HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 30 ReportPOLITICAL COMMITTEE CITY/TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT 2011 November Special Election � LINDA KAVANAGH FOR MAYOR 2012 ELECTION COMMITTEE Fun r+ame d c«mm�ee 16038 E. SEMINOLE LANE ��� FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 (480) 837-5612 cuy zw coer c«wr 2. N/A SDoctv�g O�murasm a Gm�ocw mro o�noo LINDA M. KAVANAGH, MAYOR OF FOUNTAINHILLS r�,o or ca�c�nw uw omos s«,ani ca �ai Imkavanagh23�gmail.cam ea.w+noaeae Fa. r 4. REPORTING PERIOD ,� a,� �m e�� DUE BETWEEN � January 31 Report - Fa Period ot • uw Q�be► s�, 2010 ............ January t, 2011 and January 31, zo>> ✓❑ June 30 Report - For Penod o( January 1, 2011 lhru May 31, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1, 2011 and June 30, 2011 � Pre-Election Report - For Period oi J�ne 1, 2011 thru Odaber 79, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 20. T011 and Octobe� 27, 2011 � Post-Election Report - Fa Pericd at October 20, 2011 thru November T8, 2011 ............ November 29, 2011 and December 8, zo� � � January 31, R@p0�i - Fot Periad of November 29, 2011 thru December 31, "........ January 1, " and January 31. " 5. SUMMARY 5a Surplus from Previous Campaign (or at time Statement of Organizabon was filed for the new cummittee) Sb Cash on Hand at the Beginning of this Reporting Period Sc Total Receipts ((rom carresponding columns un Detailed Summary Page, Line 8) 5d Subtotal [add Lines b and c fa� Column A and add lines a and c for Column BJ 6a Total Debts and Obligations from Previous Campaign Committee at � Beginning oi this Election Penod (or at time Statement of Organization was filed far the new committee} [Do not add or subtract this line fram the ather linesJ 6b Total Disbursements (from corresponding columns o� Detailed Summary Page, Line 18) 7. Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period �Subtract Line 6b from Line 5d] � Column A Total This Reportinq Period �� FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 3a. io# PC2011-� 1 �O $750 $750 � . • ' i `�•• $661.96 Column B Election Period Total To Date �� �O $750 $750 0 $88.04 $661.96 'Insert date which is 21 days after date of last eledian (A.R.S. §16-913). "This will depend on the year next election is held. The 'due between' year will be the year ot an election and the date following 'December 31" will be the immediately prior year. DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE OF RECEIPTS AND �ISBURSEMENTS t Coc�.m:ecu Yame LmOa Kavonaqh (or MByor 2�t2 Eleclion Commiltee 3 aovonm,en�qpencehcmJan.l.znn ir,m�/.,,,a>>M� RECEIPTS 0 ConNbuOonsolhertM1anloansanUimkmR. �a7 ine��aueis� mom iw� us �ro�ai tto�, scnee�io n� �e� iminauais � eygreyem sS oi iess (loiai imm xneeuro wp (e) Politiwl Commnmes (iotol Imm ScMtlula B� �e� swioiei conmbmon: ��ee n�a�. a�e�, ona ag)� �e)RaNm olmmi�unons�Totailrom Sc�eduk F�H) �p 1o�ai eonnmwo�z