiana 2301. Natchitoches, Parish of, Louisiana 2302. New Iberia, City of, Louisiana 2303. New Orleans, City of, Louisiana 2304. Orleans, Parish of, Louisiana 2305. Opelousas, City of, Louisiana 2306. Ouachita, Parish of, Louisiana 2307. Pineville, City of, Louisiana 2308. Plaquemines, Parish of, Louisiana 2309. Pointe Coupee, Parish of, Louisiana 2310. Rapides, Parish of, Louisiana 2311. Richland, Parish of, Louisiana 2312. Ruston, City of, Louisiana 2313. Sabine, Parish of, Louisiana 2314. Shreveport, City of, Louisiana 2315. Slidell, City of, Louisiana 2316. St. Bernard, Parish of, Louisiana 2317. St. Charles, Parish of, Louisiana 2318. St. Helena, Parish of, Louisiana 2319. St. James, Parish of, Louisiana 2320. St. John the Baptist, Parish of, Louisiana 2321. St. Landry, Parish of, Louisiana 2322. St. Martin, Parish of, Louisiana 2323. St. Mary, Parish of, Louisiana 2324. St. Tammany, Parish of, Louisiana 2325. Sulphur, City of, Louisiana 2326. Tangipahoa, Parish of, Louisiana 2327. Terrebonne, Parish of/ Houma, City of, Louisiana 2328. Thibodaux, City of, Louisiana 2329. Union, Parish of, Louisiana 2330. Vermilion, Parish of, Louisiana 2331. Vernon, Parish of, Louisiana 2332. Washington, Parish of, Louisiana 2333. Webster, Parish of, Louisiana 2334. West Baton Rouge, Parish of, Louisiana 2335. West Carroll, Parish of, Louisiana 2336. West Feliciana, Parish of, Louisiana 2337. West Monroe, City of, Louisiana I-27 2338. Winn, Parish of, Louisiana 2339. Youngsville, City of, Louisiana 2340. Zachary, City of, Louisiana 2341. Aberdeen, City of, Maryland 2342. Allegany, County of, Maryland 2343. Annapolis, City of, Maryland 2344. Anne Arundel, County of, Maryland 2345. Baltimore, City of, Maryland 2346. Baltimore, County of, Maryland 2347. Bel Air, Town of, Maryland 2348. Bowie, City of, Maryland 2349. Calvert, County of, Maryland 2350. Cambridge, City of, Maryland 2351. Caroline, County of, Maryland 2352. Carroll, County of, Maryland 2353. Cecil, County of, Maryland 2354. Charles, County of, Maryland 2355. College Park, City of, Maryland 2356. Cumberland, City of, Maryland 2357. Dorchester, County of, Maryland 2358. Easton, Town of, Maryland 2359. Elkton, Town of, Maryland 2360. Frederick, City of, Maryland 2361. Frederick, County of, Maryland 2362. Gaithersburg, City of, Maryland 2363. Garrett, County of, Maryland 2364. Greenbelt, City of, Maryland 2365. Hagerstown, City of, Maryland 2366. Harford, County of, Maryland 2367. Havre de Grace, City of, Maryland 2368. Howard, County of, Maryland 2369. Hyattsville, City of, Maryland 2370. Kent, County of, Maryland 2371. Laurel, City of, Maryland 2372. Montgomery, County of, Maryland 2373. New Carrollton, City of, Maryland 2374. Prince George's, County of, Maryland 2375. Queen Anne's, County of, Maryland 2376. Rockville, City of, Maryland 2377. Salisbury, City of, Maryland 2378. Somerset, County of, Maryland 2379. St. Mary's, County of, Maryland 2380. Takoma Park, City of, Maryland 2381. Talbot, County of, Maryland 2382. Washington, County of, Maryland 2383. Westminster, City of, Maryland 2384. Wicomico, County of, Maryland 2385. Worcester, County of, Maryland 2386. Ada, Township of, Michigan 2387. Adrian, City of, Michigan 2388. Alcona, County of, Michigan 2389. Algoma, Township of, Michigan 2390. Allegan, County of, Michigan 2391. Allen Park, City of, Michigan 2392. Allendale, Charter Township of, Michigan 2393. Alpena, County of, Michigan 2394. Alpine, Township of, Michigan 2395. Ann Arbor, City of, Michigan 2396. Antrim, County of, Michigan 2397. Antwerp, Township of, Michigan 2398. Arenac, County of, Michigan 2399. Auburn Hills, City of, Michigan 2400. Bangor, Charter Township of, Michigan 2401. Barry, County of, Michigan 2402. Bath, Charter Township of, Michigan 2403. Battle Creek, City of, Michigan 2404. Bay City, City of, Michigan 2405. Bay, County of, Michigan 2406. Bedford, Township of, Michigan 2407. Benton, Charter Township of, Michigan 2408. Benzie, County of, Michigan 2409. Berkley, City of, Michigan 2410. Berrien, County of, Michigan 2411. Beverly Hills, Village of, Michigan 2412. Big Rapids, City of, Michigan 2413. Birmingham, City of, Michigan 2414. Blackman, Charter Township of, Michigan 2415. Bloomfield, Charter Township of, Michigan 2416. Branch, County of, Michigan 2417. Brandon, Charter Township of, Michigan 2418. Brighton, Township of, Michigan 2419. Brownstown, Charter Township of, Michigan 2420. Burton, City of, Michigan I-28 2421. Byron, Township of, Michigan 2422. Cadillac, City of, Michigan 2423. Caledonia, Township of, Michigan 2424. Calhoun, County of, Michigan 2425. Cannon, Township of, Michigan 2426. Canton, Charter Township of, Michigan 2427. Cascade, Charter Township of, Michigan 2428. Cass, County of, Michigan 2429. Charlevoix, County of, Michigan 2430. Cheboygan, County of, Michigan 2431. Chesterfield, Township of, Michigan 2432. Chippewa, County of, Michigan 2433. Clare, County of, Michigan 2434. Clawson, City of, Michigan 2435. Clinton, Charter Township of, Michigan 2436. Clinton, County of, Michigan 2437. Coldwater, City of, Michigan 2438. Commerce, Charter Township of, Michigan 2439. Comstock, Charter Township of, Michigan 2440. Cooper, Charter Township of, Michigan 2441. Crawford, County of, Michigan 2442. Davison, Township of, Michigan 2443. Dearborn, City of, Michigan 2444. Dearborn Heights, City of, Michigan 2445. Delhi, Charter Township of, Michigan 2446. Delta, Charter Township of, Michigan 2447. Delta, County of, Michigan 2448. Detroit, City of, Michigan 2449. DeWitt, Charter Township of, Michigan 2450. Dickinson, County of, Michigan 2451. East Bay, Township of, Michigan 2452. East Grand Rapids, City of, Michigan 2453. East Lansing, City of, Michigan 2454. Eastpointe, City of, Michigan 2455. Eaton, County of, Michigan 2456. Egelston, Township of, Michigan 2457. Emmet, County of, Michigan 2458. Emmett, Charter Township of, Michigan 2459. Escanaba, City of, Michigan 2460. Farmington, City of, Michigan 2461. Farmington Hills, City of, Michigan 2462. Fenton, Charter Township of, Michigan 2463. Fenton, City of, Michigan 2464. Ferndale, City of, Michigan 2465. Flat Rock, City of, Michigan 2466. Flint, Charter Township of, Michigan 2467. Flint, City of, Michigan 2468. Flushing, Charter Township of, Michigan 2469. Fort Gratiot, Charter Township of, Michigan 2470. Fraser, City of, Michigan 2471. Frenchtown, Township of, Michigan 2472. Fruitport, Charter Township of, Michigan 2473. Gaines, Charter Township of, Michigan 2474. Garden City, City of, Michigan 2475. Garfield, Charter Township of, Michigan 2476. Genesee, Charter Township of, Michigan 2477. Genesee, County of, Michigan 2478. Genoa, Township of, Michigan 2479. Georgetown, Charter Township of, Michigan 2480. Gladwin, County of, Michigan 2481. Gogebic, County of, Michigan 2482. Grand Blanc, Charter Township of, Michigan 2483. Grand Haven, Charter Township of, Michigan 2484. Grand Haven, City of, Michigan 2485. Grand Rapids, Charter Township of, Michigan 2486. Grand Rapids, City of, Michigan 2487. Grand Traverse, County of, Michigan 2488. Grandville, City of, Michigan I-29 2489. Gratiot, County of, Michigan 2490. Green Oak, Township of, Michigan 2491. Grosse Ile, Township of, Michigan 2492. Grosse Pointe Park, City of, Michigan 2493. Grosse Pointe Woods, City of, Michigan 2494. Hamburg, Township of, Michigan 2495. Hamtramck, City of, Michigan 2496. Harper Woods, City of, Michigan 2497. Harrison, Charter Township of, Michigan 2498. Hartland, Township of, Michigan 2499. Hazel Park, City of, Michigan 2500. Highland, Charter Township of, Michigan 2501. Highland Park, City of, Michigan 2502. Hillsdale, County of, Michigan 2503. Holland, Charter Township of, Michigan 2504. Holland, City of, Michigan 2505. Holly, Township of, Michigan 2506. Houghton, County of, Michigan 2507. Huron, Charter Township of, Michigan 2508. Huron, County of, Michigan 2509. Independence, Charter Township of, Michigan 2510. Ingham, County of, Michigan 2511. Inkster, City of, Michigan 2512. Ionia, City of, Michigan 2513. Ionia, County of, Michigan 2514. Iosco, County of, Michigan 2515. Iron, County of, Michigan 2516. Isabella, County of, Michigan 2517. Jackson, City of, Michigan 2518. Jackson, County of, Michigan 2519. Kalamazoo, Charter Township of, Michigan 2520. Kalamazoo, City of, Michigan 2521. Kalamazoo, County of, Michigan 2522. Kalkaska, County of, Michigan 2523. Kent, County of, Michigan 2524. Kentwood, City of, Michigan 2525. Lake, County of, Michigan 2526. Lansing, City of, Michigan 2527. Lapeer, County of, Michigan 2528. Leelanau, County of, Michigan 2529. Lenawee, County of, Michigan 2530. Lenox, Township of, Michigan 2531. Leoni, Township of, Michigan 2532. Lincoln, Charter Township of, Michigan 2533. Lincoln Park, City of, Michigan 2534. Livingston, County of, Michigan 2535. Livonia, City of, Michigan 2536. Lyon, Charter Township of, Michigan 2537. Mackinac, County of, Michigan 2538. Macomb, County of, Michigan 2539. Macomb, Township of, Michigan 2540. Madison Heights, City of, Michigan 2541. Manistee, County of, Michigan 2542. Marion, Township of, Michigan 2543. Marquette, City of, Michigan 2544. Marquette, County of, Michigan 2545. Mason, County of, Michigan 2546. Mecosta, County of, Michigan 2547. Melvindale, City of, Michigan 2548. Menominee, County of, Michigan 2549. Meridian, Charter Township of, Michigan 2550. Midland, City of, Michigan 2551. Midland, County of, Michigan 2552. Milford, Charter Township of, Michigan 2553. Missaukee, County of, Michigan 2554. Monitor, Charter Township of, Michigan 2555. Monroe, Charter Township of, Michigan 2556. Monroe, City of, Michigan 2557. Monroe, County of, Michigan 2558. Montcalm, County of, Michigan 2559. Mount Clemens, City of, Michigan 2560. Mount Morris, Township of, Michigan 2561. Mount Pleasant, City of, Michigan 2562. Mundy, Township of, Michigan 2563. Muskegon, Charter Township of, Michigan 2564. Muskegon, City of, Michigan I-30 2565. Muskegon, County of, Michigan 2566. Muskegon Heights, City of, Michigan 2567. New Baltimore, City of, Michigan 2568. Newaygo, County of, Michigan 2569. Niles, City of, Michigan 2570. Niles, Township of, Michigan 2571. Northville, Township of, Michigan 2572. Norton Shores, City of, Michigan 2573. Novi, City of, Michigan 2574. Oak Park, City of, Michigan 2575. Oakland, Charter Township of, Michigan 2576. Oakland, County of, Michigan 2577. Oceana, County of, Michigan 2578. Oceola, Township of, Michigan 2579. Ogemaw, County of, Michigan 2580. Orion, Charter Township of, Michigan 2581. Osceola, County of, Michigan 2582. Oshtemo, Charter Township of, Michigan 2583. Otsego, County of, Michigan 2584. Ottawa, County of, Michigan 2585. Owosso, City of, Michigan 2586. Oxford, Charter Township of, Michigan 2587. Park, Township of, Michigan 2588. Pittsfield, Charter Township of, Michigan 2589. Plainfield, Charter Township of, Michigan 2590. Plymouth, Charter Township of, Michigan 2591. Pontiac, City of, Michigan 2592. Port Huron, Charter Township of, Michigan 2593. Port Huron, City of, Michigan 2594. Portage, City of, Michigan 2595. Presque Isle, County of, Michigan 2596. Redford, Charter Township of, Michigan 2597. Riverview, City of, Michigan 2598. Rochester, City of, Michigan 2599. Rochester Hills, City of, Michigan 2600. Romulus, City of, Michigan 2601. Roscommon, County of, Michigan 2602. Roseville, City of, Michigan 2603. Royal Oak, City of, Michigan 2604. Saginaw, Charter Township of, Michigan 2605. Saginaw, City of, Michigan 2606. Saginaw, County of, Michigan 2607. Sanilac, County of, Michigan 2608. Sault Ste. Marie, City of, Michigan 2609. Scio, Township of, Michigan 2610. Shelby, Charter Township of, Michigan 2611. Shiawassee, County of, Michigan 2612. South Lyon, City of, Michigan 2613. Southfield, City of, Michigan 2614. Southfield, Township of, Michigan 2615. Southgate, City of, Michigan 2616. Spring Lake, Township of, Michigan 2617. Springfield, Charter Township of, Michigan 2618. St. Clair, County of, Michigan 2619. St. Clair Shores, City of, Michigan 2620. St. Joseph, County of, Michigan 2621. Sterling Heights, City of, Michigan 2622. Sturgis, City of, Michigan 2623. Summit, Township of, Michigan 2624. Superior, Charter Township of, Michigan 2625. Taylor, City of, Michigan 2626. Texas, Charter Township of, Michigan 2627. Thomas, Township of, Michigan 2628. Traverse City, City of, Michigan 2629. Trenton, City of, Michigan 2630. Troy, City of, Michigan 2631. Tuscola, County of, Michigan 2632. Tyrone, Township of, Michigan 2633. Union, Charter Township of, Michigan 2634. Van Buren, Charter Township of, Michigan 2635. Van Buren, County of, Michigan 2636. Vienna, Charter Township of, Michigan 2637. Walker, City of, Michigan 2638. Warren, City of, Michigan I-31 2639. Washington, Township of, Michigan 2640. Washtenaw, County of, Michigan 2641. Waterford, Charter Township of, Michigan 2642. Wayne, City of, Michigan 2643. Wayne, County of, Michigan 2644. West Bloomfield, Charter Township of, Michigan 2645. Westland, City of, Michigan 2646. Wexford, County of, Michigan 2647. White Lake, Charter Township of, Michigan 2648. Wixom, City of, Michigan 2649. Woodhaven, City of, Michigan 2650. Wyandotte, City of, Michigan 2651. Wyoming, City of, Michigan 2652. Ypsilanti, Charter Township of, Michigan 2653. Ypsilanti, City of, Michigan 2654. Zeeland, Charter Township of, Michigan 2655. Adams, County of, Mississippi 2656. Alcorn, County of, Mississippi 2657. Amite, County of, Mississippi 2658. Attala, County of, Mississippi 2659. Bay St. Louis, City of, Mississippi 2660. Biloxi, City of, Mississippi 2661. Bolivar, County of, Mississippi 2662. Brandon, City of, Mississippi 2663. Brookhaven, City of, Mississippi 2664. Byram, City of, Mississippi 2665. Calhoun, County of, Mississippi 2666. Canton, City of, Mississippi 2667. Chickasaw, County of, Mississippi 2668. Clarke, County of, Mississippi 2669. Clarksdale, City of, Mississippi 2670. Clay, County of, Mississippi 2671. Cleveland, City of, Mississippi 2672. Clinton, City of, Mississippi 2673. Coahoma, County of, Mississippi 2674. Columbus, City of, Mississippi 2675. Copiah, County of, Mississippi 2676. Corinth, City of, Mississippi 2677. Covington, County of, Mississippi 2678. DeSoto, County of, Mississippi 2679. D'Iberville, City of, Mississippi 2680. Forrest, County of, Mississippi 2681. Gautier, City of, Mississippi 2682. George, County of, Mississippi 2683. Greene, County of, Mississippi 2684. Greenville, City of, Mississippi 2685. Greenwood, City of, Mississippi 2686. Grenada, City of, Mississippi 2687. Grenada, County of, Mississippi 2688. Gulfport, City of, Mississippi 2689. Hancock, County of, Mississippi 2690. Harrison, County of, Mississippi 2691. Hattiesburg, City of, Mississippi 2692. Hernando, City of, Mississippi 2693. Hinds, County of, Mississippi 2694. Holmes, County of, Mississippi 2695. Horn Lake, City of, Mississippi 2696. Itawamba, County of, Mississippi 2697. Jackson, City of, Mississippi 2698. Jackson, County of, Mississippi 2699. Jasper, County of, Mississippi 2700. Jefferson Davis, County of, Mississippi 2701. Jones, County of, Mississippi 2702. Lafayette, County of, Mississippi 2703. Lamar, County of, Mississippi 2704. Lauderdale, County of, Mississippi 2705. Laurel, City of, Mississippi 2706. Lawrence, County of, Mississippi 2707. Leake, County of, Mississippi 2708. Lee, County of, Mississippi 2709. Leflore, County of, Mississippi 2710. Lincoln, County of, Mississippi 2711. Long Beach, City of, Mississippi 2712. Lowndes, County of, Mississippi 2713. Madison, City of, Mississippi 2714. Madison, County of, Mississippi 2715. Marion, County of, Mississippi 2716. Marshall, County of, Mississippi 2717. McComb, City of, Mississippi 2718. Meridian, City of, Mississippi 2719. Monroe, County of, Mississippi 2720. Moss Point, City of, Mississippi 2721. Natchez, City of, Mississippi 2722. Neshoba, County of, Mississippi 2723. Newton, County of, Mississippi 2724. Noxubee, County of, Mississippi I-32 2725. Ocean Springs, City of, Mississippi 2726. Oktibbeha, County of, Mississippi 2727. Olive Branch, City of, Mississippi 2728. Oxford, City of, Mississippi 2729. Panola, County of, Mississippi 2730. Pascagoula, City of, Mississippi 2731. Pearl, City of, Mississippi 2732. Pearl River, County of, Mississippi 2733. Perry, County of, Mississippi 2734. Petal, City of, Mississippi 2735. Picayune, City of, Mississippi 2736. Pike, County of, Mississippi 2737. Pontotoc, County of, Mississippi 2738. Prentiss, County of, Mississippi 2739. Rankin, County of, Mississippi 2740. Ridgeland, City of, Mississippi 2741. Scott, County of, Mississippi 2742. Simpson, County of, Mississippi 2743. Smith, County of, Mississippi 2744. Southaven, City of, Mississippi 2745. Starkville, City of, Mississippi 2746. Stone, County of, Mississippi 2747. Sunflower, County of, Mississippi 2748. Tallahatchie, County of, Mississippi 2749. Tate, County of, Mississippi 2750. Tippah, County of, Mississippi 2751. Tishomingo, County of, Mississippi 2752. Tupelo, City of, Mississippi 2753. Union, County of, Mississippi 2754. Vicksburg, City of, Mississippi 2755. Walthall, County of, Mississippi 2756. Warren, County of, Mississippi 2757. Washington, County of, Mississippi 2758. Wayne, County of, Mississippi 2759. West Point, City of, Mississippi 2760. Winston, County of, Mississippi 2761. Yalobusha, County of, Mississippi 2762. Yazoo City, City of, Mississippi 2763. Yazoo, County of, Mississippi 2764. Adair, County of, Missouri 2765. Andrew, County of, Missouri 2766. Arnold, City of, Missouri 2767. Audrain, County of, Missouri 2768. Ballwin, City of, Missouri 2769. Barry, County of, Missouri 2770. Barton, County of, Missouri 2771. Bates, County of, Missouri 2772. Bellefontaine Neighbors, City of, Missouri 2773. Belton, City of, Missouri 2774. Benton, County of, Missouri 2775. Blue Springs, City of, Missouri 2776. Bolivar, City of, Missouri 2777. Bollinger, County of, Missouri 2778. Boone, County of, Missouri 2779. Branson, City of, Missouri 2780. Bridgeton, City of, Missouri 2781. Buchanan, County of, Missouri 2782. Butler, County of, Missouri 2783. Callaway, County of, Missouri 2784. Camden, County of, Missouri 2785. Cape Girardeau, City of, Missouri 2786. Cape Girardeau, County of, Missouri 2787. Carthage, City of, Missouri 2788. Cass, County of, Missouri 2789. Cedar, County of, Missouri 2790. Chesterfield, City of, Missouri 2791. Christian, County of, Missouri 2792. Clay, County of, Missouri 2793. Clayton, City of, Missouri 2794. Clinton, County of, Missouri 2795. Cole, County of, Missouri 2796. Columbia, City of, Missouri 2797. Cooper, County of, Missouri 2798. Crawford, County of, Missouri 2799. Crestwood, City of, Missouri 2800. Creve Coeur, City of, Missouri 2801. Dallas, County of, Missouri 2802. Dardenne Prairie, City of, Missouri 2803. DeKalb, County of, Missouri 2804. Dent, County of, Missouri 2805. Douglas, County of, Missouri 2806. Dunklin, County of, Missouri 2807. Eureka, City of, Missouri 2808. Excelsior Springs, City of, Missouri 2809. Farmington, City of, Missouri 2810. Ferguson, City of, Missouri 2811. Festus, City of, Missouri 2812. Florissant, City of, Missouri 2813. Franklin, County of, Missouri 2814. Fulton, City of, Missouri 2815. Gasconade, County of, Missouri I-33 2816. Gladstone, City of, Missouri 2817. Grain Valley, City of, Missouri 2818. Grandview, City of, Missouri 2819. Greene, County of, Missouri 2820. Hannibal, City of, Missouri 2821. Harrisonville, City of, Missouri 2822. Hazelwood, City of, Missouri 2823. Henry, County of, Missouri 2824. Howard, County of, Missouri 2825. Howell, County of, Missouri 2826. Independence, City of, Missouri 2827. Independence, Township of, Missouri 2828. Iron, County of, Missouri 2829. Jackson, City of, Missouri 2830. Jackson, County of, Missouri 2831. Jasper, County of, Missouri 2832. Jefferson City, City of, Missouri 2833. Jefferson, County of, Missouri 2834. Jennings, City of, Missouri 2835. Johnson, County of, Missouri 2836. Joplin, City of, Missouri 2837. Kansas City, City of, Missouri 2838. Kearney, City of, Missouri 2839. Kennett, City of, Missouri 2840. Kirksville, City of, Missouri 2841. Kirkwood, City of, Missouri 2842. Laclede, County of, Missouri 2843. Lafayette, County of, Missouri 2844. Lake St. Louis, City of, Missouri 2845. Lawrence, County of, Missouri 2846. Lebanon, City of, Missouri 2847. Lee's Summit, City of, Missouri 2848. Liberty, City of, Missouri 2849. Liberty, Township of, Missouri 2850. Lincoln, County of, Missouri 2851. Linn, County of, Missouri 2852. Livingston, County of, Missouri 2853. Macon, County of, Missouri 2854. Madison, County of, Missouri 2855. Manchester, City of, Missouri 2856. Marion, County of, Missouri 2857. Marshall, City of, Missouri 2858. Maryland Heights, City of, Missouri 2859. Maryville, City of, Missouri 2860. McDonald, County of, Missouri 2861. Mexico, City of, Missouri 2862. Miller, County of, Missouri 2863. Mississippi, County of, Missouri 2864. Moberly, City of, Missouri 2865. Moniteau, County of, Missouri 2866. Montgomery, County of, Missouri 2867. Morgan, County of, Missouri 2868. Neosho, City of, Missouri 2869. New Madrid, County of, Missouri 2870. Newton, County of, Missouri 2871. Nixa, City of, Missouri 2872. Nodaway, County of, Missouri 2873. O'Fallon, City of, Missouri 2874. Oregon, County of, Missouri 2875. Osage, County of, Missouri 2876. Overland, City of, Missouri 2877. Ozark, City of, Missouri 2878. Pemiscot, County of, Missouri 2879. Perry, County of, Missouri 2880. Pettis, County of, Missouri 2881. Phelps, County of, Missouri 2882. Pike, County of, Missouri 2883. Platte, County of, Missouri 2884. Polk, County of, Missouri 2885. Polk, Township of, Missouri 2886. Poplar Bluff, City of, Missouri 2887. Pulaski, County of, Missouri 2888. Ralls, County of, Missouri 2889. Randolph, County of, Missouri 2890. Ray, County of, Missouri 2891. Raymore, City of, Missouri 2892. Raytown, City of, Missouri 2893. Republic, City of, Missouri 2894. Ripley, County of, Missouri 2895. Rolla, City of, Missouri 2896. Saline, County of, Missouri 2897. Scott, County of, Missouri 2898. Sedalia, City of, Missouri 2899. Sikeston, City of, Missouri 2900. Smithville, City of, Missouri 2901. Springfield, City of, Missouri 2902. St. Ann, City of, Missouri 2903. St. Charles, City of, Missouri 2904. St. Charles, County of, Missouri 2905. St. Francois, County of, Missouri 2906. St. Joseph, City of, Missouri I-34 2907. St. Louis, City of, Missouri 2908. St. Louis, County of, Missouri 2909. St. Peters, City of, Missouri 2910. Ste. Genevieve, County of, Missouri 2911. Stoddard, County of, Missouri 2912. Stone, County of, Missouri 2913. Taney, County of, Missouri 2914. Texas, County of, Missouri 2915. Town and Country, City of, Missouri 2916. Troy, City of, Missouri 2917. Union, City of, Missouri 2918. University City, City of, Missouri 2919. Vernon, County of, Missouri 2920. Warren, County of, Missouri 2921. Warrensburg, City of, Missouri 2922. Washington, City of, Missouri 2923. Washington, County of, Missouri 2924. Wayne, County of, Missouri 2925. Webb City, City of, Missouri 2926. Webster, County of, Missouri 2927. Webster Groves, City of, Missouri 2928. Wentzville, City of, Missouri 2929. West Plains, City of, Missouri 2930. Wildwood, City of, Missouri 2931. Wright, County of, Missouri 2932. Big Horn, County of, Montana 2933. Billings, City of, Montana 2934. Bozeman, City of, Montana 2935. Butte-Silver Bow, Montana 2936. Carbon, County of, Montana 2937. Cascade, County of, Montana 2938. Custer, County of, Montana 2939. Fergus, County of, Montana 2940. Flathead, County of, Montana 2941. Gallatin, County of, Montana 2942. Glacier, County of, Montana 2943. Great Falls, City of, Montana 2944. Helena, City of, Montana 2945. Hill, County of, Montana 2946. Jefferson, County of, Montana 2947. Kalispell, City of, Montana 2948. Lake, County of, Montana 2949. Lewis and Clark, County of, Montana 2950. Lincoln, County of, Montana 2951. Missoula, City of, Montana 2952. Missoula, County of, Montana 2953. Park, County of, Montana 2954. Ravalli, County of, Montana 2955. Richland, County of, Montana 2956. Roosevelt, County of, Montana 2957. Sanders, County of, Montana 2958. Yellowstone, County of, Montana 2959. Adams, County of, Nebraska 2960. Beatrice, City of, Nebraska 2961. Bellevue, City of, Nebraska 2962. Box Butte, County of, Nebraska 2963. Buffalo, County of, Nebraska 2964. Cass, County of, Nebraska 2965. Colfax, County of, Nebraska 2966. Columbus, City of, Nebraska 2967. Custer, County of, Nebraska 2968. Dakota, County of, Nebraska 2969. Dawson, County of, Nebraska 2970. Dodge, County of, Nebraska 2971. Douglas, County of, Nebraska 2972. Fremont, City of, Nebraska 2973. Gage, County of, Nebraska 2974. Grand Island, City of, Nebraska 2975. Hall, County of, Nebraska 2976. Hastings, City of, Nebraska 2977. Holt, County of, Nebraska 2978. Kearney, City of, Nebraska 2979. La Vista, City of, Nebraska 2980. Lancaster, County of, Nebraska 2981. Lexington, City of, Nebraska 2982. Lincoln, City of, Nebraska 2983. Lincoln, County of, Nebraska 2984. Madison, County of, Nebraska 2985. Norfolk, City of, Nebraska 2986. North Platte, City of, Nebraska 2987. Omaha, City of, Nebraska 2988. Otoe, County of, Nebraska 2989. Papillion, City of, Nebraska 2990. Platte, County of, Nebraska 2991. Red Willow, County of, Nebraska 2992. Saline, County of, Nebraska 2993. Sarpy, County of, Nebraska 2994. Saunders, County of, Nebraska 2995. Scotts Bluff, County of, Nebraska 2996. Scottsbluff, City of, Nebraska 2997. Seward, County of, Nebraska I-35 2998. South Sioux City, City of, Nebraska 2999. Washington, County of, Nebraska 3000. York, County of, Nebraska 3001. Boulder City, City of, Nevada 3002. Carson, City of, Nevada 3003. Churchill, County of, Nevada 3004. Clark, County of, Nevada 3005. Douglas, County of, Nevada 3006. Elko, City of, Nevada 3007. Elko, County of, Nevada 3008. Fernley, City of, Nevada 3009. Henderson, City of, Nevada 3010. Humboldt, County of, Nevada 3011. Las Vegas, City of, Nevada 3012. Lyon, County of, Nevada 3013. Mesquite, City of, Nevada 3014. North Las Vegas, City of, Nevada 3015. Nye, County of, Nevada 3016. Reno, City of, Nevada 3017. Sparks, City of, Nevada 3018. Washoe, County of, Nevada 3019. Alamance, County of, North Carolina 3020. Albemarle, City of, North Carolina 3021. Alexander, County of, North Carolina 3022. Alleghany, County of, North Carolina 3023. Anson, County of, North Carolina 3024. Apex, Town of, North Carolina 3025. Archdale, City of, North Carolina 3026. Ashe, County of, North Carolina 3027. Asheboro, City of, North Carolina 3028. Asheville, City of, North Carolina 3029. Avery, County of, North Carolina 3030. Beaufort, County of, North Carolina 3031. Belmont, City of, North Carolina 3032. Bertie, County of, North Carolina 3033. Bladen, County of, North Carolina 3034. Boone, Town of, North Carolina 3035. Brunswick, County of, North Carolina 3036. Buncombe, County of, North Carolina 3037. Burke, County of, North Carolina 3038. Burlington, City of, North Carolina 3039. Cabarrus, County of, North Carolina 3040. Caldwell, County of, North Carolina 3041. Camden, County of, North Carolina 3042. Carrboro, Town of, North Carolina 3043. Carteret, County of, North Carolina 3044. Cary, Town of, North Carolina 3045. Caswell, County of, North Carolina 3046. Catawba, County of, North Carolina 3047. Chapel Hill, Town of, North Carolina 3048. Charlotte, City of, North Carolina 3049. Chatham, County of, North Carolina 3050. Cherokee, County of, North Carolina 3051. Chowan, County of, North Carolina 3052. Clay, County of, North Carolina 3053. Clayton, Town of, North Carolina 3054. Clemmons, Village of, North Carolina 3055. Cleveland, County of, North Carolina 3056. Columbus, County of, North Carolina 3057. Concord, City of, North Carolina 3058. Cornelius, Town of, North Carolina 3059. Craven, County of, North Carolina 3060. Cumberland, County of, North Carolina 3061. Currituck, County of, North Carolina 3062. Dare, County of, North Carolina 3063. Davidson, County of, North Carolina 3064. Davidson, Town of, North Carolina 3065. Davie, County of, North Carolina 3066. Duplin, County of, North Carolina 3067. Durham, City of, North Carolina 3068. Durham, County of, North Carolina 3069. Eden, City of, North Carolina 3070. Edgecombe, County of, North Carolina 3071. Elizabeth City, City of, North Carolina 3072. Elon, Town of, North Carolina 3073. Fayetteville, City of, North Carolina 3074. Forsyth, County of, North Carolina 3075. Franklin, County of, North Carolina 3076. Fuquay-Varina, Town of, North Carolina I-36 3077. Garner, Town of, North Carolina 3078. Gaston, County of, North Carolina 3079. Gastonia, City of, North Carolina 3080. Gates, County of, North Carolina 3081. Goldsboro, City of, North Carolina 3082. Graham, City of, North Carolina 3083. Granville, County of, North Carolina 3084. Greene, County of, North Carolina 3085. Greensboro, City of, North Carolina 3086. Greenville, City of, North Carolina 3087. Guilford, County of, North Carolina 3088. Halifax, County of, North Carolina 3089. Harnett, County of, North Carolina 3090. Harrisburg, Town of, North Carolina 3091. Havelock, City of, North Carolina 3092. Haywood, County of, North Carolina 3093. Henderson, City of, North Carolina 3094. Henderson, County of, North Carolina 3095. Hendersonville, City of, North Carolina 3096. Hertford, County of, North Carolina 3097. Hickory, City of, North Carolina 3098. High Point, City of, North Carolina 3099. Hoke, County of, North Carolina 3100. Holly Springs, Town of, North Carolina 3101. Hope Mills, Town of, North Carolina 3102. Huntersville, Town of, North Carolina 3103. Indian Trail, Town of, North Carolina 3104. Iredell, County of, North Carolina 3105. Jackson, County of, North Carolina 3106. Jacksonville, City of, North Carolina 3107. Johnston, County of, North Carolina 3108. Kannapolis, City of, North Carolina 3109. Kernersville, Town of, North Carolina 3110. Kings Mountain, City of, North Carolina 3111. Kinston, City of, North Carolina 3112. Knightdale, Town of, North Carolina 3113. Laurinburg, City of, North Carolina 3114. Lee, County of, North Carolina 3115. Leland, Town of, North Carolina 3116. Lenoir, City of, North Carolina 3117. Lenoir, County of, North Carolina 3118. Lewisville, Town of, North Carolina 3119. Lexington, City of, North Carolina 3120. Lincoln, County of, North Carolina 3121. Lincolnton, City of, North Carolina 3122. Lumberton, City of, North Carolina 3123. Macon, County of, North Carolina 3124. Madison, County of, North Carolina 3125. Martin, County of, North Carolina 3126. Matthews, Town of, North Carolina 3127. McDowell, County of, North Carolina 3128. Mebane, City of, North Carolina 3129. Mecklenburg, County of, North Carolina 3130. Mint Hill, Town of, North Carolina 3131. Mitchell, County of, North Carolina 3132. Monroe, City of, North Carolina 3133. Montgomery, County of, North Carolina 3134. Moore, County of, North Carolina 3135. Mooresville, Town of, North Carolina 3136. Morganton, City of, North Carolina 3137. Morrisville, Town of, North Carolina 3138. Mount Airy, City of, North Carolina 3139. Mount Holly, City of, North Carolina 3140. Nash, County of, North Carolina 3141. New Bern, City of, North Carolina 3142. New Hanover, County of, North Carolina 3143. Newton, City of, North Carolina 3144. Northampton, County of, North Carolina 3145. Onslow, County of, North Carolina 3146. Orange, County of, North Carolina 3147. Pamlico, County of, North Carolina 3148. Pasquotank, County of, North Carolina 3149. Pender, County of, North Carolina 3150. Perquimans, County of, North Carolina 3151. Person, County of, North Carolina 3152. Pinehurst, Village of, North Carolina I-37 3153. Pitt, County of, North Carolina 3154. Polk, County of, North Carolina 3155. Raleigh, City of, North Carolina 3156. Randolph, County of, North Carolina 3157. Reidsville, City of, North Carolina 3158. Richmond, County of, North Carolina 3159. Roanoke Rapids, City of, North Carolina 3160. Robeson, County of, North Carolina 3161. Rockingham, County of, North Carolina 3162. Rocky Mount, City of, North Carolina 3163. Rowan, County of, North Carolina 3164. Rutherford, County of, North Carolina 3165. Salisbury, City of, North Carolina 3166. Sampson, County of, North Carolina 3167. Sanford, City of, North Carolina 3168. Scotland, County of, North Carolina 3169. Shelby, City of, North Carolina 3170. Smithfield, Town of, North Carolina 3171. Southern Pines, Town of, North Carolina 3172. Spring Lake, Town of, North Carolina 3173. Stallings, Town of, North Carolina 3174. Stanly, County of, North Carolina 3175. Statesville, City of, North Carolina 3176. Stokes, County of, North Carolina 3177. Summerfield, Town of, North Carolina 3178. Surry, County of, North Carolina 3179. Swain, County of, North Carolina 3180. Tarboro, Town of, North Carolina 3181. Thomasville, City of, North Carolina 3182. Transylvania, County of, North Carolina 3183. Union, County of, North Carolina 3184. Vance, County of, North Carolina 3185. Wake, County of, North Carolina 3186. Wake Forest, Town of, North Carolina 3187. Warren, County of, North Carolina 3188. Washington, County of, North Carolina 3189. Watauga, County of, North Carolina 3190. Waxhaw, Town of, North Carolina 3191. Wayne, County of, North Carolina 3192. Waynesville, Town of, North Carolina 3193. Weddington, Town of, North Carolina 3194. Wilkes, County of, North Carolina 3195. Wilmington, City of, North Carolina 3196. Wilson, City of, North Carolina 3197. Wilson, County of, North Carolina 3198. Winston-Salem, City of, North Carolina 3199. Yadkin, County of, North Carolina 3200. Yancey, County of, North Carolina 3201. Adams, County of, Ohio 3202. Akron, City of, Ohio 3203. Allen, County of, Ohio 3204. Alliance, City of, Ohio 3205. American, Township of, Ohio 3206. Amherst, City of, Ohio 3207. Anderson, Township of, Ohio 3208. Ashland, City of, Ohio 3209. Ashland, County of, Ohio 3210. Ashtabula, City of, Ohio 3211. Ashtabula, County of, Ohio 3212. Ashtabula, Township of, Ohio 3213. Athens, City of, Ohio 3214. Athens, County of, Ohio 3215. Athens, Township of, Ohio 3216. Auglaize, County of, Ohio 3217. Aurora, City of, Ohio 3218. Austintown, Township of, Ohio 3219. Avon, City of, Ohio 3220. Avon Lake, City of, Ohio 3221. Bainbridge, Township of, Ohio 3222. Barberton, City of, Ohio 3223. Batavia, Township of, Ohio 3224. Bath, Township of, Ohio 3225. Bay, Village of, City of, Ohio 3226. Beachwood, City of, Ohio 3227. Beavercreek, City of, Ohio 3228. Beavercreek, Township of, Ohio 3229. Bedford, City of, Ohio I-38 3230. Bedford Heights, City of, Ohio 3231. Bellefontaine, City of, Ohio 3232. Belmont, County of, Ohio 3233. Berea, City of, Ohio 3234. Bethel, Township of, Ohio 3235. Bexley, City of, Ohio 3236. Blue Ash, City of, Ohio 3237. Boardman, Township of, Ohio 3238. Bowling Green, City of, Ohio 3239. Brecksville, City of, Ohio 3240. Brimfield, Township of, Ohio 3241. Broadview Heights, City of, Ohio 3242. Brook Park, City of, Ohio 3243. Brooklyn, City of, Ohio 3244. Brown, County of, Ohio 3245. Brunswick, City of, Ohio 3246. Brunswick Hills, Township of, Ohio 3247. Bucyrus, City of, Ohio 3248. Butler, County of, Ohio 3249. Cambridge, City of, Ohio 3250. Cambridge, Township of, Ohio 3251. Canfield, Township of, Ohio 3252. Canton, City of, Ohio 3253. Canton, Township of, Ohio 3254. Carroll, County of, Ohio 3255. Celina, City of, Ohio 3256. Centerville, City of, Ohio 3257. Champaign, County of, Ohio 3258. Chester, Township of, Ohio 3259. Chillicothe, City of, Ohio 3260. Chippewa, Township of, Ohio 3261. Cincinnati, City of, Ohio 3262. Circleville, City of, Ohio 3263. Clark, County of, Ohio 3264. Clayton, City of, Ohio 3265. Clear Creek, Township of, Ohio 3266. Clermont, County of, Ohio 3267. Cleveland, City of, Ohio 3268. Cleveland Heights, City of, Ohio 3269. Clinton, County of, Ohio 3270. Clinton, Township of, Ohio 3271. Colerain, Township of, Ohio 3272. Columbiana, County of, Ohio 3273. Columbus, City of, Ohio 3274. Concord, Township of, Ohio 3275. Conneaut, City of, Ohio 3276. Copley, Township of, Ohio 3277. Coshocton, City of, Ohio 3278. Coshocton, County of, Ohio 3279. Coventry, Township of, Ohio 3280. Crawford, County of, Ohio 3281. Cuyahoga, County of, Ohio 3282. Cuyahoga Falls, City of, Ohio 3283. Darke, County of, Ohio 3284. Dayton, City of, Ohio 3285. Deerfield, Township of, Ohio 3286. Defiance, City of, Ohio 3287. Defiance, County of, Ohio 3288. Defiance, Township of, Ohio 3289. Delaware, City of, Ohio 3290. Delaware City, Township of, Ohio 3291. Delaware, County of, Ohio 3292. Delhi, Township of, Ohio 3293. Dover, City of, Ohio 3294. Dublin, City of, Ohio 3295. Duchouquet, Township of, Ohio 3296. East Cleveland, City of, Ohio 3297. East Liverpool, City of, Ohio 3298. Eastlake, City of, Ohio 3299. Elyria, City of, Ohio 3300. Englewood, City of, Ohio 3301. Erie, County of, Ohio 3302. Etna, Township of, Ohio 3303. Euclid, City of, Ohio 3304. Fairborn, City of, Ohio 3305. Fairfield, City of, Ohio 3306. Fairfield, County of, Ohio 3307. Fairfield, Township of, Ohio 3308. Fairview Park, City of, Ohio 3309. Falls, Township of, Ohio 3310. Fayette, County of, Ohio 3311. Findlay, City of, Ohio 3312. Forest Park, City of, Ohio 3313. Fostoria, City of, Ohio 3314. Franklin, City of, Ohio 3315. Franklin, County of, Ohio 3316. Franklin, Township of, Ohio 3317. Fremont, City of, Ohio 3318. Fulton, County of, Ohio 3319. Gahanna, City of, Ohio 3320. Gallia, County of, Ohio 3321. Garfield Heights, City of, Ohio I-39 3322. Geauga, County of, Ohio 3323. Geneva, Township of, Ohio 3324. Genoa, Township of, Ohio 3325. Goshen, Township of, Ohio 3326. Granville, Township of, Ohio 3327. Green, City of, Ohio 3328. Green, Township of, Ohio 3329. Greene, County of, Ohio 3330. Greenville, City of, Ohio 3331. Greenville, Township of, Ohio 3332. Grove City, City of, Ohio 3333. Guernsey, County of, Ohio 3334. Hamilton, City of, Ohio 3335. Hamilton, County of, Ohio 3336. Hamilton, Township of, Ohio 3337. Hancock, County of, Ohio 3338. Hardin, County of, Ohio 3339. Harrison, City of, Ohio 3340. Harrison, County of, Ohio 3341. Harrison, Township of, Ohio 3342. Heath, City of, Ohio 3343. Henry, County of, Ohio 3344. Highland, County of, Ohio 3345. Hilliard, City of, Ohio 3346. Hocking, County of, Ohio 3347. Holmes, County of, Ohio 3348. Howland, Township of, Ohio 3349. Hubbard, Township of, Ohio 3350. Huber Heights, City of, Ohio 3351. Hudson, City of, Ohio 3352. Huron, County of, Ohio 3353. Huron, Township of, Ohio 3354. Ironton, City of, Ohio 3355. Jackson, County of, Ohio 3356. Jackson, Township of, Ohio 3357. Jefferson, County of, Ohio 3358. Jefferson, Township of, Ohio 3359. Kent, City of, Ohio 3360. Kettering, City of, Ohio 3361. Knox, County of, Ohio 3362. Lake, County of, Ohio 3363. Lake, Township of, Ohio 3364. Lakewood, City of, Ohio 3365. Lancaster, City of, Ohio 3366. Lancaster City, Township of, Ohio 3367. Lawrence, County of, Ohio 3368. Lawrence, Township of, Ohio 3369. Lebanon, City of, Ohio 3370. Lemon, Township of, Ohio 3371. Liberty, Township of, Ohio 3372. Licking, County of, Ohio 3373. Lima, City of, Ohio 3374. Logan, County of, Ohio 3375. London, City of, Ohio 3376. Lorain, City of, Ohio 3377. Lorain, County of, Ohio 3378. Loveland, City of, Ohio 3379. Lucas, County of, Ohio 3380. Lyndhurst, City of, Ohio 3381. Macedonia, City of, Ohio 3382. Mad River, Township of, Ohio 3383. Madison, County of, Ohio 3384. Madison, Township of, Ohio 3385. Mahoning, County of, Ohio 3386. Mansfield, City of, Ohio 3387. Maple Heights, City of, Ohio 3388. Marietta, City of, Ohio 3389. Marion, City of, Ohio 3390. Marion, County of, Ohio 3391. Marion, Township of, Ohio 3392. Marysville, City of, Ohio 3393. Mason, City of, Ohio 3394. Massillon, City of, Ohio 3395. Maumee, City of, Ohio 3396. Mayfield Heights, City of, Ohio 3397. Medina, City of, Ohio 3398. Medina City, Township of, Ohio 3399. Medina, County of, Ohio 3400. Meigs, County of, Ohio 3401. Mentor, City of, Ohio 3402. Mercer, County of, Ohio 3403. Miami, County of, Ohio 3404. Miami, Township of, Ohio 3405. Miamisburg, City of, Ohio 3406. Middleburg Heights, City of, Ohio 3407. Middletown, City of, Ohio 3408. Mifflin, Township of, Ohio 3409. Monclova, Township of, Ohio 3410. Monroe, City of, Ohio 3411. Monroe, County of, Ohio 3412. Monroe, Township of, Ohio 3413. Montgomery, City of, Ohio I-40 3414. Montgomery, County of, Ohio 3415. Montville, Township of, Ohio 3416. Moorefield, Township of, Ohio 3417. Morgan, County of, Ohio 3418. Morrow, County of, Ohio 3419. Mount Vernon, City of, Ohio 3420. Muskingum, County of, Ohio 3421. New Albany, City of, Ohio 3422. New Franklin, City of, Ohio 3423. New Philadelphia, City of, Ohio 3424. Newark, City of, Ohio 3425. Niles, City of, Ohio 3426. Noble, County of, Ohio 3427. North Canton, City of, Ohio 3428. North Olmsted, City of, Ohio 3429. North Ridgeville, City of, Ohio 3430. North Royalton, City of, Ohio 3431. Norton, City of, Ohio 3432. Norwalk, City of, Ohio 3433. Norwich, Township of, Ohio 3434. Norwood, City of, Ohio 3435. Olmsted, Township of, Ohio 3436. Orange, Township of, Ohio 3437. Oregon, City of, Ohio 3438. Ottawa, County of, Ohio 3439. Oxford, City of, Ohio 3440. Oxford, Township of, Ohio 3441. Painesville, City of, Ohio 3442. Painesville, Township of, Ohio 3443. Paris, Township of, Ohio 3444. Parma, City of, Ohio 3445. Parma Heights, City of, Ohio 3446. Pataskala, City of, Ohio 3447. Paulding, County of, Ohio 3448. Pease, Township of, Ohio 3449. Perkins, Township of, Ohio 3450. Perry, County of, Ohio 3451. Perry, Township of, Ohio 3452. Perrysburg, City of, Ohio 3453. Perrysburg, Township of, Ohio 3454. Pickaway, County of, Ohio 3455. Pickerington, City of, Ohio 3456. Pierce, Township of, Ohio 3457. Pike, County of, Ohio 3458. Piqua, City of, Ohio 3459. Plain, Township of, Ohio 3460. Pleasant, Township of, Ohio 3461. Poland, Township of, Ohio 3462. Portage, County of, Ohio 3463. Portsmouth, City of, Ohio 3464. Powell, City of, Ohio 3465. Prairie, Township of, Ohio 3466. Preble, County of, Ohio 3467. Putnam, County of, Ohio 3468. Ravenna, City of, Ohio 3469. Reading, City of, Ohio 3470. Reynoldsburg, City of, Ohio 3471. Richland, County of, Ohio 3472. Richland, Township of, Ohio 3473. Richmond Heights, City of, Ohio 3474. Riverside, City of, Ohio 3475. Rocky River, City of, Ohio 3476. Ross, County of, Ohio 3477. Sagamore Hills, Township of, Ohio 3478. Salem, City of, Ohio 3479. Sandusky, City of, Ohio 3480. Sandusky, County of, Ohio 3481. Scioto, County of, Ohio 3482. Scioto, Township of, Ohio 3483. Seneca, County of, Ohio 3484. Seven Hills, City of, Ohio 3485. Shaker Heights, City of, Ohio 3486. Sharon, Township of, Ohio 3487. Sharonville, City of, Ohio 3488. Shawnee, Township of, Ohio 3489. Shelby, County of, Ohio 3490. Sidney, City of, Ohio 3491. Solon, City of, Ohio 3492. South Euclid, City of, Ohio 3493. Springboro, City of, Ohio 3494. Springdale, City of, Ohio 3495. Springfield, City of, Ohio 3496. Springfield, Township of, Ohio 3497. St. Marys, Township of, Ohio 3498. Stark, County of, Ohio 3499. Steubenville, City of, Ohio 3500. Stow, City of, Ohio 3501. Streetsboro, City of, Ohio 3502. Strongsville, City of, Ohio 3503. Struthers, City of, Ohio 3504. Summit, County of, Ohio 3505. Sycamore, Township of, Ohio I-41 3506. Sylvania, City of, Ohio 3507. Sylvania, Township of, Ohio 3508. Symmes, Township of, Ohio 3509. Tallmadge, City of, Ohio 3510. Tiffin, City of, Ohio 3511. Tipp City, City of, Ohio 3512. Toledo, City of, Ohio 3513. Trenton, City of, Ohio 3514. Trotwood, City of, Ohio 3515. Troy, City of, Ohio 3516. Trumbull, County of, Ohio 3517. Truro, Township of, Ohio 3518. Turtlecreek, Township of, Ohio 3519. Tuscarawas, County of, Ohio 3520. Twinsburg, City of, Ohio 3521. Union, County of, Ohio 3522. Union, Township of, Ohio 3523. University Heights, City of, Ohio 3524. Upper Arlington, City of, Ohio 3525. Upper, Township of, Ohio 3526. Urbana, City of, Ohio 3527. Urbana, Township of, Ohio 3528. Van Wert, City of, Ohio 3529. Van Wert, County of, Ohio 3530. Vandalia, City of, Ohio 3531. Vermilion, City of, Ohio 3532. Vinton, County of, Ohio 3533. Violet, Township of, Ohio 3534. Wadsworth, City of, Ohio 3535. Warren, City of, Ohio 3536. Warren, County of, Ohio 3537. Warrensville Heights, City of, Ohio 3538. Washington, County of, Ohio 3539. Washington Court House, City of, Ohio 3540. Washington, Township of, Ohio 3541. Wayne, County of, Ohio 3542. Weathersfield, Township of, Ohio 3543. West Carrollton, City of, Ohio 3544. West Chester, Township of, Ohio 3545. Westerville, City of, Ohio 3546. Westlake, City of, Ohio 3547. Whitehall, City of, Ohio 3548. Wickliffe, City of, Ohio 3549. Williams, County of, Ohio 3550. Willoughby, City of, Ohio 3551. Willowick, City of, Ohio 3552. Wilmington, City of, Ohio 3553. Wood, County of, Ohio 3554. Wooster, City of, Ohio 3555. Worthington, City of, Ohio 3556. Wyandot, County of, Ohio 3557. Xenia, City of, Ohio 3558. Youngstown, City of, Ohio 3559. Zanesville, City of, Ohio 3560. Albany, City of, Oregon 3561. Ashland, City of, Oregon 3562. Astoria, City of, Oregon 3563. Baker, County of, Oregon 3564. Beaverton, City of, Oregon 3565. Bend, City of, Oregon 3566. Benton, County of, Oregon 3567. Canby, City of, Oregon 3568. Central Point, City of, Oregon 3569. Clackamas, County of, Oregon 3570. Clatsop, County of, Oregon 3571. Columbia, County of, Oregon 3572. Coos Bay, City of, Oregon 3573. Coos, County of, Oregon 3574. Cornelius, City of, Oregon 3575. Corvallis, City of, Oregon 3576. Cottage Grove, City of, Oregon 3577. Crook, County of, Oregon 3578. Curry, County of, Oregon 3579. Dallas, City of, Oregon 3580. Deschutes, County of, Oregon 3581. Douglas, County of, Oregon 3582. Eugene, City of, Oregon 3583. Forest Grove, City of, Oregon 3584. Gladstone, City of, Oregon 3585. Grants Pass, City of, Oregon 3586. Gresham, City of, Oregon 3587. Happy Valley, City of, Oregon 3588. Hermiston, City of, Oregon 3589. Hillsboro, City of, Oregon 3590. Hood River, County of, Oregon 3591. Independence, City of, Oregon 3592. Jackson, County of, Oregon 3593. Jefferson, County of, Oregon 3594. Josephine, County of, Oregon 3595. Keizer, City of, Oregon 3596. Klamath, County of, Oregon I-42 3597. Klamath Falls, City of, Oregon 3598. La Grande, City of, Oregon 3599. Lake Oswego, City of, Oregon 3600. Lane, County of, Oregon 3601. Lebanon, City of, Oregon 3602. Lincoln, County of, Oregon 3603. Linn, County of, Oregon 3604. Malheur, County of, Oregon 3605. Marion, County of, Oregon 3606. McMinnville, City of, Oregon 3607. Medford, City of, Oregon 3608. Milwaukie, City of, Oregon 3609. Monmouth, City of, Oregon 3610. Morrow, County of, Oregon 3611. Multnomah, County of, Oregon 3612. Newberg, City of, Oregon 3613. Newport, City of, Oregon 3614. Ontario, City of, Oregon 3615. Oregon City, City of, Oregon 3616. Pendleton, City of, Oregon 3617. Polk, County of, Oregon 3618. Portland, City of, Oregon 3619. Prineville, City of, Oregon 3620. Redmond, City of, Oregon 3621. Roseburg, City of, Oregon 3622. Salem, City of, Oregon 3623. Sandy, City of, Oregon 3624. Sherwood, City of, Oregon 3625. Silverton, City of, Oregon 3626. Springfield, City of, Oregon 3627. St. Helens, City of, Oregon 3628. The Dalles, City of, Oregon 3629. Tigard, City of, Oregon 3630. Tillamook, County of, Oregon 3631. Troutdale, City of, Oregon 3632. Tualatin, City of, Oregon 3633. Umatilla, County of, Oregon 3634. Union, County of, Oregon 3635. Wasco, County of, Oregon 3636. Washington, County of, Oregon 3637. West Linn, City of, Oregon 3638. Wilsonville, City of, Oregon 3639. Woodburn, City of, Oregon 3640. Yamhill, County of, Oregon 3641. Abbeville, County of, South Carolina 3642. Aiken, City of, South Carolina 3643. Aiken, County of, South Carolina 3644. Anderson, City of, South Carolina 3645. Anderson, County of, South Carolina 3646. Bamberg, County of, South Carolina 3647. Barnwell, County of, South Carolina 3648. Beaufort, City of, South Carolina 3649. Beaufort, County of, South Carolina 3650. Berkeley, County of, South Carolina 3651. Bluffton, Town of, South Carolina 3652. Calhoun, County of, South Carolina 3653. Cayce, City of, South Carolina 3654. Charleston, City of, South Carolina 3655. Charleston, County of, South Carolina 3656. Cherokee, County of, South Carolina 3657. Chester, County of, South Carolina 3658. Chesterfield, County of, South Carolina 3659. Clarendon, County of, South Carolina 3660. Clemson, City of, South Carolina 3661. Colleton, County of, South Carolina 3662. Columbia, City of, South Carolina 3663. Conway, City of, South Carolina 3664. Darlington, County of, South Carolina 3665. Dillon, County of, South Carolina 3666. Dorchester, County of, South Carolina 3667. Easley, City of, South Carolina 3668. Edgefield, County of, South Carolina 3669. Fairfield, County of, South Carolina 3670. Florence, City of, South Carolina 3671. Florence, County of, South Carolina 3672. Forest Acres, City of, South Carolina 3673. Fort Mill, Town of, South Carolina 3674. Fountain Inn, City of, South Carolina 3675. Gaffney, City of, South Carolina 3676. Georgetown, County of, South Carolina 3677. Goose Creek, City of, South Carolina 3678. Greenville, City of, South Carolina 3679. Greenville, County of, South Carolina 3680. Greenwood, City of, South Carolina I-43 3681. Greenwood, County of, South Carolina 3682. Greer, City of, South Carolina 3683. Hampton, County of, South Carolina 3684. Hanahan, City of, South Carolina 3685. Hilton Head Island, Town of, South Carolina 3686. Horry, County of, South Carolina 3687. Irmo, Town of, South Carolina 3688. James Island, Town of, South Carolina 3689. Jasper, County of, South Carolina 3690. Kershaw, County of, South Carolina 3691. Lancaster, County of, South Carolina 3692. Laurens, County of, South Carolina 3693. Lee, County of, South Carolina 3694. Lexington, County of, South Carolina 3695. Lexington, Town of, South Carolina 3696. Marion, County of, South Carolina 3697. Marlboro, County of, South Carolina 3698. Mauldin, City of, South Carolina 3699. Moncks Corner, Town of, South Carolina 3700. Mount Pleasant, Town of, South Carolina 3701. Myrtle Beach, City of, South Carolina 3702. Newberry, City of, South Carolina 3703. Newberry, County of, South Carolina 3704. North Augusta, City of, South Carolina 3705. North Charleston, City of, South Carolina 3706. North Myrtle Beach, City of, South Carolina 3707. Oconee, County of, South Carolina 3708. Orangeburg, City of, South Carolina 3709. Orangeburg, County of, South Carolina 3710. Pickens, County of, South Carolina 3711. Port Royal, Town of, South Carolina 3712. Richland, County of, South Carolina 3713. Rock Hill, City of, South Carolina 3714. Saluda, County of, South Carolina 3715. Simpsonville, City of, South Carolina 3716. Spartanburg, City of, South Carolina 3717. Spartanburg, County of, South Carolina 3718. Summerville, Town of, South Carolina 3719. Sumter, City of, South Carolina 3720. Sumter, County of, South Carolina 3721. Tega Cay, City of, South Carolina 3722. Union, County of, South Carolina 3723. West Columbia, City of, South Carolina 3724. Williamsburg, County of, South Carolina 3725. York, County of, South Carolina 3726. Anderson, County of, Tennessee 3727. Arlington, Town of, Tennessee 3728. Athens, City of, Tennessee 3729. Bartlett, City of, Tennessee 3730. Bedford, County of, Tennessee 3731. Benton, County of, Tennessee 3732. Bledsoe, County of, Tennessee 3733. Blount, County of, Tennessee 3734. Bradley, County of, Tennessee 3735. Brentwood, City of, Tennessee 3736. Bristol, City of, Tennessee 3737. Campbell, County of, Tennessee 3738. Cannon, County of, Tennessee 3739. Carroll, County of, Tennessee 3740. Carter, County of, Tennessee 3741. Chattanooga, City of, Tennessee 3742. Cheatham, County of, Tennessee 3743. Chester, County of, Tennessee 3744. Claiborne, County of, Tennessee 3745. Clarksville, City of, Tennessee 3746. Cleveland, City of, Tennessee 3747. Clinton, City of, Tennessee 3748. Cocke, County of, Tennessee 3749. Coffee, County of, Tennessee 3750. Collegedale, City of, Tennessee 3751. Collierville, Town of, Tennessee 3752. Columbia, City of, Tennessee 3753. Cookeville, City of, Tennessee 3754. Crockett, County of, Tennessee 3755. Crossville, City of, Tennessee I-44 3756. Cumberland, County of, Tennessee 3757. Decatur, County of, Tennessee 3758. DeKalb, County of, Tennessee 3759. Dickson, City of, Tennessee 3760. Dickson, County of, Tennessee 3761. Dyer, County of, Tennessee 3762. Dyersburg, City of, Tennessee 3763. East Ridge, City of, Tennessee 3764. Elizabethton, City of, Tennessee 3765. Farragut, Town of, Tennessee 3766. Fayette, County of, Tennessee 3767. Fentress, County of, Tennessee 3768. Franklin, City of, Tennessee 3769. Franklin, County of, Tennessee 3770. Gallatin, City of, Tennessee 3771. Germantown, City of, Tennessee 3772. Gibson, County of, Tennessee 3773. Giles, County of, Tennessee 3774. Goodlettsville, City of, Tennessee 3775. Grainger, County of, Tennessee 3776. Greene, County of, Tennessee 3777. Greeneville, Town of, Tennessee 3778. Grundy, County of, Tennessee 3779. Hamblen, County of, Tennessee 3780. Hamilton, County of, Tennessee 3781. Hardeman, County of, Tennessee 3782. Hardin, County of, Tennessee 3783. Hartsville/Trousdale, County of, Tennessee 3784. Hawkins, County of, Tennessee 3785. Haywood, County of, Tennessee 3786. Henderson, County of, Tennessee 3787. Hendersonville, City of, Tennessee 3788. Henry, County of, Tennessee 3789. Hickman, County of, Tennessee 3790. Humphreys, County of, Tennessee 3791. Jackson, City of, Tennessee 3792. Jackson, County of, Tennessee 3793. Jefferson, County of, Tennessee 3794. Johnson City, City of, Tennessee 3795. Johnson, County of, Tennessee 3796. Kingsport, City of, Tennessee 3797. Knox, County of, Tennessee 3798. Knoxville, City of, Tennessee 3799. La Vergne, City of, Tennessee 3800. Lakeland, City of, Tennessee 3801. Lauderdale, County of, Tennessee 3802. Lawrence, County of, Tennessee 3803. Lawrenceburg, City of, Tennessee 3804. Lebanon, City of, Tennessee 3805. Lewis, County of, Tennessee 3806. Lewisburg, City of, Tennessee 3807. Lincoln, County of, Tennessee 3808. Loudon, County of, Tennessee 3809. Macon, County of, Tennessee 3810. Madison, County of, Tennessee 3811. Manchester, City of, Tennessee 3812. Marion, County of, Tennessee 3813. Marshall, County of, Tennessee 3814. Martin, City of, Tennessee 3815. Maryville, City of, Tennessee 3816. Maury, County of, Tennessee 3817. McMinn, County of, Tennessee 3818. McMinnville, City of, Tennessee 3819. McNairy, County of, Tennessee 3820. Meigs, County of, Tennessee 3821. Memphis, City of, Tennessee 3822. Millington, City of, Tennessee 3823. Monroe, County of, Tennessee 3824. Montgomery, County of, Tennessee 3825. Morgan, County of, Tennessee 3826. Morristown, City of, Tennessee 3827. Mount Juliet, City of, Tennessee 3828. Murfreesboro, City of, Tennessee 3829. Nashville-Davidson, Metropolitan Government, Tennessee 3830. Nolensville, Town of, Tennessee 3831. Oak Ridge, City of, Tennessee 3832. Obion, County of, Tennessee 3833. Overton, County of, Tennessee 3834. Paris, City of, Tennessee 3835. Polk, County of, Tennessee 3836. Portland, City of, Tennessee 3837. Putnam, County of, Tennessee 3838. Red Bank, City of, Tennessee 3839. Rhea, County of, Tennessee 3840. Roane, County of, Tennessee 3841. Robertson, County of, Tennessee 3842. Rutherford, County of, Tennessee 3843. Scott, County of, Tennessee 3844. Sequatchie, County of, Tennessee 3845. Sevier, County of, Tennessee I-45 3846. Sevierville, City of, Tennessee 3847. Shelby, County of, Tennessee 3848. Shelbyville, City of, Tennessee 3849. Smith, County of, Tennessee 3850. Smyrna, Town of, Tennessee 3851. Soddy-Daisy, City of, Tennessee 3852. Spring Hill, City of, Tennessee 3853. Springfield, City of, Tennessee 3854. Stewart, County of, Tennessee 3855. Sullivan, County of, Tennessee 3856. Sumner, County of, Tennessee 3857. Tipton, County of, Tennessee 3858. Tullahoma, City of, Tennessee 3859. Unicoi, County of, Tennessee 3860. Union City, City of, Tennessee 3861. Union, County of, Tennessee 3862. Warren, County of, Tennessee 3863. Washington, County of, Tennessee 3864. Wayne, County of, Tennessee 3865. Weakley, County of, Tennessee 3866. White, County of, Tennessee 3867. White House, City of, Tennessee 3868. Williamson, County of, Tennessee 3869. Wilson, County of, Tennessee 3870. Abilene, City of, Texas 3871. Addison, Town of, Texas 3872. Alamo, City of, Texas 3873. Alice, City of, Texas 3874. Allen, City of, Texas 3875. Alton, City of, Texas 3876. Alvin, City of, Texas 3877. Amarillo, City of, Texas 3878. Anderson, County of, Texas 3879. Andrews, City of, Texas 3880. Andrews, County of, Texas 3881. Angelina, County of, Texas 3882. Angleton, City of, Texas 3883. Anna, City of, Texas 3884. Aransas, County of, Texas 3885. Arlington, City of, Texas 3886. Atascosa, County of, Texas 3887. Athens, City of, Texas 3888. Austin, City of, Texas 3889. Austin, County of, Texas 3890. Azle, City of, Texas 3891. Balch Springs, City of, Texas 3892. Bandera, County of, Texas 3893. Bastrop, County of, Texas 3894. Bay City, City of, Texas 3895. Baytown, City of, Texas 3896. Beaumont, City of, Texas 3897. Bedford, City of, Texas 3898. Bee, County of, Texas 3899. Beeville, City of, Texas 3900. Bell, County of, Texas 3901. Bellaire, City of, Texas 3902. Bellmead, City of, Texas 3903. Belton, City of, Texas 3904. Benbrook, City of, Texas 3905. Bexar, County of, Texas 3906. Big Spring, City of, Texas 3907. Blanco, County of, Texas 3908. Boerne, City of, Texas 3909. Bonham, City of, Texas 3910. Borger, City of, Texas 3911. Bosque, County of, Texas 3912. Bowie, County of, Texas 3913. Brazoria, County of, Texas 3914. Brazos, County of, Texas 3915. Brenham, City of, Texas 3916. Brown, County of, Texas 3917. Brownsville, City of, Texas 3918. Brownwood, City of, Texas 3919. Bryan, City of, Texas 3920. Buda, City of, Texas 3921. Burkburnett, City of, Texas 3922. Burleson, City of, Texas 3923. Burleson, County of, Texas 3924. Burnet, County of, Texas 3925. Caldwell, County of, Texas 3926. Calhoun, County of, Texas 3927. Callahan, County of, Texas 3928. Cameron, County of, Texas 3929. Camp, County of, Texas 3930. Canyon, City of, Texas 3931. Carrollton, City of, Texas 3932. Cass, County of, Texas 3933. Cedar Hill, City of, Texas 3934. Cedar Park, City of, Texas 3935. Celina, City of, Texas 3936. Chambers, County of, Texas 3937. Cherokee, County of, Texas I-46 3938. Cibolo, City of, Texas 3939. Clay, County of, Texas 3940. Cleburne, City of, Texas 3941. Clute, City of, Texas 3942. College Station, City of, Texas 3943. Colleyville, City of, Texas 3944. Collin, County of, Texas 3945. Colorado, County of, Texas 3946. Comal, County of, Texas 3947. Comanche, County of, Texas 3948. Conroe, City of, Texas 3949. Converse, City of, Texas 3950. Cooke, County of, Texas 3951. Coppell, City of, Texas 3952. Copperas Cove, City of, Texas 3953. Corinth, City of, Texas 3954. Corpus Christi, City of, Texas 3955. Corsicana, City of, Texas 3956. Coryell, County of, Texas 3957. Crowley, City of, Texas 3958. Dallas, City of, Texas 3959. Dallas, County of, Texas 3960. Dawson, County of, Texas 3961. Deaf Smith, County of, Texas 3962. Deer Park, City of, Texas 3963. Del Rio, City of, Texas 3964. Denison, City of, Texas 3965. Denton, City of, Texas 3966. Denton, County of, Texas 3967. DeSoto, City of, Texas 3968. DeWitt, County of, Texas 3969. Dickinson, City of, Texas 3970. Dimmit, County of, Texas 3971. Donna, City of, Texas 3972. Dumas, City of, Texas 3973. Duncanville, City of, Texas 3974. Duval, County of, Texas 3975. Eagle Pass, City of, Texas 3976. Eastland, County of, Texas 3977. Ector, County of, Texas 3978. Edinburg, City of, Texas 3979. El Campo, City of, Texas 3980. El Paso, City of, Texas 3981. El Paso, County of, Texas 3982. Elgin, City of, Texas 3983. Ellis, County of, Texas 3984. Ennis, City of, Texas 3985. Erath, County of, Texas 3986. Euless, City of, Texas 3987. Fair Oaks Ranch, City of, Texas 3988. Falls, County of, Texas 3989. Fannin, County of, Texas 3990. Farmers Branch, City of, Texas 3991. Fate, City of, Texas 3992. Fayette, County of, Texas 3993. Flower Mound, Town of, Texas 3994. Forest Hill, City of, Texas 3995. Forney, City of, Texas 3996. Fort Bend, County of, Texas 3997. Fort Worth, City of, Texas 3998. Franklin, County of, Texas 3999. Fredericksburg, City of, Texas 4000. Freeport, City of, Texas 4001. Freestone, County of, Texas 4002. Friendswood, City of, Texas 4003. Frio, County of, Texas 4004. Frisco, City of, Texas 4005. Fulshear, City of, Texas 4006. Gaines, County of, Texas 4007. Gainesville, City of, Texas 4008. Galena Park, City of, Texas 4009. Galveston, City of, Texas 4010. Galveston, County of, Texas 4011. Garland, City of, Texas 4012. Gatesville, City of, Texas 4013. Georgetown, City of, Texas 4014. Gillespie, County of, Texas 4015. Glenn Heights, City of, Texas 4016. Gonzales, County of, Texas 4017. Granbury, City of, Texas 4018. Grand Prairie, City of, Texas 4019. Grapevine, City of, Texas 4020. Gray, County of, Texas 4021. Grayson, County of, Texas 4022. Greenville, City of, Texas 4023. Gregg, County of, Texas 4024. Grimes, County of, Texas 4025. Groves, City of, Texas 4026. Guadalupe, County of, Texas 4027. Hale, County of, Texas 4028. Haltom City, City of, Texas 4029. Hardin, County of, Texas I-47 4030. Harker Heights, City of, Texas 4031. Harlingen, City of, Texas 4032. Harris, County of, Texas 4033. Harrison, County of, Texas 4034. Hays, County of, Texas 4035. Henderson, City of, Texas 4036. Henderson, County of, Texas 4037. Hereford, City of, Texas 4038. Hewitt, City of, Texas 4039. Hidalgo, City of, Texas 4040. Hidalgo, County of, Texas 4041. Highland, Village of, City of, Texas 4042. Hill, County of, Texas 4043. Hockley, County of, Texas 4044. Hood, County of, Texas 4045. Hopkins, County of, Texas 4046. Horizon City, City of, Texas 4047. Houston, City of, Texas 4048. Houston, County of, Texas 4049. Howard, County of, Texas 4050. Humble, City of, Texas 4051. Hunt, County of, Texas 4052. Huntsville, City of, Texas 4053. Hurst, City of, Texas 4054. Hutchinson, County of, Texas 4055. Hutto, City of, Texas 4056. Ingleside, City of, Texas 4057. Irving, City of, Texas 4058. Jacinto City, City of, Texas 4059. Jackson, County of, Texas 4060. Jacksonville, City of, Texas 4061. Jasper, County of, Texas 4062. Jefferson, County of, Texas 4063. Jim Wells, County of, Texas 4064. Johnson, County of, Texas 4065. Jones, County of, Texas 4066. Karnes, County of, Texas 4067. Katy, City of, Texas 4068. Kaufman, County of, Texas 4069. Keller, City of, Texas 4070. Kendall, County of, Texas 4071. Kerr, County of, Texas 4072. Kerrville, City of, Texas 4073. Kilgore, City of, Texas 4074. Killeen, City of, Texas 4075. Kingsville, City of, Texas 4076. Kleberg, County of, Texas 4077. Kyle, City of, Texas 4078. La Marque, City of, Texas 4079. La Porte, City of, Texas 4080. Lake Jackson, City of, Texas 4081. Lakeway, City of, Texas 4082. Lamar, County of, Texas 4083. Lamb, County of, Texas 4084. Lampasas, County of, Texas 4085. Lancaster, City of, Texas 4086. Laredo, City of, Texas 4087. Lavaca, County of, Texas 4088. League City, City of, Texas 4089. Leander, City of, Texas 