HomeMy WebLinkAbout180501EMCFDPNOTICE OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE EAGLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT BOARD WHEN: TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2018 TIME: 5:25 P.M. WHERE: TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS - COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 EAST AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the Directors of the District Board of the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District and to the general public that the District Board of the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District will hold a special session open to the public, which will begin immediately prior to the May 1, 2018, Cottonwoods Maintenance District Board Meeting and Fountain Hills Town Council meeting. Members of the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District Board will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town's various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Board meeting. "Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the District Board are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the District Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the District Board will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. § 1-602.A.9 have been waived." AGENDA CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL. — District Board Chair Linda M. Kavanagh CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Directors is subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions. The Directors will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to the Public" unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the "Call to the Public", individual Directors may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda. 1. CONSIDERATION of approving the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District Board MEETING MINUTES of June 15, 2017. 2. PUBLIC HEARING regarding RESOLUTION EMCFD 2018-01, approving the Tentative Budget of the District for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2018, and ending June 30, 2019, setting a hearing date for the budget. 3. CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION EMCFD 2018-01, approving the Tentative Budget of the District for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2018, and ending June 30, 2019, setting a hearing date for the budget. 4. ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 19th day of April, 2018. Bevelyn J. Ben er, District Clerk The Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District, in cooperation with the Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5100 voice or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office and on the Town's website [www.fh.az.gov]. z:\council packets\2018\r180501\emcfd\180501emcfda.doc Last printed 4/24/2018 10:39 AM NOTICE OF SPECIAL SESSION OF 11HE EAGIJE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY FAC ILITIESI ]DISTRICT BOARD WHEN: TUESDA M, MAY 1, 201 EI TIME: 1:21 P.M. WHERE: 'DO WN 01111110 UNTA IN HILLS - CO UNCIL CHAMBERS l ( 7(19 EAST AVENUE OF THE F1OUNTAINS, FO UNTA IN HILLS., A 21 Hunsuant to A.R.S. §38-z 31.02, notice is herebN €liven to the Dineators of 1he Dislricl Boanc of 1he Hagle Mountain Community Hacilities Dislricl anc to the genenal puHlic that 1he Distniat Boanc o9 the Hagle N ountain Commiunily Facilities Hisinicl will HA a special session oplan to 1he plublic, which will be€lin immiadialely prion io the May 1, 2018, Cotlonwooc s N ainlenance Distniat Board N eeting anc Aouniain Hills Town Cauncil miee1ing. Memtlans all the Hagle N auntain Camimiunit� Haaililies Distniat Boanc will attend either in plensan ar by telephone aonfanence call; a quonum of the Town's various Clammissions on Boanc s may He it attendanaa at 11Ua Haand meetin€I• "Natice is Hereby given that pursuant to A.H.S. §1-602.AA, subjecl to certain splecified stalutor)l exceptions, parents have a ri€lhl to consent before the Stale ar anN of its political subdivisians make a vic ao or audio necording o8 a miinon child. M cretin€ls of Ille Dislricl Baard are audio and on video recorded, and, as a nesult, pnoaaedings in which childnen ane present may be subject ila such necording. Fla renis in order io axencise their nigHts miaN eilHer file wnitlen consent with IHe Dislricl Cllenk to such reaandingl, or lake personal action io ansune that thein ahild on ahik nen ane not plresenl when a recording miaN be made. If a ahild is pnesen1 at the timia a necon6rig is made, the Dislricl Board will assumie that the rights affbrded parents Ilunsuani io A.R.' . §1.602.A.9 have been waived." AGENDA CIALL TO ORDER AND RC III] CALL. — Disilricil Board Chair Linc a M. Aavanagh CALL TO THE IlUBLIC. Hursuanl to AAA. §38-431-01(G;, plublic commient is permitted (not requirec) an miatlers not listed on 