HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-17RESOLUTION 2001-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,DECLARING A PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY PURSUANT TO A.R.S.§12-1111,et.seq.FOR THE ACQUISITION BY GIFT,PURCHASE OR EMINENT DOMAIN OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FOR THE PURPOSES OF A PUBLIC ROAD AND PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY;AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That A.R.S.§9-240 and 12-1111,et.seq.provide general law towns of theState of Arizona theauthoritytoopenandlayoutstreetsandpublic rights-of-way aswellastheauthoritytoacquire realand personal property foruseas public roadsand rights-of-way. Section 2. Thatthe Town Council hereby findsand declares that certain real property depicted onthe mapattachedheretoas Exhibit "A"andmore particularly described legallyassetforthinExhibit "B"isneededfora public roadand public right-of-way to certain real property owned bytheTown of Fountain Hills. Section 3. That the Town Council pursuant toA.R.S.§12-1112 specifically findsthattheuseto which thepropertyistobe applied is authorized bylawandthatthetaking of the property if necessaryis in the best interests of the citizen of the Town of Fountain Hills. Section 4. That the Town Manager,Town Clerk,andTown Attorney are hereby authorized and directed toacquiresaidreal property bygift,purchase or eminent domain,andtodoallactsandtosignall documentsandpayallcosts necessary toacquiresaidrealproperty. Resolution 2001-17 Page 1 of 2 L Section 5. Thatthe Town Manager,Town Clerk and Town Attorney are further authorized and directed toadjustthelegal description of the property tobe acquired in cooperation withplansfor development filedby adjacent property owners soasto eliminate any unintended adverse impact upon adjacent property. Section 6. Thattheimmediateoperation of theprovisions of this Resolution isnecessaryforthe preservation of the public health,safety and welfare of the citizens andin order toallowboththe property owner andtheTowntotake advantage of timeand financial opportunities thatexistto consolidate thisactionwith other actionsand negotiations an emergency is hereby declared toexist, andthatthis Resolution shallbeinfullforceandeffectfromandafterits passage bytheCouncil, as required bylaw. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizonathis 19,h dayofApril,2000 FOR THE.TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS:ATTESTED TO: Sharon Morgan,Mayor Paul L.Nordin,Town Manager Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM•CUVmJAS tU^UKMj_>p iam E.Farrell,Town Attorney Resolution 2001-17 Page 2 of 2 L C Exhibit A PROPERTY ACQUISITION PARCEL -WATER TANK ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY A parcel of land located in Section 17,Township 3 North,Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian,Maricopa County,Arizona,described as follows: Commencing at the north quarter corner of said Section 17; Thence south07 degrees 12 minute 18 seconds east a distance of 1594.96 feettothemost northwestern corner of Lot 17 of SunRidge Canyon Parcel M Final Plat as recorded in Book 427, Page50ofthe Maricopa County records,saidpointalso being onthe boundary ofsaidplat; Thence south06 degrees 22 minutes 54 seconds east along the westerly property line of saidLot17, a distance of 156.86 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing south 06 degrees 22 minutes 54 seconds east a distance of 11.60 feettothe beginning ofa non-tangent curve being concave southwesterly,having aradiusof543.00feet,a radialline passing through said point bears south12 degrees 22 minutes 12 seconds west; Thence departing said westerly property lineofsaid Lot 17 easterly along thearc of said curve through acentral angle of 08 degrees 28 minutes 33 seconds,anarc length of80.33feet; Thencesouth69degrees09minutes16secondseast,adistanceof171.26feettoapointonthe most southwesterly property line of Lot16of aforementioned SunRidge Canyon Parcel M Final Plat; Thence departingthe most southwesterly property line of saidLot16and continuing south69 degrees09minutes16 seconds east,adistanceof7.66feettothe beginning ofa tangent curvebeing concave northeasterly,having a radius of 357.00 feet; Thence easterly along thearc of said curve through a central angle of18 degrees 01 minutes 26 seconds,anarclengthof112.30feettothe beginning ofa non-tangent curvebeing concave southeasterly,having a radius of 45.00 feet,aradialline passing through said point bears south 65 degrees 46 minutes 57 seconds east,said point also being onthe southerly property lineofsaidLot 16andonthe westerly right-of-way lineofRhoads Court of aforementioned SunRidge Canyon Parcel M Final Plat; Thence southerlyalongthearcofsaidcurveandsaid right-of-way linethroughacentralangleof12 degrees 15 minutes 24 seconds,anarc length of 9.63 feet to the most southeasterly common corner of aforementioned Lots 16 and 17; Thence southerly and departing from said southeasterly common corner of saidLots16and17and onthe aforementioned westerly right-of-way line of Rhoads Court and continuing along tljer^^ said curve through a central angle of 38 degrees 32 minutes 22 seconds,anarc length tothe most southeasterly corner of aforementioned Lot 17; Property Acquisition Parcel-Water Tank Road ROW.doc Page1of3 c Thence southeasterly and departing fromsaid southeasterly corner ofsaidLot17andonthe aforementioned westerly right-of-way lineof Rhoads Court and continuing alongthearcofsaid curvethroughacentralangle of 63degrees20 minutes 05seconds,anarclength of 49.74 feet; Thencesouth89degrees55minutes35secondseastalongthesaidsoutherly right-of-way lineof RhoadsCourtadistanceof 410.76 feettothe beginning ofatangentcurveconcavesouthwesterly, havingaradiusof25.00feet,saidpointalsobeingonthewesterlyright-of-waylineofSunridge DriveasrecordedinBook406,Page23ofthe Maricopa Countyrecords,saidpointalsobeingon themost southeasterly point of aforementioned SunRidge Canyon ParcelMFinalPlat; Thencesoutheasterlyalongthearcofsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof95degrees06minutes 14seconds,anarc length of 41.50 feet; Thencesouth05degrees10minutes39secondswestalongsaidwesterlyright-of-waylineof Sunridge Drive a distance of 53.00 feet; Thencedepartingsaidwesterlyright-of-waylineofSunridgeDrivenorth89degrees55minutes35 secondswestadistanceof454.90feettothebeginningofatangentcurveconcave northeasterly, having a radius of 500.00 feet; Thencewesterlyalongthearcofsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof20degrees46minutes20 seconds,anarc length of 181.27 feet; Thencenorth69degrees09minutes16secondswestadistanceof178.92feettothebeginningofa tangent curve concave southwesterly,having a radius of 400.00 feet; Thencealongthearcofsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof14degrees20minutes51seconds,an arclength of 100.16 feet; Thence north83 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds west,a distance of 52.49 feet; Thence north06 degrees 29 minutes 53 seconds east,a distance of 50.00feet; Thencenorth83degrees30minutes07secondswest,adistanceof80.00feettoapointonthe northerlyboundarylineofCopperwyndFountainHillsFinalPlatasrecordedinBook460,Page08 oftheMaricopaCountyrecords,saidpointalsobeingontheboundarylineofsaidplat; Thencedepartingthe northerly boundarylineofsaid Copperwynd Fountain HillsFinalPlatand continuingnorth83degrees30minutes07secondswest,adistanceof155.89feettothebeginning ofatangent curve being concave northeasterly,having a radius of 550.00 feet; Thencewesterlyalongthearcofsaidcurve through acentralangleof41degrees25minutes10 seconds,anarc length of 397.60 feet; Thencenorth42degrees04minutes57secondswest,a distance of31.61feettoa poj westerly boundary line of said Copperwynd Fountain Hills Final Plat; PropertyAcquisitionParcel-WaterTankRoad ROW.doc Page2of3 Thencenorth44degrees53minutes25secondseastalongthewesterlyboundarylineofsaid Copperwynd Fountain HillsFinalPlata distance of104.14feet; Thencedepartingthewesterlylineofsaid Copperwynd Fountain HillsFinalPlatsouth42degrees 04 minutes 57 seconds east a distance of 37.11 feettothe beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly,havingaradius of 446.00 feet; Thence easterlyalongthearcofsaidcurvethroughacentralangleof41degrees25 minutes 10 seconds,anarclength of 322.42 feet; Thence south83 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds east,a distance of 83.22 feettoa point onthe northerly boundary lineofsaid Copperwynd Fountain HillsFinalPlat; Thence departing said northerly boundary line of said Copperwynd Fountain Hills Final Plat and continuing south83 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds east,a distance of 205.16 feettothe beginning ofa tangent curve concave southwesterly,having a radius of 554.00 feet; Thence easterly along thearc of said curve through a central angle of 05 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds,anarc length of 53.05 feettothe TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. This parcel contains an area of 4.01 acres more orless. PropertyAcquisitionParcel-WaterTankRoadROW.doc Page3of3 EXHIBIT "B" TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PROPERTY ACQUISITON PARCEL REA 01-1 PART OF SECTION 17 WATER TANK ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY APPROXIMATE AREA TO BE ACQUIRED (4.01 ACRES)SCALE:1*.250' PORTIONS OF PARCEL REA 01-1 CONTAIN EXISTING EASEMENTS FORPUBLICUTILITIES,DRAINAGE,TRAILS, HILLSIDE PROTECTION,SIDEWALK,COMMON ACCESS, AND LANDSCAPE;ALLASSHOWN. SUNRIDGE CANYON PARCEL 1 CONTAINS THE CURRENTLY UNDELINEATED FLOODPLAIN FOR CLOUDBURST WASH ALONG AND WITHIN THE PROPOSED PARCEL REA 01-1. SEE SEPARATE SHEET FOR PRELIMINARY FLOODWAY & FLOODPLAIN LIMITS AND AREA. DATE:4-17-01 SHEET 1 OF 2 w EXHIBIT"C" DATATABLES WATERTANKROADRIGHT-OF-WAY LINETABLE LINEBEARINGLENGTH L1S06*22'54"E11.60' L2S69*09'16"E171.26' L3S69*09'16"E7.66' L4S89*55'35"E410.76' L5S05*10'39"W53.00' L6N89*55'35"W454.90' L7N69*09*16"W178.92' L8N83*30*07"W52.49' L9N06*29'53"E50.00' L10N83*30'07"W80.00' L11N83*30'07"W155.89' L12N42*04'57"W31.61' L13N44,53'25"E104.14' L14S42*04'57"E37.11' L15S83*30'07"E83.22' L16S83*30'07"E205.16' CURVETABLE CURVEDELTARADIUSLENGTHTANGENT C108,28'33"543.00'80.33'40.24' C218*01'26"357.00'112.30'56.62' C312*15'24"45.00'9.63'4.83' C438*32'22"45.00'30.27'15.73' C563*20'05"45.00'49.74'27.76' C695*06'14"25.00'41.50'27.33' C720*46'20"500.00'181.27'91.64' C814*20*51"400.00'100.16'50.35' C941*25*10"550.00*397.60'207.93' C1041*25*10"446.00'322.42'168.62' C1105*29*10"554.00'53.05'26.54" DATE:4-17-01SHEET2OF2 c EXHIBIT"D»TOWNOFFOUNTAINHJ-LSreaoii ENDOFDELINEATION PARC SUNRIDGECANYON BOOK406,PAGE25 REA01-1=1-3ACRES SOURCE-"MASTER™^g$^V^- SHEET1OF1 C3 PRELIMINARYEXISTING100YEARFLOODPLAINSCALE:V* DATE:4-17-01