HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-06RESOLUTION 2001-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT,TITLE,OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN HILLSIDE PROTECTION EASMENT AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATION OF8,983 SQUARE FEET AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "B"OF CUESTA ACRES LOT 4 FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AS RECORDED IN BOOK 460 OF MAPS,PAGE 29 RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA. WHEREAS,The Town Council ofthe Town of Fountain Hills,asthe governing body ofreal property located inthe Town of Fountain Hills,may require the dedication of public streets,sewer,water,drainage,hillside protection,and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision;and WHEREAS,TheTownCounciloftheTown of Fountain Hillshastheauthoritytoacceptor reject offers of dedication of private property by easement,deed,subdivision,plat or other lawful means;and WHEREAS,AllaffectedTown departments have received notificationoftheproposed abandonment/dedication; NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,as follows: Section 1.That the certain hillside protection easement,located as shown in Exhibit A H.P.E.Abandonment,and Exhibit "B"Hillside Protection Easement Abandonment,of Cuesta Acres Lot 4,Fountain Hills,Arizona;as recorded in Book 460ofmaps,page29 records of Maricopa County,Arizona;arehereby declared tobe abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Section 2.That the certain hillside protection easement,located as shown in Exhibit A Area Dedicated to H.P.E.,and Exhibit "B"Hillside Protection Easement,of Cuesta Acres Lot 4,Fountain Hills,Arizona;tobe recorded at Maricopa County, Arizona;are hereby declared tobe dedicated to the Town of Fountain Hills. Resolution No.2001-06 PASS/£AIL \~1 V-~£L MOTION JsLAJa (^^ SECOND rrii^u-U COUNT 1-0 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY theMayorandCommonCounciloftheTownofFountainHills, Arizona,this _L_M^v,day of Ofrny^r^,20 Q]_. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ATTESTED TO: haron Morgan,Mayor PaulL.Nbrdin,Town Manager (aaa.,S£/La Cassie B.Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk a^a^ APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E.Farrell,Town Attorney Resolution No.2001-06 Page 2 of 2 • When Recorded Return To: CommunityDevelopmentDirector Town of Fountain Hills P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 GRANT OF EASEMENT Robert F.Saunders and Ramona J.Saunders,grantor,for good andvaluable consideration, herebygrantstotheTown of FountainHills,Arizona,grantee,a municipal corporation,its successors and assigns,aperpetual easement upon,across,overandunderallthoseareason Fountain Hills,Arizona FinalPlat of Cuesta Acres Lot 4as graphically depicted inExhibit"A" andaslegallydescribedinExhibit"B",as "Hillside ProtectionEasement"forthepurpose of preservingthenaturaltopographyandvegetation of landarea.Theownerorany of hisheirs, successors,orassigns shall notperformnorallowtobeperformed,anyconstruction;orcutting, filling,gradingtothetopography;noranygrubbing,brushing,removal,orotherwisedamageany vegetation,rock outcropping,orothernaturalfeatureinthe Hillside ProtectionEasementarea withoutpriorTown Council approval.Atrailwaymaybeapermitteduseifapprovedbythe Town Council. Grantor covenants thatgrantoris lawfully seized and possessed ofthis aforementioned tractor parcel of land;thatgrantorhasgoodand lawful right to sell andconveyit;andthatgrantor will warrantthe titleandquiet possession thereto against the claim ofanyperson whatsoever. Dated this /2.CL,day of ^^^y 2001. STATE OF ARIZONA) County ofMaricopa By: By: )§ ) 'jl&~^y>d-i-^vA-/, obert F.Saunders i^V^f>y' Ramona J/Saunders SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BE before me this /£-frL day of by ^^D^O<u\i/A -./)/?