HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__04-25-22_0301_341       NOTICE OF MEETING REGULAR MEETING COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION      Chair Natalie Varela  Vice Chair Carey Reddick, Jr. Commissioner Jacelle Nicole Bautista (Youth) Commissioner Stephen Barnes   Commissioner Craig Rudolphy Commissioner Ron Ruppert Commissioner Rory Wilson      TIME:5:00 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2022 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s Council,  various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Commission are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.    REQUEST TO COMMENT The public is welcome to participate in Commission meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM, please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commissioners. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion, if possible.                 1.CALL TO ORDER     2.ROLL CALL     3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.     4.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes of the meeting of February 24, 2022      5.CONSIDERATION OF & POSSIBLE ACTION:   Approval of the Code of Conduct     6.REVIEW AND DISCUSSION:  Fee Waiver Policy     7.DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION: Future Tours and Park Awareness     8.UPDATE: CIP and Park Projects     9.UPDATE: Upcoming events and year to date highlights     10.ADJOURNMENT     CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Community Services Advisory Commission with the Town Clerk. Dated this 21st day of April 2022 _____________________________________________  Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant   The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Development Services' Office.    Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting of April 25, 2022 2 of 2 ITEM 4. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 04/25/2022 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes of the meeting of February 24, 2022  Staff Summary (Background) The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at the meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the Town's website and maintained as permanent records in compliance with state law. Meeting minutes from February 24, 2022, were not approved earlier due to the cancellation of the March 28, 2022, CSAC meeting. Staff recommends approving the minutes of CSAC on the revised meeting date of February 24, 2022. MOVE to approve the minutes of the CSAC Meeting held on February 24, 2022.   Attachments February 24, 2022 CSAC Minutes  Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 04/21/2022 10:34 AM Final Approval Date: 04/21/2022  TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 24, 2022            1.CALL TO ORDER - Chair, Natalie Varela   2.ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Natalie Varela; Commissioner Stephen Barnes; Youth Commissioner Jacelle Nicole Bautista; Commissioner Ron Ruppert; Commissioner Rory Wilson; Commissioner Craig Rudolphy  Absent: Vice Chairman Carey Reddick, Jr.  Staff Present: Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin; Executive Assistant Patti Lopuszanski; Parks Superintendent Kevin Snipes; Recreation Mananger Linda Ayres  3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.    NONE   4.CONSIDERATION OF AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of the minutes of the meeting of January 24, 2022       MOVED BY Commissioner Ron Ruppert, SECONDED BY Commissioner Craig Rudolphy   Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously   5.CONSIDERATION OF AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Community Center Code of Conduct - Tabled from January 24, 2022 Meeting       Ms. Goodwin informed the commissioners that there was no updated Code of Conduct available to review after being tabled at the January meeting due to needing additional input related to issues that were occurring at the Community Center.  Ms. Goodwin shared that after further discussions with staff it was determined that the Code of Conduct would also need to expand its scope to include teen trips and all programs offered by Community Services and Recreation. It was agreed that this item would be brought back to CSAC on the April 25, 2022 agenda.   Chair Varela asked if Ms. Lyons, Community Center Manager needed any additional input from CSAC.  Ms. Goodwin informed the commissioners that it was now necessary to expand the scope of the Code of Conduct to include all recreation programs and not just those held at the community center and trips to be more encompassing.    6.DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION: CSAC Commissioners Feedback on Park and Amenities        Ms. Goodwin had asked the commissioners at the January meeting to visit a park they had never been to and come back and report on the amenities and items that they observed. Commissioner Wilson shared that she briefly visited every park and had observed at Golden Eagle Park dogs on long leashes and asked if there was a policy as to how long they need to be.  Ms. Goodwin shared that there is a code that the maximum is 6 feet.  Ms. Wilson asked if the Four Peaks Park parking lot will be completed under the CIP and Kevin Snipes spoke about the fact that this park was on track to being paved with an addition of 25 parking spaces at Four Peaks Park.  