HomeMy WebLinkAboutStatement of OrganizationSTATE OF ARIZONA -y POLITICAL COMMITTEE � � �� - = STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION r �.� n i . a-"� e�i i. t>�:,� i s s.�wm,yn �. "r�n nm,.n.ra.w�e�e.se �i'1nillal Reglstration ❑ OW of S�ate Commltlee O Amended Sletement log� _ ❑ ReglslraCion as Standing Poll�lcal Committee {'(�,�j)��-/.' � NAA1EOFPOUTIqALGOA6MITTEE�Fcrhallo:me�ur=comi���nan�i=II�ncL��G�.ulpglilanseralrumo¢r) �iVE ��Nog /�i���,,,,q�ra rv� ,- Y a 2 3�av �v ' /Gv�3�iae�lae��� niHv/e GN �'�o%�-;A„„l�illl �i].Z �'��1G� � r� � �iniuNc nooaess cid�ng.A�� o-���:m���) r.iry s*n1e ziF � Si%'� �COIA49TT[L TLLEPFONE =' LUNIIITTC[ FAX N I C/0�1V11TT[L �= IfAIL A]GftCSo /��'-/ �-��l� � 3 7 �G l � I _ _ `_ _ _ . _ �� kAv.3�v/+brr 2 3 e" c� n, �ooesnieaoulicucaninurreei�m�ensaonisoaincoaenmiznrion�e 0 ves ,�vo r ye�. ni�:a�,�, i,r�,.�co �.ne rm;on��,4 r,•��.��ai�oir. i NnniE oF sHor�s�ain�� oa�nNiznliory ADURFSS OF SPONSORING OIEGAMGATION OFVOLIIIG\LGOMVI TEE-Pleaseclieckonlyo�ebox �.1Y�IDATE 5 GAIJPFIGN CONC�IiTEE ❑ t%VIOR�TOMG0�1p�liTEE ❑ CONAfITTEE ORGANI2ED IN Sl1PFORT OF OR OPPOSITIOAI i0 ONF OR MORE GANI]IDA I FS ❑ COMA9 � I EE IN SUPPORT �F ON OPPOSRION 1 O I IiE OUi1LIFIC4110N, PAS&�GF OR DFFEAT OF A BALl.01 VAFASURE '{AH 5. § �6�9C2pt� FQ ❑ sup0o^ or ❑ copo.ation Io lM1i6 Callol nmasPn ❑ cULII.IITTEE ORGANIZED TO GIRGl1L4TE OR OPPOSC 4 RK�Ll PETITION OR TO INFL�JEACE THE RES�JL� OF r; RECdLL rvHE oF oacnr�iznrion RELAilOMSHIP I O POLITIGL GOAIMI I I EE 0 STnN�InIG POLITICAI CO1dA11TTEE (SiaG annnal fee rc�u�« �U) IA.k.S. §' fi-9020t 19y sulncLn9 �he a�ove clessl�calio��, IM1e .. nnl;eu Lcrlaius �Fat il I�aF been ac�ive In moie Ilian o�'.c rcpn^li�.gjunedmlio nlM1iseVnr_fnrmomiM1ennvcyrrrAN� e of Ilig lallavnng�. �Iplcnsu cFeck ONF ol IM1u �our boxu5 bolooi) ❑ cppq�2q�pcFGREuATFDFUNI]FSTARI.ISHF.I)5Yq pUHPOHqTIOR OR LPBOF ONGAMZAiION ❑ CO`I:.IIIIEEORGANHEOFORI'HEPURPOSEO:`.IFKING iuo_r�r�oeNrex� er�oiruR�s � Pe111iON ❑ �'OIITIC>LORGAWZATION h�riprgai'.i�Imrlha:¢'orn�ally ❑ Oi11ERCO�lA9TTE}1-seEesrnl'e�Mm�i) �����`:°'..� � 9't��yrl'll.al�iq lufu-ga I ,iicc,nm�.teelnal�s u nursuavt 1.R .31fi-B?3� I ❑ PULITICA� PARII' Imtly sinlc ur counry cannnM1tcux nf an j nrp:n ; uuon loal mqqls Ihn ra�juirFmonLs [or rerngmunn as o � h. .ic�al Gany IA.R5.4 �6.90�, t�gU6. i&82t antl 16-625)� ' I EACH POLITICAI GOM1IMITTEE SHALL H.1VC H GH4IRI.I�1N AND TP.CASURCR. TH@ POSITIUN O� CHFIRD.IAV AND iP.EFSURER OF A SIV6LE � � POLITICA� COAIAIITTEE \tAY NOT pE IIELO BV THE �nLIE IN�IVIGIInL EXCEPT TINi;, c>1NplpAtE LLtt OE CI1,\IP0.fAN AN� TREASUREP OF HISOP.HERO'/INGAMPAIGNCOPJM1IIIiEE �iR5.310-302�Aj. . NAME OF CO�dA11I I t'c CHAIRh1AV�L d cFin���s�oae����/7 ��'/ I �vlr G:I�Na���r /�/C � cHaiar.iqnsOCGur-,�noni /lC'n/?C-�� i N��,E� ��.� -�,��n��rR��s�PEF ��'c%�e �o �,•� ; /E 5 I REASUREIi 5 41]ORE55 lC 3 /7 C= �,��� /��� TREASiJRER'S UCCUPATION y _ — � ,4Y�a�" �` I CHAIRAIAN 5 I H. EPHOVE a y.�� �'3 � ,z � � � <:ITY ,( // �DUJ�-T/� IN�� 1 1 S HaIRi.W115 FI.IPI pYhR /?c��T7 /� �-� rae,;su=��H s.�_�aiicne- y�� k3�3a�y CII�✓A-�� /A'����� TRGASUFGRS CMPLOYGR GHAIR�IAIV'S FAXr '�`Z I Z���- t C TP.CAyJRCRSFAX= sinir nN /3-Z ��-�y _� s�/-� �h � �,,:,,, , _ -:' i- 1 � N'_ ._ ,i ! ^ C', � BEFORE A POUTICAL COMMITTEE ACCEPTS A CONTRIBUTION OR AIAKES AN EXPENDITURE IT SHALL DESIGNATE AT LEAST ONE ACCOUNT AT A QUALIFIEO FINANCIAI INSTITUTION. A.R.S. § 10-902(C). UST THE NAAIES OF ALL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS WITH WHICH THE COMMITTEE NAINTAINS ACCOUNTS OR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. (Do not list account numbers.) i. / 1` oL �„R` f�_ 2. 3. FOR AN EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE OR A CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN COh1MITTEE, PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: (Partv AHiliaUon and O(hce ScuCht are opUonal lor Exploratory Committees.l NA�1E OF DESIGNATING INDIVIDU L"DI") OR CANDIDATE � � � r� 0.4 %��4 ���✓f�-GH PARTY AFFILIATION OFFICE SQUGHT I �►Ay��t rr��� < <� p�- Dll's OR CANDIDATE'S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP / G �38' c-' s c-M��►��- G.