HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2014-20RESOLUTION NO.2014-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET AS THE 2014-2015 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. WHEREAS,in accordance with the provisions of Title42,Chapter 17,Arizona Revised Statutes (the "Applicable Law"),the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills(the "Town Council")did,onMay1,2014,prepare (i)afulland complete statement of the Town's financial affairsforthe preceding fiscalyear,(ii)an estimate of the different amounts thatwillbe required to meetthe Town's public expense forthe current fiscal year,including all of theitems prescribed by Ariz.Rev.Stat.§42-17102 and(iii)a summary schedule of estimated expenditures and revenues, whichwas prepared according toforms supplied bythe Auditor General and entered intheTown Council's minutes;and WHEREAS,in accordance withthe Applicable Law,and following due public notice,the Town Council metonMay1,2014,at which meeting any taxpayer was provided the opportunity to appear andbeheardinfavor of or against anyproposed expenditure ortaxlevy;and WHEREAS,publication hasbeendulymadeasrequiredbylaw,of saidestimatestogether with a notice that the Town Council would meet on June 5,2014,at the Fountain Hills Town Council Chambers,forthepurpose of hearing taxpayers andwithrespecttosaid estimate oranyproposed expenditure ortaxlevy. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1.The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fullysetforth herein. SECTION 2.The statements and schedules attached hereto as Exhibit Aand incorporated hereinbyreference,areherebyadoptedasthebudget of theTown of FountainHills,Arizona,forthe fiscal year July1,2014 through June30,2015. SECTION3.TheMayor,theTownManager,theTownClerkandtheTownAttorneyare herebyauthorizedanddirectedtotake all stepsnecessarytocanyoutthepurposeandintentofthis Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED bythe Mayor andCouncil of theTown of FountainHills, Arizona,June 5,2014. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: T^nda M.Kava/iagh,Mayor 0 REVIEWED BY: Kenneth W.Buchanan,Town Manager 2170824.1 ATTESTED TO: Andrew J.McGuire,Town Attorney 2170824.1 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO.2014-20 [BudgetStatementsandSchedules] See following pages. a TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Summary Schedule of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures/Expenses Fiscal Year 2015 FUND ADOPTED BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES* 2014 ACTUAL EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES** 2014 FUND balance; NET POSITION**" July 1,2014" PROPERTY TAX REVENUES 2015 ESTIMATED REVENUES OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES 2015 OTHER FINANCING 2015 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 2015 TOTAL FINANCIAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE 2015 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES 2015SOURCES<USES>IN <OUT> 1.General Fund S 13,183,057 S 13,183,057 $6,917,900 Primary: $S 13,675,484 $$S S 631,439 S 19,961,945 $13,678,784 2.Special Revenue Funds 6,806,855 6,806,855 136,976 Secondary: 4,151,439 193,000 1,907,052 2,574,363 6,271,546 3.Debt Service Funds Available 2,552,485 2,552,485 (16,587)463,622 1,525,358 236,000 2,208,393 2,008,335 4.Less:Amounts for Future Debt Retirement 5.Total Debt Service Funds 2,552,485 2,552,485 (16,587)463,622 1,525,358 236,000 2,208,393 2,008,336 6.Capital Projects Funds 18,254,080 18,254,080 8,032,581 12,870,890 8,200,000 8,200,000 2,445,772 567,500 22,781,743 22,775,330 7.Permanent Funds 8.Enterprise Funds Available 9.Less:Amounts for Future Debt Retirement 10.Total Enterprise Funds 11.Internal Service Funds 858,901 858,901 31,681 231,219 231,219 494,119 73,394 12.TOTAL ALL FUNDS S 41,655,378 $41,655,378 $15,102,551 S 463,622 S 32,454,390 $8,200,000 $8,200,000 $3,105,991 