HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1998-49TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
WHEREAS,as the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG)has been designated bythe
Governor of Arizona,as the regional air quality planning agency in Maricopa County;and
WHEREAS,the Maricopa County non-attainment area has been reclassified as a Serious Area
for particulate matter according to the Clean AirAct;and
WHEREAS,the Serious Area Particulate Plan for PM-10 is required to include Best Available
Control Measures ("BACM");and
WHEREAS,several Serious Area Committed Particulate Control Measures for PM-10 for the
Maricopa County Non-attainment Area and Support Technical Analysis were submitted to the
Environmental Protection Agency in December 1997;and
WHEREAS,additional Best Available Control Measures are needed for the Serious Area
Particulate Plan for PM-10;and
WHEREAS,Arizona Revised Statutes 49-406 G.requires that each agency that commits to
implement a control measure described that commitment ina resolution adopted by the
governing body which specifies its authority for implementing the measure as provided in
statute,ordinance,orrule;a program for enforcement of the measures;and the levelof
personnel and funding allocated to the implementation of the measure.
SECTION 1.That the Council of the Town of Fountain Hills agrees to proceed witha
good faitheffortto implement the measures identified inExhibitAwhichis part of this
SECTION 2.That the Council of the Townof Fountain Hills commits to implement the
measures as scheduled and with the funding sources identified.Recognizing,however,that
the availability of necessary funding may depend on the funding programs or processes of
various state and federal agencies,the Town agrees to consider modifications of the funding or
schedules for implementation actions,if necessary.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona this
1st day of October,1998.
Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk I Sharon Morgan,Mayor
William E.Farrell,Town Attorney
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Measure Title:98-FP-1.Clean Burning Fireplaces Ordinances
Measure Description:The Townof Fountain Hills commits to adopt an ordinance designed to
ensure that as new fireplaces are built,they will notbe contributing to increased airpollution
problems.The ordinance will prohibit the installation or construction ofa fireplace orwood
stove unless itis clean burning.The ordinance will also prohibit the subsequent conversion or
alteration ofa permitted fireplace or wood stove toa non-permitted use.This ordinance will
include the state requirements listedin the Arizona Senate Bill 1427 (1998)and the MAG Clean
Burning Fireplace Standard,dated October 23,1997.
Responsible Agency and Authorityfor Implementation:The ordinance will be implemented by
theTownof Fountain Hills.Legal authority forthis action will be provided under Arizona
Revised Statutes (ARS)9-240,"General Powers of Councils",and ARS 9-500.16,"Clean
Burning Fireplace Ordinance",as created under Senate Bill 1427.
Implementation Schedule:In accordance with ARS 9-500.16,the ordinance must be
developed,adopted,and implemented by December 31,1998.
Levelof Personnel and Funding Allocatedfor Implementation:No funds orlevelof personnel
have yet been allocated.
Enforcement Program:Legal authority forthis action will be provided under Arizona Revised
Statutes (ARS)9-240,"General Powers ofCouncils",and ARS 9-500.16,"CleanBurning
Fireplace Ordinance:,as created under Senate Bill 1427.
Monitoring Program:The Townof Fountain HillsBuilding Safety Department will track the
progress made with the implementation ofthis measure.Onan annual basis,Maricopa County
will be requesting informationonthe progress made with implementation.MaricopaCountyis
the entity responsible for reporting reasonable further progress to the U.S.Environmental
Protection Agency.
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Measure Title:98-DC-7.Reduce Particulate Emissions from(Public)
Unpaved Roads and Alleys
Measure Description:TheTownofFountain Hills commitstodevelopingand implementing a
planthat requires unpaved roads and alleystobestabilizedto reduce particulate emissions
from vehiclestravelingoveranunpaved surface.Owners/operators ofexistingpublicunpaved
roads with average dailytrip volumes of 250 vehicles or greater withinthe boundaries of
Fountain Hills will berequiredto pave,chemicallystabilize,orapplygraveltothe unpaved road.
Requirements fortheplan are includedinARS9-500.04(A)(3)as created byArizona Senate
Bill 1427 (1998).Approximately2.4±milesof unpaved roads and alleys (.15 mile-roads,2.25
miles-alleys)will be evaluated andbegintobe treated by January 1,2000,continuing as
needed,using dust proofing techniques approved byEPA and/or MAG.
