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PC2018-08 - Magazine for Council - 2018 Pre-Primary
,�q 1��',�'t �'l��Ni, �, yjij �t���� � �� � �� ,� ~f ��� �� �F:iY� I COMMITTEE INFORMATION (required): �o....,;:;f,no ,;; :,�;r:utr�n: Gurtzm;tt�e Namn: ' CRNf3iDATE iNFE3RNFATfON (ortiy i# itting as a candfdate commitEee): ( Office Sought. ❑ Statewide O�ce: i� County Office: I REPORTING PE#2iOD (check one}: ❑ State Legislature: j�City/Town Office: �'/'v�p�.,%��,+1✓� REPORTING PERIOD r ��� € 2Q16 4�' Givarter Report: october 28, 2016 ta Decembee 31, 2Q16 � �:�.._. ,� �� 2��7 ivlarch Pre-Ef$ofion Repart (Lcscai Qn#y}: Janu�ry 1, 2tTi7 ta Fetrruary25, 2QtT �z� 24171" Quarter Report jLacal Only}: february 26, 201� to Marah 31; 2a17 �; 2017 1S'Quarter Report: January 1, 2017 to March 31, 2017 �;_ 2017 May Pre-Election Report �L..ocal Only): Rpril 1, 2017 to Aprit 29, 2017 I�:� 2017 2"d Cluarter Report (Locaf Only}; Aprfl 30, 2097 to June 30, 2017 'I ' � 2017 2"' Quarter Report: �pril 1, 201i to June 30, 2D1i t_._..... � ?�. �017 AugustPre-Ete�Yion €i�por# (Loca1 t7nty): Juty 1, 20't7 to Augusi 12, 2�77 �' 2p17 3`d Quarter Repart (Loaal Only): August 13, 2017 to September 30, 2017 � 2017 3`d Quarter Report: Juty 1, 2017 to September 30, 20i7 ' ! � 2017 dc#ober Pre-Ele�tion Report {Loca1 Only): October 1, 2097 to October 21, 2017 � 2Q17 4th Quarter 12epart (Local ONy). Oc#ober 22, 2917 to December 31, 2097 � � 201 � 4"' Quarter Report_ C3ctober 1, 2017 to December 31, 201 T �� 2098 It�laroh Pre-Etecfion Report (Locaf Qniy): January �, ZtTfi8 to February 24, 2018 �I 2018 15' Quarter Report (Local On1y): February 25, 2p18 to March 31, 2018 ' � �'�I 2018 161Quarter Report: January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 j I 2018 May Pre-Election Eteport (Local Only): April 1, 2018 to Aprii 28, 2018 I s- I 2018 2"a Quarter Report (Lacal pnly): Apnl 29, 2Q18 to June 30, 2018 ` 9�� 2D18 7T'� C�uarter Report: Aprii 1, 2018 to June �0,'2018 �' � 2018 August Pre-Election Reporf: July 1, 2018 ia August 11, 2018 ?� 2018 3�d Quarter Report: August 12, 2018 to Sep#ember 30, 2018 If �I 2018 October Pre-Election RepoR: October 1, 2018 to October 20, 2018 �� 'j�I 201$ 4jhQuarter Report: October 21, 2018 to December 31, 2018 ��` �� Final Campaign Finance Report Prior to Committee Termination -'� \�� FINANCIAL SUMMARY (required): REPORT DUE January'i, 2Q17 ta January 16, 2017 Fetrru�ry26, 201it� M2rch �#, 20'f7 I April 1, 201 � to Apri135; 2017 - April 1, 2017 to April 15, 2d17 April 30 , 20'17 to May &, �017 July 1, 2097 to July 1.5„2097 July 1,'2D'I'7 to ,luty 15, 2D'1"� � August 13, 2D�ti to Augus# 19, 2017 � 4ctober 1, 2017 to S?ctotier 15, 2017 I �ctober 1, 2017 to Qctober 15, 2D17 I Octaber 22, 2017 to Octotier 28, 2017 1 January 1, 2018_to.January 15, 2Q38 January 1, 2018 ta January 15, 2018 February 25; 2098 tio March 3, �D18 April 1, 2018 to Rpril � 5, 2018 I April 1, 2016 ta April 15, 2018 ( April 29 , 2098 fo May 5, 2018 1 July 1, 20'E 8 to July 15, 2018 � July 9, 2048 ta .1U1y 9 5, "201$ i August 12, 2018 �o Augusi 18, 2018 ( October 1, 2018 to October 15, 2018 I Uctober 21, 2018 to October 27, 2018 I January 1, 2019 to January 15, 2019 � End of Previous Period through Today's Date iI �. 4 � � _..__..._ ..... - ------ -------._ , .. .,,.,...._,_..-----------... ,....,. .. , � . _ .. ,. ,,, , _.,_.,.. . . _ ,...,._,..., ,.., � Actiuiiy t%asn ,vcnviiy i nis tiection cyc�e to � Reporting Period Date I(a) Committee value at the beginning of this reporting period �ce. e�d�n9 baianoe rrom me � �/� � previous reporting period) ��� ] I�b} + TQtBI 1'6C@fpt5 (from "Summary of Receipts; line 13 (cash column) for this reporting period) I� �y� J� �� I ✓ v� { �r� _ �"r_a��-z�ic�ar.��!nr�rtt�,�trnm:.��.mmar;���G���ursers^,.���w,.iir:a,.g;�;tinn,Fm+^t�.�t�.o�eE�'?!ng�dr!�st? I / � � � ` � , (d) = Balar►ce at elose of reporting period � ��� �� � �� ❑ Check here if no financial activity during the reporting period. Lines (a)-(d) still must be completed, but only #his cover page need be filed. I� Committess with Fnanoial activity must file the cover page, summary of receipts, summary of d+sbursements, and any schedules that contain finanaial activity. All raports are deemed to be fiied under penal#y of perjury by the cammittee treasurer (ail committees) and candidate (candidate committees only). U_ -, .� i . _', ;`� i `.,V,C STATE OF ARIZONA CQMMITTEE ID NUMBER Ct?MMITTEE CAMPAIGN � �_ � � � ��� FINANCE REPORT .,�,,',,�s,� � ��� -��,c ��a,�c��l � � . i Arizona Secretary of State Revision 1/03/17 � STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE ID NUMBER - COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN � � FINANCE REPORT ������u�� SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS (Schedule A): � Receipts 1. Monetary Contributions Received (a) Individuals - More than $50 (b) Individuais - $50 or Less �a,99�eyace> (c) Candidate Committees (d) Political Action Committees (e) Political Parties (f) Partnerships (g) Corporations & Limited Liability Companies �Pncs s aorci�ai ParteS oniy> (h) Labor Organizations �Pacs a Poi��oai Part�es oniy� �I� Candidate'S P@�S0�8I MOfI�@S (Candidate Committees Only) (j) Monetary Contributions Subtotal �ada a(a) mrou9n �p�) (k) Refunds Given Back to Contributors (I) Net Monetary Contributions �s�btract i�k� rrom ���> 2. Loans (a) Loans Received (b) Forgiveness on Loans Received (c) Repayment on Loans Made (d) Interest Accrued on Loans Made (e) L08fiS SUbtOtBl (cash: add 2(a), 2�0� a z�d�� 