HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDApacket__09-29-20_0318_131       NOTICE OF MEETING MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION   Chairman Paul Garvey  Vice Chairman Scott Grzybowski Commissioner Thomas Aiello Commissioner Tom Barberic Commissioner Bill Craig Commissioner Janice Holden Commissioner Dr. Darrienne Slater    TIME:5:00 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s Council,  various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Commission are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.    REQUEST TO COMMENT   The public is welcome to participate in Commission meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM, please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commissioners. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Executive Assistant prior to discussion, if possible.           1.CALL TO ORDER     2.ROLL CALL     3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda.     4.CONSIDERATION of Approving the June 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes     5.DISCUSSION on Present Threat of Non-Native Plants     6.DISCUSSION on the 2020/2021 Hike Schedule     7.DISCUSSION on the 2020/2021 Trailhead Host Program     8.UPDATE on Adero Canyon Trailhead (ACT) Access and Trailhead Work Activity     9.UPDATE on Changes to Preserve Trail Maps     10.UPDATE on Ridgeline Trail Status     11.UPDATE on Terms Expiring October 31, 2020 and Process     12.UPDATE on Community Services Parks, Trails, and Recreation Master Plan     13.REVIEW of Trail Counter Activity     14.ADJOURNMENT      McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of September 29, 2020 2 of 3       CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission with the Town Clerk. Dated this 24th day of September, 2020. _____________________________________________  Jamie Salentine, Executive Assistant   The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5199 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Community Services' Office.    McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of September 29, 2020 3 of 3   ITEM 4. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/29/2020 Meeting Type: McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Jamie Salentine, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Request to McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission (Agenda Language):   CONSIDERATION of Approving the June 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes Staff Summary (Background) Attachments 6-23-20 MMPC Minutes  Form Review Form Started By: Jamie Salentine Started On: 09/02/2020 03:49 PM Final Approval Date: 09/02/2020  TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION JUNE 23, 2020 1.CALL TO ORDER Chairman Garvey called the meeting of Tuesday, June 23, 2020, to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Pima/Hopi Rooms at the Community Center, located at 13001 N La Montana Drive, Fountain Hills, Arizona. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Thomas Aiello; Commissioner Tom Barberic*; Commissioiner Bill Craig; Chairman Paul Garvey; Vice Chairman Scott Grzybowski; Commissioner Janice Holden Absent: Commissioner Dr. Darrienne Slater Staff Present: Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin; Fire Chief Dave Ott; Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine *Commissioner Barberic participated in the meeting via telephone. (Items were discussed out of order, but for purposes of clarity will remain as listed on the agenda.) 3.CALL TO THE PUBLIC There was no comments from the citizens present. 4.CONSIDERATION OF Approving the January 28 and February 25, 2020 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Garvey asked that a correction be made to January 28, 2020 minutes item #11, paragraph 6 to read: Discussion ensued relating to placement of an additional trail counter near the Overlook Trail. Commissioner Garvey requested that a correction be made to February 25, 2020 minutes item #5, paragraph 1 to read: (ex: currently there are 30 markers on the 2-mile Sonoran trail). MOVED BY Vice Chairman Scott Grzybowski, SECONDED BY Commissioner Janice Holden to approve the January 28 and February 25, 2020 meeting minutes as amended. Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously 5.UPDATE on Adero Canyon Trailhead Access and Trailhead Work Activity Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin stated that there has been a slow down on the construction due to COVID-19. She noted that the attorneys are working together to determine a completion date. She pointed out that the water lines are in and have pressure, however, still need electric and sewer put in. She added that the utilities are tied with Toll Brothers and that the power will be through SRP and the Town will need to reach out due to the fact that Toll Brothers is not looking at turning on power until a certain number of parcels DRAFT are in, which is not feasible for the needs of the ACT. In response to questions posed by Chairman Garvey, Ms. Goodwin responded that items that use power are the gate operation, drinking fountain, site lighting, and irrigation. She added that a fall opening is not likely and hoping by the end of 2020 since this operation has been long and slow. In response to a question by Commissioner Barberic, Ms. Goodwin clarified that opening by the end of year included the pavement, however, is hoping the utilities are in sooner. Commissioner Craig commented that the Trailblazers start in October and will need access to the trailhead. Ms. Goodwin stated that the relationship with Toll Brothers and the Trailblazers are in good standings and does not see any issues of them driving to the trailhead. Chairman Garvey suggested to Ms. Goodwin that a new definition of complete might help in getting the ACT moving even if it is a dirt road that would be better than the current situation. Chairman Garvey pointed out that the gate has been modified with bollards.   6.DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION of Preserve Access via the Promenade Trail Gate       Chairman Garvey acknowledged that Fire Chief Dave Ott is present for input. He stated that discussion is on the gate, its use, who has access, who has keys, and usage around the area. In response to a question posed by Chairman Garvey, Ms. Goodwin clarified that the water tank is the Town’s and once consistent usability of all utilities the intent is to remove the tank, but timeframe of removal is unknown. She noted that Maricopa County has access to the weather station as well. Fire Chief Ott reported that Maricopa County has their own set of keys and would just need to know the number of locks for the gate. He explained that the weather station has remote access and County only accesses for maintenance. He stated he would confirm what the County’s access needs are for the MMPC. Discussion ensued on who would need keys including Town Staff, Fire Department, and Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO). In response to a question posed by Chairman Garvey, Ms. Goodwin clarified that the Promenade upkeep and other trails that the expectations of the Trailblazers is to maintain pass-ability for foot traffic only, not for vehicles. She thanked the Trailblazers and volunteers that worked on the Promenade trail to fix the damage caused by a storm, which was completed faster than anticipated. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Craig, Fire Chief Ott clarified that the road/trail past the Promenade as an evacuation standpoint was not intended as usable. He noted that the area is prone to washouts and not sustainable and should only be used by a Jeep terrain type vehicle (Type 6) if needed. Chairman Garvey pointed out that the Promenade access should not be considered as an emergency evacuation route due to the high point and would not be feasible for anyone because of the elevation. DRAFT In response to a question from Chairman Garvey, Ms. Goodwin confirmed that a conversation with Town Manager Grady Miller, Chairman Garvey, and herself regarding ACT will occur, however, due to the current issues she requested the meeting be tabled until late summer. Chairman Garvey clarified that the meeting is to increase awareness of the probability of use of the road and the MMPC perspective to have an opportunity to preserve the preserve prior to establishing a clarifying road that should not be used to begin with. Ms. Goodwin emphasized that the road access is very limited, and should the road not be an evacuation road that access be for specific access such as up to the weather station. She pointed out that some language will need to be addressed in the future to clarify that. Discussion ensued relative to access to the road for essential purposes, limitation of the vehicles heading up to the top of the Promenade, and other access points. Fire Chief stated he would clarify with County on how they access the weather station.   