HomeMy WebLinkAbout110208PZ:\Council Packets\2011\WS2-8-11\110208WSA.doc Page 1 of 1 NOTICE OF THE WORK STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL TIME: 5:30 P.M. WHEN: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2011 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call ; a quorum of the Town’s various commissions may be in attendance. ALL WORK-STUDY ITEMS LISTED ARE FOR DISCUSSION ONLY. NO ACTION CAN OR WILL BE TAKEN. The primary purpose of work session meetings is to provide the Town Council with the opportunity for in -depth discussion and study of specific subjects. Public comment is not provided for on the Agenda and may be made only as approved by consensus o f the Council. In appropriate circumstances, a brief presentation may be permitted by a member of the public or another interested party on an Agenda item if invited by the Mayor or the Town Manager to do so. The Presiding Officer may limit or end the ti me for such presentations. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Mayor Schlum 2. DISCUSSION relating to the Town’s volunteer special transportation services program and the discontinuation of these services past June 30, 2011. 3. PRESENTATION AND UPDATE on the preliminary proposal of the Fiscal Year 2011-12 budget for all funds for the Town of Fountain Hills. 4. REVIEW of Town Council Goals and Initiatives for Fiscal Year 2010-11 and their relevance. 5. ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 3rd day of February, 2011. Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5100 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to attend thi s meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk’s off ice. Mayor Jay T. Schlum Councilmember Dennis Brown Councilmember Cassie Hansen Vice Mayor Dennis Contino Councilmember Henry Leger Councilmember Ginny Dickey Councilmember Tait D. Elkie Z:\Council Packets\2011\WS2-8-11\110208WSA.doc Page 1 of 1 NOTICE OF THE WORK STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL TIME: 5:30 P.M. WHEN: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2011 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call ; a quorum of the Town’s various commissions may be in attendance. ALL WORK-STUDY ITEMS LISTED ARE FOR DISCUSSION ONLY. NO ACTION CAN OR WILL BE TAKEN. The primary purpose of work session meetings is to provide the Town Council with the opportunity for in -depth discussion and study of specific subjects. Public comment is not provided for on the Agenda and may be made only as approved by consensus o f the Council. In appropriate circumstances, a brief presentation may be permitted by a member of the public or another interested party on an Agenda item if invited by the Mayor or the Town Manager to do so. The Presiding Officer may limit or end the ti me for such presentations. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Mayor Schlum 2. DISCUSSION relating to the Town’s volunteer special transportation services program and the discontinuation of these services past June 30, 2011. 3. PRESENTATION AND UPDATE on the preliminary proposal of the Fiscal Year 2011-12 budget for all funds for the Town of Fountain Hills. 4. REVIEW of Town Council Goals and Initiatives for Fiscal Year 2010-11 and their relevance. 5. ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 3rd day of February, 2011. Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5100 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to attend thi s meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk’s off ice. Mayor Jay T. Schlum Councilmember Dennis Brown Councilmember Cassie Hansen Vice Mayor Dennis Contino Councilmember Henry Leger Councilmember Ginny Dickey Councilmember Tait D. Elkie FY2011-12 BUDGET INTRODUCTION February 8, 2011 Presented by: Rick Davis, ICMA-CM Julie A. Ghetti, MPA, CPA February 8, 2011 Economy is showing signs of stability Revenues are anticipated to increase approximately 1% Expenditures have been maintained at FY11 levels Public safety contracts are programmed to increase 3% per contract CIP budget is funded with construction sales tax that continues to deteriorate February 8, 2011 Used conservative but slightly optimistic revenue estimates Includes 3% increase for public safety contracts Includes 3% merit for staff Assumes bond proceeds for first phase of major road improvements (Saguaro Blvd) Incorporated Council initiatives from retreat February 8, 2011 Updated revenue projections Community contracts Fees for service Law enforcement costs Capital projects budget Special Transportation Program Internal Service Funds February 8, 2011 $34.2M Budget for all funds* Major Funds: General Fund $12.8M Highway User Revenue (HURF)$1.6M Excise Tax $0.3M General Obligation $1.4M Municipal Property Corporation $1.4M Capital Projects $16.5M** Non Major Funds $0.2M February 8, 2011 *preliminary **including