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PC2018-08 - Magazine for Council - 2018 Second Quarter Report
07-09-18A08�46 RCVD COMMITTEE II�FORMATIQN (required): j�e:�n,�ee frtfvi<rrat,��. C�txrr�r� �-sr�: ---._._.:__...__x..._...... ..a.. . _._>„�-, . �..... . . ............ . _ .;.._� �.._....._ ..._....�.• s.nt�uia+�r+tic. a�F-+vi�rv�tn.��'i A+i+i»7 ia Ein�q7 fIJ Q S�OII�%31.iQS.G ltL�ll�l�IFiFvY�. ( Oft7ce Sought. L7 Statewide Office: l❑ County Office: REPORTIN� PERIOD (check one): STATE OF ARIZONA COMMI7TEE ID NUMBER C4MMiTTEE GAiltlPAlGN ��,.���� �,� � F1�9iAN�E �EPf3�i � , � b, �'; t�.. d i.% �.' � tr � �i��.si � �' � S� � V � ❑ State Le�islature: / 1 I�CitylTown Office: �� 2r�,XJ� c l.�"(,�;� j ,� #�EPi3f2TfhiC PE#�fCiD � RERQR�' t?l.xE n %� ��� 2016 4`� Quarter R�port: Oc4ober 2E�, 20�6 tn C?ecemher 31> 201C� January 1, 2017 to J�huary 15, 26i7 � / �..-..._ - - k � �� i�t i't rvi�ei� rfe-Eie�.�t�urr Fir�pawi �uc:ai `snay j. .i��unr p i, ti�r i r sv i-eriiitidCy i:r, �i.i i r �6Giu�si y cv, ui i r ur ivra� i;ix �, c:i i F r � ri I�` 2017 1� Quarter Repart (Local Only): February 26, 2017 to March 31, 2017 April 1, 2017 to April 15, 2017 I ��� 2Q't7 1�Ruarter R�port: January 1, 2Q17 tn Nlareh 31, 2Q17 April 1, 2017 Eo Aprl{ 15, 2017 I, I�' 2Q17 May Pre-Efection Report (Locai Qnly): April 1, 2017 to Aprii 28, 2017 April 30 , 2017 ta May 8, 2017 1 �_ � 2t117 2"d QuaFies scegart (Locaf Qni�j: r'k��ii .i€t, 2Gi7 tJ .fue�e: 3Q, 2L)17 � uuty '!. 2Q'? ta .,'ttl� 'S 5, 2�'I? � �;�i 2017 2nd Quarter Report: April 1, 2017 ta Jur�e 3d, 2017 � Juty 1, 20t7 t� Ju(y 15, 2077 ( ;-..._. � � Lii�! F1!{gt�Si �'#$-tti;Cp4)f1 148pOft �i_ilc3t �i71iy j: .iuf� i�'EYt i f ER HttgtYS`i iG, sii i 7 riuyuet i�, tv i� iv r+uy'i.u"s YtS, iii f i { �� -_' i � 2d17 3'� Quarter Report {tocal only): August 13, 2017 to September 30, 2017 October 1, 2017 to October 15, 2097 i�; 2017 3'".C2uarter R�aQrt:.,luly 9,2ti17 ta-Sep#ember 30,2017 October 1, 2017 to Actober'�5, 209i I � 2017 October Pre-Election Report (Local Only): Octobe� 1, 2017 to October 21, 249i Oc#ober �2, 2017 to October 28, 2017 � l .... : � � ,� ��f!#7�}�'hGtu�#ertce�ori �ivcai �niy}: �ct�er �, 2a i i#e, D�e�bes 3�, 23",7 � Jar3s»r,r ,'M, S t� Januar; 15, 241R � 1� 2017 4"' Quarter Rsport: October i, 2017 to �eceml�er 31, 2097 � Jasivary i, 2018 to Januaty 16, 2t31$ � � I.�� . _ �� 2t�1B iVfa1rc11 t're-�tection �eporc (tocai vniy): �arruary �r, �s�€e� io i-��ry i�, asiiti f i=es�ruary i�r, �i� �o us �v��►r �, t'v`."sv t I� 2018 1�` Quarter Report (Local Only): February 25, 2018 to March 31, 20'18 �= �� 2018 1�` Quarter Report: January 9� 2Q48 ta March 31, 2Q1.fl -- (� 2018 May Pre-Election Report (Local On1yj: April 1, 2018 to April 28, 2018 � �a�� = 2t"31E3 2"d Ctue^�PCeE ��Y 4LoC€�:i iJtjiYjl: tt�?