S 3,105,991 $48,020,563 S 44,807,389 EXPENDITURE LIMITATION COMPARISON 1.Budgeted expenditures/expenses 2.Add/subtract:estimated net reconciling items 3.Budgeted expenditures/expenses adjusted for reconciling items 4.Less:estimated exclusions 5.Amount subject to the expenditure limitation 6.EECor voter-approved alternative expenditure limitation 2014 2015 $41,655,378 $44,807,389 41,655,37844,807,389 20,157,414 21,266,457 S 21,497,964 $23,540,932 $25,503,864 S 26,097,167 [IThe city/town doesnot levy property taxesanddoesnothavespecialassessmentdistrictsforwhich property taxesare levied.Therefore,ScheduleBhasbeen omitted. Includes Expenditure/Expense AdjustmentsApprovedin current yearfrom Schedule E. Includesactual amounts asofthedatethe proposed budget wasprepared,adjusted for estimated activityforthe remainder ofthefiscalyear. AmountsinthiscolumnrepresentFundBalance/NetPositionamountsexceptforamountsnotinspendableform(e.g.,prepaidsandinventories)orlegallyorcontractually required tobe maintained intact (e.g.,principal ofa permanent fund). 4/13 SCHEDULE A TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information Fiscal Year 2015 2014 2015 1.Maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S.§42-17051(A)$$ 2.Amount received from primary property taxation in the current year in excess of the sum of that year's maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S.§42-17102(A)(18)$ 3.Property tax levy amounts A.Primary property taxes B.Secondary property taxes 1,013,040 463,622 C.Totalpropertytaxlevy amounts $1,013,040$463,622 4.Property taxes collected* A.Primary property taxes (1)Current year'slevy $ (2)Prior years'levies (3)Totalprimaryproperty taxes $ B.Secondary property taxes (1)Current year'slevy $1,000,800 (2)Prior years'levies (3)Total secondary property taxes $1,000,800 C.Totalproperty taxes collected $1,000,800 5.Property tax rates A.City/Town tax rate (1)Primary property tax rate (2)Secondarypropertytaxrate 0.2765 0.1151 (3)Totalcity/towntax rate 0.2765 0.1151 B.Special assessment district tax rates Secondarypropertytaxrates-Asofthedatetheproposedbudgetwasprepared,the city/town was operating two(2)special assessment districts for which secondary property taxesare levied.For information pertaining tothese special assessment districts and theirtax rates,please contact thecity/town. Includes actual property taxes collected as ofthe datethe proposed budget was prepared,plus estimated propertytaxcollectionsforthe remainder ofthefiscalyear. 4/13 SCHEDULE B TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2015 SOURCE OF REVENUES ESTIMATED ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUES REVENUES*REVENUES 2014 2014 2015 7,016,880 $7.016,880 $7.232.640 303,000 303,000 316.400 47,365 47.365 41,006 108,960 108.960 111,305 1.500 1.500 1.500 299,020 299,020 390.900 3,350 3,350 3.350 1,260 1.260 1.348 21,000 21,000 21.000 1,825 1.825 2.500 2,500 2.500 2,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,936,920 1.936,920 2.048,760 109.769 109.769 35.000 2,508,960 2,508.960 2,722.248 124,848 124,848 124,850 35,000 35,000 35.000 4,000 4.000 4,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 89,088 89,088 101,350 135.456 135,456 140,412 246.420 246,420 150.011 61,200 61,200 62,424 47,736 47,736 49,980 I 13.183.057 $13.183.057 $13.675,484 GENERAL FUND Local taxes Local Sales Tax Franchise Tax Licenses and permits Animal License Fees Business License Fees Liquor License Fees Building Permit Fees Sign Permits Landscape Permit Fees Subdivision Fees Special Event Permits Engineering Fees Planning &Zoning Fees Improvement Plan Review Fees Intergovernmental State Sales Tax Fire Insurance Premium Tax Shared Income Tax Vehicle License Tax Charges for services Parks &Rec User Fees Encroachment Fees Variances Inspection Fees Community Center Rental Fees Leases &Rents Fines and forfeits Court Fines Interest on investments Interest on Investments In-lieu property taxes Contributions Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Total General Fund $ *Includes actualrevenues recognized onthe modified accrualoraccrualbasisasofthedatetheproposedbudgetwas prepared,plusestimatedrevenuesfortheremainderofthefiscalyear. 