HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1995-43c RESOLUTION NO.1995-43 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR ARIZONA STATE PARKS BOARD HERITAGE FUNDS OR LAND WATER CONSERVATION FUNDS FOUR PEAKS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK WHEREAS,the Legislature underARS§41-503has authorized the establishment ofthe Heritage Fund program,providing matching fundstotheState of Arizona,its political subdivisions for acquiring lands and developing facilitiesforpublic outdoor recreation purposes; and WHEREAS,the Congress under Public Law88-578has authorized the establishment of a Federal Land and Water Conservation fund Grant-in-aid Program,providing matching funds tothe State of Arizona,its politicalsubdivisions and Indian Tribes for acquiring lands and developing facilities for public outdoor recreation purposes;and WHEREAS,the Arizona StateParks Board (ASPB)is responsible forthe administration oftheprogramwithintheState,settingupnecessaryrulesandproceduresgoverningapplication by local agencies under the program;and WHEREAS,saidadoptedproceduresestablishedbyASPBrequiretheApplicantto certifybyresolutiontheapprovalofapplications,signatureauthorization,theavailabilityoflocal matchingfunds,andauthorizationtosignaParticipantAgreementwithASPBpriortosubmission of said applications to ASPB;and WHEREAS,theproposedprojectmustbeconsistentwiththeArizonaState ComprehensiveOutdoorRecreationPlan;and WHEREAS,theprojectmustbecompatiblewiththelanduseplansofthe applicant; NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED thattheTownofFountainHillshereby: 1.Approves thefilingofan application forArizona Heritage FundorLandandWater Conservation Fund assistance;and 2.CertifiesthattheTownofFountainHillswillcomplywithallappropriatestateand federal regulations,policies,guidelines,and requirements as they relate tothe application;and 3.CertifiesthattheTownofFountainHillshasmatchingfundsintheamountof$680,500 from the following sources:Fountain Hills General Fund;andcan finance 100 percent ofthe project,halfof which will be reimbursed by an Arizona State Parks Board Heritage grant or Land and Water Conservation fundgrant;and (£ass)fail 1-S -YS motion CVftru w second L(^orcnc-c_ COUNT lo-1 Ctckllo n<u^ C L 4.Certifies that the Town of Fountain Hills has the non-project surcharge not to exceed ten percent of total project costs which will be paid to ASPB upon AORCC approval of said application,ifitisselectedforLWCFassistance;and 5.Certifies thatthe project is compatible with the landuseplansofthe Town of Fountain Hills;and 6.Certifies that the project has been reviewed by the parks maintenance and operations staff of the Town of Fountain Hills and that the Town agrees to properly maintain this project;and 7.Appoints the Town of Fountain Hills'Director of Parks and Recreation as agent of the Town of Fountain Hills to conduct all negotiations,execute and submit all documents including but not limited to applications,agreements,amendments,billing statements,and soon which may be necessaryforthecompletionoftheaforementionedproject. PASSED,ADOPTED ANDAPPROVED by the Town of Fountain Hills this 5th day of July,1995. FOR TM .TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: Robir Direc Goodman or of Parks and Recreation John-MTgutillo Mayor"' ATTEST: yjULLu^^jQ)Myvv^-^ Cassie B.Hansen Town Clerk PaulL.Nordin Town Manager William E.Farrell Town Attorney I,the undersigned,CassieB.Hansen,beingtheduly appointed and qualified TownClerk of theTownof FountainHills,certifythatthe foregoing Resolution No.1995-43 isatrue,correctandaccuratecopyof Resolution No.1995-43,passedandadoptedataregularmeetingoftheTownCounciloftheTownofFountainHills,heldon the5thdayofJuly,1995atwhichaquorumwaspresentandvotedinfavorofsaidResolutionNo.1995-43. Given under my hand andsealthis5thday of July,1995. Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk