HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC2021-02 - Smith - 2022 First Quarter ReportReceived electronically 04/05/2022 - EAK �f�y�`��y� • • !� u • • • :��� .,. Under A.R.S. § 16-926(B)(5), a campaign finance report must be certified by the committee treasurer under penalty of perjury that the contents of the report are true and correct. By filing this report, you certify that, under penalty of perjury, you have examined the contents of this report, and the contents are true and correct. Linda Lull Printed Name of Committee Treasurer �: -f��//�1O_%�� �—(�GLU' Signature of Committe`e Treasurer COMMITTEE ID NUMBER CC2021-02 Date�� Arizona Secretary of State Revision 7/31/21 (fillable fonnaQ A���i��A • • � �;.� ��� • • . � . � SUMMARY OP RECEIPTS (Schedule A): / 1 / 2. 3. 4. 5. Receipts Monetary Contributions Received (a) In-Stale Individuals - More lhan $100 (b) ImStale Individuals - $100 or Less �a9yre9a�e) (c) Out-of-State Individuals (d) Candidate Committees (e) Polilical Action Committees (� Polilical Parties (g) Partnerships (h) Corporations & Limiled Liabiliry Companies �ancs s aoin�ca�Pamesomy) (i) labor OrgaNzalions �rncs a aouocai Pames onry� Q) Celldidat¢'S Pefs0llal Monles (Candidate Committees Ony) {k) Monetary Contributions Subtolal �add i(a) mrouqn �pp Q) Refunds Given Back lo ConUibulors (m) Net Monetary ConUibulions �sueo-aa ��q o-om i�k�� Loans (a) Loa�s Received (b) Forgiveness on Loans Received (c) Repaymenl on Loans Made (d) Inlerest Accrued on Loans Made (e) Loans Subtotal �casn: ada 2�a>, z�c� a z�a» Rebales and Refunds Received Interest Accrued on Committee Monies In-Kind CoMributions Received Cash 1100.00 5250.00 1000.00 7350.00 100.00 7250.00 7250.00 (a) In-Slate Individuals - More than ^y100 (b) In-Slate Individuals - $100 or I.ess �aqqreqaie� (c) Ou4of-Stale Individuals (d) Candidate Committees (e) Political Actlon Commillees (Q Political Parties (g) Partnerships (h) Corporations & Limited Liability Companies �Pncs a aouucai Panies oniy) (i) Labor Organizatlons �Pncs a vo�u�ai van�es oniy) Q) Candidate's Personal Assets or Property �candma�ecommmeesoniy) (k) In-Kind Contribulions Subtolal (equi�y: add e�a> mmuyn ep�� 6. In-Kind Donations Received �Nomconwnuimns) �Poinicai Panies oniy� 7. Extensions of Credil (a) Exlensions of Credit Received (b) Payments on Exlenslons ot Credit Received (c) Net Extensions o( Credit �suno-aa �@) rmm ��ap 8. Joint Fundraising / Shared Expense Payments Received 9. Payments Received for Goods / Services 10. Outstandiog Accounts Receivable / Debls Owed lo Commiltee 11. Transfer In Surplus Monies / Transfer Out Debt (use wsnanaiorequiryasaPPucacie� 12. Mlscellaneous Receipts (usecasnanaroreqmyasaPPncabie> 13. Tolal Receipts �casn: add ��m), z(e), aa, e-s, ii-iz; equuy: aee z�n�, s�t), sa�c�, m-iz� Arizona Secrelary ot State Revision 7/31/21 (filiable formal) COMMITTEE ID NUMBER CC2021-02 Equlty � I � � � � � � I � � /� �A���.�� � • • 0 w \�""/t` �• . • . � MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FROM IN-STATE INDIVIDUALS - MORE THAN $100 DURING ELECTION CYCLE:' Individual Contributor Information Name D I WnlnbNionRxelvad Steven & Yvonne Vargo 10/07/2021 13835 N Mesquite Lane � cey s�a�a nP Fountain Hills AZ 85268 Occupaton Emptoyer Real Estate/Housewife Self Employed Name Da�e ConNbuUon Recevetl Phillip Gaziano 03/04/2022 sue,�,�,�. 16111 E Kingstreet Blvd 2 �,�v s�a�e ��P Fountain Hills AZ 85268 Occuparon Employer Real Estate Agent Self Employed �iama oaie cA�mnwo� aKn�-ea svee�nao�ess 3 Gry siaie np OccuDa4on Emplayer Name oale ConlnbNion RxcveO SlroolAddross 4 Ctly Slele ziP OccupaUon EmDloyer Name Da�e Con�nbpUotl R¢CRveO SVaelAddmss y Gty Siale ZIP Occuparon Em0loyer Enter total only if last page of schedule Qransfer the �olal received this period to "Summary of Receipts,' lina 1(a)) SCHEDU�E A(1)(a) Cumulative Cmnulative ` Amountthis Amountthis Reporting Period Election Cycle COMMITTEE ID NUMBER CC2021-02 1000.00 ' �� �� 1100.00 1100.00 9f in-state individual contributions ot $100 or less are listed on Schedule A(1)(b), do not include them on Schedule A(1)(a). Schedule A{1)(a), page_ of _ Amounl Received ��� �� 100.00 Arizona Secretary oi State Revision 7/31/21 (fillable formal) �l�ti+�''1+ • • wF���y • •�- o��� ' SUMMARY OF DISBURSEMENTS (Schedule B): Disbursemenls 1. Disbursements for Operaling Expenses 2. Conlribulions Made (a) Candidate Committees (b) Political Action Committees (c) Political Parties (d) Partnerships (e) Corporations & Limiled �iablliry Companies (anc s Porecai eanies onivl (q Labor Organiza�lons �Pnc a Ponucai aareos oniy� (g) MonetaryConiributionsSublotal�ada2�a�mmuyn2�p� {h) Contribution Refunds Provided to lhe Reporting Commiltee (i) MonetaryConiributionsTotal(suevaci2�n�rmmz{q�� 3. Loans (a) Loans Made (b) Loan Guaranlees Made (c) Forgiveness on Loans Made (d) Repaymenl oF Loans Received {e) Accrued Inleresl on Loans Recelved (� Tolal Loans �casn: add s�a), s(d� s a�eg equuy: ada 2{n� a z�cp 4. Rebates and Refunds Made �Non-comanuuons� 5. Value of In-Kind Coniributions Provided (a) Candidate Committees (b) Political Action Commillees (c) Political Parties (d) Partnerships (e) Corporations & Limited Liabiiiry Companies (Pnc s Porecai Pan�es omy) (� Labor Organizations �Pnc s Pmincai Pames oniy> (g) ContributionsSubtotal(adda(a)mrouyna(p) 6. Independenl Expenditures Made 7. Ballot Measure Expenditures Made 8. Recall Expendilures Made 9. Supporl Provided to Party Nominees �Pomicai Panies oniy� 10. Joint Fundraising / Shared Expense Paymenls Made 11. Reimbursemenls Made 12. Outstanding Accounls Payable / Debls Owed by Commillee 13. Trensfer Out Surplus Monies / Transfer In Debt �use casn and�or eqmiy 14. Miscellaneous Disbursemenls 1u. Aggregate of Disburseme�ls -$250 or Less 16, Total Disburseinents �casn: ead L 2�q, a{q, s-�i a ia-�a; eywry: ada a@, e�y>, Cash 4892.39 COMMITTEE ID NUMBER CC2021-02 Equily ' Arizona Secretary of State Revision 7/31/21 (fillable formaQ STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT Y � Y MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FROM OUT-OF-STATE INDIVIDUALS Cumulative Amounl Received Amount this Reporting Period Individual Contributor Information Hame �ale CunWbWon Rece�reJ Idol & Jill Mitchell 10/21/2021 svoo�nan�e:: 21 Granview Dr � qty Slala 21P Macomb IL 61455 Occwation Empoyer Doctor/Retired Nurse Blessing Health Sys uamo oa�a co�Nnwo� a�eivea Douglas T Mergenthaler 12/OS/2021 svoo�nae�e:: 1201 Monster Rd SW Ste 350 � City S1ale 2IP Renton WA 98057 Occope0on Employer President Ashton Capital N,,,,a Dala ConlnbW on RecNved 54ee1Ptldress ` Clry Sta�e ]IP Occupa4on Employor Namo Oalo ConlfibWon RttNvetl City � Slalo �ZIP Occupatlon � Employer Name � �ate CqnNb Won RxNved Svoo�nenress � ciiy s�aie nr occupation Employer Enter total only if last page of schedule (irensfer the total received this period to "Summary of Receipts; Ilne 1(c)) \ 250.00 , 5000.00 SCHEOU�E A(1)(c) Amount this Eledion Cycle 250.00 .