1he agenda. Aril such camimeni (ji) miusl be within the junisdiciion of the Direatars is subjecl to neascmable timia, place and manner reslniclions. The Diraators will not discuss an lake le€lal aation on miattens nailed duringl "Call to the Hublic" unless the rnatlans ane properly noliaed fon 6scussian and legal action. Al the aanclusian of the "Call io tHa F ublia", individual Dinecions may (i; uasplonc io cniticism, (ii) ask staff to review a mialten an liii) ask that the miatten beplaced cm a futuna agenc a. 1. CIONSIDERATION cif approving thea Eagle Mountain Community Aac:ilities Distr:iclt Hclard MHHTING M INUTHS of June ] 5, 201 T 2. PUBLIC HEARING radarding RHSOLUTION HMCBD X118411, approving the'lentat:iNa Hudgelt of the Distr:iclt for the Aiscal Yaw belginn:ing July 1, 201f1, and anding June 30, 2019, selting a hearing date fbr tlha budged. 3. CC NSIDERATIC N of RESOIILTIiION EM CFD 2018-01, approving 1he Tani allive Budged of tlha Dislricl fbr thea Aiscal Ylear beginning July 1, 2018, and ending June 314, 20:19, sailing a helaring datlel fklr thea budged. 4. ADJOURNMENT. DA11DD this 19'h day of April, :IQ1 fl. Bemelyri.V13eniffer, I]istnicl Clerld The Bagle Mountain Community Facilities Disirl at, in cooperation with the Town of Mountain Hills andaavors to rnal a all publia meetings maessible to parsons with disabililies. Please call 4813-816-5100 voiaa on 1-800-367-8919 (1711171 48 hours priori to the meeting to request a raasonalk accommodation to participate in this mea ting. Supporing dosumant<tion and staff sepor s l5drrished with this agenda are available foo reviavi in the Qleak's offiaa and on the 7owri's website fwww.Ili. aa.gav]. a:\council packs tt \2018\rl 80:l O l\ema lld� 180501 emcfda.doc Last printed 4A 4A2018 10:39 AM TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District (EMCFD) AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: 5/112018 Meeting Type: Regular Session Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Community Services Staff Contact Information: Bevelyn J. Bender, 480-816-5115, bbender@fh.az.gov REQUEST TO COUNCIL (Agenda Language): CONSIDERATION of approving the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District board meeting MINUTES from lune 15, 2017. Applicant: NA Applicant Contact Information: NA Owner: NA Owner Contact Information: NA Property Location: NA Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38431.01 Staff Summary (background): The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action taken at that meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the Town's web site in compliance with state law. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): NA Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): NA Budget Reference (page number): NA Funding Source: NA If Multiple Funds utilized, list here: Budgeted; if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form: NA Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commissiorl NA Staff Recommendation(s): Approve List Attachment(s): None SUGGESTED MOTION (for council use): Move to approve the June 15, 2017 meeting minutes Page 1 of 2 Prepared by: Bevelyn .dti tract Clerk 4/2512018 Director's Approval: Gratly E Miller, Distnd Manager 1 Approved: J13 Grady E, Miller. District Manager 4/25/2018 Page2 of2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District (EMCFD) AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: 5/1/2018 Meeting Type: Special Session Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Community Services Staff Contact Information: Craig Rudolphy, District Finance Director, 480-816-5162, crudolphy@fh.az.gov REQUEST TO COUNCIL (Agenda Language): PUBLIC HEARING regarding RESOLUTION EMCFD 2018-01 approving the Tentative Budget of the District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, and ending June 30, 2019, and setting a hearing date for the budget. CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION EMCFD 2018-01 APPROVING the tentative budget of the District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, and ending June 30, 2019, and setting a hearing date for the budget. Applicant: Applicant Contact Information: Owner: Owner Contact Information: Property Location: Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Staff Summary (background): The Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District was formed by the Town Council in FY 1996 for the purpose of constructing infrastructure in the Eagle Mountain subdivision. The Town Council serves as the governing Board for the District. The annual expenditures for the District are for repayment of the bonds that were issued to pay for the subdivision infrastructure. The annual cost is repaid through ad valorem taxes collected from the property owners within the District; the levy is estimated to be $1.37241$100 of limited property (primary) assessed valuation (compared to $1.2877/$100 last year). Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): $409,786 Budget Reference (page number): p 327 Funding Source: NA If Multiple Funds utilized, list here: Budgeted; if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form: Yes Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s): Staff Recommendation(s): Approve List Attachment(s): Resolution EMCFD 2018-01 SUGGESTED MOTION (for Coaneli use): Move to approve Resolution EMCFD 2018-01 vase t M3 Prepared by: Director's Approval: lr(,lb �K* raig u 9p y, istnct -InaVce U7r Approved: Grady E. Miller, District Manager 4/25/2018 Paget oft RIESC LL TION EMCHD 3018-01 A RESOII DTIC N CF 11HE BOARD OP THH EA GLH MC UNTA IN COMMUNITY FACIILI'HIBS DISTRICT, MARICCPA COUNTYI, ARIZONA, APPROVING THH THNTATIVE BUDGH11 OH THE DISTRIC'➢ POR THH FISCIAL YEAR BEGINNING JIULYI 1, 2018, AND HNDING JUNH 30, 201 q, AND SE'H11INC A HHARINC DATE FCR THH BUDGH'1. HE IT RESOLVED BY THH BCARD OH DIRBCAORS OM'1HE EA GLH MOUNTAIN CCMMUNITY FACIIIII'lIHS DISTRICA, as follows: SECTION 'I. The stataments and scaheadules altachec heneta as Bxhibit A and incorporated heroin by this ra hence are hereby approved for the purpose as hercainafter ,ieit forth as the tentative budget fear the Bagle Mountain Clammiunily Faail:ilies District (11hei "District"; for the fiscal year :1018-:I 9.'lha stataments and estim ates of thea opearat:ican anc maintariancie axpenses of thea District arae the amounl needed Ica pay general otligatican tond.a oflthle District llcaollecalive;ly, the "Di.alrict BNill eraditures"), which are to ba paid from ad va;larcami taxes collacated in Thea Distriicat, are heraby filed with the D:istrical Clark. SHCAION 2. Z>hea District Clerk is hcareaby aulhlariiaed anc d:ireated to caausa to t e (i; mailed to the gavern;ing t ody of thea Town oft Houralain Hills and (ii) publishac in the maturer prescribad t y law, a noticae in substaralially the form attached heareato as Exhibit A, thal the Distriicat BcaEnad will m eget for the purpose of conducating a final hearing fon Distriicat taxpayers ora Thea statemai and castimatas of1li.alrict Expenditures flad witH tha Districl Clerk and on thea adoptican oflthle 2018-19 Annual Budget for the District; said hearing to be aanductad ora June 9, 2018, al 5:25 p.mi. in the Districal cafficaes (tha Councai:l Chambers al Founlain Hills'Hawn Haal;, 1(705 H. Avanua cif lthe Mountains, Hounlain Hills, Arizona, 85268. Al thlea conclusion afltha haaring, the District Hoard shall pass uplan any objections and shall adopt 1ha Hinal Budget fon tha Di,alrict; final appiaoval aft 1ha'Hax Levy for the D:istri cal shall follow on June '19,3018 al the same lime and paacae. PA SSHD AND ADC FITED by thea Board of Dineators oflthe Eagle Mountain Community Maaililies Di.alrict on May :I, 2018. Linda M. Kavanagh, Districl Chairperson ATTHST: Bevalyn .I. Banc car, Districl Clerk APPHO`HHDI AS TO FC RM: Mitash M. Hate;l, Dickinson Wrighlt PLIICI Intarim Distri cal Counsel PHOENIX 171018-145"I9z Elva EXHIBIT A TC PJESOLUTICN BMCADI 2018-01 [lyotiaa/Ten1 at:ivie Bud gest] See following page. PHOENIX 71018-1 45":I'l� Elva NC TICE EACLEI MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY IRACIL]IIES DISTRICT HHOPEMTYI C WINDRIrI 31ha taxpayers aft tlia Bagle Mountain Community Haciililies Dlistrial Mho °Distnicit") aila hlerabyl notified That lha Board of Diractons will Mold a public mcciting an June 9, 201(, at 9:25 p.m. at lha Dlistriat affiicies :laaated at :1610` E. Avanua of thle Fountains, Aauntain Hills, Arizona (thee Council Cha mbars at Hounitain Hills Town Haal), whan and wLlane any taxpayers oft thle District will be Llawid in favoii of, or against, any aflthle pnoposcic expenditunesi fora lha Uislnict, aflen whlich lha f6vegoing astimatas as modified ar as now axisling, will be adoplad bH tha Boaiid of Dlivacitons as thle t as:is fcir thle :1018-19 budgat. Taxpayers mayl files wriilten abjact:ians al anM lime prion to thle liciaring, and tlia Board of Dinectans shlall Mean anc pads upon anM of jactians al tha hleariing. Copies of 11.1a tonlat:iva 2(118-19 Dlislnict budgel may ba viewad prion to lha June 3, 2018 mciat:ing al the DCistriiat Clerk's office, 1(105 B. Avanua ofllhla Mountains, Aauntain Hills, Arizona 85268, tha'Ilown of Fountain Hills website, www.fh.az.gav, and tha Mounlain Hills bnanah ofthle Maricopa County Library, 1:1901 N. LaManilana Driva, Fountain Hills, Arizona 89268. EAGIIE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY HACILITIDSI DISTRICT PHOPC SIEDI BUDGET IPISICA L bEA R 2(18-19 Rlevenues Tax LevM at 111.31:14 par $1(10 Limiled Pnopcirty Malue Assessac Valuat:ian Interast Earnings TC TA L Expenscis Annua: Dobt Seniica Paymant on Rafunded Hands Administrative Costs TOTA Il PHOENIX 3A018- 1 453'1 � EIv a Han thle Year Bndad Jluna 3(l, X1019 $4(19,78( 24(1 4� 1f -02E 3140--1,3( 8 200