HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__06-24-24_1207_627       NOTICE OF MEETING- AMENDED MEETING DATE REGULAR MEETING COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION      Chair Natalie Varela  Vice Chairman Carey Reddick, Jr. Youth Commissioner Kevin Williams Commissioner Stephen Barnes   Commissioner Craig Rudolphy Commissioner Ron Ruppert Commissioner Rory Wilson      TIME:5:00 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024 AMENDED MEETING DATE: TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s Council,  various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Commission are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.  REQUEST TO COMMENT The public is welcome to participate in Commission meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM, please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commissioners. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion, if possible.               1.CALL TO ORDER – Chair Varela     2.ROLL CALL – Chair Varela     3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.     4.REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS     5.INTRODUCTION: Brandon Putman, Parks Superintendent     6.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes     7.UPDATE: Arizona State Puzzle Donor Program Centennial Pavilion     8.UPDATE: CIP Budget FY25     9.UPDATE: Grant Workgroup     10.UPDATE: Veteran's Project Workgroup     11.UPDATE: Mayor's Youth Council     12.UPDATE: Future Agenda Items and Presentations     13.REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities     14.UPDATE: Next Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting September 23, 2024     15.ADJOURNMENT     CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE    Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting of June 24, 2024 2 of 3 CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Community Services Advisory Commission with the Town Clerk. Dated to the 20th day of June 2024. _____________________________________________  Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant   The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Development Services' Office.    Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting of June 24, 2024 3 of 3 ITEM 4. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS Staff Summary (Background) Reports by Commissioners will allow commissioners to share information about town events attended and information related to the History and Culture Advisory Commission. This time is purely for reporting, no discussion or comments from the public are taken, and cannot be used to address any item on the agenda. Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:33 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  ITEM 5. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  INTRODUCTION: Brandon Putman, Parks Superintendent Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:35 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  ITEM 6. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Staff Summary (Background) The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at the meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the town's website and maintained as permanent records in compliance with state law. Attachments CSAC May 20, 2024 Verbatim Meeting Minutes  Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:36 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 1 - TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MAY 20, 2024 The Regular Meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains in open and public session at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Chair Natalie Varela, Commissioner Stephen Barnes, Commissioner Craig Rudolphy; Commissioner Ron Ruppert Commissioner Rory Wilson Absent: Vice Chair Reddick, Youth Commissioner Kevin Williams Staff Present: Community Services Director Kevin Snipes; Development Services Director John Wesley; Executive Assistant Patti Lopuszanski Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 2 - VARELA: All right, we are going to Call the Meeting to Order. Can I get a Roll Call, please? LOPUSZANSKI: Chair Varela? VARELA: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Vice Chair. Reddick is absent. Commissioner Barnes? BARNES: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Rupert? RUPPERT: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Rudolphy? RUDOLPHY: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Commissioner Wilson? WILSON: Here. LOPUSZANSKI: Youth Commissioner Kevin Williams is absent. VARELA: All right, Call the Public. LOPUSZANSKI: No Call to Public. VARELA: Okay. Reports by Commissioners. WILSON: I attended Desert Vista Park, an outdoor exercise equipment park about a month ago. Yeah. But that went very well. Thank you, Kevin, and all the staff. I mean, it turned out amazing. I think if you guys haven't checked it out yet, definitely go do it. Because it's, it's cool. The colors match and it's amazing. Good job. VARELA: I went to it with my friend Kathleen. We walked around and then we hopped on some of the things. If you guys haven't seen it, it's great. Then we walked around Fountain Park the other day. I know where you're doing the awning, but what's happening where it's closed on Saguaro? SNIPES: The Sanitary District is moving Well Site #1, which used to be below ground down in the great lawn area. They're moving its command center basically up like they did for the restrooms. The other two restrooms were built a couple of years ago and done for the same reason. Two other well sites were within Fountain Park that were below ground. So, they had to have a confined space. Safety for anybody that was in there, they always had to send two people over. So, this brings everything above ground and makes it much easier for them to operate. And so, they're going to have it torn up until October to get it done. VARELA: Okay. I'm not sure if this will fall under that, but what about the plaques taken down I think to do the Splash Pad Park? Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 3 - SNIPES: No, so that's at Centennial Pavilion. Some benches at the Centennial Pavilion were removed due to being worn out. Some of them were cracked and rusting on the inside. Those rubber benches are amazing for how long they look on the outside, but the inside is rusted through, and they suddenly fall through. So, we removed them when we did, it was the right time to also make some changes to how those were orientated. They weren't ADA accessible because they were put in the middle of granite areas, they just needed to be changed the way that they were going to be done. So, we pulled off the plaques and pulled all the concrete out. We still have all the plaques. The plaques are going to go back into the area if they're not picked up by people who would rather pull them and then we do have new benches coming in, but they will not be associated with those plaques. The plaques that were there will get a founding donor-type of a section of the Pavilion. VARELA: Oh, okay. Yeah, that is not how it read in that thread. SNIPES: No, not even close. The person who put that information out there called and asked and thought it was the Greening of Downtown leaves that were installed on the pillars near Euro Pizza. And those are still there. And it was not an issue after that. But that post stayed up. VARELA: Yeah, okay. No, that makes sense. Okay, thank you. Any other reports? Okay. Introduction, you're going to do that. SNIPES: So, we do have a new Park Superintendent, unfortunately, he is on vacation right now. And he's out this week, which I didn't realize when they threw it out why don't we introduce him at our next CSAC meeting? So, we're introducing him and as you can imagine what he looks like. He's a fantastic person, and I think he's going to do great for us. Brandon came from the City of Peoria. He had 13 years with them on their Mariners and Padres sports field. He also was in charge most recently of their community parks and a zone up there. He was a superintendent out there as well. He brings a lot of past knowledge and he's done a lot with turf and ball fields and stuff like that. I'm excited to see what he's going to bring in for us. VARELA: Great, okay, and now our Presentation. WESLEY: Chair, commissioners, John Wesley Development Services Director, thank you for this opportunity to be here with you this afternoon. I don't have a formal presentation. I have made a few notes here. Some things I think you might find interesting. Hopefully, some of them you do. But mostly I thought just in from their open any questions you have about what we see going on in the town and maybe how to Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 4 - impact what you do on this commission. So first, just a quick overview, the Development Services Department, we do the long-range planning for the town, the current planning, which is reviewing rezoning cases and site plans, and special use permits planning those kinds of things. We review and issue building permits, inspect buildings as they are constructed, and issue occupancy permits. Then we do the ongoing code enforcement in town to make sure people continue to follow the rules and keep the property up. One of the major activities we're currently involved in working under Amanda's direction, the Town Council approved a new economic development plan last fall. One of the key components of that is to update the town center's downtown area plan strategy for moving forward in the downtown area. So, we've been working with a cross-functional team with Kevin with Community Services, Economic Development, Planning Division, and Public Works, to prepare a plan for the Town Council to look at in the fall in relationship to what we had discussed at the open house last Wednesday. And everyone came to that? RUDOLPHY: Anyway, my wife was there. WESLEY: So, we had a good turnout at that, and helped give us some insights into what the public thinks might be important for us to look at and the town center area. And with that, again, we'll put together a strategy plan for the council targeting getting that to them in September, so that they can then review and hopefully approve the key projects out of that. So, they're all set as they start their budget process next fall to look at what they want to be put in the budget for the next 2, 3, and 4 years as far as doing some improvements in the town center area. Otherwise, the Planning Division is involved in several ordinance amendments to the town code and zoning ordinance. We've been reviewing all of our procedures, and how we process different types of applications. Next up on our list are temporary use permits and that type of thing and then variances. A big project we've been working on in that regard is our wireless communication facilities ordinance, which deals with towers and antennas where they can go how tall they can be what requires public review, and what can be proved administratively. Several applications that we're working on include an RV storage facility, mixed-use projects we’re working on Parkview, a new fitness center for Fire Rock, an office building for the Elliott Group, and very small multifamily-type projects developments around town, in terms of building permit activity. Last year in terms of non-residential remodels, we had 26. In total so far, we got 13 this year, so kind of on the same track. For those last year, we had in terms of non-residential new construction we had 2. We've gotten four permits Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 5 - so far this year. So, we had last year, new residential remodels. Last year we had 92. So far this year, we've got 42. So about half again, new construction for residential. Last year we had 59 new houses permitted and so far, this year we have 29. So again, not on track for last year. There may be a bit more pools and spas, a big item here in town with 85 last year with 32 so far this year. A lot of people like solar here in town we got 87 Solar permits last year and 23 so far this year. Our code enforcement division is working on some new implementing new software to allow the tracking of code enforcement cases a little bit more efficient. Don't leave than we do today still be able to report those to the town either by phone or through the email program. But now it'll all be integrated so citizens can keep better track of what's going on and our officers aren't trying to load things in a couple of different places. They're staying busy with various property maintenance issues, particularly weeds this time of year after having the rains that we did. Vehicle parking and maintaining the lighting, and the dark sky lighting requirements, keep them pretty busy. But the thing that's coming up starting today, in particular, that will keep them very busy for the next six months is going to be political signs. And I tried to keep them where they belong and not where they don't belong. I know Kevin has some ideas about some changes we'd like to make in the future, the better maybe limit what happens around some of the parks that are currently off limits for those signs. That's kind of what we do and what we see going on in town right now. What questions do you have for me? Or what would you like a bit more detail on what I skimmed over very quickly? VARELA: Can you share some ideas that came from your open house, like some of the suggestions? WESLEY: Sure, just starting to analyze those, it's been kind of interesting. We had 14 different panels of boards each one on a slightly different topic, ranging from specific streetscape improvements and various parts of the town center, the Avenue, Park View, Verde River, and how we get across Saguaro. What we do with trees and lighting and those types of things and other boards dealing with the land use zoning side of things more the ordinances and policies and procedures kind of things that we could do with the town center area. And the thing that rose to the top and most of those is we want more activity on the sidewalks in the public spaces. We want more sidewalk cafes, we want to see the shade over the streets, and we want to get to have activities along the streets. One of the items that we had on there as a suggestion is do we want to widen the sidewalks Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 6 - along the Avenue and narrow the traffic lanes a little bit so we can have more room for those things to happen on the sidewalks. They didn't like that idea. I'm not sure how we're going to marry those two at this point. But there's also some interest over on Park View less than I thought we'd see in terms of getting the sidewalks, put on Park View. The thing that got the most points was a minimum of 10-foot-wide sidewalks with places for three wells. So, I get trees planted over there. And shade overall was a big issue one that fell kind of low, I was surprised by the fill-in sidewalk gaps. I thought that would be fairly high but it really wasn't. But some of those things we can come back because we piece projects together and say, well, maybe this didn't by itself get rated high, but it fits in with the rest of it. And once we do some of these other things, you know, final sidewalk gaps make filling those in make sense. Lighting, the thing that got the most points for lighting was putting some lighting at the intersections at the crosswalks. Less so about some of the other things we have with string lighting tree lighting or bollards along sidewalks. There were some things I remember off the top of my head about what some of the priorities were or appeared to be. VARELA: Thank you. RUDOLPHY: Mr. Wesley, I have three questions. One, can you give us the status of the proposed apartment complex in the Target Center? Can you tell us if anything is happening with the sober living? And then what's the status of the future construction of the other properties for Park Place? WESLEY: Sure. So, with regard to the Target Center, the Town Council approved back the first of the year or rezoning the Target Center to allow for an apartment complex on the western portion of that property, tear down the existing commercial, and put in the four-story complex that would have 300 units as I recall in it. A