HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Election ReportPOLITICAL COMMITTEE CITY/TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT 2011 November Special €lection � LINDA KAVANAGH FOR MAYOR 2012 ELECTION COMMITTEE F¢0 Nmrw ol Commpioo 16038 E. SEMINOLE LANE AeaR� FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 MARICOPA (480) 837-5612 C4p ZIP CodO CauVy N/A Sponwru+p Orportlzmron a Cun�dam ¢rd olf�oo LINDA M. KAVANAGH, MAYOR OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Name d Ca+�b ord OHco SoupK (1 apamDfo) LMKAVRNAGH23(�GMAIL.CQM EJUa� nam�ess io. a 2. REPORTING PERIOD �v� vaa. rovooro:o ow� 4 Pnaro -i � . : DUE BETWEEN � January 31 Report - Fo� PeRoa or.. ___ _ _ ___ ____• Ihru December 31, zo�o . . . . . . . . . . . .�R��y �. Z011 and Jamiary 31, Zo>> � June 30 Report � Fo� Penod ot JBnuary 1. Zo>> wt, a�ey s�, zo>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .r�� �. 2011 and June 30, so� � ✓❑ Pre-Election Report � For Period of June 1, 2071 lhru October 19, zo» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oao�. zo, 2011 and October 27, zo>> � Post-Election Report - For Period ol October 20, 2011 thru Novembet 28, 2011 ............ November 29, 2011 and Deoember 8, zoi � � January 31, R@pOft - For Period af November 29, 2011 thru DecemDer 31, ____ "........ Jartuary 1,_ _____" and Jarsuary 31,__ __" F� SUMMARY 5a Surplus from Previous Campaign (or at time Statement of Organization was filed for the new committee) 5b Cash an Hand at the Beginning of this Reparting Periarl 5c Tatal Receipts (from carresponding columns on Detailed Summary Page, Line 8) Sd Subtotal [add Lines b and c far Calumn A and add lines a and c for Column B] FOR OFFICE USE ONLY -__-� �- �+. ic3� PC 2011-01 Columri A Totai This Reportinq Period � Column B Election Period Total To Date 0 $661.96 $4,116.00 �,- ::. $4, 777.96 ��� ii• 6a Tatal Debts and Obligations from Previaus Campaign Cammittee at $QQ Q Beginning of this Etectian Periad (ar at time Statement of O�ganization was filed for the new committee) [Do not add or subtract this line from the olhe� lines] 6b Total Disbursements (from coRespanding columns on $1263. � V $1351 .22 Detailed Summary Page, Une 18) 7. Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Periad [Subtract Line 6b from Line 5d1 $351 �&.78 $3514.78 •Insert date which is 21 days after date of last election (A.R.S. §1fr913). "This will depend on the year next election is held. The "due between" year will be the year of an election and the date following "Qecember 31" will be the immediately prior year. DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE OF RECEIPTS AND DISBLIRSEMENTS i comn,�nee mum� LIN�A KAVANAGN FOR MAYOR 2012 ELECTION COMMITTEE. a aepanm.e��m�oe��wnomJune1,2011rn,���n+_ RECEIPTS Page 2 iou PC 2011-01 r.