HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC2021-04 - Biermann - 2022 First Quarter ReportReceived electronically 04/13/2022 - EAK STATE OF ARtZONA ' �� C4MIMITTEE CAMPAIGN `� - FINANCE REPORT ��.�-��g�2 � . Under A.R.S. � 16-926{B)(5), a campaign finance repart must be certified by the committee treasurer under penalty of perjury that the contents of the report are true and correct. By filing this report, you cer�ify that, under penalty of perjury, you have examined the contents of this repart, and the contents are true and correct. �d�` � � 1` ,11 � � � � �i, i� 4� Printed N�e of Committee Treasurer -` _� C� �.:--�..�� .,s �°� � ' c����z-�, Signature Committee Treasurer Arizona Secretary pf State Revision 7/31/21 (fillable format) COMMITtEE 10 NUMBER CC2021-Q4 L�-�Z-Z<�.... Date SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS {Schedule A): & ��$� w STATE OF ARIZONA � ��� �� � � � GOMMITTEE CAMPAlGN FiNANCE REPORT '� rs * �' Receipts � 1. Monetary Contributions Received (a) In-State Individuals - More than $'100 � (b) In-State Individuals -$1 QO or Less �a99re9ate> � (c) Out-of-State Individuals � (d) Candidate Committees (e) Political Action Committees (f� Political Parties (g} Partnerships (hj Corporations & Limited Liability Companies �Pacs a aoiiscai Parties oniy} � (I� L2fJOf Ofg811iZ8t10t1S (PACs & Political Parties Only) {}j Candidate'S P0I'SQf18I MOf112S (Candidate Committees OMy) � {k} Monetary Contributions Subtotal �add i�a�tnro�9n ���a (I) Refunds Given Back to Contributors (m) Net Monetary Contributions �s�bvact �p�r�om ��k�> 2. Loans � (a) Loans Received � (b) Forgiveness on Loans Received � (c) Repayment on Loans Made � (d) interest Accrued on Loans Made � (e) Loans Subtotal �casn: ada 2{a�, 2{c) a z�d�� � 3. Rebates and Refunds Received � 4. Interest Accrued on Committee Monies j 5. In-Kind Gontributions Received � [ (a) In-State Individuals - More than $100 f (b) in-State Individuais -$140 or Less �a9yreyate> � (c) OuY-of-State Individuals � f' (d) Candidate Committees (e) Politicai Action Commiftees (� Political Parties {g) Partnerships � (h) Corporations & Limited Liability Companies tPAcs � Porticai parties o�ey> I (i) Labor Organizafions �Pacs a Porscai Pan�es oniy� ( Q} Candidate's Pe�50n81 ASS8t5 OI P�Op@�ty (Candidate Committees ONy) � (k) in-Kind Contributions Subtotai �equity: add s�a� cnrou9n s��� I 6, In-Kind Donations Received �Non-co�mbutio�s} �Pout�cai Partes o�iy� � I 7. Extensions of Credit 4 {a) Extensions of Credit Received � (b) Payments on Extensions of Credit Reeeived � {c) Net E�ensions of Gredit �s�ecract 7�b} trom ��a�� i 8. Joint Fundraising / Shared Expense Payments Received 9. Payments Received for Goods ! Services � 1Q. Outstanding Accounts Receivable / Debts Owed to Committee 11. Transfer In Surplus Monies / Trans#er Out Debt �use oasn a�dio� ey��ry asaPPr�aeie� � 12. MiSCellan20us R2CetptS (use cash and/or equifij as applicabie) � 'I3. TOtBI R8C81ptS (casb: add 1(m), 2{e), 3-4, &9, 19-12; equity: add 2(b), 5(k), 6-7(c), 10-12) I Gash 75.00 304528 3120.28 3120.28 COMMIITEE ID NUMBER � CC2021-44 ! Equity 1 __� f � Arizona Secretary of State Revision 7/31/21 (fillable format) STATE OF ARIZONA � ��T ¢ ��,�.T COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN � FINANCE REPORT � t�z� � SUMMARY OF DISBURSEMENTS (Schedule B): Disbursements � Cash 3. 4. 5. 1. Disbursements for Operating Expenses 2. Contributions Made (a) Candidate Committees (b} Political Action Committees (c) Political Parties (d) Partnerships (e) Corporations & Limited Liability Companies tPAc a Poi�bcai Part�es o�,iy} {f} Labor Organizations �Pac a poreca� Pa�nes oniy� (g) Monetary Gontributions Subtotai �add 2�a�cnrouyn 2tfl7 (h) Contribution Refunds Provided to the Reporting Committee (i) Monetary Contributions Totat �subc�act2�n}f�om2{9�� Laans (a) Loans Made (b) Loan Guarantees Made (c) Forgiveness on �aans Made (d) Repayment af Loans Received (e) Accrued Interest on Loans Received (f} TOtBI LOSfiS (cash: add 3(a), 3(d) & 3{e); equity: add 2(b) & 2(c)) Rebates and Refunds Made �Non-contrro�t�on5� Value of In-Kind Contributions Provided (a) Candidate Commit#ees (b) Politicai Action Committees (c) Political Parties (d) Partnerships (e) Corporations & Limited Liability Gompanies �PAc 8� Poiiticai Parties oniy� {fl Labor Organizations �Pac a Porscai Parees o�y� {g) Cantributions Subtotal (add s(a) tnrouyn a�f�) 6. Independent F�cpenditures Made 7. Ballot Measure Expenditures Made 8. Recall Expenditures Made 9. Support Provided to Parly Nominees tPoiit�cai Part�es o�ry} 10. Joint Fundraising / Shared Expense Payments Made 11. Reimbursements Made 12. Outstanding Accounts Payab►e / Debts Owed 6y Committee + 13. Transfer Out Surplus Monies / Transfer In Debt �use casn a�aro� equay as aPProabie> 14. Miscellaneous Disbursements 15. Aggregate of Disbursements -$250 or Less � 16. Total Disbursements �casn: add �, 2(��, 3(fl, 6-19 & 13-15; equity: add 3(�, 5(g), & 12-15) I 3157.53 3157.53 COMMITTEE ID NUMBER �C2021-04� Equiiy { Arizona Secretary of State Revision 7/31/21 (fiilable format) � STATE OF ARIZONA �, `"'rc� COMMITTEE GAMPAtGN ��"" "- FINANCE REPORT �,,� * COMMIl-f'EE ID NUMBER cc2o2 � -04 MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS REGEIVED FROM IN-STATE INDIVIDUALS - MORE THAN $100 DURING ELECTION CYCLE:* Individuaf Cantributor {n#ormation Name �ate Contridution Receivetl 8arb Friedel 1/12/2022 SfreetAtltlress 15244 N A{arado Dr � Gity Siate ZiP �Fountain Hills AZ I85268 Occopa6on Employer Retir�d N/A Name Date Convibution Received Crystal Cavanaugh 1/15/2022 StreetAddress 13855 N Sunset Dr 2' City Shate ZIP Fountain Hil1s AZ �852�8 Occupation Empioyer Retired N/A Name Date Contribution Received Bart Shea 2/10122 StreetAddress 22741 E Pleasant View Drive 3 city state ZIP Fart McDowell AZ �85264 Occupation Empioyer Contractor Name Date ConUibution Received Mark Biermann 3/30/2022 Sheet Address 15504 E Firerock Country Club Drive 4 City State ZIP �Fountain Hills AZ 185268 Occupation Employer Life Insurance Agent GOALL Agency, LLC Nama � 9ate Cantri6ution Received StreetAddress � I City State j ziP Occupa5on Employer SCHEDULE A(1)(a) Cumulative Cumulative ` Amouni Received Amount this Amount this Reparting Period Elecfion Gyc4e 75.00 ;75.oa � oo.oa �� ��� 2645.28 100.Op 1 � 1 � � / � 1 Enter total aniy if last page of scheduie (transfer the total received this period to "Summary of Receipts," line 1(a)) *If in-state individuaf contributions of $100 or less are listed on Schedule A(1)(b), do not include them on Schedute A(1)(a). � Schedule A(1){a), page � of � Arizona Secretary of State Revision 7/31/21 (fi�Iabie format) _. _ _ � � STATE OF ARIZONA � COMMITTEE fD NUMBER � a ��F � COMMtTTEE CAMPAIGN ,CCZOZ � —O� � FINANGE REPORT + " zs �` F MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FRQM IN-STATE INDIVIDUALS -$100 OR LESS (AGGREGATE).* SCHEDULE A(1 j(b} � ............._... ,,,..._.,. . ..,...... ....-- .., .,..__. ..-- ---..,...__ ...._......, ......_.., ..._ .._ _,...,,._...., � fCumulative Amount this Repofting Cumutative Amount this Election � Reriod Cyc(e 3120.28 3220.28 Cumulative Contributions from In-State Individuais -$1 QO or Less 3120.28 3220.28 Enter fofal oniy if (ast page of schedule � (transfer ttie totai received this period to "Summary of l2eceipts," line 1(b)) *If in-sta#e individual contributions of more than $100 are listed on Schedule A(1)(a), do not include them. � � ScheduleA(1)(h), page? of � Arizona Secretary of State Revision 7/31l21 (fillable format)