HomeMy WebLinkAboutPost-Primary Election ReportPOLITICAL COMMITTEE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT 2016 August/November Regular Election RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN FOR TOWN COUNCIL Full Name of Committee 9624 E.MONTERREY,STE.E Address FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 MARICOPA 480-816-1244 City ZIP Code County Phone DENNIS BROWN -FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER Sponsoring Organization or Candidate and office DENNIS BROWN -FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER Name of Candidate and Office Sough!(if applicable) dennis@theechetoncompany.com 480-837-5599 E-MailAddress Fax# 4.REPORTING PERIOD (Please check appropriate box) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 0-05-I6PQ4:01 RCVD 3A.ID# PC2016-01 DUE BETWEEN :Jan June 30 Report -For Period ofJanuary 1,2016 thru May 31,2016 June 1,2016 and June 30,2016 Pre-Primary Election Report -For Period ofJune 1,2016 thru August 18,2016 August 19,2016 and August 26,2016 \y |Post-Primary Election Report-For Period of August ig,2016 thru September 19,2016 September 20,2016 and September 29,2016 •Pre-General Election Report -For Period ofSeptember 20,2016thm October 27,2016 October 28,2016 and November 4,2016 ;POSt-General Election Report-For Period ofOctober 28,2016thm November 28,2016 November 29,2016 and December 8,2016 I **JanUary 31,Report -For Period ofNovember 29,2016 thru December 31,2017 January 1,2018 and January 31,2018 uary 31 Report -For period of__*thru December 31,2015 January 1,2016 and February 1, 2016 5.SUMMARY Column A Total This Reporting Period Column B Election Period Total To Date 5a Surplus from Previous Campaign (or at time Statement ofOrganization was filed for the new committee) 0.00 5b Cash on Hand at the Beginning of this Reporting Period 506.45 5c Total Receipts (from corresponding columns on Detailed Summary Page,Line 8) 400.00 4,520.00 5d Subtotal [add Lines b and c for Column A and add lines a and c for Column B] 906.45 4,520.00 6a Total Debts and Obligations from Previous Campaign Committee at Beginningofthis Election Period (or at time Statement ofOrganization was filed for the new committee)[Do not add or subtract this line from the other lines] 0.00 6b Total Disbursements (from corresponding columns on Detailed Summary Page,Line 18) 664.85 4,278.40 7.Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period [Subtract Line6b from Line 5d] 241.60 241.60 'Insert date which is 21 days after date of last election (A.R.S.§16-913). "Other reports will bedue before this reporting period ifa special or recall election is held prior tothe next general election. Revised 5/15 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS �. �ommitteeName: RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN TO TOWN COUNCIL 3. Reportcoveringperiodfrom 08/19/2016Thr� 09/19/2016 RECEIPTS 4. Contributions other than loans and in-kind: (a) Individuals - more than $50 (Total from Schedule A) (b) Individuals - aggregate $50 or less (Total from Schedule A-1) (c) Political Committees (Total from Schedule B) (d) Subtotal Contributions [add 4(a), 4(b), and 4(c)] (e) Refund of contributions (Total from Schedule F-2) (f) Total Contributions Other than Loans and In-kind [subtract 4(e) from 4(d)] 5. (a) Loans made or guaranteed by candidate (Total from Schedule C) (b) All other loans (Total from Schedule C-1) (c) Total Loans [add 5(a) and 5(b)] 6. In-kind contributions (Total from Schedule E) 7. Dividends, interest, and other forms of receipts (Total from Schedule F-1) 8. Total Receipts [add 4(f), 5(c), 6, and 7] DISBURSEMENTS 2. I D# PC2016-01 COLUMN A THIS PERIOD 400.00 0.00 �. �� 400.00 �. �� 400.00 0.00 �. �� �.�� �.�� �.�� 400.00 Page 2 COLUMN B CAMPAIGN TO DATE 4,090.00 330.00I �.�� 4,420.00 �.�� 4,420.00 100.00 �.�� �.�� �.�DI �.�DI 4,520.00� 9. Expenditures for operating expenses (Total from Schedule D) � 664.85 4,2%8.4� I 10. Independent Expenditures (Total from Schedule D-1) I �.�0 0.�� 11. Value of In-kind expenditures (Total from Schedule E) �.�� Q.�� 12. Loans made by reporting committee (Total from Schedule D-2) Q.QQ �.�Q � 13. (a) Repayment of loans made or guaranteed by candidate (Total from Schedule D-4) I Q.QQ �.Q� I (b) Repayment of all other loans (Total from Schedule D-5) I �.0� �.Q� I (c) Total Loan Repayments [add �3(a) and 13(b)] I �.�� �.�� I 14. Transfers to other political committees (Total from Schedule D-6) I �.�� �.�Q I 15. Any other disbursement (Total from Schedule D-7) I �.0� �.�� 16. Subtotal disbursements [add lines 9, 10, 11, 12, 13(c), 14, and 15] I 664.85 4,278.4� 17. Rebates, refunds and other offsets to operating expenses (Total from Schedule D-3) I Q. QQ �. �� � 18. Total disbursements [subtract line 17 from line 16] 684.85 �},278.4� I 19. Total Outstanding Debts owed by Reporting Candidate or Political Committee (Schedule F-3) ' Q.QQ Q.QQ I 20. I certify, under penalty of perjury, that I have examined the contents of this campaign finance report and to the best of my knowfedge and belief it is true and completE�,� �' •. � , ,� � ti.