HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Primary Election ReportPOLITICAL COMMITTEE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT 2016 August/November Regular Election RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN TO TOWN COUNCIL Full Name of Committee 9624 E.MONTERREY,STE.E Address FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 MARICOPA 480-816-1244 City ZIP Code County Phone DENNIS BROWN -FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER Sponsoring Organization or Candidate and office DENNIS BROWN -FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER Name of Candidate and Office Sought (if applicable) dennis@theecheloncompany.com 480-837-5599 E-Mail Address Fax# 4.REPORTING PERIOD (Please check appropriate box) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,3-25-16P03:23 RCVO 3A.ID# PC2016-01 DUE BETWEEN • |June 30 Report-ForPeriod of January 1,2016thruMay31,2016 June 1 [yj Pre-Primary Election Report -For Period of June 1,2016 thru August 18,2016 August 19,2016 and August 26,2016 J POSt-Primaiy Election Report-For Period of August 19,2016 thru September 19,2016 September 20,2016 and September 29,2016 |Pre-General Election Report-For Period ofSeptember 20,2016 thru October 27,2016 October28,2016 and November 4,2016 i Post-General Election Report -For Period of October 28,2016thru November 28,2016 November 29,2016 and December 8,2016 j **JanUary 31 ,Report -For Period of November 29,2016 thru December 31,2017 January 1,2018 and January 31,2018 January 31 Report -For Period of__*thru December 31, 2015 January 1, 2016 and February 1, 2016 >1,2016 and June 30,2016 5 SUMMARY Column A Total This Reporting Period Column B Election Period Total To Date 5a Surplus from Previous Campaign (or at time Statement of Organization was filed for the new committee) 0.00 5b Cash on Hand at the Beginning of this Reporting Period 0.00 5c Total Receipts (from corresponding columns on Detailed Summary Page,Line 8) 4,120.00 4,120.00 5d Subtotal [add Lines b and c for Column A and add lines a and c for Column B] 4,120.00 4,120.00 6a Total Debts and Obligations from Previous Campaign Committee at Beginning of this Election Period (or at time Statement of Organization was filed for the new committee)[Do not add or subtract this line from the other lines] 0.00 6b Total Disbursements (from corresponding columns on Detailed Summary Page,Line 18) 3,613.55 3,613.55 7.Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period [Subtract Line6b from Line5d] 506.45 506.45 Insert date which is 21 days after date of last election (A.R.S.§16-913). **Other reports will be due before this reporting period ifa special or recallelection is held priorto the next general election. Revised 5/15 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE Page 2 OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 2. i�# �. �ommittee Name: RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN TO TOWN COUNCIL PC2016-01 3. Reportcoveringperiodfrom 06/01/2016rn�� 08/18/2016 RECEIPTS COLUMN A COLUMN B THIS PERIOD CAMPAIGN TO DATE 4. Contributions other than loans and in-kind: I �. �� �. �� (a) Individuals - more than $50 (Total from Schedule A) I 3,690.00 3,690.00 (b) Individuals - aggregate $50 or less (Total from Schedule A-1) I 330.00 330.00 (c) Political Committees (Total from Schedule B) I �.�� �.�� (d) Subtotal Contributions [add 4(a), 4(b), and 4(c)] I 0.�� �.�� (e) Refund of contributions (Total from Schedule F-2) I Q.�� �.�� (f) Total Contributions Other than Loans and In-kind [subtract 4(e) from 4(d)] I Q.�� �.