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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.0303.TCREM.Minutesz:\council packets\2016\r160317\160303m.docx Page 1 of 8 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSIONS OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 3, 2016 EXECUTIVE SESSION * CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Kavanagh called the Executive Session to order at 5:34 p.m. in the Fountain Conference Room - 2nd Floor. AGENDA ITEM #1 - ROLL CALL AND VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION, PURSUANT TO: A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(1), DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYMENT, ASSIGNMENT, APPOINTMENT, PROMOTION, DEMOTION, DISMISSAL, SALARIES, DISCIPLINING OR RESIGNATION OF A PUBLIC OFFICER, APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY PUBLIC BODY (SPECIFICALLY, PRESIDING JUDGE ROBERT MELTON’S EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT). Present for roll call were the following members of the Town Council: Mayor Linda Kavanagh, Vice Mayor Henry Leger Councilmember Nick DePorter, Councilmember Cecil Yates, and Councilmember Alan Magazine. Councilmember Dennis Brown was absent. Town Manager Grady E. Miller, Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, and Town Clerk Bevelyn Bender were also present. Councilmember Yates MOVED to go into Executive Session to discuss Judge Robert Melton’s employment contract at 5:34 p.m. and Councilmember DePorter SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (6-0), by those present. Presiding Judge Robert Melton entered the meeting at 5:47 p.m. and left the meeting at 5:56 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #2 - ADJOURNMENT. The Mayor adjourned the Executive Session without objection at 6:05 p.m. by those members present REGULAR SESSION * CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Kavanagh called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. * INVOCATION – Provided by Pastor Todd Forrest, Fountain Hills Christen Center. * ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Town Council: Mayor Linda Kavanagh, Vice Mayor Henry Leger, Councilmember Nick DePorter, Councilmember Cecil Yates, Councilmember Alan Magazine. Town Manager Grady E. Miller, Town Attorney Andrew McGuire and Town Clerk Bevelyn Bender were also present. Councilmember Dennis Brown was absent. * SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS * MAYOR'S REPORT i) None. z:\council packets\2016\r160317\160303m.docx Page 2 of 8 i) MAYOR KAVANAGH MAY REVIEW RECENT EVENTS ATTENDED RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Mayor Kavanagh reported that their EDC meeting in Phoenix had focused on strategies for assisting businesses that would like to export their products to other countries. Mayor Kavanagh overall supported this but questioned if any efforts were made to encourage manufacturing plants from moving to other countries and taking those jobs with them and then shipping their product back to our country. She noted that the Arizona Trade and Investment only focuses on exported products but a representative from GPEC stated their group attempted to give alternatives to businesses planning to move their plants out of the country. Mayor Kavanagh stated that many companies who had previously moved out of the country had returned, especially technology companies, as they had found they were too vulnerable to cyber crimes. ii) PRESENTATION BY RECREATION SUPERVISOR RACHAEL GOODWIN AND TOURISM COORDINATOR GRACE RODMAN—GUETTER REGARDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS’ TOURISM WEBSITE. Recreation Supervisor Rachael Goodwin explained our website needed a more updated look and allowing easier navigation within the site. She added that in 2015-16 funds were allocated to update the Town’s website. Tourism Coordinator Grace Rodman-Guetter unveiled the completely redesigned “Experience Fountain” Tourism website. Ms. Rodman-Guetter explained the importance for the update on the back-end of the website as well to allow staff to add photos and content. She stated that search engines were updated and noted the Town’s branding was reaching residents and visitors. Ms. Rodman-Guetter thanked the company who assisted with the website rebuild and noted the rebuild was completed in eight weeks. She pointed out that these new updated features and tools would maximize the user-friendly look and feel. Councilmember Yates thanked Ms. Rodman-Guetter and asked what matrix was available to track impact. Ms. Rodman-Guetter answered they had launched 10-day ago and staff needed more time to develop the matrix and that a report would be made with their next tourism update that provided statistics of the Town’s heaviest events months. She added staff had observed more visitors on the most popular platforms (i.e. mobility, tablets, and desktops). She