HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1998-02L When Recorded Return to: Town of Fountain Hills Engineering Dept. PO Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 1998-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OFFOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA PURSUANTTO A.R.S.§28-1901 ET. SEQ.ABANDONING ALLRIGHT,TITLE OR INTERESTIN PORTIONS OF CERTAIN PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY KNOWN AS (ORIGINAL)GOLDEN EAGLE BOULEVARD AND BAINBRIDGE AVENUE LOCATED WITHIN FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NUMBER 505A AS RECORDED IN BOOK 158,PAGE 40 OFTHE RECORDS OFTHE MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER WHICH HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE NO LONGER NECESSARY. WHEREAS,A.R.S. and §28-1901 et.seg.provides for the disposition of unnecessary public roads; WHEREAS,TheTown Council of the Townof Fountain Hills is the governing body of the Town; and NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,as follows: SECTION 1.That portions of the (original)Golden Eagle Boulevard,located within Plat 505A,as recorded in Book 158,Page 40,Maricopa County Recorder Records as described in ExhibitA and as depicted inExhibitB attached hereto and incorporated herein is hereby declared to be no longer necessary for public use as a right-of-way. SECTION 2.That the Council determines this property can best be used to protect the public health,safety and welfare of the adjacent property owners and the citizens of the Town and therefore declares that the value of the property is de minimis and that no compensation is required from the adjacent property owners pursuant to A.R.S.§ 28-1902.A.3 and §28-1902.A.5. SECTION 3.That upon recordation ofthis resolution in the office of the Maricopa County Recorder,title to (original)Golden Eagle Boulevard as described in Exhibit A and as depicted inExhibitBshall vest in the owners of record of the adjacent property as determined by the records of the Maricopa County Recorder on the day of recordation,subject to the easements retained. Resolution 1998-02 Page 1 of 2 ^PASS/JAIL MOTION JOS SECOND ^iASAJi Kcr £*£- COUNT . 1-15-Cl % JSCQM^ m-U PASSEDAND ADOPTED this 15th day of January,1998. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: Paul L/Norcfin Town Manager ATTEST: (AlsMa^^JO jJk^AA^J Cassie B.Hansen Town Clerk APPROVED ASTO FORM -^MUtof^/-. William E.Farrell Town Attorney Resolution 1998-02 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT A LEGAL NUMBER 744 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE ABANDONMENT OFA PORTION OF (ORIGINAL)GOLDENEAGLE C BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA FINALPLATNO.505-A,RECORDED IN ^feOOK 158,PAGE 40,M.C.R.,BETWEEN (NEW)GOLDEN EAGLE BOULEVARD AND BAINBRIDGE AVENUE AportionoftheNortheastQuarterofSection9,Township 3North,Range6EastoftheGilaandSaltRiver Baseand Meridian,Fountain Hills,Maricopa County,Arizona,more particularly described asfollows: CommencingatthecenterlineintersectionofGoldenEagle Boulevard andBainbridgeAvenuefromwhichthe Northeast corner of said Section 9 bears North 32 degrees 29 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 1804.62 feet andtheEast Quarter corner of said Section 9bears South 41 degrees 06 minutes 18 seconds Eastadistanceof 1482.45feet;thenceNorth87degrees33minutes03secondsEastalongthe centerline of BainbridgeAvenuea distanceof297.14feet;thenceNorth02degrees26 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of 25.00feettoapoint onthe northerly rightofway of Bainbridge Avenue,saidpoint being the beginning of anontangentcurve concave southerly and having aradius of 325.00 feet,aradialline passing through saidpointbearsNorth02 degrees26minutes59secondsWest;thenceeasterlyalongthearcofsaidcurveandsaidAvenuethrougha centralangleof01degree27minutes21secondsanarclengthof8.26feettothePOINTOFBEGINNING; thencontinuingonsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof44degrees52minutes08secondsanarclengthof 254.51 feettoapointofcusp,saidpointbeingonthesoutherlylineofGoldenEagleEstatesasrecordedin Book366,Page 31 oftherecords of Maricopa County;thence departing Bainbridge Avenue,North48degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds West along the southerly line of said Golden Eagle Estates a distance of131.00feetto thebeginningofatangentcurve concave southwesterly andhavingaradius of 3692.00 feet;thence northwesterly alongthearcofsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof03degrees25minutes00secondsanarc lengthof220.16feet;thenceNorth 51 degrees50minutes00seconds West adistanceof280.00feettothe beginningofatangentcurveconcavenortheasterlyandhavingaradiusof3608.00feet;thencealongthearcof saidcurvethroughacentralangleof03degrees25minutes00 seconds anarclengthof 215.15 feet;thence North48degrees25minutes00secondsWestadistanceof 41.31 feettoapointofcusp,saidpointbeingona nontangentcurveconcave southwesterly andhavingaradiusof 851.00 feetsaidpointalsobeingonthe northerlylineofGoldenEagle Boulevard,aradiallinepassingthroughsaidpointbearsNorth49degrees55 minutes25secondsEast;thence departing saidGoldenEagleEstates,southerly alongthearcofsaidcurveand alongGoldenEagleBoulevardthroughacentralangleof 17 degrees47minutes45secondsanarclengthof 264.32feettoapointonanontangentcurveconcavenortheasterlyandhavingaradiusof3692.00feet,said pointbeingonthesoutherlylineof(original)GoldenEagleBoulevard,aradiallinepassingthroughsaidpoint bearsSouth38degrees19minutes14secondsWest;thencedepartingGoldenEagleBoulevard,southeasterly alongthearcofsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof00degrees09minutes 15 secondsanarclengthof9.93 feet;thenceSouth 51 degrees50minutes00secondsEastadistanceof 280.00 feettothebeginningofatangent curveconcavesouthwesterlyandhavingaradiusof 3608.00 feet;thencealongthearcofsaidcurvethrougha centralangleof01degree47minutes54secondsanarclengthof 113.25 feettothe POINT OFBEGINNING. parcelcontains1.1043acresmoreorless. Njii^^/ G:\LEGAL\LEGDESC.744 Street right-of-way abandonment sale excerpted from 12/26/95 maptitled"GoldenEagle Boulevard &Bainbridge Avenue Legals 731,732,733,734,and 744",by Anderson- Nelson(GeorgeNelson,AZ R.L.S.#10260)anddoesnotrepresentafieldsurvey. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS SALE OF RIGHT OF WAY EXHIBIT B LEGAL NUMBER 744