3. Rebates and Refunds Received 4. Interest Accrued on Committee Monies 5. In-Kind Contributions Received (a) Individuals - More than $50 (b) Individuals - $50 or Less �n99�e9ace) (c) Candidate Committees (d) Political Action Committees (e) Political Parties (fl Partnerships (g) Corporations & Limited Liability Companies �PAcs a Porncai Part�es oniy� (h) Labor Organizations �PAcS & Porscai aarcies o�iy� (i) Candidate's Pe�sonal Assets or Propelty (Candidate Committees only) Q) In-Kind Contributions Subtotal �eq�ity: add s�a� tnrougn s���� 6. In-Kind Donations Received �Non-co�c�b��o�s� �Pout�cai Part�es oniy> 7. Extensions of Credit (a) Extensions of Credit Received (b) Payments on Extensions of Credit Received (c) Net Extensions of Credit �subtra�t ��e� rrom ��a» 8. Joint Fundraising / Shared Expense Payments Received 9. Payments Received for Goods / Services 10. Outstanding Accounts Receivable / Debts Owed to Committee 11. Transfer In Surplus Monies / Transfer Out Debt �use ca5n andror eq���y as aPPiioabie; 12. Miscellaneous Receipts 13. Total Receipts ��asn: add i�p, 2(e), a-a, s-s, i i-�z; equity: add 2(b), e��, s-�, �o-iz� Cash ���� �� (�� Equity � � -- 1 I � l 1 1 1 ���� _ � �' . , 1 1 _ _ � � 1 1 Arizona Secretary of State Revision 1/03/17 � f3� ��4�,���j► . r . � , � � ?7�`�,�—��� s r F dz �-� : ���,�- �','� , , ,_ � .,.: ��a���� MQf�ETAF2Y COR'TF21B�.�TfMNS R�CEIVE� FFZt}M [�+3�fVtDtJA.�S - MC}RE THAM ��0 RElR:PfC ELEGTtC?^1 GYGl.E:* COMR1lITTEE !D NUMBER �c��D�� �� &CH�DUi.E Af�1!a Cumulative Cumulative 3ndividuat Con#ributor 4r�farmation Amount Received Amount ti�ia Amount this Repo�ing Pariod Election �yc1e � uame � � �aare ca�Yrbufion Rec�su4:a ' � � �.F� �./�.�.,(.�2.,i S � �'—C �.1,� I _ �' P`�' � ��� ; _ ��Srse2AtltllE59 � � � ���a�� � � C �;le.�r �d l//� ',� �� �C3 � �i't'% r�'� �� � � �--��.��.��� �� i� ����-�f' � ����`���[ � ��'� , , O��ti�rl�.�-�� � �EmFd� � � _ . WBMe � � �� CAM�ibtatlon RaceSved � I ���� � � / � s� ��t � �� ( � F,� `� � �`� iC.S . �� v'C, aS�.Q toC� � �l'� ��c'��`�`� :. � ��c.,z��� �r ; �� ���� � ����i �.d�� � Occupatlo„ oysr �� �J ��� � �Nerni ✓ � i e /� � �. � � � . .. / Ohte,^,an?tlhulfanRecetvatl . � .",��I/.�1 �r�c l � ''� �5 t� � 6- � � �� � F.1..��,V .t�,4_ � ' - � J,�,��� � ..�%�� �✓ �,�rt � ��v a�� � �� .��� G Stete �2tP �y �%�/�j� � ay'� ��3� Y�'✓�,s�� �1/� l�i `� �� �� � �J �� �r��i v �r ���-�-�� ��y� � .d....� ._ � , _ �� .� _ . _ . Name 02te Contpbutlen Received � ���/ �� � � �_ �r���� � � � 'r"s�e�raae,�; G ` ( ` I � � „_,,�'�-f�� � �c�l�.���r �--� � �, � � X��>� �i.,� �,,�� z��.�-�S � ��� ,��� .�� � >� , _ Oc�,c�w� � Employar � � � �,� �l�� '� � � �� ��� � �� ��D t �� , � � Nama ,� ,y � Aate Contrihution ftsce��ad � � � � - �./,��s �i�'s �� �' �~,�i�' � � - `�r e �r� � i � � � ���� ,�P .