noted the time spent on the website was above the national average and traffic was at approximately 400 per day, which met design expectations. Ms. Goodwin added that visiting rates and navigation of the web site had significantly improved. Mayor Kavanagh stated that our website now reaches out to everyone on their phones looking for current activities to attend. She added that staff supports a booth at special events that advertises the Town and our website. Mayor Kavanagh expressed that these activities were helping to make our Town shine. Ms. Rodman-Guetter stated that staff had handed out over 500 give-a-ways at this year’s fair. Mayor Kavanagh commented on staff’s participation at the Con-Course event. Councilmember Leger congratulated staff on their accomplishments stating he had been here through the transition of tourism to the Town. He asked that staff look at providing a matrix as to how it impacts the Town’s economy. Ms. Rodman-Guetter answered that staff has started economic impact studies on the special events during specific dates for growth. Councilmember Leger added he would like to see a matrix attributing dollar amounts such as is done on the Scottsdale’s Convention model. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Donna Brinkmeyer, a Fountain Hills resident, stated she lived on the hill above Fountain Park and was representing many residents and referenced a handout given to the Council for their review. Ms. Brinkmeyer expressed concerns regarding the walk-way bollard lights in Fountain Park. She stated they were not opposed to a lighted walk-way in the park for public safety but the up-lighting and glare produced by the bollards were not appropriate. She noted that it looked like a landing strip with 278 bollard lights and walkers around the park at night were blinded. She added that drivers on Panorama Drive off Saguaro Boulevard at night experienced reflected light that made it difficult to see the road. Ms. Brinkmeyer pointed out that Town Council and Staff seemed to be under the impression that these lights z:\council packets\2016\r160317\160303m.docx Page 3 of 8 met the International Dark Sky guidelines and requested Town Council hold the lighting designer responsible since the lighting did not meet the guideline specifications. Ted Blank, a Fountain Hills resident, spoke in support of Ms. Brinkmeyer and requested shielded lighting on the walkways at Fountain Park. Mr. Blank pointed out these were not the fully shielded lights expected and felt the manufacturer mislead the lighting engineer. Bob Wilson, a Fountain Hills resident and a member of the dark sky committee, spoke in support of dark skies and changing the lights to comply. He stated the lighting specifications were incorrect and reviewed the timeline of the group’s communications to the Town pointing out problems and asking for a resolution. Tait Elkie, a Fountain Hills resident, a Town Attorney, and former Town Councilmember stated he was approached to speak on behalf of the residents and after looking at documentation received he believed the Town did not receive what it was sold. As a former Councilmember he stated he remembered discussing path lighting and noted the current lighting was more than just path lighting. Mr. Elkie urged the Council to place the issue on a future agenda for discussion and ask the Town Attorney to review the contract, and if necessary, hold the vendors accountable for the lighting specified and not received. He added that the residents only wished for the path lighting that was promised. Ginny Dickey, a resident of Fountain Hills, spoke about a letter she placed in the “Times” newspaper on Wednesday objecting to the discouragement of discussion and input on an agenda item that the Council had created on Legislative items. She pointed out that Senate Bill 1257 had recently passed forcing Fountain Hills to allow guns in their public buildings or face prohibitive costs. Ms. Dickey requested that the Council oppose all of these types of Legislative bills that prohibit our Town to “self rule”. D.W. William, a resident of Fountain Hills, distributed a copy of his statement and a news release scheduled for midnight. He stated that tomorrow a community protest rally would be held at the Fountain Hills Chamber at 9 a.m. and added this protest was to encourage the Chamber to protect the Fountain Hill’s residents and attendees at their sponsored events from fraudulent activities. Clyde Hurtig, a Fountain Hills resident, stated he lives across from the high school and he expressed concerns for the new LED lights recently placed at the high school for security. He added that after speaking with the Assistant Superintendent six lights were replaced but 25-30 lights are shinning on surrounding homes and were quite bright. He said additional conversations were held with the Assistant Superintendent and he found out the lights