HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-General Election ReportPOLITICAL COMMITTEE CITY OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT 2016 August/November Regular Election RE-ELECT MAYOR LINDA KAVANAGH Full Name of Committee 16038 E.SEMINOLE LANE Address FOUNTAIN HILLS 85268 City MARICOPA 480 837-5612 County Sponsoring Organization or Candidate and office LINDA KAVANAGH MAYOR OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,AZ NameofCandidateand OfficeSought (ifapplicable) LMKAVANAGH23@GMAIL.COM E-Mail Address Fax# 4.REPORTING PERIOD (Please check appropriate box) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY °-37-76A 77:73 RCVD 3A.ID# Pe loss-el DUE BETWEEN • ||June 30 Report -For Period of January 1,2016 thru May 31,2016 June 1,2016 and June 30,2016 |Pre-Primary Election Report -For Period of June 1,2016 thru August 18,2016 August 19,2016 and August 26,2016 |I POSt-Primary Election Report -For Period of August 19,2016 thru September 19,2016 September 20,2016 and September 29,2016 \w\Pre-General Election Report-For Period of September 20,2016 thru October 27,2016 October 28,2016 and November 4,2016 Post-General Election Report-For Period of October 28,2016 thru November 28,2016 November29,2016and December 8,2016 **Janiiary 31,Report -For Period of November 29,2016 thru December 31.2017 January 1.2018 and January 31,2018 January 31 Report -For Period of._'thru December 31,2015 January 1,2016 and February 1,2016 5 SUMMARY Column A Total This Reporting Period Column B Election Period Total To Date 5a Surplus from Previous Campaign (or at time Statement of Organization was filed for the new committee)*3.WS.o3 5b Cash on Hand at the Beginning of this Reporting Period £2,12.0.%- 5c Total Receipts (from corresponding columns on Detailed Summary Page,Line 8) —0 —$'3,-5~5~f-W 5d Subtotal [add Lines b and c for Column A and add lines a and c for Column B]ti,220.14'/'7,003 .#3 6a Total Debts and Obligations from Previous Campaign Committee at Beginning of this Election Period (or at time Statement of Organization was filed for the new committee)[Do not add or subtract this line from the other lines] —d — 6b Total Disbursements (from corresponding columns on Detailed Summary Page,Line 18)&1 #//•t<f,7?6<l1 7.Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period [Subtract Line 6b fromLine5d] fjt Wd>,M ?2,&>6,M 'Insert date which is 21 days afterdate of last election (A.R.S. §16-913). "Other reports will be due before this reporting period ifa special or recall election is held priorto the next general election. Revised 5/15 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1. CommitteeName: ✓� � �G ��J% /��i/ y0/� �-���� /�/IV//N�� �7 3. Report covering period from _�Thru �C/� %��O /� RECEIPTS 4. Contributions other than loans and in-kind: (a) Individuals - more than $50 (Total from Schedule A) (b) Individuals - aggregate $50 or less (Total from Schedule A-1) (c) Political Committees (iotal from Schedule B) (d) Subtotal Contributions [add 4(a), 4(b), and 4(c)] (e) Refund of contribuGons (fotal from Schedule F-2) (� Total Contributions Other than Loans and Ir�kind [subtract 4(e) from 4(d)] 5. (a) Loans made or guaranteed by candidate (Total from Schedule C) (b) All other loans (Total from Schedule C-1) (c) Total Loans [add 5(a) and 5(b)) 6. In-kind contributions (Total from Schedule E) 7. Dividends, interest, and other forms of receipts (Total from Schedule F-1) 8. Total Receipts (add 4(�, 5(c), 6, and 7] DISBURSEMENTS Paqe 2 z. �o# 4 ���/S-4 / COLUMN A COLUMN B THIS PERIOD CAMPAIGN TO DATE �— c� � 3, SSS- o 0 --Q- -- O — .�,.s�s: � � .� 5 . 5"S, DD 9. Expenditures for operating expenses (Total from Schedule D) �(�, /� ��, ��,2 . 08 10. independent Expenditures (Total from Schedule D-1) �' — 11. Value of In-kind expenditures (Total from Schedule E} '— -- 12. Loans made by reporting committee (Total firom Schedule D-2) '— — 13. (a) Repayment of loans made or guaranteed by candidate (Total from Schedule D-4) — — (b) Repayment of all other loans (Total from Schedule D-5) '� '— (c) Total Loan Repayments (add 13(a) and 13(bj] — '— 14. Transfers to other politica! committees (Tota{ from Schedule D-6} — ---- 15. Any other disbursement (Total from Schedule Q7) — --� 16. Subtotal disbursements (add lines 9, 10, 11, 12, 13(c), 14, and 15] �� L� .�/ '�� �� 17. Rebates, refunds and other offsets to operating expenses (Total irom 5chedule D-3) � _ 18. Total disbursements (subtract line 17 from line 16] �/ y, �� ��� 7y �j � � 1 19. Total Outstanding Debis owed by Reporting Candidate or Poiificaf Committae (Schedule F-3) — Q — —�' 20. I certify, under penalty of perjury, that I have examinad 1he contents of this campaign finance repoR and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true and compl ete. J �Ro��D � . N11L.c'S" T surer _ �_ — -� . . _. ...} /^ : � � "� ;� ,.�- - 10 /a8��2f /� ype o rin a j / ` _ _ Signature of Treasurer p"r Candidate or Designating Individual Date � . 1 r � EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING EXPENSES* 1. Committee Name � � ~ �L�r� � �,� �/� � �/V� J'� �%��/� � � � � �! 3. Report covering period frorn ��-7a��� �ru �� �.? 7/v`�d ��p � 4 EXPENDlTURES DATE AMOUNT OF � EXPENDITURE THE � NAME AND ADORESS TO WHOM EXPENDITURE (DISBURSEMENTj WAS MADE MADE EXPENDITURE: 4a NAME, ADDRESS, C1TY, STATE AND Z1P � ' r� �C��o,�� ,��s i �'�9�'1 l 30 /� � . ��. rr � c� i� e r�iSc�. �- l� c� �^ �� Sct d r f� c� �r� o,� . GO � � � J�� �� � DESCRIPTI�N OF ITEMS OR 3ERVICES PURCHASED � C /Q �1�' /S %l � . 4b. NAME, ADDRESS, ClTY, STATE D ZIP DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED 4c. NAME, ADDRESS. ClN� STATE AND ZJP DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED 4d. NAME. ADDRESS, CITY� 3TATE AND ZIP �, � SCHEDULE D z. ia# ,�� ,��/s'-o� DESCRIPTION 4F ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED ' 4e. NAME, ADDRESS� CITY, STATE AND ZIP � OESCR1PT10N OF 1TEMS OR SERVlCES PURCHASEO 4f. NAME. ADORESS, CITY, STATE AND Z�P DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASE� � 5 ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE D(lf last page of Sched�te D. transier iata! to Detaii Sw�t�ary Page l.ir�e 9, Cdurnn Aj 'Expenditures, other than a contract� promise or egreement to make an expenditure resulting in credit � ��• � � `� - , Page�of,,,