HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1997-49RESOLUTION NO.1997-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,ADOPTING THE MAG 1997 PARTICULATE PLAN FOR PM-10 AND MAG 1998 SERIOUS AREA CARBON MONOXIDE PLAN FOR THE MARICOPA COUNTY AREA AND COMMITTING TO CERTAIN IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMS. WHEREAS,theMaricopaAssociationofGovernments("MAG")hasbeendesignatedby theGovernorofArizonaastheregionalairqualityplanningagencyinMaricopaCounty;and WHEREAS,the Maricopa County nonattainment area has been reclassified asa Serious Area for particulate matter and carbon monoxide according tothe Clean AirAct;and WHEREAS,theSeriousArea Particulate PlanforPM-10is required toincludeBest Available Control Measures;and WHEREAS,A.R.S §49-406 G.requires thateach agency that commits to implement a^ controlmeasuredescribethat commitment inaresolutionadoptedbythe governing bodywhich specifies its authority for implementing the measure as provided in statute,ordinance,orrule;a programfor enforcement ofthemeasures;andthelevelof personnel andfundingallocatedtothe implementation of the measure; WHEREAS,the Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has reviewed the MAG 1997 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plans. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AS FOLLOWS: Section1.That the Mayor and Council ofthe Town of Fountain HillsadoptstheMAG 1997 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and the MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan attached herewith as Exhibit A. Section 2.That the Mayor and Council ofthe Town of Fountain Hillsagreeto proceed with a good faith effort to implement the measures identified in Exhibit B. Section 3.That the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills commit to implement the measures as identified in Exhibit Bwiththe funding sources identified. Recognizing,however,that the availability of necessary funding may depend onthe funding programs or processes of various stateand federal agencies,the Town of Fountain Hillsagrees to considermodifications of the funding or schedules for implementation actions,if necessary. Resolution 1997-49 MOTION -JOQ^PU- $ss)fail -Jj^Lf-LzJLX.Page 1 of 2 MOTION SECOND ZEm. COUNT —S*r.O Section 4.Ofthe measures identified inExhibitA attached hereto and incorporated by reference,the Mayor and Town Council shall implement only measures 97-DC-5,97-TC-l 1,97- TC-16,97-TC-5,and97-NR-6.Theothermeasuresarenot reasonably availabletotheTown giventhatmanyofitsresidentsareretiredandliveinlowdensity,semi-ruralareas.Manyof themeasuresareforurbanareasthatarenotapplicabletoFountainHills.TheMayorandTown CounciloftheTownof Fountain Hillswill consider modification ofadoptedmeasuresand/or adoptionofadditionalmeasures,asappropriate,duringthecontinuingplanningprocessif implementation doesnotachievereasonablefurtherprogressinreducing emissions,as required bythe Clean AirAct. PASSED AND ADOPTED bythe Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona this g3 n cL day of Ci^-ob-cr ,1997. ATTEST: AA^UA <jULikSYUL^J Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E.Farrell,Town Attorney REVIEWED BY: Paul L.Nordin,Town Manager Resolution 1997-49 Page 2 of 2 N*Hjjjgjjjji' NtiqBi/ EXHIBIT A March26,1997 SUGGESTED LIST OF MEASURES FOR PARTICULATE MATTER AND CARBON MONOXIDE These measures may or may not be feasible and available to the implementing entities. PART 1:NEW MEASURES MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity VEHICLE EMISSIONS TESTING 97-IM-1.Phased-ln Emission Test Outpoints More stringent l/M 240pass/fail standards ("final standards")formotor vehicle emissions testingwere mandated tobeeffectiveon January 1, 1997,but have not been implemented.Studies conducted in the Arizona emissions testing lanes during 1995 and 1996 demonstrated,that without adequate preconditioning50 percent ormoreofthevehicles failing under final standards will be false failures.Therefore,this measure would involvethe development ofan alternative test protocol to reduce false failures. State 97-IM-2.Enhanced Emission Testing of Constant Four-Wheel Drive Vehicles This measure would require that full-time four-wheel drive vehicles and vehicles equipped with traction control receive the transient loaded emissions test (i.e.,I/M 240).Implementation wouldrequire the installation ofdual-axle dynamometers in several locationsthroughoutthe inspection station network in the metropolitan area. State 97-IM-3.Geographic Expansionofthe Emissions TestingProgram This measure would expand the geographic coverage ofthe l/M program requirements to encompass allofMaricopaCountyor the entire state, reducing the emissions generated by these vehicles on occasions when they are operated within the Nonattainment Area. State 97-IM-4.One-Time Waiver from Vehicle Emissions Test In 1996,S.B.1002 limited the issuance ofawaiverforfailuretocomply withthe emission testing requirements to one-time only,beginning January 1,1997. Adopted by State in 1996 Air quality impact will be evaluated for plans. MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity 97-IM-5.No-Waiver or Increased Waiver Repair Limit Options This measure wouldmodifythe vehicle inspection maintenance program to allow no waivers from passing the emissions test,or further increase the amount of money which a motorist must spend for repairs in order to obtain a waiver.In 1993,H.B.2001 increased the repair threshold for gasoline powered vehicles in order to be eligible fora waiver from $50 to $100 for vehicle model years 1967-1974;from $200 to $300 for vehicle model years 1975-1980;andfrom $300 to$450forvehiclemodel year 1981 and newer. State 97-IM-6.Tougher Enforcement ofVehicle Registration and Emissions Test Compliance This measure would use additional methods to increase the registration compliance of residents.Also,itwould address compliance withl/M test requirements by commuters residing outside the nonattainment area or college students attending school in the nonattainment area. State 97-IM-7.Vehicle Pollution Charge * *Recommended with two conditions: 1.Additional study should be conducted to determine appropriate and feasible implementation mechanisms;and 2.The measure should not be implemented until after resolution of the technical problems with implementing the "final"cutpoints in the enhanced vehicle emissions testing program (l/M 240). This concept entailsmodificationoftheexisting structure ofmotor vehicle registration charges by linking the fees totheresultsoftheexisting Vehicle Inspection/Maintenance Program.A base emissions feewould be charged forallvehiclesatregistration.Inaddition,anincrementally higherfeewouldbe added depending uponhowmuchthetailpipe emission ofthe individual vehicle exceed those ofthe average vehicle. Thiswould encourage owners ofolder high-emitting vehiclestoretiretheir vehicles,whileownersofnewervehicleswouldtendtoeffectrepairs beyond those requiredbythe current l/M program cost waivers.If the program were not revenue-neutral,any excess revenues could be allocated for transit improvements. State •• 97-IM-8.Require Pre-1988 Heavy-DutyDiesel Commercial Vehicles Registered in the Nonattainment Area to Meet 1988 Federal Emission Standards;ProvideIncentivestoEncourage Voluntary AcceleratedVehicle Replacement bytheYear2001 In 1996,S.B.1002 was