could be replaced at no cost but labor to replace them was not budgeted. Mr. Hurtig requested that Council speak to the school district about the lighting issues residents were experiencing. Mayor Kavanagh advised that the Council had listened and taken notes; however, they could not respond to their comments. CONSENT AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING MEETING MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 9, 11, 18, 22, 2016. AGENDA ITEM #2 - CONSIDERATION OF A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND VINCON ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION, LLC, I THE AMOUNT OF $14,500, FOR ART BASES AND OTHER CONCRETE WORK. AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION OF A COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND BEL-AIRE MECHANICAL, INC., IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $48,000, FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF THE REPLACEMENT OF COOLING TOWER #1. z:\council packets\2016\r160317\160303m.docx Page 4 of 8 Councilmember Yates MOVED to approve the Consent Agenda as listed and Councilmember Magazine SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Mayor Linda Kavanagh Aye Councilmember Nick DePorter Aye Councilmember Cecil Yates Aye Councilmember Cassie Hansen Aye Councilmember Alan Magazine Aye Vice Mayor Henry Leger Aye Councilmember Brown Absent The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (6-0, by those members present). REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #4 – DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING PROPOSED CODE CHANGES. Town Manager Grady Miller explained the process used to rank the proposed code revisions and requested discussion and direction on the various outdated or unfriendly consumer codes. Mr. Miller noted that at the November 10, 2015, Work Study Council had discussed and pointed out codes that needed updating. On February 4, 2016, a list of twenty- two codes was given to Council for their priority ranking. Mr. Miller noted six codes were listed as the top priority by all Councilmembers and that all twenty-two codes would ultimately be addressed. Councilmember Yates reported that Councilmember Brown had requested a priority to revise the code involving utilities in driveways. Town Attorney McGuire answered he did not see that on the listing of codes, but he believed would be addressed in lot footprint but indicated that was not one of the top six codes listed as priority. Councilmember Yates asked for clarification that approval of the list did not limit Council on priority and Mr. Miller answered no it did not. Councilmember Magazine requested a date staff would bring the proposed code revision back to Council. Mr. McGuire answered that some codes were more significant than others and his staff would be looking to other valley towns and cities for language. Mr. McGuire explained that some revisions would come back sooner for Council’s approval before agenizing those involving Planning and Zoning (P&Z). He continued that after P&Z approved the revisions they would come back to Council as a code amendment. He added that Town Code revisions would only need Council’s approval but Planning and Zoning code revisions would have to go the public process. Mr. McGuire assured Council that these revisions would be diligently pursued. Mayor Kavanagh thanked Councilmembers Yates and Brown for their input as they had relied on them for their feedback because of their background and experience. Mr. McGuire asked for Council’s direction on one of the code items listed and referenced Section 108 “Powers and duties of the Zoning Administrator”. He questioned who the Council wanted to hold this position. Councilmember Yates provided an example that if a customer disagreed with a code interpretation and the Zoning Administrator disagreed with the customer, the code stated the objection went back to the Zoning Administrator who had previously disagreed. Councilmember Yates questioned whether the issue between the Zoning Administrator and customer should go to the Town Manager or someone else to hear both sides before the disagreement went to a higher level. Mr. McGuire answered that State Law dictated that the Town must have a Zoning Administrator who was designated to interpret the codes and if requested, make that interpretation in writing. He added that the next step would be for the customer to appeal to the Board of Adjustment. Mr. McGuire did not know if someone else could be placed in between that process. Councilmember Yates asked what could be done to avoid the appeal process and Mr. McGuire explained that the Town must follow the State Law and that any discussion regarding an interpretation would have to be made before the formal written determination by the Zoning Administrator. He added that in som e cities a customer would first meet with a line person who