Commissioner Ruppert spoke about the tour of the Splash Pad before the CSAC meeting and how he appreciated the information and having questions answered.  Chair Varela, spoke about the new crosswalk on Saguaro and how she has used it with her family to go to the park, and the farmers market and she has seen it being used by others in the community.  Ms.Goodwin shared that as a whole the town is not a very walkable community, and adding this crosswalk in this three-mile stretch has been complemented by the addition of sidewalks that are ADA compliant, and now provides the community resources to improve the livability of the Town.   Amenities in the park at Desert Vista skate park have increased with positive comments.  The skate competition had over 200 participants and was well-supported. Ribbon cutting events for the splash pad and playground will be planned and shared with the community to celebrate.     7.UPDATE: CIP and Park Projects       Ms. Goodwin informed the commissioners of the upcoming CIP projects that were recommended by staff for the next fiscal year to begin on July 1st.  Golden Eagle Park ball field shades for Field 1 for $25,000. Golden Eagle Lights to be replaced with LED lighting and wiring for $2,500,000. This project has been in CIP for the last couple of years and could be spread over two fiscal years. Mr. Snipes informed the commissioners that the town will be asking SRP for any offsets.  Just this year there was $30,000 in wire repairs that caused the loss of 2 tournaments resulting in the loss of revenue. Musco has a 25-year warranty on its lighting systems. Ms. Goodwin also shared the Custome shade canopy and landscape project that is being proposed for Centennial Circle at an estimated cost of $375,000.  Key supporters of this project are Dark Skies, Art Committee, the Library, Museum, and Community Center.    8.UPDATE: Volunteer Opportunities with Town Events       Ms. Ayres, Recreation Manager provided the commissioners with a flyer of upcoming events that needed volunteers to support those events.  Irish Fest will be taking place on Saturday, March 12 from 11 am - to 5:00 pm with the greening of the fountain at noon and 4:00 pm.  There is a digital billboard located at Highway 202/101 promoting Irish Fountain Fest.  Music Fest received a grant and will be a two-day event this year on April 1-2 at Fountain Park.     9.ADJOURNMENT    MOVED BY Commissioner Rory Wilson, SECONDED BY Commissioner Stephen Barnes   Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously    Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.     COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION ____________________________ Natalie Varela, Chair          ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: ______________________________  Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant    CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 24th day of February 2022. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 25th day of April 2022.                                                                                         _________________________________                                                                                          Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant ITEM 5. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 04/25/2022 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF & POSSIBLE ACTION:   Approval of the Code of Conduct Staff Summary (Background) The intent of the Town of Fountain Hills Community Services Code of Conduct is to promote behavior that allows everyone to enjoy clean, safe, accessible, and inviting parks, preserves, facilities, and programs. Attachments DRAFT Code of Conduct  Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 04/20/2022 05:19 PM Final Approval Date: 04/20/2022  FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY SERVICES CODE OF CONDUCT APRIL 2022 DRAFT: Fountain Hills Community Services Code of Conduct Helping us maintain clean, safe, accessible and inviting facilities and programs Policy Statement: The intent of the Town of Fountain Hills Community Services Code of Conduct is to promote behavior that allows everyone to enjoy clean, safe, accessible, and inviting parks, preserves, facilities, and programs. While our programs and facilities are open to all, no one has the right to interfere with another guest’s use and enjoyment of Town programs and facilities. Behavior, including those activities listed below, is unacceptable when it violates the law, interferes with the rights of others, endangers or injures oneself or others or when it results in damage to Town property, buildings, or equipment. Kindness and respect towards fellow guests and Town staff members is appreciated and expected at all times. It is the Fountain Hills Community Service’s policy to lead with education and raising awareness to achieve compliance with the Code of Conduct. In cases where education does not work, and to address chronic and/or serious behavior, we reserve the right to take further action, up to and including issuing a trespass notice as described below. Fountain Hills Community Services was developed jointly with the community we serve and is intended to benefit the public and protect the rights of individuals, and focuses on the actual behavior of a person. Fountain Hills Community Services reserves the right to define and identify disruptive behavior and/or actions that interfere with the positive and safe atmosphere in Town preserves, parks, facilities, and programs. Before a trespass notice is issued by a Town staff member or MCSO Deputy, a member of the management team is consulted. Park and facility guests are provided with a copy of the trespass notice. Code of Conduct: For the purposes of this policy, a facility is a Town-owned building, park, or preserve operated by the Town. The following is not permitted in any Fountain Hills facilities (preserve, parks, and buildings): • Abusing or vandalizing a facility or its amenities in any way. • Entering or using a facility or its amenities at any time other than during the posted hours of operation. • Using, possessing, or selling illegal drugs or possessing drug paraphernalia. • Possessing or consuming alcohol without obtaining proper approval. • Possessing weapons inside any Town facility, as posted. • Aggressive intimidation or harassment of patrons or Town staff members including physical, sexual, or verbal abuse. • Obstructing other guests’ use of Town facilities, amenities, or maintenance of facilities by Town staff members. FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY SERVICES CODE OF CONDUCT APRIL 2022 Using amenities, including picnic tables, playgrounds, and restrooms, outside of their intended or approved purpose. • Using amenities, including picnic tables and playgrounds, outside of their intended or approved purpose. • Bathing, sleeping, storing personal belongings or doing laundry in restrooms or facilities. • Storing or leaving belongings unattended within any Town facility, park, or preserve.. • Charging for services, including exercise activities, guided hikes, sports and other special interest classes and activities, without obtaining the proper approval. • Assembling groups of 25 people or more without obtaining proper approval. • Use of ramadas in a Park for more than four hours per day, for two consecutive days, without obtaining proper approval. • Use of amplified sound without obtaining proper approval. • Use of tobacco products on all Town property. • Animals inside facilities, except service animals, which are permitted. • Entering facilities without appropriate attire. • Unlawful conduct that violates the Arizona Revised Statues, Fountain Hills Town Codes, or posted Park, Preserve, and Facility Rules or Code of Conduct. • Dropping off or leaving children and/or vulnerable adults unattended. • Not following the check in or check out policy for access to secured facility areas. • Observance of private or non-public spaces. • Interfering with private events and/or private rentals. In addition to the rules listed above, posted rules, and the Town Code Section 9, the following is not permitted in any mountain preserve: • Endangering children or vulnerable adults on difficult trails or in adverse weather conditions. • Endangering dogs on difficult trails or in adverse weather conditions, such as temperatures over 100 degrees. • Playing personal music via speakers: use of headphones is encouraged, as a courtesy to fellow hikers, on trails, at ramadas and in parking lots. • Disregarding trail hierarchy: hikers and bicyclists yield to horses, bicyclists yield to hikers. • Disregarding trail etiquette; downhill trail traffic flow yields to uphill trail traffic. • Moving rocks or other native material along a trial or altering the tread in such a way as to facilitate or encourage illegal trail use or cause personal harm. • Operating a metal detector and removing found items. • Placing of geocaches in a location within a park or preserve that does not fall within management guidelines for that area- all geocaches must be reviewed and approved my park management or they will be removed. • Unauthorized off-trail activity. FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY SERVICES CODE OF CONDUCT APRIL 2022 Recreation Classes, Activities, and Sport Program Code of Conduct The intent of this policy is to information Fountain Hills Recreation patrons of the standards of conduct and behavior that is expected and will be enforced in programming and facility premises. Recreation users are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is safe and conducive to fair play and allows for sharing of the facility with other users of all ages and interests. • Treat others with kindness and respect. • Follow directions from instructor, leader, coach, or official. • Good sportsmanship is expected from players, coaches, officials and parents at every match by demonstrating a positive attitude and speaking in a positive manner towards all involved. Certain types of behavior can be potentially harmful or dangerous and will not be accepted. • Behaviors that may result in the loss of recreation facility and programming services and/or criminal prosecution include: • Improperly using any equipment or materials of Parks & Recreation. • Verbal, physical, or sexual harassment. • Disturbing the peace, as defined in the Fountain Hills Town Code Section 11-1-7. • Vandalisms Trespass Policy: Park, preserve, or facility guests whose behavior violates the Code of Conduct are educated about the Code of Conduct. It is Fountain Hills Community Services policy to lead with education and raising awareness to achieve compliance with the Code of Conduct. In situations in which verbal warnings and education are not successful, Town staff members have the authority to order a guest to leave the facility for the remainder of the day. In the event of repeated