��i � ,� � � $ ,'`f <" � _/'Jf" 1�.. -:.�- �..�.s�� - s�''''�/ IType or Print Nam�f Treasurer ,%"�� PHILLIP BLACKERBY � 10/05/2016 I Signature of Treasurer or Candidate or Designating Individual Date J � C�NTRIBUTIONS more than $5� - from INDIVIDUALS* �. committee Name RE-ELECT DENNIS BR4WN TO T�WN CDUNCIL 3. Report covering period from 08/ 19/2016 4 CONTRIBUTIONS NAME, ADDRESS, OCCUPATI4N AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUT�R 4a. LAST FIRST MI JUDGE, JAMES STREET ADDRESS 11009 N REGENCY PL CITY STATE ZIP FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 852b8 OCCUPATION EMPLQYER RETIRED N/A b. LAST FIRST MI WHITE, SHAWN STREET AODRESS 2435 N. ROSE CITY STATE ZIP MESA, AZ 85213 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER ATT4RNEY SELF c. LAST FIRST MI HALL, J E REMY STREET ADDRESS 4515 E. PALn VERDE CITY STATE ZIP PHOENIX, AZ 85018 OCCUPATION EMPLOYER REAL ESTATE MC� REALT1( d. LAST FIRST MI STREET ADDRESS C ITY STATE ZI P OCCUPATlON EMPLOYER e. LAST FIRST MI STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP �CCUPATION EMPLOYER SCHEDULE A 2. ID# PC2016-0� thru 09/ 19/2d1 b DATE AM4UNT RECEIVED RECEIVED THIS PERIDD os�3oi2o� b CUMULATIVE TOTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TQ DATE 1 �0.04 104.00 08/22/201b 100.00 104.40 osi2gi2o� 6 Zoo. oa zoo. o0 5. ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE �F SCHEDULE A[If last page of Schedule A, transfer total to Detailed Summary Page Line 4(z), Column A] 'If contributions of $50 or less are listed with contributor's name, address, occupation and employer on Schedule A, do not indude them on Schedule A-1. 400. o0 400. o0 Page 3 of 6 C4NTRIBUTI4NS of $5� or less - AGGREGATE T4TAL* RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN TO TOWN C�UNCIL 1. Committee Name os��9�20�6 3. Report covering period from 4. Aggregate Total of Contributions of $5� or less AMOUNT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED THIS PERI�D Total contributions of $50 or less O.00 SCHEDULE A-1 o9i � g�2o� 6 thru 2. ID# PC201b-01 CUMULATIVE T�TAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATE 330.00 5. TOTAL THIS PERIOD [Transfer total to Detaiied Summary Page, Line 4(b), O�� 6. CUMMULATIVE TOTAL THIS 33� �� Column A] � CAMPAIGN T4 DATE � [Transfer total to Detaited Summary Page, Line 4(b), Column B] *lf contributions of $54 or less are listed with contributor's name and address on Schedule A, do not include them on this schedule. ! CAN DI DATE LQAN S 1. Committee Name RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN TO TOWN COUNCIL 3. Report co�ering period from 8/19/2�1 b 4• L�ANS MADE �R GUARANTEED BY CANDIDATE NAME AND ADDRESS FROM WHOM RECEIVED 4a. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, AND ZIP Dennis Brown 9624 E. Monterrey, Ste. E, Fountain Hills AZ 85268 DESCRIPTION Loan made by candidate. b. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, AND ZIP DESCRIPTION c. NAME, ADDRESS, CiTY, STATE, AND ZIP DESCRIPT(�N d. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, AND ZIP DESCRIPTION e. NAME, ADDRESS, CiTY, STATE, AND ZIP DESCRIPTION f. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, AND ZIP DATE AM�UNT CUMULATIVE RECEIVED RECEIVED TOTAL THIS CAMPAIGN TO DATE � oo.00 DESCRIPTIDN 5. ENTER TOTAL 4F LOANS MADE OR GUARANTEED BY CANDIDATE ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE C O.00 �I OO.�� [{f last page of Schedule C, transfer total to Detailed Summary Page, Line 5(a), Column A] SCHEDULE C 2. ID # PC2016-01 thru 9/ 19/2�16 , Schedule C Page 5 of 6 EXPENDITURES FOR �PERATING EXPENSES* �. �ommittee Name RE-ELECT DENNIS BROWN T� TOWN C4UNCIL 3. Report covering period from �$ � � 9/ 2� � b 4 EXPENDITURES NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM EXPENDITURE {DISBURSEMENT) WAS MADE 4a. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP FOUNTAIN HILLS TIMES 1b508 E. LASER DR., SUITE 101 F4UNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS �R SERVICES PURCHASED ADVERTISEMENT 4b. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP DESCRIPTIQN 4F ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED 4c. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP DESCRIPTlON OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED 4d. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP DESCRIPTIQN OF (TEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED 4e. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP DESCRIPTI4N OF ITEMS OR SERVICES PURCHASED 4f. NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP DESCRIPTION 4F ITEMS OR SERVlCES PURCHASED thru 09/ 19/2016 5 ENTER T�TAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE 4F SCHEDULE D[If last page of Schedule D, transfer total to Detail Summary Page Line 9, Column Aj *Expenditures, other than a contract, promise or agreement to make an expenditure resulting in credit SCHEDULE D 2. I D# PC2016-41 DATE AMOUNT OF EXPENDITURE THE MADE EXPENDITURE 08/ 19/241 b bb4.85 664.85 , � Page b of 6