�e,e� %�✓�,��� ��'' ,� I' � /�1t� � � Cify . 3�te Zlp � � � �� e� �� K,���>� �� 11� � t;�� � �..��"�� �p��G �'�J✓�� �p�er /�l,� { , i ,�:str:C #�+t�l r�nlu ii l��t pat;� �F S�hPuLl� : : ,. � i4�W8$�4d:��iAk.i�i@PI3ftEEt��'Cq�"3 . `! Y�'t � �' *if contri6ut'ians or$b0 or tess are tisted on Sch�dute A{1}(C�}, do nof inefude ihem an SaPse�;fe �€�fiy�a�. Schedule At1 � fa), page � af ,�, � � t t � ,��,5<e.�^R c£r'��^,� *3'� 7;ic�c �2;"^fny ?!�,�t1as A�i�i�►�� . � r - N . , � E ,� �:� M��� '�� s � ' � p�� "�� y� c ,,�.. ���� MCi4vETR41` C13PVif�tBl.ETtflNB R�C�lVE� �R4f44 l�:DtVlL1l[ALS - MORE TMAN $5fl �d1'?EI4G E! ECTI:?tV CYGL�:� Cumulative individua# �ont�butvr tnfarmation Arnou�t Received Amount ihis Reporting Period ��� ��� / %X� �yl 2�Cx.�,IJ � �'�! �..�2/%� . � _ , ����J.� � ���rt�� C„� �:.� � ��'� �.�� -r�d i� ���-�' ,�� I� �...S,�c -��' � � � ����. � � 4 � �N, ,.. O�upep��� EmWoyer � � � � � �Netns/� � Offie CanitfbtrtL�n Recaroed . J l!/4 ���t �('� �`�-��..7��j� qi.�t ne!n.m_ n � ;.-._ ,. .0 ` " �' ��v �° � i � ����,�� �<�S �r�,� ���s`.�"6'� �/�����, - OGm.�pet�v EmpICYe� � � ���;,.� � �,%' .. � . . � `�° ,�'i �.��, �.� �° ����� � ��..����� s t�� �� ;� � � `� q�r �) Stete 21P �� ���..� �'�i� �� / ls � �� ���.�� - ��e �',� r.� �9y� �'�� _ _ __ _ - ryp,,�; s j%_, � Qats Conttl6uGen Reeeived � : �? ""' �'� [ �,���� 1 1� i ��'-�= `�� G7' �/� i ��.ne� .������ �"� ����.���e �� t � 4 oitv se�te z�P � � ,������ �> i�� �C Z� ��..�',��� ! : ����, � ���.� ���� s"� % ' ��� / a�.���r�„ti�.��E�;y� � b ,f ,�'�a'� J��..N � @.+✓ : '%—„����,�F�,__:; � .� s�task s J a �� � ��Ys ✓�L��e fV /� �� l/ /4' / �f% � �� ��� � ��� ��/� ��,�z �z���'��� .6G9�� � � ��p� � � � �� CQMNit'FTEE iD IVUMBER P�-��i� �� �������� ������ Cumutative ' Amaurrt this �lectian Cycia ���� � � � � � �� � � /�� ��� � � �9 i �� � � ���a� �. � � .S��ID� � ��' I i � � � /��'�� ���� � ;r�.tpYf�it#i rsrsh. if 1�gt p�t�A r.f g�hs?�itt�� i � r % ` ' /, '� � �ra�er�e tiaso�nrprCm"5smvaa.vaft%oewes,"utrao��}k .. t� �tf con#ri6utinns af $50 or iess ar� iCsted on Sched�(e A(1 i@), �a not incfucf� fFtem c�n fict�edufe A(fj(�j. 8chedufe A{1)(a�, page � of �, �i'-4+'..£1!'s.^_a �€iP,°'�¢Sj';^.,; R",' si'yCd.�C ��G�i��3i,y�" rf IVa%�i A7 STATE C1F ARIZONA COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN � � FINANCE REPORT MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FRdM INDIVIDUALS - M4RE THAN $50 DURiNG ELECTION CYCLE:* individuai Contributarinfiarmation Name Dete Cantribufion Received :����J� �e� �� � �o�� Sireet Atldress � I /fC'�O� �����:�c� �%� � city �/'� state zla (��.��,� ,�� 7�S .�1� ( ��"..�C� Occupeifon Emplayar j� 1�/?