bond and grant funding Part time Prosecutor (Admin) Increased hours for Recreation part-time staff to assist with sculpture cleaning Full time Management Assistant (ED) 50% General Fund, 50% ED Fund Full time Economic Development Specialist (ED) 100% ED Fund February 8, 2011 Initiatives included in budget proposal Initiatives from prior year are continued Civility Environmental Stewardship Civic Responsibility Education, Learning and Culture Economic Vitality Recreational Opportunities and Amenities February 8, 2011 Council Initiative Support community events and activities Solicit public feedback Proposed Budget Take Pride Day $5,000 Centennial Project $10,000 Centennial Event Circle $125,000 Citizen Surveys $0 February 8, 2011 Council Initiative Implement new technologies and opportunities to reduce energy consumption Proposed Budget Energy management system and retrofit Civic Center buildings with split AC units for IT and electrical rooms, energy efficient lighting, window tinting, etc.$109,000 February 8, 2011 Council Initiative Foster a culture of public service and volunteerism Comprehensive communications plan to encourage citizen participation in civic life Proposed Budget Expand Take Pride Day $4,400 Expand volunteer program $0 Park Host Program $1,000 Comprehensive citizens communication $24,000 Community calendar $0 Citizen’s Academy $1,000 February 8, 2011 Council Initiative Support partners in providing arts and cultural opportunities Position community’s arts as economic drivers Encourage access to higher learning opportunities Proposed Budget Arts and cultural opportunities $5,000 Support public art walk $3,000 Greening project $1,000 Higher learning opportunities $0 February 8, 2011 Council Initiative Provide an interconnected, multi-use trail and bicycle system Proposed Budget Signage, trail marketing $10,000 Analysis of pedestrian movements $0 Expand and maintain Preserve trails $0 February 8, 2011 Council Initiative Develop a comprehensive economic development strategy Promote retention, expansion, and relocation of quality businesses Promote Fountain Hills as a visitor destination Support future Lakeside District Development Proposed Budget 2 new FT positions $148,130 (Downtown/GF) Fountain Hills Chamber Tourism $TBD Downtown Infill Incentive District $5,000 February 8, 2011 Proposed Projects: Downtown Vision Plan $355,000 Shea Widening at Saguaro $2.9M (grant/CIP) Shea Gap (carryover)$1.7M (grant) Annual Pavement Management $2.1M (CIP) Saguaro Mill & Overlay $7.5M (bonds) Safe Routes to School $0.3M (Grant) Traffic Signal Updates $0.6M (CIP) Library event circle $125,000 (CIP) February 8, 2011 Fiscal Year Sales Tax Collections* Percent Increase/Decrease over Prior Year 2006-07 $11,075,430 2% (16%)* 2007-08 $10,470,882 -5% (-0%) 2008-09 $8,740,324 -17% (-13%) 2009-10 $8,327,804 -13% (-3%) 2010-11*$7,169,714 -6% (-1%) 2011-12*$7,409,167 3% (3%) February 8, 2011 *excluding construction February 8, 2011 If road bonds are approved by the voters the Town’s tax levy will return to FY2001 level. Average annual cost to homeowner is $10/month February 8, 2011 February 8, 2011 Taxing Authority Fountain Hills School District $0.46 Maricopa County $0.42 Sanitary District $0.09 Town of Ftn Hills $0.02 East Valley Institute $0.01 Total $1.00 February 8, 2011 February 8, 2011 February 8, 2011 February 8, 2011 February 8, 2011 February 8, 2011 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUDGET PRESENTATION Town of Fountain Hills FY 2011 -2012 COUNCIL GOALS FY 2010-2011 Goal 3 E: Maintain strong lines of communication with outside jurisdictions in order to identify opportunities for partnerships. Goal 4 E: Remain engaged and supportive of regional and state partnerships. COUNCIL GOALS FY 2010-2011 Goal 5A: Market the Town for business location and expansion. Goal 5 C: Develop and issue a Request for Proposals to investigate the feasibility of public-private partnerships in the Lakeside District. COUNCIL GOALS 2010-2011 Goal 5 D: Investigate opportunities to bring a college or other educational outlet, a movie theater/entertainment venue, and a hospital to Fountain Hills. ED -RETURN ON INVESTMENT Business Attraction & Retention/Vitality Completed research compilation and analysis Retail Market Analysis Event Analysis Completed projects Dining Guide Signage –Town Center, Shea Corridor, Highway Website Update and Enhancements Site and Buildings Availability ED -RETURN ON INVESTMENT Business Attraction & Retention/Vitality Retail tradeshow participation Contact with 16+ developers Contact with over 30 retailers Outreach to local shopping center leasing agents/owners Interaction and assistance with local businesses Town Center Group Customer Loyalty Program implementation ED –RETURN ON INVESTMENT Gathered research completed by other communities to determine attraction opportunities for