offenses, and with the approval of a member of the management team, guest may be issued a trespass notice for a period of 30 days or more, applicable to the location where the violation(s) took place or to all Fountain Hills parks, facilities, or programs. The Fountain Hills Community Services Department reserves the right to suspend the program/facility privileges of any patron suspected of engaging in any of the above-enumerated activities, or other disruptive or unsafe conduct, for the length of suspension the Department deems appropriate, including the permanent loss of access. The following are recommended guidelines for suspension periods; the seriousness of the conduct may warrant immediate and/or lengthier loss of Parks & Recreation privileges, as determined by the Community Services Director or designee. The Community Services Director or designee must approve any loss of programming/facility privileges for one month or more. First Offense First offense will result in a documented verbal warning and education about the Code of Conduct, and shall require immediate cessation of the behavior that violates the Code of Conduct. Refusal to cease the behavior that violates the Code of Conduct may result in an order to the leave the facility or program for the remainder of the day. Repeated Offense 2nd Offense Loss of privileges/suspension for a minimum of one month. FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY SERVICES CODE OF CONDUCT APRIL 2022 3rd Offense Loss of privileges/suspension for a minimum of six months. 4th Offense Loss of program/facility privileges for a minimum of one year or more. The following offenses are subject to immediate trespass periods of 30 days and greater from Town facilities or programs: • Harassing patrons or staff members, including physical, sexual, or verbal about. • Violating any criminal law of Fountain Hills Town Codes or the Arizona Revised Statutes. • Violating a trespass notice will result in an arrest by a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office deputy. • Trespass notices must include information on why the guest is being trespassed, the amount of time they are being trespassed for and the location(s) from which they are being trespassed. • Before a trespass notice is issued to a juvenile, a notification is sent to the juvenile’s parent or guardian, informing them of the issue and providing education about the Code of Conduct. ITEM 6. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 04/25/2022 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  REVIEW AND DISCUSSION:  Fee Waiver Policy Staff Summary (Background) The Town of Fountain Hills has established the Fee Reduction and Waiver Policy to provide a uniform set of guidelines regarding requests for reduced or no-cost use of town resources, properties, or adopted fees. The Town recognizes the value of partnering with community agencies and organizations to provide services that benefit our community and residents. In an effort to support these organizations while balancing cost recovery efforts and resource management, the following policy and guidelines have been established. Attachments Draft Fee Waiver Policy  Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 04/20/2022 05:21 PM Final Approval Date: 04/20/2022  DRAFT: Fee Reduction and Waiver Policy The Town of Fountain Hills has established the Fee Reduction and Waiver Policy to provide a uniform set of guidelines regarding requests for reduced or no-cost use of town resources, properties, or adopted fees. The Town recognizes the value of partnering with community agencies and organizations to provide services that benefit our community and residents. In an effort to support these organizations while balancing cost recovery efforts and resource management, the following policy and guidelines have been established. 1. This policy shall establish the guidelines, criteria, and process for reducing or waiving fees for all town-owned facilities and properties as well as all fees as adopted in the annual fee schedule. 2. The Town Council shall have the final authority to amend this policy at their discretion. Fee Reduction Eligibility: Recognizing that many not-for-profit groups operate in Fountain Hills and provide significant services to their members and our community, groups meeting the following criteria are eligible for a 50% fee reduction for rental costs. 1. All Fountain Hills-based non-profit groups may receive a 50% fee reduction. Confirmation of non- profit status as well locality within Fountain Hills must be provided. 2. Eligible fees include rental costs, open space fees, classrooms, ballrooms, or other facility costs. Permit and staffing fees including application, alcohol, etc. are not eligible for reductions. 3. Receipt of fee reductions does not absolve recipients from following permitting procedures or obtaining necessary permits, approvals, or agreements. Insurance certificates and other contractual requirements will be required. 