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POLITICAL COMMITTEE CITY/TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT 2014 August/November Regular Election Alan Magazine for Council Full Name of Committee 16449 E.Bainbridge Ave. Address Fountain Hills 85268 Maricopa 480-684-4667 CHy none ZIP Code County Phone Sponsoring Organization or Candidate and oftice Alan Magazine for Council Name of Candidate and Office Sought (if applicable) AMagazine@cox.net none E-Mail Address FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ;-J3-14 P03:12 3 A.ID# PC 201403 V Primary General 4.REPORTING PERIOD (Please check appropriate box)DUE BETWEEN • V January 31 Report-For period of.•thru December 31,2013 January 1,2014 and January 31.2014 November 26,2013 June 30 Report -For Period ofjeXiXXDGKK thru May 31,2014 June 1,2014 and June 30,2014 Pre-Primary Election Report -For Period of June 1,2014 thai August 14,2014 August 15,2014 and August 22,2014 Post-Primary Election Report -For Period ofAugust 15,2014 thru September 15,2014 September 16,2014 and September 25.2014 Pre-General Election Report -For Period ofSeptember 16,2014 thru October 23,2014 October 24,2014 and October 31.2014 POSt-General Election Report -For Period ofOctober 24,2014 thru November 24,2014 November 25,2014 and December 4,2014 J **January 31,Report -For Period of November 25,2014 thru December 31,2015 January 1,2016 and January 31.2016 5 SUMMARY Column A Total This Reporting Period Column B Election Period Total To Date 5a Surplus from Previous Campaign (or at time Statement of Organization was filed for the new committee) -0- 5b Cash on Hand at the Beginning of this Reporting Period 200.00 5c Total Receipts (from corresponding columns on Detailed Summary Page,Line 8) 6255.51 6779.42 5d Subtotal [add Lines b and c for Column A and add lines a and c for Column B] 6455.51 6779.42 6a Total Debts and Obligations from Previous Campaign Committee at Beginning of this Election Period (or at time Statement of Organization was filed for the new committee)[Do not add or subtract this line from the other lines] -0- 6b Total Disbursements (from corresponding columns on Detailed Summary Page,Line 18) 5269.28 5593.19 7.Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period [Subtract Line 6b from Line 5d] 1186.23 1186.23 Insert date which is 21 days after date of last election (A.R.S.§16-913). *Other reports will be due before this reporting period ifa special or recall election is held prior to the next general election. Revised 3/14 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE Page 2 OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 2ID#PC 201403 «_.„„Alan Magazine for Council 1.Committee Name:V Primary ,D „.Jf Jun1,2014TU August 15,2014 3.Report covenna oenod from Thru General RECEIPTS COLUMN A THIS PERIOD COLUMN B CAMPAIGN TO DATE 4.Contributions other than loans and in-kind: (a)Individuals -more than $50 (Total from Schedule A)1450.00 1450.00 (b) Individuals -aggregate $50 or less (Total from Schedule A-1)1595.00 1595.00 (c) Political Committees (Total from Schedule B)500.00 500.00 (d)Subtotal Contributions [add 4(a),4(b),and 4(c)]3545.00 3545.00 (e)Refund of contributions (Total from Schedule F-2)•0--0- (0 Total Contributions Other than Loans and In-kind [subtract 4(e)from 4(d)] 3545.00 3545.00 5. (a)Loans made or guaranteed by candidate (Total from Schedule C)1475.51 1999.42 (b)All other loans (Total from Schedule C-1)-0--0- (c) Total Loans [add 5(a)and 5(b)]1475.51 1999.42 6.In-kind contributions (Total from Schedule E)1235.00 1235.00 7.Dividends,interest,and other forms of receipts (Total from Schedule F-1)-0--0- 8.Total Receipts [add 4(f),5(c),6,and 7]6255.51 6779.42 DISBURSEMENTS 9.Expenditures for operating expenses (Total from Schedule D)2997.28 3321.19 10.Independent Expenditures (Total from Schedule D-1)-0--0- 11.Value of In-kind expenditures (Total from Schedule E)1235.00 1235.00 12.Loans made by reporting committee (Total from Schedule D-2)-0--0- 13.