��� �� ' Schedule A(1)(c), page_ _. _ 5250.00 Arizona Secretary of State Revision 7/31/21 ((illable format) COMMITTEE ID NUMBER CC2021-02 5250.00 � / 0 STATE OF ARIZONA � COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN . , FINANCE REPORT MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CANDIDATE'S PERSONAL MONIES: Candidate Information N me 0 1 ConinbNlon Hecelvetl Kelly Smith 11/7/2021 streetnaeress 16537 Arroyo Vista Dr � qb sia�e ziP Fountain Hills AZ 85268 OccuOation Employor Realtor/Candidate Independent Contractor Name �a�e ConNbWon Recelved SVealAtltlress 2 ary Occupa0on Nema IsveelAddress Slale �ZIP Emqoyer oate CAntrlbWon accNv¢d COMMITTEE ID NUMBER CC2021-02 SCHEDULE A(1)Q) Cumulative Cumulalive ' Amount Received Amount this Amount lhis Reporting Period Eleclion Cycle � 1000.00 1000.00 3 a�y s�a�a za o«waoon Empmyar Neme oale ConNb W on RecHvetl SUeolAddross 4 Qty Slate 21P OccupaAon Employer Nama Oale ConihbWon RecelvoJ svaoinae�o:s y c;�y siaie zm Ottupeaon Employer Enler lotal only If Iasl page of schedule (irans(er Ihe to�ai received thls period to Bummary of Receipls," line 1Q)) Schedule A(1)Q), page_ of 9 1000.00 1000.00 Arizona Secre�ary of Stale Revision 713V21 (ftllable formal) STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE ID NUMBER $5 ' COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN CC2021-02 , � . FINANCE REPORT REFUNDS GIVEN BACKTO CONTRIBUTORS: Contributor Information SCHEDULE A(1)(I) Cumulative Cumulative Amo�nt Refunded Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Election Cycle �Name Oale C4nNbWnn Refundetl IPhillip Gaziano 3/4/2022 StreetAddross 16111 E Kingstreet Blvd � �,�y s,,,o �,v 100.00 Fountain Hills AZ 85268 ID Number (�f xppllcaOW) Oale of Otlglml ConNbullon Real Estate agent self-employed Neme Date ConNb Won Rehnticd SVeetAddr�s � ` C�IY SWIo ZIP ID Numbor(If apPlicable) Data ol Oilginal ConVlboYon Name �alo ConUh W pn RefundM StroolAddross � IClly Slate ZIP 10 Numbe�Qf appbcable) �a�e ol Origlwl ConinbWon Name Dale fnnlnbNion Refundetl SVeolAddmss � Qty Slela ➢P � ID NumborQ(nppllcab!e) �a�e of OnB��al CanLibullon INamo DaleCnnNbWonReNntletl S4ealAddress O Gty Slelo 21P I�Numbe�Qleppllceb!o) OaieofOdBlnalCnntriGullon Enter total only if last page of schedule (trans(er the total recelved this penod to "Summary of Receipis;' line 1(Ij) Schedule A(1)(I), page 5 or5 Arizona Secretary of State Revision 7(31/21 ((illable format) 100.00 100.00 100.00 DISBURSEMENTS FOR OPERATING EXPENSES: TypoofOpealingErpensePad NomElectorelPwposo9(PACsandPoNcalPaNesOnNj Video & drone service ❑ Namo olsbursomonlDaa Prime Source 1/11/2022 Recipient Information Name oise�«omomoa�a Green Leaf.Video 1/5/2022 SVaolAdtliuss Orlando Brown 480-221-8594 � ary sie�e zia svee�nmre:: 685 W Elliot Rd Ciry Tempe Type of Ope2ling Eryense Pad Stationery Name Harland Clarke suaa�.�d.a=, P O Box 351220 Sla�e ZIP AZ 85284 NomEktlo�al Pwposo9 (PACs end Po'+tiwl PaNes Only� ❑ �Isb�rsemenl Date 1 /18/2022 Ci�y New Braunfels 8 STATE OF ARIZONA ' COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN . � . FINANCE REPORT S(aio ZIP TX 78135 TypeofOpers4ng6pensePa!tl �omE4UorelPuryosei(PACsentlPoSpcalParllesOnly) Bank checks ❑ Name oisborsemenl oate Mellomotive 2/24/2022 54eolAddrms 3930 E Illini St 4 Cily Stale zIP Phoenix AZ 85040 TypnotOpeatingEvpensePald NonElecloralPuryose9(PACSandPo6VcalPaNesOnly) Campaign wrap ❑ Namn olsbursemanloaN USPS 3/4/2022 SVeelPtltlress 5 16605 E Ave of the Fountains ciry siam zir Fountain Hills AZ 85268 TypeMOpe2tingExpensePeld NomEledorelFLryosai(PACsantlPo60calPadlasOnty) Stamps ❑ Enter tolal only If last page of schedule (transfer the total dishursed thls period �o "Summary o( Disbureemenls; Ilne 1) COMMITTEE ID NUMBER CC2021-02 SCHEDULE B(i) Cumulative CumWative Amounl Paid Amount this Amounl lhis Reporting Period Election Cycle 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 OO Cash � ❑ Credit I414.76 414.76 414.76 � Cash � O Credit 23.66 23.66 23.66 O Cash ❑ Credit 3163.97 3163.97 3163.97 O Cash ❑ Credit 290.00 2g0.00 290.00 � Cash ❑ Credit 4892.39 5892.39 Schedule B(1), page � o( 1 Arizona Secrelary of State Revision 7/31(21 (fillable format)