passed bythe Arizona Legislature requiring that afterJanuary 1,2004all commercial Diesel vehicles operating inAreaA thatweighmorethan26,000poundsandareregisteredinAreaAmust meetor surpass the 1988 federalemission standards unless theywere built inorafter1988.In addition,providing incentivescouldhelp accelerate replacement of older vehicles. Adopted by State in 1996 Air quality impact will be evaluated for plans. c MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity 97-IM-9.Snap Acceleration Test for Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles In 1996,S.B.1002 was passed by the Arizona Legislature requiring that beginning March 1,1997,medium and heavy duty Diesel vehicles registered or re-registered in Area A that are more than 33 months beyond the initial date of registration,to take the snap acceleration test. Adopted by State in 1996 Air quality impact will be evaluated for plans. CLEAN FUELS FOR CONVENTIONAL VEHICLES 97-CF-1.Implement Clean Fuels Approach Recommended by the Governor's Air Quality Strategies Task Force Short term:Optinto Federal Reformulated Fuel Program starting in 1997. Long term,consider several options: Federal Reformulated Fuel California Phase 2 Fuel Specifications Performance-Based Standards for Motor Vehicle Fuel State 97-CF-2.Tighter Limitson Sulfur Content in Gasoline The "CO Complex Model"indicates that fuel oxygen and sulfur content have the heaviest influenceon exhaust CO emissions.A change in the sulfurfuel parameter from 339 ppm to 139 ppm indicated an8to9 percent reduction inCO vehicle emissions.The average sulfur content forMaricopaCountyfor Summer fuelis approximately 168 ppm. State 97-CF-3.Measures to Encourage the Construction and Operation of Fueling Stations for Alternative Fuel Vehicles The measure is aimed at encouraging the development ofafueling infrastructure for alternative fuels.Through actions of the Arizona Legislature,thegoalwouldbeto develop an alternative fuelingnetwork for public/governmental agencies through a statewide credit/debit fuel card system.Also,provisions wouldbe made to encourage private sector development of alternative fueling stations through fueltax credits. State 97-CF-4.California Reformulated Diesel Fuel or Other Clean Diesel Fuel AnalternativetoDiesel#1isCARB"clean"Diesel,which was required in Californiabeginninginthefallof 1993.Theregulationrequiring"clean" Diesel specifies and aromatic content of 10 percent (forlargerefiners)and a sulfur content of 0.05 percent.However,refiners can use alternative formulations if they can demonstrate that the same emission reductions achieved with their formulation. State 97-CF-5.Limit Sulfur Content ofDieselFuelOilto 500 ppm Federal regulations require that on-road Dieselfuelsold throughout the contiguous U.S.,have amaximumsulfur content of 0.05 percent by weight (500ppm).Arizona S.B.1002 prohibits sale of Diesel fuel (including off-road)use in the Nonattainment area that contains in excess of 500 ppm sulfur. Adopted by State in 1996 Air quality impact will be evaluated for plans. MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity CLEANER VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES 97-VT-1.Adoptionof the CaliforniaLow-EmissionVehicle Program The California Low-Emission Vehicle Program establishes tailpipe emissions standards fora series of vehicle classes ranging from Transitional Low-Emission Vehicles to Zero-Emission Vehicles.The program allows manufactures to use any combination of emission control technology and alternative fuels to meet the standards. State 97-VT-2.Voluntary Gasoline Vehicle Retirement Programs,Including Enhanced NotificationFor Older Vehicles and inHigh Pollution Areas This measure would institute a program to purchase and retire vehicles which produce excessive emissions,particularly pre-1980 model year light duty automobiles and trucks.A voluntary vehicle retirement program mightbeimplemented as an enhancement totheexisting inspection/maintenance program;thiswouldinvolveretiring vehicles whichfailthe emissions test andrequire repairs morecostlythanthe waiver limit. State,County 97-VT-3.Voluntary Diesel Vehicle Retirement This measure wouldinstituteaprogramto purchase andretireheavy-duty Diesel vehicles.This measure is focused onthe heavier weight classes because they have the highest emissions and are driven the most.A vehicle retirement program could be implemented as an enhancement to theexisting inspection/maintenance program;thiswouldinvolveretiring vehiclesthatfailthe emissions test andrequirerepairsmorecostlythan thewaiver limit.Theanalysisperformedforthisstudy assumed abounty of $10,000 foreach retired vehicle,offeredonlyfor pre-1991 modelyear vehicles. State 97-VT-4.Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Replacement or Overhaul at Recommended Intervals Heavy-dutyDiesel engines are typically overhauled several times before beingreplaced.This measure wouldofferincentivestoheavy-dutyDiesel vehicleownerstoreplacetheexisting engine withanew(i.e.,1994 or later model year)engine at the timeof overhaul.The focus ofthis measure ison pre-1991 model year heavy-duty Diesel trucks. State 97-VT-5.RetrofitExistingDieselVehicles-e.g.withOxidation Catalyst This measure wouldinvolvethevoluntaryuseofemissioncontrol devices on Diesel-powered vehicles.Inexistingvehicles,theinstallationof oxidation catalystsorrelateddevicescouldbe encouraged atthetimeof engine overhaul,orasa pilot testprogram.Pre-1991 modelyearscould be targeted. State ^•atay/ MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity REDUCED VEHICLE USE AND TRAFFIC CONGESTION 97-TC-1.Mass Transit Alternatives This measure is envisioned as a major change to the scope and service levelsofferedbytheexistingpublic transit system intheregion.Alight rail component iscurrently under consideration,butthisisnot intended to ruleout alternative technologies or different sized systems.The current Long RangeTransportationPlanfortheregioncallsforadoublingofthe regional bus system after the year 2005. State,Local 97-TC-2.High Occupancy Vehicle Lane Pricing ThepricingofHigh Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)lanes for peak hour use by non-HOVs offers a mechanism for taking advantage of underused roadway capacity.This concept would result in higher overall average speeds inthe general traffic lanes,whichwould produce areductioninair pollution. State 97-TC-3?Develop Intelligent Transportation Systems The term"Intelligent Transportation Systems"includes a variety of technological applications intended to produce moreefficient use of existing transportation corridors.The primary application currently implemented in the Maricopa County area is the Freeway Management System (FMS)operated bytheArizona Department of Transportation. The FMS combines the use of in-road sensors,surveillance cameras, ramp metering controls,and variable message signs to detect and respond to freeway incidents. State,County,Local! 