4090. Lee, County of, Texas 4091. Leon, County of, Texas 4092. Leon Valley, City of, Texas 4093. Levelland, City of, Texas 4094. Lewisville, City of, Texas 4095. Liberty, County of, Texas 4096. Limestone, County of, Texas 4097. Little Elm, City of, Texas 4098. Live Oak, City of, Texas 4099. Live Oak, County of, Texas 4100. Llano, County of, Texas 4101. Lockhart, City of, Texas 4102. Longview, City of, Texas 4103. Lubbock, City of, Texas 4104. Lubbock, County of, Texas 4105. Lufkin, City of, Texas 4106. Lumberton, City of, Texas 4107. Madison, County of, Texas 4108. Manor, City of, Texas 4109. Mansfield, City of, Texas 4110. Manvel, City of, Texas 4111. Marshall, City of, Texas 4112. Matagorda, County of, Texas 4113. Maverick, County of, Texas 4114. McAllen, City of, Texas 4115. McKinney, City of, Texas 4116. McLennan, County of, Texas 4117. Medina, County of, Texas 4118. Melissa, City of, Texas 4119. Mercedes, City of, Texas 4120. Mesquite, City of, Texas 4121. Midland, City of, Texas I-48 4122. Midland, County of, Texas 4123. Midlothian, City of, Texas 4124. Milam, County of, Texas 4125. Mineral Wells, City of, Texas 4126. Mission, City of, Texas 4127. Missouri City, City of, Texas 4128. Montague, County of, Texas 4129. Montgomery, County of, Texas 4130. Moore, County of, Texas 4131. Morris, County of, Texas 4132. Mount Pleasant, City of, Texas 4133. Murphy, City of, Texas 4134. Nacogdoches, City of, Texas 4135. Nacogdoches, County of, Texas 4136. Navarro, County of, Texas 4137. Nederland, City of, Texas 4138. New Braunfels, City of, Texas 4139. Newton, County of, Texas 4140. Nolan, County of, Texas 4141. North Richland Hills, City of, Texas 4142. Nueces, County of, Texas 4143. Odessa, City of, Texas 4144. Orange, City of, Texas 4145. Orange, County of, Texas 4146. Palestine, City of, Texas 4147. Palo Pinto, County of, Texas 4148. Pampa, City of, Texas 4149. Panola, County of, Texas 4150. Paris, City of, Texas 4151. Parker, County of, Texas 4152. Pasadena, City of, Texas 4153. Pearland, City of, Texas 4154. Pearsall, City of, Texas 4155. Pecos, City of, Texas 4156. Pecos, County of, Texas 4157. Pflugerville, City of, Texas 4158. Pharr, City of, Texas 4159. Plainview, City of, Texas 4160. Plano, City of, Texas 4161. Pleasanton, City of, Texas 4162. Polk, County of, Texas 4163. Port Arthur, City of, Texas 4164. Port Lavaca, City of, Texas 4165. Port Neches, City of, Texas 4166. Portland, City of, Texas 4167. Potter, County of, Texas 4168. Princeton, City of, Texas 4169. Prosper, Town of, Texas 4170. Rains, County of, Texas 4171. Randall, County of, Texas 4172. Raymondville, City of, Texas 4173. Red Oak, City of, Texas 4174. Red River, County of, Texas 4175. Reeves, County of, Texas 4176. Richardson, City of, Texas 4177. Richmond, City of, Texas 4178. Rio Grande City, City of, Texas 4179. Robertson, County of, Texas 4180. Robinson, City of, Texas 4181. Robstown, City of, Texas 4182. Rockport, City of, Texas 4183. Rockwall, City of, Texas 4184. Rockwall, County of, Texas 4185. Roma, City of, Texas 4186. Rosenberg, City of, Texas 4187. Round Rock, City of, Texas 4188. Rowlett, City of, Texas 4189. Royse City, City of, Texas 4190. Runnels, County of, Texas 4191. Rusk, County of, Texas 4192. Sabine, County of, Texas 4193. Sachse, City of, Texas 4194. Saginaw, City of, Texas 4195. San Angelo, City of, Texas 4196. San Antonio, City of, Texas 4197. San Benito, City of, Texas 4198. San Jacinto, County of, Texas 4199. San Juan, City of, Texas 4200. San Marcos, City of, Texas 4201. San Patricio, County of, Texas 4202. Santa Fe, City of, Texas 4203. Schertz, City of, Texas 4204. Scurry, County of, Texas 4205. Seabrook, City of, Texas 4206. Seagoville, City of, Texas 4207. Seguin, City of, Texas 4208. Selma, City of, Texas 4209. Shelby, County of, Texas 4210. Sherman, City of, Texas 4211. Smith, County of, Texas 4212. Snyder, City of, Texas 4213. Socorro, City of, Texas I-49 4214. South Houston, City of, Texas 4215. Southlake, City of, Texas 4216. Stafford, City of, Texas 4217. Starr, County of, Texas 4218. Stephenville, City of, Texas 4219. Sugar Land, City of, Texas 4220. Sulphur Springs, City of, Texas 4221. Sweetwater, City of, Texas 4222. Tarrant, County of, Texas 4223. Taylor, City of, Texas 4224. Taylor, County of, Texas 4225. Temple, City of, Texas 4226. Terrell, City of, Texas 4227. Terry, County of, Texas 4228. Texarkana, City of, Texas 4229. Texas City, City of, Texas 4230. The Colony, City of, Texas 4231. Titus, County of, Texas 4232. Tom Green, County of, Texas 4233. Tomball, City of, Texas 4234. Travis, County of, Texas 4235. Trinity, County of, Texas 4236. Trophy Club, Town of, Texas 4237. Tyler, City of, Texas 4238. Tyler, County of, Texas 4239. Universal City, City of, Texas 4240. University Park, City of, Texas 4241. Upshur, County of, Texas 4242. Uvalde, City of, Texas 4243. Uvalde, County of, Texas 4244. Val Verde, County of, Texas 4245. Van Zandt, County of, Texas 4246. Vernon, City of, Texas 4247. Victoria, City of, Texas 4248. Victoria, County of, Texas 4249. Vidor, City of, Texas 4250. Waco, City of, Texas 4251. Walker, County of, Texas 4252. Waller, County of, Texas 4253. Ward, County of, Texas 4254. Washington, County of, Texas 4255. Watauga, City of, Texas 4256. Waxahachie, City of, Texas 4257. Weatherford, City of, Texas 4258. Webb, County of, Texas 4259. Webster, City of, Texas 4260. Weslaco, City of, Texas 4261. West University Place, City of, Texas 4262. Wharton, County of, Texas 4263. White Settlement, City of, Texas 4264. Wichita, County of, Texas 4265. Wichita Falls, City of, Texas 4266. Wilbarger, County of, Texas 4267. Willacy, County of, Texas 4268. Williamson, County of, Texas 4269. Wilson, County of, Texas 4270. Wise, County of, Texas 4271. Wood, County of, Texas 4272. Wylie, City of, Texas 4273. Young, County of, Texas 4274. Zapata, County of, Texas 4275. Zavala, County of, Texas 4276. Alpine, City of, Utah 4277. American Fork, City of, Utah 4278. Bluffdale, City of, Utah 4279. Bountiful, City of, Utah 4280. Box Elder, County of, Utah 4281. Brigham City, City of, Utah 4282. Cache, County of, Utah 4283. Carbon, County of, Utah 4284. Cedar City, City of, Utah 4285. Cedar Hills, City of, Utah 4286. Centerville, City of, Utah 4287. Clearfield, City of, Utah 4288. Clinton, City of, Utah 4289. Cottonwood Heights, City of, Utah 4290. Davis, County of, Utah 4291. Draper, City of, Utah 4292. Duchesne, County of, Utah 4293. Eagle Mountain, City of, Utah 4294. Emery, County of, Utah 4295. Farmington, City of, Utah 4296. Grantsville, City of, Utah 4297. Heber, City of, Utah 4298. Herriman, City of, Utah 4299. Highland, City of, Utah 4300. Holladay, City of, Utah 4301. Hurricane, City of, Utah 4302. Iron, County of, Utah 4303. Juab, County of, Utah 4304. Kaysville, City of, Utah I-50 4305. Kearns metro, Township of, Utah 4306. Layton, City of, Utah 4307. Lehi, City of, Utah 4308. Lindon, City of, Utah 4309. Logan, City of, Utah 4310. Magna metro, Township of, Utah 4311. Mapleton, City of, Utah 4312. Midvale, City of, Utah 4313. Millard, County of, Utah 4314. Millcreek, City of, Utah 4315. Morgan, County of, Utah 4316. Murray, City of, Utah 4317. North Logan, City of, Utah 4318. North Ogden, City of, Utah 4319. North Salt Lake, City of, Utah 4320. Ogden, City of, Utah 4321. Orem, City of, Utah 4322. Payson, City of, Utah 4323. Pleasant Grove, City of, Utah 4324. Pleasant View, City of, Utah 4325. Provo, City of, Utah 4326. Riverton, City of, Utah 4327. Roy, City of, Utah 4328. Salt Lake City, City of, Utah 4329. Salt Lake, County of, Utah 4330. San Juan, County of, Utah 4331. Sandy, City of, Utah 4332. Sanpete, County of, Utah 4333. Santaquin, City of, Utah 4334. Saratoga Springs, City of, Utah 4335. Sevier, County of, Utah 4336. Smithfield, City of, Utah 4337. South Jordan, City of, Utah 4338. South Ogden, City of, Utah 4339. South Salt Lake, City of, Utah 4340. Spanish Fork, City of, Utah 4341. Springville, City of, Utah 4342. St. George, City of, Utah 4343. Summit, County of, Utah 4344. Syracuse, City of, Utah 4345. Taylorsville, City of, Utah 4346. Tooele, City of, Utah 4347. Tooele, County of, Utah 4348. Uintah, County of, Utah 4349. Utah, County of, Utah 4350. Vernal, City of, Utah 4351. Vineyard, Town of, Utah 4352. Wasatch, County of, Utah 4353. Washington, City of, Utah 4354. Washington, County of, Utah 4355. Weber, County of, Utah 4356. West Haven, City of, Utah 4357. West Jordan, City of, Utah 4358. West Point, City of, Utah 4359. West Valley City, City of, Utah 4360. Woods Cross, City of, Utah 4361. Accomack, County of, Virginia 4362. Albemarle, County of, Virginia 4363. Alexandria, City of, Virginia 4364. Alleghany, County of, Virginia 4365. Amelia, County of, Virginia 4366. Amherst, County of, Virginia 4367. Appomattox, County of, Virginia 4368. Arlington, County of, Virginia 4369. Augusta, County of, Virginia 4370. Bedford, County of, Virginia 4371. Blacksburg, Town of, Virginia 4372. Botetourt, County of, Virginia 4373. Bristol, City of, Virginia 4374. Brunswick, County of, Virginia 4375. Buchanan, County of, Virginia 4376. Buckingham, County of, Virginia 4377. Campbell, County of, Virginia 4378. Caroline, County of, Virginia 4379. Carroll, County of, Virginia 4380. Charlotte, County of, Virginia 4381. Charlottesville, City of, Virginia 4382. Chesapeake, City of, Virginia 4383. Chesterfield, County of, Virginia 4384. Christiansburg, Town of, Virginia 4385. Clarke, County of, Virginia 4386. Colonial Heights, City of, Virginia 4387. Culpeper, County of, Virginia 4388. Culpeper, Town of, Virginia 4389. Danville, City of, Virginia 4390. Dickenson, County of, Virginia 4391. Dinwiddie, County of, Virginia 4392. Essex, County of, Virginia 4393. Fairfax, City of, Virginia 4394. Fairfax, County of, Virginia 4395. Falls Church, City of, Virginia 4396. Fauquier, County of, Virginia I-51 4397. Floyd, County of, Virginia 4398. Fluvanna, County of, Virginia 4399. Franklin, County of, Virginia 4400. Frederick, County of, Virginia 4401. Fredericksburg, City of, Virginia 4402. Front Royal, Town of, Virginia 4403. Giles, County of, Virginia 4404. Gloucester, County of, Virginia 4405. Goochland, County of, Virginia 4406. Grayson, County of, Virginia 4407. Greene, County of, Virginia 4408. Greensville, County of, Virginia 4409. Halifax, County of, Virginia 4410. Hampton, City of, Virginia 4411. Hanover, County of, Virginia 4412. Harrisonburg, City of, Virginia 4413. Henrico, County of, Virginia 4414. Henry, County of, Virginia 4415. Herndon, Town of, Virginia 4416. Hopewell, City of, Virginia 4417. Isle of Wight, County of, Virginia 4418. James City, County of, Virginia 4419. King George, County of, Virginia 4420. King William, County of, Virginia 4421. Lancaster, County of, Virginia 4422. Lee, County of, Virginia 4423. Leesburg, Town of, Virginia 4424. Loudoun, County of, Virginia 4425. Louisa, County of, Virginia 4426. Lunenburg, County of, Virginia 4427. Lynchburg, City of, Virginia 4428. Madison, County of, Virginia 4429. Manassas, City of, Virginia 4430. Manassas Park, City of, Virginia 4431. Martinsville, City of, Virginia 4432. Mecklenburg, County of, Virginia 4433. Middlesex, County of, Virginia 4434. Montgomery, County of, Virginia 4435. Nelson, County of, Virginia 4436. New Kent, County of, Virginia 4437. Newport News, City of, Virginia 4438. Norfolk, City of, Virginia 4439. Northampton, County of, Virginia 4440. Northumberland, County of, Virginia 4441. Nottoway, County of, Virginia 4442. Orange, County of, Virginia 4443. Page, County of, Virginia 4444. Patrick, County of, Virginia 4445. Petersburg, City of, Virginia 4446. Pittsylvania, County of, Virginia 4447. Poquoson, City of, Virginia 4448. Portsmouth, City of, Virginia 4449. Powhatan, County of, Virginia 4450. Prince Edward, County of, Virginia 4451. Prince George, County of, Virginia 4452. Prince William, County of, Virginia 4453. Pulaski, County of, Virginia 4454. Purcellville, Town of, Virginia 4455. Radford, City of, Virginia 4456. Richmond, City of, Virginia 4457. Roanoke, City of, Virginia 4458. Roanoke, County of, Virginia 4459. Rockbridge, County of, Virginia 4460. Rockingham, County of, Virginia 4461. Russell, County of, Virginia 4462. Salem, City of, Virginia 4463. Scott, County of, Virginia 4464. Shenandoah, County of, Virginia 4465. Smyth, County of, Virginia 4466. Southampton, County of, Virginia 4467. Spotsylvania, County of, Virginia 4468. Stafford, County of, Virginia 4469. Staunton, City of, Virginia 4470. Suffolk, City of, Virginia 4471. Sussex, County of, Virginia 4472. Tazewell, County of, Virginia 4473. Vienna, Town of, Virginia 4474. Virginia Beach, City of, Virginia 4475. Warren, County of, Virginia 4476. Warrenton, Town of, Virginia 4477. Washington, County of, Virginia 4478. Waynesboro, City of, Virginia 4479. Westmoreland, County of, Virginia 4480. Williamsburg, City of, Virginia 4481. Winchester, City of, Virginia 4482. Wise, County of, Virginia 4483. Wythe, County of, Virginia 4484. York, County of, Virginia 4485. Aberdeen, City of, Washington 4486. Adams, County of, Washington 4487. Anacortes, City of, Washington 4488. Arlington, City of, Washington I-52 4489. Asotin, County of, Washington 4490. Auburn, City of, Washington 4491. Bainbridge Island, City of, Washington 4492. Battle Ground, City of, Washington 4493. Bellevue, City of, Washington 4494. Bellingham, City of, Washington 4495. Benton, County of, Washington 4496. Bonney Lake, City of, Washington 4497. Bothell, City of, Washington 4498. Bremerton, City of, Washington 4499. Burien, City of, Washington 4500. Camas, City of, Washington 4501. Centralia, City of, Washington 4502. Chelan, County of, Washington 4503. Cheney, City of, Washington 4504. Clallam, County of, Washington 4505. Clark, County of, Washington 4506. Covington, City of, Washington 4507. Cowlitz, County of, Washington 4508. Des Moines, City of, Washington 4509. Douglas, County of, Washington 4510. East Wenatchee, City of, Washington 4511. Edgewood, City of, Washington 4512. Edmonds, City of, Washington 4513. Ellensburg, City of, Washington 4514. Enumclaw, City of, Washington 4515. Everett, City of, Washington 4516. Federal Way, City of, Washington 4517. Ferndale, City of, Washington 4518. Fife, City of, Washington 4519. Franklin, County of, Washington 4520. Gig Harbor, City of, Washington 4521. Grandview, City of, Washington 4522. Grant, County of, Washington 4523. Grays Harbor, County of, Washington 4524. Island, County of, Washington 4525. Issaquah, City of, Washington 4526. Jefferson, County of, Washington 4527. Kelso, City of, Washington 4528. Kenmore, City of, Washington 4529. Kennewick, City of, Washington 4530. Kent, City of, Washington 4531. King, County of, Washington 4532. Kirkland, City of, Washington 4533. Kitsap, County of, Washington 4534. Kittitas, County of, Washington 4535. Klickitat, County of, Washington 4536. Lacey, City of, Washington 4537. Lake Forest Park, City of, Washington 4538. Lake Stevens, City of, Washington 4539. Lakewood, City of, Washington 4540. Lewis, County of, Washington 4541. Liberty Lake, City of, Washington 4542. Lincoln, County of, Washington 4543. Longview, City of, Washington 4544. Lynden, City of, Washington 4545. Lynnwood, City of, Washington 4546. Maple Valley, City of, Washington 4547. Marysville, City of, Washington 4548. Mason, County of, Washington 4549. Mercer Island, City of, Washington 4550. Mill Creek, City of, Washington 4551. Monroe, City of, Washington 4552. Moses Lake, City of, Washington 4553. Mount Vernon, City of, Washington 4554. Mountlake Terrace, City of, Washington 4555. Mukilteo, City of, Washington 4556. Newcastle, City of, Washington 4557. Oak Harbor, City of, Washington 4558. Okanogan, County of, Washington 4559. Olympia, City of, Washington 4560. Pacific, County of, Washington 4561. Pasco, City of, Washington 4562. Pend Oreille, County of, Washington 4563. Pierce, County of, Washington 4564. Port Angeles, City of, Washington 4565. Port Orchard, City of, Washington 4566. Poulsbo, City of, Washington 4567. Pullman, City of, Washington 4568. Puyallup, City of, Washington 4569. Redmond, City of, Washington 4570. Renton, City of, Washington 4571. Richland, City of, Washington 4572. Sammamish, City of, Washington 4573. San Juan, County of, Washington 4574. SeaTac, City of, Washington 4575. Seattle, City of, Washington I-53 4576. Sedro-Woolley, City of, Washington 4577. Shelton, City of, Washington 4578. Shoreline, City of, Washington 4579. Skagit, County of, Washington 4580. Skamania, County of, Washington 4581. Snohomish, City of, Washington 4582. Snohomish, County of, Washington 4583. Snoqualmie, City of, Washington 4584. Spokane, City of, Washington 4585. Spokane, County of, Washington 4586. Spokane Valley, City of, Washington 4587. Stevens, County of, Washington 4588. Sumner, City of, Washington 4589. Sunnyside, City of, Washington 4590. Tacoma, City of, Washington 4591. Thurston, County of, Washington 4592. Tukwila, City of, Washington 4593. Tumwater, City of, Washington 4594. University Place, City of, Washington 4595. Vancouver, City of, Washington 4596. Walla Walla, City of, Washington 4597. Walla Walla, County of, Washington 4598. Washougal, City of, Washington 4599. Wenatchee, City of, Washington 4600. West Richland, City of, Washington 4601. Whatcom, County of, Washington 4602. Whitman, County of, Washington 4603. Woodinville, City of, Washington 4604. Yakima, City of, Washington 4605. Yakima, County of, Washington 4606. Adams, County of, Wisconsin 4607. Allouez, Village of, Wisconsin 4608. Appleton, City of, Wisconsin 4609. Ashland, County of, Wisconsin 4610. Ashwaubenon, Village of, Wisconsin 4611. Baraboo, City of, Wisconsin 4612. Barron, County of, Wisconsin 4613. Bayfield, County of, Wisconsin 4614. Beaver Dam, City of, Wisconsin 4615. Bellevue, Village of, Wisconsin 4616. Beloit, City of, Wisconsin 4617. Brookfield, City of, Wisconsin 4618. Brown, County of, Wisconsin 4619. Brown Deer, Village of, Wisconsin 4620. Buffalo, County of, Wisconsin 4621. Burlington, City of, Wisconsin 4622. Burnett, County of, Wisconsin 4623. Caledonia, Village of, Wisconsin 4624. Calumet, County of, Wisconsin 4625. Cedarburg, City of, Wisconsin 4626. Chippewa, County of, Wisconsin 4627. Chippewa Falls, City of, Wisconsin 4628. Clark, County of, Wisconsin 4629. Columbia, County of, Wisconsin 4630. Crawford, County of, Wisconsin 4631. Cudahy, City of, Wisconsin 4632. Dane, County of, Wisconsin 4633. De Pere, City of, Wisconsin 4634. DeForest, Village of, Wisconsin 4635. Dodge, County of, Wisconsin 4636. Door, County of, Wisconsin 4637. Douglas, County of, Wisconsin 4638. Dunn, County of, Wisconsin 4639. Eau Claire, City of, Wisconsin 4640. Eau Claire, County of, Wisconsin 4641. Elkhorn, City of, Wisconsin 4642. Fitchburg, City of, Wisconsin 4643. Fond du Lac, City of, Wisconsin 4644. Fond du Lac, County of, Wisconsin 4645. Fort Atkinson, City of, Wisconsin 4646. Fox Crossing, Village of, Wisconsin 4647. Franklin, City of, Wisconsin 4648. Germantown, Village of, Wisconsin 4649. Glendale, City of, Wisconsin 4650. Grafton, Village of, Wisconsin 4651. Grand Chute, Town of, Wisconsin 4652. Grant, County of, Wisconsin 4653. Green Bay, City of, Wisconsin 4654. Green, County of, Wisconsin 4655. Green Lake, County of, Wisconsin 4656. Greendale, Village of, Wisconsin 4657. Greenfield, City of, Wisconsin 4658. Greenville, Town of, Wisconsin 4659. Harrison, Village of, Wisconsin 4660. Hartford, City of, Wisconsin 4661. Hobart, Village of, Wisconsin 4662. Holmen, Village of, Wisconsin 4663. Howard, Village of, Wisconsin 4664. Hudson, City of, Wisconsin 4665. Iowa, County of, Wisconsin 4666. Jackson, County of, Wisconsin I-54 4667. Janesville, City of, Wisconsin 4668. Jefferson, County of, Wisconsin 4669. Juneau, County of, Wisconsin 4670. Kaukauna, City of, Wisconsin 4671. Kenosha, City of, Wisconsin 4672. Kenosha, County of, Wisconsin 4673. Kewaunee, County of, Wisconsin 4674. La Crosse, City of, Wisconsin 4675. La Crosse, County of, Wisconsin 4676. Lafayette, County of, Wisconsin 4677. Langlade, County of, Wisconsin 4678. Lincoln, County of, Wisconsin 4679. Lisbon, Town of, Wisconsin 4680. Little Chute, Village of, Wisconsin 4681. Madison, City of, Wisconsin 4682. Manitowoc, City of, Wisconsin 4683. Manitowoc, County of, Wisconsin 4684. Marathon, County of, Wisconsin 4685. Marinette, City of, Wisconsin 4686. Marinette, County of, Wisconsin 4687. Marquette, County of, Wisconsin 4688. Marshfield, City of, Wisconsin 4689. Menasha, City of, Wisconsin 4690. Menomonee Falls, Village of, Wisconsin 4691. Menomonie, City of, Wisconsin 4692. Mequon, City of, Wisconsin 4693. Middleton, City of, Wisconsin 4694. Milwaukee, City of, Wisconsin 4695. Milwaukee, County of, Wisconsin 4696. Monroe, City of, Wisconsin 4697. Monroe, County of, Wisconsin 4698. Mount Pleasant, Village of, Wisconsin 4699. Muskego, City of, Wisconsin 4700. Neenah, City of, Wisconsin 4701. New Berlin, City of, Wisconsin 4702. Oak Creek, City of, Wisconsin 4703. Oconomowoc, City of, Wisconsin 4704. Oconto, County of, Wisconsin 4705. Onalaska, City of, Wisconsin 4706. Oneida, County of, Wisconsin 4707. Oregon, Village of, Wisconsin 4708. Oshkosh, City of, Wisconsin 4709. Outagamie, County of, Wisconsin 4710. Ozaukee, County of, Wisconsin 4711. Pewaukee, City of, Wisconsin 4712. Pierce, County of, Wisconsin 4713. Platteville, City of, Wisconsin 4714. Pleasant Prairie, Village of, Wisconsin 4715. Plover, Village of, Wisconsin 4716. Polk, County of, Wisconsin 4717. Port Washington, City of, Wisconsin 4718. Portage, City of, Wisconsin 4719. Portage, County of, Wisconsin 4720. Price, County of, Wisconsin 4721. Racine, City of, Wisconsin 4722. Racine, County of, Wisconsin 4723. Richfield, Village of, Wisconsin 4724. Richland, County of, Wisconsin 4725. River Falls, City of, Wisconsin 4726. Rock, County of, Wisconsin 4727. Rusk, County of, Wisconsin 4728. Salem Lakes, Village of, Wisconsin 4729. Sauk, County of, Wisconsin 4730. Sawyer, County of, Wisconsin 4731. Shawano, County of, Wisconsin 4732. Sheboygan, City of, Wisconsin 4733. Sheboygan, County of, Wisconsin 4734. Shorewood, Village of, Wisconsin 4735. South Milwaukee, City of, Wisconsin 4736. St. Croix, County of, Wisconsin 4737. Stevens Point, City of, Wisconsin 4738. Stoughton, City of, Wisconsin 4739. Suamico, Village of, Wisconsin 4740. Sun Prairie, City of, Wisconsin 4741. Superior, City of, Wisconsin 4742. Sussex, Village of, Wisconsin 4743. Taylor, County of, Wisconsin 4744. Trempealeau, County of, Wisconsin 4745. Two Rivers, City of, Wisconsin 4746. Vernon, County of, Wisconsin 4747. Verona, City of, Wisconsin 4748. Vilas, County of, Wisconsin 4749. Walworth, County of, Wisconsin 4750. Washburn, County of, Wisconsin 4751. Washington, County of, Wisconsin 4752. Watertown, City of, Wisconsin 4753. Waukesha, City of, Wisconsin 4754. Waukesha, County of, Wisconsin I-55 4755. Waunakee, Village of, Wisconsin 4756. Waupaca, County of, Wisconsin 4757. Waupun, City of, Wisconsin 4758. Wausau, City of, Wisconsin 4759. Waushara, County of, Wisconsin 4760. Wauwatosa, City of, Wisconsin 4761. West Allis, City of, Wisconsin 4762. West Bend, City of, Wisconsin 4763. Weston, Village of, Wisconsin 4764. Whitefish Bay, Village of, Wisconsin 4765. Whitewater, City of, Wisconsin 4766. Winnebago, County of, Wisconsin 4767. Wisconsin Rapids, City of, Wisconsin 4768. Wood, County of, Wisconsin 4769. Albany, County of, Wyoming 4770. Big Horn, County of, Wyoming 4771. Campbell, County of, Wyoming 4772. Carbon, County of, Wyoming 4773. Casper, City of, Wyoming 4774. Cheyenne, City of, Wyoming 4775. Converse, County of, Wyoming 4776. Evanston, City of, Wyoming 4777. Fremont, County of, Wyoming 4778. Gillette, City of, Wyoming 4779. Goshen, County of, Wyoming 4780. Green River, City of, Wyoming 4781. Jackson, Town of, Wyoming 4782. Laramie, City of, Wyoming 4783. Laramie, County of, Wyoming 4784. Lincoln, County of, Wyoming 4785. Natrona, County of, Wyoming 4786. Park, County of, Wyoming 4787. Riverton, City of, Wyoming 4788. Rock Springs, City of, Wyoming 4789. Sheridan, City of, Wyoming 4790. Sheridan, County of, Wyoming 4791. Sweetwater, County of, Wyoming 4792. Teton, County of, Wyoming 4793. Uinta, County of, Wyoming Illustrative List of Released Entities for The Kroger Co. 84.51 HQ Building Company, LLC [Ohio] 84.51 LLC [Ohio] AD-RX Pharmacy Alpha Beta Company [California] America's Beverage Company Ansonborough Square Investors I, LLC [Delaware] Ansonborough Square Retail, LLC [South Carolina] Ascent Health Services LLC [Delaware] Axium Healthcare Pharmacy, Inc. Axium Healthcare Pharmacy Puerto Rico Axium Ocoee Pharmacy, LLC Axium Pharmacy Holdings, Inc. Baker’s Baker's Supermarkets Bay Area Warehouse Stores, Inc. [California] Beech Tree Holdings, LLC [Delaware] Bleecker Ventures LLC [New York] Bluefield Beverage Company [Ohio] Box Cutter, Inc. [New York] Cala Co. [Delaware] Cala Foods, Inc. [California] CB&S Advertising Agency, Inc. [Oregon] Cheeses of All Nations, Inc. [New York] Chef’s Choice Catering City Market City Market Fuel Center City Market Pharmacy Columbus Central Fill Country Oven Bakery Country Oven, Inc. [Ohio] Crawford Stores, Inc. [California] Creedmoor Retail, LLC [North Carolina] Crossroad Farms Dairy Dillon Companies, Inc. Dillon Companies, LLC [Kansas] Dillon Real Estate Co., Inc. [Kansas] Dillons Dillons Marketplace Dillons Pharmacy Distribution Trucking Company [Oregon] Dotto, Inc. [Indiana] Edgewood Plaza Holdings, LLC [Ohio] Embassy International, Inc. [Ohio] Econdisc Contracting Solutions, LLC [Delaware] Farmacia Doral, Inc. [Puerto Rico] FM, Inc. [Utah] FMJ Ecommerce FMJ, Inc. [Delaware] Food 4 Less Food 4 Less GM, Inc. [California] Food 4 Less Holdings, Inc. [Delaware] Food 4 Less Merchandising, Inc. [California] Food 4 Less Midwest Food 4 Less of California, Inc. [California] Food 4 Less of Southern California, Inc. [Delaware] Foods Co. Foods Plus Fred Meyer Fred Meyer Cork & Tap Fred Meyer Fuel Center Fred Meyer Fuel Stop Fred Meyer Jewelers Fred Meyer Jewelers Mail Order Fred Meyer Jewelers, Inc. [California] Fred Meyer Pharmacy Fred Meyer Stores, Inc. [Ohio] Fred Meyer, Inc. [Delaware] fredmeyerjewelers.com Fresh Distribution Services LLC [Ohio] Fry’s Food Stores Fry’s Marketplace Fry’s Mercado Gene Maddy Drugs Gerbes Supermarkets Glasswing Labs LLC [Ohio] Glendale/Goodwin Realty I, LLC [Ohio] Grubstake Investments, LLC [Oregon] Harris Teeter Harris Teeter Properties, LLC [North Carolina] Harris Teeter Supermarkets, Inc. [North Carolina] Harris Teeter, LLC [North Carolina] Harris-Teeter Services, Inc. [North Carolina] Healthy Options Inc. [Delaware] Henpil, Inc. [Texas] Home Chef Hood-Clayton Logistics LLC [Georgia] HT Fuel DE, LLC [Delaware] HT Fuel NC, LLC [North Carolina] HT Fuel SC, LLC [South Carolina] HT Fuel VA, LLC [Virginia] HTGBD, LLC [North Carolina] HTP Bluffton, LLC [North Carolina] HTP Plaza LLC [North Carolina] HTP Relo, LLC [North Carolina] HTPS, LLC [North Carolina] HTTAH, LLC [North Carolina] Hughes Markets, Inc. [California] Hughes Realty, Inc. [California] I.T.A., Inc. [Wisconsin] Inter American Products, Inc. [Ohio] Inter-American Foods, Inc. [Ohio] Inter-American Products IRP, LLC [Wisconsin] ITAC 119, LLC [North Carolina] ITAC 265, LLC [North Carolina] J.V. Distributing, Inc. [Michigan] JayC Food Stores Jondex Corp. [Wisconsin] Jubilee Carolina, LLC [North Carolina] K. B. Specialty Foods KCDE – 2013, LLC [Ohio] KCDE-2 LLC [Ohio] KCDE-3 LLC [Ohio] KCDE-4 LLC [Ohio] KCDE-5 LLC [Ohio] KDL Kee Trans, Inc. [Wisconsin] Kenlake Foods Kentucky Distribution Center Kessel Food Markets Kessel Pharmacies Kettle Merger Sub, Inc. [Delaware] KGO LLC [Ohio] King Soopers King Soopers Fresh Fare King Soopers Fuel Center King Soopers Marketplace Kiosk Medicine Kentucky, LLC [Kentucky] Kiosk Medicine Kentucky PSC Kirkpatrick West Retail, LLC [Virginia] Kitchen 1883 KPF, LLC [Delaware] KPS, LLC [Ohio] KRGP LLC [Ohio] KRLP Inc. [Ohio] Kroger Kroger Community Development Entity, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Dedicated Logistics Co. [Ohio] Kroger Fresh Fare Kroger Fulfillment Network, LLC [Ohio] Kroger G.O. LLC [Ohio] Kroger Health Kroger Health Navigator LLC [Ohio] Kroger HQ LLC [Ohio] Kroger Limited Partnership I [Ohio] Kroger Limited Partnership II [Ohio] Kroger LM Real Estate Holdings, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – Corryville, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Athens I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Champaign I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Champaign II, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Cincinnati I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Danville I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Logansport I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Missouri I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Olney I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Omaha I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management – NMTC Portsmouth I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Management Co. [Michigan] Kroger Marketplace Kroger MC Holdings, LLC [Ohio] Kroger MTL Management, LLC [Ohio] Kroger NMTC Fremont I, LLC [Ohio] Kroger Opportunity Fund I, Inc. [Ohio] Kroger OZ1 Inc. [Ohio] Kroger OZ1 LLC [Ohio] Kroger OZ2 Inc. [Ohio] Kroger OZ2 LLC [Ohio] Kroger OZ3 LLC [Ohio] Kroger OZ3 Inc. [Ohio] Kroger Pharmacy Kroger Prescription Plans, Inc. [Ohio] Kroger Specialty Infusion AL Kroger Specialty Infusion AL, LLC [Alabama] Kroger Specialty Infusion CA Kroger Specialty Infusion CA, LLC [California] Kroger Specialty Infusion FL 2 Kroger Specialty Infusion Holdings, Inc. [Delaware] Kroger Specialty Infusion TX Kroger Specialty Infusion TX, LLC [Texas] Kroger Specialty Pharmacy CA Kroger Specialty Pharmacy CA 2, LLC Kroger Specialty Pharmacy CA 3 Kroger Specialty Pharmacy CA 4 Kroger Specialty Pharmacy CA, LLC [Delaware] Kroger Specialty Pharmacy FL Kroger Specialty Pharmacy FL 2 LLC [Delaware] Kroger Specialty Pharmacy Holdings 2, Inc. [Delaware] Kroger Specialty Pharmacy Holdings 3, LLC [Delaware] Kroger Specialty Pharmacy Holdings I, Inc. [Delaware] Kroger Specialty Pharmacy Holdings, Inc. [Delaware] Kroger Specialty Pharmacy LA Kroger Specialty Pharmacy LA, LLC [Louisiana] Kroger Specialty Pharmacy MS Kroger Specialty Pharmacy Puerto Rico Kroger Specialty Pharmacy TX Kroger Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. [Florida] Kroger Texas L.P. [Ohio] KV Anderson, LLC [Delaware] Latta Village, LLC [North Carolina] LCGP3 Home Cooking, Inc. [Delaware] Littman Jewelers littmanjewelers.com Local Mkt LLC [Ohio] Main & Vine LLC [Ohio] Main Street Spirits LLC [Ohio] Mariano’s Mariano’s Pharmacy Matthews Property 1, LLC [North Carolina] Mega Marts, LLC [Wisconsin] Metro Market Michigan Dairy Michigan Dairy, L.L.C. [Michigan] Modern HC Holdings, Inc. Modern HC Pharmacy, Inc. ModernHEALTH Specialty (AD-RX), LLC ModernHEALTH Specialty (PX), LLC Murray’s Cheese Murray’s Cheese Bar Murray’s Cheese LLC [Ohio] Murray’s LIC LLC [New York] Murray’s Table Murray’s Table LLC [New York] Owen's Supermarket Pace Dairy Foods Company [Ohio] Pace Dairy of Indiana Paramount Logistics, LLC [Ohio] Pay Less Super Markets Pay Less Super Markets, Inc. [Indiana] Peyton’s Fountain Peyton’s Phoenix Peyton's Mid-South Company Peyton's Northern Peyton's Southeastern Peyton's-Southeastern, Inc. [Tennessee] Pick ‘n Save Plum Labs LLC [Ohio] Pontiac Foods, Inc. [South Carolina] Postal Prescription Services Q20 Pub QFC QFC Cork & Tap QFC Fuel Station/Center QFC Fuel Stop Quality Food Centers Queen City Assurance, Inc. [Vermont] Ralphs Ralphs Fresh Fare Ralphs Grocery Company [Ohio] RBF, LLC [Wisconsin] RCK Foods Relish Labs LLC [Delaware] Retail Procurement Alliance LLC [Delaware] RGC Southeast Properties LLC [Ohio] Rocket Newco, Inc. [Texas] Roundy’s Acquisition Corp. [Delaware] Roundy’s Illinois, LLC [Wisconsin] Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc. [Wisconsin] Roundy’s, Inc. [Delaware] Ruler Foods Second Story, Inc. [Washington] Shop-Rite, LLC [Wisconsin] Smith’s Beverage of Wyoming, Inc. [Wyoming] Smith’s Express Smith’s Food & Drug Smith’s Food & Drug Centers, Inc. [Ohio] Smith’s Fuel Centers Smith’s Marketplace Stallings Investors I, LLC [North Carolina] Sunrise R&D Holdings, LLC [Ohio] Sunrise Technology LLC [Ohio] Swan Island Dairy The Kroger Co. The Kroger Co. of Michigan [Michigan] The Little Clinic The Little Clinic LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic Management Services LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of Arizona LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of Colorado LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of Florida LLC The Little Clinic of Georgia LLC The Little Clinic of IN LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of Indiana LLC [Indiana] The Little Clinic of Kansas LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of MI, LLC The Little Clinic of Michigan LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of Mississippi LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of Ohio LLC [Ohio] The Little Clinic of Oregon LLC The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of Texas LLC The Little Clinic of TX LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of Virginia LLC The Little Clinic of VA LLC [Delaware] TLC of MI, LLC [Michigan] The Little Clinic of Michigan LLC [Delaware] The Little Clinic of Washington LLC [Delaware] TLC Corporate Services LLC [Delaware] TLC Immunization Clinic LLC [Delaware] TLC of Georgia LLC [Delaware] TLC Physician Services of Texas, Inc. TLCRx, LLC TLCRx Holdings, LLC Topvalco, Inc. [Ohio] Total Life Care Rx Pharmacy, LLC Ultimate Mart, LLC [Wisconsin] Ultra Mart Foods, LLC [Wisconsin] Vandervoort Dairy Foods Company Vine Court Assurance Incorporated [Vermont] Vitacost.com, Inc. [Delaware] Winchester Farms Dairy Woodmont Holdings, LLC [North Carolina] K-1 EXHIBIT K Subdivision Participation and Release Form Governmental Entity: State: Authorized Official: Address 1: Address 2: City, State, Zip: Phone: Email: The governmental entity identified above (“Governmental Entity”), in order to obtain and in consideration for the benefits provided to the Governmental Entity pursuant to the Settlement Agreement dated March 22, 2024 (“Kroger Settlement”), and acting through the undersigned authorized official, hereby elects to participate in the Kroger Settlement, release all Released Claims against all Released Entities, and agrees as follows. 1. The Governmental Entity is aware of and has reviewed the Kroger Settlement, understands that all terms in this Participation and Release Form have the meanings defined therein, and agrees that by executing this Participation and Release Form, the Governmental Entity elects to participate in the Kroger Settlement and become a Participating Subdivision as provided therein. 2. The Governmental Entity shall promptly, and in any event no later than 14 days after the Reference Date and prior to the filing of the Consent Judgment, dismiss with prejudice any Released Claims that it has filed. With respect to any Released Claims pending in In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, MDL No. 2804, the Governmental Entity authorizes the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee to execute and file on behalf of the Governmental Entity a Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice substantially in the form found at [website link to national settlement website to be provided]. 3. The Governmental Entity agrees to the terms of the Kroger Settlement pertaining to Participating Subdivisions as defined therein. 4. By agreeing to the terms of the Kroger Settlement and becoming a Releasor, the Governmental Entity is entitled to the benefits provided therein, including, if applicable, monetary payments beginning after the Effective Date. 5. The Governmental Entity agrees to use any monies it receives through the Kroger Settlement solely for the purposes provided therein. 6. The Governmental Entity submits to the jurisdiction of the court in the Governmental Entity’s state where the Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court’s role as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent provided in, the Kroger Settlement. The Governmental Entity likewise agrees to arbitrate before the National Arbitration Panel K-2 as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent otherwise provided in, the Kroger Settlement. 7. The Governmental Entity has the right to enforce the Kroger Settlement as provided therein. 8. The Governmental Entity, as a Participating Subdivision, hereby becomes a Releasor for all purposes in the Kroger Settlement, including without limitation all provisions of Section XI (Release), and along with all departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, districts, instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys, and any person in their official capacity elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency, person, or other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, and any other entity identified in the definition of Releasor, provides for a release to the fullest extent of its authority. As a Releasor, the Governmental Entity hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in the Kroger Settlement are intended by the Parties to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of the Governmental Entity to release claims. The Kroger Settlement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim. 9. The Governmental Entity hereby takes on all rights and obligations of a Participating Subdivision as set forth in the Kroger Settlement. 10. In connection with the releases provided for in the Kroger Settlement, each Governmental Entity expressly waives, releases, and forever discharges any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads: General Release; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release that, if known by him or her would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party. A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it knows, believes, or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims, but each Governmental Entity hereby expressly waives and fully, finally, and forever settles, releases and discharges, upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and which, if known, would materially affect the Governmental Entities’ decision to participate in the Kroger Settlement. K-3 11. Nothing herein is intended to modify in any way the terms of the Kroger Settlement, to which Governmental Entity hereby agrees. To the extent this Participation and Release Form is interpreted differently from the Kroger Settlement in any respect, the Kroger Settlement controls. I have all necessary power and authorization to execute this Participation and Release Form on behalf of the Governmental Entity. Signature: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________ L-1 EXHIBIT L Settlement Fund Administrator Terms [Exhibit to be inserted prior to the Effective Date] M-1 EXHIBIT M-1: PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment Year and Payment Date Maximum Annual Fees Payment (See Exhibit M-3) Maximum Annual Remediation Payment (See Exhibit M-2) Annual Maximum Year 1 March 31, 2024 $28,800,000.00 $109,090,909.09 $ 137,890,909.09 Year 2 March 31, 2025 $28,800,000.00 $109,090,909.09 $ 137,890,909.09 Year 3 March 31, 2026 $28,800,000.00 $109,090,909.09 $ 137,890,909.09 Year 4 March 31, 2027 $28,800,000.00 $109,090,909.09 $ 137,890,909.09 Year 5 March 31, 2028 $28,800,000.00 $109,090,909.09 $ 137,890,909.09 Year 6 March 31, 2029 $28,800,000.00 $109,090,909.09 $ 137,890,909.09 Year 7 March 31, 2030 --- $109,090,909.09 $109,090,909.09 Year 8 March 31, 2031 --- $109,090,909.09 $109,090,909.09 Year 9 March 31, 2032 --- $109,090,909.09 $109,090,909.09 Year 10 March 31, 2033 --- $109,090,909.09 $109,090,909.09 Year 11 March 31, 2034 --- $109,090,909.10 $109,090,909.10 Total $172,800,000.00 $1,200,000,000.00 $1,372,800,000.00 M-2 EXHIBIT M-2: MAXIMUM ANNUAL REMEDIATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (See Notes on next page) Payment Year Maximum Base Payments (38%) Maximum Incentive Payment A (62%) Maximum Incentive Payment BC (59%) Maximum Incentive Payment D (10%) Maximum Annual Remediation Payment Year 1 $109,090,909.09 --- --- --- $109,090,909.09 Year 2 $ 34,690,909.09 $74,400,000.00 $74,400,000.00 --- $109,090,909.09 Year 3 $34,690,909.09 $74,400,000.00 $74,400,000.00 --- $109,090,909.09 Year 4 $34,690,909.09 $74,400,000.00 $74,400,000.00 --- $109,090,909.09 Year 5 $34,690,909.09 $74,400,000.00 $74,400,000.00 --- $109,090,909.09 Year 6 $34,690,909.09 $74,400,000.00 $68,400,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $109,090,909.09 Year 7 $34,690,909.09 $74,400,000.00 $68,400,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $109,090,909.09 Year 8 $34,690,909.09 $74,400,000.00 $68,400,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $109,090,909.09 Year 9 $34,690,909.09 $74,400,000.00 $68,400,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $109,090,909.09 Year 10 $34,690,909.09 $74,400,000.00 $68,400,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $109,090,909.09 Year 11 $34,690,909.10 $74,400,000.00 $68,400,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $109,090,909.10 Total $456,000,000.00 $744,000,000.00 $708,000,000.00 $120,000,000.00 $1,200,000,000.00 M-3 NOTES TO EXHIBIT M-2: 1. All figures for the Maximum Base Payment, Maximum Incentive A Payment, and Maximum Incentive Payment BC are maximum figures that reflect the following: - An assumption that all Eligible States are Settling States. - An assumption that all Settling States earn the full amount of the relevant incentive payment. 2. All figures for the Maximum Incentive Payment D show the amount earned based on all Settling States obtaining its maximum value of 10%, and reflect the following: - An assumption that all Eligible States are Settling States. - An assumption that all Settling States are eligible for Incentive Payment D in every Payment Year in which Incentive D is paid. 3. All figures for the Maximum Annual Remediation Payment reflect the following: - An assumption that all Eligible States are Settling States. - An assumption that each Settling State earn the maximum amount of the available Incentive Payment by either qualifying for Incentive Payment A, or the combination of obtaining a 100% participation percentage for Incentive Payment BC and earning Incentive Payment D at a value of 3%). 4. Pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement, Kroger will never have to pay both the Maximum Incentive Payment BC and Maximum Incentive Payment D. 5. Any offsets for Eligible States that are Non-Settling States would be deducted from the Maximum Base Payment, Maximum Incentive Payments (A, BC, and D), and Maximum Annual Remediation Payment by subtracting the amount of the payment times the Overall State Allocation Percentage for each Non-Settling State. 6. A Settling State may receive Base Payments and Incentive Payments totaling more than one hundred percent (100%) of its respective Overall Allocation Percentage in Year 11 if it is eligible to receive an Earnback Payment. The maximum aggregate Earnback Payment for all Settling States shall be lesser of the Total Unearned Incentive Payments for all Settling States, or $24 million. M-4 EXHIBIT M-3: ANNUAL FEES PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment Year Maximum Exhibit R Attorney Fee and Cost Funds State Cost Fund Maximum State Outside Counsel Fee Fund Maximum Additional Remediation Amount Maximum Annual Fees Payment Year 1 $24,800,000.00 $4,000,000.00 --- --- $28,800,000.00 Year 2 $24,800,000.00 $4,000,000.00 --- --- $28,800,000.00 Year 3 $24,800,000.00 --- $4,000,000.00 --- $28,800,000.00 Year 4 $24,800,000.00 --- $4,000,000.00 --- $28,800,000.00 Year 5 $24,800,000.00 --- --- $4,000,000.00 $28,800,000.00 Year 6 $24,800,000.00 --- --- $4,000,000.00 $28,800,000.00 Total $148,800,000.00 $8,000,000.00 $8,000,000.00 $8,000,000.00 $172,800,000.00 N-1 Exhibit N Additional Remediation Amount Allocation Percentages Alabama 1.7152787070% Arizona 5.9800876654% Arkansas 1.1808099025% California 10.6637674536% Colorado 6.0882035192% Delaware 0.2375520204% District of Columbia 0.1934446040% Florida 1.5103278758% Georgia 4.8106639496% Idaho 0.8370243518% Illinois 3.5752351537% Indiana 3.7562872084% Kansas 2.1269585440% Kentucky 5.0788761771% Louisiana 1.5747183980% Maryland 1.1342694829% Michigan 3.6565857006% Mississippi 0.9269657878% Missouri 2.1557235080% Montana 0.3359351316% Nebraska 0.4483689411% Nevada 2.3309101829% North Carolina 3.4934582851% Ohio 11.7688096174% Oregon 3.4072154665% South Carolina 1.6544897238% Tennessee 3.7484829624% Texas 6.7641163029% Virginia 2.4507285691% Washington 4.1476226956% Wisconsin 1.8898205597% Wyoming 0.3572615522% O-1 EXHIBIT O Adoption of a State-Subdivision Agreement A State-Subdivision Agreement shall be applied if it meets the requirements of Section V and is approved by the State and by the State’s Subdivisions as follows: 1. Requirements for Approval. A State-Subdivision Agreement shall be deemed as agreed to when it has been approved by the State and either (a) Subdivisions whose aggregate “Population Percentages,” determined as set forth below, total more than sixty percent (60%), or (b) Subdivisions whose aggregate Population Percentages total more than fifty percent (50%) provided that these Subdivisions also represent fifteen percent (15%) or more of the State’s counties or parishes (or, in the case of Settling States whose counties and parishes do not function as local governments, 15% of or more of the Settling State’s non-county Subdivisions), by number. 2. Approval Authority. Approval by the State shall be by the Attorney General. Approval by a Subdivision shall be by the appropriate official or legislative body pursuant to the required procedures for that Subdivision to agree to a legally binding settlement. 3. Population Percentage Calculation. For purposes of this Exhibit O only, Population Percentages shall be determined as follows: For States with functional counties or parishes1 the Population Percentage of each county or parish shall be deemed to be equal to (a) (1) two hundred percent (200%) of the population of such county or parish, minus (2) the aggregate population of all Primary Incorporated Municipalities located in such county or parish, divided by (b) two hundred percent (200%) of the State’s population. A “Primary Incorporated Municipality” means a city, town, village or other municipality incorporated under applicable state law with a population of at least 25,000 that is not located within another incorporated municipality. The Population Percentage of each Primary Incorporated Municipality shall be equal to its population (including the population of any incorporated or unincorporated municipality located therein) divided by two hundred percent (200%) of the State’s population; provided that the Population Percentage of a Primary Incorporated Municipality that is not located within a county shall be equal to two hundred percent (200%) of its population (including the population of any incorporated or unincorporated municipality located therein) divided by two hundred percent (200%) of the State’s population. For all States that do not have functional counties or parishes, the Population Percentage of each non-county Subdivision (including any incorporated or unincorporated municipality located therein), shall be equal to its population divided by the State’s population. 4. Preexisting Agreements and Statutory Provisions. A State may include with the notice to its Subdivisions an existing agreement, a proposed agreement, or statutory provisions regarding the distribution and use of settlement funds and have the acceptance of such an agreement or statutory provision be part of the requirements to be an Initial Participating Subdivision. 1 Certain states do not have counties or parishes that have functional governments, including Alaska. O-2 5. Revised Agreements. A State-Subdivision Agreement that has been revised, supplemented, or refined shall be applied if it meets the requirements of Section V and is approved by the State and by the State’s Subdivisions pursuant to the terms above. EXHIBIT P Pharmacy Controlled Substance Compliance Program & Anti- Diversion Injunctive Terms I. INTRODUCTION 1. Except where these Injunctive Terms specify a different implementation period, Kroger shall implement the Injunctive Terms set forth below in Sections II through XVIII by the Injunctive Terms Implementation Date (defined below). 2. To the extent that Kroger already has in place positions, committees, departments, policies or programs that satisfy the Injunctive Terms, no re-naming or other change is required by these Injunctive Terms. 3. Overview a. Kroger will implement or maintain a Controlled Substance Compliance Program (“CSCP”). b. The CSCP must include written standard operating procedures and/or corporate policies (the “CSCP Policies and Procedures”) required by these Injunctive Terms. c. The CSCP shall apply during the term of these Injunctive Terms, to each of Kroger’s retail pharmacy stores that dispense Schedule II Designated Controlled Substances and are registered or licensed with each Settling State. d. Kroger shall provide a copy of the relevant CSCP Policies and Procedures to each Settling State within sixty (60) days of the Injunctive Terms Implementation Date. To the extent any implementation is expected to require additional time, the Parties agree to work together in good faith to establish a timeline for implementation. No later than thirty (30) days after the Injunctive Terms Implementation Date, each Settling State shall identify the person or office to whom Kroger must provide a copy of the relevant CSCP Policies and Procedures and any other State-specific reporting required under these Injunctive Terms. e. Settling States shall form the States Injunctive Relief Committee to serve as a point of contact for Kroger and to perform such other roles as set forth herein. Upon the committee’s formation, Settling States shall provide notice to Kroger of the members of the committee. 4. Compliance with Laws a. Kroger acknowledges and agrees that its pharmacies must comply with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and rules, including those P - 2 regarding the dispensing of Controlled Substances. The requirements of these Injunctive Terms are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other requirements of federal, state, or local law. Nothing in the Injunctive Terms shall be construed as relieving Kroger of the obligation of its pharmacies to comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations or rules, nor shall any of the provisions of the Injunctive Terms be deemed as permission for Kroger to engage in any acts or practices prohibited by such laws, regulations or rules. b. The Injunctive Terms are not intended to and shall not be interpreted to prevent Kroger from taking or implementing any other compliance or policy steps that are more restrictive or that are necessary to conform with federal, state, or local legal requirements, unless such steps would conflict with State or local law. The Injunctive Terms are not intended to and shall not be interpreted to require Kroger to inventory any Controlled Substances or any particular Controlled Substances or to require dispensing of any Controlled Substances or of any individual, types, subsets or categories of Controlled Substances prescriptions. c. In the event that Kroger determines that there may be a conflict between the Injunctive Terms and the express requirements of federal, state, or local laws, or interpretations of such laws articulated by an agency responsible for enforcing such laws or a court (“Express Interpretations”), such that Kroger determines that it cannot comply with the Injunctive Terms without violating these express requirements or Express Interpretations, Kroger shall follow the express requirements of the federal, state or local law or Express Interpretation thereof and shall provide notice to the Settling State(s). Within thirty (30) days after receipt of a notification from Kroger referenced above, Kroger and the State shall meet and discuss the potential conflict, and Kroger shall comply with any reasonable requests from the Settling State as necessary to determine whether there is a conflict between the Injunctive Terms and the express requirements of federal, state, or local laws, or Express Interpretations. In the event that Kroger believes a court or administrative action brought by a governmental body in a Settling State has commenced against it or its pharmacists for actions required by the Injunctive Terms, then Kroger may notify the Attorney General of the Settling State of such pending action. If the State agrees that the court or administrative action is a result of actions required by the Injunctive Terms, the State will engage in best efforts to resolve the conflict or assist in achieving resolution of the court or administrative action. Nothing in this paragraph shall (i) limit the right of the Settling State to disagree with Kroger as to the conflict; (ii) be deemed to relieve Kroger from following any subsequently enacted law or regulation, or judicial decisions from a regulatory authority with jurisdiction over controlled substances that is more restrictive than the provisions of the Injunctive Terms, or from following the Injunctive Terms if they are more restrictive than applicable laws at issue in the administrative action if there is no conflict; (iii) be deemed to relieve Kroger from adhering to the outcome of a court or administrative action when it is determined that there is no conflict; or (iv) limit a Settling State’s ability to relieve Kroger of a duty under these Injunctive P - 3 Terms if that Settling State determines that that term is in conflict with that Settling State’s express legal requirements. d. Kroger shall retain all records it is required to create pursuant to its obligations hereunder for a period outlined in appendix A, unless otherwise specified. Nothing in these Injunctive Terms shall prevent a Settling State from issuing a lawful subpoena or Civil Investigative Demand (CID) for records pursuant to an applicable law. 5. No Admission and No Use as Evidence. Kroger does not admit liability or wrongdoing. These Injunctive Terms shall not be considered, construed, or represented to be (1) an admission, concession, or evidence of liability, wrongdoing, or to impose the existence of any legal obligations or requirements other than the requirement to follow these Injunctive Terms, or (2) a waiver or limitation of any defense otherwise available to Kroger. These Injunctive Terms shall not be offered or received in evidence or otherwise relied on in any action or proceeding for any purpose other than in an action or proceeding to modify or enforce or monitor compliance with these Injunctive Terms. II. TERM AND SCOPE 1. The term of these Injunctive Terms shall be from the Injunctive Terms Implementation Date until November 15, 2032, unless otherwise specified herein. 2. Except as otherwise stated herein, the Injunctive Terms shall apply to Kroger’s retail pharmacy stores located in, and registered or licensed with, each Settling State that dispense Schedule II Designated Controlled Substances to Patients, including any Schedule II Designated Controlled Substances dispensed by any such retail pharmacy stores that are mailed or shipped to patients in a Settling State. Should Kroger operate an online pharmacy that is registered or licensed to dispense Schedule II Designated Controlled Substances in any Settling State while these Injunctive Terms are in effect, the Injunctive Terms shall apply to such pharmacy as well.1 3. These Injunctive Terms may be amended by mutual agreement of a majority of the States Injunctive Relief Committee and Settling Pharmacy. Any such amendments must be in writing. III. DEFINITIONS 1. The term “Distributor Injunctive Terms” means Exhibit P of the Settlement Agreement, dated as of July 21, 2021, between McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., and AmerisourceBergen Corporation and certain States and subdivisions. 1 Kroger’s specialty and mail order pharmacies are not subject to, and are not online pharmacies for purposes of, these Injunctive Terms. P - 4 2. The term “Block” means an action taken by Kroger preventing or otherwise prohibiting any Settling Pharmacy pharmacist from filling prescriptions for Controlled Substances from a specific identified Prescriber. 3. The term “Clearinghouse” means the system established by Section XVII of the Distributor Injunctive Terms. 4. The term “Controlled Substances” means those substances designated under schedules II-V pursuant to the federal Controlled Substances Act. 5. The term “Designated Controlled Substances” shall be limited to: (a) oxycodone; (b) hydrocodone; (c) hydromorphone; (d) tramadol; (e) oxymorphone; (f) morphine; (g) methadone; and (h) fentanyl. 6. The term “Injunctive Terms Implementation Date” means sixty (60) days after the Effective Date of the Settlement Agreement as defined in Section I.V of the Kroger Settlement Agreement. 7. The term “National Arbitration Panel” is defined in Section I.LL of the Kroger Settlement Agreement. 8. The term “Patient” means any individual who receives a prescription for a Designated Controlled Substance from a Prescriber, whether legally valid or not, and attempts to fill it at one of Kroger’s pharmacy stores in a Settling State. 9. The term “Prescriber” means any individual that has issued a prescription for a Designated Controlled Substance, whether legally valid or not, that is presented to Kroger in a Settling State. 10. The term “Red Flag(s)” means the enumerated Patient Red Flags, Prescription Red Flags, and Prescriber Red Flags set out in Section IX. 11. The term “Settling State(s)” means each State that is a signatory to the Kroger Settlement Agreement. 12. The term “States Injunctive Relief Committee” means a committee representing the Settling States composed of between four and eight members designated by the Settling States. The members of the States Injunctive Relief Committee shall be employees of a Settling State’s Office of Attorney General and/or employees of another agency of a Settling State. 13. The term “Kroger Settlement Agreement” means the settlement agreement dated as of March 22, 2024, between and among the Settling States, the Participating Subdivisions and Kroger. P - 5 IV. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE COMPLIANCE PERSONNEL 1. Kroger shall designate a Controlled Substance Compliance Director, or other appropriately titled position, to be a member of the Controlled Substance Compliance Committee (described below in Section VI), and to oversee a Controlled Substance Compliance Department and Kroger’s compliance with 21 C.F.R. 1306.04 and these Injunctive Terms. As used in these Injunctive Terms, the terms “Controlled Substance Compliance Committee” and “Controlled Substance Compliance Department” refer to the entity or entities, however titled, that carry out the functions required by these Injunctive Terms. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, to the extent an existing position, committee or department carries out the functions required by these Injunctive Terms, any other functions undertaken by such position, committee or department shall not be subject to these Injunctive Terms or oversight by the Settling States pursuant to these Injunctive Terms. The position, committee and department discussed in these Terms may bear different names and need not be limited to the roles and functions set forth herein. 2. The Controlled Substance Compliance Director shall have knowledge of and experience with the laws and regulation of Controlled Substances, in particular the regulations in 21 C.F.R. § 1306.04. 3. The Controlled Substance Compliance Director shall provide at least quarterly reports to the Controlled Substance Compliance Committee (described below in Section VI) regarding Kroger’s compliance with these Injunctive Terms, including the implementation of any changes to the CSCP Policies and Procedures required by these Injunctive Terms. 4. Staffing levels of Kroger’s Controlled Substance Compliance Department shall be reviewed periodically, but at least on an annual basis, by Kroger’s Controlled Substance Compliance Committee to assess whether such staffing levels are sufficient for the Controlled Substance Compliance Department to comply with this Agreement. This review shall include consideration of relevant developments in technology, law, and regulations. 5. Throughout the term of these Injunctive Terms, Kroger shall maintain a telephone and electronic submission hotline(s) (the “Hotline”) to permit employees and/or Patients and/or members of the public to anonymously report suspected inappropriate or illegitimate dispensing, prescribing or diversion of Designated Controlled Substances, violations of the CSCP Policies and Procedures, these Injunctive Terms, or other applicable law related to Designated Controlled Substances. The Hotline may be implemented by adding a dedicated option to existing systems that includes reporting regarding Designated Controlled Substances. Kroger shall publish its Hotline contact information to its employees and Patients in the Settling States. Kroger shall maintain for a period outlined in appendix A a record of each complaint made to the Hotline regarding Designated Controlled Substances and documentation regarding any investigation or response to such complaints. Nothing herein shall require Kroger to investigate a pharmacist’s professional judgment to refuse a P - 6 prescription that the pharmacist believes was prescribed or is being used for other than a legitimate medical purpose or that the pharmacist believes was not prescribed by an individual Prescriber acting in the usual course of his or her professional practice. V. INDEPENDENCE 1. Kroger’s Controlled Substance Compliance Department personnel, pharmacists and pharmacist technicians who work at Kroger’s pharmacies within the Settling States, and field personnel who supervise pharmacists and pharmacist technicians (together, “CSCP Employees”), shall not be compensated in whole or in part by commissions, bonuses, incentives or any other monetary or non-pecuniary benefit that depends in material part on revenue or profitability targets or expectations to sales of Controlled Substances. Nothing in these Injunctive Terms shall be interpreted to prevent compensation of employees based on sales volume, revenue or profitability targets/expectations for enterprise-, store-, or pharmacy-wide sales that include Controlled Substances. 2. No CSCP Employees may be terminated, suspended, threatened with or face any other negative employment consequence for failing to meet any revenue or profitability targets or expectations that depends in material part on sales of Controlled Substances. Nothing in these Injunctive Terms shall be interpreted to prevent Kroger from taking employment action based on sales volume, revenue or profitability targets/expectations for enterprise-, store-, or pharmacy-wide sales that include Controlled Substances. 