HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Primary Election ReportPourcn� coMMi� ci�rrrowN oF CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT 2012 MarchlMay Regular Election LINDA KAVANAGH FOR MAOYR 2012 ELECTION COMMITTEE Fu1 Namo of Cammttoo 1B038 E. SEMINOLE LANE naama FOUNTAIN HILLS 85268 MARICOPA 480-837-5612 Cq�r DP Code Camty N/A avonsaLm as� «co�am ona wuoe LINDA M. KAVANAGH, MAYOR OF FOUNTAINHILLS, AZ rtan,o d cc,�dam ond oEHce sougAt p ev�) LMKAVANAGH23�GMAIL.COM E�IA�I Adbess Faa 0 1. 2. REPORTING PERIOD tP��o a� �oroa� uox� 4. Column A Total This Repartin� Period � January 31 Report - �or Perwa or -----' mti oeoember 3�, 20� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . �an„ary �, ��z and Jam,ary s�, 20�2 �✓ Pre-Primary Electian Repo�t - For Period of January 1. 2012 thru Febniary 22. 2012 ............... February 23, 2012 and March 1. 2012 � Post-Primary Electian Repart � Far P�iod of FeWuary 23. 20�2 u,n, �;i 2. 20�2 . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . n�i 3, so�s m�, �r;i �s. zo�s � Pre-General Election Report - For Period oi April 3. 2012 thn� Aprfl 25. 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apri128, 2012 thru May 3, 2012 � Post-General Election Report - For Psriod oT Aptil 26, 20�2 mti �uRe a, 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Jurte 5, 2012 arsd dune 14, zo�z � �'January 31 Report - For Period or �ur�e s, 2012 U►tu DeCembef 31, 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JBnuery 1, 2014 and January 37, 2014 5. SUMMARY Sa Surplus irom Previous Campaign (ar at time Statement of Organizalion v�ras filed for the new committee) 5b Cash an Hand at the Beginning of this Reparting Period 5c Total Receipts (from cortesponding calumns on Detailed Summary Page, Line 8) 5d Subtotal [acld Lines b and c for Column A and add lines a and c fo� Column B] 6a Total Debts and Obligations from Previous Campaign Commlttee at 8eginning of this Electinn Period (ar at time Statement of Organizatlan was Rled for the new comm(ttee) [Do not add or subtract this Ilne from the ather Ilnes] 6b Total Disbursements (trom corresponding oa�umns on Qetalled Summary Page, Line 18) DUE BETWEEN Column B Electian Period Total To Date �,, . $6060.13 $10� $9034.97 $6160013 $9034.97 � 0 $30.�6 2905.34 7. Cash on Hand at Clase of Reparting Periad [Subtract $6,129.67 $6,129.67 Line 6b from Une 5d1 'Insert dete which is 21 days after date af last etectian (A.R.S. §16-913�. "'Other reports will be due before this repo�ting period if a special ar recaA etedion is held priar to the next generaf electian. FOR OFFiCE U5E ONIY � 3A. ID# PC 2011-01 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1. Committee 1�lame: LINDA KAVANAGH FOR MAYOR 2012 �LECTION COMMITTEE 3. Repertooverinpperiodirom.