97-TC-4.Special Event Controls -Required Implementation fromListof Approved Strategies This measure would require new and existing owners/operators of the special event centers to reduce mobile source emissions generated by their events.Alistof optional strategies would be available that reduce mobile source emissions.The definitionof "special event center"could be developed through the rule development process. State,County,Local REDUCED EMISSIONS FROM NON-ROAD EQUIPMENT 97-NR-1.Voluntary Retirement Program for Gasoline-Powered Lawn and Garden Equipment This measure would encourage the voluntarily replacement ofhigh- emittinglawnand garden equipment withlower-emittingor zero-emitting models,emphasizing removal of 2-cycle engines. State 97-NR-2.Require Government Agencies toMinimize Use of Gasoline- Powered Lawn and Maintenance Equipment Where Feasible and Appropriate Apolicytominimize emissions fromlawn and maintenance equipment by government agencies islikelyto have a substantial impact on the emissions from this class of nonroad equipment. State MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity 97-NR-3.Emissions Standards for New Heavy-Duty Construction Equipment Numeric credit will be taken for federal emissions standards adopted in 1994.Adoption of tougher California standards would provide PM-10 reductions beginning in 2001.The adoption of California's standards wouldonly affect off-road heavy duty diesel engines between 175 and 750 horsepower. State 97-NR-4.Emissions Standards forUtility Equipment This measure would involve adoption of California emissions standards fornewly manufactured utility engines.The types of equipment affected bythis measure include lawn and garden equipment (e.g.lawn mowers, leaf blowers,and edge trimmers)as well as general utility equipment such as pumps,generators,grinders,and compressors. State 97-NR-5.Emission Standards forOff Road Vehicles -Motorcycles and Recreational Vehicles This measure would establish emissions standards for new off-road motorcycles and recreational vehicles sold within the state. Manufacturers wouldbe required to test engineemissions through a quality-audit program and certify that their engines meet emissions standards. State 97-NR-6jj?Encourage the Use of Temporary Electrical Power Lines Rather than Portable Generators at Construction Sites Emissions from the production of electrical power used in new home construction couldbe reduced substantially bythe use of temporary electricalpower rather than generators.Electrical service can usuallybe established within30 days of the request.Thisisa voluntary measure that would reduce noise as well as airpollution. County,Local/ 97-NR-7/Defer Emissions Associated with Governmental Activities This measure is aimed at reducing activities where feasible and appropriate by State agencies and local governments in the NonattainmentAreathatmaycontributeto seasonal airquality problems. Thiswouldinvolveashiftin the timingofactivitiesor postponement altogether,until after criticalairpollution periods. State,County,Locak-f REDUCED EMISSIONS FROM INDUSTRIAL SOURCES 97-IS-1.PM-10 BestAvailableControlTechnology (BACT) Determinations for Stationary Sources TheMaricopaCountyEnvironmental Services Department couldmakean industry-by-industry study ofthemajorpoint sources to determine the best types ofcontrol technologies thatareavailabletoyieldemission reductions.Subsequently,MaricopaCountycouldrequiretheuseofthe Best AvailableControl Technology. County \^0/ ^%sg^/ MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL 97-DC-1.Strengthening and Better Enforcement ofFugitiveDust Control Rules Itmaybe possible to achieve improved compliance withexistingair pollution controlregulations(Rule 310)throughtheprovisionofadditional inspectionand enforcement personnel.The effectiveness of enacting tougher regulations would also depend uponthelevelof enforcement provided. County 97-DC-2.Dust Control Plans for Construction/Land Clearing and Industrial Sites (Including ActiveLandfills),with Elements Addressing Trackout Prevention,Site and Material Maintenance,Construction Staging,and HighWind Operating Restrictions This measure wouldinvolve requiring dust control plans for construction, demolition,land clearing,and industrial projects.The dust control plan could include a variety of site-specific preventative and mitigative measures. County REDUCED EMISSIONS FROM AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES 97-AG-1.Incentives and Credits for Use of Improved Agricultural Practices A variety of credits and incentives could be provided by the State to encourage the use of agricultural practices which reduce PM-10 emissions.For example,flex account water credits could be provided in cases where agricultural PM-10 control measures entail increased water use.Tax credits could be provided to off-set additional operating costs arising from implementation ofPM-10control measures.Also,farmers couldgetan extension on required plow-up dates ona day for day basis whenever they had been restricted fromtilling due toahighwind event. State 97-AG-2.Tilling Restrictions onHighWind Days and Tillage Irrigation Where Feasible To reduce PM-10 emissions generated bytilling operations,tillage pre- irrigationwouldbe encouraged where feasible,including consideration of incentives to offset the additional water usage.Additionally,on days with wind speed exceeding 25 miles per hour,tillingin unplanted fields could be prohibited unless there is sufficient soil moisture.The Maricopa CountyFarm Bureau suggests thattheArizona Department ofAgriculture could handle the enforcement requirements. State 97-AG-3.Reduce Emissions of Ammonia and Nitrates from Agricultural Operations This measure involves incorporating manure into the soilwithin 48 hours of spreading to minimize ammonia emissions.This measure would also enable farmers to obtain maximum benefit of the nitrates for soil enrichment.The Maricopa County Farm Bureau suggests that the Arizona Department of Agriculture could handle the enforcement requirements. State MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity 97-AG-4.CooperativeDevelopmentofManagement Practices to Reduce Emissions from Agricultural Activities Agricultural interestscouldcontinuetoparticipate with variousentitiesto developandimplement management practices that reduce dustfrom agricultural activities.TheMaricopaCountyFarmBureau suggests that theArizona Department ofAgriculturecould handle the enforcement requirements. State 97-AG-5.Deep FurrowingofFallowFields Dust emissions maybe generated bywind erosion of open agricultural land.The amount of emissions is affected bywind speed,frequency of surface disturbance and roughness of the surface.Deep furrowingof fallowfieldswould increase roughness and reduce wind erosion.The MaricopaCountyFarmBureau suggests thattheArizona Department of Agriculturecould handle the enforcement requirements. State 97-AG-6.Provide Burialof Whole Stalks During Plowdown -If Research Documents No Increase in Spread of Plant Disease or Pests from this Practice Current Arizona Department ofAgriculturerulesrequire farmers to plowdownor shred andburyplantstalksafter harvest andbeforenew planting canbegin.Perhaps thiscouldbe changed toallowwholestalks tobeburied,thereby reducing the number oftills needed.The Maricopa CountyFarmBureau suggests thattheArizonaDepartmentof Agriculture could handle the enforcement requirements. State FIREPLACE AND OTHER BURNING RESTRICTIONS 97-FP-1.Clean Burning Fireplace Construction This measure wouldinvolve the adoption of legislation to require the construction of clean burning fireplaces and woodbuming devices as definedbytheEnvironmentalProtectionAgencyforallnewly constructed residential fireplaces,including "add-ons"to existing homes. State,County 97-FP-2.PublicInformation Program onWood Stoves and Wood Heat Thisprogramwould acquaint citizens withdetailsofcontrol regulations or ordinances,theirresponsibilities under the ordinance,andthejustification forthe ordinance;and enhance the support and provide reinforcement of the issues and principles behind the ordinance. County 97-FP-3.Improved Performance/Maintenance of Woodbuming Devices,Including Weatherization Programs This measure wouldinvolve encouraging improved performance of woodbuming devices through the use ofpublic education programs, energy audits,and financial incentives such as low-interest loans,cash grants,and tax credits forlow income households. County 8 \^y X^fc^i/ \^gp/ ^iiaailjjjjj/ MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity 97-FP-4.Integrated Program to Reduce Woodbuming Emissions A number of additional actions could be taken to provide further means of reducing woodbuming emissions:Inducements/Requirements to Eliminate or Upgrade Existing Wood Stoves and Fireplaces;Require Change-Out ofUncertifiedWood Stoves orExisting Fireplaces Upon Sale ofHome;Restrict the Number or Design ofNew Wood Stoves and Fireplaces;Ban on Fireplace Installation in New Homes;Tradable Permits forWood Stoves;Episode Curtailment Program for Residential Wood Combustion (Removes Current Exemptions). State,County REDUCTION OF VEHICLE IDLING 97-VI-1.Limit Excessive Car Dealership Vehicle Starts Thiscontrol measure wouldrequire car dealers to limit thestartingof vehicles for sale ontheirlot(s)to once everytwoweeks.Presently,a number ofnewand used car dealers start theirvehiclesdailytoavoid battery failure and assure smooth start-ups for customer test drives.In the start-up phase of operations,avehicle experiences cold start emissions.Thecold start isthehighest polluting operatingmodefora vehiclesincethecatalyticconverter does not function until itsoperating temperature is achieved. State,County 97-VI-2.Encourage LimitationsonVehicle Idling Encourage limitations to limit extended idling operations (e.g.by delivery trucks and buses)to three minutes. County PART 2:EXISTING MEASURES WHICH COULD BE CONSIDERED FOR STRENGTHENING MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity VEHICLE EMISSIONS TESTING 97-IM-10.Remote Sensing A Random On-Road Testing Program (Remote Sensing)is operated in the Maricopa County nonattainment area as a supplement to the periodic inspection requirement through the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program. Six on-road testing units are used throughout the nonattainment area. Vehicles possibly out of compliance are required to be emissions tested. This measure wouldinvolve improvements to Remote Sensing such as use of additional remote sensing units. State 97-IM-11.Toll-Free Number to Report Gross Emitting Vehicles Atoll-free telephone number could be made available to supplement the existing "Smoking Vehicle Hotline"(207-7045)to enable citizens to report gross emitting vehicles,with the purpose of getting gross emitting vehicles tested and repaired as appropriate.This measure could include better enforcement. State CLEAN FUELS FOR CONVENTIONAL VEHICLES 97-CF-6.Public Education Program for Oxygenated Fuels This measure provides informationto the public regarding the need for oxygenated fuels to reduce wintertime emissions of carbon monoxide. State CLEANER VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES 97-VT-6.Alternative Fuels for Fleets This measure isaimedat encouraging the use of alternative fuelsfor vehicle fleets operated in the nonattainment area.Reduced emissions are realized almostimmediatelyafterintroducing alternative fuelsintopublic and private vehiclefleets.Thelevelof emissions reduction will progressively increase as more alternative fueled vehicles replace older fleet vehicles. State 97-VT-7.Incentive for the Use of Alternative Fuels in Fleets Reduced emissions arerealizedalmostimmediatelyafterintroducing alternative fuelsintopublic and private vehicle fleets.The levelof emissions reduction will progressively increase as more alternative fueled vehicles replaceolderfleetvehicles.This measure wouldfocuson providing financial incentives such as tax relief to increase the use of alternative fuels in fleets. State 10 ^m^p* MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity 97-VT-8.Alternative Fuels for General Vehicle Use -Includes Tax Deductions for Alternative Fueled Vehicles Encourage the use oflowpolluting alternative fueled vehicles in the general population byprovidingtax incentives,rebates,etc.Individual and corporate state income tax deductions were provided inH.B.2001to further promote the purchase or conversion of vehicles to alternative fuels. State REDUCED VEHICLE USE AND TRAFFIC CONGESTION 97-TC-5.§Expansion ofPublic Transportation Systems This measure wouldfocuson expanding and enhancing existingpublic transit services.Transit improvements increase mobility and travel options forexistingridersandattractnew users.Transitalsoofferscost savings to commuters.At reasonable levelsof utilization,transitismore energy efficient than automobile travel and can also reduce traffic congestion. State,Local 97-TC-6./Employer Rideshare Program Incentives This measure providesavarietyof employer rideshare incentives as well as introducing strategies designed toreducesingle occupant vehicletrips.Such strategies couldinclude:preferentialparkingfor carpools andvanpools, public awareness campaigns,Transportation Management Associations among employers,alternative work hours,vanpools for County and State employees,and vanpool purchase incentives. State,County,Local 97-TC-7.•PreferentialParkingfor Carpools and Vanpools This measure encourages publicandprivate employers toprovide preferential parking spaces for carpools and vanpools to decrease the number ofsingle occupant automobile worktrips.The preferential treatment couldinclude covered parking spaces or close-in spaces. State,County,Local 97-TC-8.Coordinate Traffic Signal Systems This measure implementsand enhances synchronized traffic signal systems to promote steady trafficflowat moderate speeds.Signal synchronization has been implemented by most of the larger municipalities in the area,and efforts are underway for large-scale coordination across the entire MAG region. State,County,Local 97-TC-9.Reduce Traffic Congestion atMajor Intersections This measure implementsawiderangeof traffic controltechniquesdesigned tofacilitatesmooth,safe travelthrough intersections.These techniques includesignalization,turn lanes ormediandividers.The use of grade separations mayalsobe appropriate forhighvolumeorunusuallyconfigured intersections,such as those along Grand Avenue. State,County,Local 11 MEASURE Potential Implementing Entity 97-TC-10.Site-Specific Transportation Control Measures This measure would encourage the implementation of any available transportation control measures targeting specific locations or subareas. This could include geometric ortraffic control improvements at specific congested intersections orat other substandard locations.Another example mightbe reprogramming leftturn signals at certain intersections tolag,rather than lead,the green timefor through traffic. State,County,Local 97-TC-11.Encouragement ofBicycle Travel This measure wouldinvolve the promotion