referendum petition was filed opposing that. So, we go to a vote of the review by the voters. There were some technical difficulties identified and that petition was submitted. And so that's now in the courts for a judge to determine whether those was a valid petition or not. They are having that hearing tomorrow. And so, we'll learn from the judge, hopefully within a couple of weeks, how he rules on that. Whichever side prevails will likely appeal and so we'll continue on that route for a while we would expect. With regard to sober living homes that is a type of what we call a community residence or group home, and the Council approved some modifications to that ordinance a couple of years ago, to restrict them a little bit more than they were spread out the distance for homes, and put a few more requirements into the registration process. Sort of a tricky piece, because while on the one Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 7 - hand that's largely looked at as a type of business trying to go into a residential neighborhood, from the Federal Fair Housing perspective, and ADA perspective, it's just another type of housing. And we really can't restrict it much more than we can any other type of housing. So we try to have to walk that fine line a little bit. But we are currently in town, not sure about these numbers exactly right now as I haven't looked at them in a while. But there are 10 to 12, Senior type community residences. And there are sober living homes and one youth home in town effects, but it's what we have. As far as those go, there's one that recently moved from a location down off of the Trevino area over to the west part of the town. And then concerning Park Place there's two more portions of that to be built one down along the Avenue down to Saguaro. And the other one over here next to Community Center off of Paul Norden, the permits for those have been reviewed and approved. We're just waiting for the applicant to come in pay the permit fees and pick up the permits. RUDOLPHY: And then I have one other question. WESLEY: You're limited to three. RUDOLPHY: All right. You mentioned you're working on regulations for 5G. Well, for cell towers, my recollection was that the federal government pretty much locked down what the town can and cannot do. So why is the town trying to look to do anything different? WESLEY: Commissioner, there are both federal and state rules. The state in particular has locked down what we can do for small cells in the right of way. So, towers, typically around 40 feet tall maximum with antennas that are no more than six cubic feet in size, I think it is and the equipment sheds someplace around 20 cubic feet are some very specific sizes. But those can be those parameters and right away, basically have to allow them, there's a few review criteria that can go with it, but you can't stop them. They can go anyplace in the town and the way we set that up back in 2019. When that state did that, we did require them to get an encroachment permit. And there's a lease agreement because they're in the town right away. That's pretty extensive and has some rules behind it. And regulations within that lease agreement. We have not had anybody apply for or put in any of those. But that is pretty well locked down about all other cell towers. There are various rules and regulations from the federal government that have to be followed, primarily with regard to shot clocks for getting them past and they do have to demonstrate a need for them. And you can put some regulations that aren't in terms of demonstrating the need for the tower. And so, the emphasis that we've had is that portion Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 8 - of the ordinance where we do have some leeway in making some modifications, potentially, to what is currently allowed in the town. RUDOLPHY: Thank you. WESLEY: You're welcome. VARELA: Any other questions? Or comments? Okay, well, thank you so much. Okay, let's see. Well, thanks. I thought that was a great update. So, appreciate it. I think, Craig, you were the one that suggested that. Thank you. Right, can I get a Motion to Approve the Minutes from March 25, 2024? WILSON: Move to approve. VARELA: Second? RUDOLPHY: I second. VARELA: All in favor? ALL: Aye. Motion passed 5-0. VARELA: Thank you. The next item is an Update on the Arizona State Puzzle Donor Program. SNIPES: We made our first order and we're waiting for the puzzle pieces to come in. We ordered nine pieces so far and we'll also be making all the edge pieces that are so small that we didn't want to sell them because you won't get a whole lot of letters on them. That way, we can start getting some pieces on there and then get some pictures of it and send them out and try and push for some more. We have one more piece that was ordered, today or yesterday. And so I reached out to see how far they were in the process to see if they could be added in or not. So, there could be 10 that'll go in. And then basically what'll happen, we're sending over whatever the quote is to the vendor, and then they're putting it on whatever puzzle piece vertical or horizontal that it works best on. And then we're taking that information and sharing it with the purchaser to let them choose which piece on the puzzle they would like to have. So, it gives them a little bit of control over where whereabouts on the Arizona map that it goes. And then we'll start taking away the pieces as they're gone. So, the sooner you get in the better selection that you'll have a piece and where they'll go. So, it's kind of where we're at right now. RUDOLPHY: How many pieces in total? Are there? SNIPES: That as are purchasable is 99, I believe. RUDOLPHY: And you've only got nine so far. SNIPES: Correct? RUDOLPHY: Do you see that as a problem? Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 9 - SNIPES: No, not really, I think that it's something where once you start seeing activity, it promotes activity, I think there have been some misconceptions about what's going on. And once that settles down, I think that'll help as well. So, I think once we start getting some more, like right now, we've just been tearing everything up over there, and someone keeps taking our sign down and hiding it behind the puzzle, which is shocking, I know. But almost every day, someone's moved the A-frame to hide it. So, I'm pretty sure it's the same person. But so anyway, that makes it interesting. I'm excited to get this first round- up and then we can push it a little bit heavier to get the word out that they're going up and pieces are getting sold. And your chances will dwindle over time. So I think that'll help too. VARELA: So, when you purchase them is there like an expiration date on them like I was just brought up last time is it written in there? SNIPES: So, the way this is done is this is purchasing towards the shade structure specifically. And basically, that donation will last as long as the shade structure lasts. So, it will have a longer life than what say, donating towards a bench that has an 8-year to 10-year life expectancy. This will be much longer than that. And the piece that it's going on is designed to be a piece of art to stick around. So, it'll be there a lot longer as well. VARELA: Thank you. Okay, Update on the Budget. SNIPES: Well, so far we have our tentative budget approved and none of our CIP projects were taken out this year. So, at Four Peaks, we'll be adding three more pickleball courts right across the sidewalk from where the existing one is. We'll be doing the 5-year- old to 12-year-old playground at Golden Eagle under the shade canopy. That's the only section that we haven't done since 2015. It's still from 1998 I believe that one was installed. So, we'll be replacing that section. It's a $150,000 project. We have a multi-year project for sidewalk replacement that has now been moved into the budget and just an ongoing budget expenditure for sidewalk replacement that way. Not having funding to replace the sidewalk won't be a reason for not being safe, which I think is a huge asset to us, and being able to do more with our sidewalks in the park to make sure that they're in good shape for the public to be walking on and using. The Avenue Linear Park, we split that one up a little bit to where it's $200,000 for two years for the park itself, and then they pulled $35,000 out and did it just as a supplement. I believe that is how they ended up deciding to do that. For the route barriers for the SISU trees to help protect the pavers. For the multi-year project, we're looking at doing things like larger shade canopies increasing the picnic footprint out there. I've gotten some of those for free for this year's Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 10 - budget out of the buy-one-get-one that we've done with several benches and picnic tables and stuff with Canvus that we talked about a little bit last time with the windmill blades. What else are we doing out there? We're looking at doing the event receptacles and getting rid of the spider boxes out there, which are a nightmare. We ended up taking control of the Panorama Park Project which is at the end of El Lago and Panorama, putting a walking trail basically through the area where they filled in the wash and put a storm drain through there. Pleasantville Park, as well, will be another addition to the parks. The biggest difference is that Panorama and Pleasantville will both be taken out of development fees and not out of Capital Improvement fees. So $850,000 will come out of that and the rest of it is $665,000 towards Capital Improvement Projects. So that's kind of where we're at right now unless something goes wrong, tomorrow, that'll be our final. RUDOLPHY: Status of the sculpture on the Avenue at the roundabout. SNIPES: The status on that right now is there's going to be an Executive Session tomorrow evening to discuss further details on what happens with the Fountain of Light. There have been several dates that have been put out for installation by the artist and to date, he hasn't met any of them. So, there's going to be further discussion tomorrow to figure out exactly how long this gets pushed out. RUDOLPHY: Part of it was due to funding he was soliciting funding. Do you know if the funding has been raised? SNIPES: They have full funding, yes. RUDOLPHY: Thank you. WILSON: Do you foresee Community Services needing our support for Town Council for any of these measures? SNIPES: I don't think so. They grabbed hold of all of them and we're good with it. So, like I said, it would be a pretty surprising shift in budget. If at this point, they pulled anything back and from the get-go, I kind of had that feeling on everything that we have this year. So that's why we didn't waste your time needing that kind of support this year. Typically, we know that pretty early on if there are questionable issues and this year, it just didn't feel like there was and luckily there hasn't been so but thanks for asking. I appreciate it. VARELA: All right. Thank you for that update. And now Update on a Grant Workshop. WILSON: I do not have an update. Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 11 - VARELA: Okay, so can we just update that next time? Yeah, please. And then Steven, do you have an Update on the Veterans? Okay, so we're going to Table that item until Carey gets back, please. WILSON: So, Veterans was Carey’s thing. VARELA: Yeah, it was me, Carey, and Stephen's workgroup. I didn't know so we'll table that until we have Carey back. The next item is an Update on our Mayor's Youth Council. LOPUSZANSKI: Table that as well. VARELA: Okay. When is his term up? Does he come back in June now that he's graduating? LOPUSZANSKI: He texted me about graduation and that it was a busy time for him. He forgot to text me earlier that he couldn’t make the meeting. He will be here in June, which will be his last meeting. VARELA: Okay, I just wanted to make sure we didn't miss it. Exactly. Thank you. Okay, let's see, the next item is Future Agenda Items and Presentation. RUPPERT: This is probably for Kevin. The box culvert that goes between Sunridge Canyon and Golden Eagle Park is part of the trail. I think number three, I'm going to say about 8 to 10 years ago, the Girl Scouts went in there and painted the walls. I kind of think it's kind of time to either freshen it up or redo it or solicit another group to possibly enhance it. So, I don't know, what the protocol would for that would be you know, do you know, do we solicit that? You know, it seems like there's a lot of people that want to display art. And that might be a good spot for somebody to go to. SNIPES: Yeah, that's something we can certainly look into. A lot of that, well, the initial project was all done by the Girl Scouts. And it was a much larger project than what they thought when they started but they worked their way through it and still got it done. And it did look great when they got it down. We've had a little bit of graffiti in there, but not a whole lot. Where we've had to block off some areas within it. And so the biggest thing on something like that would be budgetary limitations on being able to redo something of that size. So, we can certainly look into it. WILSON: I don't know if this is an item so much as it is a question. So I know about like there's been people within the community who have been kind of working towards the initiative of Blue Zones. I don't know how much the town knows or is involved in that. But is that like a possible presentation, we could do with someone? I think Rotary is doing it. Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 12 - SNIPES: I've heard a little bit about it, but I don't know a whole lot about it myself. But I, if we can find out who that would be, then they could certainly do. WILSON: So like I know the person is something like I would connect you and Patti with? SNIPES: Sure. WILSON: It's the blue zone. I don't know too much about it. But it's like an initiative across the country, possibly the globe to kind of create like small areas where long life is kind of the goal so it's like quality of life, you know greening areas, kind of just like the idea of having multiple generations living in one community. If that makes sense. See, this is why I'm not doing the presentation. RUDOLPHY: Kevin, is there anything that community services would like to ask the commission to assist with? I guess I stumped you. SNIPES: I'm trying to think off top my head at this time. There isn't anything that's pressing right now. Let me think about that and maybe we can add something to the next agenda for that. VARELA: All right, thank you. Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities. What page is it on? LOPUSZANSKI: If you scroll down, it is on Page 30. VARELA: Okay, thank you. SNIPES: So, our next set of events involves our summer activities. So, we have our Summer Games at the Community Center. Wacky Wet Wednesdays have been a big hit for our people willing to be outside and looking for a different spot other than the splash pad. Party in the Park and Stargazing is coming up in early June. That's been an event that's been growing quite a bit over the last few years. The kids get to come out and play before it gets dark and then see some cool stuff with our stargazing group that comes out from dark skies to help out with getting kids and families involved in seeing some cool constellations and stuff like that. The Ice Cream Social is on the 9th of June in the Community Center. That's always a hit because everything's better with ice cream. And then our Family Fun Night at the Community Center as well. And then finally our Back to School Bash in August. Lots of volunteer opportunities for any of those if you're interested. We're still looking for volunteers for the Fourth of July 4 at the fountain and that is a multi-shift setup. So, if you'd rather be out there early or if you'd rather be out there late. Both options are there, and Kim Wicklund can be contacted to be a part of that VARELA: Great band that you got for that. Community Services Advisory Commission May 20, 2024, Verbatim Meeting Minutes Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 13 - SNIPES: Yeah, Rock Lobster has a huge following out here for sure and they have a good time playing here for our Fourth of July