3. Personnel in Kroger’s Controlled Substance Compliance Department shall not report to Kroger’s sales, marketing, or business development departments, and sales, marketing, or business development departments shall not be authorized to make decisions regarding the promotion, compensation, demotion, admonition, discipline, commendation, periodic performance reviews, hiring, or firing of Controlled Substance Compliance Department personnel. This provision does not apply to an officer or executive to whom both the Controlled Substance Compliance Department and sales, marketing and/or business development departments report. 4. Kroger’s sales, marketing and business development departments are prohibited from interfering with, obstructing, or otherwise exerting control over any Controlled Substance Compliance Department or Controlled Substance Committee decision- making. This provision does not apply to an officer or executive to whom both the Controlled Substance Compliance Department and sales, marketing and/or business development departments report. 5. To the extent necessary to comply with this section, Kroger’s Controlled Substance Compliance Committee shall review, modify, and direct any changes to any compensation and non-retaliation policies specific to the sale or dispensing of Designated Controlled Substances. P - 7 VI. OVERSIGHT 1. To the extent not already established, within thirty (30) business days of the Injunctive Terms Implementation Date, Kroger shall establish a compliance committee, however titled, that includes representatives from its respective legal, compliance, pharmacy operations and asset protection departments, however named, to provide oversight over the CSCP and its compliance with the Injunctive Terms. For the purposes of reference herein, this committee, however named, shall be referred to as the “Controlled Substance Compliance Committee.” Kroger shall maintain its Controlled Substance Compliance Committee for the duration of the term of the Injunctive Terms. The Controlled Substance Compliance Director shall be a member of the Controlled Substance Compliance Committee. 2. Kroger’s Controlled Substance Compliance Committee shall have quarterly meetings during which the Controlled Substance Compliance Director shall report on, and the Controlled Substance Compliance Committee shall review, among other things, (a) the Prescription Validation Process, including the CSCP Policies and Procedures on identifying and resolving Patient, Prescriber and Prescription Red Flags; (b) the training required under the Injunctive Terms; (c) proactive due diligence and site visits; (d) the Prescriber Review Processes; (e) significant new national and regional diversion trends involving Controlled Substances; (f) Kroger’s adherence to the Injunctive Terms and applicable laws and regulations; and (g) any technology, staffing, or other resource needs for the CSCP. The Controlled Substance Compliance Committee shall have access to all CSCP reports described in the following subsection. 3. On an annual basis, Kroger’s Controlled Substance Compliance Committee shall provide a written report to the President of the Settling Pharmacy’s Retail Division, the Chief Financial Officer of the Settlement Pharmacy’s Retail Division, the Chief Legal Officer of the Settling Pharmacy’s Retail Division, and the corporate Chief Compliance Officer, outlining (a) the Settling Pharmacy’s adherence to, and any material deviations from these Injunctive Terms; (b) the allocation of resources sufficient to comply with these Injunctive Terms; and (c) any revisions to the CSCP that the Controlled Substance Compliance Committee has approved. The corporate Chief Compliance Officer shall determine if and when it is appropriate to make a report to the Board or any subcommittee thereof, but shall report at least annually. 4. Kroger, through its Controlled Substance Compliance Department and Committee, shall, at least once every year, review and oversee any enhancements to the CSCP Policies and Procedures and systems for dispensing activity that the Controlled Substance Compliance Committee deems necessary. 5. The Controlled Substance Compliance Committee shall be responsible for the approval of all material revisions to the CSCP Policies and Procedures, provided that nothing herein shall prevent Kroger from implementing changes to the CSCP Policies and Procedures pending such review and approval. P - 8 VII. MANDATORY TRAINING 1. The CSCP Policies and Procedures shall be published in a form and location readily accessible to all pharmacy and compliance personnel at each of Kroger’s retail pharmacy locations in the Settling States. Online availability is sufficient, so long as pharmacy and compliance personnel have access to a computer with access to the CSCP Policies and Procedures. 2. Kroger shall launch training for all existing CSCP Employees, to the extent practical (for example, accounting for employee leave), on the CSCP Policies and Procedures required under these Injunctive Terms, including the Prescription Validation Process and corresponding responsibility. The training shall be launched within one hundred twenty (120) days of the Injunctive Terms Implementation Date. All CSCP Employee new hires, to the extent practical, shall be required to participate in such trainings within sixty (60) days of hiring or six (6) months of the Injunctive Terms Implementation Date, whichever is later. Kroger will further require that every CSCP Employee, to the extent practical, receive such training at least once every three (3) years for the term of these Injunctive Terms. 3. On an annual basis for the duration of these Injunctive Terms, Kroger shall test its CSCP Employees on their knowledge regarding the CSCP Policies and Procedures required under these Injunctive Terms, including the Prescription Validation Process and corresponding responsibility. 4. It shall be a part of the CSCP Policies and Procedures and all trainings of all CSCP Employees required under these Injunctive Terms that pharmacists shall refuse to dispense Controlled Substances that they believe were prescribed or are being used for other than a legitimate medical purpose or that they believe were not prescribed by an individual Prescriber acting in the usual course of his or her professional practice. 5. All trainings required under these Injunctive Terms shall also make clear that (i) Kroger’s compensation and non-retaliation policies, including pursuant to these Injunctive Terms, prevent CSCP Employees from being compensated or penalized in any way related to revenue or profitability targets or expectations specific to sales of Controlled Substances; and ii) pharmacists will not be penalized in any way for exercising their professional judgment to refuse to fill prescriptions for Controlled Substances pursuant to their corresponding responsibility. To the extent that trainings designed and launched prior to the Effective Date of these Injunctive Terms do not reference these policies, they shall be added by the end of April 2024. VIII. THE PRESCRIPTION VALIDATION PROCESS 1. As part of its CSCP, Kroger shall maintain a Prescription Validation Process in the CSCP Policies and Procedures, as further described and set forth in this section, that each pharmacist employed by Kroger in a Settling State must follow when dispensing a prescription for a Controlled Substance. The inclusion of an enumerated Red Flag in these Injunctive Terms shall not be considered, construed, or represented to be an P - 9 admission, concession, or evidence of any factual or legal contention related to such Red Flag. A Red Flag shall not be interpreted to mean that a prescription is, or is more likely than not, illegitimate and/or not issued in the usual course of professional practice or treatment. 2. A Red Flag will be considered “resolved” if, after further investigation as described below, and given other facts and circumstances surrounding the prescription, a pharmacist determines, in his or her professional judgment, that the facts that triggered the Red Flag do not lead him or her to believe that the prescription was written or is being submitted for an illegitimate medical purpose or outside the usual course of a Prescriber’s professional practice. 3. Kroger’s CSCP Policies and Procedures shall provide that if a pharmacist identifies any “Patient Red Flags” associated with a Controlled Substances prescription (described in Section IX(3) below), before filling the prescription the pharmacist must resolve them; and that the method of resolution falls within the judgment of the pharmacist and may include reviewing the Patient’s profile and history with the Settling Pharmacy, calling the Prescriber or Prescribers if appropriate, speaking with the Patient if appropriate, calling on the pharmacist’s pre-existing knowledge of the Patient or Prescriber, reviewing available Prescription Monitoring Program (“PMP” or “PDMP”) data, and/or reviewing other data or information available to the pharmacist. 4. Kroger’s CSCP Policies and Procedures shall provide that if forgery or fraud is suspected, or if the pharmacist identifies any other “Prescription Red Flags” associated with a Controlled Substances prescription (described in Section IX(4) below), the pharmacist must resolve the Prescription Red Flags before filling the prescription; and that the method of resolution falls within the judgment of the pharmacist and may include reviewing the Patient’s profile and history with Kroger, calling the Prescriber or Prescribers if appropriate, speaking with the Patient if appropriate, calling on the pharmacist’s pre-existing knowledge of the Patient or Prescriber, reviewing available PMP or PDMP data, and/or reviewing other data or information available to the pharmacist. 5. Kroger’s CSCP Policies and Procedures shall require that if a pharmacist identifies any “Prescriber Red Flags” associated with a Controlled Substances prescription (described in Section IX(5) below), the pharmacist must resolve them before filling the prescription; and that the method of resolution falls within the judgment of the pharmacist and may include reviewing any Kroger records regarding the Prescriber, calling the Prescriber if appropriate, speaking with the Patient if appropriate, calling on the pharmacist’s pre-existing knowledge of the Patient or Prescriber, reviewing available PMP or PDMP data, and/or reviewing other data or information available to Kroger. 6. Kroger’s CSCP Policies and Procedures related to Schedule II Designated Controlled Substances shall provide that the resolution of all Red Flags identified by the pharmacist, as well as any prescriptions that were rejected pursuant to Red Flags P - 10 identified by the pharmacist, and the reasons why they were rejected, must be documented by the pharmacist, unless (a) if based on the pharmacist’s pre-existing knowledge of the Patient or Prescriber or (b) if documentation is not possible (e.g., a patient refuses to hand over a non-electronic prescription). Any such records shall be maintained for a period outlined in appendix A. To the extent that a Red Flag is resolved based upon facts or circumstances that are already reflected or documented in Kroger’s records, further documentation of those facts or circumstances is not required for resolution of substantially the same Red Flag on subsequent prescriptions. For example, if a Patient lives fifty-five (55) miles from a Kroger but works near the pharmacy and that fact is reflected in pharmacy records, no documentation for the resolution of the Red Flag addressing the Patient’s distance from the pharmacy is required in connection with individual prescriptions dispensed for that Patient. A lack of documentation shall not be interpreted to create a presumption that a pharmacist did not resolve any identified Red Flags. Nothing in these Injunctive Terms shall require Kroger to create a record in those instances where the pharmacist rejects a prescription when presented without an effort to resolve any red flags, including but not limited to instances where the pharmacist rejects a prescription for clinical reasons, or where the pharmacist identifies on the face of the prescription a Prescription Red Flag (defined in Section IX below) that causes the pharmacist to conclude without further inquiry that the prescription is invalid. 7. Kroger’s CSCP Policies and Procedures shall provide that, even if all Red Flags are resolved, a pharmacist shall reject a prescription if, in his or her professional judgment, he or she believes that it was written or is being submitted for other than a legitimate medical purpose and/or was written outside the usual course of an individual Prescriber’s professional practice. IX. RED FLAGS 1. Upon request by the Settling States, but no more than annually, and no earlier than four months after the Injunctive Terms Implementation Date, Kroger shall provide to the Settling States a report (the “Annual Data Report”) that sets forth: (1) the total number of prescriptions for Controlled Substances dispensed annually, aggregated nationally and by state; (2) the top twenty-five prescribers of Designated Controlled Substances in each Settling State; (3) the list of prescribers subject to disclosure in section X.5; (4) the specific process, system, metrics or algorithms (if any) sufficient to demonstrate the operational system’s ability to identify each category of Red Flag listed in this section; and (5) the total number of Designated Controlled Substance prescriptions that pharmacists at the Settling Pharmacy refused to dispense, as reflected in the pharmacy dispensing or other electronic system. Unless otherwise required by law, if a Settling State seeks to disclose any data and/or information provided under this provision as part of a proceeding to enforce these Injunctive Terms or for other law enforcement purposes, it shall first provide ten (10) days’ notice to Kroger unless doing so would conflict with applicable law. P - 11 2. A Settling State shall not otherwise disclose or provide any data provided under this provision to third parties during or after the Term of these Injunctive Terms unless required to do so by law. If a Settling State is required to disclose or provide any data under this provision to third parties during or after the Term of these Injunctive Terms, it shall first provide ten (10) days’ notice to Kroger unless doing so would conflict with applicable law. All data and/or information provided under this paragraph shall be deemed confidential law enforcement material, to the extent state law permits, and shall not be subject to production unless required by law. Nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to prevent a Settling State from sharing this material with other State or federal law enforcement agencies. 3. Within the ninety (90) days following the provision of the Annual Data Reports, either Kroger or the States Injunctive Relief Committee may propose in writing a meet and confer to discuss potential changes to the scope of one or more categories of Red Flags. At such a meeting, Kroger or the States Injunctive Relief Committee may provide additional research, information or data available to them beyond that provided in the Annual Data Reports. For example, Kroger might propose reducing the threshold for triggering a particular category of Red Flag or consolidating certain Red Flags or subcategories of Red Flags into a single metric, or the States Injunctive Relief Committee might propose increasing the threshold for triggering a particular Red Flag or expanding that Red Flag to include multiple subcategories (e.g., number of prescriptions, distance thresholds). a. If Kroger and the States Injunctive Relief Committee agree on such changes to one or more Red Flags, they shall document those changes in writing and they shall become a part of these Injunctive Terms for all intents and purposes. b. If Kroger and the States Injunctive Relief Committee cannot agree on the proposed changes during their meeting and confer, the Party seeking the change(s) to the Red Flag(s) may seek a 5-day mediation of the issue at its own expense. If the mediation fails to resolve the dispute between the parties, the party seeking the proposed change(s) may appeal to the National Arbitration Panel to have the National Arbitration Panel modify the Red Flags on the basis that the change(s) would be consistent both with avoiding unnecessary material costs of identifying and resolving Red Flags and materially reducing the diversion of Controlled Substances. In such a proceeding, the Party seeking the proposed change(s) may provide evidence from Annual Data Reports or from other research, data and information. c. In any such proceedings, there shall be a presumption against imposition of any proposed Red Flags, or proposed modifications to pre-existing Red Flags, that have not been identified by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) or other law enforcement agencies tasked with the regulation of Controlled Substances. d. The Red Flags required by these Injunctive Terms shall at no point be too numerous or complex to be reasonably workable for pharmacists in the context P - 12 of protecting patient safety, performing corresponding responsibility, drug utilization review, and their other responsibilities. Any dispute over whether the Red Flags required by these Injunctive Terms have become too numerous or complex to be reasonably workable for pharmacists shall be submitted to the National Arbitration Panel. In the event a dispute is submitted to the National Arbitration Panel, it shall be Kroger’s burden to prove that the Red Flag(s) at issue are overly burdensome and that their burdensome nature outweighs any public health benefit. 4. Kroger’s CSCP Policies and Procedures shall direct its pharmacists to treat the following circumstances as “Patient Red Flags”: a. A Patient seeks to fill a Schedule II Designated Controlled Substance prescription more than three days prior to the contemplated exhaustion date of an earlier prescription of the same Schedule II Designated Controlled Substance (e.g., exhaustion of the days’ supply assuming the prescription has been taken in accordance with the prescribers’ directions on the face of the prescription), provided the previous prescription was also dispensed by the same Settling Pharmacy; b. A Patient seeks to fill a Designated Controlled Substance prescription from a Prescriber after having filled Designated Controlled Substance prescriptions at the same Kroger pharmacy from more than four other Prescribers, from separate practices, in a given 6-month period;2 c. To the extent personally known by the dispensing pharmacist, Prescriber has been the subject of more than ten (10) documented refusals to fill a Designated Controlled Substances or any opioid product within a six-month period; d. A Patient seeks to fill a Designated Controlled Substance prescription after having filled three other Designated Controlled Substance prescriptions written by multiple Prescribers with overlapping days of supply at Kroger’s pharmacies within thirty (30) days; e. The distance between a Patient’s residence and the Kroger receiving the Designated Controlled Substance prescription is farther than 50 miles; f. The Patient resides more than one hundred (100) miles from the Prescriber who issued the Designated Controlled Substances prescription, unless the dispensing pharmacist makes a good faith error in evaluating the distance, and the prescription was not issued pursuant to a telemedicine consultation; g. To the extent personally known by the dispensing pharmacist, a Patient seeks to fill a Designated Controlled Substance prescription after having two other 2 In Kroger’s sole discretion, for administrative convenience Kroger may implement this Red Flag without regard to whether Prescribers are at separate practices, thereby resulting in more instances in which the flag occurs. P - 13 prescriptions for Designated Controlled Substances subjected to documented refusals to fill by a Kroger pharmacist within the past thirty (30) days; h. A patient pays in cash for a Designated Controlled Substance despite having current prescription drug insurance on file in the Settling Pharmacy’s dispensing system for that medication; i. To the extent personally known by any pharmacy personnel, three or more Patients come to the pharmacy together to fill prescriptions for the same Designated Controlled Substance medication; j. A Patient requests a Designated Controlled Substance by its slang or street description, such as “Mallinckrodt blues,” “M’s” or “the blue pill”; and k. A Patient presenting a prescription for a Designated Controlled Substance appears visibly altered, intoxicated, or incoherent. 5. Kroger’s CSCP Policies and Procedures shall direct its pharmacists to treat the following circumstances as “Prescription Red Flags:” a. A Controlled Substance prescription fails to meet the requirements of law. For the sake of clarity, minor deficiencies in the patient’s name, address, date of birth, or contact information are not a red flag if the pharmacist, in his or her professional judgment and usual course of practice, is able to resolve these deficiencies with the patient. Similarly, minor deficiencies in the prescriber’s name, address, contact information, or DEA number are not a red flag if the pharmacist is able to resolve these deficiencies with the prescriber; b. A Controlled Substance prescription that appears altered, including but not limited to, a photocopied prescription or a prescription in which an altering agent, such as white out, was used; c. A Controlled Substance prescription written with misspellings suggesting the prescription may not have been written by a valid Prescriber; d. A Controlled Substance prescription using atypical abbreviations suggesting the prescription may not have been written by a valid Prescriber; and e. A Controlled Substance prescription written with multiple colors of ink or in multiple different handwritings. 6. Kroger’s CSCP Policies and Procedures shall direct its pharmacists to treat the following circumstances as “Prescriber Red Flags:” a. A Prescriber provides a Patient with prescriptions for all three of a Schedule II Designated Controlled Substance, a benzodiazepine, and carisoprodol; P - 14 b. A Prescriber has no office within fifty (50) miles of the retail pharmacy store where a Designated Controlled Substance prescription is submitted; and c. A Prescriber of Designated Controlled Substances uses prescriptions that are preprinted or stamped with drug type and amount. X. PRESCRIBER REVIEW 1. Kroger shall regularly review the prescribing patterns and practices of Prescribers of Designated Controlled Substances (the “Prescriber Review Process”). The Prescriber Review Process shall employ algorithms, or other means, to review data on Kroger’s retail dispensing for potential Prescribers of concern. 2. Kroger shall initiate Prescriber Review Process in the following circumstances: a. Personnel implementing the Prescriber Review Process become aware that a Prescriber of Designated Controlled Substances located in a Settling State has been the subject of a blanket refusal to fill by one or more of Kroger’s retail pharmacy stores in the Settling States; b. Personnel implementing the Prescriber Review Process become aware that a Prescriber of Designated Controlled Substances located in a Settling State has been charged or indicted with a crime related to prescribing Designated Controlled Substances by the Federal Government or law enforcement in a Settling State; or c. Kroger has received a Hotline complaint that has been investigated and substantiated concerning a Prescriber’s alleged illegitimate prescribing of Designated Controlled Substances. 3. Based on the professional judgment of the employees operating the Prescriber Review Process, Kroger may also initiate the Prescriber Review Process when: a. Personnel implementing the Prescriber Review Process are notified in writing by law enforcement that a Prescriber of Designated Controlled Substances located in a Settling State is the target of an investigation regarding the prescribing of Controlled Substances; b. A Prescriber of Designated Controlled Substances was flagged for review by a Kroger pharmacist in a Settling State (other than through a refusal to fill or blanket refusal to fill) or by field personnel who supervise Kroger’s pharmacies in a Settling State; or c. A Prescriber of Designated Controlled Substances located in a Settling State was identified through the running of algorithms on Kroger’s retail dispensing. 4. Once Kroger identifies a Prescriber of Designated Controlled Substances for further investigation, Kroger shall review pertinent and available data or information P - 15 pertaining to the Prescriber, which may include interviews or other information gathered in the discretion of the employees operating the Prescriber Review Process. All data and information collected or created as part of the Prescriber Review Process shall be maintained by Kroger for a period outlined in appendix A. When permitted by law, nothing contained in this Section prevents Kroger from taking immediate action to Block a Prescriber. 5. If after the Prescriber Review Process, those making the decision have not resolved the circumstances that caused Kroger to further investigate the Prescriber, from the perspective of those making the decisions, then the Prescriber shall be Blocked from having Controlled Substance prescriptions filled at Kroger’s retail pharmacies in the Settling States, when permitted by law. A Prescriber may have an opportunity at the discretion of Kroger to seek future reinstatement by providing information to Kroger that may resolve its concerns. Nothing in this Section shall limit the right or ability of Kroger pharmacists to either refuse to fill a given prescription or refuse to fill all prescriptions for Controlled Substances from a given Prescriber independent of any decision by Kroger to Block or not Block a given Prescriber. On written demand, on an annual basis, Kroger shall provide to each Settling State the names of and DEA registration or NPI numbers of Prescribers of Designated Controlled Substances within that Settling State that it has Blocked. Each Settling State shall provide contact information in order to receive such information. For each of the Settling States, on an annual basis, Kroger shall provide to the Injunctive Relief Committee the number, names and DEA registration or NPI numbers of Prescribers who were: (a) blocked, and (b) the number of prescribers who were reviewed but not blocked. XI. PROACTIVE DUE DILIGENCE AND SITE VISITS 1. During the term of these Injunctive Terms, Kroger shall conduct periodic proactive compliance reviews of its retail pharmacy stores in the Settling States to assist with the identification of potential compliance issues related to the dispensing of Designated Controlled Substances at its retail pharmacy stores in the Settling States. This may be satisfied by the use of algorithms, or other electronic means, to analyze data associated with each pharmacy’s dispensing of Designated Controlled Substances to identify particular pharmacies for review as required under this Section XI. Documentation of any resulting reviews shall be maintained by Kroger and made accessible to all Controlled Substance Compliance Department personnel upon request for a period outlined in appendix A. 2. During the term of these Injunctive Terms, Kroger personnel or qualified third-party compliance consultants shall conduct site visits to each pharmacy in XI.1. in a calendar year. These site visits shall at a minimum consist of a review of Controlled Substance dispensing documentation and recordkeeping; and a review of physical surroundings and other circumstances for any indications of potential non-compliance with these Injunctive Terms or the CSCP Policies and Procedures, or any violations of other applicable laws and regulations related to the dispensing of Controlled Substances. P - 16 3. During site visits, Kroger’s personnel or qualified third-party compliance consultants shall interview relevant pharmacy employees, if appropriate, about any potential areas or issues of concern, including potential violations of laws related to the dispensing of Controlled Substances, the CSCP Policies and Procedures, and these Injunctive Terms. 4. Kroger’s personnel or qualified third-party compliance consultants who conduct site visits shall complete a report reflecting the findings of any site visit pursuant to this section. This report shall document areas or issues of concern, including potential violations of law related to the dispensing of Controlled Substances, the CSCP Policies and Procedures, and these Injunctive Terms. 5. The site visit reports described above shall be maintained by Kroger and made accessible to all Controlled Substance Compliance Department personnel for a period outlined in appendix A. Upon its request, the States Injunctive Relief Committee shall be provided sample reports or a report for a particular store. XII. THEFT AND LOSS PREVENTION 1. In addition to complying with all theft and loss procedures, policies and precautions required by state and federal law, Kroger shall maintain information regarding the receipt and disposition of inventory of all Designated Controlled Substances at each retail pharmacy store for a period outlined in appendix A, if the information is an electronic record. If the information is not an electronic record, Kroger shall only be required to maintain those records for a period outlined in appendix A. 2. In addition to any other reporting obligations under state and federal law, Kroger must provide to each Settling State on a quarterly basis any reports it has made to the DEA regarding the theft or significant loss of Designated Controlled Substances in that Settling State pursuant to 21 C.F.R. §1301.76(b). There shall be no obligation to provide these reports to Settling States that receive contemporaneous reporting of thefts or significant losses of Designated Controlled Substances to a Settling State’s board of pharmacy or other relevant state agency requiring such reports. Each Settling State shall provide contact information in order to receive such reports. XIII. REPORTING TO LAW ENFORCEMENT 1. The Settling States shall inform Kroger to what extent their law enforcement authorities would like to receive reports, other than those already required by law or regulation, of any confirmed forged prescriptions. To the extent not already in place, Kroger shall implement standard operating procedures directing its employees to report any confirmed forged prescriptions for Designated Controlled Substances to those Settling States who have indicated that they want to accept it, within five (5) business days of completing any review of such prescription or conduct. The Settling States shall provide contact information in order to receive such reports. P - 17 2. Kroger shall document and for a period outlined in appendix A maintain records of any such reports that are made to Settling States regarding confirmed fraudulent or forged prescriptions, which are maintained centrally. XIV. ENFORCEMENT OF INJUNCTIVE TERMS 1. Notice of Potential Violations and Opportunity to Cure. a. A “Potential Violation” occurs when the Settling State determines, after appropriate investigation and due diligence, that Kroger is not in substantial compliance with a material aspect of the Injunctive Terms. A Potential Violation may be for a single retail pharmacy. A violation of this Agreement is not presumed to occur when a pharmacist, pharmacist technician, or other field personnel who supervise pharmacists and/or pharmacist technicians employed by Kroger violates Kroger’s CSCP Policies and Procedures. b. Potential Violation Discovered by Settling State. i. In the event of a Potential Violation identified by a Settling State, the Settling State shall notify Kroger in writing (the “State’s Notice”). ii. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the State’s Notice, Kroger shall provide a written response to the Settling State. The response shall include Kroger’s position as to the act(s) of non-compliance, including, possibly, a statement setting forth why Kroger believes it is in substantial compliance with the relevant provision(s) or a statement explaining how the Potential Violation has been addressed. iii. If the Settling State wishes to meet with Kroger, Kroger shall promptly make itself available for such a meeting. c. If, after review of a written response and any meeting, the Settling State believes that a Potential Violation is ongoing or has not been substantially addressed, it will provide written notice to Kroger and work in conjunction with Kroger to devise, within thirty (30) days, a corrective action plan (“Corrective Action Plan”) to remedy such Potential Violation, including a reasonable period for implementation of such plan. d. Within sixty (60) and one hundred twenty (120) days after implementing the Corrective Action Plan, Kroger will provide a written compliance update to the Settling State and make itself available to meet with the Settling State if requested. If after reviewing the compliance update and any meeting, the Settling State believes a Potential Violation remains ongoing or has not been substantially addressed, the Settling State may commence a 30-day mediation period. If mediation fails to resolve the dispute between the parties, the Settling State may take whatever action it deems necessary, including but not limited to bringing an action to enforce these Injunctive Terms, filing a new action (administrative or civil action) for violation of the Injunctive Terms as allowed P - 18 by state law, conducting further investigation, or attempting to negotiate an updated Corrective Action Plan with Kroger. But the Settling State may not seek to reinstate claims that have been released as part of the Settlement Agreement. e. If Kroger fails or refuses to provide a written response, to devise or implement a Corrective Action Plan or to provide a compliance update as required by subsections 1(b), 1(c) and/or 1(d), a Settling State may bring an action to enforce these Injunctive Terms, filing a new action (administrative or civil action) for violation of the Injunctive Terms as allowed by state law, conduct further investigation, or attempt to negotiate an updated Corrective Action Plan with Kroger. But the Settling State may not seek to reinstate claims that have been released as part of the Settlement Agreement. f. If, after review of a written response and any meeting, pursuant to subsections 1b. or 1c., above, the Settling State concludes that a Potential Violation is not ongoing or has been substantially addressed, the Settling State will provide written notice of this conclusion to the Settling Pharmacy within thirty (30) days of reaching its conclusion. 2. Enforcement Action. Each Settling State agrees that prior to taking any court or administrative action, other than an action that the Settling State concludes is necessary to address an immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the citizens of the Settling State, or that a public emergency requiring immediate action exists, it will follow the process outlined above. If the Settling State concludes that action is necessary to address an immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the citizens of the Settling State or that a public emergency requiring immediate action exists, it will make best efforts to provide reasonable notice to a Settling Pharmacy prior to initiating any such action. XV. COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION 1. Kroger’s Controlled Substance Compliance Director, or the most senior ranking member of the Controlled Substance Compliance Committee shall, after diligent inquiry, complete an annual compliance certification on behalf of Kroger as set out in Section XV(4). 2. The certification shall be filed annually for the duration of these Injunctive Terms with a Settling State’s appropriate licensing and/or regulatory agency and its Attorney General. 3. The certification shall state: “I understand the compliance requirements and responsibilities as they relate to [insert name of department], an area under my supervision. My job responsibilities include attempting to achieve compliance with regard to the [insert name of department] with all applicable statutory requirements, obligations of the Injunctive P - 19 Terms, and applicable policies, and I have taken steps to promote such compliance. To the best of my personal knowledge, the [insert name of department] is in compliance with the obligations of these Injunctive Terms. I understand that this certification is being provided to and relied upon by the State of [Settling State].” 4. If the Controlled Substance Compliance Director is unable to provide such a certification, the Controlled Substance Compliance Director shall provide a written explanation of the reasons why he or she is unable to provide the certification outlined above. XVI. DATA SHARING 1. Kroger shall consent to the provision by its distributors of Kroger’s unblinded “867 Data” (data sent from the distributor to the manufacturer concerning the sale of its products to Kroger) to opioid manufacturers on any particular Designated Controlled Substances manufactured by them as soon as commercially reasonable and at no cost to the manufacturers, provided that, pursuant to a prior written agreement with Kroger, the opioid manufacturers agree (a) to ensure the confidentiality of the 867 Data, except as required by law; (b) to implement safeguards and procedures to limit access to and use of the 867 Data, except as required by law; (c) that the 867 Data shall be used solely for compliance purposes as part of their Suspicious Order Monitoring programs; and (d) that the 867 Data shall be shared only with specified personnel and shall not be shared with business or sales personnel. 2. To the extent that Kroger provides McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., or AmerisourceBergen Corporation (the “Settling Distributors”) with Pharmacy Customer Data (as defined in the Distributor Injunctive Terms) for use in their Controlled Substance Monitoring Programs, Kroger agrees that the Settling Distributor(s) may share such Pharmacy Customer Data with the Monitor appointed pursuant to the Distributor Injunctive Terms, provided that the Monitor agrees, pursuant to a prior written agreement with Kroger, (a) to ensure the confidentiality of the Pharmacy Customer Data; (b) to implement safeguards and procedures to limit access to and use of the Pharmacy Customer Data; (c) that the Pharmacy Customer Data is used solely for the purpose of ensuring the Settling Distributors’ compliance with the Distributor Injunctive Terms; and (d) that the Pharmacy Customer Data shall be shared only with specified personnel. XVII. CLEARINGHOUSE 1. Kroger will confer with any Settling Distributor that distributes Designated Controlled Substances to its retail pharmacies and the States Injunctive Relief Committee for a period not to exceed six (6) months from the Injunctive Terms Implementation Date to determine: what additional deidentified information, if any, is needed from Kroger for a Settling Distributor to perform suspicious order monitoring; if additional deidentified information is needed, how the Settling Pharmacy shall provide it to a Settling Distributor; and what information provided by P - 20 Kroger to a Settling Distributor may be deposited by the Settling Distributor into the Clearinghouse. For the avoidance of doubt “deidentified” does not refer to Prescribers. If agreements are not reached, the matters in dispute shall be submitted to arbitration. Due to patient privacy and legal restrictions and other confidentiality and commercial concerns, in connection with any meet and confer described above, Kroger may not be compelled to provide individual patient-level or prescription-level data, de-identified or otherwise, to the Settling Distributors. 2. Kroger and Settling Distributors will also determine whether and in what amount each Settling Pharmacy will contribute to the cost of the operation of the Clearinghouse. When Kroger contributes to the costs of the Clearinghouse, Settling Pharmacy, Settling Distributors and all other participants in the Clearinghouse shall determine an equitable amount of Kroger’s contribution. If agreements are not reached, the matters in dispute shall be submitted to arbitration. 3. Any data provided by Kroger to a Settling Distributor and/or the Clearinghouse pursuant to these Injunctive Terms shall be treated in compliance with state and federal law, including but not limited to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) and all applicable state and federal privacy laws. 4. No Settling Distributor or other participant in the Clearinghouse shall receive from the Clearinghouse information specific to Kroger. XVIII. FUTURE ACQUISITIONS 1. Kroger agrees to use reasonable best efforts to bring acquired pharmacies into compliance with these injunctive relief provisions in an expeditious manner. In the event that Kroger consummates its acquisition of Albertsons, then the parties shall discuss and agree within thirty (30) days of the transaction closing on a specific time period for bringing Albertsons into compliance with the terms of the injunctive relief provisions herein. P - 21 APPENDIX A: INJUNCTIVE RELIEF RECORD RETENTION SCHEDULE Record Description Record Retention Period Controlling Injunctive Relief Provision Injunctive Relief Records At least three (3) years, unless otherwise specified below I.4.d. Telephone and Electronic Hotline Complaints and Investigation Documentation Until November 15, 2032 IV.5. Documentation and Records Related to Resolution of all Red Flags, Prescriptions Rejected Pursuant to Red Flags, and Reasons for Their Rejection Until November 15, 2032 VIII.6. Prescriber Review Process Data, Information, and Documentation Until November 15, 2032 X.4. Retail Pharmacy Compliance Review Documentation Until November 15, 2032 XI.1. Site Visit Review Documentation and Reports Until November 15, 2032 XI.1-5. Documentation Regarding the Inventory of Designated Controlled Substances At least three (3) years, if the information is an electronic record; at least two (2) years, if the information is not an electronic record XII.1. Reports to Settling States Regarding Fraudulent or Forged Prescriptions At least two (2) years XIII.2. Q-1 EXHIBIT Q [Intentionally Omitted] R-1 EXHIBIT R Agreement on Attorneys’ Fees, Costs, and Expenses This Agreement on Attorneys’ Fees, Costs, and Expenses (“Fee Agreement”) is entered between Kroger and the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee appointed in the multidistrict litigation in the Northern District of Ohio, In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, No. 1:17-MD-2804 (“MDL PEC”), in connection with the Kroger Global Opioid Settlement Agreement (“Kroger Agreement”). This Fee Agreement becomes effective on the Effective Date of the Kroger Agreement or the date that the Consent Judgments anticipated under the Kroger Agreement become final in 25 Settling States (whichever is later). I. Definitions A. This Fee Agreement incorporates all defined terms in the Kroger Agreement, unless otherwise defined herein, and shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the Kroger Agreement. B. “Applicant.” Any Attorney or MDL Participating Counsel who seeks an award of attorneys’ fees from the Attorney Fee Fund pursuant to the procedures established by the MDL Court and the Fee Panel. C. “Attorney.” Any of the following retained through a legal contingency fee or hourly fee contract: a solo practitioner, multi-attorney law firm, or other legal representative of a Participating Subdivision or MDL Participating Counsel. This does not include Subdivision in-house attorneys. D. “Attorney Fee Fund.” An account consisting of up to $88,800,000.00 allocated to pay attorneys’ fees approved pursuant to Section II.B. of this Fee Agreement, established by Order of and under the ongoing jurisdiction of the MDL Court, as provided below. E. “Common Benefit.” Work performed for the benefit of all Participating Subdivisions and Tribal Nations, including, but not limited to, pretrial matters, discovery, trial preparation, trial, settlement negotiations, and all other work that advances the interests of the Participating Subdivisions. F. “Common Benefit Fund.” The sub fund of the Attorney Fee Fund described in Section II.C. G. “Common Benefit Order.” The Ongoing Common Benefit Order (Dkt. #4428) in In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, Case No. 1:17-md-2804, any subsequent amendments or modifications to that order, and any successor orders on Common Benefit. H. “Contingency Fee Fund.” The sub fund of the Attorney Fee Fund described in Section II.D. R-2 I. “Cost and Expense Fund Administrator.” The administrator appointed by the MDL Court on August 12, 2021 (MDL Docket No. 3828), to administer the Cost Fund and its sub funds as provided in the Fee Agreement. J. “Cost Fund.” An account consisting of $60,000,000, composed of the MDL Direct Cost Fund and the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund, as provided below. K. “Court Common Benefit Fund.” The Common Benefit Fund established by the MDL Court in its orders of July 22, 2021, MDL Docket No. 3794, and May 9, 2022, MDL Docket No. 4428. L. “Eligible States.” The thirty-three (33) states of the United States listed in Exhibit F, and the District of Columbia. M. “Fee Entitlement.” Any right, entitlement, or expectation, including but not limited to a fee contract, contingent fee contract, agreement, referral arrangement, co-counsel arrangement, State Back-Stop Agreement, or any other arrangement by which counsel could receive compensation or other consideration. For the avoidance of doubt, the scope of Fee Entitlement under paragraph II.G.3.a. does not include any Attorneys’ fees associated with representation of a State. N. “Fee Panel.” The three-person panel appointed by the MDL Court on August 12, 2021 (MDL Docket No. 3828), to administer and make recommendations for the allocation and distribution of the Attorney Fee Fund and its sub funds as provided in the Fee Agreement. O. “Kroger.” The Kroger Co. and all of its respective past and present direct or indirect parents, subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, joint ventures, predecessors, successors, and assigns. P. “Kroger Bellwethers.” Kroger Bellwethers include any designated bellwether case in MDL 2804 that resolves its claims with Kroger under the Kroger Settlement Agreement, including Montgomery County Board of County Commissioners et al. v. Cardinal Health, Inc., et al., Case No. 1:18-op-46326, County of Cobb, Georgia v. Purdue Pharma L.P.., et al., Case No. 1:18-OP-45817, County of Tarrant, Texas v. Purdue Pharma L.P.., et al., Case No. 1:18-OP-45274, and County of Durham, North Carolina v. Purdue Pharma L.P., et al., Case No. 1:19-OP-45346. Q. “Later Litigating State.” A State that first files and/or serves a lawsuit bringing a Released Claim against a Released Entity after February 14, 2024. R. “MDL Court.” United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio Eastern Division, Case No. 1:17-md-2804, Judge Dan Aaron Polster. S. “MDL Expense Fund.” The cost fund described in Section II.F below. R-3 T. “MDL Participating Counsel.” MDL Participating Counsel includes an attorney or firm authorized by MDL 2804 Lead Counsel to perform work for the Common Benefit of Participating Subdivisions. By way of example, it would include insurance counsel and appellant counsel. U. “MDL PEC.” The Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee appointed by the MDL Court. V. “Non-Eligible State.” Any state or territory of the United States of America that is not an Eligible State. W. “Non-Participating Litigating Subdivision.” A Litigating Subdivision that is not a Participating Subdivision. X. “Non-Participating State.” An Eligible State that is not a Participating State. Y. “Participating Litigating Subdivision.” A Litigating Subdivision that is also a Participating Subdivision. Z. “Participation Agreement.” An agreement executed by an Attorney that acknowledges the obligation to pay an appropriate MDL Common Benefit Assessment. AA. “Qualified Tribal Representation.” Representation by an attorney of a Participating Tribal Government regarding Released Claims against Released Entities. Such counsel are eligible for Common Benefit Fee consideration. The Kroger Tribal Global Settlement provides for the contribution to the Common Benefit Fund as shall be determined by the MDL Court. BB. “Qualifying Representation.” Legal services provided for representation of the MDL PEC or a Participating Litigating Subdivision regarding Released Claims against Released Entities. CC. “State Back-Stop Agreement.” Any agreement by a Settling State and private counsel for Participating Subdivisions in that State (or legislation enacted in that State) to provide, adjust, or guarantee attorneys’ fees and costs, whether from the Attorney Fee Fund or any other source recognized in the agreement or legislation.1 DD. “Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund.” The fund created to pay approved costs and expenses incurred by Attorneys engaged in Qualifying Representations of Subdivisions as set forth in Section II.E. II. Fees and Costs 1 Nothing herein shall be understood to indicate approval for additional State Back-Stop Agreements or modifications of existing State Back-Stop Agreements. R-4 A. Total Attorneys’ Fees and Costs 1. Total attorneys’ fees and costs to be paid by Kroger to Attorneys under this Fee Agreement shall be up to, but in no event more than, $148,800,000.00, subject to the reductions and provisions set forth below. The total attorneys’ fees and costs consists of up to $88,800,000 for the Attorney Fee Fund, as set forth in Section II, and $60,000,000 in total for the Cost Fund, divided between the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund and MDL Expense Fund. The Maximum Attorney Fees, subject to the reductions set forth herein, are $88,800,000 and shall be paid on the schedule in Ex. M-3. 2. If an Eligible State does not join the Agreement by the State Participation Date and is accordingly not a Settling State, the total attorneys’ fees and costs to be paid under this Fee Agreement by Kroger shall be reduced by twelve point four percent (12.4%) times the Remediation Payment amount that would have been allocated to that Non-Settling State as set forth in Section IV.B of the Kroger Agreement. 3. The total attorneys’ fees and costs to be paid under this Fee Agreement by Kroger shall also be reduced by the amount of the Contingency Fee Fund for Attorneys representing Litigating Subdivisions in any Settling State that do not participate in the Kroger Agreement (“Non-Participating Litigating Subdivisions”), as set forth in Section II.D.4 and II.H.7 below. Any reduction or credit will be applied to the last payment under this Agreement. 4. If Kroger settles with any Non-Settling State after September 8, 2023, and such settlement allows for the Subdivision(s) in such Non-Settling State to join the settlement, Kroger agrees to withhold from the gross recoveries a Common Benefit Fund assessment, to be deposited in the Court Common Benefit Fund, of 7.5% times the gross recovery paid as defined in the Court Common Benefit Order (Docket #4428). If Kroger settles with any Subdivision(s) in a Non- Settling State other than in connection with a statewide settlement that includes the relevant State after September 8, 2023, then Kroger agrees to withhold from the gross recoveries a Common Benefit Fund assessment, to be deposited in the Court Common Benefit Fund, of 7.5% times the gross recoveries (the “Kroger Subdivision CBF Assessment,” and, along with the Kroger State Settlement CBF Assessment, each a “Kroger CBF Assessment”). If (a) Kroger settles with a Non-Settling State after November 1, 2023, (b) such settlement does not allow for the Subdivision(s) in such Non-Settling State to join the settlement, and (c) Kroger later prevails in asserting that Released Claims of Primary Subdivisions in such Non-Settling State were released as a result of such settlement, Kroger agrees to deposit the Kroger State Settlement CBF Assessment in the Common Benefit Fund. Any Kroger CBF Assessment is inclusive of any assessment related to such settlement that would be required by the Common Benefit Order (Docket #4428). B. Attorney Fee Fund and Sub Funds R-5 1. The Attorney Fee Fund shall consist of the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fee Fund. There shall be a split of the Attorney Fee Fund into the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund. The split shall be 40% to the Contingency Fee Fund and 60% to the Common Benefit Fund, provided the Contingency Fee Fund shall pay a Contingency Fee of the lesser of the Contingency Fee Contract amount, or 20% of client recovery. Any excess Contingency Fee Fund monies shall revert to the Common Benefit Fund. 2. The Cost Fund shall include the MDL Expense Fund and the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund. The State Counsel Fee Fund and the State Cost Fund shall be separate funds under the control of the Settling States. 3. It is the intention of the Parties that the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund shall be administered by the Fee Panel appointed under MDL Docket No. 3828, which will be governed by the provisions of this Fee Agreement and shall design the process and procedures for the allocation of fees pursuant to this Fee Agreement and the MDL Court’s Orders. The Cost Funds shall be administered by the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator appointed under MDL Docket No. 3828, who will be governed by the provisions of this Agreement and shall design the process and procedures for the allocation of costs pursuant to this Agreement and the MDL Court’s Order. 4. The fees to be paid under this Fee Agreement are available for Attorneys engaged in Qualifying Representations and Qualified Tribal Representations only. Fees to be paid under this Fee Agreement are not available prior to the Effective Date of the Kroger Agreement. Fees to be paid under this Fee Agreement are not available for representation of Non-Participating Subdivisions, or Non-Litigating Subdivisions and are not available for representation of private hospitals, third-party payors, NAS claimants, personal injury/wrongful death claimants, or any entity other than Participating Litigating Subdivisions. In addition, fees under this Fee Agreement are not available for representation of any individual or entity in matters other than those claims against Released Entities, but may include a reasonable share of representations that involve development of facts for pursuit of opioid-related claims against multiple defendants in the pharmacy, manufacturing, and distribution chain. 5. In no event shall Kroger be required to pay more into the Attorney Fee Fund than the maximum amount specified in paragraph II.A.1. The amounts allocated to the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund set by the Fee Panel shall be subject to the reductions set forth in Section II.A.2 and the reductions and refunds set forth below. 6. Awards of fees from the Contingency Fee Fund shall be available to Attorneys with Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions eligible to receive an allocation under the Kroger Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit G to the Kroger Agreement, and shall be made by applying the R-6 Mathematical Model attached as Exhibit “A” to this Fee Agreement. The collection of the data and calculations for the Mathematical Model has been a cooperative effort among private counsel for a large number of Litigating Subdivisions. The analysis has been spearheaded by Joseph Tann and Andrew Arnold. The Fee Panel is encouraged to continue working with those counsel in application of the Model. The Fee Panel shall oversee the application of the Model and resolve any questions or disputes concerning the eligibility of a Counsel to participate as required in Section II.G. The Panel is empowered to hear disputes concerning and ensure the accuracy of the mathematical calculation. 7. As to awards from the Contingency Fee Fund, there shall be no right of appeal. 8. Any appeal of an award of the Fee Panel from the Common Benefit Fund will be made to the MDL Court and be reviewed under an abuse of discretion standard. C. Common Benefit Fund (60% of the Attorney Fee Fund) 1. The maximum potential total Common Benefit Fund payment to be made by Kroger into the Attorney Fee Fund is $53,280,000, and in no event shall it exceed that amount. Kroger’s maximum potential Common Benefit Fund payments are subject to the reductions set forth in Section II.A.2. for Non-Settling States and to the adjustments set forth below and, subject to those reductions, shall be paid on the following yearly schedule: Kroger Shall Pay Common Benefit Year 1 March 31, 2024 $8,880,000 Year 2 March 31, 2025 $8,880,000 Year 3 March 31, 2026 $8,880,000 Year 4 March 31, 2027 $8,880,000 Year 5 March 31, 2028 $8,880,000 Year 6 March 31, 2029 $8,880,000 Total R-7 2. The Common Benefit Fund shall be available to compensate Attorneys engaged in Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions and Qualified Tribal Representation of Tribal Participating Governments who: a. have performed work for the Common Benefit of all Participating Subdivisions and/or Tribal Nations consistent with the provisions to the guidelines established by Judge Polster set forth in MDL 2804 and the Order dated May 1, 2018, under docket number 358, which is included herein by reference; and b. satisfy the eligibility criteria set forth in Section II.G. For purposes of Common Benefit Fund distribution, notwithstanding paragraph II.A.5, Attorneys representing Tribal Nations litigating against Kroger have also reached a settlement for Released Claims with Kroger, and these settlements are the subject of agreements with Kroger. Attorneys are eligible for Common Benefit consideration provided such agreement with Kroger became effective under their terms. Such Attorneys must meet the eligibility criteria in Section II.G. For purposes of Common Benefit Fund distribution, notwithstanding paragraph II.A.5, MDL Participating Counsel not engaged in Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions but who performed work for the Common Benefit pursuant to authorization from the MDL Co-Leads and meet the eligibility criteria in Section II.G. shall be eligible. 3. Kroger’ Common Benefit Fund payments under this Fee Agreement satisfy any assessments or withholdings for the Kroger Agreement that are or could be required under the Common Benefit Order for Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions. The Common Benefit Fund shall be overseen by the Fee Panel, which shall determine the allocation of funds to eligible Attorneys consistent with this Fee Agreement and the Common Benefit Order. 4. In assessing the benefits that an Applicant has conferred to Participating Subdivisions (including non-Litigating Subdivisions) and/or Tribes for purposes of any compensation decision, the Fee Panel shall give significant weight to the extent to which (i) the Applicant and his or her clients have contributed to increasing (or reducing) Subdivision Participation in the Kroger Agreement as of the Initial Participation Date, and (ii) the Applicant and his or her clients have contributed to increasing (or reducing) the amounts achieved under Incentive Payments A-D through participation in the Kroger Agreement, including the Kroger Tribal Agreement. The Fee Panel shall also consider additional fee recoveries the Applicant may potentially obtain, including, but $53,280,000 R-8 not limited to, from attorney fee funds under other settlement agreements, State Back-Stop Agreements, representations of States or Tribal Nations, representations of other clients in opioids-related matters, or through the representation of Subdivision clients, whether they participated in the Kroger Agreement or not. It is the intent of this provision to recognize that the goal of the Kroger Agreement is to provide for maximum participation by the Subdivisions, maximum abatement funding for all Subdivisions nationally, and the maximum peace for Released Entities. Therefore, representing one or more Non-Participating States or Non-Participating Subdivision does not further the goal of the Kroger Agreement, and should not be considered Common Benefit because it does not increase funds available to Participating Subdivisions’ abatement programs. Representing one or more Later Litigating Subdivisions or Later Litigating States is antithetical to the Kroger Agreement and detracts from Common Benefit; the Fee Panel shall consider this concept of “common detriment” set forth in this paragraph in all of its decision making with respect to the allocation of the Attorney Fee Fund among Applicants, as well as, in its discretion, any reductions provided to Kroger as set forth in Section II.H. The Fee Panel shall consider the totality of the Applicant’s Participating Litigating Subdivisions as compared to the Applicant’s Non-Participating Litigating Subdivisions; the Parties recognize that, although the goal is for 100% participation, Applicants with a greater number of clients have a greater probability of having one or more Non-Participating Litigating Subdivisions. As used in this paragraph II.C.4, “client” or “representing” a Subdivision shall include any Litigating Subdivision as to which the Applicant has a Fee Entitlement. 