7.DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION of Landing Zones and Trail Maintenance Program       Chairman Garvey reported that the yellow pins represent landing zones and asked if all landing zones need to be maintained. (See Attachment 1) Commissioner Barberic commented that a helicopter will not be landing on these and that there are 12 landing zones. He pointed out that the Trailblazers have spent a lot of time just maintaining them and is requesting not to maintain and to focus on just working the trails. Chairman Garvey asked if all 12 landing zones are needed and maybe maintain some. Commissioner Barberic pointed out that some trails have not been groomed in almost two years and priority is to getting the trails together first, then Phase 3 of Ridgeline trail, and then landing zones. Discussion ensued relating to the density of the landing zones, Sheriff’s rescue helicopter versus the Medical Helicopter and where they land, reduction of the number of landing zones, and time spent on maintenance of each landing zone. Fire Chief Ott clarified that if some of the landing zones are decommissioned to notify the Fire Department so they can update their map. Vice Chairman Grzybowski stated that discussion on decommissioning can be discussed at a later time; however, maintenance is not a priority at this time. Chairman Garvey clarified that the landing zones will stay status quo with maintenance to be just clearing the brush away. Commissioner Craig reviewed the trail maintenance needs and suggestions and that the Operations Workgroup recommended Option 3 for present maintenance and Option 1 for long-term maintenance needs. (See Attachment 2)    MOVED BY Commissioiner Bill Craig, SECONDED BY Vice Chairman Scott Grzybowski to approve the Fountain Hills Trail Maintenance Plans as recommended: Option 3 for present maintenance and Option 1 for long-term maintenance needs.  Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously DRAFT   8.REVIEW of Preserve Easement and Right-of-Way Reference Documents       Fire Chief Ott highlighted on the history of the emergency access trail at ACT that tied in between the access of ACT and Eagle Nest. He added that in the 1990’s the City of Scottsdale voted not to run Via Linda all the way to Palisades. He noted that the Scottsdale’s Fire Department had requested an emergency access road into ACT through Hidden Hills if a connection was completed. He explained that somehow the same language was placed in the agreement for Eagles Nest and the ACT dating back to the late 1990’s. Chairman Garvey reviewed the Preserve Easement Reference sheet and stated that the document is for their information. (See Attachment 3)   9.DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION of the Official Acreage of the Preserve       Chairman Garvey pointed out that there are two versions of the Fountain Hills Preserve acreage, one that shows 800+ acres and the other showing 1000+ acres. He added that numerous information provided by the town states 1000+ acres as well. He displayed and commented that the County records indicate that the Fountain Hills Preserve section comes in at 823.62 acres. He noted that the 1000+ acres included the section of the Sunrise Trail that the City of Scottsdale owns. (See Attachment 4) Chairman Garvey asked the Commission if the Town should use the actual acreage as displayed at 823.62 or the 1000+ acreage. Discussion ensued relative to the actual acreage of the preserve for the town and what number to use. Chairman Garvey clarified that the 823.62 acreage does include the acreage given to the Town by Toll Brothers (82.12 acres). In response to a question posed by Vice Chairman Grzybowski, Commissioner Craig reported that the total number of trail miles he does not know off hand, however, under 10 miles.    