��u�nNn ro�w�•rve ifI5PEP10� GMIPNGNTO�ATE a com��em�oosomc��na�ro�ozaw��-�.��a I53816 54566 ia�o-a�wuais-mominanszstroimeo�xnoa�ma I5329Ei 4016 ieii�m�wwix-aan�eqaieszso�m�irmaiiiamsrn�a�:an.ii I5520 $52� (c7aom�a�eommniees�roiai�mmscn�a��ee� Ip � �e)su�toialComnbUionz�aaa4(a�.<(b),aiM<Ic�� IO � �e) ReluM olcpmn�Niom (Tolal Imm SCM1eEu4 F]� I Q � IOToieiconvmwo�zome�mnn�oa�rsanaimw�al�eirana(eli�o��,apiry IGq��q 54566 s �a��oanemoeeo�qua�an�eeaeywMMeielroie�nomstl,eeweCi I� 0 ie�aiowe�ioans�*maiimms�neawec-+� Ip 0 g�io�ai�oa�slaaas�a�a�esio7� I� 0 s.m�w��,aw�v��om�oobtrmaioomxneawe�i IS30C 5300 i 6mdeMa.��me�ev,aewo�rorio�msolreceip�s�Toan�mn..creou.ef �i I� p e m�iaace�pmlaeeat0.s¢�.s.a�w� I411E 54866 p�ALILTING CONTfUBUTION RECEIPTS I o�ainn�owm,�rom�o�sor�soommar�n�aisao�aixoms�nia�e�n2i IO 0 q5B11P5EMENiS I s e.oenawresmrove�au�e:p.m�s�romieomscnee��,�o� I596518 5105122 ioi�eenenaenie.oenanurcs�roian�om5meeweo�i� IO 0 ii vawconn.x�neevpena�mea(roiaiimm5cneeume� I330L $300 +z.�ammaaeeyreoe���emmmmee�raaixoms�neawaazi 0 0 i3�a�aepaymemoiioensmadvora����eeeeyc:m�aaie�*oiniuo�,�ew�w� 0 0 ie�aeoaymemoianoine,mare�toieuromscneameo�s� p 0 �c�*oiai�oa�aep.,ymen�s�aeaia�a�a�t3�e�� IO � �a rrs�s��rsmmne�pomKaicamm�neesira�ainomsa»emeo�a:� I� 0 �s a�;m:are�a���eomemRaaioome:.+3eweo-�i In U is s�mrnoia�seu�sememslaaau�s2�o.n,iz,ia�c�.ia.e�ou� I$12F3.18 5735122 n aee�ie:,rewm:awo�ne,orttixsiooce�m�ree.na��slr�������,,,xe�•a�s�o.3� Ip p ie ro�aimse��kmem��s��m����n�er,nomwois� I512E3.18 S735t22 is rmm omso�a��y o�.o�� o�o�a ev a�-Pon�a c��a�em� o� vaw,�.,i com���u�� ism��n�,m F'.» IO 0 zo iamry.� �rr��ai�yotuer��iy.in�nn�Voo.om:��am��om�m,.o!irvo��mp��n�������c�i�eono��noin�e�=io�myk�ovoTaocawe�i.�iui:e����o omp!e�c Jerold L. Miles I .,n���>,.�.��� �w,��.v.,,,. , ,. j� �� % �� October20,2011 �— � 5i9noNr otlreasurerul'aepWa�oor�esgnvin191noinawl 'Ja�e CONTRIBUTIONS more than $25 - from INDIVIDUALS* SCHEDULE A I2.i�a ,. �,mm;� r�e,,,e Linda Kavanaah for Mavor 2012 Election Committee PC 2011-01 3. Report coverirtg pe�tod from �une 1, 2011' Rhtu October 19, 2011 4 CONTRIBUTIONS DATE AM{OUNT CUMULATIVE RECEfVED RECEIVED TOTAL THIS NAME, ADDRESS, OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR THIS CAMPAIGN RERIOD TO DATE 4e. LAST RR3T MI Scarpetti, Robert 6/15/2011 $100 $100 STREETAOORESS 14623 N. Glenpoint qTY STATE Z1P Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 OCCUPATION I Eb1PLdYER retired b. LA3T flRST kIl Cennerea Vlncent end Llne Bellenetl 6/15/2011 $250 $250 s�EeT anoaess CfTY STATE DP Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 