�il 2S� 2Q i a iv JUi ie .'�Cli �'.G1$ � ��� 2098 2"d Quarter Report: l�pril 1, 2t118 fo June 30, 2018 •��1 Zt3't8 Augt�stt�re-ti��t+on �cepo�: .ruiy �, zu���s� � s}, �s,s�s - j1._.... I� 2018 3`d Quarter Report: August 92, 20'18 to September 3�, 2018 � 2fl18 �ctober Pre-Eiection Report: Dctabsr 9, 2098 io flciober20, 2D18 \ � 2018 4"'Quarter Repori: October 21, 2Q18 to Decernber 31, 2018 \ i �t138I C7fi3}731Ji1 Ftfi9f'1C{.' F(EpU1'i YIlI7P fD i.Gfl�ii]Iut36 ; e��;,�;�'�a� �5'._ "� - �. __ . _. FINANCtAL SUMMARY (requireci�: � Activity i � � April 1, 2d18 to April 15, 2018 Aprit 1: 2098 ta Aprli 15, 2018 Aprit 29 , 2018 to May 5, 201 B � Jt.il('!, `�ni� t^,� �!.l�j(15, 2n?� � Juty Y, 2fl � 3 fa Ju(y T5; �0'TB �C �6 ity �.^L i0 1{! /'1tt�t.t�[ 1fAq GV 1L October 9, 2018 to October 15, 2018 � October %i, 209$ tQ DCtAb6r 27, 20'!8 � January 1, 2019 to January 15, 2019 � �nd cf o;e�^�..s !'s�od thr��.!;!±?��y's Pate � �asn i�ctiviry'fnis �leeuon i:ycie io '� Reporting Period Da#e (aj Committes vaiue at the beginnirrg af this reporiing perioti (i.a. err�irn,� ne�ance trom �ne � � ' prevtous reportlnp period} { (b� + 7otal receipts (rrom °Summary of Receipts; Ilne i3 (cash column) for fhis reportlng pariod) - �+� �� �,: � '� � `Q� I - �..,.... �. !• `� � ��-� � � , �° � �. IP'1 _i'tsGc�i(Awur.oc4iF�"iii`.."ro�'.'itn�":'s+.Fnswn3d�;,i5w�rddi::u'4«gi"��,�as�'sie�effi''�:a;i...;ai•:viww.>i:':r:::.�:g�:�++� � �'jY6 i � j{ r,�� _n!� _ �+ -lna� -f r_ nrte>:n nnrin.r? I �� � � t d � � `"� % �9� � p „_. � � -. . °5:"'?' . , . .. :,. . =^_ ...� � "' _ ' � � - � 4 �,;"^3 �`.a ,f.�. s _ ' • ❑ Check here if no financial activity during the reporting period. Lines (a}(d) stiil must be completed, but anly this cover page need be flled. j� �� Committees with financial activity must file the cover page, summary of receipts, summary ofi disbursements, and any schedules that canfain financiai acfivity. Ali reparks are deemed to be filed under penalty of perjury by #fie committee treasurer (a!1 committees) and candidate (candidate r.ommittees only}. Atiz'ca�a ��t t�"t 5�s i�Bvlsla3a 7fti3f � 7 �:��� �►'����., � f �,v� 1 , • J . . K. �' �:,�:1,,`j . . . �►�.}�� u^?V N1I�ii/��1' v�E OCv�FF�'1�v {��'.�,,,'n.3L�t:�,�4J^ CQMMITTEE id NUMBER ������-� Rsceipts � Cash � Equity �, 1. Monetary Contributions Received � _ � {a) ktdivlduais - More than $50 � ✓� �i � .. �'� C . - � �� }414�lV4ljU2�S'.�"J�V i7r �855 jRggregai�j e�. 9 . C% � ! ,� � iGj 4elfiCiif3ni� vvtTv�i�iis�o5 ,J � _ _ .. ,. . - � (€ft AoEitica! Ae#'ron �nrnmittees } � � (e? Po!)tical Parties i (� Partnerships � _', -",- �.: � (g} Corporations & limited Liabifity Companies �aacs a Porn�ai parnes arny> f_ -: .: _ °.j (h) Labor Organiza#ions (Pacs s Poi�q�i Pemes o�iy� �;� C�."tG�:G�otg'c Pg�nn�� Mt�nieS (Car,didate Comm�H:ees Onty� l __ __. � � .