HomeMy WebLinkAbout180501CMDMKIII.i�t11WIX1111LIN FR0 Il_� SPECIAL SESSION OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE COTTONWOODS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT [CMD] May 1, 2018 1y110 W 111X17 71]04 151VEXI17 .11110 proM N District Chair Linda M. Kavanagh called the Special Session to order at 5:28 p.m. in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers. ROLL CALL — Present for roll call were the following members of the District Board of the Cottonwoods Maintenance District: Chair Linda M. Kavanagh, Vice Chair Dennis Brown, Boardmember Cecil Yates, Boardmember Art Tolis Boardmember Henry Leger. District Manager Grady E. Miller, Interim District Board Attorney Mitesh V. Patel, and District Clerk Bevelyn Bender were also present. Boardmember Alan Magazine was absent; Boardmember Nick DePorter attended via conference call. CALL TO THE PUBLIC District Clerk Bender advised that there were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. AGENDA ITEM #1 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE COTTONWOOD MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 15, 2017. Boardmember Yates MOVED and Vice Chair Brown SECONDED a motion to approve the Cottonwood Maintenance District Board meeting minutes of the June 15, 2017. Ms. Bender advised that there were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present (6 - 0). AGENDA ITEM #2 — PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING RESOLUTION CMD 2018-01, APPROVING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET OF THE DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2018, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2019, PROVIDING NOTIFICATION TO PROPERTY OWNERS, AND SETTING A HEARING DATE FOR THE BUDGET AND ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS. Chair Kavanagh opened the public hearing at 5:28 p.m. District Manager Miller summarized the information in the staff report (available on-line and in the office of the District Clerk). In response to a question from Boardmember Yates, Mr. Miller explained that this item was for the maintenance of the Cottonwoods Maintenance District's common areas; the debt would not expire as this was for an on-going expenses. Ms. Bender advised that there were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. Chair Kavanagh closed the public hearing at 5:29 p.m. Boardmember Magazine arrived at 5:29 p.m. z:\councilpackets\2018\rl806O5\cmd\180501cmdm.docx Page 1 of 2 AGENDA ITEM #3 — CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION CMD 2018-01, APPROVING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET OF THE DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2018, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2019, PROVIDING NOTIFICATION TO PROPERTY OWNERS, AND SETTING A HEARING DATE FOR THE BUDGET AND ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS. Boardmember Leger MOVED to approve Resolution CMD 2018-01 and Boardmember Yates SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present (7 - 0). AGENDA ITEM #4 — ADJOURNMENT Boardmember Leger MOVED that the Board adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and Boardmember Yates SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present (7 - 0). TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS/CMD BOARD UZ ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: Bevelyn J. Bender, District Clerk CERTIFICATION Linda M. Kavanagh, District Chairman I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Session of the Cottonwood Maintenance District (CMD) Board held on the 1St day of May 2018, in the Fountain Hills Council Chambers. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 5th day of June, 2018. Bevelyn J. Bender, District Clerk z:\council packets\2018\rl80605\cmd\180501cmdm.docx Page 2 of 2