OCCIiPATtON E OYER Belleneri, MCSO, Cannarsa, retired N�encopa Counry sheriff's otfice c. IAST FlRST A41 Lvov, Gary STREETADDRESS 12800 N Saguaro aTM sTA� z�P Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 aanoN fV�a ager, Fireside Grill �ol��ay�nn d. LAST FlRST NJ Sam Trivedi STREETADDRE55 12179 E. Ironwood Dr. arr STA7£ na Scottsdale, AZ 85259 Ho ePowner I( om�ort Inn �� Kavanagh, Janathan fl�T � ' S'���SSGunsight Dr. # 182 drr STATE z�a Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 e�a P�s�a'te Agent I Se employed 5. IENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEDULE A(11 bat pago d SeAodule A, hanslur fotef to Dofelbd Sunrr►zry Pogo Lfno <f�. cotum AJ 6/23/20'11 $410 6/23/2011 $410 10/21/11 $200 $410 $410 $200 'If oontrtbWim�u cl S25 or lass aro tat�d vLSh conMEuta'o rtumo. oQdmsa. oxupalian aM e�brer on Scfrodulo A, ao �a �+a�ao Page�of 3 than on Schodub A-1. Lht S3 Ctasn ElecSbn quaWqYg mnl�lbutbm oo�mla�r on Sdrodub A-2. CONTRIBUTIONS more than $25 - from INDIVIDUAL�* SCHEDULE A Iz.ioe ,. c�mm;n� n� Linda Kavanaqh for Mayor 2012 Election Committee PC 2011-01 3. RepoR covering period from �une 1, 2011' q1N OCtObBf 19, 2011 4 CONTRIBUTIONS DATE AMOUNT CUMULATIVE RECENED RECEIVED TOTAL THIS NAME, ADDRESS, OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR TFiIS CAMPAIGN PERIOD TO DATE 4a. LAST FlRST � Arpaio, .loe 10/10/11 $400 $400 STREETADORE55 12808 N. Va Del Sol prr sTa� nP Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Sh�eriff of Maricapa Count I���pa County b Hall, ,Jul�e �RST � 10/10/11 $430 $430 STREETADDRESS 4515E. Palo Verde Drive a�v STATE ua Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Pa�ralega I Moaney, Wright 8 Moore °. �►ST �RgT "" 10/17/11 $36 $36 Obst-Dworkis, Susan STREEtA00RESS P.O. Box 17913 arr sTn� LP Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 OCCIiPATI I EMRLOYER unemp��yed d. LAST flR3T NII Gauthier, Peggy 10/17/1 `I $50 $50 STitEET ADORE55 12622 N. Via Del Sol dTY STATE LP Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 OCC�tJPA ON I EtdFLOYER retired' e. LAST FlR3T bU Flora, Ann R. 10/17/11 $200 $200 5����2nd Street � drr STATE na Scottsdale, AZ 85251 PA ON I EMPLOYER I�e red� 5. I Sw�ryPoBo 1lna <1�J, Cotrunn AJ OF SCHEOULE A j1/ fest pepo o/ ScJadub A, bortsfur totel fo Dofafbd I I 'tr ooniACutiare at szs or bss ero �toa wi� ow,utbueasn remo. uearosa. ooa�pabai ona ort�lopar on sdreaulo n. eo �a cu�ao PageZof 3 them on 9chedula A-1. Lbt SS Cte�n Ele�flan qunLLlyY�g ooMrlDuSbnss ¢epomtay on ScAeCulo A•2. CONTRIBUTIONS more than $25 - from INDIVIDUALS* 4 s. io a � c�mmas� N�me Linda Kavanaqh for Mayor 2012 Election Committee � PC 2011-01 