5. As set forth in Section II.H, the Fee Panel must consider the factors described in paragraph II.C.4 to determine how and whether to reduce the amounts to be paid by Kroger under this Fee Agreement and to determine how to allocate funds among Applicants. They may also, at their discretion, consider other factors. Any reduction in payment obligation or credit to be given Kroger in this Fee Agreement shall be applied against the last Payment Year and then working backwards. Any reduction to an Applicant not credited to Kroger shall be allocated to attorneys whose Litigating Subdivision clients participated in the settlement by the Initial Participation Date. D. Contingency Fee Fund (40% of the Attorney Fee Fund) 1. The maximum potential total Contingency Fee Fund payment to be made by Kroger into the Attorney Fee Fund is $35,520,000, and in no event shall it exceed that amount. Kroger’ maximum potential Contingency Fee Fund payment shall be subject to the reductions set forth in Section II.A.2 for Non- Settling States and to the adjustments set forth below and, subject to those reductions, shall be paid on the following yearly schedule: Kroger Shall Pay Contingency Fee Fund R-9 Year 1 March 31, 2024 $5,920,000 Year 2 March 31, 2025 $5,920,000 Year 3 March 31, 2026 $5,920,000 Year 4 March 31, 2027 $5,920,000 Year 5 March 31, 2028 $5,920,000 Year 6 March 31, 2029 $5,920,000 Total $35,520,000 2. The Contingency Fee Fund shall be available to compensate Attorneys engaged in Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions that meet the criteria set forth in Section II.G. a. The Contingency Fee Fund shall be available to Attorneys who represent Litigating Subdivisions that are Participating Subdivisions, whether their actions are filed in state or federal court, and meet the eligibility criteria of Section II.G. b. Participation in the Contingency Fee Fund by counsel that have a case that is not subject to the jurisdiction of the MDL Court shall not create, provide, or waive jurisdiction of the MDL Court over that Litigating Subdivision, that case or Attorneys, other than to oversee the fairness of the distribution process, and enforcement of this Fee Agreement. 3. The amount owed by Kroger to the Contingency Fee Fund shall be reduced to reflect the non-joinder of Litigating Subdivisions in Settling States by subtracting the amounts identified by the Fee Panel, pursuant to paragraph II.H.7, that would have been owed to counsel for Non-Participating Litigating Subdivisions in Settling States had such Litigating Subdivisions been Participating Subdivisions. R-10 4. In the event that after the date of the Kroger Agreement, Kroger, prior to the Effective Date of the Kroger Agreement, settles with any Litigating Subdivision that would have been eligible to participate in the Settlement Agreement, and, under such settlement agreement pays attorneys’ fees, the Fee Panel shall treat those Litigating Subdivisions as Participating Litigating Subdivisions and, applying the same criteria applicable to all Attorneys for Participating Litigating Subdivisions, determine what amount they would have been paid from the Contingency Fee Fund if they had become Participating Subdivisions under the Kroger Agreement without such prior settlement. That sum, rather than being paid to the Attorney for the previously settling Litigating Subdivision, shall be credited to Kroger, except that such refund shall not be greater than the amount paid to the Attorneys under the Litigating Subdivision’s prior settlement agreement. All credits will be applied to the last Payment Year. 5. The Contingency Fee Allocation shall be determined as set forth in the Mathematical Model attached. If after application of the attached model funds remain in the Contingency Fee Fund, such funds shall be transferred to the MDL Common Benefit Fund established by Order of May 9, 2022 (Docket #4428). E. Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund 1. Kroger shall pay $60,000,000 into the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund on the schedule set forth below. Cost Fund Year 1 March 31, 2024 $10,000,000 Year 2 March 31, 2025 $10,000,000 Year 3 March 31, 2026 $10,000,000 Year 4 March 31, 2027 $10,000,000 Year 5 March 31, 2028 $10,000,000 Year 6 March 31, 2029 $10,000,000 2. The Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund shall be available to compensate Attorneys for costs and expenses arising out of Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions. No funds in the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund may be used to compensate the costs incurred by Non-Participating Subdivisions or Non-Litigating Subdivisions or costs and expenses arising out of representation of any such Subdivision. R-11 3. During the period between March 22, 2024 and the Effective Date of the Kroger Agreement, the MDL PEC, as well as Litigating Subdivisions eligible to claim costs from the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund, shall make best efforts to cease litigation activity against Kroger, including by jointly seeking stays or severance of claims against Kroger, where feasible, or postponements if a motion to stay or sever is not feasible or is denied, so long as such actions are not otherwise detrimental to the Litigating Subdivision. 4. In the event that Kroger, prior to the Effective Date of the Kroger Agreement, settles with any Litigating Subdivision and, under such settlement agreement, pays costs to the Litigating Subdivision or its Attorney, the MDL Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall treat those Litigating Subdivisions as Participating Litigating Subdivisions and, using the same criteria applicable to all applicants to the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund, determine what amount in costs the Litigating Subdivision or its Attorney would have been paid from the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund if they had settled under the Kroger Agreement. That sum, rather than being paid to the Attorney or the previously settling Litigating Subdivision, shall be credited and/or returned to Kroger, except that such sum shall not be greater than the amount paid under the previously settled Litigating Subdivision’s settlement agreement. 5. The Cost Fund shall be administered by the Cost Fund and Expense Fund Administrator (MDL Docket No. 3828), who will be governed by the provisions of this Agreement and shall design the process and procedures for the allocation of costs pursuant to this Agreement and the MDL Court’s Order. 6. The costs of the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall be paid from the Cost Fund and allocated by the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator between the MDL Direct Cost Fund and the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund to fairly charge each fund the cost incurred in implementing and supervising the specific fund. 7. The Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall set the process and procedures for submission of and criteria for applications for payment of Subdivisions’ costs and expenses incurred by Attorneys engaged in Qualifying Representations. The Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall receive and evaluate applications from Attorneys for the Participating Litigating Subdivisions, whether filed in Federal Court or State Court, to seek reimbursement for eligible costs under Section II.E.2 in pursuit of claims asserted in MDL 2804. The process shall require a showing that the costs or expenses sought were reasonably incurred in furtherance of active litigation of a designated state or federal bellwether trial-set case, or Common Benefit. The Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall require transparency from all applicants as to any other sources for compensating Attorneys for Subdivisions for costs incurred. If funds remain after the reimbursement of approved out-of- pocket costs, the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall consider reasonable and appropriate payment to the Kroger Bellwethers for client time, R-12 costs and expenses. In addition the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall have the authority to award additional abatement proceeds to the Kroger bellwethers not to exceed: $20 million for Montgomery, $11 million for Durham, $11.5 million for Cobb County, and $9.5 million for Tarrant County, as additional abatement proceeds. The Administrator shall take into account like payments from other settlement funds when making its determination under this provision. At the conclusion of the process, any funds not allocated by the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall be transferred to the MDL Expense Fund for reimbursement of expenses determined and approved at the discretion of the Administrator. If any funds remain thereafter they shall be transferred to the MDL Common Benefit Fund. 8. In the event that States and Subdivisions enter into an additional global settlement with a party or parties other than Kroger that is (a) under the jurisdiction of the MDL Court in MDL No. 2804, (b) creates a separate cost fund, and (c) unless the parties agree to another date, such agreement has an effective date prior to December 31, 2024, the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall have the authority to aggregate the Cost Fund with the cost fund created under that global settlement agreement. The Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall have the authority to address the appropriate procedures and required information to allow the costs to be funded from the appropriate cost fund or shared by two or more cost funds; provided, however, that the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund shall remain subject to the requirements set forth in Section II.E.2. For the avoidance of doubt, payment of Subdivision Costs and Expenses to Attorneys is available only to compensate Attorneys for costs and expenses arising out of representation of Participating Litigating Subdivisions, and no funds in the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund may be used to compensate Attorneys for the costs incurred by Non-Participating Subdivisions or Non-Litigating Subdivisions or costs and expenses arising out of representation of any such Subdivision. F. MDL Expense Fund 1. Kroger shall pay $5,000,000 of the Subdivision Cost and Expense Fund Year 1 payment into the MDL Expense Fund on the schedule set forth below. MDL Expense Fund Year 1 March 31, 2024 $5,000,000 2. The MDL Expense Fund shall be released following the Effective Date of this Fee Agreement without any delay to reimburse the MDL PEC for an agreed-to portion of the expenses incurred, as approved by the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator. The sum deposited into the MDL Expense Fund will be paid R-13 directly to the MDL Opiate Capital Account. No funds may be used to compensate the costs incurred by Non-Participating Subdivisions or Non- Litigating Subdivisions, or to compensate any Attorney for costs incurred in representing one or more Non-Participating Subdivisions or Non-Litigating Subdivisions. Should the approved MDL Costs and Expenses be less than $5,000,000, the balance shall go to the Subdivision Costs and Expenses Fund. 3. In allocating the MDL Expense Fund, the Administrator shall not allocate any funds for costs incurred after the Effective Date of the Settlement, unless the Administrator determines that there are sufficient funds to cover all Subdivision costs incurred by the MDL prior to the Effective Date and that costs were in pursuit of Abatement recovery for Litigating Subdivisions incurred following the public announcement of the Kroger Agreement, including reasonable costs related to the implementation of the Kroger Agreement. 4. At the conclusion of the Opioid MDL 2804 any funds remaining in the MDL Cost & Expense Fund shall be transferred to the MDL 2804 Common Benefit Fund (Dkt #5100). G. Eligibility 1. It is the intention of all parties participating in the Fee Panel process that there should be total transparency to the Fee Panel and to all fund participants. In connection with the process to be developed by the Fee Panel, any and all monies in attorney’s fees received or awarded, including prior or future Contingency Fees, Common Benefit Fees, referral fees, expenses paid, promises for payment, or any other Fee Entitlement, to any Applicant in any opioid litigation shall be disclosed to the Fee Panel as a condition of participating in the Attorney Fee Fund and prior to an award from the Fee Panel. Any payment, expectation of payment or perceived entitlement to participate in a State Back-Stop Agreement or any other agreement reached with a Settling State or any Subdivision or any other source regarding payment of fees must be disclosed to the Fee Panel. Similarly, any right to payment from any other fund, for example a fund for payment to lawyers representing Settling States or Tribal Nations or Subdivisions shall be disclosed to the Fee Panel. Because it is anticipated that there will be multiple firms listed on contingent fee agreements with Litigating Subdivisions, the Fee Panel shall establish procedures, with input from Attorneys for Participating Litigating Subdivisions, for which party or parties should petition for fees from such groups and to whom the fee shall be paid and thereafter distributed to co-counsel in accordance with applicable agreements. For the avoidance of doubt, all Attorneys that are part of such groups must meet the eligibility criteria in paragraph II.G.3, must be subject to the criteria set forth in paragraph II.C.4, and must be disclosed to the Fee Panel. 2. An Applicant may apply for and recover attorneys’ fees from the Common Benefit Fund, the Contingency Fee Fund, and any fund created by a past or future State Back-Stop Agreement, provided the Applicant satisfies the R-14 requirements relevant to each such fund and requirements for disclosure to the Fee Panel. 3. An Attorney may not receive any payment from the Attorney Fee Fund (which includes both the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund) unless the following eligibility criteria are met and annually certified by the Attorney: a. The Attorney must expressly waive the enforcement against the Participating Litigating Subdivision client of all Fee Entitlements (other than under State Back-Stop Agreements) arising out of or related to any or all Qualifying Representations of any Participating Litigating Subdivision prior to applying for attorneys’ fees from the Attorney Fee Fund. All applications for attorneys’ fees under this Fee Agreement shall include an affirmation by the Attorney of such waiver and notice to the client(s) of such waiver. Such waiver shall not preclude the Attorney from submitting such Fee Entitlements to the Fee Panel as a factor for consideration in allocating payments from the Attorney Fee Fund or in connection with a State Back-Stop Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, no Attorney may recover fees under this Fee Agreement unless the Attorney expressly agrees not to enforce Fee Entitlements as to each and every Participating Litigating Subdivision represented by that Attorney, but such Attorneys may participate in and receive funds from a State Back-Stop Agreement. b. The Attorney must represent that s/he has no present intent to represent or participate in the representation of any Later Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating State, including a Non-Eligible State or a subdivision in a Non- Eligible State, with respect to Released Claims against Released Entities. c. The Attorney must represent that s/he has not and will not engage in any advertising or solicitation related to Released Claims against Released Entities where such advertising or solicitation relates to a representation of a Subdivision eligible to be a Participating Subdivision after the Reference Date unless the Attorney is recommending participation in the Agreement. d. The Attorney must represent s/he will not charge or accept any referral fees for any Released Claims brought against Released Entities by Later Litigating Subdivisions or Later Litigating States. This representation shall not prohibit Attorneys from receiving allocated shares of any future common benefit assessments arising out of settlements or judgments with Later Litigating Subdivisions or Later Litigating States that are the result of the MDL Court’s Common Benefit Order. e. The Attorney may not have and must represent that s/he does not have a Fee Entitlement related to a Later Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating State, including a Non-Eligible State or a subdivision in a Non-Eligible State, other than a potential Common Benefit Fee. R-15 f. The Attorney must fully disclose the participation, or the anticipation of participation, in any agreement with a Settling State or Participating Subdivision concerning fees arising out of or related to the Kroger Agreement, including any fees paid or anticipated to be paid or any State Back-Stop Agreement. g. The Attorney must identify for the Fee Panel whether s/he utilized state litigation work product or MDL work product, including but not limited to ARCOS data, document repositories, experts developed in the MDL, trial transcripts, or deposition transcripts. The Attorney must identify whether s/he signed the MDL Participation Agreement. h. Any Attorney who applies for fees from one or both Funds must represent that, having exercised his/her independent judgment, s/he believes the Kroger Agreement to be fair and will make or has made best efforts to recommend the Agreement to his or her Subdivision clients in Settling States. For avoidance of doubt, each Attorney is expected to exercise his or her independent judgment in the best interest of each client individually before determining whether to recommend joining the settlement. All applications for attorneys’ fees or costs under this Section shall include an affirmation by the Attorney in compliance with this Subsection. 4. No Attorney receiving fees under this Fee Agreement may apply for or recover from the Attorney Fee Fund fees arising from representing a Non-Settling State or a Non-Participating Subdivision, provided, however, that this provision is not intended to prohibit Attorneys who do not represent or otherwise have a contractual agreement with such Non-Settling State or Non-Participating Subdivision from receiving allocated shares of any future common benefit assessments that arise out of settlements or judgments involving such Non-Settling State or Non-Participating Subdivision. All applications for attorneys’ fees under this Section shall include an affirmation by the Attorney of compliance with this Section. 5. An Attorney who has filed an application under this section and received an award of attorneys’ fees shall provide a certification of compliance with the Sections of this Fee Agreement annually during the years upon which they are still entitled to receive attorneys’ fee payments under this Agreement. This certification will be done as directed by the Panel. 6. If, at any time, the Attorney is unable to make the representations set forth in this Section, such representations become untrue, or the Attorney falsely represents compliance with the eligibility criteria, the Attorney shall cease to be eligible to receive funds from the Attorney Fee Fund until further review by the Fee Panel of the Attorney’s eligibility under and compliance with this Section II. R-16 7. If an Attorney has a Fee Entitlement with a Later Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating State, including a Non-Eligible State or a subdivision in a Non-Eligible State, or otherwise becomes unable to reaffirm compliance with the eligibility criteria set forth above, the Attorney shall notify the Fee Panel. For the avoidance of doubt, any Attorney who undertakes any new representation of, or has a Fee Entitlement with, a Later Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating State, including a Non-Eligible State or a subdivision in a Non-Eligible State, shall be prohibited from receiving any future funds from the Attorney Fee Fund and be subject to additional obligations as set forth in Subsection 8 below. If an Attorney fails to notify the Fee Panel of such Fee Entitlement with a Later Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating State, including a Non-Eligible State or a subdivision in a Non-Eligible State, the Attorney shall be required to refund amounts previously paid. The Fee Panel shall notify Kroger when it receives notification. 8. To the extent an Attorney who has received compensation from the Attorney Fee Fund based on Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions under the Kroger Agreement represents a Later Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating State, including a Non-Eligible State or a subdivision in a Non-Eligible State, such Attorney shall be obligated to refund such amounts received as compensation from the Attorney Fee Fund to Kroger. Kroger or such Attorney may bring any dispute as to whether such Attorney shall be obligated to refund such amounts received from the Attorney Fee Fund to Kroger, to the Fee Panel. Nothing herein shall require a multi-attorney law firm that has received compensation from the Attorney Fee Fund to refund such amounts if an attorney of the firm that is no longer affiliated with such law firm, after such departure, represents a Later Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating State, provided that (a) neither the law firm nor any of its other attorneys have any contractual or financial arrangement regarding, stand to benefit directly or indirectly from, or directly or indirectly provide financial or other support of any kind to, the former attorney’s representation of the Later Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating State and (b) if the former attorney was a partner or owner of the multi-attorney law firm at the time that the law firm received compensation from the Attorney Fee Fund, the former attorney shall be obligated to refund such amounts as the former attorney earned as a result of the compensation that the law firm received from the Attorney Fee Fund. 9. In the event that an Attorney is deemed ineligible by the Fee Panel (whether based on its initial application or subsequent recertification), the Fee Panel shall provide notice to the Attorney and give the Attorney 30 days to provide additional information such that the Fee Panel could re-consider the Attorney’s eligibility. R-17 10. To the extent that an Attorney has a Fee Entitlement with a Participating Subdivision and is authorized to bring Released Claims against Released Entities, but such authorization is, in scope, less broad than the category of Released Claims set forth in the Kroger Agreement, such Attorney may participate fully in both the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund, without any reduction imposed by the Fee Panel due to the scope of the authorization, so long as the Participating Subdivision fully releases all Released Claims against Released Entities. 11. Attorneys applying to the Attorney Fee Fund knowingly and expressly agree to be bound by the decisions of the Fee Panel, subject to the limited appeal rights set forth in this Fee Agreement, and waive the ability to assert the lack of enforceability of the allocation reached through the procedures outlined herein. 12. Applicants are under an ongoing obligation to inform the Fee Panel in writing of any additional fees earned, expected, or received related to any Opioid litigation throughout the period of the Fee Panel’s operation. H. Calculation of Amounts Due 1. The Fee Panel shall be solely responsible for determining the amount of fees to be paid to each Applicant. None of the Released Entities shall have any responsibility, obligation, or liability of any kind whatsoever with respect to how attorneys’ fees are calculated under this Section, except that the Fee Panel may receive information from Kroger as to (a) the identity of Participating, Non-Participating, Litigating, Later Litigating, and Non-Litigating Subdivisions; (b) the impact of non-participation by a Litigating Subdivision as is relevant to the Fee Panel’s determination in paragraph II.C.4; and (c) such other information as Kroger may voluntarily elect to provide. 2. The Fee Panel shall establish procedures for making determinations under this Fee Agreement consistent with this Fee Agreement and orders of the MDL Court. Such procedures may include submission of documentary and/or other evidence, interviews with Applicants and/or other counsel (including counsel for Kroger) that the Fee Panel deems appropriate, and/or other means of creating a record upon which fee awards will be based. 3. In making determinations under this Fee Agreement, the Fee Panel must apply the eligibility criteria set forth in Section II.G of this Fee Agreement and the criteria set forth in Section II. The Fee Panel shall ensure that payments are only made for Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions. In addition, the Fee Panel will give consideration in regard to Common Benefit Fund awards to the Johnson factors, as well as the following factors (which factors may be applied and given relative weight in the Fee Panel’s discretion): R-18 a. The Applicant’s contemporaneously recorded time and labor dedicated to Qualifying Representations along with the Applicant’s financial commitment to such Qualifying Representations. Claimed “time” will not be automatically accepted by the Fee Panel but will be critically reviewed and given substantially more weight and consideration if such time was subject to the audit process described in any Pretrial Order(s) governing the collection of common benefit time; b. The novelty, time, and complexity of the Qualifying Representations; c. The skill requisite to perform legal services properly and undesirability of the case; d. The preclusion of other employment by the Applicant due to time dedicated to Qualifying Representations; e. The Common Benefit, if any, alleged to have been conferred by the Applicant and whether such Common Benefit work product by that Applicant was used by others in parallel litigations against Released Entities whether within or outside the MDL, provided that any Applicant claiming that s/he substantially benefited cases other than those in which s/he entered an appearance as counsel must substantiate such claims by proffering factual support, such as proper supporting affidavits or other documents as determined by the Fee Panel with input from Attorneys for Participating Litigating Subdivisions; f. Any “common detriment,” as set forth in paragraph II.C.4; g. Any contingent fee agreement or other Fee Entitlement with Participating Subdivisions, enforcement of which, except for State Back-Stop Agreements, are waived in conjunction with the application, the nature and extent of any work for those Participating Subdivisions, whether such Participating Subdivisions actively litigated and, if so, the nature and procedural history of such case(s); h. The experience, reputation, and ability of the Applicant; i. Whether the Applicant’s clients brought Released Claims against Released Entities; j. The status of discovery in cases primarily handled by the Applicant; k. The nature of any work by the Applicant on “bellwether” cases or cases that were similarly active in litigation; R-19 l. Any pressure points successfully asserted by the Applicant in cases against Kroger or any risk for Kroger created by the Applicant in cases against Kroger; m. Any risk for defendants created by Applicants in cases against Kroger; n. Successful and unsuccessful motion practice in cases worked on by the Applicant; o. The date of filing of any cases filed by the Applicant; p. Obtaining consolidation of the litigation in the Applicant’s jurisdiction; q. The number and population of entities represented by the Applicant and the fees that would have been awarded under extinguished contingent fee arrangements; r. Whether the Applicant’s clients brought claims against Kroger prior to the announcement of this settlement on September 8, 2023; s. Whether the Applicant has had a leadership role in the litigation, whether in state or federal court; t. Whether the Applicant has had a leadership role in any negotiations aimed at resolving the litigation; u. Whether the Applicant’s cases have survived motions to dismiss; v. The extent to which the Applicant contributed to the work product used for the common benefit of opioids litigants, including, without limitation, work on ARCOS data, Prescription Data Monitoring Programs, IQVIA data, depositions, document production and analysis experts, motions, briefs and pleadings, trial preparations, and trials; w. The extent to which litigation occurred prior to and contributed to completion of settlement negotiations, as distinct from litigation that occurred after the announcement of the Kroger Agreement on September 8, 2023, such latter litigation both being of less value and, the case of litigation filed after the announcement of the Kroger Agreement on September 8, 2023, resulting in a common detriment to the settlement process, which in both cases should be viewed less favorably; and x. Any other factors that the Fee Panel finds to be appropriate to consider after input from Applicants to the Attorney Fee Fund. R-20 4. It is possible that the States and Subdivisions that are litigating Opioid cases will enter additional settlements in close proximity of the time for processing the Kroger Agreement. If there are additional settlements and these settlements create a Common Benefit Attorney Fee Fund to be administered by the Fee Panel, the Fee Panel may: a. Consolidate the Common Benefit approval process to include evaluation of all Common Benefit Applications for all settlements entered after November 14, 2022; b. Determine the fair and equitable allocation of the Aggregate Common Benefit Fees that come after December 9, 2022, including consideration of beneficial or detrimental actions taken with respect to any Settling Defendant contributing to the Common Benefit Attorney Fee Fund; c. Give consideration to the amount and timing of each settlement, including the amount and timing of Common Benefit Fees; d. The Fee Panel shall abide by the applicable Attorney Fee Agreement in each of the Settlements in Allocating the Common Benefit Fees provided for in the Settlement; and e. Be guided in their work by the Orders of the Court related to Fees and Costs. 5. The Fee Panel shall develop procedures for receiving a single application, which may be updated or amended based on new information (such as participation by additional Litigating Subdivisions) from each Applicant seeking compensation from each sub fund of the Attorney Fee Fund pursuant to processes and procedures developed by the Fee Panel, which shall not be inconsistent with this Fee Agreement. Any request for attorneys’ fees not included on the single application or through the updating/amendment process designed by the Fee Panel shall be deemed waived. For purposes of transparency and to permit the Fee Panel to conduct its work, the application from each Applicant shall, at a minimum, require each Applicant to: a. Identify all Litigating Subdivisions for which s/he is seeking payment from the Attorney Fee Fund; b. Identify all Subdivisions in both Settling and Non-Settling States (and, where applicable, Tribal Nations) with respect to which s/he has a Fee Entitlement with respect to Relevant Claims against Released Entities, and identify all co-counsel in such cases; c. Identify which of those Subdivisions are Participating Subdivisions and which are not (with similar information for Tribal Nations, where applicable); R-21 d. Specify the specific fund or funds within the Attorney Fee Fund from which the Attorney is seeking compensation; e. Demonstrate his or her eligibility for compensation from the relevant sub funds within the Attorney Fee Fund pursuant to the criteria set forth for the relevant sub fund; f. Identify any and all Fee Entitlements from representations of States, Tribal Nations, or other plaintiffs related to Released Claims against Released Entities or in opioids-related matters; g. Notwithstanding “a-f” above, the Panel may consider a supplemental application if the Applicant shows good cause why circumstances exist that will lead to consideration for additional Common Benefit award. Examples would include, but are not limited to, an Applicant having Non-Participating Litigating Subdivision clients that subsequently become Participating Subdivisions, a Bar Date passes that increases participation or an Allocation Agreement is reached. 6. With respect to the Common Benefit Fund, the Fee Panel shall (subject to any applicable MDL Court Order): a. Review the applications of all Applicants seeking compensation from the Common Benefit Fund, including determining eligibility for each Applicant as set forth in Section II.G. b. Using criteria set forth in Sections II.C and II.G, allocate amounts from the Common Benefit Fund to eligible Applicants, including payment amounts for each Payment Year. In making such allocations, the Panel shall apply the principles set forth in paragraph II.C.5 to the amounts paid to Applicants with a Common Benefit Fee Entitlement. 7. With respect to the Contingency Fee Fund, the Fee Panel shall: a. Review the applications of all Attorneys seeking compensation from the Litigating Subdivision Fee Fund, including determining eligibility for each Attorney as set forth in Section II.G. b. Apply the Mathematical Model in Exhibit A. c. Use such allocations to determine refund amounts owed to Kroger from the Attorney Fee Fund, and inform Kroger and the MDL PEC of all such adjustments. R-22 8. To the extent that there is a dispute about the calculations of the Fee Panel related to the amount that Kroger is required to pay (including application of any reductions or refunds under this Fee Agreement), such disputes shall be presented to the Fee Panel and any disputed funds be paid into/held in escrow. The Fee Panel shall resolve such disputes expeditiously, with either Party having the right to seek review from the MDL Court. 9. For purposes of determination of fee or cost awards, allocations, reductions, and possible reversions under this Fee Agreement, unless specified otherwise a Subdivision will be considered a Non-Participating Subdivision if it is not a Participating Subdivision as of the deadline for the application for the fee at issue (or, if the determination does not involve a specific application, the date on which the record for such determination closes). 10. In the event that the Fee Panel, through the use of the Mathematical Model set forth in Exhibit A, allocates funds from the Contingency Fee Fund for an Attorney based on a Qualifying Representation of a Participating Litigating Subdivision and that Subdivision is in a Settling State in which the Consent Judgment has not been approved, such funds shall be placed into escrow until the Consent Judgment is approved, after which time they shall be released. I. Miscellaneous 1. The Fee Panel shall charge an hourly rate approved by the Court. The Pre-Effective Date costs associated with the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall be paid from funds in the Cost Fund. Post-Effective Date, the cost of the Fee Panel shall be charged against the applicable Fee Fund based on allocation by the Fee Panel and shall not be otherwise funded by Kroger. 2. The MDL PEC will seek, and the Attorneys General for Settling States and the Kroger will not oppose, a Common Benefit Fee Order requiring an assessment of 7.5% on the gross recovery (by judgment or settlement) of any Non- Participating Subdivision that is subject to the federal court jurisdiction, represented by a MDL PEC firm, represented by any Attorney receiving fees from the Common Benefit Fund, represented by any Attorney that signed a Participation Agreement or had been paid in a case otherwise under the jurisdiction of the MDL Court. 3. The MDL PEC shall provide to Kroger information the PEC has that identifies Attorneys who represent Litigating Subdivisions who are not Participating Subdivisions and who have an obligation to pay a common benefit assessment, either due to the MDL Court’s orders or pursuant to a Participation Agreement. 4. The MDL PEC and Kroger agree that it is a conflict of interest for an Attorney that had represented a Participating Subdivision or Settling State to represent a Later Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating State, including a Non-Eligible State or a subdivision in a Non-Eligible State. This Subsection shall be R-23 enforceable to the extent permitted by the equivalent to Rules 1.16 and 5.6 of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct in the relevant jurisdictions. The MDL PEC represents that it will comply with this provision in the case of the Kroger Agreement until the Effective Date of the Kroger Agreement, as well as thereafter, if the Kroger Agreement proceeds. 5. Participating Subdivisions agree to instruct their counsel to treat information, work product and expert materials as confidential under Rule 1.6 of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Accordingly, an Attorney shall not share information or work product with, or experts or materials to, non-participants (other than the Attorney’s own current clients or their lawyers, consultants, experts or other representatives or agents), including Non-Eligible States or subdivisions in Non-Eligible States. However, nothing herein shall prevent MDL Leadership or PEC Counsel from fulfilling their obligations in any MDL and the MDL Court Order. III. Miscellaneous A. Termination. If the Kroger Agreement does not proceed past the Reference Date, whether because Kroger does not determine to proceed or for any other reason, this Fee Agreement shall be null and void, Kroger shall have no obligation to make any payments under this Fee Agreement, and Kroger and the MDL PEC shall take such steps as are necessary to restore the status quo ante. B. MDL Court Consideration. This Fee Agreement shall be attached as an exhibit to the Kroger Agreement. This Fee Agreement shall also be submitted by Kroger and the MDL PEC to the MDL Court for approval pursuant to the motion and order that shall be attached. 1. In the event that the MDL Court, through an order, makes any change to the amounts potentially to be paid by Kroger under this Fee Agreement, makes any change to the Fee Panel’s consideration of the factors set forth in paragraph II.C.4, or any other material change to the draft Order attached as part of Exhibit B or the terms of this Fee Agreement, Kroger and the MDL PEC shall meet and confer concerning such changes. The MDL Court shall have no authority to increase the payments made by Kroger related to fees and costs beyond the amounts described in this Fee Agreement. 2. If Kroger and the MDL PEC are unable to reach agreement and revisions to this Fee Agreement, this Fee Agreement shall be null and void, Kroger shall have no obligation to make any payments under this Fee Agreement, and Kroger and the MDL PEC shall take such further steps as are necessary to restore the status quo ante. R-24 C. Amendment. Once the MDL Court has entered an order implementing this Fee Agreement, this Fee Agreement can only be amended by (1) written agreement of Kroger and the MDL PEC and (2) approval by the MDL Court. D. Jurisdiction and Enforcement. The MDL Court shall have exclusive and ongoing jurisdiction over the enforcement and implementation of this Fee Agreement as set forth herein. The MDL PEC shall be the Authorized Party to enforce this Fee Agreement, as to the payment obligations of Kroger as set forth in this Fee Agreement and as to Attorneys making application to the Funds under this Fee Agreement. Solely for purposes of assessing or allocating common benefit fees, the MDL Court will continue to have jurisdiction over the work product developed in the MDL Court by and under the direction of the MDL PEC with respect to claims against Kroger, including data and documents, depositions, expert reports, briefs and pleadings; and the MDL Court’s protective orders, management orders, and other decisions regarding such discovery and other work product, including but not limited to, conditions on its use, will continue in full force and effect. Nothing in this paragraph authorizes the MDL Court to act contrary to this Agreement or to share any of the work product, or provides the MDL Court with jurisdiction over the Kroger Agreement. 1 EXHIBIT A Description of Mathematical Model for the Allocation of the Contingency Fee Funds Kroger Settlement Agreement This document describes the Mathematical Model for allocation of the Contingency Fee Fund described in Exhibit R (Agreement of Attorneys’ Fees, Costs, and Expenses) to the Kroger Settlement Agreement.1 Awards of fees from the Contingency Fee Funds shall be available to Attorneys with Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions eligible to receive an allocation under the Kroger Settlement Agreement.2 A Fee Panel shall oversee the application of the Model and resolve any questions or disputes concerning the eligibility of a counsel to participate. The Panel is empowered to hear disputes concerning and ensure the accuracy of the mathematical calculations. In general terms, allocation of the Contingency Fee Fund shall be made by (1) determining the amount of the Settlement Fund that is attributable to each Participating Litigating Subdivision; (2) making certain adjustments to these amounts based on when the Subdivision filed suit and the terms of the applicable fee contract; and (3) dividing the Contingency Fee Fund proportionately among counsel for each Participating Litigating Subdivision based on the amounts calculated in subpart 2. To collect a fee award from the Contingency Fee Fund, a Participating Litigating Subdivision must have named Kroger (or any Released Entity) in its lawsuit. The total maximum amount of the Contingency Fee Fund in the Kroger Settlement Agreement is $35,520,000.3 Allocation of the Contingency Fee Fund shall be made according to the following steps. These calculations are made only for purpose of determining the percentage share of the Contingency Fee Fund that Attorneys for each Participating Litigating Subdivision should receive, not for determining the dollar amount each Subdivision will receive. (1) For each Settling State, attribute 50% of the settlement funds for that State to its Subdivisions according to the Subdivision Allocation Percentage in Exhibit G to the Kroger Settlement Agreement. Illustrative example: • Assume that State A is allocated 1.00000% of the $1,200,000,000 Remediation amount [see Exhibit M of the Kroger Settlement Agreement]. • 50% of the 1% share allocated to State A is $6,000,000. 1 See Kroger Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.D.2. 2 Kroger Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.D.2. 3 Kroger Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.A.1 & II.D.1. 2 • Assume that, per Exhibit G of the Agreement, the Subdivision Allocation Percentage for City B in State A is 1.00000000%. • For purposes of determining its counsel’s share of the Contingency Fee Fund, City B is attributed 1.00000000% of $6,000,000, or $60,000. (2) Adjust the amounts in paragraph 1 as follows: a. Upward Adjustment for Early Filers. Increase the amount calculated in paragraph 1 above by 10% for any Litigating Subdivision that named Kroger in a suit before December 5, 2017, the date the National Prescription Opiate Litigation MDL was formed. If the Litigating Subdivision did not name Kroger in a suit before September 8, 2023, then fees from the Contingency Fee Fund will not be awarded to Attorneys with otherwise Qualifying Representations of that Participating Litigating Subdivision. Illustrative Example: • Assume City C is attributed $1,000,000 under paragraph 1 above. • If City C named Kroger before 12/5/2017, the attributed amount would be adjusted to $1,100,000. b. Determine Amount Due under Contingency Fee Contract. Determine the amount that would be due to Attorneys with Qualifying Representations of each Participating Litigating Subdivision under the terms of the applicable fee contract if the Participating Litigating Subdivision were to receive the amount calculated in paragraph 2.a. This amount can be referred to as the Contingency Fee Assumption. Illustrative Example: • Continuing the example given in paragraph 2.a, if Attorneys have a 20% contingency fee contract with City C for the relevant litigation, the amount calculated in this step would be 20% of $1,100,000, or $220,000. In the next step, the Contingency Fee Assumption is used to determine the percentage share of the Contingency Fee Fund due to Attorneys for each Participating Litigating Subdivision. (3) Divide the Contingency Fee Fund proportionately among Attorneys for each Participating Litigating Subdivision in two ways: a. National Fee Pool Calculation. Determine each Litigating Subdivision’s 3 percentage share of all amounts due under contingency fee contracts nationwide by dividing the Contingency Fee Assumption calculated for each Subdivision in paragraph 2.b by the sum of all Contingency Fee Assumptions. Then multiply that percentage by the Contingency Fee Fund to figure each Subdivision’s dollar share of the Contingency Fee Fund (but only if the Subdivision timely named Kroger in a lawsuit). Illustrative example: • $220,000 [from para. 2.b] ÷ $280,000,000 [total amount owed under contingency fee contracts nationwide] = 0.0785714%4 • 0.0785714% * $225,493,007.20 [Contingency Fee Fund] = $177,173.01 b. Separate State Fee Pools Calculation. Determine each Litigating Subdivision’s percentage share of all amounts due under contingency fee contracts statewide by dividing the Contingency Fee Assumption calculated for each Subdivision in paragraph 2.b by the sum of all Contingency Fee Assumptions in the same State. Then multiply that percentage by the portion of the Contingency Fee Fund that corresponds to that State’s Overall Allocation Percentage, shown in Exhibit F of the Kroger Settlement Agreement, to figure each Subdivision’s dollar share of the Contingency Fee Fund (but only if the Subdivision timely named Kroger in a lawsuit). Illustrative example: • 1% * $225,493,007.20 = $2,254,930.072 [amount of the Contingency Fee Fund corresponding to State A] • Assume a total of $2,500,000 is owed under contingency fee contracts for State A. • $220,000 [from para. 2.b] ÷ $2,500,000 = 8.8% • 8.8% * $2,254,930.072 = $198,433.85 The award of fees to Attorneys with Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions will be the average of the final amounts calculated in paragraphs 3.a and 3.b above, less any amounts the Fee Panel is authorized to, and does, withhold.5 Paragraph 3.a represents allocation based on a proportional share of a National Fee Pool, 4 In this example, $280 million is the amount theoretically owed under all contingency fee contracts for litigation against Kroger as calculated in paragraph 2.b. This amount is illustrative only; the actual amount will not be known until all litigating subdivisions are identified and the terms of their contingency fee contracts are collected. 5 The model also enforces a maximum fee award of 20% of the amount calculated in paragraph 2.b. The description in this document of the Mathematical Model is by necessity an abstraction; the precise contours of the calculations are defined in the model itself. 4 while paragraph 3.b represents allocation based on a proportional share of the Separate State Fee Pools. In other words, for the National Fee Pool described above in paragraph 3.a, the contingency fee contract rate is compared to all other contingency fee contract rates in the nation. For the Separate State Fee Pools described above in paragraph 3.b, the contingency fee contract terms are compared to the other contingency fee contract terms in that same State. The National Fee Pool and the Separate State Fee Pools are given equal weighting. Using the first methodology, Attorneys for two Subdivisions in different States with the same amount calculated under paragraph 2.b would be assigned the same amount under paragraph 3.a. Using the second methodology, Attorneys for the same two Subdivisions would be assigned different amounts under paragraph 3.b because they are in different States. Specifically, the Subdivision in the State with a smaller proportion of Participating Litigating Subdivisions would be allocated more than the Subdivision in the State with a greater proportion of Participating Litigating Subdivisions. 5 By: Name: Chantale Fiebig Date: March 21, 2024 On behalf of Kroger 6 By: Name: Paul T. Farrell, Jr. Date: By: Name: Jayne Conroy Date: By: Name: Joseph F. Rice Date: On behalf of Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee EXHIBIT S State Outside Counsel Fee Fund 1. Definitions. This Exhibit incorporates all defined terms in the Agreement. Additionally, the following definitions apply to this Exhibit: a. “State Outside Counsel Fee Fund” or “Fee Fund” means the fees portion of the State AG Fees and Costs amount, which is disbursed pursuant to this Exhibit. b. “Outside Counsel States” means Alaska and Utah, the two states with litigation brought by outside counsel as of September 8, 2023, when the agreement in principle was announced. c. “Retained Amount” means any amount retained by Kroger pursuant to Section 4 below. 2. Payment. The amount of the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund is $8 million. It is to be paid by Kroger pursuant to the schedule in Exhibit M-3 and the terms of the Agreement, including this Exhibit. 3. Allocation. The State Outside Counsel Fee Fund is allocated evenly between the Outside Counsel States, with Alaska and Utah each eligible for an allocation of $4 million. If both Outside Counsel States are Settling States, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall evenly allocate the Fee Fund portion of the Annual Fees Payments between the two states. 4. Use of Funds. An Outside Counsel State may use any or all of a Fee Fund payment for the payment of (or reimbursement for) outside counsel fees and/or for Opioid Remediation. 5. Retained Amount for Non-Settling Outside Counsel States. If an Outside Counsel State is a Non-Settling State, then its Fee Fund allocation shall not be paid by Kroger. The Retained Amount shall be applied to the back end of all payments for State AG Fees and Costs and the Additional Remediation Amount. For example, if one Outside Counsel State is a Non-Settling State, then the following would occur: i. The $4 million Retained Amount would be applied to Payment Year 6 and there would be no payment that year for the Fee Fund, State Cost Fund, or Additional Restitution Amount. ii. The full Payment Year 3 Fee Fund payment would be made to the Outside Counsel State that is a Settling State. iii. The two Additional Remediation payments will move up a year and be paid in Payment Years 4 and 5. EXHIBIT T State Cost Fund 1. Definitions. This Exhibit incorporates all defined terms in the Agreement. Additionally, the following definitions apply to this Exhibit: a. “Agreement on the Joint State Cost Fund” means the Agreement on the Joint State Cost Fund, which is Exhibit T to the multistate settlement agreements with Allergan Finance, LLC, CVS Health Corporation, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Walgreen Co., and Walmart Inc. b. “Joint State Cost Fund” means the fund for state costs established by the Agreement on the Joint State Cost Fund. c. “Joint State Cost Fund Committee” means the committee established to oversee the Joint State Cost Fund pursuant to the Agreement on the Joint State Cost Fund. d. “Litigating States” means Alaska, Utah, and Washington, the three states with active litigation as of September 8, 2023, when the agreement in principle was announced. e. “Priority Payment” means a payment to a Litigating State that becomes a Settling State for Kroger-related costs that is made pursuant to the requirements of Section 4 below. f. “State Cost Fund” means the State costs portion of the State AG Fees and Cost amount, which is disbursed through this Exhibit. 2. Payment. The amount of the State Cost Fund is $8 million. It is to be paid by Kroger pursuant to the schedule in Exhibit M-3 and the terms of the Agreement, including this Exhibit. The amount to be paid by Kroger into the State Cost Fund will be reduced by $2 million for each Litigating State that does not become a Settling State. The Retained Amount shall be applied to the back end of all payments for State AG Fees and Costs and the Additional Remediation Amount. 3. NAAG Grant Reimbursement. From the initial State Cost Fund payment in Payment Year 1, there shall be a disbursement to the relevant NAAG fund for any opioid grant reimbursement amount that is owing and is not scheduled to be paid from another source. Any initial NAAG grant reimbursement paid from the State Cost Fund pursuant to this provision shall not exceed $1.5 million. The foregoing sentence is not intended to limit reimbursements to NAAG from the Joint State Cost Fund. 4. Priority for Litigating States. Each Litigating State that becomes a Settling State is eligible for a Priority Payment of up to $2 million per state from the State Cost Fund for Kroger-related costs. The process for such priority payments is as follows: a. The Litigating State will provide the Joint State Cost Fund Committee with a written statement of the amount of its Kroger-related costs and a request for a Priority Payment of such costs up to $2 million. The Litigating State will certify that these costs are eligible for reimbursement pursuant to the requirements the Joint State Cost Fund Committee has established for payments from the Joint State Cost Fund. b. The Priority Payments to Litigating States shall be made from the amounts Kroger pays to the State Cost Fund in Payment Years 1 and 2. c. If there are not sufficient funds to fully pay any NAAG grant reimbursement amount and all Litigating State Priority Payments in Payment Year 1, then the $4 million Year 1 State Cost Fund payment shall fully cover the NAAG reimbursement amount and the remaining amount shall be allocated equitably among the Litigating State Priority Payments pursuant to instructions from the Joint State Cost Fund Committee. The remaining priority payment amounts shall be paid from the Payment Year 2 State Cost Fund payment. d. Litigating States receiving a Priority Payment shall submit the costs covered by such payment to the Joint State Cost Fund Committee (or its auditor) so that the Committee may account for the expenses and their reimbursement in processing applications for any payments from the Joint State Cost Fund and otherwise confirm the eligibility of such expenses. If such submitted expenses are determined by the Committee to be ineligible pursuant to the requirements the Joint State Cost Fund Committee has established for payments from the Joint State Cost Fund, the recipient will refund the amount of any such ineligible expense to the Joint State Cost Fund. 5. Eligibility for Joint Cost Fund Payments. While they will be credited with having received Priority Payments, Litigating States receiving Priority Payments remain eligible to apply for cost reimbursement from the Joint State Cost Fund for expenses not covered by the Priority Payments. Should a Litigating State receive additional funds for remediation or fees from Kroger outside of this Agreement, such additional funds shall not affect such State’s eligibility for reimbursement of costs from funds paid into the Joint State Cost Fund from the Kroger State Cost Fund payments. 6. Remaining State Cost Fund Amounts. State Cost Fund payment amounts that are not directed to NAAG grant reimbursement or to Litigating State Priority Payments pursuant to this Exhibit shall be directed to the Joint State Cost Fund to be disbursed pursuant to the Agreement on the Joint State Cost Fund. 7. Clarification. No State that is not a Settling State may receive payments from the State Cost Fund. The Kroger Co 31-0345740 1014 Vine Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 National Prescription Opiate Litigation XX/XX/2024 24 [Appropriate Official][Designated State][Address] XX-XXXXXXX A, B, I * * * * U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio and Jurisdictions of other cases settled under the Settlement Agreement entered into by the Kroger Co .and the Settling States (as defined in the Agreement), dated as of [_]. No. 1:1-MD2804, and other cases settled under the Settlement Agreement entered into bythe Kroger Co. and the Settling States (as defined in the Agreement), dated as of [_]. EXHIBIT U - Exemplar Tax Form V-1 EXHIBIT V [Intentionally Omitted] W-1 EXHIBIT W Non-Litigating Threshold Subdivisions [Exhibit to be inserted prior to the Effective Date] X-1 EXHIBIT X Governor’s Release of Opioid-Related Claims Pursuant to the Kroger Settlement Agreement I, [NAME], Governor of the [Commonwealth]/[State]/[Territory] of [Commonwealth]/[State]/[Territory], hereby authorize Attorney General [NAME] to settle and release, to the maximum extent of my power as Governor, all Released Claims of (1) all of [Commonwealth]/[State]/[Territory]’s past and present executive departments, state agencies, divisions, boards, commissions and instrumentalities with regulatory authority to enforce state and federal controlled substances acts and (2) all of [Commonwealth]/[State]/[Territory]’s past and present executive departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, and instrumentalities that have the authority to bring Claims related to Covered Conduct seeking money (including abatement and/or remediation) or revocation or suspension of a pharmaceutical distribution or dispensing license. The foregoing authorization is given in connection with Section X.G of the Kroger Settlement Agreement dated as of March 22, 2024 setting forth the terms of settlement between and among Kroger, on the one hand, and the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions, on the other hand. This release is intended to be a “release from a State’s Governor” as contemplated in such section. Capitalized terms used herein and defined in the Settlement Agreement have the meanings given to them in such settlement agreement. ____________________________ [Name] Governor of the [Commonwealth]/[State]/[Territory] of [Commonwealth]/[State]/[Territory] Date: ___________________ Justin S. Pierce Stephen B. Coleman Aaron D. Arnson Trish Stuhan Christina Estes-Werther Jon M. Paladini Joseph D. Estes 7730 E. Greenway Road, Suite 105 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 2812 N. Norwalk, Suite 107 Mesa, Arizona 85215 Dominic L. Verstegen Allen H. Quist Jenny J. Winkler Justin B. Petersen Michelle N. Stinson Alexandra N. Cayton Matthew W. Schiumo ATTORNEY CONTACT: Christina Estes-Werther Direct Line: 602-772-5524 Email: Christina@PierceColeman.com Tel.: 602-772-5506 Fax: 877-772-1025 Website: www.piercecoleman.com MEMORANDUM To: Rachael Goodwin, Fountain Hills Town Manager Cc: Aaron Arnson, Fountain Hills Town Attorney From: Christina Estes-Werther Re: Summary of Kroger Opioid Settlement Terms and Subdivision Settlement Participation Form Date: June 7, 2024 The purpose of this Memo is to provide an overview of the settlement terms for the new Kroger Settlement and outline next steps for the Town of Fountain Hills (“Town”) if it seeks to participate in the Kroger Settlement. The full settlement documents for Kroger are on file with the Town Clerk. Background In 2021, Arizona participated in national opioid settlements with J&J and Distributors McKesson, Cardinal Health, and AmerisourceBergen and the Town participated in this settlement agreement (“2021 National Settlements”). In 2022, five additional Defendants – Teva, Allergan, Walmart, Walgreens and CVS - agreed to enter into settlement agreements (“2022 National Settlements”). Settlement monies are allocated to the County with the requirement that the Town be consulted about the use of funds and distributed in accordance with the One Arizona Distribution of Opioid Settlement Funds Agreement (“One Arizona Funds Agreement”).1 As of March 2024, Kroger Co. (“Kroger”)2 has agreed settle its opioid lawsuit if as part of the Consent Judgment between Kroger and the Settling States, the parties (1) approve the Settlement Agreement and (2) the Settling States release Kroger from any and all claims based on, arising out of, relating to, or concerning any actual or alleged act, failure to act, negligence, statement, error, omission, breach of any duty, conduct, event, transaction, agreement, misstatement, misleading statement or other activity by Kroger relating to compounding, counseling, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, or prescribing opioid products (“Released Claims”). The State of Arizona is a Settling State and the Town has 1 For the full One Arizona Funds Agreement, visit https://www.one-arizona.com/ 2 Referred to as Kroger or Released Entities, which includes all past and future members of Kroger. See Section I (MMM). Rachael Goodwin June 7, 2024 Page 2 the opportunity to “opt in” and benefit from the proceeds of these settlements through a State-Subdivision Agreement outlining the allocation, distribution and/or use of funds allocated to the Town. Section VII (B). Municipal Participation in the Settlement A Notice was sent by email from opioidsparticipation@rubris.com to the Town on May 30, 2024 providing notice of the Settlement Agreement and the deadline for becoming an Initial Participating Subdivision. Section VII (A). In order to participate in the Kroger settlement proceeds, the Town must execute and submit a Subdivision Settlement Participation Form (“Participation Form”) before August 12, 2024 for the Town to be considered an “Initial Participating Subdivision”; however, the Arizona Attorney General’s Office is requesting that the Town submit the Participation Form by July 31, 2024 to allow sufficient time for any municipalities that may have difficulty with the electronic submissions and have to submit the Participation Form via regular mail. If for any reason the Settlement Agreement does not become effective, the Form is void. Section VII (D). By executing and returning a Participation Form: 1. The Town is aware of and has reviewed and understands the terms in Participation Form; 2. The Town agrees that Plaintiff’s Executive Committee may execute and file on behalf of the Town a Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice substantially in the form online at https://nationalopioidsettlement.