HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__01-09-23_1202_419       REVISED 1/5/23 10:30 AM NOTICE OF MEETING REGULAR MEETING FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION      Chairman Peter Gray  Vice Chairman Scott Schlossberg Commissioner Patrick Dapaah Commissioner Clayton Corey Commissioner Susan Dempster Commissioner Dan Kovacevic Commissioner Rick Watts, Jr.      TIME:6:00 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s Council,  various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Commission are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.    REQUEST TO COMMENT   The public is welcome to participate in Commission meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM, please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commissioners. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion, if possible.   REGULAR MEETING           1.CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE – Chairman Gray     2.ROLL CALL – Chairman Gray     3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.     4.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: approving the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission  December 12, 2022.     5.PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION:  Rezone for 3.1 acres of a 6.3-acre property from R1-10 Single Family Residential to R-3 Multifamily Residential, and the remaining 3.2 acres of the same property from R-4 Multifamily Residential to R-3 Multifamily Residential, to allow for a residential project consisting of 80 apartment units, generally located at the southeast corner of Palisades Blvd. and Mountainside Drive.     6.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Ordinance 23-01, amending Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.12, Definitions, by adding definitions related to detoxification and drug treatment facilities; amending Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Sections 12.02, 12.05, and 12.06 to add uses for detoxification and drug treatment facilities; Section 12.03 to amend group home to community residence; and, amending Chapter 18, Town Center Commercial Zoning District, Section 18.05 B to amend group home to community residence.     7.COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff.    8.SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director.    9.REPORT from Development Services Director.    10.ADJOURNMENT     CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Planning and Zoning Commission with the Town Clerk. Dated this ______ day of ____________________, 2023.    ______________________________________  Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant  The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or    Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of January 9, 2023 2 of 3 The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Development Services' Office.    Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of January 9, 2023 3 of 3 ITEM 4. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 01/09/2023 Meeting Type: Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Request to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: approving the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission  December 12, 2022. Staff Summary (Background) The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at the meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the Town's website and maintained as permanent records in compliance with state law.   Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approving the meeting minutes of the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission December 12, 2022.   SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission December 12, 2022. Attachments SUMMARY AND TRANSCRIPT  Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of December 12, 2022 1 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 12, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE Chairman Gray called the Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held December 12, 2022, to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Commission and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Peter Gray; Commissioner Clayton Corey (telephonically); Commissioner Susan Dempster; Commissioner Dan Kovacevic; Commissioner Rick Watts,Jr.; Commissioner Patrick Dapaah Absent: Vice Chairman Scott Schlossberg Staff Present: Development Services Director John Wesley; Senior Planner Farhad Tavassoli; Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC 4. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: approving the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission November 14, 2022. MOVED BY Commissioner Dempster, SECONDED BY Commissioner Kovacevic to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 12, 2022. Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 5. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: A Special Use Permit for the construction of golf ball fences on property located at 154816 E Brittlebush Lane. MOVED BY Commissioner Dempster, SECONDED BY Commissioner Watts to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve a Special Use Permit to allow one horizontal golf net not to exceed fifteen feet in height on the west side yard of property located at 15816 E. Brittlebush Lane. Vote: 3-3 (no recommendation) 6. PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Ordinance 23-01, amending Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.12, Definitions, by adding definitions related to detoxification and drug treatment facilities, amending Chapter 12, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of December 12, 2022 2 of 2 Commercial Zoning Districts, Sections 12.02, 12.05, and 12.06 to add uses for detoxification and drug treatment facilities: Section 12.03 to amend group home to community residence; and, amending Chapter 18, Town Center Commercial Zoning District, Section 18.05 B to amend group home to community residence. MOVED BY Chairman Gray, SECONDED BY Commissioner Dempster to continue agenda item number six (6.) to the January 9, 2023, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 7. COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. 8. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director. 9. REPORT from Development Services Director. 10. ADJOURNMENT The Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held December12, 2022, adjourned at 8:08 p.m. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Chairman Peter Gray ATTESTED AND PREPARED BY Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Planning and Zoning Commission, Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on December 12, 2022. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this day of December 12, 2022. Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 1 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 1 of 64 Post-Production File Town of Fountain Hills December 12, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Transcription Provided By: eScribers, LLC * * * * * Transcription is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. * * * * * TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 2 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 2 of 64 GRAY: Commissioner Corey, are you on the line? COREY: Yes, I am. GRAY: Very good, sir. And we'll get going here in 60 seconds. COREY: Okay. (Pause) GRAY: Okay. It's 6 o'clock on the dot. I'd like to call this meeting to order. This is the December 12th, 2022, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting for the Town of Fountain Hills. If you would please rise for the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence. ALL: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. GRAY: Thank you. Okay. Ms. Angela, roll call please. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Thank you. Chairman Gray? GRAY: Present. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Vice Chairman Schlossberg? Commissioner Dapaah? DAPAAH: Here. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Commissioner Corey? COREY: Here. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Commissioner Dempster? DEMPSTER: Here. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Commissioner Kovacevic? KOVACEVIC: Here. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Commissioner Watts? WATTS: Here. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: We have a quorum. GRAY: Thank you, Angela. Moving quickly to agenda item 3, open call to the public. Angela, do we have any speaker cards? PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Not for call to public. GRAY: Thank you very much. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 3 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 3 of 64 Agenda item 4, consideration and possible action on the regular meeting minutes from the Zoning Commission agenda date November 14th, 2022. Commissioners, any comments or a motion please? Commissioner Dempster? DEMPSTER: I would like to make a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of November 14th, 2022. KOVACEVIC: I'll second. GRAY: All in favor. ALL: Aye. GRAY: 7-0. WATTS: Just as an FYI, Chair, my red light doesn't work. It's the other one. GRAY: Maybe it's that one. John, we have to put him in timeout. [LAUGHTER] WESLEY: That's your job, Chair. GRAY: All right. Agenda item 5, consideration and possible action on a special use permit for the construction of a golf ball fence on the property located at 15816 East Brittlebush Lane. John, your presentation please. WESLEY: Chair, Commissioners, welcome this evening. I'll go through this presentation for you. So as stated this is request for a golf ball fence on a lot located along Brittlebush Lane adjacent to 11th hole of the Sunridge Golf Course. A little closer look here at it. The house and property are subject to strikes from golf balls. An expert report that was attached with your document estimates there could be around 150 ball strikes a year based on the amount of activity historically at this golf course, and that they could be travelling as much as 97 miles an hour. You can see that from the one tee there it's just under 500 feet approximately from the tee box to the house. Here's some examples that the property owner provided of some of the golf ball hits that have taken place on the house, and you can see that strikes do occur and damage does occur from those. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 4 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 4 of 64 Our zoning ordinance allows for golf ball fences to be approved administratively when they meet certain criteria. You abut the golf course. You're within 600 feet of the forward-most tee box. As long as your neighbor agrees to the -- it's awkward to say this -- your fence either set back from your property line as far as it is tall, you can do that administratively, or if neighbor approves you can go closer, but a maximum height of 25 feet. The pole has to blend with the background and use a black net. So if you don't meet those criteria then it requires that you apply for a special use permit and come before the commission and the town council. And so in this case the property owner, particular the one on the east, did not approve the net because these lots are small, the fence would need to go right on the property line, and so it would require that property owner's approval, which they did not do. And then also they're proposing, that's what you'll see here in a minute, a horizontal net on the west side, which is kind of different then what's really anticipated in the code. It would talk, usually, a vertical net, so that's not consistent with the code requirements. So for those reasons that is here before the Commission. So the -- what's being proposed is a net along this northeast corner. As we'll talk about a little bit, they'd actually like to go as high, ultimately, as 33 feet, and then also a horizontal net on this west side to cover the pool because balls actually go over the house and strike this wall here some and land in the pool. So what's being proposed, again, ultimately, what they would really like based on the report is a 35 foot tall net that would go here. And then on this side, these poles along this west side would be 18 feet tall and the net would string from the top of those poles over and then attach to the eave of the house. So the zoned ordinance sets certain criteria for the Commission to consider when looking at a special use permit. What is the impact on the health, safety, welfare of persons in the neighborhood, and is it going to -- approval be in a detrimental injurious in any way to the neighborhood or the town. So when we look at this particular situation, again, the house juts out a little bit more than the other ones adjacent to it. Let me go back to those aerials just a second. Whoops. Wrong thing here. So when you look at this property, the house and where it sits here towards the back of this property, the other one next to it is a little bit further forward, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 5 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 5 of 64 and just kind of where you are from the tee box and the way the balls go, it's a little bit more subject to hits than those adjacent to it. We did see the photographic evidence of the golf ball strikes on the house. Attached to your report was a study that was done by a person who analyses these types of situations, and they do, again, estimate a significant number of golf balls hitting this property at a fairly high speed. To my knowledge and looking at our maps, I can see where the town has previously approved golf ball nets in reading some of those reports. And basically any time that the council saw there was damage being done by the golf balls they have, it appears, approved these applications. I found six SUPs, and I know over the last year we've approved administratively two golf ball nets or fences. Some of the concerns we've heard as we've looked at this and heard from some of the neighbors, the impact on views. People bought here and had homes for many years along the golf course partially because of the views. This house and the golf course have been here together for at least 25 years and so I don't know if there's anything significantly different now then there has been for the last 25 years, why this would maybe become more of an issue. I mention in the staff report that the architectural review committee for the HOA was also reviewing this for their approval. They met last Thursday. They were not able to come to a decision on this and so they're hoping that the town comes to one that then they can consider from their end, but they have not made a decision at this point. That horizontal net that's proposed on the west side doesn't really quite conform to anything in our code. If someone were just trying to do some kind of patio cover there it would have to meet setbacks. If it's free standing gazebo of some kind, a small structure, given the placement of the pool, it's by the side of the house, there's really no place to put any structures to hold that up. It's just really kind of an odd situation. And so again, that's why that's being reviewed as part of a special use permit. If it were an accessory structure it could be a maximum of 12 feet tall if it's small structure, and 15 feet tall if it was a large structure over 120 square feet. They're asking for 18 feet in height. So as we have looked at that, given the damage that we see on the property, the history of the town approving these, staff is recommending approval of the 25 foot tall fence at the northeast corner. For the one on the west, because of the unique situation with the benefit TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 6 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 6 of 64 easement, it would take approval of the neighbor. Those poles would actually be on their property to put it in as it's been proposed. If not, they'd have to move the poles to the east to stay on their property, which becomes challenging because of the location of the pool, but may be possible. But I would also recommend that that come down to no more than 15 feet in height, similar to an accessory structure. Any questions that you have of me? GRAY: Commissioner Kovacevic? KOVACEVIC: The 25 foot tall net on the northeast corner, is that going to run abut the golf course, is it going to wrap the corner? WESLEY: So the golf course is to the north -- KOVACEVIC: Yeah. WESLEY: -- here, and so it does wrap north and then comes down here to the corner of the house. KOVACEVIC: Okay. And the staff recommendation is 25 feet? WESLEY: Yes. That's what is permitted by code. And the study shows that they really need 33 feet to really protect the house but by code we can't approve more than 25 feet. If this does get approved by town council and they want to try for the 33 feet, that would be a board of adjustment variance request. DEMPSTER: John, what is the color of the net proposed? I just saw black border roping but I didn't see that in the -- WESLEY: So -- DEMPSTER: -- report. WESLEY: -- it's a black net. It's required to be a black net. DEMPSTER: Black? WESLEY: Yes. DEMPSTER: Okay. Thank you. WESLEY: So the question is the poles. I haven't focused on that too much yet because we'd really get into that more with building permit, see what they're exactly going to do, but it's supposed to blend with the background. DEMPSTER: And then we're talking about two separate nets. So the HOA approved one at the maximum height, is that correct, of 25 feet, or -- TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 7 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 7 of 64 WESLEY: Chair Commissioner -- DEMPSTER: -- neither? WESLEY: -- Dempster, that's maybe a little bit confusing to me at this point. It was my understanding at one point they had approved the 25 feet, but in discussions with them today, I'm not sure that they have actually approved anything. But at the most it would be the 25 feet. DEMPSTER: On the northeast -- WESLEY: On that northeast corner. DEMPSTER: -- corner? WESLEY: Right. DEMPSTER: Okay. Thank you. GRAY: Commissioner Dapaah? DAPAAH: Yeah. John, the six known previously approved SUPs by the town, are they also, or any of them in that general vicinity, are they in the same course, or in the -- WESLEY: Commissioner -- DAPAAH: -- same community? WESLEY: -- Dapaah, no. It's my understanding this would be the first one on this course. The ones that I'm aware of are all -- there's a couple down in the FireRock and the Eagle Mountain, on those golf courses, and then a couple over -- I forget the name of the one, but kind of the -- DEMPSTER: Desert Canyon. WESLEY: -- southeast. Desert Canyon golf course. DAPAAH: Thank you. GRAY: Commissioner Watts? WATTS: John, over what time were these photos taken; was it over a one year period, two, more? WESLEY: Chairman Commissioner Watts, that'd be a good question for the applicant. My understanding is they're all fairly recent. WATTS: Okay. And are they subject to that same letter that goes out to the adjoining neighbors to have a meeting to talk about it or is that only applicable to variances? WESLEY: It is applicable to SUPs. We've handled it slightly differently this time just TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 8 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 8 of 64 because of the nature of the request. But yes, and so the neighbors are all aware of it, and have had a chance to provide their input. WATTS: And we've got what kind of response from the neighbors? WESLEY: So we have emails, and you've got them in front of you. I did mention that earlier. We did get a couple late emails and they've been passed out to you. Got emails from neighbors on both sides and there was a petition circulated by a neighbor that got about half of the property owners along the street signing in opposition to the net. WATTS: It's interesting that Sunridge Canyon has very nice video, a drone video where they fly all the fairways, and you can see the relationship between the fairways and the houses. And to your point, this has been like this for 25 years. Would you anticipate more requests for golf ball fencing based upon this setting a precedent? And I know it's a crystal ball question. DEMPSTER: Yeah. WESLEY: Yeah. Chairman Commissioner Watts, it's hard to speculate. Given the history of, again, 25 years approximately that the course has been there, and most of the homes have been there, it hasn't been an issue. I wouldn't expect there to be a rush, but then again, once one goes up and somebody sees that and they say, oh, yeah, I think I'd like that too, it could stimulate at least some. WATTS: All right. And it's unfortunate, it's right in the zone of the average weekend golfer about 220 yards, just shy of that. So obviously the traps are there for that same reason but it's just been there for a long time. So -- GRAY: Well, that's my challenge too, is in 25 years the technology and the golfer have changed dramatically, and what was once the tail end of a shot for a lot of golfers is now in everybody's wheelhouse. So I'm not a big proponent of the fences, never really have been, but I can certainly understand the application. I can't figure out what's the benefit of the horizontal net? That just seems like a maintenance nightmare. WESLEY: So again, the applicant's here, he can explain it in more detail. And he can show and the study shows the balls actually can go over the house and land in the pool, hit the house to the west. And so that horizontal net there is to prevent being in the pool and also being hit by a ball while you're swimming. GRAY: Would seem challenging based on the trajectories that the third party has shown TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 9 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 9 of 64 but I suppose it's possible. I see the ricochet shots all day long but I don't see direct strikes into that pool. That's the piece of it that I -- WATTS: Right. GRAY: -- kind of struggle with. WATTS: You know, the other thing is that I think the average golfer, right-handed golfer has more of a fade then they have of that hook back to the left, or slice I guess, and it's kind of curious about that. Also has there been any contact with Sunridge Canyon directly? I know at Desert Canyon they've got club restriction, club limitations on the driving range, for instance, and there was one house down the road from the driving range that fought for years to get netting up. But they restricted the clubs and I would think that if they restricted clubs on this particular tee box maybe to a 7-iron or something that they would be able to minimalize any impact as it's a much more controllable club then a driver. So I don't know if there's any conversation at all. WESLEY: I don't know either. WATTS: Okay. KOVACEVIC: Yeah. I don't think that's a practical thing on a golf hole to tell somebody how they have to play it. But is it normal course of operation to come to the town before getting a homeowner association approval? WESLEY: Chairman Commissioner Kovacevic, it's a chicken and egg thing. They're each independent of each other, and one doesn't technically rely on the other, but they ultimately need both, and they've been trying to work both. Again, they had a meeting with the HOA last week, and HOA has, at this point, postponed any decision pending what happens with the town. GRAY: Commissioner Dempster? DEMPSTER: John, can you tell between a 25 foot net and a 33 foot net, that differential, how many golf balls? I was trying to look through the report. Can you tell? Because you said that, I mean, because if I lived on a golf course, I would expect golf balls. It's just logic, you know. And of course, being a realtor and selling property in Fountain Hills with multiple golf courses, homes on golf courses get golf balls. So if it was approved at 25 feet, you know, how many golf balls would get beyond that? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 10 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 10 of 64 Because that would completely hopefully diminish the projected 250 balls per year potentially. WESLEY: Chairman Commissioner Dempster, no, I don't recall that being specifically described in the report, how many more that would be. DEMPSTER: Thank you. GRAY: Commissioner Watts? WATTS: The question is really more for Commissioner Dempster. Is this an issue that had to be on the disclosure statement when the house was purchased because it was purchased fairly recent? DEMPSTER: It should have been -- WATTS: And if it was -- DEMPSTER: -- in my opinion. WATTS: -- then this current owner knew what they were getting into when they bought the property. DEMPSTER: If the seller disclosed it. WATTS: I think if you're on a golf course you know what the impact is. DEMPSTER: Um-hum. WATTS: And you would be remiss in not asking the question even if it wasn't on the disclosure statement. DEMPSTER: Correct. And you can also -- I always walk to the edge of the property and turn around, and you can see repairs and marks from previous, I mean, there are things you can eyeball as well. GRAY: John, I think the applicant would like to make a few statements or has a presentation. JOHNSON: I am sorry to be here. We bought the property and we've got a serious problem. And I think maybe the time would be best spent you asking me those questions and I'll do my best to answer them because I've already gone through these questions. Would anybody like to ask me the question you just asked John? How about the 25 versus 33? DEMPSTER: Sure. JOHNSON: Okay. I do think you have the resume. Did you get the resume of the pro TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 11 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 11 of 64 golf instruction? DEMPSTER: Yes. JOHNSON: Did you get it? Okay. It's pretty impeccable. He does a lot of litigation and this is what he does. He's quite the golfer. He says 33 feet based on his trajectories and I guess he's done a lot of studies. Again, if you look at his resume you'll see what he's done. And if you've read the report, you know that he's not a quack, he's a serious guy. It cost a lot of money to do this. I did the report because I just wanted to know after we moved in, am I nuts, is this unusual, or what's the story here. So I hired him to take a look at it. He confirmed what I was seeing. We were getting ten balls a week if not more. Our current tenant that's in the building now is getting about that same number. We were narrowly missed several times. Same thing with our tenant. We only spent two months there. We did a remodel and during that time it was nothing but constant impacts on the home. Someone asked, well, did you have a discloser? We did. It was not disclosed. We were limited at the time as far as getting in there and taking a hard look at the property. We did not notice the number of golf ball strikes. If you look at some of these photos you'll see holes in the wall. Well, those are evident. But what wasn't evident were all the patches that had been done, and it looked more like a rust stucco exterior rather than a flat stucco. And when we hired a -- it really came to our -- I really noticed it after my painter said he almost got knocked off a ladder. While he was painting a ball hit so close to him and he said, you know, someone's painted this wall. My neighbor's wall. And I said, no, I didn't know that. And he says, yeah, there's two different colors here, and look, they've done all these patches. I asked the neighbor to the west if they wanted to participate in this fence once I got to that point and they said no, and they said, you know, we don't want you touching our house. And I said I wouldn't. I said, but have you painted your house, have you painted that wall? And they said no. And I said, well, somebody's painted your wall recently. Okay. And I'm assuming it's the previous seller. But I'm stuck in a position where it's untenable to be in the backyard. We can't use the backyard. Balls directly come splashing into that pool, they ricochet off the wall. Someone, I believe it was Mr. Watts, you mentioned something about how could -- why TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 12 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 12 of 64 would we get so many there based on the fact that most right hand golfers, it tends to go to the right. Well, a lot of people cut that dogleg, so they'll cut across. So rather than try and come up the center and lay it out to the center, they'll try and cut that corner, and that's our house. We stick out there further than anybody else, we take the majority of the impacts. I'm trying to think of what else. Oh. Someone said have you contacted Sunridge. Yeah, I did. I talked to the owner on a couple occasions and I said, look, here's kind of what happening. Is there anything you could do that maybe could help me, is there anything? I don't know. You're the expert. And he says, well, number one, no one's cutting the doglegs. Then we had this report done and the report says, yeah, absolutely, guys are trying to pick up a stroke and they're cutting the dogleg. That's another reason you're getting hit. And I said, well, could you adjust your boxes? So instead of going where they're going now, just kind of tweak them off to the right so they'll have a tendency maybe to hit them off to the right, you know. Could we put some trees out there? Could we do something to kind of get people to hit it to the right a little bit more? And at one point he said, maybe I could do something like that. And then was kind of the last I heard. I followed up and essentially he would like to do nothing, and I can't force him to do anything at this point in time. Okay. So I've attempted to do that with him. I hired the experts who came in the backyard and they said, yeah, well, look, you need a fence on the northeast corner and that ought to give you some safety while you're sitting in your backyard. They also said the horizontal netting that goes over the pool, depending how far you want to take it, that would give you safety from balls ricocheting off the other wall and/or literally just arching over and dropping right in on the area where you would typically sit. It's not 18 feet. I think the original plan was 18 feet and I don't know how that got by us but I don't need 18 feet as far as height on that west side. I just need like 11 or 12 feet, just something to cover it and a little slope down to the house. And that I don't think anybody would see from the street. I'm trying to think what else was asked. Who else asked a question that John answered? Will there be more requests? Possibly. But I'm looking at 25 to 30,000 dollars to do this netting. I doubt there's that many people that want to put that much money into their TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 13 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 13 of 64 backyards, you know, so they don't get hit by a golf ball. But if you'll look again at that study, I am the one that's impacted the most. Again, if you'll look at that study where the balls are going, they're going to me. The first series of homes, including my neighbor to the east, are not impacted the same as I am. There is a drawing in there where he shows a number of balls and how they're scattered around. You'll see the lines where he's showing which ball at what speed ends up where, and again, it's us. Had I known this to begin with, we wouldn't have bought the property. It was not disclosed. As far as, yeah, you live on a golf course you're going to get golf balls. Yep. We know that. We live on a golf course in Idaho. And no, we don't get anything like this. I think we got two balls last year. I talked to my neighbors further down the road, down the line, and no one gets anything like this. No one. After we moved in, after we were in the process of doing some remodeling, someone showed up at my door ,and he was a previous kid that did the pool, he's a pool service. And he says, hey, I thought I was going to do your pool service. And I said, I thought you were too but I never got your contact information so I didn't know how to contact you. I said, I asked the seller for this information, never got it. And he says, well, that's really strange because I thought we had a good relationship. When the previous seller moved out he gave me 400 golf balls that he'd collected in the backyard. I said, well, that's interesting because no one told me anything about any of this. So I'm faced with a really serious situation, which basically makes the yard unusable. Some people are saying, you know, gee, it's going to look ugly. I don't think you're going to see a whole lot from the street. If my netting on the west side is only 11 feet sloping down to say 10 to my house, that's going to be hard to see and it's just going to be basically a few poles with the nets. On the northeast corner if we can go to 33 feet, that should make a huge difference. Previously the HOA approved 25 feet. I have the records, I have the emails, I have the approval. This time around I think somebody lobbied the HOA against me and I think that's why they haven't come out and said, okay, look, we're okay with 33 feet, because I think originally they were aware of the liability that I had as an owner renting that property to somebody. And yes, I did disclose that to my new tenant. I said, you know, we're get a hell of a lot of golf balls out here. I'm not sure how many, but I'm going to TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 14 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 14 of 64 have a study done and I'll share it with you once I get it done. If you have an issue, let me know. If you need to be let out of the lease, let me know if it becomes a problem for you. And they're telling me now, yeah, gee, Jim, there's a problem. We've almost got hit a couple times. So maybe if you have any other questions you want to ask me, feel free to ask me now because I've done a lot of research on this, and you know, I'm very concerned. DEMPSTER: I have a question. Can you clarify because we keep hearing different, or I keep hearing different heights. So the northeast corner -- JOHNSON: Uh-huh. DEMPSTER: -- what is the height of the net that you're requesting? JOHNSON: 33 feet. DEMPSTER: 33 feet. And when you're talking about 11 feet, you're talking about the horizontal -- JOHNSON: This one, yeah. DEMPSTER: -- net on the west side? Oh, John has a pointer. So you're talking about -- JOHNSON: Right here. DEMPSTER: -- an 11 foot -- JOHNSON: 11 foot. DEMPSTER: -- net that slopes -- JOHNSON: Not 18. If it was 18 you could see that pretty -- DEMPSTER: Yes. JOHNSON: -- clearly. Just 11 feet here sloping down to say 10 feet here, connected to the home. DEMPSTER: Right. JOHNSON: The ledger board or however we have to construct that. They've done the engineering. I've done the engineering. And here it's 33. Now, 25 sounds like a lot, but if 8 feet makes a difference between somebody getting hit at 97 miles an hour and not, I say I'd go the extra 8. DEMPSTER: And then do you have anything with you showing that the HOA approved a net? JOHNSON: I didn't bring it with me. I didn't think it would be an issue. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 15 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 15 of 64 DEMPSTER: Okay. JOHNSON: Yeah. But I do have it. DEMPSTER: I'm just -- JOHNSON: Yeah. DEMPSTER: -- curious. JOHNSON: Absolutely DEMPSTER: Okay. And they approved which net? JOHNSON: The 25 feet. DEMPSTER: A 25 foot net in the northeast corner? JOHNSON: On the northeast corner and one going across the horizontal net. When I submitted it to the planning commission, I heard that, you know, you can't have one over 6 feet, so I think that's why we're here now, to get a horizontal net that's high enough so it doesn't look like, you know, you're walking out to -- DEMPSTER: We're here -- JOHNSON: -- your backyard you have to duck underneath this netting. DEMPSTER: We're -- JOHNSON: And I'm doing everything I can to not impose on anybody and not take anybody's views away because I don't think anybody's views are impacted except for mine. I'm doing what I can and I'm working with everybody I can work with. And if someone has a better idea, I'm all for it. COREY: I have a question. GRAY: Commissioner Corey? COREY: Yes. JOHNSON: Oh. COREY: Thank you, Chair. So you know, I think we're in a unique situation here because we've got not only the backyard that you're proposing but the side yard there as well. I'm just looking at the illustration from the vendor that you had draw up the plans. So it looks like it's protruding far beyond the roof. I'm just curious, Applicant, did you look into maybe having -- if this was lowered but have some sort of screening on top that if the walls were lower the balls would just hit on TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 16 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 16 of 64 that top screening? And I'm almost thinking like you think about like how a lot of homes in Florida are with the bird cage around the pool area. That would all be within your property. It would protect from the balls coming from kind of top down direction as well. Did you look into that at all? JOHNSON: I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Let me just say this again. On the west side, which would be next to my neighbor's wall, we're looking at say 11 feet. Going down to my property, my wall, 10 feet and connecting to that. So it's just a net overhead, it's not a complete birdcage, it's just an overhead net sloping down. There's an issue with an easement there that my neighbor to the west is giving me a five foot easement, and as I understand it, the HOA has said if they will agree, I could put poles in that easement, and then drape it over to my house, and connect it to my house. I'd have to be a foot off of their wall. Okay. I'd have to be a foot off of their wall in order to do that but I'd need their approval. If you say, well, look, you've got to go 5 feet off that wall, then you can't put posts in there because there's just not enough room. There's the pool that's going to get in the way. There's just not enough room. So I'd have to, according to what I understand, I'd have to get their approval to do that, to go into that easement. And again, if there's another way of doing this, I'm looking for solutions. I'm not looking to cause problems but I have a problem. So I'm here to brainstorm with you if we can find a way. GRAY: Jim, just for clarity. Is the L-shaped fence, the 33 foot fence, is that measured from native grade or is that measured from top of your retainer there? JOHNSON: Oh, no. That's measured from the ground up. GRAY: And finished floor being your backyard or the golf course elevation? JOHNSON: No. that would be my backyard. GRAY: Your backyard. JOHNSON: So it would be the backyard and then here's your fence, 33 feet. GRAY: So really off the course we're talking -- JOHNSON: It's not right. The course doesn't go -- JOHNSON: Yeah. The course goes downhill, or the course is lower. GRAY: Right. Yeah. It looks like a double retainer back there. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 17 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 17 of 64 JOHNSON: Yeah. There's a double retaining wall, drops down about 8 feet or something of that sort. We're kind of up there on an island by ourselves. I'm going to use an analogy here, I hope it's okay. The wall look like Fallujah. Okay. What was left at Fallujah. And that's on the west side. It's hit and pock marked that bad. And again, when we bought the property, we had very limited access to it. We were denied contractors to go in there and give us estimates on the property to do various things, one of which was to paint. And I think, personally, he did it because of the fact he didn't want us to come back and actually notice the number, and notice the fact that these were all golf hits. When you saw those photos it's not just one hole. That hole's been patched -- there are two, three, four holes in that same area, and you can see how they patched it, and then they came in and then they patched it, and then they patched it. It wasn't a good job but that whole thing's been patched. GRAY: And that's actually on the neighbor's elevation, right? JOHNSON: That's on the neighbor's elevation. Now, on my -- these are zero lot line homes. On the right hand side of that photo there, that'd be east side. My wall doesn't look that great either, but that's my neighbor to the east, and they're not impacted as much as I am. And that you'll see by the analysis that was done by the golf pro. GRAY: Is your neighbor to the west is a full adopter, full participant? The neighbor who's given you the 5 foot easement. JOHNSON: Yeah. That was to the -- GRAY: They're on board with your horizontal net? JOHNSON: I haven't asked them. I didn't know that we would even need to do that. I thought, well, I mean, I didn't know this. I'm learning. WESLEY: Chair, one of the two emails I left up there at your podium this evening is from that neighbor to the west, and they do have concerns. GRAY: The one to the west? WESLEY: Yes. MAYOR GRAY: Okay. JOHNSON: Did they say no? WESLEY: They don't want something attached to their house. They weren't clear if they TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 18 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 18 of 64 would approve any kind of poles in between, but they were also concerned about the view impacts. JOHNSON: Okay. So we're not going to attach anything to their home. It's a pole that goes up a foot away from their house, from their wall, right. It's a foot away, the pole goes up, you attach a net above, down, and connects to my home on a ledger board. And that's the proposal by the people that do nets. This is what they do. They do golf nets. That's what they do. This was their proposal on how to solve the problem. Again, a lot of the rounds that are coming in, the incoming rounds are arched. And again, you go back and look at how the analysis was put together, he talks about the different clubs. He talks about the different strokes. He talks about left-handers, right-handers. I mean, the guy's really complete. These balls are arching over. I've been out in the backyard and you'd say, how in the heck can a ball get that low down there? How is that possible? It has to come all the way over and literally hit this low. Well, guess what, they're arching over and they're hitting it. My neighbor to the west, look at their roof. I put a new roof in, okay, when we moved in because there were so many problems with the roof. It had been patched but it was haphazard so I put a new roof in. The people to the west, their roof is destroyed. It's just cracked tile, after cracked tile, after cracked tile. They're from Canada. They come down, they don't care, here we are. I met them twice. They're very nice people. She thinks I want to attach something to her house, and I don't want to attach anything to your house. I would like to put a pole there, if I could, to run a net across, if that's possible. GRAY: Fair enough. Commissioner Watts? WATTS: What was the duration of the study? JOHNSON: What do you mean, the duration? WATTS: How long did it take -- how long did he accumulate the data that he is presenting in his study? GRAY: He just applied data to this geometry. He didn't -- WATTS: Well, but there's a specific question. If I've got three impacts over the course of some duration based upon scatter plot that's one thing. But if that's representative of ten impacts per dot, and I don't know what that is, that's why I'm asking the duration of TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 19 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 19 of 64 the scatter plot, the collection of that data. JOHNSON: I think, and I'm not sure, but again, it's in his resume. I think he's been doing this for 25 years or something. He's an expert. He testifies in lawsuits. GRAY: Just statistical analysis. JOHNSON: It's just -- MAYOR GRAY: It wasn't an -- JOHNSON: Yeah. MAYOR GRAY: -- actual data capture. JOHNSON: It's an analysis. WATTS: It's not an actual data capture? GRAY: No. JOHNSON: No. It's an analysis based on -- GRAY: He's just saying -- KOVACEVIC: How do you put -- MAYOR GRAY: -- two standard deviations away will result in X number of balls in this -- KOVACEVIC: I have never seen -- GRAY: -- sector. KOVACEVIC: -- a scatter plot put together without data behind it. GRAY: Well, there's data behind the scatter plot but then he's applying that scatter plot to this -- KOVACEVIC: Yeah. GRAY: -- particular situation. KOVACEVIC: But if the data wasn't accumulated on the 11th tee on Sunridge Canyon -- WATTS: Doesn't it still reflect three dots on the house no matter how you got there? I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and say, look, if this was over one day and you got three impacts in one day, but if it's over a month and -- JOHNSON: I mean -- WATTS: -- you've got three impacts in a month -- JOHNSON: I was there two months, okay. I was there two months doing a remodel, 25, 30 balls. What does that work out to? He's guestimating, and right now based on what TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 20 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 20 of 64 we were receiving, because we were getting eight to ten a week for the first bit, then there was a break, okay, and something happened with the golf course and not that many people were playing, and then they came back, and we were running about eight to ten balls a week., and that's about what my tenant right now is getting. And I asked him, just watch this thing, watch, tell me how many balls you're getting. And if it's me, if I'm a whack-o, great, I'm a whack-o, tell me you're not getting any balls in that backyard. And he says, man, my wife almost got hit. She was in the pool, we like to use the pool, you know. And I said, are there any hours you could use the pool, could you use it maybe later? And he said, well, you know, people are going to play until 7, 8 o'clock at night, or 9, or whenever they stop playing golf, I don't know, but people are constantly hitting balls. When we were there it would have to be dark before it was really safe to go out. And I'm concerned about guests, I'm concerned about tenants, I'm concerned about, you know, kids, grandkids coming over. We would like to eventually come down here and move down here, all right, and that was the purpose of buying it, but we've had to rent it because it was part of a tax deferred exchange. So we've got to rent it for now for the next whatever the law requires. But it's just not safe for me or anyone else at this point in time. And you know, I just don't like to have the liability of, you know, this kind of thing where it could be avoided. I'm just trying to avoid the situation, somebody getting hit by a ball. And I don't know if that answered your question but -- WATTS: I want to -- WESLEY: And if you don't mind just for a second -- WATTS: Sure. WESLEY: -- Chair Commissioner Watts. I don't know if this helps much but in number 6 in the report, it's basically assuming 50,000 rounds per year to get into the 250 balls coming into this lot, that combined with the trajectories. That's the closest I see to any kind of number to go by. WATTS: That's what his projections are based upon? WESLEY: Right. From 50,000 rounds of golf a year. WATTS: Okay. And I would assume that Sunridge has somewhere along that line of activity and the falling off periods are probably the summertime when everybody TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 21 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 21 of 64 basically quits playing golf -- JOHNSON: Right. WATTS: -- for the most part. JOHNSON: Right. Um-hum. WATTS: And does Sunridge also recognize their liability? I mean, it's clear on the scorecards that you have the liability for hitting something or somebody. JOHNSON: Hear no evil see no evil. I've attempted to talk to him and I will talk to him again. And I'm nice about it and just tell him, look, we have this problem, and please feel free to come by and take a look. I'd like to show you. He hasn't show up. He doesn't answer my calls, occasionally. A couple times we did get a chance to talk and he said, well, I don't want to do anything. And he was really rough, he was really gruff. It's his business, leave me alone. Okay. And I would call him back and say, look, I'd really like to talk to you because I've got this issue and I think, you know, we should talk about it because I'm willing to work with you. I'm not asking you to put nets up for me. I'm not asking you to pay anything. But if there's anything we can do with how you hit the ball off the tee, perhaps we could do something there. And at one time he said, well, maybe I could tweak it a little bit. I said, that would be great. Anything you could do to just get people rather than trying to cut that corner, they're going to have to lay it more out in the center. They're going to -- and if you put a nice tree down here where if they try and cut that corner they've got to go over that tree, or they got to dodge that tree, they are going to twist to the right a little bit. Okay. And there's just that much more room off to the right. I'm not trying to lay the problem off to the houses that are over there, there's just that much more distance between the tee and where that ball would lie out there, it's going to be a lot safer for everybody. And I will go back and talk to him. I've got a lawyer right now, we're working, people are going to start getting notices, okay, so they'll be some wake up calls. This, as far as I'm concerned, would really help me as far as safety goes and anyone else, so I'm just trying to avoid any and all conflicts with everybody, but there's an issue with the previous seller, and you know, we're going to have to work that one out. It's expensive, I don't want to do it, and I sure don't want to hurt anybody else's views. I don't think anybody else's views will be impacted. If you'll look at the home to the west there's TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 22 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 22 of 64 a big tree there, they'll never see it, right up there in the corner. And on the east we have a tree. Most of this fence, as the tree grows, is going to be covered. Okay. You're going to come out of the home to the east, you'd come out, go to the backyard, look and look off to, I guess that would be the west, you'll see a fence, you'll see the netting. You'll also see a tree that we have right there that we're going to keep, we're going to work around the tree. So we're trying to minimize impacts to everybody and especially someone getting hit with a ball, and whatever happens after that. What didn't I cover? KOVACEVIC: Yeah. JOHNSON: What can I be clear about? KOVACEVIC: I have a question for John. John, can the town mediate something between the golf course and the petitioner? WESLEY: Chairman Commissioner, we don't have a specific mediator but I suppose that's something we could try to all get into a room together on it and discuss. KOVACEVIC: Yeah. WESLEY: And I've done that before. KOVACEVIC: Yeah. I want to add a little clarity if I might be able to. If you could bring up an overhead of the golf hole. WESLEY: I'll put up how much we've got. What are you looking for? Is that good enough or -- KOVACEVIC: Yeah. That can work. WESLEY: Good. KOVACEVIC: So if you see the line that basically shows the direction that you want to hit, I mean, there are -- which is the red button? Is that the -- whoop. MAYOR GRAY: That's not the -- KOVACEVIC: The wrong button. Which is the red? Oh, there it is. That one? No. GRAY: Yeah. It was up on the screen. You just got to point it in the right direction. KOVACEVIC: There we go. All right. That line. The way the golf hole lays out, it give you more room to the right, and the visual from the tee is that you do want to hit the ball to the right. The problem is, if you hit the ball to the right, and nobody's addressed this, there's a strand of trees and things down here in front of the green and a little wash TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 23 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 23 of 64 that protect the green. So if you're out to the right, you don't have a shot to the green. And the people that know this try and play the golf hole down the left-hand side because the best place to get to the green is to land here. And if you land here, and you miss hit, and you hit a hook, you're in Petitioners backyard and bouncing off the houses over there. And I do think that the golf course owner-operator could, at a low cost, put in some trees, first of all, to protect the homes; and B, cut back the trees that are in the wash in order to open up the golf hole from the right hand side. But I don't know if that's something that the city or the town would be willing to intervene in. WESLEY: And unfortunately I'm not in a position to say how much we could do that, but could check into it. KOVACEVIC: Yeah. And that's, I guess, what we could, you know, all we could hope for on that line along those lines. JOHNSON: I appreciate you even thinking about that. I appreciate it. GRAY: Well, he wants to cut his -- JOHNSON: I just want to -- MAYOR GRAY: -- golf strokes too. JOHNSON: What's that? GRAY: He wants to cut is golf strokes down too. [LAUGHTER] JOHNSON: Well, you start at my place, you know. MAYOR GRAY: Yeah. JOHNSON: You know, just kind of chop it over that. KOVACEVIC: And no, I've never hit that house. JOHNSON: Yeah. Okay. Hey. MAYOR GRAY: Commissioners -- JOHNSON: I just want to say one last -- or not one last thing, but we bought the home through a 1031 exchange. Okay. We own a lot of properties. We own really nice properties. All our properties are kept up. That's what we do. Okay. We intend to move into that property, okay, as soon as whatever the waiting period is for a 1031 to where you can transition it into your own home. Ms. Dempster? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 24 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 24 of 64 DEMPSTER: Um-hum. JOHNSON: You're a real estate person and you probably know what that period is. I think it's basically a year, year and a half -- DEMPSTER: Um-hum. JOHNSON: -- something of that sort; is that correct? DEMPSTER: Yes. JOHNSON: Okay. So we didn't buy it as an investment property, we're just going to rent it and throw a net up. If it was just an investment property, we wouldn't put another 25,000, 30,000 into it, I would just rent it, and I'd have some sort of disclosure, you know, hey, there's a lot of golf balls, be careful. Okay. We didn't' do that and we don't intend to do that. And if I have netting, and my netting looks awful, it's gone because we're going to live there and we intend to keep it up. So I know probably someone's come along and said, oh, he's an investor. Yeah. That's what we've done. That's what we are. We are investors. We buy real estate. But we buy them and we hold them. We buy them in good locations, great properties, we have super tenants, and we maintain all of our properties really well. And if anything we want the values to continue to go up, that's why we chose this location. JOHNSON: Our HOA requires 12 months rent. That is not like an Airbnb where people just turn and burn. JOHNSON: This is my wife. JOHNSON: So it's a minimum 12 months. So an investor would buy something where it's a minimum, you know, of three months on a tenant, but this one has a year. So this for people who want to live in a community and want a nice community, and we're going to move into this home. GRAY: Commissioner Dapaah? DAPAAH: Yeah. So yeah. I appreciate the details that you really put in submitting this document here. And you know, from a safety standpoint alone, okay, I mean, I've witnessed somebody come to the ER with a golf ball lodged in their forehead. JOHNSON: Oh, jeez. DAPAAH: And I understand what you're saying. Are you willing to get into some sort of an agreement with the HOA on the way it's designed, and perhaps how it can be TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 25 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 25 of 64 maintained, okay, preventative maintenance because that's a concern of some of the neighbors, they think that this can someday become a problem. And I don't know how much of an impact this actually can be on property value. Is there anything there, Susan? DEMPSTER: In my opinion, if it prevents someone's views -- DAPAAH: Yeah. DEMPSTER: -- if it blocks someone's views, that can impact someone's -- DAPAAH: That can impact -- DEMPSTER: Yes. DAPAAH: -- that. But -- JOHNSON: Whose view would it block? I mean, really look at -- if you'll -- and I know that he has one page here. Oh shoot. DEMPSTER: Well, I think -- JOHNSON: I just turned this off. DEMPSTER: The -- JOHNSON: And it shows how they're staggered out there, there's really no view there. I have a tree where the neighbors to the east, and I believe they're here today and they can probably speak to this. But there's a tree there that if that's their view, they're looking through my tree. Okay. I'm going to leave the tree there because I want the tree there. I don't want block anybody's view. And as far as -- you bet -- DAPAAH: Yeah. JOHNSON: As far as keeping that netting up, I talked to the guy, he said, oh, our netting's good, you know, it's good for ten years. And I said, okay, okay. So how long's your netting really good for out in the sun out here in Arizona? He said, it's good for ten years. It's special, this, that or another. And I said, whatever. If down the road I call you and I need new netting, can you come out, will you come out? He said, that's what we do. This is all the -- the people that designed this for me, this is what they do, you know. They don't want to do some other project, they do this kind of project here. So absolutely. I want it took look good. I mean, we're there. DAPAAH: Okay. JOHNSON: We're not slum lords, and you know, we're not running around counting TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 26 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 26 of 64 every last penny. We just put another 130,000 into the property. Not that the property was awful or anything, it was just we updated, brought it up to speed, you know, and everything costs so much money. So we did all that because we want to move into that property. But because of the tax laws, we can't do a thing for a year, year and half, whatever my accountant and my attorney tells me, at that point in time I could convert it. So again, I'm not here to create a problem, and you know, we belong to six HOAs, or seven HOAs, or maybe more, and there's just no issue with us. We work with everybody to make sure that we do our best and we're good neighbors, you know. But in this case, and again, I'd rather not put money into this property after putting another 130. In this particular case this is dangerous. Someone is going to getting nailed out there and someone's going to get hurt. They're going to look to me and I'm going to look to somebody else, you know, because litigation's just expensive, it's really expensive. If we can avoid any kind of problems in the future by doing this, or lessen them, then I say let me spend my money. And yeah. And I'm sorry you've got a 25 foot limit. Somebody created that out of whatever but I got an actual guy that understands trajectory. As a matter of fact, last thing I'll say . I have a nephew in the Marine Corps, he works with all the latest cannons, you know. All the HIMARS that now Ukraine has, that's what he works on. And in passing, he happen to be here in the U.S., and I said, hey, look at this. Does this sound about right? And he says, yeah. Trajectory wise, he says, yeah. I think this guy's right on. He says, I've used some of his actual -- the same kind of applications to figure out where I'm dropping those rounds. Okay. he says, yeah. This guy's for real. So again, look at his resume, that's why I hired him. If you don't have any other questions I'll stand down and I appreciate your time. GRAY: Appreciate that, Jim. So we'll open the public hearing and then if we've got any follow up questions we'll call you back up. JOHNSON: Okay. Thank you very much. GRAY: So John, before we open public hearing, just kind of distilling down to where we're actually at. We're actually reviewing an application for the northeast corner, a net up to 25 feet, right, is what's actually on the table for us, and then anything above and TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 27 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 27 of 64 beyond that would need to go to board of adjustment down the road. WESLEY: Right. MAYOR GRAY: And if I understood correctly, the secondary horizontal net application, so long as Jim's willing to reduce that height down to accessory structure height, does that change whether or not that's a part of this equation or not? WESLEY: Yes. Because of the setback requirements that will go with it for any other type of structure, it doesn't quite meet those, so it is falling into that golf fence. That's what he's applying for and it's not specifically covered by the code. So yes. GRAY: Okay. And if he went to more of cantilever structure, you know, there's hundreds and hundreds of examples of that around the valley here that didn't have an anchoring point within the setback, would that change and rule that out? WESLEY: Yes. That would make a difference. Again, I'm not the engineer, or the architect, or designer in any way for that, but I did, you know, try to look at it the best I could. And just with the location of where the pool is, that would be I think a challenge to have anchoring posts here that would cantilever out that far to really cover the pool like he's wanting to. Maybe it could be done but it would be a challenge. GRAY: So that's the 25 foot at about midpoint there of the pool, give or take? WESLEY: So I'm not sure exactly what you're asking but the actual -- MAYOR GRAY: Well, from -- WESLEY: -- property line runs right along the west edge of that pool. GRAY: The east to west, how wide is that side yard? WESLEY: I don't remember that at this point. I think some of the dimensions I did look at -- I don't remember what that is. MAYOR GRAY: 5 foot. WESLEY: This is an R1-6A, so it has a 5 foot side yard requirement is all it has. GRAY: Okay. WESLEY: And a 10 foot rear yard. I looked at some designs maybe of, you know, some kind of triangle shaped thing that could cover part of it, might be options. But again, it probably could be engineered but a cantilever that far, that would take a lot of engineering and probably a lot of cost. GRAY: And so if it goes forward as proposed here, there's a whole other easement issue TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 28 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 28 of 64 to work through with the adjacent parcel owner? WESLEY: Correct. Because again, the property line is some place right through here, and through the use and benefit easement this property owner has use of this 5 feet. It's not clear to me what all he can really do with that. It talks about pools being able to be in that easement. But when you do some other kind of structure, can that be there? Again, it's not clear to me and we need to have that clarified before we would issue building permit. GRAY: Okay. But that can be handled administratively -- WESLEY: Correct. GRAY: -- without -- okay. Okay. Commissioners let's go ahead and open the public hearing portion. Angela, do we have any speaker cards? PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Yes, we do. For my clarification, are you referring to agenda item 5 or 6? GRAY: 5, right? PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Okay. We do. GRAY: Yes, 5. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: We do. We have a Bobbie Kennamer. KENNAMER: Hi. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to tell you what our opinion is on everything. And I am all for the Johnson's being safe. Safety is extremely important to us as well. I wanted to voice my opinion on the proposed netting for the home located at 15816 East Brittlebush Lane. I've lived at 15820 East Brittlebush Lane for four years. My home is located on the east side of the home requesting a variance, actually, I'll be, I think, most impacted because I'm on the side with the 33 foot fence that they're wanting. As a Fountain Hills realtor I certainly understand that properties located on the golf course side of the street often bring a higher price. When I purchased my home the home was a fixer upper but my husband and I, because of the mountain views to the east and the west and the golf course, we decided that's the house we wanted to buy. And so we spent, gosh, I think it was close to 80,000 dollars installing professional landscaping to minimize the risk of stray balls. We also installed a pergola over the sitting area, an TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 29 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 29 of 64 outdoor kitchen, and planted trees along the west side of our property that's adjacent to 15816 East Brittlebush Lane to minimize balls ricocheting off our neighbor's home. It has worked. That picture you saw up there was an old picture. Now, since we've installed the pergola, and then we've installed bushes and trees it softens those hits, and there's maybe one ding on that side of the wall now that we've done all of that. So it is working. We have our grandchildren in the backyard. We have neighbors in the backyard. And we just, you know, we've just done things to minimize the risk and make it safe for us. I don't argue that the Johnson's want to make their backyard safer. I don't blame them. But I just challenge the way it's being done. I think there's other things that can be considered that would make their home just as safe. But my husband and I did our homework before purchasing our home. We realize the golf course opened up for business in 1995, and our home was built in '98, so we will not hold the golf course liable, they were there before the homes were. And we won't hold any of the golfers responsible either. We knew the risk when we bought the home. As this is the second home we have owned on a golf course we understand that there is a risk involved in purchasing a home on a golf course. Some homes have more risks than others depending on the home's location, but I feel like it's the responsibility of the potential homeowner to perform their due diligence before purchasing the home, and talking to the golf course and finding out where those homes that are most at risk are before they make their final decision in purchasing a home. I oppose the variance and the netting for several reasons. As an agent, I can guarantee you it will lower my property value. It will restrict our views that I enjoy and the main reason that we purchased our home. I don't know how a 33 foot fence couldn't limit our views in some capacity but that's just me. Research supports that over time the harsh climate causes the netting to fray and I'm ongoing maintenance is needed to prevent the netting from becoming an eyesore. The owner of this property did not buy this home as a primary residence or even a second home. It was purchased by an LLC with the intent to rent it. I know he says that he plans on moving into the home, and that's great, but that's not the reality right now. The reality right now is that that home is a rental home and we don't know how long it will be a TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 30 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 30 of 64 rental home for sure. What will the fence look like two years from now, three years from now, five years from now? You know, I don't know. And are there any measures that can be put in place to ensure that that will be maintained in a proper way. I took the time to talk to our neighbors about their opinion of installing golf netting. There's 16 homes, excluding the home in question, on the golf side of Brittlebush. Nine homeowners oppose the netting, one person didn't care, and the remaining homeowners were not home when I went door knocking, but I will be reaching out to them as well because I want everyone's opinion. I do know the homeowner on the immediate west side of the property in question doesn't want the golf netting, but I was not able to talk to them, you know, in person and get them to sign this form that I sent around the neighborhood. One homeowner did say these homes have been here since the 90's and this has never been a problem. This is a business decision to reduce the liability of a rental property. And that's not coming from me, that was coming from another neighbor. In summary, I'm opposed to the golf netting and I encourage the HOA and the city officials not to approve the golf netting. I've included the signatures of the neighbors opposing the golf netting and a few articles regarding golf nets, and I'll be glad to forward that to anyone, and I highlighted the areas of those articles. I'm not opposed to the owner installing a pergola over their pool or other areas that are considered risk areas. You know, there's all kinds of ways to do that. I do value safety -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: One question. KENNAMER: -- and that is why I installed a pergola and landscape screening in my own yard to reduce the risk of stray balls, not only in my yard, but it also has protected my neighbor's property from damage to their wall. So you know, I'm trying to be a good neighbor too and I don't want to start a war, but I feel like I'm entitled to my opinion too to let you know what I feel like in my home. Rick, did you have anything? KENNAMER: Yeah. We bought this as our only home. We moved here -- GRAY: Rick. KENNAMER: -- from Tennessee 15 years ago. I'm sorry. GRAY: Yeah. And let's get you -- we'll break the rules here a little bit. We'll have you TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 31 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 31 of 64 fill out the speaker card afterwards. KENNAMER: Thank you. GRAY: But we'll give you a couple minutes. KENNAMER: Okay. We moved here from Tennessee 15 years ago. We've lived in McCormick Ranch. I'm about to retire. We said, okay, let's downsize. So we sold our home in McCormick Ranch, moved out here almost five years ago. And just like my wife said, we bought this home because of the views. The backyards are postage stamps, they're not big. And you know, there's a see through fence so you can see the golf course and that kind of thing. But the wall in question here is, I mean, I can sit on my patio and I'm going to see this monstrosity, and it's a visual thing, and it impacts the view, and it impacts our property values, and I totally oppose it, as do most of our neighbors. KENNAMER: Yeah. We feel like it's going to -- we feel like we're kind of going to be living next door to Topgolf. That's the vision we had in our head. KENNAMER: Right. KENNAMER: But you know, I just feel like there's other ways that -- like we did, we put up a pergola. If we needed to put up other coverings over our porch areas, if there were more balls coming in there, certainly we would've done that. We would've done anything necessary to make any guest visiting our home -- KENNAMER: Right. KENNAMER: -- safe. So I mean, I understand that. I just feel like -- and the suggestion you had about talking to the golf course and seeing if they -- KENNAMER: That was -- KENNAMER: That's excellent. KENNAMER: Yes. KENNAMER: I think they would probably be open to something like that, hopefully. JOHNSON: They weren't. They weren't. KENNAMER: I guess not. JOHNSON: No. KENNAMER: But you know, I don't know. KENNAMER: But back to the study. I heard the study -- you asked, Mr. Kovacevic, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 32 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 32 of 64 you asked a question about, I think there was like 50,000 rounds of golf in a year? KOVACEVIC: That was Commissioner Watt (sic). I don't -- KENNAMER: Oh, Commissioner Watt (sic). KOVACEVIC: I don't want to take credit for that. KENNAMER: Okay. It'd be John, Rick. MAYOR GRAY: Right. KENNAMER: So anyway, 50,000 rounds of golf, the course is closed 2 months a year, so that leaves 10 months to do 50,000 rounds. That's 170 rounds a day. I don't think we get near 170 rounds a day. KENNAMER: I don't know, I can't speak to that. But I did have a question though. Of the six homes that do have golf netting, are any of them on zero lot lines in Sunridge Canyon? KENNAMER: Well, no homes in Sunridge Canyon have them. KENNAMER: None in Sunridge Canyon. KENNAMER: No homes in Sunridge Canyon have this structure now. KENNAMER: Because I know I drove around looking for them because I thought there were some, but where they said they were I never saw any, and I didn't know if it was because the netting had been installed, you know, lower than the vision from the street. But all right. Well, that answers that. Well, maybe because they are a zero lot line. I mean, it's -- KENNAMER: Yeah. KENNAMER: -- kind of hard, but -- GRAY: Second rule break. Commissioner Watts? WATTS: There's been a lot of reference to the views that are going to be disturbed. So I can be sympathetic if it's a spectacular view of four peaks or something along those lines, but if it's a backyard of somebody else. So can you describe what the view is sitting in your patio in back without the fence there and what you're looking at? I don't see anything in the documents that we've got. KENNAMER: So there are rules in Sunridge Canyon that the trees can't go above a certain height, period. And so the views that we get, I have mountain views. I don't know the name of them. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 33 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 33 of 64 KENNAMER: McDowell. KENNAMER: But -- KENNAMER: McDowell. KENNAMER: McDowell? GRAY: McDowell's. KENNAMER: Yeah. I can see mountains and the mountains are certainly taller than the homes, or a tree, or you know. But I just think it's going to obstruct our views and lower our property values. That beyond a shadow of a doubt, lower -- KENNAMER: Yeah. It's -- KENNAMER: -- property values. KENNAMER: Yeah. It's -- KENNAMER: Yeah. KENNAMER: It's an unpleasant looking structure. WATTS: Thank you. KENNAMER: Yeah. But we have mountain views to the left and the right, to the east and the west. So anyway. Do you have any questions for me? GRAY: No. Appreciate the effort and the conversation this evening. Thank you. KENNAMER: Oh, and where can I send this information to? GRAY: We'll have you get it to Angela and she'll get it into the record for you. We did get your petition sheet and the letter, the email, I think it came this afternoon, right? So we've -- KENNAMER: There's more signatures now -- GRAY: Okay. KENNAMER: -- then there were earlier. So okay. JOHNSON: I don't know the protocol but could I answer one of her -- GRAY: Let's finish the public hearing and then we'll call you back up. JOHNSON: Okay. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Yes. Larry Meyers. MEYERS: Thanks for letting me speak. As you can tell, I golf. I've golfed this hole a million times. I lived on a golf course and whatever the view is that you think these TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 34 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 34 of 64 people have, they're living next to Topgolf because that thing will be uglier than sin. But I get his point. The problem is putting up something ugly doesn't modify a golfer's behavior. So what you have to do with one step further than Commissioner Kovacevic stated, if you put that top view up there again, you can modify the golfing behavior on the hole by going to the golf course owner and taking your 30 grand that you're going to spend on an ugly net, and buy him some trees, and get his permission to put them out on the dogleg, and that discourages your from cutting the corner. And also rather than telling people they can't use a golf club, it will force you to use a particular golf club, and you will lay up with a 7-iron instead of trying to cut the corner. These are the proper things to do rather than throw up something ugly. Sorry, it's going to be ugly. And I lived on the 7th at Desert Canyon where the balls came flying over the green, and landing in my pool, and bouncing off my cool deck, and breaking my sliding glass doors. But I bought that house knowing I was on the green of a golf course. So you know what you buy and you deal with it in a manner that doesn't affect anyone else. And I don't think that the golf course, he's not going to pay for this. He's not going to put 4 mature trees at 5,000 a piece or so out on that dogleg. But if you said, I'll pay for this, I bet you he does it because it doesn't hurt the hole, it actually makes the hole harder. Golf courses are always looking to change the perspective of the course. They change it because then they get more people, they get more customers. If you golf the thing enough times you can beat any course. I've beat that course. I've cut that dogleg when I was young. I would never cut it now but people don't know what they can't do and they try to do it. I get it. So I think the natural course of event in order to modify golfing behavior is a more reasonable thing to expect then to expect your neighbors to look at 25 foot high poles in a town that only lets you have a 12 and a half foot flagpole. Think about that. This town lets you have a 12 and a half foot high flagpole but you're talking about a 25 foot, and maybe a 33 foot pole with a net on it. Sorry. Ugly. Thanks. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: No one else. GRAY: Any more speaker cards? Thank you -- TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 35 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 35 of 64 PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Nope. GRAY: -- Angela. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Yeah. Sure. GRAY: John, I'll bring you back up first. JOHNSON: I've requested a speaking. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Oh. sure. As the applicant? JOHNSON: May I address one issue? GRAY: We have to close the public hearing first and then we can do the back and forth again. JOHNSON: Oh, okay. JOHNSON: I'm Carissa Johnson. Thank you very much for your time. First, I would like to address Ms. Kennamer's comment that we bought this as an LLC. When you purchase a tax deferred exchange, the money goes into an LLC, a title holder that's an independent party until you complete the exchange. And so the property is now in the name of Jim and Carissa Johnson. It is not under an LLC. It was for a short period of time. As to whether I bought this to have a rental? No. My mother has severe dementia, she lives in Scottsdale in Belmont Village. My sisters lives in Cave Creek and she just retired. And so the reason for us buying this home and spending at least six months a year was so when my sister travels as she retires I will be there to look out for my mother. So respectfully, if I could take possession of that home this winter and not have IRS situation, I would take possession of the home. We could've rented the home as is easily with the way that it currently looked but we put the money into it so there would be a home that I would want to spend a good deal of time in. And I will say the first thing that we did when -- I was down there four months, Jim was down there two. When we started getting a lot of balls, and people were climbing up on our fence, and they were, you know, trying to look for the ball, I would, you know, we would talk to them. And the consistent comment we got from people, the golfers, is they're trying to cut the dogleg because it's easy to do if they can make the shot over the home. We live on a golf course. We are not golfers. So as we are not golfers, we assumed that the situation at this home would be similar to what we have, and we get TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 36 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 36 of 64 very few balls in our yard. It just doesn't happen. We relied on our realtor and we replied (sic) on the seller to give us accurate information about the property. The realtor did not disclose it and the seller, it's not on any of his disclosure papers. We were only given two hours to access the property and our issues with the agent and the seller are our own. But I can tell you we did do our due diligence, and it wasn't until when we got access to the home, we realized what a problem it was. The balls hit in the backyard on the west wall anywhere from a foot off the ground all the way up to their roof. And the pictures are what was taken from the time we purchased the home to just presently, or actually about three months ago. And they are not old pictures, they were new pictures because when we bought the home, the seller had illegally painted and patched the neighbor's home. And when we started talking to the neighbor to the west of us, they thought we had done it. We said, no, we didn't do it. To further address the duplicitousness of the seller, there were a lot of cracked tiles on top of the roof and we said don't even replace them, don't even worry about it, we're going to have a roofer put on all new tiles. And we just asked that if our roofer could have access to the roof and so he could, you know, get us information as far as what it would cost. As part of the contract the seller asked for a longer close of escrow and we asked for time for our contractors to have access to the property. It's in writing. It's in the contract. And the seller refused to allow our roofer access, and the painter, and the other contractors. He was in violation of the contract. But when you're in a 1031 exchange, you have a finite amount of time to complete the transaction, so we were stuck. We had to go through. The first thing Jim did when we started realizing what a problem it was, was started getting bids on pergolas, cantilevered structures. We were told very clearly by two engineering firms that there is no way to cantilever something over the pool and so that is completely impossible. And Jim has spent I don't know how many hours on talking to various contractors about things we could do to mitigate this. I was sitting just by the hot tub, which you can see is just -- it's actually on, like, the south side of the pool, and a ball hit the neighbor's wall to the west so hard it ricocheted over and it put a half an inch divot in our wall. And I was about three feet away from this. And Jim was doing something and he came around the corner, and my eyes were like TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 37 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 37 of 64 this, and he said, what happened. And I said, that divot, I said, right there. I was sitting there and then it put that divot over there. So the speed the balls come is phenomenal. And I never would've thought a ball could come over a roof, and hit low, and have such a high impact, but it does. The wall now looks like Fallujah. And our tenants are really great people, and I know they would welcome anyone to view the backyard and see what the wall looks like since we purchased it in February of 2022. So just the amount of damage in that time is unbelievable. The tenant has collected over 100 balls. I lost count with how many balls I had in the four months I was there. So we have tried any number of things. Second thing Jim did was call the golf course owner about, you know, he wanted to just have him come over, look at, you know, what was happening. He refused. He has been intractable. He has been completely difficult to work with and will not give any credence to our story. He said it's absolutely impossible that you are getting the number of strikes you are saying. Our painter was there outside for about week and a half, he said they were getting at least six balls a day and he said they were all over the yard, which I can attest to. I was in the pool when one splashed in the pool right next to me. So had we known the severity of the problem, I can assure you we would have not bought the home. The home we were trading from was considerably more expensive then what this home was and we had the ability to go up at least 250, 300,000 dollars in purchase power to buy a home that would be, you know, to our liking, but we didn't know because it wasn't disclosed. So I can tell you that I am sorry that, you know, it's caused a stir in the neighborhood, but it certainly was not our intention. So let's see. Okay. Yeah. And this report that this gentleman put together, it's very complete, but he did this report assuming that these are errant shots, not people trying to cut the dogleg. So when you count errant shots, and people making accidental shots, and people deliberately trying to cut the dogleg, you know, it's far higher number than you could imagine. And if we thought the problem could be solved with 30,000 dollars' worth of trees, we would be happy to suggest it to the owner, but I don't think he would be willing to entertain anything. He's a very difficult person and will not work with us. Furthermore, for the tenant to the east of us, that little piece of the wall that faces north, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 38 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 38 of 64 there's a very large tree there, so they can't see the mountains from, you know, where that tree is. So yes, they might lose a portion of their sky view, but they wouldn't lose any of their mountain view because when you're sitting there you're looking at the tree, so they wouldn't be losing a view, just the sky. And in our home where we are, where we have maybe two to six balls a year, they all come in one corner. And so I had a daughter that was sick and I was gone for about three months and helping her out. And I came home and Jim said, hey, I put some netting out there in that one little area where we have a wood deck. And he says, what do you think? And I said, what do you mean there's netting? And he said, can't you see it? And I said, no. I can't see it. So granted, our backyard is fairly decent size, but I had to walk halfway across the yard before I could actually even see the netting. So it is not our intention to put something up that is unsightly. We just would like to be safe and I would like to be able to have my mother over in whatever limited time she has. We were sitting outside in the covered part of our yard, which is actually to the east of our pool and we were sitting out by the barbeque area, went inside and we were doing something, and literally five minutes later we heard a thwack. And it hit the -- and I believe one of the pictures is in the report -- it hit the wall about a foot from where we were standing on the column by the barbeque court. So we would love to put up pergolas, we would love to do cantilevered structures. Unfortunately, because of the width of the yard in that area, we have been told it is completely impossible to put a pergola or to cantilever something, and that was the first thing that we looked into. So we have put in every effort we could to try and find something that would be acceptable. But again, for the record I would like to state this is going to be my primary home. We intend to spend at least six months and day in Arizona versus Idaho, so this is going to be our primary home and we may spend longer than six months here every year. I love this home and I just would like to be safe in my backyard. GRAY: Thank you. Mr. Stizza, did you pull a card? STIZZA: Thank you. I didn't put these in (indiscernible). PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Okay. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 39 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 39 of 64 STIZZA: Happy holidays, everybody. So thank you for going over this subject and I have a couple questions. Was the expert for the applicant, did they actually come up with any other solutions besides this? They said they looked at landscaping and other possibilities. Again, this is starting to become a density aesthetic problem in Fountain Hills and these type of structures, and anything else that is similar. And we should probably try to do everything we possibly can including the town to try to mediate this if it's possible. That was a great idea. And possibly spend your 30,000 dollars, or whatever it's going to cost, to naturally try to enhance this, or at least help with this problem. You're not going to fix it completely, I mean, regardless. But this netting's going to be ugly regardless of what the applicant says, it's going to look terrible. And it's going to look terrible for them and before this becomes a neighbor versus neighbor, which it sounds like it's going to be, obviously, there is already some talk of legality, so hopefully you can avoid that. And hopefully you can continue this until they come up with a better solution with the town's help, and looking at every possibility, you know. So that's it. So thank you. GRAY: Thank you, Mr. Stizza. Okay. Let's go ahead and close the public hearing and bring John back up for one final round here. And Jim, we'll bring you up too if we need to here in a second. So in conclusion, pre motion, we're still looking at 25 foot vertical net measured from the backyard and a horizontal net at the height of accessory structure but with a easement encroachment issue yet to deliberate. WESLEY: Correct. What we had here was we'd need either the adjacent property owner to agree to the poles being within that easement area or they had to find a way to do the poles that are on their own property, one of those two. I put in here 15 foot. If the applicant is willing to go down to the 12 or 11, that's even better. The lower the better on that net. GRAY: Okay. And because this is special use permit, this isn't considered by right, correct? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 40 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 40 of 64 WESLEY: Correct. GRAY: Commissioners, open floor. Commissioner Watts? WATTS: I'm still not clear on is it above finished floor of the slab, is it grade and what the fall off is from the grade in the backyard to the fairway, basically, is there a four foot falloff is it a one foot and -- GRAY: It's eight foot. WATTS: It's eight feet? GRAY: It's a tiered retainer. WATTS: Oh, didn't see that. GRAY: So that's where I'm struggling too. WATTS: Yeah. GRAY: Is it's really a 40 foot from native grade it's a 40 foot structure and I -- JOHNSON: No, it's not. JOHNSON: From the golf course not from the -- GRAY: From golf course it's 40 foot roughly, give or take a foot or two. JOHNSON: But the structure itself isn't, I mean, are you talking about a 40 foot pole? GRAY: Your structure's 33, but from native grade from -- everybody's talking about putting in trees. Well, a tree has to make up eight foot of height difference before we even get to zero, right? So really from, you know, from let's say from a golfer's perspective, the top of these poles are 40 foot. Is that an incorrect interpretation? JOHNSON: Well, it's (indiscernible). WESLEY: Chairman, from what I'm hearing, right outside this lot to be on the golf course, that sounds about correct. From where they're shooting from the tee box, I don't know what the grade is there. GRAY: Well, yeah. I mean, it doesn't matter, right? From the course, from the bottom of the retainer it's 40 feet plus or minus. And that's where I struggle. I mean, I have all the appreciations for the safety, and I have the appreciation for the precedent of the net structures. I've got them all around me. I can't say that they actually are or aren't an eyesore. I don't have any right next door, so that's not a -- it wouldn't be fair to comment on. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 41 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 41 of 64 I struggle with the overall height though. And I appreciate the statistical analysis. More than the analysis I appreciate that if we're cutting the corner, the analysis is probably understating. I think that that's an important thing for us to factor here. I guess I'd be curious what advantage is the net if you limit the overall height of the net to no higher than the highest point of structure on the house, you know, what's the height of the chimney on the house? Is that a more aesthetically appealing solution that still mitigates safety, or is it of such diminished value at that point that it's erroneous? Because really if we compartmentalize the two things we've got the horizontal net, that's going to take care of the overhead safety, right, of people in the pool and people side yard. We've got the corner net, which is going to protect the backyard. So that extra whatever it is, 10, 12 feet is really talking about protecting shingles. And that's inherent with living on a golf course, in my opinion. So I'd like to deliberate on that a little bit. WATTS: I agree with you on the tree issue. There's a tree on the 3rd hole at Desert Canyon, it's a eucalyptus, and it probably goes 25, 30 feet. And that 3rd hole, you can go right over top of that tree. So I don't know -- GRAY: I go left of it. WATTS: You go left, I go over. So you know, but the point is that regardless, even if it was another five feet, the apogee of my drive, 10 degree driver right over top of it, and I'm going to hit your house. So I don't think you can put trees in and I'm not a fan of the net. It's kind of a conundrum at this point. So -- GRAY: Commissioner Corey, any thoughts? COREY: No. It just goes back to the options that I heard earlier with the cantilever, or like I mentioned before, the birdcages. And I guess maybe that's a question for John. Have you heard of any applicants requesting a birdcage or is that something that they're not required to get a permit for? Because I think that could be a good alternative here and it would match the height of the roof and it would cover the area that they would be in around the pool. WESLEY: Oh, Commissioner Corey, that has not specifically been discussed and I guess I'm not familiar enough with that idea exactly. I can imagine a birdcage so basically it nets around and over the pool we would still be here with a similar discussion particularly with regard to the pool for a structure, or accessory structure in the side yard TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 42 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 42 of 64 where it could go, and how it could fit. It wouldn't meet any code requirements just to be an accessory structure, and so I'd really have to consider as a golf net, we'd be here with the SUP anyway. And again, with that pool being so close to that west property line, having room to put that on their property versus getting onto the neighbor's property would still be an issue. JOHNSON: Regarding the birdcage, that was the first thing I researched. I used to live in Florida and that would've been the first thing that I would've done because I love those, they're fantastic. But we have not been able to find a single vendor that can put one in, they're all back east. So if anyone could find someone -- COREY: Okay. JOHNSON: -- that would do that, that would absolutely be our first choice of action. It would completely protect us. It would be -- COREY: Um-hum. JOHNSON: -- less unsightly. But we have not found anybody in Florida (sic), and I have called South Carolina, I've called Florida I've called -- I cannot find anyone in Arizona that will do them. But that would definitely be something -- COREY: Thank you. JOHNSON: -- that would be one of my highest priorities. COREY: Okay. GRAY: And we'd have a special -- COREY: Well, it's good that -- MAYOR GRAY: -- use permit for a birdcage. COREY: -- you looked into that, yes, but that could be an option. It's unfortunate that you weren't able to find anybody. But okay. Thank you so much. GRAY: So I don't think we're talking about the -- the encroachment issue aside, the horizontal net isn't really a visual obscurance to anyone, right? There's no -- yeah. We still need neighbor buy in, we still need to work out the encroachment piece there, but that net over top is -- WATTS: It doesn't (indiscernible) -- GRAY: It's low impact. WATTS: -- at that height. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 43 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 43 of 64 GRAY: Right. At 12 feet, 11, 12 feet, that doesn't affect anyone. I don't think that's the issue. It's the visual of the real safety net. So are there any questions for the applicant, Commissioners? KOVACEVIC: I have a question for John. Of the SUPs approved for golf nets in town, has one been approved for a side yard or are they all for the rear yard abutting the golf course? WESLEY: So Chairman Commissioner Kovacevic, I didn't go back and look at them. Most of them predate me. Of the ones that I'm familiar with I know at least one is a side yard. GRAY: There's several on Desert Canyon that are this type of configuration, or at least an angular configuration on 14 in particular on the left side. WATTS: I do have a question about the side yard though. And I just noticed that the hatch marks for where the netting is going to go look like they went corner to corner on the house. I know it doesn't go all the way over the neighbor's house on the west, but it doesn't go out and cover the entire pool. How far out are you going to carry that netting? JOHNSON: Can I ask, who are you asking? WATTS: I'm asking either you or John, one of the two. JOHNSON: Well, here's what we're doing. Here's what we're trying to do. Okay. This one here, the way he's drawing it, it just goes over the pool, over the hot tub, straight across. Okay. Up that far corner up there, if we can get -- if we're allowed to put a pole up there that would be in this easement we'll have it in the corner at 45 and across to the corner of our property, our house. So effectively it would cover that entire area. WATTS: Okay. So the representation we've got now isn't showing that 45. It's showing corner to corner of the two houses, basically, straight across, and the exposure of the pool at the deep end is what I'm questioning. So you're proposing to amend this to go to the corner and then come back to the corner of your house on that 45? JOHNSON: Yeah. And that is part of this whole thing. We have it in here somewhere, coming off on the 45. I'm not exactly sure where it is but I can find it. I know that that -- the guys that actually build these things, I asked them to do a recent plan and that was the one that shoots across on the 45. I think, John, you have some -- TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 44 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 44 of 64 WESLEY: Right. And that's what this one is, it's the most recent one that I received, and maybe it is a little different then what ended up in the packet, which maybe was an earlier version. But this, I show it going from the angle and covering most of that deep end. WATTS: So there isn't a -- JOHNSON: It essentially covers that whole area. There's a little area it doesn't cover but essentially that whole area. The question as to what the relevance was of the 40 feet from the golf course. If you're a golfer you see 40 feet. GRAY: Well, just looking from a neighborhood perspective, that -- JOHNSON: In other words, if you're the neighbor across the way? GRAY: Yeah. Anybody who's got a visual back to the house, you know, would effectively see a 40 foot tall -- JOHNSON: And I wouldn't -- MAYOR GRAY: -- structure. JOHNSON: -- agree. Possible trajectories shows an overhead view of our yard and you'll notice that there are trees along there. So if you're the guy across from me, you know, 100 yards, or 125 yards, whatever it is across from me, there's already trees there and there's another smaller tree that's growing there. Our neighbors to the east have trees that are on the golf course property so the effect wouldn't be quite as dramatic or as drastic as the word 40 feet because that first 8 feet is covered. Also in the corner of the neighbor to the east, we have a tree in that corner, and that tree is ten feet tall, I would suggest. I forget. It's probably 10 maybe 12 feet tall. So the first 12 feet of whatever view they might have looking out that corner, that's gone because there's a tree there. I know this is so complicated. I am sorry to bring this to you but I don't know what else to do. If there's an easier way to do this, somebody wants me to plant trees in the golf course. You know, I've talked to this guy and that's not happening. I'm just trying to protect us and I think from the experts I've got, and again, if somebody else has an expert that you've talked to and spent the time, and you haven't even read the report, okay, if you've got somebody, bring them forward and let's work together. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I am an expert. I've golfed that a million times and I could TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 45 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 45 of 64 tell you, if you don't modify the behavior of the golfers off the tee box -- JOHNSON: And I thought -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: -- you will -- JOHNSON: Were you here when I told you about the conversation I had with him -- GRAY: Jim -- JOHNSON: -- as far as -- GRAY: Jim, let's -- JOHNSON: -- changing it. GRAY: Jim, let's have you address the Commission. JOHNSON: Sorry. GRAY: Well, I think, you know, it's a simple issue that becomes complex very quickly when you consider all the adjacencies and the stakeholders. I think we all agree that there's a safety component to be dealt with here. I think we all agree that, you know, whatever happens with the neighbor to the west, that has to be worked through administratively. I don't think there's objection for the horizontal net on the west side of the house. If we make a motion here tonight I personally object overall height of the net but I would be in favor of a recommendation that would limit the overall height of that net to the height of the tallest structure on the property. So Commissioners, if there's no more questions I'd like to call for a proposed motion -- JOHNSON: Can I make one more comment? MAYOR GRAY: -- or language. I'm sorry. We can't. WATTS: One more comment. If you look at the view of the house itself, I'm not so sure that the peak of the roof isn't taller than the chimney area. So I would amend what you said to the maximum height of whatever that is because I think there may be an optical illusion there if that -- MAYOR GRAY: The chimney -- WATTS: -- chimney's not within three feet. So -- MAYOR GRAY: Yeah. WATTS: But it could be significantly lower. So I don't want to identify the chimney as the high point. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 46 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 46 of 64 GRAY: I guess I'm in favor of protecting occupancy of the backyard, obviously, but I don't think we have any obligation with, or I don't think the spirit of our zoning text was really to protect structure. I think that that's inherent with location. I absolutely appreciate, you know, the intent of, you know, Sunridge Canyon engaging in, you know, planting some deterrents, but we're not going to rely on that here for this. And we're also not here to adjudicate the overall aesthetics of that, that's really with the HOA. So I think we have to keep our recommendations, you know, rooted in the zoning, and I don't think we can take it much further than that. So Commissioners, any final comments or a motion please? JOHNSON: Can I make a final comment? GRAY: Sure. JOHNSON: Okay. I don't care about the structure. Okay. I replaced the roof. I'll replace another roof. Okay. I'm worried about that area in the north, what is that, the northeast corner there where balls come through there and hit in that corridor right there in the slice of the backyard that faces right out on the golf course. That's what I'm trying to protect. I'm trying to protect anybody walking out their backdoor, and looking at the view, and hello. GRAY: And -- JOHNSON: And but as far as it hits the house, good enough. You want to hit my roof, good enough. If we wanted to do something for the structure we would put that -- we would go in the easement area on my east side of my house, and we would put the net up there, and then across the corner. That would protect my roof. That would probably keep most of the balls from even arching over just because of the trajectory. So if it's an issue of the house, I'm not so worried about the house getting dinged, I can fix it. I'm just worried about somebody coming over, and if the net's too small, you know, I don't know what good that's going to do because I've had balls hit on that far corner just by the pool on one of the posts, just arch over, and just bang right there, and it hits that stucco, and puts a divot in it. The only thing, I'm just worried about people. GRAY: Well, and I guess in my way of thinking, this is where the creative landscape design comes into play, and the combination of components, you know, deals with the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 47 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 47 of 64 overall problem, you know, not everything necessarily with that fence. So in any case, our motion here tonight has to be limited to a 25 foot maximum height if the recommendation to approve is ultimately made. Again, I'll just restate I personally would be in favor of limiting the height to the height of the structure, and then, you know, what happens with landscape design thereafter to further mitigate, happens with landscape design. But I think that that's a balance between the spirit of our ordinance and the safety that it looks to bring in, and also providing some balance with adjacent residences, which you know, almost inevitably are never in favor of these things. So a motion? Commissioner Dempster? DEMPSTER: I also have a concern with safety but looking at aesthetics, et cetera, but I would make a motion for a horizontal for the northwest corner, a horizontal net not to exceed 15 feet. I don't know what photo this is because we had two photos of two different shapes. I'll certainly just see. Actually the photo that's up that covers more of the pool, and I guess that you would have to work with the HOA to work on that easement area for poles. GRAY: And the village, or and the municipality. DEMPSTER: And the -- GRAY: Well, it would be with the town of Fountain Hills and the HOA, right? DEMPSTER: Well, the easement is with the HOA, correct? WESLEY: The easement is with an adjacent property owner, it's with the -- DEMPSTER: With the -- WESLEY: -- property owner. DEMPSTER: -- property owner? WESLEY: Yes. GRAY: But the setback is still Town of Fountain Hills, correct? WESLEY: No. GRAY: So it's all with the HOA then? WESLEY: So if we're talking about the area between the two houses, it's the two property owners. There's an easement there between the two property owners that's part TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 48 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 48 of 64 of the plat. GRAY: I thought that there was a Town of Fountain Hills administrative component to allowing structure in that easement as well. WESLEY: No. MAYOR GRAY: Just for the HOA? WESLEY: Correct. GRAY: Okay. JOHNSON: I have one final note. Because we're not there, we don't have access to our homeowner's names and information, and if we did, we would be happy to talk with them and explain what our issues are. I understand Ms. Kennamer, she's the neighborhood representative and picks up the ballots, and she has access to information we don't have access to. So we weren't able to contact our own neighbors and see if they're having similar problems, and if they have come up with ideas that might work. But I do assure you, we have exhausted every means you can imagine as far as cantilevers, and pergolas, and sunshades, and netting, and we have put a lot of time into this. But unfortunately, we don't have the same access to our neighbors that our neighbor to the east has, so she has the ability to contact people and -- KENNAMER: I knocked on doors. JOHNSON: -- and -- KENNAMER: I didn't use any list from the HOA or anything else like that. I knocked on the doors with my feet and my energy, by the way. GRAY: Okay. Why don't you continue with your -- DEMPSTER: So I -- MAYOR GRAY: -- motion please? DEMPSTER: All right. I will restate. I'll make a motion to approve one net on the northwest corner no higher than 15 feet and the applicant will have to work with the homeowner and the HOA with the easement. GRAY: Is that full motion? DEMPSTER: Um-hum. WATTS: That's a horizontal net? TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 49 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 49 of 64 DEMPSTER: Horizontal net. WATTS: Okay. GRAY: So motion on the table is a horizontal net not to exceed 15 feet in overall structure height on the northwest corner of the property and you are not putting the vertical net into the motion? DEMPSTER: Correct. GRAY: Commissioners, a second? WATTS: I would second that. COREY: Sorry. Can you just clarify? So that net is the one that's in the backyard toward the golf course? GRAY: It would be in the side yard, in the west side yard. So the motion on the table, which was just seconded by Commissioner Watts is for a horizontal net only in the side yard, on the west side yard with an overall structure height not to exceed 15 feet. The vertical net on the east side of the house was not included in the motion. And that was seconded by Commissioner Watts, which will take us to roll call voting. Angela, please? PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Chairman Gray? GRAY: Nay. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Commissioner Dapaah? DAPAAH: Nay. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Commissioner Corey? COREY: Nay. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Commissioner Dempster? DEMPSTER: Aye. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Commissioner Kovacevic? KOVACEVIC: Aye. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Commissioner Watts? WATTS: Aye. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Okay. KOVACEVIC: Was it three-three? GRAY: It's three-three. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 50 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 50 of 64 PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Three ayes and three nays. GRAY: John, just for clarification of public and most of us too, three-three, what does that carry forward to council? WESLEY: That carries forward basically no recommendation, essentially. WATTS: Chair, I've got a question for John while you're there. There's nothing that restricts the applicant taking this approval if it goes forward, which I guess it didn't, but going back to the HOA. My reluctance is the HOA. They kind of control that entire environment, and if it came back, then the applicant could come back with a request for the 33 feet for instance. Is that a fair assumption? WESLEY: State that again. WATTS: So this would be one special use permit but he could always come back after getting a approval from the HOA for the second special use permit, which would be the vertical fence to the northeast. WESLEY: So -- WATTS: So it's like plan part two. WESLEY: Right. So he's made that application now, and basically that's been denied at this point, and so he can't reapply for the same thing for a year. WATTS: But it wouldn't be the same thing because it would be half of what the original application was. WESLEY: Well, he's applying to you for 25 feet. WATTS: But if he came back for 33 feet -- WESLEY: He can't come here for 33 feet because the ordinance doesn't allow anything more than a 25 foot. WATTS: Okay. Yeah, no. My reluctance is still the HOA, you know. It's what it does to everybody else. GRAY: Okay. John, let's take a five minute recess between these two agenda items, if that's okay. WESLEY: Okay. GRAY: So we will reconvene -- let's just say 8:05 we'll reconvene. (Recess from 8:02 p.m. until 8:13 p.m.) GRAY: All right. Let's go ahead and call the meeting back to order. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 51 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 51 of 64 Mr. Wesley, we shall proceed to agenda item number 6, a public hearing consideration and possible action on a long awaited ordinance modifications to 23-01, amending Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.12, Definitions by adding definitions related to detoxification and drug treatment facilities; amending Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Sections 12.02, 12.05, and 12.06 to add uses for detoxification and drug treatment facilities; Section 12.03 to amend group home to community residence, which is clean up from a previous agenda; and amendment to Chapter 18, Town Center Commercial Zoning District, Section 18.05 B to amend group home to community residence. WESLEY: Chairman, I think that was the whole report. Any questions? GRAY: One breath I think. WESLEY: Okay. Commissioners, I'll try to make this fairly quick. We have discussed this multiple times in the past as we have discussed, and ideas behind how we should or shouldn't, could or couldn't handle uses of detox facilities and drug treatment facilities. You've had a draft ordinance to look at, we've received comments over the last couple of months. I have taken those comments and revised the ordinance for your consideration. Tonight it's now been published as a, or posted as a public hearing so you could actually take action tonight if you are ready to, or we can continue to discuss and amend as we go forward. But the ordinance that you have in front of you provides definitions and regulations for detoxification facilities outpatient, detoxification facilities inpatient, substance abuse or addiction treatment centers, and then substance abuse or addiction treatment centers lodging, as well as the amendments to the group home in the residential sections that we missed doing when we did that earlier in the year to redesignate them as community residences. So with that I'm going to go quickly through the ordinance as it was included in your packet. So the definitions, these two definitions remain unchanged as they were presented in the previous discussion for the detoxification facility outpatient and inpatient. Where I have made additions, so using this one as an example, we currently have a definition in our ordinance for a treatment center, so those are the letters just in the standard black font. Anything that was in the previous ordinance or that is in the existing TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 52 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 52 of 64 ordinance that has been removed has a line through it. The full cap black bold letters are language that were in the draft ordinance that I sent to you, and the full cap red are the change that's been made based on the discussion. So we have captured here all the things that have happened historically. GRAY: And we do appreciate that. WESLEY: Okay. GRAY: Very concise. WESLEY: And so this was the change that I picked up from you, Chairman, last time to add that addiction piece in there for little bit more clarity, and that carries through to the substance abuse or addiction. There was discussion about the 30 to 90 day previously. I had some idea why I thought that was important when I originally drafted this six months ago and I tried to resurrect what that was, and I couldn't. So -- GRAY: I just remember we asked to pull it out on the basis that intense detoxification is typically far less time -- there was far less occupancy for time -- WESLEY: Right. GRAY: -- time as an occupant. WESLEY: Right. And then with regard to the substance abuse or addiction treatment center, based on discussion added some of the separation requirements into the statement here that were in other sections to make sure this use didn't get too many clustered together. And then we move from there into the other uses. So for the detoxification center outpatient, it's a special use permit in the C-2 district, and with that location, here are the standards that go along with that. Again, adjusted the indoor activity and waiting, took out that last phrase because there was some concern that it might imply that you could do the outside waiting. Added in the smoking area and the market study. Added in 1,000 feet from school, church, library, and on the residential included it to be both the district or use. And then from there we move to the detoxification center outpatient and inpatient, that's special use permit in the C-3. All the standards are the same for each of these. And then we move to the substance abuse or addiction treatment center lodging. This is a C-3 only, and again has those standards that go with that. And then we have the changes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 53 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 53 of 64 to allow -- just changing the terminology from the group home to the community residence, so that's the same. So I wanted to, again, go back just quickly and look at the differences here. So substance abuse or addiction treatment center C-2 or C-3 by right, must be at least 2,000 feet from any other detoxification substance abuse center or transitional community residence. So that does keep them from clustering. It limits how many you can get in any given area. And again, C-2 is the Town Center area. Down there's C-2, Target area and some of that other along Shae, and then our only C-3 area is the area east of Saguaro, Colony, down to Desert Vista kind of area. And then when we look at the other ones, the detoxification center outpatient, which would be C-2 or C-3 with an SUP, these are the three areas approximately where one of those could go. And again, given separation requirements, you couldn't get more than one in any of those areas. And then the detoxification center inpatient or substance abuse addiction treatment center lodging, which is a C-3 with SUP, this is the only area where you could potentially have one. So very limited areas where these could go. And so staff recommends approval subject to any further comments, questions, suggestions for the modifications this evening, and certainly if the Commission needs to continue this for further discussion, I'm glad to do that also. Any comments or questions you have for me at this time? GRAY: Commissioners? Commissioner Watts? WATTS: So we're opening the door for three facilities to be able to relocate into town, or locate in town? WESLEY: So there's the possibility for up to three detoxification centers outpatient, and those are the three locations. WATTS: Okay. A comment on some of the wording. The smoking the furthest point, I think I'd feel more comfortable to eliminate the ambiguity about that and refer back to an Arizona Revised Statute that says you have to be so many feet, a minimum of so many feet away from a given door so that there's something more specific that we can talk about. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 54 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 54 of 64 WESLEY: Okay. WATTS: And then I didn't see any reference in there for the requirement for insurance yet. Did I miss that? WESLEY: No. I did not include that in here. I guess I didn't pick that up as a strong enough suggestion from before to include that in here. WATTS: I think we had discussed talking to Grady about whether or not it was applicable, and he had turned to the town attorney to see whether or not in this particular case, because it's a little bit different than the Sober Living Homes were. Though I'm not sure. Tell me what your feeling is about the insurance requirements. WESLEY: I think there are a lot of businesses that operate in town and we don't care what insurance they have or don't have, and most businesses are going to have insurance because it protects themselves. So I personally don't see that the town benefits from that but I could understand the concerns that people have had, and if the Commission Council wants to include them, certainly will. WATTS: Um-hum. I can certainly see where you might be accused of some sort of discrimination between business to business if you required insurance of one and not the other. I just haven't figured out in my head as to what the consequences could be for us. I assume most responsible businesses, whether they're detox or whatever, are going to have some sort of liability insurance. The minimums are what concern me more than anything else. So just a comment again. WESLEY: Sure. WATTS: Thank you. WESLEY: But again, I'm sorry I didn't pick up from as I went back and reviewed things that there was a strong sentiment for the insurance, but certainly glad to include it if that's the Commission's direction. GRAY: I think the other angle that we took on insurance with the residences was additional insurance, right? WATTS: It was. GRAY: So I'd be in favor of that side of the conversation staying alive as this progresses theoretically here tonight. You know, setting limits or minimums, I don't know if that's getting into the weeds probably for us here, but I think taking a look at the legitimacy of TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 55 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 55 of 64 additional insurance, whether that's town proper or any adjacent stakeholders, I think is probably still a relevant question, or one that we should be asking anyway. John, I had a couple just notes working through the draft language, which overall I think this looks really good. I think this is a document that's really a culmination of months and months of research, and parlays nicely on some of the previous agenda items that we've addressed. So I certainly appreciate that and want to recognize it. A couple of the notes that I had in my redlines of the redline, if you will. Section 0, and I guess this is really pertinent across all three sections. In 05, market data demonstrating the need for services, need, sorry, market data demonstrating the need for services for Fountain Hills residences. I wanted to see if we could enhance that slightly by stipulating that a discount for existing capacity would need to be applied. So if market study data, market data shows that there's a need for, I don't know, I'm going to make it up, 20 visits or 20 episodes a month, and there's existing capacity for each, you know, whatever, you know, whichever those three styles we're looking at, if there's existing capacity for 12, then there's a net 8, and that's what would be carried forward. And I'd also like to make sure that that 05 is rigid enough that it's not suggestive that it's actually a threshold you have to pass. And I think that that's really important to address Commissioner Corey's lens on this, you know, and need for the community in making sure that we have a pathway for that need. And then also the other side of that, which is, you know, services don't generate, you know, any revenues, they're revenue draws under state law. So I think it's really important for this, and then I think maybe in a more macro look at this, you know, anything that's special use that's classified as nonrevenue generated maybe should be looked at under, you know, from the same lens. So maybe that goes in agenda item 7 or 8, but so that's one across all categories. 06, when we get into the distances just for continuity across several places in our ordinances, just want to make sure that that is interpreted as property line to property line. I know we've had some different interpretations of that, or maybe not from the town but as people, you know, read their own version of the ordinances, sometimes that comes into question, so if we could stipulate that. And that would be common across all three sections. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 56 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 56 of 64 And I think are the those are the last few comments that I have on this. Commissioner Dempster? DEMPSTER: Thank you. John, I was doing a little research on the smoking piece and the state law states 20 feet from the entrance, but it also touches upon e-cigarettes and vaping. And when the law was put into effect it looks like it did not include those. And so I don't know if it would be advisable to include that vaping or e-cigarettes in our verbiage to cover that piece as well because they talk about it in separate categories. So I'd like to see e-cigarettes included in smoking, that piece. And I stumbled upon, I was doing research too about the number that you provided us with the list of treatment facilities, and I came upon a Fountain Hills opiate detox center on Palisades that's open 24 hours. I don't know, are you aware of this? Are you aware of that? GRAY: No. DEMPSTER: That's online. It appears to be up across from Walgreens, where Sipps and kind of in between Walgreens and Thunder Ridge subdivision. So that popped up. And I did come up with -- there are two lists of inpatient rehab centers in Arizona with many more that were on your list, and then list of drug addiction treatment centers in Maricopa County that had several more with various levels of inpatient assistance. So I'm happy to share those. But I do thank you for all the work on this incorporating all our feedback. GRAY: Commissioner Corey, any thoughts? COREY: Nope. I'm good. Thank you. WATTS: One more. GRAY: Oh, sorry. Commissioner Watts? WATTS: To Commissioner Dempster's notation about vaping and e-cigarettes. I thought the latest update of the Arizona Revised Statute included references, because I'm seeing more and more signs where cigarettes, including vape and e-cigarettes are prohibited. So I could be wrong about that but I agree that that should be noted as well. So thank you. And the other thing is, with Chairman Gray's comment about market data, it's another one TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 57 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 57 of 64 of those statements that I see as a little ambiguous. What does that mean? And I think we've got an awful of smart people, analysts at Fountain Hills. Can we call on them to see if we can set some bumpers around it? Can we quantify it if we said if we have, you know, 1,000 people and we have one bed or some equation to bounce that against to take away some of that ambiguity? GRAY: I think it's about -- I agree with you. I think it's about maybe pinpointing the data set that that's rooted in so there's national government statistics, I can't remember the office that it comes out of. WATTS: Um-hum. GRAY: Federal government statistics, you know, that are broken down by demographic, and geography, and you know, half a dozen different ways. And maybe it's prudent to say that, you know, based on this data base, you know, is what we root our math in. I think we have to be -- WATTS: I'm fine with that. I mean, if -- GRAY: -- cautious we don't make it too complex. WATTS: Right. GRAY: But the burden of proof is really on the applicant. WATTS: But this just says the market data. It doesn't say anything specific to say what of the market data are we going to measure a request on. So it's to me, again, ambiguous. If we could establish what data set and what percentage of that data set we had, what threshold, I think that would be reasonable so isn't just, again, subjective. GRAY: How would you address an application today on that particular topic? WESLEY: Dealing with something like this, someone that's doing a market study is going to have a professional of some king behind it that's done the study. And so it'd be reviewed to see if it looked like their data and their assumptions are all sound, but mostly relying on that professional that they have done their work because I'm certainly not a market analyst. WATTS: I wish I knew what the qualifications were, similar to what we had with the shooting range. We ended up with a very definitive reference and if we said whatever the study was had to be completed by somebody that was an expert in that area, what are those credentials? Maybe that's a way to address it to be able to quantify it because I TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 58 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 58 of 64 know it's -- I could come in with a report, and how are you going to validate it if we don't know what we're looking for or what the threshold is? WESLEY: To some degree, because they're coming through with a special use permit, the Commission and the Council can look at that person who did it and determine if they feel like they had the real credentials behind what they did, used data and information that was accurate, or reasonable or not, and send it back or not approve it if you're not seeing that you've got the correct information, or proper documentation for information or justification for any information that would be in that market report. WATTS: I think the way you phrased it makes some sense. And I think that if we could kind of wordsmith number 05 and say, with the certain criteria, the authority or the rational has to be provided by somebody, an expert in the field, something along those lines, I think that would for the time being anyway -- I certainly don't want to diminish what you've already accomplished, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of this hard work on everybody's part. That's one of those loose ends that just jumps out at me. So if we could -- WESLEY: Sure. WATTS: -- wordsmith a bit. GRAY: What do you think about embellishing on 05 to, I mean, how do we embellish on that language to really drive home that this provision in the code is really there for a service for residents and not in the code for a broader catchment. I mean, how -- WESLEY: Chairman -- GRAY: -- how do you put that language in? WESLEY: -- the language that's coming to my mind standing here would be something along the lines of, documentation from a professional in the area of drug treatment facilities. I don't know. Come up with the right language there that shows the need for this specific service for residents in Fountain Hills. GRAY: And I think that's fine. I think that our statement, while it has a period at the end of it, is still maybe too open ended. A market data demonstrating the need for the services for Fountain Hills residents, period. And then, oh, by the way, a 60 mile catchment. Yeah. You could infer on the back end of that. So I wonder if there's just a way to strengthen that a little bit because we want to allow the service, you know, for the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 59 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 59 of 64 community under the true tenants of, you know, the definition of a service. We don't want to open up a regional catchment, you know, for the business. WATTS: What if you changed it slightly and said by a properly credentialed organization validating instead of demonstrating? I think demonstrating is probably the word that bothers me the most. WESLEY: I can tell you, in my mind I'm changing that to documenting versus -- WATTS: Yeah. WESLEY: -- demonstrating. I think that's a slightly stronger word. WATTS: Um-hum. WESLEY: If you don't mind, Chairman, coming back to your statement. Are we needing them to document that they can operate just based on Fountain Hills customers, if they happen to get anybody outside of it that's just extra because they can operate sufficiently just with Fountain Hills residents. GRAY: Yeah. I think it's the need for service specifically for Fountain Hills residents. Maybe that's not the right word, but you know, again, it's a draw. It's a medical service. It's a public service. The spirit of that service and the reason that that's exempt as a revenue stream for, you know, all jurisdictions is that it's supposed to serve a catchment, it's not supposed to -- it's not intended to become, you know, it's not intended to be leveraged as a, you know, for a larger market. It's a C-1 business not a C-3. WESLEY: Got you. Um-hum. GRAY: I think both of those statements -- WATTS: I do -- GRAY: -- are in play. WATTS: I do too and I think John's work thus far has been wordsmithing extraordinaire. So for that I put it back in your hands. You've got the concept. So -- WESLEY: Thank you. And so I don't know where else we're going to go with this but I think I'm hearing enough, even on just this one that we're probably going to have a continuous so I can work on the language and bring it back versus me just trying to do that take it on the council. I guess we'll see where we go with, but that's what I'm hearing. GRAY: Okay. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 60 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 60 of 64 Commissioners, should we open the public comment? Angela, any speaker cards? PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Sure. We do. Larry Meyers. MEYERS: Chair, Commissioners, thanks again, and thanks for all your work for two years on this, including the residential portion of the detox industry, otherwise known as Sober Homes, inaccurately named. I have two concerns now that I've -- I think you addressed one but it doesn't address the map that I saw. 500 feet from any residential zoning district or use including planned area developments with residential primary use. 500 feet means it's not a Target because across Shae Boulevard are residences at 200 feet. So I don't like the map and I want it parcel line to parcel line as you specified. And I think you'll find that everybody in the front part of Fountain Hills living in the Trevino area will highly agree with me that we don't want a commercial detox facility 200 feet from our street. Secondly, on the language we're trying to come to with regard to serving Fountain Hills, I think one of the things that needs to be put into that is serving Fountain Hills residents on an ongoing basis because there may be one person in Fountain Hills that needs detox, or there may be two, or there may be five, but detox only lasts 10 days, 14 days, and there are beds. So where are we getting the business to fill these beds on an ongoing basis with Fountain Hills residents? And I think that answers the question about the regional draw because if I'm a business, and I've got a bunch of beds, and I've got a staff, I am going to fill those beds, and keep my staff busy, and get my cash flow going, and then I'm not serving Fountain Hills anymore. So with regards to Commissioner Corey's lens, I agree, let's help our people here in Fountain Hills, but on the same note I would think how many people in Fountain Hills on an ongoing basis require this service? And I think you're not going to find a whole lot. And that's just the two -- I recognize the two areas. I want to thank you for working on this because it's not an easy subject given the convoluted federal treatment of these types of businesses, and it's been two years, and it looks like it may be a little longer. But thanks for taking the time and listening to the people that have done a whole lot more research then probably all the rest of us on this because there are residents out there really working on this hard. Thank you. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 61 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 61 of 64 PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Liz Gildersleeve. GILDERSLEEVE: Good evening. I want to second everything Larry just said. Those thoughts came up in my mind as John was going through his presentation. But I also wanted to thank you all here in this room for putting forth substantive and clear text for ordinance 23-01 as it relates to commercial drug and alcohol detox facilities in our communities. As I have said several times before, a strong ordinance not only protects neighborhoods and businesses, but it will also protect the vulnerable people, the vulnerable Fountain Hills residents who may need to rely on such a facility. I too have one suggestion concerning the requirement where market data must be provided to show there's a need for services among Fountain Hills residents. I am wondering if that requirement couldn't be clearer, just as Commissioner Watts had said. Market data just as it's written is broad and open to interpretation. Wouldn't we want the market data to be timely, substantive, and credible, not antidotal? For example, should there be a need from at least 50 percent of the Fountain Hills populations to warrant such a service, 40 percent, any percent? And who would consider and approve this data? Should that all be written into the ordinance? Otherwise, I believe these changes to the ordinance are a welcome addition. I appreciate all of the research included in the attachment from the town staff. And thank you, again, to each of you in this room for your hard work and attention to this impactful issue to our town. Thank you. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Crystal Cavanaugh. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: She's not on. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Okay. That's it. GRAY: Okay. Close the public comment sessions. And final thoughts for John. It sounds like, John, no urgency to press this forward here tonight. Is it your preference to continue? WESLEY: So Chair, now that we don't have any, you know, pressing issues here that we have to hurry up and make a decision on this, so there's no rush, I think it would be easy if we were to come back. And I can go either way. I think, you know, finding the right wording for that number 05 is going to be a little bit tricky, and so I guess it just depends upon how comfortable you are with me coming up with something to take back to TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 62 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 62 of 64 council based on these decisions, or if you'd actually like to see it before it goes back. The other comments you made are going to be fairly easy to incorporate for clarifications. GRAY: I think I'm comfortable. Just it's we've been at this a long time and if it's no harm no foul, and what's another month? WATTS: As much as it kills me to wait, I think that's the prudent thing to do at this point. Let him get the verbiage right, run it past, if necessarily run it past -- WESLEY: And I guess too -- WATTS: -- the Town Council. WESLEY: Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. But the piece of the insurance because that's maybe one that we haven't talked about very much, and I'll draft something, you might want to see that one again too. So -- GRAY: Okay. Okay. Certainly the market data piece and trying to tie that down, limiting catchment with a little stronger language, and then insurance either suggested recommended insurance types and/or again I think we kick the additional insured back in the air again one more time. Anything missing in direction for John? WESLEY: The smoking piece. GRAY: Oh, sorry. Yeah. The cigarette, e-cigarette component. And then, John, you got the property line to property line? WESLEY: Yes. GRAY: And also adding market discount for existing facilities. Commissioner Corey, any other additions? COREY: No. That sounds good. Thank you. GRAY: Okay. John, we need to vote on that to continue? WESLEY: Yes. GRAY: Okay. WESLEY: What's the date? The January, what is that, January 9th meeting continuance. GRAY: That's your preferred venue? WESLEY: Yes. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 63 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 63 of 64 GRAY: Okay. WESLEY: That should be easy enough to get redone in that amount of time. GRAY: Okay. I'm going to go ahead and just make a quick motion to continue agenda item 6 to the 1/9/23 venue for the Zoning Commission, with the comments previously included for John. Commissioners, a second please? DEMPSTER: I'll second the motion. GRAY: All in favor? ALL: Aye. GRAY: Okay. And moving onto number 7, Commission discussion/request for research to staff. John, just parlaying back on that previous comment. I just wonder, I really like this idea of looking at services as, you know, really needing to justify the services needed. I don't want to make that too onerous, but maybe at some point in the future we kick that around a little bit as, you know, how services are brought through, you know, maybe whether they all go to special use permit, or go to kind of that need based analysis. But I think there might be an equitable component to that maybe down the road if we apply it here ultimately. So just a thought. Commissioners, any other requests for staff? Commissioner, Dempster? No. Okay. No -- WATTS: One more. Sorry. GRAY: I'm sorry. Go ahead. WATTS: In light of the fact that the MCSO contract was raised at Town Council meeting, I'd like to resurrect the noise issue that we've got and the reluctance that the sheriff's department has had about either acquiring decibel meters, or -- again, it's one of those things where it's subjective. And if we're going to talk to them about contractual obligations anyway, then maybe we ought to -- this is the time to look at and push a little harder on things like decibel meters. So I'd like to resurrect that as well. WESLEY: Chairman, Commissioner, I can take a look at that. The actual noise ordinance itself, if it's amended it wouldn't come here, it would be something the Town TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Page 64 of 64 DECEMBER 12, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Page 64 of 64 Council would handle. And it was much a recommendation from the prosecutor as it was from the sheriff's office as he looks at how to prosecute those cases. So it was a real epidus behind dropping the decibel meters. WATTS: Yeah. it was just a flat no, we're not going to do it, as I recall it. And I thought, I'd like to be able to tell my boss, no, I'm not going to do it and see what happens. GRAY: Okay. Moving onto number 8, the inverse summary of Commission requests from John. WESLEY: The primary request that I'd be working on would be the modifications to the ordinance we just discussed. I appreciate the Commissions and the public's comments. They were very helpful. You know, next time we'll finish that up. And with that I'm going to jump right on into the related number 9. And so we do have items for your January meeting, a rezone in January. We'll have a rezoning for your consideration over on Mountainside. Should have some modifications to the parking ordinance ready for your review at that point, some extra detail there. And if we don't think that it's too busy, I may have a section 204 site plan amendments ready for you. I know I'll have them ready for your review. We may or may not put them on that January meeting. It may get too crowded and may hold them off until February, but those are things we know are coming. Anything else coming that you're aware of? Okay. GRAY: Okay. I spaced it way back when, John, but we had two speakers under agenda item 5. I don't know. Did they actually get speaker cards filled out? Do we need to address that for the record? WESLEY: I think she did. GRAY: Did they? PADGETT-ESPIRITU: Yeah. GRAY: Okay. PADGETT-ESPIRITU: I did. GRAY: Okay. And finally number 10. We are adjourned. WESLEY: Thank you. Happy holidays, everyone. GRAY: Thank you. ITEM 5. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 01/09/2023 Meeting Type: Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: Farhad Tavassoli, Senior Planner Staff Contact Information: Request to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Language):  PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION:  Rezone for 3.1 acres of a 6.3-acre property from R1-10 Single Family Residential to R-3 Multifamily Residential, and the remaining 3.2 acres of the same property from R-4 Multifamily Residential to R-3 Multifamily Residential, to allow for a residential project consisting of 80 apartment units, generally located at the southeast corner of Palisades Blvd. and Mountainside Drive. Staff Summary (Background) Summary of Request Senderos at Fountain Hills, LLC is requesting a zone change for the approximately 6.3-acre property located at the southeast corner of East Palisades Boulevard and North Mountainside Drive. The subject property currently consists of two tax parcels and has split zoning. The south parcel is zoned R-4 Multifamily Zoning District and the north parcel is zoned R1-10 Single Family Residential. The applicant proposes to rezone the property the to the R-3 Multifamily Residential Zoning District so that one set of zoning standards apply throughout the subject property. If approved, this zone change would help accommodate plans for a multifamily residential project consisting of 80-units. General Plan As is the case with the vast majority of land use designations in the Town, the subject property falls within the “Neighborhood” character area, which places its focus on proper maintenance of existing neighborhoods and infill of vacant lands. This specific neighborhood type on the east side of Mountainside Drive is Urban Neighborhood (includes small-lot single-family, and multi-residential development and may include some retail and office uses).  More specifically, the General Plan states that such land should be infilled with development and consistent with existing zoning and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood based on the specific neighborhood type.  With respect to policy direction, the development pattern in the Neighborhood Character Area should continue to be primarily residential and consistent with the existing character area of a given area.  The specific character for the area west of Mountainside Drive is Mixed Neighborhood (includes residential lots of 6,000 - 15,000 sq. ft., may include attached units and condominiums, may also include churches, schools, parks, small offices, etc.). Existing Conditions Existing Conditions The property is located at the southeast corner of Mountainside Drive and Palisades Boulevard, approximately 330 feet west of the intersection of Fountain Hills Boulevard and Palisades Boulevard. Immediately surrounding properties include the Four Peaks condominiums (zoned R-4) and the Trinity Lutheran Church (zoned R1-10) located adjacent east; and single-family residences (zoned R1-10) located to the west, across from Mountainside Drive.   The property slopes sharply down from Mountainside Drive towards Sunflower Wash, which roughly forms the eastern boundary of the property. The property is encumbered by a series of drainage, utility, and non-utility easements. Existing neighborhoods include the Lost Hills single family neighborhood (zoned R-10) to the west and the Four Peaks Condominiums (zoned R-4) to the east and south. Across the Palisades Blvd. to the north is another existing single-family neighborhood (zone R1-8). Planned Use As previously stated, the applicant proposes rezoning the split-zoned property to a unified R-3 zoning designation to accommodate a multifamily residential project consisting of 80 dwelling units. The developer will offer a mix of one, two, and three-bedroom units throughout four separate buildings. The buildings will be three stories (with a parking level and two residential units above) at a maximum building height of 30 feet. The parking garage will be tucked under and built into the hillside based on the existing topography. Amenities will incorporate customary residential amenities, including a swimming pool and landscaped areas. Parking will be a combination of tuck-under garages and surface parking. The buildings will be stepped down in accordance with the goal being to respect the single-family homes to the west and preserve views of the mountains to the east. With regards to vehicular access, there will be two entrances to the project from Mountainside Drive. No vehicular access is proposed off of East Palisades Boulevard, as this would require significant encroachment on the drainage easement. The applicant has provided a conceptual site plan, building elevations and a landscape plan, all of which are attached to this report. Citizen Participation The applicant initiated the citizen participation process by sending out letters to landowners within 400 feet of the site inform them of the neighborhood meeting, Fountain Hills Community Center on the evening of December 15, 2022, in which at approximately 29 people attended. Attendees cited concerns that the project will negatively impact property values, traffic, and obstruct mountain views from the existing residences to the east, among other concerns. The applicant’s Citizen Participation Plan and subsequent Citizen Participation Report is attached for your review. To date, staff has received two emails calls from residents expressing their opposition to the project.  The emails have been attached for your review. Analysis Under the current zoning designations, the 6.3-acre subject property would allow for a total of 83-units – 70 units in the R-4 designated area, and 13 units in the area designated R1-10. The applicant is proposing a total 80 units. The rezone will help ensure a more thoughtfully designed and less concentrated multifamily development than if the zoning designations were to remain unchanged. Furthermore, the property is located adjacent to the Four Peaks Condominiums, which is designated R-4 and is within the Urban Residential subcategory for the Neighborhood Character Area. Section II of the Fountain Hills General Plan 2020 discusses the elements that help create thriving neighborhoods. One of the items listed is having a variety of housing types. This section includes policies neighborhoods. One of the items listed is having a variety of housing types. This section includes policies to encourage a broad range of housing types affordable to all income ranges and a range of housing types and densities consistent with the character area. Section III of the General Plan includes the information on the Character Areas in the Town. Allowing the proposed residential use would be an appropriate transition area between the “Urban Residential” character of the Four Peaks Condominiums to the east and the Lost Hills single family neighborhood to the west. Furthermore, the development would be consistent with the intent of the Plan for this area by accommodating new residents and thus inviting new clientele for existing and future businesses.   Staff believes that the project has been designed to preserve mountain views of the Lost Hills neighborhood to the west by having the buildings step down to lower the height of the buildings when viewed from the finished floor of the homes to the west. Furthermore, the buildings will be set back at least 30 feet from the Mountainside Right-of-Way line per the standards of the R-3 zoning district. Landscaping will also be installed to soften the visual impacts of the new buildings. The applicant has also provided a traffic impact statement concluding that the proposed rezone will not have a significant impact on existing street networks, as the current zoning could potentially generate the same number of trips should the property be developed under R-4 and R1-10 zoning standards. That said, members of the public are concerned about left turns from northbound Mountainside Drive on to westbound Palisades Boulevard because of poor visibility of oncoming traffic from eastbound Palisades. After a recent site visit, staff has concluded this to be a legitimate concern.  At the time of a building permit (whether the property is rezoned or not) staff would address the need for any intersection improvements with the developer based on the impacts of the development. Should the Town Council approve the rezone, staff will continue to work with the applicant on details related to the site plan, grading and drainage plan, and required landscaping before filing for a building permit. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Zoning Ordinance Section 2.01 Zoning Ordinance Section 2.08, Citizen Participation Zoning Ordinance Chapter 10, Single Family Residential Zoning Districts Zoning Ordinance Chapter 11, Multifamily Zoning Districts 2020 General Plan, Thriving Neighborhoods and Character Areas Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff supports a recommendation for approval of this Rezone request. SUGGESTED MOTION Staff will help the Commission draft a motion as necessary. Attachments Case Map  Aerial Map  Applicant Narrative  Tentative Development Plan  Citizen Participation Plan  Citizen Participation Report  Citizen Email 1  Citizen Email 2  CASE: RZ22-001 SITE / ADDRESS: 13725 Mountainside Dr. APN 176-24-255 176-24-256 REQUEST: REZONE for 3.1 acres of a 6.3-acre property from R1-10 Single Family Residential to R-3 Multifamily Residential,and remaining 3.2 acres of the same property from R-4 Multifamily Residential to R-3 Multifamily Residential,to allow for a residential project consisting of 80 apartment units, generally located at the southeast corner of Palisades Blvd.and Mountainside Drive. Site Location CASE: RZ22-001 SITE / ADDRESS: 13725 Mountainside Dr. APN 176-24-255 176-24-256 REQUEST: REZONE for 3.1 acres of a 6.3-acre property from R1-10 Single Family Residential to R-3 Multifamily Residential,and remaining 3.2 acres of the same property from R-4 Multifamily Residential to R-3 Multifamily Residential,to allow for a residential project consisting of 80 apartment units, generally located at the southeast corner of Palisades Blvd.and Mountainside Drive. Site Location Snell & Wilmer ONE ARIZONA CENTER 400 E. VAN BUREN, SUITE 1900 PHOENIX, AZ 85004-2202 602.382.6000 P 602.382.6070 F Michael Maerowitz (602) 382-6494 mmaerowitz@swlaw.com November 15, 2022 Farhad Tavassoli Senior Planner Development Services – Planning & Zoning Department Town of Fountain Hills 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Re: Rezoning Application for 6.3 Acres Located at the Southeast Corner of East Palisades Boulevard and North Mountainside Drive in Fountain Hills, Arizona Dear Farhad: On behalf of Senderos At Fountain Hills, LLC (“Senderos” or “Applicant”), we are pleased to submit this rezoning request for the approximately 6.3-acre property located at the southeast corner of East Palisades Boulevard and North Mountainside Drive (the “Property”). The Property currently consists of two (2) parcels: Maricopa County Accessor’s Office Parcel Number (APN) 176-24-255 (the “South Parcel”) and the western 3.1-acres of APN 176-24-256 (the “North Parcel”). The Property currently has split zoning. Specifically, the South Parcel is zoned “Multifamily Residential Zoning District” (“R-4”) (Ordinance Section 11.01(F); and the North Parcel is zoned “Single-Family Residential Zoning District – 10,000 Square Feet Per Dwelling Unit” (“R1-10”) (Ordinance Section 10.01(B)(2)). As we previously discussed, Senderos is proposing to develop the Property with a high-quality residential project consisting of 80 multi-family dwelling units throughout four (4) buildings with tuck-under and surface parking (the “Project”). To accommodate the development of the Project, this application requests to downzone the South Parcel portion of the Property from R-4 to R-3, while changing the North Parcel’s R1-10 to a matching R-3, which will unify the zoning for the entire Property and allow for the development of the Project (the “Application”). A conceptual site plan, building elevations and landscape plan for the Project are included with this Application for your review. The purpose of this narrative is to provide (A) an overview ALBUQUERQUE BOISE DENVER LAS VEGAS LOS ANGELES LOS CABOS ORANGE COUNTY PHOENIX PORTLAND RENO SALT LAKE CITY SAN DIEGO SEATTLE TUCSON WASHINGTON, D.C. Snell & Wilmer Farhad Tavassoli November 15, 2022 Page 2 of the Property and Project, (B) a summary of the request, (C) our analysis demonstrating that the request and associated Project is in conformance with the General Plan, and (D) a drainage statement. A. Project Overview The Property is located at the southeast corner of Mountainside Drive and Palisades Boulevard, approximately 330 feet west of the intersection of Fountain Hills Boulevard and Palisades Boulevard. Immediately surrounding properties include the Four Peaks condominiums (zoned R-4) and the Trinity Lutheran Church (zoned R1-10) located adjacent east; and single- family residences (zoned R1-10) located to the west, across from Mountainside Drive. The Property has been in an undeveloped condition since incorporation of the Town. Given the Property’s location — a short distance from the commercial uses along Fountain Hills Boulevard and general proximity to the Town Center — the Property is greatly underutilized. Senderos is proposing to develop this underutilized Property with a high-quality multi-family residential community. The Project will include a total of 80 dwelling units (with a mix of one, two, and three-bedroom units) throughout four (4) separate buildings. Each of the Project’s buildings will be three (3) stories (with a parking level and two residential floors on top) at a maximum building height of thirty (30) feet. The parking garage will be tucked under the units and built into the hillside based on the existing topography. The Project will incorporate customary residential amenities, including a swimming pool. Parking will be a combination of tuck-under garages and surface parking. To respect the single-family homes to the west and preserve views of the mountains, the Project’s buildings have been located so as to “step down” in accordance with the Property’s slope. As to Project access, there will be two (2) vehicular entrances to the Project from Mountainside Drive. No vehicular access is proposed off of East Palisades Boulevard. Ultimately, the Project will provide additional quality housing stock for the Town, will develop a Property that has been undeveloped since the Town’s establishment, and will provide an amenitized, modern living environment for its residents in proximity to the Town Center, supporting the heart of the Town as supported by Section II of the General Plan, “Thriving Neighborhoods”. B. Request As noted above, the South Parcel is currently zoned R-4. The R-4 zoning district permits multi-family development by right at a density of 21.78 dwelling units per acre. As such, given the size of the South Parcel (at approximately 3.2 acres), the South Parcel could be developed with 70 multi-family dwelling units without any zoning change. Snell & Wilmer Farhad Tavassoli November 15, 2022 Page 3 That said, the Property significantly slopes downward to the east/northeast. Further, there is an existing drainage easement, detention basin and wash, which together restrict development on much of the southern portion of the Property. Therefore, while a multi-family project (similar in size and scale to the proposed Project) could be developed only on the South Parcel with 70 dwelling units, due to the existing site conditions, the design options for such a project would be limited. That is, multiple buildings would need to be “squeezed” together on the South Parcel, which would result in a poorly designed project that would not respect adjacent properties. Rather than developing a multi-family project on only the South Parcel, Senderos is proposing to incorporate the North Parcel in the development proposal. Incorporating the North Parcel allows for design flexibility that results in a better project that respects the adjacent properties and the topography of the site. Specifically, incorporating the North Parcel doubles the size of the Property and allows the Project’s buildings to be “spread out” and tucked into the Property’s slope to lower the height of the buildings when viewed from the finished floor of the adjacent homes to the west (preserving views of the mountains for these homes). The North Parcel’s existing R1-10 zoning allows for single-family residences at a density of 4.3 dwelling units per acre (which would allow for 13 homes on the North Parcel). However, the R1-10 zoning district does not allow for multi-family residences. Accordingly, to allow for the development of the Project, this Application requests to rezone the entire property from R-4 and R1-10 to R-3. Said otherwise, this Application requests to “downzone” the South Parcel to R-3 and “upzone” the North Parcel R-3. Importantly, the Project’s proposed 80 units is less than the total number of dwelling units that would be allowed by right under the Property’s existing R-4 and R1-10 zoning (70 multi-family dwelling units are permitted by right on the South Parcel under R-4 standards and 13 single-family dwelling units are permitted by right on the North Parcel under R1-10 standards for a total of 83 units). As such, the Application and associated Project does not accommodate an overall increase in the density that could be developed on the Property today. Rather, the Application is simply necessary to incorporate the North Parcel into the development proposal, which will allow for a better designed project that is sensitive to and respects the surrounding properties. C. General Plan Per the Fountain Hills General Plan 2020 (“General Plan”) Character Area Map, the Property is designated “Neighborhoods” Character Area. The General Plan states that the Neighborhoods Character Area is intended for “[r]esidential areas throughout the Town, along with associated non-residential uses such as schools, parks, churches, offices, with opportunities for continued development, maintenance, and infill.” Snell & Wilmer Farhad Tavassoli November 15, 2022 Page 4 The Property is also located adjacent to properties designated for “Urban Residential” land uses. Per the General Plan, in the Urban Residential character type, “[s]etbacks are smaller and attached units, apartments, and condominium developments are common”. The Project is consistent with the General Plan’s Character Area designations for both the Property and the surrounding properties. The Project will develop a vacant property with 80 dwelling units, which will provide additional housing diversity and, in turn, will support the employment and commercial businesses in the Town. When viewed in this context, the proposed use is appropriate at this location. Further, the Project achieves several of the policy goals of the General Plan, as detailed below. Continue to develop and maintain thriving neighborhoods “Encourage development and redevelopment of housing and associated amenities within neighborhoods to attract families with children and young professionals” The Project furthers this goal by proving additional housing stock, which will attract families and young professionals to the area. The Project design, unit breakdown, and location provide a unique opportunity for additional residences to live and work in the Town of Fountain Hills. Support a housing strategy that encourages a broad range of quality housing types to address current and future housing needs and to support long-term economic vitality “Encourage a range of housing types and residential densities and maintain consistency with the existing character of infill areas in conformance with criteria provided in Table 1: Character Areas Plan” The Project furthers this goal by providing a multifamily development project that will provide additional housing for the community and contribute to the range of quality housing types throughout the community. Maintain the quality of existing neighborhoods “Protect established single-family residential neighborhoods from the transition, intensification, and encroachment of uses that detract and/or change the character of the residential neighborhood” The Project furthers this goal with its design. Specifically, the Project has been intentionally designed to preserve the mountain views of the existing single-family residential homes to the west of the Property. This has been achieved by having the buildings step down the Snell & Wilmer Farhad Tavassoli November 15, 2022 Page 5 Property’s slope to lower the height of the buildings when viewed from the finished floor of the single-family homes to the west (which can only be achieved by incorporating the North Parcel into the development). This design respects the homes to the west and provides an appropriate transition from these homes to the multifamily communities located south and east of the Property D.Drainage Statement The Four Peaks Vista Condominium Drainage Study prepared by Rick Engineering, dated August 5, 1996, includes The Senderos at Fountain Hills development. No onsite retention is proposed in the report, but instead runoff is discharged directly into Sunflower Wash (Pages 128 and 130 of the Study). The calculations included in the report used a runoff coefficient of 0.85 (page 9 of the pdf) and the developed runoff from the 100-year, 2-hour storm event drains directly to Sunflower Wash where is detained in a basin located at the northeast corner of the Property. The detained runoff is metered out of this detention basin in a pipe that flows northeasterly under Palisades Boulevard. The weighted runoff coefficient of the proposed Project does not exceed 0.85, therefor the proposed design falls into the original design concept of the Four Peaks Vista Condominium Drainage Study. E. Conclusion Approval of the Application will allow Senderos to incorporate the North Parcel into its development proposal, which will allow for a better designed project that respects adjacent properties. The Project will develop a Property (which has been vacant since the incorporation of the Town) with a modern, high-quality residential community that will provide additional housing opportunities in the Town. The Project is compatible with the surrounding properties and is in conformance with the General Plan. We look forward to working with you and the community as we progress through the rezoning process. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, Snell & Wilmer Michael Maerowitz Senderos at Fountain Hills Tentative Development Plan Zoning Group Nick Wood, Esq Attorney Noel J. Griemsmann, AICP Sr. Urban Planner Ryan McCann, AICP Urban Planner Maggie Dellow Urban Planner Ty Utton Assistant Planner COND O S COND O S P A R C E L A P A R C E L B Z O N E D : R 4 Z O N E D : R 1 - 1 0 E X I S T I N G W A S H EXIST. DRAINAGE CULVERT UNDER ROAD P A R C E L A P A R C E L B Z O N E D : R 4 Z O N E D : R 1 - 1 0 C H U R C H C H U R C H E X I S T I N G D E T E N T I O N B A S I N T O P E D G E O F E X I S T I N G D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T PA R K I N G G A R A G E AC C E S S PA R K I N G G A R A G E AC C E S S PARKIN G G A R A G E ACCESS PARKING GARAGE ACCESS L.S. PLA N T E R L.S . PL A N T E R L.S . PL A N T E R L. S . PL A N T E R L.S.PLANTER 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE UPPER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) LOWER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) UPPER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) LOWER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) - - /7(')� r.('). w. 17� .3 EJ(l�T. .GR',10/!:. - ......._ ;e€7A/. Jf.14 W"A-U- 17 J� -r.o. \.v'. ---- ... - 9,j /rl-fL FIN. R..t'<, /745 n� /74<, -r.o.P. ___ ....,. ..... � ¥ 17.!>v.'5 "- ,ii_ -,£X/ST/N667i!AC£ !73G -� -. - -. / �T : - - ---. -Jk! --- 11.ZB T.o,W.- - - / P A R C E L A P A R C E L B Z O N E D : R 4 Z O N E D : R 1 - 1 0 E X I S T I N G W A S H EXIST. DRAINAGE CULVERT UNDER ROAD P A R C E L A P A R C E L B Z O N E D : R 4 Z O N E D : R 1 - 1 0 C H U R C H C H U R C H E X I S T I N G D E T E N T I O N B A S I N T O P E D G E O F E X I S T I N G D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T PA R K I N G G A R A G E AC C E S S PA R K I N G G A R A G E AC C E S S PARKIN G G A R A G E ACCESS PARKING GARAGE ACCESS L.S . PL A N T E R 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE UPPER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) LOWER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) UPPER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) LOWER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L 2" CALIP., 6'T, 5'W (MULTI) FOOTFILL PALO VERDE CERCIDIUM MICROPHYLLUM IRONWOOD OLNEYA TESOTA 2" CALIP., 5'T,3.5'W MINIMUM 2000lbs EACH GRANITE BOULDER (BURY 1/3) 3'x3'x3' SURFACE SELECT 5 GALLON SMOOTH AGAVE AGAVE DESMETTIANA 5 GALLON DESERT SPOON DASYLIRION WHEELERII 5 GALLON BLUE ELF ALOE ALOE 'BLUE ELF' 1 GALLON 1 GALLON DESERT MARIGOLD BAILEA MULTIRADIATA 5 GALLON CREOSOTE LARREA TRIDENTATA 5 GALLON MEXICAN BIRD OF PARADISE CAESALPINIA MEXICANA 5 GALLON DESERT CASSIA CASSIA PHYLODENIA 5 GALLON 'GREEN CLOUD' LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 1.5" CALIP., 6'T, 3.5'W NATIVE MESQUITE PROSOPIS VELUTINA 2" CALIP., 6.5'T, 4.5'W BLUE PALO VERDE CERCIDIUM FLORIDUM LANDSCAPE LEGEND 5 GALLON RUSSELLIA RUSSELLIA EQUIFORMIS 3-STALK GROUPING (2.5', 2', 1' TALL) MEXICAN FENCE POST PACHYCEREUS MARGINATUS TRAILING PURPLE LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS 10" ROUND (MATCHING) GOLDEN BARREL CACTUS ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII 5 GALLON REGAL MIST DEER GRASS MUHLENBERGIA 'REGAL MIST' TREES 5 GALLON RED BIRD OF PARADISE CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA 5 GALLON GREEN HOP BUSH DODONEA VISCOSA 2" DEPTH IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS DECOMPOSED GRANITE 1/2" MINUS MADISON GOLD 5 GALLON YELLOW BELLS TECOMA STANS 5 GALLON BUR SAGE AMBROSIA DELTOIDEA 5 GALLON MOROCCAN MOUND EUPHORBIA RESINIFERA 1.5" CALIP.(MULTI) 4'T, 3.5'W CASCALOTE CAESALPINIA CACALACO 10 CANE MIN. 7'T MIN. OCOTILLO FOUQUIERIA SPLENDENS SCALE 1" : 30' P.(602)265-0320 Scottsdale, Arizona 85258 10450 N. 74th Street , Suite 120 SITE PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE T.J. McQUEEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. EMAIL: timmcqueen@tjmla.net CONSENT FROM TJMLA. T.J. McQUEEN & ASSOC., INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION & THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUTCOPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR(TJMLA) EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT& OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. COPIED IN FIRST E IPX ERS 3202/03/60 09.19.22 1 2 3 4 TR I N I T Y C H U R C H CO N D O S CON D O S ICV T ICV ICV S 1 Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. CITIZEN PARTICPATION PLAN TO: The Town of Fountain Hills FROM: Snell & Wilmer, L.L.P. DATE: September 22, 2022, Updated December 21, 2022 RE: Citizen Participation Plan for the Potential Rezoning of the Properties Located Generally at the Southeast Corner of Palisades Boulevard and Mountainside Drive A. Project Description The proposed rezoning is for the approximately 6.3-acre property located at the southeast corner of Palisades Boulevard and Mountainside Drive (the “Property”). The Property currently consists of two (2) parcels: Maricopa County Assessor’s Office Parcel Number (APN) 176-24-255 (the “South Parcel) and the western 3.1 acres of APN 176-24-256 (the “North Parcel”). The applicant is seeking to rezone the Property from R-4 & R1-10 to R-3. That is, the applicant is seeking to downzone the South Parcel from R-4 to R-3, while changing the North Parcel’s R1-10 to a matching R-3, which will unify the zoning for the entire Property (the “Application”) and allow for the development of a high-quality residential project consisting of 80 multi-family dwelling units throughout four (4) buildings with tuck-under and surface parking (the “Project”). B. Notification List A list of residents, property owners, interested parties, political jurisdictions, and public agencies which may be affected by the proposed rezoning is attached as Exhibit A. The list currently includes 194 property owners, local utility companies, Fountain Hills Unified School District, and the Town’s Planning Division, but will be expanded to include any HOA’s or other recognized neighborhood groups that are identified by the Town and any other persons who have communicated with the Development Services Department their desire to be notified of any development proposals. C. Initial Notification to Citizens and Interested Parties The developer and its representatives initiated door-to-door outreach with neighbors to discuss the Project in detail and facilitate input on the proposed Project prior to the formal submittal of the Application. In addition to the notification requirements for a rezoning application (handled by the Town of Fountain Hills), which include first class mailed notification to all property owners within 300-feet, a sign posting on the site, and a notice published in a locally circulated newspaper, the applicant will continue going door-to-door to all adjacent property owners to notify them of the application and to continue facilitating discussion of the Project. D. Notification for Amendments to Application Interested and potentially affected parties will be informed of changes to the rezoning application via first class mailers which contain information on the amendments to the application. The mailers will include the phone number and email for the attorney and planner working on the case to answer any questions that may arise about the proposed changes. E. Community Outreach and Meeting The applicant and its representatives will continue going door-to-door to inform the community about the rezoning application. During this time, the applicant and its representatives will discuss the Project and answer any questions that may arise. In addition, at least one neighborhood meeting will be held in person at a nearby community-oriented venue to discuss the proposed rezoning changes and collect the community’s input on the application. If there is enough feedback to necessitate, a follow up meeting may be held in person or virtually to continue productive discussion of the case and receive input. As noted above, the applicant will provide the email and phone number for the attorney(s) and planner(s) working on the case to discuss any concerns, issues, or problems affected parties may have with the proposal. F. Schedule The proposed items discussed in this Citizen Participation Plan will be completed at least 15 days in advance of the hearing. The applicant will send first class mailers, 15 days before the planned neighborhood meeting to allow ample notice in advance of the meeting. Notification will be sent to all property owners within 400’ of the requested properties to be rezoned (Exhibit B). Prior to this 15-day period, the applicant and its representatives will conduct their first round of door-to-door outreach and may follow up with a second round after the neighborhood meeting to discuss the application with anyone who was not able to attend if deemed necessary by the applicant. G. Notification to Development Services Department The applicant will complete the required Citizen Participation Report at least ten (10) days before the first scheduled public hearing. This report will include a summary of citizen concerns, issues, and problems expressed during the citizen participation process and include how these have been addressed. Copies of all comment letters, petitions, emails and/or other pertinent information received from citizens and interested parties will also be included as exhibits in this report. If additional information is received after this report is sent to the Town, a follow up email will be sent to the most applicable party at the Town. Exhibit A – Notification List & Buffer Map PARCEL NUMBER OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 176-27-486 99 FRAMBES LLC 21730 HILLIARD BLVD ROCKY RIVER OH USA 44116 176-27-486 99 FRAMBES LLC 21730 HILLIARD BLVD ROCKY RIVER OH USA 44116 176-27-578 99 FRAMBES LLC 21730 HILLIARD BLVD ROCKY RIVER OH USA 44116 176-24-881A ACI REAL ESTATE SPE 159 LLC PO BOX 800729 DALLAS TX USA 753800729 176-01-570 ANDERSON FAMILY LIVING TRUST 16064 E LOST HILLS DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-527 ANDERSON JULIE A 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD NO 259 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-471 ANTONIO AUGUSTO/MARIA 12316 56TH ST EDMONTON AB CAN T5W5G1 176-27-432 ARNETT FAMILY TRUST 15 HOAG DR CLINTON CORNERS NY USA 12514 176-27-407 BILLAUER JECHIEL 5-598 KENASTON BLVD WINNEPEG MB CAN R3N2A1 176-27-424 BKM DEVELOPERS LLC 10869 N SCOTTSDALE RD STE 103 PMB 262 SCOTTSDALE AZ USA 85254 176-27-507 BLAD ROBERT C/LARINA F 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 239 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683756 176-17-508 BOYER FAMILY TRUST 16046 E TUMBLEWEED DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-24-493 BROOKS MARLON 16049 E LOST HILLS DR UNIT 105 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-511 BRUCH JERRY/MONETTE HUGUETTE 6 ELGIN MEADOWS LINK CALGARY AB CAN T2Z0S3 176-27-494 CAPRARA MARIA/ERMENEGILDO 21 SAXON DR VALHALLA NY USA 10595 176-27-412 CARLSON HOULIHAN LIVING TRUST 25 SEQUOIA RD HAWTHORN WOODS IL USA 60047 176-27-563 CARROLL BRIAN 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 327 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-551 CARTER PAUL D 14616 103 AVE NW EDMONTON AB CAN T5N 0T7 176-27-556 CERBO ANTHONY M III 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 318 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-546 CHERYL AND CRAIG NORTON TRUST 16073 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-426 CHRISTIE INVESTMENTS FOUNTAIN HILLS LLC 16015 E EL LAGO BLVD #103 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-230 COCHRAN TYLER A 5275 TAFT CT ARVADA CO USA 80002 176-05-970H CROONQUIST PROP/TODD M BRO FAMILY TRUST/M/L/K/B/BIRAKOWSK Y M 16210 E KINGSTREE BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-568 DAVID ZICKL REVOCABLE TRUST 16048 E LOST HILLS DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-542 DELUCIA JOE/DOREEN 13808 N MOUNTAINSIDE DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-17-524A DELUCIA JOE/DOREEN 13808 N MOUNTAINSIDE DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-447 DOUGLAS C THIELE TRUST N43W32811 RASMUS RD NASHOTAH WI USA 53058 176-27-569 DOYLE WILLIAM L/NANCY W 5329 BARBED WIRE DR MISSOULA MT USA 59808 176-27-560 EQUITY TRUST COMPANY 3954 S SECRET GARDEN CT DE PERE WI USA 54115 176-27-503 EQUITY TRUST COMPANY (CUSTODIAN) 3954 S SECRET GARDEN CT DE PERE WI USA 54115 176-01-244 EVANS GALE E TR 16218 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-05-970J EVENHIRSCH LLC 200 S BARINGTON AVE NO 49513 LOS ANGELES CA USA 90049 176-27-403 FEHR RON/LINDA 1119 CRESCENT BLVD SASKATOON SK CAN S7M5W9 176-27-567 FOLCHI JASON E/KARI E 1330 WHOOPING CRANE DR SPARKS NV USA 89441 176-05-490 FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN OF 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683815 176-17-523 FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN OF 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683815 176-17-524B FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN OF 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683815 176-27-605 FOUR PEAKS AZ DEVELOPMENT LLLP 8090 N 85TH WAY 101 SCOTTSDALE AZ USA 85258 176-27-554 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INCESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 1000 N HALSTED ST. SUITE 102 CHICAGO IL USA 606424200 176-27-496 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-564 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-568 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-573 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-393 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-394 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-395 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-396 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-399 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-401 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-402 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-406 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-408 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-410 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-411 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-415 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-416 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-418 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-420 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-423 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-425 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-429 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-430 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-431 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-435 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-437 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-438 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-441 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-442 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-443 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-444 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-449 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-451 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-469 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-472 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-473 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-474 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-475 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-476 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-478 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-480 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-483 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-484 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-490 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-491 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST SUITE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60854 176-27-495 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-499 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-500 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-501 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-506 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-513 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-514 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-523 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-525 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-545 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-548 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-549 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-550 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-552 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-553 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-555 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-558 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST SUITE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60854 176-27-562 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-565 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-571 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-574 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-579 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-583 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-585 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-587 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-404 GARDEN CITY PROPERTIES 300-326 BROADWAY WINNIPEG MB CAN R3C0S5 176-01-248 GOOD KAITLIN R/TIMOTHY B 16162 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-498 GORIN DANIEL A 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 230 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-544 GUITE CHARLES B/JEAN C TR 16064 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-413 HAND JENNIFER/WESTBY AARON 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 121 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-400 HANSEN IRENE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 108 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683746 176-27-398 HARRINGTON TERRY R/CHERYL D 116 E HILLSIDE AVE FERGUS FALLS MN USA 56537 176-27-580 HARVEL LIVING TRUST 16120 E KEOTA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-229 HAWKINS KENNETH BRETT/NICOLE 13822 N FOUNTAIN HILL BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-397 HENSON JACQUELINE D 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 105 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-247 HILL JULIE/RANDY 16168 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-561 HIS PROPERTY GROUP LLC 11999 62ND ST NE SPICER MN USA 56288 176-01-243 HOLLAND FAMILY TRUST 16224 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-487 HUFF LAURENCE E JR/REBECCA L 28807 N 146TH ST SCOTTSDALE AZ USA 85262 176-27-436 JAMES EDWARD HADLEY TRUST 8717 SE MONTEREY AVE UNIT 204 HAPPY VALLEY OR USA 97086 176-24-491 JAMES L AND PEGGY R CONCANNON REVOCABLE TRUST 4081 96TH ST PLEASANT PRAIRIE WI USA 53158 176-27-519 JOHANNESEN DARYL 708 E SAINT JAMES RD NORTH VANCOUVER BC CAN V7K1H1 176-27-479 JUDITH T ADLER LIVING TRUST 756 N BECK RD LINDENHURST IL USA 600469662 176-27-409 KATHLEEN ELLIOTT DECLARATION OF TRUST 8 LILY CT BOLINGBROOK IL USA 604403263 176-27-504 KELM ROBERT/VERNITA 2222 TAMARRON LN LAFAYETTE CO USA 80026 176-27-508 KENNEALLY MARTIN T/NANCY A 3152 MONTECITO MEADOW DR SANTA ROSA CA USA 95404 176-01-215 LARK FRED/LYNNETTE 13821 N WENDOVER DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-237 LEACH HOLLY K 2930 E ILIFF AVE DENVER CO USA 80210 176-27-497 LIU XIAO DONG/ZHAO YA/ETAL 29 HAWKVILLE CLOSE NW CALGARY AB CAN T3G3N3 176-27-576 MAHALKO-MURPHY CAROL 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BOULEVARD APT 346 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683752 176-27-516 MALINOWSKA MALGORZATA 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 248 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-509 MANDROS JAMI LU SORENSON 15912 E OCOTILLO DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-577 MANITOBA ARIZONA III LP 4647 N 32ND ST SUITE 135 PHOENIX AZ USA 85018 176-01-239 MARGARET DONOHUE LIVING TRUST 16237 E KEYMAR DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-570 MARSICO PASQUALE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 338 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683758 176-27-414 MAYS KAZ G 5418 E ESTATE RIDGE RD ANHEIM HILLS CA USA 92807 176-27-440 MCBRIDE PATRICK M/WENDY L 30 ST ELMO RD WINNIPEG MB CAN R2M3H3 176-27-488 MCCRARY KIMBERLY/KRISTOPHER 611 KLARVATTEN BAY EDMONTON AB CAN T5Z2Y8 176-27-428 MCINTIRE HOLYCE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 136 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-547 MCINTIRE KATHERINE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BOULEVARD APT 303 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683751 176-27-481 MEYER DAVID J/GAIL S 138 SOUTHMOOR ROAD WINNIPEG MB CAN R2J2P4 176-01-238 MILLER LUCY B TR 1910 IDAHO ST STE 102-565 ELKO NV USA 89801 176-01-241 MORRIS DANIEL J & LORRAIN Y 16247 E KEYMAR DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-426 MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO 1801 CALIFORNIA ST DENVER CO USA 80202 176-27-421 NAGAMINE SHELIA S PO BOX 10876 HONOLULU HI USA 96816 176-27-489 NELSON PAUL S/CHRISTI A 231 CRYSTAL VALLEY RD MANITOU SPRINGS CO USA 80829 176-05-970X NG21 LP/GPT MANAGED HOLDINGS LP 11720 EL CAMINO REAL STE 250 SAN DIEGO CA USA 92130 176-01-545 OAKESON GARY O/BARBARA H TR 16072 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-543 OEST ADAM/TRAM 16054 E SEMINOLE LN FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-547 PATTERSON ARTHUR E/KATHY L 16065 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-213 PERTNOY CAROL ELLEN TR 13807 N WENDOVER DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-422 PIAZZA THOMAS J/LESLIE J 320 FRANCISCO ST HENDERSON NV USA 89014 176-27-502 PIERCEY CRAIG/CARMEN 8 ETHAN PL ST ALBERT AB CAN T8N7L6 176-27-559 PORRETTA GILDA 13700 FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 323 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-569 POUQUETTE CHEDELLE 1256 E LIBBY ST PHOENIX AZ USA 85022 176-27-482 RAFA KRISANDRA BOX 1015 BLACKFALDS AB CAN T0M0J0 176-24-492 REUVERS MICHAEL THOMAS/CYNTHIA DAWN 16049 E LOST HILLS DR UNIT 104 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-470 RICH PAULA 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 202 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-546 RIEDY ENTERPRISES INC 108 PLATTE VIEW DR PHILLIPS NE USA 68865 176-27-557 RIEDY ENTERPRISES INC 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD NO 321 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-485 ROMANO JAMES R/MAUDE 5447 STONEMOOR DR PUEBLO CO USA 81005 176-27-512 ROMANO JAMES R/MAUDE 5447 STONEMOOR DR PUEBLO CO USA 81005 176-27-520 ROMANO JAMES R/MAUDE 5447 STONEMOOR DR PUEBLO CO USA 81005 176-27-566 ROMANO JAMES R/MAUDE 5447 STONEMOOR DR PUEBLO CO USA 81005 176-27-477 ROYSE KAREN SUE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-419 SABNEKAR SUSANNAH/BUCHANAN LEE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 127 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-24-988 SAINDON MIKE L/BARBARA C 3029 SKYLINE DR OCEANSIDE CA USA 92056 176-24-991 SAINDON MIKE L/BARBARA C 3029 SKYLINE DR OCEANSIDE CA USA 92056 176-27-517 SCOTT JUNE 80 EDGEFORD WY NW CALGARY AB CAN T3A2S7 176-27-439 SELMER ALAN 138 8TH ST CLINTONVILLE WI USA 54929 176-24-255 SENDEROS AT FOUNTAIN HILLS LLC 1505 RIVER SHORE DR HASTINGS MN USA 55033 176-01-246 SEPTEMBER FRANK JR 16206 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-572 SERENITY VACATIONS LLC 13019 WICKER AVE CEDAR LAKE IN USA 46303 176-01-548 SHEA NANCY O/WILLIAM 1936 TEE LN CASTLE ROCK CO USA 80104 176-01-242 SHIPMAN DAVID/KATHLEEN 16230 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-417 SIR JIRI/WILCZAK WIOLETTA E 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD # 125 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-515 SMP LUNA FOUR PEAKS LLC 16729 E EMERALD DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-240 SWANSON CHRISTOPHER/KIMBERLY 18379 MEADOW RIDGE RD SALINAS CA USA 93907 176-01-245 THRASHER GREGORY W/BARBARA H 16212 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-541 TIMMERS LAWRENCE M/BARBARA M 16046 E SEMINOLE DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-24-256 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH OF FOUNTAIN HILLS INC P O BOX 17270 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85269 176-27-493 VALENTINE-DAY REVOCABLE TRUST 10271 E CALLE MAGDALENA TUCSON AZ USA 85748 176-27-505 VAN DEN HEUVEL ANTHONY P 11823 N ABBEY LN FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-575 VAN ORSDAL TARA MARIE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 345 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-231 VAUGHN COLIN/LINDA 13810 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-214 VAZQUEZ NADINE 16605 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-427 WAUTIER JEFFREY P/AMY L 3954 S SECRET GARDEN CT DE PERE WI USA 54115 176-27-518 WELLS STEVEN M 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 250 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-433 WHITE GERALD D/MONAI A 16800 E EL LAGO BLVD 1028 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-405 WILSON LORNE A/MARY A 178 NORWICH CRESCANT SHERWOOD PARK AB CAN T8A5S1 300-Foot Notification Boundary Exhibit B – 400 Foot Notification List & Buffer Map PARCEL NUMBER OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 176-27-013 123456 US LIMITED 12031A N LAMONT DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-486 99 FRAMBES LLC 21730 HILLIARD BLVD ROCKY RIVER OH USA 44116 176-27-492 99 FRAMBES LLC 21730 HILLIARD BLVD ROCKY RIVER OH USA 44116 176-27-578 99 FRAMBES LLC 21730 HILLIARD BLVD ROCKY RIVER OH USA 44116 176-24-881A ACI REAL ESTATE SPE 159 LLC PO BOX 800729 DALLAS TX USA 753800729 176-01-216 ALMLIE LUCILLE J/SONJA L 13827 N WENDOVER DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-570 ANDERSON FAMILY LIVING TRUST 16064 E LOST HILLS DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-527 ANDERSON JULIE A 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD NO 259 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-471 ANTONIO AUGUSTO/MARIA 12316 56TH ST EDMONTON AB CAN T5W5G1 176-27-432 ARNETT FAMILY TRUST 15 HOAG DR CLINTON CORNERS NY USA 12514 176-27-466 AYALA ESTHER 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD NO 174 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-17-507 BATOR ONE LLC 16129 E KEOTA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-407 BILLAUER JECHIEL 5-598 KENASTON BLVD WINNEPEG MB CAN R3N2A1 176-27-601 BIZIOS ANDAMANDIA/ANASTASIOS 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD CALGARY AB CAN T3B6L1 176-27-424 BKM DEVELOPERS LLC 10869 N SCOTTSDALE RD STE 103 PMB 262 SCOTTSDALE AZ USA 85254 176-27-507 BLAD ROBERT C/LARINA F 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 239 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683756 176-17-508 BOYER FAMILY TRUST 16046 E TUMBLEWEED DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-24-493 BROOKS MARLON 16049 E LOST HILLS DR UNIT 105 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-511 BRUCH JERRY/MONETTE HUGUETTE 6 ELGIN MEADOWS LINK CALGARY AB CAN T2Z0S3 176-27-494 CAPRARA MARIA/ERMENEGILDO 21 SAXON DR VALHALLA NY USA 10595 176-27-412 CARLSON HOULIHAN LIVING TRUST 25 SEQUOIA RD HAWTHORN WOODS IL USA 60047 176-01-250 CARRO CHRIS/DEMEO JACQUELINE 16150 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-563 CARROLL BRIAN 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 327 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-551 CARTER PAUL D 14616 103 AVE NW EDMONTON AB CAN T5N 0T7 176-27-604 CARTER PAUL D 14616 103 AVE NW EDMONTON AB CAN T5N 0T7 176-24-882 CENTRAL-THOMAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1815 W 1ST AVENUE STE 122 MESA AZ USA 85202 176-27-556 CERBO ANTHONY M III 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 318 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-546 CHERYL AND CRAIG NORTON TRUST 16073 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-426 CHRISTIE INVESTMENTS FOUNTAIN HILLS LLC 16015 E EL LAGO BLVD #103 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-588 CLARK & TOUVELL INVESTMENTS LLC 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 127 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-230 COCHRAN TYLER A 5275 TAFT CT ARVADA CO USA 80002 176-27-522 COLZEN INVESTMENT LLC 16002 E BALSAM DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-05-970H CROONQUIST PROP/TODD M BRO FAMILY TRUST/M/L/K/B/BIRAKOWSKY M 16210 E KINGSTREE BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-568 DAVID ZICKL REVOCABLE TRUST 16048 E LOST HILLS DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-542 DELUCIA JOE/DOREEN 13808 N MOUNTAINSIDE DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-17-524A DELUCIA JOE/DOREEN 13808 N MOUNTAINSIDE DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-445 DOEDEN JAMES R 17223 E FONTANA WAY FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-447 DOUGLAS C THIELE TRUST N43W32811 RASMUS RD NASHOTAH WI USA 53058 176-27-569 DOYLE WILLIAM L/NANCY W 5329 BARBED WIRE DR MISSOULA MT USA 59808 176-27-560 EQUITY TRUST COMPANY 3954 S SECRET GARDEN CT DE PERE WI USA 54115 176-27-503 EQUITY TRUST COMPANY (CUSTODIAN) 3954 S SECRET GARDEN CT DE PERE WI USA 54115 176-01-244 EVANS GALE E TR 16218 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-05-970J EVENHIRSCH LLC 200 S BARINGTON AVE NO 49513 LOS ANGELES CA USA 90049 176-27-403 FEHR RON/LINDA 1119 CRESCENT BLVD SASKATOON SK CAN S7M5W9 176-27-567 FOLCHI JASON E/KARI E 1330 WHOOPING CRANE DR SPARKS NV USA 89441 176-01-433 FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN OF 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683815 176-01-572 FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN OF 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683815 176-05-490 FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN OF 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683815 176-17-523 FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN OF 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683815 176-17-524B FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN OF 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683815 176-27-605 FOUR PEAKS AZ DEVELOPMENT LLLP 8090 N 85TH WAY 101 SCOTTSDALE AZ USA 85258 176-27-554 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INCESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 1000 N HALSTED ST. SUITE 102 CHICAGO IL USA 606424200 176-27-496 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-564 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-568 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-573 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-393 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-394 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-395 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-396 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-399 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-401 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-402 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-406 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 176-27-408 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-410 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-411 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-415 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-416 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-418 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-420 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-423 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-425 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-429 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-430 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-431 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-435 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 176-27-437 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-438 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-441 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-442 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-443 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-444 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-446 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-449 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-451 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-465 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-469 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-472 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-473 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 176-27-474 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-475 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-476 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-478 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-480 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-483 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-484 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-490 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-491 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST SUITE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60854 176-27-495 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-499 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-500 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-501 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 