3. RepaR covering period from �une 1, 2011' ��� OCtOhe� 19, 2011 CONTRIBUTIONS DATE RECENED NAME, ADORESS, OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR 4a. LAST FlRST MI Tyler, Michael STFiEET ADORESS 15124 E. Ridgeway Drive � c�rr STATE z�a Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 axuaanorr I �a�q.oreR Business Advisor eit b. LAST FIRST N!t Confsr, Judy and 3tephsn Busker STftEET AOORESS 14411 N. Sifverado aTv STATE uP Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 aCCIlPATION EMPLdYER Confer, museum manager, Busker, retired River of Time Museum c. LA9T FlRST MI Shattuck, Lee and Alonzo STFtEET ADDRESS 14655 N. Kings Way cro sTAte rra Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Leee;P�►nc�min Assist I �ta °�a�daero d. LAST FlRST ASI Fernandez, Robert STREETADORESS 235 Adams St., Apt 1 g CITY STATE ZIP Brooklyn, NY 11201 OCC�UPA ON I EMPLOYER reUrec� o. LAST FlRST M! Kavanagh, John & Linda S'����Seminole Lane arr sra� ua Fountain Hllls, AZ 85268 .lonn A�Ilege professar I Sco dale Comm�nity College 5. ENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAOE OF SCMEDULE A fFf fast paQo af ScAedula A, translortotel fo Dntdbd summeryPugo uno 4(y, Colmm N SCHEDULE A AMOl1NT CUMULATIVE RECENED TOTAL THIS THIS CAMPAIGN PER�OD TO DATE 10/17/11 $50 $50 10/10/19 $100 6/23/2011 $60 10/10/11 9/29/11 $200 $400 $3296 �, � � $60 $200 $650 $4586 MI oonfrfbulbna of 228 w less oro tk�led wtlh oontrthutw'a nomo. addrem, oocupatinn ond ompbyw en ScAodub A. da rrol tndudo Page�of 3 tham an Sdeodub A-1. Llst i5 du�n Elaelhn quaB�rYg mNr�utb�a ae�►mtrsqr on 8elredub A-2. CONTRIBUTIONS of $25 or less - AGGREGATE TOTAL* SCHEDULE A-1 2. io # Linda Kavanagh for Mayor 2012 Election Committee PC-2011-01 1. Commdtee Name 3. RepoR covering period trom �U�B 1, 2011 �n�� October 19. 2011 d a. Aggregate Total of Contributlons of $25 or less auourvr DESCRIPTION RECENED TFiIS RERIOD General Donations $50 Fundraiser donations $470 5. TOTAL THIS PERIOO (Tiansfer toLil to Dofnited Sumrwry Paga, Une 4(b), �' A� $520 CUMULA7IVE TOTAL TNIS CAMPAIGN TO DATE $50 $470 Q520 6. CUMMULATIVE TOTAL THIS �D can+aac�+Toa►re $520 rrrar�o. �awi ro o�m�a S�ttrsmary Pngo, urm ace), Cd�mn BJ 'Ii coMributions of S25 or less are listed with cantributors nartse and address on Sdiedule fL do net irtclude them on th� schedule. List SS Clean Electian qualifying cantributions separately on fichedule A-2. EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING EXPENSES` SCHEDULE D z ioa � commeie�Name LINDA KAVANAGH FOR MAYOR 2012 ELECTION COMMITTEE ,r �� L. j� ��_ �`� 3.aepon�o.e���gv����e�iom.lilNF 1 7071 in���OCTOBEfi 19, 2011 a I EXPEN�ITURES onTE M�OUM :hFEN�iTURE OFTHE NAMEANDA�DRESSTOWH�MEXPEN�ITIIRE�OI5�UR5ElAF.:�T)VJAShV��E MADE EXPEN�iTURE i tlPMEFOORESS,LIN,9TAiEAN�ZIG 1& 1 Intemet, Ina 9������ �9'99 �� 701 Lee Road, Suite 300, Ches[erbrook, PA 19097 oescA:�nor� e= rtena rn seavices vuacvseo Internet Setup fee ---...__. .. . _— I e. ume.noones..cm,srnfrnrvozm ---- - -- 1 and 1 Intemet, Inc. 8/14/11 $4.99 701 Lee Road, Suite 300, Cheslerbrook, PA 19097 oescaicna: cF irtins ca sea�ces voecru:eo Website domain reservation �uMe.nooaess.nry srnreMmzir - 8/14/11 $9428 C reative-W ho lesale 165 Andrew Drive, Suite 200, Stockbridge, GA 30281 r2I11"IBf10125 ws:n�cEsa�acw..Eo ume. nooeess, a*r. srnrz neio nv Overnight Prints.com 8/14/11 $196.14 email address cecca��cne�� cr ireus ca seavmes vuacxnseo camapign fan postcaMs nane. r.00ass. cm. srnre nriozia 9l7/11 543.90 Ovemight Prints.com . email address OESCRIiPON OFITEFff G(i SEPVILE9 PORCMASCO business cards i rui.i=.aooi+ess.cirv,;rnren��oYm Michaels 8/28111 5575 16239 Sco[tsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 oescaia*io�� cr ir�m: w senhces wrecnnsro I crak suppiies I s er�rearorn�a��riF�uraaaecvscneoo�eo0��,unmoorso�...a.r.o.w�ao,rvnma,::.�s�m.�.,oPm:ou�- I 9 Ldurm�) '&pentltlums. o��et �Nn a conVacl, p�omlu m agreeme2lo make un expentliW re resu14n9 in cretlil Pa9c I c(_ EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING EXPENSES' SCHEDULE D z ioa : commxee rvam� Linda Kavana9h for Mayor 2012 Election Commitlee � i� �;�_ ��, i� a acoonm�e���ooe��oaimm.l m� 1 9��� in�•�Octo6er 19. 2011 '� I E%PENpITURES N�MIE A�ID A��RE55 iO WH�!d E%PENOIiURE lDi5BGR5cM1icH¶ WAS I.�A�E IiN.1L FO�0.E55. CIiY, 5 Wl£ PN�iip BoGo Promotions P.O. Box 19722,Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 o�scaianora or rter:s w see�ces roacnnseo magnetic car signs E. ao�Ess. ��r.:..-.�,:,; �.� Joann 9189 E. Indian Bend Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85250 Ic�scaiono;�cFirenccas¢ahcccru�c�wm craft supplies mnE. Aooaess, mrv. nnr u�u va Off ceMax 10100 North 901h Slreet, Scolisdale, 85258 >no�� w rcrns oA s�nnces Nuacrvn;eo amperea{or A�. P�J3555. C�tt. iin ic NI� LIC Paul's Acer Hardware 16605 E. Palisades Blvd, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 � ianon o� i.en¢ cw ssances nuacw�seo glue wuis. nooaess. arr„rnre a��o zir Sam's Club 15255 N. Northsight, Scottsdale. AZ 85260 oescni>rior� or irern; w sea�ces ruAcnueo postage stamps, emelopes I i :_ee r.co�rss.on� s-nr_n�:on� OATE AAIOUNT FXVENOiiURE OFTHE M�OE EXPENDiTURc 10/11l11 �u166.76 9119/11 $16.31 9/23l11 520.68 9124/11 �7.68+ 9/29111 S192.87 RNO Prinling & Color Copies 9�Zg��� $Z9�9� 3406 E. Laurel Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85028 . �oescviano�v or irens �s+ s=_amc�� rox_n.�seo ,� printing invitations � I?NIEPiOiidGRVIFL0.5TPTGECF5C1@CVLED(I4uJp�godRMwtr�.01nce5.r.M.tll.�6'uJSunmmYP+]eWn• [ m��) o..enEnutes, omee tM1an a mMad. pmmrsa w a0reemerc m make an exDerMwrc rosuninp m creen a�9e2 or3 EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING EXPENSES' SCHEDULE D z io� � cAmmmeo rv�me Llnda Kavanagh (or Mayor 2072 Eleclion Cammittee � L �'-�' i l—C � I a aeconmw��nqcenoa�mm.hme 1 9n11 ��i„OCtOber 19, 2011 ` I EXPENDITURES I pniE u.�auHi EXPENDITUflE OFTHE I NAME4N�l�O�RESSTOWMOME%PENpITORF.�0150UR5EMGNT�WASRV�DE M1'�DE EXPENOITURE I 114.!�. POJH[ii.CILV. SiAiE A•IpZ�G , Artvertex, Inc. 8/21/11 $65.92 408b 68th St., Brooklyn, NY 11220 o=scaianory or irei.�s oa seavices Pur+cMa,Eo website template �iuee. nooness. an. srare nuo na � "Aenei,�^G^� monthly $45.00 ao eo=rean. @ $,15 Pecna, r�2 PS]fl5 ^er month Ioeccaianorrorirtsaasenmcesru�uu;eo --- ' bank service charges � _ � ucn�e.>oovess.cm,srnreuionP � cEscAi=ncmnrer.�s en ceehces ouacv;�eu r+une.nooaess.an.srnreAr�oziv oesamna� or ireus oq seavmes =uaoweo va,ue.nooaess,an,srnhar�oziv c=_xeianory or irem; a+seaNccs auaa+:m i re...e.:.co�ess_c:n.s+iennuc✓ oe:camna� ar irerns w;em��ces rvaa�n;Eo I I s enrzaroruw�nvusraneecFsc�eomeoPrnr�nm�o�smoa,n.¢w�an.wauoa.r.,as�„�,.,nr:w.,�„�„ 5963.18 9.CMimiR) 'EzpeMnures. otMr Itwn a conVac�. p�omise o� agmement la mnke an exOeMilum resulling m cmCit a�eo3 oi3 IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS and EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE E LINDA KAVANAGH FOR MAYOR 2012 ELECTION COMMITTEE i commnmcrvame I z iox f / 7///- P� 3 a«can oo.e,i�q penoe iiom �UNE 1, 2011 ��,,� OCT0813R 19, 2D 1 i � I IN�KINDCONTRIBl1TION5andEXPENDITURES ��TE Fnia lUME PNO A��RE55 OF V:OIVI�UAL (OR NAIdE f�pOPE55 M'D I�p OF iHE POLRICAL CDMMITTEE) FftOM WH�M RECBVED OR TO W NDM GIVEN 1 NMIE,PWFEiS,CItt,5iA1E,21GNIDlp John Kavanagh ,. ....7.� 1fi038 E Seminole Lane, Fountain Hills. ,_„_,,,,q� � AZ 0526D �cesceianori Preparation of campaipn web site p`CV�nTC'1 EMPLINEP ColleqeProfessor s�m�n.m�co��„��i��urcouoga e. rays.<_cce:;.ons*a.e.ziaF��oia .o.�.... ..Z] i..rc�.. �i,..: ❑ ICESCRiGPP4 CCCUGAiIDN N4NE 4C9BE55. Gtt.STPiE. ZIG 0.•ID Ip EMPIOvI]i AUAKFiVAI_UE sr2si2o�i saoo cpilununuri❑ V:... u ... ❑ IoEscwcnai OCNPTPC`I NNAE.NODflE^.6,Ott,5iAiF.ZIPAl1�IW eu��me�� n� w uo�❑ [ . � oescmPnory I eccvennori I c�noiw�n I Is. enrearorann.wno<«�mieunorvsorv�rivvsrameovsc�ccu�e_nnvnr,�ws�m.a�.,E.r.,,�.�...r.umma,:�..�s��.-.�rvv.w• §30� Lm 6 Lo�am Ij I 6. fNiEPTOT(LL1IYNIN�CIXRPIQOTONSWLYIPLPSiPPOECfSCHE�VLEE(IlbL�xpaMdGlWub[.�mmM1rrinlnlluColn'INSumnnryPopu $"�JOO ✓m 11. LW�mAf P J • W