� �x� rJfC� �,�l�l�i,,�`G �/�/� �Name �D2[e Contdbudan Received �Street Address 2 � City State ZIP I 1 Occupadon Employer I Name �Date GaMrfbutlemd3eceiwetl Et�6�t",:�.se^oa 3 �Gity State �ZIP 1 Occupetion Employer �Name �Date Contribution Raceived Y Sfreet Address 4I � City State I ZIP Occupacion Employzr Name i � SVset Address 5 I ci�v Occupation �Date Contrfbufion Received State IZIP Employer Cumulativa Cumulative ' Amouni Rece+ved Amauni this Amount this Reparting Period Election Cycie �� �p �� �'�� �°(! � u � COMMITTEE ID NUMSER ���'���� SCHEDULE A(1)(a} ) Enter tota� only if last page of schedule r���� s..L'�1 �� p� �{trens4ar fhe totaF received lhis peviod�Yo "Summar�� ot Reeeipts," Fina t(a}) � �`�' , *If contributions of $50 or less are listed on Schedule A(1 j(b), do not incfude them on Schedule A(1)(a). � 5chedule R{1)(a), page�, of � Arizona Secret�ry. of S#ete Revisian 1/03/17 d STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE ID NUMBER COMMIITEE CAMPAIGN QCY s�� �`�� � � FINANCE REPORT 0� O��v� MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FROM INDIVIDUALS -$50 OR LESS (AGGREGATE):* SCHEDULE A(1)(b) ... ., ,..,.---,. . ............. . . . . .,, . , - Cumulative Amount this Reporting Cumulative Amount this Electio� Period Cycle Cumulative Contributions from Individuals -$50 or Less j �� d d �� � ��� � Enter total only if last page of schedule �� s/] � d �{� �4 I (transfer Ihe total received this period to "Summary of Receipts," line i(b)) l� Cf . 'If contributions of more than $50 are listed on Schedule A(1)(a), do not include them on Schedule A(1)(b). -�----..,_,_..,.,.. ...,.,..,,..-----.._.,,..,,, ....,.,,., � Schedule A(1)(b), page C of L Arizona Secretary of State Revision 1/03/17 1y.�—'�t� �r`I�1'i►`�G� f • 4r j�� ��t � ` - I. �����y a � ��� SUMM�(�Y OF DIS�URS�MENTS (Sehedu�e B�: COMMITTEE ID NUMBER P�-�/� � Disbursements 1. Disbursements for OperaYing Expenses 2. Cor�tri�st�icsrts hdade (a) Candidate Gommittees (b) Political Action Commfttees (cj Politicai Parties (d} ParEnerships (e) Corporations & Limited Liability Companies �p,vc a poi�t«� Parnes oo�y> (f� Labor Organizations �pac & PoreGai Pa�eS o�iy7 €a�} Mca�i�+ �9rnt�e�"rovrs SL�bCoia� raaa zrar tr,ro� z�n) {h) Cantribution Reiunds Provided to the Reporting Committee (i) Monetary Contributions Total �s�bt�acc a�n>from zt9)> 3. Loans {a) toans Made (b) Loan Guarantees Made (cj Focgivensss on Loaras Made (d} Repayment af Loans Received (e) Accrued Interest on Loans Received (fj TOt3I L08t1S (cash: add 3(a}, 3(d} & 3(e}; �u��y: aae z�b� & 2�c>) 4. Rebates and Refunds Made {tvon-co�mbut�ons� 5. VaSue af tn-Kind Contributior�s Provided (a} Candidate Committees �tsr raiii9caa actiarr �amr�riicees (c) Political Part'ies (d) Partnerships (e) Corporations & l�imited Liability Companies �Pac s Po�a�cai Pan�es onay> (f) Labor Organizations �Pa,c a Potincai Pa�ies oniy� �Cash Equ�ty � l'�.. �� � ,,.. 