4/13 SCHEDULE C TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2015 SOURCE OF REVENUES SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highway User Revenue Fund Highway User Tax Vehicle License Tax In-Lieu Fees Interest Miscellaneous Downtown Strategy Fund Sales-Excise Tax Economic Development Fund Sales-Excise Tax Grants Miscellaneous Public Art Public Art Court Enhancement Fund Court Enhancement Fund Cottonwoods Maintenance District Cottonwoods Maintenance District ESTIMATED ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUES REVENUES*REVENUES 2014 2014 2015 $1,268.640 $1,268,640 $1,194,094 749.700 749,700 867,000 25,000 25,000 12,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 6,300 6,300 6,300 $2,050,840 $2,050,840 $2.080,594 $114.084 $114.084 $117,540 $114.084 $114.084 $117,540 $171.119 $ $ 171,119 $176.400 $171,119 171,119 $176,400 1,498,655 1.498,655 1.566,132 $1,498,655 $1.498,655 $1,566,132 $15,000 $15.000 $15,000 $15,000 $15.000 $15,000 $14.550 $14,550 $14,550 $14,550 $14,550 $14.550 $4,823 $4,823 $4,823 $4.823 $4,823 $4,823 $3,869,071 $3,869,071 $4,151,439TotalSpecialRevenueFunds$ Includesactualrevenuesrecognizedonthe modified accrualoraccrualbasisasofthedatetheproposedbudgetwas prepared,plusestimatedrevenuesfortheremainderofthefiscalyear. 4/13 SCHEDULE C TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2015 ESTIMATED REVENUES ACTUAL REVENUES* ESTIMATED REVENUES SOURCE OF REVENUES 2014 2014 2015 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS General Obligation Debt Service Secondary Property Tax Interest Income $ $ 1,013.040 210 1,013,250 $ $ 1,013,040 210 1,013,250 $ $ 474,000 210 474.210 Eagle Mountain CFD Municipal Property Corp $ $ 430,848 788.000 1,218,848 $ $ 430,848 788,000 1.218,848 $ $ 430,848 620,300 1,051,148 Total Debt Service Funds $2,232,098 $2.232.098 $1.525,358 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Sales Tax-Local Grants Transfers $ $ 120,000 3.878.000 2.093.000 8.400.000 14,491,000 $ $ 120.000 3,878,000 2,093,000 8,400,000 14,491,000 $ $ 324.600 4,314.000 Miscellaneous 8,219,800 12,858,400 Law Enforcement Development Fees Fire/Emergency Development Fees Streets Development Fees $ $ 15,860 3,540 94,802 14.790 1.740 $ $ 15,860 3.540 94,802 14,790 1,740 $ $ 4.990 Parks &Recreation Development Fees Library/Museum Development Fees 7,500 130,732 130,732 12,490 Total Capital Projects Funds $14,621,732 $14,621,732 $12,870.890 Includes actualrevenuesrecognizedonthe modified accrualoraccrualbasisasofthedatetheproposedbudgetwas prepared,plusestimatedrevenuesfortheremainderofthefiscalyear. 4/13 SCHEDULE C TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2015 SOURCE OF REVENUES ESTIMATED ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUES REVENUES*REVENUES 2014 2014 2015 PERMANENT FUNDS $$$ $$$. Total Permanent Funds $$$. ENTERPRISE FUNDS $$$ $$ TotalEnterprise Funds $$$ *Includesactualrevenuesrecognizedonthe modified accrualoraccrualbasisasofthedatetheproposedbudgetwas prepared,plusestimatedrevenuesfortheremainderofthefiscalyear. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Internal Service Fund $61,330$61,330$62,246 Vehicle Replacement Fund 122,782 122.782 168,973 $184.112$184,112$231,219 Total Internal Service Funds $184.112$184,112$231.219 TOTAL ALL FUNDS S 34.090.070 $34.090.070 $32.454.390 Includesactualrevenuesrecognizedonthe modified accrualoraccrualbasisas ofthe datetheproposedbudgetwas prepared,plusestimatedrevenuesfortheremainderofthefiscalyear. 