HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1997-18RESOLUTION 1997-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,ACCEPTING THE REPORT OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION REGARDING THE STEPS NECESSARY TO PRESERVE PORTIONS OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAINS WITHIN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS;EXPRESSING COMMENDATION AND GRATITUDE THEREFORE;AUTHORIZING THE CONTINUANCE OF THE COMMISSION;DECLARING THE TOWN'S INTENTION TO PURSUE MANY OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS THEREIN;AND DEFECTING THE COMMISSION TO CONTINUE WITH PUBLIC EDUCATION AND RESEARCH REGARDING ESTABLISHMENT OF A LAND TRUST OR AN ENDOWMENT FUND. WHEREAS,theTownCouncilherebyextendsitsthanksandcommendationstothe McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission,its chairman,Roy Kinsey,andeachofits members for an outstanding jobin researching and preparing a report regarding the steps necessary to preserve portions of theMcDowellMountainslyingwithintheTown of FountainHills;and WHEREAS,theTown Council herebyacceptswithgratitudesuchreportanddeclaresits goaltoimplementasmany of the recommendations contained therein astheCouncil determines are economically feasible. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1,ThattheTownCouncilherebyrequeststhattheMcDowellMountainPreservation Commission continue as an active commission of the Town Council. Section2.Thatthe McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission isherebydirectedtoeducate thepublicregardingtheneedtopreservethe McDowell Mountainsby scheduling aseriesof community meetings and presentations toserviceclubs,schoolsandothercommunityorganizations usingthe educational videoand mountain modelpreparedbythecommissioninordertoillustratethe areaof potential future development within the mountains andtheneedand opportunity to preserve a portion of thisland. Section 3.Thatthe McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission isherebydirectedtoprepare anddistributeabrochurethatwill identify theTownpreservationgoalsandwillalsoprovidean opportunityfor individual taxexemptcontributions of giftstowardthisgoal. Section4.ThattheMcDowellMountainPreservation Commission isherebydirectedtoplanand conduct the Second Annual McDowell Mountain month in October,1997. (PASS)FAlkv-5-/-?7 MOTION JDQpuQOTResolution1997-18 SECOND IQi ^ibko-f-f "age I 01 Z QQI ||\|JZ:\WPDATA\FH\RE3\1997-18J1ES ~7~~Q v^ Section 5.Thatthe McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission is hereby directedto facilitate consideration of theestablishment of landtrustorotherentitytoholdtitletolandacquiredbythe Town of Fountain Hills within the McDowell Mountains. Section 6.That the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission ishereby directed to recommendtotheCouncilthose steps necessary toestablishan endowment fundforthe solicitation of fundstoacquireandmaintainlandwithinthe McDowell Mountains. Section7.That the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commissionisherebyto coordinate mutualgoalsandactionsbetweentheTown of Fountain Hills,theCity of Scottsdale,Maricopa CountyandtheState of Arizonainordertoestablishmutualguidelinesforthemanagementand operation of McDowellMountainlandinandaroundScottsdaleandFountainHills. PASSED AND ADOPTED bythe Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona this 1st day of May,1997. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS:ATTESTED TO: ^£ JerryMiles,Mayor A REVIEWED BY ^to-^—T7*——fc>tr—*— PaulL.Nordin,TownManager Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: tr^- WilliamE.Farrell,Town Attorney Resolution 1997-18 Page2 of2 Z:\WPDATA\FWRES\1997-18JtES