MOVED BY Commissioner Janice Holden, SECONDED BY Vice Chairman Scott Grzybowski to approve the official acreage of the Fountain Hills Preserve to be 824 acres.  Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously   10.DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION of Changes to Preserve Trail Maps       Commissioner Holden stated that the Outreach and Promotion Workgroup reviewed over the informational pamphlets/maps provided to the public to see what needed to be updated. She noted that the workgroup focused on the two maps; McDowell Mountain Preserve and the Fountain Hills Connection maps. She highlighted the McDowell Mountain Preserve map updates/changes. (See Attachment 5) Discussion ensued relating to updating of the map through GIS Technician/CAD Operator Ken Valverde, renaming of the “Peak”, to “Scenic View”, and the bow hunting wording on pamphlet. Additional discussion ensued related to the wording for bow hunting on the preservation, which is regulated by Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). DRAFT Commissioner Holden commented that the workgroup recommends minor changes to Fountain Hills Connection map to include Scottsdale’s McDowell Sonoran Preserve and have a large map on the website of the McDowell Mountain Preserve map. Administrative Assistant Jamie Salentine requested that Commissioner Holden update the notes and provide to her so that the updated changes discussed during this meeting will reflect on the attachment to the minutes.    MOVED BY Vice Chairman Scott Grzybowski, SECONDED BY Commissioner Thomas Aiello to approve the McDowell Mountain Preserve Map pamphlet with all updates discussed provided on the attachment (Attachment 5).  Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously   11.UPDATE on Ridgeline Trail Status    Commissioner Craig stated that the Trailblazers are waiting on the signs to go in, when to open Ridgeline Trail, and completing the last 40 feet of the trail. Commissioner Craig confirmed that phase 1 and 2 of Ridgeline Trail will open prior to the completion of Phase 3. Ms. Goodwin stated that the Trailblazers just need to provide the items they need for the signs to be placed in such as, posts, rivets, quick crete, etc. Commissioner Craig to provide the list to Ms. Goodwin.   12.UPDATE on Promenade Reroute    Chairman Garvey commented that the Promenade Reroute is almost done; steps need to be placed in upfront, and to add the sign.   13.REVIEW of Trail Counter Activity       Chairman Garvey asked the Commission if they had questions on the trail counter activity; no questions. (See Attachment 6) In response to a question posed by Commissioner Craig, Ms. Goodwin confirmed that two new trail counters have been ordered. In response to question from Commissioner Holden, Vice Chairman Grzybowski replied that the trail counter activity is used for marketing material and to update the Town Council on the usage of the trails. Ms. Goodwin added that the usage can be used for showing the greatest amount of usage and assists in justifying funding/resources for trails.   14.UPDATE on Community Services Parks, Trails, and Recreation Master Plan    Ms. Goodwin updated on the Master Plan progress and stated that on June 22, 2020 the DRAFT  Ms. Goodwin updated on the Master Plan progress and stated that on June 22, 2020 the kick-off of the focus groups started with the Community Services staff and three additional focus groups will occur this week with the Community Stakeholders and ending on June 25, 2020 at 6:00 pm with a Public Forum. She asked the Commission to reach out to all residents they know to participate in the Public Forum. She added that the focus groups and public forum will assist in developing the Public Survey, which will be sent out to all residents later this summer to respond via mail-in or online. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Aiello, Ms. Goodwin confirmed that the survey will be specific to the Community Services Department such as; parks, trails, programs, events, and park facilities. She noted that the Master Plan will be a document that is used as a guideline for improvements/goals over a 10-year span. Ms. Goodwin pointed out that Ms. Salentine will email the MMPC the flyer on the Public Survey which includes the web link to register.   