�� 5. (a) Loans made or guaranteed by candidate (Total from Schedule C) I � Q�.�� � ��.0� (b) All other loans (Total from Schedule C-1) I �.0� �.�� (c) Total Loans [add 5(a) and 5(b)] I �.�� �.�� 6. In-kind contributions (Total from Schedule E) I �.�� 0.�� 7. Dividends, interest, and otherforms of receipts (Total from Schedule F-1) I �.�0 �.�� 8. Total Receipts [add 4(�, 5(c), 6, and 7] I 4,120.00 4,120.00 I �. �� �. �� DISBURSEMENTS I O.00 O.00 I �..�� �.�� 9. Expenditures for operating expenses (Total from Schedule D) I 3,613.55 3,613.55 10. Independent Expenditures (Total from Schedule D-1) I �.00 �. �� 11. Value of In-kind expenditures (Total from Schedule E) I �.QD �.�� 12. Loans made by reporting committee (Total from Schedule D-2) I �.�� 0.�� 13. (a) Repaymentof loans made or guaranteed by candidate (Total from Schedule D-4) I Q.QQ �.�� (b) Repayment of all other loans (Total from Schedule D-5) I �. �Q �. �� (c) Total Loan Repayments [add 13(a) and 13(b)] �. �� �. �� 14. Transfers to other political committees (Total from Schedule D-6) Q.QQ �.0� 15. Any other disbursement (Total from Schedule D-7) I �.00 �.�� 16. Subtotal disbursements [add lines 9, 10, 11, 12, 13(c), 14, and 15] I 3,613.55 3,613.55 17. Rebates, refunds and other offsets to operating expenses (Total from Schedule D-3) I �.QQ Q.�� 18. Total disbursements [subtract line 17 from line 16] 3,613.55 3,613.55 19. Total Outstanding Debts owed by Reporting Candidate or Political Committee (Schedule F-3) �.Q� Q.QQ 20. I certify, unrd�r penal4y of perjury, that I have examined the contents of this campaign finance report and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true and complete. � � / � /� /�� - �� , � `, �-� ` �/�' �� �c--��L C�' Type or Print Name of Treas�rer � PHILLIP BLACKERBY 08/25/2016 Signature of Treasurer or Candidate or Designating Individual Date CONTRIBUTI�NS more than $50 - from INDIVIDUALS* �. committee Name RE-ELECT DENNIS BR�WN TQ TOWN C�UNCIL 3. Report covering period from Ob / 01 / 2016 thru 48 � 18 / 2016 4 C�NTRIBUTIONS DATE RECEIVED NAME, ADDRESS, OCCUPATION AND EMPL�YER OR CONTRIBUTOR 4a. LAST FIRST MI Ber Scott 06 / 01 / 16 �� STREET ADDRESS 1493 Sau�anash C ITY STATE ZI P Fontana WI 53125 �CCUPATION EMPLOYER Transportation Southwest Airline b. LAST FIRST MI 07 / 07, ,� b Elkie, Tai STREET ADDRESS 14828 N Mayflower Dr C ITY STATE ZI P Fountai n Hi lls AZ 85268 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER Attorney Fountain Hills Law Firm c. LAST FIRST MI Hammel Ca[ 07/20/ 1 b � STREET ADDRESS 7379 E Softwind Dr C ITY STATE ZI P Fountain Hilts AZ 85268 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER Buildin� materials Bell Stone d. IAST FIRST M� p7/08/ 16 Johnson, Gre� STREET ADDRESS 1503b E Mustang Dr CITY STATE ZIP Fountain Hills AZ 85268 OCCUPATIDN EMPL�YER Reti red N / A e. LAST FIRST MI 06 / 26 / 1 b Kavanagh, Linda STREET ADDRESS 16038 E Semi nole C ITY STATE ZI P Fountain Hills AZ 85268 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER Politician Town of Fountain Hills 5. ENTER TOTAL ONLY 1F LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE A[If last page of Sched�le A, transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 4(z), Column Aj , "If cantributions of $50 or less are listed with contributor's name, address, occupation and employer on Schedule A, do not include them on Schedule A-1. SCHEDULE A 2. I D# Pc2o� 6-0� - � AMOUNT CUMULATIVE RECEIVED TOTAL THIS THIS CAMPAIGN PERIOD TO DATE zoo. o0 200. o0 500.00 500.00 15�.00 150.00 300. o0 300. o0 100.00 100.00 Page 3 of 8 CONTRIBUTI4NS more than $5� - from INDIVIDUALS* SCHEDULE A 2. ID# PC2016-01 �. committee Name RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN TO TOWN COUNCIL 3. Report covering period from 06 / 01 / 2016 thru OH / 18 / 2� 16 4 CONTRIBUTIONS DATE AM4UNT CUMULATIVE RECEIVED RECEIVED TOTAL THIS NAME, ADDRESS, OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR THIS CAMPAIGN PERIOD TO DATE 4a. LAST FIRST MI Nelson, Michaek STREET ADDRESS PO Box 6457 CITY STATE Z�p 07/07/ 1 b Scottsdale AZ 85261 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER . Bankin� Johnson Bank , , b. LAST FIRST MI 06 / 19 / 1 b Patterson, Barbara STREET ADDRESS � 15809 E Cactus Wren C ITY STATE Zl P Fountain Hills AZ 85268 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER Reti red N / A c. LAST FIRST MI Pete rs, Dave 07 / 09 / 16 STREET ADDRESS 4320 Harvest Ln C ITY STATE ZI P Cedar Falls, IA 560613 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER Construction Peters Construction d. LAST FIRST MI Pew John 07/07/16 � STREET ADDRESS 23122 N 79th Way C ITY STATE ZI P Scottsdale AZ 85255 4CCUPATION EMPL�YER Developer Self e. LAST FIRST MI 07/07/ 1 b Sells, Ron STREET ADDRESS 17020 E Kiwanis Dr #108 C ITY STATE ZI P Fountain Hills AZ 85268 4CCUPATION EMPLOYER Sales Self 5. ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE A[If last page of Schedule A, transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 4(z), Column Aj '�If contributions of $50 or less are listed with contributoPs name, address, occupation and employer on Schedule A, do not inGude them on ScheBule A-1. � oo. o0 5�0. 00 100.00 250.4� 100.00 50U.00 140.00 250.40 500.00 500.00 � r , Page 4 of 8 CONTRIBUTI4NS more than �54 - from INDIVIDUALS* SCHEDULE A 2. ID# PC2016-01 �. committee Name RE-ELECT DENNIS BR4WN TO TQWN COUNCIL 3. Report covering period from Ob / 01 / 2016 th� 08 / 18/ 2016 4 C�NTRIBUTIONS DATE AM�UNT CUMULATIVE RECEIVED RECEIVED TOTAL THlS NAME, ADDRESS, OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR THiS CAMPAIGN PERIOD TO DATE 4a. LAST FIRST MI Slusher, Rob 07/07/ 16 STREET ADDRESS 17324 E G reythorn Dr C ITY STATE ZI P Rio Verde, AZ 85263 QCCUPATION EMPLOYER Sales Driscoll �t Co. , . b. LAST FIRST MI Tyler, Mi ke STREET ADDRESS 15124 E Ridgeway Dr C ITY STATE Z� p 07 / 13 / 1 b Fountain Hills AZ 852b8 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER Reti red N / A . , c. LAST FIRST MI Ulhorn Mart 47/Ob/16 � Y STREET ADDRESS 3343 E Baseline Rd Ste 101 C ITY STATE ZI P Gilbert AZ 85234 OCCUPATION EMPL�YER Insurance Strong Tower Insurance , d. LAST FIRST MI Vargo, Steve STREET ADDRESS 13835 N 1Nesquite Lane cir�r STATE ZiP � �7/07/ 16 Fountain Hills AZ 85268 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER Real estate MCO Realty e. LAST FIRST MI Wyman, l.ester B. STREET ADDRESS 16436 N Dixie Mine Trl CITY STATE ZIP 07/O8/ 16 Fountain Hills AZ 85268 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER Teacher Xavier College Prep School 5. ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE A[if last page of Schedule A, transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 4(zy, Cofumn A] *If contributions of $50 or less are listed with contributor's name, address, occupation and employer on Schedule A, do not include them on Schedule A-1. 140. 0� 140. 00 , 150. U4 150. U4 100. 00 � oo. o0 540. 00 100. 00 100.00 500.00 $3,690.00 $3,690.�0 Page 5 of 8 CONTRIBUTIONS of $50 or less - AGGREGATE T4TAL* RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN TO TOWN C4UNCIL 1. Committee Name 06�0��20�6 3. Report covering period from 4. Aggregate Totai of Contributions of $50 or less AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED THIS PERIOD CONTRIBUTI4NS of $50.00 or less $330.00 osi � sizo� 6 thru SCHEDULE A-1 2. ID# PC2016-01 CUMULATIVE TOTAL THiS CAMPAIGN TO DATE $330.00 5. TOTAL THIS PERIOD [Transfer total to Detailed Summary Page, Line 4{b), �334. 