HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2014-22RESOLUTION NO.2014-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAINHILLS,ARIZONA,LEVYINGUPONTHE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS SUBJECT TOTAXATION,ACERTAINSUMUPONEACHONE HUNDREDDOLLARS($100.00)OFVALUATIONSUFFICIENTTORAISE THE AMOUNT ESTIMATED TOBE REQUIRED IN THE ANNUAL BUDGET, SPECIFICALLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST UPONBONDED INDEBTEDNESS;ALLFORTHEFISCALYEAR ENDING JUNE 30,2015. WHEREAS,the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council")is required by Ariz.Rev.Stat §§42-17151 and 42-17253 to adopt an annual tax levy based upon the rate tobe assessed per each one hundred dollars ($100.00)of valuation of real and personal property within the corporate limits of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town");and WHEREAS,by the provisions of State Law,a resolution levying the property taxes for fiscal year 2014-15 is required to be finally adopted on or before the third Monday in August and not less than 14 daysaftera hearing onthetax levy is held;and WHEREAS,the Town Council held a public hearing on the tax levy and adopted the Town's annual budget by Resolution 2014-20 on June 5,2014,at least 14 days prior to the adoption of this Resolution 2014-22;and WHEREAS,Maricopa County is assessing and collecting authority forthe Town. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,as follows: SECTION 1.The foregoing recitals are incorporated asif fully set forth herein. SECTION 2.There is hereby levied oneachone hundred dollars ($100.00)of assessed valuation ofall property,bothrealand personal,within the corporate limits oftheTownof Fountain Hills,except such property as may beby law exempt from taxation,a secondary property taxrateof $0.1151,or such other rate as determined bythe Maricopa County Treasurer tobe sufficient to raise the sum of $463,622,forthe purpose of providing a bond interest and redemption fund for General Obligation Bond debt service forthe fiscal year ending June 30,2015. SECTION3.Failurebytheofficials of MaricopaCounty,Arizona,toproperlyreturnthe delinquent list,any irregularity in assessments or omissions inthesame,orany irregularity inany proceedings shallnot invalidate such proceedings or invalidate anytitleconveyedbyanytaxdeed; failure orneglectofanyofficerorofficerstotimely perform anyofthedutiesassignedtohimorto themshallnot invalidate any proceedings oranydeedorsalepursuantthereto,the validity ofthe assessmentorlevyoftaxesorofthejudgmentorsalebywhichthecollection of thesamemaybe enforced shallnotaffectthelienoftheTownof Fountain Hillsuponsuch property forthe 2177284.1 delinquent taxesunpaidthereon,andno overcharge astopart of thetaxesor of costsshall invalidateany proceedings forthe collection of taxesortheforeclosure;andallacts of officers de factoshallbevalidasifperformedbyofficersde jure. SECTION 4.TheTownClerkishereby authorized and directed to transmit acertified copy of thisResolutiontotheMaricopaCountyAssessorandtheMaricopaCountyBoard of Supervisors. SECTION5.Ifanyprovisionofthis Resolution isforanyreasonheldbyanycourtof competentjurisdictiontobe unenforceable,suchprovisionofportionhereofshallbedeemed separate,distinct,andindependentofallotherprovisionsandsuchholdingshallnotaffectthe validity of theremainingportions of thisResolution. SECTION 6.TheMayor,theTownManager,theTownClerkandtheTownAttorney areherebyauthorizedanddirectedtotakeallstepsnecessarytocarryoutthepurposeandintent of this Resolution. PASSEDAND ADOPTED by the Mayorand Council oftheTownof Fountain Hills, June 19,2014. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS:ATTESTED TO: Linda M.Kavanagh,Mayor/Bevelyn J.Bend REVIEWED BY:APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenneth W.Buchanan,Town Manager Andrew J.McGuire,Town Attorney 2177284.