o�ne� �na� �oa�n am in�w�a �wm�an ei�1 �:om <�a�� 5. (a�LoansmaDeorOuarsnlcetlbyrzMNate(ToIall�om5clietlWeG) �n� ai omer ioans Ra�ai �mm scnea��e ai� (c� ro�ai �oam �aee s�a� a�a s�e�� 6 InNiM w2ributions (To�al liom SCMEWc E) ] DivitlenOs.m�eras�,entl o�lwilorms ol�ewip�s(Ta�ollmm SCMtlule F4� e roim e«e�p�s �aae aip. s�c�. s. a� � OIIFLIFYING CONiWBU➢ON RECEIPTS Oualdrrq ConVibuLonv o1551�om Intlm4uaL �Tolal Imin Sclietlulc P3) Page 2 2 IU: ac--zoii-oi I COLUMNA THIS PERIOD I $]50 � s�sa �� I� I� I� IO Ia0 I� �� 0 0 �S�so I ww�nm � CAMPAIGN TO �ATE 5l50 I s�so � u I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 0 a a 5750 �ISBlIRSEMENTS � 9 Evoam,urestoroperaunge.penus�To�ainomsmeeweo� ISB804 SB8.04 +oimspamamE.ce����ez(roui!�ams�n�a��,ao->> IO 0 11 ValueallrvkmEexpeMiWees((olalfmmSCFeEuleE7 IO 0 4.tnensmaEeby�epomrgmmmmee�TaalkomSCM1etluleD-2) IO 0 13 (e) RapayfPenlolbansmatleorguarsntoedbyceMiEale�TotmllmmSCMdu!^_�-1) IO 0 (b)Repaymenlolallollurbat5(To�allmmSCM1eGule0�5) 0 � (c�ioialLoan aepaymems�aaa u(a)anat3�b7� 0 0 ia r,a�sre�: m oinerponecaicommaiees�roiainom smeem� o ci I p o is mymneraenmumom�mmir�omscn�am�o-�� lo 0 is suem�aia�:nu��m�ms�amnr�ess,io.n.iz.u�c�,�n,��ais� lo � n Reeaies,�aWnesaneommottuisioone�a�inqexn�nss(romWomxneaweo�3) IO � ta iouieneurzemenis�subvanl��mtiM1omimets� I580.04 $B804 19 TotaiOm9aMmg0eE�soweEbyFeponngCaMrea�eoiPOlncalCommitlee(SCMdukF-3) IO 0 pp Icn�iry.uMe�ponallyplpmryry,IM1a�I�a�aexemnreC�FewNen�sollM1isr�mpeignf�nancerepp��nntltolM1ebestolmyL�m::�e09can�!m:re!fulmeoJ omp'r[z Jem�tl L. Miles rmG im.�s�.M1r %, ���,������ :,�� ������� June2t20�1 ISgnaWreolTree��Candi4aleorDesignalinglnJMtlunl Onto CONTRIBUTIONS more than $25 - from INDIVIDUALS* SCHEDULE A z. i� o 7. Cammrttee Name Linda Kavanagh for Mayor 2012 Election Committee PG2011-01 3. Repart coverirtg pertod from �erluery 1. 2011 thru May 31, 2011 4 CONTRIBUTIONS DATE AMOUNT CUMULATIVE RECEIVED RECEfVED TOTAL TMIS NAME, ADDRESS, OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR 4a. {,AST FlRST AO Miles, Jerold L. STREET A�RESS 16317 E. Inca Avenue arr STATE nP Fauntain Hills, AZ 85268 OCCUPATION EMPLOKER attarney retired b. LAST FlRST MI Skehen,Joe STREETADORESS 15049 E. Marathon CITY STATE ZlP Fountain Hflls, AZ 852fi8 occuPanaN I eaiv�ovEa re6red c. IAST FlRST bU Skehen, Debbie STRElTADDRESS 15049 E. Marathan CIT/ STATF LP Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 OCCUPATI�1 I EGtPLOYER rebred d. LAST FlRST b[I Qenomme, Harold STREETAOORESS 15205 E. Pageland Cirde pTY STATE DP Fauntain Hills, AZ 85268 occu� nori I EMPLOYER retire� o. LAST FlRST kd Kavanagh,John STREETADORESS 16038 E. Seminole Lane ciTr STATE ziP Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 ollege Professor I 8�ttsdale Community College S. ENTER TOT/LL ONLY IF LAST PAfiE OF SCHEDIlLE A(d fast pege o/ SGrodwb A, trencfoi idN to Dotnlbd su,nmaa vopo uno e(rJ. eoeum, AJ THIS CAMPAiGN PERIOD