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/form-of-Master-Stipulation-of- Dismissal.pdf 3. The Town agrees to the terms of the applicable settlement agreement pertaining to Participating Subdivisions; 4. The Town is entitled to the benefits of the Settlement Agreement; 5. The Town agrees to use monies it receives as required under such settlement; 6. The Town submits to the jurisdiction of the court where the Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court’s role under such settlement to resolve disputes; 7. The Town has the right to enforce the Settlement Agreement; 8. The Town releases all claims within the scope of such settlement, including a general release pursuant to § 1542 of the California Civil Code; 9. The Town takes on all rights and obligations of a Participating Subdivision as set forth in the Settlement Agreement; and 10. Nothing in the Subdivision Settlement Participation is intended to modify in any way the terms of the Settlement Agreement. The primary provision for the Town to consider is the release of all claims against Kroger in exchange for settlement monies. Section X. The release language is as follows: “As of the Effective Date, the Released Entities are hereby released and forever discharged from all of the Releasors’ Released Claims. Each Settling State (for itself and its Releasors) and Participating Subdivisions hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against Rachael Goodwin June 7, 2024 Page 3 any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in this Agreement are intended by the Parties to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of each Settling State and its Attorney General to release claims. This Agreement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim.” Additional requirements include that the Town will not seek contributions, payments or indemnification from other parties relating to this Settlement Agreement, including any amounts paid under this Agreement; provisions if a party declares bankruptcy; management of other claims outside of the Agreement; indemnification and contribution prohibitions for amounts paid under the Agreement; a general release under § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which encompasses claims not known or suspected to exist; and that the Town does not waive, release or limit any criminal liability, workers’ compensation claims, claims for liability under tax or securities laws, claims against parties who are not Released Entities or private individuals and any claims arising under this Agreement for enforcement of this Agreement. Timeline Following Participation Form Submission Following the deadline for subdivision participation, the State of Arizona and the other Settling States shall notify Kroger and the Enforcement Committee of their decision and if participating, within seven (7) calendar days of notification (“Initial Participation Date”), all signatures and releases will be provided to Kroger. Section VIII (A). Within thirty (30) days after the Initial Participation Date (“Reference Date”), Kroger must inform the Settling States of whether conditions are satisfied under Section VIII and if there are sufficient eligible states and subdivisions to proceed with the settlement. If the settlement moves forward, the Parties will file the Consent Judgments and Participation Forms, which are effective as of the Reference Date. If the settlement does not proceed, the Settlement Agreement and releases shall be void. Section VIII (B),(C). The Settlement Agreement is terminated if the Consent Judgment is not timely entered within one hundred eighty (180) days or is not approved by the court unless an extension is granted. Section XIII (W). Distribution and Use of Settlement Funds The amount to be distributed to Arizona under the Kroger Settlement is currently unknown and depends on the level of participation by eligible states and subdivisions. The Settlement Agreement requires a Settlement Fund to be established and Kroger shall make annual payments over a period of years to the Fund. Section IV. Settlement funds will be disbursed to Settling States and Participating Subdivisions unless otherwise permitted in the Agreement (Exhibit G) and subject to additional reporting requirements. Section IV (B). Jane Fallon at the Arizona Attorney General’s Office has confirmed that distribution will occur in the same manner as previous opioid settlements pursuant to the One Arizona Funds Agreement with the counties receiving the regional funds and using those monies in consultation with the participating cities and towns. Distribution is based on population figures published by the U.S. Census Bureau’s population estimates for July 1, 2019, released May 2020. Section XIII (A). Rachael Goodwin June 7, 2024 Page 4 Similar to the previous settlement, the settlement funds must be used in connection with future opioid-remediation efforts including care, treatment and other programs and expenditures designed to address the misuse and abuse of opioid products; treat or mitigate opioid use or related disorders; or mitigate other alleged effects of the opioid epidemic. See Exhibit E. Reporting Requirements Each settlement requires reporting to demonstrate that the settlement funds are allocated to opioid- remediation efforts or any other lawful purpose. See Subsection F. Compliance Reporting and Accountability in the One Arizona Funds Agreement. More information will be provided once the Settlement Agreement is in effect, settlement amount is known, and distribution is confirmed to the State of Arizona. Next Steps 1. Place an action item on the agenda prior to July 31, 2024 for Council to decide if the Town will participate in the Settlement Agreement. The full settlement documents are on file with the Town Clerk. 2. If the Council approves opting in to the Settlement Agreement, the Town’s designated point of contact will submit the Participation Form by July 31, 2024. The Participation Form, which will be available on or around June 14, 2024, can be signed by one of three methods: a. Electronic Signature via DocuSign; b. Manual Signature returned via DocuSign; or c. Manual Signature returned via electronic mail. 3. Once the settlement is finalized, the release against Kroger will be in effect and Rubris and the Attorney General’s Office will provide additional information about the distribution formula and reporting requirements. Please contact me with any questions at (602) 772-5524 or Christina@PierceColeman.com. ITEM 9. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda                  Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Linda Mendenhall, Town Clerk Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the recommendation for the appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission.   Staff Summary (Background) The Council Subcommittees for the Town's Boards, Commissions, and Committees conduct interviews to recommend new members based on term expirations, vacancies from resignations, or changes in membership eligibility status. Appointments are typically made twice a year, in April and October. However, a resignation in May created a vacancy on the Town's Planning and Zoning Commission. This commission is very active and plays a crucial role in advising the council on important matters. Therefore, staff conducted a special recruitment to fill this vacancy. On June 12, 2024, the Council Subcommittee for the Boards, Commissions, and Committees held a meeting to interview residents who had applied for the Planning and Zoning Commission vacancy. Based on the interviews, the Subcommittee made a recommendation for the appointment to this commission. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Chapter 2A of the Town Code. Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) Recommendations to the Mayor have been made by the Council Subcommittee. Staff Recommendation(s) To approve the Council Subcommittee recommendations for appointment, as follows: Planning and Zoning Appoint __________________________for a partial term (6/1/2024 to 4/30/2025) SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the Council Subcommittees' recommendations for the appointment of a member to the Planning and Zoning Commission, as presented.   Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Attorney Linda Mendenhall 06/11/2024 07:54 AM Finance Director David Pock 06/11/2024 08:17 AM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 06/11/2024 08:42 AM Town Manager Rachael Goodwin 06/12/2024 08:28 AM Form Started By: Linda Mendenhall Started On: 06/11/2024 07:42 AM Final Approval Date: 06/12/2024  ITEM 9. B. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING, REVIEW AND CONSIDER: Ordinance 24-10 allowing patio covers to encroach into required front and street side yards.  Staff Summary (Background) The zoning ordinance includes area and bulk standards to control the size of buildings on lots and to provide setbacks and lot coverage.  These standards help with fire safety and keep an open feel for the community.  These standards include minimum setbacks from property lines for any type of building or structure. Last year, a resident approached staff regarding his desire to provide a cover over his front yard patio area.  It was not possible, however, because much of the patio is within the front building setback area.  To try and obtain the desired construction, he applied for a variance to the setback requirement.  That variance was denied by the Board of Adjustment.  As part of the review of that situation, staff recognized it would be possible to amend the code to allow covered patios in the front yard.  This text amendment is in response to that situation. Setbacks for buildings along streets are important to allow good visibility along a street.  Walls and buildings too close to the street can create sight obstructions which make it difficult for drivers to see other moving vehicles or pedestrians, particularly while entering or leaving a property. The street side of a property also plays an important role in creating the fabric of a community.  The street side engages with the public realm and provides a place for neighbors to meet, get to know one another, and support one another.  Homes used to be built with front porches to give residents the opportunity to use this outdoor space and be part of their neighborhood. An at-grade patio in the front or street side yard is allowed by right.  Given our extreme temperatures, patios are not useful for half the year because of the sun and hot temperatures.  Allowing patios in the front yard to be covered makes them more useful and an amenity to the home and neighborhood.  If allowed, these patio covers would need to be designed and built in a way that does not impede visibility along a street or create nuisance spaces for the accumulation of vehicles or material. Following the review of our ordinance, the staff is proposing the following modifications to address this topic. The first changes are to provide definitions of patio and patio cover in Section 1.12, Definitions.  Patio: A surfaced area directly adjacent to a principal building at or within three (3) feet of the finished grade intended for outdoor lounging, dining, or other passive outdoor activities.  Patios may be open or enclosed. Patio Cover: A solid or open roof structure covering a patio.  Patio covers may be detached or attached to another structure. The other change is to amend Section 5.06, Yard, Lot, and Area Requirements.  Subsection D provides exemptions for projections into yards.  The proposal is to add a new 4 to the list to allow for patio covers as follows. 4. Patio covers may project into a required front yard or street side yard consistent with the following: a. Requires approval of a Special Use Permit as provided in Section 2.02 of the Zoning Ordinance except notice shall be sent only to adjacent property owners along the street and across the street from where the patio cover will be constructed, and the fee shall be one-tenth (1/10) of the adopted Special Use Permit fee. b. The patio cover: i. May extend into the setback one-half (½) of the required setback, up to fifteen (15) feet; ii. May not exceed a height of more than 90% of the adjacent building wall or twelve (12) feet in height, whichever is shorter; iii. Support structures holding up the cover within the setback may not exceed twenty (20) percent of the width of the side of the patio and shall be designed to maintain an open view along the street and not create a sight obstruction; and, c. The patio: i. May not be enclosed; and ii. May not be used as a carport, garage, or storage. During the review of the ordinance with the Planning and Zoning Commission, it was noted that the proposed regulation allowing the cover to extend 1/2 of the required setback up to 12.5' should also be adjusted slightly.  The 12.5' was placed in the ordinance based on a front or side setback of 25'.  There are no 25' front or street side setbacks, just 20', 40', and 60'.  The staff changed this provision in the ordinance to just allow an encroachment 1/2 the required setback up to 15'. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Zoning Ordinance Section 5.06 D, Projections Over and Into Required Yards. Risk Analysis N/A   Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review and consider this text amendment at their May 13 meeting.  They received comments and a request from approval from one citizen. As presented to the Commission, the ordinance proposed allowing the patio covers by right subject to the conditions listed.  The Commission expressed some concern with the potential impact of these structures on adjacent neighbors.  Therefore, they amended the draft ordinance to require approval of a Special Use Permit.  Recognizing the nature of this SUP is minor compared to others, they also limited the notice requirement to adjacent properties and reduced the fee to one-tenth of the standard SUP application fee. The Commission also had some concern about how the cover may appear compared with the adjacent building wall and wanted the roofline to be lower than the roofline of the primary structure.  Therefore, they also amended the draft ordinance to set a height standard of 90% of the height of the adjacent wall or 12', whichever is higher. The ordinance as presented in this report and attached follows what was recommended by the Commission.  The one change from the Commission recommendation was to change the maximum encroachment from 12.5' to 15' as noted above. Staff Recommendation(s) Staff finds that the proposal to allow patio covers in front and street side yards to be a positive change to allow more utilization of a person's property.  Staff recommended approval of the ordinance to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Staff can also support the ordinance as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to adopt Ordinance 24-10. Attachments Ordinance 24-10  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 05/29/2024 07:24 AM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 05/21/2024 11:33 AM Final Approval Date: 05/29/2024  ORDINANCE NO. 24-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDNANCE BY AMENDING SECTION 1.12, DEFINTIONS, AND SECTION 5.06 D, PROJECTIONS OVER AND INTO REQUIRED YARDS, BY ADDING A PROVISION FOR PATIO COVERS TO ENCROACH INTO A FRONT OR STREET SIDE YARDS ENACTMENTS: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, as follows: SECTION 1. That Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.12 is hereby amended to include the following definitions: … Patio: A surfaced area directly adjacent to a principal building at or within three (3) feet of the finished grade intended for outdoor lounging, dining, or other passive outdoor activities. Patios may be open or enclosed. Patio Cover: A solid or open roof structure covering a patio. Patio covers may be attached or detached to another structure. … SECTION 2. That Chapter 5, General Provisions, Section 5.06 D is hereby amended to add a new 4.: … 4. Patio covers may project into a required front yard or street side yard consistent with the following: a. Requires approval of a Special Use Permit as provided in Section 2.02 of the Zoning Ordinance except notice shall be sent only to adjacent property owners along the street and across the street from where the patio cover will be constructed, and the fee shall be one- tenth (1/10) of the adopted Special Use Permit fee. b. The patio cover: i. May extend into the setback one-half (½) of the required setback, up to fifteen (15) feet; ii. May not exceed a height of more than 90% of the adjacent building wall or twelve (12) feet in height, whichever is shorter; iii. Support structures holding up the cover within the setback may not exceed twenty (20) percent of the width of the side of the patio and shall be designed to maintain an open view along the street and not create a sight obstruction; and, c. The patio: i. May not be enclosed; and ii. May not be used as a carport, garage, or storage. SECTION 3. In accordance with Article II, Sections 1 and 2, Constitution of Arizona, and the laws of the State of Arizona, the City/Town Council has considered the individual property rights and personal liberties of the residents of the City/Town and the probable impact of the proposed ordinance on the cost to construct housing for sale or rent before adopting this ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona, this 18th day of June 2024. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: ___________________________________ __________________________________ Ginny Dickey, Mayor Linda Mendenhall, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________ __________________________________ Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney ITEM 9. C. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: A waiver of the standards set forth in Section 5.03, Cut and Fill Standards, of the Subdivision Ordinance to allow fill in excess of 10' in height on property located at 9130 N. Hummingbird Trail. Staff Summary (Background) The property owner at 9130 N. Hummingbird Trail (Lot 19, Firerock Parcel G), has submitted plans for the construction of a new home on their property.  The plans include a single-story, 3,110 sq. ft. home plus a four-car garage and covered patios for a total of 4,596 sq. ft. under roof. This flag lot is 55,889 sq. ft. in size and has a down slope from west to east, dropping over 60' in height over its 245' width. To build a single-story home on the sloped lot, they are proposing to cut on the west side of the building area and fill on the east side.  The maximum fill being proposed on the east side is 14' above the natural grade.  Section 5.03 D of the Subdivision Ordinance sets the maximum amount of cut or fill at 10', but provides that a waiver can be considered and approved by the Town Council. As shown in the attached illustrations, the area which exceeds the 10' fill limit is 534 sq. ft. in size.  Of that, 338 sq. ft. is under the house and 196 sq. ft. is under an outdoor patio.  The ordinance allows an exemption for excess fill under the house for an area up to 5% of the size of the home.  Therefore, 207 sq. ft. of the 338 sq. ft. under the home could be allowed as an exemption. Also attached are elevations of this portion of the proposed residence.  Given the amount of fill, there is a 14' tall stem wall under the home on the east side.  This stem wall is somewhat hidden behind several adjacent retaining walls.  The retaining walls, stem walls and house walls are all proposed as a stucco finish.  A landscape plan has been submitted to show how landscaping might be used to soften the impact of the walls.   The closest existing home with a view to the area with the excess fill is approximately 200' away to the east.  The next closest is about 450 feet away and about 80' above in elevation. The degree of excess fill is relatively minor and will be viewable from only a few adjacent properties.   The applicant's justification is that they want to have a single level home and that the proposed series of retaining walls will blend in with the surrounding area. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Subdivision Ordinance Section 5.06, Retaining Walls Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) The amount of excess fill is minimal, but does result in a number of retaining walls and a tall stem wall in a visible area of the lot.  There are a few options available to reduce the area of excess fill, primarily stepping down the eastern portion of the proposed structure.  This is not desirable by the applicant.  The proposed landscape plan includes plant material that, when mature and maintained, will screen this corner of the home. Staff recommends approval of the requested waiver to allow the excess fill subject to approval of final building plans that include landscape material that will screen the height of this wall. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the requested waiver subject to providing plant material to screen the walls. Attachments Waiver Request Illustrations  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 06/04/2024 10:05 AM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 05/29/2024 11:15 AM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  Area of the excess fill ~200’ ~450’ ITEM 9. D. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda                  Submitting Department: Public Works Prepared by: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Staff Contact Information: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approving contract 2024-057 for General Contracting Services, which encompass six (6) as-need Job Order Master Agreement Contracts; 2024-057A, 2024-057B, 2024-057C, 2024-057D, 2024-057E, and 2024-057F,with identical terms for a period of one-year with up to four, one-year renewable options and with identical compensation not to exceed $250,000 per contract in a twelve (12) month period. Staff Summary (Background) The Town established the use of Job Order Contracts (JOC) more than 5 years ago as an efficient and collaborative procurement tool. The use of JOC’s is a State of Arizona-approved procurement method that streamlines the process for contracting numerous, commonly encountered General Contracting projects quickly and easily through multi-year contracts. The Town regularly uses vendors from different trades to provide General Contracting services for various projects including preventative maintenance, unforeseen issues, and Capital Improvement projects. With a desire to consolidate these services under one contract, the Town issued a Request for Qualifications from qualified, licensed vendors interested in providing some or all of the Town's General Contracting service needs under Contract 2024-007, through the use of Job Order Contracting (JOC). After thorough review of proposals by an internal committee, the Town accepted Six (6) of the proposals and requested a Master Agreement be reviewed by the Town Attorney for General Contracting.  Each agreement will be for an amount not to exceed $250,000 per year for a period of one year with up to four, one-year renewal options. Vendors will be chosen to complete projects on an as needed basis, provided budgetary funds are available. The award of these contracts do not encumber any Town funds and are not intended to be exhausted annually. The benefits of using the JOC process are outlined below- Efficiency and Time Savings: Job Order Contracts allow for the expeditious completion of projects by eliminating the need for the traditional procurement process. Instead of soliciting bids for each individual project, JOCs establish pre-negotiated unit prices and terms with qualified contractors, reducing administrative overhead and project timelines. This streamlined approach enables the Town to respond promptly to community needs, particularly in emergency situations. to respond promptly to community needs, particularly in emergency situations. Cost Effectiveness: By leveraging competitive pricing through a competitive selection process for JOC contractors, the Town can achieve cost savings compared to traditional procurement methods. Furthermore, the pre-established unit prices provide transparency and predictability, minimizing the risk of cost overruns commonly associated with conventional construction contracts. Flexibility and Adaptability: JOCs offer the Town flexibility in project execution by accommodating a wide range of construction and maintenance services. Whether it's repairing infrastructure, renovating facilities, or implementing landscaping improvements, JOCs enable the Town to address various needs efficiently and effectively. Additionally, JOCs can be tailored to specific project requirements, ensuring that the Town's diverse needs are met while maintaining compliance with regulatory standards. Quality Assurance: Through the qualification process, JOC contractors are rigorously vetted based on their experience, qualifications, and performance history. This selection criteria ensure that only reputable contractors with proven track records of delivering high-quality work are awarded contracts. As a result, the Town can trust in the expertise and professionalism of JOC contractors to deliver projects that meet or exceed industry standards. Transparency and Accountability: Despite the expedited procurement process, JOCs uphold transparency and accountability in project delivery. Contractors are required to adhere to predefined unit prices and terms outlined in the contract, providing clear guidelines for project costs and scope. Additionally, comprehensive reporting mechanisms and performance evaluations are implemented to monitor contractor performance and ensure compliance with contractual obligations. Recommendation: Based on this analysis, it is recommended that the Town Council continue to utilize Job Order Contracts as a preferred method for procuring construction and maintenance services. The efficiency, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, quality assurance, transparency, and accountability offered by JOCs align with the Town's goals of delivering high-quality public services while maximizing taxpayer value. By embracing this procurement approach, the Town can enhance its ability to deliver timely, cost-effective, and high-quality projects that benefit the community as a whole. The following agreements have been forwarded to the vendors below and have been executed and returned to the Town: 2024-057A - SDB, Inc 2024-057B - Sagebrush Restoration, LLC 2024-057C -  Mark Scott Construction, Inc. 2024 057D  - GCON,Inc 2024 057 E - Elite Civil, LLC 2024-057F - Chasse Building Team, Inc Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis The use of Job Order Contracting increases efficiency and reduces time and resources expended on a The use of Job Order Contracting increases efficiency and reduces time and resources expended on a per-project basis. It allows faster response times to critical situations and reduces "downtime" of facilities to better serve the public. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval as presented. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve Job Order Master Agreement Contracts Nos.2024-057A - 2024-057B - 2024-057C - 2024 057D - 2024 057E - & 2024-057F - for General Contracting Services in the amount not to exceed $250,000 per contract in a twelve (12) month period. Fiscal Impact Fiscal Impact:250,000 Budget Reference:N/A Funding Source:N/A If Multiple Funds utilized, list here:Capital Projects fund, Publicworks fund, Community Budgeted: if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form:N/A Attachments PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Public Works Director (Originator)Justin Weldy 06/06/2024 03:58 PM Finance Director David Pock 06/08/2024 08:30 AM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 06/10/2024 08:46 AM Town Manager Rachael Goodwin 06/11/2024 09:21 AM Form Started By: Justin Weldy Started On: 03/08/2024 07:53 AM Final Approval Date: 06/11/2024  Contract No. 2024-057A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND SDB, INC. DBA SDB CONTRACTING SERVICES THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered upon execution, between the Town of Fountain Hills, an Arizona municipal corporation (the “Town”) and SDB, Inc. dba SDB Contracting Services, a(n) Arizona corporation (the “Vendor”). RECITALS A. The Town issued a Request for Proposals, RFQ No. 2023-010 (the “RFP”), a copy of which is on file with the Town and incorporated herein by reference, seeking proposals from vendors interested in providing professional services consisting of Job Order Contracting (“JOC”) for General Contracting (the “Services”). B. The Vendor responded to the RFQ by submitting a proposal (the “Proposal”), attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. C. The Town desires to enter into an Agreement with the Vendor to perform the Services, as set forth below. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing introduction and recitals, which are incorporated herein by reference, the following mutual covenants and conditions, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Town and the Vendor hereby agree as follows: 1.Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective as of execution and attested by the Town Clerk pursuant to Section 3-3-31 of the Town Code, and shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2025 (the “Initial Term”), unless terminated as otherwise provided in this Agreement. After the expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement may be renewed for up four successive one-year terms (the “Renewal Term”) if (i) it is deemed in the best interests of the Town, subject to availability and appropriation of funds for renewal, (ii) at least 30 days prior to the end of the then-current term of this Agreement, the Vendor requests, in writing, to extend this Agreement for an additional one-year term and (iii) the Town approves the additional one-year term in writing (including any price adjustments approved as part of this Agreement), as evidenced by the Town Manager’s signature thereon, which approval may be withheld by the Town for any reason. The Vendor’s failure to seek a renewal of this Agreement shall cause this Agreement to terminate at the end of the then-current term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the Town may, at its discretion and with the agreement of the Vendor, elect to waive this requirement and renew this Agreement. The Initial Term and the Renewal Term are collectively referred to herein as the “Term.” Upon renewal, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2.Scope of Work. This is an indefinite quantity and indefinite delivery (Job Order Contract) Agreement for Services as previously set forth herein. Services shall only be provided when the Town identifies a need and proper authorization and documentation have been approved. For project(s) determined by the Town to be appropriate for this Agreement, the Vendor shall provide the Services to the Town on an as-required basis relating to the specific Services as may be agreed upon between the parties in writing, in the form of a written acknowledgment between the parties describing the Services to be provided (each, a “Work Order”). Each Work Order issued for Services pursuant to this Agreement shall be (i) in the form provided and approved by the Town for the Services, (ii) contain a reference to this Agreement and (iii) be attached to hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. By signing this Agreement, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that Work Order(s) containing unauthorized exceptions, conditions, limitations, or provisions in conflict with the terms of this Agreement, other than Town's project-specific requirements, are hereby expressly declared void and shall be of no force and effect. The Town does not guarantee any minimum or maximum amount of Services will be requested under this Agreement. All contractors and sub-contractors engaged in construction projects within the municipality shall display the contractor’s name/logo on both sides of the vehicle so that it is clearly visible and readable to a distance of at least fifty (50) ft. This mandate ensures clear identification of the entities involved in town projects and facilitates easy recognition of authorized personnel and equipment. 3.Compensation. The Town shall pay the Vendor an aggregate amount not to exceed $250,000 with an amount not to exceed $125,000 annually (Twelve [12] month period). Rates/projects shall be bid on a per project basis (JOC procedure). 4.Payments. The Town shall [under condition of paragraph 2, Scope] pay the Vendor monthly (and the Vendor shall invoice the Town monthly), based upon work performed and completed to date, and upon submission and approval of invoices. All invoices shall document and itemize all work completed to date. Each invoice statement shall include a record of time expended and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. This Agreement must be referenced on all invoices. At the start of construction, ten percent (10%) of all pay requests will be retained by the Town to guarantee complete performance of the contract. When the work is fifty percent (50%) complete, this amount may be reduced to five percent (5%) providing that construction progress and quality of work is acceptable to the Town. Any funds which are withheld from the contractor will be paid no later than sixty (60) days after completion of the contract and settlement of all claims. Each invoice shall (i) contain a reference to this Agreement and (ii) document and itemize all work completed to date. The invoice statement shall include a record of materials delivered, time expended, and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. Additionally, invoices submitted without referencing this Agreement will be subject to rejection and may be returned. 5.Documents. All documents, including any intellectual property rights thereto, prepared and submitted to the Town pursuant to this Agreement shall be the property of the Town. 6.Vendor Personnel. Vendor shall provide adequate, experienced personnel, capable of and devoted to the successful performance of the Services under this Agreement. Vendor agrees to assign specific individuals to key positions. If deemed qualified, the Vendor is encouraged to hire Town residents to fill vacant positions at all levels. Vendor agrees that, upon commencement of the Services to be performed under this Agreement, key personnel shall not be removed or replaced without prior written notice to the Town. If key personnel are not available to perform the Services for a continuous period exceeding 30 calendar days, or are expected to devote substantially less effort to the Services than initially anticipated, Vendor shall immediately notify the Town of same and shall, subject to the concurrence of the Town, replace such personnel with personnel possessing substantially equal ability and qualifications. 7.Inspection; Acceptance. All work shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Town at reasonable times during Vendor’s performance. The Vendor shall provide and maintain a self-inspection system that is acceptable to the Town. 8.Licenses; Materials. Vendor shall maintain in current status all federal, state and local licenses and permits required for the operation of the business conducted by the Vendor. The Town has no obligation to provide Vendor, its employees or subcontractors any business registrations or licenses required to perform the specific services set forth in this Agreement. The Town has no obligation to provide tools, equipment or material to Vendor. 9.Performance Warranty. Vendor warrants that the Services rendered will conform to the requirements of this Agreement and with the care and skill ordinarily used by members of the same profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. 10.Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town and each council member, officer, employee or agent thereof (the Town and any such person being herein called an “Indemnified Party”), for, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and the costs of appellate proceedings) to which any such Indemnified Party may become subject, under any theory of liability whatsoever (“Claims”), insofar as such Claims (or actions in respect thereof) relate to, arise out of, or are caused by or based upon the negligent acts, intentional misconduct, errors, mistakes or omissions, breach of contract, in connection with the work or services of the Vendor, its officers, employees, agents, or any tier of subcontractor in the performance of this Agreement. The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth below will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this Section. 11.Insurance. 11.1 General. A.Insurer Qualifications. Without limiting any obligations or liabilities of Vendor, Vendor shall purchase and maintain, at its own expense, hereinafter stipulated minimum insurance with insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Arizona pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 20-206, as amended, with an AM Best, Inc. rating of A- or above with policies and forms satisfactory to the Town. Failure to maintain insurance as specified herein may result in termination of this Agreement at the Town’s option. B.No Representation of Coverage Adequacy. By requiring insurance herein, the Town does not represent that coverage and limits will be adequate to protect Vendor. The Town reserves the right to review any and all of the insurance policies and/or endorsements cited in this Agreement but has no obligation to do so. Failure to demand such evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement or failure to identify any insurance deficiency shall not relieve Vendor from, nor be construed or deemed a waiver of, its obligation to maintain the required insurance at all times during the performance of this Agreement. C.Additional Insured. All insurance coverage, except Workers’ Compensation insurance and Professional Liability insurance, if applicable, shall name, to the fullest extent permitted by law for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insured as specified under the respective coverage sections of this Agreement. D.Coverage Term. All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or services required to be performed under the terms of this Agreement are satisfactorily performed, completed and formally accepted by the Town, unless specified otherwise in this Agreement. E.Primary Insurance. Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement and in the protection of the Town as an Additional Insured. F.Claims Made. In the event any insurance policies required by this Agreement are written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend, either by keeping coverage in force or purchasing an extended reporting option, for three years past completion and acceptance of the services. Such continuing coverage shall be evidenced by submission of annual Certificates of Insurance citing applicable coverage is in force and contains the provisions as required herein for the three-year period. G.Waiver. All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation insurance, shall contain a waiver of rights of recovery (subrogation) against the Town, its agents, representatives, officials, officers and employees for any claims arising out of the work or services of Vendor. Vendor shall arrange to have such subrogation waivers incorporated into each policy via formal written endorsement thereto. H.Policy Deductibles and/or Self-Insured Retentions. The policies set forth in these requirements may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retention amounts. Such deductibles or self-insured retention shall not be applicable with respect to the policy limits provided to the Town. Vendor shall be solely responsible for any such deductible or self-insured retention amount. I.Use of Subcontractors. If any work under this Agreement is subcontracted in any way, Vendor shall execute written agreements with its subcontractors containing the indemnification provisions set forth in this Agreement and insurance requirements set forth herein protecting the Town and Vendor. Vendor shall be responsible for executing any agreements with its subcontractors and obtaining certificates of insurance verifying the insurance requirements. J.Evidence of Insurance. Prior to commencing any work or services under this Agreement, Vendor will provide the Town with suitable evidence of insurance in the form of certificates of insurance and a copy of the declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as required by this Agreement, issued by Vendor’s insurance insurer(s) as evidence that policies are placed with acceptable insurers as specified herein and provide the required coverages, conditions and limits of coverage specified in this Agreement and that such coverage and provisions are in full force and effect. Confidential information such as the policy premium may be redacted from the declaration page(s) of each insurance policy, provided that such redactions do not alter any of the information required by this Agreement. The Town shall reasonably rely upon the certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as evidence of coverage but such acceptance and reliance shall not waive or alter in any way the insurance requirements or obligations of this Agreement. If any of the policies required by this Agreement expire during the life of this Agreement, it shall be Vendor’s responsibility to forward renewal certificates and declaration page(s) to the Town 30 days prior to the expiration date. All certificates of insurance and declarations required by this Agreement shall be identified by referencing the RFP number and title or this Agreement. A $25.00 administrative fee shall be assessed for all certificates or declarations received without the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable. Additionally, certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies submitted without referencing the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable, will be subject to rejection and may be returned or discarded. Certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) shall specifically include the following provisions: (1) The Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees are Additional Insureds as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability – Under Insurance Services Office, Inc., (“ISO”) Form CG 20 10 03 97 or equivalent. (b) Auto Liability – Under ISO Form CA 20 48 or equivalent. (c) Excess Liability – Follow Form to underlying insurance. (2) Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement. (3) All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation, waive rights of recovery (subrogation) against Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees for any claims arising out of work or services performed by Vendor under this Agreement. (4) ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2014/01) is preferred. If ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2001/08) is used, the phrases in the cancellation provision “endeavor to” and “but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives” shall be deleted. Certificate forms other than ACORD form shall have similar restrictive language deleted. 11.2 Required Insurance Coverage. A.Commercial General Liability. Vendor shall maintain “occurrence” form Commercial General Liability insurance with an unimpaired limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations Annual Aggregate and a $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury. Coverage under the policy will be at least as broad as ISO policy form CG 00 010 93 or equivalent thereof, including but not limited to, separation of insured’s clause. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO, Commercial General Liability Additional Insured Endorsement form CG 20 10 03 97, or equivalent, which shall read “Who is an Insured (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of “your work” for that insured by or for you.” If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. B.Vehicle Liability. Vendor shall maintain Business Automobile Liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence on Vendor’s owned, hired and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in the performance of the Vendor’s work or services under this Agreement. Coverage will be at least as broad as ISO coverage code “1” “any auto” policy form CA 00 01 12 93 or equivalent thereof. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO Business Auto policy Designated Insured Endorsement form CA 20 48 or equivalent. If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. C.Professional Liability. If this Agreement is the subject of any professional services or work, or if the Vendor engages in any professional services or work in any way related to performing the work under this Agreement, the Vendor shall maintain Professional Liability insurance covering negligent errors and omissions arising out of the Services performed by the Vendor, or anyone employed by the Vendor, or anyone for whose negligent acts, mistakes, errors and omissions the Vendor is legally liable, with an unimpaired liability insurance limit of $2,000,000 each claim and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. D.Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Vendor shall maintain Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction over Vendor’s employees engaged in the performance of work or services under this Agreement and shall also maintain Employers Liability Insurance of not less than $500,000 for each accident, $500,000 disease for each employee and $1,000,000 disease policy limit. 11.3 Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not expire, be canceled, or be materially changed without 30 days’ prior written notice to the Town. 12.Termination; Cancellation. 12.1 For Town’s Convenience. This Agreement is for the convenience of the Town and, as such, may be terminated without cause after receipt by Vendor of written notice by the Town. Upon termination for convenience, Vendor shall be paid for all undisputed services performed to the termination date. 12.2 For Cause. If either party fails to perform any obligation pursuant to this Agreement and such party fails to cure its nonperformance within 30 days after notice of nonperformance is given by the non-defaulting party, such party will be in default. In the event of such default, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause and will have all remedies that are available to it at law or in equity including, without limitation, the remedy of specific performance. If the nature of the defaulting party’s nonperformance is such that it cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, then the defaulting party will have such additional periods of time as may be reasonably necessary under the circumstances, provided the defaulting party immediately (A) provides written notice to the non-defaulting party and (B) commences to cure its nonperformance and thereafter diligently continues to completion the cure of its nonperformance. In no event shall any such cure period exceed 90 days. In the event of such termination for cause, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.3 Due to Work Stoppage. This Agreement may be terminated by the Town upon 30 days’ written notice to Vendor in the event that the Services are permanently abandoned. In the event of such termination due to work stoppage, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.4 Conflict of Interest. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 38-511. The Town may cancel this Agreement without penalty or further obligations by the Town or any of its departments or agencies if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating this Agreement on behalf of the Town or any of its departments or agencies is, at any time while this Agreement or any extension of this Agreement is in effect, an employee of any other party to this Agreement in any capacity or a Vendor to any other party of this Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 12.5 Gratuities. The Town may, by written notice to the Vendor, cancel this Agreement if it is found by the Town that gratuities, in the form of economic opportunity, future employment, entertainment, gifts or otherwise, were offered or given by the Vendor or any agent or representative of the Vendor to any officer, agent or employee of the Town for the purpose of securing this Agreement. In the event this Agreement is canceled by the Town pursuant to this provision, the Town shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover and withhold from the Vendor an amount equal to 150% of the gratuity. 12.6 Agreement Subject to Appropriation. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. CONST. ART. IX, § 5 and ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 42-17106. The provisions of this Agreement for payment of funds by the Town shall be effective when funds are appropriated for purposes of this Agreement and are actually available for payment. The Town shall be the sole judge and authority in determining the availability of funds under this Agreement and the Town shall keep the Vendor fully informed as to the availability of funds for this Agreement. The obligation of the Town to make any payment pursuant to this Agreement is a current expense of the Town, payable exclusively from such annual appropriations, and is not a general obligation or indebtedness of the Town. If the Town Council fails to appropriate money sufficient to pay the amounts as set forth in this Agreement during any immediately succeeding fiscal year, this Agreement shall terminate at the end of then-current fiscal year and the Town and the Vendor shall be relieved of any subsequent obligation under this Agreement. 13.Miscellaneous. 13.1 Independent Contractor. It is clearly understood that each party will act in its individual capacity and not as an agent, employee, partner, joint venturer, or associate of the other. An employee or agent of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employee or agent of the other for any purpose whatsoever. The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the Services provided under this Agreement are being provided as an independent contractor, not as an employee or agent of the Town. Vendor, its employees and subcontractors are not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from the Town. The Town does not have the authority to supervise or control the actual work of Vendor, its employees or subcontractors. The Vendor, and not the Town, shall determine the time of its performance of the services provided under this Agreement so long as Vendor meets the requirements as agreed in Section 2 above and in Exhibit A. Vendor is neither prohibited from entering into other contracts nor prohibited from practicing its profession elsewhere. Town and Vendor do not intend to nor will they combine business operations under this Agreement. 13.2 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona and suit pertaining to this Agreement may be brought only in courts in Maricopa County, Arizona. 13.3 Laws and Regulations. Vendor shall keep fully informed and shall at all times during the performance of its duties under this Agreement ensure that it and any person for whom the Vendor is responsible abides by, and remains in compliance with, all rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes or laws affecting the Services, including, but not limited to, the following: (A) existing and future Town and County ordinances and regulations; (B) existing and future State and Federal laws; and (C) existing and future Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards. 13.4 Amendments. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by persons duly authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town and the Vendor. 13.5 Provisions Required by Law. Each and every provision of law and any clause required by law to be in this Agreement will be read and enforced as though it were included herein and, if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, this Agreement will promptly be physically amended to make such insertion or correction. 13.6 Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable to the extent that any provision or application held to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect any other provision or application of this Agreement which may remain in effect without the invalid provision or application. 13.7 Entire Agreement; Interpretation; Parol Evidence. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter, and all previous agreements, whether oral or written, entered into prior to this Agreement are hereby revoked and superseded by this Agreement. No representations, warranties, inducements or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein, or in any other contemporaneous written agreement executed for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to its plain meaning, and no presumption shall be deemed to apply in favor of, or against the party drafting this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that each has had the opportunity to seek and utilize legal counsel in the drafting of, review of, and entry into this Agreement. 13.8 Assignment; Delegation. No right or interest in this Agreement shall be assigned or delegated by Vendor without prior, written permission of the Town, signed by the Town Manager. Any attempted assignment or delegation by Vendor in violation of this provision shall be a breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.9 Subcontracts. No subcontract shall be entered into by the Vendor with any other party to furnish any of the material or services specified herein without the prior written approval of the Town. The Vendor is responsible for performance under this Agreement whether or not subcontractors are used. Failure to pay subcontractors in a timely manner pursuant to any subcontract shall be a material breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.10 Rights and Remedies. No provision in this Agreement shall be construed, expressly or by implication, as waiver by the Town of any existing or future right and/or remedy available by law in the event of any claim of default or breach of this Agreement. The failure of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise or delay the exercise of any right or remedy provided in this Agreement, or by law, or the Town’s acceptance of and payment for services, shall not release the Vendor from any responsibilities or obligations imposed by this Agreement or by law, and shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of this Agreement. 13.11 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event either party brings any action for any relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement or on account of any breach or default hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs and expenses, determined by the court sitting without a jury, which shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and shall be enforced whether or not such action is prosecuted through judgment. 13.12 Liens. All materials or services shall be free of all liens and, if the Town requests, a formal release of all liens shall be delivered to the Town. 13.13 Offset. A.Offset for Damages. In addition to all other remedies at law or equity, the Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for damages resulting from breach or deficiencies in performance or breach of any obligation under this Agreement. B.Offset for Delinquent Fees or Taxes. The Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for delinquent fees, transaction privilege taxes and property taxes, including any interest or penalties. 13.14 Notices and Requests. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if (A) delivered to the party at the address set forth below, (B) deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below or (C) given to a recognized and reputable overnight delivery service, to the address set forth below: If to the Town: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager With copy to: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney If to Vendor: SDB, Inc. dba SDB Contracting Services 1001 S. Edward Dr. Tempe, Arizona 85281 Attn: Richelle Kikuji or at such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as any party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this subsection. Notices shall be deemed received (A) when delivered to the party, (B) three business days after being placed in the U.S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage or (C) the following business day after being given to a recognized overnight delivery service, with the person giving the notice paying all required charges and instructing the delivery service to deliver on the following business day. If a copy of a notice is also given to a party’s counsel or other recipient, the provisions above governing the date on which a notice is deemed to have been received by a party shall mean and refer to the date on which the party, and not its counsel or other recipient to which a copy of the notice may be sent, is deemed to have received the notice. 13.15 Confidentiality of Records. The Vendor shall establish and maintain procedures and controls that are acceptable to the Town for the purpose of ensuring that information contained in its records or obtained from the Town or from others in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement shall not be used or disclosed by it, its agents, officers, or employees, except as required to perform Vendor’s duties under this Agreement. Persons requesting such information should be referred to the Town. Vendor also agrees that any information pertaining to individual persons shall not be divulged other than to employees or officers of Vendor as needed for the performance of duties under this Agreement. 13.16 Records and Audit Rights. To ensure that the Vendor and its subcontractors are complying with the warranty under subsection 13.17 below, Vendor’s and its subcontractor’s books, records, correspondence, accounting procedures and practices, and any other supporting evidence relating to this Agreement, including the papers of any Vendor and its subcontractors’ employees who perform any work or services pursuant to this Agreement (all of the foregoing hereinafter referred to as “Records”), shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction during normal working hours by the Town, to the extent necessary to adequately permit (A) evaluation and verification of any invoices, payments or claims based on Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ actual costs (including direct and indirect costs and overhead allocations) incurred, or units expended directly in the performance of work under this Agreement and (B) evaluation of the Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ compliance with the Arizona employer sanctions laws referenced in subsection 13.17 below. To the extent necessary for the Town to audit Records as set forth in this subsection, Vendor and its subcontractors hereby waive any rights to keep such Records confidential. For the purpose of evaluating or verifying such actual or claimed costs or units expended, the Town shall have access to said Records, even if located at its subcontractors’ facilities, from the effective date of this Agreement for the duration of the work and until three years after the date of final payment by the Town to Vendor pursuant to this Agreement. Vendor and its subcontractors shall provide the Town with adequate and appropriate workspace so that the Town can conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this subsection. The Town shall give Vendor or its subcontractors reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Vendor shall require its subcontractors to comply with the provisions of this subsection by insertion of the requirements hereof in any subcontract pursuant to this Agreement. 13.17 E-verify Requirements. To the extent applicable under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 41-4401, the Vendor and its subcontractors warrant compliance with all federal immigration laws and regulations that relate to their employees and their compliance with the E-verify requirements under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 23-214(A). Vendor’s or its subcontractors’ failure to comply with such warranty shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and may result in the termination of this Agreement by the Town. 13.18 Israel. Vendor certifies that it is not currently engaged in, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that it will not engage in a “boycott,” as that term is defined in ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 35-393, of Israel. 13.19 China. Pursuant to and in compliance with A.R.S. § 35-394, Vendor hereby agrees and certifies that it does not currently, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that Vendor will not, use: (1) the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; (2) any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; or (3) any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers that use the forced labor or any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China. Vendor also hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its officials, employees, and agents from any claims or causes of action relating to the Town’s action based upon reliance upon this representation, including the payment of all costs and attorney fees incurred by the Town in defending such as action. 13.20 Conflicting Terms. In the event of any inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity among the terms of this Agreement, the Proposal, any Town-approved invoices, and the RFP, the documents shall govern in the order listed herein. 13.21 Non-Exclusive Contract. This Agreement is entered into with the understanding and agreement that it is for the sole convenience of the Town. The Town reserves the right to obtain like goods and services from another source when necessary. 13.22 Cooperative Purchasing. Specific eligible political subdivisions and nonprofit educational or public health institutions (“Eligible Procurement Unit(s)”) are permitted to utilize procurement agreements developed by the Town, at their discretion and with the agreement of the awarded Consultant. Consultant may, at its sole discretion, accept orders from Eligible Procurement Unit(s) for the purchase of the Materials and/or Services at the prices and under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in such quantities and configurations as may be agreed upon between the parties. All cooperative procurements under this Agreement shall be transacted solely between the requesting Eligible Procurement Unit and Consultant. Payment for such purchases will be the sole responsibility of the Eligible Procurement Unit. The exercise of any rights, responsibilities or remedies by the Eligible Procurement Unit shall be the exclusive obligation of such unit. The Town assumes no responsibility for payment, performance or any liability or obligation associated with any cooperative procurement under this Agreement. The Town shall not be responsible for any disputes arising out of transactions made by others. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES] Contract No. 2024-057B PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND SAGEBRUSH RESTORATION, LLC THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered in upon execution, between the Town of Fountain Hills, an Arizona municipal corporation (the “Town”) and Sagebrush Restoration, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company (the “Vendor”). RECITALS A. The Town issued a Request for Proposals, RFQ No. 2023-010 (the “RFP”), a copy of which is on file with the Town and incorporated herein by reference, seeking proposals from vendors interested in providing professional services consisting of Job Order Contracting (“JOC”) for General Contracting (the “Services”). B. The Vendor responded to the RFQ by submitting a proposal (the “Proposal”), attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. C. The Town desires to enter into an Agreement with the Vendor to perform the Services, as set forth below. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing introduction and recitals, which are incorporated herein by reference, the following mutual covenants and conditions, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Town and the Vendor hereby agree as follows: 1.Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of execution and attested by the Town Clerk pursuant to Section 3-3-31 of the Town Code, and shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2025 (the “Initial Term”), unless terminated as otherwise provided in this Agreement. After the expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement may be renewed for up four successive one-year terms (the “Renewal Term”) if (i) it is deemed in the best interests of the Town, subject to availability and appropriation of funds for renewal, (ii) at least 30 days prior to the end of the then-current term of this Agreement, the Vendor requests, in writing, to extend this Agreement for an additional one-year term and (iii) the Town approves the additional one-year term in writing (including any price adjustments approved as part of this Agreement), as evidenced by the Town Manager’s signature thereon, which approval may be withheld by the Town for any reason. The Vendor’s failure to seek a renewal of this Agreement shall cause this Agreement to terminate at the end of the then-current term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the Town may, at its discretion and with the agreement of the Vendor, elect to waive this requirement and renew this Agreement. The Initial Term and the Renewal Term are collectively referred to herein as the “Term.” Upon renewal, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2.Scope of Work. This is an indefinite quantity and indefinite delivery (Job Order Contract) Agreement for Services as previously set forth herein. Services shall only be provided when the Town identifies a need and proper authorization and documentation have been approved. For project(s) determined by the Town to be appropriate for this Agreement, the Vendor shall provide the Services to the Town on an as-required basis relating to the specific Services as may be agreed upon between the parties in writing, in the form of a written acknowledgment between the parties describing the Services to be provided (each, a “Work Order”). Each Work Order issued for Services pursuant to this Agreement shall be (i) in the form provided and approved by the Town for the Services, (ii) contain a reference to this Agreement and (iii) be attached to hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. By signing this Agreement, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that Work Order(s) containing unauthorized exceptions, conditions, limitations, or provisions in conflict with the terms of this Agreement, other than Town's project-specific requirements, are hereby expressly declared void and shall be of no force and effect. The Town does not guarantee any minimum or maximum amount of Services will be requested under this Agreement. All contractors and sub-contractors engaged in construction projects within the municipality shall display the contractor’s name/logo on both sides of the vehicle so that it is clearly visible and readable to a distance of at least fifty (50) ft. This mandate ensures clear identification of the entities involved in town projects and facilitates easy recognition of authorized personnel and equipment. 3.Compensation. The Town shall pay the Vendor an aggregate amount not to exceed $250,000 with an amount not to exceed $125,000 annually (Twelve [12] month period). Rates/projects shall be bid on a per project basis (JOC procedure). 4.Payments. The Town shall [under condition of paragraph 2, Scope] pay the Vendor monthly (and the Vendor shall invoice the Town monthly), based upon work performed and completed to date, and upon submission and approval of invoices. All invoices shall document and itemize all work completed to date. Each invoice statement shall include a record of time expended and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. This Agreement must be referenced on all invoices. At the start of construction, ten percent (10%) of all pay requests will be retained by the Town to guarantee complete performance of the contract. When the work is fifty percent (50%) complete, this amount may be reduced to five percent (5%) providing that construction progress and quality of work is acceptable to the Town. Any funds which are withheld from the contractor will be paid no later than sixty (60) days after completion of the contract and settlement of all claims. Each invoice shall (i) contain a reference to this Agreement and (ii) document and itemize all work completed to date. The invoice statement shall include a record of materials delivered, time expended, and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. Additionally, invoices submitted without referencing this Agreement will be subject to rejection and may be returned. 5.Documents. All documents, including any intellectual property rights thereto, prepared and submitted to the Town pursuant to this Agreement shall be the property of the Town. 6.Vendor Personnel. Vendor shall provide adequate, experienced personnel, capable of and devoted to the successful performance of the Services under this Agreement. Vendor agrees to assign specific individuals to key positions. If deemed qualified, the Vendor is encouraged to hire Town residents to fill vacant positions at all levels. Vendor agrees that, upon commencement of the Services to be performed under this Agreement, key personnel shall not be removed or replaced without prior written notice to the Town. If key personnel are not available to perform the Services for a continuous period exceeding 30 calendar days, or are expected to devote substantially less effort to the Services than initially anticipated, Vendor shall immediately notify the Town of same and shall, subject to the concurrence of the Town, replace such personnel with personnel possessing substantially equal ability and qualifications. 7.Inspection; Acceptance. All work shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Town at reasonable times during Vendor’s performance. The Vendor shall provide and maintain a self-inspection system that is acceptable to the Town. 8.Licenses; Materials. Vendor shall maintain in current status all federal, state and local licenses and permits required for the operation of the business conducted by the Vendor. The Town has no obligation to provide Vendor, its employees or subcontractors any business registrations or licenses required to perform the specific services set forth in this Agreement. The Town has no obligation to provide tools, equipment or material to Vendor. 9.Performance Warranty. Vendor warrants that the Services rendered will conform to the requirements of this Agreement and with the care and skill ordinarily used by members of the same profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. 10.Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town and each council member, officer, employee or agent thereof (the Town and any such person being herein called an “Indemnified Party”), for, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and the costs of appellate proceedings) to which any such Indemnified Party may become subject, under any theory of liability whatsoever (“Claims”), insofar as such Claims (or actions in respect thereof) relate to, arise out of, or are caused by or based upon the negligent acts, intentional misconduct, errors, mistakes or omissions, breach of contract, in connection with the work or services of the Vendor, its officers, employees, agents, or any tier of subcontractor in the performance of this Agreement. The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth below will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this Section. 11.Insurance. 11.1 General. A.Insurer Qualifications. Without limiting any obligations or liabilities of Vendor, Vendor shall purchase and maintain, at its own expense, hereinafter stipulated minimum insurance with insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Arizona pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 20-206, as amended, with an AM Best, Inc. rating of A- or above with policies and forms satisfactory to the Town. Failure to maintain insurance as specified herein may result in termination of this Agreement at the Town’s option. B.No Representation of Coverage Adequacy. By requiring insurance herein, the Town does not represent that coverage and limits will be adequate to protect Vendor. The Town reserves the right to review any and all of the insurance policies and/or endorsements cited in this Agreement but has no obligation to do so. Failure to demand such evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement or failure to identify any insurance deficiency shall not relieve Vendor from, nor be construed or deemed a waiver of, its obligation to maintain the required insurance at all times during the performance of this Agreement. C.Additional Insured. All insurance coverage, except Workers’ Compensation insurance and Professional Liability insurance, if applicable, shall name, to the fullest extent permitted by law for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insured as specified under the respective coverage sections of this Agreement. D.Coverage Term. All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or services required to be performed under the terms of this Agreement are satisfactorily performed, completed and formally accepted by the Town, unless specified otherwise in this Agreement. E.Primary Insurance. Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement and in the protection of the Town as an Additional Insured. F.Claims Made. In the event any insurance policies required by this Agreement are written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend, either by keeping coverage in force or purchasing an extended reporting option, for three years past completion and acceptance of the services. Such continuing coverage shall be evidenced by submission of annual Certificates of Insurance citing applicable coverage is in force and contains the provisions as required herein for the three-year period. G.Waiver. All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation insurance, shall contain a waiver of rights of recovery (subrogation) against the Town, its agents, representatives, officials, officers and employees for any claims arising out of the work or services of Vendor. Vendor shall arrange to have such subrogation waivers incorporated into each policy via formal written endorsement thereto. H.Policy Deductibles and/or Self-Insured Retentions. The policies set forth in these requirements may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retention amounts. Such deductibles or self-insured retention shall not be applicable with respect to the policy limits provided to the Town. Vendor shall be solely responsible for any such deductible or self-insured retention amount. I.Use of Subcontractors. If any work under this Agreement is subcontracted in any way, Vendor shall execute written agreements with its subcontractors containing the indemnification provisions set forth in this Agreement and insurance requirements set forth herein protecting the Town and Vendor. Vendor shall be responsible for executing any agreements with its subcontractors and obtaining certificates of insurance verifying the insurance requirements. J.Evidence of Insurance. Prior to commencing any work or services under this Agreement, Vendor will provide the Town with suitable evidence of insurance in the form of certificates of insurance and a copy of the declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as required by this Agreement, issued by Vendor’s insurance insurer(s) as evidence that policies are placed with acceptable insurers as specified herein and provide the required coverages, conditions and limits of coverage specified in this Agreement and that such coverage and provisions are in full force and effect. Confidential information such as the policy premium may be redacted from the declaration page(s) of each insurance policy, provided that such redactions do not alter any of the information required by this Agreement. The Town shall reasonably rely upon the certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as evidence of coverage but such acceptance and reliance shall not waive or alter in any way the insurance requirements or obligations of this Agreement. If any of the policies required by this Agreement expire during the life of this Agreement, it shall be Vendor’s responsibility to forward renewal certificates and declaration page(s) to the Town 30 days prior to the expiration date. All certificates of insurance and declarations required by this Agreement shall be identified by referencing the RFP number and title or this Agreement. A $25.00 administrative fee shall be assessed for all certificates or declarations received without the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable. Additionally, certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies submitted without referencing the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable, will be subject to rejection and may be returned or discarded. Certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) shall specifically include the following provisions: (1) The Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees are Additional Insureds as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability – Under Insurance Services Office, Inc., (“ISO”) Form CG 20 10 03 97 or equivalent. (b) Auto Liability – Under ISO Form CA 20 48 or equivalent. (c) Excess Liability – Follow Form to underlying insurance. (2) Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement. (3) All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation, waive rights of recovery (subrogation) against Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees for any claims arising out of work or services performed by Vendor under this Agreement. (4) ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2014/01) is preferred. If ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2001/08) is used, the phrases in the cancellation provision “endeavor to” and “but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives” shall be deleted. Certificate forms other than ACORD form shall have similar restrictive language deleted. 11.2 Required Insurance Coverage. A.Commercial General Liability. Vendor shall maintain “occurrence” form Commercial General Liability insurance with an unimpaired limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations Annual Aggregate and a $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury. Coverage under the policy will be at least as broad as ISO policy form CG 00 010 93 or equivalent thereof, including but not limited to, separation of insured’s clause. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO, Commercial General Liability Additional Insured Endorsement form CG 20 10 03 97, or equivalent, which shall read “Who is an Insured (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of “your work” for that insured by or for you.” If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. B.Vehicle Liability. Vendor shall maintain Business Automobile Liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence on Vendor’s owned, hired and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in the performance of the Vendor’s work or services under this Agreement. Coverage will be at least as broad as ISO coverage code “1” “any auto” policy form CA 00 01 12 93 or equivalent thereof. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO Business Auto policy Designated Insured Endorsement form CA 20 48 or equivalent. If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. C.Professional Liability. If this Agreement is the subject of any professional services or work, or if the Vendor engages in any professional services or work in any way related to performing the work under this Agreement, the Vendor shall maintain Professional Liability insurance covering negligent errors and omissions arising out of the Services performed by the Vendor, or anyone employed by the Vendor, or anyone for whose negligent acts, mistakes, errors and omissions the Vendor is legally liable, with an unimpaired liability insurance limit of $2,000,000 each claim and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. D.Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Vendor shall maintain Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction over Vendor’s employees engaged in the performance of work or services under this Agreement and shall also maintain Employers Liability Insurance of not less than $500,000 for each accident, $500,000 disease for each employee and $1,000,000 disease policy limit. 11.3 Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not expire, be canceled, or be materially changed without 30 days’ prior written notice to the Town. 12.Termination; Cancellation. 12.1 For Town’s Convenience. This Agreement is for the convenience of the Town and, as such, may be terminated without cause after receipt by Vendor of written notice by the Town. Upon termination for convenience, Vendor shall be paid for all undisputed services performed to the termination date. 12.2 For Cause. If either party fails to perform any obligation pursuant to this Agreement and such party fails to cure its nonperformance within 30 days after notice of nonperformance is given by the non-defaulting party, such party will be in default. In the event of such default, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause and will have all remedies that are available to it at law or in equity including, without limitation, the remedy of specific performance. If the nature of the defaulting party’s nonperformance is such that it cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, then the defaulting party will have such additional periods of time as may be reasonably necessary under the circumstances, provided the defaulting party immediately (A) provides written notice to the non-defaulting party and (B) commences to cure its nonperformance and thereafter diligently continues to completion the cure of its nonperformance. In no event shall any such cure period exceed 90 days. In the event of such termination for cause, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.3 Due to Work Stoppage. This Agreement may be terminated by the Town upon 30 days’ written notice to Vendor in the event that the Services are permanently abandoned. In the event of such termination due to work stoppage, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.4 Conflict of Interest. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 38-511. The Town may cancel this Agreement without penalty or further obligations by the Town or any of its departments or agencies if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating this Agreement on behalf of the Town or any of its departments or agencies is, at any time while this Agreement or any extension of this Agreement is in effect, an employee of any other party to this Agreement in any capacity or a Vendor to any other party of this Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 12.5 Gratuities. The Town may, by written notice to the Vendor, cancel this Agreement if it is found by the Town that gratuities, in the form of economic opportunity, future employment, entertainment, gifts or otherwise, were offered or given by the Vendor or any agent or representative of the Vendor to any officer, agent or employee of the Town for the purpose of securing this Agreement. In the event this Agreement is canceled by the Town pursuant to this provision, the Town shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover and withhold from the Vendor an amount equal to 150% of the gratuity. 12.6 Agreement Subject to Appropriation. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. CONST. ART. IX, § 5 and ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 42-17106. The provisions of this Agreement for payment of funds by the Town shall be effective when funds are appropriated for purposes of this Agreement and are actually available for payment. The Town shall be the sole judge and authority in determining the availability of funds under this Agreement and the Town shall keep the Vendor fully informed as to the availability of funds for this Agreement. The obligation of the Town to make any payment pursuant to this Agreement is a current expense of the Town, payable exclusively from such annual appropriations, and is not a general obligation or indebtedness of the Town. If the Town Council fails to appropriate money sufficient to pay the amounts as set forth in this Agreement during any immediately succeeding fiscal year, this Agreement shall terminate at the end of then-current fiscal year and the Town and the Vendor shall be relieved of any subsequent obligation under this Agreement. 13.Miscellaneous. 13.1 Independent Contractor. It is clearly understood that each party will act in its individual capacity and not as an agent, employee, partner, joint venturer, or associate of the other. An employee or agent of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employee or agent of the other for any purpose whatsoever. The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the Services provided under this Agreement are being provided as an independent contractor, not as an employee or agent of the Town. Vendor, its employees and subcontractors are not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from the Town. The Town does not have the authority to supervise or control the actual work of Vendor, its employees or subcontractors. The Vendor, and not the Town, shall determine the time of its performance of the services provided under this Agreement so long as Vendor meets the requirements as agreed in Section 2 above and in Exhibit A. Vendor is neither prohibited from entering into other contracts nor prohibited from practicing its profession elsewhere. Town and Vendor do not intend to nor will they combine business operations under this Agreement. 13.2 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona and suit pertaining to this Agreement may be brought only in courts in Maricopa County, Arizona. 13.3 Laws and Regulations. Vendor shall keep fully informed and shall at all times during the performance of its duties under this Agreement ensure that it and any person for whom the Vendor is responsible abides by, and remains in compliance with, all rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes or laws affecting the Services, including, but not limited to, the following: (A) existing and future Town and County ordinances and regulations; (B) existing and future State and Federal laws; and (C) existing and future Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards. 13.4 Amendments. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by persons duly authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town and the Vendor. 13.5 Provisions Required by Law. Each and every provision of law and any clause required by law to be in this Agreement will be read and enforced as though it were included herein and, if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, this Agreement will promptly be physically amended to make such insertion or correction. 13.6 Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable to the extent that any provision or application held to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect any other provision or application of this Agreement which may remain in effect without the invalid provision or application. 13.7 Entire Agreement; Interpretation; Parol Evidence. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter, and all previous agreements, whether oral or written, entered into prior to this Agreement are hereby revoked and superseded by this Agreement. No representations, warranties, inducements or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein, or in any other contemporaneous written agreement executed for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to its plain meaning, and no presumption shall be deemed to apply in favor of, or against the party drafting this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that each has had the opportunity to seek and utilize legal counsel in the drafting of, review of, and entry into this Agreement. 13.8 Assignment; Delegation. No right or interest in this Agreement shall be assigned or delegated by Vendor without prior, written permission of the Town, signed by the Town Manager. Any attempted assignment or delegation by Vendor in violation of this provision shall be a breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.9 Subcontracts. No subcontract shall be entered into by the Vendor with any other party to furnish any of the material or services specified herein without the prior written approval of the Town. The Vendor is responsible for performance under this Agreement whether or not subcontractors are used. Failure to pay subcontractors in a timely manner pursuant to any subcontract shall be a material breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.10 Rights and Remedies. No provision in this Agreement shall be construed, expressly or by implication, as waiver by the Town of any existing or future right and/or remedy available by law in the event of any claim of default or breach of this Agreement. The failure of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise or delay the exercise of any right or remedy provided in this Agreement, or by law, or the Town’s acceptance of and payment for services, shall not release the Vendor from any responsibilities or obligations imposed by this Agreement or by law, and shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of this Agreement. 13.11 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event either party brings any action for any relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement or on account of any breach or default hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs and expenses, determined by the court sitting without a jury, which shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and shall be enforced whether or not such action is prosecuted through judgment. 13.12 Liens. All materials or services shall be free of all liens and, if the Town requests, a formal release of all liens shall be delivered to the Town. 13.13 Offset. A.Offset for Damages. In addition to all other remedies at law or equity, the Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for damages resulting from breach or deficiencies in performance or breach of any obligation under this Agreement. B.Offset for Delinquent Fees or Taxes. The Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for delinquent fees, transaction privilege taxes and property taxes, including any interest or penalties. 13.14 Notices and Requests. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if (A) delivered to the party at the address set forth below, (B) deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below or (C) given to a recognized and reputable overnight delivery service, to the address set forth below: If to the Town: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager With copy to: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney If to Vendor: Sagebrush Restoration, LLC 330 S. River Dr. Tempe, Arizona 85288 Attn: Jeff Cromer or at such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as any party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this subsection. Notices shall be deemed received (A) when delivered to the party, (B) three business days after being placed in the U.S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage or (C) the following business day after being given to a recognized overnight delivery service, with the person giving the notice paying all required charges and instructing the delivery service to deliver on the following business day. If a copy of a notice is also given to a party’s counsel or other recipient, the provisions above governing the date on which a notice is deemed to have been received by a party shall mean and refer to the date on which the party, and not its counsel or other recipient to which a copy of the notice may be sent, is deemed to have received the notice. 13.15 Confidentiality of Records. The Vendor shall establish and maintain procedures and controls that are acceptable to the Town for the purpose of ensuring that information contained in its records or obtained from the Town or from others in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement shall not be used or disclosed by it, its agents, officers, or employees, except as required to perform Vendor’s duties under this Agreement. Persons requesting such information should be referred to the Town. Vendor also agrees that any information pertaining to individual persons shall not be divulged other than to employees or officers of Vendor as needed for the performance of duties under this Agreement. 13.16 Records and Audit Rights. To ensure that the Vendor and its subcontractors are complying with the warranty under subsection 13.17 below, Vendor’s and its subcontractor’s books, records, correspondence, accounting procedures and practices, and any other supporting evidence relating to this Agreement, including the papers of any Vendor and its subcontractors’ employees who perform any work or services pursuant to this Agreement (all of the foregoing hereinafter referred to as “Records”), shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction during normal working hours by the Town, to the extent necessary to adequately permit (A) evaluation and verification of any invoices, payments or claims based on Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ actual costs (including direct and indirect costs and overhead allocations) incurred, or units expended directly in the performance of work under this Agreement and (B) evaluation of the Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ compliance with the Arizona employer sanctions laws referenced in subsection 13.17 below. To the extent necessary for the Town to audit Records as set forth in this subsection, Vendor and its subcontractors hereby waive any rights to keep such Records confidential. For the purpose of evaluating or verifying such actual or claimed costs or units expended, the Town shall have access to said Records, even if located at its subcontractors’ facilities, from the effective date of this Agreement for the duration of the work and until three years after the date of final payment by the Town to Vendor pursuant to this Agreement. Vendor and its subcontractors shall provide the Town with adequate and appropriate workspace so that the Town can conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this subsection. The Town shall give Vendor or its subcontractors reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Vendor shall require its subcontractors to comply with the provisions of this subsection by insertion of the requirements hereof in any subcontract pursuant to this Agreement. 13.17 E-verify Requirements. To the extent applicable under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 41-4401, the Vendor and its subcontractors warrant compliance with all federal immigration laws and regulations that relate to their employees and their compliance with the E-verify requirements under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 23-214(A). Vendor’s or its subcontractors’ failure to comply with such warranty shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and may result in the termination of this Agreement by the Town. 13.18 Israel. Vendor certifies that it is not currently engaged in, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that it will not engage in a “boycott,” as that term is defined in ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 35-393, of Israel. 13.19 China. Pursuant to and in compliance with A.R.S. § 35-394, Vendor hereby agrees and certifies that it does not currently, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that Vendor will not, use: (1) the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; (2) any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; or (3) any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers that use the forced labor or any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China. Vendor also hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its officials, employees, and agents from any claims or causes of action relating to the Town’s action based upon reliance upon this representation, including the payment of all costs and attorney fees incurred by the Town in defending such as action. 13.20 Conflicting Terms. In the event of any inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity among the terms of this Agreement, the Proposal, any Town-approved invoices, and the RFP, the documents shall govern in the order listed herein. 13.21 Non-Exclusive Contract. This Agreement is entered into with the understanding and agreement that it is for the sole convenience of the Town. The Town reserves the right to obtain like goods and services from another source when necessary. 13.22 Cooperative Purchasing. Specific eligible political subdivisions and nonprofit educational or public health institutions (“Eligible Procurement Unit(s)”) are permitted to utilize procurement agreements developed by the Town, at their discretion and with the agreement of the awarded Consultant. Consultant may, at its sole discretion, accept orders from Eligible Procurement Unit(s) for the purchase of the Materials and/or Services at the prices and under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in such quantities and configurations as may be agreed upon between the parties. All cooperative procurements under this Agreement shall be transacted solely between the requesting Eligible Procurement Unit and Consultant. Payment for such purchases will be the sole responsibility of the Eligible Procurement Unit. The exercise of any rights, responsibilities or remedies by the Eligible Procurement Unit shall be the exclusive obligation of such unit. The Town assumes no responsibility for payment, performance or any liability or obligation associated with any cooperative procurement under this Agreement. The Town shall not be responsible for any disputes arising out of transactions made by others. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES] Contract No. 2024-057C PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND MARK SCOTT CONSTRUCTION, INC. THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered in upon execution, between the Town of Fountain Hills, an Arizona municipal corporation (the “Town”) and Mark Scott Construction, Inc., a California corporation (the “Vendor”). RECITALS A. The Town issued a Request for Proposals, RFQ No. 2023-010 (the “RFP”), a copy of which is on file with the Town and incorporated herein by reference, seeking proposals from vendors interested in providing professional services consisting of Job Order Contracting (“JOC”) for General Contracting (the “Services”). B. The Vendor responded to the RFQ by submitting a proposal (the “Proposal”), attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. C. The Town desires to enter into an Agreement with the Vendor to perform the Services, as set forth below. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing introduction and recitals, which are incorporated herein by reference, the following mutual covenants and conditions, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Town and the Vendor hereby agree as follows: 1.Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective as of execution and attested by the Town Clerk pursuant to Section 3-3-31 of the Town Code, and shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2025 (the “Initial Term”), unless terminated as otherwise provided in this Agreement. After the expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement may be renewed for up four successive one-year terms (the “Renewal Term”) if (i) it is deemed in the best interests of the Town, subject to availability and appropriation of funds for renewal, (ii) at least 30 days prior to the end of the then-current term of this Agreement, the Vendor requests, in writing, to extend this Agreement for an additional one-year term and (iii) the Town approves the additional one-year term in writing (including any price adjustments approved as part of this Agreement), as evidenced by the Town Manager’s signature thereon, which approval may be withheld by the Town for any reason. The Vendor’s failure to seek a renewal of this Agreement shall cause this Agreement to terminate at the end of the then-current term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the Town may, at its discretion and with the agreement of the Vendor, elect to waive this requirement and renew this Agreement. The Initial Term and the Renewal Term are collectively referred to herein as the “Term.” Upon renewal, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2.Scope of Work. This is an indefinite quantity and indefinite delivery (Job Order Contract) Agreement for Services as previously set forth herein. Services shall only be provided when the Town identifies a need and proper authorization and documentation have been approved. For project(s) determined by the Town to be appropriate for this Agreement, the Vendor shall provide the Services to the Town on an as-required basis relating to the specific Services as may be agreed upon between the parties in writing, in the form of a written acknowledgment between the parties describing the Services to be provided (each, a “Work Order”). Each Work Order issued for Services pursuant to this Agreement shall be (i) in the form provided and approved by the Town for the Services, (ii) contain a reference to this Agreement and (iii) be attached to hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. By signing this Agreement, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that Work Order(s) containing unauthorized exceptions, conditions, limitations, or provisions in conflict with the terms of this Agreement, other than Town's project-specific requirements, are hereby expressly declared void and shall be of no force and effect. The Town does not guarantee any minimum or maximum amount of Services will be requested under this Agreement. All contractors and sub-contractors engaged in construction projects within the municipality shall display the contractor’s name/logo on both sides of the vehicle so that it is clearly visible and readable to a distance of at least fifty (50) ft. This mandate ensures clear identification of the entities involved in town projects and facilitates easy recognition of authorized personnel and equipment. 3.Compensation. The Town shall pay the Vendor an aggregate amount not to exceed $250,000 with an amount not to exceed $125,000 annually (Twelve [12] month period). Rates/projects shall be bid on a per project basis (JOC procedure). 4.Payments. The Town shall [under condition of paragraph 2, Scope] pay the Vendor monthly (and the Vendor shall invoice the Town monthly), based upon work performed and completed to date, and upon submission and approval of invoices. All invoices shall document and itemize all work completed to date. Each invoice statement shall include a record of time expended and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. This Agreement must be referenced on all invoices. At the start of construction, ten percent (10%) of all pay requests will be retained by the Town to guarantee complete performance of the contract. When the work is fifty percent (50%) complete, this amount may be reduced to five percent (5%) providing that construction progress and quality of work is acceptable to the Town. Any funds which are withheld from the contractor will be paid no later than sixty (60) days after completion of the contract and settlement of all claims. Each invoice shall (i) contain a reference to this Agreement and (ii) document and itemize all work completed to date. The invoice statement shall include a record of materials delivered, time expended, and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. Additionally, invoices submitted without referencing this Agreement will be subject to rejection and may be returned. 5.Documents. All documents, including any intellectual property rights thereto, prepared and submitted to the Town pursuant to this Agreement shall be the property of the Town. 6.Vendor Personnel. Vendor shall provide adequate, experienced personnel, capable of and devoted to the successful performance of the Services under this Agreement. Vendor agrees to assign specific individuals to key positions. If deemed qualified, the Vendor is encouraged to hire Town residents to fill vacant positions at all levels. Vendor agrees that, upon commencement of the Services to be performed under this Agreement, key personnel shall not be removed or replaced without prior written notice to the Town. If key personnel are not available to perform the Services for a continuous period exceeding 30 calendar days, or are expected to devote substantially less effort to the Services than initially anticipated, Vendor shall immediately notify the Town of same and shall, subject to the concurrence of the Town, replace such personnel with personnel possessing substantially equal ability and qualifications. 7.Inspection; Acceptance. All work shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Town at reasonable times during Vendor’s performance. The Vendor shall provide and maintain a self-inspection system that is acceptable to the Town. 8.Licenses; Materials. Vendor shall maintain in current status all federal, state and local licenses and permits required for the operation of the business conducted by the Vendor. The Town has no obligation to provide Vendor, its employees or subcontractors any business registrations or licenses required to perform the specific services set forth in this Agreement. The Town has no obligation to provide tools, equipment or material to Vendor. 9.Performance Warranty. Vendor warrants that the Services rendered will conform to the requirements of this Agreement and with the care and skill ordinarily used by members of the same profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. 10.Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town and each council member, officer, employee or agent thereof (the Town and any such person being herein called an “Indemnified Party”), for, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and the costs of appellate proceedings) to which any such Indemnified Party may become subject, under any theory of liability whatsoever (“Claims”), insofar as such Claims (or actions in respect thereof) relate to, arise out of, or are caused by or based upon the negligent acts, intentional misconduct, errors, mistakes or omissions, breach of contract, in connection with the work or services of the Vendor, its officers, employees, agents, or any tier of subcontractor in the performance of this Agreement. The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth below will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this Section. 11.Insurance. 11.1 General. A.Insurer Qualifications. Without limiting any obligations or liabilities of Vendor, Vendor shall purchase and maintain, at its own expense, hereinafter stipulated minimum insurance with insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Arizona pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 20-206, as amended, with an AM Best, Inc. rating of A- or above with policies and forms satisfactory to the Town. Failure to maintain insurance as specified herein may result in termination of this Agreement at the Town’s option. B.No Representation of Coverage Adequacy. By requiring insurance herein, the Town does not represent that coverage and limits will be adequate to protect Vendor. The Town reserves the right to review any and all of the insurance policies and/or endorsements cited in this Agreement but has no obligation to do so. Failure to demand such evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement or failure to identify any insurance deficiency shall not relieve Vendor from, nor be construed or deemed a waiver of, its obligation to maintain the required insurance at all times during the performance of this Agreement. C.Additional Insured. All insurance coverage, except Workers’ Compensation insurance and Professional Liability insurance, if applicable, shall name, to the fullest extent permitted by law for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insured as specified under the respective coverage sections of this Agreement. D.Coverage Term. All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or services required to be performed under the terms of this Agreement are satisfactorily performed, completed and formally accepted by the Town, unless specified otherwise in this Agreement. E.Primary Insurance. Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement and in the protection of the Town as an Additional Insured. F.Claims Made. In the event any insurance policies required by this Agreement are written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend, either by keeping coverage in force or purchasing an extended reporting option, for three years past completion and acceptance of the services. Such continuing coverage shall be evidenced by submission of annual Certificates of Insurance citing applicable coverage is in force and contains the provisions as required herein for the three-year period. G.Waiver. All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation insurance, shall contain a waiver of rights of recovery (subrogation) against the Town, its agents, representatives, officials, officers and employees for any claims arising out of the work or services of Vendor. Vendor shall arrange to have such subrogation waivers incorporated into each policy via formal written endorsement thereto. H.Policy Deductibles and/or Self-Insured Retentions. The policies set forth in these requirements may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retention amounts. Such deductibles or self-insured retention shall not be applicable with respect to the policy limits provided to the Town. Vendor shall be solely responsible for any such deductible or self-insured retention amount. I.Use of Subcontractors. If any work under this Agreement is subcontracted in any way, Vendor shall execute written agreements with its subcontractors containing the indemnification provisions set forth in this Agreement and insurance requirements set forth herein protecting the Town and Vendor. Vendor shall be responsible for executing any agreements with its subcontractors and obtaining certificates of insurance verifying the insurance requirements. J.Evidence of Insurance. Prior to commencing any work or services under this Agreement, Vendor will provide the Town with suitable evidence of insurance in the form of certificates of insurance and a copy of the declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as required by this Agreement, issued by Vendor’s insurance insurer(s) as evidence that policies are placed with acceptable insurers as specified herein and provide the required coverages, conditions and limits of coverage specified in this Agreement and that such coverage and provisions are in full force and effect. Confidential information such as the policy premium may be redacted from the declaration page(s) of each insurance policy, provided that such redactions do not alter any of the information required by this Agreement. The Town shall reasonably rely upon the certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as evidence of coverage but such acceptance and reliance shall not waive or alter in any way the insurance requirements or obligations of this Agreement. If any of the policies required by this Agreement expire during the life of this Agreement, it shall be Vendor’s responsibility to forward renewal certificates and declaration page(s) to the Town 30 days prior to the expiration date. All certificates of insurance and declarations required by this Agreement shall be identified by referencing the RFP number and title or this Agreement. A $25.00 administrative fee shall be assessed for all certificates or declarations received without the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable. Additionally, certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies submitted without referencing the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable, will be subject to rejection and may be returned or discarded. Certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) shall specifically include the following provisions: (1) The Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees are Additional Insureds as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability – Under Insurance Services Office, Inc., (“ISO”) Form CG 20 10 03 97 or equivalent. (b) Auto Liability – Under ISO Form CA 20 48 or equivalent. (c) Excess Liability – Follow Form to underlying insurance. (2) Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement. (3) All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation, waive rights of recovery (subrogation) against Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees for any claims arising out of work or services performed by Vendor under this Agreement. (4) ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2014/01) is preferred. If ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2001/08) is used, the phrases in the cancellation provision “endeavor to” and “but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives” shall be deleted. Certificate forms other than ACORD form shall have similar restrictive language deleted. 11.2 Required Insurance Coverage. A.Commercial General Liability. Vendor shall maintain “occurrence” form Commercial General Liability insurance with an unimpaired limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations Annual Aggregate and a $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury. Coverage under the policy will be at least as broad as ISO policy form CG 00 010 93 or equivalent thereof, including but not limited to, separation of insured’s clause. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO, Commercial General Liability Additional Insured Endorsement form CG 20 10 03 97, or equivalent, which shall read “Who is an Insured (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of “your work” for that insured by or for you.” If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. B.Vehicle Liability. Vendor shall maintain Business Automobile Liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence on Vendor’s owned, hired and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in the performance of the Vendor’s work or services under this Agreement. Coverage will be at least as broad as ISO coverage code “1” “any auto” policy form CA 00 01 12 93 or equivalent thereof. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO Business Auto policy Designated Insured Endorsement form CA 20 48 or equivalent. If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. C.Professional Liability. If this Agreement is the subject of any professional services or work, or if the Vendor engages in any professional services or work in any way related to performing the work under this Agreement, the Vendor shall maintain Professional Liability insurance covering negligent errors and omissions arising out of the Services performed by the Vendor, or anyone employed by the Vendor, or anyone for whose negligent acts, mistakes, errors and omissions the Vendor is legally liable, with an unimpaired liability insurance limit of $2,000,000 each claim and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. D.Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Vendor shall maintain Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction over Vendor’s employees engaged in the performance of work or services under this Agreement and shall also maintain Employers Liability Insurance of not less than $500,000 for each accident, $500,000 disease for each employee and $1,000,000 disease policy limit. 11.3 Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not expire, be canceled, or be materially changed without 30 days’ prior written notice to the Town. 12.Termination; Cancellation. 12.1 For Town’s Convenience. This Agreement is for the convenience of the Town and, as such, may be terminated without cause after receipt by Vendor of written notice by the Town. Upon termination for convenience, Vendor shall be paid for all undisputed services performed to the termination date. 12.2 For Cause. If either party fails to perform any obligation pursuant to this Agreement and such party fails to cure its nonperformance within 30 days after notice of nonperformance is given by the non-defaulting party, such party will be in default. In the event of such default, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause and will have all remedies that are available to it at law or in equity including, without limitation, the remedy of specific performance. If the nature of the defaulting party’s nonperformance is such that it cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, then the defaulting party will have such additional periods of time as may be reasonably necessary under the circumstances, provided the defaulting party immediately (A) provides written notice to the non-defaulting party and (B) commences to cure its nonperformance and thereafter diligently continues to completion the cure of its nonperformance. In no event shall any such cure period exceed 90 days. In the event of such termination for cause, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.3 Due to Work Stoppage. This Agreement may be terminated by the Town upon 30 days’ written notice to Vendor in the event that the Services are permanently abandoned. In the event of such termination due to work stoppage, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.4 Conflict of Interest. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 38-511. The Town may cancel this Agreement without penalty or further obligations by the Town or any of its departments or agencies if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating this Agreement on behalf of the Town or any of its departments or agencies is, at any time while this Agreement or any extension of this Agreement is in effect, an employee of any other party to this Agreement in any capacity or a Vendor to any other party of this Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 12.5 Gratuities. The Town may, by written notice to the Vendor, cancel this Agreement if it is found by the Town that gratuities, in the form of economic opportunity, future employment, entertainment, gifts or otherwise, were offered or given by the Vendor or any agent or representative of the Vendor to any officer, agent or employee of the Town for the purpose of securing this Agreement. In the event this Agreement is canceled by the Town pursuant to this provision, the Town shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover and withhold from the Vendor an amount equal to 150% of the gratuity. 12.6 Agreement Subject to Appropriation. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. CONST. ART. IX, § 5 and ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 42-17106. The provisions of this Agreement for payment of funds by the Town shall be effective when funds are appropriated for purposes of this Agreement and are actually available for payment. The Town shall be the sole judge and authority in determining the availability of funds under this Agreement and the Town shall keep the Vendor fully informed as to the availability of funds for this Agreement. The obligation of the Town to make any payment pursuant to this Agreement is a current expense of the Town, payable exclusively from such annual appropriations, and is not a general obligation or indebtedness of the Town. If the Town Council fails to appropriate money sufficient to pay the amounts as set forth in this Agreement during any immediately succeeding fiscal year, this Agreement shall terminate at the end of then-current fiscal year and the Town and the Vendor shall be relieved of any subsequent obligation under this Agreement. 13.Miscellaneous. 13.1 Independent Contractor. It is clearly understood that each party will act in its individual capacity and not as an agent, employee, partner, joint venturer, or associate of the other. An employee or agent of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employee or agent of the other for any purpose whatsoever. The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the Services provided under this Agreement are being provided as an independent contractor, not as an employee or agent of the Town. Vendor, its employees and subcontractors are not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from the Town. The Town does not have the authority to supervise or control the actual work of Vendor, its employees or subcontractors. The Vendor, and not the Town, shall determine the time of its performance of the services provided under this Agreement so long as Vendor meets the requirements as agreed in Section 2 above and in Exhibit A. Vendor is neither prohibited from entering into other contracts nor prohibited from practicing its profession elsewhere. Town and Vendor do not intend to nor will they combine business operations under this Agreement. 13.2 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona and suit pertaining to this Agreement may be brought only in courts in Maricopa County, Arizona. 13.3 Laws and Regulations. Vendor shall keep fully informed and shall at all times during the performance of its duties under this Agreement ensure that it and any person for whom the Vendor is responsible abides by, and remains in compliance with, all rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes or laws affecting the Services, including, but not limited to, the following: (A) existing and future Town and County ordinances and regulations; (B) existing and future State and Federal laws; and (C) existing and future Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards. 13.4 Amendments. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by persons duly authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town and the Vendor. 13.5 Provisions Required by Law. Each and every provision of law and any clause required by law to be in this Agreement will be read and enforced as though it were included herein and, if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, this Agreement will promptly be physically amended to make such insertion or correction. 13.6 Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable to the extent that any provision or application held to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect any other provision or application of this Agreement which may remain in effect without the invalid provision or application. 13.7 Entire Agreement; Interpretation; Parol Evidence. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter, and all previous agreements, whether oral or written, entered into prior to this Agreement are hereby revoked and superseded by this Agreement. No representations, warranties, inducements or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein, or in any other contemporaneous written agreement executed for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to its plain meaning, and no presumption shall be deemed to apply in favor of, or against the party drafting this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that each has had the opportunity to seek and utilize legal counsel in the drafting of, review of, and entry into this Agreement. 13.8 Assignment; Delegation. No right or interest in this Agreement shall be assigned or delegated by Vendor without prior, written permission of the Town, signed by the Town Manager. Any attempted assignment or delegation by Vendor in violation of this provision shall be a breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.9 Subcontracts. No subcontract shall be entered into by the Vendor with any other party to furnish any of the material or services specified herein without the prior written approval of the Town. The Vendor is responsible for performance under this Agreement whether or not subcontractors are used. Failure to pay subcontractors in a timely manner pursuant to any subcontract shall be a material breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.10 Rights and Remedies. No provision in this Agreement shall be construed, expressly or by implication, as waiver by the Town of any existing or future right and/or remedy available by law in the event of any claim of default or breach of this Agreement. The failure of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise or delay the exercise of any right or remedy provided in this Agreement, or by law, or the Town’s acceptance of and payment for services, shall not release the Vendor from any responsibilities or obligations imposed by this Agreement or by law, and shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of this Agreement. 13.11 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event either party brings any action for any relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement or on account of any breach or default hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs and expenses, determined by the court sitting without a jury, which shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and shall be enforced whether or not such action is prosecuted through judgment. 13.12 Liens. All materials or services shall be free of all liens and, if the Town requests, a formal release of all liens shall be delivered to the Town. 13.13 Offset. A.Offset for Damages. In addition to all other remedies at law or equity, the Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for damages resulting from breach or deficiencies in performance or breach of any obligation under this Agreement. B.Offset for Delinquent Fees or Taxes. The Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for delinquent fees, transaction privilege taxes and property taxes, including any interest or penalties. 