(a)Repayment of loans made or guaranteed by candidate (Total from Schedule D-4)1000.00 1000.00 (b)Repayment of all other loans (Total from Schedule D-5)-0--0- (c) Total Loan Repayments [add 13(a)and 13(b)]1000.00 1000.00 14.Transfers to other political committees (Total from Schedule D-6)-0--0- 15.Any other disbursement (Total from Schedule D-7)37.00 37.00 16.Subtotal disbursements [add lines 9,10,11,12,13(c),14,and 15]5269.28 5593.19 17.Rebates,refunds and other offsets to operating expenses (Total from Schedule D-3)-0- -0- 18.Total disbursements [subtract line 17 from line 16]5269.28 5593.19 19.Total Outstanding Debts owed by Reporting Candidate or Political Committee (Schedule F-3) 20.I certify,under penalty of perjury,that I have examined the contents of this campaign finance report and to t complete. tie best of my knowledge and belief it is true and Type c/prinVwame of Tre^lrer o8//5"//4 Signati^repf Treasurer or Candidate or Designating Individual Date ' —•- •- - ——-— CONTRIBUTIONS more than $50-from INDIVIDUALS' 1.Committee Name Alan Magazine for Council SCHEDULE A 2.id*PC 201403 V Primary General 3.Report covering period from Junel,2014 thru August 15,2014 4 CONTRIBUTIONS DATE RECEIVED AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD CUMULATIVE TOTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATENAME,ADDRESS.OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR 4a.LAST FIRST Ml Obst,George and Patricia June 9,2014 200.00 200.00 STREET ADDRESS 14438 E.Shadow Canyon CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na b LAST FIRST Ml Hoffman,Mark July 7,2014 100.00 100.00 STREET ADDRESS 4641 E.Cavon St. CITY STATE ZIP Phoenix Arizona 85028 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na c.LAST FIRST Ml Ammon,Art and Kathy July 12,2014 100.00 100.00 STREET ADDRESS 15044 N.Santiago PI CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na d.LAST FIRST Ml Morgan,Sharon July 12,2014 100.00 100.00 STREET ADDRESS 15084 E.Mustang CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Event Coordinator EMPLOYER FH Chamber of Commerce e LAST FIRST Ml McEvey,John July 12, 2014 100.00 100.00 STREETADDRESS 16536 E.Kingstree Blvd. CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na 5 ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE A [Iflast page of Schedule A,transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 4(z),Column A] "If contributions of $50 or less are listed with contributor's name,address,occupation and employer on Schedule A, do not include them on Schedule A-1. Page of CONTRIBUTIONS more than $50-from INDIVIDUALS'SCHEDULE A 2. id#PC 201403 V Primary General „_.„Mian maKaz.iiic;iui v.uuiii_ii 1.Committee Name 3 14,D ^.„,June 1,2014 .„August 15,203.ReDort covenna Denod from 'thru 3 ' 4 CONTRIBUTIONS DATE RECEIVED AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD CUMULATIVE TOTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATENAME,ADDRESS.OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR 4a.LAST FIRST Ml Hoffarber,Bob July 10,2014 July 12,2014 25.00 100.00 125.00STREETADDRESS 16821 E.Malta Dr. CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na b.LAST FIRST Ml Caninato,Joseph and Mary July 13, 2014 100.00 100.00 STREET ADDRESS 15714 E.Grassland Dr. CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na c.LAST FIRST Ml Willard,Duane July 13,2014 100.00 100.00 STREET ADDRESS 15633 E.Robin Dr. CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na d LAST FIRST Ml Kester,Dennis July 14,2014 100.00 100.00 STREET ADDRESS 14730 N.Deer Trail Ct. CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na e.LAST FIRST Ml Jennings,Linda and Jones,Kirby July 26, 2014 250.00 250.00 STREET ADDRESS 15228 N.Alvarado Dr. CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na 5 ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE A [Iflast page of Schedule A,transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 4(z),Column A] *lf contributions of $50 or less are listed with contributor's name,address,occupation and employer on Schedule A, do not include them on Schedule A-1. Page of CONTRIBUTIONS more than $50-from INDIVIDUALS' 1.Committee Name Alan Magazine for Council SCHEDULE A 2 id*PC 201403 V Primary General 3.Report covering period from Junel,2014 thru August 15,2014 4 CONTRIBUTIONS DATE RECEIVED AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD CUMULATIVE TOTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATENAME,ADDRESS,OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR 4a.LAST FIRST Ml Broan,Jerry and Marty July 26,2014 100.00 100.00 STREET ADDRESS 15615 Jamaica In CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na b LAST FIRST Ml Coleman,Fred and Gloria June 23, 2014 July 1,2014 25.00 50.00 75.00 STREET ADDRESS 16434 E.Bainbridge Av. CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na c.LAST FIRST Ml STREETADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP OCCUPATION EMPLOYER d.LAST FIRST Ml STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP OCCUPATION EMPLOYER e LAST FIRST Ml STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP OCCUPATION EMPLOYER 5.ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE A (If last page of Schedule A,transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 4<z),Column A) 1450.00 *lf contributions of $50 or less are listed with contributor's name,address,occupation and employer on Schedule A, do not include them on Schedule A-1. Page of CONTRIBUTIONS of $50 or less -AGGREGATE TOTAL"SCHEDULE A-1 Alan Magazine for Council 1.Committee Name Junel,2014 3.Report covering period from 4.Aggregate Total of Contributions of $50 or less 2-it*PC 201403 V Primary General August 15,2014 thru DESCRIPTION AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD CUMULATIVE TOTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATE One Contribution of $10.00 28 Contributions of $25.00 One Contribution of $35.00 17 Contributions of $50.00 Two Chip/Dip Meet-the-Candidate Events (each less than the $200/couple exemption) $10.00 $700.00 $35.00 $850.00 5. TOTAL THIS PERIOD (Transfer total to Detailed Summary Page,Line 4(b). Column A]$1595.00 6.CUMMULATIVE TOTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATE [Transfer total to Detailed Summary Page,Line 4(b), Column B] $1595.00 *lf contributions of $50 or less are listed with contributor's name and address on Schedule A,do not include them on this schedule. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM POLITICAL COMMITTEES SCHEDULE B Alan Magazine for Council 1.Committee Name June 1,2014 3.Report covering period from 2.id#PC 201403 v/Primary General August 15,2014 thru 4 CONTRIBUTIONS AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD CUMULATIVE TOTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATE IDENTITY OF CONTRIBUTOR AND DATE RECEIVED 4a ID# 1155 NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE AND ZIP Realtors of Arizona Political Action Committee 255 E.Osborn Rd.,Suite 200 Phoenix,Arizona 85012 500.00 500.00 DATE RECEIVED July 31,2014 b.ID#NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE AND ZIP DATE RECEIVED c.ID#NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE AND ZIP DATE RECEIVED d.ID#NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE AND ZIP DATE RECEIVED e.ID#NAME,ADDRESS.CITY.STATE AND ZIP DATE RECEIVED f.iD#NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE AND ZIP DATE RECEIVED 9 ID#NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE AND ZIP DATE RECEIVED h.ID#NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE AND ZIP DATE RECEIVED i.ID#NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE AND ZIP DATE RECEIVED 5.ENTER TOTALONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE B [If last page of Schedule B,transfer total to Detailed Summary Page,Line 4(c),Column A]500.00 500.00 1 1 Schedule B Page of CANDIDATE LOANS SCHEDULEC 1.Committee Name Alan Magazine for Council 2.ID#PC 201403 V Primary General 3.ReDort coverina Deriod from June 1,2014 thru August 15,2014 4.LOANS MADE OR GUARANTEED BY CANDIDATE DATE RECEIVED AMOUNT RECEIVED CUMULATIVE TOTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATE NAME AND ADDRESS FROM WHOM RECEIVED 4a.NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE,AND ZIP Alan Magazine,16449 E.Bainbridge Av,Fountian Hills, AZ 85268 June 2,2014 400.00 400.00 June 2,2014 June 5,2014 25.59 17.43 425.59 443.02 DESCRIPTION Personal Loan June 7,2014 June 8,2014 8.00 16.32 451.02 467.34 b.NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE.AND ZIP Alan Magazine,16449 E.Bainbridge Av,Fountian Hills, AZ 85268 June 11,2014 June 17,2014 19.61 15.24 486.95 502.19 June 21,2014 June 30,2014 101.31 60.00 603.50 663.50 DESCRIPTION Personal Loan July 10,2014 July 12,2014 6.10 4.28 669.60 673.88 c.NAME.ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,AND ZIP Alan Magazine,16449 E.Bainbridge Av,Fountian Hills, AZ 85268 July 12,2014 July 14,2014 336.53 2.07 1010.41 1012.48 Aug 5,2014 463.03 1475.51 DESCRIPTION Personal Loan d.NAME.ADDRESS.CITY.STATE.AND ZIP DESCRIPTION e.NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,AND ZIP DESCRIPTION f.NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE,AND ZIP DESCRIPTION 5.ENTER TOTAL OF LOANS MADE OR GUARANTEED BY CANDIDATE ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE C [Iflast page of Schedule C.transfer total to Detailed Summary Page,Line 5(a).Column A] 1475.51 1475.51 1 Schedule C Page. EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING EXPENSES' 1.Committee Name Alan Magazine for Council 3.Report covering period from Junel,2014 thru SCHEDULE D 2.id#PC 201403 y Primary General August 15,2014 4 EXPENDITURES DATE EXPENDITURE MADE AMOUNT OF THE EXPENDITURENAMEANDADDRESSTO WHOM EXPENDITURE (DISBURSEMENT)WAS MADE 4a NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE AND ZIP Town of Fountian Hills 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 June 2,2014 25.59 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Copies 4b NAME,ADDRESS.CITY.STATE AND ZIP UPS Store 13771 N.Fountain Hills Blvd. Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Jun 5,2014 Jun 7,2014 06/11/14 06/17/14 07/10/14 17.43 8.00 19.61 15.24 6.10 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Copies 4c NAME.ADDRESS.CITY,STATE AND ZIP UPS Store 13771 N.Fountain Hills Blvd. Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 07/14/14 2.07 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Copies 4d NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE ANO ZIP Safeway 13733 N.Fountain Hills Blvd. Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Jun 8,2014 Jun 21,2014 16.32 101.31 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Flowers,Food,Beverages for Chip/Dip Events 4e NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE AND ZIP JN Service,LLC 16025 E.Ocotillo Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Jun 9,2014 Jun 30,2014 210.00 60.00 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Pictures,Brochures,Mailing Lists 4f NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE AND ZIP Gridleys 16830 E.Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Jul 12,2014 4.28 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Name Badges 5 ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE D (If last page of Schedule D,transfer total to Detail Summary Page Line 9,Column A] 'Expenditures,other than a contract,promise or agreement to make an expenditure resulting in credit D 1 ,2Pageof EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING EXPENSES' 1.Committee Name Alan Magazine for Council 3.Report covering period from June 1,2014 thru SCHEDULE D 2.«*PC 201403 y Primary General August 15,2014 4 EXPENDITURES DATE EXPENDITURE MADE AMOUNT OF THE EXPENDITURENAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM EXPENDITURE (DISBURSEMENT)WAS MADE 4a.NAME,ADDRESS.CITY.STATE AND ZIP Costco 15255 N.HaydenRd. Scottsdale,Arizona 85260 Jul 12,2014 336.53 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Food,Beverages for Chip/Dip Event 4b.NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE AND ZIP Cardsmart 12645 N.Saguaro,Suite 5 Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Jul 26,2014 25.50 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Stamps 4C NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE AND ZIP Magnets and Signs On The Cheap 11525AStonehollowDr.,Ste 100 Austin,Texas 78758 Aug 5,2014 463.03 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Campaign Signs and Magnets 4d NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE AND ZIP Advantage Mail 1258 W.Southern Ave.Ste 102 Tempe,Arizona 85282 Jul 14,2014 522.81 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Brochures,Invitations 4e.NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE AND ZIP Fountain Hills Times PO Box 17869 Fountain Hills,Arizona 85269 Jul 