�ua�tv3t.2ot2Thru rcnc��eovo� �n�� RECEIPTS 4. Car�tributiona olhsr than bans and ir�-kind: (a� �ndividuals - more than S25 (Total tram Schedule A) (b) Individuals - a98repate 525 w less (Totel irom Schsdule A-1) (c) Pctit�l Commit�es (Tofal irom Schedule B) (d) S�tatal CoMribuRons [Add 4(a). 4(b). and 4(e)I {e) RetiuiA of contriDWiona (Tatal from Schedute F•2) (q Tota� ccnscibudons other tnan loana ana �n-k[nd [s�btrad A(e) trom a{d)� 5. (a) Lca� made ar gt�tantsed by candidale (Total hom Sdtedule C) ro� wi an,0� �s Ro�i r� sa,ee� c-,� (c) Total loans (add 5(a) ar�d 5(b)1 6. !n-Wnd ccnUibutiotre (Tolal from Schedufe E) 7. Oividends, interest, and other foana ot receipta (Tatal frnm 5chedule F-1) B. Tatel Receipte (edd 4(Q, 5(cy, 6, and 7] GUAUPY[PiG CONTRfBUTIGN RECEIPTS Quai� C,ontr� of S5 irom trtdividuals (Total from Schedule A�. 0186UR8EMENTB Page 2 a. i� PC 2011-01 - � COLUMN A COLf1MN B THIS PERIOD CAMPAlCiN TO OATE $�ao $100 0 � � Q n n 0 0 �1 s�ao � 0 $7246 $870 0 � � $8116 a 0 0 �918.98 � $sasa � 9. Expertd�ureatar aperating expenses (Tatal frcm Schedule D) $30.46 $1936.33 10. IndependeM Expe�kures (Total ircm Schedule D-1) 0 0 11. Va�ue of In-kirtd expe�hues (Tatal frcm Sctsedule E) p $918.87 12 Laa� rtEede by reportfrg commktee (Tdal from Sdtadule 0-2) Q 0 13. (a) Repaymm►t of bara made or guaranteed by carididale (TWaI from Sd�ed�de D-d) Q � (b) Repayment of aU otlser taar�s (Total hom Sd�ed�le D5) 0 � (c) Tofal Loan Repaymerts (add 13{a) and 13(b)1 O � 14. Tranefere ta ather pol�i�cal oommittaea (Talal (rom Schedule Db7 Q � 15. Any otl�er disbursemert (Total tram Schedule D-� fl $50 �s. s�uaai a��sa��m�edd �s. io. ». �2. ����. �a. ena �s� $30.46 $2905.30 �7. Re�, retund8 and ather atir.ets to operatttq expetuea (Tctal hom Schedule a3) p 0 18. Tatal di9buraemerqa [subtrad line 17 from Ibse 16j �3Q.4fi $2905.30 19. Totel �tstending DehRs owed by RepcAlnp Candidate o► Po�itical Cammiltee (Schedute F-3) 4 Q 20. I certify. under penalty of pe7ury. tlmi I have exami�d the corierds of this cempa�n fuser�ce report a� to iFse best of my Iv�ovdedge and belief d is Uue and wmplete. JEROLD �.. MILES r�pe er Prrie ►i� a�i+�ua �j `,` j � � � </�'�-- _ _ 2/27/2012 Sig�aue qf Treas�car ot cenaida�e cr oes[gnacirsp �rtslrvidua� nate J 0 � � CONTRIBUTIONS more than $25 - from INDIVIDUALS* SCHEDULE A 2 IU 9 �. �,,,�,,,;� � Linda Kavanaqh far Mayor 2012 Election Committee PC 2011-01 3. �� �� �� �m Jurte 1, 2011' �„ Octobef 19, 2011 4 CONTRIBUTIONS DATE AMOUNT CUMUTATtVE RECENED RECEIVED TOTAL THIS NAME, ADQRESS, OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OR CONTRIBUTOR THI& CAMPAION PERIOD TO DATE m. "� Fl�sr "° 2/7/2012 100 Jim Judge � $100 S7REFTADORESB 11Q09 N Regency Place, pTY 8TATE ZtP Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 OCCIiPAlSON � ElAALdYER f8tlf@d b IAST FIRST � STREETAOORESS pT1f STATE DP OCCUDATSQtI � FMPLOYER i o. LAST FlRBT � � BTREE�T ADdRESS pTY STAlE 2IP OCCl1PA7W?J I EMPI.OYER d. LAST FlRBT h0 STREBTADORESS CRY STATE ZIP OCtXiPA7SON I ElVRPLOYER o. UIST FlRST NJ STR£BTADORE39 pT/ STATE ZfP OCWPAT�I ( EMPLOYFR 6. IENTER TOTAL OHIY IR LAST PACiE OR SCHfOULE A(Nbrl p'pu d S�dioQub A. Om�aAnAofni fo De�!!od I�� Q� �$ � QQ Su�mimr PaQe L9a y�. CWrmi A1 � M aau�n,arona a s�s o. io�, o�o tmm wnn oo�,e�mro �ame. caa�. ooa� �a c�re. o„ sdme� a. eo �a r,ce�m Page�af � nwm on sdioaab a1. Lql i5 aoa�, EIaRi¢n quaWhp oonl�uuo�m aapa�r on 9choEulo a�. CONTRIBUTIONS of $25 or less - AGGREGATE TOTAL° SCHEDULE A-1 2. io # PC 2011-01 1. Committee Name LINOA KAVANAGH FOR MAYOR 2012 ELECTION COMMITTEE 3. Report covenRg period irom ��UARY 1, 2012 cnru FEBRUA�tY 22, 2012 a. Aggregate Total of Contributlons of $25 or less OESCRIP'TION ���� CUMLILATIVE RECENE� TH�s TOTAL THIS CAMPA1CsN TO DATE PERIOD NONE B. TOTAL THIS Pf RIOD ITra�mtar toml b Do�7ed Swmtiary P�go, L'a�e 4(b), Cot�am A� e. cua��uu�nrne Torr+� n��s CAMPAIQN TO QATE (Ttw�aAar tatal to Ootaited 8unvrmry PoQo. Lfno 4(D}. cotunn B) � J •If conMbutions of S25 er less are I�ted with coMributars name and address an Schedute A, do not includ� them an th� schedule. L�t $5 Clean Election qualifyir►g oonlrlbutEons sepatately on Schedule A-2. EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING EXPENSES* SCHEDULE D 2. ID M 1. Comm�tee Name LII�lDA KAVANAGH FaR MAYOR 2012 ELECTION COMMITTEE 3. Report coverirq� period fran,�� IARY 1 �n� � ,�,r, FEBRUARY 22, 2012 4 EXPENDITURES OATE EXRENDITURE NAME AND ADORESS TO WHOM EXPE1�fOfTllRE (DISBURSEMEN'� WAS MApE �� 40. wu�. aoo�ss. arr. sTa� aro z�a Dollar Tree 1/6/2012 16835 E. SHEA BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 DE&CRIPTION OF I?EMS OR SBRYICES PURCHASEO INVITATION CARDS b. MM1E, ADORESS, GTY, STATE AND LP �� AMouNT OF TFlE EXPENDITURE $10.99 SAFEWAY 1/17/2012 $16.47 13733 FOUNTAIN HILLS BLVD, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 QESCRlP110H OF ITEMS OR SERVIClS PURCMI\SED FLOWERS �. rw�e,nuoREss.cmr.sra�iwnuP 1/27/2012 $3.00 BANK OF AMERICA, FOUNTAIN HILLS BRANCH, 16925 E. SHEA BLVD., FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 ��C�`��i�� ����,�s�n a. wu�. Ao�ss. cm. sra� aHo ua oEscwanoN oF r�as cR sE�s vu�cw�sEn e. NAME. ADORESS, CIIY, 9TA7E AND LP DESCitIP7tON OF REM9 OR SERVICES PURCHASED f. NAME. AODRESS. pTY. STATf AND 7,iP OESCRIPTtON OF 17EMS flR SERV[CES PURCW�SED 5. EN1ER TOTAL ONLY IF LAST PAGE OF SCHEOIlLE O Qf bd pape oI �rb D, tranatar potol to Dela9 StrrmieryP�9 !Mg I$3�.46 9 CWmnA/ 'Expend'RureS. othet fhan a cantrsd, promise or agreement to make an e�e�iture resuking fn credd ae� � �r 1