HomeMy WebLinkAboutLinda Kavanagh - Statement of Organization - Primary 2014CITY / TOWN OF T ��� � �(// l/I POLITICAL COMMITTEE _ _ �nTFMFNT !lF nRCANIZATION Titles 16 & 19 Arizona Revised Statutes Definitions, statutory references and important in/ormation on reverse. �In�al Registration ❑ Out of State Commiuee ❑ Amended Statement N �E OF POLITICAL COMMITTEE f�,e }J (� G-r ��,( !� Y (� (` � ( /L j7 ,�{ /��.�/ AnNK� � �' �/-�,�7—�i�-�/iq.7a_/L� n� �� /Yf i'�/1 �y1� �� U 1 y /'�/�N'I/1 Y ADDRE55 (NUMBEH 8 '�) CITY " // [ / L�U �/) L SC=/h, ;✓J /L � "' �vv,�;��;✓ �//l MAILWG ADDHESS (I� differen� �rom above) GTY s,,��^ � IDN _ f'(� ;�o/�-ol DATE a/�6i�y STATE ZIP .� 2 �5 �C� STATE ZIP COMMITTEETELEPHONEfl �,I COMMITTEEFAX# COMMIT��EEEMAILADDRESS �i�� �37-5 �� �f LI�/��✓�N.s-G-�t � 3 ��yirr!t�'�� l�:ti, DOES THE POLITICAL COMMITTEE HAV� A SPONSORING ORGANIZATION? ❑ YES � If yes, please provide �he lollowing information: NAME OF SPONSORWG ORGANIZATION I TYPE OF ORGANIZATION IADDRESS OF SPONSORWG ORGANIZATION RELATIONSHIP TO POLITICAL COMMITTEE TYPE OF POLITICAL COMMITTEE - Please check only one box: � CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE (primary or p ❑ COMMITTEE ORGANIZED FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING INDEPENDENTEXPENDITURES ❑ SEPARATE SEGREGATED FUND ESTABLISHED BY A CORPORATION OR LABOR ORGANIZATION ❑ COMMITTEE ORGAMZED IN SUPPORT OF OR OPPOSITION TO ONE OR MORE CANDIDATES ❑ COMMITTEE IN SUPPORT OP OR OPPOSITION TO THE OUALIFICATION. PASSAGE OR DEFEAT OF A BALLOT MEASUI�E Peti�ion Serial Number Support ❑ Oppose ❑ ❑ COMMITTEE ORGANIZED TO CIFICULATE OR OPPOSE A RECALL PETITION OR TO INFLUENCE THE RESULT OF A RECALL ELECTION ❑ POLITICAL PARTV see A.R.S. §§ 76-801, 16-804, i6-821 and 16-825) ❑ POLITICAL ORGANIZATION (see A.R.S. § 16-823) ❑ EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE ❑ OTHER TVPE OF COMMITTEE (please tlescribe) I � CHECK HERE IF REGISTERED WIThI THE SECRETARY OF STATE AS A STANDWG POLITICAL COMMITTEE PURSUANT TO A.R.S. § 16-902.07. (You must provide a copy o( ihe statement of organization filed with Ihe Secretary ol State designating standing committee staNs) EACH POLITICAL COMMITTEE SHALL HAVE A CHAIRMAN AND TREASURER. THE POSITION OF CHAIRMAN AND TREASURER OF A SINGLE POLITICAL COMMITTEE MAY NOT BE HELD BY THE SAME INDIVIDUAL, EXCEPT THAT A CANDIDATE MAY BE CHAIRMAN AND TREASURER OF HIS OR HER OWN CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. A.FI.S. §16-902(A). NAME OF COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN L��-a;r �;4��-�-,�c-� CHAIRMAN'S ADDR S / ( 4U�/t L� ��iHi2JlC C�N CNAIRMAN`S C)CCUPATION NAME OF C�MMITTEE TREASURER ���/?� %r) /�i /L s TREA UFER'SADDRESS /G 3 �7 � • ��'-c.� /}�� TREASURER'S OCCUPATION �n'�" c�� CHAIRMAN'S TELEPHONE q CHAIRMAN'S FAX K Y/ �r`� �3 / ^ �lG / �/ C�i �/'FV N J�9^ GI�Y STATE ZIP / v.%��,q ,� � '/�I /� � � 7��� CHAIRMAN'S EMPLOYER CHAIRMAN'S E-MAIL ADDRESS �,�Gin�r �� �Ij�,�-•—�-� /��/�( L�N/�.ay.�,�,�c-�r,� <<,,. l'�9EtCSURER'S TELEPHONE ri TREASJRER'S FAX R `i{F� ,G�`�7- 3� � �j CI Y STATE ZIP i'� �:.� l-�i�/lJ ,� Z � I� G� �v, TREASURER'S EMPLOYER TREASURER'S E-MAfLADDRF�'S��L 5��� � C`?/tY�n, ES CJ G�„�- BEFORE A POLITICAL COMMITTEE ACCEPTS A CONTRIBUTION OR MAKES AN EXPENDITURE IT SHALL DESIGNATE AT LEAST ONE ACCOUNT AT A CiUALIFIED FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ( A.R.S. § 16-502{C}}. LIST THE NAMES OF ALL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS WITH WHICH THE COMMITTEE MAINTAINS ACCOUNTS OR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. {Do not list account numbers.} 1. ��.a I� � IG �/h L'�2 C t� 2. 