//r^^. ^ocjTt • My Commission Expires:"~^> otaryPublic ^2001 5i t° EXHIBIT A H.P.E.ABANDONMENT QUESTA ACRES LOT 4 A=90"00'00" R=20.00' L=31.42' M80-5*00"EW N 09"05*00"W 22.29' N WS5'0Qm E 30.00' LEGEND INDICATES H.P.E.AREA ABANDONED LOT4 / EXHIBIT <CB" Hillside Protection Easement Abandonment Cuesta Acres,Lot 4 Apart of Cuesta Acres,Lot 4as recorded in Book 460,Page 29,Maricopa County Records,Maricopa County,Arizona,moreparticularly described asfollows: Commencing atthe Northerly mostpoint of saidLot4; thence South 79degrees25 minutes 36 seconds West along the Northerly line of said Lot 4,a distance of 150.22 feet; thence South 09degrees05minutes00secondsEast,adistance of 22.29feetalonga line of said Lot 4; thence South 80degrees55minutes00secondsWest,adistance of 30.00feetalonga line of said Lot 4to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence departing said Lot 4line South 60 degrees 48 minutes 31 seconds East,a distance of 145.26 feet; thence South 80degrees55 minutes 00secondsWest,a distance of 38.31 feet; thenceSouth63degrees14minutes48secondsWest,adistance of 50.44feettoapoint ona line of said Lot 4; thenceSouth80degrees 51 minutes50secondsWestalongaline of saidLot4,a distance of 30.01 feet; thence departing said Lot 4line North 54degrees05 minutes 00secondsWest,a distance of 42.55feettoapointonaline of Lot4; thence North 09degrees05minutes00secondsWest,adistance of 29.91feet; thence departing said Lot 4line North 26degrees27 minutes 16 seconds East,a distance of 17.27 feet; thence North 09degrees05minutes00secondsWest,adistance of 27.84feet, thenceNorth27degrees 31 minutes06secondsWest,adistance of 24.70feettoapoint ona line of said Lot 4; thence North 80degrees55minutes00secondsEastalongaline of saidLot4,a distance of 10.21 feettoapoint of curveconcaveSoutheasterlyhavingaradius of 20.00feetandacentralangle of 90degrees00minutes00seconds; thence southeasterly alonga curve of saidLot4anarc distance of 31.42 feettothe POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 8,954.48 square feet,moreorless,subjecttoall existing easements. EXHIBIT A AREA DEDICATED TO H.P.E. QUESTA ACRES LOT 4 o CO UJ ,_A=90'00'00" c O S~/ oo / z / /R=20.00' 1 L=31.42' v-n og'os'oo"W \22.29' H80-55'00"EW *0?j LEGEND INDICATES H.P.E.AREA DEDICATED EXHIBIT CCB" Hillside Protection Easement Cuesta Acres,Lot 4 Apart of Cuesta Acres,Lot4asrecordedinBook460,Page29,Maricopa County Records,MaricopaCounty,Arizona,moreparticularlydescribedas follows: CommencingattheNortherlymostpoint of saidLot4; thenceSouth79degrees25minutes36secondsWestalongtheNortherlyline of said Lot4,adistance of 150.22 feet; thenceSouth09degrees05minutes00seconds East alongaline of saidLot4,a distance of 10.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thencedepartingsaidLot4lineNorth79degrees25minutes36secondsEast,a distance of 132.48 feet; thenceSouth55degrees49minutes00secondsEast,adistance of 80.31 feet; thence South 35degrees30minutes03secondsWest,adistance of 106.79feet; thence North 60degrees48minutes 31 secondsWest,adistance of 40.98feet; North80degrees 55 minutes00secondsEast,adistance of 6.94feet; thence North 35degrees30minutes03seconds East,adistance of 23.12 feet; thence North 16 degrees03minutes26secondsWest,adistance of 45.37feet, thence North 55degrees49minutes30secondsWest,adistance of 44.18 feet; thenceSouth79degrees25minutes36secondsWest,adistance of69.29feettoapoint on said Lot 4; thenceNorth09degrees05minutes00secondsWestalongaline of Lot4,adistance of 12.29 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing8,963.00squarefeet,moreorless,subjecttoallexistingeasements.