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Res 1998-13
RESOLUTION 1998-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA,DECLARING AND ADOPTING THE RESULTS OF THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 10,1998. WHEREAS,theTownofFountainHills,MaricopaCounty,Arizonadidholdaprimary electiononthe10dayofMarch,1998forthenominationofaMayorandthreeCouncilmembers; and WHEREAS,theelectionreturnshavebeenpresentedtoandhavebeencanvassedbythe Town Council. NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED bytheMayorandCounciloftheTownof Fountain Hills,Maricopa County,Arizona,as follows: SECTION 1.Thatthetotalnumberofballotscastatsaidprimary election,asshownby thepolllists,was 3,647. SECTION2.Thatthenumberofballotstobeverifiedwas69,thenumberofchallenged ballotswas0andthatvoters found tobe ineligible were14. SECTION 3.That thevotescastforthe candidates for mayor wereasfollows: NAME FH#1 FH#2 FH#3 FH#4 FH #5 FH#6 FH#7 TOTAL MILES,Jerold L."Jerry"2591861801951911782641,453 MORGAN,Sharon 321 355 365 197 233 330 301 2,102 SECTION 4.That the votes cast for the candidates for councilmember were as follows: ©Resolution 1998-13 Page 1of 2 *ASS>f AIL ,J^illjA N Laurence second h^ALhho£L COUNT —1=-S. NAME FH#1 FH#2 FH#3 FH #4 FH #5 FH#6 FH#7 TOTAL 248 264 287 167 198 247 207 1,618 413 385 377 266 289 347 396 2,473 229 232 252 110 156 191 213 1,383 325 260 255 246 242274 344 1,946 401 352 346 299 295 351 389 2,433 BALDWIN,Raymond L. HUTCHESON,Sharon B. KERN,Phyliss WIGGISHOFF,Marianne V. WYMAN,John C. SECTION 5.Thatis hereby found,determined and declared of record,thatthe following 4 candidates did receive the greatest number of votes of the electors of thetownatsaid election and are hereby issued certificates of election: MAYOR: COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER Sharon Morgan Sharon B.Hutcheson Marianne V.Wiggishoff John C.Wyman SECTION7.Thisresolutionshallbeinfullforceandeffect immediately uponits adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,this 19th day of March,1998. APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E.Farrell,Attorney REVIEWED BY: Paul L.'Nordin,Town Manager Jerry Miles,Mayor ATTEST TO: LjlAUjl {S£)kllAUA~J Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk Resolution 1998-13 Page 2 of 2