� ��'� �N y���' /� v �S�-� � DESIGNATING INDIVIDUAL QR CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT: I aulhorize lhe above-named political cammdtecs as my pdibcal committee to receive ccntnbutions and ake expendiW�es on my behalf. Ddle: � �� D/I's or Candidale's signatur CHAIRMAN'S AND TREASURER'S STATEMENT: We, dersigned, have examined the information c Iained in Ihis statement of arganizalion and, to the besl o ou�owledge and behel, it is true, corre and mplete. � Date./ O�S� olGl/ Chaurnan's signature. ��� ��� / �� Date: �/� ( ��� Treasurer's slgnat / ��� ./� / . � Fdl ou! lh�s box onfy rf the ccmmrttea has Deen �n rs�ence lor mcre than one Year and rs Irling `or Standing Commdlee S�atus. STANOINf3 POUTICAL COMMI7TEE'S STATEME (ii appllcable) (AR.S. §16-902.1): Ifwo hereby declare the status of thls paltUcal commlttee as a stending political eommittee. Datc: Date: State of Arizona County of Chalrman's slgnature: COUNN OF RESIDENCE Tre�su►er's slgnature: 1 � ss. � State oi Arlsono Ccunty of 1 � ss. � SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO bcforo mo this My Commlaslon Explres: NoWry Publle SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO botoru mo thls Notary Publlc My Commisslon Explres: DEFINITION OF POLITICAL COMMITTEE: /IR.S. § 16-901(19) -Political camm�qee" means a candidate or any assnciation or combination of persons thal is organized, conducted or cambined for the purpose of in0uencing the result of any election ar lo delemiine whether an individual w�ll become a candidate (�r election in this stato ar in any county, cdy, town, dislrict or precinct in this stale, thal engages in political acUvily in behalf of or against a candidate for eleclion or retenban a� in suppnrt of or opposilion tv an initiative, referendum or recall or any other measure or proposition and that applies for a serial number and circulates petitions and, m the case of a candidate for public oifice except those exempl pursuant to seclion 16-903, Ihat receives contributions or makes expenditures in connection therewith, ratwithsland�ng Ihat the assoc�ation or combination of persons may be a part of a larger associat�on, combination of persons or sponsoring organization not primanly organized, conducted ar combmsd for the purpose of influencing Ihe result of any election in lh�s state ur in any county. cily, town or precinct in th�s state. Examples of types oi po�iucal cumrtuttees are listed on the Iront o( this (orm. NOTE FOR INDIVI�UALS INVOLVEO IN POLITICAL ACTIVITIES: An md�v�dual. actmg alone, is not a paliucal comm�ttee under Arizona law and need not file a statement af arganizat�on. N any addrt�anal persan or pe�sa�s jan the eHort (as defined above �n A.R.S. § 16-901(19)) begun by an individual, the association of persons has become a'polilical committee" under Anzona law, anE must file a statement of urganizalion before accepting contributions, making expendilu�es, distnbuling IileraWre or GrCulation petitions. A.R.S. § 16-302.01(A). NOTE FOR THOSE INVOLVED IN INITIATIVE, REFERENDUM AND RECALL EFFORTS: Belore urwlaung imUalwe, referendum or recall pelilions, a political committee must file its slaiement of orgarnzatian vnth the appropnate filing o�ce. Sig�atures a�tained on petitio�s pnar to the fibng af the statement of organization are void and shall not be counted �n determ�ning the legal suffiaency of the peUt,on. A.R.S. §§ 19-114(B) and 19-202(C). Even though an ind�vidual, acting alene. may begin the in�Uative, referendum er recall effort, as soan as cther persons �an Ihe efior,, the assouauon of persons must reg�ster as a pcht�cal ccmm�ttee. The statement of crgarnzaticn rnust be filed regardless of whether the cammittee mtends to acc�pt contnbut�ons ar make expe�diwres. Ottice Re�siun 6J03