would give them an answer on a code, and if that answer was not acceptable, the customer could then ask the Zoning Administrator to give his departmental opinion, but Fountain Hills has a department of one. z:\council packets\2016\r160317\160303m.docx Page 5 of 8 Councilmember Yates asked for the best solution to handle this type of situation and could the Town Attorney or Town Manager render the final determination. Mr. McGuire answered that the Town’s Code could be changed to designate the Town Manager as the Zoning Administrator, but if the Town Manager lacked the knowledge or experience with the codes, the Town Manager would have to rely on the Planner to give him a formal determination, which was the same situation as before. Councilmember Yates asked if the Town could bring in someone else for interpretations; Mr. McGuire responded that was the position of the Board of Adjustment to render a final decision on an appeal. Mr. McGuire asked for direction from Council; Councilmember Yates suggested it be looked at for clarification and an easier path. Councilmember Yates asked if an appeal could go through Town Council and Mr. McGuire stated that could occur only if the Board of Adjustment was dissolved and the Town Council assumed the role. Councilmember Hansen questioned language in the Zoning Ordinance that read “and anything else in discretion of staff”, and she noted the language appeared frequently. Councilmember Hansen explained that if a customer felt they had completed the work per code and staff interpreted it differently at their discretion, this language would be problematic and could cause new challenges. Mr. McGuire proposed to amend the codes as directed by Council to make the policy clearer to implement (remove the ambiguity). Councilmember Yates stated that while this language was placed in the code to help staff, it had opened some issues to interpret the code differently. Councilmember Yates requested to define business friendly or a guiding principal. Mr. McGuire answered that no way could he give Council a constitutionally sound way to have business friendly incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance. Councilmember Yates proposed a mission statement like that of the SPAC. Mr. McGuire stated that could cause interpretation issues and the Town’s current flexibility tools were in PUD’s, PAD’s or Conditional Use Permits. He added recently in some communities the use of Conditional Use Permits had been replaced with “Approved with Conditions” listed so the customer knew exactly what was expected and he believed that same logic would be used in the Fountain Hill’s revisions. Councilmember Hansen pointed out that would be less open ended. Mr. McGuire added that if it isn’t in the code, it isn’t allowed, unless approved by the Zoning Administrator. He pointed out that the current codes were drafted when the Town was hard on growth and less flexible and now could be softened. Vice Mayor Leger noted that one code that did not make the top of the list and that he felt was very important was the sunset clause of zoning and the general plan inconsistencies, especially with in-fill lots. He referenced a four plex on Indio that Council had discussed in length. Vice Mayor Leger stated he was comfortable with the work by staff and the ratings from Council. Mayor Kavanagh noted that one of the items could be removed from the list because the sign at the amphitheater had been completed. Vice Mayor Leger MOVED to approve the prioritized list and direct staff bring back ordinances for consideration and Councilmember Hansen SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (6-0, by those members present). AGENDA ITEM #5 – DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF RELATING TO ANY ITEM INCLUDED IN THE LEAGUE OF ARIZONA CITIES AND TOWNS WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN OR RELATING TO ANY ACTION PROPOSED OR PENDING BEFORE THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Grady Miller stated that two Councilmembers had brought forward bills to be discussed - Senate Bill 1350 (by Mayor Kavanagh), and House Bill 2482, Senate Bills 1266 and 1257 (by Councilmember Magazine). Mayor Kavanagh proposed that Senate Bill 1350 would be good for Fountain Hills and addressed on-line home sharing involving collecting taxes through Air B in B and other on-line companies who help to rent out homes. She explained that the League of Cities and Towns supported this proposal and it would keep the privacy of those renting. Mayor Kavanagh pointed out that Air B in B would collect taxes then turn the money over to the DOR. She added that the League was working with Air B in B and tax attorneys to create language. Councilmember Magazine said he used the Air B in B and felt it was a well run organization and was in support of this legislation. Mayor Kavanagh pointed out that Air B in B had requested language