ofbicycletravel tp reduce. County,Local automobile use and improveairquality.One useful channel forpublic sector encouraaement of bicyclina is bikeway system planninq IHpntifyinq and publicizing appropriate routes foFTnter-city biketripscouldhelpbicyclists avoid other,less safe facilities.Another area for potential actions is the development and distribution of educational materials,reaarding bicycle use anfl safety , 97-TC-12.Development of Bicycle Travel Facilities This measure encourages a variety of capital improvements to increase bicycle use in the MAG area.Off-street bikeways may be implemented where high speed roadways preclude safe bicycling.In downtown areas,on- street bicycle routes are more feasible because traffic generally flowsata slower rate.Bicycletravelfacilities should be clearly marked with signs and adequately maintained. County,Local 97-TC-13.Alternative Work Schedules Alternative work hours,or flextime,is an employer policy which enables workers to choose their own working hours within certain constraints. Flextime provides the opportunity for employees to use public transit, ridesharing,and other nonmotorized transportation.A related strategy, staggered work hours,is designed to reduce peak congestion in the vicinity of the workplace.Alternative work weeks have been implemented extensively by large private and public employers. State,County,Local 97-TC-14.Land Use/Development Alternatives This measure includes encouraging land use patterns which support public transit and other alternative modes of transportation.In general,this measure would also encourage land use patterns designed to reduce travel distances between related land uses (e.g.,residential-commercial).Shorter trip lengths ultimately relieve traffic congestion and improve air quality. County,Local 97-TC-15.Areawide Public Awareness Programs This measure focuses on conducting ongoing public awareness programs throughout the year to provide the publicwithinformationonairpollution and encourage changes indriving behavior and transportation mode use. RPTA 97-TC-16.Encouragement of Pedestrian Travel This measure involves encouraging the use of pedestrian travel as an County,Local alternatjyejo automobile travel.Pedestrian travel is quite feasible for short shopping,business,orschooltrips.Promotion ofpedestriantravelcouldbe included inairpollutionpublic awareness effortstoremind people ofthis basic alternative. 12 •<*iiE$$y ;^ FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL 97-DC-3.Paving,Vegetating,and Chemically Stabilizing Unpaved Access Points onto Paved Roads (Especially Adjacent to Construction/Industrial Sites) Mud and dirt carryout from unpaved areas such as construction sites often accounts fora substantial fractionof paved roadsilt loadings in many areas. The elimination of this carryout may significantly reduce paved road emissions.This measure wouldinvolve paving,vegetating,or chemically stabilizing access points where unpaved traffic surfaces adjoin paved roads. State,County,Local 97-DC-4.w Curbing,Paving,or Stabilizing Shoulders on Paved Roads (Includes Painting Stripe on Outside of Travel Lane) Preventative measures are very important since mitigative measures are often less effective for paved roads,especially in instances where no dominant or localized source of dust loading can be identified.This measure would require the curbing,paving,or stabilizing (chemically orwith vegetation)of shoulders of paved roads. State,County,Local 97-DC-5./Frequent Routine Sweeping or Cleaning ofPavedRoads Paved road sweeping and flushing represents amitigative measure for paved road surface dust loading.This measure wouldinvolve the frequent sweeping or cleaning of paved roads,including the flushing of paved roads. Vacuum and regenerative sweeping are acceptable methods.Another option,roadway flushing,involves the use of high-pressure water sprays. State,County,Local 97-DC-6*/Restrictions ontheUseofGasoline-Powered Blowers for Landscaping Maintenance This measure wouldinvolve restricting orprohibiting the use of blowers for landscaping maintenance in Maricopa County.Blowers are sometimes used for landscaping maintenance for commercial and residential areas toblow away dirt,leaves,and small rocks.While they improve the appearance of the landscape,they blow dust particles in the air and contribute to particulate pollution. County,Local Special note:These measures may need morestudyor input from experts,citizensandtheregulated community. In some cases,proposed measures maynotresultinthe same benefits experienced inotherregions.Thismaybe duetoregionaldifferencesinclimate,geographyorairshed.Further refinementof these measures maybemade as additional information becomes availablethroughtheplanning process. Modeling of24-hour average concentrationsofparticulatematterisbeing conducted bytheArizonaDepartmentof EnvironmentalQuality(ADEQ),and willnot be completed untilApril1997.TheU.S.EnvironmentalProtection Agencyhasdirectedthe Maricopa Association ofGovernmentstoincorporatetheADEQmodelingresultsintothe regionalmodelingforthe Serious Area PM-10 Plan.Itisanticipatedthattheregionalmodeling work will be completed by summer 1997. 13 APPENDIX Contents: •Measures in Section 108(f)of the CleanAirAct •Measures Required for Consideration Under Arizona Law MEASURES IN SECTION 108(f)OFTHE CLEAN AIR ACT 1.Programs for improved public transit 2.Restrictions ofcertainroadsorlanesto,orconstructionofsuchroadsorlanesforuseby,passenger buses orhigh occupancy vehicles 3.Employer-based transportation management plans,including incentives 4.Trip reduction ordinances 5.Trafficflow improvement programs that achieve emission reductions 6.Fringeandtransportationcorridorparkingfacilitiesservingmultiple occupancy vehicle programs ortransit service 7.Programs tolimitor restrict vehicle use in downtown areas or other areas of emission concentration particularly during periods of peak use 8.Programs fortheprovisionofallformsofhigh occupancy,shared-ride services 9.Programs to limit portionsofroad surfaces or certain sections ofthemetropolitan area tothe use ofnon- motorized vehicles or pedestrian use,both as totime and place 10.Programs for secure bicycle storage facilities andother facilities,includingbicyclelanes,forthe convenience and protection of bicyclists,inbothpublic and private areas 11.Programs to control extended idlingof vehicles 12.Programstoreducemotorvehicleemissions,consistent with Title II,whichare caused byextremecoldstart conditions 13.Employer-sponsored programs to permit flexiblework schedules 14.Programs and ordinances tofacilitate non-automobile travel,provision and utilizationof mass transit,and togenerallyreducetheneedforsingle-occupantvehicletravel,aspartoftransportation planning and developmenteffortsofa locality,including programsand ordinances applicabletonewshoppingcenters, special events,and other centers of vehicle activity 15.Programsfornewconstructionandmajorreconstructionsofpaths,tracks,or areas solelyfortheuseby pedestrianorothernon-motorized means oftransportationwheneconomicallyfeasibleandinthe public interest 16.Programsto encourage thevoluntaryremovalfromuseandthemarketplaceof pre-1980 modelyear light duty vehicles and pre-1980 model year lightduty trucks MEASURES REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION UNDER ARIZONA LAW 1.Mandatory employee parking fees 2.Park and ride programs 3.Removal of on-street parking 4.Rideshare programs 5.Mass transit alternatives 6.Expansion ofpublic transportation systems 7.Optimizing freeway ramp metering 8.Coordinating traffic signal systems 9.Reduction oftraffic congestion at major intersections 10.Site specific transportation control measures 11.Reversible lanes 12.Fixed lanes for buses and carpools 13.Encouragement of pedestrian travel 14.Encouragement of bicycle travel 15.Development of bicycle travel facilities 16.Employer incentives regarding rideshare programs 17.Modification of work schedules 18.Strategies for controlling the generation ofairpollutionby nonresidents of nonattainment areas 19.Use of alternative fuels 20.Use of emission control devices onpublic diesel powered vehicles 21.Paving of roads 22.Restricting off-road vehicle traffic 23.Construction site air pollution control 24.Other air quality control measures c EXHIBIT "B" TheTownof Fountain Hills'commitments to implement the following control measures for the MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and May 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan. 1.Measure 97-DC-5.Frequentroutinesweepingorcleaningofpavedroads1 2.Measure 97-TC-l 1.Encouragement ofBicycleTravel 2 3.Measure 97-TC-l6.Encouragement of Pedestrian Travel 3 4.Measure97-TC-5.ExpansionofPublicTransportationSystems 4 5.Measure97-NR-6.EncouragetheUseofTemporaryElectricalPowerLines Rather than Portable Generators at Construction Sites 5 Measure 97-DC-5 -MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan For PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan Measure Title:Measure 97-DC-5.Frequent routine sweeping or cleaning or paved roads. Measure Description:The Town of Fountain Hills agrees to sweep streets ona frequent basis within the Town limits. Responsible Agency and Authority for Implementation:This measure will be implemented by theTownof Fountain HillsStreet Department.Legal authority forthisis provided under Arizona Revised Statutes §9-240-"General Powers of Council". Implementation Schedule:Fountain Hillshasan ongoing program of sweeping its streets to keepsandanddebrisremovedfromthetravelways,particularlyatintersections.Curbsare included in virtually all of the150miles of the Town's streets. Level of Personnel and Funding Allocated for Implementation:The sweeping program is included inthe Town's annual budget. Enforcement Program:Thismeasuredoesnotrepresentanordinance,regulation,orrule requiringenforcement.Maintenanceofpavementandsignageontheaffectedstreetsand bikewayswillbeprovidedbytheTownStreetsDepartment,underthe Town's routine maintenance program. MonitoringProgram:TheStreetsDepartmentwillprovidetotheTownEngineera memorandum documentingtheimplementationprogressofthismeasureonaquarterlybasis. c Measure 97-TC-ll:MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan MeasureTitle:Measure 97-TC-l 1.EncouragementofBicycleTravel. Measure Description:The Town of Fountain Hillsis identifying bikeway routes along arterials,collections,andlocal roadways andwillbesigningandstripingsuch routes.TheTown of Fountain Hills will promote bicycle travel by encouraging and requiring,where appropriate, bothresidentialandcommercialdeveloperstoprovidebicyclelanesand/ortrailswithinor adjacent to their projects. Responsible Agency and Authority for Implementation:This measure will be implemented by theTownofFountainHills.LegalauthorityforthisactionisprovidedunderArizonaRevised Statutes §9-240-"General Powers of Council". ImplementationSchedule:Theschedulefor completing thisworkisasfollows: •Year-1998 -Town-wide signingand striping Level of Personnel and Funding Allocation for Implementation:Administration ofplan development forthisprojectwillrequirestafftimeequivalentto0.2 full-time employee,atan approximatecostof$8,000.Thismeasurewillbeaccomplishedbycurrentstreet maintenance department personnel underthe adopted Town budget forFY 1997-1998.This estimated total costfor completion willbe $20,000,consisting of$20,000from approved Town budget,as programmed intheTownCapital Improvement Program. EnforcementProgram:Thismeasuredoesnotrepresentanordinance,regulation,orrule requiring enforcement.Routineenforcementoftrafficlawsapplicableto motorists and bicyclists ontheaffectedstreetswillbeprovidedbytheTownPoliceDepartment.Maintenanceof pavementandsignageontheaffectedstreetsandbikewayswillbeprovidedbytheTownStreets Department,underthe Town's routine maintenance program. MonitoringProgram:TheStreets Department will provide totheTownEngineeramemorandum documentingtheimplementationprogressofthismeasureonaquarterlybasisuntiltheproject iscompleted.TheStreetsDepartmentwillnotifytheTown Engineer's officeinwritingwhen the measure isfully implemented. Measure 97-TC-16:MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan Measure Title:Measure 97-TC-l6.Encouragement of Pedestrian Travel. MeasureDescription:FountainHillsagreesto encourage pedestriantravelwithinits commercial coreandotherareas.Developers thatseeksiteplanapprovalforcommercial developmentwillbe encouraged toprovideeasyand comfortable pedestrianconnectionswith othercommercialbuildingsindowntownFountainHills,therebyencouragingeasyand comfortablepedestriantravelwithinthecore.Totheextentpossiblewithinexistingdeed restrictions,the development of common parkinglotsforthe commercial corewillbe encouraged.TheTownofFountainHillsmayalsoencouragedeveloperstoprovideadditional sidewalkswhereneededinmulti-familyandsinglefamilyzonedareastocompleteproposed pedestrian walking routes. ResponsibleAgencyandAuthorityforImplementation:Thismeasurewillbeimplementedby theTownofFountainHillsEngineeringDepartment.Legalauthorityforthisactionisprovided under Arizona Revised Statutes §9-240-"General Power of Council". ImplementationSchedule:Encouragement ofpedestriantravelwillbeintegratedinthe FountainHills'GeneralPlan.Sincemostofthe commercial core,includingthestreets,is privatelyowned,theimplementationscheduledependsinlargepartuponthedevelopmentofthat corebyprivateowners.Fountain Hillshaslittle control over thetimingof either commercial or multi-family development. LevelofPersonnelandFundingAllocatedforImplementation:Administration of plan developmentforthisprojectwillrequirestafftimeequivalentto0.2full-timeemployee,atan approximatecostof$8,000.Thiswillbeaccomplishedbycurrentdepartmentpersonnelunder the adopted Town budget forFY 1997-1998.This estimated total cost for construction willbe $30,000,fromtheapprovedTownbudget,asprogrammedintheTownCapitalImprovement Program,plus substantial developer stipulations. Enforcement Program:This measure doesnot represent an ordinance,regulation,orrule requiring enforcement.Maintenance of sidewalks willbe provided bythe Town of Fountain Hills Street Department under the Town's routine maintenance program. Monitoring Program:The Streets Department will provide tothe Town Engineer a memorandum documenting the implementation progress of this measure ona quarterly basisuntilthe project is completed.The Department will notify the Town Engineer's office in writing whenthe measure isfully implemented. \ggp/ ^m^tfaS Measure 97-TC-5 -MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan For PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan MeasureTitle:Measure97-TC-5.ExpansionofPublicTransportationSystems. Measure Description:TheTownofFountainHillsagreestoupgradeandexpandonthe existingtransitservicebyimplementingavan-shuttle/dial-a-rideprogramthisyearonatrial basis.The program begins on September 29,1997,andis called the Fountain HillsShuttle Service. Responsible Agencyand Authority for Implementation:Thismeasurewillbejointly implementedbytheTownofFountainHillsincollaborationwiththeRegionalPublic Transportation Authority("RPTA"),MaricopaCounty,andtheAmericanRedCross.Legal authority forthisis provided under Arizona RevisedStatutes §9-240-"General Powers of Council". Implementation Schedule:Thisservicebeginson September 29,1997,andofferstheTown of Fountain Hills'residents the opportunity nowto connect withthe106and94busroutesat MayoClinic(SheaBlvd.).Thevan-shuttleservicewilltransportpeoplebetween"TownHall" andtheMayoClinic (Shea Blvd.)withfive departure timesfromeachlocation.Thisserviceis free. Levelof Personnel and Funding Allocated for Implementation:TheTownofFountainHillshas included$27,000intheTownbudgettocoverpaymentfortheRedCrosspersonnelusedtodrive the vans. EnforcementProgram:Thismeasuredoesnotrepresentanordinance,regulation,orrule requiring enforcement. MonitoringProgram:Thisprogramwillbe jointly managedand coordinated bytheRedCross, RPTA,and the Town of Fountain Hills. ^i/ii^i^mr Measure 97-NR-6 -MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan For PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan MeasureTitle:Measure97-NR-6.EncouragetheUseofTemporaryElectricalPower Lines Rather than Portable Generators at Construction Sites. MeasureDescription:TheTownofFountainHillsagreestoimplementaprogramwhich encouragestheuseofSaltRiverProject("SRP")temporary power devicesatnewconstruction sites. ResponsibleAgencyandAuthorityforImplementation:Thismeasureisjointlyimplemented bytheTownofFountainHillsBuildingandSafety Department andSRP.Legalauthorityfor thisis provided under Arizona Revised Statutes §9-240-"General Powers of Council". ImplementationSchedule:TheTownofFountainHillsBuildingandSafetyDepartment currentlyencouragestheuseof"temporarypowerdevices",however,theactualhook-upand monitoringis controlled andmanagedbySRP.The program beganonJanuary1,1997. Level of Personnel and Funding Allocated for Implementation:There arenofunds allocated forthis measure fromthe Town of Fountain Hills budget. Enforcement Program:Thismeasuredoesnot represent an ordinance,regulation,orrule requiring enforcement.SRPmanagesand enforces this "temporary power"program.All temporary power devices are installed and inspected by SRP personnel atthe construction site. MonitoringProgram:TheTownofFountainHills encourages theuseofthis"temporarypower" program,however,SRP is responsible forits monitoring. c DRAFT _,1997 Environmental Programs Coordinator Maricopa Association of Governments 1820 West Washington Phoenix,AZ 85007 Attn:Lindy Bauer RE:Reasoned JustificationforNot Implementing Air QualityMeasuresforthe MAG 1997 Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide Plan Dear Ms.Bauer: The Town of FountainHills hereby submits ourreasoned justification for non-implementation oftheremainingairqualitymeasuresasdescribedinthelist of localgovernmentalmeasures fromthe MAG suggestedlist of measures.Pleasenotethatthe Town of FountainHillsadopted Resolution 1997-49.This resolutionpertainsto MAG airqualitycontrolmeasuresthatwillbe implementedbytheTown of FountainHills. Very trulyyours, Randy L.Harrel,P.E.,L.S. Town Engineer cc:Paul Nordin Jim Leubner RLH/mc G:\RESOLUTI\MAG 1997 \jg$0ft/ X^sg^p/ LOCAL GOVERNMENT MEASURES NOT REASONABLY IMPLEMENTED BY THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Measures 97-TC-l:Mass Transit Alternatives 1 Measures 97-TC-3:Develop Intelligent Transportation Systems 1 Measure97-TC-4:SpecialEvent Controls-Required Implementation fromListof Approved Strategies 2 Measures 97-NR-7:Defer Emissions Associated with Governmental Activities 2 Measures 97-TC-6:Employer Rideshare Program Incentives 2 Measures 97-TC-7:Preferential Parking for Carpools and Vanpools 2 Measures 97-TC-8:Coordinate Traffic Signal Systems 3 Measure 97-TC-9:Reduce Traffic Congestion at Major Intersections 3 Measure 97-TC-10:Site Specific Transportation Control Measures 3 Measures 97-TC-l2:Development of Bicycle Travel Facilities 3 Measures 97-TC-13:Alternative Work Schedules 4 Measures 97-TC-14:Land Use/Development Alternatives 4 Measure 97-DC-3:Paving,Vegetating and Chemically Stabilizing Unpaved Access Points onto Paved Roads (Especially Adjacent to Construction/Industrial Sites)4 Measures 97-DC-4:Curbing,Paving,or Stabilizing Shoulders on Paved Roads (Includes Painting Stripe on Outside of Travel Lane)4 Measures 97-DC-6:Restrictions on the Use of Gasoline-Powered Blowers for Landscaping Maintenance 5 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS REASONED JUSTIFICATION FOR NOT IMPLEMENTING CO AND PM-10 AIR QUALITY MEASURES Measures 97-TC-l -Mass Transit Alternatives TheTownof Fountain Hillsisasmall community witha population of approximately 15,000and encompasses 19squaremiles.Fountain Hillsis currently served bytheRegionalPublic Transportation Authority("RPTA")currentlyonlywitha commuter expressbusrouteto downtownPhoenixtwiceaday.TheTown,however,is upgrading transitserviceby implementing a van-shuttle/dial-a-ride program this coming yearonatrialbasis.Should that service be used regularly,the Town intends to continue or expand it. The impact of anyfuturelightrail transit system onthe Town of Fountain Hillswouldbe minimal.Based onthe current population size of Fountain Hills and because of the Town of Fountain Hills'geographical location as related tothe Phoenix metropolitan area,itwouldbe highly uneconomical to extend anyrailor transit system tothe Town of Fountain Hills based on potential use. The Town of Fountain Hills isnot part of the team of local governments which are involved in the major investment studies related tomass transit alternatives with coordination through the RPTA. Measures 97-TC-3 -Develop Intelligent Transportation Systems The Town of Fountain Hills isa small community witha population of approximately 15,000 and encompasses 19 square miles.Fountain Hills is currently served bythe RPTA onlywitha commuter express busrouteto downtown Phoenix twiceaday. The Town of Fountain Hills is located east of the Phoenix metropolitan area.Shea Blvd.isthe majoraccess corridor linkingtheTownof Fountain Hillswiththe Phoenix areaandtheBeeline Highway (Route 87)linkstheTownof Fountain Hillswiththe southeast Phoenix metropolitan area(Mesa,Tempe,Gilbert,and Chandler)with ADOT beingthe implementing agencyforany improvements relatedtothismeasure.Onlyasmallportionof Shea Blvd.isundertheTownof Fountain Hills'jurisdiction (segment thatiswestofRoute87andeastofPalisadesBlvd.).The Beeline Highway (Route 87)is governed and managed byADOT. TheTownof Fountain Hillsisnotpart of theteamoflocal governments whichareinvolvedin themajorinvestmentstudiesrelatedtomasstransitalternativeswithcoordinationthroughthe RPTA. Measure 97-TC-4 -Special Event Controls-Required Implementation from List of Approved Strategies TheTownof Fountain Hills,asasmall community of approximately 15,000people,haslimited staff resources available to provide the specialized coordination,monitoring,and enforcement of specialeventactivitiescoveredbythismeasure. Each Special Event Coordinator operating withinthe Town of Fountain Hills,isresponsiblefor meetingallour quality measures perthe guidelines outlined per Maricopa County andtheClean Air Act. Measures 97-NR-7 -Defer Emissions Associated with Governmental Activities The Town of Fountain Hills isa small community withthe population of approximately 15,000 and encompasses 19squaremiles.Asasmallmunicipal government withlimitedpersonneland fundsand equipments,it would notbe physically orfiscally possible toalter government lawn andgarden maintenance schedules,limitvehicleuseoridling,or reschedule street maintenance outside the winter carbon monoxide season. As small as our Streets Maintenance Department isandalso our newly formed Public Works Department (3people),itisimperativethattheywork proficiently withminimalinterruption. Shiftingor postponing activities outsideof critical air pollution periods couldresultin underutilization of expensive equipment and inefficient use of manpower resources. Measures 97-TC-6 -Employer Rideshare Program Incentives The Town of Fountain Hillsisasmall community witha population of approximately 15,000 and encompasses19squaremiles.FountainHillsisprimarilya bedroom community anddoesnot haveemployersofasizeornumbertowarrantrideshareprogramincentives.Parkingisreadily available withinthe Town and congestion isnota problem.Therefore,the number of rideshare participantsisnotlikelytobesignificantlyincreasedbythisprogram. Measures 97-TC-7 -Preferential Parking for Carpools and Vanpools TheTownof Fountain Hillsisasmall community witha population of approximately 15,000 and encompasses19squaremiles.Becauseparkingisreadilyavailableandcongestionisnota problemwithintheTown,providingpreferentialparkingforcarpoolsandvanpoolsis unlikely tosignificantlydecreasethenumberofsingleoccupancyautomobileworktrips. Nsjgjj^X' Measures 97-TC-8 -Coordinate Traffic Signal Systems TheTownofFountainHillsisasmallcommunitywithapopulationof15,000andencompasses 19squaremiles.Therearecurrentlyno(100%)synchronized trafficsignalsystemswithinthe Town's boundarylimits.FountainHillsBlvd.hasacurrentaverageof9,000vehicularTPD, withSaguaroBlvdat12,000,andPalisadesBlvd.at7,000.SheaBlvd.hasacurrentaverageof 27,000vehicletripsperday("TPD"),however,itscurrentsignalspacingaveragesabout1.5 mileswhichisnotconducivetorequiredtrafficsynchronization.Also,withina6milesegment ofSheaBlvd.,therearefour jurisdictions (Arizona Department of Transportation ("ADOT"), Maricopa County Department of Transportation ("MCDOT"),Scottsdale,andtheTownof FountainHills)sharing responsibility for coordinating anyfuturetrafficsignalizationsystems. Asadditionalsignalsareadded,theTownofFountainHillswillreviewandanalyzethe feasibilityof implementing thismeasure.Anyfuture coordination oftrafficsignalsystemswill be implemented bythe responsible agencies. Measure 97-TC-9 •Reduce Traffic Congestion at Major Intersections Thismeasureisnot reasonably available fortheTown of Fountain Hills.Existing trafficlevels donot warrant expenditure of limited resources toobtainsmall reductions invehicledelays.The Townis continuing to monitor traffic conditions andplanfor intersection improvements when theywillbe required bythe growth in traffic. Measure 97-TC-10 -Site Specific Transportation Control Measures This measure isnot reasonably available forthe Town of Fountain Hills.The lowto moderate traffic levels donot warrant expenditure of limited resources to obtain the minor reductions in vehicledelays.The Town continues to monitor traffic conditions andplanfor needed transportation control measures required byfuturegrowthintraffic. Measures 97-TC-12 -Development of Bicycle Travel Facilities This measure isnot reasonably available forthe Town of Fountain Hills.The Town requireson- street bicycle lanestobe constructed by private developers and within futurepublicworks projectsforallnewarterialandmajor collector roadways.Development ofseparatebikepath facilities(primarilyalongwash corridors)hasbeenrequiredof developers,butnotasofthistime implementeddueto environmental andhabitatconcerns. Measures 97-TC-13 -Alternative Work Schedules TheTownofFountainHillsisasmallcommunitywithapopulationofapproximately 15,000 and encompasses 19squaremiles.BecauseFountainHillsisprimarilyabedroom community,there are relatively fewmajoremployersinTown.The businesses thatdoexistopenandclose fairly early including thelocal schools,construction workers,and maintenance workers.Therefore, sucha measure would have an insignificant effect. Measures 97-TC-14 -Land Use/Development Alternatives TheTownofFountainHillsisasmallcommunitywithapopulationofapproximately 15,000 and encompasses 19 squaremiles.TheTown supports cluster development andcorridor development conducivetopublictransit.However,thelackofpublictransitavailabilityprecludesthisitem fromhavinga significant effectontransitridershipandairpollutionintheshortrun. Measure 97-DC-3 -Paving,Vegetating and Chemically Stabilizing Unpaved Access Points onto Paved Roads (Especially Adjacent to Construction/Industrial Sites) TheTownofFountainHillsisasmallcommunitywithapopulationofapproximately 15,000 and encompasses19squaremiles.TheTownof Fountain Hillshas previously committedto implementingplansoutliningproceduresagreeing"topaveand/or dustproof roads,alleysand parkinglotswithinTownlimits."Additionally,theTownhas previously committedto constructioninspectionproceduresagreeing"tocontinuetorequirethatstreetsbekeptclean adjacent to construction sites within the Town limits." Paving selected access points and street clean-up of construction access to streets minimizes the majorityofdustwithin construction areas.TheTown of FountainHillscurrentlyhasveryfew undeveloped accesspointsandweare eliminating theseas development occurs intheseareas. Measures 97-DC-4 -Curbing,Paving,or Stabilizing Shoulders on Paved Roads (Includes Painting Stripe on Outside of Travel Lane) TheTownof Fountain Hillsisasmall community witha population of approximately 15,000and encompasses 19 square miles.The Town has relatively few existing roadways whicharenot curbed anddonothave paved shoulders.Those limited stretches which donothave stabilized shoulders have relatively few access points ontothe roadway,and relatively insignificant use. TheTownhas adopted previous MAG measures agreeing "topave and/or dustproof roads,alleys andparkinglotswithinTownlimits."Theroads,alleysandparkinglotssopaved,include curbing to prevent usage outside of the pavement areas.All roadways are required tobecurbed. Thecost of curbing thefew roadways with unstabilized shoulders independent of fullroadway improvementswouldbevery expensive andwouldlikelyneedtoberedoneinanupgradeofthe roadway. "S^^t^ \^ Measures 97-DC-6 -Restrictions on the Use of Gasoline-Powered Blowers for Landscaping Maintenance TheTownofFountainHillsisasmallcommunitywithapopulationofapproximately15,000and encompasses19squaremiles.Theuseofblowersforlandscapingmethodsishighlysporadic. Administrationandenforcementofanordinanceprohibitingitsusewouldbeextremelydifficult. TheuseofblowersinFountainHillsisrelativelysmall.Aprimaryuseofblowersinotherparts ofthePhoenixmetropolitanareaistoremovegrassclippingsandtrimmingsfrompavedsurfaces andlandscapedareas.FountainHills,beingacommunitysensitiveandinharmonywiththe desertenvironmentislandscapedprimarilywithnativeplantsandshrubsrequiringminimalneed forblowers utilized ina predominately turf landscape environment.