3. FOR AN EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE �R A CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE, PROVIDE THE F�LL�WING INF�RMATIQN: (Office sought is optional for an Exploratory Committee.) NAME OF DESIGNATING INDIVIDUAL (DI) OR CANDIDATE CANDIDATE'S OR DESIGNATING INDIVIDUAL'S E-MAIL ADDRESS � / �� /'� �/^� Yil�� �r �"� G /j'i ��.4 ��y�! 6 F/ � � � �ir7�¢i � .. �� f'YI OFFICE S�UGHT /�'�,/,� yv2._ �s-6R CANDIDATE'S A�ORESS / G � _� r� L-. ,��-=�rr ,- � l � L,�- CITY STATE ZIP �Y,�- � I9�.� r� �l /�-Z �i�� �� CANDIDATE'S (o� DESIGNATING INDIVIDUAL'S} STATEMENT: t authorize the above-named politica) committee as my political committee to recei�e contributions and make expenditures on my behalf. . �ate: � II G�� Candidate's or D/l's signature: ��✓� � � V i CHAIRMAN'S AND TREASURER'S STATEMENT: We, the undersigned, pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-502.01(66) have read atl the applicable laws relating to campaign finance and reporting and have examined the information contained in this staterrzent of orgartization and, ta the best of our knowledge and belief, it is true, c�r ect and complete. Date: � � � �� �� Chairman's signature: , �� � � Date: z;/� /� � Treasurer's signature: �1 �y���4 �.��, DEFINITION OF POLITICAL COMMITTEE: A.R.S. § 16-901(19) "Political committee" means a candidate or any association o� combination of persons that is organized, conducted or combined for the purpose of in8uencing the result af any election or to determine whether an individual will become a candidate for election in this state or in any county, city, town, district or precinct in this state, that engages in political activity in behalf of or against a candidate for election or retention or in support of or opposition to an initiative, referendum or recall or any other measure o� proposition and that appfies for a serial number and circulates petitions and, in the case of a candidate for pub�ic office except those exempt pursuant to section 16-903, that receives contributions or makes expenditures of more than two hundred fifty dollars in connection therewith, notwithstanding that the association or combination of persons may be part of a larger association, corrtbination of persons or sponsoring organization not primarily organized, conducted or combined ior the purpose of influencing the result of any election in this state or in any county, city, town or precinct in this state" Examples of types of political committees are listed on the front of this form. NOTE FOR INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN POLITICAL ACTIVITIES: An inclividual acting alone, unless that individual is a candidate, is not a political committee under Arizona law and need not file a statement of organization. If any additional person or persons join the effort (as clefined above in A.R.S. § 16-9a1(19}} begun by an individual, the association vf persons has become a"political committee" under Arizona law, and must register the committee pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-9Q2.41(A). NOTE FOR THOSE INVOLVED IN INITIATIVE, REFERENDIiM AND RECALL EFFORTS: Before circulating initiative, referendum or recall petitions, a political cor�nmittee must file its statement of organization with the appropriate filing office. Signatures obtained on petitions prior to the filing of the statement of organization are �oid and shall not be counted in cletermining the legal sufficiency of the petition. A.R.S. §§ 19-114(B} and 19-202(C). Even though an individual, acting alone, may begin the initiative, referendum or recall effort, as soon as other persons join the effort, the association of persons must register as a politicat committee.