in the bill that cities could not band them from municipalities but she explained the bill would not stop the Town from imposing their own regulations on rentals. Vice Mayor Leger added z:\council packets\2016\r160317\160303m.docx Page 6 of 8 he understood the League was in support of this bill with minor technical changes. He expressed his approval noting that the League saw this as a positive for collecting revenue. Councilmember Magazine pointed out that Senate Bill 1257 involving carrying guns had already passed in the Senate. He expressed that their number one issue was public safety and he questioned the logic that more people with guns were more protection. He indicated that the opposed any guns in Town government buildings and gave examples of people causing mass shootings who had no prior issues in their background. He stated they were law abiding citizens until they were not. Councilmember Magazine said he strongly urged opposing Senate Bill 1257 and he also requested that if these bills passed, that the Town consider what the law would allow, and place armed guards in our buildings. He added that even though the Town faced a major financial crisis the public must be protected. Mayor Kavanagh asked if there were any speaker cards. Town Clerk Bender advised that there were three speaker cards from residents (Dawn Schlum, Fred James and Sherri James) who did not wish to speak, but wanted to express their opposition to Senate Bill 1257 (guns in public places). Town Clerk Bender called the following individuals to step forward: Ann Schweers, a Fountain Hills resident, agreed with Councilmember Magazine and Ginny Dickey in opposing the gun bills and stated she was also opposed to the State telling the community what to do. She indicated she was opposed to House Bill 2482 and Senate Bill 1279, adding both would increase the Empowerment Scholarships. She added education covered all people and Senate Bill 1279 would cut desegregation funding. Richard Davidson, a Fountain Hills resident, stated there was too many guns and provided his reasons for opposing the gun legislation. He said guns were presented as problem solvers and as a teacher of 5th graders he felt this was not a good example and should not be promoted. Mayor Kavanagh addressed the Empowerment Scholarship Legislation and explained that charter schools were considered public schools and this bill would not be giving additional funds to charter schools and would only focus on private schools. She explained that the School Board made their own rules and that she believed the Town should address Town issues only. Mayor Kavanagh added that the School District was opposing this bill and she commented that she and Dr. Sweeny had discussed how the Town shouldn’t be in conflict with the School District, and should support the decision of the School District. Mayor Kavanagh pointed out that the Legislation regarding gun carry would only allow permitted gun carry by persons who had undergone a background check and gun training. She acknowledged a few exceptions to gun carrying in the bill such as courts, certain areas of a government building not open to the public, jails, buses, schools or areas that have screening. She added that the bill passed the Senate and was forwarded to the House for approval. Councilmember Magazine disagreed with that approach. Councilmember Yates asked for MCSO Captain Letourneau to comment on an incident recently at the Target Center. Captain Letourneau stated that a man with a gun robbed the Verizon Store taking cell phones and cash and added that he believed guns were not allowed in the store. Councilmember Yates read from the Verizon Store policy stating no guns were allowed. Councilmember Yates pointed out there were stickers on their doors stating no weapons were allowed and asked Captain Letourneau how this could be prevented. Captain Letourneau explained that both sides had strong opinions of how to resolve the issue and commented that he did not have an answer as this was a society problem; he noted that training was a start. Vice Mayor Leger stated he still opposed Senate Bill 1257 because of the prohibitive cost for security at each door in the complex, as well as his concern for the welfare of children, and the point of the erosion for local decision making authority by Legislation policy; he felt the Town should be able to decide, at their discretion, as “one size does not fit all”. Councilmember Hansen reiterated concerns for the cost to the Town to prohibit guns in government buildings and added that the League had opposed the bill due to the cost that would be incurred by the cities and towns. Mayor Kavanagh explained her personal feelings that as a woman she was more vulnerable than a man and that she wanted the right to protect herself. She added there were times she was alone when going to meetings downtown and z:\council