ResponsibleAgencyand Authority for Implementation:Theplan will beimplementedbythe
TownofFountain Hills.Legal authority forthisaction will beprovided under Arizona Revised
Statutes (ARS)9-240,"General Powers ofCouncils",andARS9-500.04(A)(3),as created
under Senate Bill 1427.
Implementation Schedule:Planstostabilize targeted unpaved roads andalleyshaving greater
than250vehiclesperday need tobe developed andbegintobeimplementedby January 1,
2000.The short span ofpublicroad (.15 mile)is scheduled tobe asphalt paved perTown
standards duringfiscal year 1998-1999 (ending June 30,1999).
TheTownofFountain Hills,perthesubdivision ordinance,requires developers toprovidenew
paved streets with concrete curbs withinall subdivisions and including perimeter streets.
(Reference:SubdivisionOrdinance,Article IV -PublicImprovements Requirements 404(A),
Adopted by Town Council October 3,1996.
Levelof Personnel andFundingAllocatedforImplementation:Noadditional personnel is
expected toberequired.Fundingis approved within thefiscal year 1998-1999 budgetfor
pavingthe unpaved road segment;however,fundingforstabilizingthe unpaved alleysis
Enforcement Program:The Townof Fountain Hills Engineering and Street Maintenance
Departments will be responsible for enforcing this measure.
Monitoring Program:The Townof Fountain Hills Engineering Department will track the
progress made withthe implementation ofthis measure.Onan annual basis,MaricopaCounty
will be requesting informationonthe progress made with implementation.MaricopaCountyis
theentity responsible for reporting reasonable further progress to the U.S.Environmental
Protection Agency.
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Measure Title:98-DC-8.Reduce Particulate Emissions fromUnpaved
Shoulders on Targeted Arterials
Measure Description:TheTownofFountain Hills commitstodevelopingand implementing a
planthatrequiresunpaved shoulders ofpavedroadstobestabilizedto reduce particulate
emissions from vehiclestravelingoversuch surfaces.Owners/operators ofexistingpublic
unpaved roads with average dailytrip volumes of250 vehicles or greater within the boundaries
ofFountain Hills will berequiredtopave,chemicallystabilize,orapplygraveltotheunpaved
shoulder portion oftheroad.Requirements fortheplanareincludedinARS 9-500.04(A)(3)as
created by Arizona Senate Bill 1427 (1998).
ResponsibleAgencyand Authority for Implementation:This measure will beimplementedby
theTownofFountain Hills.Legalauthorityforthisaction will beprovided under Arizona
Revised Statutes (ARS)9-240,"GeneralPowersof Councils",andARS 9-500.04(A)(3),as
created under Senate Bill 1427.
Implementation Schedule:Planstostabilize targeted unpaved shoulders ofarterialpaved
roads need tobe developed and begun tobe implemented beginning January 1,2000.
Owners/operators musthavetheexistingunpaved shoulders ofarterialpavedroadspaved,
chemically stabilized,or graveled by June 10,2000.
Level of Personnel andFundingAllocatedforImplementation:Noadditional personnel is
expected to be required;funding at this time is undetermined.
Enforcement Program:TheTownof Fountain Hills Engineering and Street Maintenance
Departments will be responsible forenforcingthis measure byconstructingthe
Monitoring Program:The Townof Fountain Hills Engineering and Street Maintenance
Departments will track the progress made with the implementation ofthis measure.Onan
annual basis,MaricopaCounty will be requesting informationonthe progress made with
implementation.MaricopaCountyistheentity responsible forreporting reasonable further
progress to the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency.
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Measure Title:98-DC-9.Reduce Particulate Emissions from Unpaved
Parking Lots.
Measure Description:Unpaved parking lots and driveways can contribute to increased
particulate pollution since the emissions generated by the unpaved surface can become re-
entrained on adjacent paved road surfaces.Commitments of the Town of Fountain Hills are as
New Unpaved Parking Areas
TheTownofFountain Hills currently enforces TownZoning Ordinance §7.03-A.2Design
and Locationof Parking Spaces which specifies the type of surface onwhichamotor
vehicle must be parked.This ordinance states:"...all parking spaces,drivewaysand
access ways shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete,pavement bricksor cement
concrete"(singlefamily driveways with less than 5%slopes may also be surfaced witha
stabilizedgranite)andshallbe constructed before theTown will issue an occupancy
Existing Town-Owned Unpaved Parking Areas
TheTownof Fountain Hills will pave or stabilize all Town-owned parkinglots.All future
Town-owned parking areas will be paved or surfaced with compliant material.
Special Event Parking on Unpaved Areas
TheTownof Fountain Hills utilizesaprivateland area (+40 acres)as aparkinglotfor
special events duringthe year.Thislandis used approximately 10-15 days per
calendar year and is therefore exempted from additional measures because vehicles are
parked on this land less than 35 days per year.
Responsible Agency and Authorityfor Implementation:This measure will be implemented by
the Townof Fountain Hills.Legal authority forthis action will be provided under Arizona
Revised Statutes (ARS)9-240,"General Powers of Councils".
Implementation Schedule:The Townof Fountain Hills commits to enforcing the current
ordinances to assure compliance.
Levelof Personnel and Funding Allocated for Implementation:No additional personnel is
expected tobe required.All funding is provided by the private sector developers to complete
their projects ina compliant manner.
Enforcement Program:The Townof Fountain Hills Building Safety,Engineering and Planning
and Zoning Departments will be responsible for enforcing this measure through the existing
zoning ordinances and Town Codes.
Monitoring Program:The Town of Fountain Hills Engineering Department will track the
progress made with the implementation of this measure.On an annual basis,Maricopa County
will be requesting information on the progress made with implementation.Maricopa County is
the entity responsible for reporting reasonable further progress to the U.S.Environmental
Protection Agency.
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Measure Title:98-DC-10 Reduce Particulate Emissions from Vacant Disturbed
Measure Description:The Townof Fountain Hills has adopted Town Code,Chapter 12-2-
TrafficControl and §12-2-11 Operation of Vehicles on Vacant Lotswhich prohibits vehicular use
onor across anyportionofa vacant lot(of any size)other than as an established dust proof
driveway,except during activities authorized by the Town.
The Townof Fountain Hills has approximately 1900 +areas of currently undeveloped but
developable platted lots.These lots are located in pristine native desert environments and
Town ordinances and code prohibit any land disturbance withouta development permit.
The Town will approve an ordinance that will require:
•Scraping the ground for weed abatement will require a dust control plan.
•Disturbed surfaces onnew platted vacant lots must be treated within eight months after the
disturbance.Treating can beby establishing ground cover vegetation,applying a dust
suppressant,restoring toa natural state,or applying gravel.
•Motor vehicle surfaces on new platted vacant lots shall be restricted to non-use or treated
withintwo months after the disturbance.Restricting use shallincludeplacing signs,fencing,
shrubs,trees,barriers,surface gravel,or chemical/organic stabilizer.
The following exemptions/unregulated areas will apply to these requirements:
•Vacant lot disturbed surfaces that are less than 0.50 acres
•Vacant lotswhich are occupied,used or developed that are not inactive fora period of more
than 15 days
•Vacant lots with motor vehicle disturbances that are 5,000 square feet or less
•Weed abatement operations that maintain weed stubble 3 or more inches above the soil
surface for the purpose ofcontrollinga potential fire hazard or otherwise unhealthy
•Weed abatement operations that are permitted by Maricopa County
Responsible Agency and Authorityfor Implementation:This measure will be implemented by
the Town of Fountain Hills.Legal authority for this action will be provided under Arizona
Revised Statutes (ARS)9-240,"General Powers of Councils",and ARS 9-500.04(A)(3),as
created under Senate Bill 1427.
Implementation Schedule:The control measure has been adopted and currently is
Levelof Personnel and Funding Allocated for Implementation:No additional personnel is
expected to be required.There isno additional funding required at thistime.
Enforcement Program:The Town of Fountain Hills Marshal's Department will be responsible
for enforcing this measure by enforcing the ordinance and Town code for noncompliance.
Monitoring Program:The Town of Fountain Hills Engineering will track the progress made with
the implementation ofthis measure.On an annual basis,Maricopa County will be requesting
information on the progress made with implementation.Maricopa County is the entity
responsible for reporting reasonable further progress to the U.S.Environmental Protection
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Measure Title:98-DC-12.PM-10 Efficient Street Sweepers
Measure Description:This measure involves the use ofPM-10efficient street sweepers to
reduce particulate emissions from paved roads.Presently,the South Coast Air Quality
Management DistrictisworkingwiththeCaliforniaAir Resources Board (CARB)and Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE)to develop a test protocol for certification ofPM-10 efficient street
sweepers in response toCARBRule 1186.TheCARB standards ofcertification are notyet
Once theCARBcertification standards are developed and PM-10efficient street sweepers
have been certified,the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG)has agreed to coordinate
a test assessing the applicabilityof the certified PM-10 efficient sweepers to specific conditions
in the Maricopa County nonattainment area.The test may include,butnot be limitedto,an
evaluationof operational parameters such as production rate,water usage (if applicable),
transport speeds,and available literature onPM-10efficient sweepers.The test wouldbe
conducted inhigh PM-10 concentration areas where a significant source of emissions is vehicle
TheTownofFountain Hills will reviewthe results ofthe MAG PM-10 Efficient Street Sweeping
Test.If theTownof Fountain Hills determines that the PM-10efficient street sweeping units
are economically and technologically feasible,the Townof Fountain Hills will purchase,lease,
or contract to procure the PM-10 efficient unitsto replace older equipment,as itis retired.
Presently theTownof Fountain Hills owns one (1)street sweeper which will be replaced by
December 1998.
Responsible Agency and Authorityfor Implementation:This measure will be implemented by
the Townof Fountain Hills Street Maintenance Department.Legal authority forthis action will
be provided under Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS)9-240,"General Powers of Councils".
Implementation Schedule:The schedule for implementing this measure is dependent uponthe
development of the certification standard and certificationofPM-10efficient street sweeping
equipment byCARB,SAE,and the South Coast Air Quality Management District;the results of
the MAG PM-10 Efficient Street Sweeping Test;and the evaluation of the MAG PM-10 Efficient
Street Sweeping Test by the Town.Therefore,a preliminary timeline is provided as follows:
By December 1999 Development of Certification Standards and
Certification of Equipment byCARB,SAE,and
South Coast Air Quality Management District.
By December 2001 MAG PM-10 Efficient Street Sweeping Test
By December 2002 Determination of economic and technological
feasibility.If feasible,begin to procure PM-10
an efficient street sweeper to replace older
equipment,as itis retired,or contract with
another municipality or vendor which would
employ a PM-10 efficient unit.
Levelof Personnel and Funding Allocated for Implementation:The Maricopa Association of
Governments has allocated $70,000 forthe PM-10 Efficient Street Sweeping Test inthe MAG
CONTINUED:Measure Title:98-DC-12.PM-10 Efficient Street Sweepers
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FY1999 Unified Planning Work ProgramandAnnualBudget.TheTownof Fountain Hills will
provideone employee toparticipateinthe MAG street sweeping test.
Enforcement Program:TheTownof Fountain Hills Street Maintenance Department will
oversee theimplementationofthismeasure.In addition,A.R.S.49-406 I.andJ.provide an
approach for assurancesthatStateand local committedmeasures will beadequately
Monitoring Program:TheTownof Fountain Hills StreetMaintenanceDepartment will trackthe
progressmade with the implementation ofthismeasure.Onanannualbasis,Maricopa County
will berequesting information ontheprogressmade with implementation.Maricopa Countyis
theentity responsible forreporting reasonable further progress to the U.S.Environmental
Protection Agency.
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Previously Submitted
Town of Fountain Hills Commitments to MAG
Date Submittal to MAG Contents of Submittal
10/17/91 Resolution No.1991-47 with
Attachment -Exhibit B
Adopting the MAG 1991 Particulate PlanforPM-10
for the Maricopa County Area;and ExhibitB:
Commitments to comply withMAG 1991 PM-10
Plan include
1.Measure #3 Pave and/or dust proof roads,
alleys and parking lots
2.Measure #4 Sweep streets on a freouent basis
3.Measure #5 Allow and promote growth of
natural vegetation along roadsides
4.Measure #7 Keep streets clean adjacent to
construction sites
5.Measure #13 Reguire trucks to cover
construction materials
6.Measure #14 Reguire developers to maintain
undeveloped land
7.Measure #42 Encourage bicvcle travel
8.Measure #44 Encourage pedestrian travel
9/25/97 Resolution 1997-49 Adopting the MAG 1997 Particulate Planfor PM-10
and MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide
Planfor the Maricopa County area and committing
to certain implementation programs,including:
1.Measure 97-DC-5 Freouent routine sweeping
or cleaning of paved roads
2.Measure 97-TC-11 Encouragement of bicvcle
3.Measure 97-TC-16 Encouragement of
pedestrian travel
4.Measure 97-TC-5 Expansion of public
transportation systems
5.Measure 97-NR-6 Encourage the use of
temporary electrical power lines rather than
portable generators at construction sites
12/12/97 Survey
Applicable Ordinances
Survey of unpaved parking lots,vacant lots,and
unpaved roads with applicable ordinances and
Town codes.
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