TO DATE 4/8/2011 $200 $200 4/8/2011 $100 $100 4/81/2011 5/2/2011 $100 5100 3/25/2011 $50 $1QQ S100 $50 I v m�sme�acns o� s�s «� o� rsoe �a, �a;�,00rs �mo. �amc�.. oau�aaia, n�a «�by« «� sa�oe� n. m �w �ao Page? of 2 Ihwn on Sd�edub A-1. LM ZS Clean Etedbn qua&fy6tg ooMnbutb�t aaparatay on ScAodub A-2. CONTRIBUTIONS more than $25 - from INDIVIDUALS* �. comminee ntame Linda Kavanagh for Mayar 2012 Eledion Committee 3. Repcsrt covering period hom �erluery 1, 2011 4 CONTRIBUTIONS NAME, ADORESS. OCCUPATION AND EMFLOYER QR CONTRIBUTOR 4a. LAST FlRST Nll Kavanagh John STiiEET ADORESS 16038 E. Seminale Lane arr STATE LP Fountain Hills. AZ 85268 SCHEDULE A 2. ID tJ PC 2011-01 �� May 31, 2011 , DATE AMOUNT CUMULATIVE RECEIVED RECENED TOTAL THIS THIS CAMPAIGN PERIOD TO DATE 4/18/2011 $Z00 S250 Ilco egPe professor � 5cotisdale Communiry College D. LAST FlRST I+SI STREET ADORESS CITY STATE 2lP OCCt1PAT10N I EMPIOVER c. LAST FIRST M1 STREETADDRESS GTY STATE LP OCCUPATION I EMPLOYER d. IAST FlRST bSl STREETADORESS qTY STATE ZJP OCCUPATI6N I EbRPLO'YER o. LAST FlRST MI STREETADORESS CITV STATE Z1P OCCIlPATtCN I EMPLOYER S. IENTER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PACiE OF SCMEDULE A(tf fad pngo c7 Schodub A, UansWr tWnl tc Dofefbd SumrnolY PogO 14a d(i1. Co�um A/ 11 aontMiAionn nt Z25 or b:cn ¢re le�tod vdM oontribuSnr'o name. uddmm. oacupatfon un4 ortrylorer on ScMdWo A. do rrot bidudo lham o� Sthcdub M1. Lht f5 (�n EleUian 4�+�hti8 aa�Ar3utbrci nepotatel/ on ScMaQulo AQ. I$%�30 I $%�JQ Page � ot 2 EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING EXPENSES" + co-���m�a Ha�� Lmaa Knvanegn tor Mayor 2012 Eleclion Gommmae 3 Repm�cwenngpenoeliom����dry 1,2011 + I EXPENOITURES w.uE nrvoaooREss *owhoei �vENoiruaE iciseu�=__r,•_�iri v.�as i�.;oE +. rwne.nooRess.cm.s*n*eu+ozio Target 16825 E. Shea Blvtl Fauntain HJIs,AZ 052fi8 o=scnir�cn ov rtcr�s rn sEa�cEs c�acw+;eo ofiice supplles . .:_.=_.:s�vess.cir�,srarev�oziv LL5. Post Office 16605 E Avenue otlhe Foimlains Pounlaln HiIIs,AZ 85268 ocsca�rnorio�imnv rn ;eavices aoacrvnveo Poslage r.:.:e=.;.ccAess. c�n. s*:.rc nrio z�e Staples i 565G N. Pima Road Sm115tlale,AZ 85260 18i��o'g�Po� es�,��.� � sEa��E� o�A���Eo rurae.nooaess.cin.s*nre <�+oziv Targel 1F025 F. Shea Blvtl Founlnln Hllls, AZ 852GP o=;cAivnor�orirer.•s ca :eahcss �uacw.seo atLre suOPlies ;.•.•.e. aooesss. nn. srare auo zw O(fmo Max 10100 N. 901h 51. Scoltsdalc.AZ 95259 n�=_caionermv re�a a� seavicc; Puecw.sec amo baa9es � i nc.:.00ac;s.cirvsrn.enrvozic nrzszon sa.a� I 913201M1 539.V I � �_ ..,r.�_.�c �-..srn.,_vocsPcrvcv.i.Fo � s �er�rearorn�w�mv�ns*enaeovscneou�ol�n.nwo�.msrnm.,�„2e.,���.�,mrem�vvisvn,n„vv,�m��mo 568.OA 9, Cdunn A� '&pendiWres,ol�erlM1anmm�hacl.pm ise ragremenllomekeenmpvntliWmreSUAioB�^uctl�l SCHEDULE D x ioa PC:zUII—c'l in,�,MaY 31. 2�11 � DAiE 4:'ObNT Exa�noiruar ccrH_ .._ __ =.-s:�,r��= 4122/2011 51420 AI"2)/20�1 SJ3 1fi 4I22I2011 56:i.1 v;iy� � _