packets\2016\r160317\160303m.docx Page 7 of 8 in parking garages; she did not want to be a target or afraid. She said it was her Constitutional right to carry a gun with proper training and she wanted to be able to protect herself. She stated she was in favor of this bill. Town Councilmember Magazine MOVED to oppose Senate Bill 1257 along with any companion bills and send a letter of opposition asking the Governor to veto this legislation. Town Councilmember Hansen SECONDED the motion. A roll call was taken with the following results: Mayor Linda Kavanagh Nay Councilmember Nick DePorter Nay Councilmember Cassie Hansen Aye Councilmember Cecil Yates Nay Councilmember Alan Magazine Aye Vice Mayor Henry Leger Aye The motion FAILED (3-3, by those members present). Councilmember Magazine addressed Senate Bill 2482 and expressed that the bill would give all students money to attend private schools. He stated the opinion that this would have a negative effect on our school system. He added that this was a gift to well-to-do families who already send their children to private schools and would leave out lower income students because their families could not cover the additional funds needed to attend a private school. Councilmember Magazine expressed that he did not want his tax dollars to go for private schools at the expense of the public schools. Councilmember Magazine pointed out the additional funds could be directed to our public schools to improve the system. Councilmember Magazine stated that Dr. Sweeney had given him some statistics that in the surrounding area starting pay for public school teachers was $30,000 - $33,000 per year and Fountain Hills started at $28,800. He added that between the years of 2004 – 2007, Fountain Hills had 2,400 students, and today that number was 1575. He stated that this legislation could harm our Town by students leaving. Councilmember Magazine stated the Town should support the school system. Councilmember DePorter concurred with Councilmember Magazine’s comments. Councilmember Magazine MOVED to oppose Senate Bill 2482 and direct staff to write a letter of opposition to the Governor opposing explaining the impacts on our community. Councilmember DePorter SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (6-0, by those members present). Mayor Kavanagh expressed that she believed this bill was already dead in the Senate because superintendents like Dr. Sweeney and others anticipated problems. AGENDA ITEM #6 – COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION TO THE TOWN MANAGER. Mr. Miller confirmed that he would look at the issue raised earlier regarding the bollards at Fountain Park and would report back to Council. He added that staff was addressing the last correspondence received from residents and sent a letter addressing their concerns. Mayor Kavanagh pointed out that there were times that staff was collecting information and it took time to comment. AGENDA ITEM #7 - SUMMARY OF COUNCIL REQUESTS AND REPORT ON RECENT ACTIVITIES BY THE MAYOR, INDIVIDUAL COUNCILMEMBERS, AND THE TOWN MANAGER. Councilmember DePorter announced that he and his wife, along with Mayor and Senator Kavanagh, had attended the Fountain Hills Parent/Teacher Organization School Gala event at FireRock to raise money, which would give each teacher $200.00 at the first of the year to buy additional supplies not cover in their budget. Mayor Kavanagh reported that she had a meeting with the Postmaster from Scottsdale and the local Fountain Hills postal manager to discuss issues brought to her attention by residents, which included missed mail days, wrong and late deliveries, long lines at the post office, other general complaints, and about the lack of responsiveness. She stated z:\council packets\2016\r160317\160303m.docx Page 8 of 8 that they took notes and had discussed possible solutions. Mayor Kavanagh noted they would meet again as a follow- up and thanked the residents for contacting her about their issues. Mayor Kavanagh also attended the State of the City in Glendale, the Quarterly East Valley Mayor’s luncheon, and the School Coalition meeting (anti-drug and alcohol) at the schools. AGENDA ITEM #8 - ADJOURNMENT Vice Mayor Leger MOVED to adjourn the meeting and Councilmember Yates SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (6-0), by those members present. The Regular Session adjourned at 8:28 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By ___________________________________ Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: ___________________________ Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Executive Session, held in the Fountain Conference Room - 2nd Floor and Regular Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 3rd day of March, 2016. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 17th day of March 2016. _____________________________ Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk