HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC2018-08 - Magazine for Council - 2018 Third Quarter Report-TerminationE � STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITFEECAMPAIGEV A, x y FINANCE REPORT COMMITTEE ID NUMBER rt V��"��)r3" OMMITTEE INFORMATION (required): � /��/ . , e ( � r�....,,.�rr�oo rrif nn2.'icn: GD••,r,•,jxge p:a:.^.e: _.l / .Cl � ��/ ?� � 'Li�. �bi.��i� 1 ) j �_....., v AND�DATE INFORMATION (oMy if filing as a candidate committee): ( Office Sought ❑ Statewide Office: ❑ State Legislature: j ( ❑ County Offce: ❑ CitylTown Office: (x �ay�c ; � a/,a� ) EPOftTING PERIOD (check one): REPORTING PERIOD I REPORT DUE \ 201fi4s'QuarterReport�Oc[ober28,2016�taDecember31,2016 I�January1,201Tto-Januaf}"I5„201T i�� 2047 March Pre-Election Report (Loca� Only):.January'I, 2017 to Fetiruary 25, 2077-�� , I Febmary 26, 2017Io March 4 20i7 �-� I 2017 1�` �uarter Report (local Only): ��Pebruary 26, 2017 to March 31: 2097 -. Aprrl 1, 2017-to April 45, 2017 � .���I �_'� 2017 inQuarter Report: January 1, 2017 to March 37, 2017 I�J2017 May Pre-Election RepoA (local Only): April 1, 2017 to Apri1 29, 2017 ` I 2017 2ntl Quarter Report (Local Only). Apnl 30, 2017 to June 3q 2017 .�.� � � �� �20'172"'quarterReport:-Apri11,�20'17toJune30,2017 rJ 2017 August Pre ElectionReport (Local-0nly): July 1; 20t7 to�Augusi-12, 2097 � �F 2017 3r° Quar[er Repart (Local Only): August 13, 2Q17 to September 30, 2097 � I� 2017 3`° Quarter Report� July 1, 2077 to September 30, 2017 I� 2D� 7 October Pre-Eleclion Report (Local Oniy): Dcfotier 1, 2b17 to Oqober 21, 2017 I� �2017 4'" Quartec Report (Local Only):. October 22, 2q17 to pecem6er 31, 2097 � � . � - . � . . . � . . f I _ 2017 4�' Cluarter Report Qctober 1, 2017 ta D`ecember 31, Zd1P I� �� 2018,Mamh Pre-Election Repo!i (Local Only): January 1, 2018 to February 24, 2018 �_. ,� 2018 1�' QUarter Report (Local Only): February25,?018 to Marc6 31, 2018 � - �� 2018 1"Quarier Report: January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 �~ 2018 MayPre-Election Repod (Local Only): April 1, 2�18 to April 28, 2018 I � '2018 2n° Quarter Report (Local,Only)' Apnl 29, 2�78 to June 30, 2018 �� � � � ir _� 20182°" Qu2rter Repnrt: April 1,'2018 to June 30,2D1B I�-:; 2018 August Pre-Election Report: July 1, 2018 to August 11, 2018 If�� 20'IS 3r0 Quarter Report: August 12, 2018 to September 30, 2018 1_� ' I - 2018 October Pre-Election Report: October 1, 2018 to October 20, 2018 �� � 2018 4'" Quarter Report: October 21, 2018 to December 31, 2018 �� I� I Finat Campaign Finance Report Prior to Committee Termination �� INANCIAL SUMMARY (required): April 1, 2017 to Apnl 15, 2017 Aprd.30 , 20t7.to May 6; 2Dt 7 July 1, 2017 fo July 15, 20�7 - July 1,-2017 to July'I5, Z097 August 93, 2017 to August 19,.2017 October 1, 2017 to�October 15, 2017 .. October 1, 20'17 to October 15, 2017 October 22, 20� 7 ta October 28, 20'17 January 1, 2��8 to January 15, 2018 - � January 1, 2018 to January 15, 2018� February 25, 2018-to. March 3, 2018. April t, 2018 fo Ap�il 15, 2018 . April 1, 2016 to April 15, 2018 APril 29 ,. 2078.to May 5, 2018 . July 1 2018 to July 15, 20'18 July 1. 2D18 to-July 15. 2131$ August � 2, 2018 to August 18, 2018 October 1, 2018 to October 15, 2018 I October 21, 2018 to October 27, 20'IS I � January 1, 20�9 to January 15, 20�9 I End of Previous Period through Today's Date � ,. , .,, �/ �. / Activiry I casn qcnwry fnis � eiecaon cyae to \ Reporting Period Date � I(a) Committee vaWe at the beginning of this reporting penod �� e. e�ai�9 naia�� fromme .�-, previous reportng period) I ��'%/� j R� � -. 1 J _ . �b� + TOI2� 1'CCEIPfS (hom "Summary of Receipts,'hne 13 (cash column) forthis repoNng petlotl) �� JY�:!'l, .�Q �' I��IS� -T9ld�''CElchltSE!t?Efi�t$rtrmn'Sumraa!Y��;�SsnutsersrenL=;'�I¢�9b(GSAr+I�Tnn*k�'hs�re�,b'tin9''ie•�c3) _`�%`� I / . J�9�'� � �7 �l 'J (d) = Balance at close of reporting penod I . � � . _ _ . _ , I ❑ Check here if no fnancial activity during the reporting period. Lines (a)-(d) still must be completed, but oniy this cover page need be filed. �/ � Committees with fnancial activity musi ile the cover page, summary of receipts, summary of disbursements, and any schedules that contain fnancial activity. A�I reports are deemed to be filed under penalty ot perjury by the committee freasurer (all committees) and candidale (candidate committees oniy). Arizona Secretary of State Revision 1/03/77 �� STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE ID NUMBER COMMITfEE CAMPAIGN . « FINANCE REPORT t �`���� �� SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS (Schedule A): � 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Receipts Monetary Contributions Received (a) Individuals - More than $50 (b) Individuals - $50 or Less (n9q.eqa�e� (c) Candidate Committees (d) Political Action Committees (e) Political Parties (� Partnerships (g) Corporahons & Limited Liability Companies (ancs s aorn�i panies oniy) (h) Labor Organizations �aqcs a aoeecai Paroes o�iy) (i) Candidate's Personal Monies (caoama�e comm�nee: o�iy� Q) Monetary Contributions Subtotal �aaa t(a) mmugn ipp (k) Refunds Given Back to Contributors (I) Net Monetary Contributions (s�et�aci i(k)eom i�)) Loans (a) Loans Received (b) Porqiveness on Loans Received (c) Repayment on Loans Made (d) Interes[ Accrued on Loans Made (e) LoansSubtotal(�asn.aadz(a),2(c)s2�d)� Rebates and Refunds Received Interest Accrued on Committee Monies ImKind Contributions Received (a) Individuals-Morethan$50 (b) Individuals - $50 or Less (n9y�eyaie) (c) Candidate Committees (d) Political Action Committees (e) Political Parties (f) Partnerships (g) Corporations 8 Limited Liabiiity Companies �vncs s aoeiicai Pan�es ooiy) (h) Labor Organizations �ancs a aoimoai Pames ooiy� (i) Candidate's Personal Assets or Property (candidaie comm�ttees o�ry) Q) In-Kind Contributions Subtotal �eqmiy: aaa s�a�m,o�9n s�p� In-Kind Donations Received �r�on-co�mbmro�s) �aoeaoai aaroes ooiy) E�Rensions of Credit (a) EMensions of Credit Received (b) Payments on Extensions of Credit Received (c) Net 62ensions of Credit �s�bram ��b� r�om ��a» Joint Fundreising / Shared Expense Payments Received Cash Equity �nb .fiZ! 