176-27-506 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-513 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-514 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-521 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-523 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-524 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-525 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-526 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-528 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-541 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-545 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-548 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-549 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 176-27-550 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-552 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-553 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-555 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-558 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST SUITE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60854 176-27-562 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-565 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-571 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-574 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-579 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-583 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-585 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-586 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 176-27-587 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST STE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60654 176-27-603 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST SUITE 240 CHICAGO IL USA 60854 176-27-404 GARDEN CITY PROPERTIES 300-326 BROADWAY WINNIPEG MB CAN R3C0S5 176-01-248 GOOD KAITLIN R/TIMOTHY B 16162 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-498 GORIN DANIEL A 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 230 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-544 GUITE CHARLES B/JEAN C TR 16064 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-413 HAND JENNIFER/WESTBY AARON 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 121 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-400 HANSEN IRENE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 108 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683746 176-27-398 HARRINGTON TERRY R/CHERYL D 116 E HILLSIDE AVE FERGUS FALLS MN USA 56537 176-27-580 HARVEL LIVING TRUST 16120 E KEOTA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-229 HAWKINS KENNETH BRETT/NICOLE 13822 N FOUNTAIN HILL BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-542 HELGY PROPERTIES LLC 34428 N 93RD PL SCOTTSDALE AZ USA 85262 176-27-397 HENSON JACQUELINE D 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 105 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-582 HILL CHRIS G 165 YELLOWFIELD WY ERIE CO USA 80516 176-01-247 HILL JULIE/RANDY 16168 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-561 HIS PROPERTY GROUP LLC 11999 62ND ST NE SPICER MN USA 56288 176-01-243 HOLLAND FAMILY TRUST 16224 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-487 HUFF LAURENCE E JR/REBECCA L 28807 N 146TH ST SCOTTSDALE AZ USA 85262 176-01-549 JAMES AND LADEANE BRUNO TRUST 16049 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683129 176-27-436 JAMES EDWARD HADLEY TRUST 8717 SE MONTEREY AVE UNIT 204 HAPPY VALLEY OR USA 97086 176-24-491 JAMES L AND PEGGY R CONCANNON REVOCABLE TRUST 4081 96TH ST PLEASANT PRAIRIE WI USA 53158 176-24-494 JANGARD ERIC JOHAN/DIANE MARIE 1785 DOUGLAS RD UNIT 1 FRIDAY HARBOR WA USA 98250 176-01-540 JKLK FAMILY TRUST 16038 E SEMINOLE LN FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-519 JOHANNESEN DARYL 708 E SAINT JAMES RD NORTH VANCOUVER BC CAN V7K1H1 176-27-012 JOHNSON WILLIAM C 13442 N MOUNTAINSIDE DR UNIT B FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-249 JOHNSTON DARRYL R/JANE A 398 N BEAVER POND CIR PAYSON AZ USA 85541 176-27-434 JOSZ LORRAINE C 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 142 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-479 JUDITH T ADLER LIVING TRUST 756 N BECK RD LINDENHURST IL USA 600469662 176-27-450 JUST TANTASTIC LLC 16286 WAYFARER LN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA USA 92649 176-27-409 KATHLEEN ELLIOTT DECLARATION OF TRUST 8 LILY CT BOLINGBROOK IL USA 604403263 176-27-504 KELM ROBERT/VERNITA 2222 TAMARRON LN LAFAYETTE CO USA 80026 176-27-508 KENNEALLY MARTIN T/NANCY A 3152 MONTECITO MEADOW DR SANTA ROSA CA USA 95404 176-01-228 KITZMAN TERRY L/BEVERLY D 13828 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85269 176-01-215 LARK FRED/LYNNETTE 13821 N WENDOVER DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-237 LEACH HOLLY K 2930 E ILIFF AVE DENVER CO USA 80210 176-27-497 LIU XIAO DONG/ZHAO YA/ETAL 29 HAWKVILLE CLOSE NW CALGARY AB CAN T3G3N3 176-27-584 MAH LILY Y/ROLDAN K 235 SCHUBERT HILL NW CALGARY AB CAN T3L1W4 176-27-576 MAHALKO-MURPHY CAROL 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BOULEVARD APT 346 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683752 176-27-516 MALINOWSKA MALGORZATA 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 248 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-509 MANDROS JAMI LU SORENSON 15912 E OCOTILLO DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-448 MANITOBA ARIZONA II LP 4647 N 32ND ST SUITE 135 PHOENIX AZ USA 85018 176-27-510 MANITOBA ARIZONA III LP 4647 N 32ND ST SUITE 135 PHOENIX AZ USA 85018 176-27-577 MANITOBA ARIZONA III LP 4647 N 32ND ST SUITE 135 PHOENIX AZ USA 85018 176-01-239 MARGARET DONOHUE LIVING TRUST 16237 E KEYMAR DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-570 MARSICO PASQUALE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 338 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683758 176-27-414 MAYS KAZ G 5418 E ESTATE RIDGE RD ANHEIM HILLS CA USA 92807 176-27-440 MCBRIDE PATRICK M/WENDY L 30 ST ELMO RD WINNIPEG MB CAN R2M3H3 176-27-488 MCCRARY KIMBERLY/KRISTOPHER 611 KLARVATTEN BAY EDMONTON AB CAN T5Z2Y8 176-27-428 MCINTIRE HOLYCE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 136 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-547 MCINTIRE KATHERINE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BOULEVARD APT 303 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683751 176-27-481 MEYER DAVID J/GAIL S 138 SOUTHMOOR ROAD WINNIPEG MB CAN R2J2P4 176-01-238 MILLER LUCY B TR 1910 IDAHO ST STE 102-565 ELKO NV USA 89801 176-01-241 MORRIS DANIEL J & LORRAIN Y 16247 E KEYMAR DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-426 MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO 1801 CALIFORNIA ST DENVER CO USA 80202 176-27-421 NAGAMINE SHELIA S PO BOX 10876 HONOLULU HI USA 96816 176-27-489 NELSON PAUL S/CHRISTI A 231 CRYSTAL VALLEY RD MANITOU SPRINGS CO USA 80829 176-05-970X NG21 LP/GPT MANAGED HOLDINGS LP 11720 EL CAMINO REAL STE 250 SAN DIEGO CA USA 92130 176-01-545 OAKESON GARY O/BARBARA H TR 16072 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-543 OEST ADAM/TRAM 16054 E SEMINOLE LN FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-547 PATTERSON ARTHUR E/KATHY L 16065 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-213 PERTNOY CAROL ELLEN TR 13807 N WENDOVER DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-422 PIAZZA THOMAS J/LESLIE J 320 FRANCISCO ST HENDERSON NV USA 89014 176-27-502 PIERCEY CRAIG/CARMEN 8 ETHAN PL ST ALBERT AB CAN T8N7L6 176-01-235 POPE GREGORY E/STEPHANIE M 16211 E KEYMAR DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-559 PORRETTA GILDA 13700 FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 323 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-544 POTTHOFF STEVEN M/LINDA M 5811 S 92ND AVE CIR OMAHA NE USA 68127 176-01-569 POUQUETTE CHEDELLE 1256 E LIBBY ST PHOENIX AZ USA 85022 176-24-489 QUINN LIVING TRUST 16041 E PRIMROSE DR UNIT 101 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-482 RAFA KRISANDRA BOX 1015 BLACKFALDS AB CAN T0M0J0 176-27-467 RANDALL T POTTHOFF REVOCABLE TRUST 1038 BELLA VISTA DR CARROLL IA USA 51401 176-24-492 REUVERS MICHAEL THOMAS/CYNTHIA DAWN 16049 E LOST HILLS DR UNIT 104 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-470 RICH PAULA 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 202 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-546 RIEDY ENTERPRISES INC 108 PLATTE VIEW DR PHILLIPS NE USA 68865 176-27-557 RIEDY ENTERPRISES INC 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD NO 321 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-452 ROKO JONATHAN/PUN SOPHAL 3813 E BETTY ELYSE LN PHOENIX AZ USA 85032 176-27-485 ROMANO JAMES R/MAUDE 5447 STONEMOOR DR PUEBLO CO USA 81005 176-27-512 ROMANO JAMES R/MAUDE 5447 STONEMOOR DR PUEBLO CO USA 81005 176-27-520 ROMANO JAMES R/MAUDE 5447 STONEMOOR DR PUEBLO CO USA 81005 176-27-566 ROMANO JAMES R/MAUDE 5447 STONEMOOR DR PUEBLO CO USA 81005 176-24-490 ROSS FAMILY TRUST 16041 E PRIMROSE DR UNIT 102 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 852683676 176-27-477 ROYSE KAREN SUE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-419 SABNEKAR SUSANNAH/BUCHANAN LEE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 127 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-24-988 SAINDON MIKE L/BARBARA C 3029 SKYLINE DR OCEANSIDE CA USA 92056 176-24-989 SAINDON MIKE L/BARBARA C 3029 SKYLINE DR OCEANSIDE CA USA 92056 176-24-990 SAINDON MIKE L/BARBARA C 3029 SKYLINE DR OCEANSIDE CA USA 92056 176-24-991 SAINDON MIKE L/BARBARA C 3029 SKYLINE DR OCEANSIDE CA USA 92056 176-01-532 SANTO PAMELA J 16045 E SEMINOLE LN FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-517 SCOTT JUNE 80 EDGEFORD WY NW CALGARY AB CAN T3A2S7 176-27-439 SELMER ALAN 138 8TH ST CLINTONVILLE WI USA 54929 176-24-255 SENDEROS AT FOUNTAIN HILLS LLC 1505 RIVER SHORE DR HASTINGS MN USA 55033 176-01-246 SEPTEMBER FRANK JR 16206 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-572 SERENITY VACATIONS LLC 13019 WICKER AVE CEDAR LAKE IN USA 46303 176-01-548 SHEA NANCY O/WILLIAM 1936 TEE LN CASTLE ROCK CO USA 80104 176-01-242 SHIPMAN DAVID/KATHLEEN 16230 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-417 SIR JIRI/WILCZAK WIOLETTA E 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD # 125 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-515 SMP LUNA FOUR PEAKS LLC 16729 E EMERALD DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-468 SONG HEEYANG/MOOHO 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILL BLVD UNIT 176 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-236 STASI MARK/REBECCA L 16217 E KEYMAR DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-531 SUGG RICK W 16050 E PONDEROSA DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-240 SWANSON CHRISTOPHER/KIMBERLY 18379 MEADOW RIDGE RD SALINAS CA USA 93907 176-01-245 THRASHER GREGORY W/BARBARA H 16212 E PALISADES BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-541 TIMMERS LAWRENCE M/BARBARA M 16046 E SEMINOLE DR FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-24-256 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH OF FOUNTAIN HILLS INC P O BOX 17270 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85269 176-27-493 VALENTINE-DAY REVOCABLE TRUST 10271 E CALLE MAGDALENA TUCSON AZ USA 85748 176-27-505 VAN DEN HEUVEL ANTHONY P 11823 N ABBEY LN FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-575 VAN ORSDAL TARA MARIE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 345 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-231 VAUGHN COLIN/LINDA 13810 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-01-214 VAZQUEZ NADINE 16605 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-602 VERLEI LEE C/ALANNA M 9264 MONTGOMERY DR NORTH RIDGEVILLE OH USA 44039 176-27-427 WAUTIER JEFFREY P/AMY L 3954 S SECRET GARDEN CT DE PERE WI USA 54115 176-27-518 WELLS STEVEN M 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 250 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-433 WHITE GERALD D/MONAI A 16800 E EL LAGO BLVD 1028 FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ USA 85268 176-27-581 WILSON DALE RONALD/WENDY LEE 148 W CREEK LANDING CHESTERMERE LAKE AB CAN T1X1R8 176-27-405 WILSON LORNE A/MARY A 178 NORWICH CRESCANT SHERWOOD PARK AB CAN T8A5S1 176-27-543 ZIEJEWSKI ZEN 34589 VIA CATALINA DANA POINT CA USA 92624 176-01-567 N/A N/A 400-Foot Notification Boundary Citizen Participation Report Senderos at Fountain Hills Case Number: RZ22-000002 Project Name: Senderos at Fountain Hills Location: SEC of Palisades Boulevard and Mountainside Drive Date Submitted: December 21, 2022 Neighborhood Meeting Summary Senderos at Fountain Hills December 21, 2022 Page | 2 1. Project Description Case Number RZ22-000002 is a rezoning request for the approximately 6.3-acre property generally located at the southeast corner of Palisades Boulevard and Mountainside Drive (the “Property”). The Property currently consists of two (2) parcels: Maricopa County Assessor’s Office Parcel Number (APN) 176-24-255 (the “South Parcel”) and the western 3.1-acres of APN 176-24-256 (the “North Parcel”). The request is to downzone the South Parcel portion of the Property from R-4 to R-3, while changing the North Parcel’s R1-10 to a matching R-3 (the “Application”), which will unify the zoning for the entire Property and allow for the development of a high-quality residential project consisting of 80 multi-family dwelling units throughout four (4) buildings with tuck-under and surface parking (the “Project”). 2. Notification Mailed Notice: On November 30, 2022, notices were mailed first class to all property owners within 400-feet of the Property. See Exhibit A for affidavit of mailing notice. Neighborhood Meeting Summary Senderos at Fountain Hills December 21, 2022 Page | 3 3. Neighborhood Meeting A. December 15, 2022: The applicant and its representatives hosted a meeting at the Fountain Hills Community Center (13001 N La Montana Dr, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268). There were approximately twenty-nine (29) interested persons who attended. The sign-in sheets are attached as Exhibit B. At this neighborhood meeting, the development team had eight stations set up with presentation poster boards containing specific information of the Project, including the Property area, architectural renderings, landscaping plans, development standards, trip generation data, section views, drainage plan, and zoning information. The applicant and its representatives were located at each station to allow for an intimate review and discussion of the Project. The applicant and its representatives took notes to record questions, concerns, and comments raised at the meeting. The neighborhood meeting lasted approximately one (1) hour. Comment cards were provided, and the responses returned to the Applicant’s representatives. The comment cards received from those in attendance are attached as Exhibit C. Attendees were also encouraged to contact the Applicant’s representatives with any additional questions or comments that they may have after the conclusion of the meeting. 4. Statements, Concerns, Issues, and Problems Raised by Stakeholders Questions, comments and concerns raised by those in attendance pertained to: (1) the total number of units proposed for the Project; (2) whether there will be sidewalks on both sides of Mountainside Drive installed; (3) the impact to wildlife as a result of the development of the Project; (4) the anticipated monthly rent for each unit type; (5) current issues with street parking on Mountainside Drive from other apartments complexes in the area; (6) potential impacts to current viewshed for properties west of the Project; (7) the Project’s proposed height; (8) the current number of available apartments in Fountain Hills and the need for additional apartments; (9) the potential for a traffic light being added at the intersection of Mountainside Drive and Palisades Boulevard; (10) general comments about watershed and wash drainage; (11) current vehicular safety issues crossing Palisades Boulevard at Mountainside Drive; (12) types of alternative developments that would be permitted on the Property under its existing zoning; (13) proposed zoning; and (14) traffic concerns stemming from the proposed development, particularly for westbound turns from Mountainside Drive. The applicant and the applicant’s representatives responded to the questions, comments and concerns raised by those in attendance. In summary responses to comments, concerns, or questions included: • The Project proposes a total of 80 residential units (with a mix of 1, 2 and 3-bedroom units) • A sidewalk is currently located on the east side of Mountainside Drive; a sidewalk is not proposed on the west side of Mountainside Drive as part of this Project • Projected rents: $1,500- $3,000 depending on unit size Neighborhood Meeting Summary Senderos at Fountain Hills December 21, 2022 Page | 4 • Drainage corridor will be left in place, thus preserving the exiting drainage patterns and wildlife corridor • Proposed building height of 30’, in compliance with code • Parking garage is tucked into hill to lower the height of the building when viewed from the finished floor of the nearest homes to the west and to thereby respect the views of the nearby homes • Existing zoning allows for development of 70 dwelling units on the South Parcel by-right under its existing R-4 zoning and the development of 13 single-family homes on the North Parcel under its R-10 zoning, for a total of 83 residences • The proposed Project and associated rezoning Application will result in a total of 80 dwelling units, which is 3 less residences than could otherwise be developed on the entire Property by right • Incorporating the North Parcel into the Project doubles the size of the Property and results in only 10 more units than could be developed solely on the South Parcel by right; in addition, incorporating the North Parcel allows for a better designed project where the Project’s buildings can be “spread out” and tucked farther down the Property’s hill to better respect the views of the neighboring homes to the west • Per the traffic statement prepared by the applicant’s traffic engineer, the Project results in less traffic than would be generated by 70 multi-family units on the South Parcel and 13 single-family homes on the North Parcel — which could be developed under the Property’s existing zoning Zoning Group Nick Wood, Esq Attorney Chris Colyer, Esq Attorney Michael Maerowitz, Esq Attorney Noel J. Griemsmann, AICP Sr. Urban Planner Ryan McCann, AICP Urban Planner Maggie Dellow Urban Planner Ty Utton Assistant Planner Exhibit A Mailing Notice Affidavit Zoning Group Nick Wood, Esq Attorney Chris Colyer, Esq Attorney Michael Maerowitz, Esq Attorney Noel J. Griemsmann, AICP Sr. Urban Planner Ryan McCann, AICP Urban Planner Maggie Dellow Urban Planner Ty Utton Assistant Planner Senderos at Fountain Hills Affidavit of Notification Case Number: RZ22-000002 Affidavit of Notification Application No: _R_z_2_2_-0_0_0_0_0_2 ___________________________ _ Applicant Name: Michael Maerowitz Location: Southeast Corner of East Palisades Boulevard and North Mountainside Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ I confirm that notice as required for the case noted above has been mailed or delivered to the attached list of property owners and neighborhood associations at the addresses noted. Appl[�gnature 11-30-2022 Date This instrument was acknowledged before me on this __ 3_o ___ day of November 20 22 , by Sarah Schiele . In witness whereof ------------------------- I hereunto set my hand and official seal. My commission expires Ju,ty ,;zf, do,;i.s- -"Y-•l'h SHELLEY R JACKSON I tc•t Notary Public -Arizona :: MaricOpa County "' � Commission # 609088 I I �'Jii'f!-- My Comm. Exp. July 28. 2025 Zoning Group Nick Wood, Esq Attorney Chris Colyer, Esq Attorney Michael Maerowitz, Esq Attorney Noel J. Griemsmann, AICP Sr. Urban Planner Ryan McCann, AICP Urban Planner Maggie Dellow Urban Planner Ty Utton Assistant Planner Senderos at Fountain Hills Written Notice Snell & Wilmer ONE EAST WASHINGTON STREET SUITE 2700 PHOENIX, AZ 85004-2556 602.382.6000 P 602.382.6070 F ALBUQUERQUE BOISE DALLAS DENVER LAS VEGAS LOS ANGELES LOS CABOS ORANGE COUNTY PHOENIX PORTLAND RENO SALT LAKE CITY SAN DIEGO SEATTLE TUCSON WASHINGTON, D.C. Michael T. Maerowitz (602)382-6494mmaerowitz@swlaw.com November 30, 2022 RE: Neighborhood Meeting Notification for the Property Located at the Southeast Corner of East Palisades Boulevard and North Mountainside Drive in Fountain Hills, Arizona Dear Property Owner or Neighborhood Organization Representative: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that, on behalf of Senderos At Fountain Hills, LLC (“Senderos”), we have filed a rezoning application (Case No. RZ22-000002) with the Town of Fountain Hills for the approximately 6.3-acre property located at the southeast corner of Palisades Boulevard and Mountainside Drive (the “Property”). As shown by the Aerial Map of the Property included with this letter, the Property consists of two (2) vacant parcels: a South Parcel and a North Parcel. The Property currently has split zoning. The South Parcel is zoned R-4 (Multifamily Residential Zoning District) and the North Parcel is zoned R1-10 (Single-Family Residential Zoning District). Senderos is proposing to develop the entire Property with a high-quality multi-family residential development consisting of 80 dwelling units, which will be located throughout four (4) separate buildings (the “Project”). To accommodate the development of the Project, the rezoning application requests to downzone the South Parcel from R-4 to R-3, while changing the North Parcel’s R1-10 zoning to a matching R-3, which will unify the zoning for the entire Property. Each of the Project’s buildings will be three (3) stories with a parking level and two residential floors above, with a maximum building height of thirty (30) feet. The Project will include residential amenities, including a landscaped courtyard, swimming pool and spa. The Project has been strategically designed to respect the single-family homes to the west and minimize blocking views of the mountains by utilizing the Property’s slope. Specifically, to lower the height of the building when viewed from Mountainside Drive, the parking garage for the buildings will be built into the Property’s hillside. The Project’s buildings are also located to “step down” in accordance with the Property’s slope. A conceptual Site Plan and Building Elevations for the Project are provided with this letter for your reference. Our rezoning application is currently in review with the Town’s Planning and Development Services staff. During this review period, we would like to invite you to a neighborhood meeting Snell & Wilmer Senderos at Fountain Hills November 30, 2022 Page 2 to meet the development team and discuss the Project. We have scheduled a neighborhood meeting as follows: Neighborhood Meeting Date/Time: Location: Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Fountain Hills Community Center – Ballroom 4 13001 N La Montana Drive Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 You are welcome to participate in this meeting to learn about the Project and the rezoning request. Please feel free to contact me or Noel Griemsmann, AICP, Senior Urban Planner, at (602) 382-6824 or via e-mail to ngriemsmann@swlaw.com should you have any questions regardingthis proposal or wish to express your thoughts. You may also make your opinions known on this case by emailing or writing to the Town of Fountain Hills Development Services Department, 16705 E. Ave of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268, referencing the case numbers on the first page of this letter. Your email/letter will be made part of the case file. The Town of Fountain Hills Planner assigned to this case is Farhad Tavassoli. Mr. Tavassoli can be reached at 480-816-5139 or via email at ftavassoli@fountainhillsaz.gov. Mr. Tavassoli can answer your questions regarding the Town’s review and hearing processes. Again, I would be happy to answer any questions or discuss any comments that you may have regarding this proposal. Thank you for your attention to this letter. Very truly yours, Snell & Wilmer Michael T. Maerowitz Attachments: -Aerial Map-Site Plan - Building Elevations Snell & Wilmer Senderos at Fountain Hills November 30, 2022 Page 3 Exhibit A P A R C E L A P A R C E L B Z O N E D : R 4 Z O N E D : R 1 - 1 0 E X I S T I N G W A S H EXIST. DRAINAGE CULVERT UNDER ROAD P A R C E L A P A R C E L B Z O N E D : R 4 Z O N E D : R 1 - 1 0 C H U R C H C H U R C H E X I S T I N G D E T E N T I O N B A S I N T O P E D G E O F E X I S T I N G D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T PA R K I N G G A R A G E AC C E S S PA R K I N G G A R A G E AC C E S S PARKIN G G A R A G E ACCESS PARKING GARAGE ACCESS L.S . PL A N T E R 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE 3'-0" WIDE PLANTER / TERRACE UPPER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) LOWER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) UPPER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) LOWER RETAINING WALL (PER CIVIL) T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L T O R E M A I N N A T U R A L 2" CALIP., 6'T, 5'W (MULTI) FOOTFILL PALO VERDE CERCIDIUM MICROPHYLLUM IRONWOOD OLNEYA TESOTA 2" CALIP., 5'T,3.5'W MINIMUM 2000lbs EACH GRANITE BOULDER (BURY 1/3) 3'x3'x3' SURFACE SELECT 5 GALLON SMOOTH AGAVE AGAVE DESMETTIANA 5 GALLON DESERT SPOON DASYLIRION WHEELERII 5 GALLON BLUE ELF ALOE ALOE 'BLUE ELF' 1 GALLON 1 GALLON DESERT MARIGOLD BAILEA MULTIRADIATA 5 GALLON CREOSOTE LARREA TRIDENTATA 5 GALLON MEXICAN BIRD OF PARADISE CAESALPINIA MEXICANA 5 GALLON DESERT CASSIA CASSIA PHYLODENIA 5 GALLON 'GREEN CLOUD' LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 1.5" CALIP., 6'T, 3.5'W NATIVE MESQUITE PROSOPIS VELUTINA 2" CALIP., 6.5'T, 4.5'W BLUE PALO VERDE CERCIDIUM FLORIDUM LANDSCAPE LEGEND 5 GALLON RUSSELLIA RUSSELLIA EQUIFORMIS 3-STALK GROUPING (2.5', 2', 1' TALL) MEXICAN FENCE POST PACHYCEREUS MARGINATUS TRAILING PURPLE LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS 10" ROUND (MATCHING) GOLDEN BARREL CACTUS ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII 5 GALLON REGAL MIST DEER GRASS MUHLENBERGIA 'REGAL MIST' TREES 5 GALLON RED BIRD OF PARADISE CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA 5 GALLON GREEN HOP BUSH DODONEA VISCOSA 2" DEPTH IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS DECOMPOSED GRANITE 1/2" MINUS MADISON GOLD 5 GALLON YELLOW BELLS TECOMA STANS 5 GALLON BUR SAGE AMBROSIA DELTOIDEA 5 GALLON MOROCCAN MOUND EUPHORBIA RESINIFERA 1.5" CALIP.(MULTI) 4'T, 3.5'W CASCALOTE CAESALPINIA CACALACO 10 CANE MIN. 7'T MIN. OCOTILLO FOUQUIERIA SPLENDENS SCALE 1" : 30' P.(602)265-0320 Scottsdale, Arizona 85258 10450 N. 74th Street , Suite 120 SITE PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE T.J. McQUEEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. EMAIL: timmcqueen@tjmla.net CONSENT FROM TJMLA. T.J. McQUEEN & ASSOC., INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION & THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUTCOPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR(TJMLA) EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT& OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. COPIED IN FIRST E IPX ERS 3202/03/60 09.19.22 Zoning Group Nick Wood, Esq Attorney Chris Colyer, Esq Attorney Michael Maerowitz, Esq Attorney Noel J. Griemsmann, AICP Sr. Urban Planner Ryan McCann, AICP Urban Planner Maggie Dellow Urban Planner Ty Utton Assistant Planner Senderos at Fountain Hills 400-Foot Property Owners 123456 US LIMITED 12031A N LAMONT DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 947522 ALBERTA LTD 134-21 SUMMERWOOD DR, SHERWOOD PARK, AB T8H 0C5 99 FRAMBES LLC 21730 HILLIARD BLVD, ROCKY RIVER, OH 44116 ACI REAL ESTATE SPE 159 LLC PO BOX 800729, DALLAS, TX 753800729 ALMLIE LUCILLE J/SONJA L 13827 N WENDOVER DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 ANDERSON FAMILY LIVING TRUST 16064 E LOST HILLS DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 ANDERSON JULIE A 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD NO 259, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 ANTONIO AUGUSTO/MARIA 12316 56TH ST, EDMONTON, AB T5W5G1 ARNETT FAMILY TRUST 15 HOAG DR, CLINTON CORNERS, NY 12514 AYALA ESTHER 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD NO 174, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 BATOR ONE LLC 16129 E KEOTA DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 BILLAUER JECHIEL 5-598 KENASTON BLVD, WINNEPEG, MB R3N2A1 BIZIOS ANDAMANDIA/ANASTASIOS 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD, CALGARY, AB T3B6L1 BKM DEVELOPERS LLC 10869 N SCOTTSDALE RD STE 103 PMB 262, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85254 BLAD ROBERT C/LARINA F 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 239, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 852683756 BOYER FAMILY TRUST 16046 E TUMBLEWEED DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 BROOKS MARLON 16049 E LOST HILLS DR UNIT 105, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 BRUCH JERRY/MONETTE HUGUETTE 6 ELGIN MEADOWS LINK, CALGARY, AB T2Z0S3 CAPRARA MARIA/ERMENEGILDO 21 SAXON DR, VALHALLA, NY 10595 CARLSON HOULIHAN LIVING TRUST 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 CARRO CHRIS/DEMEO JACQUELINE 16150 E PALISADES BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 CARROLL BRIAN 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 327, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 CARTER PAUL D 14616 103 AVE NW, EDMONTON, AB T5N 0T7 CENTRAL-THOMAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1815 W 1ST AVENUE STE 122, MESA, AZ 85202 CERBO ANTHONY M III 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 318, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 CHERYL AND CRAIG NORTON TRUST 16073 E PONDEROSA DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 CHRISTIE INVESTMENTS FOUNTAIN HILLS LLC 16015 E EL LAGO BLVD #103, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 CLARK & TOUVELL INVESTMENTS LLC 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 127, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 COCHRAN TYLER A 5275 TAFT CT, ARVADA, CO 80002 COLZEN INVESTMENT LLC 16002 E BALSAM DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 CROONQUIST PROP/TODD M BRO FAMILY TRUST/M/L/K/B/BIRAKOWSKY M 16210 E KINGSTREE BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 DAVID ZICKL REVOCABLE TRUST 16048 E LOST HILLS DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 DELUCIA JOE/DOREEN 13808 N MOUNTAINSIDE DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 DOEDEN JAMES R 17223 E FONTANA WAY, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 DOUGLAS C THIELE TRUST N43W32811 RASMUS RD, NASHOTAH, WI 53058 DOYLE WILLIAM L/NANCY W 5329 BARBED WIRE DR, MISSOULA, MT 59808 EQUITY TRUST COMPANY 3954 S SECRET GARDEN CT, DE PERE, WI 54115 EQUITY TRUST COMPANY (CUSTODIAN) 3954 S SECRET GARDEN CT, DE PERE, WI 54115 EVANS GALE E TR 16218 E PALISADES BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 EVENHIRSCH LLC 200 S BARINGTON AVE NO 49513, LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 FALBO ADRIAN J/DONNA M 516 PHILIP DR, BARTLETT, IL 60103 FEHR RON/LINDA 1119 CRESCENT BLVD, SASKATOON, SK S7M5W9 FOLCHI JASON E/KARI E 1330 WHOOPING CRANE DR, SPARKS, NV 89441 FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN OF 16705 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 852683815 FOUR PEAKS AZ DEVELOPMENT LLLP 8090 N 85TH WAY 101, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85258 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC/FOUR PEAKS INCESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC 1000 N HALSTED ST. SUITE 102, CHICAGO, IL 606424200 FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS II LLC/FOUR PEAKS INVESTMENT PARTNERS I LLC 350 W HUBBARD ST SUITE 240, CHICAGO, IL 60854 GARDEN CITY PROPERTIES 300-326 BROADWAY, WINNIPEG, MB R3C0S5 GOOD KAITLIN R/TIMOTHY B 16162 E PALISADES BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 GORIN DANIEL A 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 230, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 GUITE CHARLES B/JEAN C TR 16064 E PONDEROSA DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 HAND JENNIFER/WESTBY AARON 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 121, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 HANSEN IRENE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 108, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 852683746 HARRINGTON TERRY R/CHERYL D 116 E HILLSIDE AVE, FERGUS FALLS, MN 56537 HARVEL LIVING TRUST 16120 E KEOTA DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 HAWKINS KENNETH BRETT/NICOLE 13822 N FOUNTAIN HILL BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 HELGY PROPERTIES LLC 34428 N 93RD PL, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85262 HENSON JACQUELINE D 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 105, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 HILL CHRIS G 165 YELLOWFIELD WY, ERIE, CO 80516 HILL JULIE/RANDY 16168 E PALISADES BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 