HomeMy WebLinkAboutCMD 2014-03RESOLUTION CMD NO.2014-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF THE COTTONWOODS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ASSESSING UPON THE INDIVIDUAL LOTS AND PARCELS WITHIN THE DISTRICT A CERTAIN SUM SUFFICIENT TORAISETHEAMOUNTESTIMATEDTOBE REQUIRED INTHE ANNUAL BUDGET,TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN PEDESTRIAN AREAS,PARKING AND PARKWAYS,ALLFOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY1,2014AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2015. WHEREAS,in accordance with Ariz.Rev.Stat.§§48-574 and 48-575,and following publishednotice,publichearingswereconductedonMay1,2014,andJune5,2014,atwhich hearings any taxpayer was permitted to appear and be heard regarding the 2014-15 annual budget forthe Cottonwoods Maintenance District (the "District");thereafter,the District Board adopted Resolution CMD 2014-02,approving theannualDistrict budget;and WHEREAS,pursuantto Ariz.Rev.Stat.§§48-574and48-575,theDistrictBoard desires to levy such amounts as necessary forthe 2014-15 annual District budget. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COTTONWOODS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT,as follows: SECTION 1.Therecitalsaboveareherebyincorporatedasiffullysetforthherein. SECTION2.Thereisherebyleviedoneachlotandtaxparcellistedintheattached ExhibitA,incorporatedhereinbythisreference,withinthelimits of theDistricttheamount listedonExhibitA.whichamountissufficienttoraisetheaggregateamountof$4,823.00forthe purpose of providing maintenance forcertain pedestrian areas,parking and parkways forthe fiscalyearendingJune30,2015. SECTION3.Failurebytheofficials of MaricopaCounty,Arizona,toproperlyreturnthe delinquent list,any irregularity in assessments or omissions inthe same,orany irregularity in anyproceedingsshallnotinvalidatesuchproceedingsorinvalidateanytitleconveyedbyanytax orforeclosuredeed;failureorneglect of anyofficerorofficerstotimelyperformanyofthe dutiesassignedtohimortothem,shallnotinvalidateanyproceedingsoranydeedorsale pursuantthereto,thevalidity of theassessmentor of the judgment of salebywhichthecollection ofthesamemaybeenforced,shallnotaffectthelien of theDistrictuponsuchpropertyforthe delinquent assessment unpaidthereon,andno overcharge astopart of the assessment or of costs shall invalidate any proceedings forthe collection of assessments orthe foreclosure;andallacts of officers de facto shallbevalidasif performed by officers dejure. SECTION4.All resolutions andparts of resolutions in conflict herewith arehereby repealed. SECTION 5.The District Clerkishereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution totheCounty Assessor andtheBoard of Supervisors of Maricopa County,Arizona. 2179705.1 SECTION 6.Ifany provision ofthis Resolution isforany reason held byanycourtof competent jurisdictiontobe unenforceable,such provision of portion hereofshallbe deemed separate,distinct,and independent ofallother provisions andsuchholdingshallnotaffectthe validity of theremainingportionsofthisResolution. SECTION7.TheDistrictChairperson,theDistrictClerkandtheDistrictCounselare hereby authorized and directed totakeall steps necessary tocarryoutthe purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED bytheBoard of Directors of theCottonwoodsMaintenance District,MaricopaCounty,Arizona,onJune 19,2014. ATTEST: Bevelyn J.Bender,District Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: dMt^ Andrew J.McGuire,District Counsel 2179705.1 L/rrTda M.Kavayragh,District £pairp6rson 2179705.1 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION CMD NO.2013-03 [Lotand Tax ParcelList] Seefollowingpage. Lot No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Tax Parcel No.Amount to be Levied* 176-03-923 $83.15 176-03-924 $83.15 176-03-925 $83.15 176-03-926 $83.15 176-03-927 $83.15 176-03-928 $83.15 176-03-929 $83.15 176-03-930 $83.15 176-03-931 $83.15 176-03-932 $83.15 176-03-933 $83.15 176-03-934 $83.15 176-03-935 $83.15 176-03-936 $83.15 176-03-937 $83.15 176-03-938 $83.15 176-03-939 $83.15 176-03-940 $83.15 176-03-941 $83.15 176-03-942 $83.15 176-03-943 $83.15 176-03-944 $83.15 176-03-945 $83.15 176-03-946 $83.15 176-03-947 $83.15 176-03-948 $83.15 176-03-949 $83.15 176-03-950 $83.15 176-03-951 $83.15 176-03-952 $83.15 176-03-953 $83.15 176-03-954 $83.15 176-03-955 $83.15 176-03-956 $83.15 176-03-957 $83.15 176-03-958 $83.15 176-03-959 $83.15 176-03-960 $83.15 176-03-961 $83.15 176-03-962 $83.15 176-03-963 $83.15 >tNo.Tax Parcel No.Amount to be Levied* 42 176-03-964 $83.15 43 176-03-965 $83.15 44 176-03-966 $83.15 45 176-03-967 $83.15 46 176-03-968 $83.15 47 176-03-969 $83.15 48 176-03-970 $83.15 49 176-03-971 $83.15 50 176-03-972 $83.15 51 176-03-973 $83.15 52 176-03-974 $83.15 53 176-03-975 $83.15 54 176-03-976 $83.15 55 176-03-977 $83.15 56 176-03-978 $83.15 57 176-03-979 $83.15 58 176-03-980 $83.15 *suchsummaybepaidintwo installments,alongwithsuch parcel's othertaxes 2179705.1