and then they go play a bar later that night. So that's how much they play. They play a lot. VARELA: Alright, so yeah. The Next Community Services meeting is June 24. All right, can I get a Motion to Adjourn? WILSON: Move to Adjourn. VARELA: Second? BARNES: Second. VARELA: Okay, all in favor Aye. ALL: Aye. Having no further business, Chair Natalie Varela adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission held on May 20, 2024, at 5:40 PM COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION _________________________________________________________ Natalie Varela, Chair ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: _________________________________________________________ Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Community Services Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 20th day of May 2024. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 25th Day of June 2024 _______________________________________________ Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant ITEM 7. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  UPDATE: Arizona State Puzzle Donor Program Centennial Pavilion Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:39 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  ITEM 8. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  UPDATE: CIP Budget FY25 Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/17/2024 08:03 AM Final Approval Date: 06/17/2024  ITEM 9. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  UPDATE: Grant Workgroup Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:40 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  ITEM 10. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  UPDATE: Veteran's Project Workgroup Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:42 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  ITEM 11. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  UPDATE: Mayor's Youth Council Staff Summary (Background) Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:43 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  ITEM 12. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  UPDATE: Future Agenda Items and Presentations Staff Summary (Background) At the May 20, 2024, CSAC Meeting Commissioner Rory Wilson brought up the Blue Zone Project and recommended a future presentation from Julie Ewald, President of Four Peaks Rotary Club and Debbie Romano, Fountain Hills Healthy Heartbeats. You can find more information about Blue Zones on Four Peaks Rotary Club's website here.   Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:44 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  ITEM 13. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities Staff Summary (Background) Attachments Fam  Fourth of July Flyer  Special Event Calendar 2024-2025  Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:45 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024  SPLASH PAD SUMMER SERIESParty in the park & Stargazing fountain hillsfountain hills Join us for fun, family-friendly games and water inflatables from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Stay late and join the Dark Sky Association as they introduce us to the constellations from 8:00 - 9:00PM. Enjoy slip and slides, water games, and cool-off from the Fountain Hills Fire Department as they spray water from their truck. Wear your swimsuits and be ready to have a good time! Connect with the community through games and activities. This FREE open house format allows all ages to enjoy board games, video games, and more. Snacks and beverages will be provided. FOUNTAIN PARK SPLASH PAD SPLASH PAD SUMMER SERIESsummer games FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER wednesday JUNE 1:00PM - 3:00PM JULY 12 & 26 17 & 31 FOUNTAIN PARK SPLASH PAD SPLASH PAD SUMMER SERIESwacky wet wednesday FOUR PEAKS PARK wednesday JUNE 11:00AM - 12:30PM JULY 1910 JUNE 8 6:00PM - 9:00PM family fun night 6:00PM - 8:00PM Beat the heat and join us at the Community Center! This Western-themed party is filled with games, crafts, food, and family competitions. This event is for the whole family to enjoy! saturday FRIDAY July 19 FOUR PEAKS PARK FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER ice cream social 12:00PM - 1:00PM Scoop up some fun at the Fountain Hills Community Center Ice Cream Social! Join us for a delightful afternoon of free ice cream, courtesy of Schwan's and Spooner Physical Therapy. tuesday July 9 FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER back to school bash 6:00PM - 8:00PM Celebrate the new school year with waterslide inflatables, a dunk tank, Food Trucks, Firetruck, & Sheriffs' vehicles! A DJ will be onsite to keep the party rocking. FRIDAY aug 9 FOUR PEAKS PARK July 4, 2023 | FREE Food trucks | Event T-shirts & Glow products for sale 7:30-9:00pm Rock Lobster Band | 9:00pm FIREWORKS ITEM 14. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/24/2024 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Kevin Snipes, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  UPDATE: Next Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting September 23, 2024 Staff Summary (Background) The Community Services Advisory Commission is on a summer break for the months of July and August.  Meetings will resume on the fourth Monday of September on the 23rd. Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 06/04/2024 04:46 PM Final Approval Date: 06/04/2024