- p �,f�'� R6�nah3!'s! 4^�!nirl��E4�1'8 �'..a' ett}� �`a&s iJai � � �. : . _ . �: - �' � �> �.,�: �' �'' :' ---: _ ' ' =_ � . � 1 (k1 Refunds Given Back to Contributors � _ ; i � :. � (I) Net Monetary Contrlbutions (su�t�a�� �{k> trom ��p _ ( "_' � 2.. Laans � - (a) Laans Received - � (6) Foraiveness on Loans Received � ` • : . . . . . � � �c) Repaymerrt on Loans Made � �. _� {d) tr�terast �,��; u2� art Loans n�!a�+a � - - �` H( �a� �n�Yre '�,�,"iwfhRf�Xj �e_aajA• mNi4 7MR`� 'JY!'.i `fi a2ijif �� - - =: ;� i 3. R�bates and Refunds Received � t _ � 4. Interest Accrued on Committee Monies E } � 5. In-KincE Contributions Received 3 �� (a} lndividuafs - More than $50 f � � (b} Mdividuals - $50 or Less �A9g�e9ate} � � � (c} Candidate Committees } � f i f�Fk P�'t��ca� Ac�tp �a!mt�re��s � � �, (e} Pnfiiieai Per�i`ias �f{ � � yiJ �u.`j'.,�:...=L..� _ - F � � (g) Corpocations & Umited LiabilRy Companies �Pacs a porticei aanias onry7 { � (h) Labar Organiza#ions �aaos � aor�car�an�es o�,�y> I (1) Cand'+daie'S P2fsot1al Assef5 0� PTopeCty (Candidate Committees only) � �J� In-KI1'1d COnfl'IbUtIO�iS SUbtOC�I �equlty: add 5(a) through 5()) 1 c�i. iii-�:tt�ti r.1E,`:Y.�.}":)^G R�'@tV9d (�Mn-f.nntfibutionsa (Politicak Parlies Onty} � � ?_ cXY�I'iSC�'i'9S fli'�s'�i .d �_ - I(aj Extensions of Credit Received (b} Payments on Extensions ofi Cred'tt Recsived �_ ( (c) Rlet EMensions of Credit tsu�uact �(b� rrom ��ap I 8, Joint Fundra+sing / Shared Expense Payments Received I 9. Payments Received for Goods / Services f ', 10. Qutstanding Accounts Receivable / Debts Owed to Committee � ; s�. T';;..+r+.g� ;,, Cax+,?�+�,tr8 ��anaag, j� Tr�t'f��r (}id�. �9�� (usc dsfr•av�dtar e4uity as appdfcat�le� _ , 12. Miscellaneous #Zeoeipts � � 93. T022# R�C21p15 (cash: add 1f1), 2(e?, 3-�, 8�9, 91-18; equ+ty: sau �{tr), �y�j. o-,, iu-a z� a � ` �,.�� I � � j � Y � ! � � { � ! - �:;;z.�,� ,�.�„��.� �:�:..'�±p �����an �Jf13137 ��"` t�`�r�y A.�:'� � 1. �h.;%�L���� �:4�j{ � �i h*,�,y.��.�.-..�� �, � � � - � � Y�\���"\y�'�v A ._ ...� .- � ..- . �{�� Skltull�lA�Y (}F D�SB�UE2SEMENTS (Sehedule B�: GOMMITT�E ID Ntlfi�llBER ��; �r �- �� � .'�e.-':;:..�'::::-�:� :;:1' l 1. Disburseman#s for OperaYing Expenses �V � �. �ORti'�'?2Rf0li5IVY�i�� � � (a) Candidate Committees � t�iti Prcijtira] Ar_.tinn C�mrnittpPS (cj Potitical Parties e�j} r=�taiae�rs��i�� (e) Corporations & Umlted Liability Companies taac & Poun�i aar�es o�ry� (f� Labor Organizations �pac a aoi+ecai Ra�res orny> (�} Mali&t21N GQfTEtlbArE�OFfS �Flb1f�� 4add 2(a) EhrouoA 2(n) � (P�� �esn�r��i'utttrn �Tefiund5 Praruid� #a �h� t��potiing �nlmitt��� . � {i) Monetary Contributions