4/13 SCHEDULE C TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Other Financing Sources/<Uses>and Interfund Transfers Fiscal Year 2015 FUND GENERAL FUND Annual Debt Pmt for Community Center Project F4025 Economic Development fund Facilities Replacement fund Interfund charges-vehicle replacement Interfund charges Total General Fund $ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ExciseTax-ProjectE8502 $. Excise Tax-Project E8504 Excise Tax-Project S6009 Economic Development Fund TourismFund HURF-lnterfund Charges HURF-lnterfund Charges-vehicle replace Total Special Revenue Funds $ DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AnnualDebtPmtforCommunity Center S. Total Debt Service Funds $ CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS ProjectE8502 $. Project E8504 Project S6009 Project F4005 Project F4027 Bond Proceeds Project S6005 Project S6010 fund Facilities Replacement Fund 610 Law Enforcement Dev Fee Fire/Emergency Dev Fee Streets Dev Fee OTHER FINANCING 2015 SOURCES <USES> 8,200,000 8,200,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 2015 IN <OUT> 193,500 12,000 90,000 143,772 135,301 56,866 631,439 200,000 1,525,000 40,000 90,000 103,000 103,000 5,380 33,672 193,000 $1,907,052 236,000 $ 236,000 S 200,000 $ 1,525,000 40,000 250,000 12,000 275,000 143,772 203,000 47,000 275,000 42,500Library/Museum Dev Fee Total Capital Projects Funds PERMANENT FUNDS $8,200,000 $8,200,000 $2,445,772 $567,500 Total Permanent Funds $ ENTERPRISE FUNDS $. Total Enterprise Funds $ INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Interfund Charges $. Vehicle Replacement &MotorPool Total Internal Service Funds $ TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 4/13 62,246 $ 168,973 231,219 $ 8,200,000 $8,200,000 $3,105,991 $3,105,991 SCHEDULE D TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Expenditures/Expenses by Fund Fiscal Year 2015 FUND/DEPARTMENT I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ADOPTED BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES 2014 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EXPENDITURE/ EXPENSE ADJUSTMENTS APPROVED 2014 I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ACTUAL EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES* 2014 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES 2015 GENERAL FUND Mayor &Town Council Municipal Court 79,702 362,401 2.120,074 1.849,106 2.232.231 3.121.325 3.418.218 79,702 362.401 2.099,421 1.849,106 2.252,884 3.121.325 3.418.218 85.158 275,165 Administration Development Services (20.653)2,089,705 2,014.506 Community Services Law Enforcement 20,653 2.387.521 3.379,630 Fire &Emerqency Medical 3,447.099 Total General Fund SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highway User Revenue Fund Downtown Strategy Fund 13.183,057 2.322.318 1.954.079 171.119 994.000 13.183,057 3.316,318 1.954,079 171,119 13,678,784 2,387.204 1.879,079 Economic Development Fund 229,741 Tourism Fund 110.175 Public Art Fund 15.000 48,875 1,498,655 3.500 6.013.546 1.015.850 425.235 1.111.400 15,000 48,875 1,297.964 3.500 6.806,855 1,015,850 425,235 1.111.400 15,000 Court Enhancement Fund 80,615 Grants Fund Cottonwoods Maint District (200.691)1.566.132 3.600 Total Special Revenue Funds DEBT SERVICE FUNDS General Obligation Bonds Eaqle Mountain CFD 793.309 6.271.546 472,100 423,035 Municipal Property Corp 1.113,200 Total Debt Service Funds CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Projects Law Enforcement Dev Fee 2,552,485 19,198,080 5,000 5,000 20,000 15,000 5.000 (994.000) 2,552,485 18.204.080 5.000 5.000 20,000 15,000 5,000 2.008,335 22,207.830 203,000 Fire/Emerqency Dev Fee 47,000 Streets Dev Fee 275,000 Park/Rec Dev Fee Library/Museum Dev Fee 42,500 Total Capital Projects Funds PERMANENT FUNDS 19,248.080 (994.000)18.254.080 22,775.330 Total Permanent Funds ENTERPRISE FUNDS Total Enterprise Funds INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Internal Service Vehicle Replacement 71,010 587,200 200.691 71.010 787,891 72,394 1,000 Total Internal Service Funds TOTAL ALL FUNDS 658,210 41,655,378 200.691 858,901 41,655,378 73,394 44,807,389 Includes actual expenditures/expenses recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis asofthe date the proposed budget was prepared,plus estimated expenditures/expenses for the remainder ofthe fiscal year. 4/13 SCHEDULE E TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Expenditures/Expenses by Department Fiscal Year 2015 DEPARTMENT/FUND $ $. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ADOPTED BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES 2014 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EXPENDITURE/ EXPENSE ADJUSTMENTS APPROVED 2014 $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ACTUAL EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES* 2014 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES 2015 Mayor &Council General Fund Mayor &Council Total 79,702 79.702 2,120,074 1,954,079 171,119 1,498,655 1,015,850 1,111,400 3,500 2,130,080 71,010 587,200 10.662,967 (20,653) 79,702 79.702 2,099,421 1,954,079 171,119 1,297,964 1,015,850 1,111,400 3,500 2,110,080 71,010 669,214 10.503.637 362,401 48,875 411.276 1,849,107 3,316,318 85,158 85,158 Administration General Fund Downtown Strateqy Fund 2,089,705 1,879,079 Economic Development Fund 229,741 Special Revenue Fund General Obliqation Debt (200,691)1,566,132 472,100 Municipal Property Corp 1,113,200 Cottonwoods Maint District 3,600 Capital Projects Internal Service (20,000)2,055,080 72,394 Vehicle Replacement Administration Total 82,014 (159.330) 1,000 9,482,031 Municipal Court General Fund 362,401 48,875 411.276 1,849,107 2,322,318 425,235 15,223,000 20,000 275,165 Court Enhancement Fund 80,615 Municipal Court Total 355,780 Development Services General Fund 2,014,506 Hiqhway User Revenue Fund 994,000 2,387,204 Eaqle Mountain CFD 425,235 14,229,000 20,000 118,677 19.958.337 2,252,883 423,035 Capital Projects Streets Development Fee (994,000)15,808,000 275,000 Vehicle Replacement Fund 118,677 118.677DevelopmentServicesTotal19.839.660 20.907.745 Community Services General Fund Tourism Fund 2,232,230 20,653 2,387,522 110,175 Public Art Fund 15,000 1,145,000 15,000 15,000 1,145,000 15,000 15,000 Capital Projects 1,714,750 Park/Rec Development Fee Open Space Development Fee Library/Museum Dev Fee 5,000 3,412,230 5,000 3.432,883 3,418,218 42,500 Community Services Total 20.653 20,000 4,269.947 Fire &Emerqency Medical General Fund 3,418,218 700,000 5,000 4,123.218 3,447,099 Capital Projects Fire/Emerqency Dev Fee 720,000 5,000 4,143,218 2,630,000 47,000 Fire&Emergency Med Total 20,000 6.124.099 Law Enforcement General Fund 3,121,325 5,000 3,126.325 3,121,325 5,000 3,126,325 3,379,630 Law Enforcement Dev Fee 203,000 Law Enforcement Total 3.582.630 Includes actualexpenditures/expenses recognized onthe modified accrualoraccrualbasisas ofthe datethe proposed budgetwasprepared,plusestimatedexpenditures/expensesfortheremainderofthe fiscal year. 4/13 SCHEDULEF -• FUND GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highway User Revenue Fund Economic Development Fund Tourism Fund Total Special Revenue Funds DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Total Debt Service Funds CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS TotalCapital Projects Funds PERMANENT FUNDS Total Permanent Funds ENTERPRISE FUNDS Total Enterprise Funds TOTALALL FUNDS 4/13 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Full-Time Employees and Personnel Compensation Fiscal Year 2015 Full-Time Employee Salaries Equivalent (FTE)andHourly Costs Retirement Costs 2015 2015 2015 47 $2,510,372 $235,739 $ 5$277,556 $30,533 $ 50,449 36,211 700 5$364,216 $31,233 $ Healthcare Costs 2015 376,339 $ 63,080 $ 789 63,869 $ :'.52$2,874,588 $266,972 $440,208 $ SCHEDULE G Total Estimated Other Benefit Personnel Costs Compensation 2015 2015 147,412 =$ 44,724 =$ 4,206 4,675 53,605 =$ =$. =*'. =$_ =$; =$. =$' =$ 201,017 =$ 3,269,862 415,893 54,655 42,375 512,923 3,782,785