'i" Y7 . fl c^. � , j cl � ., tJ�i1 9. Payments Received for Goods / Services 10. Outstanding Accounts Receivable / Debts Owed to Committee 11. Transfer In Surplus Monies / Transfer Out Debt �use casn anam� eqwry as avpiicame; 12. Miscellaneous Receip[s 13. Total Receipts �oasn: ada ip�, z�e�, a-a, a-s, i i-ie; eq��ry: aaa z�b>, sc�, sa, io-iz� ',y� �,r'��. � \ ( I � � I � _. _ � � I � . __ � I 1 1 1 —� Arizona Secre[ary of Stafe Revision 1/03/17 . � � STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT # � M SUMMARY OF DISBURSEMENTS (Schedule B): ' Disbursements 1. DisbursementsforOperatingExpenses 2. Contributions Made (a) Candidate Committees (b) Political Action Committees (c) Political Parties (d) Partnerships (e) Corporations & Limited Liability Companies �Pnc a aorn�i Paroe: o�ry� COMMITTEE ID NUMBER ,��-��v � Cash Equity � \ (i) Labor Organizations �anc a Porn�i aa,ues o�iy� (g) MonetaryContributionsSubtotal�aaaz�a7inro�gnz�r�� . - (h) Coniribution Refunds Provided to the Reporting Committee (i) Mone[aryContribulionsTotal(sumraaz(n)nomz(q)) 3 Loans (a) Loans Made (b) Loan Guarantees Made (c) Forgiveness on Loans Made . (d) Repayment of Loans Received (e) Accrued Interest on Loans Received (� Total Loans ��sn: aaa s(a�, a(d) a a(e); equiry. add z@) a z(cp ' 4. Rebates and Refunds Made (No�-conmcvuons) 5. Value of In-Kind Contributions Provided (a) Candidate Committees (b) Political Action Committees (c) Political Parties (d) Partnerships (e) Corporations & Limited Liability Companies �Pnc s P000�wi Paroe: o�iy� (� Labor Organizations �Pnc a aa�u�i aaree: omy� Q) Contributions Subtotal �add s�a� m,o�9n s�fl� 6. Independent Expenditures Made 7. Ballot Measure F�cpenditures Made 8. Recall Expenditures Made 9. Support Provided to Party Nominees �Pora�i Pan�es o�iy) 10. Joint Fundraising / Shared Expense Payments Made 17. Reimbursements Made � S� � � 12. Outstanding Accounts Payable ! Debts Owed by Committee �- �3. TransferOutSurplusMonies/TransferinDebt��:e�a:na�moreq��rya:aPpuwcie; ��?��y '� '14. Miscellaneous Disbursements �� j' � � �� � 15. Aggregate of Disbursements -$250 or Less V � 16. Total Disbursements ��asn: eaa i, z�q, a�t�, s-i i s ia-is; eq��ry: aaa a�r�, sUl. %�2-is� ��� � j� \ � � \ L Arizona Secretary of State Revision 1/03/17 1 � 1 1 1 � 1 � � / / STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN . FINAPJCE REPORT MONETARY CONTRIBUTiONS RECEIVED FROM INDIVIDUALS - MORE THAN $50 DURiNG ELECTION CYCLE:' individuat Contributor infortnation SCHEDULE A(1)(a) Cumulative Cumulative � AmourttReceived Amounitfiis � Amountthis Reporting Period Election Cyde Ieame oaie co�mewo� ae«,.ea � 3':� �, �; � ' ;�, 7--.3� 2� sveai naa,ess I��31� � ���� �(� � �„Y � /(� s�a�e i��%a.r�l�`ac�:rJ ,��I_15_ � au�patiw Ernqoyrer I `,�i�� i/�� NBme 21P � rl .�a� �i � ,vF �oa�� trinwon Race�vea ��e 1=�P Employar ��aN Co��hb W an Rac e1veE Slale IZIP om�oanon �oioye� Name $VEB(NQE�BSs � Cily $ta�e Occupalian Emp�o�er Name SVes�HEtlress J Qry S�a�e OccupaLon Employe� nter total only if last page of schedule Iltmn:fe.�fietdel reca4ed mts acioe ro"Svmman or Pecsfds.