Totai �5ubcraci z{n� rrom z�a» __ _� � 3. Loans (a) Loans Made (b) Loan f uarantees Made � (c) Fargive�ess on Loans M�de � �d� �+e�aYrazent ai Loans �ceaeived � (e} Accrued interest on Loans Received � (fJ Tota1 Loans i�sn: ada 3�a�, 3(CJ & 3(e}; equity: add Z(b) 8 2(c)} y 4. Rebafies and Refunds Made �rvon-conMn��;o�s� 5. Vafue cs'€ iti-F:tnd Contrihutto�s Provlded (a) Candidate Committees �b'} t�aiicicai i�eeion c:ammiirees � yr_,\ Pq(iYi��al P�rtita5 - � (d) Partnerships � � (e) Corporations & Limited Liability Companies �pnc a Ponticai aarties oniy> (f) Labor Organizations �pac a Pourcai aar�es oniy} (j) Contributlons Subtot2l(aad 5(a� thrsau�n 5(�) 6. �nd�ia���n# Exca�nditures�de � 7. t3a#�cr� �asasre ��enaitu�es iv}ade ; 8. Recall Expenditures Made ( Q Ci �nn�•a gm�iErlaa {•• Par(+.� Al�minFra� .d�!:rt��� v�-!t>� !��t«� � _• .__rr_:_. . '—�--- =- - --s - ---- ---� *� -� � —� --- - �,.. t 10. Joint Fundraising / Shared Expense Payments Made ` 11. Retmbursements Made I 12. Outstanding Accounts Payabie i Deb4s Owed by Comrrzittee � 13. Transfer Out Surptus Moniss / Transfer tn. Debt (u�e �asn e�,aior ayuicy es appi��aie� 11¢, ICfTigrP1[�n�q��S pjg�urSeme�tts � i�. 1��Cjf�3i6 09` ilsaGE€f5�tii��ci� -�E:;t. i7r' �c�a5 f 16. Total Disbursemenfs �casn: aaa i, 2p1, 3(fl. 6-11 & 13-15; equfty: add 3(�, 5Q), & 72-15) { !`2qh � � «�,�`j � � °n ,`�� I Cia11f}1>' \ =�---� _ , - „ k, � ( � , . � k . � {. �} _ ! Arizar�a Secretary of &'�a#e �'2evtsia'a a103/'17 !i'��f ,�y,. �'��.; , , +. � .,..�, ,. �(r�,�.��� .� +� r � ,.y� ��4� � ,. .: �. .. ����� MO"aETARY CONTP.lEJTlONS P.�GEIVE� �ROPA IRQlVIQURLS - MQRE THAN ��0 DUR4hlG ELFCT�ON GYCLE:' Individual Contributor Infarmation ��ate Contn6uGon Receivztl IN'/ ~' �/ '41 �'0 s���4... ��� • ��'14.J IDa��t�t9S�� erveU� ICi ISlreat Address I � ,�„ ����.�� �.� � � ��� � . � � a ^ f �`', � /� � �'' �.��3�.�������� �' I ���� i i � pcc�pey � L Emqoyar � Nam ' � ��� Oa[e Contrlbutlon RaceNed � �`l. l �� �� .��" � �—�—��� �«o. a��ro�� 7 �,���.��' � �.����'.v� �.,� ��,�� �� � 6 � �r� ������ � '�ny , i J/ srdc� 6 �/'� �""^,a: ! e .���+i ),..t\ �a 9 't�.",» r� _"`_' � ..�.Y ,� .� . � � •' V rea.s �" a i r .r % pi " ' v v - .— � •: Occupelion „ EmPloyer ���� � �� Name � � Date ConMb W on Recelved � � ^ _ 3� � Ch' 1 Occupetion I Nema 1 ! ( � }SlraetAddrest i p i � � i�;�y OCcupaUon N�ma State �21P � Employer �Date Con�rlhu6an Received s�« �Z� Empioyer I �S�e�tASdmss � . 5 !" ' ��ny ,,....� Ocwpatlan Emplayer �Fy;ter �ota! nnfu if fa�t nana n:'.�r�at�i�lP ( 1(tC�fistef tne wtef [�ceivett tttts oenc�u ro"Ss.mmary af Reee�prs; r�:e i}a1J � COMMITTEE IQ NUMBER 6��" f�' � SC!