24,2014 Aug 7,2014 775.64 387.82 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Newspaper Advertisement 4f NAME,ADDRESS,CITY.STATE AND ZIP DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED 5 ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE D (Iflast page of Schedule D,transfer total to Detail Summary Page Line 9.Column A] 2997.28 •Expenditures,other than a contract, promise or agreement to make an expenditure resulting incredit 2 2 Page of REPAYMENT OF CANDIDATE LOANS 1.Committee Name Alan Magazine for Council 3.Report covering period from June 1,2014 thru SCHEDULE D-4 2. id#PC 201403 V Primary General August 15,2014 REPAYMENT OF LOANS MADE OR GUARANTEED BY CANDIDATE DATE REPAYMENT MADE AMOUNT OF THE REPAYMENT NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM REPAYMENT (DISBURSEMENT)WAS MADE NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,AND ZIP Alan Magazine 16449 E.Bainbridge Ave. Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Aug 6,2014 1000.00 NAME.ADDRESS.CITY.STATE,AND ZIP NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE,AND ZIP NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE,AND ZIP NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE.AND ZIP NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE.AND ZIP ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE D-4 (Transfer total to Detail Summary Page,Line 13(a).Column A] 1000.00 1 1 Schedule D-4 Page of ANY OTHER DISBURSEMENT Alan Magazine for Council 1.Committee Name Junel,2014 3.Report covering period from. SCHEDULE D-7 2 id*PC 201403 V Primary General August 15,2014 thru 4 ANY OTHER DISBURSEMENTS DATE DISBURSEMENT MADE AMOUNT OF THE DISBURSEMENT NAME.ADDRESS AND ID#OF COMMITTEE TO WHOM DISBURSEMENT WAS MADE;DESCRIPTION 4a NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,ZIP AND ID# Wells Fargo Bank 16355 E.Palisades Blvd Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 June 17,2014 July 7,2014 Aug 8,2014 12.00 12.00 3.00 DESCRIPTION Service Fees 4b.NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,ZIP AND ID# PayPal PO Box 45950 Omaha,NE 68145-0950 Aug 15,2014 10.00 DESCRIPTION Service Fees 4c NAME,ADDRESS.CITY,STATE,ZIP AND ID# DESCRIPTION 4d.NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE.ZIP AND ID# DESCRIPTION 4e NAME.ADDRESS.CITY.STATE.ZIP AND ID# DESCRIPTION 5.ENTER TOTAL ONLY IFLAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE D-7 [Transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 15 Column A] 37.00 Page of IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS and EXPENDITURES Alan Magazine for Council 1.Committee Name SCHEDULE E 2.id#PC 201403 y Primary General Junel,2014 3.Report covering period from. August 15,2014 thru 4 IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS and EXPENDITURES DATE FAIR MARKET VALUE NAME AND ADDRESS OF INDIVIDUAL(OR NAME,ADDRESS AND ID#OF THE POLITICAL COMMITTEE)FROM WHOM RECEIVED OR TO WHOM GIVEN 4a NAME,ADDRESS.CITY.STATE,ZIP AND ID# John ana Judy Nelson 16025 E.Ocotillo Dr. Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 CONTRBUT.ON ContrJDutJon EXPENDITURE June 30,2014 960.00 DESCRIPTION Flyers,Invitations,Signs,Labels OCCUPATION Administrative Services EMPLOYER JN Services,LLC 4b NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE.ZIP AND ID# Jerry and Jackie Miles 16317 E.IncaAve. Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 contr,but,on contribution EXPENDITURE July 12,2014 275.00 DESCRIPTION Food,Beverages for Chip/Dip Meet-the-Candidate Event OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER na 4c NAME,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,ZIP AND ID# CONTRIBUTION EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION OCCUPATION EMPLOYER 4d NAME,ADDRESS,CITY.STATE.ZIP AND ID# CONTRIBUTION EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION OCCUPATION EMPLOYER 5 ENTER TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE E (If last page of Schedule E.transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 6,Column A) 1235.00 6 ENTER TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE E (If last page of Schedule E.transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 11,Column A] 1235.00 1 1 Page of