13.14 Notices and Requests. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if (A) delivered to the party at the address set forth below, (B) deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below or (C) given to a recognized and reputable overnight delivery service, to the address set forth below: If to the Town: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager With copy to: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney If to Vendor: Mark Scott Construction, Inc. 3331 E. Corona Ave., #2 Phoenix, Arizona 85040 Attn: John Rodriguez or at such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as any party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this subsection. Notices shall be deemed received (A) when delivered to the party, (B) three business days after being placed in the U.S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage or (C) the following business day after being given to a recognized overnight delivery service, with the person giving the notice paying all required charges and instructing the delivery service to deliver on the following business day. If a copy of a notice is also given to a party’s counsel or other recipient, the provisions above governing the date on which a notice is deemed to have been received by a party shall mean and refer to the date on which the party, and not its counsel or other recipient to which a copy of the notice may be sent, is deemed to have received the notice. 13.15 Confidentiality of Records. The Vendor shall establish and maintain procedures and controls that are acceptable to the Town for the purpose of ensuring that information contained in its records or obtained from the Town or from others in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement shall not be used or disclosed by it, its agents, officers, or employees, except as required to perform Vendor’s duties under this Agreement. Persons requesting such information should be referred to the Town. Vendor also agrees that any information pertaining to individual persons shall not be divulged other than to employees or officers of Vendor as needed for the performance of duties under this Agreement. 13.16 Records and Audit Rights. To ensure that the Vendor and its subcontractors are complying with the warranty under subsection 13.17 below, Vendor’s and its subcontractor’s books, records, correspondence, accounting procedures and practices, and any other supporting evidence relating to this Agreement, including the papers of any Vendor and its subcontractors’ employees who perform any work or services pursuant to this Agreement (all of the foregoing hereinafter referred to as “Records”), shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction during normal working hours by the Town, to the extent necessary to adequately permit (A) evaluation and verification of any invoices, payments or claims based on Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ actual costs (including direct and indirect costs and overhead allocations) incurred, or units expended directly in the performance of work under this Agreement and (B) evaluation of the Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ compliance with the Arizona employer sanctions laws referenced in subsection 13.17 below. To the extent necessary for the Town to audit Records as set forth in this subsection, Vendor and its subcontractors hereby waive any rights to keep such Records confidential. For the purpose of evaluating or verifying such actual or claimed costs or units expended, the Town shall have access to said Records, even if located at its subcontractors’ facilities, from the effective date of this Agreement for the duration of the work and until three years after the date of final payment by the Town to Vendor pursuant to this Agreement. Vendor and its subcontractors shall provide the Town with adequate and appropriate workspace so that the Town can conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this subsection. The Town shall give Vendor or its subcontractors reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Vendor shall require its subcontractors to comply with the provisions of this subsection by insertion of the requirements hereof in any subcontract pursuant to this Agreement. 13.17 E-verify Requirements. To the extent applicable under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 41-4401, the Vendor and its subcontractors warrant compliance with all federal immigration laws and regulations that relate to their employees and their compliance with the E-verify requirements under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 23-214(A). Vendor’s or its subcontractors’ failure to comply with such warranty shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and may result in the termination of this Agreement by the Town. 13.18 Israel. Vendor certifies that it is not currently engaged in, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that it will not engage in a “boycott,” as that term is defined in ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 35-393, of Israel. 13.19 China. Pursuant to and in compliance with A.R.S. § 35-394, Vendor hereby agrees and certifies that it does not currently, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that Vendor will not, use: (1) the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; (2) any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; or (3) any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers that use the forced labor or any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China. Vendor also hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its officials, employees, and agents from any claims or causes of action relating to the Town’s action based upon reliance upon this representation, including the payment of all costs and attorney fees incurred by the Town in defending such as action. 13.20 Conflicting Terms. In the event of any inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity among the terms of this Agreement, the Proposal, any Town-approved invoices, and the RFP, the documents shall govern in the order listed herein. 13.21 Non-Exclusive Contract. This Agreement is entered into with the understanding and agreement that it is for the sole convenience of the Town. The Town reserves the right to obtain like goods and services from another source when necessary. 13.22 Cooperative Purchasing. Specific eligible political subdivisions and nonprofit educational or public health institutions (“Eligible Procurement Unit(s)”) are permitted to utilize procurement agreements developed by the Town, at their discretion and with the agreement of the awarded Consultant. Consultant may, at its sole discretion, accept orders from Eligible Procurement Unit(s) for the purchase of the Materials and/or Services at the prices and under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in such quantities and configurations as may be agreed upon between the parties. All cooperative procurements under this Agreement shall be transacted solely between the requesting Eligible Procurement Unit and Consultant. Payment for such purchases will be the sole responsibility of the Eligible Procurement Unit. The exercise of any rights, responsibilities or remedies by the Eligible Procurement Unit shall be the exclusive obligation of such unit. The Town assumes no responsibility for payment, performance or any liability or obligation associated with any cooperative procurement under this Agreement. The Town shall not be responsible for any disputes arising out of transactions made by others. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES] Contract No. 2024-507D PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND GCON, INC. THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered in upon execution, between the Town of Fountain Hills, an Arizona municipal corporation (the “Town”) and GCON, Inc., an Arizona corporation (the “Vendor”). RECITALS A. The Town issued a Request for Proposals, RFQ No. 2023-010 (the “RFP”), a copy of which is on file with the Town and incorporated herein by reference, seeking proposals from vendors interested in providing professional services consisting of Job Order Contracting (“JOC”) for General Contracting (the “Services”). B. The Vendor responded to the RFQ by submitting a proposal (the “Proposal”), attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. C. The Town desires to enter into an Agreement with the Vendor to perform the Services, as set forth below. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing introduction and recitals, which are incorporated herein by reference, the following mutual covenants and conditions, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Town and the Vendor hereby agree as follows: 1.Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective as of execution and attested by the Town Clerk pursuant to Section 3-3-31 of the Town Code, and shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2025 (the “Initial Term”), unless terminated as otherwise provided in this Agreement. After the expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement may be renewed for up four successive one-year terms (the “Renewal Term”) if (i) it is deemed in the best interests of the Town, subject to availability and appropriation of funds for renewal, (ii) at least 30 days prior to the end of the then-current term of this Agreement, the Vendor requests, in writing, to extend this Agreement for an additional one-year term and (iii) the Town approves the additional one-year term in writing (including any price adjustments approved as part of this Agreement), as evidenced by the Town Manager’s signature thereon, which approval may be withheld by the Town for any reason. The Vendor’s failure to seek a renewal of this Agreement shall cause this Agreement to terminate at the end of the then-current term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the Town may, at its discretion and with the agreement of the Vendor, elect to waive this requirement and renew this Agreement. The Initial Term and the Renewal Term are collectively referred to herein as the “Term.” Upon renewal, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2.Scope of Work. This is an indefinite quantity and indefinite delivery (Job Order Contract) Agreement for Services as previously set forth herein. Services shall only be provided when the Town identifies a need and proper authorization and documentation have been approved. For project(s) determined by the Town to be appropriate for this Agreement, the Vendor shall provide the Services to the Town on an as-required basis relating to the specific Services as may be agreed upon between the parties in writing, in the form of a written acknowledgment between the parties describing the Services to be provided (each, a “Work Order”). Each Work Order issued for Services pursuant to this Agreement shall be (i) in the form provided and approved by the Town for the Services, (ii) contain a reference to this Agreement and (iii) be attached to hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. By signing this Agreement, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that Work Order(s) containing unauthorized exceptions, conditions, limitations, or provisions in conflict with the terms of this Agreement, other than Town's project-specific requirements, are hereby expressly declared void and shall be of no force and effect. The Town does not guarantee any minimum or maximum amount of Services will be requested under this Agreement. All contractors and sub-contractors engaged in construction projects within the municipality shall display the contractor’s name/logo on both sides of the vehicle so that it is clearly visible and readable to a distance of at least fifty (50) ft. This mandate ensures clear identification of the entities involved in town projects and facilitates easy recognition of authorized personnel and equipment. 3.Compensation. The Town shall pay the Vendor an aggregate amount not to exceed $250,000 with an amount not to exceed $125,000 annually (Twelve [12] month period). Rates/projects shall be bid on a per project basis (JOC procedure). 4.Payments. The Town shall [under condition of paragraph 2, Scope] pay the Vendor monthly (and the Vendor shall invoice the Town monthly), based upon work performed and completed to date, and upon submission and approval of invoices. All invoices shall document and itemize all work completed to date. Each invoice statement shall include a record of time expended and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. This Agreement must be referenced on all invoices. At the start of construction, ten percent (10%) of all pay requests will be retained by the Town to guarantee complete performance of the contract. When the work is fifty percent (50%) complete, this amount may be reduced to five percent (5%) providing that construction progress and quality of work is acceptable to the Town. Any funds which are withheld from the contractor will be paid no later than sixty (60) days after completion of the contract and settlement of all claims. Each invoice shall (i) contain a reference to this Agreement and (ii) document and itemize all work completed to date. The invoice statement shall include a record of materials delivered, time expended, and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. Additionally, invoices submitted without referencing this Agreement will be subject to rejection and may be returned. 5.Documents. All documents, including any intellectual property rights thereto, prepared and submitted to the Town pursuant to this Agreement shall be the property of the Town. 6.Vendor Personnel. Vendor shall provide adequate, experienced personnel, capable of and devoted to the successful performance of the Services under this Agreement. Vendor agrees to assign specific individuals to key positions. If deemed qualified, the Vendor is encouraged to hire Town residents to fill vacant positions at all levels. Vendor agrees that, upon commencement of the Services to be performed under this Agreement, key personnel shall not be removed or replaced without prior written notice to the Town. If key personnel are not available to perform the Services for a continuous period exceeding 30 calendar days, or are expected to devote substantially less effort to the Services than initially anticipated, Vendor shall immediately notify the Town of same and shall, subject to the concurrence of the Town, replace such personnel with personnel possessing substantially equal ability and qualifications. 7.Inspection; Acceptance. All work shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Town at reasonable times during Vendor’s performance. The Vendor shall provide and maintain a self-inspection system that is acceptable to the Town. 8.Licenses; Materials. Vendor shall maintain in current status all federal, state and local licenses and permits required for the operation of the business conducted by the Vendor. The Town has no obligation to provide Vendor, its employees or subcontractors any business registrations or licenses required to perform the specific services set forth in this Agreement. The Town has no obligation to provide tools, equipment or material to Vendor. 9.Performance Warranty. Vendor warrants that the Services rendered will conform to the requirements of this Agreement and with the care and skill ordinarily used by members of the same profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. 10.Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town and each council member, officer, employee or agent thereof (the Town and any such person being herein called an “Indemnified Party”), for, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and the costs of appellate proceedings) to which any such Indemnified Party may become subject, under any theory of liability whatsoever (“Claims”), insofar as such Claims (or actions in respect thereof) relate to, arise out of, or are caused by or based upon the negligent acts, intentional misconduct, errors, mistakes or omissions, breach of contract, in connection with the work or services of the Vendor, its officers, employees, agents, or any tier of subcontractor in the performance of this Agreement. The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth below will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this Section. 11.Insurance. 11.1 General. A.Insurer Qualifications. Without limiting any obligations or liabilities of Vendor, Vendor shall purchase and maintain, at its own expense, hereinafter stipulated minimum insurance with insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Arizona pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 20-206, as amended, with an AM Best, Inc. rating of A- or above with policies and forms satisfactory to the Town. Failure to maintain insurance as specified herein may result in termination of this Agreement at the Town’s option. B.No Representation of Coverage Adequacy. By requiring insurance herein, the Town does not represent that coverage and limits will be adequate to protect Vendor. The Town reserves the right to review any and all of the insurance policies and/or endorsements cited in this Agreement but has no obligation to do so. Failure to demand such evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement or failure to identify any insurance deficiency shall not relieve Vendor from, nor be construed or deemed a waiver of, its obligation to maintain the required insurance at all times during the performance of this Agreement. C.Additional Insured. All insurance coverage, except Workers’ Compensation insurance and Professional Liability insurance, if applicable, shall name, to the fullest extent permitted by law for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insured as specified under the respective coverage sections of this Agreement. D.Coverage Term. All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or services required to be performed under the terms of this Agreement are satisfactorily performed, completed and formally accepted by the Town, unless specified otherwise in this Agreement. E.Primary Insurance. Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement and in the protection of the Town as an Additional Insured. F.Claims Made. In the event any insurance policies required by this Agreement are written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend, either by keeping coverage in force or purchasing an extended reporting option, for three years past completion and acceptance of the services. Such continuing coverage shall be evidenced by submission of annual Certificates of Insurance citing applicable coverage is in force and contains the provisions as required herein for the three-year period. G.Waiver. All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation insurance, shall contain a waiver of rights of recovery (subrogation) against the Town, its agents, representatives, officials, officers and employees for any claims arising out of the work or services of Vendor. Vendor shall arrange to have such subrogation waivers incorporated into each policy via formal written endorsement thereto. H.Policy Deductibles and/or Self-Insured Retentions. The policies set forth in these requirements may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retention amounts. Such deductibles or self-insured retention shall not be applicable with respect to the policy limits provided to the Town. Vendor shall be solely responsible for any such deductible or self-insured retention amount. I.Use of Subcontractors. If any work under this Agreement is subcontracted in any way, Vendor shall execute written agreements with its subcontractors containing the indemnification provisions set forth in this Agreement and insurance requirements set forth herein protecting the Town and Vendor. Vendor shall be responsible for executing any agreements with its subcontractors and obtaining certificates of insurance verifying the insurance requirements. J.Evidence of Insurance. Prior to commencing any work or services under this Agreement, Vendor will provide the Town with suitable evidence of insurance in the form of certificates of insurance and a copy of the declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as required by this Agreement, issued by Vendor’s insurance insurer(s) as evidence that policies are placed with acceptable insurers as specified herein and provide the required coverages, conditions and limits of coverage specified in this Agreement and that such coverage and provisions are in full force and effect. Confidential information such as the policy premium may be redacted from the declaration page(s) of each insurance policy, provided that such redactions do not alter any of the information required by this Agreement. The Town shall reasonably rely upon the certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as evidence of coverage but such acceptance and reliance shall not waive or alter in any way the insurance requirements or obligations of this Agreement. If any of the policies required by this Agreement expire during the life of this Agreement, it shall be Vendor’s responsibility to forward renewal certificates and declaration page(s) to the Town 30 days prior to the expiration date. All certificates of insurance and declarations required by this Agreement shall be identified by referencing the RFP number and title or this Agreement. A $25.00 administrative fee shall be assessed for all certificates or declarations received without the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable. Additionally, certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies submitted without referencing the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable, will be subject to rejection and may be returned or discarded. Certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) shall specifically include the following provisions: (1) The Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees are Additional Insureds as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability – Under Insurance Services Office, Inc., (“ISO”) Form CG 20 10 03 97 or equivalent. (b) Auto Liability – Under ISO Form CA 20 48 or equivalent. (c) Excess Liability – Follow Form to underlying insurance. (2) Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement. (3) All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation, waive rights of recovery (subrogation) against Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees for any claims arising out of work or services performed by Vendor under this Agreement. (4) ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2014/01) is preferred. If ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2001/08) is used, the phrases in the cancellation provision “endeavor to” and “but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives” shall be deleted. Certificate forms other than ACORD form shall have similar restrictive language deleted. 11.2 Required Insurance Coverage. A.Commercial General Liability. Vendor shall maintain “occurrence” form Commercial General Liability insurance with an unimpaired limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations Annual Aggregate and a $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury. Coverage under the policy will be at least as broad as ISO policy form CG 00 010 93 or equivalent thereof, including but not limited to, separation of insured’s clause. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO, Commercial General Liability Additional Insured Endorsement form CG 20 10 03 97, or equivalent, which shall read “Who is an Insured (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of “your work” for that insured by or for you.” If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. B.Vehicle Liability. Vendor shall maintain Business Automobile Liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence on Vendor’s owned, hired and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in the performance of the Vendor’s work or services under this Agreement. Coverage will be at least as broad as ISO coverage code “1” “any auto” policy form CA 00 01 12 93 or equivalent thereof. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO Business Auto policy Designated Insured Endorsement form CA 20 48 or equivalent. If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. C.Professional Liability. If this Agreement is the subject of any professional services or work, or if the Vendor engages in any professional services or work in any way related to performing the work under this Agreement, the Vendor shall maintain Professional Liability insurance covering negligent errors and omissions arising out of the Services performed by the Vendor, or anyone employed by the Vendor, or anyone for whose negligent acts, mistakes, errors and omissions the Vendor is legally liable, with an unimpaired liability insurance limit of $2,000,000 each claim and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. D.Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Vendor shall maintain Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction over Vendor’s employees engaged in the performance of work or services under this Agreement and shall also maintain Employers Liability Insurance of not less than $500,000 for each accident, $500,000 disease for each employee and $1,000,000 disease policy limit. 11.3 Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not expire, be canceled, or be materially changed without 30 days’ prior written notice to the Town. 12.Termination; Cancellation. 12.1 For Town’s Convenience. This Agreement is for the convenience of the Town and, as such, may be terminated without cause after receipt by Vendor of written notice by the Town. Upon termination for convenience, Vendor shall be paid for all undisputed services performed to the termination date. 12.2 For Cause. If either party fails to perform any obligation pursuant to this Agreement and such party fails to cure its nonperformance within 30 days after notice of nonperformance is given by the non-defaulting party, such party will be in default. In the event of such default, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause and will have all remedies that are available to it at law or in equity including, without limitation, the remedy of specific performance. If the nature of the defaulting party’s nonperformance is such that it cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, then the defaulting party will have such additional periods of time as may be reasonably necessary under the circumstances, provided the defaulting party immediately (A) provides written notice to the non-defaulting party and (B) commences to cure its nonperformance and thereafter diligently continues to completion the cure of its nonperformance. In no event shall any such cure period exceed 90 days. In the event of such termination for cause, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.3 Due to Work Stoppage. This Agreement may be terminated by the Town upon 30 days’ written notice to Vendor in the event that the Services are permanently abandoned. In the event of such termination due to work stoppage, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.4 Conflict of Interest. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 38-511. The Town may cancel this Agreement without penalty or further obligations by the Town or any of its departments or agencies if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating this Agreement on behalf of the Town or any of its departments or agencies is, at any time while this Agreement or any extension of this Agreement is in effect, an employee of any other party to this Agreement in any capacity or a Vendor to any other party of this Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 12.5 Gratuities. The Town may, by written notice to the Vendor, cancel this Agreement if it is found by the Town that gratuities, in the form of economic opportunity, future employment, entertainment, gifts or otherwise, were offered or given by the Vendor or any agent or representative of the Vendor to any officer, agent or employee of the Town for the purpose of securing this Agreement. In the event this Agreement is canceled by the Town pursuant to this provision, the Town shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover and withhold from the Vendor an amount equal to 150% of the gratuity. 12.6 Agreement Subject to Appropriation. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. CONST. ART. IX, § 5 and ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 42-17106. The provisions of this Agreement for payment of funds by the Town shall be effective when funds are appropriated for purposes of this Agreement and are actually available for payment. The Town shall be the sole judge and authority in determining the availability of funds under this Agreement and the Town shall keep the Vendor fully informed as to the availability of funds for this Agreement. The obligation of the Town to make any payment pursuant to this Agreement is a current expense of the Town, payable exclusively from such annual appropriations, and is not a general obligation or indebtedness of the Town. If the Town Council fails to appropriate money sufficient to pay the amounts as set forth in this Agreement during any immediately succeeding fiscal year, this Agreement shall terminate at the end of then-current fiscal year and the Town and the Vendor shall be relieved of any subsequent obligation under this Agreement. 13.Miscellaneous. 13.1 Independent Contractor. It is clearly understood that each party will act in its individual capacity and not as an agent, employee, partner, joint venturer, or associate of the other. An employee or agent of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employee or agent of the other for any purpose whatsoever. The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the Services provided under this Agreement are being provided as an independent contractor, not as an employee or agent of the Town. Vendor, its employees and subcontractors are not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from the Town. The Town does not have the authority to supervise or control the actual work of Vendor, its employees or subcontractors. The Vendor, and not the Town, shall determine the time of its performance of the services provided under this Agreement so long as Vendor meets the requirements as agreed in Section 2 above and in Exhibit A. Vendor is neither prohibited from entering into other contracts nor prohibited from practicing its profession elsewhere. Town and Vendor do not intend to nor will they combine business operations under this Agreement. 13.2 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona and suit pertaining to this Agreement may be brought only in courts in Maricopa County, Arizona. 13.3 Laws and Regulations. Vendor shall keep fully informed and shall at all times during the performance of its duties under this Agreement ensure that it and any person for whom the Vendor is responsible abides by, and remains in compliance with, all rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes or laws affecting the Services, including, but not limited to, the following: (A) existing and future Town and County ordinances and regulations; (B) existing and future State and Federal laws; and (C) existing and future Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards. 13.4 Amendments. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by persons duly authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town and the Vendor. 13.5 Provisions Required by Law. Each and every provision of law and any clause required by law to be in this Agreement will be read and enforced as though it were included herein and, if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, this Agreement will promptly be physically amended to make such insertion or correction. 13.6 Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable to the extent that any provision or application held to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect any other provision or application of this Agreement which may remain in effect without the invalid provision or application. 13.7 Entire Agreement; Interpretation; Parol Evidence. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter, and all previous agreements, whether oral or written, entered into prior to this Agreement are hereby revoked and superseded by this Agreement. No representations, warranties, inducements or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein, or in any other contemporaneous written agreement executed for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to its plain meaning, and no presumption shall be deemed to apply in favor of, or against the party drafting this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that each has had the opportunity to seek and utilize legal counsel in the drafting of, review of, and entry into this Agreement. 13.8 Assignment; Delegation. No right or interest in this Agreement shall be assigned or delegated by Vendor without prior, written permission of the Town, signed by the Town Manager. Any attempted assignment or delegation by Vendor in violation of this provision shall be a breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.9 Subcontracts. No subcontract shall be entered into by the Vendor with any other party to furnish any of the material or services specified herein without the prior written approval of the Town. The Vendor is responsible for performance under this Agreement whether or not subcontractors are used. Failure to pay subcontractors in a timely manner pursuant to any subcontract shall be a material breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.10 Rights and Remedies. No provision in this Agreement shall be construed, expressly or by implication, as waiver by the Town of any existing or future right and/or remedy available by law in the event of any claim of default or breach of this Agreement. The failure of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise or delay the exercise of any right or remedy provided in this Agreement, or by law, or the Town’s acceptance of and payment for services, shall not release the Vendor from any responsibilities or obligations imposed by this Agreement or by law, and shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of this Agreement. 13.11 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event either party brings any action for any relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement or on account of any breach or default hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs and expenses, determined by the court sitting without a jury, which shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and shall be enforced whether or not such action is prosecuted through judgment. 13.12 Liens. All materials or services shall be free of all liens and, if the Town requests, a formal release of all liens shall be delivered to the Town. 13.13 Offset. A.Offset for Damages. In addition to all other remedies at law or equity, the Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for damages resulting from breach or deficiencies in performance or breach of any obligation under this Agreement. B.Offset for Delinquent Fees or Taxes. The Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for delinquent fees, transaction privilege taxes and property taxes, including any interest or penalties. 13.14 Notices and Requests. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if (A) delivered to the party at the address set forth below, (B) deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below or (C) given to a recognized and reputable overnight delivery service, to the address set forth below: If to the Town: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager With copy to: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney If to Vendor: GCON, Inc. 1606 W. Whispering Wind Dr. Phoenix, Arizona 85085 Attn: Jocelyn Gentile or at such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as any party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this subsection. Notices shall be deemed received (A) when delivered to the party, (B) three business days after being placed in the U.S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage or (C) the following business day after being given to a recognized overnight delivery service, with the person giving the notice paying all required charges and instructing the delivery service to deliver on the following business day. If a copy of a notice is also given to a party’s counsel or other recipient, the provisions above governing the date on which a notice is deemed to have been received by a party shall mean and refer to the date on which the party, and not its counsel or other recipient to which a copy of the notice may be sent, is deemed to have received the notice. 13.15 Confidentiality of Records. The Vendor shall establish and maintain procedures and controls that are acceptable to the Town for the purpose of ensuring that information contained in its records or obtained from the Town or from others in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement shall not be used or disclosed by it, its agents, officers, or employees, except as required to perform Vendor’s duties under this Agreement. Persons requesting such information should be referred to the Town. Vendor also agrees that any information pertaining to individual persons shall not be divulged other than to employees or officers of Vendor as needed for the performance of duties under this Agreement. 13.16 Records and Audit Rights. To ensure that the Vendor and its subcontractors are complying with the warranty under subsection 13.17 below, Vendor’s and its subcontractor’s books, records, correspondence, accounting procedures and practices, and any other supporting evidence relating to this Agreement, including the papers of any Vendor and its subcontractors’ employees who perform any work or services pursuant to this Agreement (all of the foregoing hereinafter referred to as “Records”), shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction during normal working hours by the Town, to the extent necessary to adequately permit (A) evaluation and verification of any invoices, payments or claims based on Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ actual costs (including direct and indirect costs and overhead allocations) incurred, or units expended directly in the performance of work under this Agreement and (B) evaluation of the Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ compliance with the Arizona employer sanctions laws referenced in subsection 13.17 below. To the extent necessary for the Town to audit Records as set forth in this subsection, Vendor and its subcontractors hereby waive any rights to keep such Records confidential. For the purpose of evaluating or verifying such actual or claimed costs or units expended, the Town shall have access to said Records, even if located at its subcontractors’ facilities, from the effective date of this Agreement for the duration of the work and until three years after the date of final payment by the Town to Vendor pursuant to this Agreement. Vendor and its subcontractors shall provide the Town with adequate and appropriate workspace so that the Town can conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this subsection. The Town shall give Vendor or its subcontractors reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Vendor shall require its subcontractors to comply with the provisions of this subsection by insertion of the requirements hereof in any subcontract pursuant to this Agreement. 13.17 E-verify Requirements. To the extent applicable under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 41-4401, the Vendor and its subcontractors warrant compliance with all federal immigration laws and regulations that relate to their employees and their compliance with the E-verify requirements under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 23-214(A). Vendor’s or its subcontractors’ failure to comply with such warranty shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and may result in the termination of this Agreement by the Town. 13.18 Israel. Vendor certifies that it is not currently engaged in, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that it will not engage in a “boycott,” as that term is defined in ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 35-393, of Israel. 13.19 China. Pursuant to and in compliance with A.R.S. § 35-394, Vendor hereby agrees and certifies that it does not currently, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that Vendor will not, use: (1) the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; (2) any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; or (3) any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers that use the forced labor or any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China. Vendor also hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its officials, employees, and agents from any claims or causes of action relating to the Town’s action based upon reliance upon this representation, including the payment of all costs and attorney fees incurred by the Town in defending such as action. 13.20 Conflicting Terms. In the event of any inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity among the terms of this Agreement, the Proposal, any Town-approved invoices, and the RFP, the documents shall govern in the order listed herein. 13.21 Non-Exclusive Contract. This Agreement is entered into with the understanding and agreement that it is for the sole convenience of the Town. The Town reserves the right to obtain like goods and services from another source when necessary. 13.22 Cooperative Purchasing. Specific eligible political subdivisions and nonprofit educational or public health institutions (“Eligible Procurement Unit(s)”) are permitted to utilize procurement agreements developed by the Town, at their discretion and with the agreement of the awarded Consultant. Consultant may, at its sole discretion, accept orders from Eligible Procurement Unit(s) for the purchase of the Materials and/or Services at the prices and under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in such quantities and configurations as may be agreed upon between the parties. All cooperative procurements under this Agreement shall be transacted solely between the requesting Eligible Procurement Unit and Consultant. Payment for such purchases will be the sole responsibility of the Eligible Procurement Unit. The exercise of any rights, responsibilities or remedies by the Eligible Procurement Unit shall be the exclusive obligation of such unit. The Town assumes no responsibility for payment, performance or any liability or obligation associated with any cooperative procurement under this Agreement. The Town shall not be responsible for any disputes arising out of transactions made by others. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES] Contract No. 2024-057E PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND ELITE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION, LLC THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered in upon execution, between the Town of Fountain Hills, an Arizona municipal corporation (the “Town”) and Elite Civil Construction, LLC, a(n) Arizona limited liability company (the “Vendor”). RECITALS A. The Town issued a Request for Proposals, RFQ No. 2023-010 (the “RFP”), a copy of which is on file with the Town and incorporated herein by reference, seeking proposals from vendors interested in providing professional services consisting of Job Order Contracting (“JOC”) for General Contracting (the “Services”). B. The Vendor responded to the RFQ by submitting a proposal (the “Proposal”), attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. C. The Town desires to enter into an Agreement with the Vendor to perform the Services, as set forth below. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing introduction and recitals, which are incorporated herein by reference, the following mutual covenants and conditions, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Town and the Vendor hereby agree as follows: 1.Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of execution and attested by the Town Clerk pursuant to Section 3-3-31 of the Town Code, and shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2025 (the “Initial Term”), unless terminated as otherwise provided in this Agreement. After the expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement may be renewed for up four successive one-year terms (the “Renewal Term”) if (i) it is deemed in the best interests of the Town, subject to availability and appropriation of funds for renewal, (ii) at least 30 days prior to the end of the then-current term of this Agreement, the Vendor requests, in writing, to extend this Agreement for an additional one-year term and (iii) the Town approves the additional one-year term in writing (including any price adjustments approved as part of this Agreement), as evidenced by the Town Manager’s signature thereon, which approval may be withheld by the Town for any reason. The Vendor’s failure to seek a renewal of this Agreement shall cause this Agreement to terminate at the end of the then-current term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the Town may, at its discretion and with the agreement of the Vendor, elect to waive this requirement and renew this Agreement. The Initial Term and the Renewal Term are collectively referred to herein as the “Term.” Upon renewal, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2.Scope of Work. This is an indefinite quantity and indefinite delivery (Job Order Contract) Agreement for Services as previously set forth herein. Services shall only be provided when the Town identifies a need and proper authorization and documentation have been approved. For project(s) determined by the Town to be appropriate for this Agreement, the Vendor shall provide the Services to the Town on an as-required basis relating to the specific Services as may be agreed upon between the parties in writing, in the form of a written acknowledgment between the parties describing the Services to be provided (each, a “Work Order”). Each Work Order issued for Services pursuant to this Agreement shall be (i) in the form provided and approved by the Town for the Services, (ii) contain a reference to this Agreement and (iii) be attached to hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. By signing this Agreement, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that Work Order(s) containing unauthorized exceptions, conditions, limitations, or provisions in conflict with the terms of this Agreement, other than Town's project-specific requirements, are hereby expressly declared void and shall be of no force and effect. The Town does not guarantee any minimum or maximum amount of Services will be requested under this Agreement. All contractors and sub-contractors engaged in construction projects within the municipality shall display the contractor’s name/logo on both sides of the vehicle so that it is clearly visible and readable to a distance of at least fifty (50) ft. This mandate ensures clear identification of the entities involved in town projects and facilitates easy recognition of authorized personnel and equipment. 3.Compensation. The Town shall pay the Vendor an aggregate amount not to exceed $250,000 with an amount not to exceed $125,000 annually (Twelve [12] month period). Rates/projects shall be bid on a per project basis (JOC procedure). 4.Payments. The Town shall [under condition of paragraph 2, Scope] pay the Vendor monthly (and the Vendor shall invoice the Town monthly), based upon work performed and completed to date, and upon submission and approval of invoices. All invoices shall document and itemize all work completed to date. Each invoice statement shall include a record of time expended and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. This Agreement must be referenced on all invoices. At the start of construction, ten percent (10%) of all pay requests will be retained by the Town to guarantee complete performance of the contract. When the work is fifty percent (50%) complete, this amount may be reduced to five percent (5%) providing that construction progress and quality of work is acceptable to the Town. Any funds which are withheld from the contractor will be paid no later than sixty (60) days after completion of the contract and settlement of all claims. Each invoice shall (i) contain a reference to this Agreement and (ii) document and itemize all work completed to date. The invoice statement shall include a record of materials delivered, time expended, and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. Additionally, invoices submitted without referencing this Agreement will be subject to rejection and may be returned. 5.Documents. All documents, including any intellectual property rights thereto, prepared and submitted to the Town pursuant to this Agreement shall be the property of the Town. 6.Vendor Personnel. Vendor shall provide adequate, experienced personnel, capable of and devoted to the successful performance of the Services under this Agreement. Vendor agrees to assign specific individuals to key positions. If deemed qualified, the Vendor is encouraged to hire Town residents to fill vacant positions at all levels. Vendor agrees that, upon commencement of the Services to be performed under this Agreement, key personnel shall not be removed or replaced without prior written notice to the Town. If key personnel are not available to perform the Services for a continuous period exceeding 30 calendar days, or are expected to devote substantially less effort to the Services than initially anticipated, Vendor shall immediately notify the Town of same and shall, subject to the concurrence of the Town, replace such personnel with personnel possessing substantially equal ability and qualifications. 7.Inspection; Acceptance. All work shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Town at reasonable times during Vendor’s performance. The Vendor shall provide and maintain a self-inspection system that is acceptable to the Town. 8.Licenses; Materials. Vendor shall maintain in current status all federal, state and local licenses and permits required for the operation of the business conducted by the Vendor. The Town has no obligation to provide Vendor, its employees or subcontractors any business registrations or licenses required to perform the specific services set forth in this Agreement. The Town has no obligation to provide tools, equipment or material to Vendor. 9.Performance Warranty. Vendor warrants that the Services rendered will conform to the requirements of this Agreement and with the care and skill ordinarily used by members of the same profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. 10.Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town and each council member, officer, employee or agent thereof (the Town and any such person being herein called an “Indemnified Party”), for, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and the costs of appellate proceedings) to which any such Indemnified Party may become subject, under any theory of liability whatsoever (“Claims”), insofar as such Claims (or actions in respect thereof) relate to, arise out of, or are caused by or based upon the negligent acts, intentional misconduct, errors, mistakes or omissions, breach of contract, in connection with the work or services of the Vendor, its officers, employees, agents, or any tier of subcontractor in the performance of this Agreement. The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth below will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this Section. 11.Insurance. 11.1 General. A.Insurer Qualifications. Without limiting any obligations or liabilities of Vendor, Vendor shall purchase and maintain, at its own expense, hereinafter stipulated minimum insurance with insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Arizona pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 20-206, as amended, with an AM Best, Inc. rating of A- or above with policies and forms satisfactory to the Town. Failure to maintain insurance as specified herein may result in termination of this Agreement at the Town’s option. B.No Representation of Coverage Adequacy. By requiring insurance herein, the Town does not represent that coverage and limits will be adequate to protect Vendor. The Town reserves the right to review any and all of the insurance policies and/or endorsements cited in this Agreement but has no obligation to do so. Failure to demand such evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement or failure to identify any insurance deficiency shall not relieve Vendor from, nor be construed or deemed a waiver of, its obligation to maintain the required insurance at all times during the performance of this Agreement. C.Additional Insured. All insurance coverage, except Workers’ Compensation insurance and Professional Liability insurance, if applicable, shall name, to the fullest extent permitted by law for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insured as specified under the respective coverage sections of this Agreement. D.Coverage Term. All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or services required to be performed under the terms of this Agreement are satisfactorily performed, completed and formally accepted by the Town, unless specified otherwise in this Agreement. E.Primary Insurance. Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement and in the protection of the Town as an Additional Insured. F.Claims Made. In the event any insurance policies required by this Agreement are written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend, either by keeping coverage in force or purchasing an extended reporting option, for three years past completion and acceptance of the services. Such continuing coverage shall be evidenced by submission of annual Certificates of Insurance citing applicable coverage is in force and contains the provisions as required herein for the three-year period. G.Waiver. All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation insurance, shall contain a waiver of rights of recovery (subrogation) against the Town, its agents, representatives, officials, officers and employees for any claims arising out of the work or services of Vendor. Vendor shall arrange to have such subrogation waivers incorporated into each policy via formal written endorsement thereto. H.Policy Deductibles and/or Self-Insured Retentions. The policies set forth in these requirements may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retention amounts. Such deductibles or self-insured retention shall not be applicable with respect to the policy limits provided to the Town. Vendor shall be solely responsible for any such deductible or self-insured retention amount. I.Use of Subcontractors. If any work under this Agreement is subcontracted in any way, Vendor shall execute written agreements with its subcontractors containing the indemnification provisions set forth in this Agreement and insurance requirements set forth herein protecting the Town and Vendor. Vendor shall be responsible for executing any agreements with its subcontractors and obtaining certificates of insurance verifying the insurance requirements. J.Evidence of Insurance. Prior to commencing any work or services under this Agreement, Vendor will provide the Town with suitable evidence of insurance in the form of certificates of insurance and a copy of the declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as required by this Agreement, issued by Vendor’s insurance insurer(s) as evidence that policies are placed with acceptable insurers as specified herein and provide the required coverages, conditions and limits of coverage specified in this Agreement and that such coverage and provisions are in full force and effect. Confidential information such as the policy premium may be redacted from the declaration page(s) of each insurance policy, provided that such redactions do not alter any of the information required by this Agreement. The Town shall reasonably rely upon the certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as evidence of coverage but such acceptance and reliance shall not waive or alter in any way the insurance requirements or obligations of this Agreement. If any of the policies required by this Agreement expire during the life of this Agreement, it shall be Vendor’s responsibility to forward renewal certificates and declaration page(s) to the Town 30 days prior to the expiration date. All certificates of insurance and declarations required by this Agreement shall be identified by referencing the RFP number and title or this Agreement. A $25.00 administrative fee shall be assessed for all certificates or declarations received without the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable. Additionally, certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies submitted without referencing the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable, will be subject to rejection and may be returned or discarded. Certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) shall specifically include the following provisions: (1) The Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees are Additional Insureds as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability – Under Insurance Services Office, Inc., (“ISO”) Form CG 20 10 03 97 or equivalent. (b) Auto Liability – Under ISO Form CA 20 48 or equivalent. (c) Excess Liability – Follow Form to underlying insurance. (2) Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement. (3) All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation, waive rights of recovery (subrogation) against Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees for any claims arising out of work or services performed by Vendor under this Agreement. (4) ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2014/01) is preferred. If ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2001/08) is used, the phrases in the cancellation provision “endeavor to” and “but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives” shall be deleted. Certificate forms other than ACORD form shall have similar restrictive language deleted. 11.2 Required Insurance Coverage. A.Commercial General Liability. Vendor shall maintain “occurrence” form Commercial General Liability insurance with an unimpaired limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations Annual Aggregate and a $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury. Coverage under the policy will be at least as broad as ISO policy form CG 00 010 93 or equivalent thereof, including but not limited to, separation of insured’s clause. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO, Commercial General Liability Additional Insured Endorsement form CG 20 10 03 97, or equivalent, which shall read “Who is an Insured (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of “your work” for that insured by or for you.” If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. B.Vehicle Liability. Vendor shall maintain Business Automobile Liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence on Vendor’s owned, hired and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in the performance of the Vendor’s work or services under this Agreement. Coverage will be at least as broad as ISO coverage code “1” “any auto” policy form CA 00 01 12 93 or equivalent thereof. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO Business Auto policy Designated Insured Endorsement form CA 20 48 or equivalent. If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. C.Professional Liability. If this Agreement is the subject of any professional services or work, or if the Vendor engages in any professional services or work in any way related to performing the work under this Agreement, the Vendor shall maintain Professional Liability insurance covering negligent errors and omissions arising out of the Services performed by the Vendor, or anyone employed by the Vendor, or anyone for whose negligent acts, mistakes, errors and omissions the Vendor is legally liable, with an unimpaired liability insurance limit of $2,000,000 each claim and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. D.Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Vendor shall maintain Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction over Vendor’s employees engaged in the performance of work or services under this Agreement and shall also maintain Employers Liability Insurance of not less than $500,000 for each accident, $500,000 disease for each employee and $1,000,000 disease policy limit. 11.3 Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not expire, be canceled, or be materially changed without 30 days’ prior written notice to the Town. 12.Termination; Cancellation. 12.1 For Town’s Convenience. This Agreement is for the convenience of the Town and, as such, may be terminated without cause after receipt by Vendor of written notice by the Town. Upon termination for convenience, Vendor shall be paid for all undisputed services performed to the termination date. 12.2 For Cause. If either party fails to perform any obligation pursuant to this Agreement and such party fails to cure its nonperformance within 30 days after notice of nonperformance is given by the non-defaulting party, such party will be in default. In the event of such default, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause and will have all remedies that are available to it at law or in equity including, without limitation, the remedy of specific performance. If the nature of the defaulting party’s nonperformance is such that it cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, then the defaulting party will have such additional periods of time as may be reasonably necessary under the circumstances, provided the defaulting party immediately (A) provides written notice to the non-defaulting party and (B) commences to cure its nonperformance and thereafter diligently continues to completion the cure of its nonperformance. In no event shall any such cure period exceed 90 days. In the event of such termination for cause, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.3 Due to Work Stoppage. This Agreement may be terminated by the Town upon 30 days’ written notice to Vendor in the event that the Services are permanently abandoned. In the event of such termination due to work stoppage, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.4 Conflict of Interest. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 38-511. The Town may cancel this Agreement without penalty or further obligations by the Town or any of its departments or agencies if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating this Agreement on behalf of the Town or any of its departments or agencies is, at any time while this Agreement or any extension of this Agreement is in effect, an employee of any other party to this Agreement in any capacity or a Vendor to any other party of this Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 12.5 Gratuities. The Town may, by written notice to the Vendor, cancel this Agreement if it is found by the Town that gratuities, in the form of economic opportunity, future employment, entertainment, gifts or otherwise, were offered or given by the Vendor or any agent or representative of the Vendor to any officer, agent or employee of the Town for the purpose of securing this Agreement. In the event this Agreement is canceled by the Town pursuant to this provision, the Town shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover and withhold from the Vendor an amount equal to 150% of the gratuity. 12.6 Agreement Subject to Appropriation. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. CONST. ART. IX, § 5 and ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 42-17106. The provisions of this Agreement for payment of funds by the Town shall be effective when funds are appropriated for purposes of this Agreement and are actually available for payment. The Town shall be the sole judge and authority in determining the availability of funds under this Agreement and the Town shall keep the Vendor fully informed as to the availability of funds for this Agreement. The obligation of the Town to make any payment pursuant to this Agreement is a current expense of the Town, payable exclusively from such annual appropriations, and is not a general obligation or indebtedness of the Town. If the Town Council fails to appropriate money sufficient to pay the amounts as set forth in this Agreement during any immediately succeeding fiscal year, this Agreement shall terminate at the end of then-current fiscal year and the Town and the Vendor shall be relieved of any subsequent obligation under this Agreement. 13.Miscellaneous. 13.1 Independent Contractor. It is clearly understood that each party will act in its individual capacity and not as an agent, employee, partner, joint venturer, or associate of the other. An employee or agent of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employee or agent of the other for any purpose whatsoever. The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the Services provided under this Agreement are being provided as an independent contractor, not as an employee or agent of the Town. Vendor, its employees and subcontractors are not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from the Town. The Town does not have the authority to supervise or control the actual work of Vendor, its employees or subcontractors. The Vendor, and not the Town, shall determine the time of its performance of the services provided under this Agreement so long as Vendor meets the requirements as agreed in Section 2 above and in Exhibit A. Vendor is neither prohibited from entering into other contracts nor prohibited from practicing its profession elsewhere. Town and Vendor do not intend to nor will they combine business operations under this Agreement. 13.2 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona and suit pertaining to this Agreement may be brought only in courts in Maricopa County, Arizona. 13.3 Laws and Regulations. Vendor shall keep fully informed and shall at all times during the performance of its duties under this Agreement ensure that it and any person for whom the Vendor is responsible abides by, and remains in compliance with, all rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes or laws affecting the Services, including, but not limited to, the following: (A) existing and future Town and County ordinances and regulations; (B) existing and future State and Federal laws; and (C) existing and future Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards. 13.4 Amendments. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by persons duly authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town and the Vendor. 13.5 Provisions Required by Law. Each and every provision of law and any clause required by law to be in this Agreement will be read and enforced as though it were included herein and, if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, this Agreement will promptly be physically amended to make such insertion or correction. 13.6 Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable to the extent that any provision or application held to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect any other provision or application of this Agreement which may remain in effect without the invalid provision or application. 13.7 Entire Agreement; Interpretation; Parol Evidence. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter, and all previous agreements, whether oral or written, entered into prior to this Agreement are hereby revoked and superseded by this Agreement. No representations, warranties, inducements or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein, or in any other contemporaneous written agreement executed for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to its plain meaning, and no presumption shall be deemed to apply in favor of, or against the party drafting this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that each has had the opportunity to seek and utilize legal counsel in the drafting of, review of, and entry into this Agreement. 13.8 Assignment; Delegation. No right or interest in this Agreement shall be assigned or delegated by Vendor without prior, written permission of the Town, signed by the Town Manager. Any attempted assignment or delegation by Vendor in violation of this provision shall be a breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.9 Subcontracts. No subcontract shall be entered into by the Vendor with any other party to furnish any of the material or services specified herein without the prior written approval of the Town. The Vendor is responsible for performance under this Agreement whether or not subcontractors are used. Failure to pay subcontractors in a timely manner pursuant to any subcontract shall be a material breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.10 Rights and Remedies. No provision in this Agreement shall be construed, expressly or by implication, as waiver by the Town of any existing or future right and/or remedy available by law in the event of any claim of default or breach of this Agreement. The failure of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise or delay the exercise of any right or remedy provided in this Agreement, or by law, or the Town’s acceptance of and payment for services, shall not release the Vendor from any responsibilities or obligations imposed by this Agreement or by law, and shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of this Agreement. 13.11 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event either party brings any action for any relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement or on account of any breach or default hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs and expenses, determined by the court sitting without a jury, which shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and shall be enforced whether or not such action is prosecuted through judgment. 13.12 Liens. All materials or services shall be free of all liens and, if the Town requests, a formal release of all liens shall be delivered to the Town. 13.13 Offset. A.Offset for Damages. In addition to all other remedies at law or equity, the Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for damages resulting from breach or deficiencies in performance or breach of any obligation under this Agreement. B.Offset for Delinquent Fees or Taxes. The Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for delinquent fees, transaction privilege taxes and property taxes, including any interest or penalties. 13.14 Notices and Requests. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if (A) delivered to the party at the address set forth below, (B) deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below or (C) given to a recognized and reputable overnight delivery service, to the address set forth below: If to the Town: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager With copy to: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney If to Vendor: Elite Civil Construction, LLC 3240 W. Lincoln St. Phoenix, Arizona 85009 Attn: Jesus Jaramillo or at such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as any party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this subsection. Notices shall be deemed received (A) when delivered to the party, (B) three business days after being placed in the U.S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage or (C) the following business day after being given to a recognized overnight delivery service, with the person giving the notice paying all required charges and instructing the delivery service to deliver on the following business day. If a copy of a notice is also given to a party’s counsel or other recipient, the provisions above governing the date on which a notice is deemed to have been received by a party shall mean and refer to the date on which the party, and not its counsel or other recipient to which a copy of the notice may be sent, is deemed to have received the notice. 13.15 Confidentiality of Records. The Vendor shall establish and maintain procedures and controls that are acceptable to the Town for the purpose of ensuring that information contained in its records or obtained from the Town or from others in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement shall not be used or disclosed by it, its agents, officers, or employees, except as required to perform Vendor’s duties under this Agreement. Persons requesting such information should be referred to the Town. Vendor also agrees that any information pertaining to individual persons shall not be divulged other than to employees or officers of Vendor as needed for the performance of duties under this Agreement. 13.16 Records and Audit Rights. To ensure that the Vendor and its subcontractors are complying with the warranty under subsection 13.17 below, Vendor’s and its subcontractor’s books, records, correspondence, accounting procedures and practices, and any other supporting evidence relating to this Agreement, including the papers of any Vendor and its subcontractors’ employees who perform any work or services pursuant to this Agreement (all of the foregoing hereinafter referred to as “Records”), shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction during normal working hours by the Town, to the extent necessary to adequately permit (A) evaluation and verification of any invoices, payments or claims based on Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ actual costs (including direct and indirect costs and overhead allocations) incurred, or units expended directly in the performance of work under this Agreement and (B) evaluation of the Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ compliance with the Arizona employer sanctions laws referenced in subsection 13.17 below. To the extent necessary for the Town to audit Records as set forth in this subsection, Vendor and its subcontractors hereby waive any rights to keep such Records confidential. For the purpose of evaluating or verifying such actual or claimed costs or units expended, the Town shall have access to said Records, even if located at its subcontractors’ facilities, from the effective date of this Agreement for the duration of the work and until three years after the date of final payment by the Town to Vendor pursuant to this Agreement. Vendor and its subcontractors shall provide the Town with adequate and appropriate workspace so that the Town can conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this subsection. The Town shall give Vendor or its subcontractors reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Vendor shall require its subcontractors to comply with the provisions of this subsection by insertion of the requirements hereof in any subcontract pursuant to this Agreement. 13.17 E-verify Requirements. To the extent applicable under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 41-4401, the Vendor and its subcontractors warrant compliance with all federal immigration laws and regulations that relate to their employees and their compliance with the E-verify requirements under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 23-214(A). Vendor’s or its subcontractors’ failure to comply with such warranty shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and may result in the termination of this Agreement by the Town. 13.18 Israel. Vendor certifies that it is not currently engaged in, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that it will not engage in a “boycott,” as that term is defined in ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 35-393, of Israel. 13.19 China. Pursuant to and in compliance with A.R.S. § 35-394, Vendor hereby agrees and certifies that it does not currently, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that Vendor will not, use: (1) the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; (2) any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; or (3) any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers that use the forced labor or any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China. Vendor also hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its officials, employees, and agents from any claims or causes of action relating to the Town’s action based upon reliance upon this representation, including the payment of all costs and attorney fees incurred by the Town in defending such as action. 13.20 Conflicting Terms. In the event of any inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity among the terms of this Agreement, the Proposal, any Town-approved invoices, and the RFP, the documents shall govern in the order listed herein. 13.21 Non-Exclusive Contract. This Agreement is entered into with the understanding and agreement that it is for the sole convenience of the Town. The Town reserves the right to obtain like goods and services from another source when necessary. 13.22 Cooperative Purchasing. Specific eligible political subdivisions and nonprofit educational or public health institutions (“Eligible Procurement Unit(s)”) are permitted to utilize procurement agreements developed by the Town, at their discretion and with the agreement of the awarded Consultant. Consultant may, at its sole discretion, accept orders from Eligible Procurement Unit(s) for the purchase of the Materials and/or Services at the prices and under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in such quantities and configurations as may be agreed upon between the parties. All cooperative procurements under this Agreement shall be transacted solely between the requesting Eligible Procurement Unit and Consultant. Payment for such purchases will be the sole responsibility of the Eligible Procurement Unit. The exercise of any rights, responsibilities or remedies by the Eligible Procurement Unit shall be the exclusive obligation of such unit. The Town assumes no responsibility for payment, performance or any liability or obligation associated with any cooperative procurement under this Agreement. The Town shall not be responsible for any disputes arising out of transactions made by others. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES] Contract No. 2024-057F PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND CHASSE BUILDING TEAM, INC. THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered in upon execution, between the Town of Fountain Hills, an Arizona municipal corporation (the “Town”) and Chasse Building Team, Inc., an Arizona corporation (the “Vendor”). RECITALS A. The Town issued a Request for Proposals, RFQ No. 2023-010 (the “RFP”), a copy of which is on file with the Town and incorporated herein by reference, seeking proposals from vendors interested in providing professional services consisting of Job Order Contracting (“JOC”) for General Contracting (the “Services”). B. The Vendor responded to the RFQ by submitting a proposal (the “Proposal”), attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. C. The Town desires to enter into an Agreement with the Vendor to perform the Services, as set forth below. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing introduction and recitals, which are incorporated herein by reference, the following mutual covenants and conditions, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Town and the Vendor hereby agree as follows: 1.Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of execution attested by the Town Clerk pursuant to Section 3-3-31 of the Town Code, and shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2025 (the “Initial Term”), unless terminated as otherwise provided in this Agreement. After the expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement may be renewed for up four successive one-year terms (the “Renewal Term”) if (i) it is deemed in the best interests of the Town, subject to availability and appropriation of funds for renewal, (ii) at least 30 days prior to the end of the then-current term of this Agreement, the Vendor requests, in writing, to extend this Agreement for an additional one-year term and (iii) the Town approves the additional one-year term in writing (including any price adjustments approved as part of this Agreement), as evidenced by the Town Manager’s signature thereon, which approval may be withheld by the Town for any reason. The Vendor’s failure to seek a renewal of this Agreement shall cause this Agreement to terminate at the end of the then-current term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the Town may, at its discretion and with the agreement of the Vendor, elect to waive this requirement and renew this Agreement. The Initial Term and the Renewal Term are collectively referred to herein as the “Term.” Upon renewal, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2.Scope of Work. This is an indefinite quantity and indefinite delivery (Job Order Contract) Agreement for Services as previously set forth herein. Services shall only be provided when the Town identifies a need and proper authorization and documentation have been approved. For project(s) determined by the Town to be appropriate for this Agreement, the Vendor shall provide the Services to the Town on an as-required basis relating to the specific Services as may be agreed upon between the parties in writing, in the form of a written acknowledgment between the parties describing the Services to be provided (each, a “Work Order”). Each Work Order issued for Services pursuant to this Agreement shall be (i) in the form provided and approved by the Town for the Services, (ii) contain a reference to this Agreement and (iii) be attached to hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. By signing this Agreement, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that Work Order(s) containing unauthorized exceptions, conditions, limitations, or provisions in conflict with the terms of this Agreement, other than Town's project-specific requirements, are hereby expressly declared void and shall be of no force and effect. The Town does not guarantee any minimum or maximum amount of Services will be requested under this Agreement. All contractors and sub-contractors engaged in construction projects within the municipality shall display the contractor’s name/logo on both sides of the vehicle so that it is clearly visible and readable to a distance of at least fifty (50) ft. This mandate ensures clear identification of the entities involved in town projects and facilitates easy recognition of authorized personnel and equipment. 3.Compensation. The Town shall pay the Vendor an aggregate amount not to exceed $250,000 with an amount not to exceed $125,000 annually (Twelve [12] month period). Rates/projects shall be bid on a per project basis (JOC procedure). 4.Payments. The Town shall [under condition of paragraph 2, Scope] pay the Vendor monthly (and the Vendor shall invoice the Town monthly), based upon work performed and completed to date, and upon submission and approval of invoices. All invoices shall document and itemize all work completed to date. Each invoice statement shall include a record of time expended and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. This Agreement must be referenced on all invoices. At the start of construction, ten percent (10%) of all pay requests will be retained by the Town to guarantee complete performance of the contract. When the work is fifty percent (50%) complete, this amount may be reduced to five percent (5%) providing that construction progress and quality of work is acceptable to the Town. Any funds which are withheld from the contractor will be paid no later than sixty (60) days after completion of the contract and settlement of all claims. Each invoice shall (i) contain a reference to this Agreement and (ii) document and itemize all work completed to date. The invoice statement shall include a record of materials delivered, time expended, and work performed in sufficient detail to justify payment. Additionally, invoices submitted without referencing this Agreement will be subject to rejection and may be returned. 5.Documents. All documents, including any intellectual property rights thereto, prepared and submitted to the Town pursuant to this Agreement shall be the property of the Town. 6.Vendor Personnel. Vendor shall provide adequate, experienced personnel, capable of and devoted to the successful performance of the Services under this Agreement. Vendor agrees to assign specific individuals to key positions. If deemed qualified, the Vendor is encouraged to hire Town residents to fill vacant positions at all levels. Vendor agrees that, upon commencement of the Services to be performed under this Agreement, key personnel shall not be removed or replaced without prior written notice to the Town. If key personnel are not available to perform the Services for a continuous period exceeding 30 calendar days, or are expected to devote substantially less effort to the Services than initially anticipated, Vendor shall immediately notify the Town of same and shall, subject to the concurrence of the Town, replace such personnel with personnel possessing substantially equal ability and qualifications. 7.Inspection; Acceptance. All work shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Town at reasonable times during Vendor’s performance. The Vendor shall provide and maintain a self-inspection system that is acceptable to the Town. 8.Licenses; Materials. Vendor shall maintain in current status all federal, state and local licenses and permits required for the operation of the business conducted by the Vendor. The Town has no obligation to provide Vendor, its employees or subcontractors any business registrations or licenses required to perform the specific services set forth in this Agreement. The Town has no obligation to provide tools, equipment or material to Vendor. 9.Performance Warranty. Vendor warrants that the Services rendered will conform to the requirements of this Agreement and with the care and skill ordinarily used by members of the same profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. 10.Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town and each council member, officer, employee or agent thereof (the Town and any such person being herein called an “Indemnified Party”), for, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and the costs of appellate proceedings) to which any such Indemnified Party may become subject, under any theory of liability whatsoever (“Claims”), insofar as such Claims (or actions in respect thereof) relate to, arise out of, or are caused by or based upon the negligent acts, intentional misconduct, errors, mistakes or omissions, breach of contract, in connection with the work or services of the Vendor, its officers, employees, agents, or any tier of subcontractor in the performance of this Agreement. The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth below will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this Section. 11.Insurance. 11.1 General. A.Insurer Qualifications. Without limiting any obligations or liabilities of Vendor, Vendor shall purchase and maintain, at its own expense, hereinafter stipulated minimum insurance with insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Arizona pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 20-206, as amended, with an AM Best, Inc. rating of A- or above with policies and forms satisfactory to the Town. Failure to maintain insurance as specified herein may result in termination of this Agreement at the Town’s option. B.No Representation of Coverage Adequacy. By requiring insurance herein, the Town does not represent that coverage and limits will be adequate to protect Vendor. The Town reserves the right to review any and all of the insurance policies and/or endorsements cited in this Agreement but has no obligation to do so. Failure to demand such evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement or failure to identify any insurance deficiency shall not relieve Vendor from, nor be construed or deemed a waiver of, its obligation to maintain the required insurance at all times during the performance of this Agreement. C.Additional Insured. All insurance coverage, except Workers’ Compensation insurance and Professional Liability insurance, if applicable, shall name, to the fullest extent permitted by law for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insured as specified under the respective coverage sections of this Agreement. D.Coverage Term. All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or services required to be performed under the terms of this Agreement are satisfactorily performed, completed and formally accepted by the Town, unless specified otherwise in this Agreement. E.Primary Insurance. Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement and in the protection of the Town as an Additional Insured. F.Claims Made. In the event any insurance policies required by this Agreement are written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend, either by keeping coverage in force or purchasing an extended reporting option, for three years past completion and acceptance of the services. Such continuing coverage shall be evidenced by submission of annual Certificates of Insurance citing applicable coverage is in force and contains the provisions as required herein for the three-year period. G.Waiver. All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation insurance, shall contain a waiver of rights of recovery (subrogation) against the Town, its agents, representatives, officials, officers and employees for any claims arising out of the work or services of Vendor. Vendor shall arrange to have such subrogation waivers incorporated into each policy via formal written endorsement thereto. H.Policy Deductibles and/or Self-Insured Retentions. The policies set forth in these requirements may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retention amounts. Such deductibles or self-insured retention shall not be applicable with respect to the policy limits provided to the Town. Vendor shall be solely responsible for any such deductible or self-insured retention amount. I.Use of Subcontractors. If any work under this Agreement is subcontracted in any way, Vendor shall execute written agreements with its subcontractors containing the indemnification provisions set forth in this Agreement and insurance requirements set forth herein protecting the Town and Vendor. Vendor shall be responsible for executing any agreements with its subcontractors and obtaining certificates of insurance verifying the insurance requirements. J.Evidence of Insurance. Prior to commencing any work or services under this Agreement, Vendor will provide the Town with suitable evidence of insurance in the form of certificates of insurance and a copy of the declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as required by this Agreement, issued by Vendor’s insurance insurer(s) as evidence that policies are placed with acceptable insurers as specified herein and provide the required coverages, conditions and limits of coverage specified in this Agreement and that such coverage and provisions are in full force and effect. Confidential information such as the policy premium may be redacted from the declaration page(s) of each insurance policy, provided that such redactions do not alter any of the information required by this Agreement. The Town shall reasonably rely upon the certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies as evidence of coverage but such acceptance and reliance shall not waive or alter in any way the insurance requirements or obligations of this Agreement. If any of the policies required by this Agreement expire during the life of this Agreement, it shall be Vendor’s responsibility to forward renewal certificates and declaration page(s) to the Town 30 days prior to the expiration date. All certificates of insurance and declarations required by this Agreement shall be identified by referencing the RFP number and title or this Agreement. A $25.00 administrative fee shall be assessed for all certificates or declarations received without the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable. Additionally, certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) of the insurance policies submitted without referencing the appropriate RFP number and title or a reference to this Agreement, as applicable, will be subject to rejection and may be returned or discarded. Certificates of insurance and declaration page(s) shall specifically include the following provisions: (1) The Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees are Additional Insureds as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability – Under Insurance Services Office, Inc., (“ISO”) Form CG 20 10 03 97 or equivalent. (b) Auto Liability – Under ISO Form CA 20 48 or equivalent. (c) Excess Liability – Follow Form to underlying insurance. (2) Vendor’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to performance of this Agreement. (3) All policies, except for Professional Liability, including Workers’ Compensation, waive rights of recovery (subrogation) against Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees for any claims arising out of work or services performed by Vendor under this Agreement. (4) ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2014/01) is preferred. If ACORD certificate of insurance form 25 (2001/08) is used, the phrases in the cancellation provision “endeavor to” and “but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives” shall be deleted. Certificate forms other than ACORD form shall have similar restrictive language deleted. 11.2 Required Insurance Coverage. A.Commercial General Liability. Vendor shall maintain “occurrence” form Commercial General Liability insurance with an unimpaired limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations Annual Aggregate and a $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury. Coverage under the policy will be at least as broad as ISO policy form CG 00 010 93 or equivalent thereof, including but not limited to, separation of insured’s clause. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO, Commercial General Liability Additional Insured Endorsement form CG 20 10 03 97, or equivalent, which shall read “Who is an Insured (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of “your work” for that insured by or for you.” If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. B.Vehicle Liability. Vendor shall maintain Business Automobile Liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence on Vendor’s owned, hired and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in the performance of the Vendor’s work or services under this Agreement. Coverage will be at least as broad as ISO coverage code “1” “any auto” policy form CA 00 01 12 93 or equivalent thereof. To the fullest extent allowed by law, for claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, the Town, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees shall be cited as an Additional Insured under ISO Business Auto policy Designated Insured Endorsement form CA 20 48 or equivalent. If any Excess insurance is utilized to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, such Excess insurance shall be “follow form” equal or broader in coverage scope than underlying insurance. C.Professional Liability. If this Agreement is the subject of any professional services or work, or if the Vendor engages in any professional services or work in any way related to performing the work under this Agreement, the Vendor shall maintain Professional Liability insurance covering negligent errors and omissions arising out of the Services performed by the Vendor, or anyone employed by the Vendor, or anyone for whose negligent acts, mistakes, errors and omissions the Vendor is legally liable, with an unimpaired liability insurance limit of $2,000,000 each claim and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. D.Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Vendor shall maintain Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction over Vendor’s employees engaged in the performance of work or services under this Agreement and shall also maintain Employers Liability Insurance of not less than $500,000 for each accident, $500,000 disease for each employee and $1,000,000 disease policy limit. 11.3 Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not expire, be canceled, or be materially changed without 30 days’ prior written notice to the Town. 12.Termination; Cancellation. 12.1 For Town’s Convenience. This Agreement is for the convenience of the Town and, as such, may be terminated without cause after receipt by Vendor of written notice by the Town. Upon termination for convenience, Vendor shall be paid for all undisputed services performed to the termination date. 12.2 For Cause. If either party fails to perform any obligation pursuant to this Agreement and such party fails to cure its nonperformance within 30 days after notice of nonperformance is given by the non-defaulting party, such party will be in default. In the event of such default, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause and will have all remedies that are available to it at law or in equity including, without limitation, the remedy of specific performance. If the nature of the defaulting party’s nonperformance is such that it cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, then the defaulting party will have such additional periods of time as may be reasonably necessary under the circumstances, provided the defaulting party immediately (A) provides written notice to the non-defaulting party and (B) commences to cure its nonperformance and thereafter diligently continues to completion the cure of its nonperformance. In no event shall any such cure period exceed 90 days. In the event of such termination for cause, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.3 Due to Work Stoppage. This Agreement may be terminated by the Town upon 30 days’ written notice to Vendor in the event that the Services are permanently abandoned. In the event of such termination due to work stoppage, payment shall be made by the Town to the Vendor for the undisputed portion of its fee due as of the termination date. 12.4 Conflict of Interest. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 38-511. The Town may cancel this Agreement without penalty or further obligations by the Town or any of its departments or agencies if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating this Agreement on behalf of the Town or any of its departments or agencies is, at any time while this Agreement or any extension of this Agreement is in effect, an employee of any other party to this Agreement in any capacity or a Vendor to any other party of this Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 12.5 Gratuities. The Town may, by written notice to the Vendor, cancel this Agreement if it is found by the Town that gratuities, in the form of economic opportunity, future employment, entertainment, gifts or otherwise, were offered or given by the Vendor or any agent or representative of the Vendor to any officer, agent or employee of the Town for the purpose of securing this Agreement. In the event this Agreement is canceled by the Town pursuant to this provision, the Town shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover and withhold from the Vendor an amount equal to 150% of the gratuity. 12.6 Agreement Subject to Appropriation. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of ARIZ. CONST. ART. IX, § 5 and ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 42-17106. The provisions of this Agreement for payment of funds by the Town shall be effective when funds are appropriated for purposes of this Agreement and are actually available for payment. The Town shall be the sole judge and authority in determining the availability of funds under this Agreement and the Town shall keep the Vendor fully informed as to the availability of funds for this Agreement. The obligation of the Town to make any payment pursuant to this Agreement is a current expense of the Town, payable exclusively from such annual appropriations, and is not a general obligation or indebtedness of the Town. If the Town Council fails to appropriate money sufficient to pay the amounts as set forth in this Agreement during any immediately succeeding fiscal year, this Agreement shall terminate at the end of then-current fiscal year and the Town and the Vendor shall be relieved of any subsequent obligation under this Agreement. 13.Miscellaneous. 13.1 Independent Contractor. It is clearly understood that each party will act in its individual capacity and not as an agent, employee, partner, joint venturer, or associate of the other. An employee or agent of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employee or agent of the other for any purpose whatsoever. The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the Services provided under this Agreement are being provided as an independent contractor, not as an employee or agent of the Town. Vendor, its employees and subcontractors are not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from the Town. The Town does not have the authority to supervise or control the actual work of Vendor, its employees or subcontractors. The Vendor, and not the Town, shall determine the time of its performance of the services provided under this Agreement so long as Vendor meets the requirements as agreed in Section 2 above and in Exhibit A. Vendor is neither prohibited from entering into other contracts nor prohibited from practicing its profession elsewhere. Town and Vendor do not intend to nor will they combine business operations under this Agreement. 13.2 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona and suit pertaining to this Agreement may be brought only in courts in Maricopa County, Arizona. 13.3 Laws and Regulations. Vendor shall keep fully informed and shall at all times during the performance of its duties under this Agreement ensure that it and any person for whom the Vendor is responsible abides by, and remains in compliance with, all rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes or laws affecting the Services, including, but not limited to, the following: (A) existing and future Town and County ordinances and regulations; (B) existing and future State and Federal laws; and (C) existing and future Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards. 13.4 Amendments. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by persons duly authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town and the Vendor. 13.5 Provisions Required by Law. Each and every provision of law and any clause required by law to be in this Agreement will be read and enforced as though it were included herein and, if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, this Agreement will promptly be physically amended to make such insertion or correction. 13.6 Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable to the extent that any provision or application held to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect any other provision or application of this Agreement which may remain in effect without the invalid provision or application. 13.7 Entire Agreement; Interpretation; Parol Evidence. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter, and all previous agreements, whether oral or written, entered into prior to this Agreement are hereby revoked and superseded by this Agreement. No representations, warranties, inducements or oral agreements have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein, or in any other contemporaneous written agreement executed for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to its plain meaning, and no presumption shall be deemed to apply in favor of, or against the party drafting this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that each has had the opportunity to seek and utilize legal counsel in the drafting of, review of, and entry into this Agreement. 13.8 Assignment; Delegation. No right or interest in this Agreement shall be assigned or delegated by Vendor without prior, written permission of the Town, signed by the Town Manager. Any attempted assignment or delegation by Vendor in violation of this provision shall be a breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.9 Subcontracts. No subcontract shall be entered into by the Vendor with any other party to furnish any of the material or services specified herein without the prior written approval of the Town. The Vendor is responsible for performance under this Agreement whether or not subcontractors are used. Failure to pay subcontractors in a timely manner pursuant to any subcontract shall be a material breach of this Agreement by Vendor. 13.10 Rights and Remedies. No provision in this Agreement shall be construed, expressly or by implication, as waiver by the Town of any existing or future right and/or remedy available by law in the event of any claim of default or breach of this Agreement. The failure of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise or delay the exercise of any right or remedy provided in this Agreement, or by law, or the Town’s acceptance of and payment for services, shall not release the Vendor from any responsibilities or obligations imposed by this Agreement or by law, and shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of the Town to insist upon the strict performance of this Agreement. 13.11 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event either party brings any action for any relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement or on account of any breach or default hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs and expenses, determined by the court sitting without a jury, which shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and shall be enforced whether or not such action is prosecuted through judgment. 13.12 Liens. All materials or services shall be free of all liens and, if the Town requests, a formal release of all liens shall be delivered to the Town. 13.13 Offset. A.Offset for Damages. In addition to all other remedies at law or equity, the Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for damages resulting from breach or deficiencies in performance or breach of any obligation under this Agreement. B.Offset for Delinquent Fees or Taxes. The Town may offset from any money due to the Vendor any amounts Vendor owes to the Town for delinquent fees, transaction privilege taxes and property taxes, including any interest or penalties. 13.14 Notices and Requests. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if (A) delivered to the party at the address set forth below, (B) deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below or (C) given to a recognized and reputable overnight delivery service, to the address set forth below: If to the Town: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Rachael Goodwin, Town Manager With copy to: Town of Fountain Hills 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Attn: Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney If to Vendor: Chasse Building Team, Inc. 230 S. Siesta Lane Tempe, Arizona 85281 Attn: Kim Murphy or at such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as any party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this subsection. Notices shall be deemed received (A) when delivered to the party, (B) three business days after being placed in the U.S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage or (C) the following business day after being given to a recognized overnight delivery service, with the person giving the notice paying all required charges and instructing the delivery service to deliver on the following business day. If a copy of a notice is also given to a party’s counsel or other recipient, the provisions above governing the date on which a notice is deemed to have been received by a party shall mean and refer to the date on which the party, and not its counsel or other recipient to which a copy of the notice may be sent, is deemed to have received the notice. 13.15 Confidentiality of Records. The Vendor shall establish and maintain procedures and controls that are acceptable to the Town for the purpose of ensuring that information contained in its records or obtained from the Town or from others in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement shall not be used or disclosed by it, its agents, officers, or employees, except as required to perform Vendor’s duties under this Agreement. Persons requesting such information should be referred to the Town. Vendor also agrees that any information pertaining to individual persons shall not be divulged other than to employees or officers of Vendor as needed for the performance of duties under this Agreement. 13.16 Records and Audit Rights. To ensure that the Vendor and its subcontractors are complying with the warranty under subsection 13.17 below, Vendor’s and its subcontractor’s books, records, correspondence, accounting procedures and practices, and any other supporting evidence relating to this Agreement, including the papers of any Vendor and its subcontractors’ employees who perform any work or services pursuant to this Agreement (all of the foregoing hereinafter referred to as “Records”), shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction during normal working hours by the Town, to the extent necessary to adequately permit (A) evaluation and verification of any invoices, payments or claims based on Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ actual costs (including direct and indirect costs and overhead allocations) incurred, or units expended directly in the performance of work under this Agreement and (B) evaluation of the Vendor’s and its subcontractors’ compliance with the Arizona employer sanctions laws referenced in subsection 13.17 below. To the extent necessary for the Town to audit Records as set forth in this subsection, Vendor and its subcontractors hereby waive any rights to keep such Records confidential. For the purpose of evaluating or verifying such actual or claimed costs or units expended, the Town shall have access to said Records, even if located at its subcontractors’ facilities, from the effective date of this Agreement for the duration of the work and until three years after the date of final payment by the Town to Vendor pursuant to this Agreement. Vendor and its subcontractors shall provide the Town with adequate and appropriate workspace so that the Town can conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this subsection. The Town shall give Vendor or its subcontractors reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Vendor shall require its subcontractors to comply with the provisions of this subsection by insertion of the requirements hereof in any subcontract pursuant to this Agreement. 13.17 E-verify Requirements. To the extent applicable under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 41-4401, the Vendor and its subcontractors warrant compliance with all federal immigration laws and regulations that relate to their employees and their compliance with the E-verify requirements under ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 23-214(A). Vendor’s or its subcontractors’ failure to comply with such warranty shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and may result in the termination of this Agreement by the Town. 13.18 Israel. Vendor certifies that it is not currently engaged in, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that it will not engage in a “boycott,” as that term is defined in ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 35-393, of Israel. 13.19 China. Pursuant to and in compliance with A.R.S. § 35-394, Vendor hereby agrees and certifies that it does not currently, and agrees for the duration of this Agreement that Vendor will not, use: (1) the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; (2) any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China; or (3) any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers that use the forced labor or any goods or services produced by the forced labor of ethnic Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China. Vendor also hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its officials, employees, and agents from any claims or causes of action relating to the Town’s action based upon reliance upon this representation, including the payment of all costs and attorney fees incurred by the Town in defending such as action. 13.20 Conflicting Terms. In the event of any inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity among the terms of this Agreement, the Proposal, any Town-approved invoices, and the RFP, the documents shall govern in the order listed herein. 13.21 Non-Exclusive Contract. This Agreement is entered into with the understanding and agreement that it is for the sole convenience of the Town. The Town reserves the right to obtain like goods and services from another source when necessary. 13.22 Cooperative Purchasing. Specific eligible political subdivisions and nonprofit educational or public health institutions (“Eligible Procurement Unit(s)”) are permitted to utilize procurement agreements developed by the Town, at their discretion and with the agreement of the awarded Consultant. Consultant may, at its sole discretion, accept orders from Eligible Procurement Unit(s) for the purchase of the Materials and/or Services at the prices and under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in such quantities and configurations as may be agreed upon between the parties. All cooperative procurements under this Agreement shall be transacted solely between the requesting Eligible Procurement Unit and Consultant. Payment for such purchases will be the sole responsibility of the Eligible Procurement Unit. The exercise of any rights, responsibilities or remedies by the Eligible Procurement Unit shall be the exclusive obligation of such unit. The Town assumes no responsibility for payment, performance or any liability or obligation associated with any cooperative procurement under this Agreement. The Town shall not be responsible for any disputes arising out of transactions made by others. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES] ITEM 9. E. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda                  Submitting Department: Public Works Prepared by: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Staff Contact Information: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):   CONSIDERATION OF AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Discussions and Direction related to FY-25 Pavement Management planning and funding. Staff Summary (Background) Careful planning for pavement management plays a crucial role in upholding the Towns' transportation network, ensuring infrastructure integrity, and maintaining the quality of street surfaces. Over the last several years, Town leadership has taken numerous approaches to where and how streets were selected for repair. Currently, the town uses pavement management software known as the Budget Optimization Street Selector system. This software employs Prioritization Optimization, a method that determines the most efficient sequence for pavement repairs or replacements based on factors such as condition assessment, traffic volume, budget limitations, and potential impact on traffic flow. As part of the multiyear planning process, the Budget Optimization Street Selector system has been used to identify streets for the fiscal year 2024-2025, aligning with the Council's allocation of $5,000,000 for the identified paving projects. However, upon receiving public feedback, staff were tasked with selecting, evaluating, and preparing cost estimates for several alternative streets that were not chosen by the Budget Optimization Street Selector system. This alternative collection of streets was identified via staff and resident feedback, and considerations such as traffic volume, insurance claims, as well as rising demand for ongoing labor-intensive repairs, were additional factors. The outcomes of this selection and evaluation will be presented during tonight's PowerPoint session. The streets presented exceed the budget allocation of $5M. Therefore, staff is requesting direction regarding Council preference in order to prepare for the FY25 paving process. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Pavement Management best practices    Risk Analysis Failure to proceed with street maintenance and repair could delay projects and result in higher pricing. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) N/A SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to direct staff to proceed with the streets as identified.  Fiscal Impact Fiscal Impact:NTE 5MIL Budget Reference:N/A Funding Source:Streets fund  If Multiple Funds utilized, list here:N/A Budgeted: if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form:N/A Attachments RAS Selected locations  Additional map locations  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Public Works Director (Originator)Justin Weldy 06/06/2024 04:23 PM Finance Director David Pock 06/08/2024 08:36 AM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 06/10/2024 08:45 AM Town Manager Rachael Goodwin 06/11/2024 09:46 AM Form Started By: Justin Weldy Started On: 06/03/2024 06:42 AM Final Approval Date: 06/11/2024  PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS - GEOTECH A ll that is A r i z o n a F O U N TAIN HIL L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 FUTURE PAVEMENT EL LAGO BLVD. BORING LOCATIONS APPROX. IMPROVEMENT QUANTITIES PAVEMENT LENGTH = 4,673 LF PAVEMENT WIDTH = 59 LF (VARIES) PAVEMENT AREA* = 28,391 SY *INCLUDES MISC. ADDITIONAL AREA PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS - GEOTECH A ll that is A r i z o n a F O U N TAIN HIL L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 FUTURE PAVEMENT GUNSIGHT DR. BORING LOCATIONS APPROX. IMPROVEMENT QUANTITIES PAVEMENT LENGTH = 2,322 LF PAVEMENT WIDTH = 59 LF PAVEMENT AREA* = 15,982 SY *INCLUDES MISC. ADDITIONAL AREA PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS - GEOTECH A ll that is A r i z o n a F O U N TAIN HIL L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 FUTURE PAVEMENT INDIAN WELLS DR. BORING LOCATIONS APPROX. IMPROVEMENT QUANTITIES PAVEMENT LENGTH = 2,101 LF PAVEMENT WIDTH = 30 LF (VARIES) PAVEMENT AREA* = 7,372 SY *INCLUDES MISC. ADDITIONAL AREA PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS - GEOTECH A ll that is A r i z o n a F O U N TAIN HIL L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 FUTURE PAVEMENT KINGSTREE BLVD. BORING LOCATIONS APPROX. IMPROVEMENT QUANTITIES PAVEMENT LENGTH = 8,287 LF PAVEMENT WIDTH = 60 LF PAVEMENT AREA* = 58,017 SY *INCLUDES MISC. ADDITIONAL AREA PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS - GEOTECH A ll that is A r i z o n a F O U N TAIN HIL L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 FUTURE PAVEMENT PALOMINO BLVD. BORING LOCATIONS APPROX. IMPROVEMENT QUANTITIES PAVEMENT LENGTH = 7,263 LF PAVEMENT WIDTH = 58 LF (VARIES) PAVEMENT AREA* = 49,771 SY *INCLUDES MISC. ADDITIONAL AREA PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS - GEOTECH A ll that is A r i z o n a F O U N TAIN HIL L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 FUTURE PAVEMENT RICHWOOD AVE. BORING LOCATIONS APPROX. IMPROVEMENT QUANTITIES PAVEMENT LENGTH = 4,158 LF PAVEMENT WIDTH = 35 LF PAVEMENT AREA* = 16,978 SY *INCLUDES MISC. ADDITIONAL AREA PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS - GEOTECH A ll that is A r i z o n a F O U N TAIN HIL L S TOWN OF INC. 1989 FUTURE PAVEMENT TREVINO DR. BORING LOCATIONS APPROX. IMPROVEMENT QUANTITIES PAVEMENT LENGTH = 9,287 LF PAVEMENT WIDTH = 28 LF PAVEMENT AREA* = 30,343 SY *INCLUDES MISC. ADDITIONAL AREA ITEM 9. F. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/18/2024 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda                  Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Relating to any item included in the League of Arizona Cities and Towns' weekly Legislative Bulletin(s), or relating to any action proposed or pending before the State Legislature.  Staff Summary (Background) This is a regularly recurring agenda item on the Town Council agenda during the legislative session. This agenda item aims to obtain consensus from the Mayor and Council on legislative bills and provide direction, if any, to staff to communicate the town's position on the bills. For every Council meeting, the Legislative Bulletin will be attached to the Town Council agenda, including legislative analysis of the bills and their impacts on municipalities. The Mayor and Council will have an opportunity to review the bills that are under consideration in the Arizona State Legislature and provide direction on supporting or opposing the bills. The Mayor and Council may also bring up other bills of interest to the Town of Fountain Hills for discussion that are not listed in the Legislative Bulletin.  Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) N/A SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to provide staff direction on one or more bills being considered by the State Legislature. Attachments Legislative Bulletin - Issue 21  Form Review Form Started By: Linda Mendenhall Started On: 06/10/2024 02:19 PM Final Approval Date: 06/10/2024  Legislative Update: Welcome to Week 23 Welcome to the 23rd week of the Arizona legislative session. 1,761 bills, resolutions, and memorials have been introduced. HCR2060 Challenged HCR2060 border; benefits; fentanyl; illegal entry (Toma) passed the House on party-lines and was transmitted to the Secretary of State’s office last week. The advocacy group Living United for Change (LUCHA) immediately filed a lawsuit challenging the measure’s constitutionality in the hopes of keeping it off the ballot. The group’s members broke rules of decorum when HCR2060 was voted on in the Senate, prompting House leadership to close the gallery normally open to the public to avoid potential disruptions. Debate went on for several hours with Democrats staunchly opposing the bill as well as the move to prevent members of the public from viewing the proceedings while Republicans continued to defend the measure amid growing public frustration with the lack of immigration reform. Ethics Committee Findings The House Ethics Committee released its report regarding complaints filed against Rep. Analise Ortiz (D-Maryvale) and Rep. Oscar De Los Santos (D- Laveen). Committee members unanimously agreed that both representatives engaged in disorderly conduct stemming from their outburst on the House floor several weeks ago following debate about how to handle the repeal of the 1864 abortion ban. While expulsion is unlikely given the need for a supermajority vote, the pair may face a possible censure by the House before the session comes to an end. Director Nominations Last year, Governor Hobbs withdrew several nominees to lead state agencies after what she called “obstructionist behavior” by the Senate Committee on Director Nominations. Instead, she took a series of actions to appoint “Executive Deputy Directors” as de facto Directors without Senate confirmation. However, a Maricopa County judge recently found these moves in violation of state law’s requirement that the Governor seek the Senate’s “advice and consent” before Legislative StaffYou can contact our legislative division at (602) 258-5786 or email using the information below: Tom Savage, Legislative Director: tsavage@azleague.org Marshall Pimentel, Senior Legislative Associate: mpimentel@azleague.org Adam Babica, Legislative Associate: ababica@azleague.org Rachel Merritt, Legislative Intern: legisintern@azleague.org installing agency leaders. The judge stopped short of recommending a remedy to the situation, but the case is set to resume later this summer with the judge expecting the Governor and legislative leadership to meet to find a compromise. Sine Die in Sight Budget negotiations are underway with the Governor’s Office and Republican leadership meeting consistently in recent weeks. Both chambers are set to return Wednesday, June 12th and published calendars indicate that possible floor action may occur on Thursday and Friday. The clock is ticking as the legislature must pass a budget before the current fiscal year ends on June 30th and those running for reelection or higher office are likely eager to hit the campaign trail given the primary election will be held earlier than usual this year on July 30th. #Keepup withus on X. Keep up with the issues and events. CLICK HERE League of Arizona Cities and Towns 1820 W Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 info@azleague.org No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe. What the League is Tracking Stay informed about legislation that affects municipalities throughout the state. Track proposed bills and resolutions, stay updated on their progress, and actively engage in the democratic process. Here are some priority measures the League is tracking: Legislative Bill Monitoring