HIS PROPERTY GROUP LLC 11999 62ND ST NE, SPICER, MN 56288 HOLLAND FAMILY TRUST 16224 E PALISADES BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 HUFF LAURENCE E JR/REBECCA L 28807 N 146TH ST, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85262 JAMES AND LADEANE BRUNO TRUST 16049 E PONDEROSA DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 852683129 JAMES EDWARD HADLEY TRUST 8717 SE MONTEREY AVE UNIT 204, HAPPY VALLEY, OR 97086 JAMES L AND PEGGY R CONCANNON REVOCABLE TRUST 4081 96TH ST, PLEASANT PRAIRIE, WI 53158 JANGARD ERIC JOHAN/DIANE MARIE 1785 DOUGLAS RD UNIT 1, FRIDAY HARBOR, WA 98250 JKLK FAMILY TRUST 16038 E SEMINOLE LN, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 JOHANNESEN DARYL 708 E SAINT JAMES RD, NORTH VANCOUVER, BC V7K1H1 JOHNSON WILLIAM C 13442 N MOUNTAINSIDE DR UNIT B, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 JOHNSTON DARRYL R/JANE A 398 N BEAVER POND CIR, PAYSON, AZ 85541 JOSZ LORRAINE C 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 142, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 JUDITH T ADLER LIVING TRUST 756 N BECK RD, LINDENHURST, IL 600469662 JUST TANTASTIC LLC 16286 WAYFARER LN, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 KATHLEEN ELLIOTT DECLARATION OF TRUST 8 LILY CT, BOLINGBROOK, IL 604403263 KELM ROBERT/VERNITA 2222 TAMARRON LN, LAFAYETTE, CO 80026 KENNEALLY MARTIN T/NANCY A 3152 MONTECITO MEADOW DR, SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 KITZMAN TERRY L/BEVERLY D 13828 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85269 LARK FRED/LYNNETTE 13821 N WENDOVER DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 LEACH HOLLY K 2930 E ILIFF AVE, DENVER, CO 80210 LIU XIAO DONG/ZHAO YA/ETAL 29 HAWKVILLE CLOSE NW, CALGARY, AB T3G3N3 MAH LILY Y/ROLDAN K 235 SCHUBERT HILL NW, CALGARY, AB T3L1W4 MAHALKO-MURPHY CAROL 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BOULEVARD APT 346, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 852683752 MALINOWSKA MALGORZATA 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 248, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 MANDROS JAMI LU SORENSON 15912 E OCOTILLO DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 MANITOBA ARIZONA II LP 4647 N 32ND ST SUITE 135, PHOENIX, AZ 85018 MANITOBA ARIZONA III LP 4647 N 32ND ST SUITE 135, PHOENIX, AZ 85018 MARGARET DONOHUE LIVING TRUST 16237 E KEYMAR DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 MARSICO PASQUALE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 338, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 852683758 MAYS KAZ G 5418 E ESTATE RIDGE RD, ANHEIM HILLS, CA 92807 MCBRIDE PATRICK M/WENDY L 30 ST ELMO RD, WINNIPEG, MB R2M3H3 MCCRARY KIMBERLY/KRISTOPHER 611 KLARVATTEN BAY, EDMONTON, AB T5Z2Y8 MCINTIRE HOLYCE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 136, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 MCINTIRE KATHERINE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BOULEVARD APT 303, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 852683751 MEYER DAVID J/GAIL S 138 SOUTHMOOR ROAD, WINNIPEG, MB R2J2P4 MILLER LUCY B TR 1910 IDAHO ST STE 102-565, ELKO, NV 89801 MORRIS DANIEL J & LORRAIN Y 16247 E KEYMAR DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO 1801 CALIFORNIA ST, DENVER, CO 80202 NAGAMINE SHELIA S PO BOX 10876, HONOLULU, HI 96816 NELSON PAUL S/CHRISTI A 231 CRYSTAL VALLEY RD, MANITOU SPRINGS, CO 80829 NG21 LP/GPT MANAGED HOLDINGS LP 11720 EL CAMINO REAL STE 250, SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 OAKESON GARY O/BARBARA H TR 16072 E PONDEROSA DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 OEST ADAM/TRAM 16054 E SEMINOLE LN, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 PATTERSON ARTHUR E/KATHY L 16065 E PONDEROSA DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 PERTNOY CAROL ELLEN TR 13807 N WENDOVER DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 PIAZZA THOMAS J/LESLIE J 320 FRANCISCO ST, HENDERSON, NV 89014 PIERCEY CRAIG/CARMEN 8 ETHAN PL, ST ALBERT, AB T8N7L6 POPE GREGORY E/STEPHANIE M 16211 E KEYMAR DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 PORRETTA GILDA 13700 FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 323, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 POTTHOFF STEVEN M/LINDA M 5811 S 92ND AVE CIR, OMAHA, NE 68127 POUQUETTE CHEDELLE 1256 E LIBBY ST, PHOENIX, AZ 85022 QUINN LIVING TRUST 16041 E PRIMROSE DR UNIT 101, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 RAFA KRISANDRA BOX 1015, BLACKFALDS, AB T0M0J0 RANDALL T POTTHOFF REVOCABLE TRUST 1038 BELLA VISTA DR, CARROLL, IA 51401 REUVERS MICHAEL THOMAS/CYNTHIA DAWN 16049 E LOST HILLS DR UNIT 104, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 RICH PAULA 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 202, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 RIEDY ENTERPRISES INC 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD NO 321, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 ROKO JONATHAN/PUN SOPHAL 3813 E BETTY ELYSE LN, PHOENIX, AZ 85032 ROMANO JAMES R/MAUDE 5447 STONEMOOR DR, PUEBLO, CO 81005 ROSS FAMILY TRUST 16041 E PRIMROSE DR UNIT 102, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 852683676 ROYSE KAREN SUE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 SABNEKAR SUSANNAH/BUCHANAN LEE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD UNIT 127, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 SAINDON MIKE L/BARBARA C 3029 SKYLINE DR, OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 SANTO PAMELA J 16045 E SEMINOLE LN, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 SCOTT JUNE 80 EDGEFORD WY NW, CALGARY, AB T3A2S7 SELMER ALAN 138 8TH ST, CLINTONVILLE, WI 54929 SENDEROS AT FOUNTAIN HILLS LLC 1505 RIVER SHORE DR, HASTINGS, MN 55033 SEPTEMBER FRANK JR 16206 E PALISADES BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 SERENITY VACATIONS LLC 13019 WICKER AVE, CEDAR LAKE, IN 46303 SHEA NANCY O/WILLIAM 1936 TEE LN, CASTLE ROCK, CO 80104 SHIPMAN DAVID/KATHLEEN 16230 E PALISADES BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 SIR JIRI/WILCZAK WIOLETTA E 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD # 125, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 SMP LUNA FOUR PEAKS LLC 16729 E EMERALD DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 SONG HEEYANG/MOOHO 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILL BLVD UNIT 176, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 STASI MARK/REBECCA L 16217 E KEYMAR DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 SUGG RICK W 16050 E PONDEROSA DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 SWANSON CHRISTOPHER/KIMBERLY 18379 MEADOW RIDGE RD, SALINAS, CA 93907 THRASHER GREGORY W/BARBARA H 16212 E PALISADES BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 TIMMERS LAWRENCE M/BARBARA M 16046 E SEMINOLE DR, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH OF FOUNTAIN HILLS INC P O BOX 17270, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85269 UNRUH LARRY/CAROLE 13300 E VIA LINDA UNIT 1014, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85259 VALENTINE-DAY REVOCABLE TRUST 10271 E CALLE MAGDALENA, TUCSON, AZ 85748 VAN DEN HEUVEL ANTHONY P 11823 N ABBEY LN, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 VAN ORSDAL TARA MARIE 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 345, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 VAUGHN COLIN/LINDA 13810 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 VAZQUEZ NADINE 16605 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 VERLEI LEE C/ALANNA M 9264 MONTGOMERY DR, NORTH RIDGEVILLE, OH 44039 WAUTIER JEFFREY P/AMY L 3954 S SECRET GARDEN CT, DE PERE, WI 54115 WELLS STEVEN M 13700 N FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD APT 250, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 WHITE GERALD D/MONAI A 16800 E EL LAGO BLVD 1028, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 WILSON DALE RONALD/WENDY LEE 148 W CREEK LANDING, CHESTERMERE LAKE, AB T1X1R8 WILSON LORNE A/MARY A 178 NORWICH CRESCANT, SHERWOOD PARK, AB T8A5S1 ZIEJEWSKI ZEN 34589 VIA CATALINA, DANA POINT, CA 92624 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ATTN: FARHAD TAVASSOLI 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 Zoning Group Nick Wood, Esq Attorney Chris Colyer, Esq Attorney Michael Maerowitz, Esq Attorney Noel J. Griemsmann, AICP Sr. Urban Planner Ryan McCann, AICP Urban Planner Maggie Dellow Urban Planner Ty Utton Assistant Planner Exhibit B Sign-In Sheets Meenruc Sten{r SHeer State zlP Phone Number E-MailNameStreet Address PjC 0n ^"h dd\R, r Anils ,\bq€</b77f 6 trrtlwl qZ ,5768 6 orbl q<qca fsau fl 630-a.t t -Lrtj t^C ^€+ d* r I oort4**,\a r,L3R*,.. \ c*D&yL N u n.'-Ion I /bor3 € 9onro€,(.osA hz p2 8y>ea ?raaga/n?4e4,o tdraaa*/p6on-6 a t e { vptrs / lont //rrrn *,, ).bz-tgE?e{rt*re,t /tYnh,U, l.hutrmnkta , fubX t*ofty-hq ) zo>*<ut/D/bg del1prn",,?RYh^,i[lh,,,.nE",ne a IbbttLt,T,nBFh€(Nn )&f4e ,&-6s+*cn sliA'ego eoz"$JR,Le5gqa""\isd.tL-Lf T.-,"^[2]c"r,",5 Az- LI,,tor d-G L^(^u;*rL tLo\F f-Sani,ol< /*t Az f'MP ($0"{"q{ggJ DLf,-lqVlPrfffitwr LnKgrr+r,tfttt zq oq; K?/qse6('(<ou41d4 (?s6(fr 0 tQP(lluuutryWOy- 5*r?*o.*-h,lYx.t[\C. C]ro(..* l*,Nn F t\,4e ts\G"<*r-)tvst=, 5.p i.s"*$<:Q.*n In-eor- tnszll,l Ak+ LYnrnt CrtoQry()t )1ot lnmnt nR. hu ca,twfr Ktrc AL (62${80.8s7'$&6Aa.Ary @ tqox,ni,BrXr.* 1nW'/ 607 e 7:, ftaa'.,nrJ4 frz $9etre +9{'bW'nt I(ra*?ng<'*o)I bto'? l/ .t/Jal{(x,q6{LDR Alt{t{ 0,uru-'Vo,rtou noq| $[r{r,,rkh'ft ltL $ru(-t_ rL ffi79,TtLl-IrZa-A #/'rFoe2r/o,bhn @Eto /(r(g €n*{4,rc/y ap'w"e Sor+rgwr I 0 f hL Trzta q67/a'mq )ffi fst *il 'E,Jq; Meerrruc Srcr,r-|ru SHeer Name Street Address State ztP Phone Number E-Mail 3o,r&, 7'6/4rrt4 tG{16 e ftls2s" F/'././z-95uK QzS 47",e.l,/'K*tlr t-/.6q,, '+StGD Ys1a.- co h 6Ke,or {g,h-r} Tla&)tt ,*lUzla t?o.rs/r.oA Bqan zlz 9 ELbg ?J;t-tgi -ffi 6urTil'a1spinQrtt n t,rilr"a-- L, %f,rn'fi*tlf{t it MD^k"*s["9.[>VW 33oar,fu tu.Jdrne@,r. p €O QUINN /60'/l (R,*ns+ot rp t FZ ,t ,lro-lt/-tta/ ftA^* fur loc't E wru ftL t\I c{ o Lzr ?lzt qoatf(!as,t.elr /.*/oa f{vLr,r*lh ok 6 flnBED6;g Q-y')€rloazi'r-6rt*r,J, {.trt,(/rt,/ (. /a""'trG €///z rf%g fuliot.lmf 6,p/ri*n4u*q,&, t I /(/ @\ vd. 4 Zoning Group Nick Wood, Esq Attorney Chris Colyer, Esq Attorney Michael Maerowitz, Esq Attorney Noel J. Griemsmann, AICP Sr. Urban Planner Ryan McCann, AICP Urban Planner Maggie Dellow Urban Planner Ty Utton Assistant Planner Exhibit C Comment Cards p Neighborhood Meeting Guest Comment Card Please provide your comments about the proposed project below Thank vou for attendine our meeting. Name /)&u&r Address 6 o ?6 e8{0t- P ilhone/Ema Y ooP € cle {^) 5 to(-. Neighborhood Meeting Guest Comment Card Please provide your comments about the proposed project below Ibfl l_reslslallcndilreurlneeti.ne. H:* #rr!trY&,,u4 !, Ftt Phone,/Email:D5TONE Q-ffin)e t ' Neighborhood Meeting Guest Comment Card -Please provide your comments about the proposed project below ThAnk vou for attendinsrour meetins. tY r/t k &h t Name: Address: Phone/Email: Neighborhood Meeting Guest Comment Card Please provide your comments about the Droposed project below Thank vou for attendinE our meeting. I 4 3 ,tl -f a.-tt4 c ,riny /trT l, o ,t n. t r, s f / 4t5., f,ra,yy ri!i" - L€J /.* *r- ft''" l:i 'c'l ,ohl Ctiu)'/ t/ \ b. t4t1i t":..'; '"t*:T ) / ttf a,/ rr..*.J/ Tr. n.py tc f"r.le r' I r 5 td"a-ff, c a,-;;i;' Eel I',' i C o L,r1 i s *{E 4i"{ b? sfa<tt? it" hty4\| ! i -/, , Z-T4,, /5 i,t','7i{ {'*P','/! fiart'ti- iffi az-'t/-*CL t q- n t t"rt,/f / ; re -f dr a-t ? l,rlru Fro,za"/i 14 ^/lo fflrau/v An,rqSntj*n Narne: PnY-r / <- i 't Address: t{f*tx r Phone/Email: ,,i: 1, fr tn y, t""f E "At ntbt Jvo*r*';i b,f c,nft''tX &rn i'{ i"-,f.-t r'ti*- a i{* n ":: t-,,,:l-,f !> \ Neighborhood Meeting Guest Comment Card Please provide ypur comments about the proposed project below Thank vou for attending our meeting. A eg*.s fo -'u"o r'thi,t t id e b y FouP Pu ks 4 h srndn Lu Lb id" lfrnus ftul* I E';I'^ O Ff nED aJ l'o.t'u u r$ame: 6d Qu'"ils -A Address: I /b q t E Fauu xo3 o- on",Jr'1, ,, 1-46Pax arcf flot 1 Farhad Tavassoli From:dmeyer@mymts.net Sent:Tuesday, December 13, 2022 3:09 PM To:Farhad Tavassoli Subject:New development Attachments:New Apartments.pdf EXTERNAL EMAIL  Hello,    I received this package on November 12th.   I own a property at Four Peaks on N. Fountain Hills Boulevard.    At the time I purchased at Four Peaks in 2009, I was advised this area would not be developed as it is a  drainage or wash area.    I understand development, however I am not in favor of this rezoning for multi family.  I am not able to attend the meeting on this short of notice.    Thank you    David Meyer Royal LePage Prime Office # 204-989-7900 Cell # 204-955-0487 davidmeyer@royallepage.ca     1 Farhad Tavassoli From:clyde hurtig <clydehurtig@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, December 16, 2022 8:43 AM To:Farhad Tavassoli Subject:Senderos case #rz22-0000022 EXTERNAL EMAIL  I attended the less than satisfying meeting at the community center last night.    I wish to attend the zoning meeting so please notify me when it is going to be held.   I believe the traffic and general planning of the project are not satisfactory. Having close to 300 vehicles coming in and  out of the project is a safety issue.   Thank you,  Clyde Hurtig  ITEM 6. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 01/09/2023 Meeting Type: Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Ordinance 23-01, amending Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.12, Definitions, by adding definitions related to detoxification and drug treatment facilities; amending Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Sections 12.02, 12.05, and 12.06 to add uses for detoxification and drug treatment facilities; Section 12.03 to amend group home to community residence; and, amending Chapter 18, Town Center Commercial Zoning District, Section 18.05 B to amend group home to community residence. Staff Summary (Background) The Commission and staff have been studying the options for adding classifications for detoxification facilities and drug and alcohol treatment facilities into the zoning ordinance for a year.  The Commission held a public hearing at their December 2022 meeting and received input on the draft ordinance.  After discussion and consideration.  The Commission voted to continue their consideration to the January meeting to allow staff to make a few adjustments to the draft ordinance. Ordinance Revisions The Commission discussion focused three changes and a clarification to the standards proposed for Section 12.05 O, Detoxification Center, Outpatient, and 12.06 F and I, addressing Detoxification Center, Outpatient and Inpatient, and Substance Abuse or Addiction Treatment Centers, Lodging.  In each of these sections the following changes are proposed:  Add a provision requiring insurance.  The proposed wording is: Provide a copy of a certificate of commercial liability insurance policy for the business and given location.  The policy shall be a minimum of $2,000,000 per occurrence and $4,000,000 in aggregate, The policy shall name the Town as an additional insured and include a waiver of subrogation. Amend the section dealing with smoking areas to read: Comply with ARS 36-691.01, the Smoke Free Arizona Act and designate smoking area(s), including areas for vaping and e-cigarettes, as far from adjacent uses as possible. Clarify that the distance measurement is from property line to property line.  Revised wording is: Be located at least the following distances from the listed uses, measured from nearest property line to nearest property line. Revise the requirement for the market analysis to include a use of a market professional and showing local need.  The revised wording is: Document through a market analysis by a credentialed professional the need for the service on an ongoing basis for residents of Fountain Hills.  The Analysis shall take into account any existing services already provided in the Town. December Staff Report Staff presented the draft ordinance for the first time at the Commission meeting in September.  The Commission provided some comments at that time.  A follow-up meeting was held in October to receive public comment on the draft ordinance. Comments received at September meeting:  Include a1000' separation from schools, day cares, and parks.  This change was made to the draft ordinance. 1. Have the 500' separation from residential include both zoning and land use.  This change was made to the draft ordinance. 2. Adjust the wording regarding outdoor waiting to further limit the likelihood of this activity.  This change was made to the draft ordinance. 3. Add the word "addiction" to the title of the types of treatment centers.  This change was made to the draft ordinance. 4. Consider removing or amending the definition of treatment centers, lodging regarding the 30-90 day typical stay.  This has been removed in the draft ordinance. 5. Require a sign to be posted on the property with contact person name and phone number.  Staff is proposing that this be addressed on an individual basis as a requirement of the Good Neighbor Statement or a condition of approval of a SUP. 6. Obtain contact information for the property owner if different from the business owner.  This is a standard practice.  All applications have to provide the property owner name and contact information if different from the applicant. 7. Consider ways to address outdoor smoking impacts.  This change has been made to the draft ordinance. 8. Comments received at the October meeting:  Set reasonable distances from residential, consider using the same as for sober living homes.  Sober living homes are set at 1,320 feet apart.  This ordinance requires similar uses to be at least 2,000' apart.  The ordinance has established separation requirements from residential uses and zoning that significantly limit the areas available for most of the uses. 1. Follow the Paradise Valley ordinance.  Staff called and talked to the staff in Paradise Valley.  They regulate group homes/sober living homes but do not have an allowance for detoxification centers or drug and alcohol treatment centers in their ordinance.  Paradise Valley does not have any commercial zoning.  They allow some non-residential uses in their residential zoning districts through Special Use Permits.  These allowances include some medical offices.  Most drug and alcohol treatment facilities are considered medical uses.  The staff in Paradise Valley was not sure if these specific uses would be allowed or if they would need to do a text amendment to allow them if they received such an application. 2. Need to protect the customers, require insurance, providers need to be able to get them to a hospital if needed, text for fentanyl, provide adjustable beds, require reports to the state, etc.  There were several suggestions about regulations for the businesses themselves.  All of these uses are currently regulated by the State.  The types of regulations being suggested do not belong in a zoning ordinance.  If the Commission believes it is necessary to provide this level of review and 3. control in these businesses then the Commission could recommend to the Town Council that they amend the Town's Business Regulations to add these types of provisions. The facilities should demonstrate a local need.  Except for the out patient treatment only facilities (such as Fountain Hills Recovery currently operates) these uses will require approval of a Special Use Permit.  The draft ordinance has been amended to require market data showing a need by Fountain Hills residents be submitted with the application. 4. The attached version of the proposed ordinance uses black lettering with ALL CAPS BOLD letters and  strike through to show the changes from the current ordinance and ALL CAPS BOLD RED letters and  strike through to show changes from the previous draft reviewed by the Commission. As part of the staff review, we used the website www.findtreatment.gov to see what facilities are currently available in the area.  When searching a 25-mile radius for any type of treatment facility, the website showed 135 facilities.  When limiting the search to detoxification facilities, there were 37 facilities listed.  Attached to this report is a summary of a few of the detoxification facilities which were on the list. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Zoning Ordinance Chapters 1, 12, and 18 General Plan 2020  Maintain the Commitment to "Sustain the quality of life, vitality, and distinct charm of our Town"; "Maintain the delicate balance of land uses that make the Town a desirable place to live, word, enjoy and visit"; and, "Support existing businesses and continue to attract businesses to that stimulate the Town's economy." Thriving Neighborhoods Goal 1, Policy 2. Protect existing neighborhoods from incompatible development that does into support the character of that area. Thriving Neighborhoods Goal 3, Policy 1.  Protect established single-family residential neighborhoods from the transition, intensification, and encroachment of uses that detract and/or change the character of the residential neighborhood. Public Facilities and Services Goal 7, Policy 9.  Continue to support medical facilities. Economic Development Element Goal 4, Policy 2.  Increase the Town's revenue stream by supporting commercial development and redevelopment in the Town Center, Commerce Center, Shea Corridor and Saguaro Boulevard character areas. Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval of the ordinance as presented. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to recommend approval of Ordinance 23-01. Attachments Revised Draft Ordinance  ORDINANCE NO. 23-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 1, INTRODUCTION, SECTION 1.12, DEFINITIONS, AMENDING THE DEFINITIONS OF TREATMENT CENTER; AMENDING CHAPTER 12, COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, SECTION 12.02 SECTION 12.03 C. TO ADD SUBSTANCE AND ALCOHOL ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER; SECTION 12.03 TO UPDATE THE LANGUAGE FROM GROUP HOME TO COMMUNITY RESIDENCE; SECTION 12.05, USES SUBJECT TO SPECIAL USE PERMITS IN C-2 ZONING DISTRICTS BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS O AND P REGARDING DETOXIFICATION FACILITIES AND TREATMENT CENTERS; SECTION 12.06, USES SUBJECT TO SPECIAL USE PERMITS IN C-3 ZONING DISTRICTS ONLY BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS F, G, H, AND I REGARDING DETOXIFICATION FACILITIES AND TREATMENT CENTERS; AND, AMENDING CHAPTER 18, TOWN CENTER COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT, SECTION 18.05 B. TO UPDATE THE LANGUAGE FROM GROUP HOME TO COMMUNITY RESIDENCE RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town Council”) adopted Ordinance No. 93-22 on November 18, 1993, which adopted the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Zoning Ordinance”); and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.12, Definitions, and Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Sections 12.05 and 12.06 to provide for detoxification facilities and drug and alcohol treatment centers; and WHEREAS, the C-2 and C-3 zoning districts have the primary purposes of providing for the sale of commodities, provision of services, and wholesale and distribution; and WHEREAS, the Town wants to ensure uses in commercial areas are focused on businesses that provide for the sale of goods and services to the community, especially those that provide jobs and generate revenues for the Town; and WHEREAS, the uses included in this ordinance are appropriate in commercial areas but should be limited to maintain the primary purpose of these districts; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-462.04, public hearings regarding this ordinance were advertised in the November 23 and 30, 2022, and the ??? editions of the Fountain Hills Times; and WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning Commission on December 12, 2022, and by the Town Council on ????, 2023. WHEREAS, in accordance with Article II, Sections 1 and 2, Constitution of Arizona, and the laws of the State of Arizona, the Town Council has considered the individual property rights and personal liberties of the residents of the Town and the probable impact of the proposed ordinance on the cost to construct housing for sale or rent before adopting this ordinance. ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.12, Definitions, is hereby amended as follows: … DETOXIFICATION FACILITY, OUTPATIENT: FACILITIES PROVIDING OUTPATIENT DRUG OR ALCOHOL DETOXIFICATION SERVICES WITH OR WITHOUT TRAINING, EDUCATION, OR TREATMENT SERVICES AT THE SAME LOCATION. DETOXIFICATION FACILITY, INPATIENT: FACILITIES PROVIDING INPATIENT DRUG OR ALCOHOL DETOXIFICATION SERVICES. … SUBSTANCE ABUSE OR ADDICTION Treatment Center: Facilities providing lodging and meals and, primarily, treatment, training or education as a part of an alcoholism or drug addiction program WITHOUT ON-SITE DETOXIFICATION, LODGING, OR MEALS. SUBSTANCE ABUSE OR ADDICTION TREATMENT CENTER, LODGING: FACILITIES PROVIDING TREATMENT, TRAINING, OR EDUCATION AS PART OF AN ALCOHOLISM OR DRUG ADDICTION PROGRAM. MAY INCLUDE PROVIDING DETOXIFICATION SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TREATMENT AND MAY INCLUDE PROVISIONS WHERE CLIENTS CAN LODGE AT THE FACILITY AND RECEIVE MEALS, TYPICALLY FOR A PERIOD OF 30 DAYS TO 90 DAYS. … SECTION 3. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 12.02 C. Additional Uses Permitted in C-2 and C-3 Zoning Districts, is hereby amended as follows: 26. SUBSTANCE ABUSE OR ADDICTION TREATMENT CENTER. MUST BE LOCATED AT LEAST 2,000 FEET FROM ANY OTHER DETOXIFICATION CENTER, SUBSTANCE ABUSE OR ADDICTION TREATMENT CENTER, OR TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RESIDENCE. SECTION 4. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 12.03, Uses Subject to Special Use Permits in C-1, C-C, C-2, and C-3 Zoning Districts, is hereby amended as follows: C. Group Homes for the Handicapped and Elderly PeopleCOMMUNITY RESIDENCES SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 5.13, Nursing Home, Homes for the Aged, Convalescent Home. SECTION 5. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 12.05, Uses Subject to Special Use Permits in C-2 Zoning Districts, is hereby amended as follows: … O. DETOXIFICATION CENTER, OUTPATIENT. IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 2.02 FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, APPLICANTS SHALLPROVIDE: 1. PROVIDE A COPY OF LICENSE OR CERTIFICATION BY THE STATE OF ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. 2. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT INDOOR ACTIVITY AND WAITING SPACE TO LIMIT OUTDOOR WAITING. 3. PROVIDE CONTACT INFORMATION AND PROCESS FOR RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS. 4. PROVIDE A COPY OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMMERCIAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY FOR THE BUSINESS AND GIVEN LOCATION. THE POLICY SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF $2,000,000 PER OCCURANCE AND $4,000,000 IN AGGREGATE. THE POLICY SHALL NAME THE TOWN AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED AND INCLUDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. 5. COMPLY WITH ARS 36-601.01, THE SMOKE-FREE ARIZONA ACT, AND DESIGNATE SMOKING AREA(S), INCLUDING AREAS FOR VAPING AND E-CIGARETTES, AS FAR FROM ADJACENT USES AS POSSIBLE. 6. MARKET DATA DEMONSTRATING THE NEED FOR THE SERVICE FOR FOUNTAIN HILLS RESIDENTSDOCUMENT THROUGH A MARKET ANALYSIS BY A CREDENTIALED PROFESSIONAL, THE NEED FOR THE SERVICE ON AN ONGOING BASIS FOR RESIDENTS OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. THE ANALYSIS SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ANY EXISTING SERVICES ALREADY PROVIDED IN THE TOWN. 7. MUST BE LOCATED AT LEAST THE FOLLOWING DISTANCES FROM THE LISTED USES, MEASURED FROM NEAREST PROPERTY LINE TO NEAREST PROPERTY LINE: A. 2,000 FEET FROM ANY OTHER DETOXIFICATION CENTER, SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER, OR TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RESIDENCE. B. 1,000 FEET FROM ANY CHURCH, PUBLIC LIBRARY, PARK, PERSERVE AND TRAIL, OR SCHOOL, PRE-SCHOOL, OR DAY CARE. C. 500 FEET FROM ANY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT OR USE INCLUDING PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENTS WITH A RESIDENTIAL PRIMARY USE. SECTION 5. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 12.06, Uses Subject to Special Use Permits in C-3 Zoning Districts Only, is hereby amended as follows: F. DETOXIFICATION CENTER, OUTPATIENT AND INPATIENT. IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 2.02 FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, APPLICANTS SHALL PROVIDE: 1. PROVIDE A COPY OF LICENSE OR CERTIFICATION BY THE STATE OF ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. 2. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT INDOOR ACTIVITY AND WAITING SPACE TO LIMIT OUTDOOR WAITING. 3. CONTACT INFORMATION AND PROCESS FOR RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS. 4. PROVIDE A COPY OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMMERCIAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY FOR THE BUSINESS AND GIVEN LOCATION. THE POLICY SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF $2,000,000 PER OCCURANCE AND $4,000,000 IN AGGREGATE. THE POLICY SHALL NAME THE TOWN AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED AND INCLUDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. 5. COMPLY WITH ARS 36-601.01, THE SMOKE-FREE ARIZONA ACT, AND DESIGNATE SMOKING AREA(S), INCLUDING AREAS FOR VAPING AND E-CIGARETTES, AS FAR FROM ADJACENT USES AS POSSIBLE. 6. MARKET DATA DEMONSTRATING THE NEED FOR THE SERVICE FOR FOUNTAIN HILLS RESIDENTSDOCUMENT THROUGH A MARKET ANALYSIS BY A CREDENTIALED PROFESSIONAL, THE NEED FOR THE SERVICE ON AN ONGOING BASIS FOR RESIDENTS OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. THE ANALYSIS SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ANY EXISTING SERVICES ALREADY PROVIDED IN THE TOWN. 7. MUST BE LOCATED AT LEAST THE FOLLOWING DISTANCES FROM THE LISTED USES, MEASURED FROM NEAREST PROPERTY LINE TO NEAREST PROPERTY LINE: A. 2,000 FEET FROM ANY OTHER DETOXIFICATION CENTER, SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER, OR TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RESIDENCE B. 1,000 FEET FROM ANY CHURCH, PUBLIC LIBRARY, PARK, PERSERVE AND TRAIL, OR SCHOOL, PRE-SCHOOL, OR DAY CARE. C. 500 FEET FROM ANY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT OR USE INCLUDING PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENTS WITH A RESIDENTIAL. I. SUBSTANCE ABUSE OR ADDICTION TREATMENT CENTER, LODGING. IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 2.02 FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE: 1. PROVIDE A COPY OF LICENSE OR CERTIFICATION BY THE STATE OF ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. 2. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT INDOOR ACTIVITY AND WAITING SPACE TO LIMIT OUTDOOR WAITING. 3. CONTACT INFORMATION AND PROCESS FOR RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS. 4. PROVIDE A COPY OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMMERCIAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY FOR THE BUSINESS AND GIVEN LOCATION. THE POLICY SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF $2,000,000 PER OCCURANCE AND $4,000,000 IN AGGREGATE. THE POLICY SHALL NAME THE TOWN AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED AND INCLUDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. 5. COMPLY WITH ARS 36-601.01, THE SMOKE-FREE ARIZONA ACT, AND DESIGNATE SMOKING AREA(S), INCLUDING AREAS FOR VAPING AND E-CIGARETTES, AS FAR FROM ADJACENT USES AS POSSIBLE. 6. MARKET DATA DEMONSTRATING THE NEED FOR THE SERVICE FOR FOUNTAIN HILLS RESIDENTSDOCUMENT THROUGH A MARKET ANALYSIS BY A CREDENTIALED PROFESSIONAL, THE NEED FOR THE SERVICE ON AN ONGOING BASIS FOR RESIDENTS OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. THE ANALYSIS SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ANY EXISTING SERVICES ALREADY PROVIDED IN THE TOWN. 7. MUST BE LOCATED AT LEAST THE FOLLOWING DISTANCES FROM THE LISTED USES, MEASURED FROM NEAREST PROPERTY LINE TO NEAREST PROPERTY LINE A. 2,000 FEET FROM ANY OTHER DETOXIFICATION CENTER, SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER, OR TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RESIDENCE B. 1,000 FEET FROM ANY CHURCH, PUBLIC LIBRARY, PARK, PERSERVE AND TRAIL, OR SCHOOL, PRE-SCHOOL, OR DAY CARE. C. 500 FEET FROM ANY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT OR USE INCLUDING PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENTS WITH A RESIDENTIAL. SECTION 6. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 18, Town Center Commercial Zoning Districts, Section 18.05, Uses Subject to Special Use Permits, is hereby amended as follows: B. Group Homes for the Handicapped and Elderly PeopleCOMMUNITY RESIDENCES SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 5.13, Nursing Home, Homes for the Aged, Convalescent Home. SECTION 7. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this ___ day of ___ 2023. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Linda Mendenhall, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney