HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2003-16RESOLUTION NO.2003-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,RELATING TO CONSOLIDATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES. WHEREAS,the current two-agency law enforcement system involving both the Sheriffs Department andthe Marshal's Department isan expensive duplication of services that wouldbea questionable financialburdenontaxpayersingoodfiscaltimesandisan intolerable burdenupontheminthese difficult fiscaltimes;and WHEREAS,the existence oftwolaw enforcement agenciesinthesameTownhas created great controversy within the Town,which has divided the people and hindered law enforcement operations;and WHEREAS,theadditionalfundsspentondualagencylawenforcementcouldbebetter spent onother necessary services,especially forour seniors and youth,orontaxcutsforour residents;and WHEREAS,the Maricopa County Sheriffs Department has provided quality law enforcement services to the people of Fountain Hills for over a quarter ofa century;and v^z WHEREAS,athoroughandcompletereview of lawenforcementservicesinFountain Hills by a professional and reputable management consulting firm commissioned by the Town recentlyadvisedtheTownto transfer almostalllaw enforcement services tothe Sheriffs Department;and WHEREAS,the taxpayers of Fountain Hills cansave anywhere from onehalf million to three quarters ofa million dollars per year by making the Sheriffs Department our sole police agency;and WHEREAS,the taxpayers of Fountain Hills can additionally save potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in police overtime costs for high profile investigation cases by making the Sheriffs Department our sole police agency because unlimited detective overtime is already built intoits contract;and WHEREAS,the Marshal's Department is currently at an extremely low staffing level due to recent resignations,thus making this an opportune time to switch tothe Sheriffs Department withminimalnegativeimpactonstaff;and WHEREAS,other police agencies are hiring police officers,including the Sheriffs department that has reached out to our Marshal's Deputies,which will provide currently employed Marshal's Deputies with potential alternative police employment opportunities;and 9196.00IV A2003-16Law enforcement consolidation resdoc 4-4-03-2 \fat»j/ WHEREAS,the constant uncertainty and apprehension amongboth Sheriffs Department and Marshal's Department personnel caused by either group not knowing their career futures in Fountain Hills is unfair to them and their families;and WHEREAS,the Town cannot bearthe extraordinary startup costs of itsownpolice department noworinthe foreseeable future. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA as follows: SECTION 1.That the Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council")hereby directs the Town Manager to immediately begin taking all necessary stepsto change the delivery of law enforcement services in Fountain Hills fromits present expensive, inefficient and controversial dual agency model toa single agency model withsaid services being provided bythe Maricopa County Sheriffs Department withthe start of the coming fiscal yearbeingthe target datefor such transition. SECTION 2.That the Town Council further directs the Town Manager tocauselocal code enforcement and animal control duties tobe transferred toless expensive civilian Town employees. SECTION 3.That such changes bemade subject toanylegal limitations imposed upon theTownbytheU.S.Department of Justiceduetopast acceptance of grants,butthatallefforts bemadebythe Town Manager and Town Attorney to release or minimize the Town fromsaid grantlimitationsassoonas possible andtotransferany remaining grant staffing responsibilities to Sheriffs Department personnel. SECTION 4.ThattheTownManagerisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtotakeallsteps necessary to provide the Town Council with an outline of his research and recommendation on theposition of Town Marshal/Public Safety/EmergencyPreparednessDirectorduringthe2003- 04 budget process. SECTION5.ThattheTownManagerisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtotakeallsteps necessarytoprovidetheTownCouncilwithaplanforformation of acitizensPublicSafety Commission. SECTION6.ThattheTownManagerisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtotakeallsteps necessarytopursue intergovernmental agreements with neighboring communities toenhancethe Town's emergency preparedness and public safety contingency plans. 9196 001V2O03-16 Law enforcement consolidation res doc 4-4-03-2 [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] PASSEDAND ADOPTED BY theMayorandCounciloftheTown of FountainHills, Arizona,April3,2003. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: REVjIgWED^-*-^""N TimG.Pickering,Town Manager 9196 001\2003-16 Law enforcement consolidation res doc 4-4-03-2 ATTESTED TO: Bevelyn J.Erender/Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Andrew J.McGuire,Town Attorney