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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.0227.TCOM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE JOINT SESSION BETWEEN THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL AND THE FOUNTAIN HILLS SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD February 27, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Linda M. Kavanagh called the Joint Session to order at 5:31 PM in the Fountain Hills Community Center (Ballroom #4), located at 13001 N. La Montana Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. Present were the following members of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District Board: Chair Thomas Reski; Vice Chair Gregg Dudash; Boardmembers: Jerry Butler, Bob Thomson and Michael Maroon. Staff Present: Dana Trompke, PE, Fountain Hills Sanitary District Manager and Attorney Bill Sullivan. Present were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Linda Kavanagh, Vice Mayor Alan Magazine, Councilmember Nick DePorter (attended via conference call), Councilmember Cecil Yates (attended via conference call until his arrival at 5:55 PM), Councilmember Henry Leger, and Councilmember Art Tolis (arrived at 5:32 PM). Councilmembers Dennis Brown was absent. Staff present: Town Manager Grady E. Miller, Interim Town Attorney Mitesh Patel, and Town Clerk Bevelyn Bender. AGENDA Mayor Kavanagh extended a welcome and attending members from Council and the District introduced themselves. 1. Update regarding the Sanitary District's project to install recharge well control rooms/restrooms at Fountain Park Sanitary District Manager Trompke distributed a handout containing pictures and information relating to the ASR Well Vault Replacement project (on -file in the office of the Town Clerk). Ms. Trompke reviewed the District's goals, the project approach and special considerations as well as activities to date. Discussion ensued regarding how the structures would affect the disc golf event, the project's timeline (to begin May 2019), and the need for security and cameras due to the potential for vandalism. 2. Discussion relating to the opportunity to streamline permit process between the Town and Sanitary District Town Manager Miller discussed that the Town's permit process was being reviewed in order to streamline the number of permit applications sent to the District, which would be those that require the District's review but not all. The District would still see permit applications that would affect services provided by the District. Ms. Trompke indicated the District was eager and willing to work with the Town to come up with a specific list of appropriate permits that would not require the District's review and approval; she asked if the Town offered on-line permitting. Mr. Miller said not at this time, but indicated the z:\council packets\2018\r180320\180227jm.docx Page 1 of Town was working towards that goal. He stated that this was an area that was a good example of the District and the Town working together for the benefit of the residents. Mr. Miller commented on the recent tour provided by the District of its facilities noting he had been very impressed with their operation and that the Town would be trying to work together more with the District. Mayor Kavanagh requested that the District assist businesses with connectivity matters. 3. Discussion regarding Town notification of any proposed development projects with increased densities that might impact the Sanitary District in the delivery of sanitary sewer services Ms. Trompke explained that when there are large developments proposed for the Town the sooner the District knows about them the better as any change in density can affect capacity. She commented on the Park Place project as an example, noting that this type of development takes planning and scheduling on their part. In response to a question from Councilmember Magazine, Ms. Trompke stated that sanitary projects are financed through sewer fees, impact fees, and connection fees. Discussion ensued regarding Park Place as it has two additional phases and if there would sufficient capacity; the question of who was to be notified first regarding such future projects, the Town or the District; the comment that Town staff makes a point of telling developers to contact the District as well as EPCOR; the suggestion of a checklist to ensure the developer completes the required review processes; possible future projects such as a school property rezoning, the CopperWynd expansion, State Trust Land development and their affect on the District and the Town; the comment that it was in everyone's best interests for the Town and the Sanitary District to work together to assist the developers with projecting overall costs to develop properties; the fact that the Sanitary District will complete a master plan next year, which would provide better capacity numbers, particularly in the State Trust Land area; the comment that within the Town's boundaries the District can accommodate capacity; prior household numbers proposed by the District for the Ellman development of the State Trust Land (1,350 units) vs. number of units wanted by the State (1,750 units); the comment that the Sanitary District is landlocked and an expansion would create a challenge; the point that until a development comes in, the Sanitary District could not annex the State Trust Land into their boundary; and the Mayor's comment that the Council preferred smaller homes to be built in the State Trust Land. Boardmember Maroon stated that the District works on a capacity basis and the Board wanted to see more concrete movement before voting for expansion options. Mr. Sullivan, the District's attorney, requested the members stay on topic as the discussion was becoming too specific. Discussion ensued regarding the historical perspective of the Ellman project noting that there had been discussion of a micro facility complex being built and that was when density was pulled back; the question of what was the District's annexation process and did it entail a public vote; and the question of why not annex the State Trust Land now. Mr. Sullivan noted that a change in density capacity limits the number of homes they can serve and he commented that communication helps. Vice Chair Dudash stated that the vote to annex would be up to the District Board, followed by working with the developer to z:\council packets\2018\r180320\180227jm.docx Page 2 of ensure the District could provide capacity; he commented the goal is to work with the Town. Boardmember Thomson explained that annexation was a negotiation tool for the District. Chair Reski reiterated that the District has not yet done the master plan study that would provide the numbers required for determining capacity needed for development; Boardmember Thomson stated the master plan study was in their budget to be done next year. Councilmember Tolis commented that there was a potential of 3,200 - 5,000 new residents and that should be part of the District's planning process. Ms. Trompke stated that the District would look at economic development, zoning maps, and reach out to the Town for current assumptions. Mayor Kavanagh stated the Town wanted to be able to present a packet to the State when the State Trust Land was put back out for development. Ms. Trompke commented that the question of, was there enough water, would also need to be addressed. 4. Discussion of possible collaboration on improving irrigation at Fountain Park Mr. Miller discussed the issues with the Fountain Lake water quality noting a study was done two years ago. Ms. Trompke stated this was an opportunity for the Town and the District to work together; commenting that there was not enough turn over in the lake to provide the quality of water needed for green grass; she indicated that the Town's study indicated a reservoir was needed. Discussion ensued regarding chemical treatment; a controlled water environment; the Intergovernmental Agreement that was proposed five to six years ago and its status; the comment that the District would like to work with the Town regarding the lake water quality; the point that the District controls the level of the lake and the District would be willing to take control of the lake operations; pros and cons of the District taking over the lake operations; the comment that there needed to be a partnership between the Town and the District as they needed each other; the comment that the golf course use of retention ponds has improved their grass; use and placement of underground tanks as an option for better grass; cost sharing opportunities; and the suggestion of a 800,000 gallon storage tank and need for a pump station. 5. Discussion regarding the impact of water softeners on the sanitary sewer system and users of reclaimed water Ms. Trompke explained the water quality issues related to use of water softeners and the residual and the sodium levels created. She indicated that many municipalities have imposed limitations or bans on water softeners and she wanted to bring this to the Council's attention. Discussion ensued regarding the benefit to the District of residents using potassium pellets instead of salt pellets as well as the cost difference between the two products; the suggestion that the public could be encouraged to change to potassium pellets if residents were shown the benefits; and the point that many cannot afford the added cost of changing to potassium pellets. Vice Chair Dudash stated that if a 25% reduction could be made through education as a community effort that would be significant; he said this was is an opportunity for the Town and the District to work together. The question from Councilmember Magazine as to if the z:\council packets\2018\r180320\180227jm.docx Page 3 of 4 Town could legally restrict the use of water softeners in new construction. Interim Town Attorney Patel said he would look into that. Councilmember Yates suggested working with distributors to see if the cost of the potassium product would be brought down. 6. Adjournment Mayor Kavanagh adjourned the Joint Session at 6:48 PM. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS an ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Joint Session, held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills and the Fountain Hills Sanitary District Board held in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers, on the 27th day of February, 2018. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 20th day of March, 2018. Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk z:\council packets\2018\r180320\180227jm.docx Page 4 of 4