4. Full fee waivers will not be allocated for standard rental or event use. Full waivers will be considered under very exceptional circumstances and require council authorization in order to preserve impartiality, clarity, and consistency for all. 5. All approved exceptions shall be outlined in a User Agreement or other documentation where terms, conditions, timelines, and deliverables are specifically noted. Community Center Guidelines The Community Center is a popular location for meetings, events, presentations, performances, and more. While this facility is a public resource and supports many community functions, use must be balanced with Town functions, senior and recreational programming, as well as private rentals and events. Therefore the following guidelines shall apply for all fee reduction requests within the Community Center: 1. All applicants must meet the mandatory eligibility requirements, including locally based non- profit status. 2. Reservation start and end times must be accounted for in their entirety, including any pre- or post-time necessary for set up, clean up, catering needs, etc. 3. Classroom space requests will be available after 2pm on weekdays (Monday – Thursday) and follow Community Center hours of operation. 4. Weekend (Friday and Saturday) reservations require a minimum of two ballrooms with a minimum of four-hour rental time. 5. Sunday reservations must be in conjunction with a multi-day rental. 6. Requests for multiple rooms must account for all rooms needed within the submitted timeline. 7. Reservations may be made up to six months in advance, adhere to hours of operation and are subject to availability. 8. Approval of reservation dates/times does not guarantee future or annual availability. 9. A/V equipment, as available, will be offered at no additional fee. Large items including staging, dance floor, etc. are not eligible for fee reductions. 10. All other deposits, fees, permits, and deadlines shall apply Special Event Guidelines The Town of Fountain Hills is an event-friendly community and is host to numerous events throughout the year. Fountain Park, Avenue Linear Park, Centennial Circle, as well as other parks, roadways, and public spaces serve as venues for festivals, races, parades, concerts, celebrations, displays, and more. Many organizations host events in order to raise funds or support projects and request discounts for Town costs. In an effort to balance the active event schedule and the demand for space and resources, the following guidelines are in place for Special Event fee reductions: 1. All applicants must meet the mandatory eligibility requirements, including locally based non- profit status. 2. Fees for direct costs including MCSO support, road closure implementation, logistic items (such as restrooms, lights, fencing, etc.) are not eligible for waivers. 3. Reservation start and end times must be accounted for in their entirety, including any pre- or post-time necessary for set up or clean up, vendor set up, logistic deliveries, etc. 4. All events, regardless of fee waivers, must submit a Special Event Application for review. The application must meet all Town requirements including established deadlines, layout plans, insurance certificates, traffic control plans, etc. 5. Town permit fees or damage deposits are not eligible for fee waivers. 6. All events are subject to availability and review by the Special Events Committee. Approval of reservation dates/times does not guarantee future or annual availability. 7. All other deposits, fees, permits, and deadlines shall apply. ITEM 7. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 04/25/2022 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION: Future Tours and Park Awareness Staff Summary (Background) Staff and CSAC Commissioners to discuss future self-guided tours and park awareness.  Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 04/21/2022 10:31 AM Final Approval Date: 04/21/2022  ITEM 8. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 04/25/2022 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  UPDATE: CIP and Park Projects Staff Summary (Background) Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director, will provide status updates on CIP and park projects.  Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 04/20/2022 05:23 PM Final Approval Date: 04/20/2022  ITEM 9. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 04/25/2022 Meeting Type: Community Services Advisory Commission Agenda Type:                   Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Patti Lopuszanski, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director Request to Community Services Advisory Commission (Agenda Language):  UPDATE: Upcoming events and year to date highlights  Staff Summary (Background) Linda Ayres, Recreation Manager, will share information on upcoming events and year-to-date highlights of past events.   Attachments Irish Fest Recap  Music Fest Recap  Winter and Spring Recap  Form Review Form Started By: Patti Lopuszanski Started On: 04/20/2022 05:24 PM Final Approval Date: 04/20/2022  25,35325,353FACEBOOKFACEBOOK ACCOUNTS REACHED 1,4641,464INSTAGRAMINSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS REACHED WEBSITEWEBSITEPAGEVIEWSPAGEVIEWS 7,2957,295 "Love this festival!""Love this festival!" "Love that all age groups"Love that all age groups were included, the greenwere included, the green fountain, and the bands. Ifountain, and the bands. I truly appreciated the event."truly appreciated the event." 8,0008,000 "Visiting from Idaho and"Visiting from Idaho and thought it was fun."thought it was fun." 362362 EVENT T-SHIRTS SOLD OREVENT T-SHIRTS SOLD OR WORN BY EVENT STAFFWORN BY EVENT STAFF AND VOLUNTEERSAND VOLUNTEERS ESTIMATED ATTENDANCEESTIMATED ATTENDANCE Sláinte! Thank you for your partnership incelebrating Irish Fountain Fest after a two-yearhiatus. 