^ Me 1IaN COMMITTEE ID NUMBER —� / � � �� . ��il 4'V V 'If contdbutions of $50 or less are listed on Schedule A(1)(b), do not include them on Schedule A(1)(a). Schedute�A(9){a),-page�of � oam comnnwon aecemea IZIP �pele Co�rtrAu�onReceiue0 IZIP J��^''a /s���" �,�v �" Arizona Secret�ry of S;ateReyisiqq Jf03/�7 STATE OF ARIZONA _ COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT ' s� MONETARY CON7RIBUTiONS FROM POLI7ICAL ACTION COMMIi7EES: Political Action Committee Contributor Information commn rvame �A��G!�S e+� �12G'.�r4 sraa� nm�ess � .s".s � �sb fl�-,� �d st� � �a ' ��r s�a�e ��P ��c.a �� l� .� � �SD� a2 comm�n� io rvum�e� oa�e com,mw,an aece�.ea �mm,nee�ame � �1- ��i� so-eecnmr� Z �cy Commltt¢¢ 10 NumbPr Commitlee Nama so-aa� naeress 3 ay ILommi�ce IO Number Commitlee Name SheetADOress 4 IQIy Committee ID Numba� Committee Name Sle�e IIP I�ab CoNnEULon Recemetl s�a�e vc Oale Conln�u�ion ReceiveU SWte ZIP �a@ Con�nbulion Racerv¢tl 3Vee1 Atltlress .5 Ciry State ZW Commitlea ID Nvmber OMe Conlribufion Rereived IEnter total only if last page of schedule lRanslxrme mtal receiwe mrs oenoam 5ummary orftaceioK'Mre frdit Schedule A(1)(d), page � of � Arizona Secretary of State Revision 1/03/17 COMMIT7EE ID NUMBER � �.`�'�f ?� "� SCHEDULE A(� )(d) Cumulative Cumulative � Amount Received AmoUnt this Amount this Reporting Period Election Cycle 1 ��Od � �5��� �Sp�o°� � s'�b �'�° STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN > �, FINANCE REPORT COMMITTEE ID NUMBER r��- ��5�� IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FROM INDIVIDUALS -$50 OR LESS (AGGREGATE):' SCHEDULE A(5)(b) � Cumulative Amount this Reporting Cumulative Amount this Election \ Period Cyde Cumulative In-Kind Contributions from Individuals -$50 or Less �'"�,, � � � �� �' � Enter total only if last page of schedule (trans@� �M1e �otal recervetl Nls petlotl lo'Summary of Receipls,- Ilne 1�b�) 5��.�° 'If wntributions of more than $50 are listed on Schedule A(5)(a), do not include them on Schedule A(5)(b). \ Schedule A(5)(b), page � of � �o�� �a / Arizona Secretary of Sta[e Revision 1I03/17 `` ;� S�eQ'TE oF �aREZ��IP� ' GOMMITTEE ID NUMBER ��� v � G6P�dF1�,4TTE£ C�P�4G@+f ' �rs��c��z��oRr ��C2E�1$-�$ MfSCELLANEOUS �fSBURSEMEI�i S: SCHEDLILE B(54) Recipierrt Information � Cumulative CumWative � Amount Amountthis � Amaunttfiis ReROKing Period Election Cyde ��l,c.��s�i�i�.c� 5-�-'s. �rL1-5�is�.),a�. 7 y i��n (��� ����� U �j3���� �1��'�.�?Is�:�� a��3'J,_re� t'.,�" �irU %� �(� �j/'l G I n`L�SdI. �i � I�cash m�Ea � Iu��.xexe ❑ Cred"R �� 11 e.�7""/. S �.✓� i �"/ �'i �I,� � � I �� z �M1Y ^�^ �"� � i���� 31 G� I �nrvre � �su�snm, c A � asm,�n�.ary� � sma I� � S1a�e ��� 5 � �� nva . +!`�� x,�"'�'.e? C�.^..'� ��25`e � o1!SG.h�3"-� ���,���.s�.�����,�> IIP o-�a�.,+�rcoae ➢P osh�o��� o� �Z1P I�� � ¢�sqe.�rtoare Schedute B(74), page � of 1 :�l �� � I�� 9� Arizona Secretary of StaSe Revision 1/03/77 !7 Cash ❑ Credit ❑ Ci'd$ZF Q C{edtf f � n casn o c�an � � O Cash � D GediE 8 STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITfEE ID NUMBER COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN �� � J�� �,q FINANCE REPORT !J . , - - REIMBURSEMENTS MADE: SCHE�ULE B(11) Recipienf Information Name /� _ C�cA,U ' �2J�'- 51ree� Atltlmss ,�-�ll � f�/-� i�'��� � CIN _ � Sla�e ZIP Reimbursement Amount >���•� —'�i'��/A��J�' %W 7�� l3 � � d .ij���i ddCash se��oe«comsRe�me�nea ae�me�aeme�coa�e ❑Credit 1'1o�.re�.