HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY24 Adopted BudgetTown of Fountain Hills
Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
Final Version 6/06/2023-
Town of Fountain Hills | Budget Book 2024 Page 1
Introduction 4
Transmittal Letter 5
Demographics 7
Organization Chart 11
Fund Structure 12
Budget Process 16
Town Policies 22
Strategic Plan 24
Budget Summary 29
Budget Message 30
Budget Summary 31
Supplements 33
Fund Summaries 37
All Funds Summary 38
General Fund 44
Special Revenue Funds 52
Streets Fund 55
Downtown Strategy Fund 60
Economic Development Fund 65
Tourism Fund 70
Special Revenue Fund 75
Public Art Fund 79
Court Enhancement Fund 84
Environmental Fund 89
Cottonwoods Maint Dist 94
Capital Funds 99
Capital Projects Fund 100
Development Fee Funds 105
Fire/EMS Dev Fee 106
Streets Dev Fee 109
Park/Rec Dev Fee 112
Internal Service Funds 115
Facilities Reserve Fund 119
Technology Repl Fund 123
Vehicle/Equip Repl Fund 128
Debt Service Funds 133
GO Bond Debt Service Fund 137
Eagle Mountain CFD Debt Service 142
MPC Debt Serv 147
Funding Sources 152
Transaction Privilege Tax (All Funds)153
TPT - General Fund 156
TPT - Streets Fund 157
Town of Fountain Hills | Budget Book 2024 Page 2
TPT - Capital Projects Fund 158
TPT - Economic Development Fund 159
TPT - Downtown Strategy Fund 160
State Shared Revenues (All Funds)161
State Shared Revenues - General Fund 162
State Shared Revenue - Streets Fund 163
Other Revenues (All Funds)164
Other Revenues - Licenses & Permits 166
Other Revenues - Leases & Rents 168
Other Revenues - Charges for Services 170
Other Revenues - Fines & Forfeitures 172
Other Revenues - Misc 174
Departments/Divisions 178
Mayor & Town Council 179
Administration 183
Information Technology 187
Economic Development 190
Finance 194
Administrative Services 197
Legal Services 200
Public Information 203
Purchasing 206
Town Clerk 209
Town Manager 212
General Government 215
Municipal Court 219
Public Works 224
Development Services 230
Community Services 234
Fire and Emergency Medical Services 239
Law Enforcement 244
Capital Improvements 248
One year plan 249
Multi-year plan 253
Debt 257
Government-wide Debt 258
Debt by Type Overview 259
Schedules & Resources 260
Personnel 261
Comprehensive Fee Schedule 266
Budget Resolution 277
Acronyms 278
Appendix 280
Community Services Requests 281
Public Works Requests 299
Glossary 366
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Town of Fountain Hills | Budget Book 2024 Page 4
Transmittal Letter
Rachael Goodwin, Interim Town Manager
June 6, 2023
Honorable Mayor, esteemed Council, Residents and Stakeholders of Fountian Hills,
I am pleased to present to you the FY2024 Town Budget, a strategic scal roadmap that embodies our collective
community goals, priorities, and challenges. This document is a culmination of extensive collaboration, careful analysis,
and a deep commitment to ensuring a prosperous and vibrant future for our community. Our budget is more than
just numbers on paper; it is a re ection of our shared values and a demonstration of our dedication to addressing the
needs and desires of our residents. Throughout the pages that follow, you will nd a comprehensive overview of our
nancial plan, illustrating how we intend to allocate resources in a way that maximizes our community's growth and
Budget Overview:
The FY24 Town Budget represents a healthy and vibrant scal outlook, with a total allocation of $43.1 million. This
marks a decrease of $3.0 million from the previous scal year, a re ection of our prudent approach to scal
responsibility. Within this framework, our General Fund Revenues have increased by $800,000 to $25.6 million,
re ecting our town's economic stability.
Our budget is a testament to our dedication to addressing the needs and goals of our residents. We understand that
nurturing the pillars of our community –responsible growth, nancial stability, health and safety, infrastructure and
facility maintenance, and quality of life – is paramount to our progress.
Capital Budget:
Our responsibilities extend beyond the operational scope, and our Capital Budget of $6.6 million has been built to
manage the demands of our community's infrastructure and improvements. We anticipate receiving $3.8 million from
grant sources, a demonstration to our successful partnerships and innovative approach to funding. This allocation will
facilitate crucial improvements in Community Services, with $1.3 million dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for
our residents. Additionally, Public Works will take on $5.3 million in projects to upgrade and modernize our
infrastructure to meet the demands of a dynamic community.