educational institutions and medical facilities Selected outreach to State business development representatives ED –RETURN ON INVESTMENT Engaged in Organizations: Chamber BVAC Ft. McDowell and surrounding communities GPEC AAED ED –RETURN ON INVESTMENT Downtown Vision Plan Engaged in planning sessions Outreach and discussions with 16+ developers ULI AzTAP forum Downtown parking inventory Inventoried first floor space on north side of Avenue Lakeside District Land conversion application underway IN THE “PIPELINE” –10 PROJECTS 2 Retail Projects 4 Office 3 Light Manufacturing 1 R&D PARKING LOT ITEMS Website Updates ED Policies, Programs and Plan Downtown (north side of Avenue) Strategies Customer Loyalty Program Support Analysis and Findings on College/Higher Education and Medical Facilities Movie Theater/Entertainment Venue PARKING LOT ITEMS Proactive Outreach to Retailers Proactive Outreach to Developers Information on Fiber Providers, Locations and Capacity RFP for Lakeside District Update Data (e.g., retail market analysis) Development of Targeted Collateral Pieces COUNCIL GOALS FY 2011-2012 Goal ELC 5: Encourage access to higher learning opportunities or the establishment of an educational or training campus within our community. Broker a commitment from an organization to establish an educational or training facility/program in Fountain Hills. Report on activities to date. Develop a contact list of higher learning and technical colleges/institutions and begin to cultivate relationships. COUNCIL GOALS FY 2011-2012 Goal EV 4: Promote retention, expansion, and relocation of quality businesses. Provide opportunities to receive feedback from those investing in our community. Hold annual business and development meeting to establish goodwill, provide forum for exchanging ideas and concerns with businesses and developers, express gratitude for their investment in our community, and share community information Develop strategies that focus on business retention within the community. Goal EV 6: Identify a slate of economic development tools and strategies (including tax incentives, fee abatements, etc.) to stimulate economic growth. Develop strategy to focus new development and business relocation to the Downtown Core (along Avenue of the Fountains). Analyze and facilitate necessary rezoning (and related activities) to support future Lakeside District development and look at other tools that might prepare us for making the Downtown Vision Plan come to life as the economy improves. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE 1 Person (ED Administrator): Continued engagement with Chamber, BVAC, GPEC, AAED Outreach to State business development representatives Respond to leads from partners Respond to requests from leasing agents Respond to other inquiries Track & follow -up with current “pipeline” projects Track & update properties with current contacts Limited support to existing businesses through Town Center Group Tradeshow discussions with retailers and developers ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE 2 People: (ED Administrator and ED Specialist) Research, develop and provide recommendations on ED policies, program and plan Develop and implement downtown (north side of Avenue) strategies Proactive outreach to specialty retailers Proactive outreach to downtown property owners & leasing agents Lakeside District RFP research, development and oversight Prepare and submit additional prospect proposal packages ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE 3 people (Administrator, Specialist, Management Assistant): Website updates Collect, consolidate and analyze data Manage special projects (e.g., retail market analysis, preparation of targeted collateral material) Support business vitality programs (e.g., Customer Loyalty Program) Analyze targeted business sectors and gather related information (e.g., medical, educational, and movie theater) Track and update available space Rev. 3/4/10 Page 1 of 3 COUNCIL GOALS AND INITIATIVES FOR FY2010-11 Goal 1 Education, Learning, and Culture: Enrich our community by providing citizens with opportunities to improve their own lives and the lives of others. 1. Investigate feasibility of partnering with FHUSD and/or other learning institutions to develop a program of educational opportunities. 2. Partner with the Veterans of Foreign Wars to hold a “Freedom Series” at the Community Center highlighting the extraordinary people within our own community, with this year’s series focusing on patriots who have demonstrated sacrifice to the nation. 3. Partner with Ft. McDowell to present a “Yavapai Culture Day.” 4. Create opportunities to showcase local performing arts talent. 5. Encourage citizen development of more special events by simplifying/streamlining the Special Event Permit application and process. 