00 6. CUMMULATIVE TOTAL THIS $330.0� Column AJ CAMPAIGN TO DATE [Transfer total to Detailed Summary Page, Line 4(b), Column B] *If contributions of $50 or less are listed with contributor's name and address on Schedule A, do not include them on this schedule. CANDIDATE L�ANS 1. Committee Name RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN TD TOWN C�UNCIL 3. Report covering period from 06 / 01 / 2016 4� L�ANS MADE OR GUARANTEED BY CANDIDATE NAME AND ADDRESS FROM WH4M RECEIVED 4a. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, AND ZIP Dennis Brown 9624 E. Monterrey, Ste. E, Fountain Hills AZ 852b8 DESCRIPTf�N Loan made by candidate b. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, AND ZIP DESCRIPTION c. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, AND ZIP DESCRIPTI�N d. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, AND ZIP thru 08/18/2016 DATE RECEIVED 06/01/1b , , DESCRIPTION e. NAME, ADDRESS, C1TY, STATE, AND ZIP � . DESCRIPTI�N f. NAME, ADDRESS, ClTY, STATE, AND ZIP DESCRIPTION 5. ENTER TOTAL OF LOANS MADE OR GUARANTEED BY CANDIDATE ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE C [If last page of Schedule C, transfer total to Detailed Summary Page, Line 5(a), Column AJ SCHEDULE C 2. ID # PC201b-01 AMOUNT CUMULATIVE RECEIVED TQTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATE 104.00 140.00 $ � oo. oo $ � oo. o0 Schedule C Page � of 8 EXPENDITURES F�R OPERATING EXPENSES* �. Committee Name RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN TO TOWN COUNCIL 3. Report coveri ng period from 06 / 01 / 2016 �r� 08 / 18 / 201 b 4 EXPENDITURES NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM EXPENDITURE (DISBURSEMENT) WAS MADE 4a. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP Euro Pizza Cafe 12b45 N Sa�uaro Blvd #11 Fountain Hills AZ 85268 DESCRIPTI4N OF ITEMS OR SERV{CES PURCHASED Food for fundraiser 4b. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP Fry's 14845 E Shea Blvd. Fountain Hilts AZ 85268 DESCRIPTION OF {TEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Bevera�es for fundraiser 4c. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP Pure Buttons 4930 Chippewa Rd Medina OH 44256 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVtCES PURCHASED Campai�n buttons 4d. NAME, ADDRESS, CiTY, STATE AND ZIP Copy Express 16716 E Parkview Ave #103 Fountain Hills AZ 85268 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Brochures; signs 4e. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP Fountain Hills Times 16508 E. Laser Dr., Suite 101 Fountain Hills AZ 852b8 DESCRIPTION 4F ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Newspaper advertisement 4f. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP Coleman Dahm &t Associates 4715 N 32nd St #107 Phoenix AZ 85018 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED Printing and mailin� 5 ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE �F SCHEDULE D[If last page of Schedule D, transfer total to Detail Summary Page Line 9, Column AJ �`Expenditures, other than a contract, promise or agreement to make an expenditure resul�ng in credit SCHEDULE D 2. 1 D# PC2016-01 DATE AMOUNT OF EXPENDITURE THE MADE EXPENDITURE 07/07/ 16 275.00 47/07/ 16 142.91 07/25/ 16 78.76 07/22/ 16 170.21 08/ 16/ 16 71.81 OS/15116 517.10 48 / 01 / 16 2, 3 57 . 76 3,613.55 , , Page 8 of 8