The FY2024 Town Budget is intricately designed to address our most pressing priorities. Our commitment to quality of
life, infrastructure and facility maintenance, public safety, and community growth remains unwavering. We have
allotted signi cant resources to upgrade our roads, improve our public services, and enhance our parks. We continue
to implement sound nancial procedures that bolster our resilience in challenging and turbulent scal conditions.
Moreover, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that supports the needs of all residents, ensuring
that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
We recognize that our journey forward is not without obstacles. Economic uctuations, technological advancements,
and unforeseen events continue to test our resilience. However, it is precisely in times of challenge that our
community's strength shines the brightest. The FY 2024 Town Budget acknowledges these potential hurdles and
equips us with the exibility and foresight to adapt and overcome them.
Overall Direction:
Town of Fountain Hills | Budget Book 2024 Page 5
The 2024 Town Budget is aligned with a clear and decisive vision for our community's future. As we strive for economic
prosperity, social cohesion, and sensible growth, we commit to fostering an environment that encourages innovation,
empowers our residents, and celebrates our unique identity. With prudent nancial management, transparent
governance, and a focus on collaboration, we ensure that the Town of Fountian Hills will thrive today, tomorrow, and for
years to come. We are con dent that by adhering to prudent management, community engagement, and innovation,
we will achieve our collective vision for Fountain Hills.
In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the staff and Council whose dedication and insights have contributed to
the creation of this budget. We invite all to engage with this document, offer your feedback, and join us as we embark
on this exciting journey towards a bright future. Community involvement is pivotal, and your voices will assist our
decisions as we navigate the path ahead.
Rachael Goodwin
Interim Town Manager
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Population Overview
23,639 .8%
vs. 2020
43 out of 91
Municipalities in Arizona
Daytime population represents the effect of persons coming into or
leaving a community for work, entertainment, shopping, etc. during the
typical workday. An increased daytime population puts greater demand
on host community services which directly impacts operational costs.
* Data Source: American Community Survey 5-year estimates
Aging affects the needs and lifestyle choices of residents. Municipalities must adjust and plan services accordingly.
* Data Source: American Community Survey 5-year estimates
* Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 5-year Data and the 2020, 2010, 2000, and 1990 Decennial Censuses
<5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-74 75-84 >85
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Household Analysis
Municipalities must consider the dynamics of household types to plan for and provide
services effectively. Household type also has a general correlation to income levels
which affect the municipal tax base.
* Data Source: American Community Survey 5-year estimates
Family Households
higher than state average
Married Couples
higher than state average
Senior Living Alone
Town of Fountain Hills | Budget Book 2024 Page 8
Economic Analysis
Household income is a key data point in evaluating a community’s wealth and
spending power. Pay levels and earnings typically vary by geographic regions and
should be looked at in context of the overall cost of living.
Above $200,000
Median Income
Below $25,000
* Data Source: American Community Survey 5-year estimates
Over $200,000
$150,000 to $200,000
$125,000 to $150,000
$100,000 to $125,000
$75,000 to $100,000
$50,000 to $75,000
$25,000 to $50,000
Below $25,000
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Housing Overview
* Data Source: 2021 US Census Bureau (http://www.census.gov/data/developers/data-
sets.html), American Community Survey. Home value data includes all types of
owner-occupied housing.
* Data Source: 2021 US Census Bureau (http://www.census.gov/data/developers/data-
sets.html), American Community Survey. Home value data includes all types of
owner-occupied housing.
Fountain Hills
State Avg.
* Data Source: 2021 US Census Bureau
sets.html), American Community Survey. Home value
data includes all types of owner-occupied housing.
$750,000 to $999,999
$500,000 to $749,999
$400,000 to $499,999
$300,000 to $399,999
$250,000 to $299,999
$200,000 to $249,999
$150,000 to $199,999
$100,000 to $149,999
$50,000 to $99,999
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Organization Chart
The Organization Chart below graphically depicts the reporting units of the Town. All units, including the Mayor and Town
Council, are responsible to the Citizens of Fountain Hills. The chart shows the various operating departments and divisions, as
well as the positions that are appointed and services that are contracted. Detailed departmental organization charts may be
accessed by clicking on the attachment titled "Town-Wide Organizational Charts" at the bottom of the page.
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Fund Structure
The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity.
Operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets,
liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures. Town resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds
based on the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The
Town of Fountain Hills appropriates all funds in its budget process.
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Funds by Department Summary
Governmental Funds
Fund Type Fund Department Budgeted
General Fund Total $ 25,585,805
General Fund Mayor & Town Council 65,494
General Fund Administration 2,948,360
General Fund General Government 3,238,088
General Fund Municipal Court 495,409
General Fund Public Works 1,642,802
General Fund Development Services 1,318,663
General Fund Community Services 3,898,569
General Fund Fire & Emergency Medical 5,589,825
General Fund Law Enforcement 6,388,595
Fund Type Fund Department Budgeted
Special Revenue Total $ 9,644,012
Streets (HURF)Public Works 7,048,280
Downtown Strategy Fund Administration 85,200
Economic Development Fund Administration 229,630
Tourism Fund Administration 354,029
Special Revenue Fund Administration 1,190,000
Public Art Fund Community Services 41,761
Court Enhancement Fund Municipal Court 54,600
Environmental Fund Public Works 627,024
Cottonwoods Maintenance District Fund Administration 13,488
Fund Type Fund Department Budgeted
Debt Service Total $ 19,760
General Obligation Bond Fund Administration 350
Eagle Mountain CFD Fund Administration 18,900
Municipal Property Corporation Fund Administration 510
Fund Type Fund Department Budgeted
Capital Projects Total $ 6,918,531
Capital Projects Fund Administration,
Community Services,
Public Works
Development Fees Funds Fire, Public Works,
Community Services
Fund Type Fund Department Budgeted
Internal Service Total $ 889,700
Facilities Reserve Fund Public Works 550,000
Technology Replacement Fund General Government 50,000
Vehicle Replacement Fund General Govt, Public Works 289,700
Town of Fountain Hills | Budget Book 2024 Page 13
Fund Classi cations and Descriptions
General Fund
The General Fund (Fund 100) is the primary operating fund of the Town and accounts for the resources and uses of
various Fountain Hills departments. It exists to account for the nancing of services traditionally associated with local
government. These services include police and re protection, development services (planning & zoning/building
safety/code enforcement/GIS), public works (facilities/engineering), community services (parks and recreation/community
center/senior services), general administration, and any other activity for which a special fund has not been created.
Governmental accounting requires the General Fund be used for all nancial resources except those required to be
accounted for in another fund and have designations of non-spendable, restricted, committed, assigned or unassigned.
Special Revenue Funds
Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of speci c revenue sources that are legally restricted to
expenditures for speci ed purposes, designated as committed or restricted. The Town maintains the following Special
Revenue Funds:
«The Streets (HURF) Fund (Fund 200)is funded by .2% of local sales tax, State-shared revenues and transfers from the
Capital Improvement Fund. The State of Arizona taxes motor fuels and collects a variety of fees and charges relating to
the registration and operation of motor vehicles. These revenues are deposited in the Arizona Highway User Revenue
Fund (HURF) and are then distributed to the cities, towns, and counties and to the State Highway Fund. This fund may
only be used for street and highway purposes and is a restricted fund.
«The Downtown Strategy Fund (Fund 300) is a committed fund which may only be used for development of the
downtown. Revenue for this fund comes from the 20% of the .1% of local sales tax collections that have been dedicated for
this purpose.
«The Economic Development Fund (Fund 310) is a committed fund which may only be used for economic
development. Revenue for this fund comes from the 80% of the .1% of local sales tax collections that have been dedicated
for this purpose.
«The Tourism Fund (Fund 320) is a committed fund which may only be used for tourism. Revenue for this fund is
provided by a transfer from the Economic Development Fund and grant money.
«The Special Revenue/Grants Fund (Fund 400) is restricted by the terms of the individual grants or program funds
received. An example of this would be state or federal funds. These funds are to be used only for the speci c program or
programs for which the funds have been awarded and in accordance with all the grant conditions.
«The Public Art Fund (Fund 410) is funded by developer in-lieu contributions. These funds may only be used for the
maintenance of art and for the installation of this art throughout the community. This fund has a committed fund
«The Court Enhancement Fund (Fund 420)is a restricted fund which may only be used to enhance the technological,
operational and security capabilities of the Fountain Hills Municipal Court and to support the operation of the Court
collection program. Revenues are derived from court fees and bond forfeitures.
«The Environmental Fund (Fund 460)is an assigned fund which may only be used to help offset the costs of stormwater
management and air quality permit requirements as well as other environmental programs. These items include, but are
not limited to, permit fees, wash maintenance, ADWR dam inspection and maintenance, street sweeping, storm drain
cleaning and household hazardous waste disposal. Revenues were originally derived from the annual environmental fee
billed to Town residents; however, the Fund is now funded through transfers from the General Fund.
«The Cottonwoods Maintenance District Fund (Fund 550)is a restricted fund which may only be used for maintenance
of the Cottonwoods Maintenance District. Revenues are derived from a secondary property tax.
Town of Fountain Hills | Budget Book 2024 Page 14
Debt Service Funds
Debt Service Funds are established for the payment of principal and interest on bonded indebtedness. Revenues are
derived from a secondary property tax levy, and municipal property lease payments. (The 0.2% of local sales tax previously
dedicated to mountain preserve bonds has been redirected to the Highway User Revenue Fund for the pavement
management program.) Revenues are received in amounts suf cient to pay the annual debt service payment; therefore,
the fund balance will be no less than the annual debt service payment due on July 1 of the new scal year plus an
amount equal to the average annual delinquency factor based on the prior three years’ delinquency rate, categorized as
Debt Service Funds include:
·General Obligation Debt Service (Fund 510)
·Eagle Mountain CFD Debt Service (Fund 520)
·Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service (Fund 530)
Capital Project Funds
Capital Project Funds are used for the acquisition and/or construction of major capital items including facilities, heavy
equipment, technology, open space, park improvements, and major road improvements.
«The Capital Projects Fund (Fund 600) revenues are committed revenues derived from excess General Fund revenues
and 50% of the construction related local sales tax. The Capital Projects Fund is the primary funding source for the Town's
capital improvements.
«The Development Fee Funds (Funds 710-770) are restricted funds which may only be used for the planning, design,
and construction of public facilities serving the needs of the new development from which it was collected and
designated as restricted. The Town has developed an Infrastructure Improvement Plan (IIP) that identi es each public
improvement that is proposed to be the subject of a development fee. This IIP is incorporated as part of the Town’s
Capital Improvement Program (CIP).Development Fee funds now only include:
·Fire & Emergency (Fund 720)
·Streets (Fund 730)
·Parks/Recreation (Fund 740)
Internal Service Funds
The Internal Service Funds are used to account for the Town’s business-type activities. These funds are considered self-
supporting in that the services rendered are nanced through user charges or are on a cost reimbursement basis. These
funds are classi ed as having assigned fund balances.
Internal Service Funds include:
·Facilities Replacement Fund (610)
·Technology Replacement Fund (Fund 800)
·Vehicle Replacement Fund (Fund 810)
Town of Fountain Hills | Budget Book 2024 Page 15
Budget Schedule
Nov 18, 2022
Budget Kick-Off Meeting with Staff
Dec 16, 2022
CIP & Facilities Reserve Meeting with Staff
Jan 18, 2023
Beginning of Departmental Budget Meetings with Town Manager
Feb 1, 2023
Mayor's State of the Town Address (Public Welcome)
Feb 7, 2023
Public Outreach/Open House at Town Hall (Public Welcome)
Mar 1, 2023
Town Council Retreat (Public Welcome)
Mar 15, 2023
Town Council Special Session to review Proposed Capital Projects (Public Welcome)
Apr 12, 2023
Town Council Special Session to Review Proposed Budget (Public Welcome)
May 3, 2023
Town Council & Special District Meetings to Adopt Tentative Budgets (Public
Jun 7, 2023
Town Council & Special District Meetings to Hold Public Hearings and Adopt Final
Budgets (Public Welcome)
Jun 21, 2023
Town Council and Special District Meeting(s) to Adopt Tax Levy, if necessary (Public
Town of Fountain Hills | Budget Book 2024 Page 16
Planning Process
A number of planning processes are in place to guide the Town’s decision making. Many of these processes allow for direct
citizen input through public hearings, community meetings or participation in Council-appointed committees. The Town’s
planning processes include:
Planning Process Description
Town Vision, Mission, Goals
and Values
Sets the overall tone of the organization and guides employees in managing the daily
operations of the Town.
General Plan
A guide designed to encourage the most appropriate use of land and resources within
the Town consistent with the interest of the citizens. The General Plan sets forth
goals,objectives, policies and implementation techniques that will guide the
development activity within the Town and promote, preserve and protect the health,
safety, and general welfare of its citizens.
Capital Improvement Program