1 ' -� . .1 # � - - - ' .ij ,: - 1 � I =-- � � I , I _. � f � I 1 I I 1 1 t, b k a I � �` � 1 � � (�} Confributicans Subkatal (addsE$��,rou�s,e4t�) � �. �nt��Ys�sdem�t ��e�ad4Aut'es �tade � 7. Ballot Measure Expenditures Made f 8. Recall Expenditures Made 9. Support Provided ta Perty Nominees �Pori��ai aan�es onry� 10. Joint Fundraising / Shared Expense Payments Made 11. Reimbursements Made 12. Outstanding Accounts Payable t Debts Owed by Committee 13. Transfer Out 5urplus Monies / Transfer In Debt �use casn a�dror gquicy as appE�cabie� 14. Miscellaneaus Disbursement$ � 15, Aggregate of Disbursements -$250 or Less � 16. Total Disbursements ��asn: add t, zp}, 3(f), 6-1f & 13-15; equity: add 3(f}, 5Q), 8 12-15) +���� �� _. ._ � � f 9l jI ! t � �. I Rrizona Secretalv ot S#axe 13svlsiaa �l03!'17 �r����r .,�•/��+`�!, • i , , ,_ �I�� ��� �'1 �� � �� R ' _''' �` � �4 � �� a� '�,l�t��� ,�. • � ��� DE58URSEMEhITS FOR OPEfdATlhlG EXPEIVSES: COMMITTEE ID NUIVIBECt ����f� �� � SCHEOULE 8(1) Cumulai#ve Cumula8ve Recipieni lnformati�vn Amount Paid ,4mounf this Amoun# #tils -- . . _ -- _--- -- -_-------- Reporting Pariud Electicm Gycle �Name ( DLsbursament Date ��3 /�..� „��'�l s�'.��+ �� 1 ` j " �i''� �� s,�t� � . ,� ��� ���__�_.� � � � i e 1 � � � � �.�-�' �-��.�.� �'✓1 J��- � � �ty .�� l �t0 �F. ��CJ �1���.t. � � l✓1.� �) 1�i � `� � �f/ '�-Cash TYP� � QP�tin4 F%P�Sa Paid � NarvElecdurd! PurPnse2 (PACS arM PoUtic21 Parlies Only) [.i .i�.C4�1t C�� at�s� j� � - Neme � 4lsbursement Data �✓�s�'�..��-: ��,?�. '� ` `� � �o�� � , ��� n � ' a �� ! _� �/"' � ��� '7 f � � � � r�����J ` � �� 1 ��- � � �Ya. ��°'/� /^��'%IS° s� Z� i�casn = rra� a as�� �.�'�a - r�a,,,E��o� �+nno�a �va.cs �a`�� per�as Ara 9 17 Cre�d°t4 � r � P!� �'i�5��5 ° Name � � �istwreemern �ete _ � �����.�i�T�S. �tA- �' � �����.�1 ��g � ` N 1 .r/J // / j'%��� 3 G�y Sfaie ZlP ����� I/�t �� �J C:.,6 W 1 `� 0 Type� mti E%p=nssPaid � ����/ .%� Nama � ',�t� �.�f,c"�.� `��'s �t,�.% �Skro:�CkGtit�s � 4 �C� � Tyy�c 3f n� £s.p�ss= i���� � � �t��'.� 1 Name d� � ;p,�l �,,-l�P,�,�.�� ��� � 5veet kddreas � -F3oo-EF¢'Sa[et'PurpaseR (PACsar�3F�lic�FaztlesEA+iy} � Disbursemerrt Date �' �-���3 JffCash Q t"rCEFC3IC ���'�� � ��� ❑ Credit ���r.�� �Cash ) d G��.ti+t /�%'�-�'� /�'l� � '� Stete �21P Maro-Electarzl ➢�rnae.e? (PACs and PoUtieal Partlee 4Ny} ❑ pisburseme�rt Oate �1 �r�� 5 �cny s�sca �ziP '�YPQ o�tfjt EuPense PaW YimrElecearffi Furpoxe? (PAGs arid PWiticaV Parues Only} / �1�Y V�. �9 S .� � L� _ � �nter iatat onty ii tast page af chedute �(&a[rtsR9r6ree�F6i::Uwrsa6�9i�'sPeRtd'M°uuarivl�aryaFL6i�rdn@s.'+1e.� 9} SCf7��lil1B $�� }, !FfBQE � Of � � ��J���� ��( (��✓ � j %��� l��"`I �� �u-izcana Secre#ary o#_Stai� Revi�ir�n 9/Q3/97