6. Encourage public art and continue art walks. Goal 2 Environmental Stewardship: Enrich our community by promoting and preserving our Town’s natural assets. 1. Partner with the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission to develop educational experiences and provide a workshop to teach residents about our natural environment. 2. Rezone all Town washes as open space to provide an additional measure of protection to the washes. 3. Develop a plan to establish a storm water utility. 4. Continue to support water conservation programs, e.g., use of effluent. Goal 3 Civility: Enrich our community by promoting internal civility and promoting partnerships and other opportunities that bring citizens together and foster an atmosphere of neighborliness and cooperation. 1. Develop for Council ratification a policy regarding appropriate behavior with regard to public and internal interactions. 2. Present a civility and teamwork workshop to help Council and staff come together and improve interaction. 3. Develop and execute a program to proactively distribute factual information internally and externally by utilizing Town communication resources. 4. Partner with non-profits, HOAs and faith-based organizations to promote “Meet Your Neighbor Week.” 5. Maintain strong lines of communication with outside jurisdictions in order to identify opportunities for partnerships. Rev. 3/4/10 Page 2 of 3 Goal 4 Civic Responsibility: Enrich our community by identifying and supporting opportunities for volunteerism that meaningfully impact our quality of life, promote community pride and enhance access to Town leadership. 1. Partner with the Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association to encourage participation in the “Volunteer Fair.” 2. Continue to build upon the success of “Make a Difference Day.” 3. Work with the Mayor and Council to create a Community Enrichment Commission. 4. Remain engaged as a good regional and state partner to distribute information in order to inform voters 5. Remain engaged and supportive of regional and state partnerships. Goal 5 Economic Vitality: Enrich our community by partnering with local and/or regional organizations or citizens to promote an economically sound and sustainable environment in which to live, work, learn and play. 1. Market the Town for business location and expansion. 2. Enact land use regulations that encourage development in the downtown consistent the Downtown Vision Plan. 3. Develop and issue a Request for Proposals to investigate the feasibility of public- private partnerships in the Lakeside District. 4. Investigate opportunities to bring a college or other educational outlet, a movie theater/entertainment venue, and a hospital to Fountain Hills. 5. Assemble a citizen Blue Ribbon Committee to develop a financial roadmap for the Town’s future. 6. Prepare an Area Specific Plan for the Shea Boulevard corridor near Saguaro Boulevard, evaluating rezoning possibilities that would increase the inventory of commercially zoned land. 7. Partner with local and/or regional groups to participate in the Arizona Centennial. Goal 6 Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure: Enrich our community by synergizing with local or regional organizations to improve and preserve our valuable public improvements. 1. Develop a fiscal plan to get us back on track with the pavement management plan. 2. Market Adopt-a-Street as an option to residents as well as businesses. 3. Explore citizen satisfaction with Town services and infrastructure. 4. Evaluate our Town’s energy, technological, and connectivity potential. Rev. 3/4/10 Page 3 of 3 Goal 7 Public Safety, Health, and Welfare: Enrich our community by developing or partnering on programs that encourage citizens to actively participate in creating a safe and healthy Town. 1. In cooperation with local businesses, reintroduce a program rewarding helmet use by youths. 2. Continue “Public Safety Day” and build in more elements related to provident living. 3. Work with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office to introduce a Safe House program in Fountain Hills. 4. Hold a “Community Health and Wellness Fair” in the spring at the Community Center. 5. Actively participate with the Fountain Hills Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition to reduce substance abuse in Fountain Hills. Goal 8 Recreational Opportunities and Amenities: Enrich our community by developing programs or empowering local organizations or citizens to create and promote activities/events and venues for all age groups. 1. Develop an urban trail system master plan including connectivity between parks and other activity centers. 2. Begin to develop and present programs for 5-12 grade students at the Community Center in cooperation with the Boys and Girls Club. 3. Develop and begin implementing a plan for making trails more visible and better used by residents.