HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC2021-02 - Smith - Statement of Organization� Inilial Applicatian STATE OF ARIZONA COMMI'iiE� I� NUbABER O Amended APPtication COMMITTEE STATEMENT (o�ce use on�y) oate: OF ORGANiZATI�N �'� ��-I — O L . . COMMIITE£ TYPE (choose one): � Candidate 1 0- 0 7-2 1 A' i�? 0 I��I Commlttee Name (required): Q. f e �s.t A-.� (firsl or last name & offlce) � Candidafe lnlonnatJon: Candidale's Name (required): C l!'Yl l�i�[�.--• Candidale's mailing address (required): S +� e�/�� � r � Candidale's emai! address {required): '�"�.e� �lir"'� Cancfidale's phone number (required): Cand9date's websile {if any): . O�ce Sought (choose one); 0 County Office: ODis G(if applicable): [3CitylTown Office: , Y `� d � 0 Scfiaoi Baard Office: � � 5pecial District Board: Elecfion CyGe lor Office 5ought (year lhs elecUon wiA lake place) (requfred): flDistricl (if applip6le) p District (if applicahle): GDislrict (if applicable): � Parry Aff+liatian: � Democrat � Green CI �.iberladan 0 Republican � Other. \ (required for partisan offices) � � O Political Actton Committee (PAC) Committee Name (required): (i{ sponsored, musl include sportso�s name) Politica! Fu�ctian (oplianal): I] Contributions ❑ Candidate-Relaled Independent Ex�enditures (select any ihal apply) ❑ Ballol Measure Expenditures � Recall E�endilures Sportsorship lnformalion: (if applicable� Sponsor's name or nickname (required): Sponsar's mailing address (required}: Sponsors emaii address {requiredj: Sponsor s phone number (if any): Spansor's website (iF any): Speaa! Stalus ` (iF applicable) � � � Polttical Party CommJltae Name {required): (musl include party artfiliation) ❑ 5eparale Segregated Fund af a Carporatlon, LLC, �arinership, or Union Q 5tanding Committee (musl also complele separate standing committee registralion) ❑ Mega PAC (must provide proaf af Mega PAC stalus to filing offioer) (amended applications only} JurisdiclFon: O Slale Party (must include proo( af quatification pursuant ta A.R.B. § 16-801 pr § 16-8D4) Q Gounty Party (must include proof of qualificailon pursuant 1D A.R.S. § 1$-802 or § 1fr804j � Legislalive Distrid Parly (musl inGude proof of organizalion pursuant to A.R,S. § 16-823) 0 City or Tawn Party (musl inGude proaf af qua[iFication p�rsuanl ta A.R.S § 16-802 or � 16-804) 5pecial5tatus � Standing Cvmmittes (musl alsa complele separate sianding cammitlee regisiration) \ (if applicabta) \ 1 � \ � Arizpna Secratary af State Revision 7128l2021 �•O Initlal Appficalion STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE 10 NUMBER �Amended Applicalian COMMITTEE STATEMENT {oe'ice use an�y) oate: OF ORGANIZAT�ON _CC�� l`D'� . . . - COMMITTEE INFQRMATIQN: Co�tacf lnformation: Committee's mailing address (required): i�^"^-�-� Cammittee's email address (required): .! Committee's phvne number (if any}: 1 Committee's websile (if any): � • Chairpersor�'s lnfomtafion: Chairperson's name (required): 1 1-1 �-2 1 PO4 : 14 � . �reasuror's lnformation, L�nraq L-u 11 Chairperson's physical address (reguired): � Chairperson's mailing address (i( diHerent�: f Chairpersan's email address (reauiredj: � Chairperson's phane number (required): � lG'�iairperson's employer (required): I�.,� /����.r— Chairpersan's occupalian (required): �74,►� _ � Treasurer's name {required): Treasure�s physical address (required}: �7i� s~� %f i rs►,.���L���,� r 5� �r � v� r �� n h FW � Z Treasurer's malling address (i[ diRerenlj: � i i U( f 3 23 9� lv�c • ru c� treasure�s emat� address (required): , �{QD -�e $ �o -/ Y 80 Treasurers phone number (requlred): _ _ 'j'�'�p uN�AfryS i1NLC -- ��R� � r„�� Treasurer's employer (required): Treasurers occupation (tequiredj: r. � Bank or Flnancial lrtstltutron: Bank name (required): i% M i� {do nol lisl acct numhers) Additional bank nama (if applipble): Additional bank name (if applicable); DECLARA7lON RND 51G�lATURES: ' I deGare under penalty ot perjury lhat lhe foregoing inFortnation is lrue and correcl. I fur{her decfare that !: (1 } consent lo serve as chairperson ar lreasurer oF lhe wmmittea named itiereln, if applicahle; (2) designale lhe above-named wmmitlee as my ofiidal candidata committee and authorize it to receivelmake cantribulianslexpenditures an my behalf, li appficable; (3} har+e read ihe Seuetary af 5tate's campaign finance and reporting guida; (4) agree la camply with Arizona elaction law, including campaign finance laws cadified at A R.S. §§ 16-9a1 l0 16-938; and (5) agree L acce a!I notiScaEions a[�d !e I sarvice of pracess for campaig fin ce purposes via the email address(es) provided herein. Chairperson's signature� flate: " Q � Z/ � � \ . r �� �i��� z� Treasurer's s(gnalure: �► %� f ' , Candidale's signalure (if applicable): . I �_ Date� �� z� \\ ( / C Arizona 5ecretary ot State 32evision 7/29/2021