15.ADJOURNMENT    MOVED BY Vice Chairman Scott Grzybowski, SECONDED BY Commissioner Thomas Aiello to adjourn.  Vote: 6 - 0 - Unanimously    The McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission adjourned at 6:47 p.m.     MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN ADVISORY COMMISSION ____________________________ Paul Garvey, Chairman ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: ______________________________ Jamie Salentine, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 23rd day of June, 2020. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 29th day of September, 2020. _________________________________ Jamie Salentine, Executive Assistant DRAFT Attachment 1 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 1 of 1 DRAFT Fountain Hills Preserve trail maintenance 6/20/20 Present maintenance needs: All trails Plans for maintenance: (Maintenance is the priority over Ridgeline phase 3) Option 1: Attempt to start in October this season when the ground is still more pliable from the Monsoons. Try to use a group of 6 volunteers from the present crew leaders including Jim Grajck and Bill Craig at this time, working together as two crews, reinforcing previous crew leader training. In November, use these crew leaders to lead individual maintenance crews for each trail till finished. Option 2: Start in November with crew leaders on the first workday: reinforcing their previous training and then having them lead crews on different trails till all maintenance is complete. Option 3: Starting in October, Jim Grajck and Bill Craig would head up a group of 6 present or interested crew leaders made up of two teams. We would set up a plan to cover all trails and perform maintenance. In November the rest of the crew leaders and Trailblazers would start work on Phase 3 of the Ridgeline trail. Bill would be replaced at this time to head Phase 3. The maintenance crew and the phase 3 crew could do some switching during the season where reasonable. The maintenance crew led by Jim would remain in action till all trails have been completed. Long term maintenance: Option 1: Obtain volunteers to be responsible for maintenance of a trail yearly. Train them where necessary. Ask them to get a couple of other trail builders to work with them. The primary objective here would be to get rid of obstructive brush, berms, and loose rocks. Do this twice a year. Option 2: Obtain volunteers to be responsible for maintenance of a trail. During our regular Saturday work days, alternately have one of those groups work on maintenance of their trail instead of working on new trail building. When new builds are complete, these volunteers will continue maintenance of their trail. Attachment 2 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 1 of 1 DRAFT McDowell Mtn Easement Reference Documents Name Number Date Relevance Main Preserve Deed Deed No. 011201371 2001 Also identifies inventory of easement docs Toll Brothers Development Agreement Resolution No. 2018-11 Sect 5.3 2018 Provides provisions for their assistance in preparing the emergency access road Promenade Trail Easement 2001-1201367 2001 Provisions for emergency access roadway and utility easement between Adero Canyon and Eagles Nest. Establishes conditions for easement use. Also includes metes and bounds. Grant of Easement - Eagles Nest 1998-0727173 1998 Defines metes and bounds of easement connecting Eagles Nest to Eagle Ridge Drive via the Promenade Trail. Grant of Reservoir and Access Easement - Eagles Nest 2001-1201365 2001 Addresses the existing north water tank at Eagles Nest. This is easement is within the Preserve. Adero Canyon Reservoir Easement 2001-1201366 2001 Adero Canyon Reservoir (future). Provisions for a water storage facility within SW corner of Preserve (far NW corner of Adero Canyon). SRP Easement Docket 11016 Page 155 1975 Outlines broad easement rights within T3N R6E; establishes the right for power line towers across the Preserve Mtn Bell Right of Way Agreement Docket 10045 Page 237 1973 Same easement as SRP Final Settlement Agreement – Eagles Nest Plat (Fountain Hills Doc) Resolution No. 2014-08 2014 Page 64 references Eagles Nest easement doc 1998-0727173 Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 Page 20 2010 Provisions for easement from Golden Eagle Trailhead to MMRP Attachment 3 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 1 of 1 DRAFT Attachment 4 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 1 of 2 DRAFT A/O 5/4/2020 Sum acreage of all parcels associated with FH MMP Sq ft per acre 43,560 Parcel Sq ft Acre 1 115,826 2.66 2 129,199 2.97 3 665,423 15.28 4 6,711,141 154.07 5 8,711,998 200.00 6 1,601,997 36.78 7 3,015,422 69.22 8 2,320,833 53.28 9 6,524,460 149.78 10 2,503,437 57.47 Toll Brothers' donation 3,577,198 82.12 Total 35,876,934 823.62 Attachment 4 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 2 of 2 DRAFT Update the McDowell Mountain Preserve Trails brochure Recommended Changes: 1.Edits, corrections, additions Map Trails of the Town of Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preserve -Add Ridgeline Trail (as completed as of 6/2020) -Add Scenic View at the end of where the Ridgeline Trail now ends -Add new 82 acres -Remove reference to Fire Access Road (future) -Correct ending of the Overlook Trail -Change distance of Western Bike Loop from 0.3 to 0.5mi -Update Copyright from 2018 to 2020 under Notice: Map Fountain Hills & Connecting Trails (extended area map) -Add Ridgeline Trail (as completed as of 6/2020) -Add new 82 acres -Update MMRP and Scottsdale maps -Update Copyright from 2018 to 2020 under Notice: -Update Map Date: November 2018 to 2020 (lower right corner) Panel 2 Brochure Front -Update date from December 2018 to xxxx 2020 Panel 3 Welcome to Fountain Hills MMP – (edits in bold) -First paragraph, last two sentences – change to: Access the Dixie Mine Trail through the Eagles Nest Community. There is a $2 fee per person to enter the McDowell Mountain Regional Park. -General Rules (regarding hunting under last rule) No trapping or harming wildlife. Jamie to provide language -Trail Safety Bring ample water and a fully charged cell phone. Leave valuables at home or lock them out of view in your trunk. (you) -Trail etiquette Be considerate of other trail users – you are all here to enjoy the Preserve safely. (for the same reason) Bicyclists should yield to all other users. (bicyclist) Attachment 5 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 1 of 4 DRAFT 2.Enhancements and modifications Map -Replace Connecting Trails map with Trails of the Town of FH MMP for brochure Trails of the Town larger map more user friendly, includes more details, easier to read. Connecting Trails map best as a full-size standalone map or online Trail Guide Panel 1 -Add Ridgeline Trail Trail Name: Ridgeline Trail (RL) Length: 1.3 Difficulty rating: One black diamond -Eliminate reference to Elevation Change column It is difficult to accurately measure with no point of reference Casual hikers are unfamiliar with elevation measurements Refer instead to Difficulty Rating legend to estimate trail difficulty Attachment 5 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 2 of 4 DRAFT Attachment 5 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 3 of 4 DRAFT Attachment 5 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 4 of 4 DRAFT Fountain Hills Trail Counter Activity Botanical Garden Trail Lake Overlook Trail Sonoran Trail - North End Andrews-Kinsey & Western Loop Trails Adero Canyon Trailhead Overlook & Ridgeline Trails 2017 Jan 6121 400 250 Feb 8699 500 338 Mar 8150 700 388 Estimated Apr 5402 600 399 4/29/19 ACT restricted access commences May 3118 300 300 Counter not yet in service Jun 2563 300 300 Jul 2377 300 300 Aug 1750 300 300 Sep 2100 300 300 Oct 4000 325 300 Nov 5900 375 300 Dec 7097 425 300 2017 Total 0 57277 4825 3775 0 0 2018 Jan 6984 483 240 Feb 6448 737 1059 Mar 2491 9948 1581 1461 Apr 1262 5153 2409 500 May 925 3356 898 300 Jun 563 1816 1042 300 Jul 439 1646 500 300 Aug 370 1622 500 300 Sep 650 1935 500 300 Oct 1030 3715 500 450 Nov 1630 5463 655 628 Dec 2251 5001 487 2101 7363 2018 Total 11611 53087 10292 7939 7363 2019 Jan 2291 6969 677 2550 10237 Feb 2467 5505 731 2250 9010 Mar 3295 8080 1150 4150 16564 Apr 1452 5488 1581 1879 6645 May 945 3938 754 1212 666 Jun 449 2471 254 115 183 Jul 402 1736 152 200 200 Aug 386 1533 200 200 200 Sep 690 2588 350 300 300 Oct 1087 3759 500 500 500 Nov 1720 5496 652 700 700 Dec 1818 3913 707 1083 1040 2019 Total 17002 51476 7708 15139 46245 2020 Jan 1904 7657 915 1676 1548 Feb 3784 7230 1064 1284 1408 Mar 4163 9112 1549 789 2479 1342 Apr 1997 7423 1356 597 2163 347 May 1335 5817 382 346 950 57 Jun 933 2189 316 263 850 109 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2020 Total 14116 39428 5582 4955 9398 1855 Attachment 6 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 1 of 7 DRAFT 24 9 1 12 6 2 92 5 56 3 43 9 37 0 65 0 10 3 0 16 3 0 22 5 1 22 9 1 24 6 7 32 9 5 14 5 2 94 5 44 9 40 2 38 6 69 0 10 8 7 17 2 0 18 1 8 19 0 4 37 8 4 41 6 3 19 9 7 13 3 5 93 3 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Botanical Garden Trail 2018 2019 2020 Attachment 6 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 2 of 7 DRAFT 61 2 1 86 9 9 81 5 0 54 0 2 31 1 8 25 6 3 23 7 7 17 5 0 21 0 0 40 0 0 59 0 0 70 9 7 69 8 4 64 4 8 99 4 8 51 5 3 33 5 6 18 1 6 16 4 6 16 2 2 19 3 5 37 1 5 54 6 3 50 0 1 69 6 9 55 0 5 80 8 0 54 8 8 39 3 8 24 7 1 17 3 6 15 3 3 25 8 8 37 5 9 54 9 6 39 1 3 76 5 7 72 3 0 91 1 2 74 2 3 58 1 7 21 8 9 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Lake Overlook Trail 2017 2018 2019 2020 Attachment 6 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 3 of 7 DRAFT 40 0 50 0 70 0 60 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 32 5 37 5 42 5 48 3 73 7 15 8 1 24 0 9 89 8 10 4 2 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 65 5 48 7 67 7 73 1 11 5 0 15 8 1 75 4 25 4 15 2 20 0 35 0 50 0 65 2 70 7 91 5 10 6 4 15 4 9 13 5 6 38 2 31 6 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sonoran Trail - North End 2017 2018 2019 2020 Attachment 6 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 4 of 7 DRAFT 25 0 33 8 38 8 39 9 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 024 0 10 5 9 14 6 1 50 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 45 0 62 8 21 0 1 25 5 0 22 5 0 41 5 0 18 7 9 12 1 2 11 5 20 0 20 0 30 0 50 0 70 0 10 8 3 16 7 6 12 8 4 78 9 59 7 34 6 26 3 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Andrews-Kinsey & Western Loop Trails 2017 2018 2019 2020 Attachment 6 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 5 of 7 DRAFT 73 6 3 10 2 3 7 90 1 0 16 5 6 4 66 4 5 66 6 18 3 20 0 20 0 30 0 50 0 70 0 10 4 0 15 4 8 14 0 8 24 7 9 21 6 3 95 0 85 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Adero Canyon Trailhead 2018 2019 2020 Attachment 6 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 6 of 7 DRAFT 13 4 2 34 7 57 10 9 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Overlook & Ridgeline Trails 2020 Attachment 6 MMPC June 23, 2020 Page 7 of 7 DRAFT ITEM 5. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/29/2020 Meeting Type: McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Jamie Salentine, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director Request to McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission (Agenda Language):  DISCUSSION on Present Threat of Non-Native Plants Staff Summary (Background) Attachments Mapping of Non-Native Plants  Form Review Form Started By: Jamie Salentine Started On: 09/23/2020 09:39 AM Final Approval Date: 09/23/2020  MAPPING INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANTS IN OUR PRESERVE 1. Regional Efforts - Central Arizona Conservation Alliance (CAZCA) a. Founded in 2012 by Phoenix Botanical Garden b. Currently 31 Partners - a few are Maricopa County Parks & Rec, McDowell Sonoran Conservancy, Tonto National Forest c. Desert Defenders (i) citizen science program of CAZCA (ii) focus on finding, mapping and removing invasive species at local parks and preserves (iii) plant species selected are known to have moderate to severe impact on local ecosystem, a few raise fire risk or worsen seasonal allergies (iv) currently focus on 8 invasive plants (iv) conduct training programs for volunteers 2. SCFH Actions a. April, 2020 - 2 stewards notified us of seeing Globe Chamomile on the new Ridgeline Trail b. Two trained stewards surveyed the Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden and identified and removed Globe Chamomile. Invasive grasses were found north of parking area but not removed c. Two training classes sponsored by Desert Defenders are scheduled through the Town for November, 2020 and January, 2021. 3. SCFH Proposed Actions for which Approval is Requested a. Become more knowledgeable about CAZCA, Desert Defenders and their objectives. b. Identify and meet with Fountain Hills Stakeholders to determine any areas of critical fire risk within or bordering Fountain Hills where invasives may be an issue. c. Train SCFH volunteers to identify and map presence of invasive nonnative plants in the Preserve d. Develop a removal or management plan for invasive species identified and report back to MMPC & Town e. Implement the approved plan f. Concurrently, accomplish same for Fountain Hills Desert Botanical Garden and Lake Overlook trail where SCFH already does trail maintenance ITEM 13. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 09/29/2020 Meeting Type: McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Agenda Type: Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Jamie Salentine, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Request to McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission (Agenda Language):  REVIEW of Trail Counter Activity Staff Summary (Background) Attachments August Trail Counts  Form Review Form Started By: Jamie Salentine Started On: 09/28/2020 01:16 PM Final Approval Date: 09/28/2020  Fountain Hills Trail Counter Activity Botanical Garden Trail Lake Overlook Trail Sonoran Trail - North End Andrews-Kinsey & Western Loop Trails Adero Canyon Trailhead Overlook & Ridgeline Trails 2017 Jan 6121 400 250 Feb 8699 500 338 Mar 8150 700 388 Estimated Apr 5402 600 399 4/29/19 ACT restricted access commences May 3118 300 300 Counter not yet in service Jun 2563 300 300 Jul 2377 300 300 Aug 1750 300 300 Sep 2100 300 300 Oct 4000 325 300 Nov 5900 375 300 Dec 7097 425 300 2017 Total 0 57277 4825 3775 0 0 2018 Jan 6984 483 240 Feb 6448 737 1059 Mar 2491 9948 1581 1461 Apr 1262 5153 2409 500 May 925 3356 898 300 Jun 563 1816 1042 300 Jul 439 1646 500 300 Aug 370 1622 500 300 Sep 650 1935 500 300 Oct 1030 3715 500 450 Nov 1630 5463 655 628 Dec 2251 5001 487 2101 7363 2018 Total 11611 53087 10292 7939 7363 2019 Jan 2291 6969 677 2550 10237 Feb 2467 5505 731 2250 9010 Mar 3295 8080 1150 4150 16564 Apr 1452 5488 1581 1879 6645 May 945 3938 754 1212 666 Jun 449 2471 254 115 183 Jul 402 1736 152 200 200 Aug 386 1533 200 200 200 Sep 690 2588 350 300 300 Oct 1087 3759 500 500 500 Nov 1720 5496 652 700 700 Dec 1818 3913 707 1083 1040 2019 Total 17002 51476 7708 15139 46245 2020 Jan 1904 7657 915 1676 1548 Feb 3784 7230 1064 1284 1408 Mar 4163 9112 1549 789 2479 1342 Apr 1997 7423 1356 597 2163 347 May 1335 5817 382 346 950 57 Jun 933 2189 316 263 850 90 Jul 633 2540 286 494 1100 17 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2020 Total 14749 41968 5868 5449 10498 1853 24 9 1 12 6 2 92 5 56 3 43 9 37 0 65 0 10 3 0 16 3 0 22 5 1 22 9 1 24 6 7 32 9 5 14 5 2 94 5 44 9 40 2 38 6 69 0 10 8 7 17 2 0 18 1 8 19 0 4 37 8 4 41 6 3 19 9 7 13 3 5 93 3 63 3 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Botanical Garden Trail 2018 2019 2020 61 2 1 86 9 9 81 5 0 54 0 2 31 1 8 25 6 3 23 7 7 17 5 0 21 0 0 40 0 0 59 0 0 70 9 7 69 8 4 64 4 8 99 4 8 51 5 3 33 5 6 18 1 6 16 4 6 16 2 2 19 3 5 37 1 5 54 6 3 50 0 1 69 6 9 55 0 5 80 8 0 54 8 8 39 3 8 24 7 1 17 3 6 15 3 3 25 8 8 37 5 9 54 9 6 39 1 3 76 5 7 72 3 0 91 1 2 74 2 3 58 1 7 21 8 9 25 4 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Lake Overlook Trail 2017 2018 2019 2020 40 0 50 0 70 0 60 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 32 5 37 5 42 5 48 3 73 7 15 8 1 24 0 9 89 8 10 4 2 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 65 5 48 7 67 7 73 1 11 5 0 15 8 1 75 4 25 4 15 2 20 0 35 0 50 0 65 2 70 7 91 5 10 6 4 15 4 9 13 5 6 38 2 31 6 28 6 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sonoran Trail - North End 2017 2018 2019 2020 25 0 33 8 38 8 39 9 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 024 0 10 5 9 14 6 1 50 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 45 0 62 8 21 0 1 25 5 0 22 5 0 41 5 0 18 7 9 12 1 2 11 5 20 0 20 0 30 0 50 0 70 0 10 8 3 16 7 6 12 8 4 78 9 59 7 34 6 26 3 49 4 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Andrews-Kinsey & Western Loop Trails 2017 2018 2019 2020 73 6 3 10 2 3 7 90 1 0 16 5 6 4 66 4 5 66 6 18 3 20 0 20 0 30 0 50 0 70 0 10 4 0 15 4 8 14 0 8 24 7 9 21 6 3 95 0 85 0 11 0 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Adero Canyon Trailhead 2018 2019 2020 13 4 2 34 7 57 90 17 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Overlook & Ridgeline Trails 2020