� 9-�s ,�i8 Name/� //'/y {j V'�/vsl.� N /� w�_I i/P� Slree� qCEress � ���.� a�a C ���.� �O %6��.� � ��'C7iL�1Q %G� � i � 11 s�� / � �d �� UO ,�Cash dw serv��eso�comnae�mo�aee ae�me�aemem�a�e ❑Credit ����� s-���I��� 9-as���� �ame , so-eet peeress I b ab sa�c ziv Servicrs ar Goods R¢im0ursetl ftaimbvrsemm� Da�e Name SVeetAtltlress 4 QtY Sla�e ZIP sary��es acooas aeimevaea a,;mn�aemam oa�e Name Slnel Atltlress ,- �nY �S�ate ZIF seN�res or cows Re�mwr:ee Re�mt�Rement o�a Enter total only if Iast page of schedule nanc�e,me m�i mseursee mrs oa�oa m�s�mmen m rnse�Remems � n�e �n Schedule B(11), page � of ,� ❑ Cash ❑ Credit ❑ Cash u lredit J � � Cash I� Credit Cumulative Cumulative Amounithis Amountthis Reporting Period Election Cycle �`�'��� f�'� �9 ��,�.� /s9� /.5'�_r�� I,'i°�,'�� Arizona Secretary of State Revision 1/03/17 STATE OF ARIZONA ' COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN . s , . FINANCE REPORT TRANSFER IN SURP�US MONIES / TRANSFER OUT DEBT: / Cumulative Amount this Reporting Cumulative Amount this Election P d C I COMMITTEE ID NUMBER a�C ��{� SCHEDULE A(7'I) \ eno yc e so�me m s��ms mo�res r aeup�em w rransienea oee� �� C�=� Source ol5urylus Monres / Rec�pienl of Translerretl Debt �c� �' i� . Q�' ���:f�� F�� ��a9 so�r�e m s�.pws momes i Reao�em anenre�ee oem so�r� m s��ms mon�es i reeapiem oi ra�sreRea oeo� 3� `i� 6� � ���,�� Soume M SuryWs Monies / Recipien� ol Transferetl DeM Total \ ('ans'e, me miai �ece�rea in�s oenoa �o �s�mmary or ae�e�p�,' n�. n� \\ � � ��� �� ���� '�� ScheduleA(11),page � of l Arizona Secretary of State Revision 1/03/17 � Date� % i�J -_�;P%�� COMMITTEE INFORMATION: g �7'�4TE QF ,4RI�ONA CONfMITTEE TER11AiNATIIDN . . STATEMENT ,. ., „ , , ... ... .. ... . . � Committee name: � F� �'i vQ � i A� �0�. �/C7 fR �.� L l I Maling atidress: /� Q�s� v� li� i �� // �l�i �?� l°2 Emailaddress: � P� /T /�/" '�"Y�i� �fij. � fJ/"� , Phone num6er. � �/4}— ��"� . '% ��Q � Website: u � ���*s�mrzei:.mP: � t.�-��csP Treasurer. � ,/� ,.G ,A � DECLARATION AND SIGNATURES: :✓�1,� c� 7.I�,� iSf,� ji� ..� � v \ f „ ,. , ., , ,,.�..,, , . . ......... .. . . . , .,.,,.., / k declare under penaky oR perjury that the toregoing information is true and correct I further dedare that: (1 } the committee �+tlll no- longer � � receive arr,y wnY�i.-��� �e i ske w-�y G5"�:t^«.-e;�:a; ��: i�'} t`a ;.;^�- .s �:�`� �` - -- - - i,;y �a...� - - �'iya•' . � ��; ` ootstanding debts or obligations that are all more than five years old, and the committee's creditors have agreed to discharge the de6ts - and obligations and have agreed to ihe terminaGon of the committee; (3) any surplus monies have bean disposed of and thal the . cor�arrittt,ee �has ro cash on!hand� and ,(4) atl canlGrtMtGons and expenif�ttueshavz.been.repaRed, �ncluding ar�y disposatl o! surplus monies. - Chairperson'ssignature: `��(/,V"�"'/" U . /� ^7"'c � Date: �a//Jr/l� - Treasurets stgnatu � �F�,�_Y ���� thte: %Q ^ :r " �d `� \ Candidate's signahire (if applicabte): Date: / Arizona Secre[ary of State Revision 1'I/5It6 COMMITTEE ID NUMBER ��-� ����' �� /