HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC2024-04 - Rwatts2024 FH Town Council - Statement of Organization}I Initial Application Cl Amended Application Date: 09/20/20 23 STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE ID NUMBER (office use only) COMMITTEE TYPE (choose one): f/co:m::d ::: (required) Rwatts 20 24 FH Town Council '------- (first or last name & office) Candidate Information: Candidate's Name (required): _R_ic_k_W_a_tts ____________________ _ Candidate's mailing address (required): _1_6_71_7_E_a _st_K_i_n.;:;__gs_t_re_e_B_l_v _d ___________ _ Candidate's email address (required): _R_w_a_tt_s_20_2_4_@__;;.g_m_a_il_.c_o_m ____________ _ Candidate's phone number (required): .;_(6_0_2_;._) _3_6_1 -_5_5_2_4 _______________ _ Candidate's website (if any): ________________________ _ Office Sought (choose one): C County Office: r.:JDistrict (if applicable): _________ _ 11:!District (if applicable): _________ _ 11:!City/Town Office: Council ---------11:l School Board Office: 11:l District (if applicable): 11:l Special District Board: _________ 11:!District (if applicable): ________ _ Election Cycle for Office Sought (year the election will take place) (required): _2_0 _24 ______ _ Party Affiliation: 11:l Democrat (required for partisan offices) 1:1 Green E:I Libertarian Cl Republican Cl Other: _______ _ // □ Political Action Committee (PAC) Committee Name (required): (if sponsored, must include sponsor's name) Political Function (optional): (select any that apply) Sponsorship Information: (if applicable) Special Status (if applicable) 11:l Political Party Committee Name (required): (must include party affiliation) Jurisdiction: D Contributions D Candidate -Related Independent Expenditures D Ballot Measure Expenditures □Recall Expenditures Sponsor's name or nickname (required): ____________________ _ Sponsor's mailing address (required): _____________________ _ Sponsor's email address (required): _____________________ _ Sponsor's phone number (if any): ______________________ _ Sponsor's website (if any): _________________________ _ D Separate Segregated Fund of a Corporation, LLC, Partnership, or Union D Standing Committee (must also complete separate standing committee registration) D Mega PAC (must provide proof of Mega PAC status to filing officer) (amended applications only) Cl State Party (must include proof of qualification pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-801 or§ 16-804) t:1 County Party (must include proof of qualification pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-802 or§ 16-804) Cl Legislative District Party (must include proof of organization pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-823) Cl City or Town Party (must include proof of qualification pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-802 or§ 16-804) I / _,/ Special Status ID Standing Committee (must also complete separate standing committee registration) \ _____ (_if_a_P P_l_ic_ab_le_) _________________________________________ / Arizona Secretary of State Revision 7/29/2021 20 24---04 ELECTRONICALLY FILED TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 9/21/2023 @ 1:59 P.M. - E! lnitialApplication O Amended Application As1s.0912012023 COMMITTEE INFORMATION: STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION ,' Contact lnformation:Committee's mailing address (required): Committee's email address (required): Committee's phone number (if any): Committee's website (if any): C h ai rpe rso n's I nfo rm ation'.Chairperson's name (required): Rick Watts 16717 East Kingstree Blvd Rwatts2024@gmail.com Chairperson's physical address (required): Chairperson's maili ng address (if different): 16717 East Kingstree Blvd Chairperson's email address (required): Rwatts2024@gmail.com Chairperson's phone number (required): (602) 361-5524 Chairperson's employer (required): Retired Chairperson's occupatron (required)' Retired Tre asure r's I nform ati on:Treasurer's name (requireo;: Rick Watts Treasurer's physicat address (required): 16717 EaSt Kingstree Blvd Treasurer's mailing address (if different): Treasurer's email address (requiredl' Rwatts2024@gmail.com Treasurer's phone number (required): (602) 361-5524 Treasurer's employer (required): Retired Treasurer's occupation (required): Retired ii l I II I IlI II II { \ Bank or Financial lnstitution: (do not list acct numbers) Bank name (required): Mid First Additional bank name (if applicable): Additional bank name (if applicable): 't'--.----- DECLARATION AND SIGNATURES: I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing information is true and correct. I further declare that l: (1) consent to serve aschairperson or treasurer of the committee named herein, if applicable; (2) designate the above-named committee as my of16al candidate committee and authorize it to receiveimake contributions/expenditures on my behalf, if applicable; (3) have read the Secretary of State's campaign finance and reporting guide; (4) agree to comply with Arizona election law, including campaign finance laws codified at A.R.S. SS 16-901 to 16-938; and (5) agree to accept all notifications and legal service of process for iampaign finance purposes via the email address(es) provided herein. Chairperson's signature:p21".09/20/2023 Treasurer's signature:Date.09/2012023 Candidate,ssignature(ifapplicable,.Date:09120/2023 Arizona Secretary of State Revision 712912021