-lFDULE A{1){z � Cumuia#ive � Cumulafrve Amoun# Received Amouni #his ' Amount this Reporking Pariod Election Cycle 1 � i ��� �� ` l ' � �� �� Y r� tf i � "If contribufians of $50 or (sss are (isted on Schedufe A{1 ](b). �� nof inatutfe them an Schedufe A(4){a). 3cneduie A(i j�a), page ,.,���,. � :4�l�_..^ ��r•24��; sr ecaa� S?.�?.i^_!n?? ti/Qat�{� ��:��t3yy'v ��l►� �� • � I; ��,` �� �J ! • ' *° ��j,V �`l�`a ' • �s>`.,�i-,,. ♦ �6'lY� COMMITTEE ID NUMBER �� ��� MQhi��'ARY Gf>�'TR�Ui'tC7t�f� f�ECEfVEQ� �'RQM' IIVpi�ffDUALS -��R LESS tA�GREG�TEI:' S�NEI?LftE Af1)lhl � �--..,.. . �\ / Cumulative P,mount this Reporting Cumuiative Amount this Electinn Period Cycle �rmw'6�tiv� �Corrtribr�tioro-s from 4ndivid��a�s -.��r0 or Less '-"'e —� %i'� � � � Enter total only if last page of schedule {trans(er Ihe tolal reeeived this periotl to `Summary of Racelpta," Me 1@)) �� � � �`If confibutions of more than $50 are listed on Schedule A(1)(a}, do not include them on Schedule A(1�(bj. \ ScheduleA(1)(b), page � of t � � �� Arizana Secretary of State Revision 1/03/17 i �►.;��i►�i►;. ! +r 4/�_�..�.� \r . �� � � 1� � �. i K, d��'' ft *�\ , � , �:�� RISl3E1R8EiviCivTS FvR ^v�Ef;F,TfrvG EXocn,S`�: ❑ � Cntef ioiai oiiiy ii i�st �,ay� �' �c"sdul� � ;r a�ret+sr rns m[�at a;sfx��naea m�e �, w°ai�rnrn�v o�' +,+v+m'��r�eres;• a.,e ", - - - SCHEDULE B(1) Cumula#irre ! �:u�ia�iwe Recipient information � Amount Paid Amount this Amount fhis � Report+ng Period Election Cyc1e � Aame flisbu�sanianl Paia � �.� I �- � �� ��� I , � ,,.,e.,YAdd.s=_s /f I /� /1 ( f. ( �,� �4 � � � � � �°.�. �C�t.',P.'l���.9,ei� ��6 '�"li' ��+1 A � � � 9 "°-� .r9 .�.o+,'�; ? '- � � !m.r.a� ;! '� �� ': fCity Stete ZIP � � � �"� � � �p � � ' �. � � �. ..f ( �i�- � �t� c� �./ v � �c� (.c.�o/`C.� ��> � � �`%�� � � I � `-'�..�� � �Cash . Type of OperaUng Ezpense Paid Non•Electoref Purpose? (PACs and PoliBcaf PaAies Only) ❑ Credit � � �Z"���� � - I Nsme Dlsburcemant Date .Street Address � ' ' � � r i l �2 �.^.:t. �State IZ1W I I � � 1 � � � ❑ Cash 7ype of Ope'eti� Expense Patd � Nan-ElacMrd Pwpose? {PACs and PnllUcal PaNes Only) � q�redit ❑ Name � D(sbursemerit Aate � ' -+ � Stre=i AtlS�ss j . A � { - h� n � �P � � v ��� �3;a:r '-:c } . � �4 1 I � Cash �TypO of Operstlng Fxpense Paid Non-Elec[orsl Purpose7 (f'ACs antl PofiUcal PaKles Onty) ❑ Credit ❑ � �Name � Dls6utsemeMOete � 4 ` � btrexRcac� p �, � ; � � I � � i � Cgy � State ZtP ! � , � 1 � � ❑ Cash 1 T y�e W 9Perating Erpense Paid � NomEledoral Puryase? (PACs and Pohtir,al PaNes Only) ❑ C�2CIIt _ I ❑ 1 Neme � Dlsbursemeat Oata �' � � � Streei Addr56 � � � � ? !I � �I `� Ci{y 6t3ta ZIP � ' � Q Cash � � Type of Operating Expense PaiO NwtElectoral Pumo:e� (PAGs and PWi6ca� Parlies Onlyj f❑ Gredit - . Schedule B(1), page � of � �;iz�^a 8�c:et�r; of G!�tP RPvision 1/03117 �,.E11VltNi16 YCC � i+ivWai+e'..i� �� ��� �� �� � � ��� , �