2022 brought in record-breaking numbers inbeer sales and the release of the brand new event t-shirt. This event could not be possible without thesupport of our sponsors and community partners. 19,74919,749FACEBOOKFACEBOOK IMPRESSIONS 4,7624,762INSTAGRAMINSTAGRAM IMPRESSIONS FEATURED ONFEATURED ON ABC15 ARIZONAABC15 ARIZONA 45,21845,218 "Very nice venue for our beautiful"Very nice venue for our beautiful town! Great job Fountain Hills! "town! Great job Fountain Hills! " 7,0007,000 "Best part of vacation thus far!""Best part of vacation thus far!" 4,2314,231 ESTIMATED ATTENDANCEESTIMATED ATTENDANCE Thank you for your partnership in a successful MusicFest. 2022 brought in record-breaking numbers inattendance over the two-day music festival with threeartists per night. This event could not be possiblewithout the support of our sponsors and communitypartners. 6,6966,696 ACCOUNTS REACHED 4,2564,256 ACCOUNTS REACHED "Very fun, will be back!""Very fun, will be back!" "Perfect community event!"Perfect community event! Loved it!"Loved it!" WEBSITEWEBSITEPAGEVIEWSPAGEVIEWS 4/1 LOCAL MARKET VIEWERSHIP4/1 LOCAL MARKET VIEWERSHIP W I N T E R & S P R I N G 2022 EVENTS RECAP IRISH FOUNTAIN FEST NIGHT AT THE BALLFIELDS SKATEBOARD CLASSIC FEBRUARY 5 DESERT VISTA SKATE PARK The Fountain Hills Skateboard classic was the first-ever skate event held in town. This event had 31 skaters registered that participated between two different age groups. Nearly 250 people attended the event. $800 in sponsored cash prizes were awarded to the top 3 places for each age group in addition to swag packages donated by 5 different skate companies including our very own local skate shop, Brilliant Victory Skateboards. MYC TEEN TAKEOVER FEBRUARY 5 COMMUNITY CENTER By working with 8 local organizations and businesses, Mayor's Youth Council created an event that offered Fountain Hills teens an entirely free event featuring inflatables, free food, and drinks, tie-dye, video game tournaments, dodgeball, karaoke, raffle prizes, a dance party, and more! It was an incredible success with it being estimated that there were 125 teens in attendance for this first time event. MARCH 12 FOUNTAIN PARK Irish Fest returned after a two-year pause. This event had record numbers in both attendance and sales. The estimated attendance was 8,000. A new feature added to the event was the Mesa Caledonian Pipe & Drum Band along with Irish dancers. Marketing efforts were increased by adding a digital billboard near the 101 and 202 freeways. The Sonoran Lifestyle Team at ReMax Properties was the presenting sponsor providing additional funding and they set up a tent with games and prizes for the community. MARCH 26 GOLDEN EAGLE PARK In an effort to provide an event for our local sports fanatics, the rec team partnered with the Fountain Hills Little league to host a sports night on the ballfields. By collaborating with a local organization, we were able to offer an event that provided inflatables, a home run derby, food trucks, a movie in the park, and "ninja training" all free to the public. The night on the ballfields was a great addition to our spring events that celebrated a return to baseball post-Covid. CONCERTS ON THE AVENUE RECYCLE, RECREATE MUSIC FEST APRIL 1 & 2 FOUNTAIN PARK The Music Fest was expanded to a two day event due to funding from a grant from the Arizona Office of Tourism. The two day format featured three bands each night with an estimated attendance of 7,000 for both nights. Bone Haus Brewing provided the beer sales for the event and several food trucks were onsite for the event. The department added cornhole and yards games to the event which proved to be a huge success as families playing the yard games throughout both evenings. Road closures were added to provide a safe entrance and exit for attendees. EGGSTRAVAGANZA APRIL 9 GOLDEN EAGLE PARK Eggstravaganza returned after a two-year pause. This event features an egg hunt with 15,000 eggs spread out across three ballfields with an estimated attendance of 800. The fields are designated by age group. Local churches are onsite to provide games, crafts, and beverages for the participants. The pancake breakfast hosted by the Noon Kiwanis was added to the event. Inflatables and pictures with Hoppy the Bunny continue to be a popular feature. APRIL 14 & 21 AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS The Avenue comes alive during the spring concert series. This year kicked off with record attendance estimated at 500. This series includes two artists, each located at a fountain. The solo artist is west of Verde River Dr and the band is east of Verde River Dr. This concerts series is funded by The Sonoran Lifestyle Team at Remax Properties. Remax remains open during the concerts and provides appetizers, popcorn, and beverages for attendees. The Avenue has cornhole and yard games near each performer and town staff are onsite selling Fountain Hills State 48 T-shirts. APRIL 22 COMMUNITY CENTER Our first annual Earth Day Celebration was an event for all ages. We had six families enter the cardboard fort contest. Craft stations focused on recycling and planting. The recycle and recreate projects included dog toys created from old jeans, glass lanterns, jug faces, a water bottle mobile, rock painting, and a creation station. The event also included making bird feeders, composting, and planting a seedling. Kids' grow kits were raffled off throughout the event. The event culminated with the award presentation for the Recycled Art Contest.